Agenda Packet - 1984-09-05 ' ' \ CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS f'r September 5, , 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 20, 1984, MINUTES 1 IV. PETTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARINGS • A. SV 5-84. A request by Gary Allan for a variance to t� allow two ground signs located adjacent to the side lot lines about 75' apart. The applicants wish to ' vary the distances required for siting ground signs. The businesses are located at 594 - 598 State Street (Tax Lot 100 of Tax Map 2 lE 3DD) . • ' VII. GENERAL PLANNING 1. MODIFICATIONS NECESSARY FOR SPECIFIC STANDARDS ) a. Transit b. Park and Open Space ' , ' co Site Circulation - PriVate Streets ,` d. Hillside Protection and Erosion Control 2. ORIENTATION FOR NEW MEMBERS 3, STAFF AUTHORITY TO APPROVE CHANGES /' VIII: OTHER BUSINFSS ," FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER . IX. ADJOURNMENT 2595P / . i • 2253 STAFF REPORT August 23, 1984 FILE NO. SV 5-84 APPLICANT Gary Allan LOCATION 594 - 598 N. State Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tax Lot 100 of Tax map 2 lE 3DD ' ^ NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION •• • APPLICANT'S REQUEST Approval of two ground signs which vary the distances required for ` siting ground signs. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS The applicant proposes two ground signs to advertise three businesses (cleaners, catering, car rental) located at State Street. An existing sign now advertising the cleaning business, and a pool and spa business, will be moved from the northeast corner of the lot to the southeast corner and a copy change will be made to advertise the catering service. The proposed sign for the auto rental business will be placed in the northeast corner. The signs will not overhang ,will right-of-Way. The Sign Code at 47.420 does not allow ground signs to be closer than 10' to any other sign, building or side lot line. The applicants have proposed the signs on the side lot lines in order to achieve the 75' separation requirement described in LOC^47.420(2) , as Well. The sign in the northeast corner also appt,ars to be very close to tbuilding. Both signs appear to meet code requirements in all other respects$ however, dimensions of the sign to be moved have not been provided. The tWo signs may not be compatible With respect to size and color. The applicant has provided a letter, Exhibit Co which states that the car rental sign is a sign which has been made for another location and the Board's approval would save the considerable expense of • constructing a new