Agenda Packet - 1992-09-21 . . •74. • ; . . • . . • '• * 't,'*;!•**°!.: •-• LAKE OSI/VEGO PLANNING DEPT. FILES • , •"•- • ' .•; •„ • Development Review Board Agendas 1992 • .. jij . • .• . • • . ... • • • : • . . .• • . ..• • • . . • , • . . • • .. ••• • • r ; it• i v AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEVT, BOARD CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AltENUE Js' Monday,September 21, 1992 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER t II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ` September 9, 1992 p IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS • PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Name Change, a request by the Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association to consider a street name changes for ORCHAR��Y& � FEI E�DRI VE, it XIC R (,fZURT PFEIFER • WAY and DANIEL WAY be changed. The proposed names are as follows: Shetland Pony Drive, • Pfeifer Drive, Rathbun Stone Court,Pasture View Court and Pfeifer Drive (respectively). The property is located along the above-mentioned streets, otherwise described as Tax Lots 5300, 5400, 5500, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 6000 and 6100 of Tax Map 2 1E 5CC and Tax Lots 6600, 6700, 6800, 6900, 7000, 7100, 7200,7300, 7400, 7500, 7600,7700,7800, 7900, 8000, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, 8500, 8600, 8700, 8800, 8900,9000,9100,9200, 9300, 9400, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800,9900, 10000, 10100, 10200 and 10300 of Tax Map 2 1E 5CD. VL GENERAL PLANNING l.Y k Adoption of Council Procedures regarding Timing of Testimony and When to Allow t.' Reconsideration Fr VII. OTHER BUSINESS-Findings, Conclusions and Order DR 15-92-975-Hallmark Inns & Resorts, Inc. "! , VIIL ADJOURNMENT A>fJ I • • A • The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to come and go as you please. • ARB Mctnbbta: Siaff: Skip Stanaway,Chair Tom Coffee,Planning Director Norman J.Sievert,Vice—Chair Robert Galante,Senior Planner • James A.Bloomer Ron Bunch,Senior Planner Xavier R.Falconi Hamid Pishvaie,Dcv,Review Planner Robert H.Foster Catherine Clark,Associate Planner Ginger Remy Jane Heisler,Associate Planner Martha F.Stiven Elizabeth Jacob,Associate Planner Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson, Senior Secretary • • • {. • • • • • I 'k R 0 • • r ° r . • ,, ft i Ila° - •Sit,(1., SW inte 1 ,'f{,k t,t OREGON , Di PARI.NII NI OF PL:\NNItN(, AND Dr VIiI.()I']\l[ N1 } MEMORANDUM , Development Review Board FROM: Robert Galante, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Pfeifer Farm Subdivision Street Names • DATE: September 18, 1992 1+ r x4 Re-*i.* est ''1 i The Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association has requested ORCHARD DRIVE,PFEIFER DRIVE,PFEIFER COURT,PFEIFER q d that the street names for WAY be changed to Shetland Pony Drive,Pfeifer Drive, Rath WAY and DANIEL Court and Pfeifer Drive respectively. A discussion of ths request istf Stone Court, Pasture View Rec rmm �.1r found in Exhibit A, Staff recommends that the streets remain named as theywere Review Board uphold the Engineering staff's recommendation,platted and that the DevelopmentA as discussed in ExhibitsExhibit A. A Memorandum from Kathy Marcott, dated June 19, 1992 , B. Request from Holly Orchard Neighborhood, dated March C. Letter and Petition by David W. Dardano, dated September 1� 1992 D. Letter by Ely &Kary Shemesl), dated September 8., 1992 1 1992 E. Letter by Dee Hulsker, dated September 8, 1992 F. Letter by Coleen and David McDonald, dated September 15 1992 • « , , , • :;. tit ;,, , r kik,'ti, I ,,!;davit , A ' . . -.4 1$ 1 :11:,,, ,;, ,. . in , M• • 'r t` MEMORANDUM TO: Development Review board FROM; Kathy Marcott,Traffic Engineering Technician • °"F; ' DATE; June 19, 1992 SUBJECT: Pfeifer Farm Subdivision Street Names • ,`�A. At their May meeting,the Traffic Control Board discussed the recommendation