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Agenda Packet - 1991-07-01
• AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUE Monday,July 1, 1991 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER • • "' II_ ROLL CALL Agenda Book • • III.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 20, 1989 November 28, 1989 (Second Vote) January 15, 1990 (Second Vote) IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARING DR 1-911SD 7---11VAR 10-91, a request by Birtcher Frank Properties to develop a free standing, 9,000 sq. ft, retail\medical building on the south side of the shopping center parcel. Two new lots will be created for proposed development requiring a variance to the requirement that every lot have at least 25' of frontage along a public street. The site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Monroe Parkway and Boones Fe Road & R '� (Tax Lots 101200 of Tax Map 2 1E 5AA), Staff o coordinator is obert G te alan , Senior Planar ('nnf;nued from May 2Q. l__221 for further B consideration to June 17. Due to lack of quorum for the June 17,_1 .91 m ling,_ he h wring�vns continued to July 1, 1991.' . is : SD 8-91 (a modified resubmittal of SD 53-90), a request by Compass Corp, for approval of the creation of three parcels from a 1 2 acre site. � The parcels are proposed to be 13,870, 17,030 and 21,540 sq, ft, in size. Also, the applicant is proposing a Future Streets Plan serving property within 250 ft. of the applicant's site, The site is located on the north side of Country Club Road, east of ,Knaus Road (Tax Lot 1300 of Tax Map 2 1E 4DB), Staff coordinator is Michael R Wheel r Associate Planner, Continued from June 3, 1991 for further staf i f nntit and Board deliberation, DR 2-91, a request by Robert Gray Partners, Inc, (Russell Leach, Architect) for approval to construct an 822 sq, ft. office addition and a 4500 s .q q ft, detached storage facility on the site, This request is an expansion of the existing tire service center. The site is located at 17171 SW Boones Ferry Road (Tax Lots 3800, 3702, 3703 of Tax Map 2 1E 18BA), Staff coordinator is.3arbara Smolak, Associate • Planner. PD 2-91, a request by Tri—Lee Homes, Inc. for approval of a 7—lot single family planned development. The site is located at 4157 Sunset Drive (Tax Lots 5900& 6000 of Tax Map 2 1E 8CB), Staff• coordinator is Value Pi akug, Deyelo m nt Review Ptnnn • R� er. This item vas originally heard Anal 1 1991 and ostaoned to allow th nnnl° standards ,cant to adeaut�tely address.the on n Ana ... . p. . ` i . ;fit ' ;. . ` •7, : -r., , "- ,�:; GENERAL PLANNING SD 38--9d)/VAR 22-90,Wanda J.Wimmer; Request to Rescind t. \II, OTHER BUSINESS -Findings, Conclusions and Order SD 6-91\VAR 9-91-Dimension Homes,Inc. SD 9-91\SD 1O--91\SD 11-91\VAR 11-91(a-c)\HR 4-91-Kenneth Guenther PD 3-91-OTAK,Inc. r` VAR 6-91-Birtcher Frank Properties VIII. ADJOURNMENT • • ; "' Tht Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to come and go as you please. DRB%Members: ;nff: Robert H.Foster,Chair Tom Coffee,Planning Director Strap Stanaway,Vice—Chair Robert Galante,Senior Planner J:-•:.1es A.Bloomer Hamid Pishvaie,Des,.Review Planner Robert D.Greaves Catherine Clark,Associate Planner Gc:.ger Remy Jane Heisler,Associate Planner H.i-ry N.Starr Michael R,Wheeler,Associate Planner Norman J.Sievert Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney • Barbara Anderson, DRB Secretary Kathy Avery,PC Secretary • • • • , r` .. to ' ,` ,r ,y_ • :.a ,.1 , " 6 �IC E � • sG+ • • DREG0 • • • ..v. DE'I':\In \1!'\ i'OI• ['I.,\\\I\, , .\\I) l)a:\'1.Is rl'\II \ I MEMORANDUM TO: Development Review Board FROM: Robert Galante, Senior Planner SUBJECT: DR 1-91/SD 7-91/VAR 10-91 (Oswego Towne Square) DATE: June 21, 1991 • A number of questions were raised by the Development Review Board at the meeting of May 20, 1991, held to review DR 1-91/SD 7-91/VAR 10-91. Some questions were directed toward staff and some were to be answered by the applicant. Staff has the following additional comments on the proposal: U 1. An update to the traffic report currently in the record shows that existing intersections will function at an acceptable level of service at full development of the shopping center, including the newly proposed structure, The current proposal and variety of uses will have • • less affect on the street system than the uses reviewed previously by the City, 2. A 40 foot setback is required by the approved Mt. Park, Phase IV PUD plans, r. Modifications should be made to the proposed structure to meet that requirement, 3. The record of previous City decisions does not illustrate a total sq, ft, limitation that would affect the current proposal, • 4, As the staff report of May 10, 1991 and Exhibit 3 illustrates, a surplus (according to Code) of parking will exiit upon full development of the shopping center as proposed, 5. The Comprehensive Plan defines the market area for the Neighborhood Commercial zone • (See attached page 75 from Plan), The Plan also states that the Zoning Ordinance • d, establishes the commercial uses allowed in i,ach district, The development plan before the Board only needs to specify use to the extent necessary to insure adequate parking and to insure the adequacy of public facilities necessary to serve the site, its . , I ,4 r • J' ro r II • • -1 'I • e b i• • • ..' k Y 'Y Y ' e . t M • ' 1` h r ; • • • • w n • . - ''1110 o • • 1 • r � 'r + • j t'ountair� ar�, Some Owners :4 :�°iroy / Association • I 412 Mt, Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 phone 635-3561 June 27th, 1991 .,. ,.0. • '" il' • •e �' Development Review Board ,r J°)",• •' City of Lake Oswego �G P.O. Box 369 \, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 nL Re: File No. DR 1-91/SD7-91/VAR 10-91 Dear Board Members: I will be out of town the evening of July 1st, so am submitting this letter for your consideration on behalf of the Mt. Park Architectural Committee. Several months ago the Committee voted to oppose Birtcher Franks' plan to construct a 9,000 sq. ft. retail building in Oswego Towne Square. The plan was opposed on the grounds that it would not be in harmony with the Greenridg • Townhouses across the street; that the Towne Square would attain the pro- 6e i , portions of a regional shopping center, and; that excessive traffic would be invited through Mt. Park neighborhoods. • Density has become a critical issue with residents in Mt. Park as the result of several multi-family developments in recent years. The tunnel effect of ' a building relatively close to Monroe Parkway would be disturbing as would the loss of this valuable open space which could never be replaced. 44, We have questioned the site plan. It is unclear in the staff report as to whether the proposed building would fit in the available space. The 50' of ROW allocated to Monroe Parkway, the 5" common property strip and the required 40' setback are not clearly defined on the drawings, • As volunteers who are concerned about Lake Oswe o `' Oswego, ;ou are the Main means of protection for citizens who are against unwanted development, It is your judgment that protects the comfort and way of life of your fellow . : g neighbors. Your thoughtful decision in this matter is especially important . when you consider that the residents in the area are overwhelmingly opposed to further expansion of Oswego Towne Square. • B y Yours very truly, Lew Thompson, Chairman Architectural Committee /kp • EXHIBIT LT QRrq I Y , e. 4. r• .', s. A ' �j • 4. • • • i Jt • p • :`• y' • • • • • • • • • P. • 1• J J • • • • 9 i r •+ mountain Park Some Owners .,association ' ` t m ry { ' . .:eel , ,,, ..' #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 phone 635-3561 ` is Jane 17, 1991 2eve1opment Review Board `' ' City of Lake Oswego P .O. Box 369 + , ' a y Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 JUL i 1991 RE: DR 1-9t sD 7-91\VAR 10-91 Lear Board Members : STAFF REPORT DATED MAY 10, 1991 We have the following additional comments after review of the missing pages in the original staff report dated May 10 , 1991 . . 2 . 202 . 1 . i speaks of locating buildings to provide ac•eess ho desirable views . The developer says he will place ltindsc•.1piny to hide the ugly mass of a red metal roof over the 60 X 150 square foot building and still not impede visibility into the center . This is not p.' Ssible since the greenridge residents will he looking down t,11 I1it u, '•.i zf . Trees and/or hedges high enough to screen the building arc, going u: ►,rlpletely impede visibility intt:, the center. 2 . 202 . 2 speaks of locating the building to complement and preserve existing natural landforms, etc . The developer says tli.11 Iltmt rey i ny the inviting , open, grassy knoll which currently Welt the center and replacing it with a 9 , 000 sq ft . building buried in . the hillside with its back to Munroe Parkway will actually enhance I he '�,` ' ,r . . . That is simply not ti creditable ,��r�; e t i C l �'t� t �I' I:I lt�n�' i�F t l,r. : tnta '1 tllt. -!r[l 'n lycrf'1 lee al , will r - ,r : • ' • 1 1 .I I t n w i s . 1 . , t `-:t, .„„1 r . .1. 117r . %•Ir . St ,arl.Jw.ay said on M.I ;t)- t h tl,i1 : he C t'11tt•1' Vt I I n , lira , • ` . !el:. en tll.. • inir111nitvt . Tht, tlttt-'n we,Iotir,1ny Nntt'v tt, 1 ,,t. t• - •s' ,•tl by t'ae grassy !<nt,11 IOSUld 1,a, tlt- it 11, t ht-. detriment of I i . .•,r and I i•lt eur.Imuna.t y . • developer says that the building will appear to stand from 17 t_c, 2,S feet above the ground on the south side (street side ) . It must be re-emphasized that the view of the building from Monroe Parkway and • the Ureenridge Townhouses will be mostly o,f a red metal roof . 7 1 , 020 . 6 . sprriks of screening and buffering . gain , I he tlf'v.tltl i l r . . , '? is landscaping to solve all the buffering 1lrutll005 WI the til l P. : is simply not. 1't'.a1. 'iyt 'itt and should not be artc't_alat°etl , 4 EXHIBIT r',itp 1 De Fi l ei-c,... • .. , . .> .. . . . _.. a Development Review Board a., June 17, • 1991 MEMORANDUM DATED JUNE 7, 1991 ADDITIONAL EXHIBITS FROM THE PREVIOUS RECORDS OF DR 25-79 AND DR 1-83 ON OSWEGO TOWNE SQUARE We have the following comments on the additional exhibits entered -: � into the record of this hearing : • 1 . The prior hearing files document the high level of community r involvement in development of this shopping center site over, a period of some five years and the difficulty in arriving1 at t`t development plan acceptable to the developer and the community . Our position i % that the final approved development plan of DR 1-83 should not: be amended without the approval of the community. 2 . The 163 , 000 sq.ft. development limit specified In the ron i rir) t'ode is a maximum allowable limit and is made irrelevant by subsequent building approvals. It is clear to us laymen now 1 hat we should h•ti asked the City Council in 1983 to amend the zoning rode to reduce the maximum allowable development limit to the 116 , 535 sq.ft . compromi i finally approved. Since that was not done we must rely on the .. Development Review Board to exercise its power to 1.im i.t. development based on individual site characteristics . , 3 . The proposed addition to Oswego Towne Square, indeed , 5 q .cl , any further development of the site is clearly inappropriate and will jeol),-irili rt, the appeal of the shopping center as well as the quality of l i.fr' of those living in the immediate vicinity. 1 . The discussion of "Neighborhood Commercial " zone 1 , i'1't t. r.a t your consideration. The City Council overturned IA OUR approval or 130 , 235 sq. ft . in 1982 because the council felt this pro jeet• was just too big for a neighborhood commercial area . Unfortunately the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning code define "neighborhood . ommercial" more in terms of service area and use . SuI,sracltynnl. t•t)ilt• i t l wvi s i ons should have, but did not , down-s i 7e I lie mti% I nun dr\'r• 1 •)r,rr'ri t .'ill hi t'11t. e,)tlprrlr'ilse t3!)t,'•1'r1\ Y3 , o't f1 , )11 i"1 5tr. fit . r r ! '1,,, il' t 'tI. '.,,,q; : 1 nt6 1)N Ilr•1't. f 1-'j ,• r),j ;1 1 ..., 1)•i ' i .. r i r., 'i;.r_ lu .., i ) ) .."11t14' Ir,t' tr1r 111d3.t,'at..ei.l kh.lt' '1 3LLr. 1 tt•t "r.atiC Il.a , er.� 111 ) f I'l1,t i ta. i )• .'1'` )11 lr•t lf r' a ,tt) 1 r!-, rrt)r1 ,a T\ ' Yt' ar -a t,ll t.:h1 'it• L.I. n. i °Y',•„' .. :i •Ttr1t•rel l ..',on:' . This t'C)t1t.L•a\`tint- s '10-1 lttt tint. t)r t'hr t'"111 •i•lii,rt•., , An1i'll tll.st't,:1rdy(s regional draw uses . The 7urithrj rode ha', not i , I atpdated to support the Comprehensive Plans in this area . Therefore :tit• rely on the Development Review Board to deny this addition on the basis of criteria within its purview including location , design andand �• including neighborhood impact . • Sincerely, i}%'i 4.� > IZ9 Y 1.1)i rt t,.1•l .ist)il °.\eput l \ e %t.anag 1 . . .Y, Page 2 Mountain Park Horne Owners Ass() #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Cswego, Oregon 97035 phone 635-3561 ` ne '1 4�i,. ' June 25 , 1991 '^n)I Development Review Board City of Lake Oswego P.O. Box 369 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 'JUL 1 1e91 RE: DR 1-91\SD 7-91\VAR 10-91 (Oswego Towne Square) Dear Board Members: We have the following comments on the memorandum from Robert Galante to the Development Review Board dated June 21, 1991 . The numbered items below relate to the numbered items in the memo. 1 . Traffic studies associated with development proposals have traditionally focused on how the development would impact the street system. While that is an important consideration, of equal importance, at least from the community' s perspective, is how the additional traffic generated by the development will affect the livability of the area. When evaluating a development in the neighborhood commercial zone it is essential that the livability issue be addressed because of the proximity of developments to residential areas. a In previous evidence we have shown that LUBA has now recognized the need for a livability analysis in traffic studies. The traffic study, including updates, submitted with this proposal totally ignores this important topic. We ask again that a livability analysis be conducted. 2. We appreciate the fact that the developer will now be required to adhere to the existing 40 foot street setback. 