Agenda Packet - 1992-06-13 • , p `j 4 A C' •. y:ty LAKE OSWEGO .. PLANNING DEPT. FILES P1 , 4 Development Review Board Agendas 1992 ° • Jae, i ;. ,r. - i b' '4 .y . • x+. r • c y.• , b. x .` tii • "• AGENDA • r' CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO OE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUI �ARD 1.1... Monday,June 15, 1992y '; 7:30 P.M. . } � •,' • eft - I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Age`ncht Book o ,` , III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 4, 1991 (Second Vote) `. April 6, 1992 r April 20, 1992 M' IV, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARING Y) 1A2, a request by Touchstone Learning Center for approval to construct an addition to an existing preschool site in order to add 4 more classrooms. The site is located at' Touchstone (Tax Lot 2200 of Tax Map 2 lE 5BD). Staff coordinator is Barbara Smolak, associate Planner, ' OVI. GENERAL PLANNING • Street Name Change—Hastings Court in Westlake Single Family Phase 4 .1� ' VII. OTHER BUSINESS-Findings, Conclusions and Order DR 3-89II_955-City of Lake Oswego DR 7-92-957-Benner Stange Associates DR 10-92/VAR 4-92(a-c)-958-Country City Interiors `. d VIII, ADJOURNMENT • Y I F The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items, Feel fre e to come and go as you please, ( embers: Staff: Skip Stunaway,Chair ��� • ' . Norman J.Sievert. Vice—Chair Tom Coffee,Planning Director James A.,Sievert. Bloomer Robert Galante,Senior Planner ,, James li oomelconi Ron Bunch,Senior Planner Xaviervert R. Foster Humid Pishvaic,Dcv,Review Planner ,,�, '• Ginger Remy Catherine Clark,Associate Planner ;o, Gamer R Stiven Jane Heisler,Associate Planner Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner r` Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson, DRB Secretary Kathy Avery,PC Secretary Ii • STAFF REPORT 1 , ., CITY OF . . . . LAKE OSWEGO ., , . . , . . ,. .. PLANNING DIVISION APPLICANT: FILE NO,: , y k Touchstone Learning Center DR 9-92 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: ' P Y `'i : � Lester John Barbara Smolak L E"AL DESCallanQN: DATE OF RFPDRI Tax Lot 2200 of June 5, 1992 } ` Tax Map 2 1E 5IID DATE OF HEARING: LOCATION: June 15, 1992 2 Touchstone NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: • { '~ �Q P P N DESIGNAT ON: Mt. Park R-0 DESI JN :�� NIN 1 Special Use Zone within a PUD I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST • The applicant is requesting approval to construct an addition to an existing preschool site in • . . order to add 4 more classrooms. II. DDT Trent F. RI?GUL T/� IONS " A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: Impact Management Policies General Policy II, Specific Policy 3 Energy Conservation Policies ,' General Policy IV Transportation Policies ' , DR 9-92 Page 1 of 7 • • • ! ,• ��y: - . , !'• . . s- . . b ,, ' om.+roR tr , ' A'. B Lake Osvego ring Or linan { LOC 48.195—48.225 Special Use/PUD Description (setbacks, lot area, lot coverage) ,. ..,.,:-;.,,,, .., .. C. City of Lake Oswego Development: r • LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.145 LOC 49.220—49.210 Major Development , Authority of City Manager : N. • ;'`• LOC 49.300 Major Development Procedures LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval \' D. City of Lake Oswego Developm,nt ltandj: ' 2.005—2.040 5.005—5.040 Building Design • 6.005—6.040 Street Lights 7.005—7.040 Transit System 1t 8.005—7.040 Parking&Loading Standard Park and Open Space ' v a : 9.005—9.040 Landscaping, Screening and Buffering 10.005— 10.040 Fences °•' 11.005� '1.040 14.005 t, 040 Drainage Standard for Major Development Utility Standard 18.005 — 10.040 Access Standard 19.005— 19.040 Site Circulation—Private Streets/Driveways 20.005—20.040 Site Circulation —Bikeways and Walkways E. City of Lake Oswego Tree �'t�ttin • , ., .,, .. rdinance: 4, j LOC 55.010—55.130 F. r Approvals: Mt, Park PUD, Phase III III. FIN ric.j •� A. Exlstlna -nnriitinnc 1. The site is located at 2 Touchstone and is apprt,..rmately 51,100 sq, ft. in size. 2, The current building on site has been a day care/preschool/primary school facility for about 19 years and has been occupied by Touchstone Learning Center for the ' \ past 10 years, Exhibit 10. 3. The current building contains 6006 sq, ft, of classrooms and offices, 2,082 sq ft. of .• covered play area, and pool, and 540 sq, ft, of storage, totaling 8,628 sq, ft. B, Proposal:, The applicant is requesting approval to add 4 classrooms to the existing building, bringing the total square footage to 13,476 sq, ft. J { DR 9-92 : Page2of7 g i ; w :: C, Compliance with Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615, the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria when evaluating minor development. • r ` 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents marked as ` exhibits, accompanying this report. • 2. For any development application to be approved,it shall first be established ,.a.;. .,. that the proposal conforms to: a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable policy groups are: .4 Impact Management Policies ` These policies require protection of natural resources from development,comprehensive 1 review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share of the costs of • public facilities. These policies are implemented through several Development Standards, addressed further below, The policies require assurance that distinctive areas ,. , will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees will be protected from removal, streams will be preserved and that density will be limited to achieve these ,- results. Compliance with the applicable r.k.v lopment Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to these Plan polici" , C`Cnnditions of approval will be imposed when • 1 ,• necessary to assure compliance. Energy Conservation Policies These policies require energy conservation in construction practices in the City. The proposed building design will be more energy efficient than the existing structure by using improved wall, window and door insulation, Transportation Policies These policies require development to occur with a balanced transportation system that includes safe and convenient access. These policies also require adequate parking facilities to be included for approved uses, These policies are to be implemented through the relevant Development Standards which are analyzed further on in this report. b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. Zd4rliilg Code Recluirement� and Analv,IF The site is designated as a Special Use Zone within the Mt, Park Planned Unit Development. There are no specific setback requirements except for the 10 ft, setback • ' ' • ". along Kerr Parkway, The underlying R4)Zone allows an average height of 40 feet over the entire site with no individual structures exceeding 50 feet, The zoning Code requirements, height and lot coverage, are being met by the proposed classroom addition (Exhibit 3). ., . . ,, iD , . , DR 9-92 Page 3 of 7 w • T` 3' • % • Development od Requirements and Analysts• The proposed development is appropriately being processed as a major development. ' Development Standards applicable to major development will be reviewed later in this report. � .Tree Cutting Ordinance Requirements andAnalysis in order to implement the Impact Management Policies, the provision of the Tree Cutting Ordinance must be carried out ,the development of the site. The applicant is planning to remove one large maple tree within a grove to the north, the other trees in the grove will remain. In addition to the tree grove to the north, there are another 37 trees scattered l throughout the site. Of these, 23 will be removed. Some will be replaced (11) with vine maples and ornamental cherry trees. Existing trees range in size from 4" to 24" in ;,•; diameter, c. The applicable Development Standards , Building Design (2.005 --2.040) , ` The proposed addition will be similar in scale to the existing building, but with different exterior materials and construction being proposed. The existing building utilizes 3 1/4" x 15 1/2" bricks that provide poor insulation. The new addition proposes painted wood siding and white trim. The existing and new building is separated by a landscaped courtyard, with an entry vestibule and corridor. Roof materials will be of similar wood shakes. The new addition is set 45 degrees from the existing building to emphasize the contrast and to create more interesting exterior spaces, Residential building elements such as gable and roof dormers will be used to provide a non—institutional, country ' . school style. Street Lights (5.005—5.040) ,,_ '• The applicant is proposing that all parking areas and walkways be lit from the building in +' such a way as to provide adequate visibility and security and at the same time minimize �'' glare. No pole lighting is being proposed. The applicant has not submitted a lighting plan indicating the type, intensity, specifications and appropriateness of the lighting on the building. A lighting plan shall be required as a condition of approval , ; Transit System (6.005—6.040) , The project site is served by Tri--Met with a bus stop at the adjacent corner of Touchstone and Kerr Parkway, A paved pedestrian pathway to the bus stop shall be required per LODS 6.020(1)(b), The applicant will need approval from the Mt. Park Homeowner's Association, Parking and Loading (7.005 —7.040) The site currently provides 14 parking spaces, additional parking will bring the total spaces to 20. The proposed parking spaces along the entry driveway have been eliminated. The applicant has an agreement with the Tanglewood Apartments for the use t of 10 additional parking spaces, therebymeetingtheparking (Exhibit 6). and leading requirement - \ .,, 0 , DR 9-92 Page 4 of 7 aa t .J L tIJ ''Y.