BFR Affordable Housing FAQ w-Maps 01-25-23 PP 21-0002 E 0 arm PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES .rr% O �REGOta BOONES FERRY ROAD (LAKE GROVE) AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT FAQ SHEET (IN PARTNERSHIP WITH METRO & THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY) Metro has released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ)to solicit partners for the development of a multi- family affordable housing development project in the West Lake Grove (WLG) Design District in the City of Lake Oswego. In anticipation of public requests for information about the site and applicable development regulations,the City of Lake Oswego's Planning Department has put together a brief "Frequently Asked Questions" sheet to provide high-level guidance to potential partners. Here is a link to the City's online code: https://www.codepublishing.com/OR/LakeOswego/. SITE INFORMATION Addresses 16719 Boones Ferry Rd. (BFR); 16731 BFR; 16745 BFR; 16759 BFR; 5126 West Sunset Dr.; and, 5110 West Sunset Dr. Tax Lot Information 21E07DC07200; 21E07DC09200; 21E07DC09100; 21E07DC09000; 21E07DC07400; 21E07DC07300 Combined Site Area ^' 1.17 acres in size (after ROW dedication) Frontages BFR (an arterial) and West Sunset Dr. (a local street) Zoning West Lake Grove—Office Commercial (WLG-OC). WLG OC-ZONE DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS [LOC & LOC Figure 50.05.005-J1 See Conceptual Site Plan on page 3, below. Lot Coverage No min/max(see required landscaping/open space set asides, below) Floor Area No min/max Maximum Height • 35 feet for structures within 150 feet of residential zones. for Affordable • Structures more than 150 feet from residential zones: Housing Project — Roof Forms: 40 feet — Wall/Gutter: 30 feet • Roof form may be used for additional floor area with dormers Setbacks by • BFR: 6 feet from back of public pathway for a portion of frontage Frontage • West Sunset Dr.: 10 feet for a portion of frontage • West Property Line: 15 feet where site abuts residential Build-To Lines • At least 50%of building footprint must be located at build-to line • West Sunset Dr./BFR intersection: 0 feet • West Sunset Dr.: 15 feet for same portion of frontage with 10-foot setback Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-635-0290 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY WLG DESIGN DISTRICT-SITE& BUILDING DESIGN [LOC 50.05.0051 See Preliminary ROW Map on page 4, below. Two Approval Track Discretionary Track [LOC 50.05.005, Subsections 1-6] Options Clear&Objective Track [LOC 50.05.005, Subsection 9; LOC] ROW • Applies to both approval tracks Improvements • Discretionary Track LOC Figure references included for informational purposes. See also attached ROW Map with preliminary dimensions. • Intersection realignment per Figure 50.05.005-B not required • ROW dedication along all frontages for sidewalks/pathways/planting strips and turn lane from West Sunset Dr.to BFR (see ROW Map, Figure 50.05.005-C-C, & Figure 50.05.005-E) • Public sidewalks along street frontages, ranging from 10-12.5 feet in width, including a 5-foot planting strip back of curb • BFR sidewalk transitions to 8-foot meandering public pathway in 10-foot easement along southerly portion (see ROW Map& Figure 50.05.005-G) • Street trees in 5-foot planting strip (spacing as appropriate to species) • Street lights along ROW and furniture _ Access&Circulation • Applies to both approval tracks • Primary Access Point: West Sunset Dr. • Secondary Access Point: Ingress only along BFR frontage • On-site circulation to allow for future connectivity to abutting property to west(Figure 50.05.005-C) Parking • Applies to both approval tracks • Standards for surface lots: — Parking required per RFQ and Americans w/ Disabilities Act; no City code-required parking for affordable housing per OAR 660-012-0430. — No more than 8 spaces per parking bay — 10-foot separation from all structures — 5-foot landscape buffer when abutting walkways, sidewalks, & street — 15-foot landscape buffer required along abutting residential zone Landscaping/Open • Applies to both approval tracks (40%total combined) Space Set Asides • 20% Landscaping set aside (may include areas of hardscape, like a plaza) • 20% Open Space set aside Tree Preservation • Applies to both approval tracks • Preserve substantial trees by incorporating them into the site design where practicable • Subject to Type II Tree Removal criteria (see LOC 55.08.020] • 3" caliper mitigation trees required Required • Discretionary Track: Primarily English Country/Cottage w/elements from Architectural Style Arts &Crafts, English Tudor, or American Rustic • Clear&Objective Track:Arts&Crafts, English Tudor, or Oregon Rustic 2 ZGF CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN N. .. y 10'MIN.SETBACK �� i' � I � � O' UILD-TO LINE — _ o iA u. 15'BUILD-TO LINE # . 1 i ct 1JA 1 CO FJ� �```� f.0O\ J y O�V r� f t 1 Z 1 �• J J/ { I N I _ / f / J r'T " f' J / r / r / / J/ J / l 1/ a.V4 ..+ / ///7/. .1.d i / i•, ! ..... r rt J // /- / /r/ /• r / I / / • -,'' ... 4Py r fir / f /J / / ! 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