Agenda Packet - 1986-01-20 ,• AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD• i• COUNCIL CHANN3ERS, CITY HALL, 352 FIRST STREET ° January 20, 1986 7:30 P.M. ` MM•M4M**************11-*************k*****MYkMMN*****,NMMYI**************k*****WNtMMMRMMMMN**************4►MM • w^ ITEM HEARING FORMAT MNifiFlfMMNiHfMIF*ItMMMM MK MM NM MN NYiFY%►NM IHFMNrt 1HFMMNMMMxMYkM4YMM•Yk1F IF%RItM kMNM MMM IFkMMNk k1.MM NiFMY%MIt YIFkkiHFMMM.FMiFlf 1HF1,41Ht n '? 1, CALL TO ORDER I. Staff Report f )� II. ROLL CALL 2. Correspondence + ° III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. ApplIcant's Presentation .t' 4. Public Testimony from f :• ( December 16, 1985 others In support of ` application IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 5. Public testimony fran V. PUBLIC HEARINGS those In opposition of the application •I A. DR 22-85: A request by Glen 6. Comments or questions from • •. Chi!cote, AIA acting as agent for Interested persons who Nora Baker d Virginia Silver, for neither aro proponents nor •a / • approval to remodel the exterior of a opponents • f small building In the Industrial Park 7. Rebuttal Testimony from Zone. The building Is located on appIIcant "" Boones Ferry Rd: at its Intersection B. Closing of public hearing with Pilkington Rd (Tax Lots 1500 & 9. board discussion/action • 1600 of TM 2 IE 18AB). Questions from the DRB may be asked of B. DR 23-85. A request by HDN anyone testifying before the Board at ' e Architects for approval of a battle anytime, Cr of any other party the storage enclosure to be added to the Board feels It is necessary to get 0:. ., rear of the 7-Eleven Food Story information from. r r ,. ' located at 15485 Boones Ferry Rd. .. (Tax Lot 7200 of TM 2 IE 3DC). •M 'r C. DR 24-85. A request by HDN 1 Architects for approval of a bottle storage enclosure to be added to the 7-Eleven Food a"tore located at 505 nA1' I Avenue (Tax Lot 8900 of TM 2 It BBC). VI, GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS - Findings, Conclusions A Order .• `I k• 'V► - SD 21-85/VAR 51-85/VAR 53-85 (8raw/Walters) - DR 21-85 (Terry & L+Icy Prince) V I I I. ADJOURNMENT ° ° The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest In these agendr items. Feel free to come , . and go as you please. • r The Development Review Board's decision on these matters may be appealed to the City Co.lnail. For further . v information, contact the Lake Oswego Planning Office, 636-3601. Board Members: Richard Hutchins, Chairman Staffs Topaz Faulkner, Planning Director r y Bob Galante, bev. Review Planner Robert Bleckmcre ) '� Richard Eslick Lori Mastrantonlo, Dev. Review Planner ` ' Curtis Pinch Gary Mlnlszewskl, Associate Planner ,d II., • John Glasgow Renee Dowl in, Assistant Planner 'it, fit' t ;k Vern Martindale 3';5 2 ` ;CI. ?u;, l'' Anthony Wright 3587P y • ti• '�3'4 °141y t, FXe , 5‘ ,. i`f1 i' r.+. ♦.. • _.`+ 6. 1 n�.y , 4 d 44 11 4'+,4. t l«t 14,ti -;.r, ti ,.°.a! 4 k �a.. k- elm .,' s ° • �5�' •. , ti'i E •fir• 4':` ;4 1;4,i1ld)� +�dr°u. 1. ...`M '.1', {.,� `�,pi.. •...ti.i'r"( q4 .1. ^. I, `+ .1 ,i ._ i! CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO , PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT " APPLICANT: Glenn Chilcote, AIA FILE NO. : DR 22-85 OWNER: Nora Baker/Viginia Silver DATE: January 10, 1986 LOCATION: Boones Ferry Rd. at 90TH DAY: March 13, 1986 intersection with Pilkington Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Lots 1500 and 1600 of Tax Map 2 lE 18AB NEIGHBORHOOD: None ;. REQEST: Approval to remodel the exterior of a small industrial . • '. f•_ building. CRITERIA AND STANDARDS: LOC 49.300 - 49.335 Major Development Procedures Applicable Development Standards: Building Design LOC 48.300 - 48.315 Commercial Districts Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Land Use Policy Element pp. 75-76 t " DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS f The existing two story building, constructed in the early 19601s, has been continuously vsed for light manufacturing. The building is one story on the Boones Ferry Rdi side and has a "daylight" basement on the opposite side. The applicant proposes to remodel the building • , facade along Boones Ferry Road. The boarded over Window openings, stucco infill panels and the old garage door will be removed ard a • 4 new split face concrete block facade, 16" Wide "Solarcool" reflective glass Windows and a new garage door will be provided. A new 4;, prefinished metal fascia is proposed, as Well. The staff recommends that the applicants proposal is a significant . improvement and that the proposal complies with the Building Design Standard. +..~ RECOMMENDATION: Approval. .4, EXHIBITS: a ';° 1. Tag Map 3. Applicant's Letter of � Decembor 13, 1985 2. Vicinity Map 4. Site plan/PhotoiEleVation ; . 3583P/RG/mas • 3753 r e ., - .. 1f w:i v,ru'S.J'1 ,r ' i .+� , •Y r I r_ • r r. • • •I tr-i-gege ..1,, 0 , . ... .... ,...:,., . . ,..,.... ... „, 0 • a1 4 . Ar fi pS �.-64 fir. lr • • 1 • ✓' / r / ."*„...... .:0016.,„ 000 _ . x\ 1rG • �P ° ' � �- rti a ® . 61, P _ip II1�1Wg Ng00 y � � N / Q• 14 % j i ' VS• r . Or I\ bHo J'9. .„� it i, �� AO �,vo I. J 0 /1 /. T I ' r f I 1q y+ ' f kOO 116 4 ,4 /. 4000 k • � � /.` �\ 15 e. , ,I1//} $N9 3c eta, of t m ♦ 6 \ ° ` ` 4100 ,`1",r ~�'0010 ,I aVI i ' 1� i ti• N 99'b7 iv �' a , 'b 1 I 4200 !J, rJ 6!M r�A00„ I /,. 1 0 M y Yy \ 4 ID X • a3o• o! naoo o.� I �,f °� 1• fi '1. ,d !+o ' Ili i O,t ! 400 \le+pd I&Y,, .iii . ` ti. F I t ..4,- ` I f ZE ISBA 3'� �� i'' a°wp . ° . I'df , • Y r II.', � ' y N P J { H a A— I , • err • ....ri '�...�''1 yl I.. 1 '', �...._. . I r .,.� • + I • \'.+I_a+a;,... 1 ;I +;i f I i i i I rod II ' n WALUGA I '.' ' ' .y. . .,.' . : hr.' :'� \�, PARK IIJ". �l ( I r y ` R PK I �ILW Sant r r y1 emu • I A7fn �, I /., ✓ iI I 1 I� I I i . e)� I , . I ' 1 I I III, f 1 I I I I' 0,1310 t �, ' IU , I I 11Ii, I I fit. ` .. �'' \ \ + • ' + 1 I 1 t 1•i 1 t i � 1 Ili, I ' '� 1. • I I , 1 �� ll t / ..Fl .1.1m. H , 1 I I II I emn s •, 7 ` , ` III I. I " • r V I I L.I I I . , . 'i , , ..,„,, •, ., I , 1 I r ' it / . a I . AllihNh\-,.. I . i I 1 j+w I__.r.4.1- . . _.1., ..,,,..•., ..._ - I d 1,.; ,e ! )mo ( r�.m IP :-...\\.\\\:;:: r.w I '..:_a ' „„ r 1 .�.w ��1k �P. I t AI .....•.lay 1[1.... j �i IA 1.11061. 3 11 J : ...,..1....,L 1_1_\7,2( , .or,p r . ' , eµs.«L. - 1�.y. (i 11 I.«w ..I iaM'y, wea .,,, I ,e„a„rIe'ae. P "v.