Approved Minutes - 1992-01-20 k �h 1 1 0 r o is O b LAKE OS EGO -u PLANNING DEPT. FILES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES C II • • • #•�-, 1 - 0' CITY OF'I AKE OS' GO DEVELOPMENT R OVIEW BOARD MINUTES 4110 3Ai ` ,ARY 20, 1. ,,92 Apip R , ,,,___I 1 7 0 I. CALL TO ORDER The Development'Review'Board meeting of January 20, 1992 was called to order by Vice-Chairman Stanaway at 7,30 p.m, `, I IL ROLL CALL I) ,7 �f Board nxemnbers present were Mr.Bloomer,Mr.Starr,Ms.Remy, Mr. Stanaway and Mr. Sievert. Mr.Poster and Mr„Oreaves were excused. Also pmsent were Robert ' Galante, Senior Planner;Cindy Phillips,Assistant City Attorney and Barbara Anderson, Senior Secretary. )III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms,Renay moved for apgumal of th ebr ry 20,j 1 inut ( an i Vote). Mr. Sievert seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Sievert,Mr. Stanaway and Ms.Remy all voting yes. Mr.Starr and Mr.Bloomer abstained. Mr.Starr moved for app val of.the_Yuly 15 19 1 l�istutes, Mr.Stanaway seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Sievert,Mr. Stanaway,Mr.Starr and Mr. Bloomer all voting yes.,girls.Remy abstained. .Ms.0 Renty moved for atuf the A u st$.122L111 utes, 'Mr.Sievert ry n with the motion. and t pissed with Mr, Sievert,Ms.Remy,Mr. Starr and Mr. roomer all voting yes. Mr. Stanaway abstained. Mr.Starr moved for utimoy.aLo ,eStotember 4,..122jUjimitsfit M .Remy seGonc"ed the motion and it passed with Mr. Stanaway,Ms.Remy, Mr. Starr and Mr. Bloomer all voting yes. Mr.Sievert abstained. Mrs.Starr moved for approval of the„Uctakterr J 11 Minutes.. Ms.Rainy seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Sievert,Mr.Stanaway,Ms.Remy and Mr Starrrall voting yes. Mr.Bloomer;abstained: ;,, i r. Mr.Sievert Moved for a 4 r.vnl o the December 9,12la.Wiltintes. Mr*Starr ' seconded the motion and t passed with Mr. Sievert,Ms.Remy,Mr. Starr and Mr. Bloomer all voting yes."'Mr, Stanawayabstained. , IV. PETITIONS AND COMMONICATICINS None. V. PUBLIC HEARING 01115:11,01.6-_9.11 a request by CiSI,Properties,Inc.for approval to develop a 360-- , 4111) unit multifamily apartment complex. The site is located north of Kruse Way,south of Parkvicw Drive,east of Westlake Meadows Apartments,and west of the pro..sect Baptist Chun h(Ta)t Lot 100 of Tax Map 2 it 6). Staff coordinator is ,_I i s 1 'ham 4, a)' 1/20/92 DItB Minutes Page 1 of 3 Mr. , prequest Galante%x lamed that there was a for continuance of�!��15.,. from the applicant. He suggested that the Board reverse the order of the hearing items • on the agenda in order to allow persons in the audience to be dismissed. ,, n t dl U bY11 � 1C,Inc. 55 �N 1600rr�a Ferry Road,Lake�srvega► '� 5` stated that he was representing the applicant,GSL Pro erties. Mr.Othman explained p that'when the application for the project was submitted there wits also a request for access-to ICruse'Way.. He stated that the request for access to IKruse Way involved a variance to the ODPS which was heard before the Planning Commission on January 13, � 1992, Mr.Gutman pointed out that the Planning Commission denied the request for access and that the decision before the Development Review Board was contingent upon what happened before the Planning Commission, Mr.Othman explained that the applicant had meet at a�,t Y ries of meetings with the neighborhood and it was mutually y, agreed that a direct access would be the best solution;however,the Planning Commission did not agree. He stated that because of the denial by the Planning j Commission, the applicant would need more time to revise the site plans. Mr. Othman fi,' then request continuance to the February 19, 1992 meeting. 1 Ms.Remy moved for continuance of DR 15-91/PD —91 to February 19, 1992. Mr. Starr seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Sievert,Mr. Stanaway, Ms. Remy, Mr. Starr and Mr. Bloomer all voting yes. ; DR 1691,a request by Ingrim Mills Architects,P.C.for approval to modify the roof line of an existing building to add an elevator. The site is located at 120 North State 410 Street(Tax Lots 2900&3Qt?Q of Tax Map 2 lE 10AA) Staff coordinator is Robert Galmute,$edit d!lanne r Vice-Chairman.Stanaway discussed the,`hearing procedure and titttcllnes for testimony. He asked the Boarolmembers if there were any ex parte contacts or conflicts of interest, Hearing none,he asked for the staff presentation. Mr.Galante stated that the bank was,a good addition to deVvntown He explained that .. the reason this proposal wasp before the Board was because it was classifietilas"major . e� development".