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Agenda Item - 2023-01-19 PM (09)
McVey-Stafford Corridor Vision Study City of Lake Oswego Transportation Advisory Board Meeting I 01/19/23 e"4�Af� alta ,ji �n o �REGo,/ Agenda p ,_.. ... ---c7,..--4rit' 4,, ,,,,,,„,-,' v. w alta ,,ti o ".. ,., _,,41-10,---. .-- 'N. ---- Agenda ,,,,41'.K.,.- '44‘e-•‘'`''n 4. ' F'/ J � "^1 . r '. h ma's tie I . y _� t 4 g m<' *r ° 36 6,) 1 Introductions •r � , 2. Project Overview �, .,-- 'ti 6.r. y 3 Existing Conditions 4. Public Input ;,,�-, � , ? ♦ , 5. Alternatives Development ., 6. The TAB's Role �� �� Y5' �a I 1 1 Jot r j Y �`� 4.'R McVey-Stafford Corridor V 0RE„,71 Vision Study Project Overview alta �o 4,0 �00� S�ONARD What is the study Tys �� VAT yORF ��` I CT QO n co WEgT LAKE RDIDDLECREST MIDDLECREST rn about? pOIHT RO SHORE RD RD S Rip 0 F�GGT'S� GEwAVRD 73, � LADp � ?Q ST o= McVey-Stafford Corridor P" PALISADES •S<Q-- TERRACE DR Mt7 LAKE FRONT RD ,— T� The McVey Avenue/Stafford Road Corridor LNHUKgR��J'G\��P�AKE�TS F © MAPLEST N ST QP� 020 ASH ST w -ASH ST ASH ST Vision Study aims to identify potential street OAK TER T OAK ST w N OPTS m L U Q N- Lu U '- w Z h o Ts Syo Ty GO�\F p AS RE LAUREL ST a cY w > z improvements to efficiently move people a NELSON 20 eL�RE �� m o 0 2 CT 9�! DAP? WEIDN .n H=CEDARST cc LU O WALL ST PT O� w MCT <��2 ti SPRUCE ST Y f- HALLINAN WELLS ST- through this busy corridor and improve the m� <N _o CIR �. CO o a CY ? :::00 •LO:, Ra HELMLOCK ST °' HEMLOCK Haliinan 3>cO e,3Q IV 4- PINEST ¢oNST Elemeentary z safety for all roadway users, including those GREENTREE CIR��� Q C o p y CwaGREENTREE CIR �? �QJ PJ0 /.,a LARCH ST xoLARCHST oo \\Q`` �< ,S LH w z z 0walking, rolling, and riding. °���s � a c ,� ASPENST DEVON i '5 G� EN CT cp UPPER LN cc N 3 CHERRY CLARA p��' �`S'T DEVON LN N za LN z CT P oP 0°92� cr UppER CV\-11 H C(�4/, ,70 c 43 1,iF Z na G `�T CHERRY CIR '4> I a ? w .` 8 tfit co )(0� z pNo" �v ,«P 0 `'- QO�? Lakeridge BERGIS:RD_ OQ�.� ,�� s eHigh c /LVLAn,,_ z =OVERLOO 4 0 0.1 0.2 MILES N BLUFF DR cx\Oc'� _4 E°s , McVey-Stafford CorridorLU 0����� ',---.' Vision Study Project Overview alta Presentation to City Council Transportation Transportation What is the timeline? Advisory Board Advisory Board Meeting Meeting Online Open House 1 Online Open House (October 12) 2 (TBD) 2022 Fall 2023 Winter Spring Summer Existing Concept Preferred Conceptual Conditions Development Concept Design Report McVey-Stafford Corridor Vision Study REG .. Existing Conditions i � alta r ,, , 5ro ,40641p , , ,. T. tb. ' .. '�� • � • .. - ^— �. • • ',��I yr{ a +' _ _ �' o�w Existing Conditions it { 4 Q We've conducted an existing >, _ conditions analysis to t ,w-} `..