• 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 • tw n�1 EarlUtall Open Space (8.005 —8.040) • Landscaping. ae er erring and f1 fering_( Q05 These standards require that 20% of the site be landscaped and left as open space. The `• applicant's proposal provides 46% of the site as landscaping/open space, thereby meeting , this requirement (Exhibit 8). Landscaping will be installed around the parking areas, trash enclosure,courtyard and around the new building additions. An open grassy meadow will remain at the northeast quadrant of the site. In addition, the site is surrounded by a contiguous common area. The applicant is not proposing an irrigation plan as required by LODS 9.025(3). Instead, the applicant is proposing manual v' irrigation. An irrigation plan shall be required unless the applicant can demonstrate to • ''' the Development Review Board's satisfaction that such a system is not necessary, per ' LODS 9.025(3). Fences (10.005— 10.040) ' This standard requires that all fences not exceed six feet in height in residential zones, The applicant is proposing a fence and landscape screen around the trash area as noted on the site plan, No other fences ere being proposed (Exhibit 3), Drainage Standard for Major Development(11.005— 11.04.0) Y A drainage plan has been submitted showing the existing drainage system for the ",, development. The existing parking lot will be removed and in its place will be the new building and landscaped courtyard. The new parking area is "dished" in order to direct runoff to a central catch basin, thereby avoiding adverse impact on adjacent property. • Site grading is confined by a proposed retaining wall along the south and east edges of the proposed lot. The east edge of the parking lot is shown to be about 6 ft. above the existing grade. Site drainage will be directed to an extension of the public storm system in Kerr Parkway after it flows through a water quality grasslined swale. Detention is being provided by increasing the standard depth of the water quality manhole and the "dished" parking lot, Drainage easements will be required over all public drainage systems. ' Utility Standard (14,005— 14.040) • All required utilities including sanitary, water, power and storm water removal are available to the site and the existingbuilding. The existingsite is connected to an 8" " ' g public sewer, the existing water service is from a 12" Lake Oswego system and the +.,,'' adjacent streets are built to City standards and are illuminated. All additions to existing utilities shall be designed and constructed in conformance with City of Lake Oswego ` specifications. Access Standard (18,005— 18,040) No new access points are proposed. Access to the existing and proposed development is from Touchstone (Exhibit 3). In addition, the lot abuts a public street in excess of the 25 feet minimum. The proposed building and parking addition meets the access standard. Site Circulation—Private Streets/Driveways (19,005— 19,040) , 4" The existing driveway that serves the site will be extended into the parking area. The :' grading plan (Exhibit 7) shows that access to the new parking lot is within City standards N which requires grades of 15% or less, All other slope requirements are met, The .. • y • • • DR 9-92 • Page 5 of 7 ti. h° .,t R .. .. d,' T ` • , driveway width will be 20 feet with extruded curbs affixed to the surface of asphalt, '„ Construction of driveway surfaces shall comply with City standards, site Circulation—Eikeways and Walkways (20 Qp5 2Q Ogn1 f P_ The site is surrounded by common areas. A paved walkway exists within the common area,adjacent to the south property line. A bikeway and walkway are proposed along ry. Kerr Parkway north of the site. Walkways are proposed within the project to move pedestrians from the parking areas to the building entry, ° r' f ,' d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS There are no such plans which affect tl'r3G 1,te. C. Conclusion: ' Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal complies with or can be made to comply with all applicable criteria. III. .11MENDATION Staff recommends approval of DR 9-92, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a final erosion control plan in accordance with "Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook" for review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. The applicant shall submit a final drainage plan for review and approval Engineer, per City standards, of the City 3. The applicant shall provide easements for all +. facilities. public drainage systems and detention 4. The applicant shall obtain a tree cutting permit prior to the removal of any trees that are 5 inches or greater in diameter. A tree survey showing the location, type and diameter of 4 ' \ all trees 5 inches or greater shall be provided prior to the issuance of a tree cutting permit, 5. The applicant shall submit construction plans for an and approval by the City Engineer, per City standardublicimpnovements for review j sy tandards. :, 6. The applicant shall submit a final ' • irrigation plan for the review and approval of staff at • the building permit stage. 7. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for the review and approval of staff a the building permit stage. 8. The applicant shall provide a paved pedestrian pathway to the bus stophe corner of r at t Touchstone and Kerr Parkway. • DR 9-92 Page 6 of 7 n'" fe etY 'b• � r EXHIBITS 1♦ Tax Map 2. Applicant's Narrative 3. Site Plan 4. Vicinity Map 5. Addendum to Narrative,dated May 14, 1992 "` 6. Letter and Off-Site Pawking Agreement • 7, Hydrology Report,dated May 15, 1992 and Drainage Plans 8. Landscape Plan 9. Letter from Thomas Anderson,United Marketing, Inc,, dated June 1, 1992. 10. Letter from Robert Mahoney,Lake Oswego Planning Director, dated July 29, 1973, • : l. r 1 . • • • • • t, It . I • • • • ♦ r DR 9-92 Page 7 of 7 JJ `` CLACKAM COUNTY0 ` D I11= I001 b, 4 1 .~ MOUNTAIN PARK NO. 8 ° . cs.. , . . + SEE MAP 2 IE 5BD i to ,\., . . .....-- ' A...,'/ r 1 tr"�—r 11 B11 2300�a •j .-- m 19 BLpD K N p 16 1801 (JOIN' --- '-- � 1ao0 4n n 2200 BLK. 6 w ' y 2201 u J p� ( 3,I6Ac `�,\ Bl.K14 y 1— Y � / 41 �° `\ Its 0¢1 11 . 'M.l. \ `!.. \ r. 1 .• " . • ...., j.Oa 1/1 ,,...."'101... e:- tr m . ,' tr.) \ \\:(\:\\*\\ • TJ 49 C)A c:a ())J, ' -L1 , , 17C1p ' +, �, N ; �� `�� .% LEGAL F tit, . ... ' pl . TOUCHSTONE LEARNING CENTER ADDITION (PR 15-92) Robert Evenson Associates, Architects PROJECT DESCRIPTION Touchstone Learning Center has been occupying this building for 10 years . The building has been a Daycare/Preschool/Primary School facility for about 18 years . The school provides , teacher/student ratios of about 1: 16 compared with typically up • to 1: 30 in other schools . There are less students per square , foot at Touchstone than 90% of similar facilities , Touchstone Learning Center proposes to enlarge it' s facilities . The existing building is comprised of the following elements: Program space Classrooms and offices 6006 SF c' ( including circulation) • Non program space Covered play area, pool 2082 SF St• orage 540 SF When completed, the existing plus new building facilities will total as follows : • Program space = 10 , 606 Non program space = 2 , 870 There are currently 7 classrooms , with an average population of 16 children in each classroom. When phase II is complete there will be 9 classrooms ( 22% increase) . The design solution includes a classroom building addition " located to the east of the existing buildinq, separated by a landscaped courtyard. • There are currently 14 parking spaces located adjacent to the existing building. There will be a total of 28 parR:ing spaces built on site as part of the expansion. ` The existing building construction is approximately 18 years old and not very energy efficient. The proposed addition utilizes • " fully insulated frame walls instead of the giant brick and aluminum windows of the existing building. The new addition is more modern yet compatible with the existing building. ,.I EXHIBIT a • a 1 