3 . The statement that "The record of previous City decisions does not illustrate a total sq.ft. limitation that would affect the current proposal " is a conclusion that the senior planner does not have 'the authority to make. That is a decision the DR13 must make. Our contention is that the record of prior City decisions is ' r►"a . important, particularly in view of the considerable negotiation and compromise on the part of the developer and the community which resulted in the current building configuration. a What was not clear to us laymen then, but is clear now, is that the , Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code should have been amended in 1983 to reflect the final decision on square footage for the shopping center. Assuming that it is not too late to correct the record, we have asked the City Council and PLanning Commission to consider amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code to adjust the EXHIBIT 1 5 U 'P? Page 1 " •. _ }� aJ Development Review Board• p'` June 25, 1991 :-';. maximum square footage of the Monroe/Boones Ferry Site (see enclosure) . We ask that this proposal postponed P be denied or at least p pending completion of that action. 4. No additional comment li`. 5. The Comprehensive Plan Commercial Land Use Element specifically states "That regional draw uses should be discouraged, except as Highway Commercial located at the Kruse Way interchange. " Unfortunately, the City has not updated the Zoning Code to deal with a relatively new breed of commercial enterprise known as "the factory outlet store" . These outlet stores offer factory seconds . and discontinued items for sale at reduced prices. They draw their clientele from the entire metropolitan area. Thera are currently four of these "outlet stores" in the Oswego Towne Square. We understand that zoning issues are dealt with by other City bodys and have asked the City Council and Planning Commission to address the problem. However, The Development Review Board should not operate in a vacuum. Our position is that the community is being negatively impacted by City inaction on making the zoning code , • 4 reflect the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Allowing further development of the shopping center would only encourage further abuse. We believe that there is sufficient reason for the DRg to deny this application based on criteria within its purview including location, design and neighborhood impact. Again we ask that this hearing be denied or at least postponeduntil has addressed the size and use issues. the City Sincerely, Robert Ericsson Executive Manager , enslosures: ',. y �f • Page 2 �� ,. e" Mountain Park, Horne Owners Association , 2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswogo, Oregon 97035 phone 635-3561 ,'::?if • June 25, 1991 Mayor and City Council City of Lake Oswego P.O. Box 369 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 RE: Request for Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendments e Dear Mayor Schlenker and Councillors: A development proposal is currently pending before the Development Review Board which has brought to light the need to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code to protect the community from unwarranted and inappropriate commercial development and activities. • AMEND ZONING CODE The first problem is of a general city-wide nature. The Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Commercial Land Use Element specifically states "That regional draw uses should be discouraged, except as Highway , +.: Commercial located at the Kruse Way interchan e. " g (CP page 93) . The intent of this conclusion is obviously to discourage large numbers of out-of-town shoppers from overloading our streets and facilities and otherwise negatively impacting on our quality of life. { r. Unfortunately, the City Zoning Code has not been updated to deal with a relatively new breed of commercial enterprise known as "the factory outlet store" . These outlet stores offer factory seconds and discontinted items for sale at reduced ) i . aimed at drawing cost-conscious shoppersprices. Their advertising is area as drawl e. from as wide a geographic P As the zoning code is currently written, these factory outlet stores fall in the category of Retail Sales-General Merchandise. Such stores are a permitted use in general and mixed commercial zones and, if under 10, 000 sq.ft. , are allowed in the neighborhood commercial zone! This is exactlyhappened what has ha erred at the Oswego Towne Square Shopping Center at the corner of BoonLz Ferry Road and Monroe Parkway in Mountain Park. We have not one but four factory outlet stores drawing clientele from the entire metropolitan area in a neighborhood commercial zone which is supposed to limit its commercial activities • to those "primarily required by families at intervals of less than a • week, With a service area radius of about one mile or 3-5 minutes "# travel time, containing a population of approximately5, 000 '„ to 7,500 ` persons , ICP, page 95) . Since these stores have opened, our community has experienced a substantial increase in traffic and, indeed, at times it is difficult for local shoppers to find a place to park in Page 1 0 • I' Mayor and Council :`•`, June 25, 1991 the shopping •. pping center. While that may be great for business, it contravenes the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and has a negative impact on the quality of life in our community. The solution appears to be to amend the zoning code to distinguish between retail outlets that focus service on the local areas as defined in the Comprehensive Plan and those that have a wider r, regional focus. The operational definition of an "outlet store" • should probably include: 1. Its p perce tion of the service area 2. The area covered by its advertising 3. The majority of its merchandise is seconds or discontinued items We ask that action to correct the deficiency in the zoning code be taken as soon as possible to prevent further abuse of the Comprehensive Plan intent. AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The second problem has to do with the Comprehensive Plan itself and specifically the commercial district defined in the Plan as the "rionroe/Boones Ferry site" . II • General Policy I of the Commercial Land Use Policies states that the • City will "Plan for the development of commercial districts scaled in size to the area served. " (CP page 97) . The has been the subject of continuing controversyecause of thserry site the relatively large land area (13 acres) for the Neighborhood Commercial zone designation. As the Plan is currently written, it provides for the overall building coverage not to exceed 163, 000 sq.ft. Between 1979 and 1983 several development plans were • r site. There was a proposed for the great deal of spirited debate regarding the optimum size of the development. In 1983, after the City Council overturned the DRB approval '.5k: of a plan for 129, 000 sq.ft. , a compromise was j finally reached between the community and the developer for the current building plan of 116,535 was a sq.ft. This plan by DRB with a number of conditions.l approved The Development Review process, as it relates to commercial developments, ac$ s to further implement General Policy III ih that : . . when specific site p pro osals are reviewed, the building coverage may • be scaled downward from the maximum allowable coverage to betted fit the area served based on the unique site and building characteristics of the proposals. ' Unfortunately, amended, a new developer can come inland ess the Comprehensive add ehsive Plan is R0 � 4 development of a site which totally ignoresotheedecissionsareached in earlier development proposals. This seems grossly unfair, 0 particularly where there has been substantial communityinterest and Y input and the resulting project approval pproval represents substantial Page 2 k y + V• Mayor and Council June 25, 1991 Hwy ..1 ' compromises by both developer and the community. ram I,e community, at least, tends to see these compromises as fixed agreements not to be • modified without the consent of the community. When a new developer comes in and makes new proposals which overturn prior agreements, the community feels betrayed. r ' • The solution would seem to bo for the Comprehensive Plan to be ?` modified to reflect DRB decisions which down size building coverage from maximum coverages. In that way, future owners of a commercial site will not be misled into thinking that there in more potential for • development than has been approved. It would certainly be an appropriate gesture by the City to initiate this action on its own motion since citizen understandinw of the planning and approval process tends to be limited. We specifically ask that the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan be amended as follows: VII-B. Monroe/Boones Ferry Site (CP page 118) 1. The 13 acre site is designated for neighborhood retail and office commercial uses. The overall building area on the site is not to exceed 122,535 sq. Pit. Note that the 122, 535 sq. ft. includes the original approval of 116,535 plus an additional 6,000 sq.ft. for a y care center which 9 day was agreed to by the community. • . The Mountain Park Home Owners Association appreciates you prompt attention to these important matters. • • Sincerely, • • Robert Eris son , • Executive Manager • Page 3 , ,. n • yAr II • • • Y'• • �r w • t' O � • V a • • . 0 F JT v 4 ' . • • • • / • �.J. .t\ r • • ; f •� - . e .%a �• fit.r 'k. tt. ` Mountain Park some Owners Association at�n #2 Mt, Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 phone 635-366 1 r, t June 17, 1991 11 i Development Review Board City of Lake Oswego . one Oswego, Oregon 97()3 E; DR 1-91\SD 7-91\VAR 10-91 wear Board Members : 1 Enclosed find additional input from members ,p r., of t hF c rtmmi,in i t�• r�,tt,��r t,i ntt the proposed 9, 000 sg.ft. expansion at they Oswego Towne Si.tii rr Shopping Center. These letters were sent to me ; n Fohrthiry hut were, y '. 1 .4 =nadv'ertent' ly omitted from our letter of May 2C , 1991 . 1 1' _ P - • �; + • Roisert Crir_:sson • - l.t••;ur.' . , . } • !1 1, • t • EXHIBIT ' �C i t . . ' ' • . ... ,. _,s , --• ' . .' ' ' :' - ' ' I. ' ''' .' ' , *'.•:,':':V 'I - 0 ''. '.* ' ...., ',•'''..'' '' ' *' ''H.:; .•':*1,' *,. :1' .,,. ,'..•'. '‘. ‘", ,, ,,'' *.'4. •:,... .,, , . , 1„;' , ., . , „. ...• ,. . . . • , . • ,. )1 .,,,,;.. ; ''',.: • : ,.''' ) . ' ,' ,-:1j.,-.." '•'.. •-•...."-.- ' i - ' - • ` • .. , ''. .'.••;;" '' : '.. ---------- -.-T____ __._...___-________ .__ ‘....-- e,„47:.,, , ____• ....__ . ;.......', . • . . -- . I . ... ,I. --•-, 0 ....4.- -- -let./.../ ,,,e.e-Z.'.('_,. -4 , . , .'...,.,..... . . ,.... . ,-..ii...."0 . . ... . .. ,. : 41...i„-et...47 . . ..72?,e. ..i 4•214.. .7 ie..." Cci.ced,4..dt .. '.. ....m...... ...... ......,,,,,... ;,. . . .... 7. .. .1 ..,, i......6, . . „_(_,- ---)Let•e,A..-- „:1--(_.. . 11 /- • ,---r-LI& ''''... - `4,-.2*-42.4i.'e -,it'' „ , . `, ,,` '. •,-, -- , . ....', ._ . . • , • ,-, , • . ., ,,, 1! 72 / 1 ..,, ... ... ,r ... .. :i .ra - ...../,ze..i iLeo._,4,,,.. 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'a .,• . . a • . • . .. 0 • .• . 1 `V I . u f •1 1,(14, •• . � r 4 y 4 �f l/ C. ��'''L- , a?-;r �� .�L., ae4-r��G-•:,-�e:.t C�, G 4-e-e-e-.4e e z-fc.,.--- (-----'-'6-/ /e'2-!..e.z-..eGi ST. - e•":':'---t-"' ""-. .. ,. - •. i 'S.i44 ..-[I'.+:,,.J 41.......6t '.. _"V4./1 • �-G- Z. v �. 1 ,' -r!/ l+ i . „-Z-t..c.-e-, ex-t.e_ --7,..., - .....e,,t,„ -e-4,..-4_..• ‘y . --44/7 .., .......L.,..e •. . .... /e. .e.-t", G.!... .!--'e..c.,_,4z_..e/ c-e. .•?.ty. 4 ,.. , • :< y. �- � , • r r ........,,,/a.--e., -2- 6 L,,, '6 e7. 7 adr---,e_zLc_e...' .:...,t, .g-,4 - I , _,. .C f 1 (7) • ,i �! l • • S • r.. k L r: February 17, 1991 Robert Ericsson, Euecutiue Manager �' Mountain Park Home Owners Assoc. F #2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace y Lake Oswego, Ore. 97035 :x : RE: Proposed Retail Addition At Oswego Square 4 Dear Robert, I have had many residents of Greenridge call me concerning the proposed additions at Oswego Towne Square. fill of them are • opposed. I am also personally opposed. °, P This issue has not been discussed amongst our enter b 9 association yet, so I am not really able to make a statement for the association as a whole. I will bring the topic up at our nett board meeting M. (3/7/91 ) and can report our feelings to you afterwards. 0 ' ' • Those that have eHpressed opinions are against the additional building. "�' Sincerely, y • ,. Barry Kaplan President Greenridge Homeowners Assoc. 4. u• 0' ,,, r t • 0 • .: , : ...., .