Agenda Item - 2022-03-17 - Number 9.3 - Ordinance 2874, Annexing Property at Kimball and Baleine Streets and Adopting Findings for AN 21-0003 9.3
Subject: Ordinance 2874, Annexing three parcels consisting of 2.07 acres at the southeast
corner of Kimball and Baleine Streets (no situs addresses); Tax Map/Lots 21E07CA00100,
21E07CA02902 and 21E07CA03000
Report Date: March 9, 2022 Staff Member: Paul Espe, Associate Planner
Meeting Date: March 17, 2022 Department: Planning and Building Services
Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation
❑ Motion ❑ Approval
❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial
Z Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded
❑ Resolution Z Not Applicable
❑ Information Only Comments:
❑ Council Direction
Z Consent Agenda
Staff Recommendation: Enact Ordinance 2874 and approve Findings for AN 21-0003.
Recommended Language for Motion: Move to enact Ordinance 2874.
Project/Issue Relates To: Annexation of territory
Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question):
▪Council Goals/Priorities Adopted Master Plan(s) Z Not Applicable
The proposed annexation is owner-initiated and will result in the addition of approximately 2.07
acres of residential land to the City.
On November 2, 2021, the City Council conducted a public hearing and tentatively approved
this annexation, deferring ordinance enactment until the property owner signed and recorded
the Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line in the Official Records of Clackamas
County, Oregon. The applicant has signed and recorded the covenant to construct and connect
to City Sewer and it is attached as Exhibit E-4.
Move to enact Ordinance 2874, and adopt Findings for AN 21-0003.
503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Page 2
Please note that only bolded exhibits are included with this Council Report.
A. Ordinance
Ordinance 2874 (03/09/22)
Attachment A: Map of Proposed Annexation, 08/10/21
Attachment B: Map of RP Resource, 03/09/22
Attachment C: Criteria, Findings, Conclusion and Effective Date, 10/13/21
B. Minutes
C. Staff Reports
Council Report Dated 10/13/21
D. Graphics/Plans
D-1 Sanitary Sewer Plan 8/21/21
E. Written Materials
E-1 Buildable Lands Inventory (2013 Comprehensive Plan, Economic Opportunities
Analysis, excerpt), 03/18/13
E-2 Housing Needs Analysis (2013 Comprehensive Plan, excerpt), 03/19/13
E-3 Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line
E-4 Recorded Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line
503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
ADDRESS (21E07CA02902, 21E07CA03000, 21E07CA00100) DECLARING CITY OF LAKE
WHEREAS, annexation to the City of Lake Oswego of the territory shown in the map in
Attachment "A" and described below, would constitute a contiguous boundary change under
ORS 222.111, initiated by petition from the property owners as outlined in ORS 222.111(2); and,
WHEREAS, the City has received consent for the proposed annexation from all of the property
owners and not less than 50 percent of the electors residing in the territory, as outlined in ORS
222.125; and,
WHEREAS, the part of the territory that lies within the Lake Grove Fire District #57 will, by
operation of ORS 222.520, be withdrawn from that district immediately upon approval of the
annexation; and,
WHEREAS, the part of the territory that lies within the Clackamas County Enhanced Sheriff's
Patrol District will, by operation of ORS 222.520, be withdrawn from the district upon approval
of the annexation; and,
WHEREAS, the part of the territory that lies within the Surface Water Management Agency of
Clackamas County will by operation of ORS 222.520 be withdrawn from that agency
immediately upon approval of the annexation; and,
WHEREAS, LOC specifies that, where the Comprehensive Plan Map requires a
specific Zoning Map designation to be placed on the territory annexed to the City, such a zoning
designation shall automatically be imposed on the territory as of the effective date of the
annexation; and,
WHEREAS, this annexation is consistent with the Urbanization Chapter of the City of Lake
Oswego's acknowledged Comprehensive Plan, Oregon Revised Statutes 222.111(2) and 222.125
for boundary changes, and Metro Code Sections 3.09.040(a)(1-4) and 3.09.045.
Now, therefore, the City of Lake Oswego ordains as follows:
Section 1. The real property described as follows is hereby annexed to the City of Lake
A tract of land located within the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 1
East of the Willamette Meridian, City of Lake Oswego, County of Clackamas, Oregon, said tract
of land being all of that property conveyed to Hail Capital LLC, an Oregon limited liability
company, by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded July 7, 2021 in the Official Records of
Ordinance 2874,AN 21-0003
(21E07CA02902, 21E07CA03000, 21E07CA00100)
Clackamas County as Recording No. 2021-065158; said tract of land more particularly described
as follows:
Lots 1, 2, 69, and 70 of Block 1, Plat of Lake Forest (Plat No. 509), plat records of Clackamas
Together with a tract of land located within the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 2
South, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, City of Lake Oswego, County of Clackamas,
Oregon, said tract of land being all of that property conveyed to Hail Capital LLC, an Oregon
limited liability company, by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded June 30, 2021 in the Official
Records of Clackamas County as Recording No. 2021-063293; said tract of land more
particularly described as follows:
Parcel 2, Partition Plat No. 2007-142, plat records of Clackamas County.
The annexed territory is depicted on Attachment A.
