Agenda Item - 2022-06-27 - Number 08.1 - Staff Memo 06/22/22 PC Update w-Attach #2 (PP 22-0001) MEMORANDUM CI °REGp,/ TO: Planning Commission FROM: Scot Siegel, Community Development Director Planning and Building Services SUBJECT: Update on State Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities Rules (PP 22-0001) DATE: June 22, 2022 MEETING DATE: June 27, 2022 At the June 27 Planning Commission meeting staff will provide an update on the State of Oregon's Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) Rules. These rules contain requirements for local land use and transportation planning, with specific deadlines over next three years. Please refer to the attached City Council Report and presentation for background. As discussed in the attached report, cities in Oregon's eight metropolitan areas are required to comply with some of the CFEC rules as early as January 1, 2023. These include reducing or eliminating minimum parking mandates and adopting certain parking management policies. The rules are organized into two phases. Phase A, "Reduce Mandates", is effective December 31, 2022; and Phase B, "Improve Regulations/Repeal Mandates", is due June 30, 2023. On June 21, the City Council requested staff not prepare code amendments for Parking-Phase A at this time, and instead apply the relevant state rules directly to new development when the rules go into effect January 1, 2023. The Council also requested a follow up study session in November to discuss the work program ahead of 2023 goalsetting. Because the State adopted these rules only recently (May 31, 2022), there are still many outstanding questions about what the rules actually require and how local governments will administer them. Based on the foregoing, staff recommends the Planning Commission schedule their work on the CFEC parking rules following the City Council's next study session on the topic this fall. ATTACHMENTS 1. City Council Report, 06/21/2022 Meeting (not included due to size, visit project webpage, link provided below) 2. Presentation, 06/21/2022 Meeting Project webpage: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/pp-22-0001-implementation-state-requirements- climate-friendlv-and-equitable-communities 503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.ci.oswego.or.us 6/21/2022 Community Development G7 IV Mir Q il GRGOta Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities Rules City Council Study Session June 21 , 2 0 2 2 Overview 1. Purpose and Background 2. State Mandates Applicable to Local Governments — EV Charging Infrastructure — Parking Policies and Codes — Housing in Climate-Friendly Areas — Transportation Plan Update 3. Schedule 5. Council Input/Direction iv' foss UD PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 1 OF 11 1 6/21/2022 CFEC Rules Purpose • Implement Oregon Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-04 • Reduce GHG emissions by 20% by 2035 and 50% by 2050. — Direct development into mixed use centers and areas with transit. — Make walking,cycling,and transit safer and more convenient. DLCD — Provide people with access to services and destinations. — Meet the needs of all Oregonians with equitable fLp , and inclusive outcomes. D J —anyD PREG04 -_--. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Oregon Figure 1.Oregon past and projected greenhouse gas emissions compared to goals Resent/Curren'Emissions 2017(ppmlimlI 70 8a:5 mHll•rl M7CO28 Ariake ibfe PfwEGIEd en11SSi0nE wIN Current policies 10.05101 °' Sg Re90eetial 8� ~ SI mMon MICO25 a 311 Oregon':.sulewiae G110'- .y, opal baoet ony EO 2050 20 t 0 10 VP 2019 ,t0ti5 ItiV 116 0 .t035 'tpAO 10 Zp50 Df LA E�s U D PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 2 OF 11 2 6/21/2022 Building Code Amendments EV Charging Infrastructure Lake Oswego EV RegistrationsIP" _ uII : .1 „o - mu a pv �� m� mm Source:Lake Oswego Sustainability Network Effective March 31,2023 OAR 660-012-0410 Electric Vehicle Charging "...for new multifamily residential buildings with five or more residential dwelling units, and new mixed-use buildings consisting of privately owned commercial space and five or more residential dwelling units, cities shall require the provision of electrical service capacity, as defined in ORS 455.417, to accommodate 40 percent of all vehicle parking spaces." tn iota NEGoo PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 3 OF 11 3 6/21/2022 Housing in Climate-Friendly Areas (at least 30% of planned housing) ',:r.: ilig la- �- _ • IFS' Due with Update to Housing Needs Analysis Dec 31,2023 Transportation System Plan Update i ► N.1 x 11 - mil^ ... -. 