of the Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association to change the names of the streets in the Pfeifer Farm Subdivision . The Engineering staff was directed to report back to the Development Review Board with recommendations that would be helpful to them in . R making their decision on whether to change the street names, The engineering staff's . recommendations to the Development Review Boded are as follows In order of preference: 1. The first recommendation is, o change. Leave the names as they are now. Changing • the names at this late date would be time consuming and costly. Listed below are some of the considerations to be taken into account when making street name changes. ,,,::.::: a) The plat will never show the changes without re-recording it, This is almost never done because it is time consuming and costly. Thus,mistakes will be made In the future because of copies of the plat not showing the changed names. 1 , b) There is the cost to the City of changing the street signs which are already installed, Initially,these costs are borne by the developer, If name changes are approved,the requesting party should be required to advance the funds necessary for the manufacture and installation of new signs,as i ' well as administrative costs of agency notifications, c) There is the cost to the homeowner to re-print all personal checks,strTtionery, etc.,plus they must notify all concerned parties of an address change, d) Notification of all emergency services, the Post Office, private utility ' ° companies,City departments, etc.,fifteen agencies In all, will have to be notified of this change. They all have to change their records and maps, , e) All City maps must be changed. This would include three different scales of maps as well as the plat. • • EXPO. iT. . . P u ' • a r ,e ' ,...... , .. ... Memoe ... DRB - Page 2 June 19, 1992 f) Fifty-one permits have been issued as of June 5, 1992 by the building ° department for this subdivision,They estimate that If the names were changed it would take one full working day to update their records, In addition,the Inspectors and builders would have to change their records, During the transition,there would be confusion, Construction loans,property �1 '' sales,and title reports In prc Bless would be thrown Into disarray, • ,, 2. The second recommendation is to Jut change Daniel Way to Pfeifer Drive, because there could be some confusion with the private drive, Daniel Way on the other side of ry Carman Drive. 3. And thirdly, if there is a demonstrated need to change the names, engineering staff's recommendations for the street name changes are on the attached map. • In leaving the street names as they are, It will probably create some minor confusion with people trying to find some homes,but It Is a relatively small area to search within, 411 . .. .. . The fire department has stated that they do not have a problem with the street names as they are except for the Daniel Way Issue discussed In the second recommendation, As a future policy,the board should consider adopting two "windows of opportunity" for •' considering name change proposals, • 1, Before the plat is recorded,or very shortly thereafter,and before any building permits have been Issued, During this time,the request would probably be initiated by the developer or by a majority of the builders who are anticipating to buy lots, 2. After the plat is recorded and the request is intitiated by a majority of the residents within the platted area or along a particular street, . Additionally,staff requests that a processing fee be established for considering and effecting a name change proposal,and that 4'he suggested fee be forwarded to the y •# city council for inclusion Into the city's adoped fee schedule, a, DY• r , F • ., ,,., „ 4'WT/.AG / -' s� t� wr�.a " I v/I C/v/ / G/-,L` ' ( 4,, . , NC N 89. 1 .15•W 6• : ' • 9 420 •. 