Section 2. The annexed area lies within the following districts and shall be retained within
these districts upon the effective date of annexation:
Lake Grove Park District
Lake Grove Water District
Section 3. The annexed area lies within the following districts and shall be withdrawn from
these districts upon the effective date of annexation:
Lake Grove Fire District#57
Clackamas County Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District
Surface Water Management Agency of Clackamas County
Section 4. In accordance with LOC, the City zoning designation of R-7.5, and a
Resource Protection Overlay shall be applied to the subject properties on the effective date of
annexation, as shown on Attachments A and B.
Section 5. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of fact and conclusions set forth in
Attachment C in support of this annexation ordinance.
Section 6. Effective Dates:
a. Effective Date of Annexation Ordinance. Pursuant to Lake Oswego City Charter,
Section 35.C, this ordinance shall be effective on the 30th day after its enactment.
b. Effective Date of Annexation. Following the filing of the annexation records with
the Secretary of State as required by ORS 222.177, this annexation shall be effective upon the
later of either:
1. the 30th day following the date of adoption of this ordinance; or
2. the date of filing of the annexation records with the Secretary of State.
Provided, however, that pursuant to ORS 222.040(2), if the effective date of the annexation as
established above is a date that is within 90 days of a biennial primary or general election or
Ordinance 2874,AN 21-0003
after the deadline for filing notice of election before any other election held by any city, district
or other municipal corporation involved in the area to be annexed, the annexation shall
become effective on the day after the election.
Read by title only and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake
Oswego held on the 17th day of March, 2022.
Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney
Ordinance 2874,AN 21-0003
(21E07CA02902, 21E07CA03000, 21E07CA00100)
r ;Lake
i �J-
��,,as\0 I Annexation to the City Oswego
- AN 21-0003/Ordinance 2874
TRACT T61 13
A " 12' R-1 5
\\\ �3 .-) /
,\ 15776
SW Baleine St .Y V____
15811 PNA
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21 E07CA02902 °�
Atill City of Lake Oswego:
_ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN = R 7.5, Residential
ZONING = R-7.5, Residential
l� d� —1_. Clackamas County: N
�/� ZONING = R-10, Residential
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ta'c AN 21 -0003/Ordinance 2874
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0410 I 11. RP RP I- i
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3/9/2022 -
Criteria, Findings, Conclusion, and Effective Date
A. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), Boundary Changes; Mergers and Consolidations.
1. ORS 222.111(2)Authority and Procedure for Annexation; Specifying Tax Rate in Annexed Territory.
2. ORS 222.120 Procedure for Annexation Without Election; Hearing; Ordinance Subject to
B. Metro Code.
1. 3.09.040(A)(1-4) Requirements for Petitions.
2. 3.09.050 Hearing and Decision Requirements for Decisions Other Than Expedited Decisions
C. Comprehensive Plan - Urbanization Chapter
1. Policy A-3: "The Urban Services Boundary(as depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Map) is the area
within which the City shall be the eventual provider of the full range of urban services."
2. Policy C-3: "Ensure that annexation of new territory or expansion of Lake Oswego's Urban Services
Boundary does not detract from the City's ability to provide services to existing City Residents."
3. Policy C-4: "Prior to the annexation of non-island properties, ensure urban services are available and
adequate to serve the subject property or will be made available in a timely manner by the City or a
developer, commensurate with the scale of the proposed development."
D. Comprehensive Plan—Complete Neighborhoods and Housing (Statewide Goal 10)
Policy B-1: "Provide and maintain zoning and development regulations that allow the opportunity to
develop an adequate supply and variety of housing types, and that accommodate the needs of
existing and future Lake Oswego Residents."
E. OAR 660-008-0010-Allocation of Buildable Land
A. Oregon Revised Statutes(ORS). Boundary Changes: Mergers and Consolidations.
1. ORS 222.111(2)Authority and Procedure for Annexation Specifying Tax Rate in annexed territory.
ORS 222.111(2) provides that a proposal for annexation of territory to a City may be initiated by the legislative body
of the City, on its own motion, or by a petition to the legislative body of the City by owners of real property in the
territory to be annexed.The owner of these properties has petitioned the City for this annexation.The proposed
annexation complies with this statute.
2. ORS 222.120 Procedure for Annexation Without Election; Hearing; Ordinance Subject to Referendum.
ORS 222.120 states that an election need not be held on the question of annexation within the territory proposed if
the legislative body provides for a duly noticed public hearing before the legislative body at which time the electors
of the City may appear and be heard on the question of annexation.
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 1 OF 10
The City has provided written notification of this annexation by publishing a notice once each week for two
consecutive weeks prior to the day of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the city and posted the
notice of public hearing in four public places as required under ORS 222.120(3). The notice was also published in the
Lake Oswego Review on Wednesday, October 20 and Wednesday, October 27. A notice was also posted on the site
on October 13, 2021.The notice contained information about the affected territory, time and place of the public
hearing and the means by which any person can obtain a copy of the written report. The annexation notification and
review procedures comply with this statute.
B. Metro Code
1 3.09.030—Notice Requirements
A. The notice requirements apply to all boundary change decisions by a reviewing entity except
expedited decisions made pursuant to MC 3.09.045.These requirements apply in addition to, and do not
supersede applicable requirements of ORS Chapters 197, 198, 221 and 222 and any city or county charter
provision on boundary changes.
B. Within 45 days after a reviewing entity determines that a petition is complete,the entity shall set
a time for deliberations on a boundary change. The reviewing entity shall give notice of its proposed
deliberations by mailing notice to all necessary parties, by weatherproof posting of notice in the general
vicinity of the affected territory and by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the
affected territory. Notice shall be mailed and posted at least 20 days prior to the date of deliberations.
Notice shall be published as required by state law.
C. The notice requirements in Subsection B shall:
1) Describe the affected territory in a manner that allows certainty;
2) State the date, time and place where the reviewing entity will consider the boundary
change; and
3) State the means by which any person may obtain a copy of the reviewing entity's report
on the proposal
The City has provided written notification of this annexation to necessary parties, surrounding properties
and through the posting of the notice of annexation on the properties on October 13, 2021, 20 days prior to
the date of the public hearing for annexation as required under MC 30.09.030 B. The notice contained
information about the affected territory, time and place of the public hearing and the means by which any
person can obtain a copy of the written report.The annexation notification and review procedures comply
with the Metro code requirements.
1. 3.09.040- Requirements for Petitions.
(A) A petition for a boundary change must contain the following information:
1) The jurisdiction of the reviewing entity to act on the petition;
2) A map and a legal description of the affected territory in the form prescribed by the
reviewing entity;
3) For minor boundary changes, the names and mailing addresses of all persons owning
property and all electors within the affected territory as shown in the records of the tax
assessor and county clerk; and,
4) For boundary changes under ORS 198.855 (3), 198.857, 222.125 or 222.170, statements of
consent to the annexation signed by the requisite number of owners or electors.
The above information was submitted as required by Metro Code. The property owner has signed the
application and petition.
The properties are vacant and there are no electors residing on them. A map and legal description in the
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 2 OF 10
form required by the City have been included in the application materials and are on file.The owner of these
properties has consented to the annexation on the annexation petition, meeting the consent requirements
of ORS 222.170(1).The annexation petition complies with the Metro code requirements.
2. 3.09.045—(D-E) Expedited Decisions(criteria incorporated for non-expedited decisions by MC 3.09.050(D))
D. To approve a boundary change through decisions made through procedures other than expedited,
the reviewing entity shall apply the criteria and consider the factors set forth in Subsections(D) and (E) of
section 3.09.045:
1. Find that the change is consistent with expressly applicable provisions in:
a. Any applicable urban service agreement adopted pursuant to ORS 195.065
The City has entered into ORS 195.065 agreements with: 1) Lake Oswego School District and 2) Lake
Grove Fire District.
Lake Oswego School District:The City and the Lake Oswego School District entered into an ORS
195.065 urban service agreement for park services in July, 2003.The School District operates the
Lake Grove Swim Park located at 3800 Lakeview Boulevard.The agreement states that the
annexation of property by the City within the Lake Grove Park District(which funds the swim park)
shall not cause the withdrawal of these properties from the district.
Lake Grove Fire District:The City and District entered into an ORS 195.065 urban service agreement
for fire protection in July, 2003.The agreement states that upon annexation of property within the
district by the City,the annexed property shall be withdrawn from the District and the City shall
provide fire protection services.These properties are within the boundaries of the Lake Grove Fire
District#57 and the annexation will withdraw these properties from that District.
The proposed annexation is consistent with these agreements
b. Any applicable annexation plan adopted pursuant to ORS 195.205.
There are no applicable annexation plans adopted pursuant to ORS 195.205 relating to the affected
c. Any applicable cooperative planning agreement adopted pursuant to ORS
195.020(2) between the affected entity and a necessary party.
There are no ORS 195.020(2) cooperative agreements (which relate to special districts) between the
city and a necessary party.
d. Any applicable public facility plan adopted pursuant to a statewide planning goal
on public facilities and services.
Consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 11 (Public Facilities) and the Community Health and Public
Safety Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, the City maintains a Public Facilities Plan (PFP).The PFP
consists of master plans for streets, sanitary sewer,water, and stormwater facilities, which provide
the basis for long-range planning for both the incorporated and unincorporated lands within Lake
Oswego's Urban Services Boundary.The PFP is comprised of the Lake Oswego Transportation
System Plan, Wastewater Master Plan, Water System Master Plan, and Clean Streams (Stormwater)
Plan, pursuant to Statewide Planning Goals 11 (Public Facilities) and 12 (Transportation).
Wastewater Master Plan: Sanitary sewer service can be made available from an existing sewer line
that is located in Waluga Park approximately 525 feet east of Inverurie Road. Any new homes shall
be connected to the City's public sewer system that follows the City's Wastewater Master Plan.
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 3 OF 10
The Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Policy C-4: "requires that urban services
commensurate with the scale of the proposed development are available and are adequate to serve
the property or can be made available in a timely manner prior to the annexation of non-island
To comply with this Policy,the Wastewater Master Plan, along with other related polices that are
criteria for annexation of the subject properties, the Owner represented to the City that it would
proceed with construction of public sanitary sewer lines to serve future development on the
respective properties consistent with the City's Sewer Master Plan, and providing a guarantee of
sewer availability. All necessary Land Use Approvals for the sewer construction including those under
the Sensitive Lands Overlay District (LOC 50.005.010)will also need to be obtained prior to
construction of the sewer line.
