NEP Program Grant Guide 2023-2024 Neighborhood Enhancement Program 2023-2024 Grant Guide OREGO� What is the Neighborhood Enhancement Program? The Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) supports neighborhoods by providing grants for projects or programs that provide a community benefit. Through a competitive application process, the City Council awards grants to qualifying organizations for specific projects or programs that can be implemented within a one-year time frame and provide a public benefit to the Lake Oswego community. Grant Criteria In order to be eligible for NEP funding, grant proposals must meet the following criteria: 1. Provide a public benefit to the Lake Oswego community. Projects providing neighborhood benefit and applied for by City-recognized neighborhood associations will receive funding priority over homeowner associations and other groups. 2. Have neighborhood/community support. This support must be documented in your application submittal through a letter of support from the neighborhood association where the project is located. 3. Identify and provide detail on who will be responsible for completing the work. This must include the project coordinator(s) and the role of any consultants or vendors, for each element of the proposal. 4. For physical improvements, be located on public land within the boundaries of a City- recognized Neighborhood Association. Physical improvements located on private land in a publicly-prominent location may be eligible on a case-by-case basis. 5. Be designed for either no maintenance or low maintenance if maintained by volunteers. Projects that require ongoing maintenance are generally not eligible for NEP grant funding. 6. Not fund ongoing or annual expenses of the organization. Grant funds may be used to initiate an ongoing program or fill a temporary funding gap, but should not be used to support ongoing or annual expenses. 7. Demonstrate coordination with City staff. All NEP grant applicants must include email correspondence in their application materials to confirm that they have reviewed their project with the NEP grant program coordinator. Applicants must also include email correspondence to confirm that they have coordinated with other relevant contacts based on project type, as identified in the Potential Projects section, below. Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 1 of 8 8. For neighborhood parties, picnics and other social events, funding is generally limited to $500. This funding is intended to cover refreshments and other expenses for community-building events. Though invasive species removal projects are generally not eligible for NEP grant funding, applicants are encouraged to apply for funding to support neighborhood cleanups, ivy pulls, or similar volunteer events to remove invasive species. 9. Be completed and expenses incurred through June 30, 2024, the end of the grant cycle. Submit all requests for reimbursement (with itemized legible receipts) to the City no later than July 5, 2024. Provide the City with a project report, due by August 23, 2024. Include pictures if applicable. We like to brag about our neighborhoods! Qualifying projects in neighborhoods that have not previously received a grant may receive priority over neighborhoods that have received past NEP awards. Projects that leverage matching funds or in-kind contributions may also be prioritized. Available Funds The City's proposed funding for the Neighborhood Enhancement Program is projected at $60,000 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Grant awards will generally be limited to $10,000 per neighborhood, however, larger project amounts will be considered for projects that include matching funds or projects that involve multiple neighborhood associations. PLEASE NOTE THAT UNUSED FUNDS ARE NOT TRANSFERRABLE TO FUTURE GRANT CYCLES DUE TO BUDGETARY REASONS. IF UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES PREVENT PROJECTS FROM BEING COMPLETED,APPLICANTS SHOULD RESUBMIT THEIR PROJECTS DURING THE NEXT GRANT APPLICATION CYCLE. THE NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM WILL NOT FUND PROJECTS FROM THE CITY'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. Who Can Apply? Eligible grant recipients include: ■ City-recognized neighborhood associations (NA) ■ Homeowners associations (HOAs) ■ Community groups that are based in and serve the Lake Oswego community o Community Groups and HOAs located within a City-recognized neighborhood association must have sponsorship from the neighborhood association where the project is located. Groups requesting neighborhood association sponsorship should contact the association with a 30-day request for consideration, and NA board approval must be submitted with the application. Project implementation should also be coordinated with the NA as an opportunity to build community partnerships. Neighborhood association maps and contact lists can be found online at: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/neighborhood-associations Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 2 of 8 Potential Projects Applicants must demonstrate that their project meets the grant criteria outlined on page one, with the goal of providing a benefit to the community. Within these parameters, the City welcomes creative project ideas that will implement neighborhood and community goals, build community pride, leverage volunteer efforts, and create partnerships. Groups that are interested in applying for a grant are required to review their project with the grant program coordinator prior to application submittal, and are strongly encouraged to contact the coordinator early in the process to discuss initial ideas. The grant program coordinator will serve as the primary staff point of contact for applicants, and other important staff contacts are identified below based on project type. The following is a list of project ideas that have been implemented in past years and/or support the community benefit criteria. Applicants are not limited to these projects, but are encouraged to review the list for inspiration. ■ Small Capital Projects, such as playground improvements, park kiosks, outdoor benches, and similar projects that are not part of the City's Capital Improvement Plan. Please review the Capital Improvement Plan website at: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/engineering/capital-improvement-plan. For