Approved Minutes - 1976-02-18 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING February 1B, 1976
The February 18, 1976 meeting of the Lake Oswego Design Review Board was called
to order by Chairman Tony Marquis. Board members present were Dave Evans, Glenn
Chi'cote, Hugh Mitchell, Kirk Nieland, Don puderbaugh and Bob Stark. Staff members
in attendance were Gary Bradshaw, 'Bob Yakas and Joyce Kazala.
Joyce Kazala informed the Board conditions for approval had been eliminated from
the minutes of .January 21, 1976 and February 4, 1976 as follows:
Carter's Market (DR 11-76) - January 21, 1976
6) The property owner replace the existing asphaltic sidewalk along Lower Boones
Ferry Road with a Portland Cement concrete sidewalk. In recent years, all develop
manta along Lower Boones Ferry Road have been required to replace the existing
asphaltic sidewalk.
Carter's Market (DR 10-76) - February 4, 1976
11) That additional right-of-way on Bryant Road be dedicated to the City because
of the demonstrated need for improvement (widening) of said roadway and the fact
that the property in question is used for employee off-street parking and truck
access for delivery purposes thereby creating a need for safer access to the sits
in question.
12) That the applicant be asked to provide an extruded curb or other equivalent
facility along the south edge of the parking lot so that all, the drainage could
1. be brought to Bryant Road.
The minutes were approved as amended.
Dennis O'Neil, 641 Sixth, questioned the deletion of the word "all" regarding the
meeting of the variance requirements. He was told by Chairman Marquis that' the
word was eliminated purposely because of the need for Flexibility within the re-
'JAf 29 75 , Rev Simonson) - Adoption of findings of fact for the approval of VAR 29-
75 (Ray Simonson).
After discussion among -Board members the following changes were made to the motion,
as stated in the report dated February 18, 1976:
2) Restate as it appeared in the minutes of the 'robruary 4 meeting: "That the use
on lot 9 be restricted to single-Fa(uily so long as the need for the variance exists.
4) Eliminate.
5) Make following addition: "...improvement of those two streets, including side-
111 walks and two street trees, be eubmitted”by the applicant."
Design Review Board Meeting - 2 February 18, 1976.
A motion was made by Bob Stark to grant the' variance based on the adopted findings I
of fact. The motion was seconded by Hugh Mitchell and passed with Don Pudorbaugh
abstaining because he was not present at the hearing. Chairman Marquis voted, in
DR 12-75 (Shelter Properties) - A request by Shelter Properties Corporation to allow
the construction of a 16-unit apartment complex and a tree cutting application
(TC 127-75) to allow the removal of 61 trees on tax lots 1500, 1600 and a portion
of 900 of tax map 2 lE BCB (Oak Ridge and Quarry Roads).
The staff report, exhibits and slides were presented by Bob Yakos. Recommendation
was for denial of, the request.
Gary Bradshaw presented the report for Department of Public Worka. He told the
Board that no building permit could be issued until provision had been made for
the public storm, sewer to the site.
Mr. 'lakes then presented two alternatives (Exhibit "Cr!) indicating that relocation
of buildings could save more trees, but mentioned that economics were not considered
during preparation of these alternatives.
The hearing Was then opened to the public and Gary Buford, Consulting Engineer
representing the applicant, spoke as proponent. He gave the Board background in
formation regarding the zone change which had been approved by the Planning Com-
mission. He also told the Board a minor partitioning request was going to be
presented to the Planning Commission,in the near future, for property located on
the corner of Oak Ridge and Quarry Roads (tax lot 900 of tax map 2 IC BC@).
fir. Buford commented that 14 trees would remain on the site if the tree cutting
application were approved.
Concern was expressed by Mr. Buford regarding the requirement that provision be
made for the storm sewer prior to issuance of the building permit. He told the
Board this had not been discussed at the time Shelter Properties agreed to the
conditions recommended by Public Works. He asked that the Board approve a dry
well system until such time as street improvements are made. Otherwise, fir.
Buford continued, the cost to his client would be prohibitive and possibly cause
abandonment of the project.