• ... ,,c, 4 To: Bob Ericsson, Executive Manager Mountain Park Home Owners Association 4 , . We would like to voice our strong disapproval of the proposed retail building(s1 on the Oswego Towne Square site.that Britcher Frank Properties has suggested. We agree that such a project would destroy whatever "park like" setting remains on the property and further that no additional business is necessary or desirable at that site, We feel strongly enough to suggest a boycott of the present businesses if they do not resist this expansn, Harry and.Molly Elliott 49 S. W. Condolea Ct, ;::': cc, Condolea Board Mountain Park Thriftway Moores' Cleaners ` Cracker Barrel Outlet (Norm Thompson) Hanna Anderson Columbia Sportswear u { a a Round Table Pizza ti. ..Y , • tr K 1 •i W L Va • le l'. Feb. 12, 1991 1'. Mr. Park Homeowner's Ass'n. Re: Retail space at Towne Square r I approve of allowing additional retail space to be built ' at the Oswego Towne Square, Additional stores would make ' ,. it easier for residents to do their shopping closer to home. The more convenient it is to shop close to home the more it will encourage buyers to live in our area. Many residents in condominiums are retired and do not care to . drive additional miles to shop. Businesses 7 yf encouraged to come to Towne Square and emore sspace dise needed. X�ott'.re truly Cht4.a•) Margardt C. upe C- 45 Eagle Crest Dr. Apt. 200 Lake Oswego, Or, 970,5 1• K•t 1.. lll((( A, t i t 1 •( s. r ' u` j { . . � fi 'I • i • PK ' �' - � «. � rJ 1 d • " >. . It' • New Retail Space - . . ,. . F , • v ` Proposed for Oswego Townes Square . . ., Birtcher Frank Properties, development on the site, even owner of Oswego Towne Square shopping center at the corner of borhood was zoned for neigh- Boones Ferry Road and Monroe ment od commercial develop- n } Parkway,has submitted' Prey- The center that was finally nary plans to the Home Owners approved and constructed had Association for a new building few tenants until Birtcher Frank at the shopping center. The new building would have remodeled purchased i ia it in b& 9,000 sq, ft. of retail space and e Facade, and be- could contain up to four small gan the retail spmarketing ce retail businesses, It would be lo- is virtually all leased and is home cated on the existing grass area to a variety of tenants. Another between the parking lot and new building at the rear of the Monroe Parkway,just west of the •office parking lot was recently shopping center enhance off approved and will house a Monroe Parkway.The facade for • children's day care center. ' building would the ld match that There is concern among some of the existing retail space. residents that any further expan- This shopping center has had Sion of the shopping center a troubled history since it was would cause it to lose its neigh- '" first proposed in the early 1980 s. borhood character and would At that time there was strong generate increased traffic in the neighborhood resistance to put- area. There is also concern that ting any kind of a commercial the open space in the Develop- YC� '�D e . ment would be reduced, which could have a nelativ�impact on • ' 12 the general L.tl , aesth cs of the area. Association News 2 3 The Mountain Park Board of ''4ti Resident News 4&5 Directors has the commercialClasses& proposal under review and I Special Offerings 6&7 would like to hear from residents Services 1 8 with an interest in the project. Recreation 9 Plans for the retail addition at ' Community • News..... t ...,.io&ii Oswego Towne Square are avail- Mt.Park Classifieds ` ii able at the recreation center for • Calendar 12 review during normal operating hours, A Publication ofthe Mountain .. . : . b li main I- . . w Ia7i• i1''' S.. 44 -- ■�..::' `w� Cthe 1 ` ay. ASSOCIATION OF OWNERS u • . •-' 1 ' , 45 MONROE PARKWAY LAKE OSWEGO, ORE, 97034 February 21 , 1991 : ,. Robert Ericsson, Executive Manager y Mountain Park Home Owners Assoc. *2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego, OR 97035 . RE: Proposed REtail Addition at Oswego Towne Square Dear Bob, The nearly one hundred residents of Condolea Condominiums are opposed to any additional building at Oswego Towne Square. They are adamant in their stand on this matter. Letters received from several are enclosed . Construction of Towne Square was originally approved on the basis of "need" . Both the original developer and Birtcher Frank have failed to demonstrate a real "need" for the com- munity. With the possible exception of the three outlet stores the services and products offered by most of thetenants in the retail area can be found in the stores within a two mile, or less, radius of the center. To the best of our knowledge none of the tenants in the office portion of the building directly serve the residents of this community. We do not need, and certainly do not want, more duplication . • J. - When appealing to the residents of Mountain ?ark and to the . City Planning Commission for permission to make changes in ' Towne Square Mason Frank repeatedly touted the open "park like" appearance proposed by his company. We believe they have accomplished this . Now they want to destroy it by en- closing the center with another building or, we are told , possibly two. We urge the Mt. Park Home Owners Assoc. Board of Directors to stand firm in it ' s disapproval of the retail addition proposed by Birtcher Frank Properties . Yours very truly, d ' 1 Charles J. Beek, Chairman Condolea Assoc. of Owners • u1 • Iehitua u) 19, 1991 • P. ' caf Dine Ci 044 ."`,271.1t Nome cvtxle/w /i44occ aa; c arecon .. ., ��s. T oane Sguane Devetopnent, • ;It „the incept i.catL oif the buildiny of. he Towne iguana development, we o, the nei.yt/Lbonhoa many mcctinp to voice out cwzcenao, nartcLa, do we need Lt? tt/L1.2 we ,support the coming .into the L"a cooed? what one the nui ae .feve.Cts going to be with the ice-Eac;.L ' p rrn •eltopo?flow much added "'"agic wLJ .then be? a3e ?lave now .seen the neeu.Gta and Vie .idea o addingbcti,tdi�u mwce �, !none not.ze,and none • •. not CLC:d to the open enviJcwvru'JLt that we Like and u,eze rn(A/Li,Sc'Gl. We thee tiiCe neZ6ing .Ln a mane Jttuta.E eett.ing. to ace nan[,' ice-aired ado and do wonkinc`z peoplewho Li_ve .UL :CJLe newt ,J,'LOtiMLi/ ()1r .ete Y cnLd the noLze we get tam y manning/3 s at dawn coming // al yean 4/iPaJyE/wc/e derc vu- - �'�.^aGr ea t v the vat iv ro b-,- ew.i.neeeee Le not .the alarm clock we deeLne. l hi,a ams one v4 :. 3c cee Seen the .aguane was . ooh ruz f we app/cova2. No nai-oe! We have -?,oca'/zed at empty Y z1i,eee yecute and we milt why we need mute emptic,e to add .to ;Ito abceady ave/c .�.. : ;Jte empty bu rcing4 a12 oven the iahe e,2aaego and take C4 ove and 217 wceaa> . rn vetoed .two etcaty. 6uL..din7,e, fryJ fool and a t teateh complex, and now ayan we cute bang ;F auppwtt mote of .the .sane. l iana vf_ u,a do rzazt. duppoit .;she .acjucuce bccau e we have ° • z-- e a( Lee ne.t.cLi.Lut4 have .t;fie of ti-hal: . Jza Gera,/se we Live .in ,) . lank we u'.e..f,l: • goedo and denvicc,e 4tan what we pay f vn La the alien fuel f/thwe Jtwp4. (Ile "OWL/ /tY Ct&0/ERS". ()arty of Uo dicLve .to Lake L 2W( Lo on Lalte (.;/cove Siena we nd -K .rz ' .swtvLce and fn,Ecndl y ate'rude ate much fietiten. t()I2. wLLI 1'(' tlti.;.i.t.l.an(tI. 41.e0:5 'L.V/.i('a.: 'i)l( /toi,y(' (;.til' J/ . 1)iAc'(' 1 "t( • - w - 47. 1' .11.I.' PI01111.-LU fl .fa. Lie Zitet!..,5 e.l,(L i.t 'A.(J 4 r (i ( • . r.;a:('.:O.'te /LC)y t: wll(Y. �tOt �(' ,4t.va.Wt l llyt .'('.';to. ( 1 II( t (' �. , ! ' +- =:: - 1Li21`� j.i It(7 fie coat:nal. i"L bVLLp'tt nr.te in ,'ant 4u (.'.`jot. .v'fee P:,'ttxa /L o fexiztirdj ,.te o wLLL bc: a con4idenation. .` . ;:,/c.i�e tilu.e J' felt / can .Lao oat my window and. .oee bi,Ct!exvLn z .mv/c wafting .tJvwatlic V „ f/team .:he cor:04.'x and ,LLLing .tote aiic tt,u Jt f cunea we dal't tu' d. / ae/t ate, r.. r/eta di.'ctc ea ached any of. iu: n e tt,3 what ae need on what we wuaLd ..e.Liee in `a • r.P _ :.'e)'L'to(Xt,J .'laveViet/ rz.s/Lesd /LW (Jrl.t.eit in fie 4.sy.1 L/t( r)"P. 41! vv. ' (Wit' I/4 to approve /wit: Jtt zg.o. Thi o .W the veitlt bang we ;AricLi..y/1 „zetvi,.. t,y :Dame'[. %v 'tee') it 0,9(in (Ind IJLI)l tlr2 '. na,, .laid t•i "_(el 44 )i*(' • • v w.(.'t f(+t:1Jt '. ,t(Y:,( wii: a +it7...uvCt, (a,'te L('tLEtn Vain!! +dt ILL:UV,' .40 �'(" ($at:11�) ;z Peke wLC. .Jtc ,W.C.l.0tIA Open 3/A2CC.5 -412 be Ja4E. 1,7wte Llti..11be ale of .eta next flx..a' :11(2,1.), .1. •. V , lay• T a' r , } 51 i r ^ 'y '..1/J 1 � ..•� ... M Do we need an want a deve.topeic tv teGL cca we need mote empty 4/1°116 we mote n :ce 4prrce� anvwd, the rurxwce ,cf, e ca . ' e dv Rat LiJze an abaeratee cxcvteicv ta/ze oven neat n i ^ c.�/rGcuJwcx� and .te GC cce wfrat #/iev r " z fat aa. We .U/ze caw. open cpecee and we ITPLA21 do eve.y;tha✓t; eae can .tv ta.e4eKve .the tern v -z gncen mceaa we /zave fP t .rn . a f ummruutt/. 171 i e Ls what we iueice rytcwru.eed r,.c'ar the oii' wzin.9 and we uxutt .tv heel', .1...t Ik.uv way. fe, i tr a' - . a • • rjlCCitCi et iCtWRrirn "• 40 S. W. Canclv&'.a C t Lake moo, W. 97035 • • • • *T a., r r 1 % ;r V 1.4 •A • 76' r1 "1 › v1r,1.J / Virs )( .' J 4 CIO 4lo1 77�� . )Th- J.fr ".)-ii. t p.''''hps3// 40 wa i2 J. el -alvt co w, e r'1 ' 2k " odr>arJ 1 rr.-y IR0ad y - r Cwwe•s v`G ✓eJem7<.) / e. F. A b b ri.,4! to. -F.e" h/ w , cc ° bj c,J-ro r .,fib '4 4e� � ruh© rC� 1'l � 4 w/ w1 Wow O! ••,Gµt / /I r e PNd>r.7y„ C 0t( ,i4.r ),,, + M In p W d v� 4 :— C�Yli IM /, �1 L.�e�o J? ,. • ✓y `yG / s L 2 hv9 .)....1.,G t r Li L i ✓/ d o✓dj4,,✓^1 W, 4 1d n.e 1 11 -c-4,6,.., 0-c a t'e.j a ..¢d 4 1„.,L., P Ix.)�� Iv, C Iu.d4 wf , 1 le,r b y C 1 , ' OKo 7 .0 a r • u ,• �e °r r c' z±":::- e•••7(y).'siC-4,,,,r.44.7-640/ t • > �• • • t R. R. BVLLIVANT 1211 S.W. FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 1400 ,' PORTLAND,OREGON 97204.3797 (503) 22B•0351 i r • / ek,)11.4 .....e4. /t?r".V.°71( • R • 4 i' .- '`►tr f/0'Zc'�-G'` c.•,e Lei-eil Y/\y r / d l^et (.c'i 4( :•E-E E, 1. (:`fi,L-AL•;1 C'�va c4.,ut t-C7 1 ti -,-4,--eAvi y e c 3.z.,7 ' u , t.4a e I›..q....,e.C.41treil fl,...*12Are4a1..e6 /6e'rr. -4 44‘)- /,"y,_,L,/i .. "i / p/.., ... -.......4474-7 . ,,e-ej-ef:Liete.ARP (14,4_,‘4r,A__ ,*63,34,-;T4-::,./Aa.z" g,4.4-cut...e.E. . - / v.e.t.e.... 7t...e -,: ,t_,- a • ‘,-el-e -i-e-gLeii-e-r..47?qc1-Xt72/ ae,‘el Isv a-7 .,.. . i.,. . M, ti'7� C�.. , t.•r& - ,>�4 ✓ eta/410, ,` • ..7 r� �.. :• .�`-`•'L. ...C.f...� `•ti '�,�ti�',1„..... 1..'` Cr'��" G-/,..i K,I / ,'yer .'t'G' 1 .� ,a(,n�1'.- 7 7 • e-C.�`7�'L O''✓ t,d,L,Lu. L ZL/.'0J '`e,.. �1. ,,, ASS` ^ c..v.A..?2, e.-ee2.1 , / e,�e /...r et..2'�1 r ,•t/"'Z Lt,t,,:.4:/r/ G=�,,?.4. -et r d 1', / t,. i i ' / / �r. .`--•.1r-'%-t.(, rr,r1 1 e,- '1.-,. t t .(-. C k,'"-e-e •' ,f'` ;..*. Y1 i. /..:18.04fr.,4, .... 4://,..Li& / s , .-, . ti /H, t ' t . d �� February 20, 1991 Charles Beek, Chairman Condolea Homeowners Assoc. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 Re: Retail building on Oswego .u` Towne Square Site V We are very much opposed to any more building on the Oswego Towne Square Site. y It would not only destroy the open park-like setting but would also add to the traffic and crime f ' k problem prevalent in this area at the presenttee�ich is becom4nq more Mountain Park is becoming too crowded and we feel that buil { be curtailed throughout the area. d4ttg should • Fiavel Temple Rachel • �' Temple 42 Condolea Court, Lake Oswego, Oregon c - • �'♦ ♦ Y l a I r 26 Preakness court Take Oswego, Oregon 97035 503) 635-7834 • TO: Mountain Park Homeowners Association, Board of Directo rs FROM: Churchill Downs Townhouse Association, Board of Directors Michael Dailey, President RE: � . Proposed Retail Addition at Oswego Towne Square DATE: February 24, 1991 On February 11, 1991 the Churchill Downs Townhouse Association • Directors voted unanimously to exert all possible efforts in Board of opposition to the proposed addition. The general feeling was that sacrificing any open areas and green space for additional retail space would negatively impact the character of the • neighborhood (especially given the loss of wooded areas to recent development). Therefore, the purpose of this memorandum i,. to advise the Mountain Park Homeowners Association, Board of Directors of this position. In addition, the CDA Board would like to request any information about the positions of the other homeowner associations in Mountain Park regarding this issue• • • 1 .fir.; • • �• / :‘,....:......,:.:...,, i, . ,,,/ 7.a.,. 620. !/ .„7 . • t42 _ .. . at_ at, . ?re 3.5- ..... 0i......,.. .. .. . ( ier_e_,,t.„„et,,,, .,..,.. ."... ,r 1.......e.c.. ) ..„,,,,2,, ...."'"‘ 6:7440.4_,,ez_v* le...c.44.74..... . a's} CL' l 'Itl) • , : ,„f „,-,, , . ,. . . ., , i' ,,i...-1/,2...cc.-vt--t.....e—a114.--) f , ' ' ft,' rt?La_ etz c.„{,<_, 4:52-4—T4.,c--er,thr...r..-.,_..Th .4 .t...7,,,......... a_et_e_........-i, i , (.4..c._, ,,.;,) tt...,....A,-....7.— :.‘i. . ,. ? . !` ✓ �fiuz C..L Q nn� 1..tt,,.e ->v l Ltii t.GL ,L..., oft— 0...pr,...i.,) Zi, - LA.__ et...., �C•.'C-" /(`2 e.�C.+G.D��/G�"L"!J .1..�.�-•C.... (2sCv,7 f✓ s( 1 iig........... fiAS x,.,..`Let..L0✓t-'n4‹. ft,c�r�t� trC-+mil ��i�!.�' ..�:-C.t t.�� ✓/ /r' • i .., . . "1 t.4.144...4t../...... ,t47:11." . ..444. 0...V1.7.-"A.0.' .41...../ ..61",..........le, • , . . , ,. ., , . , /a ' / h r ..�J'(.-t4.. C G , , ••,_: -� �f., �GG�,!.r _„�,,/ /J,,, ; . ,, , % ,,�, hi • , "'`-k C/, ..r"�. ,a1.t... f F..t_.,c..• „,• ,e, f,- ,,t,r ...,, , J .44�L • Jr�-1�3r,e.(�/ l V Ln L! .rl^y 1.�ty, A `�. H + .r_✓� tf ' -pz ..CtiG�.r'L ' J .4 .4'.'te. /44.4 `t `_`--t-.a Vie/ Lo t�t��. � , . J • _. r- •1, I` . / 1 L •• • • • • • • • n , 1•i • u1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •O ' • • i COMPASS CORPORATION . ... w t � s ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNING `f4l'*r� (503) 222-4652 • s 6564 S.E. LAKE ROAD (503) 653-9093 .,w. MILWAUKIE, OREGON 97222 FAX (503) 653-9095 . .. • [nil :' ' . DI I` June 28, 1991 Via Fax 635-0269 and first class mail. Mr. Michael R. Wheeler J U L 1 1991 City of Lake Oswego 380 "A;"Avenue • Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Re: File SD 8-91 , r.. Dear Mr. Wheeler: I have been told by Mr. Mike Velott that his counsel Mr. Gregory Hathaway will be unavailable for the DRB meeting on July 1, 1991. Since Mr. flathaway is a key member of the presentation I am requesting a continuance until. August 5, 1991. Mr. Hathaway would ' • be available for that meeting. • It was my understanding that tapes would be made available for the board members not 1 ,,' present at the original hearing. I now learn that this work was not authorized or accomplished. • If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our n{'flee. i 4 cerely :I:87 4 'i„___ . Bruce D. Goldson, P.E, BDG:ct:2810 - • cc: Mr, Mike Velott Greg Hathaway • "., '•` 1 , K. .YID. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • , I, .. GARVEY, SCHUBERT 8 BARER A PARTNKRISNIP Cr PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS SEATTLE TENTH FLOOR ELEVENTH "'LOOP WA¢H(N¢TpN{p,(, IOU WESTERN AVENUE' 121 S.W. MORRISON STREET FIFTH FLOOR y w EATTL¢,WABHINGTON gOI04.10$3 PORTLANP, OP 0ON 9720d•3ldl Imo POTOMAC 6TREET N,W, WA6MINGTON PtC,R0007 (EOS)s104.3C39 (BOG) 2418.3939 (20a) A0M•7A90 TELEX!32•1037(LEX SEA) � s CAflL@t LEX•6EATTLE FAR!