11/8/2022 - City of Lake Oswego Operations and Project Resource Guide CITY MANAGER 'S OFFICE
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Dear 2022 Candidate for the Lake Oswego City Council,
This guide was created as a resource of helpful department and project information for you as
you prepare to campaign for a seat on the City Council. The content and links connect you to
basic information about City operations, up-to-date project information, and the work of
serving on Council. You are welcome to contact staff directly for more information as needed.
Best wishes,
Kari Linder
City Recorder I Elections Officer
About the City Manager's Office
Pursuant to the Lake Oswego City Charter, the City Manager is appointed, or removed, by a majority of
the entire Council.The role of the City Manager is to carry out the will of Council and serve as chief
administrative officer of the City.The City Manager's Office manages the business of the City and
implements the Council's plans and orders.
Martha Bennett,City Manager, 503-635-0214
About the City Attorney's Office
The City Attorney's Office provides legal advice and representation to the City of Lake Oswego and its
urban renewal agency. Legal services relate to land use matters, public contracting, real estate
transactions, labor and employment law, municipal finance, and general municipal law.The office also
prosecutes misdemeanor crimes, city code violations, and state traffic offenses in the Lake Oswego
Municipal Court.
Jason Loos,City Attorney, 503-635-0224
About the Building& Planning Departments
The Building Department inspects and enforces land use and building codes and issues building permits
once development applications obtain Planning approval.The Planning Department directs land use and
Tel 503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.ci.oswego.or.us
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growth management decisions for the community.The department has three functional areas: Long
Range Planning, Development Review, and Code Enforcement. Planning administers the Lake Oswego
Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code,Tree Code, and Sign Code, as well as,the City's
Annexation, Neighborhood Planning, Historic Preservation, and Urban & Community Forestry programs.
Scot Siegel,Community Development Director, 503-699-7474
About the Engineering Department
The core purpose of the Engineering Department is to provide quality engineering services for the City
of Lake Oswego consistent with environmental values, safety standards and the needs of the
community. Engineering oversees the planning, design, construction and management of City
infrastructure.This oversite includes the following systems: storm water,wastewater(sewer),water,
streets, and transportation.
Erica Rooney,City Engineer I Public Works Director,503-635-0264
About the Water Treatment Plant
The Engineering Department operates a Water Treatment Plant (WTP), which provides 90,000 Lake
Oswego and Tigard rate payers up to 38 million gallons of water per day.The plant was constructed in
2017 and is located in West Linn.The mission of the WTP is to provide the citizens of Lake Oswego and
Tigard with safe, pure,good tasting water at reasonable rates and in adequate supply.
Bret Bienerth,Water Plant Manager, 503-635-0393
About the Police Department
The Lake Oswego Police Department is committed to an open and honest partnership with our
community and with our members to create an atmosphere of trust, promoting a higher quality of
public service and enhancing the quality of life.
Dale Jorgensen, Police Chief, 503-635-0393
About the Fire Department
The Lake Oswego Fire Department operates four fire stations to provide 24/7 rapid emergency service
within the City of Lake Oswego and three adjoining contract districts. Emergency services include fire
suppression, emergency medical response,water&dive rescue,technical rescue operations, hazardous
materials incidents, and disaster response. Non-emergency services include fire prevention and
inspection services, code enforcement, public safety education services, fire extinguisher use, residential
safety surveys, home fire escape planning, emergency and disaster preparedness planning and training
for citizens (CERT), and fire and life safety education in Lake Oswego schools.
Don Johnson, Fire Chief, 503-697-7403
About the Finance Department
The Finance Department is responsible for safeguarding and managing the City's financial assets in
accordance with generally accepted accounting and financial management principles. Finance supports
various City departments and external organizations with relevant financial and managerial information
in an accurate and timely manner.
Shawn Cross, Finance Director, 503-697-7413
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About the Human Resources Department
The department is responsible for providing a full-range of comprehensive human resources services
and programs to the City.These services enable the City to acquire, develop, and retain a skilled,
diverse, and service-oriented work force. Human Resources acts as an organizational asset for all
aspects of employee management and leadership promotion.
Megan Phelan,Assistant City Manager I HR Director 503-635-0281
About the Lake Oswego Public Library
The Lake Oswego Public Library is dedicated to providing current, high demand materials, both fiction
and non-fiction, in a variety of formats and media for persons of all ages,to meet the informational,
cultural and recreational needs of the community.The Library sponsors numerous programs for all ages,
including its popular Lake Oswego Reads program.
Melissa Kelly, Library Director 503-697-6584
About Information Technology
The Information Technology Department provides computer, network and communications support,
and copy& mail center services to all City departments.