Staff is recommending the tentative approval of Ordinance No. 2874, and is requesting the Council
to direct staff to return with findings and ordinance for enactment upon the owner recording the
Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line(Exhibit E-3) in the official records of
Clackamas County, Oregon.
The public sewer extension would be required through the park and along Baleine Street and south
along Kimball Street to the southern boundary of Tax Lot 2902. The Parks Department has been
consulted about the location of the sewer line through this park and recognizes that its location is
consistent with the sewer master plan and that it is in the public interest to construct the sewer line
in this location.The applicant has submitted a preliminary plan and profile (Exhibit D-1) showing a
public sewer extension is feasible and can be constructed to the upstream boundary of Tax Lot 2902,
according to the City's wastewater master plan. Staff notes that the preliminary plan also shows the
sewer extension beyond TL 2902.This future line has been shown to demonstrate feasibility for
further extension beyond the subject properties. City code will require the public mainline to be
extended to the upstream boundary of each property prior to connection to the future homes on
each lot, or development site if a future partition is approved. [LOC]
A new service lateral will be required to serve each lot. Service laterals shall have a two-way clean-
out positioned at the right-of-way line. A Systems Development Charge (SDC) and plumbing permit
for each new home will be due upon connection to the public sanitary sewer system.
The sanitary sewer service that would potentially serve these properties could be provided in a
manner that is consistent with the Wastewater Master Plan.
Water System Master Plan: Water is available from a six-inch Lake Grove Water District Line (LGWD)
in Kimball Street and an eight-inch LGWD line in Baleine Street along the site frontages. These
properties will remain in the LGWD and will continue to be LGWD customers. Future extension of
water lines, if needed to serve future development,will be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the City's Water System Master Plan and LGWD standards. The nearest existing fire
hydrants are located at the intersections of Kimball and Baleine Streets and Inverurie Road and
Baleine Street.
The City and LGWD agreed to construct an interconnection between the two water systems and that
the City furnishes and sells surplus water to the District under certain conditions and set rates for
district purchase of City water.The City Council also adopted a resolution in 1994 (Resolution 94-22)
indicating the City would not withdraw these properties from the district upon annexation.The
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 4 OF 10
territory will not be withdrawn from the district upon annexation.The proposed annexation is
consistent with the Water System Master Plan.
Clean Streams (Stormwater) Plan: There are no stormwater systems in the vicinity of these
properties.After annexation, on-site surface water management requirements will fall under various
provisions of the Lake Oswego Code. For example, stormwater runoff from new and/or replaced
impervious surface areas shall be managed in accordance with the City's Stormwater Management
Code (LOC 38.25), consistent with the Clean Streams (Stormwater) Plan. No new impervious surfaces
will be proposed as part of this annexation.
Transportation:The City's 2015 Transportation System Plan implements the multi-modal
transportation system that will meet the needs of the city for a 20-year planning horizon. Kimball
and Baleine Streets are identified as a Local Streets in the City's Transportation System Plan and are
under jurisdiction of Clackamas County.Tri Met Routes 37 on Boones Ferry Road and Route 38 on
Kruse Way, provide the closest bus service to the subject properties.
e. Any applicable comprehensive plan policies
Comprehensive Plan Map:These properties are currently designated R-7.5, Low Density Residential
on Clackamas County's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps. It is designated Low Density
Residential, R-7.5 on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map. As required by LOC, upon
annexation, a City zoning designation of R-7.5 will be automatically applied to these properties.
The City's Sensitive Lands Map designates a Resource Protection (RP)over the northeast side of
these three properties. Pursuant to LOC,the RP Overlay District will be applied to
these properties upon annexation.
The City and County have coordinated their comprehensive plans within the Dual Interest Area
outlined in the City/County Urban Growth Management Agreement (dated February 4, 1992 and
updated November 18, 1997), hence the City/County designations have been determined to be
compatible.The proposed zoning designation of R-7.5 is consistent with the Urban Growth
Management Agreement between the County and the City.
Comprehensive Plan Policies: The Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan contains the following relevant
language in the Urbanization chapter:
Policy A-3: "The Urban Services Boundary (as depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Map) is the area
within which the City shall be the eventual provider of the full range of urban services."These
properties are within the City's Urban Services Boundary.Therefore, the proposed annexation and
the withdrawal of these properties from the identified districts is consistent with this policy.
Policy C-3: "Ensure that annexation of new territory or expansion of Lake Oswego's Urban Services
Boundary does not detract from the City's ability to provide services to existing City residents."
The approval of this annexation will result in the addition of approximately 2 acres to be served by
the City. As stated in Section 2(b)(1), the addition of this territory will not detract from the City's
ability to provide police and fire protection to existing City residents.
As outlined elsewhere in these findings and the incorporated materials, annexation of these
properties will not affect the City's ability to provide parks and recreation services, sewer or water
Policy C-4: "Prior to the annexation of non-island properties, ensure urban services are available and
adequate to serve these properties or will be made available in a timely manner by the City or a
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 5 OF 10
developer commensurate with the scale of the proposed development."