small capital project proposals in the public right-of-way, please contact City Engineer, Erica Rooney, at: erooney@lakeoswego.city. For small capital project proposals related to public parks and open space, please contact Parks Manager, Megan Big John, at: mbigjohn@lakeoswego.city. ■ Public Art, such as purchase/installation of an existing sculpture (not commissioning new works) for a prominent location in a neighborhood, as part of the City's permanent art collection. For all public art projects, please contact Nicole Nathan, Executive Director of the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, at nnathan@lakeoswego.city. For public art proposals in the public right-of-way, please contact Erica Rooney, City Engineer, at: erooney@lakeoswego.city. ■ Neighborhood Signs, up to two per neighborhood, to strengthen neighborhood identity. All neighborhood signs shall be located on public land in a location approved by the City's Public Works Department. For sign proposals in the public right-of-way, please contact Jim Bateman, Assistant Public Works Director, at: jbateman@lakeoswego.city. Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 3 of 8 ■ Emergency Preparedness, such as creating a neighborhood directory, or training neighborhood block representatives in emergency response. Emergency preparedness projects should generally be designed for neighborhood or community-wide benefit, and applicants must develop a plan for sharing the information needed for residents to access any supplies purchased with grant funding. If a permanent storage location for any materials requested through the grant cannot be secured prior to submitting an application, a temporary storage location must be identified. Some individual items may be considered if paired with training or as an event tie-in. All applications related to emergency preparedness must show proof of coordination with PrepLO - a community group with knowledge and resources related to emergency response. As a first step, contact David Kainoa, the City's liaison with PrepLO, via email at kewiki808@gmail.com. For ideas and resources related to emergency preparedness, take a look at the City's Emergency Management webpage. Other Emergency Preparedness resources include FEMA's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program and the American Red Cross. ■ Neighborhood Communication such as creating a website for your neighborhood association. ■ Neighborhood Sustainability projects, such as holding a recycling event for electronics, furniture, appliances, oversized plastic, etc.; or creating a "library of things" (for example, a tool library). For ideas and input, contact Amanda Watson, City Sustainability Program Manager, at: awatson@lakeoswego.city. ■ Community Building projects, such as events to build relationships, get more people involved in the neighborhood, help build partnerships between neighborhood organizations, or help underserved populations. ■ Tree Replacement or Street Tree Plantings that have a public benefit, such as planting native plants or new street trees on publicly-owned land, may be eligible. Note that the removal of invasive species requires ongoing work over the course of several years, and is not feasible within the timeframe of the Neighborhood Enhancement Program grant cycle. While certain project ideas may not be eligible for NEP funding, they may be eligible for funding through other City-funded grant programs. As a first step, please refer to the City's Grant Directory to determine the appropriate funding source for your project. Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 4 of 8 For tree replacement or new street tree planting proposals located on publicly-owned land, please contact Jim Bateman, Assistant Public Works Director, at: jbateman@lakeoswego.city. ■ Projects on Lake Oswego School District (LOSD) Property, such as new playground equipment or proposals to improve pedestrian access. In order to be eligible for NEP funding, projects located on LOSD property must also be adjacent to City-owned or City- maintained property. For projects on school grounds it is essential that you have support from the school principal and LOSD administration, as the District typically serves as the lead for any construction project on a school property. Proposals must also include a commitment from LOSD to share overall project costs with the City. For projects on Lake Oswego School District property, please contact Brent Paul, Director of Facility Operations at LOSD, at: brent.paul@loswego.k12.or.us. Steps in Developing a Project 1. Brainstorm project ideas. After carefully reviewing the grant application materials, think about the public benefit of the project, the timeframe in which it will be implemented, and the capacity of your association to implement it. If the project is a physical improvement, consider your capacity to maintain it over the long-term. Make a list of potential project ideas, including costs and benefits, timeline, and any partnerships with other organizations that may be needed. Be sure to reach out to the appropriate City department or Lake Oswego School District staff member, depending on the type of project you're interested in pursuing. Refer to the Potential Projects section, above, to determine the right contact for your project idea. Keep in mind that all projects must be completed by June 30, 2024. 2. After completing the above due diligence, contact the grant program coordinator to discuss the project idea. A discussion with City staff and outreach to the City-recognized neighborhood association are both required prior to submitting an application. The City's NEP grant coordinator for the 2023-2024 cycle is Erik Olson, who can be reached via email at neighborhoods@lakeoswego.city. Staff can advise on the project's scope, neighborhood association contacts, and eligibility for NEP grant funding. Applicants are required to provide written documentation of neighborhood association support in addition to documentation of correspondence with the NEP grant coordinator and the City(or LOSD) contacts applicable to their project. 