Agenda Packet - 1990-01-15 • 0 • • n \ _ at() 41J • • • • • ,• • • • • • • IY • ( -1 AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD , 0 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 380 'A' AVENUE Monday, January 15, 1990 0 C,i 7;30 P.M. �ti� ,,,: X. CALL TO ORDER ,;) II. ROLL CALL 9 III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ` PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARING SD 39-89, a request by August F. Kalberer 1.0T a roval to develop a 9-lot single family residential development. The site is located on Wall Street, east oiQuail Court and west of Robb Place (Tax Lots 2200 and 2300 of Tax Map 2 1E 9DC) . Continued from December 4, 1989. DR 4-87(Mod. 11-89) , a request by Ned Nelson Architect.The applicant is requesting approval to modify the roof • materials, increase the fence height, provide screening for mechanical equipment and revise the building facade. The site is located east of State Street, north of Foothills Road (Tax Lots 1000, 1501 and 1700 of Tax Map 2 lE 2CB) . DR 23-89, a request by Northland Homes, Inc. The applicant / is requesting approval to construct a 4-plex. The site is located at the northwest corner of Erasmus, west of Cervantes (Tax Lot 14 of Tax Map 2 .1.E 31D) . --, DRY.24-89, a request by Northland Homes, Inc. The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 4-plea. The site is 'I' located on the west side of Erasmus, west of Cervantes (Tax Lot 15 of Tax Map 2 lE 31D) . VAR 32-89(a-c) , a request by Larry A. Mentrum. The applicant is seeking approval for three variances as folloowws::s a re w side A 5 foot Class 2 variance to the 5 foot q yard in an R-75 residential zone [LOC 48.215(1) ) , b) A Class 2 variance to the restrictions placed on nonconforming structures, which do not allow for any variance in their nonconformit y [LOC 48:700(2) (b) ] , and c) A 7.55% Class 2 variance to exceed the 35% maximum lot coverage allowed for interior lots in an R-7.5 zone. The I ,r" » current dwelling and deck maintains 40.8% coverage; the proposed addition would add 1.75% coverage to the existing. All variances are requested to allow enlargement of a kitchen within an existing dwelling. The site is located at 3406 S.W. Lakeview Blvd. , otherwise described as Tax Lot 6400 of Tax Map 2 1E 8DB. VI. GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS - Findings, Conclusions and Order DR 8-8911/PD 13-89/VAR 42-89 - Metropolitan Homes DR 22-89 - Fletcher Farr Ayotte VIII. ADJOURNMENT ' The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to come and go as you please. DRB Members: Staff: Robert D. Greaves, Ch& r Robert Galante, Acting Director, Robert H. Foster, Vice-Chair Planning and Development James A. Miller Hamid Pishvaie, Dev. Review Planner Ginger Remy Lynn Bailey, Associate Planner Harry N. Starr Elaine S browsk Jane Heisler, Associate Planner • y y Michael R. Wheeler, Associate Planner Sandra Korbelik, Senior Planner Cindy Phillips, Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson, Secretary • STAFF REPORT it. 4 . CITYOFLAKEOSWEGO ,' - O LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION APPLICANT: • FILE NO. : Ned Nelson Architect DR 4-87(Mod. 11-89) PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: Public Storage, Inc. Hamid Pishvaie . LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 1000,1501 and 1700 January 4, 1990 Of Tax Map 2 lE ,2CB LOCATION: ,DATE OFF HEARING: East of State Street, January 15, 1990 � - 'north of Foothills Road • and south of Stampher Road NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: None 0 COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: �� ZONING DESIGNATION: Industrial District Industrial District I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST . The applicant is requesting approval of the following modifications to the Public Storage facility: - To change the roofing material - To increase the fence height - To provide screening for mechanical equipment on building "A" , and - To revise the building facade II. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: r . t ' LOC 48.345-375 (Industrial Zone ' II Descriptions) ;; DR 4-87(Mod.11-89) ' Page 1 of 5 • 4a • B. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: II LOC 49. 310-320 (Major Development Procedures) C. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: Building Design 2.020 Fences 10.020 III. FINDINGS A. Background_ • 1. The applicant is requesting approval of several modifications to the original building design as follows: - To substitute the approved pebble/gravel roofing material with the existing "mineral granular" cap sheet roofing of similar color. - To substitute the horizontal reveals in the building walls with accent point strips. provide screening `� - To Wing for roof-mounted mechanical equipments. The applicant is also requesting approval to increase the cyclone fence height from 6 ' to 7'> - 8' , with barbed wire topping. The existing fence currently measures 7 Li feet, and it is topped by a barbed wire. ' 2. The Public Storage project was approved by the Development Review Board on June. 15, 1987. The Findings, Conclusions andfOrderis included in this report as Exhibit 5. • The May 21, 1987 staff report (Exhibit 6) provides additional background information. 3 . The project is fully developed and a conditional occupancy permit for the Public Storage facility was issued on November 6 , 1989. B. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: DR 4--87(Mod. l 1-89) Page 2 of 5 Y ( 1. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: 1111 The Comprehensive Plan concerns have already been addressed as part of the original design review approval in DR 4-87, Exhibits 5 and 6. Nothing requested in these modifications affects compliance with Plan Policies: 2. City of Lake Oswego ZoAing Code: The Industrial Zone requirements have been • addressed as part of DR 4-87, Exhibit 6. The proposed modifications would not affect" the project's compliance with these requirements. 3. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: All the development standards have been addressed as part of the original design review approval, Exhibit 6. The development standards applicable to this propd3al are addressed below: Building Design (2.005-2.040) As the site plan (Exhibit22) illustrates, the 4110 Public Storage facility p`ontains three buildings.., Buildings "A" and "B" ,._w re shown to have formed, horizontal architectural reveals in the walls (Exhibit 3) . The intent'. was to reduce the scale of these buildings, and provide an accent break between the color strips. Buildings "A" and "B" had been constructed without the required horizontal reveals, without prior City planning approval. The applicant contends that the existing details actually help reduce the scale of these buildings, and that any accent break would make the buildings more dominant. Staff believes that due to massive scale of these buildings, some form of relief is necessary. Preferably, this would be in the form of some architectural solution and not the accent paint stripes, as suggested by the applicant, Exhibit 7, The second modification sought by the applicant is to change the roofing material. As Exhibit 3 illustrates, all three buildings were designed to have pebbles on the roof. At the time, the Board's major the visual impact of 4111 these buildingsonotronl n was sy from State Street, but also from existing residential developments, high above the west side of State Street. DR 4-87(Mod. 11-89) Page 3 of 5 M y , During the construction period, the roofing0 material was changed from pebbles/fine gravel to a "mineral granular" cap sheet, without prior City planning approval. The original pebble roofing, was designed to soften the visual impact on the surrounding areas and provide a durable surface (I that would not show patches easily. The existing, roof will not perform as well in that regard. , Staff believes that some type of gravel material • could still be applied so as to reduce the negative impact. , , 1 , Staff is aware of structural and cost limitations regarding the roofing and facade treatment. addition, a "cleaner" solution for the facade may ' be to leave it as it is. However, the original ,, proposals were better , and were found to be • necessary to comply with City standards. The applicant should bear the burden of proof in demonstrating why the changes should be allowed. d Exhibit 4 illustrates the proposed mechanical screen on building "A" , as required by DS • 2.020(1) (d) and (h) . To be complementary in appearance to the building, staff recommends that ,, the mechanical screen to have a painted smooth .. , surface similar to the painted concrete texture, as suggested by the applicant in Exhibit 7. Fences (10.005-10.040) DS 10.020(2) authorizes the Board to establish maximum height for fences in the industrial developments. As explained in Exhibit 6, a 6'' cyclone fence was approved by the Board for this project. While the existing cyclone fence measures 6' in height, it has been topped with\ l barbed wires which have increased the height from 6' to 7' -8' . Staff finds no compelling reason to • allow the barbed wires to remain, because the site is well secured by the existing topography, steep slopes, along all property lines, Exhibit 6. , Staff recommends that the request be denied, and that all barbed wire be removed . IV. CONCLUSION Based on findings presented in this report, the applicant' s requests (except the proposed mechanical screening) do not comply with the applicable criteria 4110 for approval. i DR 4-87(Mod, 11-89) Page 4 of 5 0 • • ' * V. RECOMMENDATION 4 a, Based on the conclusion above, staff recommends denial of the modifications to the roofing material, the building facade treatment and the fence height. Alternatives to the roofing and facade treatment wr should be specified to the Board's approval. Staff 0 recommends approval of the° proposed mechanical screening for building "A" with the following condition: 1. The mechanical screen shall be of a smooth surface • material similar to the painted concrete texture of the building walls. EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map 2. Site Plan 3`. Approved Elevations 4 Revised West Elevation for Building "A" 5. DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 - Findings, Conclusions and Order 6. May 21, 1987, Staff Report for DR 4-87 7. applicant's Narrative • F` DR 4-87(Mod. 11-61) Page 5 of 5 �' •. al:: r , t. • 0. . /' b 0 ii .1114 ..—t--Nw a.,..I I1..11 wi •. I J + II '4::141”1 V 4 , ..... kli I, • ti Imm•••••••mms il 0 24% . .I 41111141414111.114,4 i • 1 ./ . •' ♦ /y�� •-1 Aye /��"�C SDI•0 I. / `� '► / • . �6, . S.,��INE , .'.. )1 `�� : ,�,ti �0 '0 N. SIN, �"' VI 4 '♦ , 04 • • . O Q ,t �, � 1��i •�, - , a 7 ,i / •,, • 1,1 liJ Po r X / i / 0� I,;� , it t 1 ` f ky ��� ' .1 '.1•001[ D�rp / ! y isA....w •• rya . 1 , ,, • 1) . q I I I t8pp '-•...;' ,III 4c, �'=' I i 1.3a Ac. �1 ,.„( , � I/ u I' 1• 'I I Iv e 1 I / 1 o ib I u .• • 1 , `; 1* -' ..i e'' I . r.;' • I b I EXHIBIT „' 1 . ' 1 i I- u . . • • , , c' .—. ---- .-- . . , •-- - .. • I VIV or*watt. ... -''' 4*Fri itH n ItC, '01Pg/V\CO a51•101 ' t NMI ovlitvm.•In/MIN zi`eW AL11•412V• , ..M11.4 1119.1,04 me Inv1111.10/0 LOlitHOUV . NO.111,4 oiN ';'.'"411A114•L"Wirti jg 'NI"-Vv‘edd..L4 .,11,41 rid , - • 1 0 , I . . ..1. ' i4 .f;7..,...a.................:d............... z t'. ‘.. t . . . . ,...• .nn I ,, t i , /.4(4...'.............m.,......m......•• 1 ... 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J s'I pp , 'i i,. 1 t i `; j i 1_ IXH1iIT , r 0 , 1 BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE s CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 6 I 7 A°REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF) DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR' 19-87 . �. ' A MINI-STORAGE FACILITY ) (Public Storage Rental Space) 8 AND TWO VARIANCES ) FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & ORDER 9 10 NATURE OF APPLICATION A request by Waker Associates, Inc. for approval of a 3- 11 building mini-storage facility along with a dwelling for a 12 caretaker; and two variances as follows: a variance to the Transit Standard, and a variance to the Access Standard, 13 The site is located east of State Street across from 14 railroad tracks, south of Stampher Road and north of Foothills Road (Tax Lots 1000, 1501. & 1700 of Tax Map 2 lE -_ 2CB) . 111116 HEARINGS 17 The Development Review Board held a public hearing and considered this application at its meeting of June 1, 1987.18 Following the presentation of exhibits and testimony at that 19 hearing, the Board voted 5-1 to approve DR 4-87/VAR 18- 20 87/VAR 19-87. CRITERIA AND STANDARDS 21 1. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan 22 Growth Management Policy Element Natural Resource Policy Element 23 • Industrial Land Use Policy Element 24 2. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code , Industrial. Zone: 25 LOC 48.345-375 (Industrial Zone 26 Descriptions) 3. City of Lake Oswego Development Code and Standards • PAGE 1 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 g HP:jaf EXHIOrT., pg4.446,0141141 ... ....... .... ... f • i t f _ 2 3 i 0Major Development Procedures: Ill LOC 48.310-320 (Major Development $ ` Procedures) Variances: LOC 49.510 (Variance Standards) 7 Sign Code: LOC 47.100-105 (Commercial & Industrial Signs) 9 Development Standards: Building Design 10 Stream Corridor Street Lights 11 Transit Parking 1 2 Park and Open Space Landscaping, Street Trees, Screening . 1 3 & Buffering Drainage for Major Development' Weak Foundation Soils 14 Utilities Hillside Protection/Erosion C� ntrol IS Floodplains III Access P 16, Site Circulation-Private Streets & Driveways Site Circulaton-eikeways/Walkways i 17 FINDINGS AND REASONS 8 The Development Review Board incorporates the May 21, 1987 staff report and the addendum to staff report (i.e. , the 19 conditions of approval) on DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 as 0 support for its decision, with the following additions or modifications: 21 1. Staff had recommended denial of 'DR 4-87/VAR 18- ,, 22 87/VAR 19-87 because the application, as submitted, 21 slid not comply with the Comprehensive Plan Policies and the Development Standards. The two issues 24 addressed in the May 21, 1987 staff report are 25 second access point to the Willamette River • Industrial District, as directed by the Specific 26 Industrial Disteict 'Policy 2.b. ; and the 50 foot right-of-wa y y dedication along the west property line. 411/ . PAGE 2 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 HP:jaf c O 4 . 1 - -- 3 4 110 The applicant 4gued ti�zhat such a,- . ,� , r gut (50 foot dedicatiion) would render the site unbuildable S for a project of this size. However, the applicant , II S agreed with-„the staff that the proposed right-of7 way location-...gas the most logical location given the physical characteristics of the site. • The Board agreed'N/ith the applicant it that requiring a 50 foot right-of-way dedication at the 9 proposed location would render the project 10 unfeasible. In addition, the Board found that the proper procedure for the City to acquire this„ 11 right-of-wayis to provide compensation to the 12 property owner, rather than requiring him to 3 dedicate the land. Therefore, condition #7 was' deleted. 14 2. To clarify the lighting requirements in the project, condition #3r+ was modified to read as follows: IIIK Submit final on-site and intersection lighting 1 7 and accompanying photometric data to the satisfaction of staff. 18 3. In their review of the project, the Board found 19 ,that there was no need for a 5 foot sidewalk from State Street tc the site, as most tenants would 20 y commute in cars. Therefore,, condition #4 was 21 deleted. 4. 22 4. To clarify the location of traffic control devices, condition #10 (renumbered #8) was modified to read 23 as follows: a s 4 24 Install traffic control devices at the railroad v. crossing as required. 25 The Board found that the cost of installing these 26 devices shall be borne by the applicant, as the .. road crossing will be utilized by a single user, v., III LE , r v _ 3 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19 :87 HP: jar • 3 . i .e. ,, Public Storage. The Board felt that this . , would have not been the case if the S right-of-way had been dedicateY for future public access to 6 industrial area. n 5• The Board modified condition #9 (renumbered #7) so 7 that it would reflect condition #3 only. This = is $ because the Board had earlier deleted conditions #4 and #7, as discussed above. 1 6. To protect the surrounding residential 10 neighborhood, the Board added the following 11 conditions: 12 — Developer to work with the neighborhood group 13 (Stampher Rd. ) regarding the color of the a buiAdings to their satisfaction.i. 14 — Attention be given to landscaping to reduce 1 S• impact on the surrounding homes to the nei lhborhood satisfaction. (Stampher Rd. ) IIII o16 CONCLUSION �17 The Development Review Board concludes that DR 4-87/VAR 18- 87/VAR 19-87 can be made to comply with all applicable 16 criteria by the application of certain conditions. 19 ORDER 20 IT IS ORDERED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD of the City of Lake Oswego that: _ 21 1. DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 is approved subject to ' 22 compliance with the conditions of ap proval set forth in Subsection 2 of this Order: 23 2. The cc;1di.tions for DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 are as 24 follows: A. Prior to, Approval of Construction Plans and Building 25 Permits 26 1. Incorporate all the recommendations found 'in the geotechnical report into the final building design, and grading and construction plans. 1111 PAGE 4 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 J HP:jaf t 1 ' 2 : 0 2. Submit written evidence from the U.S. Corps of Engineers and Oregon Department of State Land a S regarding their approval of the proposed fill in II 7, floodplain't 3. Submit fina,?.!on-site and intersection lighting 7 and accompanying photometric data to the satisfaction of staff. • 4. Fences along all paved areas shall be set back 9 by five feet (where necessary) to provide 10 adequate areas for landscaping. • 5. _°A new, adequately designed, storm drain line 11 with public easement shall be constructed to run 12 parallel to the existing 24" line to Tryon Creek. 13 ti 6. Submit an erosion control plan showing the 14 following information: a. Protection for the stream corridor; b. Temporary cover for all exposed slopes . 6 6 during the rainy season; 17 c,, Location of siltation control measures, i.e. , straw bails, silt fences, siltation l 8 basins; 19 d. Establish permanent vegetative ground cover on all exposed slopes. 20 7. Submit a revised site plan reflecting condition 21 # 3. 22 8., Install traffic control devices at the railroad crossing as required. 23 9. Developer to work with the neighborhood group 24 (Stampher Rd. ) regarding the color of the buildings to their satisfaction. 25 10. Attention be given to landscaping to reduce 26 impact on the surrounding hom s to ,he neighborhood satisfaction (Sta'lnpher Rd. ) ) IlitE 5 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 HP:jaf . . , . ' . • a 3 . I CERTIFY THAT THIS ORDER was presented to an APPROVED by . 4 III the Development Review Board of the Ccity of i Lake Oswego. Q. 7 i /Dated this 15 day of Nittors. , 1987. 7 ii I .......„...--- .,..., I .\ I iploale i . . 401 4,0,1 , 9 in. . e, Chairman lie elo.ment -am - ,oard 10 ,, N • p ._, P ! . \ . 11 \ ,.....,.. Secretary ----------- 12 ATTEST: 13 14 Oral Decision - June 1, 1987 AYES: Finch, Zinsli, Martindale, Swillinger, Ingrim 15 NOES: S%4 r 1111 . 16 ABSTAIN: None 17 ABSENT: Miller 16 Written Findings - June 15, 1987 19 AYES: Mick, Finch, Martindale, Swillinger, Ingrim ;NOES: None • 20 ABSTAIN: Miller 21 ABSENT: Zinsli . 