Agenda Packet - 1992-11-16 � 4 tt �.{. • Lf 1 � 1 ]LAKE OSWEGO \ PLANNING DEPT. FILES F„ t.• R �`f Development Review Board Agendas 1992 t � } fiPL �• a t o . Nov. 1 U , Jt ..... , • •. r ,.4 G • Y e • • 4F ' 'v t, f ' .I .+' f • ' Sx # A' S p. 1*, • AGENDA CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CITY HALL,380 'A' AVENUE Monday,November 16, 1992 A •y • ••y 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Agenda Boo • k ' II. ROLL CALL • APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS ;: ! • V. PUBLIC HEARING • DR 17-134(Mod. 9-92) HR.92, a request by Thompson Vaivoda& Associates, Inc. for design review approval to remodel and construct an addition to the existing historic c'untry club. The site is located at 20 Iron Mountain Blvd. (Tax Lot 100 of Tax Map 2 lE 4). Staff coordinator is Elizabeth ' Jacob,Associate Planner. •� PD 2-90(Mod. L0-92), a request by ACE Partners for an extension of approval fora 4-lot single family residential planned development. The site is located at 1620 Country Club Road(Tax Lot 5300&5400 of Tax Map 2 lE 4CA). Staff coordinator is Barbara Smolak.Associa a j'lanner, f1 >` f VI. GENERAL PLANNING VII. OTHER BUSINESS-Findings, Conclusions and Order DR 16-92-982-Blockbuster Video •{ PD 2-92/VAR 6-92(a-b)-983 Land Development Consultants VIII. ADJOURNMENT • • ''° The Lake Oswego Development Review Board welcomes your interest in these agenda items. Feel free to come and go as you please. i • .4. f n t+' ,^t)' pBB Meng rc; , • :';~ / Staff: Skip Stanaway Chain • q:-• ,'. Norman J.Sievert,Vice--Chair Tom Coffee,Planning Dlanner James A.Bloomer Robert Galante,Senior Planner Xavier R.Falconi Ron Bunch,Senior Planner Robert H.Foster Hamid Pishvaie,Dev,Review Planner • 3 O+ b f Ginger Remy Catherine Clark,Associate Planner . Martha F.Stiven Jane Heisler,Associate Planner Elizabeth Jacob,Associate Planner Barbara Smolak,Associate Planner Michael R.Wheeler,Associate Planner i Eric Holmes,Assistant Planner Cindy Phillips,Deputy City Attorney Barbara Anderson, Senior Secretary M, '. ' • 1 i 4 • i 0 • d1 • N. n i •• h ,' i !•rte. p SI ' . `` ` r. ,A. ;.. ' . ._ "', }• r fI 4. 1�• 4'. STAFF REPORT �v • 1 CITY LAKE S ay, ' . . . . -10--� PLANNING DIV]Ii:SION - ,--.- e„ , �4"� ' \,. L v APPLICANT: FILE NO,: ' Thompson Vaivoda&Associates, Inc. DR 17-8a(Mod, 992)\HR 5-92 PROPERTY OWNER: STAFF: • w .., . , Oswego Lake Country Club Elizabeth Jacob LEGAL DFiSCRIPIION: DATE OF REPORT: l '" Tax Lot 160 of November 6, 1992 Tax Map 2 1E 4 DATE OF HEARINQ a.: ", LOCATION: November 16, 1992 „, 20 Iron Mountain Blvd. ` NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: COMP.PLAN DESIGNATION: el Forest Hills SF • ZONING DESIGNATION: ;:'. R-10 u , I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting design review approval to remodel and construct an addition to the '+ existing clubhouse at Oswego Lake Country Club. The clubhouse is a Historic Landmark so that LOC 58.135 which regulates alterations will apply in addition to other standards. II, ' " City of I,ak ,Oswego Historic Ordinances; LOC 58.005—58.165 B, City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Flan: Impact Management Policies General Policy II, Specific Policy 3 . DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\IR 5-92 Page lof13 F` 'a 2d 1 • ° Social Resources Policies General Policy I and II J , w 1t ; y/ ;f ti Transportation Policies General Policy I,Specific Policy 3 C. 1ty of Lake Os�=sego ni g Ornn_ A: 0 - ' . - ,4 ., ' LOC 48.195-48.225 R-10 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area, lot 1 coverage) LOC 48.490 Authority to Approve Changes y LOC 48.550-48.650 Conditional Uses ' LOC 48.815 Criteria for Approval s D. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: 1 y LOC 49.090 Applicability of Development Standards ` ` , r LOC 49.145 Major Development LOC 49.220-49.210 Authority of City Manager I LOC 49.300 Major Development Procedures f LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval E. pity of Lake Oswego Tree;Cutting Ordinance: f.•' LOC 55.010-55.130 , F. City of Lake Oswego D,, dQpment Standards: 2.005-2.040 Building Design ` 5.005-5.040 Street Lights 0 ', 6.005--6.040 Transit System 7.005 -7.040 Parking& Loading Standard 9.005 -9.040 Landscaping, Screening and Buffering 10.005 - 10.040 Fences ' ' • ' 11.005- 11.040 Drainage Standard for Major Development 'ti • 14.005- 14.040 Utility Standard 16.005- 16.040 Hillside Protection and Erosion Control 'x. 18,005- 18.040 Access Standard ' • 19.005 - 19.040 Site Circulation-Private Streets/Driveways 20.005-20.040 Site Circulation-Bikeways and Walkways ti. III. FINDINGS µ., • A. Ext a Conditions: r . 1. The clubhouse site is a 2,46 acre portion of the 118 acre Oswego Lake Country Club (Exhibit 2). The 2.46--acre parcel was annexed to the City in 1959 by Ordinance '' w 629. The remaining golf course acreage is located in Clackamas County. •" ` ' 2. The site lies to the north of Fairway Road and northwest of Iron Mountain � k Boulevard. The main entrance and upper parking areas are accessed from Iron Mountain Boulevard, The lower parking area is accessed from Fairway Road. , ,�'�: 1 r,• tn 0 ' ' ., DR 17 84(Mod. 9--92)V-1R 5-92 ,, • • Page 2of13 J r e 3. Single family residences are situated to the south (zoned R-15) across Fairway Road ' and to the east(zoned R-10) across Iron Mountain Boulevard. The golf course , ' .,: borders the clubhouse site on the north and west. .� 4. The country club's current use of the site is recognized as a conditional use in an R- 10 zone. The subject proposal is an expansion of a conditional use approval • modification (CU 2-84) and variance (VAR 7-24-128) granted in 1984, by the City Planning Commission. These approvals permitted the construction of a swimming pool and associated facilities, 5. On August 20, 1984, the Development Review Board approved the proposal for the e".,b swimming pool and related facilities (DR 17-84-166) (Exhibit 3). 6. A conditional use application [CU 2-84(Mod. 9-92)] is being processed administratively to permit the conditional use expansion of the subject proposed remodelling and additions. B. Proposal: The applicant is proposing to expand the current clubhouse by adding approximately 750 square feet to the existing men's grill and approximately 900 square feet to the existing men's lockeroom,for a total square footage of 15,994. Interior remodelling will be done in the women's locker room, the fireplace room and main foyer. A concrete patio will be r built for outdoor dining: An informal entry stair from the lower parking lot to the patio ' • level will be constructed. Three parking spaces will be eliminated to accommodate the " expansion, Four trees will be cut down in the area of the expansion. (Exhibits 4 and 5) C. Compliance with Applicable Historic Criteria :. ,A. . 0 . The country club was established in 1925 and has a limited membership. The clubhouse was designed in the "English Cottage" style by Morris Whitehouse in 1925. The clubhouse was designated as a Historic Landmark by the City in 1989 (Exhibit 6). LOC 58.135(3), Alteration of a Landmark or Contributing Resource. 1. In order to approve a Major Alteration of a Landmark,the City Manager ,. shall find that: A , ' A. "The proposed alteration will not diminish the historical or architectural ,✓ significance of the landmark." ,. . •'x''• I. The following are considerations to be used as a guide in the granting authority's deliberations regarding Criteria "A". a. The use of the resource, the reasonableness of the proposed alterations and the relationship of these factors to t`:• public • '• interest in the preservation of the resource. ..i The use of the resource is as a clubhouse for the Oswego Lake Country Club golf course and related facilities. The applicant's proposal is cited above, Interior remodelling is not regulated by Chapter 53, The proposed exterior changes will be similar in style and will use the same building materials as • ' '� the existing building. The alterations will not detract from the style of the resource, so that the public interest is preserved while allowing for reasonable use of the clubhouse and property, • DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\HR 5--92 Page 3 of 13 1 • . • .4' ` b. The significance of the resource and the community benefit to preserving it. 410 The resource is important in the community for its architectural, social and • cultural significance as described in Exhibits 4 and 6. It has been an important part of the community since 1925. The community benefit to preserving it in its present condition is that it provides a good example of the English Cottage/Arts and Crafts style. The proposed changes, with , recommended modifications described below, do not detract firon, this significance. • c. The physical condition of the resource. The resource is in good condition and the paint and siding have been well maintained. Structurally, it appears very sound. .i d. The effect of requested changes related to the original exterior design,arrangement, proportion detail,scale,texture and/or materials. , 1. Retention of original construction: Distinguishing original qualities defining a structure's character shall not be destroyed. Removal or alteration of historic materials or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible. , The remodelling in the 1980's made several additions to the ,t building and added a swimming pooling and patio. Although th� facade and side elevations of the original building were retained, • the scale and mass of the addition detract from the overall character of the original building. The 1984-85 addition removed original dormers and a bay window, but replaced them in the new addition. The proposed r0 addition will remove those dormers and bay window, but will again replace them in the new addition. ' An original dormer in the west end of the men's locker room will be relocated to the end of the proposed locker room addition. 1 t' The roof line will continue the existing roof line. Distinguishing original qualities such as the decorative entrance will not be altered or destroyed. t.: 2. ' Time period consistency: Structures shall be recognized as products of their own time period,alterations that have no ' historical basis or which seek to create an earlier appearance shall be avoided. ' The proposed additions will be recognizable as a product of their ' own time, as having been built in 1992 (Exhibits 7 through 9), ' a The roof pitch and materials and the shingle and stucco siding ,� " materials will be integrated into the existing building. .j Distinguishing characteristics of the new addition include the 0 ` ,' •DR 17-84(Mod. 9 -92)41R 5-92 ,, , ,,, I Page 4 of 13 i outdoor dining patio and new stone stairway from the parking lot. These alterations and the swimming pool and its facilities, constructed before the adoption of the Historic Ordinance, are different from existing features and do not create an earlier ., appearance. \ , 3. Visual integrity/style: Distinctive stylistic features such as a line of columns, piers,spandrels or other primary structural elements or examples of skilled craftsmanship which characterize a structure shall be maintained or restored as far as is practical. Stylistic featurvi such as the dormers and bay window will be replicated in thc,proposed addition. Except for massing, the visual integrity of the original building will remain intact. 4. Replacement or addition materials: Whenever possible, deteriorated architectural features shall be restored rather than replaced in the event that replacement of an existing ,'' feature is necessary or an addition is proposed. New materials should match those of the original structure to the r,'` extent possible in composition, design,color, texture and other visual qualities. Character—defining architectural features such as the dormers and . windows will be replicated in the new addition. Variegated composition roofing and 4"—to-5"rough sawn cedar painted shingles will match the color and materials of the existing ~ building. The applic^nt has submitted a color board to illustrate ' the materials (Exhibit 13). S. Building height: Existing building height should be maintained,alteration of roof pitches shall be avoided. n, 7 There will be no change to the height or pitch of the existing roofs. Ms 6. Horizontal additions: The scale and proportion of building additions including the relationship of windows to walls shall be visually compatible with the traditional architecture of the • historic building. Contemporary construction for alterations and additions are acceptable if the design respects the • building's original design and is compatible with the original scale,materials, window and door opening proportions of the 4 . structure. ° Although the previous addition(s) and the subject additions will increase the horizontal mass of the building over the original building, the relationship of windows to walls is compatible with " ,, ', the traditional architecture. Small, multi—pan d windows will • carry out the existing pattern of the dormers and the bay window on the west end of the grill. The outdoor dining patio on the west • is tucked behind the south elevation and can only be observed from the west side. The stonework to construct the patio and • G. ito . DR 17-84(Mod, 9-92)\F'1R 5-92 ` Page S of 13 I A . i.r • t4 • q Y ., - • stairs will be consistent with the existing stonework on the building. Overall, the design of the alterations respects the f original design and is compatible with the scale, materials, windows and doors of the existing structure. 7. Windows: Window replacements shall match the original f. windows in materials and appearance. The original number of window panes shall be maintained or restored when ' replacements are required. The men's locker room addition will remove and relocate the west end dormer. Exhibits 8 and 9 illustrate that the windows in ' the locker room addition are not the same size or shape as those of the existing locker room. The proposed windows should carry out the same pattern as the existing windows. The addition to the grill continues the dormer and window pattern. The new windows are proposed to be wood casement and double hung windows with snap in divided light details, According to the applicant's narrative, the doors will be French doors with divided light details. Staff recommends that true divided light windows and doors are used in place of the proposed snap—in units. Further design details on both the windows and doors should be provided for • Design Review Board and staff approval. 8. Restoration possible: Except where building code precludes it,new additions or alterations to structures shall be done i such a manner that if such additions or alterations were to b removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the original structure could be restored. The applicant did not address this criteria. The structure has already had significant changes which could make restoration to the original structure difficult, but not necessarily impossible. • 9. Signs/lighting: Signs/lighting and other appurtenances such ,I • 4 . as walls fences,awnings and landscaping shall be visually compatible with the scale and traditional architectural character of the historic building. No signs are proposed. Lighting, retaining walls and steps are t proposed. The applicant's narrative (Exhibit 4) states that the existing K parking and security lighting around the building additions will be altered minimally, additional lighting will be very low intensity architectural lights and stair safety lighting, and that it will not glare onto adjacent residences. However, the applicant has not submitted any site specific lighting details or design for review. Illustrations of lighting design should be provided to the Development Review Board a fil .' .. . . , . . . . , DR 17-84(Mod, 9-92)\11R 5-92 Page 6 of 13 ,,. planning staff for review and approval. The light fixtures should. be in the style of and complementary to the architectural character of the building. The Field Form (Exhibit 6)refers to • = wrought iron lights as being important elements in the original design. , M • The stairs from the parking lot to the patio level and the patio are proposed to use a random pattern native-dressed stone veneer to ,f match the existing stone work. , e. Pertinent aesthetic factors as identified in Appendix A or the 1 Y .; historic district list of contributing resources for the subject property. The applicant has stated(Exhibit 4) that sinificant existing architectural elements of the original building such as the stone entry portico,original brick chimneys and roof lines and detail of the original north facade will not be impacted by the subject proposal. Impact on other features, such as the lighting, listed in the Field Form (Exhibit 6) were not addressed by the applicant. f. Any design guidelines adopted by the Board. • Currently the Historic Review Board has not adopted any additional • *.` design guidelines pertaining to historic resources. D. Compliance with Other Applicable Criteria for Approval: ' .. • , , 1 0 As per LOC 49.615, the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria when evaluating minor or major development. • 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant seeking approval. , The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of documents marked as exhibits, accompanying this report. 2. For any development application to be approved,it shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: .. • a. The City's Comprehensive Plan Applicable policy groups are: • , Impact Management Policies These policies require protection of natural resources from development, comprehensive review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share of the costs of , • public facilities. These policies are implemented through several Development Standards, addressed further below. The policies require assurance that distinctive areas will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees be protected from removal, ° streams be preserved and that density be limited to achieve these results. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards reviewed below will assure conformance to . these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will be imposed when necessary to t ssure . compliance. DR 17-84(Mod. 9F--92)V R 5-92 • ' Page 7 of 13 y. 1 9A ti . R 3 • >� SnciaLBssaurratEdirdes. These policies require the City to develop and protect features valuable to community .' identity,preserve the natural and aesthetic qualities which are the pride of residents, and support the preservation of historic sites and structures in order to preserve a sense of continuity with the past. .1 The proposed conditional use and improvements to the clubhouse area are consistent with these policies. Transportation Policies These policies require a balanced transportation system to serve the approved land use pattern within the Urban Services Boundary. Specific policy 3 for this general policy requires improvements when traffic demand creates the need, The applicant's narrative (Exhibit 4) states that the proposal will not create additional . parking requirements because services or uses will not be imensifiea. This proposal for a conditional use meets the applicable transportation policies. - b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. + Zoning Code Requirements an, alysia Institutional uses, golf courses and other similar open land private recreational uses are listed as conditional uses in the R-10 zone [LOC 48.200 (1, 2)]. Conditional use Case No. CU 2-84 and VAR 7-84-124 granted conditional use approval for the operation of i 4. the country club on the subject site. CU 2-84(Mod 9-92) is being processed administratively to grant approval for the subject ' proposal which is an expansion of the original conditional use approval. In the R-10 zone the following setbacks are required: Front yard: 25 feet; Side yard: 10 feet; Rear yard: 25 feet. { VAR 7-84-124 permitted the construction of the swimming pool ten (10) feet from the property line adjacent to Fairway Road. The applicant did not submit a site plan which illustrates that the clubhouse meets the . side or rear yard setbacks of the 2.46—acre parcel upon which it is located. The parcel appears to be a separate legal lot, but this fact has not been confirmed. Therefore, staff cannot determine whether the clubhouse does, in fact, meet the setback • requirements of the R-10 zone, A 15,994 square—foot structure on a 2.46—acre site meets • the 30 percent lot coverage allowed by the R-10 zone. The applicant has stated that since the clubhouse is part of a much larger parcel owned by the Oswego Lake County Club, the entire golf course area should be used in determining ' setbacks and lot coverage. However, th;applicant did not consider the entire golf course area when submitting names and addresses for notification of affected property owners. In addition, the remainder of the course is in the County,outside of City jurisdiction, • DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\Hit 5-92 .r Page 8 of 13 R y .:Mrs Staff will not recommend approval of this application until the applicant has demonstrated that the clubhouse meets side and rear yard setback requirements, This can x be remedied by the following actions: (1)Providing a survey which shows that the 2.46 ,' . 