Approved Minutes - 1975-11-05 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MINUTES- November ,5, 1975
IIIThe November 5, 7975 Design Review Board meeting was called to
order by Chairman Don Puderbaugh. Board members Evans, Marquis,
Mitchell, Nieland and Stark were present. Staff members in atten-
dance were Marlin Dellaas, Bob Yakas and Joyce Kazala.
The minutes of the October 22, 1975 meeting were approved as mailed.
Street Study (Steve Schenk) A presentation by Planning Commissioner
Steve Schenk of the Street Study prepared by a sub-committee of the
Planning Commission.
Commissioner Schenk said the report was prepared to provide general
guidance to the city staff in preparation; of the dotailed review
of the street study. The report, he continued, is the Planning Com-
mission position statement. Commissioner Schenk also told the Board
that no formal action was taken by the ,Planning Commission in for-
warding the report to the Design Review Board, but comments would
be welcome.
The comment was made by Commissioner Schenk that Lake Oswego has
a character which is desirable to maintain, and that the narrow
111 winding streets contribute to that character. It was his feeling
that road standards should be flexible, based upon terrain, amount
of traffic and existing setbacks.
He told the Board that the miles per hour indicated on the circula-
tion plan had been deleted from the study.
Commissioner Bill Gerber felt there was some need to take the heavy
traffic out of the•lake area, which resulted in the development of
the Planning Commission circulation plan.
Commissioner Schenk said there was no need for any formal action
to be taken by the Board regarding the street study.
Chairman Puderbaugh commended the effort of the Planning Commission
Sub-committee in the preparation of the report.
Hope Church Introduction of a preliminary concept for Hope Church,
at Twin Fir and, Boones Ferry Roads.
Bob 'Takes told the Board that the architect for Hope Church wished
to present a preliminary plan in order to obtain comments on the
general concept.
Design Review Board Minutes - 2 - November 5, 197.5
Don Wallace, architect, indicated on the plan what the intentions
were regarding the proposed structure.
General comments of the Design Review Board were favorable.
TC 116-75 (Continental Forest Products) - A tree cutting applica.
tion to allow the removal of seven (7) trees for the construction
of an office building, on tax lots 9500 and 9600 of tax map 2 1E
3DC (Third Street, 105 feet north of Evergreen Road) .
The staff report was presented by Mr. Yakas, who stated that the
tree cutting approval had been overlooked when the design review
was approved.
Tony Marquis made a motion that the tree cutting application be
approved. The motion was seconded by Dave Evans and passed with
Hugh Mitchell abstaining.
DR 7-75 (Mal McMinn) A design review request by Mal McMinn to
allow the construction of four duplex units, and ,a tree cutting
application to allow the removal of six (6) trees, on tax lot )00
of tax map 2 1E 8BA (Boones Ferry Road, approximately .320 feet
south of Twin Fir Road) .
Mr. Yakas presented the staff report, exhibits and showed slides
of the site. He recommended approval of the fJnal plan.
Marlin DeHaas gave background information on the site.
The public hearing opened and. Charles Dahlen, architect, spoke as
proponent. He told the Board that although no back patios were
shown on the plan, space was available to allow construction. He
then presented a supplemental plan showing the required single
22-foot wide driveway (exhibit "C", page 5) , rather than two 10-
foot wide driveways with planter strips, as indicated on the
original plan.
Mal McMinn discussed the landscape plans and indicated plant types
chosen for the project.
Mr. Marquis questioned the amount of exposed concrete in the area
of the stairways and was told that plantings were chosen to cover
those areas.
Doug Staples, 14863 Twin Fir Court, asked why he had not been noti-
fied. The procedure was explained to him. (owner of record according
to tax assessor's records currently in Planning Department) . He
then requested that additional plantings be required at the rear
I li
Design Review Board Minutes - 3 - November 5, 1975
111 of the site as a buffer between his residence and the duplexes.
The public hearing was closed.
Mr. Mitchell said that additional plantings were needed around the
Mr. DeHaas explained that 21 replacement trees are part of the
landscaping` plan. These trees were designated on the preliminary
plat of the subdivision. He told the Board these trues were re-
quired to replace trees which had been cut.
Chairman Puderbaugh suggested that trees be added 'behind the two
story structure.
Chairman Puderbaugh made a motion that the final application be
approved with the following conditions:
1) Redesign the driveway as shown on exhibit "Co, page ,5, to make
provisions for a planting area directly to the west of the concrete
wall between the garage doors, and eliminate the narrow planting
strip that extends out to the street. Minimum size for the plant-
ing area shall be eight feet by eight feet (81 x 81) . This would
apply to the three Type I units.
2) The Bar Harbor juniper be extended around the stairs to the
entrance .patio on both sides, at four to five feet on center.
3) The northernmost lot, the southern half, have two additional
flowering trees approximately six feet tall added on either side of
the proposed flowering plum.
Mr. Evans asked about the schedule for completion of the project
and was told that the only date stated was 1976.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Stark and passed with Mr. Evans
voting in opposition.
The motion to approve the tree cutting application was made by Mr.
Stark and seconded by Mr. Evans. The motion passed unanimously.
Variance Requirements - Discussion of the four points of hardship
with regard to possible modifications of existing code requirements.
Kirk Nieland said an attempt was made to include suggestions made
by Board members.
Mr. DeHaas presented a statement to the Board regarding Public
Design Review Board Minutes - 4 - November 5, 1975
Works comments.
Mr. Mitchell spoke in favor of requirements as presented by Messrs.
Nieland and Marquis.
Mr. Stark felt the requirements comprised the wishes of the Board.
Mr. Evans felt the requirements were a consensus of thoughts.
Mr. DeHaas felt the words "applied criteria" should not replace
the words "attached conditions". It was his opinion that the Board
would not be able to attach conditions With the now wording.
Mr. Marquis felt the wording did not deny the Board attaching con
Mr. Nieland said the intent of the present wording was to allow a
little more latitude in making decisions.
Chairman Puderbaugh commented that t1e variance requirements, as
written, would not allow approval of any application because the
four points of hardship could not be met.
Mr. Evans felt that the variance requirements should be forwarded
to the Planning Commission, together with the Public Works and
Planning statements, for comment. 111
Mr. Nieland made a motion that the statements be forwarded to the
Planning Commission for evaluation and comments. This information
should be returned to the Design Review Board by the first meeting
in January 1976. The motion was seconded by Mr. Evans and passed
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectful submitted,
,..,, ,,
J e Kazala, Secretary
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Design Review Board