Agenda Packet - 1990-10-29 • • 1)-3e.nca • • (;) CI (-) ,t • 0 • • • • lk • • A • . • ••• • • • AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUE Monday, October 29, 1990 7:30 P.M, I. CALL TO ORDER Agenda Book • IL ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. PUBLIC HEARING VAR 17-90(a—d), a request by Ed&Patrice Westphal for approval of the following variances:_ a) A 25 foot Class 2 variance to the 25 foot required rear yard setback in an R-10 residential zone [LOC 48.215(1); b) A 25 foot Class 2 variance to the 25' Oswego Lake Special Setback [LOC 48,535(3)]; c) A 5' Class 2 variance to the 15' total required side yard setback in an R-10 residential zone [LOC 48.215(1)' and d) A 20.6% Class II variance to the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Standard,;which requiL`es that at least 70% of the site remain free of structures and impervious surfaces, • Only 49.4% of the site is proposed to remain free of such structures and surfaces, The site is located at on Arrowhead Court, north of South Shore Blvd. (Tax Lot 800 of Tax Map 2 lE 8DD). Continued from Oct b(t sa 15, 1990 VAR 25-90(a—b), a request by Schollander Development for two variances as follows; a) A 15 ft, Class 2 variance to the 20 ft, front yard setback required in an R-7.5 Residential zone [LOC 48,215(1)]: and b) A Class 2 variance to the restrictions placed on nonconforming structures, which do not allow for any increase in the nonconformity of said structure [LOC 48.700(2)(b) and (3)], The site is located at 3531 Lakeview Blvd,, Tax Lot 2801 of Tax Map 2 lE 8, PD 7-90/DR 16-90, a request by OTAK, Inc, for approval of a 12—lot planned development, A 12—slip boat dock, with associated facilities is proposed,as well, The site is located on the north side of Terrace Drive, between Terrace Drive and Oswego Lake (Tax Lot 500 of Tax s's Map 2 1E 9). 41 'YI, GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS —bindings, Conclusions and Order • VIII. ADJOURNMENT • / • • . The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agendaitems. Feel free to come and go as you please. DRB Members: Staff: Robert H.Foster,Chair Robert Galante,Acting Planning Director Ginger Remy,Vice—Chair Sandra Korbelik,Senior Planner James A.Bloomer Hamid Pishvaie,Dev,Review Planner Robert D.Greaves Catherine Clark,Associate Planner Skip Stanaway Jane Heisler,Associate Planner Harry N.Starr Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner Norman J.Sievert Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson,Secretary • _ . 11 • • MEMORANDUM TO: Development Review`tni rd FROM: Michael R. Wheeler,Ass `isle PlanneCri SUBJECT: Additional Exhibits, VAR 1'7-90(a--d) DATE: October 24, 1990 • The following exhibits were added to the record of the abovementioned case after the staff report was published on October 5, 1990: 44. Letter from Patton,dated October 12, 1990 45. Letter from Carbone, dated September 15, 1990 46, Table of Room Size Comparisons 47, Sketch plan showing relationship of residences 48. Site plan for VAR 18-89(a-d) [Original exhibit 19, Appeal exhibit 26] 49, Photograph of lakefront, proposed dwelling superimposed 50, Tree survey (no legend provided) 51, Enlarged tax map showing approximate location of existing, proposed dwelling 52. Photograph of view from Arrowhead Court along east side of dwelling on Tax Lot 411 900 (Coghill) 53. Photograph of road surface, approximate boundaries of site on Arrowhead Court (view west) 54. Photograph of hillside on south side of Arrowhead Court (view southwest) 55, Photograph of hillside on south side of Arrowhead Court (view south) 56. Photograph of hillside on south side of Arrowhead Court (view south, close-up) 57, Photograph of shore, boat slip (view northwest) 58, Zoning Regulations for Lake Oswego Zoning District, Clackamas County, dated December 5, 1947 as amended December 21, 1953 59,a, Certificate of Adoption of zoning regulations for Lake Oswego Zoning District, dated December 23, 1957 and filed April 24, 1958 59.b. Order Establishing Lake Oswego Zoning District dated December 5, 1957 and filed December 6, 1957 60, Official Record of Descriptions of Real Property, Clackamas County Assessor, 2 1E 8DD, Tax Lot 800 61, Notes by Linville 62, Deed, dated November 27, 1961; Rees to Carbone, undivided half interest in Tax Lot 800 63, Covenant, dated March 25, 1.955; Rees to Lewis, Tax Lot 1000 64, Consumer Information Report, dated October 4, 1990 (Deeds) 65, Enlarged tax map of site and vicinity 66. Map: Lake Oswego Zoning District dated December 5, 1947, signed by Commissioners Chapman, Woodard, Dawson, Smith and Crawshaw • 67, Map Palisades Zoning Area (adjacent); noted effective July 1, 1959, dissolved January 4, 1962 410 68. Table of Lot areas by tax lot 69, Table of Lot areas by tax lot Cc Staff has reviewed the material regarding whether the site is a buildable lot. There is not sufficient evidence in the record upon which to base such a conclusion. On Tuesday, 23, 1990, staff has informed attorneys for both the applicant and the o thiOctober and requested their cooperation in providing needed materials. opponents of this deficiency Even if the needed materials are presented at the hearing on October 29, 1990, staff suggests a continuance to November 19, 1990 to allow for review by all interested parties and staff analysis. MRW:llm [VAR90J<Reporvo,V,AR 17-90.mano10y24/90 • 1111) • • October 12, 1990 City of Lake Oswego Development Review Board 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, Or 97034 VAR 17-90 (A-D) "�• Tax Lot 800 Lakeview Villas 556 The subject lot was created in 1953 when Lot 556 was subdivided into six lots. This subdivision was annexed to the city in 1959. Four of the created lots front on the lake. Three of the waterfront lots were built on prior to many of the building • restrictions that have in recent years been imposed. Mr. Carbone acquired a 50 percent undivided interest in the subject lot in 1961 and I acquired a 50 percent undivided interest in 1966. Mr. Carbone is a retired school teacher. i am a displaced lumberman. 'We are both on social security. I must rely on my limited real estate investments to augment my social security. The subject lot has been held these many years as an investment for retirement not realizing that recently imposed building restrictions or neighborhood objections. It seems grossly unfair to allow neighbor testimony with regard to the hillside standard when their adjacent houses couldn' t meet the standard but were merely constructed before there was a standard. A portion of the buildable space is taken away by the 2 offstreet parking requirement. None of the present houses had a,similar requirement (the code having been adopted in 1981 ) . It is true that a variance of the side yard and rear yard ) set backs are required because of the road easement and offstreet parking requirement. However, the proposed structure does not adversely impact the neightbors and even if there were a vision easement (which there is not) even that is not adversely impacted. I believe the application is a reasonable request and should be approved so as not to create a financial hardship or "taking" from longtime taxpayers on of 800. rs very. tru , ' CUL....6)./jary%.. . Lo ell E. Patton P. . Box 85 S Ca er, Or 97015 , LEP/Y g EXHIBIT • 0 . September 15, 1990 C 2681 South Shore Blvd. , Lake Oswego, Oregon g 97034 City of Lake Oswego Cr Development Review Board 380 'A' Avenue Ref. VAR. 17-90(A-D) Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 Tax Lot: 800 , Applicants: E & P Westphal Ladies and Gentlemen: As interested parties, following observations: permit us to make the )) ;) Twenty-nine years ago when we purchased the lot on which to build our home, the primary appeal of the site was the fact that it included one-half ownership of a buildable lot on the lake proper. We considered the lake front property then--as we do now-- as an investment that, when we chose to sell it, would augment our very limited retirement income when needed most. • Given the fact that buyers exist who are willing to build a home on the site that would enhance the entire area, it seems to us that they should be helped in every way possible in the matter of variances in keeping with the existing land use requirements, , • Any limitations imposed beyond the basic requirements would effectively void the sale of what has been repeatedly defined as buildable property creating an unreasonable hardship for us and thus be patently unfair„ Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours, A / /' ,ic - L .t ., r 1 ` George A. Carbone Marguerite R. Carbone g. 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C g Penalties the violation i • tle Desdription of LakeiOsweIgo Zoning Districtil•WHEREAS, There has heretofore been established a Zoning1f lonown as Lake Oswego Zoning District, pursuant to the District f the 'enactments above mentioned, which district is morep particularly of 1 ' • il described as follows: Particular],y o .- A portion of Sections E., of the W. M., in the County7of8Clackam' la, and to T. r2 Sep R. 1 more particularly described as beginning sa State of Oregon, of the West Line of Oswego city limits and the peasterlyiext extension 1110 he north line of Market Road #31; thence tracing the west line of swego city limits, 200 feet;, thence Westerly, tracing a line that is 200 feet north of and parallel to (measured at right angles) the north line of'eaid Market Ro . ,#31 toe ° ' the west line of, Boones Ferry Road; thenceiwesterlytatan withgl to Boones Ferry' Road to a rightangles ' line of said Boones Ferry Road; thenoesSouthweste0 feet rlyt the west � that is20(5feetWeatofand tracing line •parallel to (measured ab right angles) I, the west line of Boones Ferry Road and Lower Boones Ferry Road o , point of intersection with the easterly extension of the center line ' of that portion of Upper Boones Ferry Road which lies along the north line of Lots 273, 274 and 275 • tracing , Bryant Acres Plat 4; thence westerly said easterly extension and the center line of said Upper Boones Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the east line ' f a 40 foot road lying between Lots 265 and 266, Bryant Acres Plat 4� ' thence southeasterly tracing the-east line and said 40 7, T. 2 s R. 1 withof the foot ofaS \ - a Point of intersection the north and south center lines of Sec- tions north 7, so nth , R. E., W. M. ; thence south tracing the 1 lines of Sections 7 and 18, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., t of the W. Mop to a point marking the center of said Section 18;thence east tracing the east and west center line of said Section 18 f which is also the center line of County Road #114 to a point of in- tersection with the center line of Count. Road tracing #�4; thence easterly ' the center line of County Road #404 to a point of interned.. ' ! ' Ailhidn with the north and south one-sixteenth section line dividing the 141. I , have not been altorrd, nmehdrd or modified, and ', o do hereby A 4 tt • east hA7}' of Section 17, T. 2 ;., R. 1 E., of the W. M. on said sixteenth section line to a point that is 200 feet hsouth f ofth the south line of South Shore Boulevard; thence easterly 'tracing a ,line that is 200 feet southerly from and parallel to (measured at right angles) the south line of South Shore Boulevard to a point of ' ' intersection with the aforementioned west line of Oswego city limits; . thence north tracing said west line to an angle corner; thence east tracing said city limits line to a re-entrant { said west line to the place of beginning corner; thence north on There is attached hereto a map,,of Lake Oswego Zoning District, as hereinbefore -More particularly' described, which stdLmap is 'desig- nated "Zoning Map of ,;Lake Oswego Zoning District" and bears dated De- cember 5Said map together with all notations, references, 1947. scales, legns, and all other data contained thereon is by q . erence incorporated herein and made a part of these regulations.this ref- �, WHEREAS the intent and the location of trades and ind sstries. and the aid nlecationent �ofs tbuild ngs% designed for specific uses, and to regulate and limit the bulk. ofgs' buildings hereafter erected or altered, to regulate and determine the areas' of open spaces surrounding buildings; to establish` set 'back building lines; and to limit the improper use of land to. avoid the R overcrowding of population and to promote the public health, e'afety and general welfare in a district so formed and established, NOW THEREFORE, the, Commissioners of Lake Oswego Zoning District do hereby ordain as follows: • Title II I( , 0 Section 1. DEFINITION: For the purposes of these re certain words and terms are defined as follows: gu].ations �' (a) Words used in the present tense include the future tensed words in the singular number include the plural; and the words in the plural nimber include the singular. The word "building" includes the word structure" and the word shall" is mandatory. - . (b) AcCes80r Buildings.? : A subordinate building, the use' of which is incidental to that of the main building. . y (c) Basement: The lowest used floor of a dwelling it more than f half Of its volume is below the ground surface. !" (d) BoardingHouse: A building other than a hotel where meals ' are provided for a consideration for four (4) or more members of the family, pursuant to a previous arrangementsand not to • i/ anyone who may apply. not ' Y (e) Building: A structure having a roof supported, by columns or walls. If a structure is separated by division walls from the4110 . ground e building. portion thereof so separated shall be deemed a aepar- .. ng and we do hercb:e • — I c.A), 40 �t+�1k lailita�' 0sus e..o • (f) Road Side ProPerty Line: The. line road, street or highway. abutting upon any Public . 0 toward Building, ont of: That aide of a buildin • whi trance. road, , highway or way servingthe g faoea priac3pal en- ' (h) Building, Height oft The vertical distance b�etwee tablished grade at the front of the buildingn ti eaf the' roof surface of a flat roof or the deck of arm gat point of or a point two thirds (2/3) the height of a +�'d roof, , roof. gable, hip or gambrel „� (i) Olubt ► association of purpose but not includingPersons organi;Zed for some oommon vice which is customaril carried organized buainesaly tc, render a ser- vice District: A part or art r tract for which the regulations s of the LP.ke Oswego Zoning Dis- ings therein are s governing the use of land and- build- uniform. • (k) Dwelling: Single Famil • and occupied exclusively.by one family.detached building designed for '(1) Family:= cooking on y Any number of individuals living together and all necessary a ployees of the single b1Ouaekaeping unit, together with (m) Garage - Public: A buildingor ' the housing or care of more than thre Portion thereof vehicles for and where any such vehicles are equipped, vehicles muneratioh or, kept for hire or sale peed, stored or repaired for re- (n) Guest Rouses A building' wi sleepin 1 or without kitchen facilities ''or the commodationa, with guests. gratuitous as`accommodation of (o) Hams Occupation: A • , ber or members of the family, gainful the residence, providedtion o space used is incidental to the' residental use and ,that no by a le b sold or offered for sale except , such as is rod ' that the oc- cupation. P uoad b article be y, sudh home(P) Hotels A building where rooms with or without supplied to the ut meals are general Public for compensation, to anyone who may apply. , (q) Lodging • where for a cosders Rooming House) A building other than a hotel • consideration, lodging is persons not members of a t'am�.lprovided for tour (1�,) or more and not to anyone Who maya y, pursuant to a prevSous arrangement • apply. 0 e I ,,„„f„„/3 C / .111 ,+ I • wie not boon 4 1 !n nri, omondcd or modifirr1, and Wo do horo1Dy n �"�p1a' it„q,, • +� ^M ry"rN9*!t 1►k 1 1 r .;01r5*?. ,r :4:' o} p)'Osi��',,�3A z'iet -� '�1ti�s __ (cozlt.Id) r µ Page 4, �; •• (r) Lots �� parcel of ,, , . � •'1 � building load which Is or may be occupied+by a thereto and its accessory buildings for uses customsri:,y incident 0 �,.y (a) Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as de ��' Pined here �``���'�' ) (t) Non-Conforming Uses: �" r' purpose that doe not conform A building , �' "�- o (As pre�nl.sea' used for which it is situated, the regulations of the ' a district in (1 Cu) Non-conforming Location: •shrub Cu) logatei in `a A building structure, tree or \`•or the district in whichliteis i tuated at does not conform to.,they ra gulatioaa , 4) 9e tb . , • or h� ack' Linea: Lines established adjacent to Streets � B,hKa�,q 'for the • roads r hr hwaystore orh purpose of defining limits within which no ently { sintaine��,4-" "Within he setback art elin of ale t►s erected; or penman.. back line and this right of wayo f the means betwr�en the set- street, road or:;highway. ,. . (x) Stiyueture: Anything constructed or erected, tie which requires location on the ground, including hous tr use of (x) Structural +�.lersp Alterations: rl bars of a structure such as Any change in the suppOrtin bearing ells, columns, beams Oz g rder y, ; ' ,girders. (y� Fireproof Wall: A wall constructed of other PireProoP material and having0 no opening masonry, concrete or n8 in said wall 0 1 r. ,, • (z) Temporary Structure: A movable atruc ttre not de r•human occupancy. sigzsed for (aa) Yards: A space on the-sazne lot with a building, between a building and Yards: lot line. / (bb) Front. Yard: • lot b(bb) ythe • .tree: line yardd extendingthe ,ne across the •full ,width of the building or;'any Projection thereof, excluding pointest on the to nS uncovered` stepst'•line of (co) Rear Yid; A yard eaendin g across the f lot between the rear lot line and the rear line of the 'b • u�.l width .of. the any projection thereof, a cludin uildin ' 6 uncovered steps, 6 or. , (dd) Side Yard: Aeen - . ` thereof, and the aide line of the�lot and extendingthe building or an the reary projection yard. frow the yard to tiuns(eePublic IItility; Public Utility as used in shall include onlyp these ur!nia a . companies actually engaged in the Puatishing of gas, Waterr, electricity, t('(lephone service end tire protection. 0 \ . i ,1 • -have hot } ech a.11:o o01 amondcd or mod:tf' c11 and we do her h7 n . A •a.h• t E t• � , ,_ ,r t � re •'i .. pn.-% • `1 34 ,.''1.!Uri a t '.i 0011,0, AN 1 } r ..c • 4 a 67 , r , ! ',, • Title• III .'„ IPRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT I' Section 1. AREA: The entire Lake Ing those certain lots Zoned for commeerci aleuse; ago o s more parts except-described in Title IV hereof, and those vert n.lote zonedd for church Poses as more particularly. described in T tle .V for church°° included in the Residential' District. '• hereof, shell be Section 2. PERMISSIVE USES: No building, structure, situated within the residential district shall be or building shall hereafter be erected or structural) ,used onof building Provided in. these re Y altered, unless otherwise' uses: regulations, except for one or more 'or the following,. • (a) Single •, ; family residences, (b) Accessory buildings or structures. (c) Home Occupations, not involving the premises, includingc the conduct ofI the sale of plants, a bo grid on I products raised on the tract on which such flowers, shrubs or garden products are sold. (d) Parks whose Parks,. playgrounds, golf courses, and principal activity is a servic customarily carriedexcept a thosebusinerivate ss, on as (e) A use customarily incident-to an uses when located on the same lot and not involving lvingof the atheec business, including the office of a physician, 'permitted � situated witt�l,ia the dwellingofodenti of a provided that no�nmn surgeon tost when square foot in area shall be permitted. exceeding (1) (P) A sign not more than twelve ` taming to the leasing, rental (12) ,square feet in area, per- or sale of she premises on wh1Ch, he sign is Placed. ( ) '. No sign of ° area, except as ,provided in Para shalee ermitten in sny 'reside�tial • „!��'. P s "e" and fn� . , �,:, L ° (h) ' Public utility substations or structures provided shall conform to the setback and the game in location, landscape and architecture be yard, lines of,the district,.aid shall approved byTie c etioa7: ..° �i•ssion. divided'into a:low J A.1 NO land, lots containingllessrth than el u es feet be . having a frontage of less than sixty (60) Peet on a road twenty o� feet wide or wider, and no buildingor building enty (2a) ter be erected o�'j� structurally . parts of a may hereaP� 8000 square .feet,' and no such' ot shall be lessthan wide on the aide lot nB� leas than fronting on a road twentysixty or ider, ace \\ that, a single family residence may e2erected and Maintained p ntainad on . • t 4.,,.r,./....4 v,.. , / have not been a].L,t t], omrindc0 or modified, n c1 we do he eby ti Ire ' • i. ,...:. . IIa wt ,, ,.�r, ,," .'1�f ` ..N,` " - vv ,\ t,,�y r, •t':7It'.,�M" ( Ii�. ax-M,` ...4,•. �T fir. y, Iris f"Ri4�• (..,, : , • "r. Oh Va`'rl'/r er.''i' �' 'r ,`{ r H"(•;mK; "'It A 1• �'r• C' '•••A) V t l,,� rl t1+4,4, •, •'^' .,,is '1t , ' I,Ci't is +•:r.;,r«. j � t• K ",t�, ,y,r•rt I.,,y Mr.$,,‘.• . ,, -• a r r $,,*'1,,tr ,..I, P -.t, r , r' 'j x 6 btriot,`- TSt1e III''(coat d)« page .. ,-•, tYt i•'j vrill��"r�'',j(�r'�T 1,"A 1,1J?•:,,, 7- - , a a lot containing lass than 8000 square feet provided that said lot was 11/1" 4 part of a legally recorded subdivision before December 5, 1947, or was ' held in separate ownership by deed recorded before December 5, 1947. i Section 4. hEIGHT: Buildings or parts of buildings hereafter erected or structurally altered shall not exceed two and one half (2*) stories or thirty-;five (35) feet in height, and water--front facade of a house facing thejlake shall not be higher than 35 feet above the • • • natural ground surface at the house wall. No accessory building shall be more than sixtee3. (16) feet in height. .. ' Section 5. SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of the building. The minimum width of a side yard shall be not less ' than five feet. Meaanrements to or from any ,building or buildings shall be computed from the farthest projection of such building or buildings. \• Section 5 (a) REAR YARD: On all lots abutting on Lake Oswe o its bays and canals, there shall be a set back line of 25 feet„ from • the property line nearat the lakes bay or canal. . Section 6. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: An accessory building located in the rear or front yard need not maintain the minimum 5 feet setback ' from the adjacent side yard lines providing it is not less than 5 feet 4111 from the main building. t r 'Sectibri•' ;, •, ATTACHED GARAGE:•- "An attached, garage shall maintain the trbnt setback line, at required for dwelling and the required'' side . yard ,li.nes, of `the main building. , Section 8. BOAT HOUSE: A boat house as an accessory building shall not be restricted by side or rear yard lines. , 0 Seebiau 9. SETBACK LINES: , No building, other than,a carport i t with opeA, : des and unobstructed' view, shall be built or maintained closer then1,20ffeet from anyM road aide property line abutting upon any , street, road or• highway of LO feet or more in width; or closer than 25 , feet from any road side property line abutting on any, street, ,road or ' highway of less than 40 feet in width, except thatthe setback line shall not be greater than the average distance of the actual setback . of existing residences on the two adjoining lots, if both adjoining, lots baverresidences erected thereon, which are within the setback linea, herein,Lprovided; or if only one of the adjoining. lots. has an ex- isting residence within the setback line herein provided., the average ' ' � ^ distance between the setback of said existing resldence,and 20 feet. Section 10.. SETBACK LINES: EXCEPTIONS: On lots where the`net- , ural ground level at a point opposite the proposed street entrance and twenty,five,,feet back from the street line is six feet lower, rer ,higher than the street grade opposite such proposed entrance„ the commission, upon application, may by majority vote, designate such setback linen as they deem proper, taking into account the health, public safety and general welfare in the district. r M• ' .. I. /,IL ALLA A.... J JI/ ,41 IS a ' M . . . • . ° . , , .. . , . _. • „ . • . •. . . . • • t I {4k.•. * ' •I ' b' ' . • .4, • n • 1, • Is„..1...., 171,13.11,1,14 KiiV)k.,3.LI i • WT.:. )r Oh ti r otpv 44vtigilrift.,wipi!k:tieli,.fik; .44,54111A„,,,,-:14; n. a,,,,..#400)0,4,,,,,,,,,,00,,,....,4„L . ,.".-;.. .1,0, ,•ghee go;• anikkg„.tell arty ib t ..5.4v1PeltzV;zT,4,„r.,44.3.4?„ Tr....F.K•17.el,•4!iy; ,..2.1.,i);‘..it,P1401,N1..',(1.:,,;•! :'•:!"--4. . -:-,:,:„.,4417'.4.-ff. ..:..;,..,'„,•:le v...;,....11::, ,!,,,-Ti-.4,:!, • .;'.,,, , ..,. - •-•;•,..-,;-. - ii;v"li ..- , .:, . %. .,.)',..a.?.:1;.t.a.f:: ,.:,, ...! ...,:. • A . . II ° Section 1 ,. STREET CORNERSt SICIHT IMPAIRMENT:, '..There. shall be . . setbackilinw:at all 'street corners. No 'building. or Zhrubberr,causins . ' . * ,• sight impairment two (2) - feet above the grade cf the street or a tree trunk over two (2) feet in diameter shall be permitted within a line connecting 'points on street or highway propertylines .thirty five (35) . feet distance from the intersecting point' of the property lines of any corner lot. . . . . . . . _ . . • • ., . ., ..- \ . . . , • . Title I# 4 • •I I. • .40 1 • , 4. A . Commercial District * • . . . • . Section 1. ' DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. There shall be .. only the. following lots zoned for commercial purposes: . ., lot p Block 3 . Lake Grove Acres Estate .. . n 3 . ,,,.„:; 0 h n • n II : N " 2 ', ' n II ,Il • .. If . . • . f2 • " , 26.: . • *, " 2 . u Is N. 0, n, . ':,, , ....., ' 4. ' et .T:' 27 .. . ; ! r n • 2 II . n II .• It• , ,, . . , ... z . . . 'Lot 5 ' ' " : • Lake View Villas, First Addition , , n 6 ;:' . . of a • 11 n 4 n , te tri. • , ., . tt n " * “ ' "" '. ' n % to n N 11 N • 4 . ,, " 12 ,, • n es n n 13 , , " ' " n n et . . n n te n• it • 0 , ', t ' • ., _ • . •. . Lot 144 Bryant Acres • , '^ . n 45 n n '4, • ' 4 & I 4 • . Lot.4 Block 3 Guntbere Lake Grove Homes • . VI 1, . , II3 1 . II 11 n i ., ' ( , . .ir ,6 n * " n , In • 11 9 , n 3. If * If n n . .. ,Lot 59 Lake Viex ,Villas , " 60 .4. e 19' n i. . .4' . " 61 ' ", 11',,: h ' " 81 P IT II 11 " 82 If If n • n 83 II n n • * 8 a et n • n 8 n VT II " 86 n n sti , . n 8 n 1188 n ., tt n n i n ., 89 , . to n et • " 114 to n n , . ii, : 010 (continued) , .. • , . .; . . t • I LA T.