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March 11 , 1992 ,,. ,-. .. , \•.. .i.'"*., .. . .. ,...., :, .. ,..y. ,. • . •,„ . . . Development Review Board • - 380 "A" Avenue Post Office Box 369 ..,... .... , , ,... Lake Oswego, OR 97034 . * n• . ,,,, ...„, ..,. . ',...-.-. - RE: Street Names in the P+eifer Farm Subdivision .. ,.......- ... . , ,....:.H '. ..,-,, Dear Members of the Board: ,• • •', , . 4. .,... :. I have been asked on behalf of the Holly Orchard . , . .. . Neighborhood Association to contact you regardino the use c-. . . P+oifer +or all the street names in the Pfei+or Farm.. . . ..., . .. subdivision. Attached You will Find Wilma Mr.:11.,1 % .. .,5 1. ,'..1 . '. :-..- • o+ MaN, 16, 191 addressino the problems o+ '-:.1.,17,:. ;41,..it --..1-. . ,. .... - . .,. • and individuals trying to 4ind addressos in The Eoard of HONA also has additional concei'n's ,.-7,J0-,- irn ...-, emergenc... °„,ehicles being able to quickly r ,•-.„),:rd in this area. Since we all saw 1Th con-fusl ,i,n . . .. . , • ../enicles trving to fird access te hi barn r - FIu the Wilmot rroe,..F.rt.4 . we di...n I N.4.1-:. '7+ ....::),.',,,.:,..:-.6'.., f'-r- '''. •' ''. ... • • • . , ,• . .7.'7...r."......L' 7...':' . .*.r' 7'1,1' ''.7:IN ,11:::. .1;1 ....:1*:-:1.. ;0,k,,4*. '••• ''' - . • ..t ;.' .. .:11 I ' .1 , o,.. ea...i. ...on,n.... mr- .'.,' .. -7..u.- c , 7---, •'- . ,.., . .. • . ''.a!!. -:-...,'7• •z•i• •:-1-f' •r 4 .ii - r 1 -L - •• .;i •:,. ..''.I . . . ..{ a. EXHIBIT , , . ...,. 1 . •,, •,i „-. i ‘-'61(ZZ/V14'' L-1/7/ •e/(/"C., ,............ 'A . .,t.. ,.,... , ... , 11.c, r o..,,' -I ; i.:• -4,4E:1 I .1..i 4.1. * i tirl. 1 :.._I' .1'... t'''''I. 1,ii..1 it T"1..-I ,; . ' .'..''. - '1'. - . .;' + -1,(c--, *. ..011 i! . ..-t-, j.,,,,,r, -; • ...1. , ', ,,,,t •- . ., i i. , ''.' , . ,.' • . . . , . . ' • , . . . ., .. . . ... • ,.., • . .-* . . .. . , '''' • • ._ . . . . . : . .._ • . , .E tr. 6t1 rCCL6 CIO lurk 111111 x Ii11 O1 - T Weld All11f 3LSOdw00 , u rp ivau4 l',na aa,upM I I11 ^ ,• jJ aa -o tl' - • 1 1 ` h , �. NOISnIsans s wdv� kl3dl3dd � 11� Cie 1_ , .___ -T-r•444- rj : _.:. : < :: 1 . t\ 1 ' i to;beigno . - " 0 - _-------�, it i;••Y/ °fir 1 • • • ♦ ... ,� , ,i„♦T !1♦ / 'rat- iS -e � , • •C r St. ...4r�•.----•�i •1 1 • i I yam' 1 '�, �'� -= ' •" "--+---• ---- _ ' ~'C "�i� ,='i ''' `i ter" y :',' 1 __o , V �_• \ 4 w:".°4-'��.r.r...�. • ■�1' , 1. ' J ` 31 fisaA bun- / � r � - � N �f. • . .. ...., ,,r-77--": -;.: ----...., -_-:-...---ii! ...-77-7---'4.--„,,- ',...,.... .A\•. 4.°NJ: I ► r ram.- r�� .. ��. ... • ` J ..44.h...:.....L.. • itN.....::;'.../. ':"..... -S'''.444,..:,,...„.....'.. ., .......,.,.......... . . r .2, :;,:". I N ` ..-\...::05 ' ". ! * *.,-'''1:=....:17) , e.t. l r:0t w ll� d..0...„.�,,,!G3` `* EXHI r d, ,1 r.) ) , -4 .il • s , \ 1 •} .. • .n ` ti• a rl ` j' .•-� , , . ♦ � 0 . . . MAY 1 6 1991 4100 COltsfoot Ln . Lake Oswego, OR 97035 '. • May 16 , 1991 Development Review Board ' 380 "A" Avenue Post Office Box 369 Lake Oswego , OR 97034 RE: Street names in the Pfeifer Farm Subdivision PD-3-9.�„1 ( Exhibit 3 ) Dear Members of the Board ; It has come to my attention that the use of the name Pfet f'er for all the street names in the above development is a potential "pain in the neck" for not only the post office but. • individuals attempting to find addresses in the subdivision . 40 ,„ „ In the cause of clarity, variety and also history I submit the following names . I spoke briefly with Mr. Bob Mc,Uougald of Rainbow Development. Co. He said he did not get involved with streett', names . He suggested I forward the above suggestions to Mr. flinch Emre of OTAK and to ",,.• you for a final decision. I also spoke to Rhonda Boicoff of the Lake Grove Post Office, She post office has difficulties with same-name streetsazn�Pwould call Mr. Emre . the I will t.)ratilr you in advance for addressing this detail that can be corrected to make for smoot.he f " less driving around hunting for friends , clients , �etc .ries and addresses . ` , Sincerely, Cas a-Th c Wilma McNulty Cc -�,.nclot Grn -c, t OTAk . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ,.. : ., , . . , .. . _ . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. „ . 0 . . . 1 i 0 Y , 0, )k,. RE Q L err-,,,,% ... ,. ®RN GO ..,) A.' • r.. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE SERVICES April 16, 1992 r. Wilma McNulty 1, , 4100 Colts Foot Lane v Lake Oswego,Oregon 97035 Dear Ms. McNulty: After our telephone conversation, I again spoke with all Battalion Chiefs and Lieutenant Brown of the Police Dep artment. �l.• -fir' All of the chief level officers polled have n objection to a complete name change of Orchard Drive. An example of a name that would be acceptable in this development would be Pfeifer Farm Road (examples only). Pfeifer Place, or If you have further questions regarding the name change g please feel free to call, Sincerely, • , ,,_,,4 . . John McCauley ' Fire Marshal JM:kb cc: Fire Chief Lieutenant Brown ' .; " Planning Director File • i 1 ] First Street • 110 t()tilte 1k 164 • 1 a1.t 0,4%ego,C)rega)t 1("tl' 1 • (qt)l)hlq.01o5 • FA:c(5t)3)(il.017(, i` yyy • 4100 Coltsfoot Lane Lake Oswego , OR 97035 • April 9 , 1992'1J;' ,. Mr. Genc Emre , Project Manager Otak Incorporated 17355 Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego , OR 97035 APR 1'4 1292 RE: Street names in Pfeifer Farm subdivision Dear Genc : As you requested , I 've enclosed my letter of May 16 , 1991 to the DRB. I have a notation that I sent you a copy of that letter but understand you could not find your r /py, • I foresee problems with "same-name" streets . Often in emergency situations such as "fire" or "9-1-1" in life threatening situations , people under stress report, only the street ' s first name or wrongly give the last mane* such as "Way, Drive , Road , Court, etc. " . That is to say, in the names Pfeifer Drive , Pfeifer Ct . and Pfeifer Way there is possible cause for delay when minutes count . I feel this j must certainly be a problem to the Fire and Police Departments as well as other emergency services . It also w' 1 presents a challenge to the Post Office carriers who are r'.: . • given the job of finding recipients of letters with no "Ct. , Way, etc . " . There is also another street name in the new Pfeifer Farm subdivision that presents the potential for a more serious emergency situation . The street named Orchard Way dead-ends at the barricade/emergency vehicle access . The northern most street in the new Pfeifer Farm subdivision is named Orchard Drive. Already a regular stream of cars drive down Orchard Way only to find it is a dead-end . Again, for emergencies it R' would seem logical to have the new Orchard Drive renamed so as not to present confusion with Orchard Way. I hope you , Genc , can take care of these street names so that the everafter will he as serene as possible in the area of , street names . Thanks for your help in what we trust is still timely. Sincerely, Wilma McNulty • '. cc : Hamid Pishvaie, DRI3 Planner a' 1 AKE ''.. '-,,, c",,',, , ,, i.s,T117,, , • . % . ,:, ,,.......,„„ • . ,.......„. . ,, : . .,. . . (5., „.6 „....... ., .. . ,. ,... .„ , . ,.......7,). . .., .. . ,,,.. .., .,, ,„. ., . (D REGON . ,.. .: y y'-'3"t k `" • DEPARTMENT OF FIRE SERVICES '`•• April 9, 1992 i .', Wilma McNulty a,, 4100 Colts Foot Lane Lake Oswego,Oregon 97035 Dear Mrs. McNulty: • tit. r• , After our telephone conversation I talked with all of our Battalion Chief(shift Commanders as to their preference or comments on the name char a we discussed. Chiefs and Lieutenant Brown of the Police Department All three of our Battalion unchanged. p nt prefer that the street names remain • ,: They base this preference of the following: 1, LOCOM (the 9-1-1 dispatch center) Police Officers, and Firefighters g are use to keyingr . in on Drive, Street, Avenue, Way, etc., and their thoughts were this would not be a .r6c problem. 