�, I,a,'1 1 1 R I 1 i -in a� 4,.,;=2 R E 4 I V j , n hslell';Ir I I a /(�// .A. I �- �T "T r' , . EXHIBIT 1TYT 'I -, . lill. ' .i pip 7 fir. i ., `r 7,"1r ' •( �� I , AI1:a �CI f , . ► .'e ear: P" December 13, 1985 r ` Development Review Board >. City of Lake Oswego 348 North State Street Lake Oswego, OR 97034 t . RE: Development Review Application for Commercial Bulding Facade Remodel Project Description: Applicant requests development review approval for remodel of one eleva- 1` _., tion of existing concrete frame 2-story. building (including daylight r (f basement). Building has been in existence since early 19601s and has been in continuous use as commercial/light assembly use. Recently, Boones Ferry Road widening was completed along the frontage of this property, located northeasterly of the intersection of Boones Ferry and Pilkington Roads. With the completion of street widening, paving, . new curbs and sidewalk the owner desires to up-grade the visual appear- �. . ante of the front (north) facade of the existing building, This entails •'� the first floor level of one story approximately 12 feet in height. The '..1' t lower floor level is entirely below grade at the north elevation. Remodeling to include removal of existing boarded over window openings and existing garage door and stucco infill paneling below windows. • .-'. t;i;. - ` Improvements to include new split face stack bond concrete bl.ck facade with new bronze tint windows, new metal overhead door and new prefinished metal fascia. 7.,i Review of the City of Lake Oswego development ordinance and standards is addressed as follows: ,' 1. Note that the use would remain as existing. The property is i zoned properly for existing uses, and most sections of the develop- ment standards do not apply to this particular condition. i; ,• 2. Historic Resource Preservation Building not classified as a historic building. Not applicable. • 3. Building Design Building is existing and intent of this request is an upgrade of the north facade only to improve building appearance. , ' 4. Stream corridors. Not applicable 0r. .;` 5. Wet Lands. Not applicable 6. Street lights. All lighting is existing. 7, Transit. Existing transit system established on Boones Ferry Road. 8. Parking. All parking for this facility existing. ' All other items for this application either existing or not applicable , p �',k�i 4 to existing conditions. I ,4 EXHIBIT D 3 CITY OF pR 2-1- u DEPT, OF P +. GLENN CHILCOTE&ASSOCIATES ALA ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS/ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS tl 4 15964 BOONES PERRY RDJP.O.1488 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 0'1'5( -i,(503)636-3668 a , F J 1 1,4m • Page 2 December 13, 1985 We appreciate your attention to this request. We would like to be included at the earliest possible date for a development review hearing on this particular item. If you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to call. v Addresses of persons within 300 feet of property to be submitted as soon as compilation is complete. Cordially, 411AA-ACIA:1064 . Glenn E. Chilcote A.I.A. GEC/vc rt15 j enclosures major development land use application vicinity map tax map } o r k i, • tjtl C 1 � A F l 5 / • I 1 t RECEIVED J 16u61 CI DEPT. OF PUBLIC WUIRKS • • o J1 GLENN CHILCOTE&ASSOCIATES A I APrHITECTS/PLANNERS/ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 15964 gOONES FERRY RD✓P.0,1488 LAKE OSWEGO.OR 97034 PH.(503)636-3668 410 .. _ • . . , .. .. ...,.... '',.:. A.J , ,.... .. _.•• , . --A, -.,z ,,,,i.,....-•••;„,',, . , et ., • ,-- II II.I ...'••,,.,,,. 4:, , / _,.. 3 In ' ,:-.. J..4 1 - II .....„,, , , t:,... , . . . . .. . • • • , . .,.....,N.,,,, i Iii51 ( 1.- . ,. N___ ......._..—. . , .,. .•. • .. . . „. ......... . . .- ,.....:/•,v.' ., e. i ., , .; . . . . j • ..'.e; s• 'AK ...' 1 . . ., • . `" , ,, i%s•A (. ' ' ..'t* ' '' : 't ••• ' . is' ' ....r.c‘ • . , .0 . .' ' • .4, '• • . . . 1..s; • . 'Ai ,. ••A '.• 'd•Sis„..' ,', , 'IR!, \s,1 '. '3'' / • L'!'•*e4 i'it:;1'.0.•1 .'!/''.. '•', •''k: '' 1 4, : ,/.../ ''. I'l ' '.,:,.. .,' '.1 '' 2. • .•• . t P. t•'•, .:(.11.4..: - •.. . '-.ii , . ,,,- • ...Z , .." •' ,...• , A • ' " 41 I'' •:, :''.''' '. ' --- ''. I . . . i . . .. . 1 . - A. . 11111L.11111. ;., .r.... i . . . . .. 4 - i 4.• 11 . '..‘•' , I ;' • '`.''.,, :s,`..,1‘,•,, , i .1 , I ' • - . I , • ;11 E X ' , ' RV;I:ni At r tN 1 C fe , , .'• i1 • ••.......' ''' • . . • . •- ',, - 358`11 . . ., • • . . . , • . •. . . . i;., ., 4-,.:,,• - -., '4'.'•''•• ` ,'''. •11'•., 'IP ••'• ' '' ' '' •',, :i 1 41,,• :'• ''4*- ` . • * .. II: ' ''d1. i'4- ' ./ 4.. ', 4 ''' '' %, "'`•• •••`'' '''' '''' ' . . ••• •'' '. ' s•'`..• ' ••• '''ZI is ' t • ''s . ' •`'''''`.1.'‘‘1' ` •' '; •',,....* oili',-. ..., ,-:',:,..- ,: '! . . 7 - •• •••t. .; ,..4 • _ _ rs! _. --t T t j ,i. i- i t.-,1 _,._- - - ; Li. : • • 11I 1 i - 1Ft4- ''..--, I } 1 t i -IT . . ''a� 0 a.,. ..‘!.. i t 1 , . . ; / ' 1 i`A; 1 ..' { An,L( i ?. z \ Ti -i--4, 1-1T' 'f 1 .i. i. . 4 4 1 t 4 r•I\ .„:mi l ±. I • � I ; , I' 4 , ( O ',\ —J� 1 . I .—...— a I::: . t. .- r--'^ -4 EXHIBIT l , ... .. ii , T-62 4 . . 3 "5.1 ogl i prz_vz--8*, " '� i .a ri '"''. 1' ,, 1 :.a '" i ••.ar ' . /- /` .� fff O 1 ,� �/ O \ ,--- •., \,,� 1 x Nev rizolt --\ -! L.ttitYCorar .m+> ., • . ... / �.�..1'r�. b.• !':. c.oi..�. to N;!...r. •� \ • .. .--,,,,,) ti\ .''.. ' n l L � :, ; ,� , _ .aGcM comp. pl.-AN 2�1� _.... _...�_- ... _ _e.- INcuST'JAL p -C.� ° + \ LeTr SI Sg 4C)Ilt✓ 5'' A" „�1.� Isla l4,1-5 I 4 tcpcc N W Vati. He-1M- SEa. -T2. S I:, fa w1M , \,,,...-- :., v•4 -r, x I le Ih ' , v i I 6'. r I o� '4 E X HIB 4 ?peal IT 3'7 G:t) „ ,• I "f ° e ,' .Y r RM 40•4t''1 4.'v� . 4'r" ry r ;a', rvi -i.. ,,, 44.�,,4. it. ..' ti•f..' s 1�•'i hi°r T. �4,Y's: w,,"..i1.4 ICE - •f'®.' .. •. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT • APPLICANT: HDN Architects FIL2 NO.: DR 23-85 OWNER: Southland Corporation DATE: January 10, 1986 LOCATION: 15485 Boones Ferry Rd. 90TH DAY: April 8, 1986 ' • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Lot 7200 of Tax Map 2 lE 3DC e% NEIGHBORHOOD: None •-•a. REQUEST: >. Approval of a bottle storage enclosure to be added to the rear of a a ~ 7-Eleven Food Store. • • 5 CRITERIA AND STANDARDS: • LOC 49.300 - 49.335 Major Development Procedures • Applicable Development Standards: Building Design • LOC 48.300 - 48.315 Commercial Districts Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Land Use Policy Element pp. 75-76. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS: , The applicant proposes to construct a 144 sq. ft. structure to replace a fenced enclosure used for bottle storage. The storage, at the rear of the building, will be covered With vertical 1" X 4" T & G siding stained grey to match the building. The 7-Eleven walls are tilt-up concrete panels. The new addition Will also be compatible with the adjacent grey stained, wood-sided Transpac building.• The staff recommends that the proposal complies with the Building Design Standard and can be approved. RECOMMENDATION; Approval. EXHIBITS:• ry , 1. TaX Map 3. Applicant's Letter of • ' �' November 22, 1985 2. Vicinity Map 4. Plans r 3585P/RG/mas 3'16 t --41` . Y. 1 . r!. ,u. r. . . . 9 u �✓. ... k '•♦ >y. -�' iq,.• t1 • • }�cr L4"B♦•F..•.. K�'iti • • "./ v G o„' 1 i ally / k ,i V • 4 23 I�,. r _ e / a, CANCE-1-E;. • .. I 8 A i 6i 4000 • ` `,' .-I. 2Q'y ,,,.,, 13500 J 13600 '� NI / / 13700 i yre iG 8501 i t d 3601 v 5901 6001 ` 33 6� 32� _ _ -- — ... 2 _ d .r I VACATED ^o 0 1e�2'a�ota 4-e-e2 ,rs n (;..y' 2200 • WAY 4 °' ; 14 2300 ._ — ---73 --,i____,,— -"�• - oa VACATED BY o:o yillir- 2 _ `I 1 �� 4 13 0 , ' + 9700 9600`fi9500 9400 9300 — 9100 •0 i� "l;t /v 3201 i { iN(,k°, . zoo i `' 1 0 +�`��` yf bZ I, 4200 ,,•'it 8400 66, �� ', 900. '' 3^ 0:�� . • i2100 1 .'ts WI �i 11 lilt 61 30 ; .�a— 3700 a '' ` . 3 I I t: ,r P. " 3800 _ ` 2' :y f 3900 , f. a ,..so ^se An 1 r., +o I m A,• .r,1 -.. ^' 4100 ` ,) 11900 12000 12100 12200; 12400 12500 r r o • c r s,1 3 I �L 5700 • a K1 b v/ o f 0 5800 I '1 — hl 9 _ .+,s4 23' ,fA 4 •� w e00 ' p e,( : ".� "� + 126C00 M '� , 300 �� a h �le ` M� 400 1, r a �: W 401 , •, �Q� r1 500 31. a- 30! c.• 29 0, 281i 6' 27ja. 12CI • �2`5I�/� �/ :� ' 24Rro f�' �al 4.� N 01 tlf/ H 1 m..arys � i V 601 .�,. .�, nP N.e9 i43 W, 1..I !r 700 18 19'-` 2gl " _ 241 . 31 •-:24 :r err? 1 fie' :AC/ .'," Q 701 13200 1310C 113 a.vv 12 900�. 12 700 a f v �;,X 'E; 2 900 ,�_ _ .�s • 254 • ,ealQi' f w 11 302 i 1;4 to 1 1 1' f PI 2 ! Q d Y I / w Pr , Qi 26'^ r3� - ' �.� , ; ',12800 W ``tb�l l/ u►,)4 v.r:TelRON�a`w� tr . 1 � I. ,.r� 17 0 D' ese/ v�r�ra�~ite`rLr,a...'ai" Sr1.a. ��.�. .i.u.�l.1isy.,...l.il:..a'.`la�i.aa i -�,���.'y ( ins aCt' truN'rNt.Aa "Pr ' ' .. ` / ' drd of Mid `�7i w'.41 • ,';F leI ��� vr.`�� A y � T dt'8, t ti ° ,, 1 10 . 'b { k rt- 1'/7� ' I ' 1 'h , 3 1.50 a ! r i v / �YY�1+V,y/04 lb6b3•^p • ,, / I e�"` ° $'0'q I '1 i' r' ►Srt �� t'/ a 40 t "Di, A►,, ,..S/41 ►of y 4 h 3'Is 6 2 1 `. :....1., -i4. t. ,.. .4., 1 .1. w••. i1 . a'i . CT4 i't4 • '1, RI4. '^ . 444. 'r,dIC1►. Y %'yE.. ' '' , 0e .. ♦ - • 1 *i I 1,z,, k'a I • 0; • < , VICINITY MAP O 1= , r—1 dr�y' .r "w/T�hl I 1 j ; s1 IMM I I -1-I' I I , II 3'i�gIiELI _ iI -r7-IL .; l • 1 I I 1 11111: "-' owl "� =iiii� l.-• 1 -1 III I. " jj `- I MN IC411C I I I I MIII�CI"— — _I- I 1 , yh 1 i __.• NM I Ir I i Ill . • I fait mpg a u► 1 I 1 1ir1i1•., nw OW m" ' ,: 9, ♦' J WOG —•-I �`'' LS '~J,1" 0 •'MI — ♦'11 I I•Mr% .1Y••1. Mir°.1 II 1 • EXHIBIT r 230-" r� i 'Y 1 y,,. `_ i11 ♦ S ` .•p' Iir` .i ♦ •'1 ',( • 'W' y'r^ M •N.r ♦ •.4rr".. y 1 . . r6 A. •,,,•h F_ • 4 A .�. 1 Y.•', �. r 1. 4t h ♦ij'.. , ' , . _; .- ,-1 November 22, 1985 Mr. Bob Gilante City of Lake Oswego �a 348 N. State Street " Lake Oswego, OR 97034 o u RE: Design Review Submission • . ms , r•+ ` 7-Eleven Bottle Storages e , Dear Bab, . I would like to submit this letter as a requisition to waive Design Review 1 procedures in Lake Oswego for two 7-Eleven bottle storage additions. These locations are: 505 "A" Street, Lake Oswego Store No. 14497 15485 Lower Boones Ferry Road, Lake Grove ''':.' Store No. 19222 A bottle storage is the fortification of an existing exterior fenced area to store used cans and bottles. The existing enclosures in combination with trash areas are unsightly, usually looking like one large trash area. • . .;: This action places bottle storage within an enclosed room and new wood slat fencing around a defined trash area. r Per your suggestion, I have filled out the application form and included both full size sheets and PMT copies of our proposals. If there is anything else I can do to assure a positive response, please call. I think you can agree the scope of this work is very minor, yet its aesthetic impact is without question. Thanks very much. Sincerely, 1 ' A ,,* ,, ittil liroilagil we* iifirirSklo . " '. Michael 0, Parich MGP:rl 727 c _ cc: Keith Perryea EXHIBIT al f ',.. VIA (.a �7. ; a . i 4° Hanson bunahugh Nicholson AIA pc.Archllodure9 UrbantEnvuonmentel boaIan,Motive American Inalltuto of Atthttetto A � With nl cea Russell 218 Northwest Park David Portland,rOregon 9120N9.Telephone:(S0)224 0110h.HUN Architects AIA po el..,n f r { y ► ' , rF kt,, i u�a'�t. ,� :.1` ', A` ^,,^i "X l.! �t ., t- tine • .r lie .:. ,4b:• , y`,• ,5'``� .e .1' a.. ,`on•a ;-f.',. .• A.'. .. . '. r .,f,e " �.. 0j y It , r l'It.a oI IK' 911.1 10b : �; I ,ill, 1� F I I1 a Ill' r- 1 ri, 'r�, i k' [i, ,I11!qi,, ^�. :y � 1 ! :4 • {„I i;7 v,, li ' 1 e it g( ) !'i "Iv, li i� A{t 1..1 ,!Idl.)4.ln ; i dail 3, • 4!lliA a a ii 'I I1i flii II 11.Ji iI 1111I I* g�� Iii I; i;I IC! III�I!<<?I ;I;l!!�IIIII,I PI,It ; Il,l,ili '1al't" C , I ; �I�111 i1a 11!i6nJ P: 4 I; v Jodi `! I'I1 ICI IT/111 I,!+�ill a�i111' ',a l Gaya ,...r�.19 WIb: Ii J(!i�`I ll�Ii I�.OJI 11 III a !i�` � •�;1d 9 I .;J ! I C itI I ,. 3 .�5.tJk�Jl dketllB }1i�li J�j'•{�I�I�1���iilj!l !(1 II !J��j�!i lilt It 3F6 Jlir ",it1+IlIIt,lIIId.dii,C11[I�IIli111!lalj li F r •Nt l3 I 3 A +Ild ' , YC�' j chill; •t 11 Ilit' , /1 cr 0 1 , ti, 1 1 Illill p I Ii 1 , , jillf f 11 1141 111 111 ' 14 ' il i ‘,,,jcsit., . t il' 7i � g ti I . , iti it 1 LI li pi ij t.rn Snrw7 hS 1 J i ;"1.0. 'nst u- ] .2 �r 441 ts- �n r g8 d f p 1 iv r \� 4 1 ti p' EXHIBIT tl a 1111 i f1 3i65 .. ,gyp ♦ +i• ' '.' • ! 1 ' , ' y - .. aw... •,e* .r Po 4 'S a' , •x,. • a.a.4d,.* _ , Tl :et Y, .44 "`L".K A0,- `w t';..4t.a 4 Ip`.ip':' 4t,j.',A*'.... 4f •t / T r , Y • :r CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO " , PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT , — APPLICANT: HDN Architects FILE NO.: DR 24-85 (SWNRR: Mosbacher-AG Co./Ram DATE: January 10, 1986 Properties Ltd, r,0 AATION_ 505 "A" Avenue 90TH DAY: April 8, 1986 r- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Lot 8900 of Tax map 2 lE BBC .y { NEIGHBORHOOD: First Addition Neighbors �I i* zr; U14�_ gEt , ApproVal of a bottle storage enclosure to be added to the rear of c 7 Eleven Food Store.t.'- ,, , ; • � ITERIA AND STANDARDS: ' LOC 49.300 - 4.9.335 Major Development Procedures 1; Applicable Development Standards: ;; Building Design `'A Fences ,� ! 