Agenda Item - 2023-03-23 - Number 3 - Agenda Item - 2023-03-23 - Number 3 - Approval of Meeting MinutesCity of Lake Oswego Budget Committee Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2022 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Budget Committee Meeting Minutes October 20th, 2022 Members present: Al Calabria, Chair Lin Carson, Vice Chair Elisabeth Zeller Shannon Grindy Shima Salehi Steve Dodds Gary Rebello Jackie Manz Rachel Verdick John Wendland Aaron Rapf Members excused: Massene Mboup; Joe Buck, Mayor; Daniel Nguyen Alternates present: Ali Afghan Staff Present: Martha Bennett, City Manager; Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager, Shawn Cross, Finance Director; Shauna Calhoun, Budget Analyst The Budget Committee meeting was taped and is online with supporting information. To view additional discussion, click on any online Interactive Agenda item in color to go to that point on the video. 1.Meeting called to order Chair Calabria called the City Budget Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Roll Call 3.Chair and Vice Chair Elections Chair Calabria explained the process of the election, reviewing Robert’s Rules. He opened the floor for Chair nominations. Councilor Rapf began the motion by electing Vice Chair Carson, second by Councilor Manz. No other elections where made. A formal vote was cast and it passed by unanimous vote. Chair Calabria opened the floor for Vice Chair nominations. Vice Chair Carson nominated Member Zeller, second by Councilor Wendland. No other elections where made. A formal vote was cast and it passed by unanimous vote. 4.Special Recognition Chair Calabria began to speak on the gratitude the committee has for the previous alternatives and motioned to hand out the awards to the previous alternates on the Budget Committee: Theresa Nute and Gary Corgan. Other members expressed thanks as well. City of Lake Oswego Budget Committee Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2022 Page 2 of 2 5.Special Issue: Capital Planning Chair Calabria introduced the speaker, Erica Rooney, Public Works Director, who will be presenting on the budget process of Capital Planning. 6.Session Evaluation Chair Calabria asked to have the PowerPoint slides of the session evaluation displayed. Calabria state it is the same four questions. He is committed to trying to improve this and add value to the work that they do together on this committee. Vice Chair Carson concurred on the value the assessment and will continue its use during her term as chair. Calabria called for any closing comments. Councilor Manz and Hooper expressed appreciation for Calabria’s time and effort as Chair of the committee. Carson and Zeller both spoke on their appreciation for the nominations as well as continuing to working with the committee members both present and new. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Shauna Calhoun Budget Analyst APPROVED BY THE BUDGET COMMITTEE: