Approved Minutes - 1978-07-05 DESIGN REViE,W BOARD MEETING JULY 5, 1978 liP The Design Review Board meeting of July 5, 1978 was called to order by Chairman r Kirk Nieland. board members present were: Ken Mueller, Bob Perron and Gary Rittenhouse. Staff members present were: Ralph Tehran, Planner II ; Alex Arseniev, Assistant City Engineer and Nancy Bryan, Secretary. Minutes of the Design Review Board meeting of June 21 , 1978 meeting were approved as presented' UNFINISHED BUSINESS DR 8-78 (B & D Lake Grove) Kirk Nieland mentioned that the voting on this project was questioned at the last meeting. Kirk read from the City Attorney's opinion which said that with only four members of the Board present and voting, the vote must be 4-0 to pass a motion. A copy of the City Attorneys opinion had been sent to the applicant and the applicant in turn had filed an appeal on this item, PUBLIC HEARINGS SV 3-78 (Lake Oswego Assembly of God Church) - A request by Lake Oswego Assembly of God Church for a variance to allow a wood sign of 22 square feet on a conditional use property at the church location at 17555 Bryant Road. The existing sign code does not allow wood signs and sets a limitation of 6 square feet for signs in a con- ditional use (tax lots 9300, 9400 of tax map 2 1E: 18AD) Ralph Tehran read the staff report and presented the exhibits. Staff recommended approval of the variance request. It was brought out that the sign would be double faced, so the square footage should be identified as 44 square feet or 22 square feet per side. Ralph read a letter of opposition to the sign variance from Edward Turner, property owner of IL 6900, 2 lE 17BC. Ralph did mention that this owner would only see the end of the sign. Edgar Kline, nearby property owner of the nursery, spoke in opposition to the sign. He didn' t want to see a large sign on the property. There was a discussion on the size of the sign, the support posts, the lettering, etc. Pastor Mindt representing the L.O. Assembly of God Church said the sign would be installed 10 feet back of the property line and would be lighted with flood lights. The 9 foot post would be set 3 feet in the ground, so the total height would be 6 feet. Kirk Nieland mentioned that the overall length of the sign including the support posts Was 8 feet. Bob Perron moved for approval of SV 3-78 as submitted. Gary Rittenhouse seconded liP the motion. Voting in favor of the motion were: Bob Perron, Gary Rittenhouse and Ken Mueller. Voting in opposition was Kirk Nieland. The motion failed. Design Review Board Meeting -2- July 5, 1978 4 After a brief discussion, Kirk Nieland moved for approval of SV 3-78 with the following condition: The width of the sign as indicated at 72" plus support structure on Exhibit "B" not be allowed to exceed the overall width of 6 feet outside pole to outside pole. Bob Perron seconded the motion. Voting in favor were: Kirk Nieland, Bob Perron , Gary Rittenhouse and Ken Mueller. No opposition. VAR 10-78 (P. C. Hannum) - A request by P. C. Hannum for a variance to allow remodeling to extend 4 feet in a side-yard setback in an R-7.5 Zone at 2812 Lakeview Blvd. The structure would be a continuation of an existing one-foot side yard setback (tax lot 4600 of tax map 2 lE 8DA) . Kirk Nieland went on record as disqualifying himself from voting On this item because of his prior knowledge of the problems on this site. As that Would only leave three members voting, one or more of the Board members absent steed to render a vote based upon listening to the tapes of the hearing. Staff report and exhibits were presented by Ralph Tehran. Staff recommended approval of the variance conditioned upon meeting the Building Department's request to remove the illegal chain link fence. Kirk Nieland asked why the approval of the Building Department was conditioned upon the fence removal . Wasn' t this a matter to be taken up separately? It was brought up by one of the Board members that it didn' t seem like the right place to decide Amh what would be decided in court. Ralph mentioned that the chain link fence is in the public right-of-way. The neighbors have taken their portion of the fence down. The Board members indicated the two items should be separated. Craig Hannum, applicant of 2812 Lakeview Blvd. gave some background on the residence and explained what he wanted to do, Ralph explained the applicant was asking to Continue the existing line of the building for another 6 feet. Ed Murphy, attorney for the Moshofskys, spoke in opposition to the request unless the chain link fence was removed, Mr. Murphy entered Exhibit "F", a letter written by the Building Official in January of 1978 referring to the illegal chain link fence Mr. Murphy said that Moshofskys have removed their portion of the fence. He felt this Board had the authority to request this matter be taken care of before the variance request be granted. Edquestioned Kirkn as to whyhe was not goingto vote on this item Murphy Nieland py , but chose to participate in the discussion. Kirk said he was not going to vote on the item because of long time friendship with the applicant and prior knowledge of this entire matter. Gary Rittenhouse asked the applicant to explain why the chain link fence was still up. Glenn Prohaska, attorney for the applicant, said the fence was in violation accordi•° ►-o the City Attorney. If it was, it would be up to the City Attorney to purs law suit to require that It be taken down. Design Review Board Meeting -3- July 5, 1978 411 Ken Mueller moved for approval of VAR 10-78 with the suggestion that we not act upon the