40 acre site is a separate legal parcel; and(2)Illustrating the parcel dimensions with the location of the building footprint and setbacks from the property lines. If the setbacks are " determined to comply with Code requirements, the subject application can be approved. If the setbacks do not comply with Code requirements, the applicant shall: (1) submit an application for and receive approval of a variance to the applicable setback requirements; ' or(2) apply for and be granted a lot line adjustment which will meet the setback requirements. A lot line adjustment could require annexation of that portion which is .,, outside the City. It should be noted that the Conditional Use application currently being processed administratively (CU 2-84(Mod. 9-92)is also affected by the uncertainty of the subject site boundaries and compliance with setback requirements. Approval of the conditional -R • use application will be delayed until these requirements are shown to be met. Dev pme .•e Requirements and Analysis All applicable statutory and code requirements, including LOC 48.555 are listed at the " beginning and are addressed throughout this report. • Tree Cutting Ordinance Requirements and Analysis In order to implement the Wildlife Habitat Policies and the Impact Management Policies, ' the provisions of the Tree Cutting Ordinance must be carried out in the development of the site. As such,removal of only those trees necessary for construction may be allowed. The landscape plan (Exhibit ) illustrates that four Douglas fir trees will be cut down. A tree cutting permit shall be submitted with the building permit application. Compliance with LOC 55.080(2) shall be determined by the Development Review Board. c. The applicable Development Standards ' . The following development standards are applicable for the subject proposal. Building Design (2,005-2,040) The proposed additions are designed to match the design and materials of the existing building (Exhibits 4,7, 8,9 and 13). Semi—dressed native stone will be used on the patio walls to match existing stonework. All mechanical equipment will be housed in concealed attic space. Further discussion of compliance with this standard have been reviewed under the Historic Landmark alteration criteria on pages 3 through 5 of this report. • The overall design, materials and location of the building is complementary in '• appearance to adjacent structures of good design. street Ligh&( Q05 5.040) No street lights are required or proposed. Exterior lighting on the building, steps and • patio were discussed under the Historic Landmark alteration criteria on page 5 of this report. Illustrations of lighting design should be provided to the Development Review . Board and planning staff for review and compliance with Historic Criteria. Also, staff , +' shall review location, type and photometric data. . DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\HR 5-92 Page 9 of 13 .r , , i " N 6 ' ',. ` y 4 ,v y , lip • ' a* : 1 , e •. d .a d a " i ••i " t!,•, b ' Transit System (s5.005—6.0� %% 1 • p it L: A bus stopis adjacent to the subject propertyon Iron Mountain Boulevard. 0 j j Parking and Loading(7.005—7,0401 •'a%'' The existing area provides 168 parking spaces,of which five are handicapped spaces. This proposal will eliminate three parking spaces, bringing the total number of parking to, spaces to 165. Many of the upper level parking spaces are not on the subject site, but are , , ti located on land which is in the County. LOC 7.009(d)permits required parking to be ` provided on lots which are within 500 feet of the property line of the use to be served. ~ A traffic analysis prepared for the development proposed in 1984 found the parking and access adequate for that proposal. Since the Country Club has limited membership and ►, t the proposed remodelling will not expand membership or intensify uses, the existing parking will not be impacted. City staff has commented that parking flows over onto neighborhood streets when large • ',; T t•'. events are held at the site. This issue should be resolved in conjunction with the Traffic • Review Board. tc + {a • The Public Works Department comments that all parking areas shall meet ADA (American with Disability Act) requirements. This standard will be reviewed by the Building Division. Minute,;from a neighborhood meeting held by the applicant indicate that neighbors questioned whether the lower parking lot would be increased(Exhibit 1'), The applican ,, responded that three parking spaces would be eliminated. " ` Landscaping. Screening and Buffering(9,005—9,040) .S r. ,•C Four trees will need to be removed to accommodate the proposed additions. Trees within the construction area will be protected during the construction process, Existing plant materials along the north boundary of the lower parking area disturbed by the additions and realignments of the paved paths shall be relocated or replaced in kind (Exhibit The applicant shall provide evidence from an arborist that measures will be taken to protect the trees during construction. ` CU 2-8Mod 9-92) shall require that landscaping shall be used adjacent to the patio ii• d a area if necessary to provide visual screening and a noise buffer from residences across Fairway Road. The applicant shall provide evidence that screening and buffering is not required or provide a landscaping and irrigation plan to illustrate the use of plant •` materials to provide a screen and buffer. Fences (10.005— 10,0401 z r.: No changes are proposed to any fencing. Drainage Standard for Major Development(11.005— 11.040) The net addition to the existing area for impervious surface storm runoff is approximate) _ t • 1,300 square feet. The drainage plan (Exhibit 12) illustrates that the proposed drainage,4. DR 17-84(Mod, 9-92)\HR 5-92 " Page 10 of 13 a. c system will tie-in to storm drains at the west end of the building and conduct water south via existing underground piping. Additional design requirements are addressed under the Utility Standard. • . :•:, ‘.-,• 0 Utility Standard(14,005- 14.040) - . x The site is currently serviced by all utilities. The applicant shall submit a hainage plans ` I; which provide surface water quality facilities designed,to satisfy requirements of the Water Quality Technical Guidance Handbook as confirmed in a letter to staff dated October 20, 1992(Exhibit 13). Design of an infiltration system will be a requirement of the construction documents submitted for a building permit, , Hi1Lside Protection and Erasion Control 16.005- 16,040) ' The applicant's narrative acknowledges the site's natural conditions by retaining as much of the native topography as possible. Some cutting and filling is anticipated for the purpose of regrading for the small west patio entry area and an approximately three-foot ;r> backcut into the northern slope of the area around the men's locker room addition, The applicant shall be required to meet the erosion control guidelines in the Erosion , .. ' Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook during the construction process. ;1',, ' Access 3tanard (18.005- 18.0401 I No new access points are proposed. Use of the site will not be intensified with this proposal. The access standard is met by this proposal. Site C�ulation-Pnvate Streets/Driveways (19.005- 19,040) No new access points are proposed. The two existing driveways provide access to the `' site, Existing tire department connection points will be improved at the west end of the building. •' Site Circulation-Bikeways and Walkways A (20,005-20,040) A paved walkway which was a requirement of DR 17-94 exists along Fairway Road. An ,."r.; internal walkway will connect the parking lot to the clubhouse. ' d. Any s,;plicable future streets plan or ODDS There are no such plans which affect this site. .', • C. Conclusion: Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the proposed additions and remodelling to the existing historic clubhouse comply EXCEPT; r+ • i III. BECOMMEN12 TION ry' ' Staff recommends that DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\J-IR 5-92 be continued until the following has occurred: 1. The applicant has demonstrated that the clubhouse building meets all setback and lot 1 coverage requirements or a variance(s) has been granted to setbacks (and lot coverage) or a lot line adjustment is made to bring the setbacks into compliance. DR 17-84(Mod. 9-921\►HR 5-92 Page 11 of 13 Y 6 a 2. The applicant submits information for staff and Board review regarding window,door and lighting design details for compliance with Historic Criteria. 0 -,, .... .,:t, 41..., In addition, these items are necessary to satisfy the requirements for a modified conditional use permit. Any Development Review approval is contingent on the d; approval of CU 2-84(Mod. 9--92). When the above items are approved, staff recommends approval of DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\HR =< F . 5-92 subject to the followingconditions: 1. The applicant shall continue to comply with the conditions of approval of CU 2-84 and VAR 7-84-128. 2. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of CU 2-84(Mod. 9-92). N.. A. Prior to Issuance 1)f Building Permit; 1. The applicant shall submit a final drainage plan for review and approval of City Engineer, per City standards. This plan shall be coordinated with the utility and ', landscape plans. 2. The applicant shall submit a final grading plan for review and approval of City Engineer, per City standards. r.' 3. The applicant shall submit a final erosion control plan in accorda::ce with "Erosion p Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook" for review and approval of City Engineer. • 4, The applicant shall submit a final landscape plan showing additional trees for review ..: and approval of staff, per City standards. F.1, 5. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan showing compliance with Code and • j J- i,• ADA requirements for parking lot dimensions and signage. 6, The applicant shall submit final design of exterior lighting including types and photometric date for review and approval of staff,per City standards. The parking i•'` and building lights shall be designed to minimize glare into the adjacent residential , • ' uses to the satisfaction of staff. 4 • 7, The design of the lighting shall be compatible with the historic architectural design of the building. The design shall be submitted for the review and approval of staff. i 8, An arborist shall recommend measures to protect trees during construction, These ` b '' measures shall be provided for the review and approval of staf, P• .: B. During Construction of the Project: AI` 1. The applicant shall adhere to the erosion control guidelines in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook, I yy 0 * ' DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92)\HR 5-92 i, Page 12 of 13 - 1 rr ,4. r EXHIB ITS 1. Tax Map r 2. Vicinity Map 3. Order Granting DR 17--84 • ' t ` 4. Applicant's Narrative 5. Site Plan ' ' , 6. Historic Resource Field Form and Statement of Significance 4 ," , 7. Floor Plan 8. Elevations i 9. Photos Illustrating Existing Conditions 4 10. Landscape Plan 11. Minutes of Neighborhood Meeting 12. Storm Drainage Plan 13. Letter to Staff dated October 20, 1992,regarding surface water quality facilities 14. Color Board(Not included in this report. Available for review in Planning Department. . ; i P ) 4 ..1 0. 4t c n4 � L' r, r•t r r L 1r is • 1)R 17--84(Mod. 9-92)\1-112 5-92 Page 13 of 13 i r • 4 • • • r • • • • 7 • • 0 0 • .. ., . .. .1 H , . fx04: .. , \\.......! p.,.... q,ii,„• 40, 1,411,,:./., ..1. cf) '• '• ,',• GOLF COURSE,..7 ', ': SITE Ie00 .' ,,4`" rp �'°�. r • .. .:.. '1I, ',tilt t., ', ^'�,� irno. I iitttt. I' O r� ..+.. j • t it1�� tp r1. y ly I, h,, no /0 +.. y ,1:,. N A.,. ." ... . ' .;:.,., ..., ......,....,:.......... ..........,..w I� •, a ` N. 1 • • V 4 0 �. 0 1 N E �C. L 1 0 'it 0 rr R V •� .h 1 i . r • �, V 1 0o I: t' 0 a o ,r I 5 ++oo . P o �I' f I 0 0 l 11 1 i, ` 0•• ° b `II r ;•NI 1 MO ti II •i G • 9rrr y i ��� ` dun..,•1�Q+•'.� ` r!.�,� V\ 1 ..r '.. �....• ♦r•r r, / !1'MM�` C.n.N'g1 r ....lobo. , "� i' ,If �I� 14.,�.r.....: rr r"50in1UPN DU7HERN PACIFIC RA'�`'' �,I. �-�' r .✓ tI rr . .. '' Ilip00 .. (NEW9ERG BRANCH I ,r ; » too ���al» qu 'i,ro a^ N - hl .'NC>ryr .-r.. i�.,.,u....--tr Y�' ,,..",1FN 1 0 I .j1, I 'Its • �.01-Y'• ,lii 1,. _ . .~- irn .0.4 N. • '.�' .1.. 1000 1( ii0 i- , 1 $0Uni laC,... .,:1�6e. - �70o In I -7 itooI/O •iir --.u.i.-1r1! �N ;r— •-,14 r _Irk f ... OovT i torC - .. • .i, i i00,ll r' tin Ihl *I IA tl,,�,; egyn ,tlr� "' �1y1%`'` ,, l '`— 7 W = • 4� �� , a Q n A0.11M..nt,a•t, , [! . T0.2 6 {!' i►r t of t u I.V m ;� 1i � � r L k It f = �� ' •�'i� 300 FT. DOUNDRY tsa..:t:at:t:; CU 2-84(Mod. 9-92) V , MLL _ '... 1, .w r ,,� ' '.' 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CLUB ROAD COUNTRY CLUB h0A0 ~ C c `•�+'r Y,• ' • Uf1° u0 el A I 11�I,'9 1 I 1 I <fN..a u ._ "�'� ,_..• - os .CE , •\I' 44� 1 I v I I yn.''' ° C titi�1`i O V••♦ 4,♦ , , I; bl I I ,.. U•Inl DIII 1 0 11....I.,eluteI 1•' 1 •1 I J 1;0 4 1 MOO r 0 11 .., lea • ua ,10 IiU 1 .{.{i" 1 •1 ri .1; , eof 1 3 :, p ui ,, � _ - • q;IIhY, 1uw f� j, ` J• ci lit A � J..e.0 1e10 1 7 •.. 1100 16 1 ••1 •t �i • 1)> *t 1 ' . 1 'JT ' - , 'I:, ^,.44111/14' 110•, 111\1 0" N 1tlo . , `„ , ,, .yam, \`• 11 K,.S i '\ J 1 N • l,D i i I ' ^ ",.✓' `" 1 11 I i' LAKE L•SWlQO /\ ., ♦ \_, r . �4 I Z CNANOLCII , = CQUNYRY.71U0 .+\ \ J'+sC11tNp1'lN Utgo\♦o \ „) $1 • + J � w w�\ . \ r \IrJJ Ji0 J' \ \ ` \ / JOi • 1 71 • '''' • - 1Z 1••q '',"y�.,......,,"� '\f \ '� '♦ ,call dl ) .'\ .` °`•y Jb ♦• ` ; 1,L : 'A • 3 . '.,. _ M w 1 \ \ l a Sao ♦ } ♦ ; / d � • --1 r. , 1 \\ \, \ a''C 0.' 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I 't' n /l. 1D.tg1••e,N 1. JJ '` , , e Y F `�� heheOAO `.. I It. 1 �;. ,, ‘.I' .—'4.• ,' 06/+ , ...+., I., d.1.01 r , . ,.f • y„iR`.p..r... . 1, . , e 10. , m Ih i� ...- , ,`A^\1i1 `1. A - ✓,, .. ♦♦,/i /X 4.,'o I 1 Z - NY — A � i II; II : c , •,t • ♦ 1ff I o 8 ileeo• yi71 'la rti1: \1► •� •c / +I 1 I ° 6 & 1 • �Lj " 3" ` '// ��f 1.y 11, 6111/0 •� Y� ..-1e rr♦` 1 1 • - � L♦" ,t""�I1 "ail NII �Se" r•,f\'� \ 1 I 11 1 1 I' • `,•.. ... 1 Ct 4` . , 0 i111i �•+ aA11 ♦%" • \ , #01A AI "'i .• , \ le •` �6 . U PI Illy , +IId IG, \ i 111tl 1•I ' " I ♦ J•.. r♦ C 1 . l l i I r /1, ♦ . JJ 1 i l i 1 i 1 1 1g // MAP \ r • ) .r' Krp t: r l- Iliei�-1 ....r it,+ rY V (�ri• �I rY �+/1I _I.1111 r" y"11�.,,1 !•`r 4l IIIOJ°`"s , •1 r 1 /V r , ) 1• - '1 .N11 \ .3\--,i0 .0 0 ,,t- ' ry es I • • ' 2? 1 BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE ('AP.`' ,. 2 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 3 A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO ) DR 17-84-166 o... CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL ) (Oswego Lake Country Club) 4 AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES. ) FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER • � 5 1 NATURE OF APPLICATION `i 6 This application is a request by the Oswego Lake Country Club to construct a swimming pool and associated facilities on the south side �' . of the club house. The property is described as Tax Lot 160 of Tax 8 Map 2 1E 04. HEARINGS 9 • The Development Review Board held a public hearing and considered , ' this application at its meeting of August 6, 1984 . Following the • , ;, ', ,.' . , 11 presentation of exhibits and testimony at that hearing, the 12 Development Review Board voted 4 to 0 APPROVE the proposal. FACTS 13 The following is a summary of the facts and testimony presented which 14 were found most relevant to this decision. These facts are presented , :, • ` in more detail in the staff report dated July 25, 1984 , and the ' , . y5 applicant 's proposal, Exhibits A through 0 dated July 17, 1984; and 16 Exhibit Q (dated July 26, 1984 ) and Exnibit R (dated August 6, 1984 ) 17 and the minutes of the hearing. 18 ' `', 1 . The site for the proposed development is a 2 . 46 acre 19 portion of the Country Club which has been annexed to the City. 20 2. The site is zoned ,fit-10 and designated Semi-Public by the ; ' 21 Comprehensive Plan. • 3 . The Country Club' s current use of this area is recognized + 22 as a conditional use. ^ 23 4 . On May 31, 1984 , the City Planning Commission approved the 24 modification of this conditional use to locate the 1:' swimming pool and associated facilities (CU 2-84 ) and a 25 variance (VAR 7-84-128) to trEry a side yard setback to 10 ' . These approvals were t;libject to the following 26 conditions: page 1 2593P/DR 17-84 „r+ ST/mas 114 EXHIBIT .' .k..3 tidy : • . e lr.. 1 e r ; A• �7 ' 11.--' I. , r t '' _ /' ♦ 'd' it % % .,Ii I , • • . i c', .5 •Yi t e ''j '.I Y r ` ' t t. • IL ko, o t a '. :r. 1 a. The swimming pool complex and associated facilities shall be used no later than 9:00 p.m. or dark, 2 whichever occurs first. ,s , 3 b. Roadside drainage, adjacent to the development, with { Fairway Road' s right-of-way, shall be provided in an 4 aesthetically acceptable manner and finished form. There shall be a finished road edge, covered pipe :,, 5 drain, and the road shoulder may be walked on when q° completed. The Development Review Board shall review I+ 6 the plans to insure that this occurs . 7 c. Lighting for the development shall be limited to interior pool lights and low intensity, low elevation . 8 lights. Lighting associated with the development " , '" shall be designed to avoid glare on adjacent 9 residential uses. `" ' 10 d. Exterior/outside speaker systems or amplification of ",;; 'y' sound in the area of the pool shall be prohibited . 11 e. Diving boards shall be prohibited. 12 5. An application was submitted which addressed these ' , .� .: 13 conditions with the following modifications: 14 a. The applicant proposed to construct a concrete rather than a wooden fence to surround the sundeck . 15 • ,,, .. ., . •. b. The applicant proposed to construct a gravel rather 16 than a concrete sidewalk along Fairway Road. ' 1' 17 6 . The applicant stated he would submit grading and irrigation plans to the satisfaction of City Department of 18 Public Works staff . w 19 7 ,, No testimony in opposition to the proposal was received.r ti 20 CRITERIA AND STANDARDS The request under consideration was a quasi-judicial procedure, the 21 ", conduct of which is regulated by Major Development procedures, LOC 22 49 . 300 - 49 . 335 . The following Plan Policies and ordinance Y 23 requirements, criteria and standards are applicable to this request: Development Standards: 24 2.005 Building Design ' 25 6. 