sign. a•-7 The staff recommends that the applicant has bt demonstrated that the building of site is of such unique design that his t iges na ithin the opportunities ate restricted. There ate op_ 225/1 e Staff Report/SV 5-84 August 23, 1984 Page 2 /'\ Code for adequate signage for this small site with three businesses. The grounds for appeal listed in LOC 47.930 have not been adequately ' addressed. REGOMMENllATIUN j"�, Denial. EXHIBITS r A Tax Map ), • 6 Vicinity Map • , C Applicant's Letter of 8/10/84 D Site Plan E Site Plan with Sign Sketch Rent-A-Car Sign Plan G Photos t Y • C , 2614P/RG/mas N { V l M i n v ,`a r , f I 1" J Ja .{J41 v. SE e MAP a CANCELLED NOS. IE IL, 4100 3OA 6700 ' ' . L _ I 6700AI430J / ; 2800 ;/ ,^;i 1.,..._2900A1 16 e 90'� a �`ENUE I -.- tit\1�\.�.t t ���' 1 --- h �. �4+' 1 11 y R00' V I 1 I ` 1 140p '' ' t, 1-1�1/ 16 ti S11).11 N,. _ 6 '' ' I 600 r 1 1 jf4 r --_2.„ 15 027Aa. 1 _—=_ 1 '� 3A Lu 1~ -- ' 200 1, : 1,1 1 t/T 410 OZP ir '•14 s} ti"f L4 =M ':•w t 7pp e' J 1 1 '+ 1 1 12 r ' IIIOQ 44 13 17 -�- a. �' rI1, _ e -� 1 �� sal �� 4, 0 t 1 1�1 1 I 1300 If` `~'�- j 61 'I. 5po 100�, I' "=.� 5 ' 1 1 1� 11 i . II rl 6g0j I 1 1 1QI \� I1� 6 �21A:, tir11[C�" ^ I110, 300 U41f11n► I _,I �.. i IC 3)OA 1 f 1 ' I ' 'Q� al 54pC' —� _ AVE NJE W 1 ci �I ' I 5300 ,. - i µi6550C1� 16 y'6 I IV f E�5� ; i (I) ., 11� V ICC JosiAFtj i DFRANKLIN 3� _ C L C rr - N0.43 Oki ' i I reURN AM . r �7LC. a '3p,J _. ._ N ..�,n r r 1 Y �IC7 ; ,'/ SI QO s 5 '' v :I ,6200 �-7 '1 1 '' i _' ,5000`--- --, " ...I A ,1 1 1 t., I� 6100 y 4 y. r Ai i" 90U1 S" 5C00 IGpOO' S ' ' .�1 1 �1 1 • . 5'oQ-� . --v, jt ; EXHIBIT �'i - �' L4 PP ' ? 59p0 1 680 �J i M UO. r•-.. 1 0 16 Q --• [.. , p .. i ih. 01 •- ,..t,,,./.1 00 lic,,, i .... d -.1.44 gtVO• aret, '.eat i ao 1 . o aY t,�• L 1 C , \ 7 eat ` •ttt/'- No.._ I• e • 1 S or e� tla jr/ �d/ ua i loo, �.•.1.���,11'°� to , •aa °OAt+C o.,° ° tt it Irn^t ;.. ~oro •�•�,\ eF > `L.. __, I°°� ;� t �,e `.r1 /.. ' I I.... 19, .., ��'`r'\ r / iul wls ~nll• tt,, r Wit,, �...._ °y,'�.�,,t • C o ,. .r` v� 1ry .. Y,. 1.. - tot V, I N;t, uPv . i \k 01 !� l-� 1 uo, ..-Y P,� L ..J1 ro, Yea o� . C �, `f ry.y }"'1 .S I.YI 1 tM, f Ott,,r� �. p }s r I/a, r.'-a r-, oro,6 tea a etel l , f HI,, + ■ .— era ' I I i a lJ,�{ ' 7. —,.� �w Y OtO,� 1 — era! l_.J, C e'%°'r / • 1 t .oat ^[a O Ir 1 ' d oat elt o MI' '°to °t, • ' , "rl F '' �` .Fi .°, • e '"� :1114t4-7:rio:1: ej "1• I S R . at 'f'1'•Y �• O, ff s G3 '. aro •NAR iga ..1. I� �.: ry, - �.:/o'oC°,lr11114:► ataiNg; • /)iYlg 4C IY! eC1 ° eti" 8t:e• e � , f, w o. .-JAI to ,r�, rnl Atitt'�• t C . to 11 I:. f t Nlg • v t r t.