+ r "TA 3 - 4 ,. ic x l understand how the corridor is "a.,..,.,4, 4 ,„,_.,..., t .,..„,,,, .,,, ,,,,,,,...„,„ ,, . . operating today. , Y. ......_ .._..., iTl I ll.1- s� McVey-Stafford Corridor F V �` ° Vision Study oRrooN Existing Conditions PROJECT EXTENT G `1 �`�''� (/\ VI GEro, y. u ��\,No Lakewood o�sr°NARDJ MCVEY/STAFFORD )�SyCRFRO'G`�O ¢'y�T CORRIDOR VISION ^LAKE/MIDDLEC�-- r y j STUDY PENT RD<SH0R jD �Es7-RDA -_._RA REST O i L I,.• 0e,yID�gYRO�� PVT- Neighborhood Associations pa ✓ Lake L'ADDST Oswego George What we know so far Hallinan Vey-South Swim Park Rogers Park Lakewood Goo A re �LAKE�fTRD GREENST McVey-South Shore 4,, °'99 Maple Segment 1 ti9 South Shore SCHU R /� a Street_Preschool�MAy� ��'T, Old Town / KgRTr AUSgD N�.p �El n Natural Area LN �-- c / LqK ES will r gT p MG -MAPLE ST/ _ Palisades -�Oq o2-- 12 EC rgSH:ST- cn p�l� —/ ate rER� y,Q -1 lb C Segment-2 ,,� Z ASHST ASH ST OAK:ST c�0 o N I- The McVey-Stafford Corridor is a Study Segment =o—�s�Ty aW I- X OAK ST w N _ S rW W 1 _ � z J .: '-0 tkkt ORF If Segment 3 LAUREL ST- Y-E H_� ¢ w y -2 $ ��'p _G� Smith Shore - i I J u l++ x yII m 2 ru 4z� FF�� �� Tennis Z y w-CEDARST m }o l U o G critical connection in the City s •3 my �r �wEID Couru _ �I Az Hallinan 4.0 4 ���10 WALL_IL�Q°i J MAN CT LL 2 SPRUCI:ST=0 D Creek WELLS:ST= ��ST ��0��� ,. g it ji �, Halli Open Space �5 G�a�o • QO (/��i m ��1� n, naa=HEM LOCKST� Y �HEMLOCK_Halhnan �REElVT I I a ���� �Q` �v \��� —J1PINEST o m \sT N \-E emee�ntary transportation system. It is used by © 'CIR�REE ����? (t, '/CT fir. Q—�f ��o FreepcnsPark m o "' School GREENTREE/�Q� �� 5J •U��yu. a EARCH:ST� -o LgRC HST ojr Z School Property �I G e CI/ UNNv� �� Segment-4 �I u� o z2 0 �c2Boundar Park_<°�_HILL�DR LIVIp/GOOpqs �FASPENST // DEVOMAN.= I y =! \\ many different types of travelers —City y �� �LN PFNCP '%�R APark /ornellrlUppER LN Natural p�tON'LN 3 I l=p Parks and Natural Areas ~�a Area ;11 c�. Sacred O< �E°�� �--c_-,44 F -z Palisades t. Oswego 0 'ytL/l ( F�cZi- -�-9 - Y,70 for different trip purposes, along a z Cemetery ,� ``�'�k __J R�Foq\ Lake Oswego l m co Golf Course 7-a ;Il` (rc l i range of frontage and land use Segments �,yFPJ U? V I'S� �Qo`a�� ifc- Lade hge L --BERGIS:RD Go����� dSkVLgND Lu contexts. ° �° °� ...