1 �n ✓ /O V� 2. The addresses of both streets fall within the 4000 block, To name bath r a��a;r�would create confusion about which 4000 block of Orchard Way was the intent identically ndlly n Fobd ' appropriate one to respond to. This situation could actually increase our response time. ,yi°:. •y, ' Based on the above information, the Police and Fire Departments would not support a name S`'�2.�r • change. h•r.' ,. nOs+`Yig °' �ay5 ' Sincerely, ^ee ., JL 1/1estA--e .,v,G`''recLds 0.LI P ( John McCauley S r*Qd caY' S' `' ` • ' • Fire Marshal taro ,,,5 t� JM:kb &D cc: Fire Chief 15 MQ d�° � • Battalion Chiefs ' D at�c.� Lieutenant Brown e�d , ,.. . D CGSA S Planning Director AV° 0 IF .. :. • `sir 351 First Street • Post Office ar�x Shy Oswego, ` Lake Os� ego,Oregon 97034 • (503)655.0275 + FAX(503)655.0376 �4v David W. Dardano Attorney at Law Telephone 280 Willamette Wharfrws (503)226•I655 FAX 't•' a • 4640 S.W. Macadam Avenue �� (503)226.3912 r 1?, Portland, Oregon 97201 ( C.i r Y t P. September 11, 1992 [SEP 14 199a • tw s Development Review Board 380 "A" Avenue P.O. Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 .*' EXHIBIT Re: Pfeifer Farm Development • C. • Dear Sirs: i' -j C,K • I have been a resident of Lake Oswego, Oregon since 1959. t. Since April of 1992 I have resided at 14584 Pfeifer Way, Lake ...i. Oswego, Oregon 97035. .eft:' I have recently received a copy of a letter uated July 6, 1992, addressed to Mr. Hamid Pishvaie of your department, and over ` `' t the signature of Robin Curtin, President of the Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association. i have also received a copy of a letter dated May 16, 1991 addressed to you and over the signature of Wilma M McNulty. I would first like to discuss the letter over the signature = of Mrs. Curtin. It is not my intent to point out all the • inaccuracies in that letter? but I shall herewith touch upon those '.\ .•. that I believe are most glaring. First, Mrs. Curtin suggests that the Pfeifer FaLm's developer plant trees and shrubs and install an irrigation system in "Tract +.f B". I appeared at a meeting of the Holly Orchards Neighborhood :AV-aw: 'Y Association on September 8th. I pointed out to the members of that '10. Association that the obligation of the Pfeifer Farm homeowners is , to maintain Tract B. That does not include landscaping, tree planting and an irrigation system as suggested by Mrs. Curtin. Whatever is done pursuant to the obligations of Pfeifer Farm homeowners is at the expense of the homeowners and not the developer. The homeowner's obligation is to maintain only. We have no objection to members of the Holly Orchard Association enhancing Tract B beyond "maintenance" , and even welcome that, • provided, however, that it is at the expense of all owners within : • . that Association's boundaries and not just those in Pfeifer Farms. ry; Second, the most important issue I wish to address is the proposed change of names of the streets in Pfeifer Farms. In that '� tt � t1Jl'J 1 ' A' ° Development Review Board September 11 , 1992 Page 2 'M1- J rT I regard, I enclose herewith a photostatic copy of a petition signed by 11 of the current residents located in Pfeifer Farms. There .: are, I believe, 14 owners in this development. I have i oon advised ` by Julie Sohn, who lives on Pfeifer Court, that two of the absentee owners have advised that they will sign this petition, but because •,: they are absentee owners she has been unable to present the petition to them for their signatures. One absentee owner has purchased a home on Pfeifer Court, and the other is constructing a home on Orchard Drive. This petition expresses the wishes of ; , • almost all of the owners in Pfeifer Farms to retain the street names as they now exist. I wish to point out that in her third beginning paragraph on the final page of her letter, Mrs. Curtin advises that "new residents in the Pfeifer Farm subdivision have had numerous problems with UPS, mail and other deliveries. They have brought l • these concerns to our attention (Exhibit J) . " Exhibit J is a ' letter over the signature of a single homeowner on Orchard Drive in Pfeifer Farms. That person's name is Holly Morrison, and she r * " prefers to have the name changed to Holly Drive. The enclosed petition reveals the inaccuracy of Mrs. Curtin's statements. There • is no evidence that new resident(s) have had numerous problems. ;.