Agenda Item - 2022-12-20 - Number 6.04 - Declaration of the General Election Vote 6.4
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Subject: Declaration of the Vote for the November 2022 General Election
Meeting Date: December 20, 2022 Staff Member: Kari Linder, Elections Officer I City
Report Date: December 9, 2022
Department: City Manager's Office
Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation
0 Motion ❑ Approval
❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial
❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded
❑ Resolution 0 Not Applicable
❑ Information Only Comments:
❑ Council Direction
0 Consent Agenda
Staff Recommendation: Approve the 2022 Declaration of the Vote.
Recommended Language for Motion: Move to approve the 2022 Declaration of the Vote.
Project/ Issue Relates To:
Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question):
❑Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) El Not Applicable
Following each General Election, the Council is presented with the Declaration of the Vote. The
Declaration of the Vote for the Tuesday, November 8, 2022 General Election follows this report,
along with the abstract of the vote from Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties.
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Page 2
The results show Ali Afghan, Trudy Corrigan, and John Wendland receiving the three highest
number of votes for the office of City Councilor. They will begin four-year terms beginning on
January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2026.
Approve the Declaration of the Vote.
1. 2022 Declaration of the Vote
2. Abstracts from Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
November 8, 2022
I, Kari Linder, City of Lake Oswego Elections Officer, do hereby declare the following to be the
totals from the abstracts of the votes on the Lake Oswego ballot for the November 8, 2022
General Election from Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. The results show that
Ali Afghan, Trudy Corrigan, and John Wendland received the highest number of votes for the
office of Councilor. Each will begin four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2023.
Deemoaa__ ei)20‘t2
Kari Linde' Date
Elections Officer
Election Results for City of Lake Oswego
Clackamas Multnomah Washington Total
Jeff Gudman 8,765 650 - 9,415
Trudy Corrigan 10,101 929 1 11,031
Charles A. Bryan 2,672 164 1 2,837
John Wendland 9,583 691 - 10,274
Ai Afghan 10,626 881 1 11,508
Katherine Lupton 7,399 391 - 7,790
Misc Write-Ins 195 10 - 205
Approved by the Lake Oswego City Council on December 20, 2022.
Clackamas County
November 8, 2022 General ElectionI
Page 89
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City of Lake Oswego, Councilor - Vote for three
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Precinctla C
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151 918 1,072 279 1,141 1,195 779 23 2 1 0 0 5,410 1,520
153 2,272 2,405 685 2,373 2,612 1,722 36 3 2 1 = 12,112 3,497
155 1,063 1,298 334 1,218 1,296 943 10 1 0 1 1 6,165 2,487
156 1,636 1,870 459 1,653 2,049 1,356 26 5 5 1 1 9,061 2,999
158 1,358 1,604 465 1,405 1,667 1,275 27 0 0 3 1 7,805 3,103
159 970 1,169 251 1,242 1,140 790 26 6 1 2 0 5,597 1,549
160 548 683 199 551 667 534 7 1 1 0 0 3,191 1,303
Totals 8,765 10,101 2.672 9,583 10,626 7,399 155 18 10 8 4 49,341 16,458
fr. , a BY: L47
Canvass Results Official Results
Clackamas County
Registered Voters
216733 of 313B75=69.45%
Official November 8, 2022 General Election
Precincts Reporting
Run Time . ' - 11:42 AM 11/8/2022
Run Date _ _ + p i.._41. Page 90 -
City of Lake Oswego, Councilor - Vote for three
N 0
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151 2 0 2,312 2,312 2,885 80.14%
153 3 0 5,206 5,206 6,524 79.80%
155 4 0 2,888 2,888 3,859 74.84%
156 2 0 4,022 4,022 5,106 78.77%
158 4 0 3,640 3,640 4,935 73.76%
159 1 0 2,383 2,383 3,098 76.92%
160 0 0 1,498 1,498 1,961 76.39%
Totals 16 0 21,949 21,949 28,368 77.37%
Ballots Cast per Contest-Accumulative Summary Page: 8 of 13
Washington County November 8 2022 General Election 2022-12-05
All Precincts, All Districts,All Counter Groups, All ScanStations, All Contests, All Boxes 09:02:00.
Official Election Results
Total Ballots Cast:257479, Registered Voters: 387173, Overall Turnout: 66.50%
Choice Votes Vote% •-
Write-in 30 0.41% i{5�•�
Write-in 26 0.35% Am $ - ..�'
Write-in 23 0.31°I° fiY+ ^r�"Z�
Total 7364 100.00% 1* ; """•,, _ ;,f
Undervotes 4451 ..1 .Y.. ; '. '.:
City of Lake Oswego,Councilor(Vote for 3) h � f
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1 ballots{0 over voted ballots,0 overvotes,0 undervotes),1 registered voters,turnout 100.00% WI. ...