° _OVERLOOK 2� r��I �,2DR �Q� ( ��P ..GREEN-3I /at Hazefa Field 1'BLUFF DRYS-(9j�' at Luscher Farm //II alta ©Bethlehem Luscher Farm \ 0 �z Mlles N Church Preschool \N vA Fq McVey-Stafford Corridor Vision Stud ��E�oz� y Existing Conditions PROJECT EXTENT ��`�� �� o�o�� U No Oo/�LEgNgRD MCVEY/STAFFORD �rySy ��� Sr vIEw CORRIDOR VISION �� ��FRO����Q 1.... c�� STUDY WEST LAKE MDD(ECR M�RDjREST =C powitt SyORE.RD RO Th �✓ L Roadway Functional Class 1e�\16- A�RD�ak� i'(ADD o L Local 'f'O ST George Oswego 'ogers Park What we know so far MajorCollecl F`-- Swim Park GAO PALISADES N \` r y:A�E GREEN ST ®Major Collector �QQP AERRAcEoR Ma le Street��LAKE FRONT RD McVE. AqcMinor Arterial PNei hborhood Collector SCHUKgRT���PADS Preschool � q 0 ��e g South Shore LN J`' ADES �©—MAPLE ST F y_ MAPLE ST Ellen Berge S/yy. Natu a A-�'�a�\ P0�` F��LAKE CT gSH ST—N �n� • / Resery © School `OAK_TER� o>o! J w W N _ASH:ST 5( ASH ST- 9 — OAK ST- � .T c—c..t l <� zo ovtl- h�I I i The M cVey-Stafford Corridor is School Property —0-x�_� �— -� L w z v w e n City Boundary y o� �, H 0Ty �o�F o As REL a, —wec, } a z LAUREL ST a z�J Water —oo NELSON yO\B(V�E V� I 0 m lI c om 0 —! 9! 0 '� Soutfi Shoe • ^ '�IJ designated a Minor Arterial. Parks and Natural Areas /� rCT �P MqN �P " � / `� allinan Creek wEII Tennis Courts 5 / CT 2 = HALLIN 0 en WELLS•ST=�:A—WACLST,� OO wIIII p l ANpA �� /O N f-U # CIR� Space rm a�n �� =N 0OR z _Q=HEMLOCK:STL—U p 0 2> 0- �� o a �HEMLO.CK_Hallinarl a GREENT I O QO S.IV�cmii mi Q.N PINE STr Freepons�,oz� lemgentar REEv�/Q s�J CT a �' R Park 3 o v 'sCIR�_��GREENEEciR :s �J., j �� LARCH:ST- CHS o` r' r zc < reent Q� GZ��S�� ��NG000�N q P`'�G��=ASPEN ST�� DEVON� �z' ���/ G�d'G 1.\�, SPFN.C9�, Aspen �� 3.CHERRY ��2Yy T G�Fs ParkN'LN� _0 �I = LNCLARA�p CUT ?�_ O >{�Sacred Hear . �� = UPpCNE(tFt %0Cemete 'Q _=J Oswego c v —) �'Q/z Pioneers , q�, \-CHERRY:CIR� ��Q\ iLake Oswego Ceme *" 3� S m¢ Golf Course OP/�?rwl� 18 RMpR Q�R9 CAS°J .Z T I �.a aJ s Qo HighLa ��PFO` " BERGISRD����V� �\�� SKV. 2 e g i OVEROOK DR > \\ Bethlehem Hazelia Field N 1 BLUFF DR-7.1 GREEN 3 \OG� Church at Luscher Farm *.al"'©Preschool Luscher Farm (?___i L. �\ alta oT2 Miles g ,oA , McVey-Stafford Corridor — u — � Vision Study Existing Conditions alta What we know so far Typical Minor Arterial Cross-Section The McVey-Stafford Corridor is (2014 Lake Oswego Transportation System Plan) designated a Minor Arterial. ' -williliniENNIMIJMIgZaaagi I -- i ...m..- i 4 S I 1 L 8' 1' 6' I 12' 14' I 12' 7.5' 5.5' 6' 1' Rural - 42' Urban - 39' oi E°t McVey-Stafford Corridor Vision Study ..REG�.- J Existing Conditions RIGHT OF WAY `1 �V� o�� ti OPPORTUNITIES "°R,y moo° ST�NARD_, & CONSTRAINTS Sy°RFC %����Q. VAT`"' WEST �L`AKE�ROLDDLECRE ��MIDDLECREST�q~i MCVEY/STAFFORD POtp1TRD SHORERD ���— RD ``-- _ CORRIDOR VISION �'l��ry�GEwgy Q oZ' ake ���aD Q Owego ST STUDY swim Park o What we know so far a� George Publicly �pG� �PSLISgDES Cn\ .j\ A 9 RoPark —Narrow ROW(<75') qeCQ /TERRACE DR Maple-Street FRONT RD y�!