— i /A / Al mf. •I 4fi .... pie. 1.0.-i'eml*sil • . „., 1 • . . _.,. . , . . , . . a . dr p ) ' + ' , -v . .4.6.*Arlo t• .. '.Tite', IV: (coat'd t , b ;, ,1 - . , I . tot 57 cant joss 8 , ip. n 5. n !' o in ° � 3V M n ? ?9 n a n • 99 n , N Section 2. USES: No building, structure or premises situated �` within the commercial district shall be Used axed struc- ture shall hereafter be erected or structural) altered, unless wise provided in these regulations, except 'for one or more hether- following specific uses. • • •�a) Single family residence. (b) Retail store .._ but 'not including sale of intoxicating' liquors, the storage 'or sale of /crap metals, rags, tinge automobile wreck bottles or junk,g 'yard, and uses which are noxious by reason of the emission of smoke, gas, dust, noise, or odors. (a) •Any kind of processing or treatment which i c • ! tal to the conduct of a retail business conducted on the pr�iyleenciden- a. (d) .,A temporary structure. ' (e) Office building. • • . Cr) Filling station, gtra e, (g) Restau.ant, but not including for sale of intoxicating liquor. restaurants holding licenses n CO) Faker , i ' - . , e (4) Barber shop, beauty'';shop. . y -) • :��) Drug Store. n ;•; u • fib:) Cuaigfl er or cooperotive ` cannery. (] ) Frozen Food Locker.. ! nf'. L Atndry, cleaning x{I ' g p easing, and dyeing establishment. 111, (xt) Building material, fuel yards. (o) Motor vehicle and bicycle service and repairs (gaga e (p) Paint, carpenter, cabinet, blacksmith or g ) • sheet metal shop. 1111(q) Printing or publishing establishment. • (continued) °_. 1 ,..,�•1 .,!e,, 1.1 ., �t,e A t , ..Hof., ,..,.., 1;i' H,'.4. .H .s. — . . — i , - • 0 , . . , t 1 ' m , I • . r • Y , T.I ..1.. a:R7'e'4t�1^'14�yS;': tpd}"'1♦"YC!W�:fr" f >( �,t+' e_ '•' 1 '.. '' - . .,+ '1' 77....04 !J$ d, ..I,+" ,.lf P?lull. • • .�^ � n �+'�W f �N ,t� D7 r�,.;frD1�:7 MCrF!'�"{j#`s.+ „'+7T.i1 �y, 'I'r'�: '.4'. ,a. f 71 .., \. ..-:.. I,rP' 1 M^ r • ,• L LDS ry i •`n1(eitV +• 4 . � •J{ QO�t f :' Y,I'' i, + Y �••'M V.. ',,, - ' '' • r''}.�+.'T r�C,e••••Pr e...i• ' , s�`. • ! 1 rr+ r r.' ..Y. 1+' S �.�' ':-: . •y�� i '+ ,^, t'p�e� aAZ� r) Contractor and conatruction companies. • • (a) Plumbing. � . (t) ' 'A branch' office or substation'of a public utilit •••, ' r y Cu) School, church, museum, library, hospital or clip inic. (v) Theater. • (w) Signs advertising the business p and customary to the class of business conductede hed reont� Premises erected. Saki'-tiigne, except as otherwise provided herein, . be �, tam the setback lines provided. in Section 3 hereof. • ' shall mein- r ; A1 r + Section 30 SETBACK LINES: No building of any kind Iw erected or maintained in the conrnercial zone within twenty-five I of the roadside property lines. 'Provided, however, that with respect o any` lot' abuttix�,ug upon two or more streets,,;the ZoninPeet may, by'majority vote, designate ouch lesser Setback lines Commissionai deems proper with respect to the roadside as it abutting upon one of said streets. property line of said lot i j Section 1�.. MARQUEES: Marquees, awn , '�ttached to a building and not independently awnings, canopiestedand signs whet. �' linesy extend a distance of not to exceod ten (10)Pfeeteintoothe setback . J ,,. Section ' 5. GASOLINE FALLING STATIONS: mumps used inr connection with aThe pump island and gas " ', sated within the Setback liuea eaBhere� filling station may be low ease be less than twelve and one- provided but shall not in any • ° . 'Line; likewise the marquee attached of eaidf tom the roadside y extend within said setback ling a but shall in no case extend gasoline filling station yond said pump inland; such marquee maybe supported nor be pillars attached to said pump island PPortev by posts or 1 °-'� the building comprisingprovided, however, that no ' glee, shall be located wihin saidlde 6 sack lines.other than the ,, 7 N. Section 6, SIDE YARDS: There . ' , or a building. TheI { shall be a aide minimum width of a side yard on each side • ,� than five feet, provided, howetrer, that the shall be not less " side yard may be Less than .% • " _ ive feet if the wall nearest the lot line is a fireproof wall. Title V Church District Section .. AREA DESCRIBED: ota zoned for church ur There shall be only the following p poses. Lot 13 Block 13 t 103 H1ock •103 ' Lake View ,Yillea • Lot 2-1 Lake View Villas \ ', i' Section 8 T. 2 S., R. 1 B. .. . sir a • • �. ,,, h' :""t' �'u?'.fafat v:' �`:l�MrM1,v,�o�p' •, nw,0.,r r" ., :,..r$ t , •''' '. f� C •• • wiissg etr3ct ` c ' +;;i ,t 'Iw ' 1- ,, ,,,,.¢'..••1. 't•-.i, ._h d:••. ;� .Yin + a... a.,.i' i r t :� r=,• .TStiv .Vr (cont'di �f,:�r ,1• s0 ,`i ; Provided, haarever, a • , • part of a lot zoned for commercial pu may be constructed on � Purposes. � any lot or 2. PERMISSIVE US3s3$ta'icto Section and re : Each and gulallione alli the limitations, re l apply to and limit, applyingr�.,atriot to—the residential district shall ap district excepts , and regulate use of used and district cep religious othat the buildingproperty with the church s °r structure may be' ' Purposes, " Title VI Nt• Non-Conforming Uses • Sections f>~. . The lawful, o f USE$ EXISTING AT TIME Op Mien of ul use re land and bui,,di ADOPTION att 0, ' motheREGULATIONS: gul ati ons may b e continued conform to the �g the time o.f Q�p_ , Provision hereof but if • although such use doesi not discontinued• for. +�' such non-confo the said a period of one (1) year or, rfutu .use IS regulations. Such shall be in conformity more, any future use of Such use may be extend rouhthe the b; sons of these additions or structural, alterations to such„build �� bel be but no per- mitted Unless the Use thereof is � ?fall be miy be. .nle s s fore ea-he thereof changed e d t° f mays e.than it contemplated non-conforming use when such use is Muse. tri�aita plated under these regulations. is More reatricq 8ul.ati ons. 0 , .. Section 2. CHANGES OF NONpCpNFORMING U I use of a building or USE: The n�n�use of the same or a moreireg may wed changed, �\confartning use Of it buildingameor to another non-conforming premises changed a a nonconforming I. , use, such usa s has been changed to a more hall not' thereafter be changed to a less rest restricted Section 3, CHANGES OF BOUNDARIES OR RE raced use. trict boundaries or REGULATIONS: \i exiting 'nd o regulations shall be Whenever die-. or changed to a ng use in such changed districhereafter, ,i, any then tha existing use usee Petted in the same districty be+ continued s permitted as that in which / arming the new use provided that all other regulations , are complied with.' 8 ions Gov- Section ,; NON-CONFO , date of ado t? RMING 'SIGpg; Y • d 4 141.. 1. u' of these re Within six months 6 from the be removed." ,i o gala ti o is all non-conforming si e 3ecti n ' � If• Sn shall p 5 H OCCUPATION IN, ,r` •` 'f •t ' : dwelling shall not be , DWELLING: A home occd considered Pation h a ere the person engaged in such occupationnc�,�ormin his principalersonen moans oft commercial use of the in livelihood (b) prove that (a) it is not such home dwelling, and a) no person not such is resident Pide resident' of rtachheapatios. Such home is employed as co �.caupation may use onlyP�.oyed in • machines Ad are commonly din 'a semen. such tools or a leseitahis outward evidence adjacent home occupation shell be factoring, pi'o ce is r dailysuch 'a s storage ofma erdwei al s fo f oa what- 0 finished products.rCon trucking, .• r hauling at� for a m+�au- B of raw mate?'ials or R 11 • • Lt n. +o• ''�♦ 1• yity17i Y .�A 3a ' 1�. , , ��r. + , b } �4D • �aT 11R •!3 1 i� . t'"(.4 a-t ''� , "t'1`� � ., n "%. t , ,,,,f .„,„ ,�ti,;,,nt :.1,,,, hi, , u ; OOIIgp j� atrtot T3.tIoVI' cunt*d) : .r , ,. ; Page 11 .. Section 6: COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF BUILDING ing herein a ont sine d shall ILDING DESTROI�SD;, ozociin lot j• ontaiexplosion, prevent the restoration of a build Maty- act of God, or act of the pu �lic enemy�u destroy-' to the adoption of these regulations,these except•.that subsogsent ' non-conforming location so destrq d to the extentmofg eve ty he . ,• five (75)� per cent or more 3+u the of se , assessmnt for ns fiscal of its assessed valuation, accordingseventy from and after the„date of ear idestruction n conform to sudh o the toshall • tions of the district in which it is located, except e the r destroyed by fire or act of God a dwells"same foundation site God, srof existinshall be g to rebuildgone�t ygd Ling regulations. h® Title VII District Boundaries Section 1. BOUNDARY LINES; wise indicated on the In lands not subdivs,ded . wiserict boundary "Zoning Map of Lake Oswegoa unless other-• . quarter quarter lines shall be section lines quarter District" the ed or the rsectionof lines, sveant lot lino orr such tlines lines, , 6s highways or railroads. atend- SeaS:ion 2. DIMENSIONS: Map of n Oswego ZoningONS: Whenever dimensions are shown on the District such dimensions sha].1, gov® Zon- Section lands where 3. LOT LINES OF LOTS district are shown ABUTTING UPON STREETS: 1 proximately where parallel boundarieso e lanes as adjacent and In subdio'rdap . be deemed to be the lot lines of the such district boundary parallel or ap- : , lots abvwt Y lines shall , Section such streets. USE OF SCALE CONT,AI D 'ON✓MAP: W ` , with respect a the location of the her® uncertainty district boundaryainty existsh• "Zoning Map of Lake Oswego Zoning District" such locaion s shown ond the .f. mine d bythe use of the scale contained on such map. shall be deter- r Title VIII • Interpretation and Applicatiot... Section 1. CONSTRUCTION OF REGULATIONS: It is not thus© regulations°ns to repeal, abrogate, intended by terfere with may existingor anywayto regulations one or provisions of law or ordnan oriapair or in- Permits previously adopted, ► ulls, • ��. - adopted of issued or issued, or w ', propted pursuant to law, relating to the use of buiild shallgsre provided however , that where these re 6s or restriction upon the use of bu ildings 6ulatians impose a • rusted by such t �s or premiSeq than is imposedgreater ands or byexisting or hereafter enacted or t®_ � ' these re such rules regulations , agre�mento covenants orw or ordsn- . .• � regulations shall control. �� . permits, ,. , o /l Y ,, have not beena 1. ,-� ,; t��::1::ci„ ., .c , rt or modified, nodwo do hereby $ , • , • ggIMMN rid•yp�*"l1pYJ}►tM!a►�a.r.r.•.r.y.rq•lirgr.rw ',.h. ,,.w. .r.n ••, r y r •; ;� o Oerwe ,ga •Z only Dietriat (tout id) P�gb •12 • j , . Title It . 4111 : . . Building Permits Section 1. APPLICATION FOR AND GRANTING OF PERMITS: No :building ' Or structure or any part thereof shall hereetter be built, enlarged externally altered, or moved within the areas subject to the provi-, sions of these regulations until a Building permit has ,been applied . for in writing and has been obtained from the .Zoning Commission. Such " permit shall be posted in a prominent place on the premises prior to and during the period of construction, exterior alteration or moving. Forms for application for building 'permits shall be supplied by the ,;' Zoning Commission and a record of all permits :';hall be kept by the .7 Commission. The Commission shall act .onrall applications teen days from the date such applications are received b withino fif- .y Commis- . 1 / ' sion. The fee for each permit issued shall be Two Doherty. Section 2. SANITATION: All individual sewerage systems must have preliminary' inspection, and final inspection and approval by the County Health Department. A. Section 3. PERMITS EFFECTIVE; FOR AIX MOMS: A building permit shall have' lapsed and be void unless the operations' described in such permit are ccenmenced within six months from the date of its issuance. \ Title, X Changes and Amencjents _ . , , . . Section 1.a", ' PRACTICAL DIFFICUO ' OR UNDUE HARDSH?P 'The Zoning Ch n3•ssion is, 'cu rio ized to grant" ,variances to the property owner where, in the opinion of the CoMki.jsion, these regulations impose an' undue hardship, or a practical d. : fieulty. Section 2., CHANGES IN REGULATIONS AND ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS: The Zoning Commission is authorized to make changes in these regulations and in the. zone classification pf,,property in the Lake Oswego District. , Such changes may be made after a public 'hearing attended, by not less than three .0 3) members of the Zoning, ,Commission. A property holder desiring a change in the zone classification of a parcel of property shall file with the Zoning Commission a petition signed by the owners of at leapt one-half of the y pr open within lines three hundred (300) '� ' feet from' the boundary lines of the property for which a change is de- ' sired.' .The Co t,ission shall, � publish notice of the place . of hearing ' and the ,ns,ture 1rf the change at' leis ; fourteen a announc d, date of the hearingin a new age d before the :paper of general. circulation La the dis rict, if there be one, anal if not, then in some Such newspaper published in Clackamas County, Oregon. The cost of such publication shall be borne by such property' owner desiringsaid change sage in zoning classification. Notice of the hearing shall be posted in at least one (1) cn 8picuous place in the district. The decision of the Commission shall ?',', transmitted to the County Clerk to become an order .of the 411/ . ' Count -Court. H. 1 yy ' ._IV i rw•111 _1r, , / ♦t/ Y • .. have not been altered, amend ed or rnod:iired, and we do hereby a /' ;t . OOSl Ai i J g �,j Title XI , CJ e Violation Se d'+;i on 1. REMEDIES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION: It shall be un- '• lawful to''ierect, construct, reconstruct, alter, maintain or use any building or structure or to use or transfer any land. in violation of these regulations or, any amendment hereto. ation violating any of these regulations, or any pamendmen eretoerson, firm or oshall • be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100) dollars, nor more than, five hundred ($500) dollars. Each and every day during which an illegal erection„ con- • struction, reconstruction, alteration, or use continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In case any building or structure is, or is . posed, to be, erected, constructed or used, or any land isl sots, or proposed to be used, in violation of these regulations or any amendment hereto, the hake Oswego Zoning Commission, the District Attorney of Clackamas County, or any owner of real property within the Zoning Dis- 1 trict in which said building, structure or land is situated, may in ad- dition to other remedies provided by law, institute injunction, manda- mus, abatement or any other appropriate proceedingto• abate or remove said unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance, use, or ocf,upation. ' Title XII u 1, !' Savir;�� Cluse Section 1. UNCONSTITUTIONALITY: If any sentence, section, clause y r word of •the,sa regulations shall be held to be unconstitutional, the invalidity of such section, sentence, clause or word shall not affect • the validity of any other portion of these regulations, it being the intent to enact the remainder of these regulations notwithstanding any , part thereof may be declared unconstitutional. 1'" u 1, I ; r. , r i 1 ti • '• t y l 1 0 yr '0 1 r '''.A.A.;:'':: Mt . • . . war'. • C'ai,ra.:' 1Ia ,. .. .. ... . . •..'.4.••04'.40t..0317. el.'r•7.7 tit' "11?"717" •...4.44.j'14: :•'''''''"".')''I ••1• •PP. a ' ra "4..4:'""t: tli.14."0•11N.‘ '• • ' . ." 4..‘01:...'''.1- '''''''''''''"*Yf'.4•117•."‘*.., ,..tt. t."0",.i. i nirrriPia . .• • .... ' ‘.. ''•:•:?•.' ' ' ' '- . I ., . . . ' 't,I'•S. r.,4" ..i.., &• ..,,r,,,:„.....,..,,,z.,„,,,,.,,, ..„.,...„., . ,...„..a.." neon, .. • . . girl-iiere . , . . .,. , . ,•-•:...... . I . . (a. . .. .... ;•• 0 '''/4 IrtNIQ26 1 ; )4,,. 141 114 t. t 1* ..6 • ..... /0" Iti t i t : , a ; I k. fb 11101111411k \ b..Iv 0 ' • •\ 0 't! I .. .‘* • .011't 1, • . t1.21, - 1. • -.. t. --- - ' •-- ..- --..tlett' '• t r...._,,i..-r• nhon, of• . . • ..,...,_,_ , ... „„..„, . c ,.... • p kr,,,ro, ,Ell. 4%4. \\\.:Ail Awillyi.: :-. _ 1 . •• •• - __ ___ 1 „,.....4. •-o I .,.,:h.4 i . ,,,y. 4..., ... • . . . . look • t..,,, r •:, , , , 4- ,,,,• • RV% i. , .044. 1. ,."1 ..1..........:i,,,.. . . . . . : .. . 'jai:4! '.:.! •0I'' All „.....,,,,"i,., t, . i_.,/ ....-- . P i'•i,4. • t al P. rIli.13., '. .1,,,,t.: • . • • , \• I t 1 0 , ' "I . ii14.141111110M. .7,,,, .., 1 . , . . .1.i i-I I ..' . .• .' . . 1 t • ' i . . ' •1,41,*-!•••`1/144..._'r-`?,...:7•;“ ; 7 •1,,t r sq—',1•41/4a, . In a . . .• . 0 •, $ fak I 1 . "" • , (1,,,-; • , iii A •:''', , , n ., . .. . ..,... .....,_ „____,..4., ..._,.....,„,„.,_._ . • , i ,. , . p I. • . • • I0• 1 ?:ai Ilk ./a Itr.Ve ' • . • 7. 1, . It sr. I 11. • ,1 A .1 a ) • of 1 1 \I .N'''' ' • . '' 4. . . • • .• 4 4 • ., . . . . . . • . . 1'''' '1'''• Ct. a i a !..p.,,1 Oa.•••• • . . • ..' 1 , trt . . 1 i .• o * • , :4,,v' • . , 1111 I;ft:16i fl..1'1 I: ,. " • ' . .. . 0 11' ' ift' e I A 0,'.••a..... r.-- .. .... + __,_ _t : ti . I /••••'•,:., • laI ,r1.i% '1,...01*bas.'.0.0”,./. • -. .g.%ir:',..•'kill:.1.''•. 4' . .., . . „,.... I- ' .., - er,:,rvf ,, i - 411 . , •!• .... ..: . . ., p - t ........... t• #. ',I . • 1..t.,•,, \.•-• I ' :. • '''. .• . , , ..... : . , ,, ' . . , ir, III • iiii ," ' Ci-e. . .. .. „. ..^••A aa . ' .• I' 0 i r ., i .. I.( " Vfirtjaliftle . 1 II, ••....,, MI , . a t.:-...g a IN astAyalair 0 r ' ' . 4 11111 r .11 '1 ' 1 kW ' Nag Ire . . g ! ..........., (j) Oral Illar ...,....... \ Ir, .---1.-17 NI ' . "''''.." ik ' - 7". \ ' Itailltifelalf ,,orl: . woo' ...• 4 I 0° .. . • <4 ,'V i an '''' :•IFS ' *I. . --- t -' • ^ ., .., 40111 .4 I •. ' ' •...) ,c) "Nlit,,'/# • 1 \vite *".',...,41 • .......... " 4,1 . , . . .).1.1 ' ' It n 0 ,.,, __.,„„ , .....,, .. . . .., . • • • .... •. , ,I ' \\41....4,, s.... • , '' . . . f , . .. • •... 1# I ' , .•, .11 xi:,rsi .,• ......m.i." ,, . • . .1, . ., . ---- ... ..:. , , . • . , have not been alter , ammdcd or modified, and we do hereby , .. 'tatiti , , „, , . , . . . , • 1 t . . , • • • . . t dtPiJ+ - a � rf aaie,e'��' ~„r•u wn�J 1 �� r r..r •J ` w • • h,•, ... ,',S"".,tan,�;iyj•vncn..,Nay,,,,. - ' 1 hyt. e a rje!. , t'' CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION OF ZONING rEGUTATIONS P� kq'ya ,,, C AC Ceti for Ap L.. N;r LAKE OSWEGO ZONING DISTP.ICT lori• ,4 `�`� /g5.'.I9 O1u yd... t ACp� Ai COsJntY Ala After notice of public hearing duly given to residents o"L'-l/� k • <.r0'PYfy the area within the boundaries of the Lake Oswego Zoning District, which said notice was published as by law required in the Oswego • • • , Review, a newspaper of general circulation within the District, on Decemb 12th and 19th, 1957, as appears more particularly from the affidavit of the publisher thereof on file herein, a public hearing on the Zoning Regulations hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A", was held on the 23rd day of December, 1957, at the .w hour of a:00 •o'clock p.m. at the Lake Grove Fire Department, S. W. • ,,,J und Sunset Roads, within said District, wherein said at- tached Zoning, Rcaulations were presented to and discussed by the V a` „ persons thereto attendant, and Upon the adjournment of said public hearing, and at that time and place the undersigned members of the Planning Commission of the Lake Oswego Zoning District, in a duly called meeting of ,• t said Commission, did by unt.nimous vote adopt the said attached Zoning Regulations, all pursuant to authority and power vested A � 1 in them by the laws of the State of Oregon, and did by same vote ' adopt as the official map of the District that attached hereto . marked Exhibit D", NOW, THEREFORE, We the undersigned, being all of the members of the Planning Commission of the Lake Oswego Zoning District, do hereby certify that the Zoning Regulations set forth in the at- tached Exhibit "A" and the man attached hereto as Exhibit "a" were unanimously adopted by the Planning r'ommissioh of Lake Oswego toning District as above set forth, and that the said regulattohs have not been altered, amended or modified, and we do hereby ' ' EXHIBIT •• ic .t., 5,1. i 4, , ' k ♦ 1;1' t4 , r i V. 1 stiecof9o11tM3etQr4j`trR 1rltY ,a 00' f ;°0S aMf"i � • ] hr: �\i M rt P4Ja1Q OTianupetr dt ti'011t.,1t ,10`0 ti t R}4Y 1 ' > n, t: • . 1• > , ,ti' ie• :�re.” P 0" ei4i'w tit t ".x4 r,,3 swt , 0 t ; y '• +' . r, -1 J rr tiJh•ixi-kA rMr. Y0?,'ae Aj: ,, ? fP:"w f`W j::a113 .+,; nhj b' ,rtiy,�p � ` y . � 1 ;;;;,,,,If., N„ t .. r 1 + '�- 1 °yld t . . , • ' • ., • . ••••••••••kmano•••••••••••••••••iiimagiile, s.' ...............mmimMOSINOMIONIONIOnlirom . „ • • . , . 11"...•.r•.• ." 0 , • . . • . . . • transmit the attached regulations and map to the County Court • . . . • , . . . , of Clackamas County, Oregon, that the same may be filed of .• . record with the County Clerk as by law provided. „ . ^ • Dated this 23rd day of December, 1957. . . ,.. LAKE OSWEGO ZONING DISTRICT • — .. • PLANNING COMMISSION '• • , ..• . . By ,_.,..___,..,..) _ , _._........,...0,, 9,. L.,. Chairman • /7d4d,e,fro 44....,. . • Secrete y ... By •-•-•ft'eate/.4e..et./1 )_;'.....0454-7.1/. ' +I Mem er i t , . (-27 a • . Membe, R.. . . , . . (....a.,7.1c..----• . Ka mbet• . . , . • , , , • • • . , . . • , . ,. • • . . . . .", • .• ' • , . • „ . . , • , • . . , ( , • L . . . , ' . • if ..1, .' -. • • 4 , ' ,: . . t • '• or •,.. . . . .' . . , • • .• . • , + ,. . . . ' I" • ' ../' • ..`„ . . .,. + • .. ''• i_a41i.4. „,, t''V e• 0 ',wisp p aliall,pa-, (ineuilie,I.,,,. „11_, 4,4...i. 2 Cr;fdetPAI.t' -4''"4 0A-.10'N` 1 . ° . .'" . ' ! - ' tzte., -..'z.,,,ral 1.?t,.;:.;,,4%,r,t„:,t,tilttL04.1t4.0"°,0:7,40;4 i it-.. ...., -..-F--41.--..u.Alt*angiefot, ,4•,..' ,:'...' ...... .Q......;.,Iii,,t1... 1 ... 0 . ,...+.1 .4." '" , 4! •• ** ••:%*4.4.** .1*14. '4'14),*41Wj4,1,•I t • t,"4' .4 '' ',. .04i, '4,1").1.:k , )",1,,to'',•.,' 04. A WI it•1$ 0.• .4'' ' : • '4; 4 , .,.0 , ,•'•4.r.",•,..t. f ,*t!^.•:4'''.4.,4.11'"',0,641.'r„ !,1_, 1. „ ,. . .- ''''S'It, ''',,, ,,'•.s,'' ,,.....b. „ . . . %., 144,„4„.......24r1L114'itilatakitk ,6 .+vv.,. i •+. •+ *.4.444`'''''0"14,1,10444iierg441}140144;4i'd . '‘' . .• IN . ..:. :vit.1+.41.3440,444,4o..1 ,,,,,,r1 ,,,,, pi ...,,, , 1,..,+.,..4:,1 ,,,,,,,,,.,s,0+ ,,A . , ...vi.4.r.wqi wit-It..,,,.. 0.9-,. 0,/.4,...9A. 1-zi,ft.,?'-a...4..0., •,4 * . . . . , • I . **• . . •, I • 4 • . , e ., , 1 $ L , 1 •• . , • „ , 1 "4 . • • • • PANOINOINEI ,+ltp•3ikN;xe F e'•?'y7... ,r:q... +Y I>OILq(Rp�AI �-;� o aict 01 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF • 2 THE STATE OF OREGO L'ACI<AMAs COUNTY 1 • ./ 3 FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS FILED C D u IN THE MATTER OF' ., 4 THE ESTABI,ISHhlENT ) EC G �957 of D, No. 5670 C 5 D i .F E,to WY Clcrh • LAAE ny,„ OSWEGO ZONING DISTRICT ORDER ESTABLISHING LAKE "'may 6 D OSWEGO ZONING DISTRICT ' ? The CountyA' i Court of Clackamas 8 entered County, Oregon,' its order dated October 23 has heretofore f9 exterior boundaries of Lake 1�3B7, describing the lU Oswego mooning District and , Wednesday, December 4, fixing • 11 1957, between the a.m. and 8:00 o'clock of 8s00 o'clock clock p.m, on said day, 12 Fire Department, at the Lake Grove ent, S. W. Bryant and 13 County, Sunset Roads, Clackamas , Oregon, as the time and 14 to submit to place of holding an election the voters of said described o1 15 aition of Whether or district the not the saidpropp_ 16 voters of said • district desire to form said proposed 17 zoning district; It appearingandand 18 the County Court does hereby find that said election A. was held at the 19 provided time and place and in the 'in said order and by • manner ' 20 that a the laws of the State copy of safe order of Oregon, ' 21 of October 23, 1957,Four successive Weeks ;+as Posted for �� 22prior to the said electioU in three r . Public places within the said `j� 23 proposed zoning appears from an affidavit district as 24 on file herein and •said order was that a copy of 1 �a ' 2S published for four successive weeks said election in the prior to �` 2G Oswego Review circulation published a newspaper of general 27 in Clackamas County, •' � from the affidavit Oregon, as appears x.; 28 of the publisher of said file herein; Oswego Review ova 29 and It further appearing APearing and the Count y that the returns of such election have been ma does hereby find ,31 �`, . of Election appointed byde by the Board 32 the County Court I total Votes cast at said , and that of the Prigs election by 1 the qualified Order Establishingvoters of ti Lake Oswego zoning District b .: { EXHIBIT . r,u t� C II t tt1, _ .w✓�,C �`Pt� 1,� 4, rk t en dCl>tt�1Wt0�lE1;l , e .a. .6 .,�' • , •otr�� 4 r+Bcnc oll i hra et1. g'a..Tamar ilia i •, x. : �S ' 10 , rOtwa tu''1 ' at~ 01 to a , ' e'' :S w r� tit :. '''., ;p1 � y �,, , , .yr�,19ht♦ah u ti ,� ,I�,, ' • Syl''�+•=�)'r .'�'�"�'��p '� AJ ' ., 1n r«I h, l'J' ,;;,� _.a;: t.Y .r ,, 1'�N Ijrj.�� l• '� )1!1. �•.,y+�)Y,I,M.rN� 4..�w''+''I/.M7 .fir J� 1. •r, , 1 `L ti tlr`."."�."+•r .`L1{'T to 1Vl�y/�..n:, s,.'J�.+..•,1i'Iq,.y..4"-'1""° I , w,.uaa.. y.ir�1f:'I.QV,�.A. - lam. I. • 1 ... , l • Jy • "�' 1 said district, eighty-five votes were cast in favor of the 2 creation of the Lake Oswego Zoning District within the boundaries 3 as net forth in said order of October 23, 1957, and that ten votes 4 and no more were cast against the creation of the Lake Oswego 5 Zoning District, and that the majority of the votes cast at 6 such election was in favor of said Zoning District, and that • ,. 7 said election was in all respects properly held and conducted 8 and proper proof and return thereof made and filed herein, now, �1 . 9 therefore, ; 10 IT IS HERESY CONSIDERED, ORDERED AND DECREED that the 'a 11 County Court does hereby declare that the result of said • 12 election is that a majority of the votes cast thereat favored ,• • ' • 13 the creation and formation of said Lake Oswego Zoning District, 14 and . 15 IT IS FURTHER CONSIDERED, ORDERED AND DECREED that there is 16 established hereby and by all proceedings previously had herein 17 a zoning district to be known as !'Lake Oswego Zoning District" . 18 with the boundaries in Clackamas County, Oregon, set forth in 19 said prior order of October 23, 1957, ''?hich said boundaries are \ 20 i, . as follows: • 21 A portion of Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18, • 'l2 .». T. 2 S. , R. 1 E., of the W. M. , in the County of , , 'y �: - , Clackamas and State of Oregon, more particularly , • 23 described as beginning at a point of intersection of the west line of Oswego City limits and the easterly °' 24 extension of the north line of Market Road No. 31; thence north tracing the west line of Oswego city 4 `:, . 