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION (continued) *' } Develoi Schedule Depending on various factors, the proposed improvements will probably be constructed in 2 phases . At least one classroom will be built immediately with the balance as soon after as feasible, ;. Exterior Materials Siding - Painted horizontal siding, with white trial at corners , doors and windows. Roofing - Fire treated wood shakes to match existing roofing. Windows - Painted wood windows or white vinyl . Code Compliance ' The proposed development complies with the Zoning Code, Development Ordinance and Standards , and Comprehensive Plan policies of the City of Lake Oswego. • • •.a Y • t DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS17 ' , •,7 •:* 0 Building Design The proposed addition is of similar scale to the existing building, although different exterior materials and construction '' " is proposed: The existing building utilizes giant bricks that provide poor insulation qualities. The new addition proposes ,. , painted wood siding and white trim. The existing and new buildings are separated by a landscaped courtyard and joined together by an entry vestibule and corridor. Roof materials will be of similar wood shakes . The new addition is set 45 degrees , , ; . from the existing building to emphasis the contrast and create 4 more interesting exterior spaces . Residential building elements including gable, and roof dormers to provide a non-institutional county school style. • One large maple tree within a grove to the north Will have to be removed because of its proximity to the addition. The others will remain. Because of its age ( 18 years ) , the existing building components ` , ?'' are not energy efficient. The new addition will meet current stricter codes . Street Lights All parking areas and walkways will be it from the building in such a manner as to provide adequate visibility and security. • Such lighting will be selected to minimize glare and/or , unnecessary brightness . • Transit Systems Touchstone Learning Center does not provide transit systems at ..rv/ this time, although some discussion has begun in the last 10 r` months including the following: 1. Additional parking, shared or leased with Tanglewood Apartments to the south. 2 . Car pool and/or van pool . A Tri-Met bus str` ,s currently available at the corner of " ,r Touchstone and K,.� . Parkway. J , r , , • p 1 ;' . J •. ` 1 Oi 4 i DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS r Parking and Loading ;i• Parking is provided at 1 space per 400 SF GFA of program area. Parking and loading are proposed at 3 locations on the site with approximately 50% located east of the buildings on part of an existing grassy field. The balance of parking spaces are .; proposed along the entry drive. !` ' • �;, The proposed development provides 28 parking spaces on site as indicated on the plans. There are currently 14 spaces provided, . '' The increased capacity of the facility is approximately 25% with better utilization of existing spaces and the proposed 4 new classrooms . The flow of automobiles will be improved as a result of the development. Up to 50% of the parking spaces may be compacts . The owners are investigating the possibility of shared parking with Tanglewood Apartments, directly to the south. This might allow a reduction of paved areas and more landscaping areas . A Tri-Met stop is located at the adjacent corner of Kerr parkway at Touchstone Park and Oren Space 46% of the site will remain as landscape/open space . Paved parking areas are not included as open space. In addition, this '. site is surrounded by contiguous common area space on all sides, making the site open space seem even larger. .A. Although one large maple tree will need to be removed, other trees within a ° � grove at the north side of the site will remain. . An open grassy meadow will remain at the northeast quadrant of the site. Landscaping, Screening and Aufferihq ' ' Most new landscaping will be found in the following areas , as noted on the landscape plan: 1 . Around parking areas and trash enclosure '4+�` 2 . Landscaped courtyard 3 . Around the new build,tng additions �'\ Fences � • A fence and landscape screen are proposed around the trash area noted on the site plan . Landscaped buffers will be provided as possible in lieu of fences . 0 ., . v i ! ' 8 T i r ''s 1 i 1- } t DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 0 F4 ,I Drainage for Malor Development i The existing parking lot is being removed and in its place will be the new building and landscaped courtyard. There will be a net increase of impervious surface area at the existing developed E'. locations of about 1290 SF, including the new parking spaces to the south and west. With the addition of a new ,' parking lot to .'4': *` a ` the east there will be a net increase of impervious surface area of 5350 SF. Storm water from the lower parking area will be detained briefly, and will then run to the Kerr Parkway storm drainage system. Utility Standards All required utilities including sanitary, water, power and storm „' ��� , ;; water removal are available to the site and the existing building. These utilities are capable of servicing the 'R additional building area as well . (see Kampe Engineering submittals ) All additions to existing utilities shall be designed and constructed in conformance with City of Lake Oswego ` specifications . Access Standards '. Access to the existing and proposed development is from Touchstone. There is an anticipated increase of on site . ' vehicular activity of only 22%-25% . Site vehicular circulation ,• . will continue to provide safe and efficient ingress and egress within the property. Il I` A 11, Y t r y 1. ... • o ` ' . 4 n, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 0 ,,, ,.. yt. Driveways and Private Streets 2 The existing driveway that serves the site will be extended into the parking area least of the existing r • turnaround is proposed within this easterly parking area. 1 t, t4' D Driveway width will be 20 feet. Extruded curbs, affixed to the surface of asphalt will be used, similar to •that which currently exits . Construction of driveway . , rf surfaces shall comply with city standards. W Bikeways and Wal kways r This site is surrounded on 4 sides by common areas , A paved walkway exists within the common area adjacent to the south property line. A bikeway and walkwayare Parkway, north of the site. Walkways are proposed along Kerr project , to move proposed within the building entry. Handicappedpedestrians from the parking areas to the accessibility shall be provided, 4 • ' Traffic Impact The capacity of the building facilities is being increased by an anticipated (22-25%) over existing enrollments . The existing 7 classrooms are being expanded to 9. As such, traffic impact as a result of the expansion will be minimal . Touchstone and Kerr Parkway are capable of absorbing the slight increase in traffic. ui is • Yr ♦ w„ vrr. i\, .. d '• c , r !➢. erg v.-Y: i .'It ' t NANIRDI ' s J; NANCES tr s OTHER O i . 0 Tree Cutting We recognize the requirement to obtain a tree cutting permit to remove any trees within or directly adjacent to improvements . proposed .Parks and Pathways The site is surrounded on all sides by common area landscaped areas . Within some of these areas are public pathway is proposed, north of the site, adjacent Parkway. Our development provides no adverse impact on these common area spaces or pathways . One pathway in the southeast corner may have to be moved slightly because it crosses onto our site where some ,1 ti parking improvements are proposed. ti .' 4 ' ,k . , /, r • ; j• f ('' ' • T . • • 1 1 Y 1 - 1 r Growth Management Policy Element K�I�1 Y•- - Y• The existing buildings and facilities have been located at this 6. intersection within the Mt.Park planned community for ' approximately 18 years . The original planners of Mt. Park provided for similar community facilities such as ours at key locations and intersections near high density residential complexes. With the recent increase in the number of .