Ken Gephart, representing Dale Haller Professional Engineer, felt the recommended
alternatives would eliminate the intended low profile along Oak Ridge. He also said
that any new design would need to accommodate emergency vehicles, which didn't seem
to be evident in the alternatives presented. He did say, however, there was a
willingness to change the landscaping to include lawn.
In ens question to a question from Mr. Puderbaugh, Mr. Gephart said that residents of the
complex would be primarily couples or couples with one child,
fir. Gephart told
the Board what choices were made for exterior materials and co1ora1
Design Review Board Meeting 3 - February 18, 1976
No one spoke in opposition to the request, but .Iona Hay, 4255 Oak Ridge, expressed
concern over the possible formation of an L.I.D. for street improvements. Bhe is_
opposed to curbs, sidewalks, etc. , which take away the rural appearance.
Jim Wiggins, 140 Berwick, Purchaser of the residence on the corner of Oak Ridge
and Quarry Roads said he was unaware of the proposed street improvements which
would reduce the front and side yards of the property.
In answer to a question from the Board, Mr. Bradshaw said that L.I.D.a and formed
by petition of property owners representing 51% or more of the property to be in-
cluded within the district, or the City Council can initiate an L.I.D. if the need
has been indicated. Ho also said that if two-thirds of the area's residents remon-
strated against the L.I.D., a unanimous vote by the Council could still approve
such a District.
Bob Stark said that if the Board approved the conditions abated` by the Department
of Public Works, it would, in essence, be approving the L.I.O.
Mr. Buford requested that the Board consider the possibility of an interim dry
well. He commented that the proposed project was not designed with the street
improvements, in mind.
The public hearing closed.
Mr. Bradshaw asked that the Board refer to LOC 50.870(5) which discusses surface
water drainage. He said that although he felt the dry well could work on a short
term basis, it was not, recommended.
Glenn Chilcote told the Board that when stands of Douglas Firs are disturbed, the
remaining trees have a tendency to blow over more easily.
Mr. Pudarbaugh felt the proposed development Was too dense for the property, and
the existing landscaping should be considered. He referred to LOC 50.870(1),
Relation of Building to Site.
fhr. Stark made a motion to deny the application, Which was seconded by Mr. 'Chilcote.
Mr. Evans stated he would vote in opposition to this motion because there were no
findings of fact to substantiate the denial.
Mr. Evans then moved that the motion be sugject to findings of Fact to be reviewed
and adopted at the next meeting, with the appeal period beginning at that time.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Stark and passed unanimously.
After further discussion, the Board decided to adopt findings of fact at this meet-
A motion was made by Hugh Mitchell that the request be denied and the following
findings of fact be adopted:
l) The combination of building and parking coverage of 70% is excessive due to
the peculiarities of the site.
2) This application requires excessive removal of existing trees, and substanti-
ally endangers the life of the remaining trees.
Design Review Board Meeting - 4 February 18, 1976
3) This application is not in conformance with Ordinance 1593 (13), adopted et
the time of City Council approval of the Zone Change for this property.
4) This application is contrary to LOC 50.8D6(1), (3) and (4).
5) Approval of this application would fail to enhance aesthetic values and 'to
assure development which is suitably related to its environment as stated In LOC
6) Approval of this application would result in an undesirable► parcel for a single-
family residence at the corner of Oak Ridge and Quarry Roads.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Stark and passed unanimously.
Fee Schedule - Adoption of design review fee schedule and recommendation to be
forwarded to City Council.
The recommendation for the revised fee schedule was signed by Chairman Marquis
and will be forwarded to City Council for consideration.
memo of January 14, 1976 - Discussion of Design Review Ordinance modifications.
Mr. Yakas discussed modification of the Ordinance with Board members. The commonts
made by members ware noted by staff.
Mr. Yakas also discussed the present public hearing procedure and possible solutions
which could assist the Council when reading testimony on an appealed hearing.
Variance Requirements - Discussion of revised variance requirements.
Kirk Nisland made a motion that the recommended revised variance requirements be
forwarded to City Council for consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stark
and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Respectfu y submitted,
ice Razala,. Secretary
Design Review Board