(303)$E9.020A k PLEASE REPLY TO PONTLANO Op-K10E } v' VOXCB MAIL, arr. 3127 r • r r VIA FAX #635-0269 July 1, 1991 Michael R. Wheeler Associate Planner City of Lake Oswego City Hall 380 S.W. "A" Avenue, Third Floor Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Re: File No. SD 8-91 a Dear Mr. Wheeler : As you know, I am unable to attend this evening 's meeting of the Development Review Board due to a scheduling conflict . Mr . Bruce Goldsun of Compass Engineering has respectfully requested that the above-entitled matter be postponed to the August 5, 1991 meeting due to my unavailability. I would also respectfully request that this matter be 1 postponed to the August 5, 1991 meeting, Although the Record is• closed except for further Staff input and Board deliberation, the Board may have questions for me regarding cur effort to meet with • the Forest Highlands Neighborhood, Furthermore, any al issue that may arise would require my attendanc enablingemyrclient to object or respond, • The applicant has not previously requested a continuance in the past, and the request this evening is not for the purpose of delay but insuring the fair representation of the applicant . I would respectfully request that you share my request with the Development Review Board • this evening , Very truly yours, GARVEY, SCI UBERT & BARE ' '` '.. r I yt B 5 , tiet L./rAsv---------- . y GSH/lkh Gregory S. Hathaway i, 5/CU11/B19/1 " 3L3B1-00100 CC: Bruce Goldsun Mike Velott • . e • ► • • NY • ti. .D Op • 0 r ::. • • r r� - _ - 1 ` OF \ os OA • OREGO$ DUI'AR`1"\1L \1 O1 PI.:\\\l\c; ,\\1 ll:\'1:i_0r,\if \r b' MEMORANDUM TO: Development Review Board FROM: Michael R. Wheeler, Associate Planner SUBJECT: SD 8-91 r DATE: June 21, 1991 Y The following exhibits have been received since the publication of the staff report dated May 10, M'` 1991 and the staff report addendum on May 16, 1991: •. Exhibit 28 Utter from P. Maier, dated May 15, 1991 Exhibit 29 Letter from E. Luthy, dated May 16, 1991 Exhibit 30 Letter from L. Saunders, dated May 16, 1991 Exhibit 31 Letter from J. Cox for C. Young,dated February 4, 1991 Exhibit 32(a& b) Comparison of Site Plan for SD 8-91, received June 3, 1991 Exhibit 33 Copy of Exhibit 46 (portion) from SD 53-91 illustrating opponent's suggested driveway alignment; received June 3, 1991; submitted by applicant Exhibit 34 Copy of Exhibit 46 (portion) from SD 53-90, illustrating opponent's suggested Future Streets Plan Option "F"; received June 3, 1991; submitted by applicant • Exhibit 35 Phosphorous removal efficiency calculations by M, Haber; i received June 3, 1991 Exhibit 36 Alternate Driveway Plan by J. Duclos; received June 3, 1991 ' Exhibit 37 Letter from J, McCauley, Fire Marshal, sent to B. Goldson, Compass Engineering (applicant) by facsimile transmission, dated May 20 1991 • Exhibit 38 Memo from A. Harris, dated June 12, 1991 • Exhibit 39 Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculation from Exhibit 35; • converted to proper form Exhibit 40 Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculation by staff, dated June 21, 1991 Exhibit 41 Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculation; verification of Exhibit 7 • • • h f a i • ,1 • P. ✓ On June 3, 1991 the Development Review Board requested the Fire Marshal's commentsregarding the Future Streets Plan and whether the connection of the proposed private road with County Club Road should be permanent or not. Exhibit 37 has been provided in this regard. 0 .. .; This information was transmitted to the applicant on May 20, 1991 an position in the matter remains unchanged as of this writing, d the Fire Marshal's On June 3, 1991 the Development Review board also requested that staff check the conclusion of Exhibit 7, the applicant's Phosphorus Removal Efficiencyaccuracy and ' in comparison to Exhibit 35, which disputes the applicant's conclusion. Worksheet, particularly Staff has evaluated Exhibit 7 and 35 in Exhibits 38, 39, 40 and 41. The author of each has • employed certain assumptions in reaching their respective conclusions. The applicant assumed a building footprint (used in A3) of 1600 sq. ft. or � additional area appears to have been included for parking, which typically(w Auld ad each„0.01 An each. The applicant's calculations are accurate, based upon these assumptions, acres Exhibit 35, submitted by opponent M.Haber, has been evaluated in Exhibit 39, N ' • was given as to how the areas were calculated. Staff has attempted to verify the figureslu edron ` I 41 with little success. Instead, staff has prepared Exhibit 40. °;.. The figures used include roof areas based upon maximum lot coverage or building whichever is less. An area of 400 sq. ft. is included for required parking for each (ling.envelope, Based upon these maximum amounts, additional drainage swales would needdwelling. remove phosphorus from storm runoff, Alternately the applicant or the Board to could designed to building envelopes to a P greater degree than that proposed by the applicant, limit Compliance with the worksheet is required by the State of Oregon and is typical( demon0 ' upon final design of the road improvements, prior to construction approval, y strafed 2,acwib. fsD91,2141,, ,ru>sas-qi/Denm. • 0 0 0 r . . 7 KNAU.S ROAD `O ! IX I 8 i 1 w . ��! w • .417. t. ax n1 m 13 r„ C) to 4 I r _ r • fjl I °°�Ty ai?::l/�� nSE r C .r ir_ a� s y ��/• 4•, trl o • +• • ' 30v r 2®4' ,•' 4. .,.._— - It 4 „`e..\ Y�,( �r�•n� �" ♦ B 4 '0 '8 b _ I } N ` i o B•:.. a• PiUttAt:N 10JtAKr •' r.? + la+ , w c •" v_ rr• , � ; a lrt �l \ / y.. +a 'ail •• • d +'•�"" !1 s Y ONO 9( + • !, • .1 :i C+ 1y4. • ! !\ �+ m ` oo y 1 i v �.� . 4 • 1 •-" a ,<..` n '', \ • 1 tl 0 .,. r ::;) ''�.ia. .1y4 c Tt + `q , 1� ` O. Y • av 1 :4 eL) •i r�Y pi, 0• �d+ ' t� y + t, =g. t^�B. `I. 1 �l o o Ada rl 0 \ Y , 7 Z b II• ' to '' t , .T I\ tit t J,; , ta Y + t. o0 1 Pa ,� ♦ ` 11N j )b • ` rt l ♦` v t1 y ♦ y ' r: Y �y rlo t,. ,r I ,_,• .. '7, to ..,. - Y 9., Jd4 'a db • :q i} • v y ! ll A y a e 1. 1 • , A d • • ` ' . 7 '4 �.'•ta 4 , I y t, r,�-:. y . .'1 �y+��Y 4 1 `� fir' V aJ , ' t'' •• "'� \r"-0 I���9 r.ZZSI1G. =V~+:1'.% %M i • tip " .. 1 • . d . r • 4 ' , * . . , . , I „A, / II I • .,a / r' Found JN'Iron Plp. •tks _ r / / , j Future Prive r&hi o P ^' 1„ • Found 8/8'Iron Rod F�a 31 r{•r! • �y.' ..- •��T ',1+ku :I0 M• ,4),\ ; 9, ql y Y «„s... ••.,.._:w..ii„.w..."". - —i, 1 , r II ��e rJ' �l 'bI / iL. ,,14r • • • +' Rf' ! 21,540 Sq.Ft.Grds I Pc • /11-,•a �! 16.70,�S t. ado Flag U, Ir., r End of um �.o r• u,` •,':•r >, ;; r 1 •0�ii 0; eP.1 Construction �1 y t r • ., +• r,t..• , 11 r r,_,• r vyyd_w i,, ,,y.0, " y v :* ! y I�4r' °' Proposed Sanitary In•: 4,, q +"+ • t' , ' Sewer > • • , 1,, stye; �7)pO �. ••\ `,Py{ a2u-- . ' `t �+ '• !.irr jb;j 'c4.1 \•• PRI 1'« 7 5lnrlm \r + 17,030 SwF-. Gross I A •r • ��'1 4 1_.4.,08q. F w o Flag ,SN,s, ♦�I '!1, iy ,- v� ' tib y • r',' N J✓:A :i /A, t4 r yli" r yl co • • SCALEI 1'••30' ! 4 ; 'r'6 «`'+•.Y1•' f`'1'rr'rL'3.^` ' ,?I .. I�, •r • • aA.A?3\ is ri �w 3 Pt' � r •'w++ r ` 7�I 1 11 ,� t ,•,‘4 y ! n4 ✓ r. , . v V. .1 x , ' I • , r. d,';�.,r Qa•1'i • y„'. 'dlrrn • LEGEND lt,. p' ` u ' 1� �� +G" .n r '.t � ' .;I • .•a I. I r 4 J r' •8'F•8'Flfp b / 0 ^• + - I','ff.r�b�• ., ,.1ti'+O,•4t. !• . • e'AL-8•8 Asldir it `l,. • 13.870 Sq. Fl. ' ' i •P- • r• prf raw ' ' ,ly( • .111� \ ,Ici'^. 4Ar 0 IlY YI,N4kl�T �' " a �% I u, • L��I � Ji �q I a ,• o � Y� �7r41•!n*u" ." I � 4'�(••fY i• { a • I I —`.�, .•r.. sed _ r, ,.'I��_ +• 14o' i{ �iLL'" 17'.� . . �� g. F1p I `I• a+p 7 , (n , [,w•�.I�. , ProCatch Rs,ln ,4 le'' ?( •�r �3 , � f'.1 Mt..V4t'pjAv• . vw;• +, 1 .' .ttP.P... % • ., ` I ' 1i1 rlmiura,.."\...d:�1..ds• Ln»!.�.M•— •. It ,e. \ 7 7 r P' • r r 1.J . .,..,. • �.4 ti n m •,7• > , a V. Rightl of Way ' r r r r 1`"`Ip'G.C.h * I• •Y '�C I� h T 7' I ,,,Yala , __ . . .._...L._ \ . .,,/211 ' I a- i EXHIBIT COUNTRY CLUB ROAD .r . , Proposed4 S^b Sanitary Sewer 505 41 - 0 . I - ,f. gttlaNEtaka Jr-NENE�, 'lb-Aw MSO , n r1 ' '. — •, r . ` R • . ? '. a ;. '4 • • J I 0 .. c 7 'e —1 IV C4Maerir4 11.J. � r, ,�i , z nd U1 oS.tuw r :_riT 1LN m L !i nUJ in yr r j r 1 2 L ...A ,„, , , g El 2 ' •. PDIGAD•Inoaat,W.J. " -- 111116111NIk . .4- m r•3 Is. \Sis.... \\_.\\7k.,\••\••.....\\ ' • J. oo B• /� 113' `'� \ \ 'w. C CDNt�ITtO .,• !OM 's 4�`` --- ` ,��. 3 + , ,c �/7l� Y.✓�1 O 1,.., w', u 12 1/, ` ,y��Zf aiD •.� ,� .� 1WAy Ft1N~ , .� 3Jtl v` \ \ \ \Oy 9 . • (j. 11Nt:44. ''''le \ \ nm j ro 4.. i'' le\ley�B!e tsi 8a ` •/?t GH\I I, n By \ 1. ,A..: 09� �` 't1 N • 1 ' !'''' 9P t I'm �C N! ' �\,,/,+,,,8 +� \ d ('y4F U • rCO (#..! b i It • Y, j'•`"' on • 4�P�� i +��2: +,ey0 +d y ` !Y. \ \� 1 is " \ 1 6 .9 0,\ ..f A ' \/ .„, ., qh j ,, ,. a't�+04 y r ♦ +Q4, .b`•� A/ `, \ •'?,'C p, ' ,•, �+-- ✓"-•yP I t ,t +,` �,�4 dy Y t� vss ! .��, y, � i fe • • p le d' Iv qC 11 G\, •�, qs ysFb t St•: ', ♦ ..rp `� B h \ 1 t \ t R� �,, •" •'•., ,,* ,,, •A.rs• '+' i•. . WI . /II: ) a I \ • ' iAl'frO `11 ! t I I I I . -� I I� : I ►, J, I I� r I I I ( � I •I I � I � I I , i j • II i I II i I I ►► I ItI II I I I I ATWATER ROAD OAD ! 1 I • 1I I j I L j I Ir_...1 I .. ._� i►.! 11.: _. ,! _ I , } I . 1 _._. o ._ .._..__._..1: _ __..._. .— _ , _ J.._.. J L _ I �! .. �o_ 1 I I cr [....... ,,,..- , . , I - -•-•-._.-.._ —= I .i'� 1 , II ._... . t> UNITED ' � I I 1 / HURCH rl f", I. PRIVATE' d��'.� �./ ,,,,,.. CHRIST R 1ST ,• "'. `_ r �----- II I I �. — ..... I..... .._. 1 toJ-- _. � _ _ a _ r 1 �.,,' i I I I ,�_ I I II 1 , II I I I 1 1 Ni I j I I I I I I I I I I I 1\f j I I j I I I I i .�._ COUNTRY 61, IlIII CLUB ROAD COI! r' Jr . FOlLatrargirlgi74211 j �„).U,N TR Y t r ...a., so 8-91 .., wFUT .. MAP. ... , . ki tP....e., 1.51"P.E.F ' l'1. °Pilots! F . .. ,.� .991. . . , y " + . b /. 1 a ?P\Q•GC " 1 '3L 117 �. � 0E 4r p,, • 0.2 c> yr 'PIN*--ec-c2. 3 Cat.> v . 3a ok.) ,1 Sy, V 1 ' h x • lk 1 \` -c--'p2.�.1NG\ 1-,,,°J, At. .j/\\L.,16< ` _ 1-7 "/0 A Pc 3 — Z a/o ALA -- ' \ (/r, . ' `s2v — (co," . I-7) 4- C0. 7 , "32 ,4 ( o 5 i) .--,-- c9, .. (o ' . •r, D .' (p ''-\- cZO`cez.f-.... \-->/ \-\\c\v\ --ce._, k\-4:- p..\s. (..,J 0,At-,1- re::\ek‘pv.r( ti 0 ,.,,,t, — K r.xti \ ti v`- testa L, Ry �,.. �„ — 1.,,,,,^. -..f'z yL,• v-CAL,•S e? 0 EXHIBIT . \ • 0 Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculations . . .;.,, Exhibit 35 Converted to Proper Form Acres Fraction of site a Total Area = 1.2 • Al = 0.204 17% A2 = 0.0 A3 = 0.384 32% A4 = 0.612 51% A5 = 0.0 100% -. • :r Rv = ((0.7)(0.17)) + ((0.3)(0.0)) + ((0.7)(0.32))+((0.05)(0.51))+((0.0)(0.0)) e p Rv = 0.119 +0+ 0.224+0.0255 +0 Rv = 0.3685 , • Rp = 100-24.5/Rv 100— 24,5 0,3685 • 100—66.48 • l = 33,51 • • :a EXHIBIT • • t u . • Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculations by Staff (based upon maximum lot coverage or building envelope, whichever is less; and 400 sq. ft. parking as required) • Acres Fraction of site Total Area = 1.2 • A2 = 0.192 16.0 s • A3 = 0.0 4 = 0.302 25.2% ' • A4 ' A = 0.706 58,8% 0.0 • 100% • .p .. L Rv = ((0.7)(0.16)) + ((0.3)(0.0)) +((0.7)(0.252))+((0.05)(0.588))+((0.0)(0,0)) Rv = 0,112 +0+0,176+0.029+0 Rv = 0.317 Rp = 100-24.5/Rv • = 100— 24,5, 0.317 100—77.28 • 22.'l l • • i ,, • •.+ • _. .. 0 ▪ EXHIBIT 140 : so__.2-9_t • • - •. .•° . .T , , _ • • Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Calculations Verifying Exhibit 7 • 1 Acres fraction of site Total Area = 1,2 • Al 0.14 ' A2 = 0.0 11,7 A3 A4 = 0.15 12.5% i0.9 ' AS 0.01 7,ri.$�Io r. 100% • ' Rv = ((0.7)(.117)) + ((0.3)(0.0)) + ((0.7)(0.125))+((0.05)(0.758 + • Rv = 0.082 +0+0.088 +0.038 +0 Rv = 0,208 Rp = 100*24.5/Rv = l00— 24 • wt 0.208• • — 100— 117,78 —17.78 • • EXHIBIT I • • • y J KNAUS ROAD..,, . :. i.:.. ' ea* MI -:p• 1 ; r N w -1 C rn �'• _ 41 a JJ$00 Q1 ;, • I I y 3" ei �, I 'iw� vs 1 0 7 ' it 1 tol M. 284' ! 7 1�� ' , e ,y 7 ir1 1 \ Z - - .. nut a . . m C.a II i a J 4; • to N 0y ~� s PR ►• Ikvi ..... ,.... ...... �J ' 1 , y 5� w o ,r. )Ids\ ,1y O 103� g. * 4 to o� J�a \1 r,y` _\ ,... �'\ �' ,. •` t NIal a • CO O O �,V, '"^r�,,��a..r 1 ,.�,Q r, q�t .may, •(` Jy r. �.. .M yp ('! , .'t .'r,. .v'� �' -`$� rr0 ,*.9• •1 I ...0. rv0p. •r '•"' `I `!. , Jy'" (7 1' ✓" nf=1 •,! / i�� 1 d�'-�-_`i i �' I ' y 1 8 1 r W \:::: 'v 1y ! Al •\.. +0 ., /4 'A \ trc•I I I I ,. C— I r I 14. t �,' rO., l 'tr, — - 4•, I ' 4 \ 3 a I O J y•If, 8q I �,� I y ., v t , v \ s, ' I,, I t ee .'• Ob Cl .•U �vF ,r.•,�. `0 '.�j... '4 I `ty'•,4..1. 8.1. \• ;'J'^ 1 I _.,,_......J I 9•.y`' ;� - } 4. • 9Q^� �` (� r V; 1 ,\ \�e . $.4 \ �� ... \ \ '.` I.0. 1 .• a \t. „ I -�1 \ '4, .. i 'I. -I:2 1°..;# \ Vd 0 ►INcw•Ywa,lit, . , ,• q. , n, -0.. n J ,JOS,r 1 "� �,. y 1.III n . V, t , 4 .4. - a '� �';. 02 _ 287t• I 8 a`� y•"ka A. 1Op 'Jy,• • W +r. jti • om 't . .19 — .,.I .' 1 ,p < „ r • 4 ye CITY OF LAKE OS\'VEGO • May 20, 1991 By FAX(653-9095) • Bruce Goldson Compass Engineering 6564 SE Lake Road Milwaukie, OR 97222 RE: SD E-91 . Dear Bruce: The Fire Code requires a minimum 20 foot—wide all weather driving surface to three or more • dwellings. Minimum turning radius required is 25 feet (inside) and 40 feet (outside). As shown on the ahtached map, if the new access at position 2 doesn't meet these requirements, then access • at position 4 would be required. If the new access meets these requirements and the road east of position 3 is not a dead end and doesn't go through a maze where we can gain access, then access would not be a must at position 4; it would be nice to have, • Respectfully, • • if't John Fire Marshal McCauleyy cc: Engineering 1.2l<Wollaer5D8-91 FucCode • 1 EXHIBIT • 7(Sre.i.) 41) • • • n 1 1 • 0: .. . . r45-c--;*i3&kitbiwt.1 .,,,i,',.,:s•iii II *-••• -1, • ' • •-•..41\/ • 4: . � Fr.: i"11 ••• fti Lt. ' , - ) + .� t, � .� tri V `, e�/ o' rea (wi' p 11` :A 1� s- f1 -10 1991 h ' • ; $ ; , + a 1 'a . • J i Y • Z-014 . ] 31° fAAOA.,,r, P k t 'r O 'ter-_ .- .► " --.„, Ix, A ...• 4,42. /N.-N.. • . / 6 s3�9��,3 6cJ�J"'_(�01, ''� 1 • �,t►i Sor7 yA Or"� y� r �, .1 „.,,'' . 1.1 „lit , a. .: � / '`� tj`rlI(Z r;e.0 lit „ I iq-4"'"fro : I. / i !1',/ iir4 liff • . 4 fc): .' . . ,.... '"'".":s 1"... 1 Uw-7. '''''‘"°'Lkr.. ; 1 4'.4:'.1...-;...c4H4. ' .. . ...4111.1. -----1—'9: . 'ill' ,P16-4 I ,,,,, ...4 y,./ i, / Or ; La VOA L.A . 4. 14: j/..i..'(......,N td. k.. , /-_, .0.,A . -0 . X ., 76.,,,e,,,„4(.64 Aec e---S-S o ' ' . g-4----4.p- 1„.;-,1 tr..4"--.-,7,7-''' ,r''' ..,,, I i. AP.' 1. .„//r"'"..--."7 inAG • , .• I /d+L[ / 7 ` / ''`' j •_.� A • • V - % 9 talueoalv-ut, . .I )01 / • . F / a fl . -,... .- E7 / I� 4 . /,��� n CntEa am'y I••.0 U l ¢Q , y ' ;(„� � � rS J w \j'ili � • � • 'M r+� N , :k1t.t) , , f, f � fGckl VtCQ coil( ti, i at `'! / iiI zr. i ( + ' �� Ji�r . i , y in;! o �� �yc cfr _ ► ,., � , ' �. ,F'Sr ,IA*I.• .4u. / ....4 \.,,72.`r. •. ,.. ,.•.. kl, ' "" .ram. Eli 6 .9 + �'.r.,;.r' �; ' , -_zp + iy/ � ,,r, + .' A:Nt.ui CQR �.ti7 jut n ,q�. - Gt1EWUc�t,t ��Yi nlxt2nlltl. .. .• � _ _,1, .. 'CUltIrIPEn5h61 �1 . LP ? i - iauiowE 653.9093 . i i C 00 1Q11-ely Ctd()5.R, H , E r 10.206-10.207 UNIFORM FIRE CODE manner deter or hinder the fire department from gaining immediate access to said equipment or hydrant.A minimum 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrants except as otherwise required or approved by .1/ • the chief. '. (b)Identification of Hydrants or Equipment. All fire protection equipment ! or hydrants shall be clearly identif ied in a manner approved by the chief to prevent 4' parking or other obstruction. • Fire Apparatus Access Roads • Sec. 10.207. (a) General. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. -_ ' .