• • apartments , condominiums and homes within Mt. Park , there has ° '. been a similar increase in demand for local preschool , day care „ and primary school facilities . Touchstone Learning Center provides the highest quality preschool : and primary school environment within the community it cervices . Teacher/student ratios of from 1: 12 to 1: 16 are far superior to :: the brand name national facilities that provide ratios of 1: 24 to 1: 30 in most cases . Lower teacher:to: student ratios require more ` Y class rooms for a given number of students . {The proposed development is compatible with the overall objectives within the Comprehensive Plan and the growth Management Policy Element. This development enhances and expands the only private primary/preschool facility within Mt. Park , and one of only about 3 facilities within all Lake Oswego. • This development is possible with little of no burden on the natural and man made resources of Mt. Park or Lake Oswego. Y .',;` Community Resource Policy Element Within the Natural Resource Policy Element subsection the r ' following policies were considered applicable to the development °� in question . Preserve Tree Stands The sptri k d ldevng lwm t h x ih e osf td oon e teg e nmphl e htih I/ • will be removed. Additional landscaping is provided, both I; " ' � between the buildings and around the new building. Cotiserve Energy Within Construction ' The proposed building design will be much more energy efficient than the existing structure. Improved wall , window and door insulation will be utilized within the new structure. a : We feel the proposed development provides minimal negative impact on the natural resources of the site, while providing positive benefits to the neighborhood it is located within. 4 ,. 4 , • , f i J• Via, �l ,."I. ,. L • •�. f 1 • 1 •0 ., . ,. ,.. ,•,• . '..... ....„,..-. N.,........., • . r t...4' '"•-''','...f ''';-•:',':' • 0 0 . . ..... . '......• . . , .. hir . ,.- Ir-' 'e•• 'z ''" ./•,.,4,14:•'•,. ''' t.''''''ll'•', &q4s1.41,4,_ •h,r.n-*,,.. .7. •-.%• . . . ,, .• I. . Asseciatcs- •l':'',:•‘.- '''' ,,n, ,,nt ..,7,,. f tz.!, 4. ' . 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I G'yv+ Cam _ red 1\ /I ' A 1 L ) , :...1,,, ` C .�--''�`-' cam'"°'' ,, , SI1 PLAN ". e vs,) MI+1 CUM ' OYI GROUND SLOPES AT BUILDING ADDITION P.M1.0 l '' NORTH :4 1 ,• r A ,. •' , .w 7 1 t 1 + \ ? l,nlse 4� tub•'•'' / . t ' w le '''+ _ �,' Mom/ , / ,L t i PA / / r I } , ,,/' '�,i1„N- !"••• /I, 'r�r�N�Ty1rk .+'r+1� r *or 1.� / ��1�t nt ."fv L.� / �• 4�..... <..,� � �.�` pia /%�, //�/ {M'1`��d 1 '` r /, ,. I l /'' J/�ff( F�y 11� _ i / /j .'----ITT:Tr'. lAi F- t+_�r-�`"" .o ,w..,. .R--^ i a yr`D�r•••• ✓, �j//✓, ` ` ,;,—t r1,I. 1 / /✓ / � / „.'f F( ,. 6. Q.. ,,� ,rr•", �,�. o '' i,I,,�/ ti,. .,r� p'a / 1 ` \ �1 J / r,. i ( c % ( I ...1 1'4 •• ,t, t�,r r1/,':.'i r'/s/,/ ,v+r///%/J4.15/I/12 ; 1.J�, . .. .i...r `•'I r 1 1 , tM;e h /� /1,/,/ ,//,,/ � ' i f ., �^ Y. \ 0t. ,ht, 1, 004. 1 '♦•` +• ,, �1 w ' ,�.•+e oaf! ` ' ,r / // /� Jj 'I �`. ,; „ ,, e'�' \ a �. ... r+ '� • • ••64I r•� ``jam- '� tf/' / •, '... F• • 1,p1 /',.•Irn l 04. W"A' tieµ `� a ,r a•'` ? etf�" �, rM W / u d r—T la yy1 s ' i, " yI `✓ t N. � `a,I (Y F\ '�! r IiS1ttl 4 ��T� _� PLAII War ■ . :::., ... ",i: • • ''1.44,, I., ►r '*t,r,;y:t 04 " t,,.t , EXISTING SIT PLAN ` t 4 ..l.�I•.•Y11,Lr,.1 • . 1 Ire {'I) 1` , ' ,. 0 0 0 f 1 , r3..'e ry'.F.tl at� ..:Y.x ...+}1,;I;�o ':.,..fir `k : R,x � r`Pl,. f rvW44", IN;•: �.�. h,. , �` .. .� o,',. .r : x ' 11 0 Name of Applicant: Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. Pre-App.No.'P( I SQ2... Subject Property: TAX LOTS 2201 & 2200 Tait Map: 2_lE_5BD t 1 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE "" 4 ' • . I (,. i•. I , Jacqueline I. Gamble, do swear or affirm that I am the party ,N initiating interest in a proposed building remodel affecting the land located at ##2 SW Touchstone, Lake Oswego OR 97035, and pursuant to LOC 48.801/49. 301 , did on Friday April 17 , �1992, personally post the notice indicating that the site may be proposed for a design review application. The sign was posted ON THE FENCE CORNER FACING SW KERR PARKWAY \ • , This /7 day of C2 x,a, , 199.2 . .... .c, cam-- ._% %�P / Signature ro Subscribed and sworn to me before this day off/•wr. ./ 19 �-- % • . C (23 ' ° , , --- tart' u is ' 4. �� OFFICIAL SEAL , ;r CATHFRINELINDS7ROM MyCommission EX ires° .�, - NOTARY PUBLIC-0REGON p 1�� ��/ � , .• ' iff Cam,! `� // �� coMMlssloN Nol olaazz `•,••,`'` MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT.24,1995 • . . y w • IY . , r Jac (7F 61C tan } . . . , . :. 1. . - Jc1rninq .,, . . ., en , . . . , , ., ...% ,.. . --,. .. 6 n : ..r :,- ur ,4„, , 4 . . April 17, 199 . , . . 2 Mountain Park Property Owner TAX LOT r ,1 ,': . '' RE: Pre-Application No. PR-1592 N. Building Remodel • Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. represents the owner of the property located at !#2 Touchstone (Touchstone a Kerr) . We are considering proposing a building remodeling project at this location. Prior to applying to the City of Lake Oswego for the necessary permits , we would like to discuss this yI. proposal, in more detail with the members of the neighborhood •' association and surrounding property owners and residents . � ,: • Per the requirements of LOC Chapter (48.801/49 . 301 ) , you are invited to attend a meeting on: TUESDAY APRIL 28, 1992 � : .' #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace • Lake Oswego, Oregon 97085 8:00 PM 0 , 1 ,, ta."j`c The project consists of changes to existing classrooms , • •• improvement to the parking, and the addition of a new lobby and classroom space. Visual impacts will be almost negligible. Please note that this will be an informational meeting on preliminarydevelopmentplans.p These plans may be altered prior to submittal of the application to the City. We look forward to more specifically discussing the proposal with you. Please call me at 635-4486 if you have any questions. M 4 t. Very truly yours , TOUCHSTONE LEARNING CENTER • , , Jackie Gamble Owner Quality care in an environment;of discovery,2 S.W.Touchstone,Lake Oswego,Oregon 97o34 Telephone o 6 86 LL.a 1 • 01 ] art .4. . - L_ `. . .:, . ,,,.. - .. .,, j [ eirntrjg„ • Y 4 April 17, 1992 Y, , Mr. Robert Ericsson, Executive Manager 1p. � Mountain Park Home Owners Association .. #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 RE: Pre-Application No. PR-1592 +p Building Remodel Dear Mr. Ericsson, • Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. represents the owner of the t �, property located at #2 Touchstone (Touchstone & Kerr) . We ''` t° are considering proposing a building remodeling this location. Prior to applying to the City o pr oject e Oswego for the necessary permits , we would like to discuss this proposal in more detail with the members of the neighborhood Nw association and surrounding Per the requirements of LO Chaptery(48ngp1/49s a3013i��you ar ,` invited to attend a meeting on: ) , you are '''''e: TUESDAY APRIL 28, 1992 • #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace0 ' Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 8:00 PM ! Please note that this will be an informational meeting on a /' preliminary development p nt plans. - These plans may be altered prior to submittal of the application to the City. 7 `1 We ;LQok forward to more specifically discussing the proposal with you. Please call me at 635-•4486 if you have any questions. A Fr Very truly yours , TOUCHSTONE LEARNING CENTER . •,,., 914,4:6 eoe, vv Jackie Gamble Owner • 41) . . . . 4 . 4 .4. -.. Quality rare in an environment of discovery.2 S.W.Touchstone, Lake Oswego,Oregon 970)4 Telephone(50 ! �>635��W Y y i • 1 1'r 1 ek,l.Y+ a i 9 •� � M. k _. M1.. Y •,l ` yil • r L t `il. ! • s C hems 3 and oarv►daa 4:'w IR/"' r rI% r,;'izs18�0..VaivPt.,�,•feCp1W •`, Print r 4a 6 b:., r: g14ov�1 eervica { the I your Hanna and addrase the orm trot/rat `� # f or M Odra .! • 't tattrtrl ttd6 Gird 4c yd4 " 'y 4. 1 �i�� •,i Mrs Cant 1te#'gi v> « 1 Piti A j S t ti ,tiv,(Nk 1 t lr.a' qi i1�4 i, ,1;p�v • ,c r , • 0, duaa m a►aY�vm�9t d+ e� iNhk bacit M,asce„ �{Jv,�{r Aq Adore °� r r r T r t•A+ ci. 1 4t1+ r02 Wi+ A. P,, ♦ •t v� a F�y}�"a U{If' fp{It►�fACr�ptp�QW¢�ed!/pjtt)tp f ti ;. t ! q t?� %R�, C k• I r.;r t ;,,t � t i in tordk v �jt° • a1,2 a DIN It), w!tx f • .iv 1 w�^Z.. ' 'r y� F��pkq�r�l�aJ f N� ti• • y 4 ' 1!tr'r •• s. 'A 7 }r`i r�gti,'Lly. S 1R7tY `tQlties�� t h i•A t• it fj�`tf1.G,`•' r ., i:'�,,1 ;, rA .Y' 41 ,•.r .y $i.4.'� R * ,�+ :urr♦ �.���lrti' /+_ r�fs vX'St1 �PlWfv�.� i.i 'C 1•�b�� .,?i oki t I* + } � )r , .rS iC SIT r . e• t��t r, a4 yy}YI >7 yy". ,+ / {t. 4 a�Jp r r S ) h, �4,t a ro,.. ), •-,V 4 S " -/t4/i Ic•a' :r r',... rr y y ,tNt3 T •0 v �4?. .) ,t y,,y+4 rt. 7 5 i'wy, � tQ ca. K ,,fitit:v} 0t,.,' ,a+r Otte IrI .„rr'. .4 ,„ , �,� r .: 4 . .t l.yi l lFV(.. .yt.� r,`�1 L V•rty 1, 't`,' s111ri yywY i�r�,i' f y '•i .�i '., '' - F,t} l"" • ,..1,. ,-• -'� '}I/ tJgLr,,1"•• '� ,",t�.Wti A.i,.p , v 'r.i, J:M.. ii31.T[77EEE. iM' r,U . ,..f.` g,a i.1 O .. . Ir t) l !y� ,gip p • / t Y��)�i. y ♦ 4 ' tit• i 1 t't4 tt 1 .,�.) ' ".A.+� s,1F a If iif 1,11, 41, ! 1)` 4` ' �Y �r• ' sm. 1.. , T t :re.. k kY' J44'1•4'•: rdtAkiw *.Y�4.,• r t4r'jl.t (, , w 4 t p��. t yeti �' w + Jet i r ddfglt " H7�, + 1 p + it (N Y$1Qf1S#�Vlc�;y8i1pt !4tpr" `b1"�'t'`{t rl i'•.��,�`• t , i : ';r ..1 113. : � 4� bra ItiT,'1.1 .F�'rSykr R,.,�ljl'7LN) ';r'�f �iF t a, 0 '• '} 1�1i`r '.�^< Tr' ' 1s ¢ -r I•�yh{ R tl,' r ,r `9l rJ 1: ,Itii,r'• ,11, ta+S-C' .�3�ygti 'f1 131Py ~.'. .� ., 1 ,N :t y ` r ri r• T�',tit.+s 1 r�,,t b��4',r� P8 Fortrd + Npdbrn 9 • Ma /gyp ry p/t y t t•i; i•'n a° u ,�J,G�1S q "I��r{ Ni'7'"5��4{�^ i �l�n'.'. 1�,.' +VQI•i�I}rIF,•,�1!IVt.,RE1URN1ErEIP1 ; r �. r' hluaA.,ylr Jw. •$_l'c4•r ,••`t., .