22 23 24 , 25 : 26 PAGE 6 DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 HP:jaf . \ Nk (,) , 1 ,.. arwrr. HtuHr CITY OF LAKE OWEGO LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION -------• 1� APPLICANT: FILE NO. : ' Waker Associates, Inc. DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 11080 S. W. Allen Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 OWNER: STAFF: Robert Jarvis Hamid Pishvaie 14110 S. W. Stampher Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 LOCATION: DATE OF REPORT: East of State Street May 21, 1987 north of Foothills Rd. �' y and south of Stampher Rd. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF HEARING: Tax Lots 1000, 1501 June 1, 1987 1700 of Tax Map 2 1E 2CB NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: None Indus trial District ZONINGJDESIGNATION: Industrial District PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is requesting approval of the following: 1. Development Review a p pprocal of a 3-building mini- , storage facility; and, a dwelling for a caretaker; 2. A variance to the Tratsit Standard; and, 3. A variance to the Access Standard. • a EXHIBIT vc1'i") 4 PATIT75777 )• 0 Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 2 I. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan �l 1. Growth Management Policy Element 2. Natural Resource Policy Element 3. Industrial Land Use Policy Element City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code 1, Industrial, Zone: LOC 48. 345-375 (Industrial Zone Descriptions) City of Lake Oswego Development Code and Standards: 1. Major Development Procedures: LOC 48. 310-320 (Major Development Procedures) 2. Variances: LOC 49.510 (Variance Standards) 3. Sign 'Code: LOC 47. 100-105 (Commercial & Industrial Signs) 4. Development Standards: Building Design Stream Corridor Street Lights Transit Parking Park and Open Space Landscaping, Street Trees, Screening & Buffering Drainage for Major Development Weak Foundation Soils Utilities Hillside Protection/Erosion Control • Floodplains Access Site Circulation-Private Streets & Driveways Site C ' culation-Bikeways/Walkways II. FINDINGS: 1111 . A. Background: 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a 3- building mini-storage facility (public rental Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 3 spaces) , along with a caretaker 's, residence and office (approximately 1,500 sq. ft. in Building 'A' ) . The development includes the following buildings: Bldg. A (3 levels) 9,600 x 3 = 28,800 sq. ft. Bldg. B (2 levels) 19,200 x 2 = 38,400 sq. ft. ' Bldg. C (1 level) 10,800 sq. ft. ,u TOTAL 78,000 sq. ft. o v- Existing conditions are illustrated in the n ) applicant's narrative (Exhibit 11) and the site plan, Exhibit 3. 2. The applicant is also requesting approval of two variances as follows: " a) A variance to Transit Standard, Section 6.020(1) (b) which requires that a hard surfaced pathway be provided to the nearest public transit stop. b). A variance to Access Standard, Section 18.020(1) which requires that every lot to e abut a street for a width of at least 25 feet. , 3. On May 15, 1987, the applicant submitted documents regarding the access to State Street. ° The document, a 1957 Public Utility '`, Commissioner's Order (Exhibit 10) , granted an �� authority to the City of Lake Oswe,go.to construct a public crossing at grade with the ° • tracks and right of way of Southern Pacific " Company at the location shown on, Exhibit 3 . This matter will be discussed in more detail under Section 14.005 (Utilities) in this report. 4. On April„ 1, 1987, the City issued a development permit for grading and fill within the floodplain area located at the southeast corner of the property, Exhibit 13. 51, The site contains 3 .42 acres. It site slopes o toward the north and southeast at varying grades. The site drops 51 feet from the northwest to the southeast. O i , ... .. I • t Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 4 The western half of the site is a bench at4111 about elevations 62' to 66' , most of which is i� asphalt-paved. It appears that this area is an old fill pushed into the Willamette River floodplain. This area recently has been an automobile auction lot. A small wood-frame's sales building and two gas pumps remain along the west property line. The eastern half of the site steps down into the present Willamette River floodplain. An area adjacent to the southeast property line has been used as a, disposal area for wash from concrete trucks without City approval. The --"" site currently is being used for storage of construction equipment as part of the State Streets improvement project. 6. Tryon Creek runs approximately 6G1 to 90 feet from the north and east property lines, and the southeast corner at the site lies within the Willamette River floodplain. 7. There are existing sewer and water lines available at the site. B. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: 1. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: The following policies of the Comprehensive Plan apply to this application: a. Growth Management Policy Element - Impact Management Policies o General Policies • "I. The City will protect natural resources and process from adverse impacts of development, within reasonable cost limitations. " ' Portions of the property along the north and east property lines lie within the major stream corridor b';Frar zone of Tryon Creek, Exhibits 4 and 5. This area will be protected in its natural state as no development is proposed within that area. The southeast corner of the property lies within the 100 year floodway 1111 v Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 5 • • 111/1 r f inge of Willamette River. A grading permit already has been issued and is in effect for the area. Parts of the proposed Building 'C' and roadway will be located in the floodplain. "II. The City will evaluate zoning and development proposals comprehensively for their impacts on the community, requiring the • developer to provide appropriate solutions before approval is granted. " The potential impact on the community will be mitigated by the decision rendered by the -° Development Review Board. " b. Natural Resources Policy Element - Weak Foundation Soil Policies '1 o General Policies • "II. The City will encourage open space uses • of identified high risk areas. " , • The easterly half of the site 43 of the Comprehensive Plan asshavingapu identified on page for severe limitations for weak foundation potential The applicant has submitted a soils report which adequately *addresses this issue, Exhibit 14. The applicant will be required to incorporate all the recommendations found in that report into the final building design and construction plans. r ' - Water Resource Polices o Floodplains �� o General Policies "II. The City will designate floodplains as Protection Open Space, where it will encourage land uses ideally suited to floodplains4 " O The Willamette River Floodplain has been identified at the southeast corner of the property and is delineated on, Exhibit 4. Portions of this area " proposed be filled in order to accommodate the southern one-third of the Building 'C and the roadway around it. The applicant has stated in his IP - Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 6 w) narrative that both the U.S. Corps of and Oregon Department of State Lands have �neers " reviewed the proposed fill and determined that there will be no impact to the floodplain, Nhibit 11. )' ; o Steam Corridors o General Policies l' . "I. The City will designate as Protection Open • Space, the community's major stream corridors and those stream corridors which have potential for severe erosion hazard. "; No development is bein, proposed within the Tryon Creek stream corridor �uffer zone running north and east propery lines. along the . �II c. Industrial Land Use Policy Element IIo General Policies: "I. The City will encourage environmentally compatible industrial development located in visually attractive structures in landscaped ' settings. Q 11 EI Comp liance with development standards, particularly the Building Design Standardl will satisfy this policy. o Specific Industrial District Policies: Willamette River Industrial District Policies . . "b. Require all proposed changes i,n use - or expansions in use to provide the • City with information on existing and projected truck and auto traffic , . levels. ( e+ Investigate!'possibili y of new or alternative access points to the e Willamette River Industrial District. " • R o r Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 7 1, ' 0 These specific �'' P policies are addressed by the provision of trip general information for the proposed use (176 ADT) , and the requirement of a public street along the west property line. The latter policy is discussed in more detail under Section 14.005 (Utilities) in this report. 2. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code: a. Industrial Zones According to LOC 48. 345(1) , storage and accessory office usk are permitted uses in the industrial ,/1 zone. C LOC 48.370 - Site Development Limitation The required yard areas in the industrial zone are determined by LOC Chapter 45. The maximum FAR allowed in an Industrial Zone is 1.0• The proposed FAR for all three buildings, a total of 78,000 sq. ft. , is .52 FAR ratio. ,410 ' The proposed Building 'A' has the greatest height in the development, 30 feet. This height is well within the 60 foot maximum allowed in the zone. 3. City of Lake Oswego Development Code and Standards: ‘ a. Major Development Procedures LOC 49.315 - Application Procedures - Application to the Development Review Board The applicant has submitted the information required by Subsections 1-12 of this Section. Copies of this information are Included in the exhibit section of this report, and one, due to large size, is in the casefile. • -."' b. Sign Code: . .)1, k The applicant is proposing two illuminated signs in • this development, gxhibits 2 and 3 . Alfree- standing sign, 32 square feet in area and 18 feet • in height, is proposed to be located at the north side of the entrance drive. This sign will have to � A • Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 C Page 8 •be placed such that it would not overhang the property line. In addition, a wall signof 2' x 25 ' (50 sq. \ft. ) is proposed on Building 'A' , over the office entrance. Both signs are in compliance with LOC 47.].O\5 (1) (A) and (1) (B) (3) , and 47. 135(3) . �\No colors have been specified for these signs. c. The Applicable Development Standa rds: " The site does not contain any Historic Resources or Wetlands; therefore, these standards do not apply. The Development Standards applicable to this proposal Are addressed below: Section 2.005 - Building Design The applicant proposes to construct 3 mini--storage buildings (with 630 units) on the site. These buildings have the following characteristics: Bldg. 'A' 3 levels 28, 800 sq. ft. Bldg. 'B' (9,600 sq. ft. each level) 2 levels 38,400 sq. ft. (9,600 sq. ft. each level) Bldg. 'C' 1 level 10,800 sq. ft. Building 'A' also includes a caretaker's apartment and office on the 2nd level for approximately 1,500 square feet. The buildings are to be constructed of tilt-up concrete wall panels painted three shades of gray with roll-up doors painted rust, Exhibit 15. The only windows in the project are located in the manager 's apartment and office. These windows will have bronze anodized aluminum framing with solar bronze glass. All three ' ' buildings will have flat roofs. These roofs will r �s� be visible from State Street; theref ore, any - approval should require the use of a gravel or . pebble surface. The screening of mechanical equipment should also be addressed, The building fronts, for Buildings 'A' ande 'B' , �. are oriented to the west and will be visible to vehicles traveling on State Street, Exhibit 2,' A (( The adjacent land usis include industrial buildings to the south and southeast. The structure located e immediately to the south is a two story multiple • ' ��� . J 9 .- 1 C Staff Report/DR 4-07/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 9 0 tenant building with metal siding, southern portion of which is painted brown.. The second structure, to • the south is occupied by J. V. Brand. Both these structures pre-date design review standards. Portland Tryon Creek Sewer Treatment Plant is located at the southeast corner of the site, Land uses to the west and southwest, across State Street, include Kaady Car Wash facility and a proposed restaurant, respectively. Both these structures are of newer design. ,,l Staff finds that the proposed site improvements and buildings, as designed and located, to be complementary to the natural environment, and to be significant improvements over the adjoining uses. However, it will be difficult to determine project P compliance with this standard until the applicant submits new information showing the recommended public street along the west property line, as discussed in Section 14.00..5 of this report with the associated changes in building location and/or • 0 design. Section 3 .005 - Stream Corridors i. A stream corridor, Tryon Creek, is the north and east property lines. pSitent along ..nvestigstion by staff and cross sections provided by the applicant indicate that the stream corridor buffer zone is at or very close to these property lines, Exhibit 5. However, the grading plan shows that there will be no development activity directly within the buffer zone area but adjacent to it, Exhibit 4. Section 5.005 - Street Lights The applicant is proposing 35W LPS wall mounted light fixtures which do not seem to provide adequate lighting for the roadways. In addition, ' since the hours of operation in the Winter time will be from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. , street lighting will become crucial for the connecting ' ramp between the two terraces (i .e. ,• pad areas) along the northeastpropertyeline. The applicant will have to provide additional A 411 N r er, . d o • • Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-8�7 .Page 10 • information including lighting and photometric data . . prior to issuance of any building or construction permits. Section 6. 005 - Transit System The applicant is requesting a variance to Section �`_� 6. 020(1) (b) which requires that a hard surfaced• , pedestrian path be provided to connect the; development with the nearest transit facility. The applicant has not adequately variance should be granted. justifi hibit 12 notes es a this variance "is not actually necessaryto make reasonable use of the property". While the m applicant may have not demonstrated that the variance must to granted, staff agrees that the walkwayconnection will see little ube as it is not " expected that users will take the bu the storage facility. s or walk to • b,; As part of the State Street Project, sidewalks will 4. be constructed on the east side of State Street. ,„ Therefore, given the close sidewalk, the applicantProximity of the + this sidewalk etera will be required to extend the project site. Y PProximately 100 feet to 4111 Section 7.005 - Parking and Loading For storage, warehousing and manufacturing uses, Section 7.020(8) (i) requires one employee based on maximum shift atafullg space per development.P . Thirteen (13) spaces are the applicant which far exceed the one proposed by space required for the storage manager.parking Section 8.005 - Park and Open Space Section 9.005 - Landscaping,P g, Screening and Buffering The Park and Open Space Standard allows landscaping . A ? to count for the required 15 percent of open space land when no Distinctive Natual Area, Protection Open space or public park land is located on the site, [8.020(2) 1 . These feature percenteping not existon this site. The proposed landscaping comprising sets both Standards, • • . ' Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/vAR 19-87 Page 11 411) 1 ;exhibit8. The proposed landscaping will buffer ' the view of the large buildings from street and the river. g both the Section 10.005 Fences "" • The applicant is proposing a 6 ' cyclone fence along ` the outside edge of the paved areas, Exhibit 3. The proposed fence meets the requirements of this standard; however, staff' recommends that along paved areas the fence be set back a few feet to a provide landscaping relief to the large expanse of paving and building area. Section 11,005 - Drainage for Major, . Development Exhibit 7 illustrates the applicant's proposed a .• storm drainage system including a detention pond at the southeast corner of the site. The discharge is to flow into an existing 8" storm drain located at the southeast corner of the property. However, this line may not be adequate to serve the development, as no evidence as to its capacity or condition has been submitted by the applicant. In 41111 addition, this line may be located under the sewerage treatment plant located on the adjoining property to the east. • A second storm drain, 24" in size, traverses the site along the southeast corner. This line flows under pressure; and therefore, is not available for use by this development. Staff recommends that a new 12" storm drain with • public easement be constructed from the site to Tryon Creek. Due to site characteristics and , , , conditions, this line will have to follow the alignment of the existing 24" line to Tryon Creek. , Section 13 . 005 - Weak Foundation Soils The easterly half of the site is identified as having potential for severe limitations for weak foundation soils by the Comprehensive Plan, page 43. This area steps into the present Willamette River Floodplain1 A soils report has been submitted by the applicant which adequately addresses this issue, Exhibit 14. The applicant will he required to incoZporate all the J 19 " , n , w ' ca . • Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 12 r- recommendations found in that report into the final grading 1 �` design, and construction plans. I Section 14.005 - Utilities The applicant'O proposal for water and sanitary sewer services 'are found in the preliminary utility plan and narrative, Exhibits 7. Sewer exists at the southwest corner of the • property. Exhibit 7 shows a connection to an existing sewer line by the entrance to the site. The appropriate location of this line could be de termined by staff and applicant at the construction plan stage. Water service is provided to the site via an existing water meter and line along the west property line. Regarding streets, as mentioned earlier in Section II. A. 3. above, the City had requested (in 1956) and was granted the authority in 1957 by the P.U.C. to construct a crossing to State Street at grade with the tracks and right of way of Southern Pacific Railroad at Wilsonia Station, Exhibit 10. The purpose of this crossing was to provide "convenient access to a tract of approximately 20 acres available for present and future industrial use, which is now inadequately served by a County road approximately 1,800 feet south of the locatio>n of the proposed crossing" . Staff believes that the above tract encompasses an area bounded by Tryon Creek to the north, State Street to the west, Foothills Road to the south and Willamette River to the east. The existence of this public access to state Street offers an opportunity to establish a new access point to the Willamette River Industrial District as was directed by the Comprehensive Plan, Industrial Land • Use Policy Element, Willamette Rivr Industrial District Policy 'e' . After the applicant submitted Exhibit 10, staff evaluated the document and the area and determined that, in addition to Foothills Road, there is a significant need for a second public street to serve the industrial area east of Stae Street. In fact, it is most likely that this roadwill serve the entire area between Stampher Road to the north 4111 v Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 13 Y 0 and Foothills Road to the south. Staff cannot support an application which does not provide for • public purpose intended by the P.U.C. Order and which makes a private use of a public access. Staff recommends that a 50 foot of right of way (minimum requirement for an industrial collector • street) , be located along the west property line. This location was selected after an evaluation of the following factors: site characteristics; .. topography of the adjoining areas; existence of elevated sewer lines along north, east and south property lines; and, existence of two accessways nt the northwest and southwest corners of the site , which could easily be aligned with the proposed street. The applicant was notified regarding the right of way dedicationson Monday, May 18, 1987. However, they decided to proceed with their application as submitted. In order to comply with this Standard, the applicant will have to redesign the project showing the 50 foot public right of way and the associated changes in building location, ' 0 circulation, landscaping, etc. ° Section 16. 