Agenda Packet - 1993-07-07 W .,i AGENDA . ' ' '" 0 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD f ' ' CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUE Wednesdllay,July 7, 1993 7:00 P.M. Agenda Book I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 4, 1993 (2nd Vote) January 20, 1993 (2nd Vote) February 17, 1993 (2nd Vote) March 1, 1993 (2nd Vote) April 5, 1993 May 3, 1993 June 21, 1993 IV. PE!MONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARING DR 16-92, a request by Blockbuster Video to reopen the public hearing to take additional evidence and tes ony only on site circulation and any related mew conditions which may be necessary to finalize their review. Blockbuster Video was tentatively approved by the Development Review Board ,' ' " on November 2, 1992. The site is located on the south side of Lower Boones Ferry Road across from ;.cle., �, the intersection of Quarry Road(Tax Lot 4300 of Tax Map 2 1E 8CB). Staff coordinator is Elizabeth Jacob,Associate Planner. • DR S-84(Mod. 6-93), a request by Progressive Building System for approval of a modification to the existing building in order to install a 20' x 12' overhead door in the south side of the warehouse wall. The site is located at 17171 Boones Ferry Rd(Tax Lot 3800 of Tax Map 2 1E 18BA), Staff coordinator is Elizabeth Jacob, Associate Planner. n . i . SD 4-93/VAR 9-93 a-b , a request by Bart Bartholomew for approval of a 2-parcel minor partition and two variances as of ows: a. An 11.5 foot Class I (Development Code) variance to the Access Development Standard [LODS .. 18.020(1)] which requires that each parcel abut a public street for a minimum of 25 feet; and ' b. A 36.5 foot Class 2 (Zoning Ordinance) variance to the 50 foot minimum lot width at the " " • :� building line regr.'ircd in an R-7.5 Residential zone [LOC 48.210(1)1, The site is located at 3797 Lanewood4. Michael Wheeler, Associate Planner Lot 2600 of Tax Map 2 1E 8BD), Staff coordinator is A • ,1t I ,. VI. GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS—Findings,Conclusions and Order DR 16-92—Blockbuster Video • DR S- (Mod.6-93)—Les Schwab Tire Center VIII. ADJOURNMENT The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to come and go as you please. 2 Members: Staff: Skip Stanaway,Chair Tom Coffee,Assistant City Manager Norman J.Sievert,Vice-Chair Robert Galante,Senior Planner William F.Horning Ron Bunch,Senior Planner r Lawrence M.Magura Harold Pishvaie,Dev.Review Planner Julie Morales Catherine Clark,Associate Planner 0 ' ...:',.'',, . Charles Oldham Jane Heisler,Associate Planner Martha F,Stiven Elizabeth Jacob,Associate Planner • Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner ` 1 r I;r. Steve Chung,Assistant Planner = I Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson,Administrative Secretary Yvonne DeBartola,Senior Secretary , .R; +' f .• . . 1 . 4,3, , p� • ••t Oi 1AttE . . (4sA),41' Oi% - • ' • • ..'! ,'': . • OREGOc1 - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DR 16-92 STAFF REPORT ADDENDUM C TO: Development Review Board FROM: Elizabeth E. Jacob, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DR 16-92 (Blockbuster Video) DATE: June 25, 1993 FINDINGS: , , . • s 1, After the close of the public hearing and the DRB's oral vote to approve the Blockbuster : Video application on November 2, 1992, the applicant submitted a Site Traffic Plan (Exhibit 27) which showed the existing circulation patterns at the southwesterly corner of the Blockbuster Video site and the adjacent auto care center site. The site plan illustrated that i two-way access from the Blockbuster site to the rear access road was not possible with the existing driveway configuration and signage on the car wash site, 2. At the request of the applicant on January 8, 1993, the DRB agreed to continue the hearing until further evidence could be submitted which supported safe and efficient access to ` Boones Ferry Road only or which modified internal circulation to provide safe and efficient access to the rear access road, u 3, A review of the conditional use application (CU 1-88) and development review application (DR 3-88) for the car care center,originally called "Western Auto Care," indicates that the site plan approved by the Planning Commission and Development Review Board in 1988 (Exhibit 29) was different than what actually exists (Exhibit 27), Staff reviewed all documentation regarding the approval and construction of the car care center and found no approval of the current driveway configuration, Analysis of the two approvals indicates that it was the intent of the Planning Commission and DRB that two-way access to the rear access road be provided between the Blockbuster site (previously occupied by a Shell ' service station) and the car care center site, + R• - ‘. • , 4J :80"A" Avenue • Post()(Ike t)ot 169 • Lake Oswego,Oregon 4701,1 ` Manning Division,(:�U_1)h0541290 • uu(lding Division:(5U:3)635.019(l • I A\0 U°1)(i�)+aUeh9 ' • • • 4. The applicant has now reached a satisfactory agreement with the property owners of the car care center site to modify their driveway configuration to allow two-way access between the • rear access road and the Blockbuster site. • 0 ' . ' 5. An application for a minor modification to the car care center site was received on June 22, 1993. The purpose of this application is to receive approval to make minor changes to the original DRB approval granted Western Auto Care in 19$8 (DR 3-$$). Staff is preparing the findings and conclusion for the administrative approval of the necessary modifications (DR 3-88(Mod. 6-93)). Approval of the Blockbuster application (DR 16-92) should be conditioned upon the satisfactory completion of the modifications of the car care center site as illustrated on ✓ Exhibit 30. Satisfactory completion means Administrative Approval of DR 3-88(Mod. 6- u 93),resolution of any appeal,and implementation of the modifications. Exhibit 30 illustrates the necessary modifications to the car care center site. The following list corresponds to the letters illustrated on Exhibit 30. A. Realignment of the curbs B. Landscaping • `' R C. Providing a "Stop" sign and "Do Not Enter" sign • ;: D. Adding a paint stripe and two-way arrows 6. To make the two-way access more efficient and provide safer passage of vehicles on the 0 Blockbuster site, staff has requested that minor modifications to the Blockbuster parking lot "e" layout be made. These modifications are illustrated on Exhibit 30 and include; e E. Eliminate one parking space at the southwest corner of the property to permit a • greater turning radius for vehicles entering the site from the south. This area should be landscaped. F. Increase the aisle width between the southerly parking area and the south wall of the building. G. Provide an "Enter" sign and "Exit" sign at the southwest corner of the property, H. Eliminate the "one-half pork chop" traffic diverter at the access point on Boones Ferry Road. The traffic diverter was a condition orally approved by the DRB based ; upon staff recommendation to control right-turn out only. Based upon drawings 0 -, •` submitted by the applicant's engineer, further analysis indicates that there is not enough mom to construct an effective traffic diverter. The City Transportation Services Engineer recommends the diverter be removed from the driveway; • however, he still recommends the "Rig::t Turn Only"sign be installed (Exhibit 31). • 7. The applicant has submitted a revised site plan and narrative (Exhibits 32 and 33) which illustrate the parking lot layout, including two handicapped spaces and bike racks. The layout meets Parking Design Standard, LODC 7.005. DR 16.92 June 25, 1993 Stair depart Addendum Page 2 • • • . .: . .. .,, 0 Based upon the existing evidence in the record and the additional evidence submitted as part of this staff report, Staff recommends that DR 16-92 be approved subject to the following conditions: . A. 1Prior to sauance of oil in a rnpi s 1. The applicant shall submit a final drainage plan (including pollution control manholes)for review and approval of City Engineer,per City standards. 2. The applicant shall submit a final grading plan for review and approval of City Engineer,per City standards. 3. The applicant shall submit a final erosion control plan in accordance with "Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook" for review and approval of City Engineer. 4, The applicant shall submit a final landscape plan showing additional trees for review , and approval of staff,per City standards. 5. The applicant shall submit a final soils report for review and approval, if required by the Building Department. d % 6. The applicant shall sign a nonremonstrance agreement to allow formation of a local improvement district(LID) for future street improvements anticipated on Boones Ferry Road. , . • • 7. The applicant shall dedicate additional right-of-way along Boones Ferry, as determined by the City Engineer. 8, The final construction plans shall show the following information: • - A 10-foot sidewalk along Boones Ferry Road which connects the back edge of the sidewalk in front of the auto care center(east side of the site) to the sidewalk • in front of the hardware store(west of the site), The sidewalk shall be a consistent width of 10-feet with cutouts for street trees comparable to those on the adjacent lots. • - The elimination of one parking space at the southwest corner of the property, • • providing a larger turning radius at the corner,and widening the aisle between the parking and south wall of the building as illustrated on Exhibit 30. ' - Correct parking lot dimensions as required by LODC 7,005, handicapped spaces and bike racks, • . ii, - "Right-Turn Only" sign at the Boones Ferry Road exit as illustrated on Exhibit 30, ` • DR 16.92 • June 25, 1993 Staff Report Addendum Page 3 • d , w • - An "Enter" sign and "Exit" sign at the southwest corner of the property as illustrated on Exhibit 30. 0 •'' ' ••'' 9. The applicant shall submit sign plans and specifications for review and approval of staff. • • 10. Administrative approval shall be granted for a minor modification for the car care center site (Dr 3-88(Mod. 6-93)). B. Preor to Receiving ttte in i i. , •� Yrin� cn�: . nmrUdIIl: 1. Modifications and signs shall be satisfactorily installed on the auto camcenter site as �''' . approved by DR 3-88(Mod. 6-93) and illustrated on Exhibit 30 of the subject report. • These modifications shall include the following: - Realignment of the curbing • - Adding a paint stripe and two-way arrows - Additional landscaping - "Do Not Enter" and "Stop" signs • ":. CO Fe'ior� uance of Any Or,�� alic P rmi • 1. The applicant shall provide all public easements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, 2. The applicant shall declare all private streets as fire lanes in the deed or on a 0 4 ,l • recorded map, and shall post the streets as such, LODS 19.020(1)(e), D. I?urinQinn of flee Proiesf; 1. The applicant shall adhere to the erosion control guidelines in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook, as approved by condition A.4, above. ' • FOR REFEREN,C1!: EXHIBIT PREVIOUSLY ENTERED WITH DR 16-92 STAFF M' ` REPORT ADDENDUM,DATED JANUARY 8, 1993 a.. J 27, Site Traffic Plan (Existing Conditions of Car Care Center Site) APJMT'IONAL EXHIBITS 29, DR 3-88 and CU 1-88 Site Plan for Western Auto Care k 30. Revised Car Care Center Site Plan 31, Memo from Xavier Falconi, City Transportation Services Engineer, dated June 24, 1993 . . • 32, Narrative submitted by Albert Kenney, Jr,, Consulting Engineer, dated June 18, 1993 33, Revised Blockbuster Parking Layout Plan fib . ' DR 16-92 June 25, 1993 Staff Report Addendum Page 4 4 i 1 , 0 • J 0 . / s.a..... ..,....... _.-.-....a a.-.. .n..... _ .�.-.... 1 " h a r .-.. • „R fir. 1): .''''' .."..........'' .."...H.. '''"..". ''''''''' ,Kr�l'S�Y�k+� :, «• • t 4 + _.. .. t_.. t .19....t tc,' ,'.S,I i._,4 401 O.2YA^T U %T •.;�. __.y '• 11 .ti ) 1 1 Ft%aHT 'run.l. 1 tbt.[t Glieusrt 2 , t• I 1 . Ai vt®e© r, ; I • 'I ( 1 1 • r I I 1 iiiil t . .•Its t-Alt WhSr+ 1 .Q. I . - � •v' . t4' I I.) II J ' AI E X H I B h., 1 c trtu`k 1• + ( Sari,(+L Cy , . C--------------"----'. I ''' ; I �. _ r� ' bill�'./rrljJI l(l^ 4,. •:.. I ..=. I • YINGWIry•nee,K. - '-.J - tnXI�AT't: NAIat ,t) •IYILItC+t•I •`) b .; ; ' , 1 fJ L_k! VAtI,t l 7 Att tt.l . a •_lam 1 .• t 1 Z �`� �1) 1 rNU1.1 /V ' NAV.t 46, !'wi11 i, •'�, "" ;"" y l I 1\ tiJr N! (1t,JFJGt40..t. 1444a leekali*, 1 ) . N t ' \ ', N': ALBERT R.KENNEY,JR.F4 ®cr�iaalrltalrr ritrrn�nrrlrr f I. A p01/244 WO Gt r"Ak 244.9817 ,�, 1 f` ra tv �. y 'none) n.t T i IL ' ,I 1 Itlt,.Irw4 }ti' PJ',LI[ ri( 1, ��r:JCs'lf�rdJ y t r v /� t tt'. l•,'t.fit.t tl.to 1•y 1 I F'=1" (lv. I-"" At,..) tr,.P - � r " � w t r • t' 1 r : 'i* ••�.. r r{,4 cta J. �r r 'r •i 'y t '{ Y .4 qa + i.ii i ! r••+ V .,F 1 r 6 rF�•,' %•IX/ 11 •• J .ti 7 itY ! •t 4 •!r r �" 1) '.• ;u 'ft , r�f ,t ., r jfa - d ..,•c ,� w•.r r}`�t'-y�} ri•Vt Rf.in :r'r�';. ,>,�. .a. . 1 r /, , : `Ar ♦. M1}'j iC�'i r ��'• • 'r'' ;u J'.'? + �,• '+ ++,,11: ' ��) �:4,• :3,j2 �1' r. 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OF• SCE Gsip c •. n. .• •:,. • ''''. AI'' A) \' ''.% ' .7. • '..: ":',„ . . ,, O EGON Di;i':\t.T,M.ir NT car-' PUBLIC W()Ri:s ---- MEMORANDUM June 24, 1993 TO: Liz Jacob p\Ass late !' n FROM: 'er , a coni, P.E. Transportation Services Engineer ' SUBJECT: Blockbuster Video • {. T.L, 4300 Boones Ferry Road 0 '."' ":. .' This memo is to request that the "pork-chop" p p (diverter) be removed from the driveway for the • proposed development, ,•.: � Conditions have changed since the time the diverter was suggested. After several attempts b { the developer's consulting engineer, the diverter could not be properly fit due to restraints on the size of the parking lot. The "right turn only" sign should still be installed, in order to prevent conflicts between vehicles leaving Blockbuster Video and vehicles waiting to turn left onto Bryant Rd, from Boones Ferry Road, Please let me know if you have additional questions. ` c: Wayne Halverson, Engineering Development Coordinator f LtzD0c ei 4 EXHIBIT ,' .'p • a S d � G. •ei . ..... • is 0 '''..••....' ::.. 1. Nscan --- --. , • • -if- ... .._......---.. ....._ ........ ..". .m.."......... 1. ✓ 1 pe,JT � ' 51ar1111, 1._..-.. PCK&IJIdfT b' cblur R.4e1t r' OAIJN LId.M ttir G►M'' r { r u•dJ,1'u Wc. - • ( IiaPlleu. Pismo. `►o I __ Ip. r____ HATGM 4,4fal. U r►s,J .—.h. , _.. --- -,- I, .) S11:A1 1 Colon. u'1Grw _ 11 A./.pAvnlc I , a tp olF' . 1 >S2 so r^r Ia4� . tr uDtfll tiro' is ,•ik/:•/4�• ta'd r, iy—SN -O I yl . /////''t u 0•40'.-1 1 It1 C�1iP�I I� t[['Ri�l' . II•P4. 1r'.•+71•n �r w --," 1 /� ••Wl 14.- trio,Aapt r o� y 4f 9 1 -- MONIJMEN T SIGN c • '' " ., i i i" oU rout s I ', - _..•.,— - 1 u "I ly _. _ .- . _+ i t� .___..--- I....... — _I I / F'A1 LINE. L� I'1 _ -- ! Pet•._I , I'd T.. a ,l_ I i- 11 1. r�e7 • (ate ,: N a /-, w� r- c 1 5, a 1 R"eau.. 610a it, .• a `Ld jl ` \tot ` ' ` �' 11 (OOWN4 HT)'IC 1, fia�G�1J..Y .,, 1Y STA-,ISTIGS r—— 'e + VT,II Af talr. M11oo 4i fool. . *t � I Id. .11 � e..oaAKrn,i 41,110*t 2SI* P •. } i!