25 limits, 200 feet; thence westerly tracing a line that 1!t is 200 feet north of and parallel to (measured at , \' 26 right angles) the north line of said' Market Road ,.• No. 31 to a point of intersection with the west line • 27 of Boones Ferry Roa thence Westerly at right angles to Boones Ferry Road to a point that is 200 feet 1 1 Road; thence westerly of the west line of said Boones Ferry Road; - ,� thence southwesterly tracing a line that is 200 feet 29 west of and parallel tct (measured at right angles) the west line of Boones Ferry Road and Lower Boones 30 Ferry Road to a point of intersection With the easterly • extension of the center line of that portion of Upper • 31 Boones Ferry Road which lies along the north line of Iota 273, 274, and 275, Bryant Acres Plat 4; 32 thence westerly tracing said easterly extension and Page 2 - Order Establishing Lake Oswego Zoning District 1 ' • t-..l �� k/.nr t+ YtenCrvtWQaEo y ,¢ .„' ! w:11',i% kn�,fy aetl 3 S,Z''-.nit a.•'linQ' that:" .ie�Z00'•i�ee ,1(.�'a' ,�); ,dt wit;: tr « ,, 1 feat 9Ikant1 pa ^a1Xel;,t/ta (nieaqureiP a right"an ten)Ari•S*'. .4 ' ' .� , JY:•.ii r4-/r41,41`i '-' Ii4' r'0Y Y.• d0Iii ,•'� V; 4.y kt r Y:t1..o t 1 a , g 1 .r rY*1 ;•.:•r •,. It ,..!1;: ,3#/t1 a�1 •Nr ek i 11•: t f♦hl AZt% , e it' w at1 1 .a 1 4 }',` 1� ! 1 4 1 Y `t l 11 �1, l +Af• 4e ;�.. ,'h'�' , 1 ..I s- y.r p 4� • i� �4 1 1'' 2 W 1 st 1•. y7�' 1 �Fy'�i�v r 1Tt�l`i l/ T 11 .� t'' 1 r' k l 7sr ,� 4 �ij•. _ y,5'...' 4111.. 'f f ul 1�1,' •.0.1 !P,4vt. ,!, S�1 7.Iy.'J.10 l [ •. iTr.i•s't nt�f,',A. J '' 1•/r i3O i7, 'my•'•• AL, f•J :'..! t 44'.... 2A1 ` : 4.4,i. �t+ � S1:k t' .4'j p.+k 4."' ..1''' `yw :,, i.', , }L. 1 ,V�,.. r,f':,,!- �• - . • . J.1 �.t l>. ^^11{ a i ., Y,,n,r- 6�,: , Y! w 1 t..- 71, i .�- 't��' 'd:711')t• uK. .''f n t e.y a� ,•��r.'� {�}1 <sr y' �,f'rl- . , e 4 ~-- Qurn 60 rncr403 \ 1 the center line o!f said Upper Boones Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the east line of a 40 foot . , . 2 road lying between lots 265 and 266, Bryant Acres • , , ' Plat 4; thence southeasterly tracing the east line of d 3 said 40 foot road to a point of intersection with the north and south center line of Section 7, T. 2 S., ° 4 R. 1 E., of the W. M.; thence south tracing the north and south center lines of Section 7 and 18, T. 2 S., 5 R. 1 E., of the W. M., to a point marking the center of said Section 18; thence east tracing the east an4 6 west center line of said Section 18 which is also! ' • i / the center line of County Road No. 114 to a point' ,,f • 7 intersection with the center line of County Road 8 No. 404; thence easterly tracing the center line of . County Road No. 404, to a point of intersection with the north and south one-sixteenth section line dividing • 9 the east half of Section 17, T. 2 S., R. 1 E. of thu 1,, 10 W.M.; thence north on said sixteenth section line to a point that is 200 feet south of the south line of 11 South Shore Boulevard; thence easterly tracing a line that is 200 feet southerly from and parallel to 12 (measured at right angles) the south line of South , , Shore Boulevard, to a point of intersection with the 13 aforementioned west line of Oswego city limits; thence north tracing said west line to an angle 14 corner; thence east tracing said city limits line to a reentrant corner; thence north on said west line to the place of beginning. g - - - 16 said zoning district to have all the powers, rights, privileges, t - 17 authority, duties and responsibilities as provided in the laws I 18 of the State oi: Oregon. ,,.' 19 Dated December fl , 1957. '''' V:e..f4- ;a . . 21 Coun .sludge , 22 .M �,., r,�, y-Commissioner 24 25 jiit•1ijgC . Count Commissioner 213 27 , 28 29 ' , :30 1 21 332 ' Nebo 3 - Order Establishing Lake Oswego Zoning District rt 42 :i:�,4, : d"i4` ! ! : •r:.. ,.. +� `' r f ,, a 00..,. $4*V,t." :v •• n •t';: \w^ dt h;,p4; r !.YY,.rj4ai. �i(}t,,iyg....J?. ,tt } f,tr7.1..'' 1tt'� I + A i• Y , ?.,46,- • by ', 1' �., A .,,{-7.`,,so ,V, .. I,4', 14 i,,*y.7.'{y�t t . fi•-..,..'l:t" t to, t,a ,. q P to,* 'I 1 i a: Pi d -171"-4 I - , � ' . H ,1-41--47:A 4";4..t r• ygrf 44, .1'.„ '. 7y � 0 i . _ ter � _—.4. + t1r Gm,AT DCEACH1.r1C 116Cr"D1f1T1Aun •. ter" 1 r '.+_ ,.;- - =1 --�f 1 _i. OF `;ICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS - .k . OF REAL PROPERTY '). - ' .I _ " I CLACKAMAS COUNTY ASSESSOR - 111 /y -=r M1• TAX LOT TYPE SPEC. CODE FORMERLY PART OF T.L. NO. TWP. S. � R NUMBER REALIPROP. AREA MAP NUMBER NUMBER Date of Entr DEED RECORD ACRES ` ACCOUNT NUMBER . on this Card 'fear Instr. REMAINING , . — ....-- ...,s„.....,.,..„.......,--..-----, —...... ._ ,..„.... --,,a.ort lin4 41"-- I • ' � r•� Ci� d bD Ji t' I^ e•- �l l'�f..r k r de ' r' 1. .G� YYJ0r1 C laYr , •' 1 ;. _._,.._,.._ - ..,__.--emu + • _ ', • ter r.�_.-.-. — — "�"_' k a w.f ;_ •� ° t 1 1 • . . IN ! X.:W !V a' y " � 4 aw f1+' / , b • .... r p�t: . t • �.rt t �.+" • ^nrWi `'.r•••'"r ! b �1D, «t0 ri ,. . j 1 . t;" .. ' y., l /- C 4. 4.✓`wide#. G - G, /9.2 r,r::_ a. • .: e. - qki VI j. ,‘„4.,, „a.I...,.. , ,2..,......7 -4,0,40 k , . ,,. 1 dics444.00V.A' C.+O •644441 X/ � 1 Y eta& • • ,� ; • • • • - -.. ..4-. ..e.p • • • • I EXHIBIT • , , ., 0 , . 1 J •J S I 2- M r /Y;/SS3 .t / ee.4aJ .. ; ., 3, ti*jp.„.2 2.4-3 E,c42.0.,..,.......( - 7 6-0 c.-r-va...:, z!---4 /20-e-a-, . • a .64 QOD.-'Ario:, //e • r /M if e„1_ -4-et- s'e ' L.(4<_.4._e___ee.s.,) ._ , -' eerrG - /mac ,4.. ,� /a�, Z4G � I • F s l i /Cr'a �L `C-bz . 0- ,1 f� `-mil e-e. G>,e . /4 / / %?D`u ,„ d--. ,---„..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,e...,,,,z, e.„ ...-42.„..,a(,eze,,,,,//&,..„) . . ibl,,,,.,.. ,0. /fee - -.<. t( 4ee.),21.4._/c 924..ey/2, /f,f-f 1. P ,I... .,r".-i,. 4a.,..,vJ //O /r vf/!/ ,e� g __.;A-- ,e.Q. ;73-.2... -- G-- - c .-. ,r "eee,„ ' am// l 5 M S' • • • r . r • ' -ter• `ti f .� � IPALLKNOW ---r --���• &TN ay TH. Risomk f,•tEr.p J. REEB and KATHRyN �-��1 AEE3, husband .I !n r un.Jdraf kn fi TEII AND XO/300.................... 010.00)--- , m then pWdb? OEORON A. CARBONE and bw�r.,•, NAR00ERITE do n.,,pr fMf,arg.r r,,,ry� husband and wife, R• CARbONE f Carbone r ar••ifs George . Carbono On th.County,NOh.i•, frNf n•d fa1R anawl l rf tk •'.1 Onen wife, A.naM f. and Marguerite 'H. i wed sQ.LN1'f�Oregon,E•e►Mh.d and dNviEs!oppur .nw.IffUY.di „ 7 • 1� "�Op�.h�= f.��,y� N�YflO•.,fO slf. • rr+.....,..�LffL•f/.est in and to the following 'I : 'crt of Lot 556, LAKE VIEW VILLAS described proper c•,et• of Oregon more particularly describedo. 6aallowar the northeast earner of said Lot r County of Claakamae r .Can iat along the east line of said lot5a i thence South 8• 50 Beginning I : 4i' ”on thplon thence South 594' 12r distance of 92.50 1 Otr ct ouch feet1 toest 33.44 feet to it feet to thence ' : trim of said Lotan iron pie it: the northoon About Ohonc• 1 trim of 556; thence North 87• East ea* of g• SUBJECT To the rights of others,to use tat • rt general easterly and westerly direction over aplane o ak.ove described and TOGETHER with the right to use in common roadway running ,in • others so Much of said roadwayas is not so located an the 9remisoe� C first above dssoribed. Said fldwa with B• it ingabo at eeiron pipey is described as followo�de ••s 55�, trhSuh beam Sout 8• in�theesantsrl bounder ' ooraer ofle said Lot 58 50 East 92.50 feet from ritre ofe said Lot 10' corner o sid of 55o from said point of beginning, the Iorouth 5 e C 120 V it 175.95to an iron a hole in a rook South th•'o1 South S9 47.6 pipe; toeaoe oEhip9et thence Northi30' 40' 2. 1fe West Volta 5pe Qt Mast North 50 0 12r East 117.51•feet toss Soint feet to an easterly boon line of felt, more or less, a point; thence aloe to oho intersection of lg the easterly boundary o 556: thence South 8• 58r50" t •o lane, t0 the tell of �„�g one of said Lot East '» s otoe t g. At-r: the right to5use0,��ecom more or pot certain roadway dsnorl.bsd in '� obe we ":;ilip A. Tworo er, et ux, and Denton ?. Rees ant u.x, recordedet etween L•o•nber 31. 19< modified and , in Boo 490, Page 18 or ans �� amended inet 4. Deed Records U :i493, Page 440, Deed Records. LSO the right to orded march as j3renn �a egress to the above Qewri.bed r 28, 955' in Book ,;ht of waothers for °.�tveenway as entered in agreement on the property that o•r , 'i'waro 10th daylrin road I recorded in Philipok gel, et ux, and Denton J. Rees, tuly, an53, rs and d Bao page 184 Deed Records of�Clackmau et ounty in Bodi 49d ndgeame ded by instrument recorded and State44 . Deed Reoordn March 28, 1955, y' 0regu of Oredo , r situate in the CountyP of Clack•nue �I .� Pe Here,,,r re 'the afore Iao►fb+A.nr1 granted , andMarguerite unto the oak 0•orgfa A• Cat'buns I } c R. Carbondf husband �I ,., and wife, tholtn Yd II. 'An/ iQWlrtnQ .r. nBfi-f�d r+ale.Iwsmr. I Katliryn'`tiAtsl1, husband , • ' , if ; above fliers.//r e�,w�»and and wife, I are to h•ao M r„aea Nr wised/e lee raw a oboes mood d «e r the i r lw/r� and th //M fAa riarVos e I j ..• M•f�1 promisee,Mai 1M abor.dunned pnnrJn. 0 • �/ id Met this ,.,o sr their I; passim ,_, ad Me? petal nhfnfory.Mail warrant and lonynr d.:ad tlr n.. . r then* adafrfff U.. lewlui N.ffn. ., demand. W e!! 1� Amoral Rheir I II ! . haw/flan/ens wee T � aV`d b"Morewb,r bb li . _ / ice;�G.� lt,i.ri. . I _k__L i. i I , P. . . f il' R • 1 • , • g?7 — . . 1 _ . . COYENANT THIS COVENANT, executed this ti'�T"`,7 A•Q C f•a- 1955, by DENTc day of E , ua an an ile, hereinafter called Vendors,. ndN L DONALD N. LEWIS and KATHERINE B. LEWIS, husband and wife, . hereinafter called Purchasers, ' MI�'N839fC1'!1 t 1. At the, date hereof, Vendors own legal title in �� • fee simple to all of Lot 556, LAKEVIEW VI i County, Oregon, Plat No. ems, in Claokf+mas Record of ToWn Plate for Clao3csane�soCounty,ed in Book 21, Pads 8 1 ' that certain contract executed Uelcorsr,r Oregon, sub.;e��t to between Vendors and 1 s�• contractedbe toen buyPu�'chara►ers, w ere n ux'c ► o said Lot from Vendors the following, dQea,rib d p -, 4 Lewisf parcel":56 (said portion being horoina,jtex called ptF tier t� :e 1 • A tract of land situated in Section 8';, t.23. ''� 1 E., of the N. M., and beinga '' 6 �� . Lake View Villas, Plat No. 6, asprocorded i ��6�`_r • Book 21, on page 8 ,.i. Clackamas County, Record of Townpla,ta for I Oregon, and being more Particularly described as follows, to-wit: B.:ginning at the moat westerly corner 55G, said moet;westorly oornor being inftheid Lot plotted shore line of Lake Oewe o• thence North { . 43 57, Bast 66.41 feet to an iron pipe, , '" North 66' 56' i:ast; trleancc the true place of beginning othe puree'which ir, B puI col about to be described; from said trueplace of Gc:Eirtt►ir►,, • thence, continuing North 66' platted shore line of 560 East, along theiron i Lake Oswego, 73.1� feet to a:. D pe; thence South 0' 48' Bast 140.66 1feett o I an iron pipe; thence South to a hole in a rock; thonce�gorth Went us 8'We` fu�lr' 149.(35 root to the tau 3 t4e.ot that a Place or boginr>1nC, c;? t cip'i r portion deeded to Clackamas County for gaud ►. purposes. Subject to the rights of others Lu u :,3, r a roadway running in a i t•. direction over a general easterly and Wes! ►,l portion or the promises Above `described and together with the right tu use l-; oommon with others so much of said rondway • not so located on the �',► �, described. pi''amisos firot above rRaid roadway is described tie t`r,,.luh;l• Beginning et an iron pipe in the ennterly+ t,.,t.,rtdur ,° ling of said Lot • East ? 0 feet 556, which bears South cf" ► ;�, 5from the northeast cur'rer L'f laari ,r $ Lot 556; from said point of beginning, tt►cr;ce ;� 12' Wont 175. E foot to n `,•I ♦YI ;toutli 40' lr3e Wetet 4• 6 a hob('U in a r•�ic:4 t L �� . t,leuco North 30' 49e rWc,Dtf52, to 6o ire►t t,l!:'O 40 ' '' Pine; tf,ertce fi ,rttr !,'t• 14,'�l�►nt 1Rv+Ir L� �:",r. murye or lease, tu !.nci ir►tez�nectim, c:. Lod ;t°.,,t°• i -EX�HI�BIT - 2= � • i a,,. '�rrmow,1144.4:/:�y'n ,Yr �; ��rwrr i1y t• ,y%yr 3 • , ! i� �,�1M �i}rr4.,,,f,4 'e i...I'.s• 14''An •� .1' krr �Exf ' �J � or H7 irM; , { ! � i i. I �• yki i `, ` , � .yr ' � ' , 1 wr•{� • } •, .• � '7 ► S0. }; r ��/ � •�y �• gdok maw iir,tali • „ . . ...:,at-f;ia 4...•11.1wegico ,ft,"--. 1.;.icatiimito.(ipip„xi' to' 7e .t• ,. * ;►0 ' � • k. ,, Y • Ytii. � �emitidiv::;:,4::::i,...„.,•../..:4.-.7..4:.;;:,/4...,,,.. : • `• p • . 014 �IAe- r, F_iedIi. rnd, 'I 1, • ,„; r . ,.'Aar• �' • gyp►,, end �+ • „ )�;•.•H,, ;+�: << , 4,10i�1r� yt r ', � c , �. • unison! r• • �'..•,.:;4;'4i... . i•,.„• ,f7.•'. 0. 1: .� .;t1 1 iFQ1♦� �Y•�'/�f^ � .rr i•f�•r•+� �A ,r _ •s• Re � 7,--. �.C-.r� ';j�r� �' 1'!1 ,�FS,♦ l�•Lf1��,i 1.1�•i�,/'-�• Tyr-;�t1Aq 4M4�*,y.y�r ir. )I'.. ,..f',, . + • farel' �`� err ��+ r'r•.:( ;r rt)tt/ f0.41•1M.4.f i 4141: ,4t � r .]. 71� r4; } eft 4;t:+r �.,` oea upq' Vol! �t2a�t�gy p r.��,rr" , , ti r' , , t, �r,;4 ,X it• Is n000s �to ot • lowing a r • • �'awY'�or4 tp •�oaDip�►1 ,:�Odll 4 Ada ea• se• ment andwbh '" and _air Jeot to, �orrr, N, . r bet adated July �,.•Clao• kamas �tyi weapon; 1 • Deed p December rds of • �.r load `neededTbroadway (12�i "t: .; _ • ; 1 •r o 1 't milled the r t road Vendor's to Mammas mount COvinti within ra the purposes, *doh crowns is Partioiuliroel,, and la lies • ' description or the ly said �� wide, and Lewis eA in the 4 provision t' It is th♦ 'AoN ;<<a r Ao d ths future and the sniti'�Dair ,y' ��wnt 40 melte Twotugsgrantee hereto and as to �' ���fi , both s of the sat ,» Ld' ,eu;chasers of other rt arse, to of 0parti*r a portion. of said .� maintenance be fairly apportioned. cost or such � fl and hereto, tor themselves, ' Thi emsnt Further wi�akth that t - y.. and aeaigns, in consideration ofir �xeauto:• parties and promises and r d several contract as warranties ies herein mit, d contained, do soy ,,x•, complied with all1. or that, they and ► o pl the said easement. requirements beat od y thii ,� ins the a sa d b datedD i gpAe theyroar s.and t Jul Ape 7 them • will 1953, concern- ingedas pay a •oostr comp compliance, of the date hereof. Vendors a sii have at so agree, that oil to * said expense, to apply a r: • re„�� also ouch 4"r i1� agree within Hood rr�thir�aaonab1e quantity • to a thin s reasonable �r� �' suitable make re wit inta reasonablt •t Mir u '• Vendors , asks rreasonable p provision to slides � iU!h pou4 $lexpense joins•t•t� nr of this iaa � r 'slides.. and to ;,;•P',...; .. Mhioh rolats to thernb� pub eat u1ArD� ' *init i aondo condition� t 4. Covenant i;, i. . b • • - • :•_, ,• ,4 • , • + . r.7i, • ' + *fir•,' . , low •CM 'S wet I PS • .�!gh :f 9G 'r ig d58 • ` , ,, 2. It is Q ' agreed that the laid Tworo er Road and the said County Road shall at all times be maintained and kept in food Order and repair -to the extent that the same can be used with reasonable ease and safety for the passage of motor vehicles of the pleasure type; that said roads Shall be at all times provided with sufficient drainage taoilitiee; that retaining walls now in place and bordering on said Tworoger • road shall be maintained and kept in .good order and repair; that the paving of said Twaroger'Road with asphalt, blacktop, dement or other hard surface material shall be maintained, in Rood order and repair to.a depth sufficint to support a motor vehicle of the pleasure type. • 3. The cost of such work, repair and maintenance,shall be borne as follows; r (a) Thee owner* of portions of Lot 56 who shall use Tworoger Road for vehicular socesa to • their property, shall, upon demand. respectively contribute in proportion to ttia l area of their land no located the cost of all necessary repairer • and maintenance of the TWoroger Road, its retain- ing mall* and drainage faoilitieb, whether the lame be required by normal wear and tear or slide, earth • slippage, washout, or otheriforn of damage, ordinary or extraordinary. (b) The owners of portions of said Lot 556 lying between the said County Road and the shoreline • of Oswego yaks eqall, upon demand, respectively contribute, in proportion to the area or their land • *o located, the cost of correcting damage, washouts, earth slippage, any elides, slide fallen trees and extraordinary damage occurring to the said County Road, to the extent that Claokamee County lawfully •• • refuses to do so. • (c) The owners of portions of said Lot 556 lying between the County Road and the shoreline of , Oswego Lake shall be severally and respectively (�' • responsible for, and pay the cost of, all routine maintenance caused by normal wear and tiler, or the portion of said County Road Which touohea or fronts their respective lands, \-! (d) The 'foregoing shall not operate to I relieve any public authority from its future duty to pay all or anyesfo ' or Part of going Costs, the4. fore- runningwith the instrument Constitutes a mutual covenant • he land and all sueoosnive future owners Of All or any portions of ther,land affected hereby shell have the lane right to invoke and enforce its proviaiona, and :►filar, Jaye the sear duties and obligations hereunder, as the urigie,nl • signers hereto. Pain 3 • ' . . • /-. , 41' • •• ,4.,. 1 . . .. .‘. :1 ,...0.6.0%44‘..N . 41."4146441,4, ,4.44,141.5i.44,006auiviiiit. , , . .,., , , 3ipagatitivisisiiiieszaimaiiiiiiimaailikv_____,,,,.,.....,.....,. . .• . , , „, 444 ....ftrannbroaviv.•••••+cor.6.7j4..km,.....fi, . ' :0 1 . '1""14JI 111341046trwi Si 1. • / , prow* I • °.1.•'•'Y°.. • 41. rlie f •. 1.1" t 1 •:);L Aki i'. .4.-:— '1- '4*1 . f .' V ,' . '..o., ,,.„11t.:.f:Or;1 I ' 4,1•''.... .474 ...,t .14,...t.,*•ff.,.•• rlio. •••• . %Ai „,, • .•-• •",. . ••• •.0.4•/'4'f..,.,,,ri, % . , .., • " ' ' , '4.;.:". .. ''';:..tt • 0, 04........ft..411:41,4 irfiravt ;0 ovvIAI4it.; Cff:4....i....Y:,r,Am.! • ,, • ••• •. ,,!, ,' '•:.tlit. tti,,...;if kte•sir.7 •.11r,eigft :•. ;.i .o4i 4 . . ..:...,,7, .t. ,1, at,. ,,• ,,.. „... .. •‘,.,+.tlilt l''.,(..roiliwg ' - . . ' .. i'' ,'„ i•i.4.4r,,rd,';4^).•:i.11V;v%11,a,'%,,,,'',1',s,elu.'PA`,..A!'••P,,';,':v•°:/04."4.../•4!?:?,*',.4r •,911F 1' t nr , . , ' ,'. •‘:,r • .. ;'‘ ,./z.4 ..,,,e., 0.,. .:.Vje i, t.,. \ ts.J.1,r EOM" WNW* bait biatiWirite 'Set . fr ,,. , 'bur brats mit awls OM aqr OW 4 :. , ,...,. ,. , %. ,,, , ..1,,t.• _ Above ispittint . ... .! ). . , .',de .4,,,t,.4,...0,,i.,,,,,,,, ,... 1.. .t.,.,.....,;,.,A Z i •A_• tt,• ..• , . 1 . f?.. 4'6 11)01*I "41iirPIT)147.i1/4'..t'et11,7:,4414;.11,N,C,4 jd I'A,•.! t. t \ ' ,.'w ''' .• .5 i '$!eb as hozp.,1, Li c 04 .. , .4... ir..-r',.. i7.,.,: 4 ., . ,, ,, .. ,, p,2. , .1,,,,%,9% t Fi elir•WWInf• 7...14t74,*••l'•Mie••'"..*t'.4t 44;ii.:d'r. . :, n , e.$4.....„,-,,, 1' 61,•. • • ' '''''' '''' . A,.tlilem''' 1.1ct$':•.-.!.;i ...1.,4 ,.- .r.,„, ,,... ...., ..:,, ; ,, ,. .„. . , , ,,,.,. ,,, „ .. 4,,,,, 4 • ''''4‘`f, • r- ... •• . .. . • ' ' ; :0s-riot/ "14-• y , • .- (au.; • \ ,, ' ' . , I; . •Ii., . .s. , :-.... . . dr ,• • '• • * , ; : •• ,4 I, 4 , ,.1. ,, ) „ . ' I, :; •^ .L....-...L ., t.....4 ( *ILL) . ,r • ., • - , . . . (, • ,, -- •. . \ ..m.••........011..•••••••••• / { • e ••• •.. .0 . / • ... ,,-,-....., 1 ,, - . . . , ..... • •• / e . • t . .., . .. ... .„, . . , (......„, . _ , , . 'N . . • ..... • • • • • ye ..• . . 0 co,.•eristi... .4 . . c CONSUMER INFORMATION REPORT PREPARED BY • . CHICAGO TITLEINSURANCE COMPANY Prepared for KIM G LINVILLE • P.O BOX 1772 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 9,7035 C.) -- .— OCTOBER 4, 1990 Date Prepared Property Address DEEDS Enclosed please find the following information per your request: 1,1 li Tax Information 0 111 Account Number Degript'ion ,r True Cash Value-Land +, True Cash Value-Improvements 19 Tax Amounts Assessed Owner Map Copy Deed ❑ Contract 0 Other Documents ❑ (Check one only) . Consumer information reports available at these Branch Offices; WASHINGTON COUNTY CLACKAMAS Square. .. 684-4404 COUNTY c+y Bird .6?.0.6811 653-7300 Mliwaukie Cago Title Early Bird 653.7330 MULTNOMAH COUNTY CLARK COUNTY Portland... 225.1005 arty Bird 243.1 t 00 Vancouver 696.0551 From Portland. 2E 3390 O. , TAus title information has been furnished, without charge, in conformance with the guidelines approved by the State Of Oregon insurance Commissioner. The Insurance Division cautions intermediaries that this service is designed to benefit the ultimate insureds;indiscriminate use only benefiting intermediaries will not be permitted.Said services may be discontinued.No liability is ass.rmed for any errors in this report. j EXHIBIT 6:7-1- .Stock No. OPCS4i0diCT(648) L. ., (1 . . • h,' Y r!' . .•• •.04.1 A.47 .1 l l`•--„-t ` ti • OM M..whlrAaaA 4 r ! r - , N r M.♦7 1 N• err sail.-..•\• -�. ,�•o.-•—e- .r 1.'I .r•wa.`^•.•.r • ,. t r 6_I" . • • • rs t,rs �? . . Il• ... .kill/.•►1 a•° 'w ` ••••J I.�..•• • ,y,.�•_�t. } • _t.,•. •' ;; i( ' •• KNowALL MEN BY•THESEPRESENTS. "Itt •/NNIE.-14-M1hiDl.E:,-uoierrl:d•• *• ' ' 'f• c ..•.., n c• • - 1rrn1.,.. .• •i.•..,—,r•1• •In rArl.r,lrlarrrn•I% an,an pool.f/ •• •• •• -• Rrf.>rn11 . . ,. • le hu.* pnld by •;vtirTn'r!tili�F•r`i£. / l�'*raw + ,1 ' M _ sir. �le • olio^yi,4ri on i •, , • errlMrr-1 . • '`^'r • _• , do es,li'nrltp ifnnr,bargain,sell and conr e unto fhe,4:id ernnfi f. ,, b • heir*nml n•.lfifi+,nil • • y J! '.�.the InitIvrih/tent pmpefir, eith iho tenrmenn,lwrrrlifnmrmi'nn'l nl•f•u,Mnnrfrr.,..1punl in ill, 1'inlfdt • . , fr..: . ".. • f • ' of ' CIacklam'ai ' •^ • and Sfn'f�' „ e uh()felon, bnurnhvl.nno firs rilrld n1 Inllun'.r n „ � f It �tl .• ', '%•rrp.!eir:. That portion of Lot nlsbettrfdrl'iie Hundred r rty•-1x ( yb) Lake View V ^, r;`. Vitiate "7 1.1.0• ,r•,', .••• 1 Lt b, aerording,to_the duly;recorded plat thereof, described as folloerr 1 a 1, p,; • '• 1flti,l hI11N1 1 ' "',..."1"" heginning at the Northeast: onrnil numberliirriri 11iilli' 4 rixt 17t"j;"N►;• - -.- .11 a '+ • r,rNf,•n athene • asl�rl ,,fore L gF';,,t• ,,, y he Northerly kin••dt paid lots for a ,distance of 11ay.1) 1 't «t ;' ' % ,• • 1 1►e-rent, South.20? 01t''!':ast 2y1.,6(r•leetfw to an ironzpipe on the' Southerly 1'/ 1 1N„1,,..,1m line of eel.., lot,'thence Easterly along the' SoOtherly line 101a51 IveC 'tie the • • r '` -t `�.`r� ' Southeast corner-of-said let,.-thence North ti°5E11 50e Meet 259.61i feet along. tits - .. :k±•,, I,',, . Easterly llhe'of paid lot, to the.place of be i in in Lake ,Vlse Villas Plat 6 1J r `/1 • ; E fall Ya a.� _ • 0,7,��� a,•r Subject, holrlae ..!--.1''' • _ 1.t ' . 1� recorded on • t,, +1(, •• J r r, to thong captain rontrictlonn alf conditions 1, "" s ..aoriet"6, 1926 in Nonk• 1115 at pi i,it '•'!b, Deed Records of gala Slackaelen County, • ` 'ti,`" t; n.;,iy e 1,n...re,.. Orr Ron. .,uu,�ecLj elno� to 1h+ rl Ehte of the'l'ubl lc 'in &n3' rosda or h1 hw ya ` •� l,l.•G. i► 1r•nu.nu ', lbratnd sir exlntlny, upon 'or paht 1nR over the prapertr nereuy sold' " . • ,1 ','d,;c•, , ' • 'aa1MrRAaf •• �� IIL`'••t�l kTJ l�d1k' . r �r ``'P• • r. r+ f- f . mil:•1�' ; tl! t Y.. 11 fI• d41(A f IG!rlf.:aiv, I I u111dIJ rllnf•'J n f, J! ' r I\t.rrrIll . In a f.„i;V,, 11r1 '1 V P nUa'I urlfu tip..•Il l I t Iryf•'r it )),�, }, sir�(►•1,l�,•�\f{1�.\1l a'lat-\ ,••...1 u f 11Ny w•• . *•.1.f„ r7nhlnrl..w I..,1l. df II Ilr llu sin if I rnhr• 1e ' l I,i'I,llll \.1a•I ill ll'r Hlfll)ll•id fir.. Ir1� .. , • Ir.i, .11�1}11I , P LIIfr lh,lf 1 • • . ,1 v,l fl,;llf.11 II'*\.III I. III.11, .Ill 1111 Mill•Illllf N\, • I ��"•"'•.Y • • 1 b 1,J•1'..r -he,r•.• ft• vhl her, • Iwir;y.l�•.•i Itiftr. ufui nrlrliuf'Irhrr,rr, N hull n trl mt prof luh f"r ,N,-ri.; f/ I. ,IliIi•• Ill•n•rf rrlfntrtl IIII,IIi r,, ftnr/ Etl•rp li,rtt situ)•p.tkrl ihflllrl, nQfunrf fhr 1nw•hthr•Imfly,nlrl' ' 't Iri,l • a,.a • c.•w r•,. \1.1 till i''r,*n.1rlu,nnr rl.•r �, »�i II'Itur•, Iny !,pill nrwl tent lair; 'c►K"r'"'' ' ty ''!a`• ,r • • y,70511 .1' .` 1° �' • 'f ! Ie'..', , .. •,, .."n , , . .` ;• ./ •. •'f,. \f, .lit l ••'r(Sf.N.d • fG.l,j. W. rn, ,,I.1i!• fl • fll;l iil'f�r , w•••• 1 ' ` �. f rf�r • r'.irtltl of ftultnolneh i• 1 'OS' + 0• • I)r1 Nur.., dal.t,l May . , lu 5j, • U. t •" Jul.if• rh•, tlu' tu1,A•Iclrjtrf•f1. n Now). I,lublie to tiro lot paid C,lout'*Ohl ( . '` t 1 t St,�n.�,iKtrunnlly Irll�anrrd Nt. Yt �, ultlu+l rr,In.,fl Annie L. ,,indict urni�rried I.1.4, • • .1 u l . !a ll•,.• it (u nM•h/ h. tit. ilh'ntAn1 tlkhji,luhl' dt',r - �,.7.1 r/1:4 in tint) N ton rlrtvllitel ihr aWWI •• J� iUc/•1 for ' ,„y111 khnlfIr1/,'Ml'111nlrfhsit the r\'•,IIf I/ fh•• g1111r rrrl' MN! 1.1 ' ' 1t%'1••4 • 1 1 h+nl ally k~'t in. TrNrtm11'i5' (1•il/1;f'f!/ 111.ime. ltrrrtltifu .,.r nil Ift„trf nntl illl,ir; , f+• �� t\ f ` lily ulh►In1 trill llh'tinya ti' • nod yMfr Inof nh,+lT'lf'rillr� • . r�;id r 1,fi . r. Cole / • ` Bartlett .'' Nofnrt' l'uhhe Inr O,rittiun, ruI I • • • AIY Cnrnmti ionerp,rrl. ?/bt/;+q.. •r _ •�� • • . ..._ i • 1 *• ;• ?afflHE ` U1'lri Ia I. • •• • ...-, • .1 --� { AA - •a• 1 1$~ E ' �ic r,� og • t t� ,• C-' z , P t ..1..... ,. y j •.,, i .•��e u �l i'� A a Ia L• • r r(. . ,. )j aqY M•Croc ice.' • '`1;r" (, ✓r.� CIF.•., ••. U Y. Ij�•e F ,;4 ., 1 ►•.i. ' •,'' s p i r ". • • '•'. '}- 'r i Ill a u w0.0.V Ae:C r . I E o� Y rd O a U • g g tI{1 _ rti' IF w 5-��`1 1:i _, C I I 1 t " Il Alf. 'y% • I I r• {�. II • "It r C 4•• .. i. 1 4• l'f . ¢ `._ 1 .• - ,, • .... • • r• , •, Y . • ,A r• ..• ; la... ••.' • ..,, a ... .•...::'. i • • A r'.• .i ! '' fir` y? •„r • • i .fir• ... .. ' •�• • . • .1,• P.4. 1 • • • 'AA •• I .- ' Pt.!Myi.►-waaart?T!Atli �. • i...r.. :r�r.:, r.�..• .".' :: '•� i•r...iw. :.4. a` t�..,.r• .,• - , e..++ .��(Its.V! T•, f. II,: II RWS, husband and wire, �!tl TEN A1P HO 1oe in oor,aida►af►an d { ,1 u.OO) �.• whir., R I m them p,,id by �CEORGE A. CAHBOHh east fSAttr;1 r tixTt' H. AfiL�4t,I:, . tl husband and wifet i y ,I do hereby grant,bargain,fell and teal.use .aid Oeorpo A. Carbon," nnd, Hnrgueritn R. '9 '' ,, !I Carbone, husband and wife, their 1 ` • iwirt and tasting,a!! the following real rn.peny,with the tenement.,hereditament.and appurtenance*situated I fr I. -li io; '_ i I hi hi County d C1ackartaa and State d Oreltont b cirwbJ and drecrihwd ai follow.,to Brit, ,; f • I I ' { ..t''.. ' ' An undi ided_one-hal.