Approved Minutes - 2023-03-23City of Lake Oswego Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of March 23, 2023 Page 1 of 2
Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
March 23rd, 2023
Members present: Lin Carson, Chair
Elisabeth Zeller, Vice Chair
Al Calabria
Shannon Grindy
Shima Salehi
Steve Dodds
Gary Rebello
Joe Buck, Mayor
Massene Mboup
Rachel Verdick
John Wendland
Ali Afghan
Trudy Corrigan
Members excused: Aaron Rapf
Alternates present:
Staff Present: Martha Bennett, City Manager; Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager,
Shawn Cross, Finance Director; Shauna Calhoun, Budget Analyst
The Budget Committee meeting was taped and is online with supporting information. To view
additional discussion, click on any online Interactive Agenda item in color to go to that point on the
1.Meeting called to order
Chair Carson called the City Budget Committee meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.
2.Roll Call
3.Approval of Budget Committee Meeting Minutes from October 20, 2022
Chair Carson called for approval of the meeting minutes from October 20, 2022. Councilor
Dodds began the motion, second by Councilor Verdick. Passed by unanimous vote.
4. Review Ground Rules, Schedule, and Agenda
City Manager Bennett put this on hold until hard copies could be passed out. Came back to
this at 6:13pm. Bennett reviewed the ground rules, schedule, and agenda items to the
5. Public Comment
Chair Carson called for public comment of which there was none.
City of Lake Oswego Budget Committee Meeting
Minutes of March 23, 2023 Page 2 of 2
6. Budgeting for Priorities
At 5:38pm, City Manager Bennett presented the PowerPoint slides for the topic “Budgeting
for Priorities”. It went over the City of Lake Oswego’s old approach versus current approach
to budgeting. Going over the pros and cons of each, Bennett explained it provides the three
(3) things that motivate people: Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.
7. City Council Goals
At 6:09pm, City Manager Bennett reviewed the adopted Council Goals and Initiatives.
8. Six-Year Financial Forecast
At 6:18pm Finance Director Cross went over the excel forecast and explained to members
the purpose of this tool in order to help the City predict its financial stability given current and
historical data projected at forecasted interest rates.
9. Municipal Grants Review Subcommittee selection
At 6:52pm, several members volunteered to be a part of the Municipal Grants Review
Subcommittee. They are Member Corrigan, Councilor Wendland, Vice Chair Zeller,
Member Salehi, and Member Rebello.
10. Next Steps/ Future Meeting Topics
City Staff reminded the Committee the next meetings will be May 4th and 11th. The 4th will
contain the Budget Message, State Shared Revenues, and the Redevelopment Agency
Budget. The 11th will be discussion of the City budget and capital projects. It was also noted
an additional meeting of the 18th is available if necessary.
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shauna Calhoun
Budget Analyst