�f l,. l ,r'°Ctt.C.L_Y, �r * 1' ,�,r•, t A[•"Nr � '� i 5.r - , +} Y; .4'/II, ti yRlCt11�.1 r I r ` rd. e••N r r ,5 lli 1 i; !ii— i ry L , ., a 1, 4ro 1ryp l q ei • t; %r. ► ►: Mgr• i ii ' 1 la a . ili, Fi-iii a a •E CK?W '41 0 s lis I 7a .', „ , 1 q.aO I It t .4 ► ,1.`• R,5 g to 4' $ z to 1 . ,-. . ',.',•.:.1", , ' ` "• ?I 5 fin. ' : o • x , • Zr o t ' • I r1� a. 'n I, Pi • • aawW 11t(1 PnnaPpr�. •i1M v 1 0 rt i 6 s� s ' ;rsaou�anv,'not:o34hoe e e \1119—Avt49•01.:Yrcirr—i ' `° I ry '...: .::..:. :': 1A. Ud p:5� 1.OE� d ,'NG • ....t �,� �' x 1 SbE-5E —pot 3S'-�A j.) ' r a, db� e1.3'� i r a • N , I ,y ` ` i r,, r' j ' a r. r 1 q ;:' ,' lam � ^`' � ,n A , i ; s ..‘:.:.''''...:,1. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING • ' STATE OF OREGON : : SS ,, County of Clackamas : ,' I, Jacqueline I. Gamble, being duly sworn, depose 'and say that on Friday April 17, 1992, I caused to have mailed to f' each of the persons on the attached list a notice of a s. ' meeting to discuss a proposed development at ./: " _ ' d #2 SW Touchstone, Lake Oswego OR 97035, a copy of which e notice soimailed is attached hereto and made a part of hereof. • I further state that said notices were enclosed in envelopes' plainly addressed to said persons and were deposited on the 'r 1 date indicated above in the United States Post Office' at Lake Oswego, Oregon with postage paid thereon. ,•f 9ft,-lei/ 44,dee • ` •`,.gnature Subscribed and sworn to me before this /i day of , 19, ; D, OFFICIAL SEAL 41 . �'t. ,t CATHERINE LINDSTROM ,. / ,, NOTARYPUBLIC•OREGON Notary Pu is 'lo� COMMISSION NO.010422 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT,24, 1995 { My Commission Expires :� eV� /,9� ' Pre-App.No. : "D'. 159Z 1 n 1 1 • t r + t• •h April 28, 1992 r , ,r •» MEMO TO FILE ' RE: Pre-Application No. PR-1592 Building Remodel • ` , Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. conducted a meeting with the Mountain Park Homeowners Association and interested property owners on April 28, 1992 at 8:00 PM. The sole attendee was ' the chair of the architectural review committee, Mr. Lew Thompson. The meeting plan (with minutes) is attached. Jackie Gamble ='< presented the information as indicated in the agenda. Information was provided on the preliminary plan and the overall objectives for the school: Mr. Thompson had few comments other than that the proposal appeared to generate little concern or show signs of generating impact to the surrounding property. A cooperative conversation followed covering the plans for the Kerr Parkway ¢` pathway, overall preservation of open spaces, and general objectives for the neighborhood. The meeting was adjourned at 8:4.5 PM with agreement to • continue communication on the proposal as the formal process unfolds . With respect to any responses to property owners within 300 feet of the project there were no questions , phone calls or written communications received by either Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. or the neighborhood home owners association. . • (10.4.4et l ; Y Y' k • L I '•I 1 'I A p r. 1r t • ,'. 4 .I k • e X • 'J 1. i • t .fit. M • ,+ ' t,�Yr{Y� M ` ° .-• • • • • ,v ♦ 6i C rI � . ti.,h 'I I. i f • • w '''' hx ` S. V . 1 `t 7• r' MEETING PLAN Mountain Park Home Owners & Touchstone Learning Center :•''.:';‘, ' 1 .., 0 'April 28, 1992 8.00 _ 9:04 PM .. 1/2 Jefferson Terrace Presenter: Jackie Gamble, Owner, Touchstone Learning Center "• '` Meeting Purpose: Provide information relative to preliminary + ' , development plans at ##2 Touchstone. 1 • Desired Results: Inform home owners and Association Establish flow of communications ; .:• x', Iy t ' Answer general questions ., Accept input and suggestions Agenda: ..° 1 . Introductions and attendance record LEW THOMPSON ' JACKIE GAMBLE WALT GAMBLE 2. Present background and approach of Touchstone r= ; OWNED BY TLC 10 YRS . , USE OF SPACE UNCHANGED 4 ' ' SAME NUMBER OF STUDENTS BUT OLDER AGE & GRADES (2,. , ,.'" SMALL CLASS SIZES , EDUCATION PACED TO INDIVIDUALS ' ` +' 3. )escribe expected changes and improvements », .±, DESCRIBED CHANGES USING PRELIM. PLANS , SHOWING >,a ORIENTATION ON PROPERTY, PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION: i ° . . ONE NEW ROOM AND COMMON ENTRY 1992 - BALANCE ' 93? 4. Receive questions and suggestions FEW COMMENTS FROM ATTENDEE, DIDN'T VOICE CONCERN, APPEARED TO HAVE MINIMAL IMPACT TO NEIGHBORHOOD, AGREED WITH INTENT TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM OPEN SPACE �` 5. Future steps and closing comments BUILDING PERMIT NEEDED BY EARLY JULY 1992 , ' ..,( NOTES : _r*_Pathway on Kerr is to stay in street R/W *Discussed architectural details like roof lines * Asked if signage would change - not expected Mr. Thompson stated that he had announced this meeting at the board meeting and that he felt the lack of attendance j Y indicated the minor nature of the proposed impacts. t, ^ ✓ i 1 4 i 1 ; Yr 4 ::...:...'.. 1 /n t . } J ! ATTENDANCE: RECORD I 1 0 ,. .•. Touchstone Learning Center : Neighborhood Meeting AT: Mt,: Park Homa Owners Association office. 7ADDRESS: PHONE # f. 4 • li • 4 I 1 • • \. t } ) OS • Y. , • 1 , t Ir � ..,-.: •e• l I \,, : .. 1 { ,...= :.,::,.... __ 1 LOT COVERAGE 6nbcn BUILDING FOOTPRINT 13,476 SF 26% 1 I lgvrnsn,t PARKING 4,536 SF 9% �/ I 'Assoclucs PAVED DRIVES 9,689 SF 19% r nfixm 1 i , n ,tie 'y 1 r 1 r 1 , TOTAL 27,701 SF 54% I r / Ir _ . ,1 6.. 4 I /r 11f wu....•..mtl ;t ,�, uW / 11 0 S: SWAY "" r/ .� r' / // l /I ` 1 iits‘ _„, ...), +e• I f ,` • ' Conte;l I - - . , • / / , / . / \/ {/ IF t / ' 1 / v ' O' � b l DA ' Y .• y, r / 7W l t ,t ! 1��` .. ._' ':' ,s� ,r Imo' J1 tl'1� y�•/�y_�pv /I 1 i -•:-.:'',*•••.'''''''':‘;4^'' / � 011100014tAruKA / // / l i r l o cos try 1 ....>/! P� r / a 1 // f ` taylt� '"�' ty.t j-' •R ZD sot** / j r ,_: 4 r r - se''''------ - - t \ { G ...) 'II i l u�t„W.J 1 .. .'"''..-t1 1 tettrl ,,f..=• ,'I 1 '1 l _.,= 1'�."_ ' f waun.�m h•,�. 1K( • , , x .,(.� I.?/ 1 ‘,/ \ 1 c,N11+u �,p'� GN° " ,•._ -� y� 4` p f' F F .J r„ � _ 1` . ."L`.y"�� 4n= / 1 I, ( tGIPig ,�.--- tw r �. I 'j' 1 t i 1 WO'. wr }. /! /' ,r 11 1 aNt' � I 1 \ ✓. .rwf,wniG nn ,":e' �1Y„",t�, ,r, t'1 1 \ 1 1 —4 r . •‘. - f 1 ‘000" leitio . " -.. —:.---1- 412...!t- ' ' ' ( .61 j i two a- ... .1"--* ..„__,„,n,_ I n , , 4.,•4'\,,.• w...N., C;).4 \ '' .:N.\\e"(\ • - IN_/ t .. 1 11 ``y., 041 SITE PLAN '�"`" Ii \ ,It,1 +f"N£ to 1 1 1 *Mill 11N -_ I A 1 001 ...0 �l�/ 0 to Y i0 to �o M , I 1 t• '141 W ,V —II NOHTH No w 'i Y. .Yi ,r r 1. A• Y 1 1 i h f 1 -- Rribert itvcnson •: Assirciates TYPICAL EXTERIOR BLILDING MATERIALS ArttmistcAln_ ;:":' Wood Shakos To Match Existing t. White Painted Wood Trkn ._ __-, .%�Iii,� ILI 1� �1, Windows,Doors,Cornets,Trim Delve 1'f I r r. _ . _ Horizontal Wood Siding _ 1 Painted Wood or Vinyl Window Framos — ', Painted Pipe Railings ,-,.�. �_-, ♦ '' , Concrete Foundation And Rotaknhng Walls ,------- 1 1 Touchstone NEW CONSTnUCTXNr I issuing . 1 EAST ELEVATION i I Centel • •ti Y Dlultklg Arldlbn �. T - ITF[--r-------- [1-T- 1*i EXISTING CONOTBUCTICN I._ ' NEW CONSTnl1CfI0N I_ { NORTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION ttati 1.4 a...M�taVi".eiy h =. � 4 .1 Mv,00.1� ir• r "AL I wooa Mr.. rTT 1 C ( t I 1.I I JI ' 1M.M1N L _,_ �� •j. , L r,-.4-,,..„..i. • MIS • .. NEW CONSTRUCTION j NEW cGNSTrrucrloN + EXISTING coNsTRucTioN r• �E. - � . , . nvlein caw , SOUTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION, ;w;; „.- y .. r. r 1 + 41/0 0 le o. . * ' et . \,-, ---- 1PC�CPENEN�E /` G,< H ti - , ;_a . ,.. • 11, ' ` � •a1 P . . e • �, y sp I d1 kk �, ./ez ', y � '.'� " Cd P PI .-Q + , � N.. 1I + Tg � offc! y� \'� � t�h+ ` +s .e.,, ...----* • 1 ". ................:::,..........."'"I \ss<.....„1 1 ‘ # ' I I 1 ,i' .1 1 l' 1N I ( 1 1 \ ..... I 1 S , , � . ' lANGLEWoOD 2 , • c•''�2-:._,.. .., . .. ... _. . . ,, ,,,.•::: :::'. ' f'j L._. r ‘ """ 1 . —I I i . / , . .4, 4: . i �/ MOUNTAIN r ; MO I v` - .--�— ; cAo.u► ....„, «�, w i , 1 1 W HEATHERSTONE ; I P ......,... . ... . 0 , , r p;I: 1 , 1 07. ! :: ..: a , s 1 - , TT__1 Y _I�, CIRCLE • ‘ ''' • = c i I s G vii I F..i.':::\*YV 1, , ' I j � vi ,INIT -: y ,`; ', ,. .1 �..•- '., -, y,.,: ' , , err +, �,4 1 t . ,' ••1. I .. r T. Y ' et �,. i1C tcn r e rnir� may 1 ,,..,,,,:...'... F, May 14 , 1992. • Y1 Barbara Smolak Associate Planner Department of Planning and Develppment 380 "A" Avenue Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 a RE: DR-9-92 (Design Review Application) Tay; Lot 2200 of Tax Map 2 1E5BD Dear Ms " Smolak: The following is in response to your the request for ;. clarification regarding the application for Design Review at the Touchstone Learning Center location. - ' Item # 1 . Engineering needs and grading plan and elevations See enclosed information from Kampe Associates . Item # 2 Common property , No common property is included in the proposed addition. .