005 Transit .S.I Pr•'. 26 •M •l • Page 2 2593P/DR 17-84 .d ST/mas 1 9. 005 Landscaping, Street Trees, Screening & Buffering *# 2 11.005 Drainage for Major Development 14 .005 Utilities 3 20 .005 Site C ,t•^.,ulation - Bikeways `' 4 and Way y.kways 3 .' i ,7. FINDINGS OF FACT : . p 5 : After consideration of the relevant facts, applicable policies, 6 ordinance, criteria, and standards the Development Review Board found 7 that: , 1 . Application materials illustrating the location and the > ,'" 8 interface of proposed landscaping and ay within Fairway Road's right-of-way were difficultwto interpret .9 interpret . 2. The applicant stated his intent to insure the proposal 's 10 compliance with all relevant development standards and Planning Commission conditions. 11 3 . The concrete wall (proposed to replace the wooden fence) 12 to surround the sundeck would be suitable. r '' 13 4 . The walkway should be a hard surface in order to comply with the Transit Standard . 14 J , • 5. The proposal can be made to comply with applicable .5 development standards and Planning Commission conditions , ' . �l 6 with subsequent staff review. fir ' 6 . If subsequent review does not meet with staff 17 requirements, the issue will be brought back before the Board for further review. 18 REASONS AND CONCLUSIONS 19 4 + _ h The proposal can be made to comply with relevant policies and 20 ordinaAce criteria, and standards through application of certain ' 21 conditions. • ORDER IT IS ORDERED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF LAKE 23 OSWEGO that DR 17-84 be GRANTED subject to the following conditions: • 24 1 . That a revised site plan be submitted to staff' s satisfaction specifying alignment of a hard surfaced 25 (concrete or asphalt ) walkway between the Country Club's property line and the edge of Fairway Road's pavement , -• 26 The distance between the property line and edge of Page 3 2593P/DR 17-84 ST/mas A • w.iy 1 pavement must be 10 ' . The walkway shall be physically ' separated from the existing pavement . If the revised plan a 2 is not acceptable to staff , it shall be brought back before the Board for further review. C. t`` 3 0 ' .. ''‘ : ::' 2 . That a revised and dimensioned landscape plan be submitt ;.... 4 to staff's satisfaction indicating the location of plantings within the 10 ' setback and within the 10 ' ` ; 5 distance between the property line and edge of pavement. • 6 3 . A drainage plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Department" of Public Works. 7 ` 4 . An irrigation plan be submitted to the satisfaction of 8 staff. ' ti S ` ,.• 9 5. A grading plan be submitted to the satisfaction of Public Works staff. : 10 ' . 6 . A dimensioned drawing indicating layout of the parking lot 11 access and number of parking spaces be submitted to the satisfaction of Public Works staff. • . ` 12 7 . A concrete wall with aggregate finish be used to surround . 13 the sundeck in order to integrate the development with the % , .° r�• residential character of the area. ; 14 I CERTIFY THAT THIS ORDER was presented to and APPROVED by the � ' • 15 Development Review Board of the City of Lake Oswego. 16 DATED this 20th day of August, 1984. t 17 (72Chorpeitivalf" :I 18 Richard Hutchins, Chairman t 19 Development Review Board 20 / -; 21 ' --6..cretary 1---- 22 ATTEST: 23 AYES: Eslick, Fulton, Glasgow, Hutchins NOES : None 24 ABSTAIN: None ° ABSENT: None 25 ` ,ti 26 • Page 4 2593P/DR 17-84 ;+ • ST/mas y I + .t , 4 ' l • ,i t1 �N 1 THOMPSON o a VAIVODA & , , 0 . .::. .. - ASSOCiATES ARCHITECTS AIA r. AY' .,. RESIDENTIAL LAND USE POLICY ELEMENT: ► ---� The present proposal Is consistent with conditional uses permitted within a residential zone. The proposed additions will not effect existing traffic circulation, parking access, and existing io.ndscape buffers to the h st!;rounding residences. Further, the additions to the building will not change the existing use, character, ' or neighborhood impact. The proposed expansion does, in fact, reduce the existing parking spaces by three (3) at the lower parking area off of Fairway Road. To the best of the applicants knowledge, this •c reduction of theses parking spaces is not anticipated to adversely effect parking requirements of this use, g • Further, the proposal will not encroach on any established setbacks or existing buildings. . � ' 1 IMPACT MANAGEMENT POLICY: This proposal seeks to be sensitive to the natural topographic features of the site, although, four existing trees will need to be removed to accommodate the additions proposed. Existing plant materials along the •;.'•1 north boundary of the lower parking area disturbed by the additions and the realignments of the existing : ' paved paths connecting the existing building to the golf course, shall be relocated or replaced in kind, The existing building and developed area lot coverage, when calculated for the lot area within the city domain, exceeds the maximums allowed by 48.225, However, when lot coverage is calculated related to ' y aggregate area of the golf course it falls well below all lot coverage criteria, • ` This proposal has been evaluated to address the following issues: „: A. Traffic: No anticipated changes to existing traffic generation or parking requirements. B. Public Safety/Emergency Access: Site and building access will virtually be unchanged. Existing fire department connection points will be improved at the west end of the building. " C. Utilities: Due to the nature of the addition domestic water consumption and existing sanitary services will be unchanged and handled by existing systems. The actual net add to the existing area for impervious surface storm runoff is approximately 1300 s.f, Our Intent is to tie-in to existing 0':, '. : storm drains at the w?st end of the building and conduct water south via existing underground 4 .' '''1 piping to daylight above an existing open catchment with 8' pipe under Fairway Road. h ` D. Natural Site Features: To be preserved and augmented per Impact management policy statements E. Esthetics: Noise, Glare, and visual Impact on adjacent property will be virtually unchanged. F. Public Cost Impacts: None • • G. Energy Efficiency: The building additions and modifications will meet or exceed state energy code = 8.• u standards (UBC Chapter 53). 1 EXHIBIT 4 y 14._i,., ,. 1010 SOUTHWEST ELEVENTH•PORTLAND,ORECON 97205•PHONE: (503) 220.0660'PA '. ,. "4'?' .. kOBERT I. Ti1OM1'SON•EDWARD VAIVODA,IR •DAVID I' t:ELLOS•MARC A LAI!ADIE•GREGORY L MILLER•KURT K.SCHULTZ • • , • F b i , S 1 9 �' ,r. • L• • • , h:< .-1 } , c • • f, i • 4 1 t �Y t , , • S t a 4 . rc. Y ; f } H. Tree Removal: Removal of four douglas fir trees is pursuant to the development of the proposed l t ` additions to the existing building. These removals should not effect soli erosion or soil stability due to the fact that these locations will become a part of the building built area. There are no major ` x surface water courses within the area which would be effected by these removals. Due to extensive surrounding douglas fir stands around the clubhouse itself, and the adjacent gold course, the loss of these trees should,not adversely, effect the aesthetic character of the property. Adjacent trees, within the construI Lion area, which will be retained shall be protected during the construction ,, process. CQMPLIANrc WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This proposal acknowledges the site's natural conditions by retaining as much of the native topography as ., ` N' possible. Some cutting and filling is anticipated for the purposes of regradingfor the small west patio entry area, as well as a± 3'-0" back-cut Into the northern slope of the area around the Men's Locker Room n r addition, Proper erosion control techniques shall be employed during construction to minimize impacts on existing drainage systems on and off site. A i F The project will strive to protect the integrity of an attractive building and It's landscape setting for the benefit of the neighborhood. Alterations to the structure have been proposed that will not diminish the histori • Ara " >. significance of the building and surroundings to the community. c By providing for these alterations, the building can continue to adapt to the evolving social and economic v • • needs and, remain a vital contributor to the club members as well as the community, 1 • 27 `F x %., % "' Utilities: The site is currently serviced by the following: Sanitary Sewer Water 0 .,: ,' " r •'.. Street System 'ter ' Street Lights Power 1 ,�' Telephone Gas a SUMMARY OF COMPLIANCE WITH LAKE OSWEGO ZONING CODE: ' • This proposal and existing use complied with: • t R•15 Conditional Use/48,200.2 Golf Course, Hunt Club, or other similar open land private recreational uses. 11 Lot area exceeds minimum requirements of 48.210, b "b 2. Minimum setback existing on site 10'-0" to swimming pool deck area, Building Minimum 7 setback existing 40'•0", - 3. Lot coverage: k City Lot: ' • 48% f Expressed as a portion of Golf Course: 2% 0 ,t1 4.' . r F 3 .e M f i k'. 1 i L a 4 ' , y t 4. • y h• t f` 4• Maximum Height: 45' allowed ,••• ',, .1. - • . Proposed Height: 40` „'s 5. FAR = As expressed as a portion of the Golf Course: .25 x 1,025,472 = 256,368 s,f. ; ' Proposed 18,444 s.f. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING MATERIALS: r y Siding: 4"-5" Exposure rough sawn ceder shingles to match existing, Paint. Trim: a• Wood "Brick mold" window surrounds and doors to match 1980s Addition• b• 1 x S4S accent trim at patio and bay window projections, Paint. Windows: Wood casement and double hung windows with divided lite details. Paint. t� Doors: French doors with divided lite details. Paint. 0• 1t 'w Patio Wails: Native stone semi-dressed appearance random pattern to match existing.'Roof: Architectural variegated composition shingles to match 1980's Addition••Ir Gutter; Pre finished metal gutter to mF sch existing profiles. Color: All Additions will be painted to match existing scheme. • ^I, Y + . Ft t 1 +. • Ri Y 5, i .e W G1,_. 7 tl , G ,,: HISTORIC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT f xn " • The Intent of this proposal is to provide for the existing needs of the Oswego Lake Country Club membership body through the augmentation and remodeling of the existing facilities. It should be \ `" mentioned that the Country Club has no intention of providing these enhancements for the purpose of `' ' increasing membership. Instead, these enhancements are an effort to correct existing inherent building spacial deficiencies, limitations,and structural systems. The club members are concerned with maintaining 'a,,., the historic qualities in the building by making these alterations. It is the memberships hope that by making ' ` these alterations the existing clubhouse will continue as a vital asset to the club members, as well as to the community. .4.J t. This proposal has two basic components; First, the addition of approximately 90 lockers (±900 srfr) to the r ". existing original Mons Locker Room. This expansion will occur at the west wing of the original building's upper level. Second, the reorganization and expansion of the existing Men's Grill to create a Mixed grill, This addition will occur in the southwest corner, lower level, of the 1980's Addition to the building. it is our •' desire for both components to retain the flavor and character of the "English Cottage" style designed by Morris/Whitehouse in 1925, `ti An effort has been made such that these additions should not impact or alter significant existing architectural elements of the original building;ig stone entry porticos, original brick chimneys, and existing roof lines and details, of the main original north facade. The proposed alterations will remove four(4) existing douglas fir trees to the west of the building. Existing ground cover and under story trees, although sparse within the developed area, due to the native shallow prevalent rock strata will remain virtually unchanged, Realignment of existing pedestrian asphalt paths will be held to a minimum and, where realigned (to accommodate the additions), displaced landscaping '; elements will be replaced in kind. • Recognizing the economic fact that we cannot recreate all construction detailing exactly, as it was executed Y' h on the original building, we propose emulating existing building scale, material, and detail elements using contemporary construction techniques, We feel by constructing the building closer in detail to the 1980's •'`:: addition it will be consistent with the directives of the Historic Preservation Section 58Y135 d1 • d5Y i The proposal is also consistent with Historic Preservation in that; existing roof lines will be maintained or altered in a way that is in keeping with the style of the building. Further, all additions will be finished in a F color scheme consistent with the existing building, • ,� • Insulated type casement and double-hung wood window systems, utilizing a snap-in or similar divided lite appearance, shall be used through-out the additions. A new stone veneer secondary entry stair and patio are proposed to improved access and appearance of the west end of the building. Introduction of the stone \: ;' • ;• • finish shall be consistent with the existing stonework detail found around the original building, thus, tieing the building materials composition together, , r i . 6 'aa.'"+ s Y••: , r 1 t ° a .•"'. .. ... •1,. . < �r.... r. ..t t ,. r:P, .. :: • ' ' [Of h • k . \C•_ •`I'Y �• ir`i I ,..Vs 1 THOMPSON Y VAIVODA & ASSOCIATES . - ' . P .` ARCHITECTS CACTI �.0 1992t t r ° ALA ti October '12, 1992 p. Ms, Liz Jacobs Associate Planner City of Lake Oswego Planning Department 380 A Avenue PO Box 380 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97304 RE: Oswego Lake Country Club a T Dear Ms Jacobs: In response to your request for additional information for PR#39-92, Conditional Use Application, as it applies to Loc. 48.555 A-D and 48.585. We have the following response: • •.. 0 Loc. 48555 } A. To the best of the applicants knowledge, all requirements of the R15 "Conditional "' Use" zoning requirements will be met. B. Special conditions found in Loc 46.565 -48.580 and 48.590-48.605 do not apply to this applicant, However, requirements of Loc 48.585 are deemed applicable to this applicant by the Planning Depa anent. The following are responses to Loc,48.585: 1, It is not anticipated that utility/street improvements will be required for the 'h • ,yyr proposed additions to this existing Conditional Use. 1. w 2. No changes In existing traffic generation conditions will be incurred by ,, ,; these add itions. 3. Existing minimum yard setbacks to the principal clubhouse structure are± ».4 $'.- •J 45'-0". The proposed addition should not exceed 40'-0" In height, which is L.,."N'"'`"•""'"• well within the two-thirds setback to building height requirements, ""d t,. , ' . 4. The building addition height proposal is well within height limitation criteria. {� x, 1010 SOUTHWEST ELEVENTH ,POR1 LAND,OREGON 97205.PHONE: (503) 2'0-0666 i FAX: (503) 225-0003 ROUERT L.1HOMPSON•EDWARD VAIVOOA,►R.,DAVIE)P.CELLOS•MARC A.LAUAbiE•GRMORY 1.MILLER•KURT K.SCi iULTZ l .. '4 ': - I�� Ir � it - ♦ .. .. ,.P 1. - • • Ms, Liz Jacobs, Associate Planner e, RE: Oswego Lake Country Club „` ' October 12, 1992 Page 2 • • 1 5. All Noise generating equipment (HVAC) is proposed to be placed in a concealed roof attic space. No noise impact is anticipated to surrounding residences, In fact, existing exposed roof-top heating and cooling units are to be removed. In addition, t the nearest residence to the existing building and proposed additions will be approximately 150' away. 6. Existing parking and security lighting around the building additions shall be altered minimally. Any additional lighting employed will be of a very low intensity architectural lighting, and stair safety lighting. All new lighting will not glare onto ° ' adjacent residences. f y 7. Levels of operations are not intended to change by the proposed additions, C. The site does, and is, physically capable of accommodating to proposed use. D. The functional characteristics of the proposed conditional use are consistent with the existing use of the property. • E. No impact changes are anticipated to surrounding residences, I hope this clarifies all items in question in regarding to the conditional use application, ti If you have any further questions please feel free to call. Sincerely, • Gregory S. Mitchell THOMPSON VAIVODA & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS AIA • • t. • • a" , rl' l f°F 1 • , ,,- 4 al .•.1, .. I'r''•;'' '.:.;...'1'4.'..,''' ' .,,:•. 1?. *•';'.I :' . , . . • A, ''. .',.. .r. `., CI:,•*; :.:,......';',' :.• W .,... 1.0 oF: 0.. ..,.,. c d 7 \ 10, ....„. . ,•,...,:,., ,,, - . • . . • ... • ,.1.' -, ....-:, '• ..., i . , • ;.• i., 41.•,;.:-' ''.,,•'.1 ' ',-"...,,';'•:':''....-•A••4•• , . \ -----7 • , EXISTING PAR 1 AREA ---7j- ...b..7,. ,.- ... • .------- ', • :*•,' •.• ',.', • . , .. „ • • , ',. . • '.; . - ....: •• 7 411 ... . -•-•-- • , _..---; • .. . . • • • : •• ....... .,.:„.4,'1, ....4...,.. :.,.I, C: 4.1. • t • .' . ... . :,. -. ,,,,,, , -',..40,-, c,., ./ N.,i 'lliillr .. . .„, ..$ . . /-ae. . .. . ,. ENS OICKERt)EJPA SI N'1W000. . :41/4. ., • . . . , , . . ., :Et .. --...-dr. 'mh,,- ,••••....,'• •' ••• ' ". ' '. " '.,...., ,•EXIST'INd . - 1 t . ,.. .._ - • , ..,-- , ill% .DRIV* ....,„„ . • " . .-..,, 9,90 S•P: iii?. *. ./ " 711/11/11 ---4-111176,110 r---- ' . .. ., , .. ...„ • 1 --r- • .. .. .. . . . .. . . , •,. .. , . ., . CLUBHOUSE .. .. • • --,, l• . , . tor, / I' air>, .....„),..,.,,.: .` . . . IX ED • I t• •P • ANSI Itillii411 15994 S.F. FOOT PRINT .1. •, . , Aahli . ..- ,', .,- •,..•'. ' 8:••••,,-.• .'T.'S 7-, 75° • • ' • . ilia* 1,v tMr .' 13 , ...•••1 • - 1 .,, ,,?„. Ot E] -" ,-.„___-.,140.1„,,,..... • , .. .. II , ........- P i•0 0 iWO! r• '.''.. • — ''. . • ' (^-4041, 4/G, .40 ,,Q •.10'4,1,... •ti . . . .., '• -'-•.;,,,.., ...i ...ap,_ . • • ".. .. .. ' , • ' A... -!..••„, 744, , . t .. .. ,.., . . a . -, . .. t. . .. , , ,, ; •41/,fa . *4Ip.4 .. • • • ..,.4 ..1 1...-.......N.,........... . ' 7 .• ' .• " . ' .iloppr,, .. ,.. . i. \ r ••••• . 4. 0 / / 4 • ..,....<2 "*.".'.411111°4P . , • '' \•.;':'.••' 1, . . • ...__ .____. ..... . . • •. ... , -....... . ' NI 4.... ., ,...,!'• ..4,:. t‘,',,.',:, ' V/..`.'. •,t4,, ' XISTING R SIDENCES * • " " .1":\-‘\-..--- . . .' .....''' ,J.,...., r- - I.. ,u ,• * , 011immtk5seralsilivx:xaccanal 'allar2 0 . „, . .. . ., . • ,,.. 5 50 . ....,.'" r—i EX IS', NG . .. t . '• ' .i.1 CONSTRUCTION .. - .. .. ., ... E:1 NEW CONSTRUCTIO . ... .. ... . - . . " SITE PLAN . • . •. . . ' . . , ' *.n‘ i•Nil, . 1,1 0) .. ..., w ExHaatt I , , . •, , , • . . o.. • . . , • . . .. , A CITY OF LADE OSWIEG® • CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY '; rr FIELD FORM 1988-1989 , 1 tl • 'q r J HIST. NAME: Oswego Country Club STYLE: English DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1925 Cottage :.` . COMMON NAME: Same RESOURCE TYPE: ORIGINAL USE: Club/golf course Building r , ; ' ADDRESS: 20 Iron Mountain Boulevard THEME: Architecture; OWNER: Lake Oswego Country Club Recreation, ot ' PRESENT USE: Country Club/golf course Development ARCH./BLDR. : Morris Whitehouse; Robertson, ADDITION: N/A • i., Hay & Wallace, Builders BLOCK: 'r, '' " T/R/S: 2S lE 4 LOT: TAX LOT: 100 QUAD: Lake Oswego �' '1. LOT SIZE: 98 . 