` (b) Where Required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be required for every „ Wilding hereaft; constructed when any portion of an exterior wall of the first story is locat .. rt°ore than 150 feet from fire department vehicle access as measured by rill unobstructed route around the exterior of the building, ' EXCEPTIONS: 1.When buildings are completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system,the provisions of this section may be modified. 2. When access roadways cannot be installed due to topography, waterways, . . nonnegotiable grades or other similar-conditions,the chief may require additional k fire protection as specified in Section 10.301 (b). ` 3.When there are not more than two Group R,Division 3 or Group M Occupan- cies,the requirements of this section may be modified,provided, in the opinion of 0 .' the chief,fire-fighting or rescue operations would not be impaired. More than one fire apparatus road may be required when it is determined by the chief that access by a single road may be impaired by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain,climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. .,, ,;f,1' For high-piled combustible storage,see Section 81.109. • (c)Width.The unobstructured width of a fire apparatus access road shall be not ' less than 20 feet. (d)Vertical Clearance.Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed ,. vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. , © EXCEPTION: Upon approval vertical clearance maybe reduced,provided such • reduction does not impair access by fire apparatus and approved signs are installed jand maintained indicating the established vertical clearance. • i (e)Permissible Modifications. Vertical clearances or widths required by this I section shall be increased when,in the opinion of the chief,vertical clearances or widths are not adequate to provide fire apparatus access. I (f) Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to •, support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. -_ — (g)Turning Radius.The turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be . ... + ..�� �Y,���ti;� t as approved by the chief. • rivia• (h) Turnarounds. All dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of ' fire apparatus, . 1991 ...,: • e r M .. - •. r. • • MEMORANDUM • TO: Mike Wheeler, Ar,sociate Planner FROM: Andy Harris, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: SD 8-91 —Spears Partition; Phosphorous Removal Calculations DATE: June 21, 1991 • I reviewed the phosphorous removal submitted with the above application on March 28, 1991, The calculations showed Rp (required phosphorous removal efficiency) to be 18.3%. This should have been 16.67% with the numbers used in the equation. A negative percent indicates that the development meets the DEQ rule for phosphorous removed. The applicant used 0,15 acres for roof and parking area. 0.15 acres equals 6,534 square feet which would be 2,178 square feet per lot for roof and parking areas. This is probably a little on . the low side for the size of these lots but I have no idea what area will actually be constructed. State law (i.e.,DEO rule#2, attached)requires "permanent stormwater quality control facilities" ✓ that are designed to achieve a phosphorous removal efficiency as calculated from the following equation: Rp= 100—24.5/rv. This equation is in the attached DEQ rule. � M a To calculate this equation one needs to know: • • A. The fraction (percent) of the total site area that is (or is proposed to be) paved streets (or driveways), and B. The fraction of the total site area that is (or proposed to be) building roof and paved ' parking, and , 4 C. The fraction of the total site area that is proposed to be vegetated in pervious areas; and , D. The fraction of the total site area that is streets which drain to water quality swales, This requirement is based on the actual or proposed areas above not on the maximum allowed lot • coverage area necessar$ y, However, the allowed lot coverage area is generally used unless there are conditions which assure what the lot coverage will actually be, • • • /ppk EXHIBIT . . 1 5E3 er *.. .. e SD8-.91 • • , • • • • • i . . 0 ...'... . • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • w `<, -.' ,j 1 t 1 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � .. � DEQ RULE FOR STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL FACILITIES t' 1 Starting July 1, 1990, the City of Lake Oswego is requiring new developments to reduce the amount of phosphorous entering the surface water system to levels required by the DEQ rule requiring permanent on site water quality facilities . This requirement applies to all new development and other ' activities which create additional impervious surfaces . The • following developments are except from this requirement : i. 6, • 1 . Developments with an application which have been accepted as complete prior to July 1, 1990 . 2 . Construction of one or two family dwellings . • �, 3 . Developments in which the site is restored to or not altered from its approximate original condition and the development will not increase the amount of storm water runoff , .: • or pollution leaving the site (such as utility construction and street overlays) . v- All applications for development are required to meet both the r • DEQ Rule and water quality requirements of the City of Lake Oswego Drainage Standard. "Storm water quality control facilities" refer to any structure or drainage way that is designed, constructed, and maintained to collect and filter, retain, or detain surface water • runoff during and after a storm event for the purpose of water quality improvement . They may also include features such as constructed wetlands, water quality swales, and ponds which are maintained as storm water quality control facilities . e.• The City of Lake Oswego is requiring all development subject ` ' .. to these regulations to submit an Water Quality Engineering Report which includes the following information : 1 . Calculations for the phosphorous removal efficiency equation noted in Section 2 . 07 of the DEQ Rule . (City forms are available) 2 . Engineering drawings showing the proposed storm water control facilities . • �- 3 . A certification prepared by an Oregon registered, professional engineer that the proposed storm water control •e ,0 ' facilities have been designed in accordance with criteria e;:pected to achieve .he p}� C�fjhot c. removal erfi�, enr_•y • required by the DEQ Rule. 4. 1 .,. .n , ' 4 i ! { �'�r ei rr I " tip 1•t - ' , The following references contain design criteria and information that may be useful to the designers of on site "Storm water Quality Control Facilities" . .r, .I CONTROLLING URBAN RUNOFF: A practical manual for / ,J' July, 1987 planning and designing urban BMPs by Thomas R. Schueler Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments 777 North Capital Street, N.E. , Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20002-4201 ya (202) 962-3200 ;,;,r+ *V , ., This publication is available at the Lake Oswego Public Library. ' Bio-filtration Water Systems for Storm Runoff December, 1988 yQuality M , - by Richard R. Horner Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, et. al . 821 Second Avenue y Seattle, WA. ' (206) 684-2063 • • 0 ' .- , • 1, 1 ;b v ,. a • • , .:f r , Project Name : City File Numbers Date: To satisfy the DEQ Rule, Stormwater Quality Control Facilities shall be designed to achieve a phosphorous removal efficiency as calculated from the following equation: Rp = 100 - 24 .5 / Rv. Where : Rp = Required phosphorous removal effic i . • Rv = Average site runoff coefficient . i�ncy. Rv = (Al X 0 . 7) + (A2 X 0 . 3) + (A3 X 0 . 7) + (A4 X 0 . 05) + (A5 X 0 . 0) Where : Al = the fraction of total area that is paved streets and curbs that drain to the storm drain syotem, A2 = the fraction of total area that is paved streets that drain to water quality swales located on site. A3 = the fraction of total area that is building roof and parking that drain to the storm drain vyutem. A4 = the fraction of the total site that is impervious and covered with grass, landscaping, wetlands, etc. A5 = the fraction of total area where ru ,sff is collected y• and retained on site with no direct discharge to the downstream drainage system. Al = / - • (impervious to storm drains) (total area) A2 = / - (streets to swales) (total area) A3 - • / — a3.. I (roof and parking area) ,._... (total area) A4 = / (pervious and vegetated) (total area) Rv = ( x 0 . 7) + ( x 0 . 03) + ( x 0 . 7) + (A2) 'Al) ,5. ( x 0 , 05) = • (n4) Rp = 100 - 24 , 5 / = (Rv) , Refer to page Figure 2 , 4 on page 2 , 13 of the >chueler book referenced above fir suitable SMP designs . , • . .... • • 1� J / • ti • • • • • 0 . • • • • • • • • ' • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • . I. • ': • • • • . \ • • • • • • • • I' • • • • • • • . • i �, , i • Chapter 2 - Permanent on site Water Quality Facilities 2. 01 Purpose of Chapter The purpose of this Chapter is to require new development and other ', activities which create impervious surfaces to constrict or fund on-site or off-site permanent water quality facilities to reduce the amount of phosphorous entering the storm and surface water system to the levels prior to development . 2 . 02 Application of Chapter The provisions of Chapter 2 shall apply to all activities which . create new or additional impervious surfaces , except as in Section 2. 03 . \ 2 . 03 Exceptions g< ; a . Those developments with application dates prior to ,7uly 1, 1990 . Application date shall be defined as the date on which a complete application for development approval is received by the responsible jurisdiction in accordance with the regulations of the local jurisdiction. b. Construction of one and two family (duplex) dwellings . ::. Sewer lines, water lines , utilities or other land development that will not directly increase the amount of storm water runoff or — pollution leaving the site once construction has been completed and . ' P '+ the site is either restored to or not altered from its approximate • 'a original condition. • 2 . 04 Definitions °°Stormwater Quality Control facility" refers to any structure or • wrainage way that is designed, constructed, and maintained to o llect and filter , retain, or detain surface water runoff during and after a storm event for the purpose of water quality , � • ' .:,grovement . It may also include, but not be limited to, existing • features such as constructed wetlands, water quality swales, and ponds which are maintained as stormwater quality control facilities , "Water Quality Swale" is a natural depression or wide shallow ditch .:sed to temporarily store, route , or filter runoff for the purpose of improving water quality , �5 Permit • :rept as noted in Section 2 . 03 , no person shall cause any change to ir'proved or unimproved real estate that will , or is likely Lo, :zrease the rate, or quantity of runoff or pollution from the rife., _ %heut 1. .:•n+L obtaining a permit from the Agency and following the µ _..ditiono of the permit , f , 1 • FF; • 2 . 06 Permits Required No jurisdiction shall issue a permit for construction or development, nor shall approve anyrsland conditions of the plat, plan, or permit approvalteprenguiuless re pe the stormwater quality control facilities in accordance with this anent �} - Chapter . 2 . 07 Phos horous Removal Standard The stormwater quality control facilities shall be deri achieve a phosphorous removal efficiency as calculatedfrom the following equation: Rp = 100 - 24 . 5/Rv Where: Rp = Required phosphorous removal efficiency Rv = Average site runoff coefficient " The average site runoff coefficient shall be calculated following equation:• ulat.`d from the Rv = ( 0 . 7 x Al) + ( 0 . 3 x A2) + (0 . 7 x A3 ) + ( 0 . 05 x A4 ) + p "• ` (A5 x 0 . 0) Where: Au = fraction of total area that is paved streets with " • and that drain to the stormcurbs ' and surface water system. a, Stem. l A2 = fraction of total area that is paved to water quality swales located onsite.eet' that drain • �} • A3 = fraction of total area that is buildinggoof 'parking that drains to the storm and srfn( anda paved , system. rater A4 = fraction of total area that is grass , trees, or marsh area, and has no impervious surfaces , A5 = fraction of total area for which runoff will be co ' ) , " and retained on site with no direct dischargellected '� ' storm and surface water system. to the nr `= Agency may modify the equation to allow the are lice : • �''iditional runoff coefficients � . cients associated with landie rn identified in this Section, surfaces not '. ` n 2 . 08 Design Storm The stormwaterqualitycontrol facilities shall be designed to meet the removal efficiency of Section 2 . 07 for a mean summertime storm event totaling 0 . 36 inches of precipitation with an average return period of 96 hours . 2 . 09 Design Requirements u, The removal efficiency in Section 2 . 07 specifies only the design ,, ' ' requirements and are not intended as a basis for performance evaluation or compliance determination of the stormwater quality control facility installed or constructed pursuant to this Chapter . 2 . 10 Permit Process A stormwater quality control facility permit shall be approved only if the following are met : VN a. The plat , site plan, or permit application includes plans and a ' certification prepared by an Oregon registered, professional engineer that the proposed stormwater, quality control facilities have been designed in accordance with criteria expected to achieve removal efficiencies for total phosphorous required by this Chapter . b. The plat, site plan, or permit application shall be consistent with the areas and associated runoff coefficients used to determine ' the removal efficiency required in Section 2 . 07 . c. A financial assurance, or equivalent security acceptable to the Agency, is provided by the applicant which assures that the �.' *: stormwater quality control facilities are constructed according to , the plans established in the plat, site plan, or permit approval . The financial assurance may be combined with other financial assurance requirements imposed by the Agency. 2 . 11 Fee-in-Lieu ,r As an option to the construction of an on-site stormwater quality control facility, the Agency may approve or require the payment of a cne time fee to be dedicated to the design, land acquisition, and construction of an off-site stormwater quality control facility . • This off-site facility may be designed to replace the on-site facility requirements of multiple properties , :he fee-in-lieu shall be based upon a reasonable estimate of the current , prorated cost for the Agency to provide stormwater quality control facilities for the property being assessed the fee , The .erhod of calculation shall include a factor to reduce the fee in • Proportion to the ratio of the site ' s average runoff coefficient • Pv) as established according to the equation in Section 2 , 07 . i r n. �� • t • V • �,• t . � '�.,. t• ��• � .U. } '., r 1. ;'r ` - '• r i • 4 r v • ud • F r. •• • A l. 2. 