005 - Hillside Protection and Erosion. Control A grading plan already has been isued by the City for the southeast area of the site, Exhibit 13 . `. The preliminary grading plan for this project has been reviewed and found to be in general compliance with the requirements of this Section, Exhibit 4. An erosion control plan, showing the following information, will have to be submitted and approved r prior to issuance of any building or construction permits: 8 1) Protection for the stream corridor; 2) Temporary cover for a] exposed slopes during the rainy season; 3) Location of siltation control measures, i.e. , straw bails, silt fences, siltation basins; 4) Establish permanent vegetative ground cover on all exposed slopes. • Staff Report/DR 4-87/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 e' Page 14 . Section 17. 005 - Floodplains As discussed earlier in this report, the Willamette River Floodplain. has been identified at the southeast corner of the site, Exhibit 4. A fill permit has been issued by the City for some grading in this area, Exhibit 13. The proposed fill will be compensated by construction of a storm detention pond which will provide for a net increase in the flood stage capacity of the site. Section 18.005 - Access Access to State Street is provided via a public crossing located at the northwest corner of the site, as the site does not directly abut State Street. The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 18.020 (1) which requires that all lots must abut a street for a width of at least 25 feet. 0 / Staff supports the applicant's request pr vided 1 4 �;' that the above mentioned public street`.,ri ht of way is shown on a revised site plan. \•1) Section 19. 005 - Site Circulation Standards-Driveways and Private Streets The proposed circulation within the development is shown on Exhibit 3. These street will vary from 25 4, ' •- to 30 feet in width requirement which conform to the 24 ' minimum width requirement of this section. They also comply with the grade and corner radius standards. • Section 20.005 - Site Circulation-Bikeways and Walkways q. No bikeways or walkways are proposed in the development. However, as discussed in Section 6.005 - Transit above, the applicant will be required to construct a sidewalk connecting the site toState Street. , , ..,. Staff Report/DR 4F7/VAR 18-87/VAR 19-87 Page 15 III. CONCLUSION: G Based upon the above findings, specifically those under Sections 2.005 and 14.005 (i.e. , Building Design and Utility Standard) , the application as submitted does not comply with the applicable criteria for development. The applicant can meet these criteria by changing the project design showing the recommended public street right of way along the west property line and the associated changes in building location, landscaping, circulation, etc IV. RECOMMENDATION: 1 ' Based on the above conclusion, staff recommends denial without prejudice. Until the issues identified and listed in this report are resolved, the Board should not grant approval. EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map 2. Elevation Plan 3 . Site Plan 4. & 5. Preliminary Grading Plan & Cross Sections 6. Erosion Control Plan 7 Preliminary Utility Plan 8. Landscaping Plan 9. Irrigation Plan 10. Public Utility Plan 11. Applicant's Narrative 12. Applicant's Supplemental Narrative for Varice to Transit Standard 13. Grading Permit 14--- Soils Report r., _Public Storage Color Samples HP/ma y ' • QgM�171-111E) NED NELSON ■ ARCHITECT THREE LAKE BELLEVUE DRIVE, SUITE 200 ,. BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 08003 l;oy 2 u 1989 (noe) 433.4000 o Cite of Isle Oswegl Land Development Sr i es 1 1 (• • November 16 , 1989 6$6ti 0 Z AON • Development Review Board City of Lake Oswego 4" 380 A Avenue o Lake Oswego , Oregon 97934 Re : Public Storage/Lake Oswego Dear Sirs : As requested .byLRobert Galante, we would like to submit an application for,, board review of foLir issues as addressed in item 2 of Mr . Galante ' s letter dated November 6 , 1989 . They are as follows : ' • 1 . Changes to roofing materialirsurfacing. 2 . Screening of root mounted mechanical equipment . 3 . Horizontal reveals ih the buiding walls. 4 . Barbed wire on the chain link fences . We would like you to consider the following responses 1 . From the old record , it appears that staff made a suggestion that "pebbles" or pea gravel be used as a roof surfacing to mitigate the "black tar" look typical to flat roofs . Public Storage specified a high quality "mineral granular" cap sheet of similar color to gray gravel on the contract documents and it was subsequently approved as part of the final permit issuance , It is regrettable that this did not get addressed at the proper ;. time, however , the present roof is of high quality , similar j color , and as a practical matter , is not viewed at close distances . The granular surface is complimentary to the building colors previously approved , Also , a gravel layer over the existing cap sheet would not, adhere . to the surface , and in a wind storm may provide "bullets" of "." gravel flying off the roof , or form irregular Wind drifts , Based . ' upon structural analysis , an additional gravel layer may be too much dead load for the structure as designed. We request that ` the granular roof as built be accepted , S 2 /XHIeITsa, .._._._.__7 ______ . Az 4 470„0.1 ,di, \ (NEMr3E%i 8 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS • NCARC3 P '' Public Storage e November 16 , 1989 ,. ►' " Page Two 1111 ,, , . , 2. The only roof mounted mechanical equipment is a^ small condensor unit about 30" in diameter by about 36" high . would either paint the unit to match the buildingbcolorlic oorage surround it with a-\smooth surface mechanical screen similar to the painted concre ;e texture. Screen dimensions would be approximately 10 ' x 10 ' x 3 ' high . 3 . We would like the board to reconsider an accent break between the paint, colors . Technically it is now impossible to accomplish this however the same result could be accomplished with an accent paint stripe. . As design architect , and having reviewed the completed project , I believe that a division between the paint colors may only serve to make the building more dominant and detract from the original intent of the carefully graded colors themselves , chosen to blend i ' in with the surroundings and effectively reduce the /scale of the buildings . Please consider approval of the building detailed as is . 4 . We Would like the board to consider allow i the cyclone fence to remain , and at the existing he\ightswofrbere7 'o - / 8 ' , 'If reviewed in actual context with do not think it is objectionable . the neighborhood , i j The railroadROW\ ' • substantial buffer of distance and topography from any a „", y pedestrians Viewing the project trom State Street . In conclusion , please1 review the actual project and consider a as constructed in regard to the items in this letter . Storage would consider some landscaping enhancements on the State',\bStreetrside to mitigate any concerns or possible ,objections . Additional ground cover could be added , however large' trees would be difficult , based upon already installed irrigation systems . We believe that the . design integrity has not been compromised and that We still confrm to the intent of Title 2. 005 and Title 10 . 005 of the Lake Oswego land o use code . cc Thank youifol your consideration of our requests . We look fo meeting i1 person with the board . t=Ward to Sil _ el , , I i // ,,e/ N i son ft,,,I,40 n NNi \, 0 . cc : Con McShane ,1 Public Stora40 ,l Inc , Norma-Jean Trabold , Future Concepts 1; I i ,�, 6S 4. STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO , . . LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION -® APPLICANT: "` FILE NO. ; Northland Homes, Inc. DR 23-89 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: , Northland Homes, Inc. Lynn Bailey LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 14 of January 5, 1990 — Tax Map 2 1S lE 31D (Map 4224) DATE OF HEARING: J LOCATION: • January 15, 1990 t:A c t Northwest corner of NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Erasmus, west of Cervantes COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Mt. Park . R-0 . ZONING DESIGNATION: , e. • ti R-0 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST . The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 4- ".., plex multifamily housing unit (condominiums) on an existing tax lot. fix... II. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS " t A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehenq,' ;ePlan: 0, 4 • Impact Management Policies General Policy II , , Potential Landslide Areas Policies General Policy III ` Social Resources Policies .. 5' General Policies III ' Residential Site Design Policies ' , General Policies I and II : ' ID ' ' DR 23-89 • Page 1 of 12 i i =Y. r ti , t . \, Transportation Policies General Policies I, VI and VII ID 1 B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code: ° LOC 48. 120-48. 155 R-0 Zone (Density, Lot size, lot coverage, setbacks, height) C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: LOC 49. 090 Applicability of Development \., Standards ° LOC 49. 300-49.335 Major Development Procedures ' LOC 49. 615 Criteria for Approval .4 - LOC 49. 620 Conditional Approvals • D. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: DS 2.005 - 2.040 Building Design DS 5. 005 - 5.040 Street Lights DS 6. 005 - 6. 040 Transit l ' DS 7. 005 - 7. 040 Parking !i Y DS 8. 005 - 8. 040 Park and Open Space DS 9. 005 - 9. 040 Landscaping, Screening and • Buffering DS 10. 005 - 10. 040 Fences DS 11. 005 - 11. 040 Drainage for' Major4110 . `: Development .Y DS 13 .005 - 13. 040 Weak ,Foundation Soils DS 14 .005 - 14.040 Utilities DS 15. 005 - 15.040 Residential Density �• * DS 16.005 - 16.040 Hillside Protection and Erosion Control DS 18. 005 - 18.04C Access DS 19. 005 - 19.040 Driveways and Private Streets DS 20 . 005 - 20.040 Bikeways and Walkways E. City of Lake Oswego Tree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55. 010 55. 130 • III. FINDINGS A. Existing Conditions: • a r , i The site Is approximately 18, 671 square feet ,". •rnd is irregularly shaped. It is surrounded by development on all sides as follows: I • , DR 23-89 Page 2 of 12 ' • , , , a • .% • b•' r 6 I ° •. To the North Kerr Parkway To the East: Mulitfamily glir� To the South: Multifamily To the West: Community College Parking Lot. To the Southwest: Vacant and Pedestrian °'� Pathway 2. The site was platted in 1977 as part of Blocks :� 43-44 of the Mountain Park subdivision, which was a Planned Unit Development. The planned development `approval specified that the site be developed with a 4-unit multifamily structure. ' • e 3. An application for a 4-plex on the lot to the south (Lot 15) was submitted by the applicant and is being processed separate from this request (DR 24-89) . ' 4. The site slopes downward from the north to south at a rate of approximately 18 percent. Steeper slopes of 30-40 percent exist at the southeast and west edges of the site. �, 5. There is a 20 foot wide open space strip aound the perimeter of the site except along the culdesac frontage. Part of the Mountain Park pathway abuts the southwest edge of the site. 6. The open space strip abutting the southwest edge of the site contains the following • utilities: . - a 6 inch sanitary sewer line, - an 8 inch water line, and - a storm sewer line. 7. The site has been prematurely cleared of brush " and small trees. Minor grading during brush removal has also occurred in the area of the proposed foundation and parking lot. r e B. Proposal: The applicant 'pp � proposes to construct a 4- unit residential structure as depicted in EXhibits 5- 10. DR 23-89 ti , Page 3 of 12 f I \ y -fi . \ C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: ,, ill : ' As per LOC 49.615, staff must consider the ,' • following criteria when evaluating minor 1 development. 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents marked als exhibits, accompanying this report. 2. For any development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: • a. The City's Comprehensive Plan , Applicable policy groups are: , •Impact Management Policies �'` These policies require comprehensive review of development proposals. These policies are implemented through the Development Standards, addressed further below. Compliance with the4111 ' ' applicable Development Standards reviewed below • will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when "` necessary to assure compliance. Potential Landslide Areas Policies • „ c, These policies require careful engineering and • ( l' '\.. ' site development in areas designated as having ,., • slide potential in order to protect the public and / private owners from risks. The applicant submitted a soils report (Exhibit 12) to meet : ' these policies, as well as the Development , '• . Standards that implement these policies. The report indicates that the site is generally suitable, but that extra development expense could • • be incurred if rock is found during excavation. If rock is encountered, underground public facilities Will be protected through a condition to require the applicant to repair any damage caused during blasting, if necessary. + ' I 4 1;4, e DR 23-89 . Page 4 of 12 a t• . • Social Resource Policies These policies require citizen;,participation in the development process. Since public input has been solicited through posting, notice and public hearing, these policies have been met. Residential Site Design Policies These policies require a thorough and aesthetic review of residential development proposals. These policies are implemented through the public • hearing process and through the Development • Standards addressed further below. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when • necessary to assure compliance. Transportation Policies These policies require a safe and convenient access, adequate roads and pedestrian facilities, 4 and adequate on-site parking. These policies are • implemented through the Development Standards, addressed further below. By demonstrating 4 •. compliance with the Parking, Access, Utility and Sidewalk standards, compliance with these policies is demonstrated. ' 9 b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. Zoning Code Requirements and Analysis r The site is zoned R-0. Any type of dwelling unit is a permitted use in the zone. The density for the site was determined during the review for the ntain Park planned 48. 130 (1) (b) , actual tfortheii Pursuants to LOCy t, to be determined during development review and is based on the proposal ' s ability to comply with the s. Development Standards (addressed below) . L,OC 48. 135 (2) does not require a minimum lot area for lots formed within a planned development approval. •" as long as all other Code requirements are met. •' • .t a The maximum lot coverage allowed for buildings and required parking is 60%. Since the site is .. approximately 18,671 square feet and the proposed improvements cover approximately 5, 400 square ''. 0 feet, lot coverage will be approximately 29%. • DR 23-89 Page 5 of 12 , f,' ri .4a f ' • K .p f • Although LOC 48. 150 (1) specifies a setback requirement of \ en (10) feet for all yards, the setbacks approved in the prior planned development take precedence over these requirements (if different) . The setbacks approved in the plat process are: Front: 8 feet (. Sides: 5 feet :• Rear: 20 feet The proposed development meets the setbacks required. (See Exhibit 5) . LOC 48. 155 (2) provides a height limitation of 35 • feet for the R-0 zone. The proposed structure complies with this standard. Development Code Requirements and Analysis These standards are addressed further below. Tree Cutting Ordinance Requirements and Analysis Three (3) trees with a caliper greater than 5 r' inches are proposed for removal to make way for the proposed improvements (See Exhibit 10) . The ♦{' reason for removal meets the criteria for issuance of cutting permits in LOC Chapter 55. Prior to removal, the applicant will be required to obtain a permit. Some clearing of bush and top soil has occurred on the site. Based on the ordinance, no further cutting shall occur prior to the issuance of a building permit. Upon comparison of the proposed landscape plan with existing site conditions, it appears that one large tree that was proposed for retention has been rez{• ved. This is further discussed in the Landscape btandard (DS 9.005 - 9.040) . c. The applicable Development Standards Building Design (2.005 - 2.040) The applicant submitted Exhibit 3 (page 1) , ;;, ' Exhibits 4 , 6 and 10 to demonstrate compliance with this standard. These provide adequate evidence that the proposed design will be " .r complementary to the surrounding multifamily , `'`' r` development; • A •.•,�. '• DR 23-89 r Page 6 of 12 y * , S /•I.n 1 M Icy . r yy \, , , 1 _ r • ' Street Lights (5.005 - 5.040) There is an existing street light in the open spade strip to the south of the site. It is . unclear whether the existing street light is adequate to light the proposed parking area. The building elevations do not indicate that building ^, , mounted lighting is proposed. Prior to final approval, the applicant should be required to f provide a lighting plan that provides lighting for . the parking area that is not directed towards f '' surrounding residential uses. ` Transit System (6.005 - 6.040) The applicant states in Exhibit 3 that the nearest bus stop is 3/4 mile away at the intersection of •�°r. Jefferson Parkway and Kerr Road. Pedestrian access in the form of a hard surface path exists to the bus stop from the site. The site is • adequately served by the existing transit system. No additional stops or turnouts are necessary to ,' accommodate the proposed development. Parking and Loading (7.005 7.040) Two (2) parking spaces per unit as required by this standard are provided. Half of the required spaces are in garages under the individual dwelling units. Prior to occupancy of the proposed units, the applicant will be required to pave, stripe and curb the parking area. Park and Open Space (8.005 - 8.040) • The site was originally platted as a lot in the Mountain Park subdivision (Blocks 42-44) . Open ; • space was provided at the time the site was • platted with the subdivision which was a planned development. Since open space that meets this standard has been provided through the previous process, it is not necessary to require additional .' open apace at this time. • . Landscaping, Screening and Buffering (9. 005 - 9.040) a Development Standard 9. 020 (2) requires 20% of the net buildable area to be provided as landscaping. exhibit 10 demonstrates compliance with this .4 , standard through clean up of native vegetation ., • k, combined with new plantings. A photinia hedge is .4. proposed along the southwest border of the site to , ¢ .