� —TSP Minor Arterial Width / SCHUKgRT �\��Pq�ISADES Preschool M�A LE ST �F 'O —Wide ROW(>80') \ / LN G-1�� LAKE CT F �p MAP_L'E ST South S QPQ �2 ASH:ST—u' "� y Natural Area O O u�V� N ASH ST SC ASH:ST— ©School OAK TER OAK�ST LUr O _v~ �!9 M PN I'� q~i o P Roa way wit is a constraint School Property — � �Qy=W=Y=- �+ �—� � S R LAUREL w z o N H W y :_.City Boundary o� ��\gN UTy G__NNc.OR ST LAUREL.ST a— =w �- } z U M Water Oo NELSON �O BLARE 1C''� South Snore I I IAll I II��m >� U o ° for most of the corridor. Steep 'ParksandNaturalAreas /y ('CT D �� T / CEDARST � J �4 I,yE1nM Tennis Courts/cc' y y ® W" Hallinan Creek AN CT _ w� ■ z HALLIN 0 en WELL'5ST- ��—WALL-ST , (9 w I I 4 rn w SP_RUCEr ST�1 N AN P II U a O N R,a rl o.I CIR I Space o v G AL U a Z =y �y� z ¢=HEMLOCKeST"I 00 i HEMLOCK�LHallinan D o a �'• O:. �.E I______ I Free ons Pa �� it QO J� IVY m= l PINEST 0 Elementary .z slopes and environmentally Q A �l ii PT �� n --�GRE`�REE'CIR��� m CT��� a� �� 1 �) ce O� N z Z e GREENTREE CIR ?�� < LARCH:ST 2 x ILARC O•cc r Z o -< `� F, /P� PJ z ENS gPEN II n coy O li ST o o z y o reentr 4� Jl sensitive areas compound the Pak GGy �tv` 00 gSFNCT��oP ASPAN�T ornell DEVONI -Z 3 CHERRY . N atural 6UPPER_EN/, g f- a = LN CLARA�p _ tiL Z G . . 3j, Area DEVON LN 3 issues presented by narrow == COswegoHeariSacred �o `°°�ti� ) _ oor... N�RRlt s Fti�O� Pioneer Cem= . O Pi Cemetery < <'QA, ` CHERRY CIR, 1 F�� aLake Oswego /)(5.- o•? 3 Fl\I 7/segments. � 1� BERGISiRD-- 0? �04 ti.. G° l/ o SAND.pR`Q OVERLOOK_cj • \\ w z Q DR Bethlehem—� Hazeliaield GREEN 3 �, ©Church at Luscher Farm U BLUFF DR�PS��00 04 , Preschool Luscher Farm , alta �0 00.� 0.2 MILES 1 F�` s ', McVey-Stafford Corridor n °._ ' Vision Study -oREG,. .. Existing Conditions PROJECT EXTENT ��`�� � J�o�� U Np Go/i LE0NARo MCVEY/STAFFORD �rySy � sr �,Ew CORRIDOR VISION �� 7�FRo����Q; c�� STUDY WEST LAKE MIDD(ECR M�RDjREST =C pO1NTRD gyOE.RD RO �✓ L Roadway Functional Class GF��ry/DG A�RD�ak� LADD o•L Local 'f'O ST George Oswego •'goers Park What we know so far MajorCollecl F` � Swim Park GAO PALISADES __uR r y:A�E GREEN ST ®Major Collector �QQP AERRACE DR Ma le Street��LAKE FRONT RD ,McVE. Aqp Minor Arterial PNei hborhood CollectorscHUKARr���Pa(Is Preschool PL q ��e g South Shore (N J`' ADES ��—MAPCEST F y_ , 'MAPLE ST Ellen Berge S/yy. �1�s' LAKECT - y Nay��Resery • Passenger vehicles are the primary © SChool NatuaASa� OAK_TER� p.),l' ASHST-W W�o<N ASHST (:si �� IiHST— �s OAK:ST J �_�!I z :It o? hSchool Property ( U °a'co z � a Z z-7J Cit Boundar �1 1, H uTy ��FE AURELLAUREL ST a Yie ~ w mode y y SD O sr I I El u < m a Water -po NELSON 20\B4I,RF G m e o c� y CT 9l\ 0 . . f Soutfi Shore 4 CEDAR:ST Parks and Natural Areas A J� �P wE/DIygN,Tennis cou s'P �� _— n uinan creek5 / CT 2 = w- HALLIN0 enWECCS ST=:�—WAGE STD O SPRUCE'STwAp• Inconsistent pe estrian, icyc e �� ,i i �r =:— cc, co E SIRSpace ri r a�n �� N C�O�'Z -Q=HEMLOCK:ST� U p0 2> _0. 0, o a �HEMLO.CK_Hallinarl a GR - a QO s 3 I mi ¢,IN�r o Frons rn. Z ElemErltar '�and transit infrastructure; feW ii ;�IREENTRE� E� ��� , �� ? a FINEST o �� �� y EE city J' o-, ( ark o: o, v z c �/ - GREEt t�? QEtJ QI� p'I Q6-N11 LARCH:ST- ko ___ o` 1 r alternative routes exist eentr �Q� Gt(`? ;iA000 ,,, /CP1-._ASPEN-ST�� �EVONi ��zl �' �'y`IG LIy.� ASPFN.0 9q, Aspen C Hell �� �� �.CHERRY ?�'''Ny T GpFs Park atural EVON'LN� 3 y �I = LN • Skewed intersections like Oak St cCTARA�°� °� Area ��NX N Sacred Hear Gnp� /"-�W_ RC\A"- f CF+ and McVeyAve maycreate Oswegoete ���UpPE Llp��/ Z Pioneer s a< <q� \_CHERRY:CIRJ FOR, LGolfake Cou se Ceme OPK+w.i1 'BERM" challenges for active a ao� �? FPR R / transportation users and drivers Lakeridgei S/.Po gERGIS!RD����V� ( f7 OVERLOOK DR LL alike. m Bethlehem Hazelia field N l'BGREENLUFF R-3 0,,, Chu�rh atLuscherFarm �5�/l ©Pre//SCh001 Luscher Farm �?___i( t, alta 0��2 Miles o McVey-Stafford Corrid or — �RE�oN Vision Study Existing Conditions PROJECT EXTENT v ��`�� �� :::_:1U Np 00A• MCVEY/STAFFORD �rySy ��� vlCORRIDOR VISION �� ��FR ���� cSTUDYWEST LAKE MIDD(ECR M�LECRpO1NTRD gyORE.RD RO �✓� Roadway Functional Class GF�\ry/D� ✓Lakl e J j LADDJ L Local f'O ST George Oswego •'ogers Park What we know so far MajorArterial F` � Swim Park GAO PALISADES \` r `p••4 GREEN ST ®Major Collector �QQP AERRACE DR Ma le Street��EAKE FRONT RD ,McVE. A'4p Minor Arterial P Neighborhood Collector V scHUK 1-72, PAos PreschPLq �eg South Shore (N J`' ADES ��—MAPCEST F:LARci-r- _ MAPLE ST Ellen Berge Ti,`_���� LAKE CT Nay��Reserv• Crossing and turning movements at © NatuaA-�'�a.\ 0 o �ASHST—W o<N N pSHST—(�� ASH:ST— School `OAK-TER ��~ Z �' - 1I 9�s OAK:ST I cn o00 h School Property ( � �,ce z �fir✓ N=Z''Clt BOUndar �7 SOUTH ��FE AUREL LAUREL S Yuma ~ wCornell St and McVey Ave are y y _pp� <2 StioR CD O ST cy w w > Q�JWater o NELSON O\B(I, E 0 I U1 m ll o oc�y al 9l\ D ? 11jSoutr Shore :CEDATParks and Natural Areas �2l' •F �� am�n creek/ oJ� Ois Fi. WE1DIyAN,CTnis Courts �i22 w- ' HALLIN 0 en WELLS ST, :A—WALL;ST� O �, SPRUCEw AN pe a enging �� �i oo /N�U E CIR S ace c)P =rm a�n ���'�=N C�O�':Z ,.Q=HEMLOCKST� UO2> �.- �� oa ,_HEMLO.CK_Hallinan a• GR -�-4 a QO S 3U mi 4'IN�r Freepons�n.