3. Obtain support for this idea from a City-recognized neighborhood association board. Verify that the project is located in a neighborhood with an active Neighborhood Association (NA), and present the idea to the NA to determine if there is support before moving forward. This Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 5 of 8 support must be documented in your application submittal. Neighborhood association maps and contact lists can be found online at: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/neighborhood-associations. 4. Refine the project scope based on input from the staff coordinator and neighborhood association. Think through the project goals and necessary follow-through. Study the feasibility of completing your project within the designated one-year timeframe, particularly with respect to infrastructure improvement projects or projects located in the public right- of-way. Make a timeline and list of activities needed to accomplish your project. Consider if there are members of your neighborhood group who can assist with relevant professional experience. City staff may also be able to offer advice, direct you to resources, or put you in touch with other community members who can advise you. 5. Determine resources needed. Develop a list of all the resources and funding needed at each step of the process. As you consult with City staff, you are likely to learn of some additional items that may be needed. Be aware that, in order to ensure accountability for public funds granted through the NEP process, grantees are expected to have the organizational capacity (capital or credit) to make their own purchases, follow the grant requirements, and request reimbursement from the City. 6. Obtain bids. For goods purchased (e.g., bench) or service work (e.g., landscaping) that is more than $5,000 from a single vendor/contractor, the applicant should get three bids or provide justification for obtaining less than three bids. For professional services (e.g., graphic design), and other work amounting to $5,000 or less, the applicant is not required to obtain three bids, but is encouraged to get competitive bids. 7. Submit application. Applications are due May 31, 2023, so plan your neighborhood association meeting(s) to allow enough time for the above due diligence and neighborhood association approval. Include emails from city staff confirming review. After submission, applications will be reviewed by the NEP Grant Review Committee in order to develop recommendations for City Council approval sometime in July 2023. This year's Grant Review Committee members include Massene Mboup, City Councilor; Don Mitchell, Planning Commissioner; and Doug Corder, 50+Advisory Board. The committee also includes David Kainoa, City PrepLO Liaison; Nicole Nathan, Executive Director of the Arts Council of Lake Oswego; Erica Rooney, City Engineer; Megan Big John, Parks Manager; Jim Bateman, Assistant Public Works Director; David Smith, Deputy Fire Marshal; Megan Phelan, Assistant City Manager and Human Resources Director; and Jessica Numanoglu, Interim Community Development Director; Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager; Shawna Calhoun, Finance Department; and Iris McCaleb, Planning Administrative Assistant, provide staff support to the committee. 8. Implement proposal. For awarded projects, the applicant is responsible for coordinating the completion of the project. Certain projects may necessitate a meeting with City staff before work can commence, and it is the applicant's responsibility to reach out to City staff to set up any meetings necessary to complete the proposal. Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 6 of 8 Application Requirements 1. The application must have a designated project coordinator. This person will be the designated contact for City staff, and will be responsible for submitting reimbursement requests (with itemized, legible receipts) for grant funds and a brief summary of the grant result once the project is complete. 2. The project coordinator must review the proposal with the NEP Grant Coordinator and the City (or LOSD) contacts applicable to their project prior to submitting the application. The application must include emails from the NEP grant coordinator and other applicable contacts confirming that the review has taken place. 3. The City's NEP Grant Coordinator for the 2023-2024 cycle is Erik Olson, who can be reached via email at neighborhoods@lakeoswego.city. See the Potential Projects section, above, to determine which other City or LOSD staff contacts will be necessary to speak with regarding your project idea.3. The NEP grant application must include a letter of support from the board of the applicable neighborhood association (NA) for the project. Home Owners Associations (HOA) must coordinate with the City-recognized NA for their area and include documentation of support from the NA with their application. 4. All applications related to emergency preparedness must show proof of coordination with PrepLO in the form of an email from David Kainoa, the City's liaison with PrepLO. Timeline Week of April 17, 2023 Grant cycle opens for the 2023-2024 Neighborhood Enhancement Program May 31, 2023 Applications due by 5:00 pm July 18, 2023 City Council awards grants August 2023 —June 2024 Project implementation June 30, 2024 Grant completion deadline (all expenses must be incurred by June 30, 2024) July 5, 2024 Deadline for submitting all reimbursement requests (with itemized, legible receipts) for payment to the City August 23, 2024 Project Report deadline How Can A Neighborhood Association or Group Apply? The program guide and application are available on the city's website, please use this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/neighborhood-enhancement-program-grants Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 7 of 8 Contact the Planning Department at 503-635-0290 or neighborhoods@lakeoswego.city for more information or to discuss your project ideas. Staff assistance is available as organizations plan their project and gather resources. After reviewing the Program Guide and talking with staff, fill out an Application Form and submit it along with supporting documentation no later than 5:00 pm, Tuesday, May 31, 2023. As a reminder, all applications must include letters or emails documenting review from the NEP grant coordinator and other contacts applicable to their project, and a letter or email documenting support from the City-recognized neighborhood association applicable to their project. Neighborhood Enhancement Program Guide 2023-2024 Page 8 of 8