� DR 23-89 Page 7 of 12 • 4 , _,. . - R screen view of the parking lot from the existing 4111 '" pedestrian path. An irrigation plan was not submitted. The applicant should be required to provided an irrigation plan for an automatic sprinkler psystemprior to the issuance of a building permit. Three (3) of the existing large trees have been incorporated into the proposed landscape plan. To protect these trees from damage during grading of the site, the applicant ro will be required to provide construction fencing around the drip lines of these trees. Based upon recent site inspection, it appears that an existing tree that was proposed for retention (west of the guest parking and east of the access) has been removed. The applicant should be required to revise the landscape plan to mitigate this error. (See Exhibit 10) . Fences (10.005 - 10.040) ° No fencing is proposed for the front yard. Small individual fenced yards are proposed off the back of the units. During the building permit process, the applicant will be required to install fences with the structural side facing the units. He • will also be limited to a 6 foot height maximum. It is recommended that a condition be added to ensure that this standard will be met. Drainage for Major Development (11.005 - 11.040) The applicant proposes to route roof and foundation drains and parking lot drains to an existing storm drain line in the open space area to the southwest of the site. On-site detention and pollution control manholes as required by this • standard are proposed (See Exhibit 11) . The drainage calculations submitted by the applicant are not correct, and the drainage plan does not provide enough information for staff to determine if the drainage standard is met. Elevations of existing and proposed lines are not indicated. ° Because the applicant has not adequately demonstrated how this standard can be met, staff recommends that the Board delay their decision for :•`i this application to provide the applicant an • + , . opportunity to submit the necessary information. Weak Foundation Soils (13 .005 - 13.040) The applicant submitted a soils report by a . registered engineer (Exhibit 12) to address this standard. Soils are further discussed in the Page 8 of 12 ?0 A `l Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Standard f (16.005 - 16. 040) . • • Utility Standard (14.004 - 14.040) \;\ . . All required utilities are available to serve the " site. Access is proposed onto Erasmus approximately five (5) feet from the open space • strip along the southwest boundary of the site. Erasmus is constructed to City standards. There is an existing asphalt path adjacent to the site in the open space strip. The proposed site plan j should be revised to indicate the location of this °" off-site path in relation to existing utilities, which are off-site and will be accessed during „e - • construction. A condition is recommended to ensure that any disturbance to the path and open space area during construction is mitigated. Hillside Protection and Erosion Control (16.005 - 16.040) • The proposed development has been sited to minimize disturbance of natural topography and to minimize cut and fill. Proposed grading of the • site conforms to this standard. The site is •n.' . designated as having slide potential. The 9° applicant submitted a soils survey (Exhibit 12) for the proposed development which indicates that W soils are suitable for the proposed foundation, A. but that large boulders and/or high points of rock pi may be encountered during excavation (the Building Division noted during pre-application conference that rock was encountered during development on • adjacent lots to the east) . In case rock is encountered and blasting is necessary, a condition is recommended for videotaping existing sewer lines before and after blasting to monitor and mitigate damage to the public sewer line. • For erosion control during construction, the applicant will be required to adhere to the 4 November 1989 publication guidelines in the • Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook compiled by the City of Portland and Washington County. (Exhibit 13 ) . Measures that maybe required include a gravel construction entrance, sediment barrier at top of disturbance, and reestablishment of vegetation prior to removal of erosion control measures, i 0 DR 23-89 • Page 9 of 12 • ro i • ' , �1 r1 N. n I l' / /. • 4 Access Standard (183 005 -',18.040) The proposed accesi to the site is adequate and meets this standard. Private Streets/Driveways (19.005 - 19.040) The driveway into the parking lot does not meet ` '� the minimum 20 feet width for two-way circulation ', as required by DS 19. 020 (1) (a) . Prior to( the issuance of a building permit the site plans • should be revised to provide the required 20 foot minimum. ' Bikeways and Walkways (20.005 - 20.040) . N. There is an existing pedestrian path system off- site adjacent to the site which provides .. compliance with this standard. , d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS There are no such plans which affect this site. �. C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal complies with or can be made to comply with all applicable criteria, except for the Drainage Standard for Major Development (DS 11. 005 - ' 1, 11. 040) . The drainage plan submitted by the applicant does not provide enough detail for staff to determine whether the standard is met. In addition, the drainage calculations have errors that need correction. III. RECOMMENDATION Stafr recommends that a decision for the applicant' s request be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to provide the applicant the opportunity to adequately address drainage. After the ` applicant has demonstrated compliance with the Drainage Standard, staff would recommend approval of the request, subject to the following conditions: • • • 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall: • a) Revise site plans to provide a minimum 20 ' foot width for the driveway. • 4111 f DR 23-89 Page 10 of 12 ! / /j I la , b) Revise site plans to show the existing pedestrian path and utilities in the open space adjacent to the site. c) Provide an irrigation plan for an automatic sprinkler system. !F d) Revise landscape plan to provide replacement planting for the tree between the access and guest parking area. ••' „ e) Provide a lighting plan for the parking area that is in conformance with DS 5. 005 5 . 020. 2. Prior to occupancy, the applicant shall: / a) Pave, stripe and curb the parking lot as �.. approved in the final approved plans submitted for condition l.a. b) On-site detention and pollution control devices as approved in the final drainage • ' plans shall be installed. c) Any disturbance that occurred during ,.' construction to the path or open space area along the southwest boundary of the site , shall be restored to it' s original condition. 3. During construction, the applicant shall: . a) adhere to the erosion control guidelines as ' set forth in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook. b) If rock is encountered during excavation and blasting is necessary, all sewer lines in the ' .' vicinity shall be videotaped before and after blasting in order to monitor damage. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost and repair of any damage from blasting. „,% R 4. The applicant shall obtain a tree cutting permit and shall conform to the requirements of LOC Chapter 55 prior to further removal of trees from the site. 5. Fencing in the rear yard shall be installed so t that the structural side faces the units aLd shall I -- not exceed a 6 foot height. e • DR 23--89 • Page 11 of 12 , p • L -. .. u • EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map0 2. Applicant's Narrative addressing LC.DC Goals 3. Applicant's Narrative addressing Development Standards 4. Applicant' s Narrative addressing the Building Design Standard 5. Site Plan i' 6. Building elevations I• 7. Basement floor plan 8. '`Lower level floor plan • 9. Upper level floor plan • 10. Landscape plan 11. Drainage plan and calculations 12. Soils report 13. Portion of Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook (City of Portland and Washington County, November 1989) ,A k y\, ay 1 1{i 1 0 1 4 e . e ji. v e 4111 w DID 23--89 Page 12 of 12 ' 1. r • I e e, • \1• . +_. a ~O. ,11r4 ^• .l NS�N 5tr�' _ r1 \\:fi: rs . • . t LIN. \ ••• ••••• O • •• • e• r! • t, 1 ., '.F.•. Its ` • �• qAer •10 n. �iY ••♦ 11 , •I••• `...,0 ►,y . II .w ww•o 1 • •. 1 Iw .► • 1 1j I, !al, s Ar 1 • i '1/4 r,,, , i . '. I:1 4.• • 139II • Mr . j I • .. . . dia.:A..„.....0 +.+r• C s• • +• • t gry • t ter. �MJI... I LI':i!.: i 1. . C....• t °". •• ...'' , ......AW •••• / e3 •16....••• • o . ,f.1 I °4. 414, cia • • ��,•.r l ma's ► .; ,a .(i �.,r�� ERS v ON :., 6g i • / • 'rr,� Irw..1 5 '6 '� as rt�'' • PARE( o / /AM.A .! '• � •• J 1. 1. .+ I1 told! Rd• • i - tii. ••'S i':fit►.--•9 1 n••d• r♦ .04 ♦�_ •!••. A SON ., F R �RkWAY r•el • 4 i o..Qer , ►. J ..41i/_,..04,:.. . \.,.: .' h!1 ai./. 'Iu.=�YN - Ir4.li L V,♦�a + Y"r= �; •+t' _t Via.. •1 10 ' S i• ^ , •I. ',f. - . •'.• I,, •.1t"- •!!J•i. Ayy'r•.'.♦ Oil' •, .aJy�PI • - w 1` 1• j, ••a,1 h• 1 ;' ~ + . ;w.....ril. t •✓t••JJ ryr • ./ ♦!i .• • ti r a♦e/el...0 Y ^" *II♦I I♦ ^enrK.• S•E, 1/4 SEC,31,I5I E,4K. •'I I' ` g EXHIBIT li ►` . f IL -J. '1J Ir,.I • •1 • ♦ IP ' 9 ' Lot 14 Block 43 Mountain Park Block 42 - 44 SE % Sec. 31 & SW % Sec. 32 i/a T.1S. R.IE. WM Multnomah C ,/unty, Oregon NARRATIVE: Compliance with LCDC Goals and Guidelines ad per Relationship to Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan to Statewide Goal3. 1 . Citiaens Involvement - Through public hearings. 2. Land Use Planning - As Designated by Lake Oswego zoning code. , 3 . Agricultural Lands - "To preserve and maintain agricutural lands" This goal does not apply to areas within Metro's regional growth boundary. (UGB) 4. 4 . Forest Lands - Does not apply. PP Y• 5 . Open spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources. "To conserve open spaces and protect natural and scenic resources. " 6. Air, Water, and Land Resource Quality.- "To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water, and land resources of the state. " The quality of the existing air, water and land resources of the ® Property"will not be adversely affedted by the ro os P P al. 7• Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards - "To protect life and property from natural disasters and hazards. " There are no distinctive natural +areas or known hydrologic hazards on the site. o 8. Recreational Needs - "To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the State. " This request alone does not offer the potential for creating any additional recreational facilities. Mt . space plan and full recreational facilitiesrk has an overall open 9 . Economy of the State - ''To diversify and improve the economy of the State. " The Partition will provide marketable building lots. 10. Housing "To - provide for the housing needs of citizens of the State. " The proposal would provide for buildable lolls that will not disrupt an established neighborhodd. I i IXHIBIT , . , ra 11 . Public Facilities and Services - "To plan and develop timely, " orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as -a framework for urban -aid rural, development. " c Public utilities are in p3 ce to servt,'sthe lots. • 12. «Transportation - "Toy r,l pr d"+, and encourage a safe, convenient: �n��nd economic transport rirn system. " 4erV,antes is an existing-'�road that is part of the overall Mt. ; falan- -- Park 13. Encr;4y Conservation - "To conserve energy. " ��/ The proposal will have beneficial effects on the achievement of thie goal because theonew residences will be constructed to the "` State Energy Code. 14 . Urbanization - "Urban growth boundaries shall be, established to identify and separate urbanizable land from rural. land. "The subject property is within the urban growth boundary established by Metro. Public facilities and services are available and in place. 15-19: Willamette Greenway and Coastal Goals - Not applicable. IIII ,,,„ , . d , . _,, , , ,.„.. . , • .. • 4111 „.., 0 . . . . . . . . ..... _. , `,,. ' Lot '14 Block 43 Mountain Park Block 42 - 44 SE '% "Sec. 31 & 111/1 SW, % Sec. 32 in T.1S. R.IE. WM Multnomah County, Oregon NARRATIVE: Compliance with the Lake Oswego Development Ordinance and Standards. 1 .005 . "Historic Resource Preservation" Does not apply. Not within natural register of Historic Places as being of historic significance on having been identified by city as "IC" . Resources under state land use goals. 2.005 . "Building Design" 1) A three story wood frame four unit building stepping down from right to left •set back from s meet 45 feet. Also having a/varied gable roof_to help in breaking up expance. it 2) Materials Siding �- Beveled lap siding, color - Earthtone. II Roof - Cedar shake Windows - White with grids Doors - Six panel Mechanical Equipment - Not visible. , Mailboxes - Furnished`:by U.S. Postoffice. • Downspouts - 4" square. Utility connections and Meters - Underground & screened by ldndscaping. Chimneys H� Same material & color as building. Lights - I'�ndirect. Signs - None Awnings - None Foundation - Concrete 6" above grade & screened by landscaping Vents - Roof on rear of building. Stairs - riser with x2 rail. DecksandOrailings - Frontpatio 4-,.Concrete with 1x6 fencing, • Rear deck - Wood with .lx6,`railing. Same color as building. Weathervanes, aerials and other appendages attached to the roof or projecting above the toofline - No appendages or projections. . 3.005 . ''Stream corridors" ' Does not apply. Not within stream corridors. J IXHI IT 13 f FOR -g9 I • ° �yI, 11Y , 4.005 . "Wetlands" Does .not apply. Not within . wetlands. 5.005 . "Street lights" Existing Street light on , W corner of property. They have been installed per original approved Mt. Park P.U.D. 6.005 . "Transit System" Existing hard surfaced pedestrian path connects the • site with Kerr Road which has transit facilities. The nearest transit stop is at the intersection of • Jefferson Parkway and Kerr' Road approximately 3/4 mile away. 0 7.005. Parking and loading standards. The 4-plex that will be constructed will provide two off-street parking spaces in addition to garage parking per unit. ') 8.005 . "Park and Open Space" Parks and open space have been provided by Mt. Park Master Plan. `,,. 9.005 . "Landscaping, screens-neand buffering" Landscaping to exceed 20% requirement & placed in such a manner to accomplish standards. 10.005. "Fences" Limited private fences in . rear yard will be cons'trurr�ted with the units to assume privacy. • 11.005 . "Drainage standards for Major Development" Roof runoff carried to storm sewer east of property line. Frontyard drains to street. Rear driveway and parking to dry well. 12,005 , "Weak foundation soils" See soils engineering report attached. 13.005 . , "Utility standard" , All required utilities exist .in Cervantes and on Mt. Park pedestrian easements. Jo", , 14.005 . "Hillside protection and erosion control" f Contractor shall use care to minimize any cuts, fills, or vegetation removal and Use standard practices such as erosion barriers during construction. After completion of construction, the use of ground covers, planting, mulch, and netting holds soils in place and aids in establishing plant covers. NI .\` q , , • , . �1, ,_,, . _ . . ‘., , _ ___ / I a • A A • a 15.005 . "Flood- Plain" Not within flood plain. 16.005 . "Access" rf t. _ Each lot meets the city standards of 25 feet mini �� ,l'°` frontage pen lot on a public street. mum k- " 17.005. "Site Circulation Standards; Driveways and Private Streets" Driveways will be •constructed to city standards and will not exceed a 15X slope on a 8% cross,, slope. 18.005 . "Site Circulation standards - Bikeways-& Walkways" Provided by means of Mt. Park P.U.D. consisting of easement with asphalt paths along rear and side of property._; t Al"1 III ., • . _ . . . ,, , , , . (. • • 1111 „ . . . . . , . .. , . _ I , I ) I V y LOT 14, Block 43, MOUNTAIN PARK "• ti Block 42-44 SE 1 sec. 31 and SW 14 sec. 32 in T.IS.R.IE. ,.WM. MULTNOMAHI COUNTY, OREGON t NARRATIVE: • 2.00S. " Building Design" The site is approximately 18,671 square feet sloping from North to South, • '`• 22 feet in elevation across the total leng0 of the parcel : We propose to construct four condominium units. The zero lot line rowhouse approach is to allow each unit to have a small front and, rear yard as: their own. The units have been designed to step down the slope along Cervantes to accommodate grades and also serves to break the solid mass. that would result in one V unbroken building. The units, are small , two ' bedroom floor plans of approximately 1300 square feet. Each unit will have a one car garage and 1111/ one parking space in a parking lot. Butldi'ng also have a varied gable roof to help break up the expanse. The Immediate surroundings, areas: consis.t of four plexes,; south of Lot 14 is a three story four plex with board and bat siding; tile roof; N gray-brown in color with garages under. Directly west and down the hill of Lot 15, i•s steped three story four plea with garages Under lap siding, , , light brown stain, and tile roof.. South and across the street is three story four plex with garages under, lap s.tdi,ng, buff color and tile roof, North of property is a parking lot for the College. , el c , • 14 \� \ , • • . \ : , \ . w , \ 4 s ,oa \ tn� 1 \i • .. / / 1 \ \ • . ,, - / % \ ' \ . \• ietk • A I I • ��� / ' !'yam` I 7s� •7s* •` • I j ♦ v I 7^� "4li 111 \ / • 7ir �° 9sa \ 1 MON �� Tf& Iva./ \ 1 1 • I • 0 4 , „ / I 1 710 / / l I 1 .. . .. , 11')/itp, I ! ...7_6,s„.:, . ,, ,, I ei . , I , /r . i I 1 7Mo \\ .0i I t, rio• s\c/.%):N,,%,..%........\\:) *•• 1 ,\ 711.1i \ ` y�4 \ \ \ ‘ >c\ \ .. .... N\ � 1e '~ •� too 6 sewER \ \ 7sy • \ .4000001....-- — 72 0 r '� I.\# .,' WA!!R \ jlij V 1 v 7�(1 " • / 7..I ,I.1011111111HIiIT111111111 III 11111I1:11I'II1 1111I(I1111, ;I ' li 'it. Ir111.11, ��; I!�i _ n)1. -- �-, ,, A 1 iii: '1 I �I �� ! Ill 'II l z /■ I, i ! , yr ■■ ,, ��i�. I 'I I� =f = I .I I; ' Mom" .I IIIIIIII 11 1 1 � Ii� I i11l �I i�,r� I JJJJJJ ( I1 I --�= ! ' I. mum �'. 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(• MA INANONIA Aeolgoo AT / &IL 3'0.C., 01.060#4 cie.*frir P F /MAT'iMI.4 rit saps i a &Ai S.a c. eft Atm, PNOT,friPA G ROUND COVER norAwiew 4 MAME' mist Sissitsi. 14/0 5/acme b C OWN ON N.•l•-i 0 CR GRAgs ......_.______ I r v y ii Is 0.c. ----_____ NoT" 0 11,4fl A ,li Mel, SO NI, F,,,, .44 1 I. Ptisoor "otos I) _s 17s.4.r : you at 0 ar,a,00, ALL p.e rlegars .dis .2 "at 7 .IworPoro ,)Ail IIAA,T.i a",e7ki /32" fl(/#04,421, /"..0,t 110WAL To 00 CI III eN % , 'rite er.$ fr.elle,oro R I , o it.l.sr o Ns• ricirts rb fro 4,4 i 0 CE ) • � - ,. . , o / \ ' , . /0:0 , / , \ 11 / \ < f • y , / /a t 'j ' , ��� ti� �' -\ 1 / ' ji V• cP 4,,\,..I., ji.ep 3 f• r p • 12' ' • c, ,' ! , r, I I I • A, ��% I • r • \ f •�-:►•r l I- jU ., .I. f c� 1 } !: i 1 1 I eP7 �,� !� f `� LL al r•tolir I hA • �� . ' / . 0 t, ' I Ii , yy• z _f I t , �''`��‘. I (...„....,\I I , .t., - :II \ ' '‘.., 1 N \ \,. 4. -",, (":"\L:: // 0. ... \\%.\ 1`- ', / , \ ..\\ ‘0.,...:, \ \ / \ .•• • ' - ��\ ' \�.,��. .L....-.� •..+ I mo.6• ,0 x t - ,,. ''' yr^�,.- .. 6 .' ' '� 7.y \\ ,�• " C4 • . N .,girt � ' �• ,r.. '+, ' , t,a •. `' ��, ,.}. &le, wi a Pan view . WA7-Frt , 5 . --- a a Li' i, .' 1 • J 1 RUNOFF RATE WORKSHEET Project Name: Cervantes', Lot 14 • 'DEC City File Number: Computed By: Douglas, K., Pollock • Date: 12/14/89 I. REQUIRED RELEASE RATE (10-Year Storm) 1.OTotal Site Area A = tot ac. 2. Existing Land Use wooded 3. General Site Slope 242. 4. Runoff Factor (use enclosed, table) C exist ---03-- 5. Longest Travel Route of Runoff 200. feet • 6. Drop of Runoff along Travel Route 2 2 feet 7. Condition (overland flow, channel, pipe, etc. ) . overland flow. 8. Tithe of Concentration, Tc, (5 minute minimum) ® (Use nomograph) Tc81 .-5` min. 9. Rainfall Intensity, for 10-Year Storm (use precipitation table) I= 2,,53 in/hr 10. Peak Runoff Rate, Q=CIA (line l x line: 4 x line 9) Q= ..031 cfs II. Developed Site Runoff Factor 11. Impermeable Area Ai= .15 ac. 12. Permeable Area A = ,27 ac. p 13. Runoff Factor for Permeable Areas (use enclosed table) C = 0,3 p 14. Composite Runoff Factor (line 11) X (0.9 / line 1) (line 12) X (line 13 / line 1) C = ,51 comp 15. Site Area (line 1) X Ccomp (line 14) = III. Detention Volume ReOired • 16. From Detention Vol me Work Sheet. . . . . , . �l . . .Vol._ 81 ,_..., cUft _11. 111111 c t 1 DETENTION VOLUME WORKSHEET Project Name: Cervantes, Lot 14 City File Number: . .A. . . `..E3. . . ► C I D E F G STORM 50-yr AREA X INFLOW RELEASE STORAGE DET. VOL. TIME inten C comp. B X C line 10 D - E FXAX 60 mins. in/hr line 15 cfs cfs cfs cu. ft. 5.00 3.43 ,088 .,3Q1 .031' .27 81 6.00 3.14 7.00 2.91 8.00 2.72 • 9.00 2.56 10.00 2.42 �? 