` • Item # 3 . Parking requirements . As mentioned in the narrative of the proposal we have been able to arrange off-site parking with the Tanglewood Apartments . I have included a copy of that agreement . . Item If 4 . Drainage and surface water related issues . See '1-:,..' enclosed information from Kampe Associates , If you have any questions please phone me at 635-4486 . I EXHIBIT " ':a Respectfully, '� ,• 4ii.e_i_e_d_Lt......)2,y44.„,...,e6 `,At ' 0 Ja ie Gamble i56994 t ti Touchstone Learning Center . Quality care in an environment of discovery.x S.W.Touchstone, Lake Oswego, Oregon ivo35 Telephone(503)C,1,.11.186 ,.' 7 •-i. Y ti',...." . riailChStalrr s • �y11Yp _rt. Plana`:C. Y• .' 11 I 1 [•� 1 '1- ."- ''''::' ., 0 ''..i.i., i.: s, May 26 , 1992 MAY 2 8 1992 = .,., • r ' , \ 1.. Barbara Smolak Associate Planner • Department of Planning and Development 380 "A" Avenue Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 ,.f RE: DR-9-92 (Design Review Application) a' Tax Lot 2200 of Tax Map 2 1)r5AD Dear Ms . Smolak: • The following is in response to your the request for information regarding parking spaces originally planned � N along the driveway, r' _" y 1• The parking spaces along the driveway are to be deleted. They have been replaced by the arranged parking at Tanglewood ;, ;: Apartment complex directly to the east and south of Touchstone Learning Center , 2 S.W. Touchstone. I have included a copy of that agreement . a If you have any questions please phone me at 635-4486 . Respectfully, qa.e.464....e. ...ethnz.iee , Jackie Gamble Touchstone Learning Center ' r 1 1' 4 4 EXHIBIT ` (a PAN 9-94 Y . ., . . • . Quality care in an environment of discovery.x S W TOuCh5tone, Luke Oswego,Oregon 97035 Telephone(co-0 b3qa4.1tit, 1 t • •,t • • qr o. y: i, i A "711CijSfroll erf • j • • Y r Y 4-' 3r In the interest of the best use of the natural environment Touchstone Learning Center, Inc. has our consent to continue to arrange diLe:.•t1y . with ten tenants of Tanglewood Apartments for the use of their parking spaces . 7 • s. • T ), \i„c„.\ • • • Touc stone Learning Center, Inc. Tanglewood Apartments President/ Director Manager .,„ • 1 date' date '1• { 1 f• r t, b t, t. 42, • • QUillitY care in an environment of discovery. 2 S.W.Touchstone, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97°14 Telephone(5o))635.4486 • Ib i .•• • 4 , I `' • - y • - 4 ; , I. ail '`t ' iu�NN�uuy4 rt�h� r •Y' . • ,t r Y, 1• t �5 • j' • �p TOUCHSTONE LEAltNING CEN'i'ER • 3 'i: s •0 4 HYDROLOGY/I-HYDRAULICS k'EPORT ;, Olt • City File Number DR 9-92 ;` G3 txG1Z L5 '' 15441 • • OTZGON �q 1'30, gQ� 1z.3/9z EXHIBIT • ♦.� • • 9 • �:AME'E ASSOCIATES, INC. PLA r a NNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING • 3681 S,W.CARMAN DRIVE • LAKE OSWEGO,OREGON 97035 v. , (503)635.6291 FAX(503)635.5480 MAY 15, 1992 • • `• .. + � - r, � 1 �r f 1, w r'— i• ,rYi r .y. i * • `9 l r t l ' o TOUCHSTONE LEARNING CENTER HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS F ' REPORT • CONCLUSIONS This report evaluates impacts and required detention and water quality facilities for the proposed expansion of the Touchstone Learning Center, The analysis utilizes the parameters described in the "City of Lake Oswego Storm Water Detention Volume Calculations" " • guidelines and the"Surface Water Quality Facilities Technical Guidance Handbook,"adopted by the City. The proposed increased impervious surface area does not impact the existing storm sewer. • All detention and water quality facilities are located in the area of the proposed lower parking lot. An oversized pipe is recommended in the lower parking lot to supply adequate storage •• volume and a water quality manhole would be used for controlling the outflow. A vegetated ,'. swale is proposed to traverse 200 LF to a ditch inlet to facilitate water quality requirements. No significant damage is foreseen in the event of a rainfall event exceeding the design storm. • Utility easements and maintenance agreements will need to be provided to the City of Lake Oswego for maintenance purposes. SITE INFORMATION The site is located at the southeast corner of Touchstone Road and Kerr Parkway in the northwest 1/4 of Section 23,T.2 S., R. 1 E., W.M., Clackamas County, City of Lake Oswego, • Oregon. The site h¢y topography which varies from sloped areas that exceed 10% to flat areas. All areas are either lawn or impervious. The total on-site area analyzed is 1.75 acres, • • LIST OF FIGURES I. Runoff Rate Worksheets To Storm Drain • • ,I IL Runoff Rate Worksheet; Total Site (Increased Runoff) • r, III, Runoff Rate Worksheet: Lower Area • IV. Detention Volume Spreadsheet 0. • V. Notch Weir• ' ` VI. Drainage Basins: Before Conditions :r VII. Drainage Basins; After Conditions • WP25/92•OR5.RPT 'I • 4i . a r r. y. e '' .. ... A 4,- i • HYDROLOGY 0 ;-•.-•:' The time-of-concentration for all subbasins was assumed to be five minutes because of their a very small sizes. The intensities for the 10-year and S0-year return period storms were obtained fron'` ' Reference I, pg 17. The runoff coefficients used fog'this study were determined after viewing Reference I, pg 11, Runoff coefficients of 0.9 for pa red areas, 0.35 for lawns with slopes exceeding 10%, and 0,22 a " for all other lawns were used, , `• Mannings formula, Q=CIA, was utilized to determine the peak runoffs. Refer to Figures II } "& III for basin areas and Table 1 for Hydrology Summary. •"' The roof drains for the proposed new building are to be connected to the existing 8" CSP , storm drain. r r 'i•'i TABLE 1: HYDROLOGY SUMMARY ,'. a' Before Conditions After Conditions Desti- Desti- ID., Area C CA nation ID Area C CA nation • Al 0.05 0.90 0.045 Storm B1 0.08 0.90 0.072 Storm drain drain 0 . , , h -- -- -- -- B2 0,03 0.22 0,007 Storm drain t A3 0.20 0.90 0.480 Storm B3 0.25 0.90 0.225 MH -f drain a swale A4 0.04 0.35 0.014 Ravine B4 0.12 0.90 0.108 Storm drain • AS 0.16 035 0 • .056 Ravine B5 -- -- -- -- f A6 0.53 0.22 0.1166 Storm B6 0.50 0,22 0.110 - Stor,m , drain dr.;in Ravine l: E7 A7 0.56 0.2? 0.1232 Ravt 0.56 0.22 0.1232 Swale A8 0.21 0.90 0.1890 Storm 11 B8 0.21 0.90 0.1890 Storm 4 _ drain Il drain Sub- 0.99 -- 0.53 Storm Sub- 0.94 0.49 total drain total -- Storm ;_. drain " j 0.76 -- 0.19 Ravine 0.81 -- 0.35 Swale Total 1`75 -- 0.72 Site Total 1,75 -- _ >` 0.84 Site .:. Note: "Storm drain" refers to the existing private 8" diameter storm line located south of site, 0 ' ..`. t" w1)2.)/9Z•085.tZ P"r t 1 .. .. . . ... . . . _ .. ,a•. .. ,. .... S .. .... .. . i.ni. ., it • The increase in peak runoff for this development is 0.24 cfs (Figure II, line 17). The • detention volume required to mitigate this increase will be obtained by utilizing this increase, The difference of this increase and the design peak of the proposed lower parking lot is used as the allowable outflow (see Figure IV, line 10). The actual detention calculations are shown on Figure IV, which was developed by emulating the City of Lake Oswego detention volume worksheet on a "Quattro-Pro" spreadsheet. • The peak runoff into the proposed vegetated swale is the addition of the outflow from thy. ' water quality manhole (from Figure III, line 10) and the additional site area from the north, • F From Table 1, Basin B7, "CA" from the north area 0.123'', Qio = (0.1232) (2.1 in/hr) = 0.26 cfs • (Figure III, line 10) = +0.22 cfs • Qio = 0.48 cfs to swale • Db 1 ENTION STORAGE , The peak runoff to the existing storm sewer line in not increased, so no detention is required, The volume of storage required for the parking lot is approximately 200 ft3. A 24-inch diameter pipe of 58 total length yields; " Volume = [ 3.14 x (2')2/4 ] x 58' = 182 ft3 This pipe shall be located between the catch basin in the proposed parking lot and the • proposed water quality manhole. The planned water quality manhole shall have a minimum diameter of 4'. An additional 1.5 ft of open soave at the bottom of the manhole shall be required for detention. This is in addition to the standard 2' for sediment collection. V = [3.14 x (4')2/4] x 1.5' = 18 ft2 Total volume = 182 ft3 + 18 ft3 = 200 ft3 • WATER QUALITY MANHOLE • This manhole is designed to he utilized for flow control and minor detention. A notch weir is sized to control the peak flow to "before developed" conditions. Q = C(L-0,2H)H3/2 cfs; C = 3.27 + 0.4 H/P wi IfQ(10) = 0.22 cfs, L = 0.58 ft, D = 8", H = 3", P = 2', and C = 3.32ft. Refer to Figure I (from Reference II) for sketch and design procedure. An additional 1.5' of open space at the bottom of the manhole is required for detention. / IH tY • • ` te• r: d • WP25/92•085.RPT } uY: • .,t. 't. e • • r " 1 VEGETATED SWALE M1 The removal of the required amount of phosphorous from the storm runoff will be achieved by the addition of 200 ft of vegetated swale (refer to Reference III), By manning's equation, the peak runoff of 0.48 cfs flowing through a trapezoidal channel with 2:1 side slopes, a mannings 'n' of 0.7 and a maximum slope of 2% yields a velocity of 1.03 ft/sec < 1.5 ft/sec, Mannings Equation: Q = (1.486 + n) x A x S°'5 x R°'666 tt,!