09 :° } ZONE (County) PLAN TYPE/SHAPE: Asymmetrical ' NO. OF STORIES: 2 °' FOUNDATION MATERIAL: Concrete a° BASEMENT: Yes ROOF FORM & MATERIALS: Truncated multiple hip WALL CONSTRUCTION: Wood STRUCTURAL FRAME: Stud '^"`' PRIMARY WINDOW TYPE: Small multi-light casement with simple surrounds " EXTERIOR SURFACING MATERIALS: Uncoursed stdne; shingles DECORATIVE FEATURES: Wrough-iron lanterns `.' OTHER: Massive interior brick chimney ' 1. CONDITION: Good e- r EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS/ADDITIONS: Major addition added to s . eievtion, (n.d. ) W)TEWORTHY LANDSCAPE FEATURES: Golf course; ornamental landscape materials , ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES: Buildings associated w/ golf course SETTING: Located on n. side of Tron Mtn. Blvd; in area of early to mid-20th century residences . NOTES: • '�'� `. RECORDER(S) : Koler/Morrison DATE:January, 1989 ° • sR . ` SHPO # : 323 FIELD # : 69r r EXHIBIT C } '' 1.. a � r + r r + •+ } ' tp + c r r F r � r • I t 77' • F CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO CULTURAL RESOURCES {` ` A. CES INVENTORY I . ADDRESS 20 IRON 11OUNTAIN BLVD. TAX MAP/LOT 2S lE 4 100 j SHPO# ROLL/FRAME . ti e • we . n I p-a 1 1 " • tIr i 1 rOS r. 0,N:r"i "-'44- J=Lyr uk a , t 1 `J i. lr �itC'va rr YII 1•a,,a 1:. �` , " '�111 y t r. Ei e 5 4 4.}��'+r S r / rr r �, II r , rht ic.'f:;'',1,,'7,,,,,.,,..:'.'3".• 4 try , ` Y«•t. r 1. Y�' y �, ':W•Y fli; -+`Y'sz 'Ir ,S•► :"'"r ,j + r+ :t u; p 'ac as t I iF ..s.i{z t ,.�. f -+{ rt r �y ^MY�w`r 'M•!r 4• t` 1. • 1 r `� 1i w a �yr .L `e. .}t ►1» � t • • • R' yw vL1 r ^,ti, 3 di w.. +r " . f , `7r r ."`v�l r. 1 r 'Y t r f z ,F dti , I s, a 1,..,. ,L.. 1 k,. ••1:•. ny.:•1- V H.•t +'R . I vy I -, ik a 1 HATE: .. . . i i r • t G: • ti y a +, . , , , r5' f, n ,. . }`r : .. ` STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Address: 20 Iron Mountain Boulevard Historic Name: Lake Oswego Country Club >' The Lake Oswego Country Club was founded in 1925 by Paul Murphy, Sr. , a well-known developer, who hoped to attract residents to the suburban community. The Clubhouse was designed .;:�` g by prominent architect, Morris Whitehouse and built by Robertson, Hay and Wallace, General Contractors of Portland. The golf course was designed by H. Chandler Egan and constructed by William Tucker and Son of New York at the cost of $500, 000 . Covering i ; approximately 165 acres, a significant amount of which are fairways, the propertyswings `' g gently upward from the shoreline of ' ' 'Lake Oswego to an altitude of roughly 400 feet . The site offers `` expansive views of mountains, river, lake and hills . Several of the fairways were at one time part of Iron Mountain farm and the Ladd Dairy farm managed by a Mr. Hogan. when the course was constructed it was considered a very difficult par 73 course not Orly to score but difficult, ° literally, to climb. The 17th tee had a Pierce Arrow open touring car operating on cables to take members to the top of the hill . A 1927 article in "The Northwest Golfer Illustrated, " described Sp the Clubhouse as "the center of social life in the District . On the lakeshore, directly below the Club House is the Club bathing beach, where a swimming pool has just been completed. Here will I '' r' be held many gala water events this summer. Stone fire;}laces ,i have been built in the hillside above the lakeshore . . for club members' use and will no doubt be very popular supper scenes r following summer afternoons of golf and swimming. " The Country Club almost went bankrupt during World War II according to Orman Bean Jr. , a long-time member and son of charter members of the club. A club scrapbook notes, "The severe change came during WWII, when loss of members (occurred) due to gasoline rationing, and the upper Gradually changes are madetoeincreasew tY was sold. ° being , . yardage and , . challenge . " Bean credited Paul Murphy with keeping the club :, afloat during these hard times by not selling the land for homesites, but instead contributing his labor, along with others, to grbundskeeping, After the worst financial strain had passed ss .. . y,. P P Murphy sold the• course plus 200 feet of lake frontage to the members for $50, C00 . • rw. In 1945, Harry Coffey (See Harry Coffey House, 409 Edgecliff and 1850 North Shore) reorganized the club to obtain new members and the course was designed to a par 68 . Oswego golf j professionals associated with the club have included. Boyd E:.s,. Y `ard,, sill Kerry,Perry Smoker and. Bob McKendrick, who played in numerous national tournaments . The Clubhouse is a fine example of Arts and Crafts architecture .The building incorporates use of local stone and other rustic materials. Multi-light casement windows and projecting bays and dormers contribute to the historic character of the structure . A major addition to the building was made within the last decade,and although the facade and side elevations of the original building have been retained, the scale and mass of the addition detract from the overall historic character of the building. The Oswego Country Club is significant for its role in the development of the Oswego area. • 5 •r Bibliography: "A Gold Flag Flies Over Country Club, " Lake Oswego Review, 8/75 , ; Bean, Orman Jr , , Unrecorded Interview with P . " Kohnen, 3/9/89 . Clackamas County Cultural Resource Inventory, R , . . . Department of Transportation and Development, 1984 , .� "Eighteen New Holes In Oregon' s Fairyland of Green, " Clara S . Shepard, The Northwest 0 . Golfer Illustrated, 5/27 . Wilmot, R. W. , Unrecorded Interview with J. ' Morrison, 3/89 . Y rn • M1 1 i' '.•:: ' :''.. , ',.:••:;• ',. :•.,-,i. . • • :• t' t.,* • •t •••••Ol.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NI.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.., a-a ra 0 a a a a a a a-a ra am nnnnnstrmnstnsr 0 0 0 0 crtnnstrontnns-o-M—Tins- nr '....... .:"., .., •• • • •" , TmToThThThT . , 0 ... 1 *• CLUB HOUSE , . . . . ... 4..... .--, , , . . ,.... ‘ . . Jake 0 ie, e 0 , ..... .: •e , „"..., .• '.. ' ..lii,'; • . , , . . . ,.. .. ountry 1 u b *.:*.' 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ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS AIA do MINUTES FROM: FOREST HILL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING C'.. y' RE: OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE REMODEL " '. LOCATION: OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB , OSWEGO, OREGON A4 a r 4 . r _,Y DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 r . • 4'r. 1 t, TIME: 6:30 P.M. h ` CASE FILE # PR 39.92 ' ATTENDEES: Robert L. Thompson, Thompson Vaivoda & Associates Daryl Mason, Oswego Lake Country Club, Gregory S. Mitchell, Thompson Vaivoda & Associates Tom Strader Oswego Lake Country Club Three ('3) Residents of the Forest Hill Neighborhood ,w • Y `` • r ..I 4 EXHIBIT 1 , A G �.. ~V 4,.v...r e e-TRE2RX4 'A lr 1010 SOUTHWEST ELEVENTH•POR TLAND,OREGON 97205•PHONE: (503) 220-0668•FAX: (503) 225•0003 ROEERT L.THOMPSON•EDWARD VAIVODA,►R.•DAVID P.CELLOS•MARC A.LAUADIE•GREGORY L.MILLER•KURT K.SCI IULTZ t' , ♦ 1 r r q ' r. t d 't�' y �`y • i z' 1 MINUTES FROM: FOREST HILL_ NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ` RE: OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE REMODEL . ` t = , DATE: � , ,. - SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 i , ' 0 ...': ' •:':i ' :.'' RESIDENT QUESTIONS: t F- •-� a Y Question 1: If the proposed remodel would encroach on views to the west of the East Property Owners? Answer: It was demonstrated that the additions would not effect this view corridor. The additions are not proposed to extend to the south into the pool area, which would effect this view, , . { ,, Question 2: Will parking be increased in the lower parking area? t, Answer: No, parking would actually be decreased by 2 to 3 parking , '' stalls. Question 3: Are the Exterior materials proposed for the additions consistent with µ " existing building'? the �$ Answer: Yes, existing material types will be used for the additions, as well as paint finishes. i�.Question 4: How much construction traffic will be expected on Fairway Road? � 1� Answer: Primary access to the construction site will be from Fairway Road, Construction is expected to take 5 months, nths, Due to the •a . small nature of the job, moderate construction traffic is • `• expected for short durations of time, Traffic should be of no 'P more impact than that of a small residence construction. Question 5: Will site drainage be impacted in relation to Fairway rload? x rM �• fir, Answer: Site drainage impact should be minimal, if any, • At the conclusion of the meeting an overview of the topics discussed was given to offer a final response from the attendees, No serious objections to the proposal were expressed, Meeting Closed : 7:00 PM 0 '''Y .'1 O t,. t• page 2 _ • 4 I • I INklaW ,ma y! 4 , �Z� i 1 "P led' • l�`�'© ,..,',::::,:::::::::, ::::, 0 „ .. , ..,..,.,..17,. ._.4 . .. .., : . .. x\).. :, ,:. . 4 I ,\7 . . 4.5-i . . , . . . :;:,i,..,, .. ..:11,.: , . . ,i ,..,.: ,. /' 0 EXISTING PART' AREA '''r e)41 \\‘'SH. ' t ". . '*4"1.44'‘' ' .(,. , ' ' . 11 ,,,11 7. ...4''':01%'\ • .. .. etilf ENS CKER ,E P Y_ xi. � ', 6AP. WO S.F'. 1° I ��j� ,'/' r • Air 0 ., . SWAY f&i pi* ,4/0t.rA)l CLUBHOUSE ,.,/ ,%. ;tIlr c • i • '• • •• $ ' %O.' .. . )‘..1 e\AI ...c)Reicts. ic:4=24.)p .. \ 4IXED t. I !/ ANSIsI'°,, � 1599�! S.F. FOOT PRINT .' ��-�• a• .2-1"/ 7 5 0 5. 1. rr � E' X19'T'G� �11� ! r1F' ' ' .. • . v.. -... ,__EN-A.1 ..#70A 4\tc, i rAillf ., „,„. ....,,, .......„..-- II.....er,:r• . • A":: 4; F''�7 \' .� XISTING • Ii1tlr ' �'' ► 4*****%. '''''%-... ,.,- --'/ * 11-:,.^. - ;:::*'•: ..-,....., ' .....„.4.,i , :,... ,,o . 1. . . • • - ... , _____ • • • • .. ..... • ; X15TING R 51DENCES � �• �J . .. . )4(.4 .- .--1 i'N 'if,• .. \` 0 2 5 7 () ' 5 50 �: ❑ EXISTING; CONSTRUCTION ` El NEW CONSTrwcTIO . STORM DRAINAGEa . + a PLAN EXHIBIT '2., '•1i} • r ',y {6 , J • i' t r t j. � . . ,r . . ,,,,,,• , .. . ...: . . f...., ,..":. .,...:.. .. , . r • h `I S; TI—HOM PSCO�•! (plannn'ili`c`2,..',.e.e,„pc7:sole..7), • .':..,' � ` i/AI�/ODA &� ASSOCIATES r� C r� ���1. { ARCHITECTS AIA ° OCT 2 3 1992 October 20, 1992 r. . r Z Ms. Elizabeth Jacob, Associate Planner r a '• :. t , City of Lake Oswego Lake Oswego, Oregon a.: RE; Oswego Lake Country Club PR #39-92 a. Dear Ms. Jacob: r d In response to your letter concerning Andy Harris'Development Review comments dated S 16, 1992 (attached) and, following subsequent phone conversations with Mr, Harris we offer,tee r'Y following: 1, The existing application does contain Information meeting the planning criteria for • conveyance of storm drainage. 2, The applicant will provide surface water quality facilities for the new additions to the existing • building, The form of these facilities will be an engineered infiltration system located adjac4nt to the existing lower parking lot, This system will Intercept the existing storm drain M ,` line from the west side of the building, treat the run-off, and convey the water through existing piping to the south, This system shall be designed and Installed per the City of Lake Oswego water quality"handback" requirements. 3. Design of this infiltration system will become a requirement of the construction documents to be submitted for building permit. I hope this Information helps to expedite the review process. If you have any y questions or require further information, please contact me. Sincerely, �/ f42 +i Gregory S. Mitchell Thompson Vaivoda & Associates Architects, AIA cc: Bob Thompson ,Thompson Vaivoda & Associates t. Tom Strader, Oswego Lake Country Club '' EXHIBIT I IS itl K1):r--"C•t 1010 SOUTHWCSr CI tVENTH • PORTLAND,OREGON 97205'PHONE; (503) 220.0660.FAX: (503) 225-0803 ttOgttt L riIOMI'St)tV•Gt)WAI{t�YAIYC7t)A.►R a UAVIU P.GtLi 5 MARC A.1A AUIE•CiREUOt2Y 1.MILLER.KUI2� 'it.SC Iiuir t . • F . 41 ' If f , ' { -, 4 , fir. . 1 4 J 1 STAFF REPORT , OF „} .::. . .. .�.,,• CITY OF LAKE .... . A. , ,. , ,,.., .1 ... ..,.,..,..; PLANNING DIVISION- - 1 APPLICANT: FILE NO ,: f `, Lewis Moller/ACE I Inc. PD 2-90(Mod. 10-92) PROPERTY OWNFra• STAFF: . L Sando Seuito Barbara Smolak LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i? .DEBFPQI3T: Tax Lots 5300&5400 of November 6, 1992 Tax Map 2 1E 4CA LOCATION: DAT3 OF HEARIN.CI: `" November 16, 1992 South of Country Club Road and east of Dolph Court(1620 Country Club Road) NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: ; . .' • COMP,PLAN DESIGNATION: Springbrook Park R-10 p' ZONING DESIGNATION: A ' R-10 -,�.. 1. " I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting an extension of approval for a 4-lot single family planned development. IL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Oswego Zoning Ordinance: LOC 48.195 48.225 R-1.0 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area, lot , coverage) b B. City of Lake Oswego Development Code: r ;w. LOC 49,090 Applicability of Development Standards be LOC 49,145 Major Development : ° ,''�, LOC 49,215 Authority of City Manager PD 2-90(Mod. 10-92) Page 1 of 4 4 :"y , ♦ 1 0 M F4�r = YI i' ,it4;" 11 ♦ lt' LOC 49.300 Major Development Procedures 7 • LOC 49.330 A`. LOC 49.630 Preparation&Submittal of Final Plan or Plat ' Criteria for Approval • C. City of akc t7c1■rvn np..ei,. ' '' 11.00S- 11,040 0. Drainage Standard for Major Development { 14.005- 14.040 Utility Standard D. CitV of :�kr n�,,.aRn u_:,._ A__ __ i i' PD 2-90-4 Lot Planned Development One Year Extension of Approval Granted(LOC 49,330) I •t A. 1s> und,. Approval of PD 2-90 was granted by the Board on June 13, 1990(Findings signed Jul y I, I 16, 1990, Exhibit 5), Per LOC 49.330, the applicant had one year from the date of the • order to submit a final plat. The applicant was unable to meet this deadline; and therefore requested and was granted a one year extension as allowed by LOC 49.330. Due to complications regarding the final landscape plan and the terms contact of a the project was stalled until July 1992. At this point the applicant nt found thatatch previously arranged financing was no longer available. the 1 ) The applicant is now requesting another extension for the previously approved PD 2-90, In accordance with LOC 49.330 this request for extension must be submitted to the • hearing body for review. The Board is required to review the proposal against curren _ Codes and policies to insure that the proposal continues to comply with the applicable0criteria. pp , B. �m_olia_ n1th Criter;:a fnr A rov _ As per LOC 49.615, the Development Review Board must consider the fol '• when evaluating minor development, lowi ng criteria 1. The burden of proof in all cases is upon the applicant pP seeking approval. ` - The applicant has borne the burden of proof through submittal of docum s exhibits, accompanying this report, eats marked as , 2. For any development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal conforms to: a. The City's Comprehensive Plan 1 Applicable policy groups are: ;f,, µ i, The Comprehensive Plan concerns have already been addressed as part of the f N development review approval for PD 2-90 which was approved by the Development Review Board on June 13, 1990, Nothing in this extension request affects com " with the Plan policies. No new Plan policies have been adopted which area 1p ablCe pp e to the request. PD 2- 10-92) c 0(Mod, Pageof 4 , .n 1, Y • , 4� Y ` tL t `! yM• ! ••s'� { x 1 �i .u'\J d f A r 1 .,`, J . yy� t , k '' t 4c nl1 . r {fit O ' ,• I b. The applicable statutory and Code requirements and regulations. • The site is zoned R-10 which requires a minimum lot area of 10,000 s • unit; required minimum lot width at the building line is 65 ft.; required minimum lotirng depth is 100 ft. eq t %,, , �r r , • The minimum lot alto.and dimension requirements are met by this proposal. Since the ,:: t.tK � 7; u approval of this project in June of 1990, the setback and lot coverage re R-10 zone have changed. However, sice this project was approved pnorl o these in the : , changes and in accordance with the Planned Development OverlayL • recommending that the previous R-10 setback and lot coverage requirements ibadhered " . to by this proposal. PD 2-90 met all of the zoning requirements at the time of the original approval and is therefore in compliance with the Zoning Code. 4 •.ti.� • c. The applicable Development Standards All the Development Standards have already been addressed as part o development approval in the staff report of May 25, 1990. The Development Standards applicable to this extension request are addressed below: , + Dra ltanclard for lajo kyrdonment f 1 4 The drainage standards for approval have been addressed and conditions of were included in the original staff report. The water quality standard is beinapproval me by1 q:, providing a pollution control manhole and biofiltration in the vegetated new stream channel. t A Since the approval of this project, the Oregon DEQ has developed strict phosphorus ` k a removal standards. However, the DEQ standards for phosphorous removal do not to this development because the application was submitted prior to July 1, 1990. apply Phosphorous removal is being provided, but the DEQ standards are not a licable application as determined by the City's Engineering staff(Exhibit 6). pp in this IJt lity ndard (1 14 0 0) The applicant proposed and received approval to serve the development with a 28 ft,' 1• wide public street ending in a cul-de-sac. � During its review of the extension request the Engineering staff recommended that the applicant build a private street and request a variance to the Access Standard of the Development Code. This original concern, together with a new Council policy requiring � rural street sections (where possible) has prompted the current review of the applicant's ` street design. However, the applicant submitted construction plans which reflect the original • ' ,decision. • These plans have been on file with the City Engineer. For these masons, staff is recommending that the public street requirement stand, The applicant has also stated that a considerable time and expense has already been spent in order to meet the p public street et requirements(Exhibit 7). Sr. • 1 ;•'� PD ' 2-90(Mod, 10-92) . . Page3of4 , . •. • , 1 .a1� • f s ;t i 1 ti + i . •` The applicant shall submit a signed casement from the property owner at 1590 Country Club Road permitting slope stabilization, stream relocation,ponding and landscape ,. vegetation activities. This easement agreement shall be submitted prior to final t i , construction plans approval by the City Engineer. This will be a condition of approval, ; this extension request is approved by the Board. • `• • d. .i.ny applicable future streets plan or ODPS ' There are no suc►plans which affect this site. C. C onclos. "• ' Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant, staff concludes that the request for an extension for PD 2-90 complies with all applicable criteria. III. RECOMMENDATION: 9 Staff recommends approval of PD 2-90(Mod. 10-92), subject to all the conditions in the ` AI; original Findings, Conclusions and Order(Exhibit 5) along with the following additional V} condition: • < Prior to Final Constructioallans Approval: 1. The applicant shall submit a signed easement from the property owner at 1590 Country i Club Road permitting slope stabilization, stream relocation, ponding and landscape '' ''-I: vegetation activities. The City Engineer will provide the applicant with the appropriate easement form. EXHIBITS d 11 1, Tax Map 2, Applicant's Narrative ` - 3. Site Plan 4. Previous Staff Report PD 2-90,dated May 25, 1990 5, Findings, Conclusions and Order for PD 2-90 • + 6. Memo from Andy Harris,Engineering Staff,dated October 26, 1992 7. Letter from Lewis Moller, Ace Development I,dated November 2, 1992 ,,r 8. Preliminary Plan (Too large to reproduce, on file) w ' :. b i 6 Y ,W d .N ..,i 1 r r` 9 PD 2-90(Mod. 10-92) Page 4 of 4 y. ', �� r' "�• t: ., Y N ifs + A l , • , ) k v+ ,k ,,1 1' C 1 '1 r + If + , T • ♦ / Y ` ', Y 1 ', ^ r ff• ,f.. 8 . 1 nt�:a; r:•- r i ii a 71 Y ii f c = jy3F1 �w 1.. 1 =S ; +t i N ` f,' r,,� SITE 8 au � - �x �� I 8 a(c • f C •1♦ N. fl t , oral III ,Y W U Y• .,c X d Fy t r• FI U •.. ♦ �' + 1 [E �I 1 J fv • O a wr 1, J 111 1 sr+ 'I Y i y 1 J '.• ••.. 1C t i o hi If.0 all alsnrinl 11/ Pa..me • '. s i ;♦ d ,ir•+ R �• ' 41411 ,�/!,..1.,� M.N. /17+ 19���., J � „ � + .11 • ♦ • 1 u Z ' + ° ;� ' �• j7 `I .' ¢,/O I�goJ {' + ~` .:�•'J 1 f . J. 11 • d J J '"—.