{Mar:Galante discussed the proposal,Outlining the mddi f ications to be ,, made to the cxtstlt�� building. He state('that the applicant had demonstrated compliance with the criteria listed in the Building Design Standard and recommended , tt approval. , likhaiallanibinnjitcLedlordialitor,Tn rim/Mills,Arcliltce; 1,$05�S,VV S� t4,,,,l stated that the bank was adding an elevator in' ompliance with the American with Disabilities Act",which is a civil rights bill. He discussed the modifications to the building and presented coltited renderings for the Board to review The Board asked if the entire site would then meet handicap access requirements. Mr. Bambam replied affirmatively. He stated that there would be no physical impediments from the parking lot,na change of,grade and that a wheel Chair could access the handicap door. all , 1/20/92 DAB Minutes t' Page 2 of 0., ,, ,. ,y The Board questioned Mr. Barrtbam about stotm water rutnoff. Mr.Barnlam explained that the new modifications would rttncff.into 1e existing drainage system, C tilt, O '- The Board noted for the record that there was I1 letter from the Lake Corparation`in 411 support of the proposal. -r ,\ Mr.Starr moved for 1 ,royal of Olt L6-91 Ms.Remy seconded the z otiota and it passed with Mr.Sievert,Mr, Stanaway,Ms, Remy,Mr;,Starr and Mr. Bloitner all voting yes. V GENERAL PLANNING Q �, I. ' /II. OTHER BUSINESS w Findings,Conclusions and Order Ms.Remy moved for approval of 5D 25,h . . 4,Findings, Conclusions and Order1 Mr.Starr seconded the motion and it paassed with Mr, ' Stanaway,Ms.Remy,Mr, Starr and Mr.Bloomer all voting yes, Mr. Sievert abstained, Due to the lack of a quorum the AP 41-7'/AP 91--S— 8,,Findings,Con elusions and i Order were set over to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Due to the lack of a quorum the I'12,4-91/SD 17-91-929,Findings, Conclusions and Order were set over to the next regularly scheduled meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENTill) There being no further business before the Development Review Board,Chairman 1"oster adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. r, ,-, Respeotfully Submitted, , &um ALA, , Barbara Anderson 1. Senior Secretary 1/20/92 DRB Minutes , �' Page 3 of 3 .` ` } r4y+q,wMi "1llal' " (a '"!ir i*4-'�r .. "M^i -K Mr. j "ii t gyp 7, q a as7t i P tt rt (f tu �ti) li Y�l f1 ll 0 re, rP b 11 n O .. i o tvt' to - r a .,�1 !I - _, U a6 r o U _ 1, t1 ., o - _ boo - - 0 0t, 0 0 - 0 o o 6 (7 Cl O 40 U 'Yl C } - !) _Q Yt is - I-i ll n "L` a '' - - () �) ..> O 1: , 0 t1 47 `l / ., �/ CITY OF LAKE OSVVEGO 1 I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES /r' JANUARY 27,1992 A ` Special Meeting , ,,, ,, „ I,' I, CALL TO ORDER The Development Review Board special meeting of January 27,17 was called to order by Chairman Foster at 6:00 p.m. ;, IL_ ROLL CALL Board members present were Mr. Bloomer,Mr. Starr,Mr;Foster,Mr.Stanaway and Mr. Sievert. Mr.Greaves arrived at 6:07 p.m, Ms. Remy was e;tcused. Also present were Robert Galante,Senior Planner; and Barbara Anderson, Senior Secretary. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None, IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Foster noted that there was a letter of resignation from Robert Greaves, He read the January 22, 1992 letter into the record. 411 V. '`PUBLIC HEARING None, VI. GENERAL PLANNING 7 Mr. Galante mentioned that the quarterly report had been distributed►o,the Hoard members. VII, OTHER BUSINESS—Finding,Conclusions and Order Mr. Stanaway moved for approval of AP 91-4/AP and Order, Mr. Starr seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Stanaway,Mr, Greaves,Mr.Foster and Mr. Starr all voting yes, Mr.Sievert and Mr,Bloomer abstained. '' 1 Mr. Starr moved for 1tp n1. .f. 1 , _ --9 i 1 ,.Ctanclus tlns and Order, Mr. Stanaway seconded the motion and it passed with Mr.Stanaway,Mr. Greaves,Mr.Foster and Mr.Starr all voting yes, Mr.Sievert and Mr. Boomer abstained. Mr. Starr moved for app:CtaLof DR 16.-91-93U., ndings,Conclusiprns and Or er , Mr. Stanaway seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Sievert,Mr.Stanaway, Mr, Starr and Mr.Bloomer all voting yes, Mr.Greaves and Mr.Foster abstained. IP/ 1 1/27/92 DRB Minutes Page 1 of 2 ti) �l J/ ' \: 'VIII, ADJOURNMENT41 There being no further business before the Development Review Boand,Chairman „a, roster adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m,° ,r Respectfully Submitted Barbara.Anderson Senior Secretary () , \ i • r,- 111) ki 1/27/92 DRB Minutes Page 2 of 2 c�a n { f> '. 0 v. f* f,C^` .;/ ° fry' 1 " :,, tz) , _t q , ` ' Os ..ft. d 0