• INFREQUENT STORM ORM EVENTS In the event of a storm event which exceeds the outlined design standards, the excess runoff to the Iower parking area will be stored in the parking area itself: The low point of the "' ' parking area is planned to be approximately 1' below the top of curbs surrounding the area. The grading configuration of the lot should facilitate significant storage capacity. MAIN ENANCT , e • All proposed utilities are easily accessible from paved roads. A storm drain easement encompassing the proposed catch basin, oversized pipe, and water quality manhole shall be provided to the City of Lake Oswego. This easement should include access rights from ` Touchstone Street to the storm drain facility location. The Touchstone Learning Center shall be responsible for maintenance of the vegetated swale. • The guideline listed belowg 410f are recommended for properly maintaining the Swale. ` r , Maintenance Requirements • • Sediment should be removed when it builds up to 6 inches in depth at any location. The swale should be cleaned with equipment which operates similar to a Ditch ''-\ . •a e Master rather than backhoe dragging to minimize damage to the swale vegetation. fir, , II • The vegetated swale should be inspected at least three times a year, especially after heavy runoff. 7 Y be p• The swale should be mowed at least twice a year to maintain aesthetics and restrict � �'• growth of undesirable vegetation. Cuttingsshould promptly omptly removed and ,'is , : properly disposed of to prevent pollutants from entering the receiving waters, 1'•`* th • Residents near swales should be informedrough public awareness programs of the ' ltl ,, function of swales and the importance of not depositing their lawn clippings oil/grease in the swale. or ,: • Vegetation may require watering in times of thought,particularly in the first months r • of establishment. • i �' E[LOSION CONTROL i.;. An Erosion Control Plan will be provided at construction stage as required, 1 WP25/92-085,f?t 1 1.}J M1 «a Y r: l I l j 4 4 REFERENCES f i+� i I. Storm Water Detention Volume Calculations, City of Lake Oswego, Oregon, July 1, 1990. 4 ' II. Surface Water Design Manual, King County, Washington, Department of Public Works, January 1990. ; h III. Surface Water Quality Facilities Technical Guidance Handbook,Brown and Caldwell Consultants, August 1991. M1, `• •t • • fµ �. •fix `.� 4 , .+ • • �yt lr 1r , f 5 • a a. 4 WI'25/92•O85,RI'T • I 1 • • • • 1 ram: d 5• J t ,..'♦ i r [ d r a Y 6i i ' -t i •F'i t • • Y TO STORM DRAIN " ' ; ,,....,:',,,..;• 0 RUNOFF RATE WORKSHEET j project Name: Touchstone Learning Center city File Number: DR 9-92 Computed By: Paul R. Wirfs, P.E. Date: 5/15/92 I. REQUIRED RELEASE RATE (10-Year Storm) 1 . Total Site Area 0.99 At o t -______ ac. 2. Existing Land Use Day Care 1 , ' 3. General Site Slope 2-10 From Table I. 0.53 _4. Runoff Factor C=� .C�g 0.54 } Cexist - 5. Longest Travel Route of Runoff -- feet 6. Drop of Runoff along Travel Route ' feet' 7. Condition (overland flow, channel, pipe, etc. ) , -- 8. Time of Concentration, Tc, (5 minute minimum) (Use nomograph) T c= 5 min. 9. Rainfall.. Intensity, for 10-Year Storm (use precipitation table) . I= 2.1. in/hr 10. Peak Runoff Rate, Q=CIA 1 (line 1 x line 4 x line 9) Y Qw cfs + II. Developed Site Runoff Factor • 11. Impermeable Area { A = 0. 41. ac. + 12. Permeable Area A =, 0.53 ac. p 13. Runoff Factor for Permeable Areas (use enclosed table) C = 0.22 L . p ..- ,,; 14. Composite Runoff Factor (line 11 ) X (0.9 / line 1) + (line 12) X (line 13 /(line 11 + line 12) C 0.52 comp ------ 1 5. Site Area(line 11+1ine 12)XCcomp (line 14) = 0.49 r III. Detention Volume Required Qp w (2.1) 0.49 • ( ) = 1.03 l 1+11 16. From Detention Volume Work Sheet Vo1.= 0 cuft ` Figure I ! i • T r I a r r • , ' - i 1: r t .d , f •„ 1 P + r tl a TOTAL SITE (INCREASED RUNOFF) RUNOFF RATE WORKSHEET0 ,.'•'... ''• ct Name Touch stone Pro • LearningCenter . city File Number: DR 9-92 A Computed By: Paul R. Wirfs, P.E. Date: 5/15/92 I. REQUIRED RELEASE RATE (10-Year Storm) • rJ l 1 1 . Total Site Area . Atot- 175ac. 2. Existing Land Use . . . . .Day Care 1, 3. General Site Slope 10.4 % 4. Runoff Factor Cexist` 0.41 N _ ; ' S. Longest Travel Route of Runoff -- feet 6. Drop of Runoff along Travel Route feet • Y 7. Condition (overland flow, channel, pipe, etc. ) . -- . 0 ,8. Time of Concentration, T , (5 minute minimum) %� (Use nomograph) C T 5 c= min. 9. Rainfall Intensity, for 10-Year Storm (use precipitation table) I- 2.1 in/hr 10. Peak Runoff Rate, Q-CIA 'I` • (line 1 x line 4 x line 9) 4= 1.51 cfs a II. Developed Site Runoff Factor l 11. Impermeable Area A ^ 0.66 ac.1 12. Permeable Area ' A W 1.09 ac. P 13. Runoff Factor for Permeable Areas (use enclosed table) C = 0,22 p 14. Composite Runoff Factor ° (line 11) X (0.9 / line 1) + �• (line 12) X (line 13 / line 1) C 0.48 ,'` ' :,. comp 15. Site Area (line 1) X Ccomp (line 14) 0.84 16. Q10 - (line 15) x (line 9) _ 1.76 cfs 0 . ' f 17. Change in peak runoff = (line 16) - (line 10) = 0.24 cfs Figure II LL x x , '.4 • t',k J Y .' C. LOWER AREA , . , 0 RUNOFF RATE._WORKSHEET Project Name: Touchstone Learning Cetir 1 ` . City File Number: DR 9-92 r Computed By: Paul R. Wirfs, P.E. Dater 5/15/92 M • ,..'?ti I. REQUIRED RELEASE RATE (10-Year Storm) 1. 1. Total Site Area Atot� G.25,` ac. ti 2. Existing Land Use -- 1 . 3. General Site Slope -- 4. Runoff Factor C = 0.90 axis t 5. Longest Travel Route of Runoff feet 6. Drop of Runoff along Travel Route xo . -" feet �. 7. Condition (overland flow, channel, pipe, etc. ) . -- 8. Time of Concentration, Tc, (5 minute minimum) - ( Use nomograph) Tc` 5 min. 9. Rainfall Intensity, for 10-Year Storm (use precipitation table) 1= 2.1 in/hr 10. Peak Runoff Rate, Q=CIA (increase in peak runoff) (line 1 x line 4 x line 9)-(line 17, Figure II) Q= 0.22 cfs k ', ii(( ' - IT. Developed Site Runoff Factor x'° ' 11. Impermeable Area p, � 0.25 at,,, 1 12. Permeable Area A -- p- ac. 13. Runoff Factor for Permeable Areas (use enclosed table) C = -- : . P 14. Composite Runoff Factor ~, (line 11) X (0.9 / line 1) + (line 12) X (line 13 / line 1) C = 0.90 comp 15. Site Area (line 1) X Ccomp (line 14) 0.23 III. Detention Volume Required ' 1w 16. From Detention Volume Work Sheet .Vol.- 200 cuft • Figure III ' t. . - r * 4 J 4. 4 \ . u i x 4 '‘ { DETENTION VOLUME SPREADSHEET MAY 15, 1992 92-085 DEVELOPED 0.25 = A (Acres) 0.22 = Ct]TFZ,OW (cfs) 0.9 - C (Runoff Coeff) n A B C D E • 1 ***********************•*************0*********************************** • y , Duration Intensity for Inflow Rates Stored Rates Detention Vo)umes Start at 50-year storm CXAxCo1 B (Col C-Outflow)(Co1 AxCol Dx60) 4 1 b (nun) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (cuff) ************************************************************************ • 5 3.43 0.77 0.55 166 • 3.14 0.71 0.49 175 • 7 2.91 0.65 0.43 183 8 2.72 0.61 0.39 188 • . 9 2.56 0.58 �. 0.36 192 • 10 2.42 0.54 0.32 195 11 2.30 0.52 0.30 196 12 2.20 0.50 0.28 198 13 2.11 0.47 0.25 199 USE 200 CF 14 2.02 0.45 0.23 197• r '' 15 1.94 0.44 0.22 195 , 16 1.86 0.42 0.20 191 , 17 bl 1.79 0.40 0.18 186 18 1.73 0.39 0.17 183 :• 19 1.67 0.38 0.16 178 S. 20 1.61 0.36 0.14 171 ; FIGURE IV . 1 E. :f Y ..ti f t,. .t-' . # ' . . r . ... ':!' ...., .., a _,, ., .... .. .� 'F ,... .. _. ,.�. r --mla-- -'"..."\z. .• , FIGUI04.4.7B NOTCH WEIR 0---------------0----- .., .. 1... .14 y :i• .01—g"--1_ ,: ba 6'16 i,rioee'gaol- .. ,. .. /a4 demin a ;. .t . , . . , , .. ,.. . , 77-gP i. :: Q = C(L - 0.2H)H3"2cfs where . C -- 3.27 + 0.40 H/P (in feet). ' L Y= Len th of the of the riser Circumference as necessa in feet not to g portionry ( ) \ . , exceed 50% of the circumference. H&P as shown above . u• b = 'Inside riser diameter. ;1 .k ,,. Note that to account it account for side contractions, subtract OY1 H from L for each side of the notch weir. 1 i •J FIGURE V Iy� r S ... . . • / • 0 0 I„ lintitallikZaiii Ruhcrt NANO w UM.1•11 AN • I,w I.tV•11 it Y..•N NINA A 1.1....N I.N.I.p a11••'••1N.wU I. f ...••..•n MwMlr..w1•.»µ4,lll•udl.W.•IN.•'.tlw.l•.h •) 1.MINNN.r. 11 tilM1Y•4 .4 lSYCt15t1.__ ° ASSUcla(cs I,'�j 1,• Ow.Nw.16.Iw..Ir 1•W NMr 1 NI.'r••.•.•.wll .., •• •••,• ' • YurlU hart Oa Nap,Mk SW,Fiala.IWw.,IY..w••ww.awl 1 1 1 1.•r.•w.4.1.w.•1 N 4.0a O.. Y C.1•..w(Y.•1 1,.-,I.*hNYAM M 1.01...............M • � •'�MkN 00 L • Yuma NINNTNN NANANMMi1.M1...i 1••NII.Y.....I1.no*1...1 It.MWM au"Irani/woo el hal.al61 Caa/ A11ilPltlt Al.• w1 W.MIw Na14N1ual a..4••w. Iiip r.I y Waal Mani ItwMN M141.114 4.111 .•'1••w N1.•01.l.e.•.anT•M £ :."k W,-4,—A—Ma•'IINM••NN••MI•..Iw—N r M na Y wMa.....dMNN•.N.•ww.1lMw.....wl•rw..w.wwl ,,...yn MAW 4F N.,WI Nr-W(.•w..M to...•N.•IN1•P•••N.•NM a.•.ar•w -. M...•+•F•I•.w..••• tU *mama. 