11!! .x . I 1 %, o 'il 0... N%,111MI --- • • -• ' 41211k-'.-., — 0 .• Allimilmilw A.,.....................L.......:................:::: ,i I Estimated due: 2024/2025 PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 4 OF 11 4 6/21/2022 ill Parking Policies and Codes w .,._-,..7' '''. ' 1'4 k -1F ... ".,,,„. . . ,......„,. . if . • " ;' it 1 :N :` 311 *� F �^� a _L [JIa 1 . -'14 —01. ,.../A. „,.... iiiiti: • as. ,„..... ....: a.� mr- Phased: Dec 31, 2022 and June 2023 irritant CFEC Parking Rules =ED - I P�133B-a P1iy�sL•R re .Jl Open 2 C E} 31. - 2022 lene 30-2023 pu'"r°s'kinp f� -vein P.nune'wpprp J .Canin..1y Prang Reduce%urinates -Impre0e"Regs Yes Pe 1 1 oir p e urion > — 1 -- nprioni —� ' Monroe CannMi2bn 1 Planning Co,,,,,,! :•,� II Repeal P,,k MmNue pg Naanng OM 1 H,m A,and dati r Reaammenen R1-.1rnn.._n:5:1.,in Oplien3 - F,M1eru2.Parkin, erera Crty Canna Detafien Cry Council Decision I0Y keg zoza3 22 Nes 2022 Plaryeas Comm ssbn Nearing and Recommendation .. b Ma 1312 ) PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 5 OF 11 5 6/21/2022 Phase A: Reduced Parking Mandates Due Dec 31, 2022 • Not more than 1 space/unit for residential developments with more than 1 unit • No mandates for small units (<750 square feet), affordable units, childcare, facilities for people with disabilities, shelters • Reform near transit - no parking mandates allowed within % mile of frequent transit corridors (one-hour or greater service) fLp ti o s£.. U o 1- I ._,. - .I_ a - • ;if „- Phase A Parking Mandates Repeal Q. t, .._._lait.7Ike fir$; q ;ar _ ;e,y ) , 8 L ,i -,,,0010 ..10"w,Niglierr. d '- g.:4‘ A WP iv "01,41{2p* .... 'OSOVIeli ,AgantigilIV AffWeit 1.1 A , P 1 t ",'.'2,f 4' 1,214 C`c iiktraillis ■r 3 ��s-4 City of Lake Oswego r . Pr❑perhes a Half Mile from BusImes 35&78 1 . T -' Trr .,_ ! , \ -R.35 =U3.5....Enf Rce.]B PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 6 OF 11 6 6/21/2022 Phase B: Parking Regulation "Improvement" Due June 30, 2023 • Preferential placement of carpool/vanpool parking • Allow redevelopment of any portion of a parking lot for bike or transit uses • Allow and encourage redevelopment of underutilized parking for other uses • Allow and facilitate shared parking • Parking lot developments more than % acre in size must have 50%tree canopy OR solar panels; requires street trees and street-like facilities along driveways • Parking maximums D @ Option 1 Due June 30, 2023 • Repeal all remaining parking mandates s� �f °REG? PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 7 OF 11 7 6/21/2022 Option 2 Adopt 3 of 5 by June 30, 2023 (A)A requirement that parking spaces for each residential unit in developments that include five or more leased or sold residential units on a lot or parcel be unbundled parking.Cities and counties may exempt townhouse and rowhouse development from this requirement; (B)A requirement that parking spaces serving leased commercial developments be unbundled parking; (C)A requirement for employers of 50 or more employees who provide free or subsidized parking to their employees at the workplace provide a flexible commute benefit of$50 per month or the fair market value of that parking, whichever is greater,to those employees eligible for that free or subsidized parking who regularly commute via other modes instead of using that parking; (D)A tax on the revenue from commercial parking lots collecting no less than 10 percent of income,with revenues dedicated to improving transportation alternatives to drive-alone travel;and (E)A reduction of parking mandates for new multifamily residential development ofLpo�to no higher than one-half spaces per unit,including visitor parking. nv �� ❑, *Also requires repeal of parking within'/.,mile of Climate Friendly Areas pREG � rbYLEWN_ Options 2&3 Parking Mandates fir±! 