To comply with the above Policy and with other related polices that are criteria for annexation of the
subject properties,the owner represented to the City that it would proceed with construction of
public sanitary sewer lines to serve future development on the subject properties consistent with
the City's Sewer Master Plan, and providing a guarantee of sewer availability. All necessary Land Use
Approvals for the sewer construction, including those under the Sensitive Lands Overlay District
(LOC 50.005.010), will also need to be obtained prior to construction of the sewer line.
Availability of urban services serving these properties is discussed below:
Water:Water is available to serve the subject area, as detailed in subsection D.1.d.
Sewer: Sanitary sewer service is available to serve the subject area, as detailed in subsection D.1.d.
Stormwater: As detailed in subsection D.1.d, future development will be required to comply with the
City standards for stormwater management.
Fire Protection: Lake Grove Fire District#57 provides fire protection services to these properties by
agreement with the City of Lake Oswego. Upon annexation, these properties will be withdrawn from
this fire district and served directly by the City.The fire station on 4555 Jean Road, located southeast
of the site, would be able to respond to emergencies under the eight minute goal established in the
Comprehensive Plan.
Police: Upon annexation, these properties will be withdrawn from the Clackamas County Enhanced
Sheriff's Patrol District and served by the City of Lake Oswego.The Lake Oswego Police Department
reviewed the proposal and indicated that it does not have any concerns with serving these
properties upon annexation.
Parks and Open Space:The City has 629 acres of park and open space lands, or 14.6 acres per 1,000
population.The parks nearest to these properties are Waluga Park East,Waluga Park West and
Lamont Springs Natural Area. Waluga Park East and West are located north of Oakridge Road and
East and West of Waluga Drive.These two parks consist of 53 acres of active and natural passive
areas. West Waluga Park includes two lighted baseball fields, a playground picnic shelters, lights and
restrooms. Lamont Springs is a natural park with no amenities for organized recreational activities.
The City's park system will not be overburdened by any additional population annexed to the City
with this application.
Lake Grove Park District:The Lake Grove Swim Park, managed by the Lake Oswego School District,
and funded by the Lake Grove Park District, is located at 3800 Lakeview Boulevard. The swim park is
approximately 1.3 acres in size with restroom, play and swim facilities. These properties will remain
within the Lake Grove Park District following annexation.
Transportation -Streets and Mass Transit:Transportation infrastructure and transit service is
available to serve the subject area, as detailed in subsection D.1.d, above.
Other Urban Services: Community Development Code Section LOC requires that all
development be provided with the following utility services: sanitary sewer,water, sidewalks,
pedestrian and bicycle paths, traffic control signs and devices, street lights, streets, and TV cable.
These utilities are now in place or can be put in place to serve these properties.
In the event that future development occurs, an applicant for development is obligated to construct
all necessary public facilities to serve their development.
Statewide Goal 10 and Complete Neighborhoods and Housing
City Comprehensive Plan Complete Neighborhoods and Housing Chapter
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 6 OF 10
The Complete Neighborhoods and Housing Chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan implements
Statewide Housing Goal 10 and the Portland Metropolitan Housing Rule (OAR 660-007-0000 et seq.),
which requires that the City plan for a supply of residentially zoned land with an average allowed
density of 10 dwelling units per net acre, and the opportunity to develop a mix of housing types
consisting of not less than 50% attached and multifamily dwellings. Compliance with the State rules
ensures the opportunity to provide adequate numbers of needed housing units and the efficient use
of buildable land within urban growth boundaries, while promoting certainty in the development
process to help reduce housing costs.
The following Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) provides standards for compliance with Goal 10
"Housing" pursuant to ORS 197.296 (Buildable Lands) and ORS 197.303 through 197.307 (Needed
OAR 660-008-0010 Allocation of Buildable Land
The mix and density of needed housing is determined in the housing needs projection. Sufficient
buildable land shall be designated on the comprehensive plan map to satisfy housing needs by type
and density range as determined in the housing needs projection. The local buildable lands inventory
must document the amount of buildable land in each residential plan designation.
The City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan-Complete Neighborhoods and Housing Chapter,
adopted pursuant to Goal 10 and the Metropolitan Housing Rule, and incorporated herein by
reference, is designed to meet Lake Oswego's housing needs for not less than a twenty-year
planning period.The Comprehensive Plan Map displays residential land use designations within the
City limits and within Lake Oswego's Urban Services Boundary (USB)through the year 2035.The
Comprehensive Plan Map's residential land use designations were adopted consistent with the City's
Buildable Lands Inventory and Housing Needs Analysis (HNA, 2013), also incorporated herein by
reference, and the City of Lake Oswego-Clackamas County Urban Growth Management Agreement
(UGMA), which specifies future zoning of lands with the USB upon annexation to Lake Oswego.The
UGMA anticipates the City eventually annexing all of the unincorporated lands that exist within the
USB, and application of City zoning to those lands consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; hence,
the HNA is for both the incorporated area of Lake Oswego (City) and unincorporated areas within
Lake Oswego's Urban Services Boundary(USB).