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JUN ' City of Lake Oswego4 1992 ', 380 "A" Avenue Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Attn: Barbara Smolak •• Re: Case File No. DR9-92 • ; Notice of Public Hearing Dear Ms. Smolak: , The purpose of this letter is to respond to the proposed construction contemplated by the Touchstone Learning Center. t' "` 1 ' ` I am writing this letter on behalf of the Tanglewood Apartments located at 4 SW Touchstone Drive. • On behalf of the Owners of the Tanglewood Apartments I would ; `" ° ..: like to advise that we do not object to the proposed addition to the Touchstone Learning Center or the addition of the 28 •3� ' , • space parking lot proposed to the East of the building r addition. As you are aware, there are apartment buildings in the Tanglewood Complex which are in close proximity to this .1 parking area. We are requesting that a heavily treed berm be constructed between the parking area, the parking ' *- drive and the Tanglewood g property. This berm will help = + ' minimize the visual impact as well as the perceived noise impact of the parking area. A '` Thank you for taking ouz comments and concerns into consideration. Yours truly, Ian n`4+ V UNITED RKETING, INC. y " GENE 'PARTNER FOR • TE NEAL PR PERTIES PARTNERSHIP ..''' !i ,„ ' • , TA 'WOOD APARTMENTS d EXHIBIT 11. h O~ Y • 0 s .E':� nderson, CPM —�1 �� �� Cf Vice President a cc: William P. Anderson .J - a- iiai I','iIi t'u it. '.'n I'ust t)Itiu'Box MO I„ ilpe up tt t 1iliniili Plump-i W(,i.41.1.4 4 W.' x tt, a '1�1 sl t 1n Y .�� lA 1 YI S- 1 � t, t •✓ .� i /n ,• 1 ♦ Y LY�,... . ' - •• .' .. ! 1.. x is I+ l` + City of Lake Oswego SJ July 19, 1973 ,. ': ;,;:.,-., . , 0 . I \ ti 1 n, \ , •1. r• ' Mr. James Praggastis r Iron Mountain Investment Co. , , Iron Mountain Campus r.'. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Dear Mr. Praggastis. You have asked this department for administrative approval of the Learning Tree day school proposed for development at the corner of Kerr Road and Touchstone in the Mt. Park PUD. Please be advised that following a plan review of the final develop- ment plans as approved by the Cit. and comparing them to the site • plans as submitted byMr. Tom V s, I find that pursuant to .._ r LOC 53. 420 which authorizes . a, native approval in Planned Unit Developments, that y. . , ri a., submitted is consistent with the standards as - • ( ti by said seczion. \,1 t, Administrative approva ' • ereby granted for subject plans and site with the condition zat final landscape plans be forwarded to this office for approval prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for the structure as proposed. You may, therefore, proceed with the application to the Building Department for the necessary permits to accomplish the construction i` of the project as submitted. The approval of the site plans does not, however, supersede the Building Department ' s or Department ;` . of Public Works ' authority to further review the plans for the purpose of requiring adjustments to insure adequate services to the site. • Please be advised that any removal of trees which you find, neces- fr' sary may require Planning Commission approval. I am, therefore forwarding a copy of the City' s tree cutting ordinance and a copy si of the tree cutting application which must be approved prior to construction on the site involved. The tree cutting permit may •' only be issued subsequent to the issuance of a buildin • g permit y `r •, by the City Building Official. Any removal of trees measuring r m EXHIBIT • \ /D :' DR 9,- 9 Cit Y 318 N. State Street • Larks Oswego, Oregon Sty0 4 8 13 Telephone 636.301 ,Y ,A.,,,?, 5 r ( s ',; James Praggastis k -2- uly 19, 1973 5 inches: or more a ' -n diameter cutting prior to the ., g Permit may result in the issuance of a tree ^ " • in Municipal Court re the issuance of ,'' mention this standard issuance of a citation rder to appear `` .;, • `" understanding andard of development in stop work order. I a g of the r order �:o avoid ' 1 .h ' the site. procedures involved for they mis-» development of .1 , ,{ If I can be of ;: _ • at your eax=J.iesross further 'assistance to tion. ible convenience. Thank Please contact me you for your caopera- erely,/ ' /0)23/1/ •• r Si Robert H. Mahoney Plannin :mlk g Director Encl.cc - G. Pierce r 0 4(1:: )1 O a 't A7 ti. • A 1' ;t • I • 5 ,.w it A J .l I }L r` •r. 1 - meµ._' ( A 5 dt ` +i • r �. +4 : Y ` d lAt<E' OS`/ ry Y 1 p. 1 1 4 w i REGON fi 1b. f, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING; AND DEVELOPMENT — I •- MEMORANDUM : � 1 ';J J TO: Development Review Board FROM: Hamid Pishvaie,Development Review Planner ' N SUBJECT: Street Names ti DATE: June 5, 1991 w • The City's Police Department is requesting that the name of a newly platted street (not yet constructed) be changed due to conflict with an existing street. This action will enhance the ' emergency service delivery in the Westlake area, The applicant's proposals are listed in the attached letter and are as follows: 1. Nantucket 2. Chesapeake { Y 3. Hyannis • 4. Chatham---- ApP( 4-)44„..IM L.67_L-t^—/ 5.Essex 6. Winthrop ' All but the last two names are acceptable to the Police Department, f "v, v i /hp • (hamid 92,1 J<corms>DRD/St,namcs/6-5-92 ,J µ , i i / 1 j • 4 i ' b e I . , . . h, a ,.., .... . , , i M,' A,1 .1" • i, 1 •i k J ',a .ril 0 'RI -..i. r ,J . , qi • t'.!'1e a31' Ii i.l t 'Si+S1 'I�,J1i';i1",1111 •�1'�� t�l)ilNa+11if1°J t i .�• .r .A',, , / r�' it _ • I �� U 10 r�P �bv . 1 t A9 4,10 03 J ;� ,•� r 8 ul 1 ›.Q i+ Asa'• r.r y w , �1 62 52 5...—A t" / enrl cX y.k r r LOGITION dA' p f„i PPP/All `.TOpM DuAI Mr.r ^?I m U Q .PC ;' ' '.V r rMI N, n1 LOT ' r " J 4 N e4.07'l0:I. _._ i- C57,,,,i 6:6 C,s vT a -1 U 123 l3 DRIvE 1•J5,79 20 -' CC ' T' T 1'' 7?c D 4 1'3 3 5 -C.9 C';fr Ty a b�>!� 1v w q`vrruq'1 •.r' ,.1;,p` " C,��' �, . ` myX„ 0' a i �, off, 9 CI '-'� s A'ILMfV1 ^'ff`` �" r�r. �' u Z y�. o r m :Ir yirir • \VI \ \ LY,1 V•••�s �'��.�o qq w 0. r•',C,. \ r ..o nr r o :• '� '1 • c .�.'is, �.N O o '� e r•19•C,.....• l i .9•• S I ,r., ,r� _'1` ♦,> I '^=w` • o 1 v, 1n �'~ 32 111 �'~ i i 3b +—tF~------,a--t 'yJ d L n` 4 o B�-CCK (8) of I ,5' 2�6' i;N ° , zl y�� too! t 72�J5 i, i r r, , .4 il, tic .) ;A l I5eAI " • ';°B� 41�.1• W to P ,, "\ 1 r M,k'C 4G Jer,� J ,Orb 2 N vL^. RI 1'• • r Qla,Ta dr2 i 5 0 va0i u?o, I �p II `\ 1,„ •1R 1 y r et, »' . r. ..N f,I .ir '•. 1 �.r•. yl n 31 "'rn N e7�OS�S9:�.. .. �� m 1' h v Tp r aMt 1 " t19 /�, h µ t ,4, AC 1C Op A1NAGE�• r ° $ i m 1 1 w pf. N Sp►CC. i' Pt+'O -a o•: ,A a :� I�.. 0"' IU > e770 �j �N .r.ti; M N e5.11'24`C ._.S N5' At in y r u" 11 ro • 7/ 30 0. u J ` rn l`�I�I a y-�y nu o I „; ,a 1 r trr?♦>n m n 29 0 ^t to° , ,�0...//- 2699 1s •. r'\ V— \IL'b7.,4:7°.,,,, rNF LB ,m .s• r'f J7. 126 2�.-�j fr 6 i •`, 1 \ r „ 1 l N.�.`10 0 °0 .C,t,q 0 '�i9ro +. `� •^+r� A- `h w IdC° 4147117) 3' N 'G r'Cd4 yO�J °J, ..'•s `ufe•L}`• 00 f • �w Ml ,; +' el 4•i eJ 2T v A 4 9 y�6 ..`N (2 >\ I I�+ QyG S�•A AY- p� .r ♦t� -Q\'\ ^N N .ter` , • �_ ::.....% 10 ,,' u+ ei Y , OQ ..'•'C `� m rN �\� ' T1 6gry4;r)N ` .;�`' • _ ( ♦ �r ro o . 3 n / �� O c I .4 0 Yvi:fO 4„f1 °•J 1.. • 1 °t1 /, \ ) 1.• i r .) On \ " 2 r 13 p\, u 7 I. 25 .? �. 9 N k '�1 Vio , J• r .r n�� j '� a pq•e w i�2�'Ai'•M `�111 `� \�`�i, rg2r% �' •�T N Cj 4E.E1 !0 J ti N 25 n o 5 1�C+Z Yr 1. / \\t ° 0 o 7 \ '! Mr a i8 r•Vq �.� /a rW\�(A°r\r 'r, 27 O1 t' \\ N?` 1 e rd % • .'ti BLOCK \" /2) ��Jdr�, �c ,r, \•o I'� �°a\1 A 125 `� A' a.,flti0 f. ! n . `r Y x, 00 -�, y /ti)t� V 0J .AA IV �l 9 , ze N ti 060 J6 \1A •5,.,, •°Q,��\r(� �p•`fi.:�1,°�`� \ ♦�A♦ �'., N as 4...20 M IA5 00 t/0c" -5� 52 r N ; r w 15 an 1•. ° • / ,.. r: 1 ,. / 18 I 17 t ��� c 21 a1 n r t54 \\ ° U I r ct $ U wit' I -�+ a 2` t r -,d-Y L / 1 G9r n 9 " r ,./ ti 1 �.,✓/.,,r��......• 1 �� / °v n ° 1Jo nr --- sti1 y n 1 • u r • -' J, �� •co N�nri•ia'`21'4 9y '.�"r \ l'• f)u ' r i ti'V i ; ;� CV' ,Z N �YI'rO� l tD ; _ cf! . . �i' ne. ° 7 a .3 / h "' c N y�....j I 1 N .1 1 y•1. ` l t.c+.rrc+,,c w V (y `�- \ '29 t 9 S>!'zs1e• �` 'L;1 +B I L ICE' y• r.w....-.r...,M.w. • •. ��+ IM -5 06550..1,1,u.. +" RJ 9j � I T�"• Oaf L4M r i d.. 1 Pt Sri • is 1 Y 1 4W - ` 1 t �Y Y +�. ,,...r .., III , -. 1 1 I„ h, ,i a,,, . „...•...- „, , t L� y� �GtemieG � Zc»n, Q ' 1 P.O. BOX 898 • WILSONVILLE, OREGON 0 0-0 • (503) 038.1131 1 kr. 11 1 to .� 8 s- ` I , � 1 \ 4 S + March 16, 1992 ,'' Mr. Hamid Pishvaie , City of Lake Oswego 380 "A" Avenue Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 , f' Res The Meadows at Westlake "Stage I" w + Hastings nr i ve Rename ' Dear Hamid: +r In response to your inquiry, we have no objection to renaming Hastings Drive and Hastings Court . As "Stage I" is '' being marketed with a "New England" theme our choices are as '' follows : +a 1 . NAN'X'UCKETo ' o t 4 . CHATIIAM _ ' 7 2 . CHESAPEAKE 5 , ESSEX ;7. 3 . HYANNIS 16 . WINTHROP Please contact me at my office 638-3131 is further r.` assistance is required. Sincerely, WINDSOR DEVELOPMENT, INC. t; �' ' Victor f .6. -Coombes President vec/vaw cc: Tony LeineWeber, Columbia Investments, Ltd. Philip Morford, Metropolitan Homes, Inc , a +a..