¢ZElemErltarFuture developments. RaSSekh ;CIREENTRE\E���� , �T �� ? IPINEST �cez yCIR�CQ J' o73 2< Park o: o, v fr?z c- GREENT� 0� se-vJ� j/ � Q- i LARCH:ST= o ST o` c�; ri- reentr 0Q- 6.� G D; ASP ASPENST� C .,,zq DEVONI F-: Z.C. t-' Park, Lake Oswego Recreation & �� ��5. ,N oo 1- % ��, �' J _: � _ �� �/ G���G,�tiy% EN T �jQFy, APark spen i atural EN -x �� -= CHERRY LUPPER_ / p A ' Aquatic Center ,...,,A_________,,,_.,___ rO� Area DEVON)C{�� �3\ C Sacred Hear , Ccp� �w I c�J RCNERRV LN �Fy • _ zz Oswego c ���UPP>E Lip�'Q/F Existing path multi use path z Pioneer al y„, �CHERRYCIRJ 6Q\ Lake Oswego Course Ceme 0%+wi r�z 'BEFZMO (\C connects residential areas toa0� �? FPR R �/ Lakeridge High, recreational areas Highridge S/.Po gERGIS!RD����V� %/ SSE 2 © / ANDOR_o OVERLOOK DR ° z ,....5. \\ Bethlehem Hazelia field N l'BGREEN DR-3 0 Church at Luscher Farm FAS�/ ©Pre//SCh001 Luscher Farm (?___i( V alta 0��2 Miles ,4'-A Fq McVey-Stafford Corridor — VoR„o. Vision Study Public Input Map 1. � , j alta ,p ;--_ GFrSrARiED 1 PROJECfW®91E 1 m°en,, .. _____ We ve gathered PublicL'H 3 ¢a` u, rAHC1ii-w' ® CLCt ,W , Input (October 2022) How do you get $K ,0°e0.9.R*e.p around?How would ! 'Jns, a you like to get around? O �°°"` 0® -""E A "",els, Nat:: -OSW EGO Q..�. \ O� C� l9 i LIINAN How do you get around? How would ° waKs, v I • �Stepl�Click the buttons below to add � �� locations that you travel to. =k sr you like to get around? �� �,o I like to go here Legend >� GL MORRIE o v USER COMMENTS Rtl 5a 5 Cheery Ln °mF° u Greentrea G,� �ti ro Barriers aaRsaaIwma r._ oM [Step 21 Click on any location along the �en�eesrn°°i �. ;'' ''a mnRrLRURs • corridor marked in purple to leave a Q 11\ Destinations ..-.-.- --_. o, ,s;. • How can the street be made comment about this section of the corridor EnsnMD .. Q� '~. f'.,6<E ES c,„,„eal R, �Y7' E'',Bike Lanes r+ ,,- - a safer/more comfortable? Previous Next , B°° ° ,� „9etw \ m,ry,ne„ E,,Project Corridor C.] ¢, — C1 Lake Oswego * 0 - E',Sidewalks a a ws,eer• ia. • How can we make it easier for more STYLE — ParR srREeT Q.-. ;: sa°se,, people to get where they need to go? E— v �° ``4 • x Q x By Philip Longenecker • What are challenges and barriers that .hard to cross the street here" fsades Place people face when trying to get around, to or through McVey Ave/Stafford Rd? 4 Likes O Dislikes Like Dislike Comments Palisades Marketplace ,',4 _ McVey-Stafford Corridor .oREC!N,%' Vision Study Public Input Summary alta What we heard • Over 325 comments and likes • McVey is a major barrier for people trying to cross to get to George Rogers, Freepons - `"r` Park, and Hallinan Elementary. h _ ., • Turning left or right out of any of the x 9)11pprs Bp , skewed intersections onto McVey is a major - y _ .