• .,—J�-'�'t LAUCa 6G,:ue $ s• 5 b I. (1'. u CIzMV,a9 r1e,Ng. Ia,1oa41 ache /� W4,Jcs elks 7 2.4 + I 4'1• Q. ,l� . • Y. r • 4-1•I1Dd,q� ncc lhlt' I •l4IIWIlldirn PIo�Ps��•wual�xsl�•rre17 +L ' Mw{i Nw*1� ,F� �a.ccra.:�"1 .t•,`-,. p LOG,K.nUt,T6.r UlPE0 oI71: �ne,,.rriwS '0� 1♦,IC C'RawILl1,�, LrJI.1 'tr:11+1 Or tiOSV tea' i f L../'- I'''-� toss: • Nr�1,/ 5Irt �W QarI ! on% o..1..1 LA,•t �.rl I '1 t • n 1 • ' •, • • . • ' ALBERT R.KENNE\ JR. CONSULTING ENGINEER 9M".0 SW BARBUR BLVD• SUITE 111 • PORTLAND,OR 97219• 503/244.9811 •FAX 244-9817 Date: 6-18-93 411 W... ..,.. . . File # : 92056 ¢ NARRATIVE Re: Submittal DR # 16-92 Project Name: Blockbuster Video Location T. L. 4300 Boones Fy. Rd. L. Grove Summary: "Clean up" revisions to comply with staff concerns regarding vehicle access and circulation. No effect is seen on any DRB requirements or findings. A • slight increase in landscape area results . Items revised (reviewed from North to South) 1. Remove traffic diverter from driveway to Boones Ferry Rd. traffic diverter installed on Quarry Rd. addresses % problems previously noted. ( "right turn only" out restriction remains) , . • 2. Eliminate one parking stall at the South property line to allow an increased minimum turning radius ; enlarge the outside turning radius ; and widen as aJ' practical the South drive to improve egress/access r•• via this route. u 3 . Off site and under seperate DRB proceedings the access route will be re striped, re signed, and the drive . � to the car wash will be re aligned to comply with `r . . • earlier (Car Care project) DRB approvals . Copy to: file, O'donnell , Ramis ETAL, Trient u .1 F ..: t ��\ fr-r•`mo• W-y~ rt \ CIS�0/1 ! F ti N z, EXHIBIT • 33 LICENSED IN CALIFORNIA'COLORADO'IDAHO•MONTANA•NEVADA'OREGON c WASHINGTON•WYOMING i STAFF AFF REPORT iryir ., :: • CITY OF L.A . .. . .E. OSWEGO „ -DEPT. OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT- ,.. Am a:a: FILE NO,: :°, • Bart Bartholemew SD 4-93WAR 9-93(a—b) PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: Bart Bartholemew Michael R.Wheeler ~i EGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 2600 of June 25, 1993 Tax Map 2 1E 8BD i1 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: LOCATION: Lake Grove `` 3797 Lanev•ood; On the north side of Lanewood between Boones Ferry and Boones ZONING DESIGNATION: Way •. R-7.5 " COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: •"•' R-7"5 I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval to create a two—parcel minor partition, The applicant is also requesting approval of two variances as follows: a" An 11.5 ft, Class I(Development Code) variance to the Access Development Standard [LODS 18.020(1)] which requires that each parcel abut a public street For a:minimum of 25 feet; and, b. A 36,5 foot Class 2 (Zoning Ordinance) variance to the 50 foot minimum lot width at the building line required in an R-7.5 Residential zone [LOC 48"210(1)]" II" APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. ; A. City of Like Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.195—48,225 R 7,5 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area, lot coverage) . LOC 48.535(4) Special Street Setbacks • SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a—b) A Page l of l 1• , • %,•. r , LOC 48.650—48.690 Variances - • '��!': ,j. • LOC 48,810 Quasi—judicial Evidentiary Hearings Procedures LOC 48.815 Criteria for Approval 0 'LOC 48.820 Restrictions and Conditions r.. B. City of Lake Qsweao Develo men:monde: LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards �; LOC 49.110 Concurrent Review of Permits LOC 49.140 Minor Development i LOC 49.220—49.210 Minor Development Procedures LOC 49.500 Variances; Classifications LOC 49,510 Variance Standard LOC 49.610 Quasi judicial Evidentiary Hearings Procedures • LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval A LOC 49.620 Conditional Approvals C. City of Labe Oswego Development t arck: 5.005 —5.040 Street Lights . 7.005 —7.040 Parking&Loading Standard 10.005— 1.0.040 Fences 4 4 12.005— 12.040 Drainage Standard for Minor Development 14.005 — 14.040 Utility Standard 'i 18.005— 18.040 Access Standard 19.005 — 19.040 Site Circulation—Private Sheets/Driveways D. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: a Urban Service Boundary Policies General Policy III, Specific Policy 4 Impact Management Policies ' General Policy I, Specific Policy 1,6 General Policy II, Specific Policy 1,2,3 �''. Wildlife Habitat Policies General Policy T, II Distinctive Natural Area Policies • General Policy I, Specific Policy 2 .,Y Energy Conservation Policies p;. General Policy II, Specific Policy 5 Tninsportation Policies ' General Policy IV, Specific Policy 4,7 ' General Policy VI, Specific Policy 1,2,3 Protection Open Space Policies General Policy I, iI ` .:. E. City of Lake Oswego Solar Access Ordinance: M• . ; LOC 57.005—57.135 '' • P. City of Lake Oswego Tree Cutting Ordinance: '` LOC 55,010—55.130 SD 4--93/VAR 9-93(a—b) ` Page 2 of 11 • • G. City of Lake Oswego Pathways Ordinance v ' 0 LOC 42.900-42.920, LOC 44.374 • ,' M. FINDING,, r A. background: f • The site was created as a part of an earlier minor partition and Class I(Development 4 Code) variance [SD 3-91/VAR 3-91; Exhibit 9] approved April 23, 1991 and recorded March 9, 1993. That approval enabled the creation of three '' lot. Five feet of additional right-of-way was dedicated along S.W. from a artt� tx of that proposal. The current application concerns Parcel 1 of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91. • The City Council's interpretation of lot width at [the] building line is measured` , differently today than when SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 was approved,due to an appeal of a land use application [Ward v, Lake Oswego,21 Or LUBA 470 (1991)]. In thatappeal, Council reasoned that the lot width was to be measured between side property lines at the front setback line. LUBA agreed. In another case [AP 92 O2/AP 92-03(SD 54-90)), Council determined that flag lots could not be created with a narrow "flag pole'' without approval of a variance to Jot width. The applicant has complied by applying for VAR 9-93(b), The Zoning Ordinance has been revised substantially since the original approval,particularly regarding setbacks, height and lot coverage. Note: To avoid confusion regarding parcel numbers associated with the current and `. �. former applications, Parcels 1 and 2 of SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) will be referred to as "'; ` ''. Parcels A and B respectively. This labeling will be required as a condition of this action, ix`approved. B. Existing Conditions: 1. The total site is composed of 20,388 square feet in a rectangular configuration. . 2. The site is located on the north side of Lanewood between Boones Ferry and Boones Way. Lanewood is a paved street with no sidewalks or curbs. 3. An existing single family residence and parking pad are lore' on the site as shown on the site plan (Exhibit 6). • 4, An 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer line is located in Lanewood Street. % • 5. An 8-inch diameter water line is located in Lanewood Street, , 6. A fire hydrant is located at the southwest corner the intersection of L, iewood Street and Boones Ferry Road, . 7. The site is heavily wooded as illustrated on the site plan (Exhibit 6), 8. The site is relatively flat, draining northeasterly, . SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) ' Page 3 of 11 "' ' 4 Co• moron y �.: ' The applicant is proposing to create two parcels firm a 20,388 sq. ft. parcel. The arce 4) (.." are proposed to be as follows: P Parcel A 9, , ft, Parcel B l0,644762 sq sq, ft, t• r•';. The applicant is requesting an 11,5 ft. Class I (Development Code) variance . °: Access Development Standard CLODS 18,020(1)] which requires that each parcel abut a • street for a minimum of 25 feet, Parcel 2 is proposed to provide 115 feet of frontage on �- Lanewood Street, Access is proposed to this parcel by way of an easement shared with Parcel 2 of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91, abutting to the east. The applicant is also requesting approval of a 36.5 foot Class variance to the 30 foot minimum lot width at the building line required(Zoning Ordinance) Residential zone [LOC 48.210(1)], Parcel 2 is proposed to have lot in o 13.5 feet. D. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615 and LOC 48.815, the Development Review Board must consider the > ,~ following criteria when evaluating minor development(minor partition and Class I variance) or a Class 2(Zoning Ordinance) variance: ®' a ; 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. Al The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents exhibits, accompanying this report. 0 I ''''' marked as 2. For any development application to be approved, it shall first be established ' i that the proposal conforms to: a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable policy groups are: Urban ervice Bounds Polic�nc These policies require the City to manage and phase urban growth within the Urban Service Boundary, with a logical planned extension of basic for General Policy III, states that new development shall be serviced by ann "urban level' of services, including schools. This specific policy also states that these services are to ". be available or committed prior to approval of development, A City Council p ", memorandum dated October 17, 1989 demonstrated that the current level of school planning and coordination between the i ., General ° v Polic , � .' City and School Distract satisfies this `, c y The passage of the 17 million dollar school levy on November 7 1989 and subsequent construction of a new school and additional school facilities further assure an adequate level of service+, y Imnact Manse men: po1;c;.,� These policies require protection of natural resources from development, comprehensive review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share of the costs of public facilities, These policies are implemented through several Development , '. SD 4-93NAR 9-93(a—b) Page 4 of 11 . e ! 4 ° .• I ti a L. • Standards, addressed further below. The policies require assurance that distinctive areas will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees be protected from removal, streams be preserved and that density be limited to achieve these results. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to • these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assure f: compliance. • ° . ? • Wildlife Habitat Policies xf ` These policies require protection of upland habitat in the form of preserved open space, natural vegetation or fragile slopes. The related development standards are reviewed in „# this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies, f Distinctive Nahzd ArPa e.erird s These policies require the City to preserve tree stands and those features listed as ' • distinctive. These policies are implemented through LOC Chapter 55, the Tree Cutting Ordinance. The provisions of this ordinance are reviewed in this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies. • ..�' ' Energy Conservation Policies tl These policies encourage energy conservation through solar orientation and site planning • °a: which takes into account the site's natural features, These policies are now implemented • y• through the City's Solar Access Ordinance (LOC Chapter 57) which will be reviewed a later in this report. y ,M1 Protection Open Space pace Policiel These policies further protect the natural resources identified in the Natural Resources 1 f • Policy Element. These policies are implemented through a variety of applicable • • " ' m development standards and ordinances. These are reviewed for compliance later in this report. Transportation Policies ' r •• • These policies require that streets be improved as planned when demand requires. The "` policies also require that a developer be required to dedicate additional right-of-way as necessary to provide for widening. These policies are implemented in part through LOC• 535(4), Special Streets Setbacks. The former owner dedicated 5 feet of right-of-way ' .�, ! along the site's frontage of Lanewood Street as part of SD 3-.91/VAR 3-91, • ' ..• • b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations, Zoning Code Requirements and Analysis The following requirements where in effect on the date the application was received, The site is zoned R--7.5 which requires a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq, ft, per dwelling unit; required minimum lot width at the building lines is 50 ft,; required minimum lot depth is 100 ft. [LOC 48,210(1)], ' .‘.....:t .: • Development on Parcel B will be classified as new construction, Maximum lot coverage h,;.._..�-- allowed for new construction in the zone is 25% [LOC 48,225(1)], The maximum height SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a4b) . Page 5 of 11 : t for new construction in the zone is 28 ft. for a flat lot[LOC 48.220(1)]. The setback ''> , requirements can be met for the two parcels. Review of height for any new structure will • occur during the building permit review process. 0 - -.., - k The zone requires the following minimum setbacks for new con 48.215(1)(a)]: structuon [LOC . G Front yard: 25 ft. Rear yard: 30 ft. Side yard: 10 ft. • Development on Parcel A may be classified as new construction or an alteration that does ' not qualify as new construction. The maximum lot coverage allowed for an alteration that does not qualify as new construction is 25% for an interior lot [LOC 48.225(1)]. The " + maximum height for an alteration in the zone is 35 feet on a flat lot [LOC 48.220(1)]. ° '-, The zone requires the following setback requirements for an alteration [LOC v 48.215(1)(b)]: qe Front yard: 25 ft. Rear yard: 25 ft. Side yard: 5 ft. minimum width, 15 foot total combined width The applicant proposes the parcels to be the following sizes: • AAG13 Parcel A 9,762 sq. ft. 87 ft. 117 ftt. Parcel B* 9,078 sq. ft. 90 ft. 225 ft. (11) ,t' ,.., . tJ *(excluding access easement) With the exception of the 13.5 foot lot width of Parcel B, the applicant's proposal complies with all the applicable zoning requirements. LOC 48.535(4), Special Street Setbacks, requires a 25 foot setback measured from the center of the right-of-way of Lanewood Street. Due to the previous dedication, the ��- c existing right-of-way provides 25 te6t,from centerline in compliance with this requirement, • The applicant is seeking approval of a 36.5 foot Class 2 (Zoning Ordinance) variance to , the 50 foot minimum lot width at the building line requires in an R-7.5 Residential Zone, As per LOC 48.650(1), the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria when evaluating a request for a Class 1 variance: : a. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship; • A 1 a The applicant indicates that the lot width variance is necessary to enable Parcel B to have frontage on a public street(as required by the Access Development Standard) and to '• allow off-street parking, and the existing dwelling it serves to remain on the site. The .., • dwelling is 40 feet from the east property line of the site; the parking pad(concrete slab) . is 22 feet from the same line, In order to provide a lot width of 50 feet as required by the • R-7,5 zone, the dwelling and parking pad would need to be removed or relocated on the , • site. 1 SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) " ; �. Page 6 of 11 y ;DJ.