1 LOC 48.300 - 48.315 Commercial Districts i • Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Land Use Policy Element pp. 75-76 • P SCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS: . Presently, bottle storage occurs in an outdoor fenced area where the - Storage enclosure is proposed. The heat pump and cooler condenser Snits also located in that area are proposed to be moved to the , existing building's roof; however, the plans submitted do not • ,., illustrate the screening of 'those Units. Screening shoUld be • provided to demonstrate compliance with the Building Design Standard. • . The 50 sq. ft. storage addition Will be constructed of concrete block • • to match the existing structure. The block will be painted to match rl the existing structure. A new 6' high chainlink fence With redwood plats is proposed to run for 16$ along the back of the building; as Well. ° ' The staff recommends that these minor additions will clean up the rear of the building, and provided that the mechanical units are Screened, both the Building Design and Fence Standards Will be met. . t / STAFF REPORT/DR 24-85 January 10, 1986 Page 2 .• RECOMMENDATION: ♦ Approval, with the condition that the plans illustrate screening cf roof-mounted mechanical equipment to the staff's satisfaction. EXHIBITS: A 1. Tax Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Applicant's Letter of November 22, 1985 4. Plans • 3589P 376'7 4 �y 13 ,,. • -, .., 4 �y I o _ t iSL�. ' ,� pc - i 4500 • 1�..L.. 3700 �3200 1i�. �; .� 41700r,. y co l W ti 5 12 ' 5 12 5 I. •4600 2. r\vol X� h3600 ,J ,3300 ^ ,2300 y1800: h a J g. II ,. ��• 6 II < 6 4 4700 , .3500 ,3400 5 �2200 \ 1I900 a 4 I .A. 7 10 _ _ _ .�,. 7 10 7 II 4800 ° 2100 �2000 h . `° 8 9 8 9 .2. ... ..1. 8 (11 0 7 0 _ ' 6500.4- .660C...• 7700 78�00 , ,7900 ; ;6500 Al 4 ,, ` %' ,, 1 fa• .2 I 16 cp 2 .6700 7600 r, � r M . h 2w 15 . (''�r1., 2 15 / 2 I i. ;6800 7500 v _— h a h o I • �1 I— 3 I ,' 44 4 k g 0 4 l 4 6300 47 13 — .1. _ �4 /L 4 13 5. 4. 4 I ,_!..1,:____ a h6900 1 .7400 ti n 1 S ..k.. 5 12 r), 5 12 ,<. d I 5 _ 46.30 ti 7000 M7300 1 :i S• pLC h r__,6---- • 6 I I ix,. 6 I IF�pNKLN y6100 M ,7100 �r2�00 < r~ M pURH� a �` 7 10_ •,. _ — '• IpH 7 10 . —Ir.� 7 V „g - OF o n 4 "1 t,1tf— "� 9 rae .2. ,P ,, i.l NE , 11\\.N•A•vo,\\l^ \\\\\\\\N\ll\\\K•\..Vv\\1..•\\l\\...\\\\.\\l\\\.\l.\\\\\l\\\.\.l\\\.\.\..\\\N\N•l\•'••\•Si N.%N\.\\\ 46 :f270d�° 100. .j600�j� 4 `I61600,,11500 00 113001 400;10300�`�" .I8 ,.. $ _I5 , i af8,.. " :, 18' 415, ; ,. Ig. r ry 414� 14a 19 " ., 87 ryl4 14Y_r, _ 19 .1. " ..0 'i 40 .,____Lii� 413 ,. 131 ci'q2 - a . 2Q 713., I . 13; 11700 �C 6 7 ;Io500. N • l _ \ 1c " .` 1��� "21 t .4, I 422 r.0 7 \,5-) ll'_ _21 2 .t. ; 1 4 I ' • "` 312500 vlt ",+ IQ '123 ..e. 1 E X H I B I T 113000 .� 424 ,y y �, 94 SEE MAP -' — _ = 2 IE 30C _ q 1�" w 1- 2400 ;11eoo li �, Vg. 2`l-a7 H 413100t�. 4 (CO \26 /xy 4 \ Lo T 12300 4 6'"'""ry SUPP EMENTAL " (n . VICINITY MAP ..... e--��• N.Pa 1 AAA ._ ... —. � - w .,....jr --r --MDr w•pi_ :wr.r 1 . M`1i-it ...-, - a.. fN - 1 ,, - r ! ! ia .. AMMO e-- .., M. -.a .1_ W prj.--. .—.,— Ni ... -... e Vow i T�t__! .ur an- imate —.__ 111 -- a .. ! �� M i; ! !1! -1 1 .a+.r.. A Silt r 1 11 `.r-� � r� r-_� � �� . • . o. 3 7 01) FTr r a. ; i f.l Th November 22, 1985 Mr. Bob Gilante City of Lake Oswego ' 348 N. State Street Lake Oswego, OR 97034 RE: Design Review Submission 7-Eleven Bottle Storages Dear Bob, '4-' I would like to submit this letter as a requisition to waive Design Review " procedures in Lake Oswego for two 7-Eleven bottle stnrage additions. These locations are: 505 "A" Street, Lake Oswego Store No. 14497 . , 15485 Lower Boones Ferry Road, Lake Grove 1 Store No. 19222 A bottle storage is the fortification of an existing exterior fenced area to store used cans and bottles. The existing enclosures in combination with trash areas are unsightly, usually looking like one large trash area. This action places bottle storage within an enclosed room and new wood slat . fencing around a defined trash area. Per your suggestion. I have filled out the application form and included , both full size sheets and PMT copies of our proposals. If there is anything else I can do to assure a positive response, please call. I think you can agree the scope of this work is very minor, yet its aesthetic impact is without question, Thanks very much. Sincerely, .40114Niel wet%Vial, Michael G. Parich MGP:rl 727 cct Keith Perryea , 4 lXH161t J 3 a Hanson bunahuph Nicholson AIA pc.Alchitedufe UfbanlEnvitohlnental bosign,Mambets American Insblete of Atchilecle id II Ptinelp�als Russell NN Hanson•David W DdnahUph•Lally 0 Nicholson•Michael 0 Pouch•HON Architects AIA pc With olllces at 215 Northwest Park Avenue Miami,Oregon 57209•Telephone:t503)2:4.m0 �1'7 i7 0 . i ''�' ►' 1..�'f aJF li i111111kii 1 I ;iil lilt i 1i ll' 1 111 ( I tkfli ' 11 �l� � �r y,` !1 ,!i1'{IlI i( IP y 1 4iI 11 I11 I !,li1 jl;II el • ` 1� �I ,jF Itl 1 �I 11 , 1 11i,1 1 11`Ii j,1 Ilil ,. • , f.IL _.I f 1 -�1il 1;I,11 dill I!j JII II il;hi'II I IIIi1 it�11 UP " ti wm'.l1 "VI bill 1!IIIIIliffiLH.�III1dI111ii111il{ilWiiilklsii :�' M -... 1 d• . i1♦ I , r-A'-- - 0 , . . s i ,{l i1 a l sl, rtdfh� m- ! .1 I al fi1 11l! tt� .. 1, 3 i r tl r- I (D a k,1 a d ! 6 iiti itEat ifk$,111 '"h 1 t, ti 11 ' . 911 ,li 1--i �,_j �, h I4 I.LJ i AAt _ NI bit i is ' 'flk _11 • I II o tqq t g ., l i ry t05 \ .i.r.t / i yiti // i allilll 2i g MIN: �, a u lj�e� N- V ktitt d- 1>� ��� CI 1 11 %ItN . .4:—..,7,z,t..:.,.., - -- i ri i-Iiiii . . _____ li, . _Jo i 11 ' - I['3 Nr 11;1 ( .:' ' i - . gay ,I� t rill 1 t �R 5 b • r i li,.. °I ii A /Oa 1 I t T! .k r-47,'• w t_... IJ 1 1I ,.�. aI I 37 71. i� i� li I 1. 1 �11tio01ilk IXHIBIT 4 • • '.t • o" • • • • • • • AGENDA , CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPI'ENT REVIEW BOARD COUNCIL CHAM3ERS, CITY HALL, 351 FIRST STREET January 6, 1986 7:30 NM: iF****,****y{,{,*********,MN4MM*************************NN•*****Mk********** ****{,**********************%Mw% ITEM MEETING FORMAT ,. *******************4*******NYMHFN¢*****YY4MON11********************Mk***MiF****#*,,,{,*****{,********,,NYMUMM4**** I. CALL TO ORDER I. Staff Report II. ROIL CALL 2. Correspondence III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. Applicant's Presentation 4. Public Testimony from others In . December 16, 1985 support of application 5. Comments or questions from IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS interested persons who neither are V. PUBLIC HEARINGS proponents nor opponents 6. Public testimony from those In I A. DR 21-85/VAR 54-85, a request by Terry opposition of the application d Lucy Prince to construct a secondary dwelling 7. Questions from Development Review unit end approval of a Class I Variance to the Board Transit Standard at 755 5th St. 8. Rebuttal Testimony from applicant (Tax Lot 8900 of Tax Map 2 IE 33B). 