11.00 2.30 12.00 2.20 13.00 2.11 14.00 2.02 15.00 1.94 16.00 1.86 17.00 1.79 18.00 1.73 19.00 1 .67 20.00 1 .61 21.001.56 22.00 1 .52 23.00 1.48 24.00 1.44 25.00 1.40 ; . 30.00 1.24 _. 35.00 , 1.13 411110 40.00 1 .04 • -2- •1 • 4 Y ' , , • i /• . f • E.'",,`. N I • ., . .. tu tr: a o d 1 1 • JA 1r IA aw 1' >i.. JJ 111 J IJ Xi° W U. •q03 O ' I I, E 1 I '1 oc 0.Z g Q !V AI,. I I I.. • K Ziy Z Z 0> J !i I I I I Ial EIJ Zr. a� � MW W 161 O J W 1 4 l)) ri - it" 1 ! vl 11 W O2 w ex p Zw•iN Z i.. .J >?- W WyH J p.RZ J O® 1 SZ IU,R x�,y J Z _1"O ~ Iw 179 F- O k O p 'r" z Q c� a w V Z x t- o p (12). 0m = 2 ON x �� iii Q W<p ilit W io�Z iO OT O. 2 O a J O W 1:!FI lV y'° O p n'a► W H �V> Z I cit iinz: 0�= Z J O Q. N O >Va.W ill I To N�a, I � T r�r IlV w I.Im :n 3 W O NU.I WM 0 W m !�. W w►- p J 1-. Z m F-� CNN 4.coa et-I w c) J a O W Z1t,A O 4 Oa."' . Z �n HWH J ttOw le.', I O w a O w _,I O Z t/) a. Z O 0�L 2 fD O t� s s 0 „ u u 0 Zt 'a R • 3 a 0 x:l>r1 �. x a X O i N z '�1 '` i�� • a s w z x w�- w e11. X X y ,BOO w 1--lac.) >- ra X X x�OL1 Lain .. N ri -0 p 2 IrW�p O inU Q J p • I 111 N Z2yy O_ Q IZ0 WWWW ...1....1 X �� Xia.=Z . . \A. N oN II a.I3.1-J ill rse��an� o1 a b�e. , e * 11 ' 211 i fcl A\rnetaii' to I . - i ,141C7117. firi'..tt ICI - _ _ @ z ► I w VK oI 1-v J ap O.w1►tRNA i WO YE y 1 a „_ L J• W J J IW Ri Q ie. P. ,k� i d R E i/, 3-84 � _Ia O J It 0 W ! 1./ Y 4411 .' _,.i 0 (6, DEPARTMENT - � , Croy rya•;v CHECK OF TYPICAL CLOSED, ( )) PUBLIC WORKS �"' "� NTS 190J 'i�i✓' DETENTIONPIPE CITYmitt,;Ti+t►vtl�jd`T1u`"—' Of LAKE OS1MCs0 r • ` �' ... Y i. • I, . ' • • 4 \l ,, STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 24„ MAX. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED „,,,,,. :..r TOP SLAB AND MANHOLE RINGS SHALL 0 vs.: CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. SPEC. 470' • �' ' . OVERFLOW EL.' ,•i;_. ; t „ 6"MIN I/2" BOLT(STAINLESS STEEL) AIL GALV. CHAIN • I 1 200* CAP FABRICATED CORRUGATED ACITY SLACK _ WHEN GATE METAL CROSS WITH TURNOUT GATE, IS DOWN, •..__ ® SIZE AS REQUIRED BOLT CHIN GROUT 1 TO CONC. 30 MIN.�.�. / —. INVERT EL, WAIIINII ARMCO 111011411 ' MODEL 160 ; TURNOUT �+�.. . , GATE TO BE MADE WATER ¢0 `'' �. d TIGHT IN PLACE , ' • CONC. PIPE lV . WITH MASTIC j•', �� FLEXIBLE COUPLING' COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL o RES'irRICTOR PLATE (FOR 3" MIN 4=0" MIN, iv •'`'I FL(',W CONTROL ONLY) ; '; , OF;;IFICE DIA.3 " . i '•• `: '...4'...”.,, . MANHOLE AND BASE PER ;cTD,' 6��MIN. MANHOLE DETAIL SECTION NOTES: I. ALL PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO • THMANHOLE ACCESS FROM ABOVE POURED REQUIREMENTS OF A,S.T.M.-C-478, ALL .\ DAY STRENGTH OF 3 000 PSI. ND 2�PTO 4�� SLUMP • 2. ELEVATIONS OF BASE I,E, �'� ' / ' ;'�, ROUT AND OVERFLOW SHALL " BE APPROVED BY CITY, I I ,.•,® CONCRETE PIPE INFLOW A ' LINES 4 '' 1110:44:4;‘"i '� WHERE •4, APPLIC- `' 4: s 9 PIN '' .. ABLE ' ' oGoset 1134 P 6 i' REV, -06 REV 9.84 PLAN PRECAST MANHOLL e j' �s �� REV 5-84 5 FI^��� DEPARTMENT auoN aA+n cNece I \ OF DB f POLLUTION/FLOW CONTROL °G PUBLIC WORKS "� MANHOLE I =2p CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO '® N• 8 MI 1.0 c+�ue+i iY.w.MNf�se _ . - " o !d ':. ' 4r • IRVIN A. COOPER CIVIL [NOINEER November 30, 1989 1`° Orme227.4122 , R[eteT[[[pt WILLAMLTt'[ DUII DING • OREOON ` 1'ORTLNND.O11[t70N 07301 WASHINGTON Rms. a4e•a�ba NORTHLAND HOMES 10211 S.W. Barbur Blvd. /;,i ':t"� _ _ , � Portland, OR 97219 Attn. : Doug POLLOCK OF" .f ;� • „ PROPOSED 4-PLEX APTS., %„ ' c314.t LOT 15 BLOCK 43 LOT 14 BLOCK-43 ERASMUS CT. ERASMUS CT. MT. PARK :.• :MT. PARK LAKE OSWEGO 6Multnomah County • FOUNDATION SOIL APPRAISAL Subject: Reconnaissance at BUILDING SITES in confirmation of , property corners; hand levels of surface terrain with ., stability appraisal by soils identification and align- ment of large trees. • The sites for the proposed Developments are .ituated" at the westerly boundary of the Subdivision, comprising a sector within �. .a cul-de-sac off. Cervantes. Ground surface (LOT 15) possesses elevation 705i feet along 81+ ft. frontage, extending 20 to 40 feet level to crest of the 30 foot hillside downslope to the ' southwest property corner; (LOT 14) upslope Plot with 53.6 ft. ' frontage, rising, ,:-am EL 720 to EL. 745. Assignment to the inspection included Site Plan of the proposed ' twin four side-by-side two-level residential units, (each 1804 0 0 feet ih plan dimension) stepped in accommodation of the rising !lope. Ground surface comprises virgin trees & hillside brush. l 4 TreeS trunk alignment were noted straight, asindication of soil stability. Soil is identified as Clayey-Silt; the typical unit ' Ill ~`existing over the subdivision acreage. ` P. 4 srn(/crunAt, bAMAdg APi►iAArSAW INaPIcTIONS 6TRYRYS 1 �� 411_I,: .. Site p`lceparation for the proposed composite structures will entail surface stripping of organics (grass and brush roots to 6 - 10 inches depth), with removal of large fir trees within e . the footprint area of the PROJECT. , Suitable foundation footings will find adequate support on the underlying uniform, fine-grained soil, Utilizing footing design on SOIL LOADING: Up to .1,800 Lbs./Sq. Ft. Construction willtentail Bench Excavation into the hillside. It is possible that large boulders and/or high � g points of under-' lying rock may be encountered. Pro ress of site g preparation is suggested to be monitored to address local conditions that"may • be exposed. ill .(.: / to i e+ .0,>,, 1. to r i �� it, h l IAC:cc 0' -�,p � /,jr L' .T.S per.,,. r Consulting Engineer I Soils-Foundation 1/: N. Pa ge 2 of 2 1111 l I • • 4774 INN „ .. • Mill :it; rx I 1Nr r I N.x, •±14.,i ., , • INK INx IN•.� J 1 COMU/ PLAIN CON110 1..n d+ will. „ Q• iA/AOINA . STUNT 1/C.A : • '' �r '• s F flosssC>/ItIN IIN, Ili•!••1 i i i = 1 'Ilan 11N.•/, 41a'a i'i , stet 71•• ., • �G- fgyg.� amy•• �� IIN. • II.N 1•�7 IIN. • u '�1� •_^» ' ,i• • i. MA iOMONA STll((T Y./ ,I�(/�. �DOGK 1`II- . i• 1141 p" T •fiG yy 1•. r•rtr"r'r' , �P , t H1N .Uq1 • i' Y 3, ,.L '}� ' .[� ...•'ice. '. ff 1y V • !4., 1! . F. �• iv 1117 Q 11.'— 111! Y r wl•' t •' PGfF !'+b ri; 111111f,� lout iiii n,,,e Ur rlr,.L j a 11u � "'a_. 'i._-~ • 5.141 f6 , — ma lira • ' • Il.li tit, •11r1�I •M i I -. �•- HIO ,.1,,.1, luN f itn t _• Igl•C if �'` 'I, ' i i i.►1r� •y� #I, tinetine_ Q ,iia•C i lira C '''y PALA TIN( d r , �.' 't I, 1 . .. Y 1 ,, i''‘' 11rY nr.,, p • q 1UN NH ; _ !T , I'll Y •,I. +{r• �'r ma, •y•y��' i°' Il,i.,Z nt,• , i l It.t, Ov RIr 11» Ilex 9 , 11.» iti'1nit�^1 .� x i34, I ••; ; r,� '� , - •_ a! ,. I tUODINOTON • 44 ■■�Tn((T 1� ,• , • , N Ira , „4., t i i:::: MN g I Yl`,11N7 Hain a I,to K i i ■■ i .��• '4,y' G I "`, ' •, , , ~� , r .1" : . 1 • ti •• 1 Hell. ••I'► t •1 • . i M nul 1 , C i L 1 3 y. _ •' , M, ." SONONAII°, s ■ aL •• r 'TAINT Y I I� ,.'• ' . • , ., '111M Y,1 i. ,, •1;11»1 s1 E ., . 1 � 1 i L■ i i I , 11»'$ 11tq, I i rf ,` was 1i 1 Ti I ' 1 1 t • 1• STRUT YACUNA �" P•,i 51 •11\ ,, • , .,• ' ., 1•• ' t1 r '1.. • ., }I ` •11 t,� •1---I• ; Y•�•1.'1 .J1 II1 11 .•11 , 1 I ''Y +, ' ?r Ilt '� i .rACUNA '�''t �'rlt '•S '`11.1 4888A L' •t11ff A ; I: I ,i1 1 , . • •'' ,,It •. 4tr „ ,1 : ' I,a 'RI1.. . .^ ,,,' r. r.t. it II • ' .-: 1 f• , �ii1 • ,1 y, t' '{� 1 'I'2.. ,,, •• i'',•:••,:.T V l;•::', :...1,0P't "•'.;•1'; 4,:ii-.4••• . ' . I 1 VISTA • /T111(T4 `IS'Y • I%III •. I•t ' '! •' , h t, ! • . 1'. 1,'. I I1 i 1 ! ' a 11, ••� •�, . ,r 1• M YC 1,)�1.✓, •t••t• 1 , J 1 l •.! ,'1'1 1'. .. ` :•• $IIIH ti �'. 't' • , '"51''1�1 , .• I .t f` %. II.• I, ,.1 1.' V M1. . 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' t s'` i ' '. iiifi�. 1 ..14 i •�. lu 1J1 L+ •i ,. o 3 MT,Jrlllo MT,SYLVANIA 'i • t 14": . ::::: t1t� /t�It 'l � -.atop • 1 10•'• 4,, L i• •�� ~ ` ► • y ..• : j. • !'• , • ll•I • ,`I l,� ei' ,1•i1 fial 1 ti ... l'il,. .If ;,�j1�i'' 9•�'� '! f Iiiiiiiiiiil ltiiiii unlit' �_,_ 1 �� . r` i•�.: ;v• `� r�.w �. ,,it at next map ' .4.,' Palle 9 ' 'HE CITY LIMIT LINE EXTEND OUT TO THE CITY' LIMIT LINE A, 1 wS ,� •� 1 .�,-r r, 1"`—'''' 17 "",1 6 . --Nam.,,—' 4\ 's \ /4% 1 �, *II$ l t' o '001 It 1 �' ���� tt • fif. . 401 4. 11 `' p�'L�� Op C�r.� r� SZ r, . \�` 1.� _• $ M�w.L % % 1 j 8 c At\ \ j 1 ti 64 h Op 1 �.' LON QO�,� ▪ I (� p r 4,' r� i ' ZQO. r, �Z s' r = in q M � 1 Q ;�� 41, MriQf„° r w m ; 4 ' ' ice, I::z , S% NoN '� Wv W • '►`‘. P ; 1 ' )1.. ' r s V. %in INa f▪ % 1 q ru , k/ •L)11 I ti °°Win Pi . 1 .4 Ill Q 'COI il 41 • sy/ ‘`a'1 W fN► 1.m f,_ -i .l. w ' _1I e, .�1�t % at 'M:' r °ir's , i t % • � ci - w t, ^ ,. N , o i o uo� r qP I I 1 '�i v i QO'oo/ h, o •i p p • a, \\ • 11 I 44 'II `r '/0.4/N a : .ij;y i I O ' % M..?/,91'.iG a 1.�I , y v i � v�o g � ^ o � r In 1 0 itti, o, 1- I �.>r.► A 0 00 to/ ya 1 ,�Is 1!:c� .40" ' i Z, " 1 c M $ p ACR 1 .raT N ct ` 0);�` �,t' .,,c. , I , o 1 W, �' .1000q/ V' ' N N ..' �� �i \ 4 1 � .11N ' %c -. ; jn Vr ,' :� ,b if ECi_ . ' iv i, v1 Oil u h .� $ Mon/sas • 10 �: ii , ..' 11 ; 4) 2. * .• v °cr./ 1 . / L/ ^ r c °qr +A-'•.• LL ill ,,•.» X J 0 f' .. / l 1 Q q ZSF.Li �. VI ,�•; '�� S: s�1 b , ii, r1 n 1, M.E � ., i v ♦ ' 1 ( p Nli N Q . M •,selor• - ' r,‘ e 1 .. , / / ,. c o . , ♦ 9 .., / .r ►" o V ^ J' . , �' �, t, i ip ,,6V' ,,�+ I / 7�,6. 4i ...I .F/ •• fr-t._,,4 rs 4 ``il V) .t• '+l i +..._....... ,, � I / / Oa 'n• © zoo.trr/t� .d_ �'yVk16 (� n.um ,: . .. • , • _i i t '.,.. . 00 001 tfl cc COI 2 /o/ .-I F r �1 �:! i.l. . � .f7r�'ri�Qrt�/I 1 0,c, , ,..,` ` ) `Z.O N 1 r • / sr'Dire tar/ . ' ., .� (.7.... , ,,,....„. C1 II iGo a _ 74�•5 .Pu• S . 4 • &x- ,ao p.r.. !or. /4 % . ... 7V• �� OC,� 3' t . N . - ., -ft r% '\T� _. ... ...,» ..has z Ns, 4,, _ • _ A ,,..;s: , ...0 ,, _\ N 7yy �40 L. -. : ,. ,. \ , r 71a M / v . • / O 0 t‘o•sa° YO / ,,t v. . \ / �iL e•,k • ya r" ., \ „ ,'', . 91M \ L. 9\)' ' " \..x \.•.. 7 Vt. \,6,1 4 \ / S'on dr , t (), 4,..- t . ... ,„, ,,,, _ ler' .1._a i't 1 t. . ID t 1: �� ip.icil 25 26. WI"k I 1 •\ .,I 4 a $ 1ST BAC If �� s IFt s (� 11 *go' �r 1 / Y �1 hM ‘, ,! (f)� a s`A if • ri �,' 1`I ` ,. • . gii ece,t \ \‘ \e \� \ 1 jlr0� 1 :i': j' 77i\ fat 'II* A. • AMCO rise rr r \INito, ,11101 ' 1644314 3axgr!' . r _ ... . . .. .. . . I \ . . /,/,lam COt7.P_o2:_ ri5 M 41P. ' \ '0� p 41 , ,e.er-LAN .Rof ,22 /989 . . c \ NGlNFF p. 4. A N tAt , "x zo:o w� 3 �. 1:' , was „ • STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ,• LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION - • APPLICANT: FILE NO. : Northland Homes, Inc." DR 24.89 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: Northland Homes, Inc. Lynn Bailey LEGAL,, DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 15 of January 5, 1990 Tax Map 1S lE 31D (Map 4224) DATE OF HEARING: LOCATION: • January 15, 1990 Northwest corner of NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Erasmus, west of Cervantes Mt. Park COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: R-0 ZONING DESIGNATION: •R-0 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 4- plex multifamily housing unit (condominiums) on an existing tax lot. II. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS n A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: Impact Management Policies General Policy II Potential Landslide Areas Policies General Policy III Social Resources Policies General Policies III Residential Site Design Policies General Policies I and II 0 DR 24-89 Page 1 of 10 fk, 4. /_. • ). y M /i // 0 `� ti Transportation Policies General Policies I, VI and VII IIII B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code: LOC 48.120-48.155 R-0 Zone (Density, Lot size, lot coverage, setbacks, • height) , :C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: • v LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.300-49,335 Major Development Procedures LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval LOC 49.620 Conditional Approvals D. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: DS 2.005 - 2.040 Building Design DS 5.005 - 5.040 Street Lights DS 6.005 - 6.040 Trmnsit DS 7.005 - 7.040 Parking DS 8.005 - 8.040 Park and Open Space ° DS 9.005 - 9.040 Landscaping, Screening and Buffering • DS 10.005 - 10.040 Fences DS 11.005 - 11.040 Drainage for Major0 ' Development DS 13.005 13.040 Weak Foundation Soils DS 14.005 - 14.040 Utilities .; DS 15.005 - 15.040 Residential Density 1 ° DS 16.005 - 16.040 Hillside Protection and P Erosion Control DS 18.005 - 18.040 Access • DS 19.005 19.040 Driveways and Private Streets DS 20,005 - 20.040 Bikeways and Walkways E. City of Lake Oswego Tree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55.010 - 55.130 III. FINDINGS A. Existing Conditions: 1. The site is approximately 12, 197 square feet w, and is irregularly shaped. It is surrounded by development oh all sides as follows: To the North: Vacant To' the East: Mulitfamily IP DR 24-89 Page 2 of •10 1 1110( To the South: Multifamily, ' '°• To the West: Community College Parking h Lot. ,. To the Southwest: Pedestrian Pathway 2. The site was platted in 1977 as part of Blacks 4 43-44 of the Mountain Park subdivision, which was a Planned Unit Develoment. The planned r, development approval specified that the site be developed with a 4-unit multifamily f \ structure. 3. An application for a 4-plex on the lot to the 45 north (Lot 14) Was submitted by the applicant and is being processed separate from this I request (DR 23-89) . 4. The site slopes downward from the northeast to southwest at a rate of approximately 16 percent. 5. There is a 20 foot wide open space strip around the perimeter of the site except along the culdesac frontage and south boundary. Part of the Mountain Park pathway is in the - . open space strip. 6. The following utilities exist in Cervantes: I 2- a 6 inch sanitary sewer line, •' - an 8 inch water line, and - an 18 inch storm sewer line. 7. The site has been prematurely cleared of brush and small trees except for its perimeter. A large fir and two large deciduous trees remain on the site. B. Proposal: , • The applicant proposes to construct a 4-unit residential structure as depicted in Exhibits 5- • 10. C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615, staff must: consider the following criteria when evaluating minor development. r% 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. DR 24-89 Page 3 of 10 /, �i The applicant has borne the burden of proof 4. • a ' through submittal of documents marked as exhibits, accompanying this report. • 2. For any developme g application to be approved, it shai.r4irst he established that 0 the proposal confor*s to: a. The City's"Compreikensive Plan y • Applicable policy groups are: Impact Management Policies 0 i . These policies require comprehensive review of development proposals. These policies are implemented through the Development Standards, addressed further below. Compliance with the. applicable Development Standards reviewed below o will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assur& compliance. Potential Landslide Areas Policies ,. These policies require careful engineering and site development in areas designated as having slide potential in order to protect the public and 1111 private owners from risks. The applicant submitted a soils report (Exhibit 12) to meet these policies, as well as the Development Standards that implement these policies. The report indicates that the site is generally suitable, but that extra development expense could be incurred if rock is found during excavation. If rock is encountered, underground public facilities will be protected through apondition to require the applicant to repair any damage caused during blasting, if necessary. Social Resource Policies These policies require citizen participation in the development process. Since public input has been solicited through posting, notice and public hearing, these policies have been met. Residential Site Design Policies These policies require a thorough and esthetic y ` review of residential development proposal. These }�I policies are implemented through the public hearing process and through the Development • ® PI DR 24-89 w Page 4 of 10 . • . , Standards addressed further below. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards will assure conformance to these Tian policies. Conditions of approval willbe imposed when. necessary to assure compliance. Transportation Policies 's These policies require a safe and convenient '� " access, adequate roads and pedestrian facilities, , and adequate on-site parking. These policies are implemented through the Development Standards, addressed further below. By demonstrating compliance with 'Ahe Parking, Access, Utility and Sidewalk standards, compliance with these policies is demonstrated. b. The applicable statutory and Code requirement,, and regulations. Zoning Code Requirements and Analysis The site is zoned R-0. Any type of dwelling unit is a permitted use in the zone. The density for the site was determined during the review for. the Mountain Park planned development. Pursuant to 1111 LOC 48.130(1) (b) , actual density for the site is to be determined during development review and is based on the proposal's ability to comply with the Development Standards (addressed below) . As will be discussed further in this report it appear that the Parking and Driveway Standard requirements may limit development on this site to a maximum of three (3) units. LOC 48. 135(2) does not require a minimum lot area for lots formed within a planned development approval as long as all other Code requirements are met. The maximum lot coverage allowed for buildings and required parking is 60%. Since the site is approximately 12,197 square feet and the proposed improvements cover approximately 5,400 square feet and proposed improvements cover approximately 6,592 square feet, lot coverage will be approximately 54%. ' cl\t' Although LOC 48. 150 (1) specifies a setback requirement of ten (10) feet for all yards, , setbacks approved in the prior lan dd the P p ned development '.Y' take precedence over these requirements ( if different) . The setbacks approved in the plat process are: IIII i DR 24-89 Page 5 of 10 • • • Front: 20 feet . Sides: 5 feec Rear: 20 feet111, The proposed development meets the setbacks required. (See Exhibitf5) . LOC 48. 