• V ' The applicant has provided a comparison of"like properties", as required by the Code. The nine properties in the sample indicate the frequency of"flag lot"development in the y0 neighborhood. , This criterion is satisfied by the proposal. v b. Development consistent with the request will not be injurious to the neighborhood in which the property is located or to property established to be ,t, affected by the request; • The applicant indicates that the narrower lot width of Parcel B will rot detract from the Y ` ' appearance of the property from the street. Further, the presence of a parcel of similar t width abutting to the east (Parcel 2, approved as a part of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91) has created no apparent injury since its creation in March, 1993. This lack of injury may be the result of the shared 27 to 37 foot—wide access easement '. serving Parcel 2 of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91. Dwellings are under construction on Parcels 2 and 3 of that earlier minor partition. '. This criterion is satisfied by the proposal, c. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the ,'r property; :':,. The applicant indicates that the variance to lot width is the minimum to enable division of the property for development of one additional single—family dwelling. The applicant's comparison of"like properties" (Exhibit 5) indicates that reasonable use of • flag—shaped properties ranges from 7,500 sq. ft. to 22,000 sq, ft., with lot widths between • ` • • 13,5 and 25 feet. ~. The applicant's site plan (Exhibit 6) indicates that the minimum 10 foot side yard setback is proposed to be maintained from the existing parking pad (concrete slab). Because of this side yard, and the configuration of the previously approved parcels abutting to the east, the applicant's proposal appears to be the minimum necessary to make reasonable •.;. E r use of the property. d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. " The Comprehensive Plan requires that residential streets provide access to abutting land (Transportation Policies, General Policy IV, Specific Policy 4). The applicant's proposal complies with this policy. No policies exist with regard to variances specifically. •, t .4 The applicant's proposal achieves access from Parcels A and B to a residential street . • (Lanewood Street). This criterion is satisfied by the proposal. • Developme t Code Requirements and Analysis This minor partition and Class I variance application is appropriately being processed as • " : a minor development. Other than the applicable development standards and criteria for a the Class I (Development Code) variance, there are no additional Code requirements unique to the site or the proposal. • , . The applicant is requesting Lpproval of a Class I variance to the Access Development A . 0 Standard which requires that each parcel abut a street for a minimum of 25 feet. Parcel B is proposed to abut Lanewood Street for only 13.5 feet, ` SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a—b) — Page 7 of 11 • , i • Vr u As per LOC 49.500(1), the staff must consider the following criteria when evaluating a , request for a Class I variance: Y 9a ' ''' ''r a. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship; This application is the second in a series of partitions planned by the original developer, 1 Based upon the approval of the original partition and Access Standard variance for Parcel 2 of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91, the applicant(and staff) have had an expectation that a similar *; variance for Parcel B of SD 4-93/VAR 9-91 would be similarly approved. The applicant indicates that the access variance is necessary to prevent the elimination of the present parking pad for the existing house,which would then leave the existing house without one off—street parking space. An additional space is required and will be ' discussed later in this report. Also, all curb and sidewalk improvements have been designed and installed to save as many trees as possible (Exhibit 11). An alternative of relocating the off—street parking (and thus tht)driveway) west of the existing dwelling on Parcel A would require removal of two 12—inch diameter trees, and reconfiguration of the approved driveway cut for this parcel. Based upon the previous efforts to save these trees, this alternative would be impractical. This criterion is satisfied by the proposal. b. Development consistent with the request will not be injurious to the neighborhood in which the property is located or to property established to be affected by the request; Approval of the access variance would not be injurious to theneighborhood trees would be saved by allowing a narrower entrance to ParcelB t osed since more , location. This narrower entrance will not detract from the appearance 'R from the street. of the property c. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the ' property; In order to develop the property and preserve as many trees as possible by allowing a .� narrower driveway, this access variance is the minimum necessary make ke reasonable . 't use of the property. " d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal does not conflict with the policies reviewed earlier in this report, Access to the proposed site will be provided by way of a 27 to 37 foot—wide access easement, a portion of which will be located on the 13\5 foot—wide portion of Parcel B. Solar Access Ordinance Requirements and Analysis Parcels A and B comply with the Basic Design Standard [LOC 57,020(1)] for orientation and depth. The construction of a dwelling or accessory structures on the site,or the planting of non—solar friendly vegetation, must comply with LOC 57,050—57,090, the Solar Balance Point provisions of the Solar Access Ordinance, This will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. 1}r SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a—b) Page 8 of 11 .M r , Tize_Cutting_Olataance Requirements and Analysis This ordinance is intended to preserve trees. It implements the Wildlife Habitat,and y Protection Open Space Policies. Only those trees which must be removed in order to site proposed improvements will be granted tree cutting permits. A tree surveyis not application required in an a lication for a r ',nor partition, but is necessary to meet the requir^ments of the Tree Cutting Ordinance. The applicant has provided a tree survey, illustrated on the site plan (Exhibit 6). The applicant must position proposed dwellings so as to minimize the number of trees removed in compliance with LOC • 55.080(2), This will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. Pathways Ordinance Requirements and Analysis Lanewood Street is the route of a pathway segment illustrated on the Pathways Master Plan. Construction of this pathway abutting the site was performed as a part of SD 3- `' 91/VAR 3-91 (Exhibits 12 and 13). No further improvements are necessary as a part of this application. ~ c. The applicable Development Standards Street Lights (5.005-5,040) 1F • The applicant proposed a street light on the south side of Lanewood Street as a part of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 to meet the requirements of the standard. This light has not been installed. This will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. u • Parking and Loading(7.005-7.0401 • This standard requires that each single familydwelling "` spaces in addition to a garage or carport. provide two off-street parking • '�Y�, P g g arport. Parcel II is large enough to accommodate two spaces in front of a proposed garage, yet outside of the access easement. fix; Parcel A has an existing concrete slab sufficient for one parking space. LODS 7.020(4) does not allow parked vehicles or their movements to interfere with each other. • s'+ Therefore, an additional space cannot be located behind the concrete slab. The applicant must provide one additional, paved off-street parking space on Parcel A in II z • order to comply with this standard. This will be required as a condition of this action, if approved. • Fences (10,005- 10,040) • •,.0* Fences are not a part of this proposal. Any fences that may be constructed at a later date must comply with this standard. . ' Drainage Standard for Minor Development (12,005 12.040) i This standard requires that tuainage alterations, including new development, not adversely affect neighboring properties. Compliance with this standard will be required ' upon application for a buildingpermit permit for each of the proposed parcels, The applicant constructed a storm drain line in Lanewood to City standards as a part of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91. Dwellings on Parcels A and B will be required to connect to this public improvement, as a condition of this action, if approved. SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) . Page 9 of 11 ;? • ° r ✓' .. ,1,. r � .e r.- F� ' i. ..fit a tit ,, Y Utility, ta. and(14 005- 14 82,1 ti tl r; • This standard requires that infrastructure improvements be installed underground, where, • "j a possible. The applicant is proposing utility connections to the two proposed lots across 'private easements to the public sewer in Lanewood Street, The access and utility easement illustrated on filial plan of SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 must be shown on the final plan for this application. This will be required as a condition of this action,if approved. • Yn ` Access Standard(18.005- 18.040) This standard requires that each parcel abut a public street for at least 25 feet. Parcel A will comply with this standard. A Class I variance has been requested for Parcel B, which was reviewed earlier in this report. v Site Circulation Private Streets/Driveways (19,005- 19.040) This standard requires that driveways for single family dwellings not exceed 20% grade 'nor 5% cross slope. The relatively flat site will enable compliance with this standard. ;.a� , d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS hi 1':. ,i (b There are no such plans which affect this site. etcV),.' ` Y. E. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal can be made to comply with all applicable criteria through the imposition of certain conditions. IV. RBCOMMENDA'rrs7t The staff recommends approval of the proposed minor partition [SD 4-93] and Class I and Class 2 variances [VAR 9-93(a-b)], subject to the followingconditions: ' • 1. A final plan (as depicted in Exhibit 3 and modified by Conditions Number 3, 4 and 5) shall be submitted to City staff for review and signature of approval within one year of Y the date of this decision. Upon written application, prior to expiration of the one year k`` ' period, the City Manager shall, in writing, grant a one year extension, Additional " extensions may be requested in writing and must be submitted to the City Manager for review of the project for conformance with current law,development standards and " compatibility with development which may have occurred in the surrounding area. The extension may be granted or denied and if granted, may be conditioned to require modification to bring the project into compliance with then current law and compatibility with surrounding development. The final plan shall reference this land use application —City of Lake Oswego , Department of Planning and Development Services,File No. SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b), , • 2. The final plan shall be registered with the Clacktunas County Surveyor's office and recorded with Clackamas County Clerk's office. 3. Parcels 1 and 2 shall be labeled as Parcels A and B, respectively, ., It , ; ,, ".,‘.: • SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) Page 10 of 11 ,I J. n I. j'. 4. The final plan shall indicate the location and width of all utility easements necessary to serve Parcels A and B. 5. The following note shall appear on the final plan: Parcels A and B are Solar Lots. Development of structures and planting of non-exempt vegetation shall comply with the Solar Balance Point Provisions of the Solar Access �'. Ordinance (LOC 57.050-57.090). This requirement shall be binding upon the applicant .-; and subsequent purchasers of Parcels A and B. ` 6. Evidence of the above to be provided to the Public Works and De4elopment Services• Department prior to the issuance of building permits requested subsequent to the date of this approval. d 7. The City shall allow the removal of only those trees necessary to site a dwelling or accessory structure on Parcels A and B. This removal shall comply with LOC 55.050- 55.080(Tree Cutting Ordinance). The applicant shall provide a tree survey illustrating the location, type and diameter of all trees in excess of 5 inches on each adjusted parcel in application for each building permit requested subsequent to this approval. Development on each parcel shall avoid as many trees as possible through prudent site planning. The applicant shall design the driveway to protect as many trees as possible. 8. The applicant shall install a paved parking pad for an additional off-street parking space (totaling two)on Parcel A in compliance with the Parking and Loading Development Standard[LODS 7.005 -7.040] as a condition of any building permit requested subsequent to this action. 9. The applicant shall install a street light on an existing utility pole on the south sides of :' Lanewood Street as a condition of any building permit requested subsequent to this action. Such installation shall be to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. EXHIIBITS • 1. Tax Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Applicant's Narrative (Minor Partition only), dated April 19, 1993 _' .s, 4. Applicant's Narrative,dated May 14, 1993 't 5. Applicant's Narrative,dated May 28, 1993 r �' 6. Site Plan ." .. 7. Minutes of Neighborhood Meeting of April 8, 1993; dated April 19, 1993 8. Partition Plat 1993-33 (portion), approved by staff December 9, 1992 9. Staff Report and Decision (with Exhibit 3 only), SD 3-91/VAR 3-91; dated April 23, 1991 • 10. Pathways Master Plan (Map),dated December, 1988 11, Construction drawings, SD 3-91/VAR 3-91, dated December 8, 1992 w ,.• 12. Memo from T. Coffee, dated August 20, 1992 13. Memo from R. Chevrette,dated August 14, 1992 (SD93 IJ4bprrtoSD 4-93MAR 9-9i .r J• SD 4-93/VAR 9-93(a-b) Page 11 of 11 9. 1 ' . •• '.....•:Z•V• • I''% , . , , . 01.. . wIr..-It4.717.---"ney. 1' Z 0 .w'1%- ., ,, � :;,4› $k 4 ' "� ` �/�'"� e'4.�"'. SEE MAP 2 IE t9®G o -‘'... .'sk- ". ''444,... i .. . . . ' .c.8 to ,4,4.... ‘'...b_rri?). atiesieNli , .• 1 • � . I . • • . 4 it k t .`-' 4,1" •lak ' 4N..., IN) • . ' . . , .. . ... .. w sr 4. 'GA.. , N er es a../ § ..--41t4frp, 4-.41%,...tql,44. 4.-4"Arr.,r, *----. tt 3 0 '''t1r.,ro• '":71*tir. -4:r4°Atir.:14•4•14.4„I'vA. , W a N w kf It * ., `�• ao§ . n � +e y4 •• -. • "VII%07• .0 RS/Jig' ? I. 7 11,0 a . . 011.1:0. I P. • AI,w '« P • w..k). 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AI , Olt/+iyt_ `_ �\:�,Y �� y6,t�. \ 1ogl a .,� \ Iu i_. v \• '°Y u • �,._ ;�2 © ,'1, .... 16 a ' ° .•+ 1, J\ • B. • • f \ �.. ,. ef�,, `Z•,••. \I•FG�4.t 16eo°1 4 i \ \b\ ,y \.. • b e N Vu ° .... 9.,,,, 9N.1 Os•"�j t .. .\ ,`ate\ se 4fre . 1,1 •,.c, fff, 4.1- •d. boa. •r . 11 ' i4i�'Y Ie6e: ,!r M d • ., ,.,.`\ 1,�Y t f!1 ,s� elrb - ' fir' .. y 1i \f 0{{ a EXHIBIT • ' o 4.12 Aal^i3 • 14 441 ry • NARRATIVE TO ACCOMPANY SPPLICATION FOR MINOR PARTITION F s ~1 rAPR THIS REQUEST FOR A MINOR PARTITION IS IN CdFORMANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR AN R7.5 ZONE IN THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO. IT MEETS L.C.D.C. GOAL AND GUIDELINES. THE LOT PROPOSEMN THIS DEVELOPMENT BECAUSE OF ORIENTATION AND DEPTH MEET SOLAR ACCESS STANDARDS. IT ALSO CONFORMS TO THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THAT APPLY: '.' HISTORICAL PRESERVATION NA BUILDING DESIGN NA STREAM CORRIDORS NA WETLAND NA STREET LIGHTS NA TRANSIT NA PARKING 2 PARKING SPACES ARE PROPOSED FOR THE LOT CREATED. PARK AND OPEN SPACE NA LANDSCAPING, SCREENING AND BUFFERING NA FENCES NA • DRAINAGE FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT-NA DRAINAGE FORgMINOR' DEVELOPMENT-SITE • DRAINAGE FROM ROOF DRAINS WILL MEET BUILDING ENGINEERS DRY WELL REQUIREMENTS. WEAK FOUNDATION SOILS NA UTILITIES ALREADY IN PLACE PROVIDED UNDER LANEWOOD PARTITION. ► (SD3-91E) RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: LOT SIZE AND CONFIGURATION CONFORMS TO R-7.5 ZONE REQUIREMENTS. HILLSIDE PROTECTION ANDEROSION CONTROL: NA EXF9IBIT (SITE RELATIVELY FLAT) (am?) FLOODPLAIN NA A29A2, ACCESS - AN EXISTING ACCESS IS ALREADY IN PLACE UNDER LANEWOOD MINOR PARTITON (SD 3-91E) LANEWOOD IS NOT A COLLECTOR STREET AND « VISIBILITY IS ADEQUATE IN EACH DIRECTION. • * . • SITE CIRCULATION - REQUIREMENTS ARE ACKNOWLEDGED AND THE FLAT SLOPES OF THIS SITE MAKE CONFORMANCE POSSIBLE. a' « NARRATIVE (Cont• . ) Request variance to access standard future partition. Improvements for driveway already in. 11.5' Class I variance • • ?;o access development standard which requires each parcel abVt treet for a minimum 25 feet. Parcel proposed to provide no frontage on Lanewood. Access is proposed to this parcel of a driveway. • • • • • • 'Wn • • • • r • .0,.,1111110.r .r ry: ..rAA 414,111.f rv....IAA 6.VA/%0.V.t.te `,• 1 m err • . SD 4-93NAR 9-93 14 i:11, :,''....''.; .•,. ..7 • REQUEf,T EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AA qq RE VEST This Minor Partition application, including a Class I and Class II Variance, by Bartholomew (Applicant), requests approval for the partitioning of his property to create Frank two (Bart)lots. The narrative portion of this application has been prepared by single- family I�C1unn1)C Associates, Inc.nc (ICAn, EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject property is located on the north side of Lanewood Street, between S.W. Booties Fc and Booncs Way, The property is described as Tax Lot 2600 of Tax Map 2 1 E BD. There i `ry Road a single-family residence on the site, The site is relatively flat, with some deciduous and evergreen gree l trecs. The subject property is 20,388 square feet in size and e has approximately IOS reel of frontage on Lanewood Street, it extends approximately 215 feet north of Lanewood. The site is situated in an area which is primarily developed as single-family residential and adjacent to coi nmercinl fronts S,W, Booncs Ferry Road, The site is zoned R-7,5, Residential - Medium Detnsi(lcvclopment that y. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The proposed partition is to create two lots, The lot sizes created as a result of ,�t�J• approximately 9,762 square feet for Parcel 1 and approximatelythis partition will be is an existing single-family dwelling on Parcel l; a e inglcfanl(ily4dwelling squarc feet for built onf 2.Parcel 2, will be built 2, QUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE This section addresses the three basic areas that this Minor Partition application must , in order to be approved, stle c,c sfully address, ti A. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan B. Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 0 EXHIgI7 C. Compliance with Development Ordinance and Standards ;•� ,) ' A. COMPLIANCE WiTH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - A, L=1-"It' GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLICY ELEMENT The site is located within the urban service boundary. Utility services arc immediate) aVAIIabIC 1wIl111I1 1 • Lanewood Street, Utilities have been extended to the lot adjacent and cast side of extension will service Parcel 2, Lanewood Street provides adequate street transportatin Parcel2'within area. 1 City Police and Fire protection is provided to this area. Lake Oswego School District provides the area. service. :..,:.: ,: fit 1 tnVldeS school a It DATA PROJi;CIP)2.09a Pltls , a 1 y a r • COMMUNITY RESOURCE POLICY ELEMENT0 , , , Natural resources on the site are limited to deciduous and evergreen trees. The proposed Parcel 2 building • pad does not appear to be located where any significant trees are located; therefore, significant trees y should be preserved. No stream channels or wetlands are present. The development is consistent with the social and economic policies of the Comprehensive Plan, LAND USE ACTIVITIES POLICY ELEMENT The proposed development complies with the Comprehensive Plan Residential Land Use PolicyElement, The existing residential character and quality of the neighborhood will ed single-family uses and density is consistent with the existing neighborhood, This proposed The will not adversely affect transportation, development ROLE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY ELEMENT This application process complies with all the roles of government policyelements is . r In summary, this application is believed to be in full compliance with the Lake Oswego Comprehensive p B-oCOMPLIANCE WiTH ZONING ORDINANCE The proposed Minor Partition must meet the requirements of Section 48,195 - t' of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance, The R-7.5 designation requirements shall be adheredot otlduring development, The exceptions to this arc the two requested variances described below, during The parcels being created meet the R-7.5 minimum lot size requirement of 7,500 square feet. Parcel 1 will exceed 9,700 square feet and Parcel 2 will exceed 10,600 square feet. The use will be limi single-family dwellings. Lot width and depth requirements arc adhered to, with the exception of the Parcel 2 lot width at the building line, for which a variance is requested, required setbacks will4. adhered to; buildings will not to exceed 35' in height, and lot coverage will not to exceed 3 5°/0 be y . C. COMPLiANCE WiTH DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE AND STANDARDS • We believe this application to be in compliance with application requirements of Chapter 49, Development • Code,including its general provisions and applicable procedures,with two exceptions for which variances arc being requested. • A summary of the applicability of Development Standards is followed by a narrative, demonstrating this proposal complies with applicable variance criteria and guidelines , that tt;van'rA,rtinJtcros 92.070_tatO .,. ' 4 f : • V• • DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Historic Preservation (Std. 1.005): N/A Building Design (Sid.. 2.005): N/A Stream Condors (Std. 3.005): N/A �F. • Wetlands (SW. 4.005): N/A • •"' Street Lights (Std.5.005) If the minimum level of illumination is deficient on Lanewood Street,adjacent to this proposed development, a street light will be installed on the south side of Lanewood Street. If this is required, the luminare, including protective finish and lamp post material,shall be approved by the City • Manager. If required, the street light may be provided by the property located on the south side of Lanewood Street. Tntnsit (SW. 6.005): N/A Parking (Std. 7.005): Two off-street spaces, not including garage, will be provided for each of the two single-family parcels. Parcel 1, where the existing house is located, currently has two off-street parking spaces adjacent to the cast side of thn house, Park and Open Space (Std. 8.005): N/A Landscaping, Screening and Buffering (Std. 9.005 : N/A• • ' Fences (Std. 10.005): N/A Drainage For Major Development (SW. 11,005): N/A �:. Driainage For Minor Development (Std. 12.005) On-site storm drainage improvements will be provided, . ?. in conformance with City and DEQ standards. Site drainage front parking and roof drains will be provided from each lot to the existing storm drain manhole, at the intersection of Lanewood and Division. '' . Weak Foundation Soils (Std. 13.005): N/A • Utilities (Std. 14.005): All utilities required to service the two parcels are in place, having been constructed under Lanewood Partition SD3-9l E. Residential Density (Section 49.315(14): A. Gross Acreage: 20,388,00 SF Required Private Roadway & Utility Easement: I_567a18 SF (13.5' width x (49,984 66.10' length) 18,820.92 SF II.'DA't`AM1'ttOJEC'1 S'92•090 Pitt' la 4 • rya f� r t� u B. One Existing Dwelling, Min Lot Arca: 7,500,00 SF 11,320,92 SF' r ;• C. Density Transfer Acre Calculation: 0,00 SF D. (B minus C) 11,320.92 SF E. Base Number of Units (11,320.92/7,500) 1.51 Units F. N/A • • G. N/A RESIDENTIAL DENSITY CONCLUSION: O1:e unit allowed in addition to the existing unit. Iiillside Pmtection and Erosion Control (Std. 16.005): N/A. (The site is relatively Bat.) Floodolain (Std. 17.005): N/A Access (Std. 18,005): Access will be off of Lanewood Street for Parcels 1 and 2, The Parcel 1 driveway and Parcel 2 access arc perpendicular to Lanewood Street, which is a residential street, This allows easy movement on and off Lanewood. Sight distance is adequate in both the east and west direction, • Site Circulation- Driveways and Private Stnnets (Std. 19.005): Requirements arc acknowledged, and the minimal slopes of this site make conformance possible. Site Cirrulntion - Bikeways and Walkways (Std. 20.00S): N/A I x y" VARIANCE REQUESTS The City of Lake Oswego Department of Planning and Development has determined that the approval of the two-parcel minor partition is contingent upon the approval of the following variances: a. An 11.5 foot Class 1 (Development code) variance to the Access Development Standard {LODS 18.020(1)}, which requires that each parcel abut a public street for a minimum of 25 feet; and, • b. A 36.5 foot Class II (Zoning Ordinance) variance to the 50 foot minimum lot width at the • building line, required in an R-7.5 Residential zone {LOC 48.210(1)), CLASS I VARIANCE REQUEST Approval of an 11.5 foot Class 1 (Development code) variance to the Access Development Standard (LODS 18.020(1)} is requested, which requires that each parcel abut a public street for a minimum of • `. 25 feet. • H:MATA PttOJt:C'C5 97•090 PItis • • I' I i I . 0. 0.• • Compliance With Applicable Criteria atjd Guidelines • a. The request is necessary to prcvcnt unnecessary hanlship: ` . The variance is necessary to prevent the elimination of the present parking pad for the existing house. The existing house would not have adequate off-street parking without this variance. • Without this variance, reasonable use of Parcel 1, similar to like properties is threatened. The • variance allows the existing residence to remain intact,and development of an additional dwelling that is consistent with surrounding single-family residential development, .• is b. Development consistent with the nequcst will not be injurious to the neighborhood in which the J: • property is located or to property established to be affected by the inquest: Approval of this request will not be injurious to the neighborhood, since this narrower width (or entrance) will not detract from the appearance of the property from the street. 4 i c. The request is the minimum valiance necessary, to make reasonable use of the pmperty: In order to develop the property as two single-family residences, which is consistent with the use • • and scale of the surrounding residential neighborhood, this variance request is the minimum necessary. Minimizing the requested variance (i.e. increasing the width of Parcel 2 where it abuts the strt.et) would sc ^:rely limit reasonable use of Parcel 1. d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan: This request is consistent with all aspects of the Comprehensive Plan, The flagpole portion of • Parcel 2, that the subject of this requested variance, is consistent with the Residential Land Use ' Policy Element of the Comprehensive Plan that states, "Residential streets should be designed to • the minimum scale necessary to function in the specific location, and harmonize with existing streets". • • '.» It••DA°I•A'rttOJE:crs 92•090 Peel' • • • • • •i -�- - - i r. CLASS II VARIANCE REQUEST `*, 0 ' ' Approval of a 36,5 foot Class II (Zoning Ordinance) variance is requested to the 50-foot minimum lot width, at the building line required in an R-7.5 Residential zone {LOC 48,210(1))• Compliance With Applicable Criteria and Guidelines 9) ` -.e a. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship: • f °•': This variance is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship to the existing residence. The existing • house would have to be demolished without this variance. Without this variance, reasonable use similar to like properties is not possible, The variance allows for the existing residence to remain intact and allows development of a single-family residence that is consistent with surrounding single family residential development. b♦ Development consistent with the request will not be injurious to the neighborwod in which the property is located or to property established to be affected by the request The requested variance and subsequent development will not impose ncgntivo physical impacts to the neighborhood, i.e, visual, noise, traffic, increased drainage erosion or landslide hazards, The requested variance and proposed development is consistent with the density of the surrounding residential development; therefore, neighborhood residents and owners will not .perceive negativ: incremental impacts occurring as a result of this variance. FA c. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make marsonablc use of the property: In order to develop the property as two single-family residences, which is consistent with the use and scale of the surrounding residential neighborhood, this variance request is the minimum necessary, Minimizing the requested variance (i,e, increasing the lot width of Parcel 2 at the building line), would severely limit reasonable use of Parcel 1. d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan: This request is consistent with all aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. This flagpole portion of Parcel 2 that is the subject of this requested variance it consistent with the Residential Land Use M'• Policy Element of the Comprehensive Plan that states, "Residential streets should be designed to the minimum scale necessary to function in the specific location, and harmonize with existing • streets'. • • CONCLUSION 4. This concludes discussion of the three primary compliance requirements for this Minor Partition application: Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Development Ordinance and Standards. We have attempted to include the additional information required that was identified in the May 6, 1993 letter• from the City of Lake Oswego, We understand that this application will be considered for approval at a public hearing, before the Development Review Board, on Monday, June 21, 1993. • r' tt:1DATAWROJECT5 92•090.t'ttt' 40 ,�:, • D • • ' ,•;' J ;we• '.. May 28, 1993 PLANNING , CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING MR, MICHAEL R. WHEELER • Associate Planner ,MA�lr 2 8 1953 a • Department of Planning and Development KAMPE ASSOCIATES City of Lake Oswego3990 S.W.COLLINS 380 "A" Avenue 209 KRUSE PARK BUILDING Lake Oswego, OR 97034 IA OSWEGO,OREGON 9 035 (503)63535.62• 91•FAX(503)635.5480 Re; Minor Partition and Variance Applications; Tax Lot 2600 of Tax Map 2 IE 8BD; r 5 SC)EXHIt3IT SD 4-93NAR 9-93 C ,• '. Dear Mike: • - 44 1 o4a2t=1 d', The above-referenced application was originally received by the City of Lake Oswego,on April 19 The City requested additional information, which was submitted May 14, 1993, The p ' 1no3 requesting more information, described below. With this additional information, City staff will review now the application to determine whether it is complete, It is our understanding that the additional information V �, '` you requested on May 19, 1993, is the only additional information the City stab' hasdeterminedi necessary to complete the application, This understanding is based upon your May 19, 1993 tter and our discussion conducted May 24, 1993, • • Additional Information Reguestetl } Your May 19, 1993 letter stated that the application must include a comparison to "like • properties", necessary to demonstrate what constitutes "reasonable use" of the property, These comparisons should ` • address the reduced frontage on a public street and the reduced width of Parcel 2 at the building line. The letter requests that an actual sample of properties be assembled, in order to demonstrate constitutes "reasonable use"of the site. This demonstration should rely upon factual analysis of properties what and conclude as to what constitutes "reasonable use",• p perties 4 Section 49,510(2)D,of the City of Lake Oswego Development Ordinance and Standards, r M prior variances shall not be considered by the granting authority, Therefore, please note that this s is that pr a "factual analysis", as requested by City staff, It is not intended to be an analysis of prior • variances allowed in the neighborhood and, in fact, we do not have knowledge of prior variances allowed for properties", with one exception, these "like • •• Comnanson of "Like P mneNics" { This comparison,or"factual analysis"of"like properties",includes 10 propczlies located within 2/1 (1,056 feet) of the subject property, A Statistical Analysis and Diagram of"Like Pro c geon mile the • " • r following two pages. This information was assembled from review of the City of Lake Oswego zoning 4 , map,review of subdivision plats,and tours of the neighborhood, The Statistical Analysis compares public •street frontage widths, ' parcel widths at the building line, zoning, the original parcel square footage prior to a partition of land, and the current parcel square footage, We have assumed the original parcel configurations, and approximated current parcel square footage, The Diagram shows the location of the "like ++ p�'operties on a Neighborhood Map and parcel configurations, You will notice an extraordinary "likeness"amongst this request and the existing neighborhood parcels, This "likeness" .' statistics analyzed, and in the parcel configurations, "l�kcncss occurs in location, U:193-0991WI IE RLE IL LET • • a ✓` . STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF "LIKE PROPERTIES" •R v SD•4.93NAR 9-93 PUBLIC STREET WIDTH @ BUILDING LINE . FRONTAGE Current Min. Min. Orig. Parcel Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Parcel "• Y Sq. ,. Address Req. Actual Duff. Req. Actual Duff. Zoning Sq. FL* Ft.**. ,'... t 1. Parcel 2 Request 25' 13.5'*** 11.5' 50' 13.5'*** 36.5' R-7.5 20,400 10,640 ' 2. 3765 Lanewood Street 25' 13.5' 11.5' 50' 13.5' 36.5' R-7.5 19,600 10,200 3. 15707 Boones Way 25' 15.0' 10.0' 50' 15.0' 35.0' R-7.5 16,650 9,600 4. 15699 Boones Way 25' 10.0' 15.0' 50' 10.0' 40.0' R-7.5 37,500 7,500 , 5. 15695 Boones Way 25' 10.0' 15,0' 50' 10.0' 40,0' R-7.5 37,500 7,500 a ` ' ' • 6. 15691 Boones Way 25' 10.0' 15,0' 50' 10.0' 40.0' R-7.5 37,500 7,500 . ' r 7. 3504 Red Cedar Way 25' 25.0' 0.00' 65' 25.0' 40.0' R-10 23,00() 12,700 ,.7 8. 3501 Lanewood Street 25' 25,0' 0,00' 65' 25,0' 40,0' R-10 40,600 17,000 9. 3502 Lanewood Street 25' 25,0' 0.00' 65' 20.0' 45,0' R-10 40,600 10,000 10. 3159 Douglas Circle 25' 25.0' 0,00' 65' 25,0' 40.0' R-10 63,000 22,000 * Assumption ** Approximate i,- *** Requested Refer to Diagram of"Like Properties" on the following page, 4. ' N1 2 8 101 . , , , 4• 4. . a• :' 1" ' U• '�. ,'� ,�.: _ •. V, •1 !, gyp... • D GRAM OF LIKE PROPERTIES" • SD 4-93/VAR 9-93 u' .. I J FiEDQAR WAV�,• ..� N. 6 . mi..._ ,. lITOTA3i.AfiAfVAY, I .' .. ',,,. .1b1 ` � ••' a . ... . . ; 5 �; s n.s ( , i 2 -5 ..r.rr 1ANE"v . . . 04457./,-7 , . I ::7--\10 • .47 we . E imC 1 . i /0 4 N O N�opMFt�o� MAP re SUBJECT SITE North Parcel Plans ,. , : . . .... 0' 100t I _„ .._ _ Refer to Previous Page L for Statistical Comparison 8 4, . . CM fN:Mtueq 4 ' - WnfuMn+O .P. `' 9 wvvlPE ASSOCIATES P �L rr+uan rHc iusq L.. 10 P`1 n7 Wi"M'KKµ1�5�Up A1lp , •r n sj. ��,w 1 2 ,1 1+wnaern, •aY t'+�!ri t' 617N93 • ` ' • V • Minimum Variances Necessary • We have been asked to demonstrate that the variance requested is the minimum necessary to make "reasonable use" of the property. To "minimize the variance" beyond that which we arc requesting is to widen the Parcel 2 public street frontage and width at the building line to something greater than the 13,5 feet we are requesting. Widening would have a significant negative impact upon Parcel 1, where the existing residence is located. Widening the Parcel 2 frontage would place the property line extremely close to the existing house and driveway. This would have a negative impact on the resident of Parcel 1. Furthermore, there is absolutely no value to the community, the neighborhood,or the future Parcel 2 resident for having a wider street frontage or width at the building line. This is substantiated by the surrounding "like properties" in the neighborhood that have similar street frontage and building line widths. In fact, some existing properties in the neighborhood have smaller widths than this request and these properties clearly demonstrate "reasonable use". • ' Conclusion • .y, ',•• The only practical way to partition this property is the way in which we are requesting, The Comparison of"Like Properties" supports our request and demonstrates "reasonable use" of the subject site. • The configuration and dimension of the property indicate the practical and only reasonable • way to partition the land is to create a "north parcel" and a "south parcel". It is reasonable 4 • to provide access to the "northern parcel" (Parcel 2) on the cast edge of the property to take t advantage of an existing drive and to locate the flag portion of Parcel 2 as far away from the existing Parcel 1 house as possible. • • The size of the existing property enables the property to be divided into two parcels that both are greater than the minimum 7,500 square feet required in a R-7,5 district. This is consistent 1 : with the neighborhood and surrounding "like properties". In fact, the requested parcels will . be closer to meeting the R-10 minimum 10,000 square foot area. •y . • This request for single family residences is in accordance with uses allowed in an R-7.5 zoning district and is consistent with existing surrounding neighborhood uses, • The request for a variance to public street frontage is similar to several properties in the ' immediate neighborhood as demonstrated in the Comparison of "Like Properties", This proposed public street frontage is actually wider than some existing properties have. This is an indicator of"reasonable use" of the property, ,'• • The request for a variance to the lot width at the building line is similar to several properties in the immediate neighborhood as demonstrated in the Comparison of"Li�.e Properties". This proposed width at building line is actually wider than some existing properties have. This is another indicator of"reasonable use" of the property. « 1 y/ ' t1•193.099\wiEELER.LET M,,`,' 2 8 107 A. ' . 1 • ,. • 1' V y- rI,. 1 t ,•1 In summary, this Comparison of "Like Properties" proves that this request is very consistent with the existing neighborhood uses and parcel configurations, This neighborhood appears to be well-established and very stable. This is partially a result of "reasonable use" of the land. This minor partition request • is consistent with neighborhood development. Therefore, it will enhance the development pattern and contribute to the stability of the neighborhood. • This second request for additional information has extended the approval process, We now understand that,upon determination by City staff that this application is complete,this application will be considered U{ at the July 7, 1993 Development Review Board Agenda. <,, Very truly yours, �. KAMPF ASSOCIATES, INC. t / .fr4.M,;.;,..,./.'tt Al.., ,-.' • • Larry B. Lewis, AICP • Director of Planning + LBL;wbp i. m , U;193•D991WIHEELEkLLET •+• t • ; W_ t�fit" i EN 1 A(I VE PLAN F°Oi. A PARTITION F'1 i1 i .�1 / OF PAC�CL`I. 1, PA( '11TIE�N PLAT 1l)11', S', v' LOCATF 0 IN THE: Sou THEAST QUART of Le / RED t,LDAF� WAr / 11iF NORT'HWE'vq QI IAR 1FR (V.' k.rt"TIc IN ;' •t a. T.25., P,.1r , W.M,, c'TY Or LAKE- OSW1 ',r, , d 1 c Nc1rE., L_ACKAMA COUNTY, RE G(:N . :r I. PRE(;ENT ?ONE R-7.5 4o- N . Lu 2. HABITABLE STRUCTURE PROPOSED ON Iw PARCEL 2 WILL CONFORM TO THE CONDITIONS N.O S O SET ` o o � to FORTH IN SOLAR ACCESS DESIGN STANDARD:, I Lb LANEWOOG ST. SECTION 75,020, d, _a3. PARCEL 2 WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE RECORDED 1.7 VICINI g i MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT f OR THE COMMON DI IV( WA'r. NOT TO SCALE 3, THE FLAGPOLE PORTION O PARCEL 2 IS DESI( NAT(D I • PRIVATE ROADWAY AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT'', DAY CARE! OWNER: FRANK W. DARTIIOLOMCW CENTER I 1573 VI(_W LAKE COURT PH: ;?').S 2205 Lc, n Co ch c' 90,68' SURVEYOR: B.A. SU I IUN SURVEY t;0 7" i II I14448 ':,F `,TARi PORTLANtl, oR G723398'n0927. 2 gfi;52 12' — -- : r � ;Ul .,,_ �l d EXH I IT q %gr76 4-iq7r 7.Ia• `U9s6.dslnj \ . 97 7e ,.. . , 40 , \ I Lir-- , .. , .. ,, . a ( laX.:ISTER El) .I f '(�'OE ;�;IONII I' int. 2 — CJI f � L) , ) vt f�\ 10,644 7 n8.0F, r. ' ' J \ 0.64 F FXWIhT4;" ' 39e3E ' s ,4 r r9N,ta / it II Y 1 1ry�ry I r v � 098,25 u• t, \ y1 __ / • :\' 21 5l AN +rUAti \\ • ';WOOD • FOUNDATIONII I • 1I II 05ltL \ 1� �I I '24.001 --------- g... i \ � 'AP e �. I ) .._._ L_ . i . ,,, , ,,,,, a' 1I '~' t..... . "� / PAR .LL I I HID `r'nI E I" �tl' , ..:, y1>ryb L 10 ty t, MOW 7.( {'26"1 f1LI7 a ) OI� NC t11,l/I1'1.+9Cr' - .r :�. I t't�E. ` • , ...�. i 12 ♦✓' a •� r .'^'11J I ) "�...- ,+..a: 1 tl(p T.sit � ..L i' )8 1 j r C! . i i IE,.,. , r yJ 51 ,h(i 1y - x. UUILDIP r� ''' vh aE (l5/\t p, AN,/ 98.11 in PRoPo'i"' .� • 3. W LANLWUOU :;TREF,r v .ED HIM t11Nc; (IPJF 6� • - '.` rr10j..�....• a_.. �..a...yti,tl. b.._a. 1,y„ GIc•.ICiIotr, TOLE wilt] ' I • ` • r ,19 !'1!1 03 • T1R j`t \. • `ry ,v f E VI f (,H( LN Wt.( WI 11) .,I/( I I { - �yv.mow.-..n.t.._....a»s.•.nr�mxm.—. c c.:=+u.u.�-roo-1 sa: .. \i)4" - vc ♦ r 'j } - a I a lY • • NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING • 1 4 MEETING HELD APRIL 8, 1993 7:05 PM TILL *:25 PM OVER PROPOSED MINOR PARTITION OF 3797 LANEWOOD. ALL PRESENT: 1) BART BARTHOLOMEW (OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY) 2) NEIGHBORS ATTENDING: t 4`. A) RON DERSEY B) MITCH ELLISON 'APR 1 9 1993 C) VAHE ARAHEELIAN D HOWARD SH4PIRO }. R CONERNS BROUGHT UP: MITCH ELLISON & VAHE ARAHEELIAN WANTED TO KNOW IF BUILDING SITES U IMPROVEMENTS WERE APPROVED FOR BUILDING44014se!30 STAFF REPORT SD-3-91 E WAS GIVEN TO THEM. HOWARD SHAPIRO: WANTED TO SEE THE PLAT, AND HE HAD A QUESTION ABOUT TRAFFIC. HIS CONCERN WAS ABOUT THE CHANGE T.V.B.S. WAS PLANNING AND HE WANTED TO SEE HOW OUR DRIVEWAYS & FUTURE HOME WOULD LOOK. A PLAT FROM MY SURVEYOR, BERNIE SUTTON WAS PASSED OUT. NORMAL CONCERNS ABOUT FLAG LOTS WERE DISCUSSED. THEY WERE GLAD TO KNOW ALL MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS (UTILITIES) WERE FINISHED. COPIES WERE GIVEN ON FUTURE HOUSES GOING IN. ` COPIES GIVEN OR SHOWN TO ALL PRESENT: 1 ) STAFF REPORT = SD-3-91-E a • y • 2) BERNIE SUTTON SURVEY OF 4 LOTS & FUTURE 2 LOTS 3) COPIES WERE SHOWN OF THE 3 HOUSES GOING IN. 4) DON MURRAYS ENGINEERING REPORTS WERE SHOWN ( inclusive all improvements) TALKED TO DAVE SCHMIERBACH OVER THE PHONE AND SENT HIM COPY OF SITE IMPROVEMENT & 3793 LANEWOOD SURVEYED PARTITION. 6 V+A I•prt,0/444 r La 161- �s►-wt I'V��Fc� h k�v h e 4)0 4S, id EXHIBIT • ti 7 604-53 cr ti=+3 W✓ . AIPPI[Iall'g'k . L. HIBIT 9 t 0,.A•!' ''141:,?0j • ; 'f: OP0'. !•O'.';:> (-3; ''iO. 61 \ L.O T 6 y. O R` FOUND 1-1/4" IRON PIPE �' 1 Qip g p,rtq..q HELL) FOR NW CORNER Lc• LOT 2, BLOCK 3 r .'OLENTHER'S LAKE J ' 1ROIF HCAIES" FOUND I•/2' .R, r,A,- (O.S'S, 0r2'E) TRUE POINT OF dF.C,NNI:,O • J S 89'44'55" E • 181,36' Iiii / ,- 30. 1 FOUND 3 4" IRON PIPS 90.68' 90,68' `, hEi.D FOR hE CORhEk SCALE �992 F 2 ' LOT 2, BLOCK 3 JOB NO. 9?.C58 F G',ENTHER'S LAKE 'oi , GROre HOAIF.S" ,r NOTES: r • rU u c.' THE CONSTRUCTION ACj• r;TRIJGTURES ON THE SI"' FRIENDLY VEGETATION, Mu' ' h,b PARCEL 2 0 ,.. TI{r SOl AR BALANCE POI oiri 10,864 SO c; of Y ORDINANCE. THIS NOTE •° '' - c 0 864 ,0, , n - i,' BY THE CITY OF LAKE 0: -"` .. FOUND 5/5 -' •PARTITION PLAT w INCH R0. KQb p� V" 2 THE PRIVATE ROADWA ., W i,rAM ✓Nf: ) I £ , I J,rE OF PARCEL 2 AND ' N 't''. �, •cr ^L.: I'iiii E PARTITIONING OF A 0 UNDERGROUND PUBLIC Li' r " FOUND 5'8; , I. N43,79 23.60_ S 89•44'SS K / PARCEL 1 ti' -� , INCH IRON R.,0 I W; s .Or,' rA 1 CTAK YPC 20,388 SQ. FT rt I 1N ` .. { 0,468 ACRES t., ' \ a b i. 0: r,..'• I CERTIFY THAT TI- m ,3 0' a 0 t.t y to. w EXACT COPY OF ' ` w 'rr Mp_W ifi 6tfiP �K , • : `, •� 1Y, PARCEL 3 'a)) a C 4; ;, 4 N a /,T O" SO. FT 1n a „`, APPROVALS: 1"I w,Lmi „� 0.177 ACPr.S O o m r o I 0, 0 ., to atrG'itfl/EO TH'S �._ is M I v.,L ° 1 tDI '' 1 in n ,t ! N ?f, 1 ,1 y. ..1 I , , I' 4 _.)FP'-..•. o 0a r-FFOUND 5/8 • :f,»p' w 13.50'+:SC' ' INCH ;ROF, 'C' .I'�' OF AKr orIEiC e 4 QG.9. 6".00 ,5/ OTA,‘ CPC 1,,.fit.f. ACV', A'."_+ -IE'.; 1 N 99'45'I3" K 180.98' 1 41�, 4F•f'Ftt'JI') "Hv 9-t 5 k ¢. l . _ FC'i'UJ) 33 4" +art, i,,/,, rALF(�t a PJS rt 7 ," „r1, OAR LANEWOOD STREET (Co. RD. NO, 2151) HE'-' 'f'" �'' cC"''F« r•,.: ' R SW CORNER a • LOT 2, cif C,LK 3 i ' 'O "GUE ` BLOCK 1 N N NTHFrt'S ...Kt. `."'t4tR'S LAKE.- ' cV GP,'`Jr: HObit'.S" !;� ' I , Alp$" •+ I. '� O ' _ i t J 0. - STATE OF OREGON r C- ; ;.ARE: G OC^ /i "��.T i'.O. ?:S 0�v, COUNTY OF CLACKAMAG LEGEND: DO HEREBY CERT1F/ -HA" RECEIb>~b FOR RECORD Ot. o '4"': M N' 1, AS SH�.J{. PROFESSIONAL AT_.