issue of the chain link fence. It is an issue that has been instituted by the 1 City Attorney and will be brought about by the City. The motion was seconded, (;F Voting in favor were: Ken Mueller, Gary Rittenhouse and Bob Perron, Kirk Nieland abstained from voting, Findings of Pact This project was found to be in compliance with LOC 50.510 sections (1 ) and (3) . Cary Rittenhouse brought up the fact that one or more of the members of the Board mus; listen to that portion of the tape and then cast their vote on this items OR 23-78 (Herb Miller Construction Company) - A request by Herb Miller Construction Company for a preliminary design review to allow construction of 21 single-family attached units in a zero lot line subdivision in the Mountain Park PUD, south and west of Kerr Parkway and immediately north of the Kerr Road Subdivision (Block 10, Mt, Park No, 9; tax lots 5800 and 5900, 2 1E 5AC Supplemental, Ralph Tehran read the staff report and presented the exhibits. Staff recommended approval . Burton Goodrich, architect for the applicant, spoke. He explained the project-- they have tried to have the units look like one large house. The slope on each site 41 and the easements pretty much dictate where the residences can be located. The unit; are all different but use similar materials. The siding would be rough sawn horizontal and vertical cedar bevel siding. It was suggested that the applicant check with Mt. Park to determine which fire zone the project was in and what materials could be r' used for roofing. Burton submitted Exhibit' "G", letter of approval from Mt, Park Corporation. Ken Mueller asked about the location of the trees and the sizes. He would like to have an accurate accounting of the trees on the various lots. Alex Arsenlev said Public Works would like to have the trees located accurately because of the very rough terrain with a number of cuts and fills plus show the. elevations of the grades. Indicate how the drainage would be taken care of. Alex said the lights would be on a public street and so they must meet the City's standards. Burton Goodrich said that most of the lots will drain into the streets; until the information on the grades comes in, they cannot give that information definitely. Kirk Nieland went through the requirements of LOC 50.880 for preliminary approval . 4. Hose bibs would be installed on each individual site. Ken Mueller moved for preliminary approval of DR 23-78 with the following conditions; 1 , On the final plans, supply accurate location and diameter determination of the IItrees 5" and larger. 2'. Lighting be cleared with the City as to sufficiency of the low level lighting., Design Review Board Meeting -4 July 5, 1978 4 3. Drainage plan be part of the final plans as weil as the grading andretainingr 9 �J . walls be defined as to their location and size. 4. Establish the grades on the sites Bob Perron seconded the motion. Voting in favor were: Ken Mueller, Bob Perron, Kirk Nieland and Gary Rittenhouse. There was no opposition. DR 24-78 (Richard Raudy) A request by Richard Raudy for a preliminary design review to allow construction of a car wash behind the Shell Station fronting on Boones Ferry Road, 16000 Boones Ferry Rd. (tax lot 4300 of tax map 2 lE 8Cb) . Staff report and exhibits were presented by Ralph Tehran. Staff recommended approval if all the conditions set forth in the staff report could be met and substantial plant materials installed et the start of the project, Exhibit rr11 ', proposed sign was submitted. Ken Mueller asked about the rear access project in this area and was told that nothing was being done at this time, Various points in the staff report were discussed. The relocation of the fire hydrant and power pole. Ken Mueller asked if Public Works would request a settling basin to extract oil from the drainage. Alex explained the storm drainage of the site. The applican needs an easement from the back of his site to get rid of the storm drainage. Howard Smith, representing Shell Oil , addressed the items `listed in the staff report. 1 They determined that based on their information, that nine cars will be brought to the car wash per hour. 2, They have tried to match the existing building only on the front side. The other three sides of the car wash will be metal . 3. Applicant will have to check with DEQ for their noise standards. 4. Howard submitted Exhibit "H", existing grading plan. The street center line was 30 feet from the existing property line. S. 100% total reclaim system which will give total use of the wash water. Connection to the storm sewer will only be used as an emergency system,' 6. The applicant would like to use dry wells for surface drainage. If this is not allowed, they would make provisions to tie into the storm sewer on Boones Ferry. Darrell Robinson and Dick Hollingsworth with Shell 0ii spoke. Mr. Hollingsworth discussed the 15-foot easement on the east side of the property. The easement gives the owner of TL 44O0 access to get to his lot. 1111 7. Suggested the applicant talk with the owner of IL 4200 about a shared driveway, Design Review Board Meetinrr -5- July 5, 1978 S8. Howard Smith talked about the conditional use granted in 1963 regarding the dedication of right-of-way on Booties Ferry. To give the City a 10 foot right of-way at this time would mean that one of the existing pump islands would have to be given up. 9. a. Any- reduction of lot size because of sidewalk would seriously hamper the owner. d. They could plant the trees as per request. 10. They will try to get in touch with the current property owner regarding a shared driveway. 