155(2) provides a height limitation of 35 feet for the R-0 zone. The proposed structure complies with this standard. Development Code Requirements and Analysis These standards are addressed further below. Tree Cutting Ordinance Requirements and Analysis Removal of much of the vegetative cover of the site has occurred. One large fir tree, two deciduous trees and natural ground cover around the perimeter remain. The fir tree could possibly be retained by limiting the density on the site to three (3) units in order to provide adequate area for parking lot design. The applicant will be required to comply with this ordinance prior to further removal of trees on the site. The applicant should make an effort to save the one large fir on the site. By limiting density to 3 units, one of the large deciduous tree may also be retained. c. The applicable Development Standards Building Design (2.005 - 2.040) The applicant submitted Exhibit 3 (page 1) , Exhibits 4, 6 and 10 to demonstrate compliance with this standard. These provide adequate evidence that the proposed design will be • complementary to the surrounding multifamily development. Street Lights (5.005 - 5.040) There is an existing street light in the open space strip at the northeast corner of the site. The existing street light is not adequate to light the proposed parking area in the rear yard. The building elevations do not indicate that building mounted lighting is proposed. Prior to \final approval, the applicant should be required to provide a lighting plan that provides lighting for the parking area that is not directed towards surrounding residential uses. • DR 24-89 Page 6 of 10 i Transit System (6.005 - 6.040) The applicant states in Exhibit '3 that the nearest bus stop is 3/4 mile away at the intersection oil Jefferson Parkway and Kerr Road. Pedestrian access in the form of a hard surface path exists from the site to Kerr Road. The site is adequately served by the existing transit system. No additional stops or turnouts are necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Parking and Loading (7.005 - 7.040) Two (2) parking spaces per unit as required by this standard are provided. Half of the required spaces are in garages under the individual dwelling units. Due to the stepped building layout, 20 foot rear yard setback, and unusual shape of the site, the minimum aisle width of 24 feet cannot be met. In addition, the parking space proposed at the sites entrance will cause conflicting backing and entering movements for vehicles maneuvering on and through the site. I-t appears that density for the site should be limited to three units so that adequate on-site parking can be provided. Elimination of the southern most unit would not only provide needed space for proper parking design, but may also allow preservation of the large fir tree located on the site and possibly one of the deciduous trees. Park and Open Space (8.005 - 8.040) ) The site was originally platted as a ';ot in the Mountain Park subdivision (Blocks 42-44) . Open space was provided at the time the site was platted with the subdivision which was a planned development. Since open space that meets this standard has been provided through the previous • process, it is not necessary to require additional open space at this time. • Landscaping, Screening and Buffering (9.005 9.040) Development Standard 9.020 ( 2) requires 20% of the net buildable area to be provided as landscaping. Exhibit 10 demonstrates compliance with this standard. Hedges are proposed along the north and south borders of the site to provide a corridor ' for the pedestrian path between the site and the DR 24-89 Page 7 of 10 • p Y , lot to the north and also to provide screening for the access along the south boundary. An irrigation plan was not submitted. The applicant �., should be required to provided an irrigation plan for an automatic sprinkler system prior to the issuance of a building .permit. tl Fences (10.005 - 10.040) No fencingis proposed nor is it required to meet this standard. Drainage for Major Development (11.005 11.040) The applicant proposes to route roof and foundation drains and parking lot drains to a storm drain line in the right-of-way southeast of the site. On-site detention and pollution control manholes as required by this standard are proposed (See Exhibit 11) . The drainage calculations submitted by the applicant are not correct, and the drainage plan does not provide enough information for staff to determine if the drainage standard is met. Elevations of existing and proposed lines. are not indicated. The applicant has not adequately demonstrated how this standard can be met. Weak Foundation Soils (13.005 - 13.040) The applicant submitted a soils report by a registered engineer (Exhibit 12) to addresa this standard. Soils are further discussed in the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Standard (16. 005 - 16.040) - • Utility Standard (14.004 - 14.040) • A A ll required utilities are available to serve the A site. Access is proposed onto Cervantes, which is constructed to City standards. There is an existing asphalt path adjacent to the site in the open space strip. A condition is recommended to ensure that any disturbance to the path and open space area during construction is mitigated. Hillside Protection and Erosion Control (16.005 - 16.040) The proposed development has been sited to minimize disturbance of natural topography and to minimize tut and fill. Proposed grading of the 0 . site conforms ,.to this standard„ The site is DR 24-89 Page 8 of 10 1 J-"'�, • 7 ft designated as having slide potential. The applicant submitted a soils survey (Exhibit 12) for the proposed development which indicates that' soils are suitable for the proposed foundation, but that large boulders and/or high points of rock may be encountered during excavation. (The Building Division notes during pre-application 11 conference that rock was encountered during development on adjacent lots to the east) . In case rock is encountered and blasting is necessary, a ,:condition is recommended for videotaping existing service lines before and after blasting to monitor and mitigate damage to public lines. For erosion control during construction, the applicant will be required to adhere to the November 1989 publication guidelines in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook compiled by the City of Portland and Washington County. (Exhibit 13) . Measure suggested in the handbook that may be required include a gravel construction entrance, sediment barrier and reestablishment of vegetation prior to removal of erosion control measures. • Access Standard (18.005 - 18.040) • The proposed access to the site is adequate and meets this standard. Private Streets/Driveways (19.005 - 19.040) (`The driveway into the parking lot does not meet tithe minimum 20 feet width for two-way circulation `as required by DS 19.020(1) (a) . Compliance with phis standard could eliminate the proposed parking • pace in the front yard, which would further complicate the on-site parking problem discussed previously. Bikeways and Walkways (20.005 - 20.040) There is an existing pedestrian path system off- site adjacent to the site which provides i '' ,q compliance with this standard. d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS There are no such plans which affect this site. DR 24-89 Page 9 of 10 • ' , • lw 4 C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the 4111 applicant, staff concludes that the proposal can not be made to comply with all applicable criteria. The Board may wish to reduce the density to three (3) units. The standards that need to be addressed are: Parking and Loading (DS 7.005 - 7.040) , Drainage foroMrior Development (DS 11.005 11.041) , and Drivewayp and Private Streets (DS 19.005 - 19.040) . III. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of DRf24-89. EXHIBITS I. Tax Map 2. Applicant's Narrative addressing LCDC Coals 3. Applicant's Narrative addressing Development Standards 4. Applicant's Narrative addressing the Building Design Standard 5. Site Plan 6. Building elevations 7. Basement floor plan 8. Lower level floor plan 9. Upper level floor plan1111 10. Landscape plan 11. Drainage plan and calculations 12. Soils report IJ ,, DR 24-89 Page 10 of 10 a , designated as having slide potential. The 111/1 applicant submitted a soils .survey (Exhibit 12) for the proposed development which indicates that soils are suitable for the proposed foundation, but that large boulders and/oit high points of rock may be encountered during excavation. (The Building Division noted during pre-application conference that rock was encountered during development on adjacent lots to the east) . In case rock is encountered and blasting is necessary, a condition is recommended for videotaping existing service lines before and after blasting to monitor and mitigatP� damage to public lines. For erosion control during construction, the applicant will be required to adhere to the November 1989 publication guidelines in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook • compile y t e City of Port an an Was ngton �1 County. (Exhibit 13) . Measure suggested in the handbook that may be required include a travel construction entrance, sediment barrier and reestablishment of vegetation prior to removal of • ' erosion control measures. . Access Standard (18.005 - 18.040) ID The proposed access to the site is adequate and meets this standard. S Private Streets/Driveways (19.005 - 19.040) The driveway into the parking lot does not meet the minimum 20 feet width for two-way circulation as required by DS 19.020(1) (a) . Compliance with this standard could eliminate the proposed roposed parking space in the front„yard, which would further complicate the on1ite parking problem discussed previously. !:__.i Bikeways and Walkways (20.005 - 20.040) There is an existingpedestrian system path ` off- site adjacent to the site which provides compliance with this standard. •° d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODDS The 'L` a-e no such plans which affect this site. • i . DR 24-89 ' Page 9 of 10 r C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the t applicant, staff concludes that the proposal can not be made to comply with all applicable criteria. The Board may wish to reduce the density to three (3) units. The standards that need to be addressed are: Parking and Loading (DS (!/ 7.005 - 7.040) , Drainage for Major Development (DS 11.005 - 11.040) , and Driveways and Private Streets (DS 19.005 19.040) . III. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of DR 24-89. EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map 2. Applicant's Narrative addressing LCDC Goals 3. Applicant's Narrative addressing Development Standards 4. Applicant's Narrative addressing the Building Design Standard 5. Site Plan 6. Building elevations 7. Basement floor plan 8. Lower level floor plan 9. Upper level floor plan 1111 10. Landscape plan 11. Drainage plan and calculations 12. Soils report 411 DR 24-89 Page 10 of 10 . 4 • n o ,� N M0AIT 41 t�: e \ti.... ' :A �. ..:11 1 10 V. - ' .....\\:\• (.7 i , • .,Ir•I •. , 1 .1 1 0 ,, •••., •, ,• • • I N•1• r,. ,.,0 .......„ � I'''" ••• rr•• 14• 1 ` r • .`• _ • • .rr• d .• al I. • ••fqr I• , 4 „...., •, ,.... / .•..•. ,.. ....• , b, • .. w - , , , .Os. 44 , i , .4 • •a ,•,� `+o. '' 1 60 J ••.yr • ••r • _ ,• ChM, - ,'ft .Y• CyC.•1y,°.N 1 '•. • '', �• '•N1/1 o . 1 • , /Ii to :1:" ,,. dMy • L i. ii./ , ,, "• r wj V•. e01 r• • �. .:• :�•, ON ' 'Vasty .� J. ' + �yw•� IIMM C•n '� PARK , // . 1 d ,11f�� •• +l.R:: a. ,1,'., .y ,la • .�1 •:y..ii' JFF „'RSON AgR��WAY' ` vi % • elly 4. yy�• 1• • 1 y •• I •.r I• I+ 'I • '1 , .44 ..1~ ..,`1r */ �.II►• ` /ii •YI •r'a •"1 '1 i I V 0,/ V' •v. Iin` ♦ 'GV/ �:i •'.• I Ire • �.-`11 +QIY M••• .1'1 '/14.4. : •••l. •.r. , L.:1 •• • ..1Y1.;•YII•, V •• , • ., •• C Y ri S,E, 'l4 SEC,31,i. • • • T • (I )` iI j NI �. ill. � � , • ' E Lot 15 Block 43 Mountain Park Block 42 44 SE 3„ Sec. 31 • IISW 1 Sec. 32 in T.1S. R. IE. WM Multnomah County, Oregon c . NARRATIVE: Compliance with LCDC Goals and Guidelines as per Relationship to Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan to Statewide Goals. \ 1 . Citizens Involvement - Through public hearings 2. Land Use Planning -., As Designated by Lake Oswego zoning code. y 3. Agricultural Lands - "To preserve and maintain agricutural lands" This goal does not apply to areas within ,Metro's regional growth boundary. (UGB) 4 . Forest Lands - Does not apply. M 5 . Open spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources."To conserve open spaces and protect natural and scenic resources. " 6. Air, Water, and Land Resource Quality.-' "To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water, and land resources of the state. " / • ' ® The quality of the existing air, water and land resources of the Property'will not be adversely affedted by the proposal. 7. Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards "To protect, life and property from natural disasters and hazards. " There are no distinctive natural areas or known hydrologic hazards 1. on the site. 8. Recreational Needs - "To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the State. " This request , alone does not offer the potential for creating any additional recreational facilities. Mt . Park has an overall open space plan and full recreational facilities. 9 . Economy of the State - "To diversify and improve the economy of the State. " The Partition will provide marketable building lots. 10. Housing "To - provide for the housing needs of citizens of the State. " • The proposal would provide for buildable lots that will not disrupt ' an established neighborhood. I el tY:,;4' 1 (} 11 . Public Facilities and Services -- "To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. " • Public utilities are in place to serve the lots. ° 12. Transportation - "To provide and encourage a safe, convenient \\ and economic transportation system. " Cervantes is an existing road that is part of the overall Mt. Park plan. , 13. Energy Conservation - "To conserve energy. " The proposal will have beneficial effects on the achievement of this goal because the new residences will be constructed to the State Energy Code. 14. Urbanization - "Urban growth boundaries 'Shall be established ,-- to ' identify and separate urbanizable land from rural land. " The subject property is within the urban growth boundary established by Metro. Public facilities and services are available and in place. ,. 15-19. ',Willamette Greenway and Coastal Goals - Not ,applicabie. ,• ti \\, a If C a 4111 • it CI • \\. c, Lot 15 Block 43 Mountain Park Block 42 - 44 SE k Sec. 31 & 0 SW ' Sec. 32 in T.1S. R.IE. WM %r Multnomah County, Oregon / �� NARRATIVE: �` Compliancewith the Lake Oswego Development Ordinance and;/Standards. ' 1 .005. "Historic Resource Preservation" • Does not apply. Not within natural register of Historic Places as being of historic significance on having been identified., by city as "IC" . Resources under state land use goals. 2.005 . "Building Design" 1) A three story wood frame four unit building stepping down from right to left and also stepping from front to rear of lot. Set into the ground as to appear as a two story from the street. Also having a varied gable roof to help in breaking up expance. 2) Materials Siding - Beveled lap siding, color - Earthtone. , Roof - Cedar shake ' • Windows - White with grids- Doors Six panel Mechanical Equipment - Not visible. Mailboxes;- Furnished by U.S. Postoffice. Downspouts 4" square. Utility connections and Meters - Underground & screened by landscaping. Chimneys - Same material & color as building. Lights - Indirect. ° Signs - None Awnings - None 1 Foundation - Concrete 6" above grade & screened by landscaping Vents - Roof on rear of building. Stairs - Open riser with 2x2 rail. Decks and railings - Front patio Concrete with lx6 fencing; Rear deck - Wood with 1x6 railing. Same color as building. Weathervanes, aerials and other appendages attached to the roof or projecting above the roofline - No appendages or projections. ' 3.005 . '`Stream corridors" CO �� n �f �''� Does not apply. Not within stream corridors. �rJ O Lr� �1 �Y1 M 7/1 DEC 15 1981 0 ...... ., 04ofl6011•10 e land A J L a • , 4.005 . "Wetlands" �' , Does not_ apply. Not within wetlands. 5 .005 . "Street lkgh,*s__", Existing Strecet light on SE corner. of�° They have "been installed per original approvedroperty�Mt. Park P.U.D. 6.005 . "Transit System" - Existing hard surfaced pedestrian path connectb. the • site with Kerr Road which has transit faciiti.es The nearest ransit stop is at the intersection of Jefferson Parkway and Kerr• Road approximately 3/4 mile away. 7.005 . Parking and loading standards. • The 4-plex that will be constructed will provide two 5 , off-street parking spaces in addition to garage parking per unit. l " 8.005 . "Park and Open Space" ',' I . Parks and open space have been provided by Mt. Park Master Plan. 9.005 . "Landscaping, screening and buffering" Landscaping to exceed 20% requirement & placed in such a manner to accomplish standards. . , 10.005 . "Fences" 4111 ' • Limited private fences in frontyard. will be constructed with the units to assume privacy. 11 .005 . "Drainage standards for Major. Development" • Roof runoff carried to storm sewer east of property line. Frontyard drains to street. Rear driveway and parking • " to dry well. 12.005 . "Weak foundation soils" See soils engineering report attached. 13.005 . "Utility standard" ,. All required utilities exist in Cervantes and on Mt. Park pedestrian easements. 14 .005 . "Hillside protection and erosion control" • • Contractor shall use care to minimize any cuts, fills, or vegetation removal and use standard practices such as erosion barriers during construction. Aftercompletion of construction, the use of ground covers, planting, mulch, and netting holds soils ,in place and aids in establishing plant covers, • S . • 4' 4 / f� ' • • r 15.005 . "Flood Plain" Not within flood plain. 110 16.005. ,'.A " ccess Each lot meets the city standards of 25 feet minimum frontage pen lot on a public street. 17.005. "Site Circulation Standards Driveways and Private Streets" Driveways will be constricted to City ' not exceed a 15% slope ��a on a 8% cro„ 3 standards and will es slope. 18.005. "Site Circulation standards - Bikeways & Walkways" \s • Provided by means of Mt.. Park P.U.D. consisting easement with asphalt P paths alohg rear and side of property. \„ y i D 41111 t • • : . 40 , LOT 16, Block 43, MOUNTAIN PARS, • Block 42-44 SE 4 sec. 31 and SW 4 sec. 32'in T,IS.R.IE. WM. MULTNOMAN COUNTY, OREGON . . NARRATIVE: r • 2.00S. " Building Design" a The site is approximately l�+ j square feet sloping from North to South, 22 feet in elevation across the total p length of the arc construct four condominium units:. The zero lot line rowhouseW approach eisoto allow each unit to have a small front and, rear yard as their own. The units have been designed to step down the slope along Cervantes to accommodate i grades and also serves• to break the solid mass that would result in one unbroken building. The units, are small , two ' bedroom floor plan& of approximately 1300 square feet. Each unit will have .' one car garage and one parking space.. i•n a parking lot. Building also •have a varied gable . to help break up the expanse, roof 1 .1 The Immediate surrounding& areas. consist of four plexes; south of ,71' Lot 14 is a three story four plex with board and bat aiding; tile roof; gray-brown i.n color with garages, under. Directly west and down the hill of Lot 15, is steped three story four plex with`garages under; lap siding, light brown stain, and 'tile roof. South, and across the street i.s, a three ' North ,ofproperty plex le with es� under, lap siding, buff color and tile roof. storygarages P Y a parking lot for the College. ►a 'ZEr 6L'I , fi lc • lniw oe4QEC 1 52bJ ,, ,, I. . , .. . 40 . , i % k • Jam. H, • /,!' II 701( / � / .' � v / ' t; •1 / • . • • lit / t �$ '• LI '� �/ . / \\ / E xi r v � • / . A . /' t ! i r �� �s r v• p4• s • • 5 • _ Pe,/ IP``t , • . '�p 'O .. �� *7r \ . = tw�Z dJ� It di . 'b c • s 1 / / r•aN . yid . 0 , , , 4. %, Z 41 � r 4L hM ' M �� r�`� `••`•• ~+. rr, J 4 1 S•O SIDr r • '� '� \ JAL' r ' • • rub + ri e.A it r tit- '> • r. II "" 'y -...t4ALE ! ^- 2G O '• ....rrr• 0 ifAdr 401. I .�w , M i I [mum Hui nu iTimiTTTITTil ' ' 41 ,, � ,11 fl , . di /1, Jfft i 1 _ _ �� I'!`I, i IMfI=llll (i I ic,, p i 1 II MI I�II 1, I i or] li .. JJJ ; r ..' [_____I_______LL ii, ,i It_. II 1ll l l l i fllll l IJA�® om© 1 1i i s� i do , II,I um=— Minn . . ' �I �— ; JJJ - �, I --- IHI JJ � I ,, . I;I I J J ,S . I _ r • I 1 I ■1 I' i. ;- ;ill l i • _I I I _I I HI 1_ � I " . nuunmv l b n nII e it II_ a 1 , , .10 to .■ JuJ a iriI � II ,loot_ n lapel • I . NO I ■ I 111_ JJ�J1 zIIr INC 1 I tllBurin 1 UM maga :mini,; i iMkII -IN! 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COPIA,ON NA,-if 0oNo . • ----A011srool44 4'2. 4 re . , AS ago HApip — 04,3 NA• \ , ,...- •. . .. . . P P/NF --_, • ACE OLArAmmoles isIovvirni. -144ADIF otop)se 4 • , Ivivolvuo sowitekilrA If140402.11PI 1114 iini. PK ,4 a .. . I , A, ... SHRUBS • . .. . ... i_,,, 3)+111301.1 No MOTANICA1 NA/Nit slat! A coND APAoop4f,.COPIMON Nm e if ... - AZ E - AA111A IVIAM1 I "'Anis i• ALLIA „ - ' • .,s AZR ArAtTA RoirOND ID*Par itOsliesUP .. GL / A 4 411/14117•A 10•01A A 1,041/4 BRCON CA 410 o.c ./' ........... .... ......... ... ....................... . t JOT TUN emoirAISIs roivocOSA 1 6•41 iv`0.c NO11.y Maw 2/o0,1",,, . , 01114 e.e. "'ATP irmaeR JSP , 5 6.AL 1 • PArthrlAboA riNI • • . MA MANONIA AO lh frOL.IL r ORF&ON &RAPS .1 P F' Pp'4 AR°Ar A"0 4 RI A fif NA OS;Le A Ji'0.e• r . . . ... ...,......... ' a &AL GROUND COVER .0 . . ..... .e.. 0 liorANIcAt NAM 0 Aix" .4 iVmsoL iqd A PA4INO •-• , comouptv nisne e of0 a . . ' 1. GR &RASA I • NOTE' •. ., HID °INV), ItOR j ALL P4ANT ago% . . 2) sr.iloc.r.; ookeis ..r e•iik e Alt ore tortes 4../ 3) ALL AIANps c'A N a F Arresxoloro root ea 0'4 i 4111111 ' , . •' 1-1 re,'s r'n a c...,—,•-• . , • • .