� nren{,—in--one to the"fo11'owir;g,"deeari'bnn pr‘inerh},t 1° ?Crest of Lot 556, LAKE VIEW VILLAS, 1 , Plat No. 6, County of Clnckamna, 11 ! : • % �, • State of Oreron more particularly de:cr!:bed as i'oliownt Beginning 'l ;qi . at the northf•aet corner of :aid Lot 556; thence South 8° 581 50" (., il . ,• �• � East along the seat line of acid lot a distance of r 92.50 font to on it , ti iron pipe; thence South 59° lr't Went 1 i • ' • c • I/ 3.44 feet to an tree pipe; thence 1� 1s North 16° 071 West 110.t feet to en Iron pipe in the north boundary - `� line of eat Lrro!tr�,r ° 1 ,•J_ , I beginning SUBJECT thence North 87 Eeet 45 feet to the place of ss • '.I ginning SUUBJECT TO the riehtn of othnrn to uan a roadway rt,tnriinp in ! .. a genera e aterly and westerly direction over a portion of the prnmir.ori "�`°' ` • - above described and TOGETHER with the right to use in common with othoro eo much of said roadway as is not no located on the preminne �� `•7 )•• 1! . ' _ • ' first above described. Said railway is described an follot•n' �I I �:i Beginning et an iron pipe in the Easterly boundary line .:f._,Jaid Lot 11 . , 556. which bears South 8° y81 50" East 92.50 tent from the Northeast ( " „ corner of said Lot 556; ft'cm :aid point of beginning, thence South 59° •r4' • " '•:, ' , - 12t West 175.95 feet to a hole in a rock; thence South Nil° 181 West Atli."•' .. 47.62 feet to nn iron pipe; thnnce,Rorth 10° 481 Went 52.40 Peet to an ' r1 iron pipe; thence North 59° 121 Enat 117.,1 feet to a point; thence • =qr,, '• North 50' OOt East 12(i,00 feet, more or leas, to the inl.nrs',ctir+n of the! ' , ° easterly boundary line of raid Lot ',?�f); thence South (!° gt yn" Ecet I . . s1..' ' t'~ along ti a easterly boundary line of enid snot � y,;, s,q.f0 Pent;, more or I I s'i ' . . e „• lose, to the point of beginning. ALSO the :dcht to sae in common tt j .+ -1�r with others that Certain roodwny dnscribr.d in an nc,reoment bn1,>,'',nn jl +. a1 Q\ Philip A. Tworoper, et ux, nnd Denton J. Rees, et six, rncorttad "" . 'ap - CI) December 31, 19y11i in !loot; lt90, papa lClll• Ifnn<l finr.ordn, earl nr 1i modified and amended by Srtn tru,innt recorded march (1, 195!,, In I'ook ;I y ' . .-.. 493. Peg* 14n, Deed Rnoordn. A1a10 the r]rht to unn with others roc a + • • ingress And egress ;to the nitw•, described property that cerh,tn i' hd I f"t •.t,M1.Y . 0 . right of way as entered in nr,rnnment on the JOth unv of July, 30t1,3, i3;.i 4114 . i;,t•4 ,�« between Philip A. Ts•rcropnr, At Ilr• nnd tlnnhen J. Peer, nt: Ilr, .,•,*i 1, �!�<, - :- r„u ., .• recorded in Book 49(t, page 1@!t, Dried hncordn of Cincknrsnn County, (>rnrc+n' �• it.. - 4-- as modified and amended by inntrumttnt. rllr nronct Mnrch Pt , ausly, E... .� • in Book 493, page 41�O, Deed Records, aitunt•n 1.n the County of Clnrkn-sn. ;�i,. and State of Oregon. _ 1};- • t 1:.r 1 ,.. 1. "' 1 To Have and to Hold,the share d.x•tll�•rf nlwl ranted rem,..., +.t th...i, iAC`t•r. i C !'" •/. a• , 1 n iri r! Ili ot. and Marguerite N. Caro...4, 1 `T ,a..0 �+ t41r lini7tt mid W. r,, ttl^ Ito a erxl M.1 i Far a, tr tin+Inrrt.r, { I IIi. . And tenton J. !teen nod t: tl, ,n Cr. '.. -.s li . : o • ,• 1 !i the rlrnnrnr !1 lt°1. i abora named do covenant to and with the el•nrr named dtattir•",tan^t r hen. nnd n+dim that i I !' they are lawri,1r wised in safe aimr!• nt the alwi'r !realm rrrm,... , , �w t the a s l r r referrer nr.rq.e• II w bre Sr..so all nr,cvmbranoi,. r•.. , I! and that thin; will a.,d their h.ira. eairittnn and cdmin,drntnre,shalt warrant and Ioreerr defend Owtin,,' .. .t above ranted ,_' / gamer,, and •ferry Wort •,•R petrel tlwrrol, a�nimt the laulul 1Paut. sell d.nlarirt� o' a!! 7. ..,. , 1 e .._.. ..to Y. 'I� r1. rY• aZ'4'• 1 . Whey.s their hand it and a•ah. ildl n, i I dirt'id bn:•et;rtn' , Io 1 $ i1#. ticoi " ..4.1.i. ...i^tat •»I Mi,»....• Pt...:_. rl.- tIli i) I ,+ • I ' a L.:4 I.:: iL.., n ti r j • . 1 t.W 0 • . • u ' srAra f 1 • 1( 1'"1 E7 Z . ... county a C1ackan to }~ L .. BE IT REMEMBERED, That '^ II ' �� , on rhi. ....� dey .. lJcietnber ty' r slag µbolo,.rm.the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for w:d County end dl•a ;hie' H 61, • ii.,.i a-%i.r' I named ( «. De«ton J. Reese and Kathryn personally vita within II >~.�.---, , yn. J. Reap hunt, --_.``—sn eo a» h be the Identical •! I described , .� i:r�-. acknowledged ow to one that they tndl.i .J thehed In •nd who •torntrd flu, within In,Inlmrnt and (I f �"'[��(`'.��^ ^" • earn./Curly end iolunferily. ,� • I L. .t ! ,111 Jf..�1 p .4 ' 'Y.44St '--f f• :e •': IN TESTIMONY WllEREUF 1 h•rr0►e o Irk;my fund and Allier(' I r. •14: ' " hit• . •'• ori y• 1�y.`p•r,�,1'�•N above wrifler I r_ VAict# r - �a�•.1; !.1 ':_'.' Notary Public lot Orr ��.ty''r r,. I i 1• ' My Commi.►ion rxpi►.i fy // ' I A i'i x, In {. 1. . ,.1.tfl.y{.1 I i • • • i,r V. yiOi sJ= tibjlt,o. • • t1t ". ' il' I I ! 'LIN' '; I li . ;,.; I • -sr�zs I RH r1 s d ' li r..• ' ,� �� 1 CI gaol; $ 1 • I ' .... ...., ., . ,... ....e., 1 : i .`"y{{4.1.ai))ir I [� �,r i t '► I 4. + • kt p. . : • ; II. iiiIH:th ;' s.r ~ .i I'i I. /i I 7�• -. ',x. II it .:r ' I O 1 A I i 1 I [t i tt. to (• i • is .- "17�I i �1 • ■1f 1'I I y • 1 R i= T P. a1 ti+ ffP. �M t. gg K;• a. h 1,I. I , . YLL. w"•+t • .. f.1.t,�«,c• I f 1 fir...�• • ti%4t`J I I.e... .4.. . ' 'Irt.1,4 ' ] II It', ! .•r. tr`kF , ghtnri -4,. 1 . rr t,14 • 1 rr:ilr it •♦ to..Rly1c:1, . I,`1...414 ,•i . a • i • • QS SO • •?, ` ri'\ • • j` . 1 • • ..*,,,, I i ,-.- REAL ESTATE CONTRACT fix' , / f • Irx D1f 1 THIS =TRACT,Made nees'i1•rs a nda d v 66 between * Hof Or Li 1 f, of t e County �`• • of Clackamar, State of Oregon, here natter ca led the First Petty, L.,- and„WWE E "f of t e ouncy of Clac:nr..ns an care of ureron ' •.. hereinafter called'-the Second Party, r - r�" `� W1rNESSrrL, That in consideration of the stipulation' herein :�LT.L contained and the payments to be made as hereinafter specified, the • , �, �, First Party hereby agrees to sell, end the Second Part a ' ..st.; purchase, the following described real estate, sittcteyin the County • of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: r; 1) A portion of Lot 556, LAKE VIE � . W VILLAS , '. •... PLAT NO: 6, in the County of Clackamas aid State of Oregon, wore particularly described as follows;4' beginning at the southweat corner of said Lot 556; thence easterly *longthe southerly line of said 'lIC Lot a distend* of 1 1.51 feet to the aouthwert corner 'of th•st certain tract of'land conveyed to George A. Carbone et ux, bydeed recorded October 6, 1961 in r�' f< x�: Book S9� t page 373, Deed Records; thence North 20.O1'fy T: West along the westerly line of said Carbone tract and 11 ''_ a i extension thereof tote southeasterly line of that { certain tract of land conveyed to Donald H. Lewis et ux by deed recorded June 27, 1935in book 497, pigs 450. Deed Pecords; thence South 596 12' West along the ti southeasterly line of raid Lewis tract to the south- ?'• easterly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to James P. Fulton, se ux by deed recorded June 30, ^� ' - r' 1959 in Dock 559, page'352, Deed Records; thence coo- tinning South 59 12 West along the southeasterly line I of said Fulton tract a distance of 73 feet to the south- i..4•V .' t l' westerly line of said Inc 556; thence southeasterly slang '-the southwartarly lino of said Lot 556 to she point of beginning. 4 . '.' • °1AstCtL h-ill'An undivided one-half interest in the follow- 1/,:1�; O Pert of Lot 556, LAKE VIEW VILLAS, Plat No. 6 I- • County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, more particularly 0 described es follows! Beginning at the northeast comas';-: • 4v of said Lot 556; thence.South D 5S'50" East along the f . 'east,line, amof said lot a distance of 92.50 feet to 1 _ !4 iron ip.; thence South 59.12 Wert 33.44 feet to am Lao • f• �, pipe; thence North 16607' West 110.48 feet to an iron'' - rli i ,= pipe in the north boundary line of said Int 556; thence . r_ North S7 East 45 feet to the place of beginning. WA SUDJECIt•to the rights of others to use a roadway running 7 im a general easterly and Westerly direction over a portion li "' ti' of the premises above described and TOGETHER with the right • •.+ to we La common with others so Hoch of said roadway ea is - A not so located on the premises first above described, d ,l Said roadway is described as follow'! Beginning at am f p pe in the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 55i. ! ?� ``4 which beait•South 8638'50" Ease 92.30-feet trot the berth.. ` sa� ;t; sue corner'ot said Lot 356• fran said point of beginning. :`mot• thence South 39 12: Vest 173.93 feet to a.hole .it tuck; 'thence South 40'l$' West 47.42 feet to an iron - ~� . s , .-.•, rNorth 30'4$'\West 52.40 feet to iron pipe; the`:a thenceorth ;,i;' +i' . fiIh _ mommot r, .i . • -F . +, ,, , .M 1 + c • • •- y . Pale 1 - an Acro., r , km, taa ha , , �� f`^ 1 Y ♦ 1, `tL 4.►f r • A f r . +t i'`:'f r L r lP111< 'fit k•er i 1 ` ti t T �. .•fir n 1 (i 1 1 S,r•. Jr •- l r 1 Y 1 .:.. •1 .t -•.• erli ,tl -. 'cot r , ...1 i,Yjr'!�I ♦e �. (+. ,, WY• � _ 1 �ti'i Wit^• N „r� f" A. 11. +M•,1��1,r1{-C1l ,- f �.},,.�;).+. S▪11'�• i+a.f. .:r�+•,.t ;7; ' :.l 1 1"`MI!f . 'ram . t .n.�r 774.2 ;",1' ,,W+,iy a• N1 :06/uk 4 1 f T k 1 s 1, SF'✓• late •�1i : w-." +. •^'� ' 1 '. };J,/ { . yl��►t.�`• .�� af, ,f t '.t>y�,��5s. drY.M V•* .!1'S, ,1, [�1 ' ! -- ,\ • I••, 1'1•I Y?it l\.3'I I' Nora �«,11':k"'✓p •J: iC i!' 1 v:, •:«f: 4 - •, • • .ce h� i ll s. -,— si! t• -' 1 ,. r• ••.,,,, -, , . /••.. 41 r ' �_ 59.12' teat 117.51 feet to • point; thence North "' r 30'00' East 126.00 feet, more or lass, to the inter- st' , �" suction of the boundary line of maid Lot 556: - , thence South 8•58 50 East along the easterly boundary. •1.,' • line of said Lot 556, 59.00,feoit, more or less. to the point of beginning. ALSO the right to usi in.cof000;% • With others that,certain roadway described in in agree- • �• ;,r '' want between Philip A. Twotoger, et sax and Denton J. yT .' Rees, Sc ux, recorded peceaber 31, 1954, in nook 490, page � ,/ 184. Deed Records, and-as modified and amended byinstru• 4%. eient recorded March 28,, 1955, in nook 493, page 440, Deed - •,t. . -,- --- 'Bacardi. ALSO the right to use with others for ingress . ;riz Ind egress to the above described property that certain ` �" road right of way as entered in agreement on the'i0th day e, ' _" d of July,'1953, between Philip A. Tworoger, et ux, and ' ,•,+;►•,' 3 S: , • Dencoa J. Rees, et sax, and recorded in Book 490, page .. - 4. - • ",; 184, Deed Records of Clackamas County, Oregon, as modified and amended by instrument recorded March 28, 1955, in ' ri j Book 493, page 440, Deed Records, situate in the County .. ti.-,:. - of Clackamae and State of Oregon. , ' t": "' . P..RCEL II adjoins Lake Oswego and is subject to the regulations and assessments of the Lake Corporation. (I ,,.ti for the sun,of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars (87,875.00) on account of which Two Thousand Eight Hundred S•iventy- - ' 1 . five Dollarii ($2,875.00) is paid on the execution h. reof (the receipt • •t,,, ` of which is hereby acknowledged by the First Party) and the reminder "'�• to be paid to the order of the First Party With interest at the rate �:` • • .4 of sip: percent (6%) per annum from POSSESSION , 1966, on the .lam s - - : " dates and in amounts am follows: . ,, �' One Thousand Dollars (11.000.00), including interest E' r j at six percent (6%) per annum on or before the 1st "1 dry of November. 1967, and a like sum on or before ii Is this 1st day of November of each ear thereafter until r the balance of Five Thousand Dollars ($S,000.00). to- I ' gather with interest at six percent (6x) Pic anauu . I�« ehnll have been paid in full. •1 vi A. `r ' Taxes for the current tax year shall be prorated between I the parties hereto as of the,date of this contract. The Second Party, ' in consideration of the remises, hereby agrees to pay ill taxes here- , ),, \ after levied end all public and municipal liens and assessments here- i, :L': .'i lr Si" O after lawfully imposed upon maid premises, all promptly and before the ::::.: ::: II UN seas or any part thereof become past due that he will keep all 1 buildings now or hereafter erected on said presages insured in favor •; •. of the First Party against loss or damage brave (with extended cov-erase) 'in an amount not less than $3,000.00 in a company or companies i 1 , satisfactory to First Party and will have all policies of insurance on ►aid property made payable to the First Party as First fatty's , .interest may appear and will deliver all policies of insurance on• ►(, ■aid premises.to the First Party as soon as insured.Ir. �1w �ifrtY• be rsaaowd beito ovements placed thereon shall remain, and shall not, premises. final P yment be made for said above describedIt • In case the d Patty or those i. , 1, m Lfied and shell ones al resaidwllytandsatmehe timessabovepaT • n• the several sums of mono aforesaid •f�'�t + y literally P r rm all and singular - _ ,.._ . il ' err' the agreements and stipulations aforesaid, according to the taw Latent ' ,fr and tenor thereof; thou the First Party shall deliver unto the order • �; ••. • of the Second Parey, upon the surrender of'this agreement either an ' ••, ' �m . Abstract showing marketable title or a Title•Ineurance Policy insuring .-'� title as of thls,or subsequent date and a good end sufficient deed of •��,--- . 1 `� Pogo CflNTtl11Cl, VJ fIVRlY4 ' '1 + •••' ' {, a.• .,. . • J :+L' 1 • •„ 41`Y.,y'P 1 h4.1 Nt, 1• * .". ..4 `. • . t!' ., —. .,Y • Y hti i+, , ` '3� N♦ '["1•,'! A ✓. 1 ►.I,.[titi:•.•' 1;, y A. f+1,,.) L .• h r 1 1 r � .j 1n , , . .. / rr 4V-i 1 )4 , ri t • /11.+,. ,�7+}, 1 i1 rr, j,/.%, N r r 7I — . -.w • , ' , t J..,'i r• [' �' /. ♦12 1 .1 , .t ,..l1/� °li ( -.1N-;w.Z . ` , r 4 • ,• .' C"�L1•S.i / ri .� .•• • •.•.",ft: .. , . `',...1 17.Y+•M•l,`1.4•?t•,0 ,irf .-.,+1 1 Iye 1,'�'♦ ,,i. ♦'•, ••I•• nn ,,',l V -•' ' .'. "t .'` �11.. , ,1. ' t4;, :[!.'•Po 0.,07s.,tfst•Pie.t,lx•i r+k t,. i,iwo —:ii, `y wt 4 "11 f•- ti ate-t'i. v s' �" - , • • • • • . _. ., _ `: . 11 j +� _ • t +.. ' 1 • - -,..•. conveyance, conveying said premises in fee simple, free and clear • ,' . . of encumbrances, excepting, however, the above,mentioned taxes and ' ,;� assessments and covenants and easements of record and all liens and • is. • `.' :` encumbrance' created by the Second Party, or Second Party's assigns. ';;'' ,D an ui in case the Second Party shall fall to make the payments y aG+ aforesaid, or any of them, punctually ■nd upon the strict terms and �'. at the times•above specified, or fall co keep any of the other tors +. - • or conditions of this agreement, time of payment and strict performance being declared to be of the essence of this agreement, then the First , C, a.' , '• Party shall have the following rights: (I) to declare this contract ~ t - ' null and void, (2) co declare the whole unpaid principal balance of , .. said purchase price with the interest thereon at once due and payable � and/or (3) to foreclose this contract by stilt in equity, and in any-of such cases, all the right and interest hereby created or then existing w �.4. Y in favor of the Second Party derived'under this agreement, shall utterly cease and determine, and the premises aforesaid shall revert �?� and revise la the First Party without any declaration of forfeiture or r• act of re-entry, or without any other act by First Party to be per- f t' ,fo rmed and without any right of the Second Parry of reclamation or compensation for money paid or for improvements made as absolutely, e • . fury and perfectly as if this agreement had never been made. }i , And in case suit or action is instituted to foreclose this, ...,•!,.. ' ' contract or to enforce any of the provisions thereof, Second Party agrees to,pay such sum as.the trial court may adjudge reasonable as , attorney', fees to be allowed plaintiff in said suit or action and if an appeal 'is taken from any judgment or decree of such trial court, ' . the buyer further promises to pay such sum as the appellate court shall , a, adjudge reasonable as plaintiff's attorney', fees on such appeal. Ihe•Second Perry further agrees that failure by the First :', Party at any time to require performance by the Second Party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect First'Party's right hereunder ' to enforce the same, nor shall any waiver by said First Party of any breach of any provision hereof be held to be a waiver of any succeeding ��r breach of any such provision, or as a waiver of the provision itself. I. r . IN WITNESS W'11OP, The said parties have hereunto set their . • hands in duplicate the day and year Tot written. }.. ✓ t l//��II •,� ,r"... (SEAL) I . _•• ;• f 4.• '. 1 :r�1 �FLI A✓'. (SEAL) i:t 1 1JJ!!!!� / ' . ,' { :,�' (SEAL) ((((hJ i .... .• •r• •, 'OM, M . 1;3is .. itiry •L. L ti1 • ,�Ij , •' it,,.. x r.r...+. , . AI-i, F. I. r 1' i In."; e, i, :r '. ' •rlNa .r•.4, ..-J i i 1. .1.}'1•..A+y 1' , l li H f'i�l 1J.V:1• vti 1.r-- •, I . • . 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' 1/5 • .: ....-.4....Dialillrahl-aps.411railina........-th,...4.4.....:-......, ......• .. .. -.........................../••••Jsra...Amoloodloor ratiori:' "4 4."1 • •• •,,"; ' #Vt., • -,..lb 4i-26- ,t„.•41,, .- Ism kw*.Om.broods4 dret siow.,sob Mt oil/Swift eat awn%holoo,smoimas mall. • ,.. • • f4 ..„,_,,-.NIL.-••10_,•t,3 I t 5 ' . . 3-7 r ;-' .•?'! 1 '44111010111110•01AlloallsillwilloOMP.eta Oho hoolosimb h000llAmoido oaf fromolusomoo lholosiloo holasolloil.. .”*...' •-- ----r, -; • ...- ' ' ,,, ; '.'-m-1-, . ••••••:.• ,q 11111Iskik6 areausdleare Omer of. Claohatess.-...mg*sib el Gym*anise al New%Swim*i .*Ate6, • , :. • Vel ft.10.4, • ,4 • t. $..., .4.1.(1,,.. .,, ,:e i5;i„.4..t•I . •%,‘•-•Ati'.01'. •>.... , .Y 14.21•10T LC 1. ' .. 1,w •undivided one-half 'litotes% In the followings* .-tu* k e"- "'"!' I'' • 5 • . t, 4' , .14' . •'sip_ r. .1!-, ' . - .. .. ., . , . • • ...,,..;‘,„,,,,.,,,.,,t.1-0.iii„;• .,4,..e, ,.. .,h.tst.,,Ifd,_ -,,, .,..; • . - . ,k1 ..,. 1.4..4 .4 f fe, ';A•r.-4',..'-Pert of Lot'55., watt visit VILLAS. Plat ItIo 4, Cavity of . -;4'41`,7-rt-y,ti)%2;•7-' ' .',4.',4>•"' 1, 4- • • .,,,. , A..1 i'.. fP • 1, it: ,':', c't t'.•4'4°, •,... 4fit,,, :Pi ....";$1.% ;,.4„)Clarricalmo, 'trite of Oregon, moms particularly desoribed as '''..'1,:t'. . '1.1-'17. . '!:11P/e114/. -.)' !•-• • I ...*yke.A 4.47.4 r4L ROLIOWS. Seginsing at the northeast carrot of said Lot 554j "°6•°-1i:e''::!' 't ::.t..t1 4.4.VA1-$ il! . . . . .t • - rt ,Eri .; South • degrees 54.50* test along the east lime of sald' ,r ,,Y, •71:14.' l'r. M ,'„ ' '1,,' ,lot ‘v distance of 92.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence eolith 59 i.4", •• 11/44i•liwl tr.44'f - °f*",!` i - Weel •• '":- ''-,'v'' deg se. 12, Net 33.44! foot to an iron p.:pet thence`North II-!.":% °'-''':.,d1.°11,1.,;14',1,. .,,,..*/- .1 k., .''' •4.4t11, A.°-. r. *.t. • relia . degrees 07* Woof 13,0.41! fort to an iron pipe in the north ' -'"ree,'It• lz-'1. -."'.' T'''+' 4'. ' •." ' .'Y, .1 ..:. 4. ; .• ' 0 4,>1.', .4. . N... .z.,,, .; boundary line of said Litt 551, thence North 17 degrees last 45 ,, .,. . . • ,."1...4,;),,.., 7,.b, e ,. . . feet to the place of beyinning. Subject to the rights of others ',A.,...4-4V41.'.01i_r: ,'4. 'fT"'l ",,1" • m • .. * ...g. •lei ....iof 1.,.,,.... to uses roadway running in a general easterly and westerly „ ,i„...,,,s• .1:5:11.3,4•1,4kv' -r'r.°,i- ,.'..- • rl, - ' • , -: ,,,,•-4.• ,-4,ittalrft' ,t."' • '''-.... direction over a portion of the premises above•derctribed and";4';-' ;•,'•11.1v ' .' 1)1%01;1 44 . ,,,, :.,, ,,,,, -. ,.. i . . . .. - 1:t .. , ., , - • ...,, •,,,, ..,. (oontineed on beak)•,. • ' -II. .1.,. ...\144.y. .. ..A.i..,ei,,....,..•, ., .-:.E. . .....,.- . . ,.,„... . .. •„ • .0, st;„,,, _ .. , • ...•- • , • w eau serverwr.ammo merwer se MIN MI • ,•I o-,,1,-, nffi aohl awe Oo O W M w sob l ban mk towee and*30Meariee es tArsaklos.1F ;Awway rommloliN e sse kssonmsei saowml sue NsW taormoveorn.'he•...' l;' tr.;• , ,,,.rb...4 ,.,,J.., 4' •, Zji..:. .4.,1,.1114t.4,4,1 . I groom to Omits*Wm/ho he Ail*oti lie allele Oak.irrosioo.lhoo howl at oluotoloolullo,,, , .54, ,,,i0,r,s...t...,,,''',"„.• 0,''; I1.,,, 1 , i ' ....,. •-,7. . „N..•ks• - 1 -. , - ; -,..,,,fS ,•• : e i' ,' t . ,• • . *.• y,,-,..t„-" v,,,..-t 1..0,4 1, .4r1,1,... , . i•• ,,,.....4.1, , *, ,0, ' , - .,, ' A4- -' •. re' 01', 1 ../4• % ,,,?0.• ..,.,:,., . ),,t ,,..** .,..A Oa a t i AAP,at,...11 ,.-,',, .e f.;, '.1•:,i .•,* JttiN ,..1 •,4::t,7, 1 **a s''' ... .. • ' • , _.' , . • ts1=4..,sv, . *.l..rw••1• :iloskrwa olfooluill olool Ammo&And de NM pnwribe cat ewer ast4 oat penal Iktioal edam*No Osiohdalogirki ,,4.1 .• ' . • 34'4 At. . - ' °p•• 1 ad donna a/Of prom whoiromoolir.loolioil Illsoo ohholime ma.Oho ahem dasseAled alisumbraresso. ; :.14;li•1 , ,1,,;<•0 .):, lc l',$2,?i 41; .-,,i. lb kw and masa asolaihoallall lief Iso ohlo Ormoolar.Mid he home to,dallorodo 1 10.00 ....",'0•";:,tr.. 3 .T..ti..7)k*.• - • " "te ..iii,'5.4,..- • : ;ilk:I, ,4.,.;, . 1.Illimoror. oho asksal ilounihroalow sondoilo of or avOirese whir peps*co weft,AAA sr mist IMO 61-.1,, ' .., .0 ir,„, rl'z' '.. •:. .• ' 't,,,•,*47.74 .:. 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" ,, i . 1 ,4.3. i 416. .4 1 roma • „.ettif.i...240ereoi .i:*.7* . ",' • '' .. .' * , semi'1 r turaii ' - .•44 t. ....:•It• , . '-1.,'. .t ! 714 .. i" • I . • air°Aft "...a ,*••••• idi. • Wow AMY isr°swim , `,I,'i tOr ,4101,0ifg . , ,_ 1 .tijt.lit•4 itRANst 1-II-fl itir inowidoi sirkumI ....117"...414''' 1 III IA 't 1 4''': .1't•:•••ttf,' "• " 40 ' o' women pi„ 15:4f.4 • : 7, e1.IC .0" •''' f• •:' 41,41‘;.:7-,:lrAfir`r:\ . ........--lathrys.0. noes. , . ,. ,, ,,, srArs OP ORROON• ' . - ' . 4 . .-. ,• .a • .4 , . ilue.neron Pd. • . I '1:.'"' rrt• *. , ,* tv .., ‘ [ • ',' . FPfi!•.1.i 4.i,?it4',;..4!.aft1,.,`-.,•,,,.',,.,j,,,.•,,..` •:90..-.,'1.,5:,4;..i 1e S1..14.1)1 1,7:2 i 4 tt.i,'*.1„• iiqi.rd w..-.e..im-Lmlegmke• gOaNrolllo NrM.or,M••O•9M•7.••-0. 34 .,.......... % • , 8•1re1l1l1 911111 IA6n•I••b•,w.•.•.o•.s..r•e_.•w..hiI.r.lwr..ary._a.. af.a.l lviM o•rs•eao••A•/i•r•d•m•o••os•l•e.•.•.•Mk•J•••rAO./.4N.m.....am••.o•.•.i•1.•4r.•l•.••.d.•.•m....i..so-kn i ku.s;r.. II1 a.•.J...47,-.,'•,,..tr*.0,k - Deborah Li Francis 1W 4 21251. 1., Arrowhesad MA :.4l; ; - • ,•• 6 . :.*•...)..t rt4,,,1 eTi101,.•".P.4'Ii"iWi A•,t:1;,.1A o 1.4,1-T c(Y.•I..‘tt",N. . ake Cowsoo. OrR97031 ,A - 41111; i .r. ' •, ...Deborah L...Pranals.........-......... 1.4""'I" "4."*"`"----dem mootabooforallAwilloolollaii 1111....-...-4 f. •' .f'....44 * ...,....... 1113 1.11. Aelvithead Ct. . , '," • kf'..- 1-411.: ,e. Ilhaes1 AI Awe el ADM essuip. i• ga•4* IA" , ...- Lak• olowego. Ors.,7034 . , . .... ••t $, ... ' '..o. I • obiell.MNISINS.IW/ Whose A. MAI amI mil AS •t• dal,.qi.. r '' e.,, 1 . I • ;..,. IMMIONIMIMINIIi.... Id a dap li moor a No om000 Oa lb aso 0 lit Odious oda. Caludi ' e;f5; ..111 ,. - • 1 • . ' Pt.!' . Deborah L. Promote ._, ' _........ ..........................4.••••«.......••••••iam.••••••• 't'Ir. t t •I .....,,v, 11 . .. ... 2115 11. N. Arrowhead.Ct-... -.. m.o. MO • •.4 VD; 'Lr'.7 4/ • . .4,,,..., ,,t4 • LIMB 011Wilet Or• 97031 .,-..-- ......,........,.. . 4..IP.••••••••••••••.....,.1...........1••••••14...i NINO '. ',., Gil 10041 .....,...,- e4 , 1 ..... i ,;.• ,A, t, ..,., ...,.....-:-....,_,-,.-_, . . .....,,,,... .,....i ,,. .....,_ .....,,,-rogrzo,Lr:••••tz.:-... -.....,...... I V, 4k.i"...1 ' .•'' ' .1 I 141.• 1 • 4• „ 1 • y 44.1 , .,•ef .84..%... ' '''-- ' .. . .••• 4, ••1• 1•••rgaosed000kvti 1/%11t44:4A.:**Ilkod. • IA •• 4 ' '"•• ,,'•'',...4; * Ill ' ti".4".%. .f• ''' . . . . . -4:i. " -44171 ..1'• " ... ,. , - . . .... ,,„": 1.1..t.-, . • ,..,Lz: , „I trio, . • , • , . . , • • ar 'ltsJ 'I+.t ` y0,1��rM�tlry v .sue ,. d t t, ,...1 r, ,r E1,t 't •.•.. '1-' M7K ffilt " .R r,4��ry�ty`��',t I'. rt.• �; ;,rf.t7 ' `Ar�•r<� ,n.1 .(h h• -'~ S. 1i t �� .yR.tr.Y •,t• .t i*,4441(y' * . �+-+ ~ A �..1Slc\ ' , 4. 0 { �- i • t•' _ t �,� ik. t » r• r 3}f•t+`i r t - I k �yri'Aw 4 t 1 �r C.{y` x.r,.,'. •R. r� L "'t�',°tt.-• r » } .... S�r� t 1 'N r.•R R t •t'-.it ti .lr� {. '� . tt it.� w�` �• r r ,. 'aRC ''r F , ,fi.• 1 2'r}i•i1/;�r t�'i•*. ;;; k't,,,„i 1J, y+x re. ,f,.,l. 1 ,t�.,4A1 A ' ' 1 �� • ni. •.„ ' 34 .r ,,`� -•' •,-• i i �rro"•1ra ^' ,,p, '. 1 +' }:,et04 r 'y , t'py• ,r'i '• I - • , • ., Al,.. T• 11M• ,j .'J ! {.•Y « { f^l7 1• T,� 't1� • �7r` ' , 4.1 ,t . yYp.. 2•r , :14 tt,�• ���r..� ' e _•1 t t + W 1;y7 7r;�.• + .-' 7 );•r +« '7,t'�'fC 1.'°q' r :' Qj�?{y T ,i1Trµri`.' [, M G•S ... •+i l"/ty#ck% S 44 • rY.4..40 •�'l.R J ,; s G�)•«,t" , .r, l { , e . i V t it � • ( •�� ST •. • lei'`, '^'t r•• 411.4e4.4 y ;.. t ,Ynb:r','•••'h. , " ,r4., .. % 'r4' r'(� , 5-,'Y' 't ••1 'F' With the rigs! !� see " h.a .1,•S�•'`/h 11 iii", •.. A� .r •, .� , L• a ta, �1 as ' a eat so loMlN 'is the with others N, p�/t 1 , „��,�' a t �. M�oetwir r Salt �. roao Ay aea !trot t L,'1 .." �It •. '� �' d a'oMw to oMw ' .•i• • "� r• •� rhleh Mtesrea �~ v iloYoet�ooe.:t'' Mnsyi�al1! of_ Nii•toe 53aN o! r, " j�.�� �.;� , *: ' h '� '�• . -4 -`' manor or o! Nir 6ot.!!ie from said polo!el ,kaw• "' i/•, ram". `, ''''' . "c ` «. fi ,;� 's:;2,theas !Mato roethgsas MNt�174.03 foe% to a hole N.t�4 tl' K ', “5 •'', + .' s; .} z�a'ta, f��'kN► thence North 30 degrees s tt• INot N.tt lost to aa., aw,",t '.�, I-i ' yr . :1•*' ,�-, S xs �'�i�o� thaws Reath s! �Ipro.. la• Moot Salo fool to i,nr, t 4�� ‘V'' • �.,. !« { �, a .t st,, M t ts.o t o lNt to a r i r�.'••' '( • .� ,;.:,�,��.' 30 digress oo• Peet its Po !«t v�w,�e�,3�1���•,• .� tii � �,�' r C a oe •.meow or rota 1 1 • '7+•7 _, the easterly to } }r' .:t . "+• �, ` ,""E�?'°�"E �l :aal� `ot351death • worse. �M lost• w951° last aloe, the easterly 4� '•'• }y ',:" 1. •�} i�., _ 4. .__,% " ``' :Yi +, I Mfill A the ri sse in aoyoa with a mate cm leen. to the fiat o[ '''.. 1 T.' ', `.'rY: � �At to � r •.., �:�Y :.1 4''7+r' . t'1eearlhoa har tha! r : �'tt . ' �� (; r 14 ('^1 + `,r:`'A. fr.yy / at N, sal Daalos a~aa~s��re t a .b rsooe Philip,. pa A. ;«« ,• - .,Eo r�R 't t t•+ -., 4 -' ,Y 4,...4, � s.,'t ,� I 1 !�®I is reek /30. page iot I s, and as modified . ' , {4I ,� r'• 'r. • Ste.•'ti•, 1'A 1 •• ~f t'1' i-".�a• ,_ + instants, recorded • 1$55, iw« �� '•v li..•'1i 1�.''"'SN e�'. r; U S�. ; JH;�t > . d1 iaoroae wa0al1 s. AtJ the right I F mfT rrr/, �; +6 t,u'�;.r. aa� Naraee to the 0 to sae with ethers far '1. .. }' , s ' ' a -. ' >.; i• .elite e! Ns' as entered aaNrirwi property that aatrtW i'1•�1»Iw fit;' }' l;- + ' i;' u rr • + $k ,{'�,�.; /' i�slr hsti. Philip A. impressment on , a loth gar el • 't.r +'��.. ,• tir • K lei r:a �. y+4l. / it es , it wts �' + a '` r, � "+:, �� '4+/!`Mciaatainsei Caeat~. as the ili,., nsa lei �lae� atr.e�. "f rp••j +, `rr,, A'' %r , r r�i#� • ,, ,.+ ":*-Pi.,..1 J •'k:r,', *arch 0. 103! in rook 491 4 ended by iae �R i�1'_ �1�� ,,_ ;.,+ • t • 1 4 attesto is the County of Cl and dSt 0/0. Dote roots+!! •� t ; `J;.'�'' , � ' , `11 ��,.. ..) ti ','r,r a' •�'' (" - ClackamasState of Ore s /,t� i..• r;��!'i4'��'t�• • ' 'p f f' 2 'ge ito- .`ir1r j r!',S ,, t s� `t' 111 (•t •+t ('" jPl(`} • , ; . 