12, They would use the same sign frame and redesign the sign to include a car wash sign. The District Manager for Shell Oil Co. spoke and expressed his feelings about the staff report. Dick Raudy, applicant of 16000 Booties Ferry, discussed his project. Jim Smith, owner of the hardware store next door spoke, Mr. Smith Said they were concerned about the water drainage both from the car wash and the surface drainage He also was concerned about the widening of Booties Ferry and what that would do to his parking area. 41) Bob Perron expressed the idea that the site might be too small to accommodate a car wash, plus the station, plus all the pumps and still meet all the City requirements. The question came up as to what total width does the City want for Boones Ferry. Alex said the City would like 80 feet right-of-way width with five lanes--two each direction and a turn refuge lane. Kirkie ad went throughthe requirements of LOG 50.880 for ieliminar approval . N I n gp - Y p p 3. Drainage problem needs to be solved. 4. Need landscape plan showing proposed irrigation system. Alex mentioned that the requests listed in the staff report were a direct result of a joint meeting with the Planning staff, traffic engineer and city engineer. They do not feel the circulation is proper now. If the applicant does not make the suggested improvements now, the result will be serious traffic problems. Some problems with the project were listed as follows : 1 . The landscaping, 2. Booties Ferry widening problem, 3. ingress, egress on Booties Ferry. Bob Perron said the Board needs a plan by which they can review the total picture of what will happen on Boones Ferry Road. The Board is almost to the point of not accepting any more projects on Booties Ferry until the total plan is presented to the Board by Public Works. Dealing with each separate project just doesn' t work out. Design Review Board Meeting -6- July 5, 1978 Ken Mueller moved for approval of DR 25-78 with the condition that more work be done with staff relative to coming back before the Board, Come back with specific answers to Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 , 12, 13, '14 listed in the staff report. Bob Perron seconded the motion. Voting in favor were Bob Perron, Ken Mueller and Kirk Nieland. Voting in opposition was Gary Rittenhouse, Motion failed, Bob Perron moved to table the matter to another meeting, at which time the majority of the unanswered questions be resolved--specifically answers tO Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 , 12, 13, 14 listed in the staff report. Ken Muelier seconded the motion. n, Voting in favor were: Bob Perron, Ken Mueller, Gary Rittenhouse and Kirk Nieland. There was no opposition. DR 24-78 (Jonsteph, Inc.) - A request by Jonsteph, Inc. for a ESpliminary, design review to allow construction of a four plea; to be constructed on a lot fronting on Cervantes in the Mt. Park 'POD (lot 6, B1k 43, SEA See. 31 IS 1E) Ralph Tahran read the staff report and presented the exhibits. Staff recommended final approval . Robert Knight, designer of the project, explained the project. There Was a discussion about the finished grading and retaining walls, The siding will be rough sawn T 1-li horizontal 3/4 x 6" cedar bevel siding . Kirk Nieland went through the requirements for LOC 50.890 for final design review, 1, 411 1 . No grading plan. a. Put well around l2" tree near the driveway to try to save it. 6. Construction time would be a maximum of 6 months from issuance of building permit. Bob Perron moved for final approval of DR 24-78 with the provision that at the time the applicant submits plans for a building permit, they resolve with staff the final grading plans for the project. Ken Mueller seconded the motion, Voting in favor were: Bob Perron, Ken Mueller, Kirk Nieland and Gary Rittenhouse. No one voted in opposition. DR 26-78 (Heritage Construction ,Co.) - A request by Heritage Construction Co. for a preliminary design review to allow construction of two four-plexes to be constructed on ots ronting on Cervantes in the Mt. Park PUD (lots 7, 8, Blk. 43, SE1 Sec 31 1S 1E) Staff report and exhibits were presented by Ralph. Tahran. Staff recommended final approval . Warren Luttrell representing Heritage Construction Co spoke. At the time they apply for the building permit, they will present a plan showing the irrigation system. The roof material will be tile in an earth tone. Gregory Gardner, the architect on the project, answered questions. For vents, he would look at the design to see if they could eliminate the roof mounted vents. 1 Design Review Board Meeting -7- July Y 5, 1978 4111. Kirk Nieland went throl;gh the requirements for final design review, LOC 50.890. 6. Six months time for completion of project after the building permit is issued. Bob Perron moved for final approval of DR 26-78 contingent upon the applicant sub- mitting an irrigation plan as a provision of the building permit. Ken Mueller seconded the motion. Voting in favor were: Gary Rittenhouse, Ken Mueller, Bob; Perron and Kirk Nieland. No one voted in opposition. ) OTHER BUSINESS 1t Was decided to try to have a study session set up for July 12 at 7:30 p.m. with the mayor, Joe Glaze from the Planning Commission , Design Review Board members and Public Works staff including the city engineer, Public Works director and the traffic engineer. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Beenes Perry Road, There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1145 P.N. Respectfully submitted, m Nancy Bryan, Secretary 41/ Design Review Board