The Comprehensive Plan Map's residential land use designations are based on the HNA.These
designations match the corresponding Zoning Map designations such that there is only one zone for
each Plan designation, and therefore only one zone that is applied to each lot upon annexation,
consistent with the HNA and in compliance with Goal 10 and the Metropolitan Housing Rule. In the
case of the subject application, the applicable Plan Map designation and corresponding Zone Map
designation is R-7.5.The City Comprehensive plan and corresponding Zone Map designation of R-7.5
provide a slightly greater amount of housing density than Clackamas County's zoning of R-8.5, single-
family detached residential.
The development of these properties would yield approximately four additional lots, with each lot
supporting a single-family residence and an accessory dwelling unit (ORS 197.312) or a duplex (ORS
197.758).The proposed annexation and designation of City zoning is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and Map, and the City's Buildable Lands Inventory, and does not change the
City's housing needs from those identified by the HNA; therefore, the annexation and zone change
comply with Goal 10 and its implementing administrative rules. In this case, the zoning district would
satisfy the need for single-family residential housing identified in the Housing Needs Analysis.
The City uses the following approach for findings supporting two types of annexation zone changes:
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 7 OF 10
• Option 1 is for annexation-related non-discretionary comprehensive plan and zoning map
• Option 2 is for annexation-related discretionary comprehensive plan and zoning map
"Non-discretionary" amendments are zoning map amendments applied to an annexed property (or
properties)where the applicable zoning designation is prescribed by the city's comprehensive plan
and a zoning conversion table in the city-county urban growth management agreement (UGMA).
"Discretionary" amendments are where more than one zoning designation is applicable, as
prescribed by the city's comprehensive plan and the city-county UGMA, and the City Council has
discretion in applying zoning.
The proposed rezoning in AN 21-0003 is non-discretionary because the zoning is prescribed by the
City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan and the zoning conversion table in the City of Lake
Oswego-Clackamas County UGMA.
The City's R-7.5 zone is proposed to be applied consistent with (matching)the R-7.5 land use
designation in the City's Goal 10/Metro Housing Rule-compliant comprehensive plan.The City
Council does not have discretion to apply a different zone to the subject properties unless it is
amending the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation; therefore, the City does not
evaluate proposed zones against its Housing Needs Analysis (HNA).The City simply applies the
zoning that is prescribed by the Comprehensive Plan, consistent with the HNA and the Complete
Neighborhoods and Housing (Goal 10) chapter of the Plan. In doing so, the City relies on LOC, which states that the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Map provides for the future
City zoning of all property within the City's Urban Service Boundary. In cases where the
Comprehensive Plan Map requires a specific zoning map designation,this designation is
automatically imposed on territory when these properties is annexed to the City.
In conclusion, the proposed R-7.5 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and City-County
UGMA for the subject properties, and the City Council does not have other zoning options from
which to choose in approving AN 21-0003.
Urban Growth Management Agreement
General Urbanization Policy 4.A.4 of the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan calls for the
establishment of Urban Growth Management Areas and Urban Growth Management Agreements to
clarify planning responsibilities between the County and cities for areas of mutual interest. Policy
4.A.5 directs the County to establish agreements with cities and service districts to clarify service and
infrastructure responsibilities for areas of mutual interest.
Similarly, the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan, Urbanization Chapter, Policy D-3, calls for entering
into and maintaining an Urban Growth Management Agreement (UGMA)with Clackamas County for
lands within the Urban Services Boundary.
In furtherance of these policies, the City and County have entered into an Urban Growth
Management Agreement that stipulates a mutual interest in coordinated land use planning,
compatible comprehensive plans and provision of urban services and facilities.
This agreement ensures coordination and consistency between the City and County comprehensive
plans and outlines responsibilities in providing services and managing growth within the Dual
Interest Area. Subsections 6 and 7, provided below, are applicable to annexations.
"6C. City and County Notice and Coordination:
The City shall provide notification to the County, and an opportunity to participate, review
and comment, at least 35 days prior to the first public hearing on all proposed public
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 8 OF 10
facilities plans, legislative changes to the City Comprehensive Plan, or quasi-judicial land use
actions adjacent to, or in close proximity to unincorporated areas. The City shall provide
notice to the County of private or City initiated annexation requests within five days of the
filing of an application with the Portland Metropolitan Boundary Commission."
The Urban Growth Management Agreement specifies that the City notify the County of an
annexation request within five days of when it is submitted to the Boundary Commission. There is no
longer a Boundary Commission for the Portland Metropolitan area.
Staff relies on the notice requirements of Metro Code 3.09.030.B,which requires mailing notice to all
necessary parties, posting of a weatherproof notice in the general vicinity of the affected territory
and by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected territory. Notice shall
be mailed and posted at least 20 days prior to the date of deliberations.
The notice required by MC 3.09.030.E shall follow the requirements under MC 3.09.030.C, where the
notice shall; describe the affected territory in a manner that allows certainty, state the date,time
and place where the reviewing entity will consider the boundary change; and, state the means by
which any person may obtain a copy of the reviewing entity's report on the proposal. Clackamas
County is a necessary party under the Metro Code definition and was notified on October 13, 20
days before public hearing.