1. ". S ..t �! •C*kly r1 •—h: k ,tr.. t r}" at/..1 ti} 1�^ r,•.bt'ij��• f tr • (S S ♦ _.•�,_+� y 4 • �r ";+ •e rt • .".;.{r!�„" • f, •1`iS•t.'wt ttt VAX�rt i`'P.�l�.". y/: }Sy *���yyy''', 1,1, '�`• • yj +•• • 1 1` ! y,ilr .J M r�.j� t 1ri.i✓,rN'IV••{{t1• t• MR h, e /�, kit( " IA1• i ,r . •A}'F:r .• ..1 - (,, i• . .4w.�j�pJ,c+r{ ,wl i! 6"t•1 1j� y,• t. , ti r67t., C • a, •' 1rit,' trlaic T•Y 14; s {i t. •,zr. 1. 1 •41 . . - . • 4 , t. vl .. in+11rt M7r*k t" r+ r .s�,• ` .l' �e +,♦ 'S 4++ J ..t; . c+ •: .. • �. r •,'tr )1.('+lf••OA •.• .1'\rlC ". t Vf t. •t y ` • �' �', .13 ♦{ si • r.. ,•" ®r ari« �• / �l+r. "• i• « 7 .... .it3 ,..✓ •+'�.t '� '+•N� 4• • „���[''S tiff' +.. ' 7 }�.s 1 i w;" ",w , " •' , ` �I 1}9 {+j,t, •t1 •i ? T�''�.ra - 'J" y, I. , 14. ' ! �' lyt • r . 1 ' 1 •.tr • ,.. -4 ( „tf 14 ` Y ��' : Al • r, � kk.. « y t . -, • S. r t P.., •. . r i r+A,q..;(•.Z i "2' •..,fT fa • l,,}, =e:,. ; 'i ..,l .,i •11�i ... +.« - • ..f'1'11.• jiR: ' 1 'W«,rt�?,u`t(' r, -,,'r�' • M „ r 1 t,_V rwr: ,` 'I(r 1+�'` i'3 t.ic` r• r ,4:• r ,.,{ a.t' ' • ' . • , 1• (/t, ' , •S+ . t/4 r .�� r . Yy , . M I «,1.1 t1,A 3•' py� 1 ' r« �• •��•tsy .� a ',,+. 'i a' fr.i� I GIs Z'' ." ' 1 e 11Y'1-�rti� 1• 4. i'�!7 ''r•'ry"` • i `i ,,,, , " `t_ ' i •: 1♦f'SS�V 1 �J S,ifS ' �� p v #, �,� b�l 1't i; o L r�t „r vl ' I. . , _ _ .� } „!Ty+74 9 , " r ,; ,ii� r r A,E_ • � " a.•t7 11 - �••...nail-1 i •.Jr 4.l.,.i . ., ''' . . !�•-.. ,, i ' e ,' '..q". ./yl,' 'U( 4,,De..:. .ice'; h ;tit. '.t 1.. :;`•i • r . R ,..... I' r �t 1 IF`•..AF,, „ '♦ Rat' �ji•~• . rt.. {� fw . i '" i •'��..�'"'tt`..,•il ,.( ds�' ''Sv'1 '-r• II��'«I« 1 1.;41 t2{ti '` I volt . t , .,•'f','4t..t, i .. ,r,MIA in - • [, ' • • ` 47 o ! / + "��Asa* ,� •• � • .•1 ' :t. i •it or • .+,YI 7 ..1 • ; / ';I 141 >* « •y ' „ it I" ',..4 11f Z 1 r� II tell "w` ' �..�'��+ ifs , 1 `,' •; ` .• 'tN•i r• !. I 1, t�x Q; 1•,, r• `'r - • i 'Iii' ;., ti . .: 1,t rind , ; I !'Sr Q rt to l (,� 41.I, +, .•i i, !�ri1'. '1 i., !•, 1 },Jith ��,,ff�` •\ l ►11 « ,^ i.p 4 I'll(1., ' t 1,44, r • •L'4? ..+h� t • ,j�l �:iC.,"l IS � ({p�'�. (r w: i } z.*t •♦,I.M 1i. 1{. , /i. ,.f. •.,e , . .�: ' • f t r '41„,a•;p.II F..4 '�' •j rye• rlt,' i. + 1 i«r M ;,.; iaaptr,k; • " 314 ,,��,,�� y•i•'� ice'•S�••.r•�� t• "LL 1L� IR111}! ,ram i•HIt,,�y trir ,.Y A.' t«I 1 . .+ •.iM1�,«, e51'W tw ' S +•h i •1 .•• • ,`b'. • a r eytt; aP 4 •, > + •40,441%., «1 hg•llitp'•t i „,•4 i .r' .'f�/! 0(,1r►1j •r •!1 i r r. �' li r t 7_t ,••.-• le- ,( M�j Ify F K � (yX..1'lu,r '• .'r t, :t.'fir 1lyty'��, ° , �'1 ,� +. .l1.' dJ[•�,fl:}6«t''y�ti. l.1 sr• 1!{A I •. °t,l'''i, t ��. sPlr . i-« t•� ^'M'•I''• '��?•�'•� n• / 1r5' �I�f`,' �1\14,,,.:'. +. ey + r. f "1 r ' 1� 1 . A •.�: '••x, , �� •, d .11! •• a '4. lip R `./ , +' •...41., .t•;, •ri. a • , ti•r-,,', +'. I NI+2."r ' r ,•�t` 1'i.' ,I r/n'*� r 1«h y v • G p,/"� ,, • • • • r • , , • • 'it. ,; S: ��; • .. • .. /-• •.....a.i.r �.r4cl�. �'1 r �,env,yi• � l••w��r _ 'a •-w • • r � '` ^f`., .,� w�rr�' t J x ,s, $�y� •y `� JY f d -�ljl�7 east �111�j � � �1 Q 1►.lees. '•+w—•..»+�:.'4`��rl� �"��, • .� t '?' 1 . �{ , ��,u e, : bOt ;,. h L �` � MwrMd,wl�ie... �4 �u • 4 . • yyl t A,.r1r • forisigerkesionto 4 Flu, f �� ?' � etr /fere•�6dM Mble•Ie,IMbil areMlerM,re Mg 06189P an, �ewe mad OsArt AM►arw�wfe�+, t • ' 19�� ' `' i 4 Sv J' R ' A �1�1.• ..''1acka a __..M/ifw� �a1�11 r r ' rP r d t f• 1f�,r ��, k portion of Lot; SSi• WRR Vziw VILLAS 1W! NO. 0 •w+fetaf .;:, "•t '2' i' • .>r •�i i? . 1` "' -4".otlClirne�we and State of Creech, wore .+articela • ldet� Count'ibed '' ! � r* , ,e ". r. � ,•' f *r Beginning at the `@ethne.t eore:Jr of said ,1 1 .yt • +i 'tJl r;ti� s r t "' y • 1:^ thence tast•rir along the •outherlr line of said Lot a 5511, • :. • • 'f1c , let S�i� } b'•• ,, 't` nt 101•Si feet to the aouthwoat aerate of that Domain team! o! '' •` f'st t a r " ^+1'4i�, ` .:• lass @@uvt7oS to aeo ,, ,_, � rrl+i =1` 4otoNe a rge N. OJuMoaa, •t u:• h P i � �fY�• T oic`�' "�' t ,''' North SO a+lreesi0l k S91. page 373, Deed •d r � .; w1 r • .. � .. Mist along the westerly line of said '-, '•'t " •' a ,r• �' tract t.g, re- . `!1! .1 'Car/O',• and *neonatal thereof to the seat l- .t . ,•�� that certain tract of land Doer• ' '` ,tp ^ P rrr + Nod recorded' June 37, ilSS in �d to Donald hAiiLwtii�southeasterly line old. X. ,{�t,,�� ,; 4 .i�,1 c 3' F� • ; ,., deed r cord S9 s • Book 497, page t50 D in by , F,t.''$. ,i +,,''�'f, �a y 1 degrees 12 Nost along thee sau • Rune oe I...44.N t Y .y ,. �t fib `,1= ;r iiYa �_ M � (continued on baoR�a• o! ! � "�c ',, sa M t aC31:�' d a e1s1w NW go Nag Of maw ow MIS S•�erirn,M t 14; " ' "i.,, a 4 t• Y ,�1 ,y a �� ~� 1M�M aim"' rl�aw wiesalm,�r rr ��I�MMM�Mr w1 <>J�IAN1 '.ri • • ' rr„r t �▪ ) mewedie a If rwe t• r awe Aeb�eM�e#weartf__1 6 11 I .�l;ki',�1 1 �4u ' �'r 7 ,�• ti ��,. • �° /. . �,; r tom. ".�, 4 of,1 ).....:*14•X;i..A. :.. ' 011.1011,W.filmuf mei kee4,JONI M ,., r.v,` °�_eIve� w mew�t WNW Pia�te+w.d lardy Moe OP W• fdi1ib7x c.., t)<r� N r a t „,1 _ MI.weevil,inehle bio ,wM�M d er ''°"`Is WNW 11��,,.d a M a..to elm 1 u; �; ' „ .r! • elw.eMr __(irllMe`wAl� • Auk*. mks*«e.b. • ». ,.»:.. jj; ' , .% a ''T b ar died en w w No.nerdy 4e i.N1 rd est exima lkal , '�' %c "t I ''k' arm b p1e�e/ 1r ' '! 'i oh +.iw �UI�'hM'r>r'e"""Ir pw .n .�++e1N.i. tril ri ;':n�j,•f,� : r.,I la Whim IPlowel,ihr��I,rkr w __"'""" "bPet . ��e`d"'N I y ,,`'• ' p , . gr'AR M `, `1 'r '. � 7iM y. wrMMrJd ~eiMe sum birN1�+L�leal `-.r1eIN .,..lp •,.a)r.o!_, "I j 7 f t1 i •• ' dFi • .7 �� lin �M on GP •Mott �I• 1 ;l'h t�.' ,. �d itv, 1 ,S" I wi uw rum +eounoGP —•,— ,, '} fA, to ' 11,5 . - ,I,-,,' well A M e i T,ft MOM eRMIM6*a� 1 Q�/�i� �.«. N!w �r? + '.F +'r 1 '{� ilA=itM e�eplR f �. «.._.1.,. • r; r. i �' 1� J .nl I 1.�� _ -1rt•tR/ I• � M\ •GIs el.. r •r' .16'`• "' it a iy I�e�+Mar/ '`�'y {s' �t { j,t t i "t: . f+ , !y h�.\N rF+if - :,,,»rtir•... 1- »....�..�»�_....w....,� }1t� S r ,[I ,L ., yt'r� d� , A.j.M•rr,•e M MGM ee qM _. Mi r il►enlr,.' k f ;` t'A ,`rl', }I� I - �"-.�.~CGi,.... ,»,a IN Moak sr kr sakes as air ow e8 bar,D Me 'P ''"()ry!Jpip'e } • i t f"taP t 1 .J V..a �; Mid Ms Itww`w. ' -----'-•--. -.�. ,r,P '+, • " pa • * :� . c 3j d' ,,.11. rig .�� w - w��r r.I re iihr iie sr •A• ' ;°1 ,, 'Lft )tTh ' AM rd Y�I���M�M•I•'Y�r�tu rw ryr��NNW� . 't a r, r4k r , i( 1_ .' a4 w� yam. r ~��IIIt�Mi ida r�«� y:H• e: x��f,:.:•;,' , 75 • • ' . , v Y , •� ;?•I t i.Y a, •, ,ee�we We utlwlMlrl• 7•,. • ::: , 4. ,k• ��� � ' Air`'`~:w..w°�:�' ��y�,� �r• " +� ' 1 kt,� ►!j u t} 4L.0.lI+,S�WLNoeoh.�A.,..r.» �f'Af°R0�O�!;joO� �;t'`•; .4.t t ,j �d. • _9701 . . rr, . r � •,. • .i k w,l, s. r It: a r rrllry r,.rrr"...^,--- -r-» ( it•r !F N +� ' 4ht i S JF3. t "' r '. :......_ Ada. anei iel r I Y Y' . ;1 I• ' 1 , r �..L..-.�l1tLleR h..a"ce ti�. ,«r►1► rw w.Miw, ` 1 g 1- (1 1, t .... ..�ell�ili 4�!!�g or 9ia11"`r, ..-_ mithe lawn ROW •3 .t! f t . 'p 5n,. ' tlnllwr�Ir.ewa_..._-.�r..,� �►e/ /1�.�.,r "i�t f t. +.i .• .•:.-, 14. �w�''Nwe• �• clew A at.—•-•-».. : I .s 1. .'�'j ,ylh. y esured .� 61 +y'r ,'' 1 1 - --,'.Drab. ta._ _ IMIIpe�M}MI la h�Allllrle M • fi ' t C+� �itt�" r� _S4.r ad Cr.u__.— most/aimitim fieY/ I i..f • r'11A, (� P i•i i1t f. •K -----..._...OaMapa•.__.9ZQa. / Mee 11+w.......rt 1 r n rg.• , .,, . tl`, w, wM �....._y Mani lf>I Dwlihasieft N V. ..,• ,t .wrw t '. 1 = ' v e,/�rlwM luaus sapaor atioaso isar.••.Mu. ~O N As - wy of 'I, . • •fi r'S 1•'• ..Ass C --._.. «.,,..... ! �,�*31 " „� 1 , c. i own,mmiams.ea �). J. r r ._.....▪ .aalke.Piawgor�� r-}70�7•�M ..�,'"""..... 1 ',t i 1 ' • �I t , #. .1., 4,4• 41e r` = t t c i ,i :, .t)r{Fi ,;• t IIiT ,• , ' • l 'i4114.1111 ` �' b't i sy f, A / 0 1 ° • J . ' ',lot:• , ... .t1 •+:..t • 7. a '�' r. •+•�•4+t.�'�a l 'Aye - •. .` 1 •' .. '� { +'470 ♦ F i • ,_ h Sal tt C ; i.,, I .1..+), L• , 1� -.�� a r ` 'M..a , i<"• . til • `�!�wet ,.!.' 11' ,? '• C :�'•'�',jl rut, a . ^v I f r r�+ t.i /• e •- r,`!1 s`•.'•, .•.•Ir l R ; . t� • „,t, .tk.at.y-• ,I,tzr •4.. sik '.•L,, • ,•,r,,.S.,..4 - .a ::,.` -t. `yi.a 1h�•y.?N ptt11 ,t,, ;, I•t' ' .yr o., i •.f.s . �, »T•• J�•pcl, •�I'J Gy��c1• Y:''�,ry): r . HYP,h z x� > ;► tract to the southeasterly corner Of that'wstai^!Al c,fv• "').�' �� , 1�...,4 ", • N.� ,.'".."1 1 ..."+I,1 I i N�d:j ,and ,conveyed to Janes P. Fulton, et wee by deed •1 • a, .1 �„• r . �' 1 "�;. •.- -- ..,.r.', 4• ,• •� ,. • 39S9 in look SSl, Woe 552. Deed lseouslyd// •♦liar;.,,r' �' �"�' ' � p, n; ivl, r,.+ .,.,, thence continua.. ��� ;, �• �; : .' "g South Sf sprees 12 Nest along the r.ert�l a'rh�+>k''3r •� �" ri , southeasterly line of said Fulton tract a distance of 7$ feet to h 14;R { • !C 1'4`ak'�• X °f'`- 4-+r! . . ' the southwesterly line of said Lot sslp thence southeasterly: �;� , •?1, x i along the southwesterly line at said Lot SSi to the *", , !t": s.' •,ill!' rit�•pi1 4,, beginning. point of • 1,.' •i t• .'A. h/, •u�.•1 i ' • it*;,,t •'Tooniu with the right to use in common with others so much of j ' g y p . }'5,,e;4•/ t'; . ; 'K�,i i„.s said roadwayas is not so locate on the premises first above r';.4 t • "' "' i•. • adescribed. laid roadwy is described as follows. Beginning at ri1`,f'P • °�,;i•.rk', 'i pipe in the Easterly boundary line of said Lot SSE• r'. .• r i ':;''' 'I •,0 f..; •/ • "'`' •.. `'i which Mars South I degrees 54'50` East 92.50 feet from the •I.?..fa es, eft �i,� ) , .1. "+_'' ♦ Northeast corner of said Lot SStr from said •�'' - ,� - r thence Earth S! • point of beginning. IL . >�1•�'' 4 1 it �++ 1 degrees�2 West�175.95 feet to a hole in a r% r i r' �a� yN..,"�,. rocks thence South doe sees is� West 47.12 feet to an iron ;��t . , � . y_ }1 Pipet thence North 30 degrees /s West 52. 0 feet to an iron 1.' I�' ' Pipet theatre north So degrees 12' last 117 Sl feet to a r •�, y `ti ,.`'af� ; ..;.jam:-r i 0 . ,''�' thence North 50 degrees 00' East 126.00 f ! palate "`'• ''.• `!I? !4�' '• �' ' ,• the intersection of the easterly boundary haemof said1Lot s to x'ty, �, '1 thence South "� `'. r ,�4 s degrees Sal'SO! last along the easterly boundarya .. t!`'• ' r`I f A'►44, , ,• t �.,, line of said Lot SSE• 59.00 feet,' more or less, tot a ( ".i, ' a ` r/l • beginning. PO�bt • ..• f• ;I• r ;;t ALSO the right to see in troswon with others ts1Vt ,.• ,y r 1 certain roadway described in an agreement between:Philip A. `' k r'` 40.1:r;•;r ;: ' `i ,1, , . Tworoger, et use and Denton J. Rees, et use recorded December �''`4s' u r. • PNe 10/, Deed Records. aM as modified • •, •Y '*• i 1 • and amended b instrument recorded 'larch 2s 13SS in i,i-, 1i tt 4 aj 1 g • • ' )age 440. Deed Records. !ALSO the right to use withhers for •' others for• �;�;'' <�, 1�,� "'' �`, . tC • ng and egress to the above described propertythat .'• k"ri'Z,•,„ ., '° ' � , r ,Joao right of wa a Philipentere A.in certain a1; t,, }. ' • ` .,*** ,�` r• , • agreement on the loth day o! t 1 -' ;.toot:�,� « t Rose/ et use, and recorde in Docki•j pr• et us. and DectonReeved* J. a �''1" ,,t;,, } Clackamas County. Or and a is1. Deed Retrosedr tug r r r , -. y Oregon. as modified amended by instrument , i,, ,,t.;; `�<' ; '' j,r'`r' ♦'+ •f• : recorded March 24. 1953 in look 4,3. page 440• Deed Records...;.•.4• i< il,,r :•. !s'I ' , r� situate in the County of Clackamas and state of Oregon. • ";1 �i l ga'''''''' ,s w • .1 m} ♦', r {t' rY' • r v • iistr i r} • + .. $a-4., 1 i•� �. ' •+ • ' w 3 'fr _ 4 I f1r I '3KJ'f `. �,a.• Rr�r • QIait aVVrm( Ja P 11111 • .''v..• 41t f •/ •. • ii • � , 1,400.uh, ...t. • I Ili S ` r 1Y, �?; "` IL! ' • All \ �flfrtir'"i�dl+ 'I t• ,�+ • r� • )+ }}' ?",S! y�,, �L' , hl',�.r1, •l. �� Ji' �'M I.cl* �v 1• f� .'{�t' r er... . >�m I'. A. 'i�-1is'`t f0.� 'Ft ll a.,,•, i•-.1 ,, • ••,. 111 � �`I+, ,,• j 4 ,i •�•,t'{ • � 1�I p` rr• .�'li ' `I` = 1" a(1'i1�•it . .... !� , ., +1�. ,' . 1 ir"(.,' F 1_�, ( ff • .r�.. �. � :# ��� .umf.l ) / IMF; � ,, . i,),it + j+ .,}41►'1,r,d , l -: . ,r ij �� , + 1 !�/.�, w i:f4� • .+S ,}`,:•,,,..::: ui 'i i . .; rig�, ,,,,,ik. illy . .ii P+wE. 1 �►1.14;1r'pt Q, t .♦ •,., ,/,•4` ` ,.�19. 1. �• rf 1•tc'. t e . ,,I!,j *fe ', 31 1 N1, x kr 111(�y,.�} y■ .'4.'1"1,.•,.0-,:,,,.•',•,.4•f,4•.•r;.Er•k..,;,.4k.".,.:•r'o,,i•1.'V,.4.._,r.1• I,T 1�. ` , »s.•4 M.,, ♦ 1+ ``.,'' '"• 'Syr '. P h S 1, . r +' ) + ` •y�d% z+ t fit+ ' ,` 1 . ,. . , . . . . . . . . . . •, , . . t. • '.,...'.. 'c.) . , . . i . 04 e , ,- , , ,, Ap?r0 . Sc • , . , , j 9 go 200 " , / LII, r43 0 . , 5d 0 0 ,-, ...s. . , • 1000 , . , • . , 1 . . , , 1 . . .. , . . . .1) / 7 00 .. , . , 1 00 .. 15 g 00 . ... , . . . , i zoo ) , , . , . 1 3 00 /4, . . , • I 4 co a 01,5 1 1 5 00 i 7, 9 ,. . • . / 60 0 1 6 05 , i .. . \-\ EXHIBIT la ..'...- 22 ..'... . . . . . ,. . , .. .. . S • . 44. , A , . ,,,, , 31 +(1 Lo ,,, : 0 a . 3„ , 00 0 • ,..„.. .. . : ., 6. . 4 00 - r ,., . . . z ,/,...36 (1 . . 11 % 1; 0 ' 0 0 \-\\.., 20 Oj (:Y 0 I 7 , o 0 . . , . ,, ,... „, 77 " 0 ., . .. , ,,, , .. • ,. ,, , ,,• , , 0., .. • r 1 4 EXXHIIBIx ' N r • / 0 a MEMORANDUM Development Review Board FROM: Michael R. Wheeler, Associate Planner SUBJECT: More Exhibits, VAR 17-90(a-d) DATE: October 26. 1990 The following exhibits have been received by staff since October 24, 1990, the date of a previous memorandum regarding additional exhibits. 70. Proclamation of Organization of the Lake Oswego Zoning District,dated.September 9, 1947 and filed September 9, 1947 71. Zoning Regulations for Lake Oswego Zoning District,dated December 5, 1947, and • filed December 5, 1947 72. Orders appointing Commissioners to Lake Oswego Zoning Commission 73, Letter noting name change from Lake Oswego Zoning Commission to Lake Grove • Zoning District,dated April 29, 1966 74. Copy of survey of Lot 556,Lake View Villas Plat 6,dated September 25, 1954 by Hess [too large to reproduce] `..\- 75. Letter from Linville &Norris,dated October 25, 1990 76. Zoning Ordinance, adopted August 5, 1947 (Ordinance No,.348, portion; original not available) 77, Ord 622 Annexing site to City of Lake Oswego,dated June 3, 1959 78, Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, adopted December 1, 1959 (Ord. No. 643) • 79, Zoning Ordinance, adopted November 21, 1961 (Ord. 781, portion; original not available) Analy.�is The formation of the Lake Oswego Zoning District occurred on September 9, 1947 (Exhibit 70), The district's zoning regulations were adopted and filed with the Clackamas County Clerk on December 5, 1947 (Exhibit 71), Page 5 of Exhibit 71 (Section IV) indicates that the required lot area in the subdistrict affecting the site was 8,000 square feet. The district's zoning regulations were amended on December 21, 1953 and adopted by the County on December 23, 1957, As revised, page 5 of Exhibit 58 (Section 3, Title III) required the lot area to be 8,000 square feet, According to Exhibit 63, Lot 556 of Lake View Villas Plat 6 was undivided prior to December 18, 1954, All subsequent divisions were subject to the requirements of the Lake Oswego Zoning District until annexed to the City on June 3, 1959, • (Oro,Following ng348 annexation had been adopted subject ct to the August 5provisions of the City's Zoning Ordinance • ( ) p g 47 and amended with regard to the annexation on December 1, 1959 (Ord, No. 643), The provisions of the Lake Oswego Zoning District remained in effect until the adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance (Ord, No, 781)on November 21, 1961, • VAR 17-90(a-d), Memorandum October 26, 1990 Page 2 of 2 On that date the site was zoned R-7.5, which required a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet. According to Exhibit 62, the site was created as a one-half interest on November 27, 1961. The remaining one-half interest was held by the original owners of Lot 556 until October 31, 1966 (Exhibit 64). It remains owned as equal one-half interests by two parties-today (Exhibit 64). The site is composed of 3,980 square feet. Exhibit 74 indicates the intended use of the site as an easement in a survey dated September 25, 1954. This easement use is not expressly stated in related deeds (Exhibits 62, 64). To conclude,Tax Lot 800 remains owned as equal one-half interests by the owners of Tax Lots 1700 and 1800. It was not created in conformance with zoning regulations in effect at the time, particularly with regard to loot area, and as such is not a lawfully created lot. The following section of the current Lake Oswego Development Code is applicable to the site • [LOC 49.105]: No development permit shall be issued for the development or use of a lot that was created in violation of legal requirements in effect and applicable at the time the lot was created unless the lot complies with all legal requirements in effect at the time of approval of the requested permit. The burden shall be on the person requesting the permit to establish conformance with applicable legal requirements and this restriction applies regardless of w►iether that person created the violation. (Ord. No. 1807, Sec. 1; 9-15-81.) Recommendation: Based upon the evidence in the record and the above analysis, staff recommends that VAR 17- 90(a-d) be denied. MRW:kaa 1 V AR90]<repons>V AR Y7-90.memo l 0-26 \ _ pLAIrTiFf-7 • BOOK aJ 1WE350 BEFURE THE COUNTY COURT + TV Nowt_[ " •'' COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS, STATE CF OREGON • *i.Ac.v., .. . �„^UiIi'r Orlranization of S�� )�47 v 0 THE LAKE OS'.;EGO ZONING DISTRICT: Q u,r I I. ./ , ..41 eLEiet N-`, ��''t--eE Pi)TY PROCLAMATION OF ORGANIZATION ' • WHEREAS, at a Special Election duly and regularly called by this Court and held on the eighth day of September, 190, within that portion of the County , . of Clackamas, State of Oregon, described as follows: A portion- bf. Sections 3, 4', 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, an$. 18, T. 2 S., R. 1 E.,', of the.,VJ.. M.,. in ,the County of Clackamas and Stage of Ore,•,•n, more , •• particularly; described. as. beginning at a point of interseotio of the west , ,I line. of Oswego. City limits and the easterly extension of the no,,, th 'line . - ' of,Market Road. No. 31; 'thence north tracing the west line of Os''e go city ', • limits, . 200 feet; thence westerly tracing a line that is 20Q fee'°•,,north . • of and-parallel to (measured at right angles) the north ,line of 8: d Market, ,• Road Ito.-31.. to a point of intersection with the west line. of Boones erry • •' Road.; thenoe'.westerly 'at-right angles to Boones Ferry Road to 'a point • that,°is 200 feet westerly of the west line of said Boones Ferry Road; ; thence.,southvesterly tracing a line that is 200 feet west of and parall to (measured at right angles) the west line of Boones Ferry Road and Lower Boones Ferry"Road to a point of intersection with the easterly etc— , tension of the center line of that port on of Upper Boones Ferry Road whLch' lies along the north line of lots 273, 274, and 275. Bryant Acres . Plat 4;, thence westerly tracing said easterly extension and the icenter• ' t, • • line' Of' said' `Uopar' Boones "Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the , _, east line of a 40 foot road lying between Lots 265 and'266, Bryant Acres • , Plat•.4•;.•.• 'thence. southeasterly tracing the .east line of said. 40 foot ,road. ;le' `.. to; a••.`point; of- intersection with'the. north and, south Center line of Sec— .:; tion. 7',• T.. 2. 5:.., R. • 1 E.,41 of the W. M•.; thence. south, tracingthe north, • - ` and..south center lines of' Sections' 7 and 18, T.. 2. S., R. L E.,,.,of. the Vt. M. , to• a point. marking the center of'Said. Section- 18; thence• east tracing the east.. and west center line of said.:Section 18, which is all °t'hev!,center• 'S line• Of County Road No. 114, to a point of intersection 'with.. the outer o • line* of, County Road No. 404; thence easterly tracing the center line.of '. County,' Ro'a& No, 404' to a' point of Intersaation with the north and south ,_.. • ., _:.one-sixteenth section line dividing the. east half of $action 17, T« 2 3: : Ra.41;,E`.,' of the W. M. , tl'ence north on said sixteenth section line 'k. -...to a" Point:that is' 200 Feet south of the, south 'line of South.' Shore • 'Boule1ar.d thence easterly. tracing a, line that is 200 feet southerly e . from. and, parallel to' (measured at right angles) the south line of, South,, . ' Shore•,Boulevard, to a. point of intersection with the aforementioned west :- :,•,. line:.ofd.,Oswego:'city limits; thence north tracing said west line: to an • . •,,,.• ' ••angle "corner,. thenoe east tracing said •city limits line to a reentrant; • ' ' ' • . •corner;'•.th'erice� north on said west line to the place of begtinning.. . • 1 t EXHIBIT ' •• 7 C2f•A •a • . - 1 44, { to + - V A p ` C./ + 11 " • k' ,.. • BOOK 4 J PAGE ty 51 0 " , there was submitted to the legal voters of said described territory the question „c whether said territory should be organized as a zoning district for the public interest, comfort, convenience, preservation of the public busine;;s safet ' order, and thepublic welfare as provided in Chapter ! Y� morals, P 55e, Oregon Lawn of 190. And, WHEREAS, at'such election there were 351 votes cast in favor of such organization, and 68 votes cast against such organization. And, WHEREAS, the organization of said described territory as LAKE EGO � F' ' ZONING DISTRICT,reoeived the affirmative majority of all votes cast at saidOS6 upon said question. Now, therefore, election This, the County Court of the County • of Clao ckamas, State of Oregon, in special,,session duly called and held for the purpose of hearing Said matter, being fully advised, now • DOES HEREBY FIND, DECLARE AND PROCLAIM that said territo ry, as hereinbefare • specifically described, has been and is duly and legally organized as a zoning district, seder the !ame of "LAKE OS"EGO ZONING DISTRICT", under and pursuant to Cha ter 8 re or Laws of 1947• ' p 55 , MADE and entered, this 9th day of September, 190• COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS STATE OF OREGON ' 1` ,/, C�By . r✓ i Judge By \ # Commissioner • ti ,__eza:e__ j By 1 Commissioner •,P . . r„-•. • . , • . , .• .' . . .1`40..\ %%14.AP' ... .1,...% ' "e•. •, : . ,,•IA ..r....., . k*,.;;0;,-tt-rZi'i4erktig,‘'Ai.".44tlit..11. 1.ati ,41-460i;WW1,1yV.)1CiOililikt#Vattk4tarf. -,::4' ti•PN *; ;Oi' • ..?° '. - rt • 'I -*t *14 . 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CLACKAMIAS COUNTY, OREaON 11 4 December) ,45' , 1947. - ?' A zoning regulation enacted pursuant to the provisions or Chapter 558, Oregon Laws 1947, and providi ng, p ng penalties for the violation thereof. SECTION 1., Whereas, there has heretofore been established a Zoning District known as Lake Oswego Zoning District, pursuant to the provisions of the enactments above mentioned, which district is more particularly described as follows: ' ' A portion of Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18, s' " T. 22,, R. 1 E., of the W. M.", in the County of C lackamas and State of Oregon, more particularly, described an beginning at a point of intersection of the west line of Oswego city limits and the easterly extension of the north line of Market Road No. 31; thence tracing the west line of Oswego city limits, ,'?'fir V _ 200 feet; thence westerly, tracing a line that is 200 feet north, 111/ of and parallel to (measured at right angles) the north line of said Market Road No. 31 te- a point of intersection with the west line of Boones Ferry Road; thence westerly at ,right angles to Boones Ferry .Road to a point that is 200 feet westerly of the west line ' of said Boones Ferry Road; thence southwesterly tracing a line that is 200 feet west of and parallel to (measured at right angles) the west line cs ' Boones Ferry Road and Lower Boones Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the easterly extension of the center line of that portion of Upper Boones Ferry Road which lies along the north line of Lots 273, 274, and 275, Bryant Acres Plat 4; , ' thence westerly tracing said easterly extension and the center ' line of said Upper Boones Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the east line of a 40 foot road lying between lots 265 and 266, Bryant Aores Plat 4, thence southeasterly tracing the east line and said 40 foot road to a point of intersection with the north and south center lines of Sections 7, T. 2S., R. 1 E. , of the W. M.; thence south tracing the north and south center lines of Sections 7 and 18, T. 2S,, R. 1. E., of the W. M., to a point marking the center of said Section 18, thence east tracing the east and west center line of said Section 16lwhich is also the center line of County Road No. 114 to a point' of intersection with the center line of County Road 14:11f4Sto:::::::everd; e easterly 5 tracing the center line of County Roo 404a point of I:: With the north and soutesixth section line �, dividing the east half of Section 17 S., 1. E., of the W. M., thence north on said sixteentcion to a pointthat is200 feet south of the south hare Boulevard; thence easterly tracing a line that is 200 feet southerly from and ' parallel to (measured at right angles) the south-lino of South Shore Boulevard, to a point of intersection with the aforementioned west line of 0 ewega c ity limits; thence north tracing said west line r I %,r • 111/1 to en angle corner, thence east tracing said city limits line to a reentrant corner; thence north on said west line to the • place of beginning. Whereas, the intent and purpose of said enactment is to regulate the ° location of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specific uses, and to regulate and limit the bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, to regulate and determine the area of open spaces sur- rounding buildings; to eatailish set back building lines; and to limit the improper use of land to avoid the overcrowding of population and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare in a district so formed and established; Now, therefore, the Commissioners of Lake Oswego Zoning District, do hereby ordain as follows: SECTION II - Definitions: 1. For the purposes of this regulation, certain words and terms are defined as follows: • " • 2. Words used in the present tense include the future, Words in the singular number include the plural, and words in the plural number include the singular. The word "building" includes the word "structure" and the word "shall" is mandatory. 111/1 l l 3. Accesso,;1y Buildings: - A subordinate building or portion of the main building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building. 4. Basement : The lowest used floor of a dwelling if more than half of its volume is below the ground surface. 