9: Closing of publIc hearing t 10. Board discussion/action 044 B: VAR 53-85) a request by Barbara M. Bragg • The DeValo mont Review Board's and Richard and Virginia Walters for approval p of a variance to the street width requirement decision on these matters may be of 20': The site Is I.•aated on Iron Mt: Blvd: appealed to the City Council: For north of Andrews Road (Tax Lot 3500 of further Information) contact the Lake Tax Map 2 1E and Tax Map 500 of Tax Map 2 lE 3C8). Oswego Planning Office, 636-3601 VI. GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS - Findings, Conclusions and Order • - VAR 46-85 (Glen Chllcote) - SD 31-85/VAR 44-85 (Moore) - VAR 49-85/VAR 51-85 (Morrow) VIII. ADJOURNIENT The Lake OsWego Development Review Board welcomes your Interest In these agenda Items. Feel free to came and go as you please. Board Members! Richard Hutchins, Chairman Staff: Topaz Faulkner, Director • Robert Blackmora Bob Galante, Development Review Planner 3 Richard Esllck Lori Mastrantonio, beVelopment Review Planner Curtis Finch Gar, Mlniszawski, Associate Planner John Glasgow Renee Dowlin, Assistant Planner Vern Martindale Anthony Wright 3573P 3712 . • e w r o- ' n \\:` CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO MEMORANDUM TO: Developmept Review Board Members ii N FROM: Renee DoWlin, Assistant Planner ' h SUBJECT: 755R 21-85 Fifth& VAR Street4(Tax(Secondary 3DIIDwelling Unit) 8900) DATE: December 27, 1985 DR 21-85 and VAR 54-85 were tabled until January 6, 1985 to give staff additional time to have a legal interpretation of parking in the required yard and to research the history of the secondary dwelling unit; however, in the process of doing the research, staff has determined the Development Review Board cannot properly consider the request for a secondary dwelling unit at the proposed site. Tax Lot 8900 is a 6000 square foot lot located in a residential zone requiring 7500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. LOC 48.515(1) states if there is an area deficiency (the lot does not meet the minimum lot area per unit), the residential . use shall be limited to a single-family dwelling. Consequently, as a single family dwelling exists on the property, no further permitted or conditional use may be requested. Staff has notified the applicant, and recommenas the Board deny • the request for both the secondary dwelling unit and the variance. For Your Information: Should the issue of parking in the required yard surface again, both the Deputy city Attorney and the city Attorney agree that LOC 44.382(b) allows parking in the required yard. While it may not et:plicitly state "or in the required 'yard", the intent is clear. (The Parking and Loading Standard (7.020(2) states, "parking may not be located in the required yard EXCEPT Where permitted in LOC 44.382... ) LOC 44 is the Subdivision Chapter, and is intended to apply to only single family homes in residential use districts. rld:kh 3''‘`7 3 . 140 NORtII STAtI'mat'PoSt ma ROX t1,9 r'MI OSWtGO,MI MN 97014 0011 b ill-11d11 , / ADDENDUM STAFF REPORT December 27, 1985 FILE NO: SD 21-85, VAR 51-85, VAR 53-85 APPLICANT FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: John M. Godsey PROPERTY OWNERS: Barbara Bragg and Richard and Virginia Walters APPELLANT: Jean Siddall LOCATION: Part of the east side of an unconstructed portion of Iron Mountain Boulevard, north of Andrews Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Map 2S lE 3BC, Tax Lot 3500 Tax Map 2S lE 3CB, TAx Lot 500 NEIGHBORHOOD: Forest Highlands REQUEST AND PREVIOUS ACTION The requests heard before the Development Review Board included an appeal of an administratively approved lot line realignment and two minor partitions dividing two parcels into two lots each; a variance • to the centerline radius requirement of 100' , and a variance to the • street width requirement of 20' . At the December 16, 1985 hearing, approval of the lot line adjustment and two minor partitions Was upheld and variance 51-85 Was approved. Variance 53-85 regarding the street width variance was tabled to the January 6, 1986 Development Review board hearing. ANALYSIS At the December 16, 1985 meeting, the Board tabled action on the Variance to the minimum street width requirement of 20' and requested that staff determine whether or not a variance is allowed under the Uniform Fire Code to vary the 20' minimum street width requirement. Staff requested a response regarding this matter from the Fire Marshal, which is indicated in Exhibit BBB. The Fire Marshal has indicated that an appeal of the 20' street Width requirement can be made; however, the Fire Marshal would recommend denial of such a request. As indicated in the draft December 16, 1985 DRB minutes (pages 6-7) , Conditions 1,4,5 and 12 were amended and Condition 10 Was deleted. Staff continues to support requiring a pw-hway whether hard or soft surfaced. Staff believes that such a paLHWay Would provide an incentive for safe city-Wide use of a trailhead to Tryon State park4 This pathway Would provide linkage between the City 377 it • • • • Addendum Staff Report SD 21-85/VAR 51-85/VAR 53-85 December 27, 1985 Page 2 pathway system to a regional public facility. In addition, staff believes a pathway in this area would implement the Comprehensive Plan policies, in particular those relating to Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways, pages 90-93, Exhibit DDD, EXHIBITS AAA Letter from Jean Siddall, Appellant Received 12/16/85 BBB Memorandum from Fire Marshal, Dated 12/24/85 CCC Draft Portion of 12/16/85 Development Review Board Minutes DDD Comprehensive Plan, pages 90-93 Regarding Bikeway and Pedestrian Pathways • • 9 LMM:kh/4552 3775 . O . 