• i lifl0a •.000M938I � \ /6 n - -o 1 ` ' y �`S + $ 7V ilg ,1. ,`• `. •♦ %, N.'''''''''‘...Nits • ♦• a = J f f` .�. o.+. Q J =• • ; t•. .9 • f =D. •i}••9t ^1:- . 4 8\1 .4. , au „ d 1 k i9 M is .t. N. it ,,.�` $ H/r•1 _ 1U. e v' y •000m $i! .4. ,..." i 1 ti u s .., _W:, !.,1 1•%. tit1 ri1 s ; 1 +\ , P , I I ( �1 / I: • S •0 I 1 �, r O 4 j 1 I . • �n j_,tr1. •r r P •,. f.er•t I g. f • Gov-. • $ I • ,•� i • t .� Jm 8, '(.0 i s g} A s ' . • Y 91. t N to, 4. VJ !, i ,I ti si) \ " I , •�Tfli i O • 1.1*10 • c4 O ___ _ EXHIBIT (-4 »_. Cr..... lu. u•, . , 'P.D ,?-q D e r. N 1 , i r TAX MAP 1 `.4;, 7. f 1" .f^ l + 6 e Bridge Court P.D.2-90 Project History Bridge Court is a four lot planned development located at 1602 Country Club Rd. in Lake 5' 1 : Oswego. The 1.72 acre parcel is zoned R 10(.ix lots)and lies within the Forest Hills Plait. In June of • , ' ;,• • 1991 the Development Review Board approved the initial application By ACE Partners now known as ACE l Inc. This original application proposed relocating a displaced stream to its original channel to create two lots that would border Oswego Lake Country Club and two lots fronting Country Club Rd. ' r; This design solved a severe erosion problem caused by the placement of fill dirt on the property by various government agencies including the City of Lake Oswego. The plan also provided for extensive re- , , ' vegitation of the newt stream corridor and replacement of numerous dead or dying tress surrounding the i property.` f • t, The approval(See Attached)was conditioned upon ACE obtaining approval from the Oregon Division of State Lands and the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers for the relocation of the stream. The State ,,, .\:. ....• . " :, Lands permit was obtained in October of 90 and the Army Corps permit was finalized in January of 91. ,`;; ACE then submitted construction plans for review in March of )t, Numerous revisions and additions were made throughout the summer but the negotiations were suspended at the end of September. Negotiations resumed in May of 92 with hopes of beginning construction in June. Further complications regarding the final landscape plan.and the terms of a maintenance contract stalled the project until July when ACE found that the previously arranged financing was no longer available, m, . , This request for an extension of approval of P.D. 2-90 is made with the expectation that hconstruction will start in March of 93 or sooner weather permitting. The request is to extend the approval io October of 93 to allow for a complete construction season. it • New Des elopment Standards ill, ' .�' Upon review of the previous approval ACE is confident that the proposed development still of. meets all codes and standards. The new water quality standard is addressed with installation of a t, pollution control manhole for the street run off and the cissipation of the flow from this manhole down a stair stepped grass and fern lined bank leading to the relocated stream. In addition the design calls for the creation ot'a down stream pond to retain excess nunotf and provide a setting area. • Status of Construction Plans The eighteen months of negotiations between the applicants engineer and city staff have resolved all preconstructlon requirentetits,except the landscape maintenance agreement which teas submitted with this application, For specific information regarding other development code issues please refer to the attached staff report or D1R13 findings, • 1 " r.', , ; �,i EXHIBIT ` o ? d0 . ... `s Y , r t r S 44 r t, L i la ' yy i , l'.•1 I •4,i1 Ion fr l ,i 7 `t p » fF +l 1 '' ' i$ rfot' ct o f=anti{hojizat`io i b " I tispicuously i splaye at :th'e.s to 7t w[ 4 ` United States Arm Corps+ t Yof Engineers January 30, 19 91 •} , •'1 A permit to place fill naterial and realign an abandoned channel. t � t�t I' T• I i =o, Oregon 97034. } has been issuer' to A.C.E. Partners organ. 30, 1 9 91 Address of FJermittee P.O. ]3ox 2158, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 v .� aj Permit Number 5 071-oYA-4-009149 1 r Die Commander 'Pee Ch: ' . Cowan t r ; Colonel, Corps of Engineers ENG FORM 4336 + Jul Si '33 CFR 320•3301 EDITION OF JUL 70 MAY BE USEC/ ul=. (id,i1 U^ 'proponent CECW O. e� •Mv M, r.• 4 • 1 y, 4 ) t ly 4 A ►, y. ,, • • I ,n i J -i v t • d. r r,. 4 • t t t r 4 t I d7: S,� t I' ' ;',�� - ' ll"`; J DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY gyp �; PORTLAND DISTRICT,CORPS OP' ENGINEERS P,O.BOX 2946 \��� Ve .r PORTLAN0,OREGON fl7N1q•Ti4q • n;Q �s • Reply to +�.,,:t,�" Attention of: January 30, 1991 '.• Planning and Engineering Division »r .t ti L' t f �:1 SUB r,-:i SUBJECT: Permit � No. 009149 w .. • I � ` ,� y' A.C.E. Partners s P.O. Box 2158 " Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 (,• r tl } Gentlemen: Enclosed are Your fully executed Department of the Army notice of authorization which must beposted t ' ,,..:`:, .• y •+ the work sitm®rmit and a 'a. Please carefully read the have a contractor and/or agent, permit and its conditions. In ndditior;, if you ensureave t Jle work is g , please review these conditions with them to be aware that other authorizationsin rformed accordance fromFedera� with the permit terms. Also ; may be required by law. If the work is not completedepriorltoathe permiternments expiration date, you mayapplya for a time extension at least 90odaystbeforeime tthein• We recommend date you apply permit. expiration date of th® If you have any questions, please contact me at the above address or telephone (503) 326-6995. Sincerely, n •f A J�//r�/J� • By K. B . ship Chief,, Peri and Environmental Planning Section Enclosures • F I.' YI ' U ••y • • • Y Yt t , y Y r F r �y.t• •t. ` ' •° d•.{ 1 , ae a'. 'iJ 7•a , ''' •r .t: 12 .,-,t � s .'r ` a s. r' • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: A.C.E. PARTNERS Permit No: 071-OYA-4-009149 r Issuing Office: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND DISTRICT ' ,.,• • NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, us used in this permit, means the permitter or any future transferee, 'I•he term •'ih.� '. office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activii' ter the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. s, You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below, Project Description: Realignment of an unnamed tributary to Tyron creek located at 1602 SW. Country Club Road, Lake C)swcco, Oregon, to its original channel and theplacement of 1,800 cubicyards of fill in the abandoned channel, All work is to be completer!gp us indicated on attached drawings labeled "009149 (Lake Oswego Stream Realignment)" and as indicated in applicants' applicatam package as revised Decemh!r 13, 1990, and as in the attached Special Conditions. Purpose: To construct a small, viable upscale residential development adjoining a regulation gall course within the City of Lake , Oswego, Oregon. `v Draw lags: Five sheets marked 009149 (Lake Oswego - Stream Realignment). Fe • Project Location: Unnamed stream at 1602 SW. County Club Road, Lake Oswego, Clackamas County, Oregon 97034. •l, ;, r ti`' Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on January 31, 1994. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity,submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the nh,nc date is reached, ^ You must maintain the activity authorized by this pe'mit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and condition.,•t this permit. You are not relieved of this required if you abandon the permitted activity,although you may make a good faith iran+ic to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or sh,tal.i " you 0"slre to abandon it without a good laith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which IN,: require restoration of the area. 3, if you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit y' you must Immediately notify this Office of what you have found. We wilt initiate the Federal and state coordination required to • ,'*., " determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places ENO FORM 1721, Nov 86 (33 C r �" ,tCM325(fi(.pcndic:1�, ,, 4 lwt?I. ' , " 4 r �' ,.,**1 ',1 f, i ` I ." 1 • r J F t f t r 1 :s t r Y. Permittee: A.C.E. PARTNER4 Permit No: 071�OYA-4.r -00910A9 * ` 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signa^ure of the new owner in the d forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. h space provided and t ;t • S. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project,you must comply With the conditions specified + • j '/• certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience • ' y ti conditions, , a copy of the certification is attached if It cgntninsircuch • .k 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that . ' s it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit, Special Conditions: See page 2a ti F i 1 I r: • !r r t Further Information: 1, Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the1 < ae the activity described above to: () Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors act of 1899 (33 U,S,C. 403), (X) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C, 1344), f () Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C, 1413 2. Limits of this authorization. }: r, a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorizations required q by law, b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges, c, This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights others. M d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability, In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liabilityfor the • f" t I a, Damages to ti, permitted project or uses therefore as a result of other permittedor unp rmitted activities or from inatural . s,, :°„ causes, r ,a ^ b. Damages to the permitted project or uses therefore as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of } the United States in the public interest. c, Damages to persons, structures caused property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities Or by this permit, by the activity authorized d, Designed or construction deficiencies with the permitted work, 1 ,1 ., « : r r A $ f ;y + t P . o • • ' t' a,' ."• o !• 1 . " ,. • 1 S • ti,•.. r••, f . ,. . . ,.. y .. , r .,. . a ul • •i • J 1 1, 1 1 Permittee: A.C.B. PARTNERS • Permit No; 071.OYA-4.009149 Special Conditions a. through o. 4 i t a. This permit authorizes the placement of 1,800 cubic yards of fill material in an unnamed tributary to Tyron Creek at I602 ` , SW. Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, Clackamas County, Oregon. • b. The new channel shall be constructed with all features in place prior to the channel diversion and subsequent filling of the existing channel, - c. All work shall be done so as to minimize turbidity increases in the water that would degrade water quality and damage aquatic life. .'i d. All erosion abatement methods and requirements as identified by the City of Lake Oswego in PD 2.90.789, Page 7, Item ` t 11, shall be fully implemented and managed to limit or eliminate stream channel, stream bank or bank surface soil erosion. e. All construction spoils, waste and debris shall be removed from the stream channel to an upland location and managed in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of their reentry into the waterway. f. All piling and lumber treated with.creosote or other protective material shall be completely dry before use in or near the waterway. •g, Care shall be taken to prevent any petroleum products, chemicals, or other deleterious materials from entering the water, h, No work within the active flowing stream shall occur between October 1 and June 1, I. The old, abandoned stream channel shall be completely blocked with an impervious material and the stream channel closure protected by Suitable bank protection methods, ` • j.All bank riprap shall be composed of clean,durable rock. No broken concrete,asphalt or other,similar material shall be used, • k. Slope of riprap, bank or excavation shall be no steeper than 1.5 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, 1. All plantings as described on revised sheet 7 of 7 of Attachment 2 shall obtain a successful establishment rate of at least 80% ".1 *' of each species planted for a period not less than three years. All vegetation planted in association with the construction of the new n ° •stream channel and wetlands area shall be allowed to establish a natural character, Once established, the natural character of the plantings shall be maintained for the primary benefit of wildlife habitat. m, The applicants, their successors or assigns shall, on the anniversary date each year of the completion of the project and for s- n period of three years from the completion date of the project, submit to the Portland District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory staff a report of the success of the plantings which shalt list each species planted, number originally planted and existing numbers along with two (2)sets of current panoramic photographs. One panorama shall display the western portion of the site from the west center edge of the private bridge and the other panorama shall display the eastern portion of the site from the east center i •' edge of the private bridge, Should any plant species fall to achieve an 80% survivability rate, lho report shall indicate what actions are to be taken to replace the plant materials. h 1 n, An overflow channel parallel to the proposed stream realignment channel and additional wetlands shall be constructed as indicated on revised sheet 7 of 7, New wetland areas shall be constructed at a minimal slope of 6:1, ' a ` v• o, 'You must take the actions required to record this permit with the Registrar of Deeds or other appropriate officials charged t with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to or interest in real property. • t, 2a ,• Or n ,1. `' Permittee: A.C.E. PARTNERS :. •" `'-•;',. 0 ' ' '' ..„`, • Permit No: 071.OYA-4•009149 �� N x " e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest '.. ^ was made in reliance on the information you provided, 5, Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on ttas permit at any time the circumstnncctl warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following; , .'V a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate • •. (See 4 above,). .` e r"•. t R ' c, Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision, Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension,modification,and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326,4 and 326.5. The referenced r enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions , of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ` ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209,170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6, Extensions, General condition I establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit, Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion o(the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to request for an extension of this time limit, �." Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, 0 , ;` • I .' A . C6 . i ti-.2.S'- 9 / . „; MITTEE) (DATE) ' This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. • ' y�,,� January 30 1991 •• • D T ENR) (DATE) Charles E. Cowl Cclonoi, Corps of Engineers ` , Cor�nmmdina ' When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is tra' ,:erred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property, To validate the transfer of this permit and `'., the associated liabilities associated with compliance with Its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. • • (TRANSFEREE) (DATE.) .._. r;. di' r 3 t .I 4: t r AVM u 1 ,t'. ,,. • y- , i k.J s 7° •r •I. c ti-. 4. ., r , ti • ..'• • • y A 1 t 4. is r ,......... ...i.."0u •U*4I l A1uurl. . •e . 81I111dlILJ r . 1 i NEI/4 SWI/4 SEC.a 72S R,IE. W.M. 2 IE 4CA • • CLACKAMAS COUNTY LAKE OSMC00 1 , t .t • �ry JOOIAN PIAANKLIN Ne +` O",....'1.$ '_ !` 444 , , t\ I{� J*0 1 . �� .�� .���._ , / W.. rf�.. ..V" ; '$"'al I1�,� ►YM �tIM MIHIbywNAw.•9+ap.I I WI Co • c 1 i44.1.6"'w M f+aM.N M••..vNMM,M �•� '4� 7.R r IwaiwimMoiw. t•ry n.,4.1A,.,,f f,.•••44 wr. titAb -nr • p t .+ .o MAMA ' . tt, Mr •,. ICAtf CWN r • 010 WO I t f 7— t • !.1•.• rr.. ANUIHEpe01171LS1 p 0i1[R I + !�, • I�"y OM M' 1 SfRYICE Di IoEu1v N41lONu mu A ik • • ,:i ;L 0 ° to" ,, 7 1 .r 1t / .f. +� •r rela. 44 L s... < ` 1 .... s ... b o • e r 1 •..yam F ,, I• 'Qq• r..t' .....••.. '. �a .a. • ~ 14•00 n •DiAto to ., ''.,s.: r - ram '� • r J .1 i 1 kritiy rr•.'. .A'�• r i•tw. % 4. +tooi Oh 11.11 . w i may. ( ♦., �.'�' R�8� '� 111100 1 ... / -1 `�V 1 • 1 O • ' • ���,� I'Iv. Rv J ' II • /Ifs t M "� +'v 'i.., uw.IaA •••NN~ ".,.. .. 'A ..... 4 .. �� z �•. i i 1 I ;; ` •h41 . ••4• 1• �: 'ROAD w.1C•mom,, RQ. 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('' I G i ', C > Rc>r1� d / F /,/ r. .�- A . ... tA to:petit, V, /1, 41 At e,,,,.1-,t k le ti; (•:"::::-%• . 4 ---....-• (4.\': j)/ , 1 .v- -t c. 'cr;) 4- 4 . •,. i.....(. k .);‘..s .*.Z.. \ \ ..% e) ...*$ (11)6 " 1...: 1 , .. •, . '1/4 (41/41‘ •• , . ,,,,t..._ •a )\ tr...,:-„J.... _ `` I cr Ec) ( a x,,. 1 1 2 .• ,r l r'1 y , r/'+ 'p.,,,.' 1 0...0 r'.' 5 of 5 SU Vf'i 1Ir`rA 4. 41- q ., ;° r p Division of State Lands Permit No. 5744 775 Summer Street NE Permit Type Removal/n-11 Salem, OR 97310 Waterway Unnamed Stream Phone: 378-3059 County Clackamas County 378-3805 Expiration Uate October` 1 /, I1T9'I PN 009149 r • A.C.E. PARTNERS IS AUTHORIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 196.800 TO 196.990 TO PERFORM THE OPERATIONS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED COPY OF THE APPLICATf 1 SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS 11STED ON AI ACHMENI A AND TO 1TlE FOLLOWING GE 1 . This permit does not authorize trespass on the lands of others. The permit holder shall obtain all necessary access permits or rights-of-way before entering lands owned by another. Y 2. This permit does not authorize any work that is not in compliance with local ., • zoning or other local , state, or federal regulation pertaining to the operations authorized by this permit. The permit holder is responsible for obtaining the necessary approvals and permits before proceeding under this permit. 3. All work done under this permit must comply with Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340; Standards of Quality for Public Waters of Oregon. Specific water quality provisions for this project are set forth on Attachment A. 4. Violations of the terms and conditions of this permit are subject to . , • administrative and/or legal action which may result in revocation of the permit or damages. The permit holder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators involved in work done at the site or under this 4 permit. 5. A copy of the permit shall be available at the work site whenever operations authorized by the permit are being conducted. 6. Employees of the Division of State Lands and all duly authorized representatives of the Director shall be permitted access to the project area at all reasonable ` times for the purpose of inspecting work performed under this permit. 1 ' ', Y ' 7. Any permit holder who objects to the conditions of this permit may request a �`�: hearing from the Director, in writing, within 10 days of the date this permit was issued. • . NOTICE: If removal is from state-owned submerged and submersible land, the applicant x� ,'` mu'st`comply with leasing and royalty provisions of ORS 274.530. If the project involves creation of new lands by filling on state-owned submerged or submersiEe �L lands, you must comply with ORS 274.905 - 274.940. This permit does not relien the , � °' permittee of an obligation to secure appropriate leases from the Division of State 4` Lands, to conduct activities on state-owned submerged or submersible lands. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in civil or criminal liability. For more information about these requirements, please contact the Division of State Lands, Waterway Leasing Office, 378-3805. "` Martha Pagel , Director Oregon uivision of State Lands . '�`� October 17, 1990 u orr gnatur �tl3 Date Issued • , '" ° fit. F,+ r z ATTACHMENT A ' ••• .• ., • 0 Special Conditions for Material Removal/Fill Pe rmit No. 5744 1 . This permit authorizes the removal of u and the placement of up to 3,600 cubic yards of riprap cubic yards of material RIE (local unnamed stream) for creation of a new Ka ins Section 4, In the attached permit application, map and drawings.channel as outlined in 2• Work in the waterway shall be done so as to in the water that would degrade water qualtyiandida turbidity Increases • • Turbidity shall not lOw above natural as allowed by OAR 3 exceeddamage aquatic life. :f :. stream turbidities, except 3. Care shall be taken to prevent any petroleum ' other deleterious materials from enerinepducts, chemicals, or " water. 4• Waste materials and spoils shall be placed above any wetland areas unless otherwise utilized inthehproject.ne and not in '�A7 e flo 5• There shall be no operation of equipment in the activ flo wing stream between October 1 and June 1 . 6. At the project's completion, the stream shal '. described on the application.*, . 0 1 be placed in the channel 7• A new channel may be constructed under these conditions: ons: a. There shall be no operation of equipment in the ac stream except to connect the newly dug channel into tiVflowingxis stream. the e existing b. The new channel shall be completely excavated stream flow, before diverting the ar � c. The old channel shall be permanently blocked with material protected by suitable bank protection, impervious d. Spoils from the excavation of the new channel and after the diversion has been accomplished,sthel be stockpiled; '!, ,. used to fill the abandoned channel , material may be 8. Only clean, erosion resistant rock from an upland riprap. No broken concrete or asphalt shall be shall be used as � . ` 9„ Areas of streambank disturbance not covered byed• planted with grass and/or legumes, and native shrubs riprap shall treesbe seeded or specified on modified Sheet 7 of 7• and as • + � w vegetation shall be allowed to establish a natural character with Following planting of the area, the maintenance. The criteria for success shall be 80% s minimal areas for a period of three years. survival of planted 10. Removal of existing woody vegetation shall be minimal . , , page one - • 4 - . w I Y 11 � I+' \ y • r 1 • Attachment A • • RF 5744 Page two • 11 . An overflow channel shall be constructed parallel to the new channel (see • • modified Sheet 7 of 7), new wetland areas shall be excavated near the stream channels at a minimal slope of 6:1 . `'`• 12. This permit is conditional upon obtaining the proper approvals from the City of Lake Oswego. r . 13. The Division of State Lands retains the authority to temporarily halt or modify the project In case of excessive turbidity or damage to natural resources. • October 17, 1990 3443p r ,f. • • • f w q - , • • • • • • 41) ,r. r Y ry: 'i V r l • r � A F'•'`1y. 7 ". •..', v 111 N17�-- �It.alvD Jglr _ M r[.I N la h/lta I.IDI -.. w ' �LI :....-.'"i. ' 11• �'vJiII 11. _� Y ll - (V. 0• • v �s' _s .IJIlt ��' YiY • ,jI[III�Ma I/Y {. rl Ix�Y 1 _,,° ..�011l htrr• ry1Iw r. 1IIr1 hVl f la I �,Karl" t � • [—:11.•;;Y4 1 rlr 1�f I 1 1NxUICI —I ,�� ( I= 11`I 4 o r t !I I I MS • -Li I.WI I I u I I `�l W,rl• ` I I AxM 1 I I I a T II I A t..r. tan ullt r.N '�l i I N'rlw TYPICAL roAo I I; I �It- '0riJH11,' PUe�1C St I „,i__ T. . !•/q JqY I too• I I ..,4LI1 l�� I i 14e"1.tart /Vp♦' 11 II VIl x / I I B tl t �iI1M�.I _v I ‘ 4,1. I • dal ry l! 114"1 DlituNl ,„�.� 41 .. /i14Y 1 I '' Nau - k. .oND „14D,.• WNW L �a •• 111E !'+an %.:wr -' ,7 y Ylx u1t_ r R 1� r; 1 , I. 1 I I I , � • r ' LOP , I, I I - ....� • EU • I IMIa11NIN_� IVYq awa I I -� II Vila/1 • INlll ,� CI) • . ` - 1 .•.Iv,I ! .•_.. � •._ , ....„...., .. . ..,..,t. .CMPASS CORPORA}ON SITE UTILITIES p U ,FF A+utM�u iNi Ace rAnilne .,, tAM `rM,tewocwttCla40.oyooN nwI r1ah[ HLµy 6tfiq tlrty uplpUtlo+ ..• ................... •. ,I M k� 1r' wr.t Para,=41 I.Y 1/ItlCT16N 1,t f tl,h,ttl,W AI us II 41 1%ACdMAy COUxh. • • OAIOON f _ ; . . . , . - I , , • •t t III)rr. . . 41) . . . . . : . , . * . . • • • ' STAFF REPORT . • .. ... . .. ,.. 0 CITY OF L ..„4 , . s. . i.,iit,,, . . . I(E oswEG0 . . -----LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION----- APPLICANT: FILE NO.: ' N ACE Partners PD 2-90 PROPERTY OWNF STAFF: Sand Scuito Catherine Clark ` LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF REPORT: Tax Lot 5300&5400 of May 25, 1990 = 7. Tax Map 21E 4CA LOCATION: DATEE OF HEARING: South of Country Club Road and east of Dolph June 4, 1990 Court(16520 Country Club Road) I EIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: COMP.PLAN DESIGNATION: Springbrook Park •,, 1 A R-10 ZONING DESIGNATION: Ir R-10 I. A PL,LCANT''S REQUEST h The applicant is requesting approval for a 4—lot planned development. II. APPLICABLE REGUT,f,)NS A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: Impact Management Policies General Policy I, II,III Urban Service Boundary Policies r EXHIBIT General Policy III, Specific Policy 4 Q` PotentialLandslide Area Policies � l° General Policy II,III, IV 'P2 a-q p Potential Erosion Area Policies '', General Policy II, III, IV • . b,- w . . PD 2-90 Page 1 of 14 1 ti 61 . // 1 4 1 f Energy Conservation Policies ��. General Policy II0 . , . Stream Corridor Policies General.Policy I,II,III I. Protection Open Space Policies General Policy I,II r,v , ,. FP Bikeway Policies General Policy II I.. Pedestrian Pathway Policies General Policy U r Transportation Policies • General Policy I,III ' B. City_Q -ake Oawe 52.,Zonin ` LOC 48.195-48.225 It--10 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area,lot coverage) C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code; r LOC 49.145 Major Development • •• ', • LOC 49.300-49.315 Major Development Procedures ,1' LOC 49.610 Quasi—Judicial Evidentiary Hearing Procedures ' .: LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval D. City of Lake Oswego Development Standath: y. . 3.005 Stream Corridors ` 5.005 Street Lights 6.005 Transit System 7.005 Parking and Loading �;, 8,005 Park and Open Space 9.005 Landscaping, Screening and Buffering ` 11.005 Drainage for Major Development 13,005 Weak Foundation Soils . 14.005 Utilities • Hillside Protection and Erosion Control ,•.r 16.005 .. 18,005 Access 19.005 Site Circulation—Private Streets/Driveways 20.005 Site Circulation—Bikeways and Walkways E. atx.of Lake OswegoOswegalree Cutting Ordinance: LOC 55.080 Criteria for Issuance of Permits PD 2--90 Page 2 of 14 r c i a , •r • �� I+ r ,, , • ,ti9".2,,.... I�' <'s i '� a • w' d` -•; • .\ (;.. , •n ,'.♦ o ' a � Q• , � 'rv_, P. City of i a (1w _-- n A^^_ ' 1 LOC 57.020 �41aG�r�t • ... LOC 57.015 t Applicability LOC 57.025 Design Standard LOC 57.030 Exemptions from Design Standard '! � Adjustments to Design Standard M. A. Rac 2und; 1.1 The applicant is requesting approval of a 4--lot planned development R ' site located at I602 S.W. Country P ne on a 1.72 acre • .' 14,200 sq.ft.;Lot 1 will be 21,0 sq. ft. and Lot 3t will be 15 Pots sq. and 4 will i ; in the R--10 zone. 15,200 ft. The site is 2• The surrounding land uses include; b • �� [ South Country Club Road and single family hor.Aes r The Lake Oswego Country Club Golf Course West Single family homes in the Dolph Place DevelopmentmentEast Single family homes ' • 3. Public services including water, sewer and storm sewer to serve the site. are or can become available , • Access will be from Country Club Road on a new public mad proposed to be called Bridge Court. 4• The existing site has one single family home which may either remain or be demolished. Accessory buildings include a shop and a shed, The 1. moderately steep and drains from north to south into an unnamed stye property is . of the Tryon Creek drainage basin. Them are 41 trees scattered aroundam that is part ( � Those in the interior are mostly apple and cherry trees. Those the site. �e predominantly alder, with two fir around the perimeter . drain detention trees. The existing scream is fed from a stone 'r pond in the Dolph Place development to the west of the site. The • stream runs around the west property perimeter of the site, first running north to south along the p pe ty line and then turning east along the south property Many of the alder Imes along the west propertyP Perry line (Exhibit 4). " • has cut sharply into the hillside. The stream line lean over the stream bed, which ''' slide area in the southeast corner of the site. arks are extremely steep and there is a ' 5. The applicant is proposing a minor realignment of the stream channel run directly west to east across the middle of the site instead r so that it will (See Exhibit 2,A plic s�ead of around P• a s s Narrative), the perimeter The existing stream is a diversion of the historic s e prior to the stream corridor star �� channel which was Filled . severe erosion problem for many years. It is in very Poor condition and has been a s, The applicant proposes to restore the stream to approximately its and will landscape the stream corridor with native riparian vegetation. stream corridor conservation easement is Y °n�� location ' provide open space. Proposed to protect the caek and so wide I. a F PD 2-90 is Page 3 of 14 u . ..r .! \ " Sit •`."::. ::. \•. r A '. S ..Ar ; The stream alignment will include a bridge crossing, two rock weir dams with d r r "o waterfalls and a new detention pond on the property to the east(1590 Country Club , "r ' Road). Since the proposal involves extensive off—site construction, the project ` depends on the provision of an easement from the adjacent property owner to • accomplish the realignment. A , . B. Compliance With Criteria for Approval: As per LOC 49.615,the Development Review Board must consider the following criteria ' when evaluating a planned development request: r + , • 1. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: The following policies of the Comprehensive Plan apply to this application: e., • a. Ire ara,Managgrn nt Policiea •: These policies require protection of natural resources from development, • ,• comprehensive review of development proposals, and payment of an equitable share A ,� " . of the costs of public facilities. These policies are implemented through several Development Standards, addressed further below. The policies require assurance i • that distinctive areas will be preserved, soil will be protected from erosion, trees be ":. protected from removal, streams be preserved and that density be limited to achieve ?, �.:i these results. Compliance with the applicable Development Standards reviewed , below will assure conformance to these Plan policies. Conditions of approval will ' : • A.� be imposed when necessary to assure compliance. , 0b. Urban Service BouXPolicies i e ° These policies require the City to manage and phase urban growth within the Urban0 ,. ;:. Service Boundary, with a logical planned extension of basic services. Specific Policy 4, which is used as a guide in interpreting the meaning of General Policy III, states that new development shall be serviced by an "urban level" of services, including schools. This specific policy also states that these services are to be available or committed prior to approval of development. Exhibit 13 (the City � Council memorandum of December 5, 1989) demonstrates that the current level of • u school planning and coordination between the City and School District satisfy this ', General Policy. The recent passage of the 17 million dollar school levy would »Y•.;: further assure adequate school facilities. • c. Potential Landslide Area Policies • .•., These policies require that land use activity in landslide hazard areas be in accord with the degree of the hazard. The southeast corner of the site has a landslide area r t resulting from stream erosion. This condition is addressed by the Hillside Protection and Erosion Control Development Standard, which will be reviewed later in this report. ' d. Potential Erosion Area.Policies, •' These policies require designation of areas of severe potential for erosion as Protection Open Space, and require erosion control and drainage measures during site planning and construction. Development is subject to the Hillside Protection . and Erosion Control Development is subject to the Hillside Protection and Erosion , PD 2-90 Page 4 of 14 •t i Control Development Standard adopted to implement these Plan policies. The • • ° 5, related development standards are reviewed in this report following the applicable Plan policies. an of analysis y e• Weak Fo �datioa Soils Policies • These policies are intended to a foundation soils. A soils reportprotect development from damage caused by weak to suggest recommended construction is required assess t ss Chosendition of the conditions. site and t policies implemented through the Weak Foundation Soils Development These at \y f. 1 • p ,`. These policies encourage energy conservation through solar onentataor and site planning which takes into account the site's natural fe • atures. These policies are now implemented through the City's Solar Access Ordinance (LOC Chapter 57) which will be reviewed later in this report, irk' g, ,d 1 These policies designate major stream corridors as Protection Open Space. These s; policies allow the City to require dedication of easements in stream corridors as a condition of new development where needed for storm drainage management. These policies also require a determination of a stream corridor buffer zone to protect steep slopes, soil and vegetation from erosion be regulated to protect stream corridors. Setbacks arewGradingi is the above objectives. requiredto achieve the • h. E@Scatimf1an Spade Pnt;.•i i . These policies further protect the natural resources identified in the Natural Resource Policy Element. These policies are implemented through a variety of re a pplilicable Development Standards, These are reviewed for compliance later in this • ' i • . Bikew_ aTn1,c, These policies require development of bikeway segments identified in the Conceptual Pathway Master Plan. These policies are implemented through the Site Circulation—Bikeways and Walkways Development Standard. j. Recica aan_Pathwav Pa lie es. These policies require development of pathway segments identified in the F'd Conceptual Pathway Master Plan. These policies are implemented through the Site Circulation—Bikeways and Walkways Development Standard, • k. Tz lfla,Eall a These policies require that the City require that streets be improved as planned when demand requires. The applicant will be providing all the necessary street improvements needed for this development at thiII 4 s time, 'This issue will be reviewed in more detail later in this report. PD 2-90 ., Page 5 of 14 "' .tit }" ,,. , P } , t A .. k„ '� ' '.l .. . "'' .•:•••.' ‘. : ''''''': :' 1: ''oAll: ' • tt 'Y r ' In y 2. City Of T 'kweQe?nninv�' � nr 'Ln 4 48.195-48.229): a. The dwellin site is zonedre Rui-10d mi which requires a minimum lot area line of 10is,000 sqYreq it.uipered „ 4 " unit;g qrenimum lot width at the building 65 ft.; r �minimum lot depth is 100 ft. Maximum lot coverage allowed in the zone is r 30%. t d The applicant proposes the parcels to be the following sizes: . Area Width Depth . " ' Parcel 1 21,000 sq. ft. 107' 220° ° Parcel 2 14,200 sq. ft. 80' 188' Parcel 3 15,200 sq, ft. 107' 145' • Parcel 4 14,200 sq. ft 80' 187' The minimum lot S ' • area, dimension and coverage requirements are met. b. The zone requires the following minimum setbacks: Front Yard: 20' • Rear Yard: 25 'At f`, Street Side Yard: 20' (along a collector or arterial) Side Yard: 5' minimum, total combined minimum 15' proposed setbacks The propo shown in Exhibit 3 are within the required setbacks. • c. LOC 48.205 requires an analysis of the maximum density allowed in a development. Usingthe formula outlined in LOC 49.315(14), the total number of lots allowed in this development is 6. This is achieved bysubtracting (a the public and private street right--of-way (approximately 0.29) acres) from the gross acreage. The resulting net • developable acerage (1.43 acres) is then divided by the minimum lot area in the R- 10 zone (10,000 square feet) to determine the number of allowable lots in the project. 3. City of Lake Oswego " ,•� g Development Cow. tt y •'. The four proposed lots have a north-south depth of 220', 188', 145' and 187' Y respectively, which exceeds the 90' minimum depth required. The front lot lines are „ + within 30 degrczs of true east-west, as regt.ired. The proposed lots comply with the Solar Access Ordinance. b. Tree Cutting Ordinance (LOC 55,030-55.130) i;- This ordinance requires a Tree Cutting Permit for removal of any trees of 5" or more in diameter. Reasons for allowing tree removal include criteria such as disease, hazard, site improvements and traffic safety. Trees which are to be retained on a ,,,.. . site are regulated by the Landscaping Standard, ,.• • p g which requires that no construction occur within the drip-lines of trees which are to remain [LOC 90.020(4)], • ' PD 2-90 Page 6 of 14 ' '�• n i ,. .h ; V ' 7 40 , • " yam • . v. There are 41 trees shown on the site,6 of which are proposed to be removed to construct improvements. A 9" apple and a 5"pear tree are shown in the middle of ,, v, the new Bridge Court Road,but there is no indication that the trees are to be ,-....• ....... .,i• 0 removed. Also,there are 4 alders in the County Club right-of-way east of the new road which are in the vision clearance area and should be removed. The grading plan should indicate removal of the 9" apple,5"pear, and 4 alders in the Bridge Court and Country Club rights-of-way. The grading plan should also contain a note that all trees which are not to be removed shall be fenced with 6' high chain link fencing prior to grading. The fencing shall be placed under the drip-line of trees "`:'`,'•' remaining. No fill or materials storage shall occur within the drip-lines of these trees. . { A At the building permit stage, additional tree cutting permits must be obtained prior to the removal of any trees which have not been approved for removal on the construction grading plans. ' ,, The proposed planned development is being processed as major development. Other than the applicable Development Standards, there are no other Development Code requirements. 4. Si a Oa e�o�evelop t$.Landatii: • The Building Design Standard does not apply to major development involving .;, single.family detached houses as proposed. The site does not contain any Historic Resources; therefore,these standards are not applicable. No fences are proposed by the applicant. The applicant's narrative and plans illustrate substantial compliance with the applicable standarxs. This report will only address those standards which require additional discussion or where modifications to the applicant's proposal are recommended. Section 3.005-Stream Corridors This standard requires development plans to show the location of the stream corridor boundary or buffer zone. The buffer zone is a minimum of 25' measured from the top of the stream bank. As described in Findings ILA. (4) and (5), the applicant is proposing a minor realignment of the existing stream from the perimeter of the site to the center. Minor realignment of stream channels are allowed under LOC 3.020(4)(c). If constructed properly, the proposal realignment will improve the functioning of the stream corridor with gentler banks, settling ponds and riparian vegetation. Two letters of intent to provide an easement for stream corridor • , ; improvements have been submitted(Exhibits 8 and 9), The actual easement will need to be granted before final plat approval. No development may occur within •• this buffer zone. . There are two concerns regarding the proposed realignment of the steam. The first is that the proposed stream channel will be constructed through an old fill area. It is , .' f important that the proposed stream channel is designed and constructed to be stable in light of the fill, to have the capacity for the 100-year storm, and to have a safe '. ' and natural appearances The second concern is that the landscape restoration is planted properly and that it is a. , • maintained until it becomes established. The stream corridor easement must be • PD 2-90 Page 7 of 14 phi q • • • • js ' + t ui `• - shown on the final plat. Detailed engineering drawings and a final landscape restoration plan will be required for the stream corridor improvements for final •' construction plans. 