5. Boarding House: A building other than a hotel where meals are provided for a consideration for four (4) or more persons not members of the family, pursuant to a previous arrangement and not to anyone who may apply. 6. Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls. If a structure is separated by division walls from the ground up, each portion thereof so separated shall be deemed a separate building. 7. Lot, Front of: The lot line parallel to the principal entrance street. w". 8. Building Front of: That side of a building which faces toward the road, street, highway or way serving the principal entrance. 9. Building, Height of: , The vertical distance between the estab- 0 lished grade at the front of the building and the highest point of the roof surface of a flat roof or the deck line of a mansard roof, of''a point two-thirds (2/3) the height of a gable,hip or gambrel root. 111/1 2 . • • • 10. Club!l An association of or persons organized for or some common purpose but not includin g groups organized primarily to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. '1, 11. District: A part or parts of the Lake Oswego Zoning Istrict for which the regulations governing the use of land and buildinga5 therein are uniform. = 12. Dwelling, Single Family: .A detached buildingdesigned occupied exclusively for and by one family. • 13. Family: Any number of individuals living together and cooking y on the premises as a single housekeeping unit, together with all necessary employees of the family. 14. Garage, Public: A building or portion thereof used for the housing or care of more than three ( 3) self-propelled vehicles and where any such Vehicles are equipped, stored or repaired for remuneration or kept for hire or sale. 15. Guest House: A building with sleeping accomodations, with or without kitchen facilities for the gratuitous accomodation of guests. 16. Home occupation: A gainful occupation conducted by a members of the family, within the residence, provided that the space laded ord d is incidental to the residential use and that no article be sold or offered for sale except such as is produced by such home occupation, • 17. Hotel: A building where rooms with or without meals are supplied to the general public for compensation, to anyone who may apply. lgr Lodging (or Rooming House) : A building other than a hotel, where for a consideration, lodging is provided for four (4) or more persons not members of a family, pursuant to a previous arrangement and not tp anyone who may apply. A it 19. Lot: A parcel of land which is or may be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings or uses customarily incident thereto, 20. ' Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. 21. Non»0onforming Uses: A buildin g or premises used for a purpose that does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated. 22. Setback Lines: Lines established adjacent to streets, roads, or highways for the purpose of defining limits within which no builds ture or any part thereof shall be erected or permanently maintained or"Withinstruc- the Setback line" means between the setback line and the right-of-way of the street, road or highway. -; 23. Structure: Anything constr�lcted or erected, the Use of which r, requires location on the ground. 3. • r 6 • • • y. , • 24. Struaturr]: Alterations: A y changes in the supporting members • of a structure Such as bearing walls, oO'-Junna, beams or girders. 25. Fireproof Wall: A wall construa�ed of masonry, concrete or other fireproof material and having no opening i said walla 26. Temporary Structures: A movable sti)uature not designed for human occupancy nor for the protection of goods or <'.chattels and not forming an enclosure. • 27. Yarde: A space on the same lot with,<a building, betwe€ . a building and the lot line, unoccupied and unobetruoted"from the ground upward unless otherwise provided herein. • 28. Front Yard: A yard extending across the full width of the lot 'between the street line and the nearest point on the front line of building or any projection thereof, excluding uncovered stepu. 29. Rear Yard: A and extendin g ng across the full width of the lot „ between the .rear;,lot line and the rear line of the building Or any projection e thereof, excluding uncovered steps. 30. Side Yard: A yard between the building or any projection thereof ' and the aide line of,the lot and extending from the front yard to the rear yard. SECTION ill. 1. No building or structure shall be erected or the exterior of an exist- ing building structurally altered or used for any purpose other than that per- mitted by 'these regulations for the district in which the same is located, and no lot area shall be so reduced or diminished that the yards or other open spaces shall be ,smaller than prescribed by these regulations nor shall the denst.ty of occupation be increased in any manner except` in conformity'with the regulations herein established. 2. Lake Oswego Zoning District is hereby divided into two subdistriots. • Further subdivisions may be made whenever in the judgement of the Commissioners, it shall be deemed necessary. 3. The boundaries of the aforesaid subdistricts as shown upon the map of Lake Oswego Zoning District attached hereto being designated as the "Zoning Map iDf Lake Oswego Zoning District's dated December),11 ,1947► and made a part of this ordinance. All notations, references and other things shown upon the said "Zoning Map of Lake Oswego Zoning District" shall be as much a part of these regulations as if the same were fully described herein. • 4. Subdistrict #1 shall be that Zoning District cieaaribed as follows: part of the above described Lake Oriwego Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Iron Mountain Boulevard where that line intersects the west city boundary of the Cityg of Oswego being a point oint Hoerr the most northerly cornor of lot 19 Forest Hills thence westerly along said south liine of Iron Mountain Boulevard and the south line oT, the Southerk Pacific right-of-•wey to the west line of • Bryant Road, thence southerly along the said West Line of Bryant Peed to the southerly line,of)the Lake Oswego Zoning District thence easterly and northerly 4• , • . . • a , O along the above described boundary of thethaLaka"---0aweg0 Z oning District to the point of beginning. 5. The' remainderof the Lake Oswego Zoning District shall be known as sub-district #2. , SECTION 1V. RDULATIONS SUB DISTRICT NO. 1. In subdistrict #1 no building or premises shall be used and no building shall `hereafter be erected or structurally altered, unless other- • wise provided in this ordinance, ,except for one or more of the following specified Uses: (0 1. Single family residences. 2. Accessory buildings or structures. 3. Rome occupations, not involving the conduct of a business on the premises, including the sale of plants, flowers shrubs or garden products raised on the tract on which • such products are sold. 4. Parks, playgrounds, golf, courses, end private clubs, ex- cept those whose Principal activity is a service customarily carried on as a business. A 5. A use customarily incident to any ol;; the above permitted , uses when located on the same lot and not involving the eon- duct of a business, including the office of a physician, surgeon or dentist when situated within the dwelling provided that no name plate exceeding one (1) square foot in area shall be permitted. r. 6 A sign pertaining to the leasing, rental, or sale of the :premises, not more than twelve (12) square feet in area. 7. Public utility substations or structures provided the same shell conform to the setback end yard lines of the district and shall in landscape and architecture be approved by the commission. 0 Area and Height 8. Lot Area: Buildings or parts of buildings hereafter erected or structurally altered shall provide a lot area of not less than eight thousand (8,000) square feet per family unit and no such lot shall be less ��.::'` ` than sixty (6o) feet wide, except that a single famil • E yjome may begected and maintained on a lot of less area than eight thousand (8,000) re feet ' Provided that said lot was part of a subdivision recorded before December]or wan-held in separate o'rmership by deed recorded before December 1947947, . • 5• / n q r 9. Height: Buildings or parts of buildings hereafter erected or ' structurally altered shall not exceed two and one half (2i) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height, the waterfront facade of a house facing the lake shall not be higher than 35 feet above the natural ground surface at the house wall. No accessory building shall be more thgh<,sixteen (16) feet in height. 10. Side Yard; There shall be a aide yard On each side of a • building. The minimum width of a aide yard shall be not less than five feet. The farthest projection of the building shall be considered as the width of the"building. . 11. Rear Yard: ;_There shall be a rear yard not less than twenty- five°(25) feet. in depth, but in lots where the original deed restriction required a set-back line greater than ,25 feet in depth the set- back required by such original deed restriction shall prevail. ACCESSORY BUILDING: 12. An accessory building may be located in the rear or side yard, providing it maintains the mini:jnun five foot set back from adjacent side yard lines. 13. An accessory building or buildings located in the rear yard shall occupy no more than 25% of the required rear yard area except that a garag , not to exceed 450 square feet in area may occupy a ream yard which does not abu upon the lake, although such garage may exceed 25% of the required rear yard. An accessory building may be built to a side or rear lot line if the side wall adjacent to said let line be a fireproof wall. 14. An attached garage shall maintain the front setback line and the required side yard lines of the main building except said garage may be built • to a side line provided the adjacent sidewall be a fireproof wall. i1 5. A boat house as en accessory building shall not be restricted by side or rear yard lines. • • 16. Setback lines shall not apply to lots where the natural ground level at a point opposite the proposed street entrance and twenty-five (25) feet back from the street line is six (6) feet lower or higher than the street grade opposite such proposed entrance. 17. No building shall be built closer to the center line of any street or highway than forty-five (45) feet except that a building built on a site between two buildings which have been built previous to the adoption of these regulations may be built at a distance from the center line of the road which is the average distance from that center line of those two existing buildings. 4 18. There Shall be a setback line at all street corners. No building or shrubbery causing sight impairment two (2) feet above the grade of the stree or a tree trunk over two (2) feet in diameter Shall be permitted within a line connecting points on street or highway property lines thirty-five ( 35) feet dis- tant from the intersecting point of the property lines of any corner lot. 6. /3 - ` , o 19. There shall' be one lot zoned for commercial use, to Wit: --® Lot 114, Lake View Villas. SECTION V. SUBDISTRICT NO0 2. USES AND REGULATIONS SUB DISTRICT NO. 2. , 1. The permitted uses shall be the mane as in Sub-District No. 1. 2. No dwelling shall be constructed on a lot having a width of leas than 60 feet and an area of lees than 7,500 square feet. 3. Set back lines of Sub-District No. 1 shall not apply to Sub- District No. 2, except: There shall be a setback line at all street corners. 1i No building or shrubbery causing sight impairment two (2) feet above the i grade of the street or a tree trunk over two (2) feet in diameter shall be J permitted within a line connecting points on street or highway property lines thirty-five (35) feet distant from the interse'bting point of the property lines of any corner lot. 4. There shell be no further regulations as to the use of residential , property in Sub-District No. 2 than as shown above. 5. Property z oned for commercial use. There shall be only, the follopting lots zoned for commercial use, to wit: Lot 23 Block 3 Lake Grove Acres Estates k II 24 ii 3 I, II It 0 . tt 25 " 2 n n n it tt 26 n 2 n it it n tt 27 tf 2 It II II II Lot 5 Lake View Villas, 1st Addition " 6 - n II n n tt II 7 _ _ n n d n It l tt g n n tt n n It tt 12 n n n tt II n 13 it n n tt It t) 14 U It t' n It Lot 144 Bryant Acres tt 145 tt tt e. Lot 4 Block 3 Gunthers Lake Grove Homes tt 3 # 3 n It It It . # g it 1 tt to tt n It 9 tt 1 It It II n Lot 59 Lake View Villas illo n 60 .. - ., _ _ .. n n n It 63. tt tt tt tt a n n IS tt $2 tt n tt tt 83 tt tt n tt g, tt It It tt 85 — _ — tt tt it 7. f Lot 86 = - - - - -Lake View Villas n 87 n n It 88 - - - - - - u n e n e 89 a ,e n Lot 57 - - -. - - Bryant Acres • n 58 n n e 59 n e n 79 n u ' n 99 n n . All other property shall be for residential use. S aION 11 COMUERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Regulations and uses of Commercial Districts shall be applicable • t sub-districts No. 1 and No. 2. 2. In the commercial district no building or premises shall be used a (.l no building shall b.ereafter be erected or strudturally altered, unless o terwise provided in this ordinance, except for one or more of the following s tcified uses: , A 1. Single emily residence. • A 2. Retail store, except the storage or sale of scrap metals, rags, bottles or junk, automobile wrecking yaid, end uses which are ' noxious by reason of the emission of smoke, gas, 4ilst, noise or odors. // A 3. Any kind of processing or treAtment which is clearly incidental to the conduct of a retail business conducted on the premises. A 4. A temporary structure. A 5. Office building. . A 6. Filling statioh, garage. A 7. Restaurant. A 8. Bakery. A 9. Barber Shop, Beauty Shop. • A 10. Drug Store. • A 11. Customer or cooperative cannery. A 12,E Frozen Food Locker. • A 13. Laundry, Cleaning pressing and dyeing estailiishmont. . A 14. Building material, fo.el and contractors storage yard. 8. A 3 ` - tl a O . - . . 0 A 15. Motor Vehicle end bicycle service and repairs (garage) . ` A 16. Paint, carpenter, cabinet,. p , blacksmith or sheet metal shop. u, A 17. Printing or publishing establishment. A 18. A branch office` or substation of a public utility. , A 19. School, church, museum, library, hospital or clinic. • A 20. Theater. Setback: In commercial areas in all sub-districts no building of. any kind may be erected or maintained within fifty-five (55) feet of the • center line of any dedicated street or road, SECTION V11 NON-CONFOrMING USES The lawful use of land and bukdings existing at the time of the adoption of these regulations may be continued, although such use does not conform to the provisions hereof, but if such non-conforming (( use is discontinued for a period of one (1) year or more, any future use of the said premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. Such use may be extended throughout the buildi hg but no additions or structural alterations to such building shall be permit.;edAunless the use thereof is changed to a conforming uso. �(_., -- • • 2. The non-conforming use of a building or premises may be changed to another non-conforming use of the same or a more restricted use. Whenever a non-conforming use of a building or premises hat been changed to a more restrict- • . ed use, Such use shall not thereafter be changed to a less restricted use. • 3. Whenever district boundaries or regulations shall be changed ' hereafter, any then existing non-conforming use in such changed district may be continued or changed to a use permitted in the same district as that in which the existing use is permitt4d, provided that all other regulations governing the new use are complied with. . 4. Within six months (6) from the date of adoption of these reaula- tions, all non-conforming signs shall be removed. 5. A home occupation in, a dwelling shall not be considered a non- conforming commercial use where the person engaged in such occupation can prove that (a) it is not his Principal means Of livelihood, (b) he is a bona fide resident of'the dwelling, and ( c) no person not such a resident is employed in s such home occupation. 6. Such home ocoupatOn may use only such tools or machines as are • commonly found in a home. No h'jme occupation shall be allowed which created noise audible in an adjacent--delling, or which necessitates outward evidence such as storage of material for a manufacturing process or daily trucking or hauling of raw materials or finished products. . III/1 ?. I} ' . . • 4S �:, II . SECTION Vili COMPLETION AND, RESTORATION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS. 1. Nothing horsin contained shall prevent the restoration of a building destvoyed by fire, explosion, act of Goa or Act of the• public enemy subsequent to the adoption of these regulations, except that a non conforming use so destroyed to the extent of seventy-five, (///�75) per cent or more of its /, assessed valuation, according to the assessment(rfor the fiscal year in which such destruction occurs, shall, from and after the date of such destruction conform to ell the regulations of the °district in which it is located, except a dwelling'destroyed by fire or act of God, the owner shell be permitted to rebuild on the same foundation site regardless of existing regulatf;�onn. '• . l GENERAL * QV TIONS FOR ALL SUB-DISTRICTS. C SECTION 1X DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ' \ 1. In lands not subdivided, unless otherwise indicated on the Zoning Map of Lake Oswego Zoning District" the district boundary lines shall be section lines, quarter-section lines, quarter quarter section lines, government lot lines or such lines extended or the centerlines of streets, highways or railroads. • 2. Whenever dimensions are shown on the "Zoning Map` of Lake Oswego , Zoning District" such dimensions shall govern. 47 In subdivided lands where district boundaries are shown as adjacent and parallel or approximately parallel to street lines, such dis- trict boundary lines shall be deemed to be the lot lines of the lots abutting such streets. 4. Where uncertainty exists with respect to the location of the i • district boundary lines shown on the "Zoning Map of Lake Oswego Zoning l District" such location shall be determined by the use of the scale contained on such map. , • SECTION X INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION 1. It is not intended by these regulations to interfere with abrogate or . annul existing easements covenants or other agreements now of record, or is it intended by these regulations to repeal, abrogates ennui or in any way to im- pair or interfere witb_,,any existing !provisions of law or ordinance or any rules, regulations or permits previously adopted, or issued, or which shall be adopted or, issued pursuant teilaW, relating to the use of buildings or premises, pro- vided however, that where these regulations impose a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises than is imposed, or required by such existing or hereafter enacted provision of law or ordinance or by such rules, regulations, agreements, covenants, or permits, these regulations shall control. SECTION Xl BUILDING PERMITS, 1. No building; or structure or any pert thereof shall hereafter be built, enlarged, externally altered, repaired or moved Within the cress subject to the provisions of these regulations 'Until a building permit has been applied for in writing and has been obtained from the Zoning Oontmission. Such permit shall be posted in a prominent place on the premises prior to and during the period Of construction, exterior alteration, repair or moving. Forms for application for building permits shall be supplied by the Zon'hg 1 10 N 0 Commission and a record of all permits issued shall be kel 't by the Commission. 2. A building'permit shall hay* lapsed and be void unless' the Op- orations°described in such permit are commenced within six (6) months from the date of its issuance. SECTION X11 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS. 1. The Zoning Coiw ission is authorized to grant variances to the property owner where, in they opinion of the Commission, these regulations impose an undue hardship. 2. The Zoning Commission is authorized too make changes in the zone classification of property in the Lake Oswego District. Such changes may be made after a public hearing attended by not less than three (3) members , . of the Zoning Commission. A property holder desiring a change in the zone classification of a parcel of property shall file With the Zoning Commission a petition signed by the owners of at least one-half of the property within lines three hundred ( 300) feet from and parallel to the boundary lines of the property p cwhocfh a arang rate thoemm sturh enn ti1 o fd ay e before aishesn change nla n the announced date of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the ° district, if there be one, and if not, then in some such newspaper published in Clackamas County Oregon. Notice of the hearing shall be posted in at least one (1) conspicuous place in the District. The decision of the commission shall be transmitted to the County Clerk to become an order of the county court. , SECTION Xlll VIOLATION AND PENALTY. j. 1. It shall be unlawful to effect, construct, reconstruct, alter, maintain or use any building or strueture' or to use or transfer any land in violation of these regulations or any amendment hereto. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of these regulations, or any amendment hereto ' shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not less m than one hundred dollars ($100.) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.) . ' Each and every day during Which an illegal erection, construction, reconstruc- tion, alteration, maintenance or use continues shall be .deemed a separate of- fense. In case any building or structure is, or is proposed to be, erected constructed or used); or any lend is' Used, or is propose& to be used., in viol lation of these regulations, or any amendment hereto, Th'0 Lake Oswego District r Planning Zoning Commission, the district attorney of Clackamas County or any _ owner of real property within the Zoning District in which said building, structure or land is situated, may in addition to other remedies provided by law, institute injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other appropriate proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove said unln.wful erection, con- struction, rek:onstruction, alteration, .maintenrance or use. SECTION XV SAVING CLAUSE <. 1. If any section, sentence, clause or word of these ragulutione S shall be h �held to be unconstitutional the invalidity of such section sentence, clause or word shall not affect the validity of anyother portion of these ;', r egul,ttions, it being the intent to enact the remainder of these regulations notwithstanding any part thereof may be declared 'uncoust'itutional. ll. 9' A e 0 Q, O . TO THE COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY, ORFJGON This is to certify that the attached zoning ordinance for Lake Oswego Zoning District, after public hearings as by law • , required is hereby adopted as said zoning ordinance for Lake Oswego ; Zoning District, Clackamas County, Oregon, and that the mdp attached 0 \_hereto is the'offioial map of said District. . Done at Lake Grove, Oregon, this " day of 1947. 7 Chai11111 ( . (( Cr".4.- Ati--L-1)----", ---7/ \ ' . ' Commissioners (,)%.t/ /,44-ak.„4---. 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FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS 1.0014 6 Ft. t.Ar30,2445 t) cN\,, , .., -r, . ,,..,'. , ‘..A\C b•. ,-"r sx- h 1:• -:-• In the matter of the appointment of ....- •., ./i.) •1. t• ,1. lf/I.'1 ... 1100.I ...s, Andrew J. Paris, Jr. as a commissioner Court Order Ho. 4038 _ 04, '5J1c,, \„.<;,,..? to the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission. . k This matter coming before the Court at 1 this time and it appearing to the court that a vacancy exists on the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission, and A . 1 • It further appearing to the Court that q . it is in the best interest of Clackamas County that said vacancy be filled, and - /1 It further appearing to the Court that . - the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission at their meeting on January 23, 1956 recommended the appointment of Andrew Paris, Jr. as a member to the Commission, now therefore ' IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Andrew Paris,, Jr., ' ' Ilk - 16877 S. W. Canyon Drive, Oswego, Oregon, be and is hereby appointed as a member of '- the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission for a term of four years, said term to expire on . . June 30, 1960. ..- DATED this 25th day of January, 1956. - . A r / . _..• L CP\ cg\,1_,..., ..,c r..4-.1 , ' j , \ G'k.. • • County Judge \V/ . . 4--------\/7/---------- ........._,__. , 1 Commissioner i\ 0 ( \\ • II • tel a ---A':,1 -------g . , . COMMiSSIOnCr • --, . . g EXHIBIT .., 1 72 Oer..;,3 , 11 vAg..17-406,0 4 ,, A L / a, ' — , 0 • . iry� IN TIII3 COUNTY Lon! o1 nis, STATE OF OI.rCON (2� FOR TIY1. COu NTY OF CLACKAMAS ok,1M • q /Z.4 c3uNT r� :..., In the matter of appointing zoning `li/,'/ •, '� commissioners to the Lake Oswego Zoning uj` �'ii),1y �� r District Court Order No. 324..`�•.