` There could not have been e e ' e problems xp r� nced with the mail, because mail is not yet delivered to the residences and, in fact, is delivered to a row of mail boxes situated on Carman Drive 5 :'• : ;': adjacent to the entrance to the Pfeifer Farms development. Third, Mrs. McNulty's letter is inaccurate. I have before me a letter dated April 15, 1992 addressed to Mrs. McNulty and over :J the signature o± Douglas C. Long, Lake Oswego Postmaster, which clearly disputes the street designations as they now exist create r°, a problem. I have a copy of the Traffic Control Board ,neeting held on May 19, 1992, wherein the Traffic Control Board has .'een advised by the Fire Department, the Police Department and the Post Office ` - that no problems exist with the current designation of the streets. I am retiring from the active practice of law at the end of the calendar year. Since I sold my home on Hoodview Lane in ` February of 1992, I have been required to notify the people with whom I deal of a change of address while my home was being constructed. I had to do it again when the home was completed. The Oregon State Bar, all of the associations to which I continue to belong, all of my credit card issuers, our checks, our friends, 1.1. and a substantial number of my clients have been advised that I live on Pfeifer Way. It took approximately three months and "° ` approximately five notices to the Social Security Administration to get them to recognize that I no longer live on Hoodviow Lane. It is simply unfair to ask me to go through this harassing 0 . . 3, V •1- y 4• Development Review Board September 11, 1992 rt:' Page 2 procedure and expense again to satisfy the whims of people who do not live in the Pfeifer Farms development and whose lives are not directly affected by these street designations. The current .., homeowners in Pfeifer Farms express the same concerns Lastly, in all fairness to the board members of the Holly Orchards Neighborhood Association, they, at the meeting held during the evening of September 8, 1992, took a vote and agreed 8 to 1 that they would no longer support the name change request in view of the input by the majority of the present homeowners in Pfeifer Farms, and, further, it would cause that issue to be removed from the September 21st, 1992 City Council agenda. Please confirm that • that issue has been removed from the agenda and it will not be necessary for the homeowners in the Pfeifer Farm development to appear at that City Council meeting. If the issue remains on the agenda, it will be our intention to appear. ` • j Very truly yours, Y David W. Dardano DWD:mas Enclosure cc: Barbara Maxwell P• am • �.1 ` 1 I 1 •I • J'• • • ar 4 t t 1 ,r j` 1 j ,'' 'PETITION `' ' To The City of Lake Oswego, L '', i fk ' We, the undersigned property owners of the Pfeifer Farms Development, object to the petitiun '--, y} to change the street names in our development. We are hereby petitioning to retain the y existing names. f , Currently thc•-e are thirteen homes sold in this development—eleven are currently occupied. -- . - -64,1,14,b1B,2,22te S5-10,. 4/e) 50 9H,„,. cv, - .. , . . - ,,,,,, ,,,.., ,,, 4.01-of....19*-••6--)."-' oLtzt_:Le ., (l' 7P-AL • ,y {, Pt_ci, ,JJ) r , . . . .• . ._ ..... , , „ . 't'sZ /' 5.(0 �71 , — . ,. . ..„ ,. ., 1404- Pe1F - �+r, w YWIt H R.s Mk- t 7,2 • , -: ,,.. . , V•i7„, ....e,„,....,.. ...._ / 44/4L 3 b 1)-1-e i i le.k Pri. • , W n h f cT ?// • ea kaD ri6- A 1 f/,e� J Nu.,/ � yr 4 .. 