«m- Vic, �I'1 -- #`. .'" 'c source of concern. - - Al a ,;,II r 1 • Poor sightlines (notably utility poles) make --- turns challenging for drivers, even more ( - challenging for people walking and biking. �: • There is a desire for pedestrian and biking options on both sides of the road. • (continued on next slide) Public Input Summary . � y� a ,4 ; j * _ A._ - \ alta What we heard yak r 7 • People want sidewalks and safe bicycle p ,. .. - . F `° y �$ facilities so they can walk and bike to the �;,f, ;: ., , _. _, parks, downtown, and local amenities. People feel unsafe walking and biking so they drive. , /y t ,, Ri, s } 'sue' y . • North bound right turns onto South , _� g�; X ;i Shore from McVey are difficult and often v" 3� � 0 'r. v 1 backed up. ,,...r,_ : • Speeding is a major concern, as is _ "� - tli vegetation clearance. • Turning onto Stafford from streets like 7 - ,, Bergis on the S/SE side is a source of al concern. \ v • Crossing Stafford is a concern for _ Y 'y„ rYF pedestrians, especially students, walking fl4 � y i -` to and from the High School. __ i - _ Alternatives Development alta What's next? ""-Sey merit aver Lanes w/B'ke Lanes ^* Sgnent3A.3 to l TravelLanes with North Sde 3,19 Continued iroaTrave LaneswtM1 Pretested to Snarrow ----:57,4 ,_ ... Concept Development h ri•Ir,' F.;1• ,,t' ,, -...7,,"' ,gm.nt3A.3 tot Travel Lanesto/BikOLares 4tn 3Trave Laneswtn Prntechd to,- rB ketones • Currently developing design concepts Seymen 3B 7tn r/5 ar n TravelWrote Shared Path to Narrow Snare (North Solo `, A"+� S yment 3.3 o3Trel z Prnted,n5,arrnwL ro3 based on public input, constraints and opportunities highlighted in existingy ` > > � - _ - zto 3Trave Lan mwme step n pwre Pam :34.conditions analysis SbrS'?--V,,, Complete Street with Protected Bk lanes j5 dreindve southeast sidewalk and buffer it width is 48') £,, � N No w t - N „4B e. - t 0 • The next public open house (March) will Complete Street with North Side SUP(SE assLmed southeast sidewalk and buffer if Widths 485 Fh feature these corridor design alternatives ................ ..... .......... -- licireitio.r,riit,ii1 ' North Side PBllda'assumed)� t..'"- t t 4 d°- 7 k 5 m •' f d `y" 'e • We will come back to TAB to discuss F these alternatives in the Spring x "- - - Minimal Street with North Side Facilities.34'assumed) "'F At I.t 4"^^' _ or t .a rs-t ------------------------------- - --- o rn 610 960 'AO tbaau3BBBT 0raL .1169v,v t Questions ? For more information : Visit : Email :