•••.i o , • . , • • . • • . . . . , , / I. r • ` / 13, \ \ / ," 7 J r \ % /' / '7, i; 0 p :a�a j �! $P AO /, i 0S Z /'�L,\, �l • ; • . �''". ' \ .,,'`4••••••, I r t.,,.. I, t • r zf 'r, ys _. e P. 70 �� y IJ c ek %t r \ . . . •. --.1 p� •1 ` VC pAt‘" \ f • , rat', ,C''e r \�` ,.,+y` O,4 1, ` y` I C, '� 1 CPp ' O 4` • �` 4" 4..t:, , 4.r S•o as,-- •- . ...- , y. \a4 �. i yn5. . \O . .....s.1 , • i �' ��err 1 •� \, 1l 4 T E P L. A N �" �- �, 'j �, ' ....�� -' fM'. s AL _ 2a D r--= M 8,' `.•1.,I:„..,--,""am' f' S. o• N O r.� • W.4TE/7 I. ,5AN S rt.1&' tilt• ,:. C�ii'li //al n - i,,;kM1 a - . ' , �. ... •• r / , ,,, r • , a RUNOFF RATE WORKSHEET Project Name: 9. Cervantes, Lot 15 ).'+:+. 1 C 196 F City File Number: Douglas K. Pollock 12/14/89 :.,;J Computed By: Date. 0 r ., I. REQUIRED RELEASE RATE (10-Year Storm) 1 . Total Site Area A .28 tot ------ ac. • 2. Existing Land Use wooded a" 3. General Site Slope 2-20 % 4. Runoff Factor (use enclosed table) C 0.3 exi =st~--- -- 5. Longest Travel Route of Runoff 130 Feet . 6. Drop of Runoff along Travel Route 14 feet 7. Condition (overland flow, channel, pipe, etc. ) . overland - 4 8. Time of Concentration, Tc, (5 minute minimum) ' ` ( Use nomograph) T c- 5 min. 9. Rainfall Intensity, for 10-Year Storm 2.53in/hr (use precipitation table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T,. . 10. Peak Runoff Rate, Q=CIA ' (line 1 x line 4 x line 9) Qi`r .033 c fs „'';�° II. Developed Site Runoff Factor • ,17 11. Impermeable Area A a i ac. r ° 12. Permeable Area A - .11 p ac. , 13. Runoff Factor for Permeable Areas , (use enclosed table ) �; C 0.3 14. Composite Runoff Factor ' (line 11 ) X (0.9 / line 1 ) ( line 12) X (line 13 / line 1 ) C = .65 comp - ., u.; .182 15. Site Area (line 1) X Ccomp (line 14) . . . . . . = ;, • , III. Detention Volume Requited 16. From Detention Volume Work Sheet Vol. = 103 tuft -1- r l • . . . - 'i. r . DETENTION VOLUME WORKSHEET Project Name: Cervantes, Lot 15 ;5p City File Number: .A. . . ' . .B. . . 4 . .0. . . . . . . .D. . . . . . . E. . . . . F STORM 50-yr AREA X INFLOW RELEASE STORAGE DET. VOL. TIME inten C comp. B X C line 10 D E FXAX 60 mins. in/hr line 15 cfs cfs_ cfs cu . ft. 5.00 3.43 .182 .62 .033 1 .587 103 6 .00 3.14 r 7.00 2.91 !i 8.00 2.72 9.00 2.56 10.00 2.42 11.00 2.30 12.00 2.20 • a. 1.3.00 2.11 14 .00 2.02 4111 15.00 1 .94 16.00 1.86 17.00 1 .79 18.00 1.73 • 19 .00 1 .67 20.00 1 .61 21 .00 ,1 . 56 22.00 1 .52 ,' 23.00 1 .48 ,'1� ,t'� 24.00 1.44 25.00 1 .40 30.00 1 .24 ��\ . At 35.00 1 .13 ,, 1 40 .00 1 .04 -2- !lig y..l' /, W I W s' ptd :'uJ 4111° )-�CAJ W A Ir cc~ .z Q �`t /, vn�. wyyral��tra.k.v, � Jx l�l � :Jit :a A I f • .Ir I taco F- A 17k, t'n ICI w d� Z 0 „J R' lsj W W KlY� AC! 1 > .a:... 11Ili I j Cr 2 IW , Zr. • cc a- 31X f• E.: ,+ IV '� IU ."'1 j '�F- J J 0 .� ...1 J ,, I F- a tr) 1 IA) if) , ., . , R .Q O 1: If I, et IL p p ()r f�M � 4. • 'a @C p:Z>- �'. to 7 ttl a d JOC9 � ZA oCI Lot I- t/ 2 w,.A W itiZ ioi-c F- W p t1 Ir1 i 6`! W pc ._0 W W t'+)V)A (V cn °;- 0 w Ili VP' �.J 0 mo o• - i G U. jII V 0.W �NI ;�" ! A A41 'HA ,�, b1 �t I . 11 wp U F- Ira O 4 IL. W to .•J )- is nr -1 O ll 1~ W to Lt.) O w.Z"L p r[ A, t:; Z u O W ILI Q LLI _1.O Lu It.En .I(a,: v)O ; • I, w 41 A Ul 0 N CJ '�1 O I. M • . 3 A ISO N 65 ISl♦ I.r/1➢ uj I 1 g Ze O ca. c�9 ,-:to_ �.•Kr. t-- a... O O F•, O It.rct cn (...A t.) c 70- f.) N Fi at al o in ,wfnLJ ;w _p_ ILI 1. i. \ \, , ,:i . Viii; ' 4 I . ' ' . ,,,I,I.k. cfliiii,:i.i,,, .; p/i:1741:"1*4011'431 444' 1 ;111 I ` �^ •�' iU rig • , ., lU p- I 1=() -J co �nr Gf"ltTriTIA •it J: Q w of?t,JwQo 'os INS, ,f;14V�' 'r' a = ou.tc 4 F a U a o w�I rPnr< +,,�^i.t�, Y REV, .1- r 64 -'� r+-J tJ O 0.w F-aC A It] ��rr'1'pN I„G7►' ' t� • h,a raa'^ �. 7TTDPAftTMCPTr ra;t rrar,;t �irecn '' PUBLIC WOhii5 OF TYPICAL CLOSED • DETENTION PIPE - trr;rt,rl�,,�t'�i "ii'u - CITY AF LAME OSWE00 ,�' ir ,Mr � l � u�.a.. .L iurnf..CO r'•+"v"'.^a'cwe—'ra* rr+a.rna� f .IDIIT'r /IM� -M Y7+�RlJ!'T il.ttnwbllAq -0 '. tS F h , STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME ND COVER 24�� MAY; UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED • • TOP SLAB AND MANHOLE RINGS SHALL • ;�•. —•_.. •+;' CONFORM TO A,S,T.M, SPEC, 478 4 • ° :;. :';:: a.; ,• •'.: OVERFLOW EL. , I! 6"MIN )' I/2" BOLT (STAINLESS STEEL) GALV CHAIN- �..e.,o. r ,.`I' e y ACITY • � SLACK 'S �„ o A• FABRICATED CORRUGATED WHEN GATE METAL CROSS WITH TURNOUT GATE, • IS DOWN, •�' '�°°� .1 ,,i SIZE AS REQUIRED BOLT CHAIN !. GROUT • TO CONC. :° � , �_, INVERT EL. `� 30_. 'MIN.. ...- ........ _I/ MODEL 160 -'- � • TURNOUT ,i• ' 1 ►� ' GATE TO BE �. • MADE WATER CONC. PIPE TIGHT IN PLACE '.. . iv •• ' ". WITH MASTIC ;'' ' :,. •'• • • FLEXIBLE COUPLING �� • �' COMPACTED GRANULAR 5—O :s %E MATERIAL °a ; RESTRICTOR PLATE (FOR • • '' `1 4�•-0�� MIN. I a� FLOW CONTROL ONLY) ,,' 3 MIN-' N _ ORIFICE DIA.- • I::. • ,'•' • • '••, ; `� ' :`•'� MANHOLE AND N BASE PER • • .L- ' ' ' ' STD. MANHOLE DETAIL . —6"MIN. SECTION NOTES • ""'--- I ALL PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF A,S.T,MrC-478, ALL MANHOLE ACCESS FROA4 ABOVE POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE SHALL IVVE ol 28 DAY STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI, AND 2 TO 4 • , • SLUMP �. • ,'. 2. ELEVATIONS OF B SE IT r ' I' ' GROUT AND OVERFLOW SHALL 4`:w" ,� - BE APPROViD BY CITY, , "�� :,._ . , s 11 ., A CONCRETE PIPE ,,,, ,,,A ‘,,,,, ,,,,) ...14 in , ., .. , INFLOW ie \`"— I� i LINES . gel "^^ , WHERE a 'A' r M { �O C •, APPLIC- y . , a 1II �., .�w, .,, ABLE 4' • 11 ,�GI Mtn 1111013 1 j A. tle........• • ,. . ' eROWN A r • •+,x� REV, 4-85 A . 'a REV 9-84 �/ PRECAST MANHOLE 1 4 ry5 ° REV 5-84 PLAN RING �l S �qA‘�i �, ,,t. :: •,.,, ..t ~° DIEPARTRgEN ocuaN d1AWN cHec ' � OF POLLU i ION/ F O V Da DG L CONTROL • { PUBLIC WORKS 'IA- -O'sibAi1981 • 1.. , :. CITY OF LAKE 05WEGQ*.: i OAAWIN@ NO MANHOLE Q► I B� lo08 ,„ t.ws.ee s m an.u��to rr�..� % 1! .4 " IRVIN A. COOPER : : ,, CIVIL ENGINEER J'� ,, ' *;', go November 30, 1989 °• ; OFFICE 227.4123 • RtDIeTKRtO} WILLAM►,TTE GUILDINo OREGLAN PORTLAND,OREOON 07204 WASWINGTON REM, 248.3483 y ': .,.' . NORTHLAND HOMES 10211 S. W. Barbur Blvd. r, Portland, OR 97219 �" , .. , , '"1 ' Attn. : Doug POLLOCK D;- , '1• 1 "- PROPOSED 4-PLEX APTS. iL.1 . * . .. LOT 15 BLOCK 43 LOT 14 BLOCK `43 ERASMUS CT. ERASMUS CT. , .,'ail ' MT. PARK :: .'MT. PARK �' I`, LAKE OSWEGO • Multnomah County FOUNDATION SOIL APPRAISAL \ Subject: Reconnaissance at BUILDING SITES in confirmation of property corners; hand levels of surface terrain with ry stability appraisal by soils identification and align- ment of large trees. `.._y The sites for the proposed Developments are situated at the westerly boundary of the Subdivision, comprising a sector within • ' a cul-de-sac off• Cervantes. Ground surface (LOT 15) possesses . elevation 705i feet along 81+ ft. frontage, extending 20 to 40 feet level to crest of the 30 foot hillside downslope to the ',t, ,',' southwest property corner; (LOT 14) upslope Plot with 53.6 ft. frontage, rising from EL 720 to EL. 745. Assignment to the inspection included Site Plan of the proposed twin four side-by-side two-level residential units, (each 18x34 feet in plan dimension) stepped in accommodation of the rising dC:ope. Ground surface comprises virgin trees & hillside brush. Trees trunk alignment were noted straight, as indication of soil stability. Soil is identified as Clayey-Silt; the typical unit existing over the subdivision acreage. P. srnrlartlnAt DAMAO*AprnArsAts INsPRcrloNs sunVrrrs ' , �'- i" r 7 Site preparation for the proposed composite structures will ` h entail surface stripping of organics (grass and brush roots .,`n : to 6 - 10 inches depth) , with removal of large fir tree4 within r the footprint area of the PROJECT. , q - .• , Suitable foundation footings will find adequate support on the f �/ underlying uniform, fine-grained soil , utilizing footing design • e , on SOIL LOADING: Up to 1800 Lbs./Sq. Ft. fr , Construction will entail Bench Excavation into the hillside. f , 't . . It is possible that large boulders and/or high points of under- K ' lying rock maybe encountered. Progress of site�%� in preparation is , �Fl,, suggested to be monitored to address local conditions that may ° w'• /, be exposed. ' ,,, ' fb , (.: `'tart" '�i0,� / . J. tiie4v) . ,\r, to h / • 4 \,%'`'1")1 th‘FAQ/ IAC:cc `,• fq I."-A. per Consulting Engineer Soils-Foundation M f V 0 f Page 2 of 2 f • • i7q/e Po1 ' W 1011111. ['[ 11 lei?... , , 1 • 1 ,V �'" I / �,i f! • i ,�t / w170 ..... COMU! 'LACE CONDO ' ` oltl 1n1e J„�'— '� F Riff' i PASAO[NA !TR[li KN �. IIOf1 nooa Moor • Y $ 11 7 110001? 4Nlle h r 11 ••LION ( C 'mot ~ +1' �' r L 'L ' . . ZI mom g X •11oti 11.13 I Iot1 y' \ Y /" . �� ' 110)0 ,U. y., , i. ',, $ t ,. y110) . $ '�'.• f1 ' C�� • 1`I It POMONA �• ^ain[[i ` 50-° . i W lnol 5 X hu1 . 8 Sv Y n1° p 11_ot — .."2,i t 1.,(r1.1 D` \ ., . ... .° y . . 1i1ie �'. I 1117 Q n'It ... I=J _I. . .. 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N , ,01., 7/e t 'NI • yip ,, h ' / „•• ... .......1'.• \\., `f�' \ . ,'�Inr :crsACN I . / ♦ / o 7r, \ \ • , 4 • , • G t ._, -: .•.... , 4,,•�,� , + Is ems., 4 4 svroA n r 0 n. elk so'pout& l'..\..\ , / ` I 4%4 \ 1"-• 4 /Ir tl: a ./. ._ ., 6 k d . li\. / .rect . \ Y 1 ta . , . ,„,, 4y, \I\ , • �y * ' * • , • �•!a` J/Ot ♦irO�..n s6/ �.,► i l ►o . / U!r/�O1 ;p I ' � yl� 1. /'r' E. GI� IJAI!I! - ,,, 'fir - e'i-' iB ,)t 11 ./ N.e,, •\' SITE E P L A N , ;. � eelr 1 sp+.e r a • , / �: .. I , .•••;ildi 4;/ * . + ✓ - ., . 0 f,\1�U N11Ufff (/, , .vNpAriON,vac%. .St1 ,�y' , Ott u r .1, 4, 001'014 G$u44r.:, /7 Qt • +0ylttn�Q0 / o.r?.r'L�,,wo,..Oel_._._ /Ydt/i ZZ f19B9 q, COO? • r , . 1 1 k I / fZ T' 4' /IG,b O 45' ,r�/� r • / /� �r ... -7Jf G 1/5t a —a-- 57-41etfrOASaaM1- .. A � t4 . am ,o r k wir" d -130 711 9 / A . • : ,S 'C''� IL \,.. c \ 7t M \ Q.11 .. ,fi. :me .10LA litilli --,:r.- Or 73s / 7 14,4is .... • i 1,1 '' • f....f._/ •'I so i, . / i `\ 1 �, 1 s L,II 13 tl y 111 ` ! A.7N e OOTBACP A:1,, 1 / , S I t �, G •~tv� 6AAA y � 1 1 Cee,714/ \ , \\,. \ \, I\ , i; . ).L*-t' . 'I--; 1:QA.1 0 ' ' \ r 1 y o ct 1j1,% 7WI- 11 970 • 4 \ NII '4 ' .. . :' '41 7" AtEL Zed rOeeanfsr \IP&.4,V401,iN ro SAff-. 04/7:upis Pr �1:� fD4CND09-T L f_. O/�.`. '�8 1' + V ,� ..), ae .kk...,_ansed4.44,,.. . o " \ 0,,,. ---,,R0 • , ,72„ 1-9 8 9 teNGINF •o4�, S 1 .T E P ,� ,e • • STAFF REPORT . • CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO . a, . LAN I . . D DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION . missm °APPLICANT: FILE NO. : i Larry A. Mentrum, VAR 32-89(e-c) Architect , . STAFF: PROPERTY OWNER: Michael R. Wheeler • Anthony & Myrna Brambilla DATE OF REPORT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: January 5, 1990 Tax Lot 6400 of Tax Map 2 1E 8DB DATE OF HEARING: . January 15, 1990 LOCATION: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 3406 S.W. Lakeview Blvd. None COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7.5 ' R-7.5 0 • I. APPLICANTS REQUEST . r The applicant is seeking approval for three variances as follows: a) A 5 foot Class 2 variance to the 5 • foot required side yard in an R-7.5 residential zone [LOC 48. 215(1) ] , and b) A Class 2 variance to the ll restrictions placed on nonconforming structures, which do not allow for any variance in their nonconformity . (LOC 48. 700(2) (b) ] . c) A 7. 55% Class 2 variance to exceed the 35% maximum lot coverage allowed for interior lots in an R-7.5 zone. The cUrrent dwelling 0.8% coverage; the proposed and maintains 1.75% coverage to tha existing.' All variances are requested to allow enlargement of a kitchen within an existing dwelling. • VAR 32-89 Page 1 of 8 . . • II. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. Citq'of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: 4111 �`5 Impact Management Policies r N'', General Policy I Wildlife Habitat Policies �Gerteral Policy II j Potential Erosion Area Policies . General Policy II ,„ General Policy IV Oswego Lake Policies . General Policy I General Policy III General Policy IV Energy Conservation Policies • General Policy II B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.195-48.225 R-7.5 Zone Description (set- backs, lot area, lot coverage) LOC 48.515(1) General Exception to Lot4111 Size Requirements LOC 48.535(3) Oswego Lake Special Setback LOC 48.535 (4) Special Street Setbacks ' LOC 48.700-735 Nonconforming uses LOC 48. 650 Authorization to Grant Variances • LOC 48. 655 Classification of Variances LOC 48.690 Action on Class 2 Variance Application LOC 48. 810 Quasi-Judicial Evidentiary Hearing Procedures LOC 48.815 Criteria for Approv,1 C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: • LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.110 Concurrent Review of Permits LOC 49.130 Classification of Development • LOC 49. 140 Minor Development VAR 32-89 4 Page 2 of 8 Vt 4 p, 7 • LOC 49.200 Minor Development Procedures LOC 49.610 Quasi- 'u'dicial Evidentiary ° Hearing Procedures LOC 49. 615 Criteria for Approval A. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: 12.005 - 12.040 Drainage Standard for Minor Development 16.005 - 16.040 Hillside Protection and Erosion Control e' E: City of Lake Oswego Solar Access Ordinance: 'M LOC 57.005 - 57. 135 F. City of Lake Oswego Tree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55.010 / 55. 130 III. FINDINGS A . Existing Conditions: 1. The site is composed of 6383.9 sq. ft. in a ® generally rectangular configuration, 2. The site is located between Lake View Boulevard r:nd the shore of Oswego Lake. 3 . The existing dwelling maintains a lot coverage of 34.2%. An existing deck adds 6. 5% for a total existing coverage of 40. 7%. The existing total exceeds the 35% maximum allowed by the R-7.5 zone. It is nonconforming in this regard. 4. The existing dwelling is located on the east property line. The dwelling maintains all other required setbacks (See Exhibit 5) . B. Proposal: The applicant proposes to add approximately 112 sq. ft. of kitchen area to the Upper floor of the existing dwelling. In order to do this, three variances have been requested as noted earlier in this report. The proposed addition would be on the east property line and fill in a corner of the existing dwelling. The applicant has addressed the reasons VAR 32-89 Page 3 of 8 • • II t for the variance in Exhibits 2, 3 and 4, and graphically shown the nature of the proposal Exhibits 5, 6 and 7. in 1111 s C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: r i As per LOC 48. 815 (zoning code) and LOC 49. 615, (development code) the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria when t IF evaluating a Class 2 variance for minor development: 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the , applicant seeking approval. The applicant has provided sufficient materials with which to evaluate the request, as evidenced by the exhibits. 2. For any development application to be � ' approved, it shall first be established that ' the proposal conforms to: a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable plan Policies have been addressed as follows: Impact Management Policies4111 . These policies require protection of natural resources from development, and comprehensive review of development proposals. These policies are implemented through several Development Standards and Ordinances, which will be reviewed later in this report and addressed upon application for a building permit. The policies require assurance that distinctive areas will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion,and that trees be protected from removal. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed upon this action when necessary to assure compliance. Wildlife Habitat Policies These policies require protection of upland habitat in the form of preserved open space, natural vegetation or fragile slopes. These policies are implemented in part through the Tree Cutting Ordinance and the Hillside Protection and III VAR 32-89 Page 4of © "c v , . . . Erosion Control Standard. Compliance with the • Tree Cutting Ordinance and the development standard will be reviewed later in this report and again required upon application for a building permit. ti • Potential Erosion Area Policies These policies `require designation of areas of severe potential for erosion as Protection Open Space, and require erosion control and drainage ' measures during site planning and construction. Development is subject to the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Development Standard and Drainage Standard for Minor Development adopted to ' , implement these Plan policies. Compliance is reviewed later in this report and will be required / upon application for a building permit. Energy Conservation Policies , ° These policies encourage energy conservation through solar orientation and site planning which " ' takes into account the site's natural features. These policies are now implemented through the City's Solar Access Ordinance (LOC Chapter 57) , j reviewed below. (' ; ' 11 / b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements , and regulations, including: , i. For variance applications, the standards , found in LOC 48.650. Solar Access Ordinance Requirements and Analysis The proposed addition is located on the south side of the existing dwelling and will easily comply with the applicable provisions of LOC 57.050- 57.090 (Solar Balance Point Standard) . No neighboring properties will have their solar access adversely affected by the proposed addition because its shadow will be cast upon the existing dwelling. Compliance will be further assured upon application for a building permit, Tree Cutting Ordinance Requirements and Analysis This ordinance allows the removal of only those trees necessary, to site a proposed improvement. The applicant' s site plan indicates that no trees are present in the area of the proposed addition. III VAR 32-89 Page 5 of 8 • City of Lake Oswego Zoning Code The site is zoned R-7. 5 where the minimum lot area 1111 required for a single-family dwelling is 7,500 sq. ft. The site is granted an exception to this t' requirement by LOC 48. 515 (1) because it was created before the current zone was imposed. Setbacks required by the zone are as follows:' 4n I wont Yard 20 ft. minimum 0. , Rear Yard 25 ft. minimum Side Yard 5 ft. minimum, each side These setbacks are satisfied by the,t dwelling except on the east side (See Exhibit 5) . The dwelling Is nonconforming in this regard. The variances requested will, achieve compliance with these requirements, if approved. The proposed addition complies with LOC 48 . 575 (4) which requires a special street setback of 25 ft. from center line of Lake View Boulevard in • Adaddition to the setbacks of the zone. Five additional feet of special setback is required from the front property line in addition to the 20 ft, front setback. Only 20 feet is provided. The existing dwelling is nonconforming in this tegard. The existing dwelling and proposed addition also comply with LOC 48.535 (3) which requires a 25 ft. special setback from Oswego Lake, measured from the property line at the lake. The zone provides a maximum lot doverage of 35% for interior lots. The existing structures exceed this amount. A variance is requested for the existing excess and that resulting from the proposed addition. As per LOC 48.650 (1) , the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria when t•_ evaluating a request for a Class 2 variance: a. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship; The applicant indicates that the site is steeply sloping to the south (toward the lake) and that, ' �• '� ' due to the floor plan, a hardship exists regarding the deficient 'size of the existing kitchen. The applicant has provided an inventory of "like VAR 32-89 Page 6 of 8 7 R • h properties" and their respective kitchen sizes. The proposed addition will increase the .._e__ _. applicant's kitchen to 89% of the smallest kitchen surveyed, and 59% of the average `size. b. Development consistent with the request will not be injurious to the neighborhood in which the property is located or to property established to be affected by the request; / The applicant has provided letters of support from 1 eight nearby residents, including the adjacent neighbor to the east. No injury is anticipated as a result of this support. c. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the property; The applicant's proposal is the minimum necessary to bring the applicant' s kitchen closer to the size of those enjoyed by like properties. The proposed addition would be no closer to the property line than the existing dwelling, will not interfere with other functions of the applicant's existing floor plan and will avoid areas of steep slope. Alternate locations are not conducive to O the enlargement or relocation of the existing kitchen facility. d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. • rke The proposal is not in conflict with the applicable Plan policies as reviewed earlier. These policies are implemented through several ordinances and development standards, which will have been reviewed previously, or are reviewed below and will be again upon application for a building permit. d. The applicable development standards. Drainage Standard for Minor Development (12. 005 - 12.040) This standard requires that drainage alterations not adversely affect neighboring properties, connection of roof and foundation drains to a positive storm drainage system will be required as a condition of approval of building permits • requested subsequent to this action. • VAR 32-89 Page 7 of 8 A • V Hillside Protection and Erosion Control (16.005 - 16.090)i 410 This standard requires that all development be designed to minimize disturbance to natural topography, vegetation and soils. The applicant has proposed the addition at a location which complies with the standard and which better conforms to the existing floor plan. Some excavation will be required, which will be eA reviewed upon application for a building permit. d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODDS: There are no such plans or schedules applicable to this site. C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal does comply with all applicable criteria. IV. ACTION TAKEN The staff recommends approval of VAR 32-89(a-c) 1110 I without additional conditions. EXHIBITS 1. Tax Map 2. Applicant's Narrative, dated September 1, 1989 3. Applicant's Narrative, dated October 23, 1989 4. Applicant's Narrative, dated December 15, 1989 5. Site Plan 6. Upper Floor Plan 7. South Elevation 8. Letter from Erickson, dated August 14, 1989 9. Letter from Johnson, dated December 9, 1989 10. Letter from Slier, dated December 9, 1989 11. Letter from Knauss, dated. December 10, 1989 12. Letter from Goldsmith, dated December 10, 1989 13. Letter from Szambelan, dated December 10, 1989 14. Letter from Grebe, dated December 10, 1989 15. 1Letter from Chow, dated December 15, 1989 VAR 32--89 Page 8 of 8 CO. RD. . .-NO.I543,,.. ; - .n_._s9:. ,l'vsr... GROVE ST. . 8�a> ; . .._ 77 /oo i' c rye '� . °1800 2200 2.101 • �:, y Y 3 of 330tl0� �R:1��5? 6�l6�,30 G' I 3529 :^N• v oN,"o "1 IG' JC'� \ 3jA w n e w.. ;R r.s. W.' f oo t \ 33t,U ,i . t s r... S! a `` o'. . u '•"1 E: �� roa•r,R! see Np. j1� 21 28 p \ % \� is \0 .\ ‘ o .....\ \ 7 . �o�, sr �� 3355 , 33a ea'/J �' 3 600 ° c�. j;�� j �1 /°° �'D• 26 'pp Pi \ vok; „ \ 3310� . fie .00 + ; „..‘„, ' ygl :. it? 0.114 �\ t Nt \....,., 0 ...,, ..„).,,, ..,„T- . 0. , , s;5rt 24 l?,� ' 1t, 0p ° r1 MI' A .41. 214yp 00 gOp NAB \j `\ $144 , "0° \1 1 '� � 2AP° \1\ \ 6', \,, ., \ , \ , ‘cS „ G\ AAi \ — ‘\ o \‘ de vyl�.! ����- "......1.11:....................................e....... s°� r l- �iRG 1 t► ,i0 A b'11 / i ` F �� v Al rs A!'E S. rf so' 1\ 6°0 0� ppt A 11+52 \ w . :, • 0.0 /,s./A04 6 6pp0 y95 i h, dA t,.. \" 0 , ....---- `<--; 1.S.-, i . 5 AAeI\ 1:0 p 6`L9� 113° 10!' , !�. """tor °,vJ$ir'f � / ss.so N sr ya' ,{i. �� • s s 3 Al' floe c• '.. SEE M A F I. • n ° elf , ^��• ill 4 EXHIBIT IN/M..32.-816-d) . "' ,° • .Y • Brambl l la" Res idence, !I 3406 Lakeview Blvd . Lake Oswego, OR 97034 v r a p The, Brambilla 's want to enlarge the undersized existing galley kitchen which is now only 9 'wide and 12 ' long and hounded by a formal dining room on the west, a garage to tie north and a • breakfast nook to the south. This leaves only the east side yard for practical' expansion area. The existing garage to the north of the kitchen has a brick , ' firewall on the property line which the Brarbilla 's would simply r like to extend along the property line about 12 ' in order to expand the kitchen in the width 7 ' which brings the kitchen into . ' proportion with the rest of the home. --,. • zone allows a 5 ' setback . at the side yards thus we are asklng for a 5' variance to a zero foot setback . The Erickson house 'to d ) the east has submitted a letter (see attached ) stating they want the firewall for privacy. The Erickson's existing house is 8 ' to the property line and the open deck is located across from the , • extended fire wall will be allowing plenty of natural light to • both houses . µ . Since the �` garage already is on at zero lot line the extension olf • the fire wall would not impact the neighborhood . If the owners ' `are allowed to adc ' to the kitchen which is on thew `° `II storage in the basement below this will pyer enhancelo the livability and value of the house , greatly the :S . rl ;1. 1 • B \\ , • 4. EXHIBIT 0 2 vAg. 3z. • Brambilla Residence 3406 Lakeview Blvd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 , 0 . 1141,4...S. A (320-16:041 . ,., , __, BRAMBILLA REBIDENCE, NARRATI al—WE5 g pTION , The Brambilla's want to enlarge the undersized existing galley ' ' kitchen which is now only 9 'wide and ,12' long and bounded �by a . formal dining room on the west, a garage to the north and a breakfast nook to the south. This leaves only the emit side yard w for practical expansion area. The existing garage to the north of the kitchen has a brick firewall on the property line which the Brambilla's would simply like to extend along the property line about 12' in order to • expand the kitchen in the width 7' which brings the kitchen into - proportion with the rest of the home. , ' The Zone allows a 5' setback at the side yards thus we are asking for a 5' variance to a zero foot setback. The Erickson house to the east has submitted a letter (see attached) atatitig they want the firewall for privacy. The Erickson's existing house is 8' to the property line and the open deck is located across from the extended fire Wall will be allowing plenty of natural light to both houses. 0. Since the garage a4rea4y is on at zero lot line the extension of ' the fire wall would not impact the neighborhood. If the owners are allowed to add to the kitchen which is on the upper floor and • storage in the basement below this will greatly enhance the • . livability and value Of the house. • NG livOSS f'M ,0/Mil,fz. SIpe ' Apia rc oikl W e Li)I cat,. "st'f OW r,r r& mi ) . ; Z & (A4evr - am,,.&h w� spy` 240 idtreafieljj O 5Crseir- . • zstAive cA i• Mee a1 s 0S- . , t4 4iulu G 1 5 VOz . • . X Si EXHIBIT , `\ `j - C•-c ' M1 A 'Class II Variance Request C) We are requesting the following: Extending the existing fire wall al*ng the east property line in. ,% order to expand the small outdated existing kitchen. ri I. We believe c requests meet •the following requirements: A. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship. l� When we p archased the home it needed extensive renovation, much of which has been done with the exception of the kitchen. Our family has grown with the marriage of our daughter and grandchildren; and not being able to proceed with expanding the corrMor kitchen would expose us to a hardship. See attached plot plan and topography plan. Because of the location of our existing kitchen in relation to our floor plan and home placement on the lot, this is the only reasonable alternative to enlarge the kitchen. B. Development consistent with the request will not be ' injurious to the neighborhood. " By approving this variance, we will remove injury that presently exists by the smaller kitchen that is not consistent with the values of surrounding homes. , We will be utilizing architects and building professionals to design and construct the addition. Enlarging the kitchen will make the home commensurate with assessed values and also consistent with neighbors homes (please see enclosed letters from neighbors). See Exhibit A, list of letters. C. The request is for minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the property. The variance will allow us to have a reasonable size kitchen, which will line up with the existing garage wall. We have investigated projecting the kitchen off the d rthea existine ghrrooms bet low itewouldhbestimpossibleertohy do, both physically and economically. There is no other direction to go. ti • ixiiisIT‘ 1 1 y 1 / vAn 'M DECi5 1989 r '1 . \f i 1 1 II • q Class II Variance request a Page 2 Listed below are 6 addresses of neighbors on Lake View Blvd. with kitchenosizes and approximate kitchen square footage. The kitchen square footages range from a low of 288 square feet to a high of 624 square feet. This is an average of 436 square feet. My existing kitchen , is 144 square feet; the proposed remodeling would C) increase the kitchen square footage to 256 which would F bring our kitchen up to the minimum reasonable size in comparison to the surrounding properties. ; , ko Address Kitchen Kitchen Size Sq.Ft. 3258 Lakeview Blvd. = 20x16 320 sq.ft. 3620 Lakeview Blvd. 28x18 504 sq.ft. 3328 Lakeview Blvd. 18x16 288 sq.ft. -- 3390 Lakeview Blvd. 24x14 336 sq.ft. 3358 Lakeview Blvd. 26x21 546 sq.ft. 2926 Lakeview Blvd. 26x24 ; 624 sq.ft. TOTAL 2,618 sq.ft. AVERAGE 436 sq.ft. • Existing kitchen size, 3406 Lakeview Blvd. 144 sq.ft. Proposed remodel size, " " " 256 sq.ft. D. The request is not .. eqin conflict with the comprehensive plan. 4 To the best of our knowledge, this request is not in conflict with the comprehensive plan. , II. Relevant factors to be considered in determining whether a hardship exists include: , A. Topography is steep and addition cannot extend to back of homer See attached plot plan with topography. , B. "Like Properties" - Homes on Lakeview have larger kitchens than the one for this home; and as a result l'y , of our kitchen being so small, an unnecessary hardship ;,. is created. C. The hardship was not created by the person requesting the variance as the home was built in 1951. D. There would be a substantial negative economic impact when we try to sell the home because of the inadequate size of the kitchen. 4 EXHIBIT 111/1 1 4 M. , 444.6) 1") • 2::s3II Variance Request, • a 11, III. Relevant factors t& te considered in determining Whether development consistt with the request is injurious: A. Absolutely no injury to anyone regarding any factors (my neighbors have enclosed letters). As a matter of fact, response has been overwhelmingly positive to our plans. Neighbors are glad to see us remodeling our kitchen since attractive and desirable homes are good • for the n9ighborhood as a whole, k:-The neighbors immediately to the east of our home 7 ' (Mr. and Mrs. Ron Erickson) welcome the remodel as it would give them more privacy. Our existing kitchen has a-large bay window facing directly toward their home. , • , This window would be eliminated with the proposed • remodel. Hfr • • t, Jr% - 1,4 •,.. ,• g IXHIBIT , StitsilLtiart(14.4. • • A... • ti , Ai 1 y o • Exhibit A List of Let ters Enclosed • Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Knauss, 3232 Lakeview Bivdr. II Mr. and Mrs. Peter Szamblin, 3258 Lakeview Blvd.Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Slier, 3328 Lakeview Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. George Choir, 3358 Lakeview Blvd. Mr. api Mrs. Ron Erickson, 3390 Lakeview Blvd. Mr• aL'' Mrs. David Johnson, 3434 Lakeview Blvd. ``��, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldsmith, 3620 Lakeview Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grebe, 3748 Lakeview Blvd. ' . III. . . ,. . . (cl . • 0._,_, . _ . , 0-- . . , , ,,,,,, „ _,__, ,,,,,...._, -1 . . ,.1... , . . , , . ,, , . , . ,. 4 LXHI� T4 40 0 • 4 \.. ,, u .` , . . , J . . N / 3 1014 • • .00. 0 3 1 ' OC°• 60,1 .T 6.111.4•111b .. al III Oft..OEM r \ 1 I ) 4 a t st r • 1 ‘t 1 alig ° 1 I C ... t.:. f 1 r(111 .16. t .'02#444 VI k VC . 1.......m.6. )\ Alt N - A r 1 . - Aolornog `. . onoslioi . .f t1 0 i _..... .............._•••••; i i roe-wfrw ........ , 4 4, , i 4). I . 'N. (C 17 00140 I % 41 ..."11 • • ior....11rmon.l.r r . . : (-- cy'ropwed a 1 : vimetc • ..................:.ftivi . , . k . . . (: 5 . . . ___ ..,01.1.a. eL#4.04 • vickopiki46,_______ .... ............ — 04044-6 • 1?1,:-. -ZeP"-atos , , . . • . g IXIIIIIIIT I 5 r r r . C.14 2 3. 1PP%'4 VA(2.51-atCL-4, y m 'a maimmomo-i.1 xcv 0 . by FC�,7L :, , u...: �• !i .0 �, f _. � �.�. 10 , '''' . .. t "' *tigP ''`'''1-":".. 1 . .no . ". ..."'"' • • I le, ..�.�' WW1 \ / I ; , A, ,' 101111111111111111 7' \ 0.1i1m.m..0•1•10•••01•• 0 '/ Y / .(" 4\‘.. .. 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V 1 Vz"...NIIMNS:1/4,41"\%NnlICilifi‘.."4-.....s.4k-X\IVV:ZSLNN., •• ••,...4%Y1/41110414... yr . � ..,.._...). :il ---,,, -.....,.., milui 1 .. .t.„ .. i i ' ...1- 1.0 kiro f.P:Til ---.-ax r`1 -, n- ,,.. ., i ,,,....., %A 1r( is . , ......, ,,,,,,,, =nag & it * ,/ i F........' i , ....„,„ 1 ti ,.......„:„.....„--.7.-401 r.,......4.....11.....„. 1111111. • - ' tr., . aitt A ) . . •• ......... ....,. ir. ..1,,, y '.0 i*il .11:: 111 t*. to ., i , , —_____,. , ----al , ... 4 MA s ' MI . i �' .'I '~' `f'N' 9UYON3d ' A £_/ 1.' 'cam �..� ...1 �`i �; rIf ti ' i Jj - r l,, • 0 \ • t I e I ? . a • r 01 FROM THE DESK OF: „=--- .„ ., 0 RON ERICKSON co • . OFFICE(503).241-SEAL (7325) 0 RESIDENCE 003)636-90X cl+ • I • , Augast. 14, L989 ,... a) . 8 . Mike Wheelerf( City of Lake Oswego Planning Dept. _.---,, ,-. Dear Mr. Wheeler: al f, We reside at 3390 Lakeview Blvd. and are the next- a) a) door neighbors of the Brambillas (we are just East of them) . We approve zero lot-line set back for their home on the side adjacent to us because the extension of the existing firewall will allow us more privacy. I We feel that the extension of the existing fire- , wall enhance both properties with no negative impact on the neighborhood. o = , v.) Very truly yours, ... L. '11 1110 ' Ronald G. Erickson • . . "When You're in the Market for Excellence" , - go B - ri.)atiri Sue Seill . I It 1 N3 s\. -•'{1 ' :- , -r, NG • . 0 . • I e , . 1( XHIB EIT 1 8 keia.$42.,-trrst- . ,--, • , * _ • . 26viel 0 apolinivot „ . 3AJI S.W. LAO(EVIEW DLVD. f C �� 'r 9' ' _ ,./KE r;F rte.". OPEOON 971LIA /L.,,,, , _ , aai ( 4' , i•••••V : /......„(j „ . 41) c..... l ✓` e _ s1._. ...-.-.--77i.A''e:, Gr /e L•K' L,.C,_a--ta. . y ._., ,.,..'e ,: 2,(4b3.i. / 7 /,1 e:w:d::'•.:.f.`4\ d , V r / //3 ./ •ft,...=,:i Cr...‘12" „e , '4 .-r/.. \:.,, 3_46 --\ i1 r , \, t^..-4-/e.e._ 0-"1--e:.41‘el--0 _6"2-C., y ./ \,,fro . , :,/ ,.k..., , . / '- -tx- e, . ,,, ,, ,-_, ' , ', "'' '''''C' "‘)-...t47(2..ea•t.2..4!.....V /7..X. kJ 'C''et".-',)L O ,y QQe - � /, `�.e.i, t C' � ._--mot_. .........„, _r /c-t---1' 1.,,,a ,&__C ---t4, , 8.....„.a.„4....._146_,..,,LA,..7 ....) . 0 ,, •k.1-.. . ,,. .,, .2ee,....." d 4. . /-71,-z, . ,,, •, ..e..._.".._e_.,i,, , r‘ ,, __. I ,�.1r, Q . --X tt 6 .........e. ze," . et . (:// / . Ali.../.....e' e.....•.4"Cr.e+.1" ,.. . r. e.,, .. . . vir.i. , 7,, t.7.01.e1-..,--7— it i-,, 0,...‘• , . . . . , ,, :.., ,,.,,...;... , .., -- i , i ),,,,, r'''' / ,,,.-. • al , / ,�� - _ DEC 21 1919 L.....,1w��oT q . h , „ , . „ . . , . rai SI` r SILR VENTURES , r i' CONSULTING TO INNOVATORS, Lill ENTREPR ;NEURS & BUSINESS ,,-i: .. .. ,. , . 0 ; . A , 1/ ri SILER/SILBR VENTURES ,j CONSULTING TO INNOVATORS, ; December 9, 1989 ENTREPRENEURS&SMALL AUSINASS Mr. Michael Wheeler BUZZ BODE Q ' City of Lake Oswego/Planning Dept. " (5•66 332A LAKEYIEW BLVD. 635-6688 380 "A" Avenue ( LAKE OSWEGO, OR97036 635.6333 • `, Lake Oswego,` OR 97034 -- -- - -- Re: Brambilla Kitchen Remodel 4 EXHIBIT • 10 Dear Mich?el , Atisveiea-e. Tony Brambilla recently told me of his plans to remodel their kitchen and his request for a varience to accomodate his plans. This brief ;letter to you is to express my whole-hearted support for his plans and to encourage the City Planning Department el to approve his request for a varience. As a neighbor , just three doors away from Tony and Myrna, for the last five years, I 've seen many of the homes along Lakeview Blvd. remodeled. Several of those homeowners have requested and - received variences regarding set-backs. . .and in every single case the remodeling has not only improved the individual home, but also our neighborhood in general. • , Property taxes, especially land assessments,, have increased dramatically over the last couple Years, and they will continue to escalate rapidly. I believe this makes it even more important that • we, \who pay such high taxes for the land , be able to util ize the - ' Zoti. to their fullest potential. ,, Thank you for , your consideration. ' , floe* .• .�y o j DEC 2 1 '.=989 p._ Buzz S et 3328 LAKE:VWEW in VD. LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97035 0 (603)635.8888 or 635.8333 4 \ A 0 DR. APTHUP K. KNAUSS \ I / ---'2.',"0--14--/A--4,--jeLtgr"1"-'47 7149"'• --, 6b:Pcza-it) ,CP•e.e.7,?, 1 , . , 4- ,72,2001--L-, '77,4 et..),,Le...e..4_,---: , . ..___. 1).J2-. I • i on.e.7---tz.,3.4 .1.1.,h_dee_.), 1)4,.. e_ .,,,,a,....; g.....i.42-01,4......7062......6.-;41 le.. .6e...-2„..3...-) i . .....e6.. ..6...„, ‘ /..44...12.. . - ..064__;._ vr.... -ri "7 d;i / . .. .. 4. ..e .. .. ... ........ ..../..) 2 ... ... „... ,....,-„,. .......:, .6e,..4_, . , , g IXHIBIT , .t.--'1%-.40-fri. diil.. i ‘014.32.01C4-4 . ob / • )4e A? L..(AAAA4i i, ore • k '' CSIr 0 DEC 2 1 s -2.,.. 7-a... -..,4-40- -tAi•--/ ,gerr,• -,, ( . . . . . Y • MRS., THOMAS A. gOLbSMITM Qmker ,/ Y 1 �, 3620 s. co. L.AKu1 c6(O gwb. • LAKE Ofw6gOn OREgON 97035 ii alio art najlitbr, Mr,and MOVATon • �a nbrl�a and afereit of fhg ker ¢I . 4heir k% ' , Liz/gel-Hui r‘incidgi4;7 4*/ • • would fluf,4,,,i,„„io, 4h, 0464?" proper-i:it, on.141g„ C. rr.con1rnA n4 �t, ti}y rrrouto d 144,04i4loce-, 110 itif,and ) flrs Tha• DECJiO.20 ta, teittkvaioLtit,t/i, • • • 2 1989 1 N11111T 641-31446m'a• o tl ' 0 g '''P n A Dec. 10, 1989 Dear Mr. Wheeler, r,, ', +r - We understand that Anthony and P2vrna B nbi],lz are seeking a , variance on the east end of their property, Ohich adjoins the Erickson's property. We feel the variance should,he allowed as it will not be injurious �, to the neighborhood._ Nbst of the homes on Lakeview have been . ' „ enlarged, so we feel it will further enhance our neighborhood. We are in favor of granting approval on this project. V . . Sincerely, )( 4, cit ./2.f,4 I 44.1, , ' .., . , Peter and El a Szambelan '"' 37 8 Lakeview Blvd. , ((, L4ke Oswego, OR 97035 0 • 636-71i i ,. r , ' io DEC 2��1 ' @d� ' g IXHISIT IIV!, . . , •t., , r.----- d / 2, 1,, . • s7 • , . . .• . „. 7,14_ )1,„,k.,.. 1„,,) .-, i \t i 6 , ,.. , 0.(.34.v.6...0 z:".<....:„„„ti„23,0 / nrCia,e\,, -- A ,:"--SkiAN1/44, ‘Octg\i -4 / 7"---1 e -- - .-- -;- I S"h"\"" . I 1 (-717 2- MaA 7let-t..f ht..il 0--"c‘' A .. .1.1....., , cjilz...crt4j ' A , 1 VOSt.4.4arL4...L....• L n'lle 4%''' 11 .0' 1.714.91,40 ".skji2A,i .....t . 77PC6"./4''.•/.'el Lfre 1.1\S''' .1.:A.. ) +L4/.../....L...A.sx..................... , C Ce.f3 ON...‘,. .P. 4.. • , ... 74., , .....dt :si...cle ......4..N . . CiLiol-• 9.7. .7421/1--..— ..,Aid--'#'8"*&•elage."44.4-14e3i161.1/4,11 ...1..... 1 ". e ----/-4- <1 kL--e--.--A2..it e‘...o )3t W\O-Ice.- c--- „.v .., d7 . . • '-- Syyl„,.....Q.... ie----& ,. ,,,...t/ .,....y 1 71,.-- tegja Ai..4,7,-.iteres 0.4..1 -.)1.a.Az7444---C 441.1, , V i , . . . , . ..4 -••• L te..1 7":„ Q.. 2 - 4 7•-•-Ptic .7 (c ..- 1 i'' ! r . a t DEC 2 1 2 IIIXHISIT 0 , ','.4.a89 [1 14 (...] i II isoias7.-api ist.c, . i l , ! \\ • , , :., . • 1 . Cl //e' Mr. Michael Wheeler Planning & Engineering Dept. City of Lake Oswego 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, Or. Dear Mr. Wheeler: Re: 3406 Lakeview Remodel We urge you to approve the variance request so that Mr. Brambilla's home will be of the quality consistent in size and value to our homes. We feel he is justified in making this request and it should be approved. Sincerely, _? George Chcjw. 3358 Lakeview Blvd. y7. .00 11.44 i I) DEC 5 'mead`s IiXHIlIT >I • LI5