12 Enforcement 4 ' Failure to comply with any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed r a violation of this ordinance. In such event, the Agency may take enforcement action pursuant to Ordinance 18, section :2. 13 Permit Fee The Agency shall collect a reasonable fee for tho review of plans , administration, enforcement, and field inspection to carry out the rules contained herein. e• ..- 0 ' • i • . . .ti., A • r • 1 • w+1 • 41) . 1, . • 't - 1 1 ... .to .. ... • STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO • 1i PLANNING DIVISION 't APPLICANT: FILE NO.: Robert Gray Partners, Inc. DR 2-91 (Russell Leach, Architect) STAFF: •• PROPERTY OWNER: Barbara Smolak r , Les Schwab Tire Center DATE OF REPORT: • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: June 21, 1991 Tax Lot 3800, 3702, 3703 of Tax Map 2 1E 18BA ' DATE OF HEARTl: •r: LOCATION: July 1, 1991 17171 SW Boones Ferry Road NEIGHBORHOOD A QCJ,ATIOj COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Lake Grove ti•,. IP ZONING DESIGNATION: • • IP • I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST ". The applicant is requesting approval to construct an 822 sq. ft. office addition and a 4500 sq. ft. detached storage facility on the site. This request is an expansion of the existing tire service center, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A, City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.340--48,375 IP—Industrial Park Description (setbacks, lot area, lot coverage) LOC 48.535(4) Special Street Setbacks w ' DR2-91 Page l of 7 • B. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards LOC 49.145 Major Development LOC 49.220-49.210 Authority of City Manager LOC 49.300 Major Development Procedures LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval , ` ' C. City of Lake_Oswego Development Standards: 2.005 —2.040 Building Design • 5.005 —5.040 Street Lights • 6.005 -•-6.040 Transit System `, 7.005 —7.040 Parking &Loading Standard ;. 8.005 —8.040 Park and Open Space 4' ' ` ` 9.005 —9.040 Landscaping, Screening and Buffering ' 10.005 — 10.040 Fences 11.005 — 11.040 Drainage Standard for Major Development °r ... 14.005 — 14.040 Utility Standard 18.005 — 18.040 Access Standard 19.005 — 19.040 Site Circulation—Private Streets/Driveways ,„,r? 20.005 —20.040 Site Circulation —Bikeways and Walkways D. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: Impact Management Policies General Policy II, Specific Policy 3 ,,, • ,: • Y., Industrial Land Use Policies General Policy I, II, III, IV 0 ' • .., Lake Grove Industrial Park District Policies • E, Ci y of Lake Oswego Tree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55.010—55.130 III, FINDINGS A, Existing Gonciitionr; . 1. The site is located at 17171 S.W, Boones Ferry Road on a 2,14 acre parcel, r 2. Currently, there is a 13,150 sq, ft. Les Schwab Tire Center on the site, 3. There are 63 existing parking space's on the site and no new spaces are required or proposed. 4. Existing landscaping coverage is 35,810 sq. ft. or 38.4%, • B, Proposal: The applicant is proposing to construct an 822 sq. ft. office addition to an existing building and a detached storage building of 4500 sq, ft, on the site; which received ' DR2-91 r. Page 2 of 7 approval for a modification to an existing conditional use permit on June 17, 1991 [CU 1-84(Mod. 5-91)]. v C. Compliance with Criteria for Approval: , As per LOC 49.615, the Board must consider the following criteria when evaluating minor and major development. 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. A V1 The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents marked as exhibits, accompanying this report. 2. For any development application to be approved, it,shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: , a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable policy groups are: Impact Management Policies ,' : These policies require protection of natural resources from development, comprehensive review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share of the costs of . public facilities. These policies are implemented through sevcru.l Development Standards, addressed further below, The policies require assurance that distinctive areas • will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees be protected from removal, streams be preserved and that density be limited to achieve these results, Compliance . with the applicable Development Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to these Plan policies, Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to assure compliance. • Industrial Land Use Policies General Policy I: The City will encourage environmentally compatible industrial ' development. The site currently has a Les Schwab Tire Center on it, The proposal additions are in the rear of the property and will be related to the existing building by using the same materials and colors. General Policy II: This policy encourages industrial development by assuring adequate 1, streets, utilities and public services, All tequired utilities and services are existing and . ' adequate. Utilities will be carried underground from the existing building to the new storage building. �: . ''' Surface drainage will flow to the existing catch basin at the north paved area. Roof S . drainage will be carried underground to the same north catch basin, • , Boones Fe Road is a fullyimproved five lane street.' P Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and street trees are existing, On—site circulation, parking and driveways will be • unchanged. a ' General Policy Ilia This policy encourages industrial development establishing clear . development standards, This proposal meets the applicable zoning standards for the IP zone as well as the development standards discussed further in this report, • DR2-91 Page 3 of 7 . • W , , General Policy IV: This policy encourages industrial development by designating industrial park areas in appropriate locations in the Comprehensive Plan. c. Since the site is designated Industrial Park on the e Comprehensive Plan Map and the proposed use is an expansion of an approved industrial development, this policy has been , met. Lake Grove Industrial Park District Policies The applicable policy for development in this district requires: — encouragement of shared access for development on small adjacent parcels. This requirement is being met because access to the proposed additions will be from existing on—site paved areas. No new curb cuts are proposed, b. The applicable statutory and Cede requirements and regulations. Zoning Code Requirements and Analysis Retail sales of tires, batteries and motor vehicle accessories hi listed as a conditional use in the Industrial Park zone [LOC 48.360(7)] Modification to the existing conditional use was approved on June 17, 1991 [CU.1-84(IViod, 5-91)], Exhibit 6. The site is zoned IP, Industrial Park. The setback requirements are: Front Yard 20 ft. Side Yard 10 ft. . r Rear Yard 10 ft. The maximum height in the zone is 45 ft. [LOC 48.370]. The setback, height and FAR requirements can be met by the applicant's proposal (Exhibit 2), . fevelopment Code Requirements and Analysis .r The request is appropriately being processed as a major development. Development Standards applicable to major development will be reviewed later in this report, • Tree Cutting Ordinailge Requirements and Ana ysis No frees are proposed for removal. The applicant will be required to obtain a permit .: • prior to future tree removal, if necessary. c. The applicable Development Standards • Building Design (2,005 —2,0401 • • The existing Les Schwab Tire Store is a concrete block, split face building painted white with a red metal facia all around. The structure measures 15 feet in height with a connecting canopy measuring 18 feet in height. The proposed storage building will be located to the northwest of the existing building, It will be smaller in size but greater in height, 23 feet, than the current structure, It will be constructed of tilt—up concrete wall panels, with 2 1/2 inch horizontal reveals to break up the scale of the walls. The applicant is proposing to paint the new building in a matching color scheme to the DR2-91 Page 4 of 7 • V , • ' y - existing building. Due to the smaller size and greater height of the new storage building • . it will appear proportionately more bulky than the existing structure. In order to resolve ., . this difference staff is recommending that the proposed building be moved back approximately 20 feet and set at an angel. This will allow greater landscaping area in • front of the building in order to plant conifers; and it will reduce the bulk of the structure allowing a complementary relationship to the existing buildings in the vicinity. Setting the structure apart from nearby structures will allow the building to stand on its own and will reduce conflicts with adjacent structures. The construction site is a flat area with no land forms or native trees. Staff is recommending that evergreen conifers be planted around the storage facility to lessen the ' impact of large, white—walled areas. . A sprinkler system will be required if the building is used for high pile storage of items, • i.e. over 12 feet, per the National Fire Code 231c,Type IV Commodity. This will be reviewed during the building permit process. • The small office addition is attached to the rear of the existing block building and is • proposed to be constructed of block also. Due to the size, 822 sq. ft., and location of this building it relates well to the surrounding area. Such features as windows and doors have been designed to be cor.iplementary in appearance to the existing building. • Street Lights (5,005—5,040) , • •` Street lighting currently exists on Boones Ferry Road. Parking lot lighting is existing and complete. . . .,' Transit System (6,005 •--6,040). 1 A Tri-•Met stop exists directly across the street from this site and paved sidewalk access, required by the standard, already exists, • Parking and Loading (7,005 —7.040) Parking and loading is existing and complete with a total of 63 parking spaces or 1 ' space/255 sq. ft, The total building area including the proposed additions is 16,072 sq, ft, . • The parking and loadin• g requirement is met by this proposal, Park and Open SRtgg.AL005 q 040.) • The landscape and open space area will comprise 45,7% of the site, thereby meeting the requirement for open space, gaping, Screening and Buffering (9,005 —9.0401 • • Existing and new landscaping in conjunction with the proposed new warehouse will comprise 45.7% of the site, This meets and exceeds the landscaping requirements. Staff recommends that conifers be planted in front of the storage building thereby allowing the • ' new building and landscaping to blend with the existing buildings and landscaping in the area, : 0 . ... . . _ DR2-91 . • Page 5 of 7 ®°: • Fences (10.005— 10.Q4.0), A cyclone fenced storage enclosure currently exists at the back (north side) of the existing building. Removal of 55 lineal ft, of the fence will be necessary to accommodate the proposed 822 sq, ft. office addition. _ Drainage St dard for t laior Development ( n5 1 j,Q4p This property has an existing storm drainage system. This proposal will add 6,072 sq. ft= of impervious surface. Drainage for this will be carried to an existing catch basin located. at the north side of the existing L.es Schwab building. • Utility Standard (14.005— 14,040) All utilities exist to serve the site. Modifications to utility systems are completely on site. Access Standard (18.005— 18,040) The lot frontage on a public street exceeds the 25 foot minimum required. No new access is proposed other than from existing on—site paved areas, There are no other applicable access standards. Site Circulation—Private Streets/Driyeways 09,005— 19.040). All internal circulation is existing. The new building addition will have 750 sq. ft, of new asphalt paving in a driveway. Site Circulation—Bikeways and Walkways (20,005—20,040) An existing sidewalk is located along the street frontage on Boones Ferry, There • ,. currently is no existing internal walkway/bikeway system and none is proposed with the new building additions, d. Any applicable future streets plan or ODPS • There arc no such plans which affect this site, C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted bytheconcludes complies with or can be made to comly with all applicablecrit u that the proposal III, RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of DR 2-91, subject to the following conditions: r • 1, The applicant shall submit final landscape plans for the review and approval of staff which illustrate additional evergreen conifers planted around the proposed structure, 2, The applicant shall submit a final drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer, h. T ' 3. The applicant shall submit final design plans which incorporate reorienting the storage building approximately 20 feet to the rear and approximately parallel to the rear propert} line, o DR2-914,61 • Page 6 of 7 EXHIB rrs • 1. Tax 2. ApplicanMapt's Narrative 3. Landscape Plan • 4. Letter from Lake Grove Neighborhood Assoc., dated May 15, 1991 5. Site Plan 6. Staff Report CU 1-84(Mod. 5-91), dated June 17, 1991 BS/ba (DR91.1( +1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • V n. a:• y R: •b t DR2-91 Page7of7 ,d I( • • !M• • • • 14 11, 1: l G • • .F F • • • • • • • • • • • .r', - • • • • /• M • • • . J • tc • 0 r • {� A elAP �1. c • J t1 . . , 0 o grrrrrrar _» . _, �1 MI arPM rrrrerrrNrrerar15 rrrr1arrrre III g l aR rnarrOM rrrerrrrrrrrNarrrrrra , '.. .: ', >I. .Da io No1oN111svM ° u-. �,J �y dc(u lxau ..._._ rrrr rrrerrrrrarr t \ 0 r®GI �- 05TH AVE • �r ,,,,,,....„.• ikk •: a/aariruI!, l �Q 4 1 I �_j� r._... ,.n 1 . , _ait4 1..,177,4,......;.......' i,, d ��� *1� n '� i 50Y9 I g I e I I $ I I i \ ' bnr9••IA g� "4� (/acne II 1 �1\4\ . ,V I �,II�.•• r DO..N -•.. ,,, , J1J.;, I t�' \I� t 1 I 4I� i . e s. tP,, a �. , 49 ' , JVr.Y v T 1*e I i ' _J .. -l . �. �. 