"7. City Annexations
A. The City may undertake annexations in the manner provided for by law within the
Dual Interest Area. The City annexation proposals shall include adjacent road right-
of-way to property proposed for annexation. The County shall not oppose such
B. Upon annexation, the City shall assume jurisdiction of the County roads and local
access roads pursuant to a separate road transfer agreement between the City and
The City is undertaking this annexation in the manner provided for in the applicable provisions of
State Law and Metro Code for the territories that lie within the Dual Interest Area.This annexation is
consistent with the City and County comprehensive plans, which have been coordinated in the Dual
Interest Area within the regional Urban Growth Boundary(UGB).
Kimball and Baleine Streets are identified as Local Streets in the City's Transportation System Plan
and are under jurisdiction of Clackamas County.
f. Any applicable concept plan
There are no applicable concept plans in this area.
2. Consider whether the boundary change would
a. Promote the timely orderly and economic provision of public facilities and services
b. Affect the quality and quantity of urban services
c. Eliminate or avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities or services
The proximity of these properties to existing City services will allow this annexation to promote the
timely, orderly and economical extension of public facilities and services.These properties can
readily be served with urban services and facilities.
If and when additional development occurs in the area, provision of public facilities and services will
occur consistent with the City's adopted public facility master plans, ensuring that it does not
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 9 OF 10
adversely affect the quality or quantity of urban services and avoiding unnecessary duplication of
facilities or services.
Therefore,this boundary change is consistent with criteria 2.a through 2.c.
E. A city may not annex territory that lies outside the UGB except it may annex a lot or parcel that
lies partially within and partially outside the UGB.
The properties to be annexed are located entirely within the Metro Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).
F. LOC 50.05.010 Sensitive Lands Overlay District:
The City's Sensitive Lands Map designates a Resource Protection (RP) over the northeast side of
these three properties. Pursuant to LOC, the RP Overlay District will be applied to
these properties upon annexation.
Property owners have the opportunity to contest the application of an existing RP, RC District, or
HBA (Habitat Benefit Area) designation under LOC On September 14, 2021, the
property owners and the applicants were notified of the pending RP Sensitive Lands Overlay
Designation. Staff discussed the RP designation with the applicant and they have not contested the
proposed resource overlay designations at the time this staff report was prepared.
Based on the criteria and findings set forth above,the City Council concludes that AN 21-0003 can be made
to comply with all applicable criteria and the annexation should be approved.
A. Effective Date of Annexation Ordinance. Pursuant to Lake Oswego City Charter, Section 35.C., the
ordinance shall be effective on the 30th day after its enactment.
B. Effective Date of Annexation. Following the filing of the annexation records with the Secretary of
State as required by ORS 222.177, this annexation shall be effective upon the later of:
1. the 30th day following the date of adoption of this ordinance; or
2. the date of filing of the annexation records with the Secretary of State;
provided however that pursuant to ORS 222.040(2), if the effective date of the annexation as established
above is a date that is within 90 days of a biennial primary or general election or after the deadline for filing
notice of election before any other election held by any City, district or other municipal corporation involved
in the area to be annexed,the annexation shall become effective on the day after the election.
Ordinance 2874 (AN 21-0003) ATTACHMENT C/PAGE 10 OF 10
Name of Document For Recording:Covenant to (For County Recording Use Only)
Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line Clackamas County Official Records *ZQ22_Q11231
Grantor:Hail Capital LLC.,i/o David Nelsen,3115 Sherry Hall, County Clerk
Wembley Park Road Lake Oswego OR 97034
Grantee:City of k
Oswego,OR 970La e Oswego, P.O. Box 369, Lake I Ill I II IIIII
IllIllIllIll I $1 28.00
Consideration:$0.00. 02543743202200112310080089
Tax Statement to be mailed to: No Change 02/23/2022 02:20:40 PM
Recordation Authority:ORS 205.130(2)(a). D-OD Cnt=1 Stn=9 COUNTERI
After Recording,Return To:City of Lake Oswego, $40.00$16.00$62.00$10.00
Attn:City Recorder, P.O. Box 369, Lake Oswego,OR
Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line
WHEREAS,the undersigned Hail Capital LLC("Owner")warrant(s)to the City of Lake Oswego (City)that
Owner is the fee title or contract purchaser of real property in Clackamas County, Oregon, outside the
corporate limits of the City of Lake Oswego, but inside the City's Urban Service Boundary, described as
follows("Subject Property" or"Subject Properties"):
Legal Description:
A tract of land located within the southwest quarter of Section 7,Township 2 South, Range 1
East of the Willamette Meridian,City of Lake Oswego, County of Clackamas, Oregon,said tract
of land being all of that property conveyed to Hail Capital LLC, an Oregon limited liability
company, by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded July 7, 2021 in the Official Records of Clackamas
County as Recording No. 2021-065158;said tract of land more particularly described as follows:
Lots 1, 2, 69, and 70 of Block 1, Plat of Lake Forest(Plat No. 509), plat records of Clackamas
Together with a tract of land located within the southwest quarter of Section 7,Township 2
South, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, City of Lake Oswego, County of Clackamas,
Oregon, said tract of land being all of that property conveyed to Hail Capital LLC, an Oregon
limited liability company, by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded June 30, 2021 in the Official
Records of Clackamas County as Recording No. 2021-063293; said tract of land more particularly
described as follows:
Parcel 2, Partition Plat No. 2007-142, plat records of Clackamas County.