1474/1..."...., r t. ...„.k.re..(2ti......:... )e.t..1 /...,\ *if '7,,... Q•cd...; (C L le.' Pe-• . , ce -----c ,.. ----e iz___(2_,,e„..t,i 1 t, ..-?k,;. pfe kce, w.tti , , . , /. * \... (4 . , 907) v A.„c_ ,./(--;;;:(4.X,,,-4,/,(64(..i .- . ,,, e ,. . .. .,,,, jt U 4 1992 .,eptember 8. 199:: Ely and Kary Shemesh 4 ' 4040 SW orchard Drive '' Lake Oswego. OR 97035 ' Robert Galante , Senior Planner City of Lake Oswego b ;! I, PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Dear Mr. Galatea Subject : Proposed Street Name Change for Pfeifer t areal feve 1'-pmenr Kruse Way - Kruse Way Place Orchard Hill Place - Orchard Hill Way - Orchard Hill Lane Kaslin Court - Kaslin Way Kent Court - Kent Place Maplecrest Court - Maplecrest Drive + EXHIBIT Westwind Court - Westwind Drive _ Trillium Avenue -- Trillium Court 1.) 63rd Avenue 63rd Place 62nd Avenue - 62nd Place P {'` . These are just a few of the many streets that have similes- names . and exist in the same area , Some of these streets intersect !:-tract s.i some do not , Some are even near the Pfeifer Palm's develement . It is clear that the street-name-similarity carltrltrr: c.,4 Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association is by n . means .a new .1 phenomena to Portland or the City of Lake uswe're So what have the police and fire departments . delivery ivery services , mail people . and friends of residents of these similar street names been doing? It ' s quite simple .. they' ve been reao':'ridrr r Lo ; robberies and fires , delivering goods and mail , and visitin:: • their friends . I am not trying to be a smart-:1 s . tut t ,tr h i m'' point is that the world has not stopped for these wno lave r 1 street with a similar name to another her Street neer thew 1: f t .` I can attest that I have had no problems with null 1 ��i" deliveries , police response to my calls , cr friends frrtl;nta r,:', house . I do not share the Holly Orchard Neighbor As soc iat i on 'tlio r d ' . desire to change the Pfeifer Farm street names . I str encrly v:'tr ee with all three points made by Kathy Marcott in her June Li . 1 l'JJa memorandum to the Development Review board. The simplastir_~ `.•ie taken by Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association Dc r~l a:i t e 4 . w" poor decision making . and it is unt�aor�tun,ate tint t rcey nave t`o'° ' listened objectively t r:`r, e. e r to h ed of the :t� 1 »c c t,li . % engineering staff •'f th 7 Control i!•! t t r a. !@• i. ,c �, tfra I .ar l °c r�: r�c1. , AS to:.: payer . Y tr ✓ M V , 7`i. i` I 1 r r In retrospect , it would have been wise to have streets within a certain area named uniquely different . Perhaps the efforts ,=,1: the Holly Orchard Neighborhood Association Board given towarri, k: ' the Pfeifer Farm Development name change could be better direr.ej towards creating a po,iicy for future street names , Nevertheless , ., changing the Pfeifer Farms Development street names at this point ,would cause more trouble, cost , and confusion than keeping them as they are , Therefore , I ask you to disregard their request to change the street names . Regards , ,. ..' .. , `9,,,‘ :./ , ). /) JI .� Ely Shemesh • Kary Shemesh . ;: Pfeifer Farm Development Residents • cc: Barbara Maxwell , Vice—Chair/Hona - --.0. ". : '; f ' c at 0 • ., , • • Rr t 4 r + ` r u' U� Pl l 3 Pry r4t4Al n^1 p e JliEd g '15\7 :I G.1 { ,, NORMANDY HOMES .�` 4924 Hampton Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035 a9J � r s�� 9 .Ln2 •,. 