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UYt4 IULY ' ,,, il i �I 1 u i 1 1 ..�,■�■'i�1 \,d\, �a nkaa r,� '14U4ra « , , ,.,•• Illy,' ' ' J I I r t LOCI; art T q,"\ \.9 3 r 1 '.. area 4ZI1i�:1 i EStCt � t �.rtiv 4Lt9 yaLe n >, J t • ,• rr . is J ti� ae a e. • • t, • ri ' • • 4. • y I • . • • • • •Azar." • • am • • • • • • • • e y • t �r • ` • , .tif ,t," ''' 4;''',: ' obe ray f crsnc �.' . . . , Y-1 / .t,r :. S ., t 'y o ; Iv . F � + ,;..1 :. ik-1W •y 6 x f. 410F��iiv, { , �! Z _ i 't t. i 1 . ' � . La t y t;t • • • ' CONPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE @ t 'ffti'( 3 •f 1991 1. The additions proposed to the Les Schwab property are relatively small and are consistent with the policies and goals of the industrial land use policy. The r, appropriateness has already been physically established. The building design standards & goals are achieved by. . , A. The buildings are complementary in color and materials to the existing Les Schwab store. For a "campus" relationship. • • B. The new building is located on a portion of th,) site ' '• that was previously reserved and prepared for a master plan phased development. C. Landscaping is consistent with the existing plan and employs the same 'plan schedule. Most of the new landscaping is in back of the new building and adjacent to the railroad R. O. W. 410 2. The industrial land use policy element ( pages 119 through 122) . General policy 1 - The City will encourage environmentally compatible industrial development in visually attractive structures in landscaped settings. The site is presently 80% developed including extensive landscaping. No environmental damage 'will occur in the locations proposed for new additions. Both additions are at the back portion • of the site and relate directly to the existing building by materials (concrete & concrete block) µ • and by color (red & white) . General policy II - The City will encourage industrial • development by assuring that adequate streets, utilities and public services exist to serve existing and proposed industrial areas. , S. W. Boones Ferry road ie a fully improvrd four ( 4) r lane street in a sixty foot row. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and street trees are existing, Driveways, parking and en-site 41, circulation is unchanged, 4 All required utilities and services are existing a ' and are adequate. Gas and power will be carried "I EXHIIBITt underground from a source within the existing 1'rl. BOX ic;1' tiIIJ U11 r a(>h. t,)NC;r;c tv!a7 1-lU Icito 179.2• p ;;i OR a . G1 • .� '♦ • . i ` . . . . . ... 40 .. . .., .. ,,. building over to the new storage building. Roof drains and minimal new surface drainage will .V be carried to an existing on-site catch basin. , General aLolicy III - The City will encourage industrial development by establishing clear, concise and •,`, 4 a unified development standards. y`P This proposal meets applicable zoning standards for the ( IP) zone, the building design standards, the landscaping, screening and buffering standards and the parking and transportation standards ore discussed specifically in the following - ' development ordinance and standards section of this narrative. • General policy IV - The City will encourage industrial development by designating industrial park areas in appropriate locations. This proposal is in the Lake Grove area. The site is zoned IP and has an existing Les Schwab Tire Center. Existing uses to the South and West are 0 ::.., ' . , light industrial. The North property line abuts a railroad R. O. W. •`R S } • 1 F , ' • f 1 �� .1 1 , �� . .� • do ,. ,4 Y. �' r . ,. : . • ZONING ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE • 48. 34e (2) Zone This project is designated IP industrial park. 48. 355 Permitted uses , This project consists of a new warehouse and an office r ' "` -, addition which is accessory to the existing Les Schwab >;, r, business. These uses are permitted outright. 48.. 360 Conditional uses (IP zone) The existing Les Schwab business is listed (48, 360-7) as a conditional use (retail sales of tires, bmtteries and •; accessories) . 48. 370 Site development limitations 1. required yards , (req. ) (Proposed) Front 20' . 170' Side 10' 11 ' miry, Rear 10' 21 ' (Office) .,,,- ,% . -b. ... .....' Rear 10' 42-52' (Warehouse) a 1'', 2. Far Maximum allowed = 1. 0 Proposed = . 197 • ' 3. Height Maximum allowed = 60' • Existing bldg. = 19' • New warehouse = 23' ' 48. 375 Special requirements This proposal is in compliance with special requirements for the Lake Grove industrial park area (requi:Dements 1 through 4) . • /• " • • . • • DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE & STANDARDS COMPLIANCE V Y Building Design 1. Site plan - 80% of the site is developed including an existing building, parking, and landscaping. A - building pad was identified and left unlandscaped when parking expansion and landscaping was added to the site. No new parking and only 750 eq. ft. of { additional asphalt is proposed. ", ` ,r'n> �J. 2. Building exterior - The new warehouse building is detached (by 80' ) from the existing Lea Schwab store. The existingbuildingis painted concrete block with a (red) metal facial all around. The color scheme is much more visually dominant >, ! '' than the (block) surface texture. The building is ' proposed with concrete tilt-up' walls - painted in a similar color scheme, for site continuity . Block is not proposed because of the structures 23' height and the propensity for CMU ,walis to leak (moisture penetration ) . Clearstory windows and a grooved detail pattern is proposed facing S. W. > `• Boones Ferry road to add visual interest and control the (red) accent color band. The existing and proposed color scheme is a Les , , Schwab trademark. q The small office addition is attached to the existing block building and is proposed to be constructed of block also. • 3. Stream corridors - A 30" storm drain carries ' "M: • drainage under the adjacent railroad bed to the northeasterly property line. An existing open �. drainage swale ( 150' long) terminates at an existing catch basin at the north easterly property corner. Proposed nev development and additions will not affect this -drainage way. 4. Wetlands The drainage swale discussed in (3) stream corridors, probably qualifies as a marginal wetland of very limited area. This area probably • t'e would not meet the wetland hydrology criteria were it not for the existence of the railroad track bed and the 30" drainage pipe - channeling water to the • . rear property line. This marginal wetland does not 4111 meet the criteria for classification of an ''essential wetland" by the division of state lands i /,. • r!, 5. Street Lights - Street lighting currently exists on S. W. ,Boones Ferry Road. Parking lot lighting is existing & complete. 4. A "wallpack" light is proposed on the East facing (door) wall of the proposed new warehouse at 16° 1, high. This light is primarily for security and faces the existing Les Schwab rear driveway. , 6. Parking & Loading - Parking & loading in existing and is complete. 63 parking spaces currently support 10, 750 of existing building = 1 space/171 ! ; `` sq. ft r :n ' • :• a,: The cumulative total building area including ', r- -t4AY, proposed additions is 16, 072 sq. ft. = 1 space/255 sq. ft. ,. This ratio is much higher than that required for ' industrial & office uses and is higher than most ` . v ' commercial' uses. ;, ! 7, Transit System - A tri-met stop exists directly across the street from this proposal. r ," , ; The Bus Stop = 17160 S. W. Boones Ferry Rd. Les Schwab = 17171 S. W. Boones Ferryrr; Rd. -, , 8. Park X Open Space - This requirement is met by the .* ° landscape standard. 45. 7'% of the site is proposed in landscaping. 9. Landscaping, Screening and Buffering - Existing landscaping comprises 38. 4% of the total site area. 4 ' New landscaping in conjunction with the proposed new warehouse increases the landscaped area to M: u ' ',tw ' 45. 7% of the site. .:, The new warehouse building will form a backdrop , • ti:, wall for established trees ( 4) and Frasers Photina along the separation strip (irom the parking lot. ) A grove of (9) fir trees are proposed behind the warehouse building and adjacent to the Railroad R. O. W. The intent is to provide an evergreen backdrop & eventual screening of the "very open" railroad "swath" , , ' Shrubs & ground covers will be the same as those ;'3 already established in existing landscaping areas 1. ,;rf 4110 (for continuity ) , The existing landscaping has an automatic ' irrigation system and will be extended to irrigate '" new landscaped areas, 0, , , • • 0 The office addition (to the existing building has y J �: existing mature landscape screening @ site • boundaries. No new landscaping is proposed here. 10. Fences - A cyclone fenced storage enclosure currently exists at the back (north side) of the existing building. • The proposed 822 sq. ft. office addition will �' occupy a portion of this story a enclosure requiring the removal of 55 linealft. f fence. of existing 11. Drainage - This property has an existing storm ` drainage system. g Y This proposal will add 6, 072 sq. • ft. of roof & asphalt (impervious surfaces). Drainage from these surfaces will be carried to an r nr +, 44' existing catch basin located at the north side of ', `" the existing Lea Schwab Building. • p 12. Weak Foundation Soils A soils investigation 4 conducted by Carlson Testing, Inc. indicating ass , design capacity of 1, 500 PSF @ the new building location. See report dated, May 7, 1991. 13. Utility Standards Modifications to utility systems are completely "on site' . :; - ;..±. 14. Hillside Protection & Erosion Control - The site is esser, ,.ialty flat and all areas rill be adequately " drained. 15. Flood Plains - This site is not in a designated flood plain. • 16. Access - No new tsurb cuts are proposed. Access to �` the proposed additions are from existing on-site paved areas. 17. Site Circulation, Driveways & Private Streets - All internal circulation ire existing. The now building addition will have 750 sq. ft. of new asphalt paving in a driveway to a single overhead door, 18. Site circulation, Bikeways & 'Mask-,rays - An existing sidewalk is located all along the street frontage at S.W. Boones perry Road, internal walkway/bikeway systemr and e snone nO eissting proposed with the new building additions, 4110 . , 19, Tree Cuttin g There are no native trees in the proposed building areas. Seven landscape trees ( Cherry ) are adjacent to the proposed new warehouse building and will be retained, J4 r e' • • 20. Sign© - No new signage is proposed. r• 4 ' i r . i PROJECT INFORMATION + j OWNER: LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 17171 S. W. BOONES FERRY RD. LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97035 ARCHITECT: RUSSELL LEACH P. O. BOX 1016 SHERWOOD, OR 97140 • CONTRACTOR: ROBERT GRAY PARTNERS, INC. P. O. BOX 1016 SHERWOOD, OR 97140 SITE AREA: 93, 260 SQ. FT. • `: 2. 14 ACRES ZONE IP PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING LESS SC HWAB TIRE STORE id 17171 S. W. BOONES FERRY RD. IS A ( 1 ) STORY CONCRETE BLOCK BUILDING (PAINTED WHITE) WITH A ( RED) METAL ROOF SCREEN. THIS PROPOSAL HAS (2) SEPARATE PARTS. 1 . AN EMPLOYEES (FACILITIES) ADDITION OF 822 SQ. FT. Is • ` PROPOSED @ THE BACK (NORTH SIDE OF THE EXISTING STORE. ) THIS BUILDING ADDITION IS IN A (CURRENTLY) PAVED STORAGE AREA ADJACENT TO THE RAILROAD R. O. W. 2. A NEW DETACHED STORAGE BUILDING OF 4, 500 SC. FT. AND 83' HIGH IS PROPOSED AT THE NORTK, STERLY CORNER OF THE SITE. THIS BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED OF TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANELS • AND IS PAINTED IN A "MATCHING" COLOR SCHEME. • PARKING & PAVING IS PRESENTLY COMPLETE. 63 SPACES ARE EXISTING. NO NEW SPACES AR PROPOSED. A SMALL ASPHALT DRIVE • (750 SQ. FT. ) IS PROPOSED TO ACCESS THE NE ) BUILDING, LANDSCAPING IS SUL STANT I ALLY COMPLETE, IN AND AROUND ALL ` EXISTING BUILDING & PAP, `ING. NEW LANDSCAPING IS PROPOSED (AS EDDUIRED) IN THE NEW BUILDING DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY, SEE E x 15T I PSG Lpv DSCPoE PLAN EL-1 FOR EXISTING A NEW PLANT LIST, 4111 UTILITIES: NC) NEW SERVICES WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE SITE. 1 , GAS a POWER WILL BE TAKEN FROM SERVICE WITHIN THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB STORE AND F P i c-D UNIJE F:POUND 80 LINEAL PT TO THE NEW STRUCTURE, • 4•± • • S. SURFACE DRAINAGE FROM THE SMALL (750 SQ. ' DRIVEWAY) WILL FLOW TO THE EXISTING CATCH BASIN. ATW E THE NORTH PAVED AREA. 3. ROOF DRAINAGE (SHOWN ON SHEET 1/3) WILL BE CARRIED e , r UNDERGROUND TO THE SAME (NORTH) CATCH BASIN. "` PROJECT STATISTICS +r, SITE AREA 93, 260 SG?. FT. = 100% =2. 14 ACRES EXISTING BUILDING 13, 150 SQ. FT. = 14. 1% (UNDER ROOF) EXISTING PAVING 31, 500 SQ. FT. .t 33. 8%e EXISTING (UNDEVELOPED BUILDING PAD) ' 12, 800 SQ. FT. = EXISTING LANDSCAPING 18• 4% ,.55, 810 SQ. FT. � 38.•4% NEW BUILDING 410 ( 1 ) EMPLOYEES ADDITION = 822 SQ. FT. (E) NEW STORAGE BUILDING = 4, 500 SQ. FT. 5, 322 SQ. FT. NEW PAVING = 750 SQ. FT. • CUMULATIVE STATISTICS (COVERAGE) BUILDINGS EXISTING 13, 150 SQ. FT. NEW S, 322 SQ. FT. 4, 18, 435 SQ. FT. = 19. 7/ • PAVING u EXISTING 31 , 500 SQ. FT. NEW 750 SQ. FT. 32, 250 SQ. FT. — 34. 6% LANDSCAPING . EXISTING 35, 810 SQ. FT. N. NEW 6, 768 SQ. FT. 42, 578 SO. FT. — 45. 7% t • y e e r 1 , t . .. . ,. ‘,.... •L t i • . . r ,• . . ` . . • or:itmesilai al T.i 1 . ,.. . , ..,, ..,__ W \l PROPOSED PLANT LIST i ........................_____ ____ . . . ., ay 9�f uvr htl•v CA.t ,i.,..- �'. I N'YVYOIYo•Odd . . w•''� UTANL 11WYN. MNW %Ult 1.'1.hX P•1*,IA `A r 1 r ,'. . ' ;XIIA IM 111N NIIx11,I X.A HI N/11•.II •IIIM .•�X'i..J�`T \ 'III;11I4!I f.•4•• 4.• r•. IA N11X ofr C' 1YY:�'4, - I I "1, •r� �. M IYIAIV IFx1111A11xAM 111YA•11111, `a I III A41 MN.1N,'AI1144411 AIIVAI •1•.1'. •1 d I ( I ,I/ I • MII MII M„MIN 111•N h\II All IXIMI 1IM1.4 .+� C ~' A 4 .0M4 I •1 All le erllW IIA1M•I AI.1111 MNY ,� ( •P , \1S rl, •`•�'I ,F. 1 • hO�.Yry: •e 1II41A% 111,,Ntli11fAM1,e ACIxIIIIN 1•la• - }IrA4•C21YfSsr}11Pu(' 4A I' r�1. i {}'•.r A: I AtIv111)N 111Y1,t 1 r�vuc„ry rj dFA0•' ` �/ ,A44,i 41YINA ) ? + } � IY�+J 1 • 11N11xA 11141141%IYAtI NI 11.1, 19 },.-' ,1{ • 1 'J(` f �l•• P•JIy t• ' \ • /\\p:',4.,," II "11IA1' {I.Y41A4WNA'4NWi11A1N 11111' 11.1{ C2"IAM,44, /.'�"i /1 I aV'• IxMW1,IN IIXIt 111 n1t .., �" �� \ Ji' ,i J �.'r 1 YIN•INA NIMMXMN.M•WIW'1111NI Yf 111111 111r 4 ,r "' eeerrr'If J�n•� • 1 YINi 111. 