124145 i December 16, 1985 To: Development Review Board From: Jean L. Siddall 535 Atwater Road Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Re: Continuation of the October 7, 1985 hearing for File No. SD 21-85 ,s Bragg-Walters Minor Partition Application . As stated in my letter of July 19, 1985 (Exhibit ). my September 17, 1985 letter of appeal (Exhibit CC), and my testimony before the Design Review Board on Ocroc,), 7, 1985, my chief concern is with the damage the proposedstreet development could do to my property due to the unstable soils on which the street is to be constructed. I question whether the Bragg's "right to develop" their property includes the right to cause damage and undue hardship to neighboring properties, especially when there is the alternative of accessing the area proposed for development through the Bragg's own property on Andrew's Road. Since the most recent staff approval of this developmentD ks 5 detailed in ther November ve ber 22, 1985 Addendum Staff Report, is still predicated on Mr. port (Exhibit H), that "in my opinion the existing fill is stable", and that "no slumps ...were •found between the road and the creek," despite my evidence to the contrary (Exhibits . EE, FF, GG, HH, and II) I have asked Dr. Leonard Palmer, Professor of Geology at Portland State University, and author of the paper on "Landslides in the Columbia River Gorge," to speak to you on this issue and hopefully clarify this subject. He also is a Registered Professional Geologist. I do not do this lightly, but as I mentioned at the • hearing, I feel the future of my house is at stake. I have a great many other concerns about the "grading plan" submitted. It still does notaddress how to put 20 ft, of pavement plus path in 16.5 ft. of space. The path is put atop gabions and hung out over the slope with no base. The problem of erosion caused by development v ', , is not addressed except by a ditch north of the road terminus and rip-rap within the park, which I ea. There are still find learnest request this proposal nrot be approved until the to problems be problems are resolved. It Is my resolved. EXHIBIT id Ate...... •D 2/ r, 111 Jai 76 • i . n CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Mastrantonio }, Planning Department , FROM: John McCauley „//ti Fire Marshal W/,` SUBJECT: SD 21-85 (Bragg/Walters) • DATE: December 24, 1985 e - This memo is our response to your verbal request for the Fire Department's position on SD 21-85. The Uniform Fire Code Section 10.207 addresses this very type of situation and sets a minimum road width of 20' all weather driving surface. . • Lake Oswego Code Section 44.382 (Residential Streets) also gives a minimum of 20 foot width for residential streets. The Fire Department believes these minimums were set for specific reasons and that was to assure access and promote safety. To allow a variance to reduce this street width would, , in our opinion, have a detrimental effect on both. We base this opinion on the following: 1. Our equipment needs a full B' 2" to pass other vehicles, If other cars parked along the road , Were not parked just right, our access would be denied. The standard answer for this problem . is to require the road to be dedicated as a fire lane. This may cause a continual police problem because people will not pay attention - to the "No Parking" requirement, If we post "No Parking" signs, they seem to disappear. The police cannot ticket them because the proper signs are not displayed, • ' I Would like to give the following eXimple of just how thi EXHIBIT problem happened locally, 175 1411 NCIk111 51A'1l SMMIIi . I'OSI OUR BOX lb4- 1Aki OS14'IGO.OkICiON 47014 MOhill 11d11 51,2I-�'S 1 1 i. 'G2.4F r ' CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD December 16 1985 l The r, �:^,lopment Review Board meeting of December 16, 1985 was called � . to oru , by Chairman Richard Hutchins at 7:30 p.m. Board members in attendance were Chairman Hutchins, Anthony Wright, Robert 8lackmore, , Vern Martindale, and Curtis Finch. Richard Eslick and John Glasgow were excused. Staff present were Assistant City Attorney Sandy Duffy, Planning Director Topaz Faulkner, Development Review Planners Robert Galante and Lori Mastrantonio, Assistant Planner Renee Dowlin ' : :. and Secretary Marian Stulken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES b The minutes of October 21, 1985 were presented for a second vote. Mr. Blackmore moved for approval of minutes as amended at the prior meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Finch and carried unanimously. The minutes of November 18, 1985 were presented for approval. On ' <I page 5, under PD 3-85, insert "buffer line in the area of the" after "Condition 9.b.)"; next to the last sentence should read, "The main question was whether the buffer line should follow the line ' -,,:.• . designated by the Audubon Society Is a buffer line." • ' Mr. Finch moved for approval of the November 18, 1985 minutes as i a• amended. Mr,. Blackmore seconded the motion and carried unanimously. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - None �,f PUBLIC HEARINGS r SD 21-85/VAR 51-85/VAR 53-85, an appeal of an administratively 'N'n,''* approved lot line realignment and two minor partitions dividing two ar�cels into two lots each. Action on this request was postponed •ti r m he October 7, 1985 Development Review Board Meeting. The applicants are also requesting a variance to LOC 44.385 regarding the minimum radius of curvature of residential streets being 100' and a , variance to the street width requirement of 20' . The site is located at the eastern side of an unirproved portion of Iron MoUtain Blvd. , north of Andrews Road (Tax L . 3500 of Tax Map 2 lE and Tax Lot 500 of Tax Map 2 lE 3CB). t It, Chairman Hutchins reviewed the hearing procedures for the benefit of the audience. Discussion of Whether the developer or the appellant Was the applicant in this matter and What additional information Was . ., requested at the prior hearing. Since the new information was requested from the applicant, the concensus Was to hear testimony ,,, from them first. * , 4 EXHIBIT CCc • ovn Z 655 37179 ice. : i DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD December 16, 1985 , PROPONENTS r' John Godsey, Consulting Engineering Services, 12655 S. W. Center, Beaverton, OR representing the applicant in this matter. Mr. Godsey *, referenced the written response to the Board's request for further information and the plans that had been prepared addressing the • concerns of the Board. He explained the sketches and plans and their impacts. Mr. Wright stated that due to the temporary and long term stability of significant cuts in an area that does exhibit some signs of creep, he feels that some further soils investigation by a geotechnical ' engineer not a geologist should be required. Discussion followed between Mr. Godsey and the Board regardingproposed the grading of slopes, the road andfurthe p rsoilsinvestigationalls, Gus Bragg, 1235 Andrews Road, Lake Oswego, Mr. Bragg, his wife and Virginia Walters are the ownera of the subject property. He gave his views of the new information submitted. OPPONENTS Dan Chew, 1231 