Weston Pay, Information Technology Director 503-534-5688
About Public Works&Waste Water Treatment Plant
Public Works is responsible for many of the fundamental behind-the-scenes city services required to
keep Lake Oswego moving forward and working smoothly. Public Works Maintenance is divided
into: Water,Wastewater, Stormwater, Streets, City Beautification, and Motor Pool.
The City's sanitary sewers system lead to the City of Portland owned Tryon Creek Wastewater
Treatment Plant (WTP), located in Lake Oswego. Lake Oswego and the City of Portland are currently in
an exploratory process for a more efficient new WWTP facility owned by Lake Oswego located in
proximity to the existing site.
Erica Rooney, City Engineer I Public Works Director, 503-635-0264
About the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
In 1979,the Lake Oswego City Council formed the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
(LORA)to manage urban renewal activities for the City, with initial focus on revitalization of a defined
urban renewal district in the downtown area of Lake Oswego. Using tax increment financing and other
public financing programs, LORA invests in projects and programs that enhance the business
environment and stimulate private investment.
Sid Sin, Redevelopment Manager, 503-675-7421
About the Municipal Court
The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of Lake Oswego city government. It has jurisdiction over all
violations of city and state laws committed within city limits other than felonies.The Municipal Court
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clerks can answer questions about the court schedule,fine amounts, and other administrative matters,
but they cannot give legal advice.The court does not handle civil or small claims cases.
Darci Roberts, Municipal Court Manager,503-635-0398
About Parks& Recreation
The Department operates one of the most active parks and recreation programs in the Portland
metropolitan area. It manages over 600 acres of park and open space property and over 45 acres of
recreation facilities including the Adult Community Center, Indoor Tennis Center, the 18-hole Golf
Course and Practice Range, and the Charlie S. Brown Water Sports Center on the Willamette River.The
Department hosts an average of 1800 recreation programs and 85 community events each year.
Ivan Anderholm, Director Parks& Recreation, 503-675-2548
About the Arts Council of Lake Oswego
The City contracts with the Arts Council of Lake Oswego (ACLO)to administer its public arts program.
The Gallery Without Walls outdoor sculpture exhibit, administered by the nonprofit, is Lake Oswego's
nationally recognized public art program. The City owns a permanent collection of thirty-five sculptures
on display throughout the City and in public parks, plus additional sculptures on-loan from artists.
Ivan Anderholm, Director Parks& Recreation, 503-675-2548
A City organizational chart is attached as Appendix A.
City Council Agendas, Packets, and Minutes
Past City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board agendas, packets, and approved minutes are posted
on the City's website records portal. Navigate to Council Meeting Records—Browse. Use the search bar
to find subjects of specific interest.
City Council Web Page
The City Council's home page hosts links to its goals, policies, rules of procedure. meeting information,
and other helpful information.
City Charter and Code
For convenience,the City of Lake Oswego Code and Charter are available online.This version is provided
for informational purposes only; copies of the official City Code and Charter is available from the City
Attorney's Office.
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City and Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency Budgets
The City's Budget in Brief, 2021-23 Adopted Budget, and the Redevelopment Agency Budget documents
are available online.
Boards and Commissions
The City Council works with its citizen advisory boards, committees, commissions and ad hoc groups in
the conduct of public affairs. Councilors are assigned as a liaison to at least one of these bodies each
year and attend their meetings. For details visit the Boards and Commissions home page.
Good to Know in LO
Navigate to the City's website and click on the 'residents' and visitors'tabs.You'll find information
about demographics, history, neighborhoods,trails and pathways, maps, and more.
September 8 Last day for city candidates to file voters' pamphlet
statements with the county elections offices.
October 14-29 County elections offices mail out ballots.
November 8 Election Day
January 3, 2023 Oaths of Office administered at the first City Council
meeting of the new year.
City Council
City Attorney City Manager Judge
Jason Loos Martha Bennett Wm.Bruce Shepley
503-635-0224 503-635-0214 503-675-2530
Human desources Police bept. Fire bept. Finance Building k Planning Redevelopment Facilities Municipal Court
Megan Phelan Dale Jorgensen Don Johnson Shawn Cross Scot Siegel Sidaro Sin Shaun Kohn Darci Roberts
503-635-0281 506-635-0242 503-697-7403 503-697-7413 503-699-7474 503-697-7421 503-675-2532 503-635-0398
Parks&Recreation Library Engineering (.7. Public Works
loan Anderholm Melissa Kelly Erica Rooney Weston Pay Erica Rooney
503-675-2548 503-697-6584 503-635-0264 503-534-5688 503-635-0264
Public Art Tennis Facility Water Treatment Streets Water
Streets Projects
Plant Maintenance Maintenance
Adult Community Public Golf Course Stt Sewer
Center Water Projects Sewer Projects ormwaer
Maintenance Maintenance