Approved Minutes - 2022-10-17 PM Development Review Commission Minutes October 17, 2022 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Development Review Commission Minutes October 17, 2022 The Commissioners convened at 6:01 PM via Zoom. Members Present: Chair Randy Arthur, Vice Chair Kirk Smith, Bruce Poinsette, Dwight Sangrey, Timothy Lyons, and John Dewes Members Absent: Jeff Shearer Staff Present: Jessica Numanoglu, Deputy Community Development Director; Evan Boone, City Attorney Pro Tem; and Kat Kluge, Administrative Support MINUTES October 3, 2022 Minutes: Vice Chair Smith recommended the following corrections: page 3, under “Questions of Staff, Revisited,” in the first paragraph, the extra word “fell” should be removed from “…multi-family dwelling fell was under…,” and page 4, under “LU 22-0016,” in the paragraph which begins “Mr. Boone asked DRC members to declare…,” “Walker Massey” should be “Walker Macy.” Vice Chair Smith moved to approve the Minutes of October 3, 2022, as amended. Seconded by Chair Arthur and passed 5:0, with 1 abstention. FINDINGS LU 22-0027: A request for a Development Permit to construct a 4-unit multi-family residential project. No tree removal is proposed with this application. This site is located at 53 D Avenue (21E03DA02200). The Staff Coordinator is Johanna Hastay, AICP, Senior Planner. Chair Arthur moved to approve the Findings, Conclusion, and Order for LU 22-0027, with Conditions of Approval (COAs), as submitted. Seconded by Vice Chair Smith and passed 6:0. Commissioner Sangrey declared that he had reviewed all materials relating to LU 22-0027, and that he had no ex parte contacts (including site visits), biases, or financial conflicts. ******* LU 22-0016: A request to modify the existing Lake Oswego High School Conditional Use Permit (LU 02-0016) to expand the campus to include the lot at 2301 Hazel Rd., and a Development Review Permit to add minor public facilities (greenhouse, outdoor classroom, landscaping, and parking) on the Hazel Rd. lot. The request includes the removal of 19 trees. Development Review Commission Minutes October 17, 2022 Page 2 of 2 This site is located at 2301 Hazel Rd & 2501 Country Club Rd. (Tax IDs: 21E0500500; 21E04BC01400; 21E04BC00100; 21E04BC01500). The Staff Coordinator is Johanna Hastay, AICP, Senior Planner. Vice Chair Smith moved to approve the Findings, Conclusion, and Order for LU 22-0016, as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and passed 5:0, with 1 abstention. SCHEDULE REVIEW AND MANAGEMENT UPDATE Ms. Numanoglu updated DRC members on upcoming meetings: November 21, 2022 may have one item. December 5, 2022 has one anticipated item, which could then be continued to December 19, 2022. Chair Arthur requested updated information on the DRC memo regarding the connectivity of a pathway, and how it might be presented to the City Council most effectively (preferably in- person). Ms. Numanoglu replied that she would provide the update, via email, after checking in with City Manager Bennett. ADJOURNMENT Chair Arthur adjourned the meeting at 6:12 PM. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kat Kluge, Administrative Support