0 ‘,...* '•' • -,. Section 5.005—Street Lights The typical street light locations are shown on Exhibit 3; however, no specifications have been provided. The applicant will berequired to submit a final street lighting PP � plan along with photometric information prior to approval of final construction plans. Section 6.005—Transit Based on an analysis of Section 6.020(1)(a), the applicant is providing sidewalks on S y both sides of the new street,providing access to Country Club Road where there is a r regular Tri Met bus route. 4 Section 6.020(1)(b)is not applicable since the scale of the project does not warrant a r• paved connection to a bus stop. Section 9.005—Parking and Loading ` Two on—site parking spaces (excluding the garage) can be accommodated on each lot, thus meeting this standard. y.' • Section 8.005—Park and Open Space • • All major residential developments shall provide open space in an aggregate amo • ' equal to at least 20% of their ''gross land area. If land is not provided as open spa e then payment of fees equal to the assessed value of the required open space area is required. The applicant's proposed private conservation easement is shown on Exhibit 3, This area accounts for.34 acres or 20,02% of the required open space. Section 9.005-Landscaping,Screening and Buffering Exhibit 6 illustrates the landscape restoration plan for the stream corridor only. A final plan which includes installation and maintenance methods should be provided. The plan also does not include a plan for street trees on Bridge Court. A final landscape plan should be submitted showing the typical location, size and type of street trees. Each lot should provide for at least two trees where possible. Section 11.005-Drainage for Major Development Exhibits 3 and 4 illustrate the proposed storm water system for this project. Drainage will be to the realigned stream corridor, through a manhole in the street and tight line roof and foundation line (See Applicant's Narrative, Exhibit 2), In l: addition to the stream realig nment, a grassed drainage Swale is proposed in the ,`. F southeast corner, and a new off—site detention pond is proposed just east of the property line. ° 1 The proposed drainage system is adequate in concept. The final design of the drainage system may require modifications to meet the City's design requirement 8 `,' ` • and drainage policies, PD 2-90 Page 8 of 14 • • y, , ,f t r' • t 't ! X. A ✓. Yt , 5 a --* S • _- V '.y _.T 6 t 1 `t. • t ! Section 13.005."Weak Foundation Soils ft T This property is identified as having potential for moderate to severe limitations .- • . • ' because of fill materials placed here in the past. However,the soils report(Exhibit ` 7)concludes that the site is suitable for the proposed development if certain foundation modifications are made and there is adequate compaction. All ' recommendations from the report should be incorporated in to the final construction plans. ' Section 14.005-Utilities • •p. ` °` •' The preliminary utility plans and the applicant's narrative (Exhibits 2 and 3) indicate that adequate water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer facilities are available and can • be extended to service the development. Water An 8 inch water line exists in County Club Road to serve the site. It will need to be '' extended across the road to connect to the proposed fire hydrant on the new street. Individual water services can then be tapped into the line. A construction schedule for installation of the water line should be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer to insure the minimum disruption to Country Club Road traffic. x � ` Sewer There is a 15" sanitary sewer line along Country Club Road. The site is below the . road,so that gravity flow is not possible. The applicant is proposing step systems with pumps to reach the main sewer line. Final sewer service plans should be approved by the City Engineer. Storm Drainage P Drainage will be provided by channeling runoff to the stream on the site, as described in Findings B.2.6., "Drainage Standard". • `;' t Fire Protection A new hydrant is proposed in the new street. It will be a maximum of about 400' to " the furthest parcel. This meets the requirement that hydrants be within 1,000' of the all residential parcels. The new bridge should be designed to be capable of supporting fire fighting equipment. Also, the cul-de-sac should be designed to City ',‘T. - standards and approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal prior to acceptance. v ;`• �; General Utility Requirements Utility easements should be shown on the final plat of adequate width for those lots where public and/or private utilities are to be installed. Where utilities or landscaping will be constructed on side or rear lot lines,provide a note to future property owners that removal or replacement of fences for public access to utilities `^, Y shall be at the homeowner's expense. ',• , , All utility lines are required to be placed underground along with street ', improvements. The final utility plan should conform to all City standards and be ,. PD 2--90 Page 9 of 14 • «~' ' 1•. . t9 t a .4.,'' q I; t *r . • • approval by the City Engineer prior to acceptance. Reciprocal agreements should ' be provided for the four lots for access,lights, utilities and maintenance. , '.: The applicant is proposing to serve the development with 28 foot wide street endi „ in a cul-de-sac. The applicant is } PP proposing a sidewalk along both sides of the streets. All sidewalks ` should be required to be property line sidewalks, thus leaving adequate spacing for ` `)� ,. street trees, street lights, fire hydrants, and mailboxes. • r Section 16.005-Hillside Protection, Erosion Control The existing stream corridor of the site is identified as having a potential for severe ' ` t limitations. The hillside:standard.,; requires protection against soil erosion by limiting k" the extent of clearing,cutting and filling of soils on slopes greater than 12% Compliance with this standard has been demonstrated in the grading plan (Exhibits ,4; 4 and 5). Protection of slopes along the new stream bank will be provided through drainage and conservation easements required by this action. Additionally, a final erosion control plan will be required m accordance with the "Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook". r'. Section 18.005-Access All the proposed lots exceed the minimum 25' frontage requirement to a public t` street,Exhibit 3. • '' Section 19.005-Site Circulation-Driveways and Private Streets No private streets are proposed in this development. Individual driveways will be. reviewed under Section 19,025 at the time the building permits are issued. Section 20.005-Site Circulation-Bikeways and Walkways The applicant is pp proposing 5' sidewalks oe both sides of Bridge Court. The existing right-of-way from County Club Road includes a bike path. The applicant will match the new street grade to the bike path, as shown in Exhibit 3. IV. CONCLUSION k,, '' Based on findings presented in this report, the applicant can meet the applicable criteria for ` approval by the application of certain conditions. V. RECOMMENDATION ,t ;• . 4 Based on the conclusion above, staff recommends approval of PD 2-90 (subject to all the # t requirements of R-10 zone, subject to the following conditions: J g A. Prior to Final Plat A pptoyk: 1. Submit a reproducible duplication of the final plat which is separated from the utility plan and contains all of the information required in the following conditions. 2. Label the private conservation easement on the plat and clearly depict its boundaries. . Provide the following note on the plat: • PD 2-90 ' Page 10 of 14 . "The private ccnserration easement shall remain in its natural condition for the �ti purpose of providing a scenic;, aesthetic appearance,protecting natural processes . and maintaining natural vegetation. Improvements in this area, which are in ', 0 keeping with the above purposes,must be approved by the City of Lake Oswego. No build ,gs or fences shall be allowed in this area. Maintenance of the landscr ping shall be the responsibility of the lot owners in this plat." • ' 3. Show utility�,asements of adequate width on the final plat for those lots where public and/or private utilities are to be install. Where utilities or landscaping will be ``' • constructed on side or rear lot lines, provide a note to futureproperty owners that • removal and/or replacement of fences for public access to utilities shall be at the homeowner's expense. 4. Submit a signed easement from the property owner at 1590 Country Club Road permitting slope stabilization, stream relocation, ponding and landscape vegetation activities. One of the following notes shall appear on the final plat to ensure solar access: a. Habitable structures built on the lot will have their long axis oriented within 30 4 degree)of a true east-west axis and at least 80% of their 1 protected from shade by structures and non-exempt trees,ground floor south wall Q., ` - 0 b. Habitable structures built on the lot will have at least 32% of their glazing and 500 , square feet of their roof area which faces within 30 degrees of south and is 1 ':', protected from shade by structures and non-exempt trees. �' B. Prior to dal Construction Pla Annan„} ; 4 `,:I 1. Detailed engineered construction drawings shall be provided g for City approval. These e plans shall be designed to provide a natural and safe appearance of the stream corridor, to provide the capacity for the 100-year storm, and to provide a stable stream ; channel through the fill area. 2. The developer shall be responsible for and provide maintenance for the stream •• channel improvements and for the landscape restoration of the stream corridor for a three year period. A performance bond equal to 100% of the stream improvements and landscap e restoration shall also be provided. 3, The actual design and location of the drainage improvements shall be provided at the 3 construction plan stage. 4. The final drainage plan shall include detailed engineering information on the extent of ,•e: work to be done on the downstream property to the east of the site. 5. All drainage management measures, whether located on private or public property, inspection.be accessible at all times for City When these measures have been ' ;• accepted by the City for maintenance, access easements shall be provided at such a width to allow access by maintenance and inspection equipment. r ' 6. All drainage systems shall include engineering design features to minimize pollution r such as oil, suspended solids, and other objectionable material in storm water runoff, • i . S • PD 2-90 Page 11 0114 i 4,„. , 7. I. .. ' i» f ti v 0.. , T• !. • I v '•.i • 1 ' Engineering design features include: a. Structural Measures such as pollution control manholes, vaults, and sump type ,''s catch bassins, and 0 ': : b. B1Qflltration 11leaaura such as grass—lined swales, wetlands (existing or created), .G vegetated detention basins, stream corridors (existing,created., or restored), and • ' other vegetative measures designed to remove phosphates and nitrogen from storm water runoff. Yn • ` The new stream channel and corridor shall be designed to , • }I gn provide biofiltration of storm water runoff. The channel shall also be designed with riparian vegetation within the stream channel and within the corridor. • 7. Submit a final grading plan,as per City standards. Additional details shall be ' e . submitted for the cul—de—sac to show how drainage will be g provided. Cross section "H" shall be made to match the grading plan. All trees to be removed during construction shall be shown on the grading plan,including the 9" apple near Country .r.< Club Road and the 5"pear near Country Club Road. It is recommended that the four alders east of the new road be removed. The grading plan shall contain a note that states that all trees which are not to be removed shall be fenced with 6' high chain link fencing prior to ,. shall be placed under the drip—linegrading. The fencing of trees ���remain. No fill or materials storage shall fr• occur within the drip—lines of those trees. i ti ' 8. Submit a final drainage plan, as per City standards. ` 9. Submit a final landscape plan showing the type, location and size of street trees for the lots (a minimum of two,if possible), as per City standards, 10. Submit a final street lighting plan and accompanying photometric data, as per City standards. 11. Submit a final erosion control plan in accordance with the "Erosion Control Plans P • Technical Guidance Handbook". • 12. Submit a final landscape restoration plan plan shall be reviewed and approved y the City and shall include the following easement. This information: — The location, types and quantities of all plant materials, — The method used to establish these materials; and — Provisions for the maintenance of plant materials during the one year establishmentperiod. , period. 13. Submit copies of all necessary permits from the Division of State Lands and the Army Corps of Engineers. 14, Incorporate all recommendations in the final soils report into the final construction ' plans, x, PD 2-90 ;` Page 12 of 14 • 1 • ..,.. . }.P , t << .. . ? I + ' PVT t . 1 . I ! ,, + ` j, • IIw / • 15. All utility lines shall be placed underground along with street improvements. 16. The cul-de-sac shall be redesigned to City standards and shall be submitted for -..., . ..' 0 • approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal prior to acceptance. 17. The final utility plan shall conform to City standards and be approved by the City Engineer prior to acceptance. 18. All uncontrolled fill under the new public street shall be removed,or the street subgrade and design action shall be reviewed and approved by a registered • geotechnical engineer. '` 19. The new street shall have a 20-year design life. ,�,, ;. 20. Reciprocal agreements shall be provided for the four lots for access, lights,.utilities and their maintenance. " 21. The new bridge shall be capable of supporting fire equipment to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal. 22. A construction schedule for construction of the water line shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. C. Prior to Issuance of Buil ing eelin s: 1. All construction improvements shall be completed, accepted and as-builts submitted to the City. •°f 2. A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to removal of any trees which have not 0 been previously approved for removal on the construction Grading Plans. A tree • ti cutting permit application shall accompany any building permit application where trees are to be removed. D. Prior to Issuance of Final Certificates gf Occup ty: The property owner shall complete installation of street trees as required by the City. E. Miscellaneous: 1. The final plat shall be submitted within one year of the date of the Order reflecting the Board's decision. 2. If fill is placed on any lot, the extent of the fill shall be shown on as-bunts, ` accompanied by a statement that the rill meets the minimum requirements for bearing soils adopted by the Uniform Building Code.. V • PD 2-90 i Page 13 of 14 ' • i f t ` 1. Tax Map • 2, Applicant's Narrative 3. Site Plan 4. Grading Plan 5. Grading Plan Cross-Sections 6. Landscape Plan 7. Soils Report 8. Letter from N.Hermanson,dated April 26, 1990 9. Letter from F.Harris,dated March 3, 1990 10. Letter from D. Scuito,dated May 1, 1990 • `;'` 11. Wetland Fill Application (Army Corps/DSL) 12. Grading/Erosion Control Information t • 13. Council Memorandum on Schools,dated October 17, 1989 • • • S j • t 4v; • . • • 5." , • • • • • • • 1 , r +. , • >W 4 ;1 PD 2-90 Page 14 of 14 1 .t •c y • • • tl M • • 1 THE BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD • 4' t " 2 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ' . 3 r • f . . 4 A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ) PD 2-90-789 5 A 4—LOT PLANNED ) (ACE Partners) 6 DEVELOPMENT ) FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS &ORDER Y .,. ..,..•. 7 8 ,.• • 9 NATURE OF APPLICATIQ • • The applicant is requesting approval for a 4—lot planned development, The site is located ` , 10 • • • 11 south of Country Club Road and east of Dolph Court (Tax Lots 5300 and 5400 of Tax • Ma 2 1E 4CA) 12 p . a :� 13 . 14 HEARINaS. 15 The Development Review Board held a public hearing and considered this application at 16 its meetings of June 4, 1990 and June 13, 1990. ,. 1 7 . .. , 44 •, 18 CRPfERIA AND ST ND�ARDS 19 A. Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan: •. 1U 20 Impact Management Policies General Policy I, II, III `•' Urban Service Boundary Policies • ` 22 General Policy III, Specific Policy 4 23 r•a Potential Landslide Area Policies R. t 24 General Policy II, 1E, IV 25 i 26 Potential Erosion Area Policies : , General Policy II, III, IV i + . 27 , Energy Conservation Policies 28 General Pclicy II ." • 29 r Stream Corridor Policies General Policy I, IL III ,, E X H $ BIT "• 31 I ' kn 3 2 Protection Open Space Policies ; ` ' General Policy I, II . o 33 -P ►a-•0 .� Bikeway Policies 34 General Policy II " PAGE • • • 1 PC 90-789 l . � 1 ' • 9 • 1 Pedestrian Pathway Policies , ' V 2 General Policy II . y,4 3 Transportation Policies 4 General Policy I, Ill ' 5 B. n_.tp City of Lake Os�v o �nin C'or e 6 7 LOC 48.195-48.225 R-10 Zone Description (setbacks, lot area, lot coverage) u 8 C. City of Lake Oswego Development Code; 9 LOC 49.145 , 10 LOC 49.300-49.315 Major Development ,J -- -� 11Major Development Procedures LOC 49.610 Quasi—Judicial Evidentiary Hearing 12 Procedures LOC 49.615 Criteria for Approval ,,, 13 14 D. f 1 akeOwego pevelo m rt^C^ nriarria; • ,, .'Lo • • 15 3.005 Stream Corridors 16 5.005 Street Lights 6.005 Transit System 17 7.005 Parking and Loading 18 8.005 Park and Open Space 9.005 Landscaping, Screeningand Buffering `' 19 11:00 Drainage 13.005 inage for Major Development .'' ' 20 14.005 Weak Foundation Soils Utilities 21 16.005 18 005 Hillside Protection and Erosion Control '; 22 Access 19.005 Site Circulation —Private 23 20.005 Streets/Driveways 24 Sie Circulation—Bikeways and 25 Walkways 26 E. City of Lake Oswego Tree CuttingOrdinance: E 27 LOC 55.080 Criteria for Issuance of Permits 8 . F. City of Lake Oswego Solar Access Ordinance; 49 10 LOC 57.015 Applicability ; , LOC 57.020 Design Standard 31 LOC 57.025 Exemptions from Design Standard 3 2 LOC 57.030 Adjustments to Design Standard 33 34 A 0 .PACE 2 PD 2-90—`189 s ' ' ' 3 C,O ION. • NCLUS ' 1 The Development Review Board concludes that PD 2-90 can be made to comply with all } 2 applicable criteria by the application of certain conditions. 3 . 1GS AND REASONS 5 ``•, f The Development Review Board adopts the May 25, 1990 staff report on PD 2-90 as 6 support for its decision as modified by staff at•the June 4, 1990 hearing, supplemented by ;, 7 the following: 8 L Additional exhibits listed below were presented to the Board at the hearings on June 9 4, 1990,and June 13, 1990 and entered into the record: 10 Exhibit 14 Letter from Russell and Shari Schilden,dated June 4, 1990 . 