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In dpxu \'/�. �I1)y, II,trNj >p Lr,1.rFL:1 "�r''•• �,} `�` •- -•r•'1;1 •"#• \ -1, J •- I 1 •�'o L. Yw.1y, \ .'•"--.,..` , '.,A' ' a ci , (n I • +• �• � ✓... �1',. �II'I is \,i� ,:' `.,�� • 1, ,s y V r L. •Y ', e•1 4 ee eI N' . N"^ - \de�r / 1 j Y !o Ie Z �I1. fit, 41ti • *'\ J�Jr•'N •�• 1u1 �•Ifa�s..%• 'c ` .1r,ifl A V v \` Y'- r. _•r 91• W 11f FL13• I () w l `1. e •,\ •,'ANT ♦ -` Ca r O ,4 . . II ANA •4,0 I , I o ,f ' I P •..J' . '` ri 1 1 LEGEND xA \ . \ ,• fr l a \1 tl ' ". �•-,-.-'1, rN11n 1,1u 11111104uunlun: \ 11` • ,1a1•t - Iv— DOS r'' V , n (� '�` \ Ya' I,\`\"` '♦ ' „I PAS ,I r'I`Y GENERAL NOTES A + . (7)0 IYIi11tlY1 ill v(k1 ' \ �' I , ��,N / ,)1 i i 1 .� 9' 1 01 AI 11 II w �� YIl A�' /. 2,,, ' S A it a 1 4..1 1 1 nn.NllwaruJ A 1111111NII,11YIli1,I1111111,I111,111 ''k'A1�t�1I • l e OPP� Qa •eJN ♦..p.1 Np1 A , ! O A '�1, •1.. ,•,' • �PQ vIq' 10 yx. •IA A A 1. 4 1 .I 111,IIA4 I III I,41 11 111111 4' ,Y• ' 1; Y' `'e (( �`\\ • 1.• AJ.a-. J1 ,,r' I Y I` v r.' V 1 A ,1•d. •,al• .1. n , 11 _ l • N1111 t11 N1141wn IN .41.1..014 I,,,,, ..v 11 . •f'� I,w•-I I.J ,A 1.111 . 1 11 I P IA • 1.,_ •1. w..N.M4.4,14 nook.'x...I,an Yr I • ',y- 1 11 .Y, II,wll.pxl..4..:1•x.AIN I.e,x.N•x . Oil 411 1. OA i,,,. `1 1-_ + ♦11tl .'I lT y . 't. to`J. './ - - • A. 1 / 1 I'J '�1 Y• ♦ • • 1)1- May 15, 1991 • t .1• .a.. 0 t' A• 1 ; Development Review Board City Planning Department City of Lake Oswego ° 380 A Street Lake Oswego OR 97034 • Gentlemen: k At a general meeting of the Lake Grove Neighborhood I 'I. Association we were pleased to review the proposed plans fo;r • the addition to the Les Schwab tire store on SW Boones Ferry Road. L We are pleased to officially notify you that our Neighborhood Association has no objection to this develop-- me:nt and supports your approval for the developers, Robert Gray Ptners, Inc. and the Les Schwab people. b Very /r y yours, •i d64-(.4.,1cdr...---"\ 1 S. Did Rodway . ;( Chairman Lake Grove Neighborhood Association cc: Robert Gray Partners, Inc. •• • � • 4 . 4 EXHIBIT 1} • 0 1 . , d rI• J. 11 r4 m0.li•rUr I `` I `_ Ik 4�4._+M} K L1 Maw `�. /\! v i , 1 (h.4.11 IIlwtttlaa ✓l V tK�,Y..�'K i"If vYr."44.!42 (j.-y. ) .•1,1,;,-v I �`V tI'_r�TH o.. It l•- wr\ r.c)...•1 ! , •«•Ix ~ \ --- nl ur N•u rnY c.nu •{r.la-.a 1fti :t w',A 'vim '>_\.. f •' .,_eta-•y 1'019N)dY v 1 _.•p1, aR.nRctl Nwwn If "r'N'/u9o4•I'' lltw l- l JI1 t 4,r_ ♦ r a N•1 u• au P u - -r<¢ 1. Ly A t'.. lv a_ r t U♦Sm Iln mu ..-t••(� ---✓ �•I �ab n. •' p,•TA,.\ a ,.,. m d. N..,a 4�a,n al e Lit I, ma o '-" a 7 r a • . . .. .t._. ~ .. �..�. 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O� �( Os‘•� • a 1 ALA� S F s• ,. two / ' *1 A J II 4 OREGO� pry, \i: I \II:\ i t•,i' 1'? .\\\?\,, , \\1, DI \ i i t 'i'•,:, ` 1 MEMORANDUI.1 f , t TO: • Development Review Board h FROM: Hamid Pishvaie,Development Review Planner SUBJECT: PD 2-91 Tri—Lee Homes Proposal On Sunset Drive DATE: June 21, 1991 The Tri—Lee Homes application was originally heard on April 1, 1991, After reviewing the '` ` original site plan (Exhibit 6), the Board found that the proposed open space tract was too small and isolated to be a usable area. The applicant was directed by the Board to revise the site plan i in order to provide 20% of the site in open space land. Exhibits 11.-13 illustrate the revised site plan and narrative addressing the Board's concerns, The following is an analysis of the impacts of these revisions upon the applicable criteria of approval: Zonin Ordinn +grace -.nalvsis, The site is zoned R-7.5, with a lot depth requirement of 100 ft. As Exhibit 11 illustrates, the applicant is utilizing the flexibility allowed under LOC 48.475 3 to reduce th requirement for Lots 1-4 to a minimum of 96 ft., a 4 ft. reduction. The applicant expldeains the 1.•. P reasons for this modification in his revised narrative, Exhibit 13, • Park and Open Space: • Exhibit 12 illustrates the revised open space plan which sets aside 14,279 .rluare feet or 20% of ' �. the site as open space land. The proposed tract contains the majority of largey good buffering from the adjoining special use housing located alon ythe eat trees the and provides Of the sip,;, Drainage: • The applicant is proposing a revised drainage system to satisfy the water quality standard, The new system is explained in Exhibit 13, and it has been reviewed and found to be adequate by the Public Works Department. Utilities: Since the use of nonremonstrance agreements improvements are once more acceptale to the aCity,s a ost staff recomme of nds that for hestreet pC licant be required to sign a nonremonstrance agreement for half street improvement of Sunset Drive, including sidewalks, drainage, street lights and full depth street section, nor to approval • construction plans. P of final PD 2-91 Memorandum Page 1 of 4 tit u , y ' ... .. Wl. •,• r � r �, '. :. 1. .t { 11 G'..4 ftifi • ♦ 1 Solar Access Ordinance: ", As Exhibit 5 illustrates,Lots 1,2 and 4-7 were originally proposed to be solar lots. Currently, the applicant has submitted information (Exhibit 12) which demonstrates that the site can be exempted from this standard due to the existing off—site shade from non—exempt vegetation, as allowed by LOC 57.025 (2)(c). .�r • ' : • , CONCLUSION: a Based on findings presented in this report, the applicant can meet the applicable criteria for approval by the application of certain conditions. • RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of PD 2-91, (subject to all the requirements of k ..7.5 zone), with the following conditions: Y :, A. Prior to Final Plat Ap. rp oval: • Y. 1, Submit a reproducible duplication of`the final plat which clearly depicts; a) utility easements; b) sidewalks; and, c) setbacks as follows: front yards 20', rear • t :. yards 25, side yards 5', and street side yards 10'. . 2, Dedicate 5' additional right—of--way along Sunset Drive. ' N • , 3. Submit a final landscape plan showing a minimum to two street trees per lot (if • ' ' '• possible) for all street. .r 4. Label tract "A" as "Private Open Space Tract 'A" and provide the following note •.t • ' on the plat; 4>.,` "Private Open Space Tract "A" shall be protected in its natural condition for ` the purpose of providing a scenic, aesthetic appearance, protecting natural •N processes, providing passive recreational uses and maintaining natural vegetation. Trees may be removed only after they have been shown to be hazardous to life or property by a professional arborist, and after a tree • cutting permit has been obtained from the City. Improvements in these areas, including landscaping, which are in keeping with the above purposes, ' must be approved by the City of Lake Oswego, No buildings shall be allowed in this area. `r 5. Submit the bylaws of the Homeowner's Association to the satisfaction of the City Attorneyto insure the continuing preservation and maintenance of Tract "A". These bylaws shall provide the City an enforcement authority to assure reasonable maintenance of Tract "A" at the homeowners' expense. .. 6. Provide plat an,' ,iced restrictions against removal of street trees (if they are , :� ` planted outside the public right—of—way). 7. Access shall be restricted from Lot 1 to Sunset Drive, , • Y•r PD 2-91 Memorandum Page2of4 • '4 .`, • '• a ' . . l ` , p ' .Y • 1 'r f f S . 7s •.1 . X 4 -'� ti"' 1 0' M1 , I of t t 8. Show the vision clearance area on Lot 1 on the final l� 48.550(2)(b)(2). plat,per LOC 9. Show utility easements of adequate width on the final plat for those lots where public and/or private utilities are to be installed. Where utilities or landscaping will be constructed on side or rear lot lines, provide a note to future property , ,� owners that removal and/or replacement of fences for public access to utilities shall be at the homeowners' expense. B. Prior to Final Consrruction Plans Aonrc�val: 1. Submit a final wading plan, as per City standards.. ` 2. Submit a final drainage plan, as per City standards. 4 . Y 3. Submit a final erosion control plan in accordance with the "Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook". 4. Submit a final street lighting plan and accompanying photometric data, as per City standards. • 5. Provide the Citya signed a ' g agreement of nonremonstrance for future street improvements on Sunset Drive, including sidewalks, drainage, street lights and full depth street section. 6. Show a new fire hydrant at the project entry, A 7. Show a 5' property line sidewalk. 8. All overhead lines shall be placed underground. ` C. 1Pil r to Issuance of Building Permits: 1. All construction improvements shall be completed, accepted and as—builts submitted to the City. D. Prior to Rece vfrt Final Buildin * In i Ar r n eti U---�l�t�._,� c 1. The property owner shall complete install Rion of street trees as required by Condition A.3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. The final plat shall be submitted within one year of the dt to of the Order reflecting the Board's decision. 2. Staff review of the preliminary utility plan only verified the location and capacity of utilities to serve the site. 3. If fill is placed on any lot, the extent of the fill shall be shown on as—builts,accompanied by a statement that the fill meets the minimum requirements for bearing soils adopted by the Uniform Building Code, 1 t. ' PD 2-91 Memorandum ` ". Page 3 of 4 4. A tree cutting perm any tees it shall be obtained prior to removal of ees that greater in diameter. are 5"or • s• ' 1 t' 4 j', • • 1 of • f �•• •FI at C ♦ 1 � Y• • • • • �,M.. •4' `16: 1'A ♦, !,• S 1 �x 1.l.i • PD 2--91 Memorandt:iii Page 4 of 4 y,• ! ^ �. •14 ! ' + ..a, ay • • • 11` ! . ', f4,•'.a 'i,r . r ry, Jt •Y� n. ' r i. 1 0 0 410 w. 4ftlKNt ollorct. ' r 10T Kl.lnt W PI A111.4 N1AWlm 1 ,,.r Ir A. :ASN3 WAAL. IAI KAII *Litt sr. y .✓'(,,., L•'II Alan If VAI lin KILL: IUN If. j ���t' yy�''I'7 ♦ t1411t 141 K'.11It'AAI A.0 111 At. I11t1 Lt. ..III _,.,.....0 » rA/l1 4A)LOMI ° ► MIL CIIt14n lV(IlF4 10 K K11CAi17 •l.W Ef. m-."' 4a 1 C. KINll1 IPNNLR It11 Peaail1P �.r fill Ill K4li1VAM i+4 w l 111 AL ft tl, 1, '.�IS.. li14 IUW A1C.tiMINN/t[ ' 7Iliv Iltlli N Im1! rl '.',1,,,..,, _.0 .It..l wr.,;1.1(1.1411C \ i1W1.1M a d `i.. . /,/\.,\ v C. 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I A ' }I 1, 1.14 II $41111MA11Y11VNl VIIII d1A111I11 II UY11'YIIVINI VIA A IIIW YI IIY11.I111, , N 111 AN 1111ilur11 �/+• '1 (�1 ,.1 INY mrNIlly WIN 441 I ��Q i 6104 Y f / rN (A �y d p/ i �.1 New ilYVL1AMt.A'11NwN/r1.1 �TI36K5..�,,, 1• 1Ni Ol! o t11. I tot ! ••, t;l NNu11 �4(?p t`I„y�Y •f �f r t1 111 ' SAW(t 1•ldlt1ul�i Wlr' • 1 ,� ' Y �Mf t1 {NIIYrI ITV•IN flf �Q•' , / • IY A11I� I l ,CI..l1•TIN Ivu • 4 !aka 14aw S ut .,1 p,.1: • 1 In..,) I it11 NM I Pi/ N etO 1 i1'YI ' �1, ; it Y ttll I ,.A 1 a t11•• uu a AJd N 11 q Lt i I 1 • IA11' 1A 1.( �111.1111144 1 tilt,•_ i/ IAA.N114,INit,1.111C M4 1 i1.. ,� / l w ( I I NIY111t0 t11111M11 • I/a1ti AVM. 1,11/ 41t OM 1 H.4I �' w N ILLY ('Y�Pitl 11111N(INIYII N4Y111 11• bll I 0.' IN lnl liN1Nlll , Lry NA,UU 11111N1111 III 1100111 o A ,1! YAIrY•w 111duullll I0011llt ,Y,1 L'I Li�•�IiW IIYr1Yl4 M ANON 1 III 1l A 0101 li lit LI0ll0tI11N tP" 1 Il N Nul Aw� NN1YIIr1 111uu1 ANA tN1•..011�tlw1 r) I I.,Ililii 1YUIC l41 I 1 t IA ..NI i1•\Aw1Jd 11N0111N1 I l I, N 1 I 1 Ill lit 111 .. 1 1 1 All,pM 1II�''III�IN'l lL Ii111�Y1 LY 01 WINMYAl llill I 1.. I1L1111Y1;11 III INIII I1�I YI IN Al l�11A IS I1 Al 1 V L! 1 IA 01NN IIplrlwa k'11' ,I0.l IdIIYIN l !ASSOC1Al[i, /LY', _ !1?1 tt 4f IItMtW Y( • I •': EXHIBIT. . _. ... ,..._,. o'II' i' �'iur ,�\ Muvll.Wl(tM(cM r/HJ ' . I \ IMA'W['ISIU,I tAL1M1 t} <Uitil II IMtIW, ,Yily, lNr/11 1111tIt1Uf,VATIC i (0 ` f L ( . t)UI 1sr.. I DRIVE V ..,..'• .Iq 0to lv (YJ a r " A • • 4 1 I5080 S. Forsythe Rd. `•-- • Oregon City, Or . 97045 P May 1 i' 1991 , 71,i . dill . jj ` "Mr. Hamid Pishvae f1L4I 1 1 • L. .Planner City of Lake Oswego P.O. 369 Lake Oswego, Or. 97034 • re: Subdivision case file PD 2-91 JU N 7 1991. - Dear Mr. Pishvae: •, You have received, under separate cover, 5 copies of our revised • submittals to address the requirements of the various sections of the development code, including a full 20`t open space , The ' following Supplemental Narrative and Water Quality and Quantity discussion is in support of that revision. • Supplemental Narrative: This project remains , essentially, as submitted, i . e . seven residential lots . The exception being a request to treat this proposal as a PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. This request is made in order to preserve the density allowed and meet the open space requirement . As shown in this application, the open spade provides • a buffer from the existing development to the East . Narrowing the ,' right of way, as proposed hereon, will provide the opportunity to minimize the impact upon the existing trees , If the sidewalk were • moved tight to the curb, as previously proposed, this impact could be further minimized. • As a part of this revision, the applicant is requesting a narrower , right of way (35 ' ) and a lot depth modification for lots 1 through 4 . In meeting the open space requirement , the aveiage lot depth ,;. . was reduced to 96 feet , This falls 4 feet short of the standard N 100 foot depth, In the event this modification cannot be granted, the applicant requests an additional 4 feet be removed from the right of way with the sidewalk moved tight against the; curb. This would have the end result of providing 100 foot deep lots . - '• Water Quality and Quantity Issues : The revised submittal proposes to place water quality and quantity • facilities in the most southerly 33 feet of the site. This area would provide adequate room for installation of a combination • quality/quantity facility, The quantity would occur by lowering • the ground level and install a properly sized orifice, The quality issue would be addressed through utilizing one, or a combination ' of, the BMPs set forth in the Draft Water. ' Quality •Design Manual , . Brown & Caldwell , April , 1991 . The two most likely candidates for this installation would be a grassy swale, an e:cfiltration system ' or a combination of both, Either of these systems would meet the r ' . • f. :l Page 2 PD 2-91 Phosphorous removal requirements for this project. Should you need further information, please feel free to call . Very truly yours , Russell A. Lawrence, P.E. cc: Tri Lee Homes • • • •• • • • '��. 1,/ 1' • 'V , - • • f• 1 M • •