Street Address: No Situs address, Lake Oswego
Assessor Map/Lot References: Tax Lots 0100, 3000 and 02902, Map 21E07CA
WHEREAS,the undersigned Owner applied for annexation of the subject property to the City of Lake
Oswego(Planning Dept. Case No. AN 21-0003).
WHEREAS,the City's Public Facilities Plan, which is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 11 (Public
Facilities)and the Community Health and Public Safety Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, requires the
development of master plans for the orderly development of streets,sanitary sewer, water, and
stormwater facilities, and the basis for long-range planning for both the incorporated and
unincorporated lands within Lake Oswego's Urban Services Boundary.
WHEREAS,the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Policy C-4: "requires that urban services
commensurate with the scale of the proposed development are available and are adequate to serve the
property or can be made available in a timely manner prior to the annexation of non-island properties."
WHEREAS,to comply with the above Policy and with other related polices that are criteria for annexation
of the Subject Properties,the Owner represented to the City that it would proceed with construction of
public sanitary sewer lines to serve future development on the Subject Properties consistent with the
City's Sewer Master Plan and guarantee sewer availability.
WHEREAS,following a public hearing,the City Council tentatively approved Ordinance 2874
("Annexation Ordinance") and directed City staff to return with findings and ordinance for enactment
upon recordation of this Covenant to Construct and Connect to City Sewer Line (Exhibit E-3) in the official
records of Clackamas County, Oregon.
NOW THEREFORE, Owner does hereby covenant to City as follows:
1. Owner shall construct a sewer main, in conformance with the City Engineering Dept.'s standards
and specifications from the Point of Connection of the existing City Sewer Main to the upstream
boundary of each property for one connection or one home, or in the case of a partition of the
Subject Property,then to the upstream boundary of that Subject Property(parent parcel of the
partition),to serve each of the respective Subject Properties, as shown on the attached map,
Attachment 1.The sewer main shall be installed to the respective Subject Property and
accepted by the City prior to issuance of a development permit(including a building permit)for
the respective Subject Property. (This obligation to construct does not preclude Owner from
seeking a Zone of Benefit under LOC Art. 40.04.)
2. Owner acknowledges that neither the City's condition upon the annexation nor the City's
acceptance of this covenant constitutes consent for Owner to install the sewer main in any
property owned by or under the jurisdiction of the City. The Owner will need to obtain such City
consent in the manner required for such, and the annexation does not obligate the City to so
consent. The Owner's obligations under this Covenant shall arise only after the Subject
Property has been fully annexed into the City.The completion of the annexation
process shall be an express condition precedent to Owner's obligations under this
3. Owner acknowledges the risk that events, circumstances, or unknown conditions could arise
that would make it more difficult or preclude the extension of the sewer main as intended.
Nevertheless,the Owner waives any and all claims or causes of action, legal or equitable, for the
issuance of a development permit(including a building permit) absent compliance with the
requirement that any development on the respective Subject Property be served by connection
to a City sewer main. Specifically,the Owner waives any right to seek approval of an alternative
sewage disposal system, including the right to seek exemption from the requirement to connect
to the City sewer system.
4. This Covenant may be enforced by the City of Lake Oswego by a proceeding in the Clackamas
County Circuit Court under any applicable legal or equity basis, including specific performance
and injunction. The City shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney fees if it is the prevailing
party, at trial or on appeal. If the City is represented by"in-house" counsel,the City shall
nevertheless be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees based upon the reasonable time
incurred and the attorney fee rates and charges reasonably and generally accepted in the
metropolitan Portland,Oregon area for the type of legal services performed.
5. Following construction of the sewer main to the upstream boundary of the property a
respective Subject Property(as provided in Paragraph 1, above), at the Owner's request and
expense,the City shall execute a Notice of Termination of Covenant suitable for recording with
the County Clerk,so that upon recordation,the obligation to construct the sewer main to the
respective Subject Property, and the agreement that no development permit(including building
permit) be issued for the respective Subject Property will be shown as an obligation against the
respective Subject Property.
6. This Covenant shall run with the land and shall be recorded in the deed records of the County of
Clackamas,to give notice to all successors-in-interest in the Subject Properties and shall be
binding on all successors in interest.
[Signature on Next Page]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned Owner has hereunto executed this Covenant on the date stated
Hail Capital LLC, an Oregon limited liability company
B / l A.AN
Da ' en, Manager
/ itf
Date Signed
County of Clackamas )
S �r
On this day of \ , 2022, before me the undersigned Notary Public,
personally appeared DAVID NELSEN
❑ personally known to me
iEt proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
To be the person who executed the within instrument as manager of on b If of Hail Capital, LLC,
pursuant to authority,and acknowledged to me the execution her of.
KEVIN WALTER LUBY ary Pu c for Oregon _Z}�
O COMMISSION NO.1009870 y Commission Expires:
100' o sp Iao' M Attachment 1- �S1Yy�—PR4� O�RI
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SCALE: 1"= 100' gip, :- t hill
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(SSMH 04}� 287.90'of - SSMH 02�
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