-� et �, NriPer II, re. liffiiiiii 111 ttv rotJ�!4 • hf L '.it *Ws i Mkt • q 1•MOM ryr 1 ` ry1 111 es rry NlAell' . 1111111riiii;;;;I UtY1R . rmThr."10 • +z v ia r dr 1.�,_ er 3. 4o/ �f • l ,41e' ;,:C':s : / Nl�, aft!! .. 1 r M1 ••z . Y tee i mum; ery $ �7 _ 't. .l Y low - 1° ILY V:t S.I..° elr`Yi .' tee s rry try' b %Mg c E.! c . t t g. allaaor tt, Nil rl` 9 orr f Igo i l .—^�� � 7 Fre . {, MAW e� • mummy for erl s 88W a/.. J- 1._Co.. /�• oat . et - /s ® K-L-.4•'etr L 1`'1-1 tie , 1 01• es.... Q g'otl f etr ,I re. lets f't''1�•w ; eeY .. ,/. • 'r'n r,[CV alfett tit y u LI. Fir .,. ., r, o,t w .d Ht. �r'g� ., relligbeer G 111• --. NMIeq tot , / ' o/a'Y1 1 I// L��'r, Ye / I •OYR.•le "e • I py t�t� �a i NMI ere , 1 ell x I'•1` ( o. lllllY y r•1 • 41l Min UI' =1 eel :r.J ti? a 78 3' d • .J 1 ''r+tl a t: 8 !thug 8 8" 4 7 a 1.�tJy '� • . 'i;a to ,� esil. ry el a aw NOYtN Ilti .. • r ob' 1 le i('� Y ■■1 taYrrw.Y ...�_�_ illftr•i1, L J„ el �I it It �i' '`*� _ .t'` (••.., EXHIBIT �►r 2F'51,+e1 A-.:a- r • . •_ LAKE OSWEGO RENT-A-CAR J 305 S. Slate Street, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 . (503)635-8777 , RECE0V [r- . AU G1 ' .'1 Cit.! ui ,;. e us::u.,u 1.a.tni.,1,^ Ju,oal'•L I0 1t PLANNING DEPT. j-k ... Jta tree L .itt: .:ob 4aladtc fol.. ut 10, 1>34 obi f 2hic letter i°o to req:teot a variance of the uir;n code for the hew lueatio,) of iv buulde0o at ,t;)4 ... Jtato Jtreot. r eaci.tl;;- there are three buainennen on thiJ ur.oncrt;, L f ..e .6loaai':': Vi.I.LaT;e, Cr;,a tat x'oolf) add J tla0, and 4oidch Lea ao 'in") . • Iffoctive .ie.)t. 1, 't.!e pool a.id oatcr n'; :;uci.htttlf will Le "01:e ).. i00 r.• v llil0111G'i;;J is C l;;','C';U a.ti. o„o h 1 i))tnide ueu dovi11, . , Al.It-,i- Lll', add a .10W caterin: tlel'Vile, ',0od i.1 :Loon. 'i11.0 LJIII`.1.11C';IiUtl will be ;hJ.tUll'i')'I .Lit the 1111.E 11t ill ; an .J uw.1 0 the ILttiLO .01 0 :oteil. At 'oho present ti...e there 1.c one ni .t o.l t;10 lute, ucrvin7 the . cioadilly; an.,1 pool buoineoee , with ,tone for tic ca'erili service. uropua7. Ltut1111 be to move thin oi';n to the iouthcaut corder of the property where it would have a letter r"ela tionn tip to the buuincooeo that it rolatou to. Jith the Ji;'n at thin location, ad arrow OA the .L'ace of the 'i.'n would direct Uun t0.,er'n to the ontraIee of the caLo i i;" ..orVi.cO which wool... })e .11 'w'ioult to hoe without ti.0 si"a. ..it.l thin . e.le, i wou l' 1.1 °o to erect a ".i11; . 111,:.1, Orevioun I auproved a 41 ado for ',ly' 9r0Jeiit location at 3 . i. .:tt7to ,t. , but d0V)i 'du-balled, :)i11ee 1 Wau .lotificu -.1 ht after it.; uu.t trttc't)oi that .I would 0ave 'tu vacate,i 'It Ain/ ,1t 0)I.