Bayberry Road, Lake Oswego representing the appellant, Mrs. Siddall. He submitted a statement from Mrs. Siddall and read it into the record (Exhibit A14A) . Due to the unstable soils in the area • Mrs. Siddall's has asked Dr. Leonard Palmer, Professor of Geology at Portland State University, Registered Professional Geologist and • author of the paper on "Landslides in the Columbia River Gorge" to speak to the Board regarding this issue and clarify this issue. At this point Assistant City Attorney Sandi Duffy stated that the applicant gave no new information regarding the soils and what Mrs.Siddall has testified to ie basically oriented toward soils and now she is injecting an expert on soils and there is nothing to rebut; therefore, it is beyond the scope of what this hearing is entailing. Ms. Duffy stated that the Board requested new information but the applicant brought no information forward regarding soils; therefore, the scope of the hearing is limited by what the applicant brings forward. Further discussion occurred regarding what information the Board had requested. At this point Mr. Hutchins stated that they would not take testimony from Dr. Palmer because he would not be • specifically responding in rebuttal to the information presented by '‘' the applicant but would ask for testimony from Dr. Palmer later if needed. Deidre Marriott, 420 Boca Ratan Dr., Lake Oswego came forward and stated that it was her understanding in talking with staff that if . 3564P _2_ 3 70 • DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES December 16, 1985 Mrs. Siddall would have a Registered Geologist come to the hearing that he would be able to testify. Mr. Blackmore, at this time, stated that he will be asking the Board to hear Dr. Palmer's testimony when the hearing regarding the new information is concluded; and at that time, the Board will make a decision on whether it is proper to hear testimony. Dick Moran, 7th and G Street, Lake Oswego. Mr. Moran stated that the previous hearing did not include an application for a variance but this hearing does include two variances; therefore, he feels this is a wide open hearing and wishes to give testimony. Ms. Duffy stated that it is wide open as far as the two variances applications but in reference to the new information submitted by the • applicant, testimony in rebuttal of the applicants testimony can be heard at this time. Discussion followed regarding what was noticed. Chairman Hutchins asked the other Board members whether they felt that the information they had received was significantly different than what they were discussing in the prior meeting to warrant reopening the hearing to hear testimony of the new drawings and plans. The concensus of the Board was that it was not but that there • was now two variances and testimony on the two variances should be taken. Discussion followed and the Board asked staff to present the report regarding the two variances. • Ms. Mastrantonio gave a brief summary of the staff report and reviewed the changes to the original conditions of approval. Staff recommends approval of VAR 51-85 and denial of VAR 53-85. At this time, Chairman Hutchins had questions of staff regarding the response that was requested from the Fire Marshall regarding the street width. Ms. Mastrantonio stated that the Fire Marshall indicated, in his memo, that a combination of the 16 foot wide street plus the 5 foot Wide sidewalk does not constitute the provision of an all Weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet (Uniform Fire Code). The Fire Marshall's opinion is that this does not meet the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code. Even if it was posted "No Parking", it would cause enforcement problems and create a hazardous situation; therefore, he does not recommend approval of the 16 foot wide street with the 5 foot driveable pathway strip. He does recommend approval of the 20 foot street With the 5 foot walkway. Discussion followed as to whether it was necessary to consider the variance to the street Width, since the Fire Code states that it has to be 20 feet. After discussion With the Assistant City Attorney and staff, the Board considered the testimony regarding the variance to the minimum radius requirement of 100 feet. -3- 3564P 3'i'81 ...... .ter•. ....... DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES November 19, 1985 PROPONENTS John Godsey came forward to clarify the applicant's stance on the variance to the curve radius. OPPOSITION Dick Moran came forward to address the variance to the curve radius. He stated that he does not believe that this the minimum variance to provide access to this property. He expressed concern regarding the liability to the neighbors in the future and gave his recommendations of how the road should be built and of conditions that should be imposed if the Board approves this request. He suggested access to the four Jot,". through Mr. Bragg's lot which contains his house and • garage. REBUTTAL Mr. Godsey came forward in rebuttal to Mr. Moran's testimony regarding the application. Mr. Godsey said that the requests are appropriate as the lot line adjustment was to be done first which resulted in no contiguous lots owned by the Braggs, followed by the two minor partitions. .He also addressed Mr. Moran's concerns regarding access through Mr. Bragg's property. Mr. Godsey indicated that access couldn't go through Mr. Bragg's property without removing part of the existing residence. Since there Was not further testimony, Chairman Hutchins closed the public portion of the hearing for Board deliberation. Discussion followed between legal counsel and the Board regarding procedure for this particular hearing. Ms. Duffy stated that the Board should go ahead and get Whatever information they felt they needed in order to make their decision and that staff and legal counsel will advise on what information can be used in making their decision. Therefore, Chairman Hutchins reopenod the public hearing for further testimony. Dr. Leonard Palmer, 3344 S. W. Evergreen Terrace, Portland, OR. He addressed the topography; the material which the slope is composed oft the process operating on those slopes and the Ways in which those processes will interact With the structures as they are now developed and as they would be with the proposed project. Questions and discussion followed between Mr. Blackmore and Dr. Palmer regarding the affect the road would have, if it Was built, on Mrs. Siddall's property and whether Dr. Palmer had reviewed