�` "c , •��'� s ,�, Dtk , This matter coming befsie the Court at this time and it appearing to the Court that vacancies exist on the Lake Oswego Zoning • • District, and I. It further appearing to the Court that it is � . in the best interest and welfare of Clackamas County'that appointments be made to fill said vacanci , and r" It further appearing to the Court that the expiration term of Jerry S. Sayler should be extended in order to eliminate confusion, ' and It further appearing that petitions have been filed by residents of the Lake Oswego Zoning District f'ecomthending the appointment • of the following men, now therefore IT 15 HEREBY ORDERED that William C. Ludder 2180 Crest Drive, Oswego, Orogen, be and is here appointed commissioner of the Lake Oswego Zoning District for 1 term of four years, term to expire June30, 1959, and IT IS FURTHER onmED that Ormond Bean, Jr., S. W. West View Road, Oswego, Oregon, be and is hereby appointed commissioner of the • Lake Oswego Zoning 'District for a term of three years, said term to expire June30, 1958, and IT IS FURTHER ORD ED that Melvin R. Ellis, • Route 1, Box 615, Lake Grove, Oregon, be and is hereby appointed commissioner of the Lake Oswego Zoning District for a term of two years, said term to expire June30., 1957., and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the term of office ' of Jerry S. Sayler, Prestwick Road, Oswego, Oregon, be and is hereby extended, said term , to expire June30, 1956. ,eC' ORDER this 20th day of June, 1955. • \ g Ce".:121- -:0 24,,(/ J County Judge R ,. ,, ,,, _ , • S ,Cons issiorie 0 { l /,l 1 u , , i \ p IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON o� FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS 0'1' '`In n the matter of the reappointment of `. e. • („I V'C�r v, Jerry S. Sayler as Cnunissioner to the Court Order No. 4497 `" Lake Oswego Zoning Di trict r;h•; . ) This matter coming before the Court at this /, time and it appearing to the Court that tiio term of office of Jerry S. Sayler, member of the LakOswego Zoning District, has expired thereby "creating a vacancy on said Commission, and It further appearing to the Court that it is in the best interest of Clackamas County that said vacancy be filled, now therefore IT IS I•IOREBY ORDM D that Jerry S. Sayler Prestwick Rlbad, Oswego, Oregon be and is hereby re—appointed member to the Lake wago Zoning District, said term to expire June 30, 1960. This order entered Nunc es Pro Tune as of June 30, 1956. ORDERED this 17th day of July, 1956 ----(,..67q. ,, ,...e ....,.._,zi J ter` County Jud/ • �-e.t • Commissioner 0—) \ . , Commissioner ` 1 e„ II M ,, . , • �, •e 1 1 • f'11ur t� .% • IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON CLACKAMAS COUNTY, • FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS .F I L E.D . an '. I,A �, County terk ?�� i; �.� 1"^.ti:ru OCMir; BUY H� APPO'IN�NT!;:..I!T of' •t:c T. ;)IC:: :C1 „�k,.. --- Uk ,. ..t~ J. ,. : „u G:}..,GIL . 1'( .. (,t..t,' ...it 1, u.;.. I'o. 1."C'b. n}r n n , O .,,, • ° .. r „ 'I'}IS . .AT'1':'i.1. (.:Ci 3::'i IT IPOL'1,4 tl':r:; CURT FON COi;SI,):'I'ZATTG:I AT ' ari Tr; A''''I r:.' AI'Pr;.l:2a:i'r'r To TIE CLCZT bi►at by an ordi:.la I) ,t of the Court dated the 16t17 (1az" of.' :l r, l�'yC1, liAl" '�" .'ar't:l.l1 wa ar.,l�oil'ltf;Gi, as i�lr'll`}) ,1• of tih: Lame., ia.'f!r•':%o Zoning Commission, and " IT I mu...r., ;P.0 ro its 1 that clue to tilt., rosil;nataon of Gars " : actin, said resignation tiori bein,.; }}'r'1'•'by • I accepted, it becomes hecessar:i to appoint a mill Conunissionor to fill the vacancy V 'r • caused by said resignation, in Ol'(Ir1' that the rrai.f'! Csr0L7 Zoning COlniss i011 may more fully function as a body to nc'curc the b.snofits authoriznr.•i, by the Oregon Zoning law, and tip, Court ba'.in4; fully advised in the pr'1:Ixsns; now therofo1'r. IT :rs II i;,-0,,,: C.IU•;:.:;t.) that 'lay T. 1J:i.cker- eon, :lest Day :toad; Lake (Move, Or•:;;on) who is a resident within the. boundary of ., :'.;iiw Lake Gswego 2Ioning. District, be and he herQb r is appointtarl :13 boning cJOIili.J. 3iOn,r r for theun?xpirr;.1 term err'iii u•,17tr°t1I1r;1' 1'�, 1 3JO , • r ' , ;-2,„ )4edi , )),t:`:,,) this " (lay o r I ay, �' 3 , .._...--- .....21)._tiltsci. e ,,ii,...0„4...,,) 4.,, . , ,, ,, , CC .tr)tl,7 Ju(1;.! ..,, ,. ;otlftt7 1,01 iaiss.I.O11,1' ° ice! s • ,, M1 . �C IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE F'OREGON , FOR THE��iOUNTY OF CLACKAMAS E, '�`' ill, In the 1'?a0;er of the Appointment of U.J. Chapman, ..;onin; Com;d,ssioner Court Crde' Ho., 15$.7 for Lake Usqe;,o :.zoning Commission. CLACKAMAs"t0UN FILED • in JUL „ '�`1 Uy-H�r'nc• uuu�icy Oath , - utY • This' matter corm g before the ,Court; N for consideration at this tiu e and ith'anoearin; to the Court that the term of, Jack Robertson as member of the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission has ex— pired causing a vacancy to exist, and IT FURTHER A!PEARIR:, TO THE )COURT that it is to the best interest and welfare of Clackamas County that said vacancy,be filled, now therefore leIT IS HEREBY BY ORDERED that E. J. Chapman, Upper Drive, Lake Grove, Oregon,who is a resident within the boundaries of the L::ke Oswego :coning District, be and hereby is tapnointed as Zoning Commissionorfor a term ending September 17, 1956. s �-11 Dated this 7th day of July, 1953. , () 1 ,.........-- , r:-..,) 1,./' ,.) /2 ,C)1._ .,)...) .../ (..k.e,...t...6., / ) 0 '41.fl 'e,---r--z-rt,,/ County Judge Li...4.......„,._ hty Couunrxssirter County Cowie one2. • CC u J `. 0 6 tibit% t r ,i j,�11 , CLACKAMA5 CnUWTY n °F I L�.:.1•) IN THE,COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 4 FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS MAR 2 4 196 el. In the matter of the appointment of Ray T. Dickerson, zoning Court Order 2091 Commissioner for the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission. This matter coming before the Court for consideration at this time and it appearing to the Court that the term of Ray T. Dickerson as member of the Lake Oswego Zoning Commission has ex- pired causing a vacancy to exist, and IT further appearing to the court that it is to the best interest and welfare of Clackamas County that said vacan- cy be filled, now therefore It is hereby ordered that. Ray. T. Dicker- son, who is a resident within the boundaries of the Lake Osivogo Zoning Dis- trict be and hereby is appointed as Zoning Commissioner for a term ending September 17, 1956. 111/1 v ; Dated this(igth day of March, 1954. Judge r' Comnissioner AM Commissioner Li 11111 Is „. . •. r' ^ It • IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 60bK J ',Act v(7 • FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS o Original—County Clark In the Matter of the Appointment of a District Zoning Planning Commission, ORDER No, `�"ck/1t'Ais ct.'�'I'-I Y 1'Oswego District." �„ k SEP 18 1947 47. c I. . ,L, CC{�,'LI1 W,01% This matter coming on at this time to be heard, and it appearing to the Court that undor Section 6, Chapter 558, Oregon Laws, 1947, upon the forma- tion`of a zoning district, the County Court shall appoint not less than three nor more than five resident free-holders of the zoning district for a term of four years, to be known as the District Zoning Planning Commission. It further appearing to the Court that, pursuant to an election duly held in the said district, said district now is formed and established as a zon- ing district. It further appearing to the Court that C. V. Woodard, Route 1, Oswego; 4 Edward T. ''Dwyer, Route 1, Lake Grove; Ward Smith, Lake Grove; J. Crawshaw, Route 1, Lake Grove; E. J. Chapman, Route 1, Box 197, Lake Grove are resident free-holders . o£ said district and capable and qualified to fulfill the duties of Commissioners os said zoning district, and the Court being fu]ly advised in the premises, , . IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that C. V,. Woodard, Edward T. Dwyer, Ward Smith, J. Crawshaw, and E. J. Chapman be and they hereby are appointed . of the Oswego District Zoning ?laming Commission Commissioners/for a term of four years, or unbi1 ;41eir respective successors are appointed and qualified, and that C. V. Woodard` i all be pointed for the term of 1 one year, Edward T. Dwyer for a period of two years, W4trd$Mith for a period of r 1 three years, and J. Crawshaw and E. J. Chapman for a period of four years. DATEDat Oregon City, Oregon, this 17th day dl September, 1947. County Judge v • /', 11110 , . County Commissioner ., �A. af..�Q� ;yam., r/1')r,l,. rri•', +i G•;'111h'h � , norm 4. 7 rAoE it 411) • IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS CLACKAhIAS COUNTY In they/matter of the appointment FILED of Zonis Conunis;Jtoners for L ke Oswego Zoning Commission APR 181950 UUY i• Pf• , ta6unry mark ay VAAJOInity This matter coming before the Court for consideration at this time and it appearing; that by an Order of the Court dated the 17th day of September, 1947 and entered in Commissioner's journal #45 at page 377 the following Zoning-Commissioners,for the Lake Oswego Zoning and Planning Commission District, were app- ointed for the term of office as set out oppdeito the name of each, to-Wit: J.Crawshaw - 4 years F:;.J.Chapman - 4 years Ward Smith - 3 years • award T.Dwyor-2 years C.`d. ioodard - 1 year IT FUPT1irR appearing at this this time due to expiration of berms and relocating of some Coilniss'ioners, it becomes necessary to appoint new Commissioners for the unexpired terms of those moving outside of the Distr,'i 't, also to fill the expired terms of the one two- year Commissioner, in oder that the Oswego Zoning District may more fully function as a body to secure the benefits authorized by the Oregon Zoning law; and the Court being fully adv:tsed in the premises; IT IS 11 ttErjy O1ll1 HED tliab the following named residents of Clackamas County,Oregon who are residents within the boundaries of the said Oswego Zoning District bv and they hereby' arc appointed as Zoning Commissioners to fill the vacancies and expired terms as eel: opposite the name of each;to-wit: J.H..'iobertson - Sept.17,1952 (unexpired term of C.'IXoodard) L.'T.Dwyor Sept.l7,1p53 (11e-aopoinb ept to 4 year term) Dated this 17th clay of April, 1950, County Jud,;e0c)"zet_____ ot!jo.tscionor ,— __, • Doll rt.t.,•,iot'tr71 i:! ' o fir; :`:'!" "•r 4'I VOL 49 PACT f i;0'!4'l ✓f•1.�.. ilaiau..:iffi:.:t.,, • 4 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS ck4 /I41,1c SUr h. v l In the matter of the appointment of � ��'��rk' w 9S/ , three commissioners for the Lake .' Oswego District Zoning and Planning Court Order a r ,"� '/•, Commiesion S 5 �``�`�n • This matter coming before the Court for consideration at this time a o and it appearing to the Court that three vacancies did occur in the offices of Commissioners of the Lake Oswego District Zoningrand Planning Commission and that w the first of these vacancies occured on,.September 17th/1950 and"the other twn, eccured at the identical time on September 17th,1951, and,, '. \I It further appearing jo the Court that in order that the Lake Oswego 1 District 2onini and Planning Conmaiseien may ,more fully function as a body to secure the benefits authorized by the Oregon Law, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, and, „ (i It furtlher a ear to t \ .. PP ing he Court that the residents of this area were given the right to closed ballot in selecting the below named Commissioners, now therefore; ' IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the following appointments be and the same are hereby made and for the terms as set down in this order, to—wit; • Wand Smith, September 17,1950 to September 17, 1954• n George W. Dickie, September 17,1951 to September 17,1955. Jerry ,S.Saylor, September'l,7, 1951 to September 17, 1955. or until further order of the Court. DATED this 2$th day of December, 1951. ,f o ( t . County Judge r 1110 Commissioner ,d COMMi01 hhnr • 11 r Nk • w ' •) H IA A .-,1.04... . VOL, 49 pAL 0 ' r; °•, J h,,.. ;.1 L..-v,i,:1.,.t:er IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON r, // ' f,(.1� w Ir FOR THE COUNTY OF CI.ACRMMAS l`4.0uNT.r. .0 `�1 /S sue` r h aH c4 �q In the matter of the correction of �!`` c'�e,t, an order of the form Court as Court Order 596` ,4,¢,�l�,,e� recorded in Commissioners Journal # 45 at Page 377 `. This matter coming before the Court at this time and it appearing ' to the Court that on the 17th day of September 1947, E.L.Pope, County Judge,' G.G. Randall, County Commissioner, and O.A. Pace,-County Commissioner, did write a Court Order which is presently filed in Commissioners Journal #45 at Page 377 4nd , which made conflicting appointments for the terms of the Commissioners of the ia-lce d Oswego District zoning, and Planning Commission, and PP It further appearing to the Court that it is neceslary to correct the terms of said Court Order, and, ' It further appearing to this CourtOthat the former Clurt could not, by the terms of Section 6, Chapter 555, Oregon Laws, 1947, have ap Ilnted•all live of the zoning commissioners for a four year term, now therefore, • . IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the former Court t s Order as set down in the o , i , ' Comndssi_onerts Journal # 45 at Page #377 be, and the same is hereby corrected to . • exclude the terms in lines 1,2,3, and, 4, of paragraph 4, and that the ,appointments 1• made therein shall be as ordered in lines 5)6, and 7 of that same Court Order. N1 DATED THIS 29th day of December, 1951. t. i . .. ( l// r2.r +�11 t L'(4G r 1 " " County Judge �� ID ,. \\ , . ,, 11 ---i---/-. (' v . , ,, Commissioner Commission r _° • i; x pp • ' i^ ' . 444# , . . 1 1 . • • r • yr•' , • 7 `` ra • • • a+ ,f,Nwt/� ` ,;p} r-..• v•�u ,+.w., , ,.f i, , h. 't t t;+ r .w'i'' wrA n, r al ":.:�:• "y t t, . + '", ! A..-; ".j•; �. -.A,+• V lx y ''i `M'..tG'41�r_ •�-t^C.i.f 3•ra— , +rs{;' , r c,, ... hY S r' 7., .. J'' rI 1. 'V 5 4. ,a I ♦„_y•••.,:4 }• y t , d'• ryY.4" �,- . !e_ 'i t, '•�•',:lj....rT,a,,,•�A:il�x wZ i -,, ' w-11 rd\•v'%+ Y 'T+,4,.,k ... ,ty,y,} ,q,�•�} • tr a • w 111•~"M� /w.� N• r t 1• :'S', `,'N" Xn r •Yw r •.t.0 t•,ty 0:, 7 n -r. � i• •W„ •' ,,�t; 1,. fia,. h '/.�,r�� ,ram e� , I , � .,.t I o ,.n Y, { ,�• t.•r�. s=�'`j.��,[fi.1`�'.bf•t� . r••Y. yri� {r!!•n.-.1....�l•'f'3ti1•04,'1 _,3'wJ't 1i'•t•0(4, t`1,y}" ,rr r ':+r.tt,,.i-. •Nrir Yi...�f�.;41' 'r;:.1 1,,•tt+, .y,tt f ,�,,t'�f)t.,r 1-:4.47'�f�+,.,t•{\!•.�' off• - t t W r..l. -41,rG a' \,a\,•h jfft t• ,�i�/i t„...•ryrt S' ,70 i-;,'l1 V' (,, ,, t 4t h r4?,4.t;f,i�i �`rL• ti r tr`�, 3.+�N'.�}r +�,�,Ai l6, •..,-.,1 . 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',4 ,,....." ,....••••• 0 I lc 0 s 4 ., ....., r• .....' , . . J‘10111 .... r * • I • 4 . • ...•,..>.' \ ert'i' .."4. I . . .,...e ' r ........•'' . ..., I .*• . . 1 / / • , . • ,. . , . ., , t . ., . ‘ • 0. 7N - " K. Gordon Linville F / `e_ 12103 Orchard Hill Way Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 ° (503) 452-1648 . cr October 25, 1990 rOCT �C;� , , Mr. Michael R. Wheeler Associate Planner Department of Public Works & Development Services City of Lake Oswego 380 A Street Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 EXHIBIT --75 (4e0, RE: VAR 17-90(a-d) Dear Mr, Wheeler: With reference to the Development Review Board hearing held on October 15 , 1990 regarding VAR 17-90(a-d) , I would like to submit a written narrative of my testimony and research in opposition to the applicant's request for variances . As you are aware, VAR 17-90(a-d) affects Tax Lot 800 located within the Lake View Villas Plat No , 6 . The historical background with 'regards to the creation of lots and f . zoning was obtained from the files at the Clackamas County ' Recorders office, Clackamas County Courthouse, Oregon City, Oregon, Lake View Villas Plat No . 6 was recorded on June 6 , 1927 along with Plats No, 1-7 , Within Lake View Villas Plat No , 6 , there were several lots , one of which was Lot 556 consisting of approximately , 60, 430 square feet or 1 , 4 acres , Prior to May 15 , 1953 , Lot 556 was owned by Annie L. Hindle and had not been subdivided or partitioned. On May 15 , 1953 Dr, Denton J. Rees and Kathryn G. Pees , husband and wife, purchased Lot 556 from Annie L . Hindle , Subsequent to the Rees ' purchase of Lot 556 , two easements were 4. treated to access their property, ' The first easement was recorded o A n July 10 , 1953 , Book 490 , Page 184 , which was a road easement that crossed the Tworoger property which now comprises Tax Lots 400 , 500 , and 700 , The private road is now known as Arrowhead ourt, The second easement was recorded oh March 25 , 1955 , Book 496, Page 456 , which created an extension of Arrowhead Court from the Tworoger property and midway through Lot 556 to access the Lewis parcel that was a portion of Lot 556 , purchased on contract from Mr, and Mrs . Rees on December 18 , 1954 . According to T Paragraph 1 , page 1 of the second road easement, Book 496 , Page - . 0456 , the Rees ' owned all of Lot 556 prior to December 18 , 1954 when they sold a portion of Lot 556 to the Lewises , The Lewis parcel is,, presently Tax Lot 1000 and owned by Ralph and Lavern Dwyer, The A. 0 ' ,w SA 0 • • M. Wheeler October 25, 19904110 ' Page 2 Lewis home was built in 1956 and was the first home built wit Lot 556 . The Arrowhead Court extension now bisects current n ax Lots 800, 900, 1000 and 1100 . Lot 556 was first surveyed yaJ 0. Hess, Registered Oregon Land Surveyor, on September 25, 19John .54 The original survey map is in the possessionour Paris & Associates , map file No. 151 , a certified copyfisnenclosed for reference. The survey map includes the location of the Lewise original hom which was added later to the map, The clearly defines Tax Lot 800 as an "Easement Lot. " map also According to Mrs . Kathryn G, Rees, whom I interviewed on October ' 15, 1990, each parcel or lot was partitioned or sold from lot 55 over a period of time with the exception of Tax Lots 1700, 1800 and 800 . Mrs . Rees explained that Tax Lots 1700 and 1800 were large lots that bordered South Shore Boulevard and did not have a lake access, therefore, when the lots were partitioned a one-half interest in Tax Lot 800 as anaccesstoethe lake, i.e. a lake easement . Mrs . Rees states further that they had built t a boat dock and stairs on Tax Lot 800 which remained can the property until 1989 . To corroborate the Rees ' intentions for Tax Lota ° an easement, 800 as please review the ownership history, i .e. warranty deeds and contract of sale documents that were recorded at the f lots 1700 and 1800 were partitioned, On November 27, 1961 George time A. and Marguerite Carbone purchased Tax Lot 1800 and one interest in Tax Lot 800 from Denton and Kathryn Rees , The-h Re , retained ownership of Tax Lot 1700 and one-half interest in Tax 800 until October 31 , 1966 when they sold theon Lot to Lowell E. Patton, Book 35, Page 389, Miscellaneous Recordrecorded on December 1, 1966. It is my understanding that Mr. ( ' ' Patton purchased the property to provide a buffer between his property, Tax Lot 1100 located on the lake front, and South Shore • Boulevard so that no one could build above<; and behind his home , The real estate contract on Tax Lots 1700 And 800 betweene ' � 1 . Patton was Rees and paid in full on or about November 1 , 1971 ; however, no deed was recorded . It is interesting to note that on June 10, 1986 , Lowell Patton assigned his interest in the Rees/Patton Contract to Deborah L . Francis but the "Assignment of Real Estate Contract" was not recorded until April 17, 1989, Clackamas County No, 89-16040 , On or about April 5, 1989 , r Mr. Patton to execute new warranty deeds on Tax RLot 1700ees was s and d8 by 00 ' •� grantingthe property to Deborah L . Francis which were also recorded on April 17, 1989, Clackamas CountyNo, ` 89-16041 and ,, 89-16042, Mrs , Rees stated during our interview that Mr. Patton asked her to execute the new deeds because there was an error in ' the original deed signed - � ` required, g years ago and that new deeds were Q y` i r M. Wheeler • October 25, 1990 Page 3 2544 • 4 For the past 29 years, the specific intended use for Tax Lot 800 has been a lake access for Tax Lots 1700 and 1800 . In recent years the easement has been abandoned primarily because of lack of use , The Carbones, now retired, have not used the lake or that access for years . Mr. Patton and Deborah Francis ' home, located on Tax Lot 1100, has approximately 110 feet of lake frontage so they have no reason to maintain or use Tax Lot 800 as an access to the lake , , , Tax Lot 1700 is still vacant land and is currently being offered for sale through The Equity Group in Lake Oswego. In the late 1940 's and early 1950ws throughout Oregon, and more specifically Clackamas County, local zoning was regulated by private or public zoning districts pursuant to Chapter 558 , Oregon • Laws 1947 . Prior to June 3 , 1959, when the City of Lake Oswego annexed property surrounding Oswego Lake, zoning was controlled by several zoning districts : Lake Oswego Zoning District ( later renamed Lake Grove Zoning District on February 11 , 1964) , South• 4 Oswego Zoning District, Forest Hills Zoning District and Palisades Zoning District. Lake View Villa No. 6, under the jurisdiction of ' 0 u ,', Lake Oswego Zoning District, was originally formed December 5 , 1947 and later amended on December 21 , 1953 . The "Proclamation of Organization" establishing Lake Oswego Zoning District" , a public •, p is district in Clackamas County, was recorded following a county c election on September 9, 1947 , Book 45 Page 350 . The Zoning ' Regulations affecting the partitioning of Lot 556, Lake View Villas No , 6, was R-8 , a minimum residential buildable lot of 8, 000 square '. d . feet in size . Tax Lot 800 , approximately 3, 980 square feet, was partitioned as an easement lot, or substandard lot,' and was not a d, buildable lot Under, the existing R-8 zoning regulations . That is why the Reeses Oeeded or allocated one-half interest in Tax Lot 800 to Tax Lots 1700 and 1800 to create more economic value to the lots by giving them a lake access . If there is a hardship it would be to Tax Lots 1700 and 1800osinceathe economic of1 , • these two lots would be diminished with the loss of a lake access . Furthermore , Tax Lot 800 is still owned one-half interest, by the owners of Tax Lots t1700ly, a and s n18p0ivided The residential lots in the immediate neighborhood all conform to the original zoning regulations , with the exception of Tax Lot 800 , Ir and are larger than the previously required 8 , 000 square feet, Tilt following is a list of the neighborhood properties and 'their ''• approximate square footage : ,.y. f 1W r y.Y r .. A R. • r. • r M. Wheeler October 25, 1990 • Page 4 ! Tax Lot: 300 44 , 867 SF ' 400 26 , 136 SF 500 20, 908 SF 700 33 , 977 SF • • 800 3, 900 SF 900 10, 750 SF `• 1000 9 , 500 SF 1100 9 , 000 SF , 1200 11 , 420 SF • , , 1300 14, 080 SF 1400 18, 031 SF 1500 17 , 920 SF ' 1600 9, 605 SF 1700 11 , 400 SF ;'' ' 1800 15 , 800 SF Mr. Lowell Patton either knew or should have known the background and history regarding the creation of Tax Lot 800 as an "Easement Lot" since he purchased the property over 24 years ago , Tax Lot 800 should NOT be granted an exception through LOC 48 , 515 and that all variances requested by the applicant in File NO. VAR 17-90(a-d) be DENIED, Respectfully, ' .. 1 • • , �r tr ,) , r ' � ,r' Rim Gl7 Linville �t Sylvia A. Norris . 4 " ENCLOSURE: Survey Map dated September 25 , 1954 cc : D. Burdick, The Lake Corporation 1 MI Miller, Attorney RI Drwyer DI Coghill b, A, A 1 61 r 4 • .. 1 . yy b a i• y • • ;w,348 •, ' AN ORDINANCE TO BE iCi"i?'rrFr A • THE 2017I?><G ORDINnNCt. D:Cri):DI?to THE l;; rr • OREGON, YNf0 DISTRICTS; AND PRESCRIBING'THE'USE, HEIGHT LAND A1tEA11OFt1BUI ,NGSn THE SIZE OF YARDS AND SETBACKS FOR SAID.•`.,•T.FiE PERCENTAGE OF LOTS THAT .� ;c� '' OCCUPIED; THE USE OF LAND AND OF SIGNS DEFINING •�. MAY �F PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOFI HEREOF; REPEALINGALL ORDINANCES�OR P,JtTSnOF : ORDINANCES IN G17NFLICT HEREWITH; AFD•DECLARING AN ENERG1sNCY, ' THIS CITY OF OSWECO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 'l,• NAME. This ordinance s • r ning Usdinaac�i, shall bo known,and dvsi(;n�itc;c; as ,67e • Section 2° PURPOSE. ; at For tha purpose of bringing about ordo:sly gY':twt)i and dsvelopmsnt and promoting the health, safety, conveniemoe an general welfare of the people of the City of Oswego, the city is divided into districts with appropriate regulations for the use, height, rtcea of buildings and yards and setbacks for came, for the use of. land and for Section 3„ ENFORCEMENT. This ordinance• shall bn•enforced by the City Recorder, with W Ie ass stance of Police;Force, Section 11, DEFINITIONS. y •• GENERAL; (a) 'The following words and'phrases shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, be defined as set forth in this section, • • • • (b) ALLEY. The word "alley" shall moan a lawfull;; dedicated ! • thoroughfare 20 feet or lesel;in width, ' (o) ALTERATIOu,' The word""alterations shall mean a ohango in the conetrletion or,l.n�Fie use of a building;; ' A, • (d) AUTOO'6 C4'.... URT° The farm naiito caurtr' shall mean a multlplti dwelling ant with fulliiis edFpartly furrtiahed accomodatione fors families living , 0 i,ndeP ly' with' convenient,gars a faoil.itie"s`'for oaoh.f• ni more than two fuiztistiedZcr`partly furnishedjrsingle or'twe»faMi, y dwellings with convenient`:garago;.fabilities for each, family on one•grape ty if in ,either case the family acromedations are rentedgenerally to motorists by the day or week. `,(t•�'. , etrttetute erectedeirtgorLup n thevooil �tndudeai�n+rgiedsforthe shelter permanent animals or property. 1 x of Per.ion6, , (f),IXJELLINIG. Single Fani]ye The term "single fanilyn dwalli.th; shall mean a dwelling used by one 1ariily andin that 2 lodgers or boarders and in which thereshall ebe but h eone ykitchen. bo not mUra (B) D LLINO° Two-Family. mean a dwelling used by twn ztunil ea . vingTindependentlyftwith notsrverg2 shalN . boarders or lodgers in,any one family, (h) 'LWELLING. 1•htl_ tip s, Th'-:tezm nmuliaip ,c dweUlin n moan a dwelling, othor an a single or two-family dwelling„ f ay s;hnll The !awning a•housvhold'�`n�oupy g}ra dwe]1"irigYormdte'lling uttitorcApfami,ly mt;� he a.related family„ort a„>;xoup family, A' Pt blcoil or iu€tx+riago'.ralu$ onrihi '{'group; = u f°m3 ty'ws,-not connected by ' single farm ] of 8.spereonc or lose is a g ly,, if of more than 8 parsons' i't�'is a multiple dwelling. (j), GARAGES The aci d n t 1,a err tare resod,for the ahnitvr o! an1f•A E g shalt mean a building or of rua� cliviautl into two kinds pNPelted vehidlsa Garages shall he , private and pabliO. A n =, e , aomodating not over tour self-propelled vehicles pand ausedaadEan auc one as, seo y a dstsl]ing, A ripubllc era e" J to g fa is ono used other than a private gnrsgr, r 1. g EXHIDrI CQ� • +�}�4rV:��,t fit,. V h•Qo�Q_d, + 1- • ±ry dl,.tf..,t. . 11+.'},Jr," � LF''m • 'c t J , h: 1,11,nL:, i7r.J'��aftt:.` e,t'[:at. 'tl• cm n frart'i4.,nal '�1'1. 