Approved Minutes - 2022-01-10 PM APPROVED: 02/28/2022 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Planning Commission Action Minutes `.) - c January 10, 2022 °RE Gov' 1 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 3 Chair Heape called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber of 4 City Hall, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. 5 6 2. ROLL CALL 7 Members present were Chair Rob Heape and Commissioners Helen Leek, Don Phillips*, Miles 8 Rigby and Philip Stewart. Vice Chair Christian Pape and Commissioner Rex Buchanan were 9 excused. Council Liaison Jackie Manz was also present. 10 11 Staff present were Scot Siegel, Community Development Director; Evan Boone, Deputy City 12 Attorney; Erik Olson*, Senior Planner; Johanna Hastay*, Senior Planner; and Iris McCaleb, 13 Administrative Assistant. 14 15 Jamin Kimmel* with Cascadia Partners was also present. 16 17 *Participated remotely. 18 19 3. COUNCIL UPDATE 20 Chair Heape announced that Councilor Manz would be the Council Liaison for 2022. 21 22 4. CITIZEN COMMENT— Regarding issues not on the agenda 23 None. 24 25 5. COMMISSION FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 26 Chair Heape reported that he had attended a meeting of the Neighborhood Chairs Committee 27 yesterday; they expressed their continued interest for expanding and restructuring the 28 Commission for Citizen Involvement. 29 30 6. WORK SESSION 31 6.1 House Bill 2001 —Work Session #2 (PP 19-0008) 32 The Commission reviewed the outline of required amendments to design and dimensional standards 33 for plexes and townhomes and provided direction to staff on drafting code language. Staff 34 coordinator was Erik Olson, Senior Planner. 35 36 Direction from the Commission on Policy Questions Moving Forward to Public Hearing: 37 • Minimum Lot Area: Concept 1: Larger Lots - Require lots that are generally larger than what 38 is required for single-family houses for triplex, quadplex, or cottage cluster, as allowed by 39 Division 46. The minimum lot sizes would range from 5,000 - 7,000 square feet. 40 City of Lake Oswego Planning Commission Minutes of January 10, 2022 Page 1 of 2 APPROVED: 02/28/2022 1 • Design and Dimensional Standards: generally apply same dimensional and design standards 2 currently in place for single-family houses for middle housing. 3 4 • Driveway and Garage Standards: 5 o Driveway Standard Applicability— Option 1, apply driveway standards to the replacement 6 of both single-family housing and middle housing structures. 7 o Number of Driveways for Duplexes, Triplexes, and Quadplexes — Option 1, limit the 8 number of driveways to one per 75 feet of lot frontage for both single-family and middle 9 housing. 10 o Number of Driveways for Townhouses— Limit the width of driveways on smaller lots. 11 o Corner Lots and Lots with Alley Access —the Commission did not support bringing 12 forward requirement for corner lots with alley access to have rear loading garages. 13 Consider hybrid approach of access from both front and rear sides. 14 o Middle Housing Garage Design Standards — move forward with staff recommendations. 15 16 7. OTHER BUSINESS 17 None. 18 19 9. SCHEDULE REVIEW 20 Mr. Siegel reviewed the schedule; he noted that the Boards and Commissions Summit was 21 scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2022. 22 23 10. ADJOURNMENT 24 There being no further business, Chair Heape adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. City of Lake Oswego Planning Commission Minutes of January 10, 2022 Page 2 of 2