11 Exhibit 15 Existing/Proposed Stream Corridor Cross Section '`' Exhibit 16 Grading Plan: Trees to be removed 12 Exhibit 17 Greenway Landscape Plan 13 Exhibit 18 Topographic Survey Exhibit 19 Site Plan ` 14 Exhibit 20 Grading Cross Section r 15 Exhibit 21 Photographs Numbered 1 —31, submitted by John Shonkwiler Exhibit 22 Tree Survey of Dolph Court, submitted by John Shonkwiler 16 Exhibit 23 Rebuttal Statement from Lewis Moller �, v t'17 2. After receiving testimony from a applicant and the public, and after reviewing1. 4 18 evidence in the record, the Board found that: w x a. The existing pond level at Dolph Place can be maintained by the weir dams . . ---.. \ - 0 19 ro osed bythe applicant when the stream is relocated. The function of the 20 proposed Dolph as a wldlife habitat should not be affected bythe stream pond 2.1 relocation. 22 b. The fill placed on the site contains both organic and inorganic materials, such as tires. This raised concerns by opponents about soils testing, the adequacy of 23 proposed structural support systems and the possibility of buildings collapsing 24 if an.object in the fill shifted, or if organic materials decomposed. There were five test holes for the soils test. The Board found this to be an adequate 25 number because it exceeded the amount of testing usually done on a site, and 26 because some of the bores were taken in the area where the new bridge is proposed. The applicant's soils engineer testified that the foundation system to 27 be used would distribute the weight of the structures so that any shifting would be absorbed. Also, the fill removal andcompaction will becontrolled and 28 vl supervised by a soils engineer to ensure that the fill is as stable as possible and 9 that large objects such as tires will be removed as needed during excavation. " 10 Based on the soils engineer's testimony and report(Exhibit 7), the Board 31 found that the proposed foundation systems,combined with proper monitoring of grading and filling,are acceptable for development of the site. In order•to , 3 2 ensure proper monitoring during grading and filling operations, the Board ' 3 3 added a condition (B.1 8.a) to require that a soils engineer be present at critical times during site preparation and for final grading. , 34 PAGE 3 PD 2-90-789 . : . ' .. , ' •d• , ' Y +l t :, t t r .. 1 . C c• Another issue associated with the fill was the presence of a water table below r 1 • and the adequacy of drainage methods above ground and within the fill. �` 7 2 Runoff and the possibility of a spring on the Country Club property were discussed at length. Also, the effect of seasonal variability of thewater table x r 3 was of concern. t : . 4 The applicant's soils engineer explained that the water table was well below , zi" 5 any of the building foundations and shouldn't present a problem,even if the y,., : 6 water table fluctuates in wet and dry seasons. Runoff from the Country Club is wprincipally at the surface. A new drainage swale will accommodate Country ` Club runoff at the southwest corner of the site, according to the testimony of 8 ' 7 the soils engineer and the grading plan in Exhibit 4. There are no drain tiles proposed within the fill. based on the testimony and report of the soils engineer, the Board found that 10 the underlying water table should not pose a development hazard. The Board 11 • also found that in general, the proposed drainage system should work, but additional measures such as drainage tiles placed within the fill may be 12 needed. 'In order to ensure that the specific drainage measures used are adequate, the Board added a condition (B.3.a.) to require that staff review • 13 technical details in the drainage plan with final approval by the City Engineer. 14 d. The applicant shows the trees proposed for removal in Exhibit 16+ A total of 15 18 trees are proposed to be removed. The Board found that it is necessary to remove the trees because of site construction plans, but required that there be a 16 one to one replacement of trees so that neighbors to the west will be provided 17 with sCPeening and there will be no net loss of trees (Condition A.S.) 18 Exhibit 22 shows,,a tree survey done for a property west of the site with some trees shown on the property line. The Board found that the applicant's tree . 19 survey, stamped by a registered engineer, should be relied upon for'location of the trees on the site 16). 0 , . ., 2 p (Exhibit 2 1 ` The Board also found that the trees to remain on the site needed additional protection during construction (beyond the drip line fencing in staff Condition 22 7) and additional measures to maintain their health. They added a condition . 23 (B.7.a.) to require a fencing and health maintenance plan from an arborist. 24 • e, The size of plants.in the proposed landscape plan was found to be inadequate where quarts were specified instead of gallons, This would not meet the e,' 25 American Nursery Standards required by L OC 9,025(1). The Board added a 2 6 condition to require that the landscape plan be revised to change quarts to " gallon sizes except for the sedge and eel grass which are typically planted in i' 27 small sprigs as 'ground cover(B.9.a.). Staff should have final approval of the 3 8 revised landscape plan. l9 f, The proposed street lighting may cause glare for residents to the west of the 0 site. Therefore, the Board required that the lights be screened to prevent glare (Condition E.3.) R 31 g. The slope of the proposed road was raised as an issue byopponents.. 3 2 Exhibits 5 and 23, the Board found that the slope will b w hin City sttandards, 3'3 h, Recreational vehicle parking on the street and cul-de-sac was raised as an issue by opponents. This is not an issue under the Board's jurisdiction. 34 Recreational vehicle parking on streets is not allowed under current City ordinance, ' ;• r}*�: PAGE 2-9r0-789 • 4 PD• , 5, it • '1 t 3. The zone requirements for PD 2-90 are the'R-10 standards described in LOC ° q ' 1 48.195-48.225. The applicant did not request to vary from any of these standards through the planned development overlay process. _ ".' . • 3 ' 4 5 IT IS ORDERED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD of the City of Lake 6 Oswego that: 1. PD 2-90 is approved(subject to all the requirements of R-10 zone) subject to '1 7 compliance with the conditions of approval set forth in Subsection 2 of this Order. 8 2. The conditions for PD 2-90 are as follows: 9 A. Prior to Final Plat Approval: 10 1. Submit a reproducible duplication of the final plat which is separated 11 from the utility plan and contains all of the information required in the ; following conditions, • r 12 Y 13 2, Label the private conservation easement on the plat and clearly depict its boundaries. Provide the following note on the plat: 14 "The private conservation easement shall remain in its natural condition = r t 15 for the purpose of providing a scenic, aesthetic appearance, protecting natural processes and maintaining natural vegetation. Improvements in , • ` • 1S this area,which are in keeping with the above purposes,must be 17 approved by the City of Lake Oswego. No buildings or fences shall be allowed in this area. Maintenance of the landscaping shall be the 18 responsibility of the lot owners in this plat." 19 3. Show utility easements of adequate width on the final plat for those lots 1' 20 where public and/or private utilities are to be installed. Where utilities or landscaping will be constructed on side or rear lot lines, provide a note to 21 future property owners that removal and/or replacement of fences for 22 public access to utilities shall be at the homeoawner s expense. a 2 3 4, Submit a signed easement from the property owner at 1590 Country Club Road permitting slope stabilization, stream relocation, ponding and 24 landscape vegetation activities. 25 5. One of the following notes shall appear on the final plat to ensure solar 26 access: 27 a. Habitable structures built on the lot will have their long axis oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis and at least 80% of their 28 ground floor south wall protected from shade by structures and non- t 2 9 exempt trees; or, • 1 0 b. Habitable structures built on the lot will have at least 32% of their • glazing and 500 square feet of their roof area which faces within 30 31 degrees of south and is protected from shade by structures and non- 3 2 exempt trees, 3 3 6. The final plat shall contain a note that states: 1 "For Lot I three trees shall be planted in the northwest corner to 34 replace the three Alder trees removed in accordance with the PAGE 5 PD 2-90-789 • # ,i "fit .1 I approved grading plan. The three new trees shall be placed within 1 the western side yard setback in the immediate vicinity of the locations where the Alders were removed from. The trees shall meet r 2 .American Nursery standards and shall be of a type that will provide • 3 a vegetative screen when mature. This shall be the property owner's , , • responsibility and shall be noted on plans submitted for building y F ' 4 permit review." :\ 5 E. Prior to Final Construction Plans Approval: r" 6 1. Detailed engineered construction drawings shall be provided for City 7 approval. These plans shall be designed to provide a natural and safe '•I appearance of the stream corridor, to provide the capacity for the 100- 8 year storm, and to provide a stable stream channel through the fill area. ' „ 9 2. The developer shall be responsible for and provide maintenance for the 'i' 10 stream channel improvements and for the landscape restoration of the stream corridor for a one year period. In addition, the developer shall be 11 responsible for stream channel and landscaping improvements until a 12 home is built and occupied on each lot. A performance bond equal to 13 120% of the stream improvements and landscape restoration shall also be provided. 14 • 3. The actual design and location of the drainage improvements shall be '' 15 provided at the construction plan stage. 16 a. Staff shall review technical details of the final drainage plan, ; . 17 especially in regard to drainage from the Country Club in the t A ' -> southeast corner, and the plan shall be approved by the City 18 Engineer prior to acceptance. 19 4. The final drainage plan shall include detailed engineering information on the extent of work to be done on the downstream property to the east of 20 the site. 21 5. All drainage management measures, whether located on private or public • 22 property, shall be accessible at all times for City inspection. When these measures have been accepted by the City for maintenance, access 23 easements shall be provided at such a width to allow access by ` 24 maintenance and inspection equipment. '' 25 6. All drainage systems shall include engineering design features to b 26 minimize pollution such as oil, suspended solids, and other objectionable ' . material in storm water runoff. 27 Engineering design features include: 28 , a. Structural Measures such as pollution control manholes, vaults, and :r. 29 sump type catch basins; and 10 b. Biofiltration Measures such as grass—lined swales, wetlands (existing ' or created), vegetated detention basins, stream corridors (existing, 6"° ' 31 created, or restored), and other vegetative measures designed to 3 2 remove phosphates and nitrogen from storm water runoff. a • 3 3 The new stream channel and corridor shall be designed to provide biofiltration of storm water runoff. The channel shall also be designed 3 4 with riparian vegetation within the stream channel and within the corridor. PAGE ' . • ` 6 PD 2-90-789 .. i . r •1 ,' j#. • '• Yti Y 7. Submit a final grading plan, as per City standards. Additional details 1 shall be submitted for the culdcsac to show how drainage will be provided. Cross section "H" shall be made to match the grading plan. All ` 2 trees to be removed during construction shall be shown on the grading * , 3 plan,including the 9" apple near Country Club Road and The 5" pear near : :• 4 Country Club Road. It is recommended that the four alders east of the new road be removed. 5 a. Submit a tree fencing and health maintenance plan from a qualified • 6 arborist describing how all trees to be retained will be protected `r 7 before,during and after construction. ` . • The grading plan shall contain a note that states that all trees which are 8 not to be removed shall be fenced with 6' high chain link fencing prior to 9 grading. The fencing shall be placed under the drip—line of trees to ' 10 remain. No fill or materials storage shall occur within the drip—lines of those trees. 8. Submit a final drainage plan, as per City standards, i 12 r j' Submit a final landscape plan showing the type, location and size of street 13 trees for all the lots (a minimum of two, if possible), as per City standards. 14@°': ' ` • 18 a. The landscape plan shall indicate plant sizes which conform to American Nursery standards. Specifically, gallon containers shall be ..a 16 . used for all shrubbery and ground covers except for sedge and eel • 17 grass, which may be quart sizes. 18 10. Submit a final street lighting plan and accompanying photometric data, as per City standards. • 11. Submit a final erosion control plan in accordance with the "Erosion • ,. ' 20 Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook". , . 21 1 . Submit a final landscape restoration plan for the private conservation '`' easement. This plan shall be reviewed arid approved by the City and shall :',• 22 include the following information. 23 — The location, types and quantities of all plant materials. ' '' • 24 d The method used to establish these materials; and '; 25 , ' �, — Provisions for the maintenance of plant materials during the one year1.4 26 establishment period. 27 13. Submit copies of all necessary permits from the Division of State Lands a'''.� 28 and the Army Corps of Engineers. 14, Incorporate all recommendations in the final soils report into the final �9 construction plans. ti M r n .ir 10 15, All utility lines shall be placed underground along with s Teet ''.r 1 ,' : 31 improvements. . ; ,, ' 32 16. The culdesac ;hall Le redesigned to City standards and shall be submitted J' %'' 33 for approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal prior to acceptance. ` 17, The final utility plan shall conform to City standards and be approved by 34 the City Engineer prior to acceptance. . u' .r,• • tee PAGE 7 Pb 2-90-789 , �'.,. • i .. , .t a t.j ' ° �fA1t 4 i c �73 a t' .• 1•c 'L t t5 .•� hr , •''Fi 18. All uncontrolled fill under the new public street shall be removed, or the ' 1 street subgrade and design section shall be reviewed and approved by a . ........, ,,, 2 registered geotechnical engineer, • r , 3 a. The final construction plan shall contain a note that a registered geotechnical engineer shall be present continuously at critical 4 grading and filling times daring site preparation and for final w: 5 grading. 6 19. The new street shall have a 20—year design life. t .,' 1r'r' 7 20. Reciprocal agreements shall be provided for the four lots for access, lights, utilities and their maintenance. 8 ' '..it 21. The new bridge shall be capable of supporting fire equipment to the gr,, 1 ` 9 satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal. 4 • 10 22. A construction schedule for construction of the water line shall be 11 submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 12 C. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits: ? 13 1. All construction improvements except for landscaping of the stream ` 5 corridor shall be completed, accepted and as—builts submitted to the City, 1, 14 YtY , 2. A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to removal of any trees which 15 have not been previously approved for removal on the construction 16 Grading Plans. A tree cutting permit application shall accompany any building permit application where trees are to be removed. 17 D. Prior to Issuance of Final Certificates of Occupancy:rt I 18 1. The property °'' owner shall complete installation of street trees as required d t'. 19 by the City, , 20 2. Landscaping shall be installed in the stream corridor prior to occupancy, 21 but no later than November 1, 1990. . •A , 22 E. Miscellaneous: >" 23 1. The final plat shall be submitted within one year of the date of the Order .` '` • ' reflecting the Board's decision. 24 2. If fill is placed on any lot, the extent of the fill shall be shown on as- 25 builts, accompanied by a statement that the fill meets the minimum 26 requirements for bearing soils adopted by the Uniform Building Code, °. 27 3, Street lighting shall be screened so that glare will not affect adjacent 2 8 grope ties. r y" ...�,' l9 10 C ''' 31 32 33 34 • PAGE0 .* . . ' 8 PD 2-90-789 9 .x • .? • ; r =: % -,..1--'•. Ira 1 '4 t i ��jj • • PIS f A ai ` I CERTIFY THAT THIS ORDER was presented to and APPROVED by the 0 4 1 r, ', Development Review Board of the City of Lake Oswego, 2 3 DATED this 16th day of July 1990. ' 4 =i 5 .'4,' . ... 6 .-,56 , .,. ,.. - \ t: , , .,.„ 7 Robert H. Poster, hairman 8 Development Review Board 9 10 '+ 11 `'�r t Secretary '�, lz :� ,• •:I 13 A'1-1'hST: 14 ORAL DECISION—June 13. 1990 • 15 • ` 16 AYES: Sybrowsky, Greaves, Foster, Remy and Starr 2. 1 •'' ;• ', 17 'NOES: None 18 ABSTAIN: None • 19 ABSENT: Stanaway andBloomer i. 20 j: . WRITTEN FINDINGS —July 2. 1990(First Vote 21 22 AYES: Greaves, Remy and Starr 23 :.'Y NOES: None K 24 ABSTAIN: Bloomer n i 25 ABSENT: Stanaway 2 6 .. : • 27 WRITTEN FINDINGS —July 16i. 1990 (Second Vote) ` ' :. • 28 29 AYES: Foster, Remy and Starr i 0 NOES: None •' 31 ABSTAIN: Stanaway and Sievert 3 2 ABSENT: Greaves and Bloomer 33 34 " «: . PAGE 9 PD 2-90-789 t DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS v f ; . Date: October 26, 1992 t , TO: Barbara Smolak ' * ' FROM: Andy Harris PROJECT: Bridge Court, PD 290 (Mod, 10-92) ..,• ., M 1 « 11.005, Drainage. The drainage standards for approval have been addressed and conditions of approval are included in the staff report . The water quality standard is being met by providing a pollution control manhole and bio-filtration in the vegetated new stream channel , �' The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requires that Q. developments with applications accepted after July 1, 1990 are to provide water quality facilities designed to meet a strict phosphorous removal standard. The DEQ standards for phosphorous removal do not apply to this development because the application was submitted prior to July 1, 1990 . Phosphorous removal is being ' provided but the DEQ standards are not applied in this application. 4 i. •ti, 9i . .+ EXHIBIT - , 0: Dcl -yob• , • ',,,..' . a. ti 4 page 1 r ti• t 5 -•g t , t p of en envunmm�nUpY A 3 692-9316 ,._.___ ,ompAil 'eke Usw g OR 97035 (50 7 ' gdx 1661, 2 o k -LSL'-� .rY+.r 1 R.. Barbara 5 r 1 Associate Plattner City of Lake°svicg° November 2 1992 4 i A Sox 359 9'7034 Lake oswego,Or, , on for the Dear Balm. conversation of October 30 regarding the ov a design to he +':° letter i5 to oorifain our con previously app Without curbing, erasion. It is our evish to submit the p 1 street design` e Court,su, •i conducie`e to rttra redesigning the street atxeet in the Bridg drive would not be In addition, DRg The side slopes of the entry ' tant.5 to the property owners. our and the City 's would be con*tant effort has been e`cpe ndal by both erosion problems rase After so much time A a rats an unttCrCCSSarY expe See to eng►�rs nscn did not return the slope a 'n revealed that MIS.. ritr to the D erritlt Russ glso fall we can meet this condition P ' details of Follow up ntact her and hope Y I have none the rcmtining your office for notary. I will is grc�+UY Appreciated since for 'Thanks for your pa race,it r A + 4 Ming. .; f y this project, ,„, . . 0 Sincerely • , .. ., ,....-d,,,,d4L. Levis Moller Acc 1 Inc. rl 1 I a.` 1 1 i � 4 • 1 i '.S EXHIBI 1 '.J,... j. ''. ' ! A , .