=__ �. o'cLbCK V LAND SURVEYOR Penn N°. • • SrT 5%8 'NCH BY 30 INCH RCN Rt1l W1-I "SURVEYOR • •E. SOW P. L,"V. ",;AP MARKED CRLGC". t.3 1848 ,/ 52 C(07P` /�F3' _ .. /z-3hy CLACY,AI.IA5 COLFr', ~ ^.v rr A';"r; °At. OREOON BERNII D t�i:t�.atYTPON d'' " r._..RI+C 11. E Ltl u." P.", PR`A"F K;�JAAI A14140 Dept,,, r.ASFMFNT • , 1r STAFF AFF REPORT F LAKE os wEG0 CITY .0 • . . ... ... . . • , ,• LAND l)EVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION- . • .. APPLICANT: FILE NO,: V.. Roberta Giesea SD 3-91\VAR 3-91 PROPERTY : STAFF: Roberta Giesea Barbara Smolak LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 2600 of April 16, 1991 Tax Map 2 1E 8BD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: LOCATION: Lake Grove On the north side of Lanewood between Boones Fe and Boones Way y ZONING DESIGNADQN.; COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: R-7.5 R 7.5 ' 11 EXHIBIT • r 69 s) . 4` SD 4 VArt a-93 • I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval for a 3 lot minor partition and an 11.5 ft. Class I Variance to the Access Develop:'nent Standard which requires that each parcel abut a public street for a minimum of 25 feet. . y . IL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of LakP1 Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.195-48,225 R7.5 Zone Description (set-backs, lot area, lot coverage) LOC 48,535(4) Special Street Setbacks • 13. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards ?', LOC 49,140 Minor Development LOC 49,220-49.210 Minor Development Procedures • SD 3--91/VAR 3-91 ' • Page 1 of 9 r. y LOC 49.215 LOC 49.215 Authority of City Manager LOC 49.500 Criteria for Approval LOC 49.510 Variances; Classifications Variance Standard C. 5.005 —5.040 Sweet Lights 7.005—7.040 Parking&Loading Standard 10.005 — 10.040 Fences 12.005— 12.040 Drainage Standard for Minor Development ` 14.005— 14.040 • Utility Standard p t • 13.005 — 18.040 a 19.005— 19.040 Access Standard 20 005— 040 Site Circulation —Private Streets/Driveways Site Circulation —Bikeways/Walkways - D. Citysz>`Lake Ocwuojllt2Lehensiv. a Plan: Urban Service Boundary Policies General Policy III Impact Management Policies • General Policy II, Specific Policy 3 • Wildlife Habitat Policies General Policy I,II Distinctive Natural Area Policies General Policy I Energy Conservation Policy General Policy II Transportation Policy t : General Policy IV �itv of . k �a e wgn Oe e ar Accc„ Or . . inane; • SO I E. • LOC 57.005—57.135 r F. �ity of L w ake O� P Tree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55.010—55.130 , III. EINDIN S. A, Existing onditions• 1, The total site is composed of 39,894 square feet in a rectangular config uration. • 2. The site is located on the north side of Lanewood between Boones Ferry and Boones Way, Lanewood is a paved road with no sidewalks or curbs, 3, An existing single family residence and parking pad are located on Lot 1 as the Site Plan (Exhibit 3), shown on 4. An 8" sanitary sewer line is located in Lanewood Street, 0 W r SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 • • Page 2 of 9 . • .. .. ,.. � _. _ ` ,.± •. y .., A \. ,., �' `''. �p. . , .. .fir 1f • 5. An 8" water line is located in Lanewood Street, 6. A fire hydrant is located at the southwest corner of Lanewood Street and Boones Ferry Road. 7. The site is heavily treed and relatively flat in nature. B. Proposal; The applicant is proposing to create three parcels from a 39,894 sq, ft. lot. The parcels • are proposed to be as follows: • Parcel 1 20,202 sq. ft. Parcel 2 11,091 sq. ft. Parcel 3 7,696 sq. ft. There is a 5 ft. dedication to S.W. Lanewood totaling approximately 905 sq, ft. The applicant is also requesting an 11.5 ft. Class 1 variance to the Access Development p • Standard which requires that each parcel abut a street for a minimum of 25 feet. Parcel 2 is proposed to provide no frontage on Lanewood Street. Access is proposed to this parcel . by way of a driveway. C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615, staff must consider the following criteria when evaluating minor development.• 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of'documents marked as exhibits, accompanying this report. 2. For any development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: • a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable policy groups are: Urban Service Boundary Policies • These policies require the City to manage and phase urban growth within the Urban •• Service Boundary, with a logical planned extension of basic services, Specific Policy 5, which is used as a guide in interpreting the meaning of the General Policy, states that new development shall be serviced by an "urban level" of services, including schools. •This specific policy also states that these services are to be available or committed prior , r,; to approval of development, Exhibit 4 (the City Council memorandum of October 17, • 1989) demonstrates that the current level of school planning and coordination between • the City and School District satisfy this General Policy. The passage of the 17 million y; dollar school levy on November 7, 1989 further assures adequate school facilities, �' • ti •' . . 40, . • SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 ` Page 3 of 9 • ,l , ' +F n - ' S. ' I1Ilpact Management Poli i These policies require protection of natural resources from development, comprehensive " review of development proposals, and payment of p public facilities. These policies are implemented through severalll Development are of ts of 0 ,, d Standards, addressed further below. The policies require assurance that distinctive areas will bW preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees be protected from removal, • streams be preserved and that density be limited to achieve these results. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assure compliance. Wildlif Natgiat Poli i s • These policies require protection of upland habitat in the form of preserved open space, natural vegetation or fragile slopes. The related development standards are reviewed in this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies, i •snnctiv�Naharal Ar a Polici t • These policies require the City to preserve tree distinctive. These policies are imlen anted through LOC Chapter 55, the Treea Cutting Ordnance. The provisions of this ordinance are reviewed in this report following an analysis of the applicable Plan policies, Energy_Conservation Poli i c These policies encourage energy conservation through solar orientation and site plannigilk which takes into account the site's natural features. These policies are now im lementc, through the City's Solar Access Ordinance (LOC Chapter 57) which will be reviewed • later in this report. fit_nsportp lici These policies require that streets be improved as planned when demand requires. The policies also require that a developer be required to dedicate additional right—of—way as necessary to provide for widening. These policies are implemented in part through LOC 535(4), Special Streets Setbacks. The applicant will be required to dedicate 5' of right-- of—way along the site's frontage of Lanewood Street: I b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. Zoning lP Q°',1t]1ments and Analy�i The site is zoned R 7,5 which requires a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq, ft. per dwelling • unit;required minimum lot width at the building lines is 50 ft.; required minimum lot depth is 100 ft. [LOC 48,210(1)1 Maximum lot coverage allowed in the zone is 35% (interior lot) or 40% (corner lot) [LOC 48.225(1)]. The maximum height in the zone is ,'.,• • 35 ft. [LOC 48,220]. The setback requirements can be met for the three parcels, Review • of height for any new structure will occur during the building permit review process, r '- • • SD 3-91/VAR 3_91 • Page4of9 • The zone requires the following minimum setbacks: ` Front yard: 20 ft. ii Rear yard: 25 ft. Side yard: 5 ft. The applicant proposes the parcels to be the following sizes: Parcel 1 20,202 Parcel 2 11,091 Parcel 3 7,696 The applicant's proposal complies with all the applicable zoning requirements. LOC 48.535(4), Special Street Setbacks, requires a 25 foot setback measured from the center of the right—of—way of Lanewood Street. The existing right—of—way provides 20 feet • from centerline. The setback will result in 5' of dedication of needed ri ht—of—w + comply with the Utility Standard. This will be required as a condition of approval, if , granted. 12evelonment Code jaztuirmraisinci.Allaly.sis A •• r This application is appropriately being processed as a minor development, Other than the applicable development standards and the Class I variance, there are no additional Code requirements unique to the site or the proposal. The applicant is requesting approval of a Class I variance to the Access Development Standard which requires that each parcel abut a street for a minimum of 25 feet. V As per LOC 49.500(1), the staff must consider the following criteria when evaluatinga request for a Class I variance: : ;' a. The request is necessary to prevent unnecessary hardship; The applicant indicates that the variance is necessary to prevent the elimination of the present parking pad for the existing house, which would then leave the existing house without adequate off—street parking. The applicant is also trying to preserve as many trees as possible in the central area of the tax lot and a wider road would destroy many more trees than the current proposal, b. Development consistent with the request will not be injurious to the neighborhood in which the property is located or to property established to be ' affected by the request; Approval of this request would not be injurious to the neighborhood ince more trees would be saved by allowing a narrwer entrance to her ear lot.sThis narrower entrance will also enhance the appearance of the property from the street, , c. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the • property; In order to develop the property and preserve as many trees as possible by allowing `1 a narrower driveway this variance is the minimum necessary to make reasonable use of the property, : SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 Page 5 of 9 i r'V • ' •• • • d. The request is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal does not conflict with the policies reviewed earlier in this report. I. ' • .' ' , Access to the proposed site will be provided by way of a 13.5 ft. private driveway.#4t P eway, its •V L'eSs OrftinnnrP T? The construction of a dwelling or accessory structures on the site, or the planting of non— solar friendly vegetation, must comply with LOC 57.050—57.090, the Solar Balance Point provisions of the Solar Access Ordinance. All three lots proposed in this development because of on Solar Access Standards, orientation and depth meet the Tree (''nt 'nsr t7rr�;n� r c QL111ement. and _mot Tlzis ordinance is intended to preserve trees. It implements the Wildlife Habitat, ' • Protection Open Space Policies. Only those trees which must be removedbztat, and proposed improvements will be in order to site • granted tree cutting Permits. A tree survey is not required in an application for a minor partition, but is necessary meet the requirements of the Tree Cutting Ordinance, The applicant has provided SSary to survey, illustrated on the site planP a tree dwellings so as to minimize te number(Exhibit e removed compliance position proposed 55.080(2). This will be required as a condition of this action, if approved.with LOC PP � ' ' c. The applicable Development Standards t 4 • ,Street Liaht� f5,=„(x,Q_5 040) The applicant is proposing a street light on the south side of • requirements of the standard. Lanewood Street to meet the Paa'k' and ailing (7 00_S "j1040) G This standard requires that each single family dwelling provide two off—streete parking 1 , spaces in addition to a garage or carport. The applicant is proposing two parkings for each lot created. paces � , Ee tillaQQ�_ 1_0 040) • Fences are not a part of this proposal, Any fences that may be constructed at must comply with this standard. a later date i " This standard requires that drainage alterations, includingnew �1,.' adversely affect nei hborin , , development, not • ,g g properties, Compliance with this standard will be required y' upon application for a building permit for each of the proposed parcels, The proposed storm drain line in Lanewood is to be a public facility desi ned standards, and approved by the Cityg and built to City • prior to construction. It will be required to connect to the existing storm drain manhole at the intersection of Lanewood and Division rathe than the existing catch basin as proposed, F'• 3-91/VAR 3-91 • Page 6 of 9 ` Ili .. . . p. • ' Utility Standard (14.005 — 14.0401 1,.....,.. , .. ":,. 0 This standard requires that infrastructure improvements be installed underground, where possible. The applicant is proposing two additional sewer hookups from the two proposed lots across private easements to the public sewer in Lanewood Street. The standard also requires necessary right—of—way to be dedicated when utilities and related facilities need to be provided. Five feet of additional right—of--way should be provided to meet the future right—of—way needs of Lanewood Street. Access Standard (18.005 — 18.040) This standard requires that each parcel abut a public street for at least 25 feet. Lots 1 and 3 will comply with this standard. A Class I variance has been requested for Lot 2, which was reviewed earlier in this report. Site circulation —Priyarr� 4trPprcmrivP ys. (19 nnK ion.40� This standard requires that driveways for single family dwellings not exceed 20% grade ' nor 5% cross slope, The relatively flat nature of the site will enable compliance with this standard. Site Circulation—Bikeways/Walkways (20.005 —20.040) ' This standard is applicable to all major developments. Although this request is not considered a major development,Lanewood is on the City's Master Pathway Plan. The '`' c' conditioning language of LOC 49.620 creates the authority to require right—of—way and to require pathway construction or a deposit to allow its future construction. As such the applicant will be required to deposit an amount, to be determined by the City Engineer, for construction of a future pathway along Lanewood, This will be a condition of approval and required prior to final plan approval. d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS There are no such plans which affect this site, C. Conclusion: , Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposal • complies with or can be made to comply with all applicable criteria. . III. ACTION TAKEN The staff approves the proposed minor partition, subject to the following conditions: 1, A final plan (as depicted in Exhibit 3) shall be submitted to City staff for revi‘ and signature of approval within one year of the date of this decision. Upon written application, prior to expiration of the one year period, the City Manager shall, in writing, grant a one year extension, Additional extensions may be requested in writing and must • be submitted to the City Manager for review of the project for conformance with current law, development standards and compatibility with development which may have occurred in the surrounding area, The extension mayoeifgranted, maybe to require modification to bring grantedoje into denied and with tn • project compliance : conditionedq � modification the ro'ect with then • • current law and compatibility with surrounding development. • 2, The final plan shall be registered with the Clackamas County Surveyor's office and recorded with Clackamas County Clerk's office. SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 ` • a• Page 7 of 9 . • . M• I y P I . , . 