1 not 'be 1ese than �5t,0 square heo':, i:t:ti,• 't' on 0.11,It1�' 'i1J:1 {IYY'•1. •t•,•k. 4JJ1 7e ns t.c (f) SIGNS foosx, In a-district # A the regulations for signs shall-be the same , as in District # 3. , Section 2. DIM RIOT w 2 Two4amrl,�r '•4 ll .119.1..1E In a district # 2 the,same.regulations shall apply as in a district #1, except there in also:allowed a two-family dwelling„ ORtINANCE i#511 DATED 10-18-55 AMENDS #348 TO READ A8 FOLLOWS: 4Nt* Section 1. That the following described real propert{ybe and the same hereby is reclassified, an property for two4amily dwe]ling,l and a part of District No„ 2 which property is described as follows: The South i of Slack One Hundred Thirty-four (1311) lying • west of alloy: The South i of EZuok One Hundred Thirty-throe W3)3 The East i of Block One Hundred Thirty-two (132); The East 2 of Block Forty-three The North 'of Block Forty-four (44)• • The North of Block For . (1J5), ]ying west of alley. • Section 2.,: .That.the City RecorderN6r is hereby autirc.d and directed ^, to cause the above described real property to be appropriately on the Zoning,Map referred to in 'said Zoning Ordinance a sothat the come shall he designated, as property foie two-family dwellings acid a part of District'No, 26;under the provisions of Section t h`" No. 31t8 as amended,,,aJ•Ji•Jo- 7 of Zoning Ordinance 4 + A,#51h DATED 10-18••55 AMENDS lf348 �. READ AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE Section 1. There is hereby added to Section Family Dwellings, of Ordinance•No., 3148, a sub•-sectionl(a)i:,n parch- theses which 'shall read as follows: • • (a) '!Pxopurty within,Dietbiot No, 2 which may be contiguous '`I.': .. :. • to a limited commercial zone property may be designated 'A as usable•far parking, if required by limited cam, mercial zone businesses,, or if required' for two�.family ' • dwellings. Such use shall be determined only after application to' the :Planning Commission for d.nsign&ttion of. such District No. 2 property as parking area.n •lN.k;• • Section 8. DISTRICT 3. 1•iultiplo Dwollinv. i (a) Allowed Uses. 'iP In a district // 3 the following uses are allowed: Single family Dwelling Two-family Dwelling Multiple family dwelling, excluding hotel, hospital, old peoples' or babyhome auto court which reuire Counciltn home, see convalescent home and approval (see paragraph "5;11.) Raising of vegetables or produce use buildings.Accessory buildings.for allowed use or Council approved sur'gean, d • • entist,-amdwell rg �rihe may be - home office of physio;lat�, oJr�,teaoher�l,Mnd.a,home,,ocoupatiun public,' studio of artist, musician : I . ! 1n '�J?t1..:K'Ohurah@1„•i f r.nl N�yr; t�1.wC 'r� Schools -•Private, or*parochial • Library ' sire Station ' •;' Parks, playgrounds and buildings for same. - w (b) HEIGHT. exacted or increasecliin height shall the not toxceedany4 stories hereafter t£tot °1 SETB C t'ot. A K AND TARbs. In n dietr:ct• ' rom 4 street lot line for a buiw,'',b, hereafter erecte�tmovediorJ�extended toward a struat Lot '.y . 1 .line, snail, be not less then 10 feet. However, for a cornNr lot 50 ::pet or less in width, the setback, measured parallel to the Gltort•dimeoelon, 4, l , i i. ' 1y r 1 • • • tit L '6 . aA • _ r • • • OB. Al.ceeeory. the term uaceucsorytr when seed :in coflnes;4ot•. w.th a bu ldttig, shall men a building having a use eubordinate to the t,l;aie use building and which uontributss to the comfort or convenience of • persons'occupying.the property„ USE. )fain„ The term "main use" shall mean the most important or. prim, ' cipal user, USE. Non-e in. The•term "non-conforming" use shall mean a use crfir h was egal, before the passage'of this ordinance, but which after the passing of the code is not an allowed use. It applies to a build. ing or sign, existing at the time°of passage of this ordinance, which does not comply with the heights setback, yard, area, building alto • area, or sign regil]•ations applying to a new building sign„It, applies also, to , a property, to buildings or to signs, whichf ChM forms to this ordinance, if the district in changed to a more reetIot•ivc one in which the property, building or sign, after the change of district, does not then conform to the regulations. he rd a building(andYnn-theTsame of"opentrfrom th ehallug undan a ptoothe sky. of • Section 5. CITY DIVIDED INFO DISTRICTS. into Section as The city is hereby divided office of City Recorder.Gated on the oning istriat map on file !:al e; Section 6'„ DIST 1 .ngingle'Family Dwelline, 7 (a)" Allowed•Uaeo • , • ' In a District // 1 the following uses are alloweds Single Family,Dwelling. • ' ,;;;' Buildings'accessory to single family dwellings such as a one.story'private garage, greenhouse, etc.' Sc • • •" , ,,,. hools Public, or.p'arochial ° Churches ,sr!,, rA'!,, .�,. • 'Parks'and plgygrrunds and buildings for stone. Raising of vegetables and precludea • • Fire Station • surgeon, dontistn'aidwel inNb attars may be •- home office of physician, or teacher and home ' ry,public, studio of artist, musician rc�-� occ pation: • (b) REMIT , • +: , ' n a istrict # 1 the }ieiaht of any building, hereafter erected or increased in height, shall,not exceed tt, ' ,stories and an attic or 35`feet, except a church spire or steeple. 0. (c) SETBACK AND YARD. In, a district # 1 the setback from a street lot c•a building hereafter erected'or moved or extended toward, a street lotor line, shall ,not be less than 20'feet. However, for a corner lot less feet in width, the setback measuredthe ehort -0 ai parallel io shall be not less than 10 foot„ No building, hereaftererected, novado extended, shall come closer than 5 feet to a lot line separating the lot • from other real property, except a detachedgarage,building, may be located not:loser than 2 fet tosuch or olo't linu,, 2 ther f et from an yy, Lac ry ells if the area of 'such ,.Gesso buildingdoes not exceed 450 square feet. + RAINA "d,,{++ir',� 'lr• ,l.01; C T#1,rtic C NOE / h99'bATEdv5�17d,554 ° NC�t43Ei�';Tp�fti. t }:,,,+ty,F + • �;,n RUD.i1S'IgOLLOWS: ' proT�o+ran rNlw+w Y.. S '"1r,�, Y• +1+For, r y,!'which�a butsflon4LakejlOspgo, the set-back shall be twenty f ive`fe t'from the"pio"party lino`of lake-front property:t•0-us� y (d) AREA 1�n"n district # 1 not more than 35% of the area of an interior lot, not more than 40% of a corner lot, shall be covered with • a building or buildings ORDINANCE # 66'DATEb 6-2••53 AMENDS #3.48 To RhAD AS SOLL0W5 • ' 1 (e) DWELL/NO SITE AREA. Ina istrict-j not more than one dwelling shall, bo hereafter erected or moved mite one platted lot. The site area for a '3.;' • 1. (b) Height . . a In District 9 the height of any building, hereafter erected or increased in height, shall not exceed six stories or i 85 feet. . • I (c) Signs. kJ District 9 the signs permitted shall conform to the Portland Sign Code (Ordinance 76571) andthis code is hereby made a part of this ordinance and adopted by reference, g . (d) The area of District 9 is as follows: State Street . from the north line of B Avenue running thence north on State Street + ' i to the south bank of Tryon Creek, and extending 120 feet east and • 120 feet west from the outside boundary lines of said State Street, and, State Street from the south line of Leonard Street projected ° westerly across State Street running thence south on State StreetH, .I. '' to.the north'line of Ladd Street projected westerly across State Street, and extending 120 feet east and 120 .feet west from the outs., side boundary lines of said State Street, * ORDINANCE NO. 556 DATED JANUARY 8, 1958 AMENDS NOo .348 TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Section 1e There is hereby added to Ordinance No. 348 a new Section 24., entitled "Se.otiora 24, BUSINESS Prohibited on Streets . or Alleys ,of less than Thirty Feet width," which shall read as follows . ' Section 24, Bu.�iness Prohibited on Streets or Alleys of • Less than ,Thirty Peet Width, Hereafter, it shall, be unlawful for any person to conduct any businest for which land use is prescribed for Districts 4, 5, 6,. or 7 on any street or alley within said districtsi which street or alley is less than thirty feet in dedicated 'I. width. * . Section . • Inasmuch as this ordinance is ned ssary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety, of the City of Oswego, therefore -an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage /•,: thisdate by the Council and approved by the Mayor, • Passed this 5th day of August, 1947, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Oswego, Oregon. T.H. Heppeard, Mayor • :' o Frank A. Schulz, Recorder • r j'i 1 G2:a:dt:A,C:::: NO 622 _. r. , . •t.iTrs•t.w• . til:.i L.n:J7•.'.:b1':R•;3 yy•)'--;j1Zr•t.ai•;+.'tr TO 1 .. 1 iM«.!^";• //'tt wt 0C+^v7. C ` .w• ...^ e, ,v.•... + TO Ti C1'lv, D::r 1,SC7STT��.I Zi7:"1++ pC i'^.+�j: i�! 7, Rn• i(•f 1.! G��'.. , T r� ^13 )1• 7. *.i• 4 v:. .1.+1• AIM arE3.•''.YR•NG•Pit; j '^'f:\ r.-v d o !J tJ e , vo . ! . '^•�::.t.:-::.•.cr 0 : •. ::t•',,r:•'...�: :,.'.•..,. ..,.:.. •� ',::.:.,h L 1..t: 1: .i . •:i ;1.•. t3....RCCo•";.- aL1L:!.nc: '��.... ,r. • ...,i.l....c._.. ( :. :i,� C .�.•.. ... . .S•'...,:.;:,'i . ,' ::' ... `%r C. .�. }?:::,;.i:.'. .:li� ''.".'t:•: J'R: Li CI 11 l.Ty` R.ti::, 0111: :::0 to e held ",i•:;n said ar;:c? for the pnrpossQ:. determining ' a saif:? area ;c.'.4;;•1.'..i.C, s :: %.:R:t mo...'•CS to ths city, and 71 ? ; , c,t said eie :'e:ion a m,:.jo:: t r of the electors votincj thereat C:,,"..:i vote in =."v(:t:: o2 said. election, a-::24 tiler v , e he city did 03'u ..t Qs' h L._'?.ng. the C",' 3BtiOit C:.. 3iiir.I EsinC?'"lt g`� O,{ ,� 1.7Aii c�ti: cl 3 .!4... . Cotvici1 m eti.ncM :1's.1.d 1..'r2aIr 3, 195i), in I.-.he. City I?i:i i4. •: lz3C?O; ©a:e-�goii ' ' and i% it .'psa!:ji C• that said a eca is co11'i:'�CaUOU to the •C't.'C�'~u:c Oswego e c�2;� that lti ere Lc 110 3:C?%?�C:i? Ci175' said area :�12r�1',.�G?�Y2:J'.: r a.nnC3;•ted to the C:i'i:,vr, now, there:�crc • • r .., VT, cI•f.�r C:.' OC'Y lf�l�:l tr.'.O L3 L G 0111.217.1q AO .1.'101.I.R+��',N: Section 1. That the Council O:E the City o:EE O? ego does , hereby declare that ths avea hereinafter described be, and the •. sane hereby ia, r^.rinened to, and made a part O>; the City of ' • .... f ost.Invo n d TAt��•.c.�.h tMii d area in situated ill the Count ^of Cia cazn s, . , ,qn 1 ' 0 J' . vl • a wi • 'r • • • w t , 'EXH'B : • . t.,,..,., T •r , (N t ` VA(2011 R. a:d) r -`-- :Mug of Sections9. '- .. . .. ( _.... -`all located in Clackamas• 9•.18,.!7 Vend 18, T,•2 �5., R 1 E., yy',: M„ Coun`ty,Or"eson;desctib ;follows:•-� ''"Beginning at a �''Cs ��_�.�,t:..•..I�;t y«:�.......-:.__ � . point on the cific Railroad Co, saidy �""`� '"''" northerly line of Iron Moun• being the most Northerly cot% westerly exteline of Bryant nsion of the South. thence Southerly along 470 • fain Blvd, said point bear- ner of LotRoad West line of said F. A. •Col. ' Ing South 384,71 feet and Villas; thence 4w�e westerly aloe ng tension w h hof e She Southeaster) , lard D.L,C, a dis tan 47t� outhwesterly ex. West 14.90 feet from the cot*. the Southerly line of said feet more or less to th• • to 3, 4, right•o line of West View Road (for. west corner thereof; .-� c e _ ner9, and 10,commonT. 2 S.,Sections 1 W. y of the Southern merly d e Si g n a t e d Bryant North line 32' East along the ' Pacific Railroad Co. a dis• South of said F, A. Col M.; thence Southwesterly tance of 5872 feet more or Road) where Bryant Road along the Northerly line of less to a turns Southward; thence lard D°L•C, a distance of Iron Blvd., on a point where the Northeasterly a 1 o n g the Southeasto feet more or less to the curve to the Mountainight havinga Northerly extension of the Southeasterly line of West land .described in a tract of Easterly line of Lot 52, liry• view Road a distance of 1290 Sand ascribed Volume central angle of 6. 08' and a ant Acres as platted Inter• feet more or less to radius• of 600 feet a distance sects the Southerly line of the North 302, Page 321, Clackamas of 24 feet; thence Southcsaid rthe Southerly thence and South center line of Sec. 30 County 1 Westa►lo along the East 63' 43.2 West a distance of South 17' 59' East 302,03 feet lion 17, T. 2 S„ R. I E„ W. nq 175.76 feet; thence 86' a thence North 00' 04' East a erly line of said tract a dis. 30'7West a distance North 86' tooua point t that marks 52, distance of 390 feet more or tancet of 590 r feet to the eet; thence due South a tits. Bryant Acres and of tne North- less to the center Northeast corner thereof; fence of 210 feet more or lesspoint of alonge South 32' West feasterly corner of Lot 64, Bry• T. 2 5a R. 1 E thedistance Northerly line of to a point on the South line ant Acres; thence South 90• said center point also being ' of Fairway Road; thhncethe Initial Point of Palisades said tracts so of 171 01' East a distance of 189,71 on more less to a. point �'�- �, South 55' 30' a distance feet to a point marks the Park Acres Plat No, 1; thence on the Southeasterlyline of �, r• ofSouth feet more East lessdi to a corner thato said theLot South 89' 41' East a distance as of 135 that marks the to a• Southeast said of 1315,52 feet to a Greentree Road N, known Hong of a curvemr to the right; thepoint also being on point on as County Roady No, gn15 nt Northwesterly line of Drive saidast point not West beingView surveyueshed the a County j '', thence along said curve to Like View Blvd, also known point also by County Sur• the right a distance of 45 as County Road No. 112ti; the Southeast corner of said veyor more or less a thence South 49' 59'N West a Palisades Park Acres Plat No, ea or in 1957; thencethe North on the Northerly line of Iron 1 thence Northerly along the easterly along the South• distance of 440 feet; thence easterly line of Greentree Mountain BIvd, said point be. South 40' or East a distance East line of West View Drive Road a distance of 1370 feet o the end of said curve to f feet to the distance st a distance of 1255,39 feet to a • the right, thence Westerly corner of Lot 126, Bryant point that marks the begin. more or less to the South line along the North line of Iron g of a curve to the right of Cedar Street which is a Acres• aspin right Blvd.;continuation of sort re Mountain Blvd, a dtstanc.�e of platted; thence having a central angle of 89' � South 49' 59' West a distanceBlvd.; thence Easter 5800 feet more or less to of 278.36 to the South• 46' a radius of 20.08 feet andg 5800intersectione with the North.its west cor feet o said uth. an arc length of 31,33 feet; the South line 3 feet et easterly of Lot 201, thence South 89' 24' Lot East thence along said curve tt, a distance of 340 more View Villas line Plat 4 t 1, Lakead' the right a distance of 31,31 or less toT, the S., R. line, ofW. Sec;p a distance of 551.38 feet to a feet to a torn 9, T, 2 R. 1 E„ M.;s thence Southeasterly along point on the West line of Br point on the South thence saidh Section the East the Northeasterly line of Lot y" line of Park Road also known + • 201 as platted a distance of ant Road also known asline of 9 ;� dis 201 feet more or less o the County Roa No. 2352 said County Road 'No,N 2481,e tanceo of feet o o less point beingthe Southeast thence g they and Baste l to a point on then NortherlyBlvd. • Southwest corner of said Lot corner of said Lot ]26; thence ly along the Southeasterly 201; thence Southerly a die- Southerly along the West line line of Park Road a distance line of Iron Mountain Blvd. 201; of feetS more or less of Bryant Road a distance of of 2204,71 feet to a point that said pointo bearing South orn- tancto the Northeast corner of Lot 1340 feet more or less to the marks the beginning of a feet from the corner c °� 41, e View V t 1 1 a s as curve to the right having a men to Sections 3, ., 9 and intersection of the Southerly central angle of 76' 56' t, 10 T.2 e tR.o 1 E„ a o thence platted; thence Southerly extension of the West line Southwesterly a 1 o n g the along the Easterly line of a Bryant Road with the radius of 31,46 feet and an Lot 41 a distance f 118 NorthwesterlyextensionWith ofe arc length of 41,74 feet; tarn Blvd. Northerly line of Iron Moun feet more less to is inter. the Southwesterly line of Br thence along said curve to right Blavi on a curver to the • • section with the northerlytsine ' t Road where Bryant Read the right a distance of 41.74 having a radius angle feet to aof 08' and a radius of 600feet line of the ri ht•of•wa of turns Southeastward at its in• point on the South g yfeet a distancesto the point f the Southern Pacific Railroad tersectlon with Jean Road; known ofas County Road,aalso Company; thence Southwest. thence southeasterlyalong Road No more 'or less of Co a distance of 330t feet 2276 and No, 2267; thence EExcepting, more or less a point on the the Southwesterly line of East along the South line of above described s that p salon of rty more rly lino of ri the Bryant feet more or less the d a distaneet of Greentree Road 1775 feet nex dt Cityl of Oswe So the of the of then Pa. 2100intersectione of the aS st to th more of less to the West line go by Ordinances to the 5 4, o of the F. A. Collard D,L,C,, 544b No, 580 and No, 606, No • • e . III • e' • 4ss , ry • • Vie �, • k 4 1 ,_.,,, . • . . i) . . '. ,•, . ' • . . . 0 Sc.iction 2. ;env '....-.th as 1.:12.1-5 OrdillanC3 iki noces• r...v.ry :,l'or 1:73,-s- preservation of the pea7.,e, health and safety ofi the pop'.i..e of Oswego, .an'eitte.rgeno3? is hereby declared to atliste r:..T.10. th .s ordinvziCe shall take efflect irame.diatelv 'mon its passage. bT7 iff,,?..: . Council and its ant:To•iii.:',. by the Myo . • . • .1.:htrod..1:iced al2rY. rea :: first tima at a res-ulor zp.s:Iritin.c of tili Council of tha City of 'Isivego this 41%,..v. of' 3,71A ............... - ............,...gwegerramumwa.11PL.••' • 195 9 0 • • . c''''-''r." • c''' '-' • " • Read E.s.con:-.1 ,,.... d palEM.,:U y Augpimjc: vote oit: zi:;..-i, •:-.110:,• ravrtjaers Cl:•.? t12.s cotzne : caIVe: c,,:...(. te „p • ' 'cTv of ..... 2.5.'500 . . . 4.1 * ( .• In ...•,...› e„,,,,z ? i '• a _ ._ .n. ...._ • etocordar I. I , . Approve :,10. signed' t17..1.7.t ............. ... cal E 4.../22.g....-117 /.950. ,.• ow • .4. 5 AIL...•..4 • ••••- ..I.T..... MIS•• 2.2eIr0 • . 0 • Po , , 7 • ,. . if ir/ , . * I •••'' • • • • • . . ..-- \ i . . „ • • • 49' I f ORDINANCE NO. 64' . ' 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 348'AS AMENDED, BY ADDING THERETO PROVISIONS COVERING AREAS ANNEXED TO THE CITY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ,a TIC CITY OF OSWEGO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby added to Ordinance No. 348, as • •amended, commonly known au the Zoning Ordinance, the following new section: "Section 25. Classification of Annexed Areas. (a) Any area heretofore or hereafter annexed to the city which shall not have been previously subject to zoning regulations of the County or a Zoning District shall automatically be classified as Diaf-rict No. 1,, Single Family Dwelling, until other clasui.Eication is adopted by ordinance after study and recommendation by the Planning Commission. (b) Any area heretofore or hereafter annexed to the city which has been part of a Zoning District, or a County Zoning Plan at time of annexation, shall con- tinue to be subject to such zoning regulations until. withdrawn from such District by ordinance. At such time as an area is withdrawn, the zoning classifiLa:tions r and regulations which have been in force in the ate3 • shall be automatically replaced by the comparable classifications as provided in Ordinance No. 348 until • other classification has been made by ordinance after study and recommendation by the Planning Commission. The Council may designate by ordinance the zoning district or districts it deems comparable or replace • the zoning classifications and regulations which have been in force in such areas with other interim classi- fications and regulations. (c) District No. 5, Commercial, as provided by Section 10, as amended, of Ordinance No. 348; as amended, is hereby declared comparable to the classi- fication of Commercial District as, established by Title IV of toiling Regulations for Lake Oswego Zoning District." Section 2. Inasmuch as this ordinance is immediately essen- tial,-for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the citizens of Oswego, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Introduced and read first time at the regular meeting Of the Council of the City of Oswego on the 1st day of December, 1959. Read second time and passed by unanimous vote of all the members of the Council present on the tc+ day of December, 1959. e �Lr✓ Approved and signed this zra ,717 R'acorder day Decen , 1959. r , IP JEXHUHY �p `�IWZ I'►='Io(��1 .. 1 51.360 RESIDENTIAL ZONES 51.420 shall apply to an SR-15 zone. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 6-17-75.) 51.365 Rezoning in an SR-15 zone. When an SR-15 zone is reclassified to another zone, not an SR zone, the keep- ing of horses and sales offices for homegrown products shall be discontinued within a period of six months from the date of reclassification. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 6-17-75.) SUBURBAN REST?';' rIAL ZONE SR-20 • 51.380 Uses permitted outright. A use permitted outright in an SR-10 zone is permitted outright in an SR-20 zone. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 6-17-75.) ' 51.385 Conditional uses permitted.s. A use permitted, as a conditional use in an R-20 zone is permitted as a con- ditional use in an SR-20 zone. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 5-17-75.) 51.390 Other standards. The provisions of LOC 51.240 through 51.300 relating to an R-20 zone shall apply to an SR-20 zone. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 6-17-75.) 51.400 Rezoning in an SR-20 zone. • When an SR-20 zone is reclassified to another zone, not an SR, zone, the keeping of horses and sales offices for homegrown products shall be discon- •k tinued within a period of six months from the date of reclassification. (Ord. No. 1582, Sec. 5; 6-17-75.) • • RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-7.5 X 51.410 Uses permitted outright. • A use permitted outright in an R-10 zone is permitted outright in an R-7.5 zone. (Ord. No. 781, Sec. 18; 11-21-61.) 51.420 Conditional uses permitted. A use permitted as a conditional use in an R-10 zone is permitted as a conditional EXHIBIT 411/1 (Rev, 6-17-75; hb) (2.ms, 318.1 vAa ii-mt9(4.-� ' s ._ " ... .. .. 1.��r.Tr wr-w-+MI,MIi• u,.!Y..Y • s. i . n I. 51,410 RESIDENTIAL ZONES 51.510 ' •0 use in an R-7.5 zone. (Ord. No. 781, See. 19; 11-21-61.) , 51.430 Signs. 1n e tted Signs permitted in an R-10 zone ore permitted in an R-7.5 zone. (Ord, No. 78 (2) A Sec. 20; 11-21-61,) 1, (2) P etre 51.440 Lot size. .530 In an R-7.5 zone the lot size shall be as follows: , 788 1 71, .' . (1) The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred square feet ex- 1 . cept that the area may be reduced upon approval of the planning commission if this .540 requirement is found to be unreasonaole or unduly burdensome with respect to specific In D property, ,but in no event shall this exception provide for a she area of less than (1)a Ti five thousand square feet. a end (2) The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be sixty feet. et ber (3) The minimum lot depth shall'beone hundred feet. (Ord. No. 781, Sec. 21; (2) TI 11-21-61.) 11-2. 51.450 Setback requirements. i`` .55r A yard required in an R-10 zone is required in can R-7.5 zone except that the A aec, IC sum of the side yards of an interior lot may be a minimum of ten feet. (Ord. No. 781', Sec. 22; 11-21-61.) . .4 51.460 Height of structures. I' In a OF at or I In an R-7.5 zone structures shall not exceed a height of thirty-five feet or two 11-2: stories and ai,i, attic, whichever is less. (Ord. No. 781, Sec. 23; 1.1-21-61.) 1,57o 51.470 Lot coverage. In a DF tho lc In an R-7.5 zone buildings shall not occupy more than thirty-five per cent of '575 the area of an interior lot nor forty per cent of a corner lot. (Ord. No. 781, Sec. Propert 24; 11-21-61.) rdinancr DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL. ZONE DR-3.75 1•5e0 51.510 Uses permitted outright. 6590 In a DR-3.75 zone the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outer 1.595 right; , (1) A use permitted outright in an R-10 zone. (2) Two-family dwelling. (Ord. No. 781, Sec. 25; 11-21-61.) 1; exeq ce 319. of ', . ,, r 4417 ° ' r^ tIr '4. � .n „ t� 1 ' t •,Y" ti,i , '• �1 • i 1 �� � ' '� fin ' ,k ' ,. Att'',' CITY OF LAKE 08W.Fit o ' 1- U , - _ :_. 'T:, ._ �"�•. °� 1.-.1 � . .r�ysrl ,�'xX:,y +,� + - x° - 1 i. 's` '17�r1-"' r r '�`Y'> h;ki ' 'jryey{�y�j/y7 Q^^ . °.�TAJA[ y TNRIUGH UNL ' ]19�90 + ','� ` ,.y ;, 1: +t I/r 0 ll �0i 11 I, L ,a� ' _ ,,,, Application Due; Detee Meetih �.,DLi�teeeta •. rr'idayn, tyPieehy) . #wg,4"• l, . eAnend me OtherApplieetione, Se .., �oc nce, , { jr fl • (Mon. ) . .January 8� lf November 13r 1989 (Moh. ) .Nov'ember:,27, 1989 '- Noveniber ,2/ 1989 (_Mon. ) .December 8, 1989. . Il 'w r ,. . :: . . . .��nua�ry 22 � . .December 29, 19.89, ,� December 8, 1989. . . • .� o February 12 : � �� 7 December 29, 1989. . . . . . Januer y ].2. .. . . . . '� . . . . . . . .February 26: ' 1 January <,12. January 26. . . . . • • • • • • • • • • .March. 12 January 26. . . . . . . . . . February 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 26 February9. . . . *February 23. . . . • • 1 y : . . . • . . .April 9 February 23. . • . . . •_. . . • . . .Marth 9. . . . • i'. • • • I, . . eapril 23 March 16i . . . . : . . . . . • z . . •March 30. : . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . .Mey 14 , March 30. . . . . . . . . . . April 13. , . . . . . 6 . . . . • . . . . .May 30 (Wednesday)° , April 6 April 27 June, 11 April 2'7 yL� • . . . . . . .May 11. . . • . . . i . . i . . . . • • i � Jllne 25 11 M'Tµt% • II - 7 SEE' OT,HEIt SIDE FOR DEVELOPMENT BIEW HOARD SGRED°tE „ r n ,, , + 4 ",;, I If o .,' #.r . e, `'' 80.X"';�1VENUE./POST d (� obig"'4' _A E',5�' E 0.of o r o1c i i • t " ' . . t p:. • '�..., • { rA •+'I 1 •r ,' !1 t '.y, '` y,♦ ! +St 1.0 c X b 4 4 ri 1� t • ', u "1 e d NY ,r ! .t 1,: r ', a r t i r g{:r444,0,'',� a '''' . t tii 0 ylif. ,! r rr R.'` ^v` ... �r '':. Tt,. y h'r� -;4',-., C 1 ,'7 �,"a.`tir{7 !n'•� ►' t �'...1 t y Yo H • `�tiiy� �e • II 1•I r ?•'4:�a k i � + w -i a� � � �'+• i ! ��.� , Nt it M '01 ns = ` .�'i d ,4 d t. {, '' •y� r♦ .53 `:d R r ,.,r'",. ,,,,. 4 r^ .. ., r 0 t '. r •_ ,I,,, . - .t� (JL) ) . .14 ,,. eGy,C J ,'k t ' stir , • t=.`'" I�. .e ' t �]� �1 5 _ 4t '. f"� r i I • r " ' '• `t•d r �� 7}r '{� oI 'f. ' , T ai wt�-, j• ., t ,f r r r• t r ,, is .,1, I y x'1 + sl 'y ( 3 , .,�` •, •. ;.if }F F4k l "•• , ''taki;� 4' , iri ,,.,,si 'llF` /x��4.9J�M . k' 1 7 t°i x�d zh3� ' Q• r ``J ^w .. fir. i% (1� -+lY i \ 4� i V ../ !. .'� � _.,Jw ._, 11r1 ti .,,,L,•1 kri 1 ,,,,`tj � .a.Ll >� -'''''• 'l+'Fp. n4� .� ,",I`.... _ 4+w 1'1= .A 4 ....r'1.1.t ''.�fC:=��r,6 i st::1i`!- .1'.I a_ �. ' , t♦ &�` �',r+ t. t r,t4 _* e, ;r r t.'+{.�' /' !,. x{ t.`1 ` ! 1 d.,n ti� ri. ` r r 0 .Q1'.�,�! o '1 t t T+"�' ,." f i�" • *�• fka " � '� � v_ Y 1 1P� td�? 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