the information previously submitted by Bill Doake. Dr. Palmer stated that he had reviewed the information and that he felt that Within 5 years or so, there Will be a major instability on the east side. He does not see the kinds of data that would be necessary to guarantee the stability -4- 3564P 3782 • DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES December 16, 1985 t `Th of the downside of the road. Mr. Blackmore also asked whether the road would increase the risk to Mrs. Siddall's property and Dr. Palmer said that it definitely would. • Mr. Hutchins asked whether the slope of the land in that area going to he significantly affected by the longer wall versus the shorter wall? Dr. Palmer said that he is unable to decipher the difference between the cross-sections he measured and those that are shown on the topography; there are major topography concerns that are not shown on the maps. He said it is not possible for him to evaluate the impact on the site without showing the accurate topography. At this time Mr. Godsey came forward in response to Dr. Palmer's testimony. He said that with additional geotechinical information, the areas with slippage can be made to comply with the City's construction standards. Mr. Godsey stated that he does agree with proper construction of the roadway and channelization of the drainage, the impact on the fill slope can be decreased and he feels that the ways in which to reduce the erosion have been addressed. Mr. Blackmore, at this time, asked Mr. Godsey and Dr. Palmer what types of surveys might be done in order to add a condition of approval and what that condition might be. Mr. Godsey stated that a condition of approval could be required that a mutually agreed upon, • and funded by the applicant, geotechnical consultant could be obtained to come up with a design that could stabilize and benefit the area. Dr. Palmer agreed that a geotechnical engineer and a geologist should be consulted and to specify what kinds of reports are needed. Other questions and discussion followed between the Board and Dr. Palmer regarding the topography of the area and roadslides. There being no further testimony, Chairman Hutchins closed the public portion of the hearing for Board deliberation. Mr. Finch expressed concern that the variance to the street width would aggravate the problem since there seems to be a soils stability problem. He feels that the width should be 20' if the State Law requires it. chairman Hutchins asked Ms. Duffy if State Law requires that the roadway can be 20', and they omit the sidwalk making it a 20' wide walk and drive, would a variance to the Sidewalk Standard be required. Ms. Mastrantonio said that a sidewalk is not required by code. The reason that staff recommended the pathway was that this area is designated for a pathway on the Intra-City Pathway Map in the • Comprehensive Plan and because it is an entrance to the State park. Chairman Hutchins expressed concern that the additional soils information asked for at the prior meeting had not been submitted and that testimony indicates that additional soils stability information is required in order to tell whether or not the road will hold up. A brief discussion followed. Mr. Wright stated that he feels that a -5- 3564P 3"'8 i DEVELOPMENT .REVIEW BOARD MINUTES December 16, 1985 detailed soils investigation is need for this site with appropriate ed"°1 review by a Geological Engineer with appropriate geological input and that the Board should make a specific request stating what information is needed to address the soils problem. chairman Hutchins stated that approval could be conditioned a proper ocon it report be submitted so that the City Pe the street stable public street. After a brief discussion between staff and the Board regarding the legality of a 20 foot road, the concensus was to table action on VAR o 53-85 and requested that staff determine whether or not the 20' minimum road width requirement of the Uniform Fire Code can be varied, and to vote on each item individually. VAR 53-85 Mr. Finch made a motion to table VAR 53-85 to a date certain of January 6, 1986. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martindale and carried unanimously. VAR 51-85 Mr. slackmore moved for approval of VAR 51-85 for allowing a curve radius less than 100 feet. The motion was seconded by Mr. Finch and carried 4 - 1 with Mr. Hutchins voting in opposition. • SD 21-85 Review of the conditions suggested by staff followed. Mr. Wright, at this time, suggested that Condition No. 4 be replaced With the following: That a geotechnical investigation (inclusive of a discussion of all related geotechnical features by a Registered Engineering Geologist) be performed that properly investigates the site, adjacent roadway and bank slope with soil borings and appropriate tests. A recommendation should be developed for, but not necessarily limited to, roadway construction, roadway retaining structures, stream bank stability, temporary and permanent cut slopes; disposal of cut materials, up slope retaining walls, foundation support, surface and subsurface drainage, and soils inspection during construction. Condition No. 1 the last sentence should be changed to read: . , . 4 . Road shall be changed to avoid duplication or confusion. -6- 3564P 3 8 el • DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES December 16, 1985 Condition No. 5, replace "easterly side" with "both sides". Condition No. 12, add "Except as shown on Exhibit RR. There being no further discussion, Mr. Blackmore made a motion for approval of SD 21-85 with Conditions Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 and 15 as stated in the staff report; and, Condition No 4 as suggested by Mr. Wright, with the deletion of Condition No. 10, Condition No. 11 as read and Condition Nos. 1 and 12 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Finch and carried unanimously. -7- 3564P 3``$85 A SB_rz a I a i I a I I I I I I I 1 ► 1 ► 0 I I ► QS • dQd 9br.,C 1191HX3 0c V1 IA tj 6. a .lit i GG o ^ r g u.wic 3 ^ �^ gas .3. tea_ r t'tm7 3 ' Y ' Y4i.c 7 .cbc Yu .4 V U m ov•3 ^ v .O C C i'FF0 W < Lis . 1w E '8 . 8. u ncC V! Y 3 d•'. 4'. �WH�OW Go A .x 0 y Q. Cam•.^-, n OV A ^ Z_e ^?: <=�L zz= ns' _ y c.4a of c'5� N 1114.► 1'�'< `U ypi 00 ^ c ° .4 Y c n 6- YWY , 00 _��~ `V E :�! t aE ; von t4 an c :c i .... . 0,- Z ag cu �= E nna.a.- m0.- 2= E o Y - , i mi. n. oy'4 vo ^�d a ZZ p Y c n ", , n n E - .E .0 HAD-<m •g E m w m.. 3 �s .o c ^,c W4 .MHO 0. 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