3. Legal descriptions (metes and bounds) to be specified on legal instruments for title v transfer for recording with Clackamas County Clerk's Office, shall be provided to City f staff for review. Actual recording shall not be a condition of approval of this decision. • ' . However, when recorded the instruments for both parcels shall reference this land use application —City of Lake Oswego Land Development Services Division,File No. SD 3-91/VAR 3-91. 4. Evidence of the above to be provided to the Public Works and Development Services , Department prior to the issuance of building permits requested subsequent to the date of this approval. 5. The City shall allow the removal of only those trees necessary to site a dwelling or accessory structure on Tax Lot 2600. This removal shall comply with LOC 55.050— 55.080 (Tree Cutting Ordinance). The appliceant a tree the location, type and diameter of all treesP n excess of Sr inches on each adjustedillustrating in application for each building permit requested subsequent to this approvl parcel Development on each adjusted parcel shall avoid as many trees as possible throw' g h prudent site planning. The applicant shall identify groups of trees and design the driveway to protect these groups of trees. 6. The applicant shall dedicate 5 feet along the frontage of Lanewood Street for future right—of—way Purposes. 7. The applicant shall construct half street improvements including sidewalks in Lanewood. The design shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to construction. All public improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits. 8, The final plan shall indicate the location and width of all utility easements necessary toal, .' ',.,. serve Lots 2 and 3. 9. The proposed storm drain line in Lanewood is to be a public facility designed and built to City Standards, and approved by the City Engineer prior to construction, It will be ;• required to connect to the existing storm drain manhole at the intersection of Lanewood ' and Division, , 10. The following note shall appear on the final plan: Lots 1, 2 and 3 are Solar Lots. Development of structures and planting of non--exempt t +, vegetation shall comply with the Solar Balance Point Provisions of the Solar Access Ordinance (LOC 57.050—57.090). This requirement shall be binding upon the applicant and subsequent purchasers of Lots 1, 2 and 3, 1 I, The applicant shall deposit an amount, to be determined by the City Engineer, for a future pathway along Lanewood. This will be required prior to final plan approval, p ,, • , l 0 „,.. . b. SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 . Page 8 of 9 • in . ,..1 .;i • • Prepared by: •r9 r' .:''', . 0 . 0...tirX'A....L,es.(4, I. / 1i� i �gi BARBARA SMOLAK Dae Associate Planner Approved by: • __A eet-'44 __ /77/ ROBERT GALANTE Date • Senior Planner Reviewed by: it I. =',�ti-t c"am-J C.� CINDY PHILLIPS J Date Deputy City Attorney ' I h EXHIBITS r_ 1. Tax Map 2, Applicant's Narrative (Minor Partition and Class I Variance) 3, Site Plan 4. Council's Memorandum Regarding Schools,dated September 18, 1990 ` BS/ts isD91.,i • • I •% Y • 0 111•• I • SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 Page9of9 • •• r J•-�� - ,a ` o, `� PROPS MR PAR11110N \ 88.78 92.62' "'I ft OF LOY 2, BLOCK J WEATHERS LAKE GROW HOMES IN THE 18" SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC 8, T.2S., R.1E, W.M,, LAKE OSWEGO, $2. 012• Q12• LOT 2 CLACKAMAS COUNTY OREGON • (TAX LOT 2800, 2 IE BBD? • . 'IT" NOTES 0.25 acres I.PRESENT ZONE R-7.5 ' t 0 4 C)t2• 1 Si12• Z HABITABLE CONFORM TO THE CONDITIONSt FOOSED URTH IN SOLAR ACCESS `a7h DESICH STANDARDS SEC1ON 75.020.ITEM 3. t•=', # 3. THESE STRUCTURES WALL BE PLACED ON THE LOTS IN SUCH ©•LIMP HOUSE A 24" 0 A FASHION AS TO REQUIRE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT of Ira RE]IOVAL P0557DLE • '�0 �8• g4k1 , 4. THE PROPOSED DRIVEWAYS FOR LOTS 2 AND 3 WILL BE PLACER 9N SUCH A FASHION AS TO 81PACT THE LEAST NUMBER OF TREES ' • ;1: 96 POSSIBLE .* 6 8" 5. 1HE DRIVEWAY FOR THE MEAT Of d 8" EASEMENT Wf1H LOT 1 ANDLOT 2 MILL MARE A uUTUAL 9' LOT 1 6 18�8. iM • I ACCESS FOR THE FUTURE PAg11ip LOTIONS TQ ALLOW 20,202 sq. k. \ u•� r^� 1 0.LAYS 1 AND 2 DE SUB�ECT TO A RE MUTUAL MAINTENANCE 0.46 acres At # "2,�8• * 6• PROPOSED AatFt]JEHT FOR SAID DRIVEWAY. � 2. • �„ 0 8. STRUCTURES • �� fa GI7L.•✓•. ©In. _©78.53' ,.' (lukrtml0.errrt�rna�IIllI io -�- R ` 15�MOUE-it(T� o © N4 \ 0 d 0" B" Q 6• 8" 9� N \ r» �= L:� L07 3 Q err *it 7,698 sq. ft.... -" 12. coNcoMt+ERAPPUGAVT: JAN 1 6 1991 • e 24.26' SLAB ��, ` �y pa. �►: Roe A CIESEA mu, sY 2p1• 07 al S W.ME toya0oR.. SUITE 151 D.A SUTTON SURVEY CO. WOOD lI 1 7 " al 0511EC0. OR 07035 13213 S. E HAY/D10RNE CT. `' FRAME ?� PHONE a84-4744 PORTLAND. °REGION 27233 HOUSE �Ir 6" 8NII Dir PHONE: 254-R779 '' • 6 24,00' (EXISTING) 1 �-)111! • Q - 0...N SCALE 1%.30' COST'NG DRIVEWAY•-^ 101 j• x JANUARY 14, 1991 • 1." i' 4,.. • Al2" PROPOSED OVERSIZED CATCH BASIN 9 B"7 ' *I? PROPOSED DRIVEWAY I I 25'RESERVE STRIP 8• 0 .. • N i 1on.7z' 50 * 1. �I►R1�7R/(.'�►� V�' �� 66.98'ts PROPOSED CATCH OSED 10" STORM DRAIN y >`. 01 ya •. S DOSED 5' DE0 ABC 4• . _ �'^ 9s .. .. .... S. W. LANEWOOD EET ': AIMI • COSTING EDGE or PAVEMENT (IF REQUIRED) PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS HALF STREET eiti3 • IMPROVEMENT (SAW-CUT Ac PAVEMENT PATCH, CURB EXISTING AND 5'�SIDEWAIJ<) EXISTING CATCH BASIN-, u •M `r• l I . ' • a • r EXHIBIT • • y,, "'....ter .0 • •I; - ` V i' . ., . . , r .. , _ r krrl Ilualllwul 'M , • - put1,•clll .. , ' �1 1 11,1 111111111111111 it i ` .. .. 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'''-],�• "I' •'p 1.r `jJ + !q'1✓ .,♦f); „:1 L,'.„•P>•r„ r ...Ir.� K1ar e�,i .+., Ep' \`i,- - «i,. -_ "'•,��'.}�'i'1l �� Ct ITY ..T., - C f .'� ; L 11 ruACA !N nN � �i T •. . -• • � P. 11''°) t\ ,ItO\\(t 1 )J �YY / ECEM a � ' • ...i-1 t !I_ t \, AII..1 •(l 1l +� ,^, lei l ry I , 11 `� v11� `•II 1t Li a • , „ , • 0 0 i1: c FAILURE TO PROTECT FROM SILT RUNOFF, DIRT TRACKING ONTO STREETS, OR TON. CONTROL DUST WILL RESULT IN FINES, SHUTDOHT•I, OR BOTH. 'At.. . EL, 2a5�J K.8, ELEVATIONSA TAKEN FROM.CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO BENCH H-2 BRASS '� +y w EL.2(L4. T �NE'F2 HOOVES. FERRY•RD. & RED CEDAR CAP ON CURD 'v tir+, .y� p WAY EL 210.524 } 10. PUBUQ STORM'DF AINACE'PIPING;TO BE C-14 CLASS 3 CONCRETE SEWER PIPE. EL. 205.22 N . 11. UTILITY TRENCH TO BE PROVIDED FOR T.V., PHONE, & POWER - SEE UTIUTY LOCATION try SECTION, IF SOIL CONDITIONS ARE VERY ROCKY, CONTINUOUS CONDUIT MAY BE *• REQUIRED. CONDUIT TO BE GREY SCN, 40 PVC, r f.....- �- *----. 11 �.�,,a 12 INSTALL 3 NEW WATER SERVICES PER DETAIL k C,A,B4O, CODE, EXTEND 2- 1' SERVICE •t LINES FROM 3/4* SERVICES TO INDIVIDUAL. LOTS k MARK ENDS OF 1. LINES WITH 2x4 L....20.4.113. E 4 PAI T BLUE. INSTALL TRACER WIRE OVER WATER UNES, LOCATE METER BOXES ~ IN R 0 CENTERED ABOUT 24 LEFT STATION 2406. tn ✓ • J 3 DRIVEWAY DETAIL 13. ALL SNIPPING AND WASTE MATERIALS a UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED FROM THE OWNERAND D GRAD NG/11LLRPEERRCMIT SITE ` str 1n FROM THE�$': �rli1 a �n + N� BEEN' OBTAINED FROM THE CIIY. x ,� gi 14. SUBGRADE, BASE, AND PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF L.O. to )(e< SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 201,34, 202 32, AND 203.35, ASPHALT SHALL DE COMPACTED . , w n a.,l z TO A DENSITY OF NOT LESS THAN 92% RICE OR AS APPROVED BY 1HE ---_ sAS STATED ON PAGE 11-13 OF LAKE OSWEGO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER, so at r C •/ LciLl'IVf ' aa, 5S-••— S W >.... _�I — . It110 eel WillZiWull.blro Li ~-.'�—. r W Ut1r000 IAIIII ,�{f M � l l Y 'I1'IIUAo 111M 11 f' ,,. ATV l,',W • 'a' W ,:,,,,N,1 I I CPI-I'°F.•CATW.USW arr,„ •,n UN•1,CL-CA TV---USW tpl o .dn d�rt, ,, 0%,dill CAI 1da tJ� i..J �•a- n L OAII 1Z-S�'1L a AlAI • z LEGAL DESCRIPTION x H I( I r) I �`' co LOT 2, BLOCK 3, GUENTHER'S LAKE GLOVE: n HOMES, LOCATES) IN THE SE 1/4 OE THE NW 1/t1 o►vr�E'.. YA2 q.q3 T1 SECTION 8, T2S, R 1 L, W.M., CITY OE vi LAKE oswEcn, OR 97034 l AKE OSWE CO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON CAD uN ctr+ SITE IMPR0IT MEN`I' 1SDE, 3 - 91 ,;,`(� Pe(�ki bCSlWaeb by b.L,K T ��� 19t394 � •, i r,': . Avt YUR: BERNARD SUTTON PLS bp4rTED by b,L.H LANKWOOU STREET IMPROVEMENT SERNi S.E.A. TNbf7NE COURT C)WN! R' HART f3Af7THOl OME W �,,•,,r •l , 15/3 VIEW LAKE COURT ,(/ /J.Yr,pi• PORTLANb, ORbGoN 97233mom bATe 12/4/A2 SCALt, AS SHOVN d\i SIICC'C I OF 3 1621PHONE: D,O 254Nfj779 LAKE OSWEGO, OR, 9/034 9y pAr TELEPHONE (503) 535« 4409 <b L. Iu� DONALD p C. MURRAY Consulting LE.14 or txiAvlNa Witch ` „� I t r;y Toleph°nn (503) 234-J6t11 G34fi S. E. 14 th, Portland. Orogen 97202 9108-i • „ • .. PRIVATE ROAD PROFILE SCALE: HORI2: 1"••20' 1°r° • v `' a� VERT: 1'a2' a rj .r Imena. • "---1 _ `'off 0+00 0+40 a OTR °i!O4 LOT #1 '< L F c� `� w , �, a2•FR �.` " i C12"FR 5 / w �++� All b` * • , Q CIO"R ,. o"o S R.< t. 21 P : z WOOD r oH` 01SPosAt.•cc 1 -1 ] F DU S� 'y 5IOLt�1 WAT1 R REQUIRED g0"FR 13.5' EASEMENT AREA LOT H ., 744574WAy'ApolrAtit _ . as CON C, 1 SLAB s CIO"FR 4' Fit d1 P ,. 28 F ii 0"F • $AHSFORM k LOCATION 1 2 -�" REUOVL"3r FIR" i ------ .4.4.1........+1 ----203 PHONE---'6919 ° * ' .,' dm_rime MIt � 1111 l /`�0 C ELEC rk ri == a '"ii.- ` �'� ��p r *.U4 b 11Tl Q PJaOPERTY WN FQR WATER • � .' Ill wee. "w�i r� ., L0 /2 AND LURE L /4'. .'! 1 2' AC C1A55 "t el. u ,,:;j: 'z •F b•F A�++m� •" � t.s� ENS sr o of 1 1/2 -a • fltf4u' •' 12'F rF COMPACTED SUE tr ' ' i r �, �M, e'F LOT #2 {,6;: W �i,l "'p10• i� >�� • "n12 C ., *'" PRIVATE STREE N 4. o Ott"M c 202 Nts dN a zd o a LOT 3 M •� STORM WATER REQUIRED ON SITE DISPOSAL OF 1' ., O•F i m ;• •F N ,PRIVATE ROA r + ' 1 »M ° 22•F "�•°C j 1. 5 P 0+00 - 2+15,46 LANEW000 • ��**'�� 0+25 .. END OF CONCRETE I �` u 2 +� 4+�fe•AJ 0+65,87 PT CURVE 1 126051 f , . M 01•81,89 p CURVE #1 rk E _ �' *'12• 22"F IENCTN 6,81' ; I a It 201r 0+0d.7• SPOT POINT, WEST • __ ► *r t73 ry� �L� LENGTH TN 54,63% PC it "FR ✓ rtilklv _ 1J1 PT EAST�STREET 1CI 1119111'44'T I MA , 0 • 0 0 I. I. , • LANEWOOD STREET • , • •: • CONC isC/UEr tiORlz: t••ao1 ,, SLAB :� •. , • Oil ,.- ,i 1.... .- Vk, •• �'-1' n-' 379 I • 1 8 a N3'�4 ,,, oS.W. LANEWOOD oaf i' e4s� ` v' WOOD F 5z as w m:� f g FRAmE•ow8 ' �--`1� "'�"� a�N `v5 � I EL. 2U5,2x � ,d �•'I .: i • �� /`Ord oa (yAdOUSE O0 Gt _>�►- OQCt�4 2a06< O m I Y'sl .ifS .YinOlnp l.tp Ftu~W l,h. ••-•W 'y Oa0= d IY <-f9rum .mw �W9 iJy O,t' F Z L. LI W 'a' WI In v109°a�o W F�a 411 . `� Ma I1 $6� , w b/ a � � om�-13�ro°t w �� !. l0' �AI tx a� R t � �N �v 1�� a � �; zooa�,� INN . 1. FIR <GI g 2D g CD co o W ,- DRIVEWA ' nu t a§ <a p �IGWUUII '' rd w + UO rn• 8 y C Ira z � o $Q� 20' FIR � w ¢ 5 + N a 2 m L _lo ' ` 20' F,Ii3, ini3O� N d tw1 9 %411 coI ti. ., A ByHAPLE` • 1�1 � � ` �"4" �'NE , 30' FIR / OINNaft _ ao•_ i.h C d- LI n V.Irr'S1 I 1 SS --d1A / - ��" y per. , 1Y ._a4 W �� s. rfi �� 17� ::: t .O ?. .1-PCE-CAIV-USW a.._ • I.(�CC•'CAN U5W • k ` .� �•? vwi 'a • 1- u w.-r oo z 3 i?,1 rI: 3I� OW �Zyy aA r'� ¢ \ <Q N x O K � • G.—.Z.1 �6 UO F8wL F-Z 1 j 4' 35 kl p< a (9 2N� • r.� `r VI 1 Q Vr 'Z ((,�n w ,l)„mil o o > a u l/r > LL0 r� > ; .wn �+ r a ce as . TLl y za in Ill a ' o x� 0 5 ad o )- 1 a , �o LLGAI. I) SCRIPTION '� ca oo m;� NI a>- z5 u S •n 3• � t� rnj❑o i a' ..�G.l �4 :�.l N rY H ,.f �11 Z fJ O W .J1 1al LOT BLOCK �S t�Ut°NTHE� S LAKE o� pa ah •b1,1 i� 5 S •N r': Y al VZ 2, ,Ii { �� f# m a �,:a� a i } A a, :a $d � ", N c°i vvi a ohm HOMES, LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OE TI ��2 z 1 r d� !.._ ��, ., ,.�, .. a SECTION 8 r2S R1E, W.M., CITY . c9 O `�ti 1 a c� �' SCAM: t"«2tl' u o in r j w p 2 Ul —O +rk z nuiRa .J N3S ri 4' �' < mFr F• 1 a V11= a ci Z u?`u1 1- �l �! n o z< ' N r6 8 LAKE OSWEGO, CI.ACKAMAS COUNTY, tth i1� 2mw 0 .-Ee piV'm pM N r m � � N � ,r COk►dEk �' ± `i it ua°i a�! N .N SURVEYOR: EERNARD A, SUTTON PLS OWNEI l ) � ; f .r 16216 S.E. HAWTHORNE COURT i y II w r._ N c N PORTLAND, OREGON 97233 PHONE: (503) 254-8770 • • • • ' 1 . ' u ' �_ E c a Est O � tiF''� ... mot •• 0 EGO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT li MEMORANDUM o TO: Case File SD 3-91/VAR 3-91 FROM: Tom Coffee, Planning Director �� PREPARED BY: Barbara Smolak, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Conditions of Approval for 3—Lot Minor Partition ` •• iv • and Variance to Access Standard id EXHIBIT • ' 12, DATE: August 20, 1992 L124-9 . 2�1-13 On April 23, 1991 an administrative approval was granted for a 3-1onana , I variance to the Access Standard. The site is located on the north side of Lanewood be weenlass ; Boones Ferry and Boones Way (Tax Lot 2600 of Tax Map 2 IE 8BD), Condition #7 requires the applicant to construct half street improvements including sidewalks in Lanewood, Condition #11 required the applicant to deposit an amount for a future pathway • along Lanewood. • .„ In reviewing these conditions the City Engineer determined that by satisfying applicant would satisfy the pathway requirement identified in Condition #11 (see attached 7 the memorandum, dated August 14, 1992), Since Condition #11 will be met the process for modifying conditions of approval is not necessary in this case and therefore 110 fee is required, • rc:ifsA.. (BAR IIMIA92.11.CORRllSx5nJ-91/MenwVJe Roberta Giesen .' 3.tAss (Hcurc,F+e A 110 . IA .. . . . ,• 3N0""A""Avenue • Post Office Box 369 • Like Oswego,Oregon 9703+1 l'Irinnmg t]ivlslon (,11`1)n;�,.02�)0 • t3uilding Division:(503)635.0390 " ; VAX(503)1,1 •p2 ny • . • • • 6 "; � � o , • r v an • • MEMORANDUM TO: Barbara Smolak, Associate Planner FROM: Russ Chevrefte, Engineering Technician . SUBJECT: Pathway fee for Giesea minor partition (SD 3-91) 4 • DATE: August 14, 1992 This is a more detailed review of the circumstances that led us to recommend that the pathway deposit, which amounts to $3993, be waived on this project, When the construction drawings came in for the half—street improvement alongthis •I projects frontage, it was evident that the widened street and the proposed sidewalk would satisfy whatever pathway scenario comes to pass along Lanewood, Although• 4 Lanewood is identified as a pathway route on the 1988 Master Plan, no direction is given as to which side of the street or what material the pathway would be made of. Neither does it direct us as to whether or not it would be a standard sidewalk or a • delineated part of the roadway, In this particular case, if the Lanewood pathway turns • out to be a concrete sidewalk, the applicant will have ahead ' out to be an "in the road" special lane, the applicant will have providedalready one. If it turns providedGiesea• be ` everything but the white stripe. On this basis, we can recommend that Ms relieved of paying the pathway deposit and further note that in case SD 49-90 similar relief was granted without charging ging the applicant for modifying a condition of approval, ••t - .a . EXHIBIT • '' • I3 04-1.3 evi 1$ Reviewed, Approved by J.R. Baker, City Engineer Si6,,,. • /mvk • ittr A<thwransamerno.to.barb,o!ID2 � • • • • .M • ' • ' . h . • '41* !YY^ • ^pay } , STAFF REPORT CITYOFLAKEOSWEGO OF• PLANNING DIVISION APPLICANT: FILE NO.: • Glenn L. Norton, Progressive Building Systems DR 5-84(Mod. 6--93) PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: • Les Schwab Tire Center Elizabeth Jacob • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: • Tax Lot 3800 of June 21, 1993 Tax Map 2 1E 18BA DATE OF HEARINq: ' 4 n LOCATION: July 7, 1993 l ff 17171 Boones Ferry Road NEIGHBORHOOD A$OCIATION: CS?MP, PLAN DESIGNATION: ' Rosewood CPO IP ZONING DESIGNATJC, N: • IP ' I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a modification to the existing building in order to install a 20 ft. by 20 ft. overhead door in the south side of the warehouse wall, . IL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS " • A, City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: Impact Management Policies General Policy II, Specific Policies 2, 3 Industrial Land Use Policies General Policies I, III and IV Specific Industrial District Policies Yto Lake Oswego Industrial Park Policies • "s DR 5-84(Mod, 6-93) Page l of 4 h B. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48,340—48.375 IP Zone Description C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.145 Major Development LOC 49.300—49.320 Major Development Procedures LOC 49,615 Criteria for Approval D. City of Lake Oswego Development Standards: 2.005 —2.040 Building Design III. FINDINGS {' A. Background and Existing Conditions: 1. The original building and site development were given conditional use approval (CU 1-84) and development review approval (DR 5-84) in 1984. In 1989, approval , o was given to construct a 44—space parking lot west of the original structure (CU 1— 89 and DR 14-89/SD35-89), In 1991, an office addition and detached storage facility were approved (CU 1-84(Mod. 5-91) and DR 2-91, ".•,. 2. The 93,260 square foot site (2.14 acres) abuts the north side of Boones Ferry Road and the southerly right—of—way of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks, The IP (Industrial Park) zone designation and light industrial uses are located to the west, « r south and east. • B, Proposal: > The applicant is requesting approval of a modification to an existing building in order to install a 20 ft, by 20 ft. overhead door in the south side of the warehouse wall. The narrative (Exhibit 2) explains the need for the door installation and that the proposal does not involve an expansion of use, .;. C. Compliance with Other Ajplicable Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615, the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria ,A when evaluating minor or major development. 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking Approve, The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents marked s `. exhibits, accompanying this report. ,, 2. For any development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: ' °,4 • • a: The City's Comprehensive Plan • Applicable policy groups are; DR 5-84(Mod, 6-93) Page 2 of 4 , • ;o. Impact Management Polities These policies require a comprehensive review of development proposals and compliance with the applicable Codes and Development Standards prior to approval. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assure compliance, Industrial Land Use Policies—Lake Grove Industrial Park • ' District Policies These policies encourage environmentally compatible industrial development located in visually attractive structures in landscaped settings. Applicable policies for development in the Lake Grove Industrial Park District require enhancement of the area's general appearance. The review of the subject proposal implements these Plan policies. The applicant held a meeting to which the Rosewood Action Group and neighbors were invited. Neighborhood views (Exhibit 4) support the attractiveness and neighborhood compatibility of the Les Schwab Tire business and encourage approval of this proposal. osal. b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. A f Zoning Code Retl�rire e mnts and Anal 0siS The property is located in an IP industrial Park) zone. Approval was given in the original application and subsequ .:r.modifications as stated unde r the "Background/ " / Existing Conditions", The propose,' modification will not affect any zone limitations. • ', Q�v_elopment Code requirements ti d , llysis ' ''1, _ a. ,• � it Applicable statutory and code requirements are listed at the beginning and addressed throughout this report. c. The applicable Development Standards •,,;, P ;,, LOC 49,090(4)(A) prescribes; R ' "A change to the exterior oi'a structure which requires a building permit an not involve expansion of the use nor increase the square footage of the structurea shall conform only to the Building Design standard." The subject proposal does trot involve expansion of use nor increase the square footage of '� ' m° ;> the structure, ' `• Building Design (2.005-2,O40) _ • The applicant's narrative, Exhibit2, describes and illustrates the design and color of the proposed door, The red and whitecolor scheme of the existing ' out in the color of the new door, The door is made of steel, lh bee x stir will wall is carried x concrete block, The proposed modification complies with the lbu building existing standard in ' that it is consistent with the design of the existing building and is complementary in appearance to adjacent structures of good design, the building and limits the variety of styles and color�oe fbu building oor does elem change the scale of " .., - elements, The proposal will not increase noise impacts on interior occupied spaces and adjacent property. The activity within the building will not change as a result of this proposal, Landscaping approved in previous development reviews separates the buildings and south parking lot from the street, A 44—space parking area separates the adjacent office ' " building on the west (OTAK) from the wall where the proposed door is to be a . constructed, DR 5-84(Mod, 6-93) L. ' ~. Page 3 of 4 • i • i 1 d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS • Not applicable to the subject proposal. C. Conclusion; Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposed modification to the original Development Review Board approval in order to install an • for an overhead door to the existing building complies with all applicable criteria. III. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that DR 5-84(Mod. 6••-93) be approved. EXHIBITS a 1. Tax Map 2. Applicant's Narrative with photographs 3. Site Plan 4. Minutes of the May 26, 1993, Neighborhood Meeting and Letter from Neighboring Business ta, sr p • • 1r^ s J • • DR 5-84(Mod. 6-93) . Page 4 of 4 • • t •. `'• 9 ` !� ♦ `• 0 J 6Cr ' 13 k . Ir700 •JO 9! of 0 r •'.. ..Y,at + t . y s.: U 1300 y ► ,..; �� • ,,i . <$ zs `� Q it !r w�,�• s r s, F. • .. �y d.5 Q� I ,.' CJ ,,�ger :•e .,. _T :r 12 ed•rt +t • ', 1 ar'e�: 4,R �..! 1700 �4e a'A I400s3y J. b. ' r ` , .0.I. ..v. ..-4.0., . i; • .2...c, 9ft iN i ,Y NJ'.P^ 4 ,., rO t.) •'N - I ' ` ' -¢r } •r' J ram• `„i. ' • e• r I. • .. , 'I.O'. . siTe51. °,41,'' 0/ -1() . I I i • I .4 , „ ,. : 4,r. .; .,. • ° ''• Qy�. ;,(:),,\ I ,I }• rr00.,,,-0. �A p>t� • Iir1 11"!♦ ' ♦` • 71412 • . , �� ,� r 1, . . '39 .:rr✓✓ 9t C 'Y r 4 '' G "J %fir jr 5 1 4200 ,� • \�� Gj J rt�S5 �/ 1 1251 ; _ *N f .a ,p .' �O 4 ' 1 r��Ei ' ..�,. .ir ..Y '� J + fir' t 1, ___..t.I 1 5, .../7t' „.::' * i . R 7 , ' 'i•1 J' .14 AI r \' i ,. :: 141 .zr _`4 • r ram.max.:r. ... , t 173C EXHIBIT 2 1 E 1 SBA 1• , 4 • Project Description • •;,1: '. ' ;....: • Applicant is requesting approval to install one 20' x 12' overhead door • in existing south side wall of warehouse. This request is to reduce the ccngestion and speed delivery time for freight deliveries. Currently, ` deliveries are being routed around the building and through large truck service bay. Installing this door would keep delivery trucks on the non- traffic facing side of the building away from the truck service bay. The driveway used will remain the same and not be in the way of customer or any other traffic using the driveway. The trucks will be able to drive far enough into the property so not to interfere with or add impact to the existing traffic flow. Comprehensive Plan Complia-ce, Ref: Lake Oswego Industrial Park General policy I - The city will encourage enviromentally compatible industrial development in visually attractive structures in landscaped settings. All services available will not be affected and will have no affect on landscape. On-site circulation, parking and driveways will be unchanged. g General policy III- The city will encourage industrial development by ;;°1�,ti .?. establishing clear, concise and unified development standards. • Building design standards will impliment this policy. General policy IV - The city will encourage industrial development by : elsignating industrial park areas in appropriate locations. This proposal is in the Luke Grove area. The site is zoned IP and has an existing Les Schwab Tire Center. Existing uses to the South and West are light industrial. The North property line abuts a railroad R.O.W. Zoning 48.340 (2) Zone This project is designated IP industrial park. 48.355 Permitted uses These uses are permitted outright. 48.375 Special requirements This proposal is in compliance with special requirements for the s° ' Lake Grove industrial park area (requirements i through 4). Development Standards _ 49.090 This change is compatible with surrounding buildings and does not • involve expansion of the use nor increase the square footage of the structure and shall conform to Building Design Standard. The existing wall is made of 8" concrete block, the proposed door will be made of steel. (See exhibit 1 and 2) The existing and proposed color scheme is red and white, a Les Schwab trademark. • ;d EXHIBIT R 5-.5` tkaI.03 • • • • ; .. f� r 1 x x A.,+ 11' 11 r J • $ ' *,.:;1 ,.p....:. .. • .., , • f • ,0 , • , , . . . .,' :, „........,,, ,..-i, ,,....., .' , . ., .,. :.-.,. ,.....- -4:..,. • :., ,... !-...,. .. .,. 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M1fl.•il t' t/,��♦•,. q.•All ell !• �I"� 1 w1 7g. I yf P" - Q. Q{ IOW,.lwr to) tMtKz A0 fpnin,w. v I( .� I V a !-I 11 1 !!!!!! 1III �y« 4 s) ylrc!r (l)1 1.. CIII sr,ct% r ,,'%, „ s •� � S,t.r-. ,L �.�,. ru*r \ I Mgt rol SISfYF ihyrl J Dei w+•�iV lt111�,uv� t•• C rL U , N t _. r ..,,, I C1 J✓ti tr I1 I _ F.,a U N C.•a 1=C F:t:Y (Z nt(,J { IeL'Tt PL.A N • 1i1 Jet 1 A, ,,•.IM n.-9,8 •11 w•..J Mali KY r 44 4.) 0ili • ) NIII 11 .j , Yti4� lltM1 1'Iillr,tlil.1. Via‘ktil:1_ ) f 11 • fCvf _. ... EchihtTlou Imor Lcti attbwiti (lt't lrWI c K ,,.' Flv'Y to �ar.•(.E ..... :.- lore fd?.,.'E 1 E X H � aIy 1 I�'1(d'fr;it tinlle,�x1ta�.tEnu S'8i0rg`11 .; J r. • r j a' ti F�y 5 If �4 .� p .:.a �.• ... .. J ✓/ ' .. .. S ar I k ` 1 ' , '•t 1re uwma n,INC. cI Prayreasivai Building Systems Glenn L. Norton 6-cati 14865 S.W. Tracy Ann Ct. Beaverton, OR. 97007 REf OVERHEAD DOOR IN5 'ALLATION AT LR8 SCHWA 'FIRE, /7171 BOOBIES VERRy RD. LARS °swim. My name is Jim Brisbee and I own and operate Tres Care Unlimited, Inc. at 5600 S.W. Rosewood, Lake Oswego. We are neighbors of Lee Schwab Tire Center. • Yet again, the City of Lake Oswego is showing us how difficult they can make it to do business in Lake Oewego. It is almost an if they don't want us in their community. Having to go through all of this for a simple garage door installation is simply ridiculous. I would not be surprised if the cost accrued with the city's permit process does not come very close to the cost of the installation. One would think when you have a company such as Les Schwab Tire, a �'. '' benefit to any community, the city would try to make doing business a little easier, Les Schwab maintains their property very well and is a model of what the city should ask for as far as appearance. • The installation of an overhead door at the place of business has no impact whatsoever on any of their neighbors. I am extremely happy that Les Schwab has joined our community. I think you should be as well, Sincere , i• rie r.rmes E. Brisbse President Tree care Unlimited, Inc. • e&dar tial and Commercial Spraying• Fertilizing• Pruning• Landscape Installation• Landscape Mal '' EXHIBIT EMBER;National Arborist Association• international Society of Arbofcuhure• International Pasticid.. 4 ' P5y) Landscape Gardeners Asoociation • Oregon Association of Nurseryman State License#5659 • Insured ' P,O, Box 1566 • Lake Oswego, OR 97035 • (503) 2234365• (603) 5a5-a i es K S-R4 6'144 613i • MEETING MINUTES • 4. CASE * PR-22-93 PROGRESSIVE BUILDING SYSTEMS/LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Meeting date: Wednesday May 26, 1993 Meeting time: 7:00 p.m. Meeting location: Les Schwab Tire Center • 17171 Boones Ferry Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Present at meeting: Glenn Norton, Owner, Progressive Building Systems • Susan Craig, Office Manager, Progressive Building Systems Gary Wanderscheid, Manager, Les Schwab Tire Center Rob Woods, Assistant Manager, Les Schwab Tire Center Jeff Wick, Assistant Manager, Les Schwab Tire Center There were no property owners or neighborhood association members present. There were no objections whatsoever. James Brisbee, Tree Care Unlimited, Inc. letter received on 5-24-93 is attached. Katleen Gassner, owner of property telephoned on 5-20-93 and stated, "I will not be attending meeting and have absolutely no objections and could not understand why anyone would object to installing the door. Les Schwab has a very attractive business site which is clean and impressive to the community." No other reponses were received on this matter. y; I • ' V- • • wy } . • i . 1 I. . 1 , R. I. \ ... : ' . • t , �► AGENDA • CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUE Monday,June 7, 1993 7:00 P.M. • I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES •' January 4, 1993 January 20, 1993 February 17, 1993 March 1, 1993 . • IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS • '. PUBLIC HEARING None VI. GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS—Findings, Conclusions and Order . • SD 12-88/VAR 19-88/PD 5-88(Mod. 4-92)/SD 13-92/HR 2-93— Richard P. Waterman • PD 7-92—De Haas & Associates • . DR 1-93— Hallmark Inns & Resorts, Inc. Wp VIII. ADJOURNMENT ; • • • The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to ' come and go as you please. • • • is DRB Member&: : Skip Stanaway,Chair Tom Coffee,Assistant City Manager Narznan J.Sievert,Vice-Chair Robert Galante,Senior Planner V+-c' isrn F.Horning Ron Bunch,Senior Planner : Lawrence M.Magura Humid Pishvaie,Dev.Review Planner • • Ire:Morales Catherine Clark,Associate Planner • • A aisles Oldham Jane Heisler,Associate Planne4 S.f.-xiha F.Stiven Elizabeth Jacob,Associate Planner Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner , Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson,Administrative Secretary Yvonne DeBartola,Senior Secretary • QJ u• i P J f • • • • rY b• • , • • • Yr • ) #' G • •