Jeff Gudman 0 0.00%
Trudy Corrigan 1 33.33% lr , . CA-------
Charles Bryan 1 33.33%
John Wendland 0 0.00%
Ali Afghan 1 33.33%
Katherine Lupton 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 3 100.00%
Overvotes 0
Undervotes 0
City of North Plains,Council Members(Vote for 3)
1638 ballots(0 over voted ballots,0 overvotes, 1949 undervotes),2359 registered voters,turnout 69.44%
James Fage 974 32.85%
Rickey Smith 909 30.66%
Trista Papen 952 32.11
Write-in 87 2.93%
Write-in 30 1.01%
Write n 13 0.44%
Total 2965 100.00%
Overvotes 0
Undervotes 1949
City of Portland,Commissioner,Position 3(Vote for 1)
709 ballots(1 over voted ballots,1 overvotes,66 undervotes), 1089 registered voters,turnout 65.11%
Rene Gonzalez 364 56.70%
Jo Ann Hardesty 276 42.99%
Write-in 2 0.31%
Total 642 100.00%
Overvotes 1
Undervotes 66
City of Rivergrove,Councilor(Vote for 3)
23 ballots(0 over voted ballots,0 overvotes,3 undervotes),29 registered voters,turnout 79.31%
Doug Mclean 10 15 15%
Brenda C Ruble 5 7.58%
Walter Williams 18 27 27%
Jeff Williams 5 7 58%
Arne Nyberg 15 22.73%
Janice"Susie"Lahsene 13 19.70%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Write-in 0 0 00%
Total 66 100 00%
Overvotes 0
Undervotes 3
City of Sherwood, Mayor(Vote for 1)
9757 ballots (0 over voted ballots,0 overvotes,3063 undervotes), 13863 registered voters,turnout 70.38%
Tim Rosener 6403 95 65%
Write-in 291 4 35%
Ballots Cast per Contest with Precincts Page: 76 of 138
Washington County November 8, 2022 General Election 2022-12-05
All Precincts,All Districts,All Counter Groups,All ScanStations, All Contests,All Boxes 09:06:46
Official Election Results
Total Ballots Cast: 257479, Registered Voters:387173. Overall Turnout: 66.50%
City of Lake Oswego, Councilor(Vote for 3)
Precinct Ballots Reg. Total Write-in Over Under
Cast Voters Votes Votes Votes
Precinct 348 1 1 3 0 0.00% 0 0
Total 1 1 3 0 0.00% 0 0
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Ballots Cast per Contest with Precincts Page: 75 of 138
Washington County November 8, 2022 General Election 2022-12-05
All Precincts, Ail Districts,All Counter Groups, All ScanStations, All Contests,All Boxes 09:06:46
Official Election Results
Total Ballots Cast: 257479. Registered Voters: 387173. Overall Turnout: 66.50%
City of Lake Oswego, Councilor(Vote for 3)
Precinct Ballots Reg. Total Ali Afghan Katherine Lupton Write-in Write-in
Cast Voters Votes
Precinct 346 1 1 3 1 33.33% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Total 1 1 3 1 33.33% 0 0,00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
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Ballots Cast per Contest with Precincts Page: 74 of 138
Washington County November 8, 2022 General Election 2022-12-05
All Precincts, All Districts,All Counter Groups,All ScanStations,All Contests, All Boxes 09:06:46
Official Election Results
Total Ballots Cast:257479, Registered Voters: 387173, Overall Turnout: 66.50%
City of Lake Oswego, Councilor (Vote for 3)
Precinct Ballots Reg. Total Jeff Gudman Trudy Corrigan Charles Bryan John Wendland
Cast Valers Votes
Precinct 348 1 1 3 0 0.00% 1 33.33% 1 33.33°0 0 0 00%
Total 1 1 3 0 0.00% 1 33.33% 1 33.33% 0 0.00%
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Multnomah County Official Precinct Results-City of Lake Oswego Page:1 of 1
November 2022 General Election 2022-12-05
All Precincts,CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO (JT),All ScanStations,City of Lake Oswego,Councllor,All Boxes 14:26:13
Total Ballots Cast:1716
City of Lake Oswego, Councilor(Vote for 3)
Precinct Total Jeff Gudman Trudy Corrigan Charles Bryan John Wendland All Afghan Katherine Lupton Write-In Write-In Write-In Over Under
Vaiso Voles Voles
Precinct 3802 3716 650 17.49% 929 25.00% 164 4.41% 691 18.60% 681 23.71% 391 105 °1. 7 0.19% 2 0.05% 1 0.03% 12 1420
Total 3716 650 17.49% 929 25.00% 164 4.41% 691 18.60% 881 23.71% 391 10.52% 7 0.19% 2 0.05% 1 0.03% 12 1420
I certify that the votes recorded on this
abstract correctly summarize the tally of
votes cast at the.election:indicated.
Tim Scott, Director of Elections
Multnomah County, Oregon