4LI. piglitte. illii'Itil - r� �x rr J, 3, ..i.1;11ur Trr ii a: �:Orb r) k..t.._ i - z. .4, sviit.,, M a �4 l �047 `= A ilk mini um �, fii =i olai MinionRiff el n os 111_ Jr I LI wr lir lit—�jr ���`�•i131 11.05,„944,10 i i ils �l�I���n� � r ur,� Air7di. ,+ i � . r r ,y1 WI sE��®`r11°Ji ,Ifx itI ��! AAA 1 T 1 —. ik Downtown TOW COMM' k IIIPL <I 1, a ■rntu'Iar1ifiriiai _ ,.mo ......� ' �, 6, ' �: rr� r� - n w ov 4., Ti II { 1,N � ` OREGO1 PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 8 OF 11 8 6/21/2022 Option 3 Adopt all by June 30, 2023 (A)A repeal of all parking mandates within one-half mile pedestrian travel of climate friendly areas(repeal of parking within%mile is otherwise required in Option 2); (B)A repeal of parking mandates for transit-oriented development and mixed-use development; (C)A repeal of parking mandates for group quarters, including but not limited to dormitories, religious group quarters, adult care facilities, retirement homes,and other congregate housing; (D)A repeal of parking mandates for studio apartments,one-bedroom apartments and condominiums in residential developments of five or more units on a lot or parcel; v o Continued... -t Option 3 Adopt all by June 30, 2023 (E)A repeal of parking mandates for change of use of,or redevelopment of, buildings vacant for more than two years.Cities and counties may require registration of a building as vacant two years prior to the waiving of parking mandates; *(F)A repeal of requirements to provide additional parking for change of use or redevelopment; (G)A repeal of parking mandates for expansion of existing businesses by less than 30 percent of a building footprint; (H)A repeal of parking mandates for buildings within a National Historic District,on the National Register of Historic Places, or on a local inventory of historic resources or buildings; (I)A repeal of parking mandates for commercial properties that have fewer than ten on-site employees or 3,000 square feet floor space; b o Continued... PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 9 OF 11 9 6/21/2022 Option 3 Adopt all by June 30, 2023 (I)A repeal of parking mandates for developments built under the Oregon Residential Reach Code; (K)A repeal of parking mandates for developments seeking certification under any Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)rating system, as evidenced by either proof of pre-certification or registration and submittal of a complete scorecard; (L)A repeal of parking mandates for schools; (M)A repeal of parking mandates for bars and taverns; *(N)Setting parking maximums consistent with OAR 660-012-0415(1), notwithstanding populations listed in that section; and (0) Designation of at least one residential parking district or parking benefit district where on-street parking is managed through permits, payments,or time limits. o• *CDC already complies or partially complies with F and N. unpie CFEC Parking Rules CC= PI ppp,g$ Rep..'d oMYmf 3L 2d Dec 31.2022 June 30.2023 Re M Z." .1 Continuingly input OR Yes Planning Commission Reduce Mandates 'QIY Cound'.. Wwk Sessions DifedmA� • � optl.nl Planning Commission Planning LSomm�55R.r` veW.[vadu5 WNa.ce. OR _ _a Hearingand Hearng and Recommendaeon Recnm�ada1Lnn Opton a RnM.R.pu..3R.rygp M.nd.r.a City Cuunol Decision .....Cwrc*l Declaim' Me nge )by May 2023) Clry by INav a as • Naming Commission Hearing and Recommendation Cary Caun[,I pe<r5ian try May 2023 PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 10 OF 11 10 6/21/2022 Overall CFEC Rules Timeline Pro'ect/Phase Due • •• Mar 2023 2.Parking -Phase A Dec 2022 -Phase B Jun 2023 -Options 1,2,or 3 Jun 2023 o- - - . . • - .•. -•• bec 2023 .. . . •. . ' 2024/2025 fLp � , •U n 0 Questions? ouncil feedback on parking Options 1, 2, 3? PP 22-0001 ATTACHMENT 2/PAGE 11 OF 11 11