£L ,J. JJl 1;1 ,1 .au.l.,�`r,s l oca�t i.o.. t', a 0 .a,; .•)J II' :t�.t . . �);)i Ili Lt`. illill III 'il Woold 1)0 :J1•-I. Ilia ili- t.l.e lortioltult 0..irdor 0Y' the \\ ,II U r where Li!a U1 I.':i..I.L L ::1• 1 wan )oua t01t "hi w;iu i d i) I L the i'e:1•tal cal.' ul".1 oil t .e .forth uiti,o of the unii+diil.;, which in :li'.e>.'o the buol 'ton7 will be. 1,eill"; allowed to one v' e):ititiil`' t ol.'•1 L'/Jut.1 ai uo naV J .':u a c01i01 -serauie a.IOttnt of `0.i(1„' that 1 have already upon.; o.l tihe .,i pi. it in an attractive, h)ru:.'e0J.11ol1- al;t i tti.lt ui';it of a little loon L]IaII /IO .iq. Pt. It area. It V10111... be alrro:t!1'at:i l.j 7 feet i'ro`. the other, relocated l;i.••n. ., Jiuo.:i.t:,; forward to ;tout, avorao`!a rert )o iue. LUncoroL, .,, . ' .-----;2,/,' - t EXHIBIT .•John .6, :,Iriutiai, tiwno ' G 2258 { ,_ 1.-:::-. ? I 1191HX� I / c., --_ ./' ..--2 ---.)\.I 4 .2 \ ,,. 0 . ... '... ,, ,,:!I• .!i i/ 1-\-#,11 ,:..LT1,..1,•...,,„t_.,,_',I,",,_,.__1.._k,(_'.„\\1''L—)\'(._..___i_.„,., i, t`, ,, i ..\L0•\,1,).. .,. t•. ,. .,iI , ,i.i, ,.4\,4I,I.\ .i.. 4 , • .r 7. :• .1<-.--„- 4- •o I v ii CiI 1 ,, ( ; , ) ; ( , l; , I 1 0*"20 - F /i ( iLJ' ' � � ` 1 '1r i 1 ' If 1, !1 ' 1 ' ' , ' � ,�-�� 1 I . FOND IN �1.00K1 U ��' , , IM BA�:K '�'�� II1► . _,,, u� V ' / ., LAKE CLEANING AUG 1 '! vILLAGE PLANINING DEPT, ENTRANCE TO CATERIN4 SERVICE CATERING SERV Ic€ RENTAL, . CAR CLEAN4R a STo RAyE 1. AMMA At✓!o S E RENTAL CLEAN FR z' RG$TA4 �Rstag 5IGN s IV -� • 1C o ° ,� SIPEWAI EXHIBIT 2260 H. STATE ST 1 sv 5• 5,1 I ' I I I I • .F.t4 ,. 144 . .._:. IN . ....,, . , ... \N d IA,,, : to ' l)),11611 14 . art, .., :�. ito :, •,..,.. , ... ta ... ill ' .‘ , . r,,,--t: Ira „7.,,,, . t�T v 't .,k ".,1,'0 . .L . .+. ram.. F 1 y ' K 1 it t I EXHIBIT 2261 i ,SV 5-sy •+ . + f • hr ti 0,1 y,F1 1 11Y; - l t 4.ry ,a` t1.1: lira 4ti w 1 kilt � ^r', Vk• v 17i. l +4,etRi ad • bi. ,v ; '1• .5 �ik�yl ,ti4,c. 41--111 y n tilt + .b.1. �, h']y firs ,ri-ram �-s,. t\i'i'1 4c'r:F\i h' • POOLS and SPAS; LAKE CLEANING I LAGE 1•. 1 h ° -4,00 it •4lt 3.r y �'EdEld•.1ITi r K \ • 4 + !\Tit". CF C'.9•, 1Nv ct,!. EXHIBIT n ry 1, 9 9.1 • • • t t' ,�, f h• , 1 .' 1 4417 .v.,r +,�c,„+e <, {){+'• r ift` .' Y�}� � 'as J'-tM , 1,r rug p 'y0*. 1?4,4. r ft w y ;ri o '"n �y a..,�7� , I N5- J '_c'.C,PT1(r1 t t:07z.. ..I..C.iN.N.a /cndlr.'r_t--I' :,,4_:+..I "ti:51t M, ' - :k` '' .� 1✓+'1��"yin rrJr)rrr, is QQ« di 1131E s`- -nti ti n { ��}t • • h ib 5 i^"; 15: O s r b jt, r ,p J 6 A 0471 14..` I MA L..c`•..A tl.,".I G<-.t .'nir st�_;1'vl.cv... `..tom 2263 I EX , IT 1 �V 5-6W Y