636-4828 ,� , ' September 8, 1992 N Re: Name Changes, Pfeifer Subdivision Mr. Robert Galante Senior Planner City of Lake Oswego ',: P. O. Box 369 Lake Oswego OR 97034 �' r f ` Dear Mr. Galante: We think it of the utmost importance that a street has a name which can be easily remembered--a name which needs not to be misspelled and mispronounced--a name which connotes a lovely place to live. • PASTURE VIEW paints a pretty picture, as does SHETLAND PONY. Pfeifer too needs a pleasant name. Generations of people will look it up under "F" . It is confusing to pronounce, • . `; hard to spell_-And it ' s DULL P . { , A street should not be named merely to perpetuate a name '• t ! for an original owner. He (she) would benefit people for + • generations by a name change . , `. POSSIBLE NAMES : Palomino ` Mustang White Horse Or any other Pleasant Vista attractive name (or View) '"s' Hollytree ._ Summertime a EXHIBIT _ .. • \ Blueberry Hill Strawberry Field P-0-04 'P, . A good street name is a great asset both in selling a new home, and in all the years that follow. Sincerely, ,dt.C.' / •re , m(w/-14 i. .` Dee Hulsker ` P.S. Our home (spec) is at 14488 Pfeifer. Feuer Pfiefer FyEer r ,. 6, .fir r,_4 _ ♦ r c P Q • I .'•.� ♦ •t I31 r, 1 • L' ^ •Y e SEP '1e E':,a.' h „ A 3S0 "A" AV erllat: PO BOX 369 �? Y Lake Oswego, OR 97034 EXHIBIT • Dear SIrs. rr. a - rn _I e t.,ames are: .1,1 r. 3 i,ICI r:-I I? :; 2.7 ' .i l r» ,, " `"+1• • I? aurae„ }'cis +! .'!"i!•Y1 ll !•; y. -•4 f D/ :Fr e} n 1'rt y, i ti F,+ ^F+ ;.p+' ,,.: 1 • .. ,. Dr J'. W w �I I �..' 1��.'°�� r avJ� 1 v • '� J 1 '��1 I. "•' -1 - . 1 • . � J 1 t w,1 w 1 '» 11✓'kr r•J .. � II! 1I C• eY'. ,1.'. p' I ..'. r 30J e rJt :fie W',...rrrer,* residents \•va(it Ld .*f.• 'rcer'�erl en e. b`Y'e can •se 31Y.ies 4f`,e q • ! ' s1 ilI!.!Vti•C'V k I :ree•'11•D °.i��I (�t',1ll.. 1 .�J f..acs a 1tate ,a •1, z,• _ •,.. .,r r p i.• •!♦ •,• n e ., J•1 a�1 1_ ..t r , , '_Y.'y.:+.: I • .. ,r.. s 1 »., ,. a.. .• 1. °y ` •♦. .I • L a p • a 1.4 _• -i,•. • Daniel Way Y •,. 4 • L j, .11/ 'Y/ ^, .,.,1 .�J. r. N •a .t� ,4 t 4. • r µ _ '.1;a�•<. a,rl::7 1 1 ! V ... , -., .r�...1 1.7 _..., , . ••°. 1 N 1 ♦ 4 .. .A J,,1'aI i _ •.a• ../I 1 1_ to 1 4 V I A'. ,I G ~s. I I 1. 1 I.."',.,3 I-` . »•-•1 w _. '1 r .1 w " • I • • 1 Y .•✓ • u'J '� • ti .J a f ..,J , •..w .v • r ♦ » •». v»r u_ ,• r J , ,° a• ' • Y .3' N w . » _.I 1 ,w r r .4,w..I •'1.'E. ,,_ . . r -_• .,. w ,, .♦ . 1_. r ' a ,> t l .♦. 3. ,• ._4 .w. _ J,s. . J. ♦ . 3.»« .♦, ..� - a .. N1 �_" Pfeifer Drive • • • ` .,. Orchard Drive, - , Y/ .1 I I+Y4♦ ••,. -✓ r .V 1< a,a .M rt,r N.141 WI.. r w a41I14 •wY ,r'r• ..., • ♦ ..• • u • y A •I 1 ar•..7' '4�. .w t� 4 n°,a 41. •, F `Y ",' • 'a _.,•. ;„ ' ._ , ♦'Y » .,1, „• Y a'al »I . ♦ r_ 1 . r. ✓ r ".el, N Y r , _ ., ✓ .F J •.. ' .• ' ' , • , "r •_, aa • L „ •Ir� •� : • • ♦r Y ' _r• �,•1'. • •�' • • ' ya la ♦ • .� G. yd , • 4 1 .P • , r a 1 r i A, 1. ;" r ► N 1 1 `,y.. ' �. i. rx ,.,^ ./t' Boulder Drive (numercus dcu;tiers ex;: { Holly Drive r x Y'd 3. Re the Pfeifer designations - they '` 9 seem a bit redundant and aU lwr: l b:.,t they don't appear to be as problematical as Daniel Way anri Or,:ra;•,: Drive. In other words, people can find thembecauset ..le°Y` � `nr,ez '` unlik.e Daniel Way and Orchard Driver Those narrleJ sfld.,,, r,, a- Je.,rd . Fair, G� J, , f.�..�5� Iooir. to the future and corl,:l, t «,-.e r.o tel,*,..�! ..,.-.r. IF,,.,7 .�.,«, d.. Orchard Drive r;arre. �iru« we1 !!11, _, , ti. , ., -crne�.d ii.. J'.it tne. 1-1 oIteri ! d• ..1.h , e1 ; .1 r «• ✓ . .. a, .r ivr ,ar,xl . , - , t..„- Carrr�an Farm wr�b,a1 id e:,' We _ ` " + .i y,, �. 3.d{ . l.' ,•i.r.-..1'.11 t.n'C,«, 1•,•1 t«xt r i....w J=,, ,?. 1n 'y rYI; d`;1 r• ., w , • « . « trrilet etncy road `vv`11Ch appear'3 to cynnel:.t t ,e .r4 .. .rl ,MIL e «1 IJn h urge the nar+le r:he+t id�e. ' a' 'I v e ,.-r^! l,':1n11I:. o., , .II :here,; .aents 44I*.c 1n .*,•, E . , .; _ r r -` ), .v4h: _h -.ire .Jr,l , a fevi, r ..! the tot , +, L re -,. , „ a. JI IvI 1. .r, ,df i Iw Ui,. r'r!1 i l..t:' .., * , 1 -- _ « . ;1 term �Y,t L'•, - rl- ,l t.. !1 I rl 1 ,..,* ey " - , ". . ~ �- ri•,.71'a Gil•,'" :.r,f.i`.,ri_; '. :e".)ciet„ , , . :7 ::rl `''t - .r *, :a" r;e a e :;�oaflar: t"ll: .`,wr,-�� Daniell Way Orchard' _ . . .rr o• _ . . ._ . . a r., i. . •_ -`-t.r 1•,.,•-e , »,t- L;. ... ». . « « i` _ • . ., .,«« . L ,,,If ii) i. 4( ..C.':**- 4 t,6-: ilil ei fet . , . . r