Agenda Item - 2023-06-27 - Number 10.1 - Rassekh Park Phase 1 Construction Contract Award 10.1 oc��` 4� COUNCIL REPORT 11 vaporo AEG% Subject: WO 307.1 Rassekh Park Phase I Construction Contract Award Meeting Date: June 27, 2023 Staff Members: Ivan Anderholm, Director and Kyra Haggart, Project Manager/Park Analyst Report Date: June 16, 2023 Department: Parks & Recreation Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation O Motion ❑ Approval ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial ❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded ❑ Resolution 0 Not Applicable ❑ Information Only Comments: ❑ Council Direction ❑ Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Paul Brothers, Inc. in a contract amount of$2,283,784.20 for construction of Work Order 307.1 Rassekh Park Phase I. Recommended Language for Motion: Move to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Paul Brothers, Inc. in the amount of$2,283,784.20 for construction of Work Order 307.1 Rassekh Park Phase I. Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question): ElCouncil Goals/Priorities Adopted Master Plan(s) ❑Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On February 2, 2021 City Council awarded a design and engineering contract to Mackenzie for the design of Rassekh Park. On October 19, 2021 City Council directed staff to add a skatepark to the Rassekh Park design, and on January 18, 2022 City Council awarded a design-build contract to California Skateparks. Bids for construction of Rassekh Park were opened on November 9, 2022; however, the bids came in significantly higher than the engineer's estimate, and on December 7, 2022 solicitation for Rassekh Park's construction was canceled. In January 2023 Parks & Recreation staff and the Mackenzie team began work to develop a phased Respect. Excellence. Trust. ServHe. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 approach to Rassekh's construction. Bidding for Phase I of Rassekh Park's construction was advertised on May 8, 2023, and two bids were received and opened on June 6, 2023. Paul Brothers, Inc. was the successful bidder with a bid amount of$2,283,784.20. Phase I of Rassekh Park also includes construction of the 10,000-square-foot skatepark, which is planned to be constructed concurrently by California Skateparks. Awarding the contract for Rassekh Park Phase I construction supports the City Council 2023 initiative to "develop a funding strategy for Rassekh Park, and construct the skate park portion." Development of Rassekh Park as a neighborhood park with active recreation uses also marks a significant step in implementing the 2013 Luscher Area Master Plan. The total cost for constructing Phase I of Rassekh Park is $3,538,716. BACKGROUND The 9.8-acre Rassekh property located at 18011 Stafford Road was acquired by the City of Lake Oswego in 1996 using funds from the 1990 Parks Bond and is one of the eight original properties comprising the "Luscher Area." The property has been envisioned as a site to provide opportunities for active recreation since its acquisition, and it was one of the first of the Luscher properties to be added to the Lake Oswego Urban Services Boundary. The Luscher Area Master Plan, adopted by the City in 2013, describes Rassekh as a property intended for an "active recreation area and neighborhood park." On May 21, 2019 Lake Oswego voters passed Bond Measure 3-548, generating approximately $30 million to fund park, recreation, and open space projects. In March of 2020 the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Advisory Board (PRNRAB) presented their recommendations for the prioritization of bond projects to City Council, which included development of the Rassekh Park property as a high-priority project. The Parks & Recreation Department initiated the solicitation process for the park's design in late 2020, and in February 2021 the City Council awarded an architectural and engineering contract to Mackenzie for the design of Rassekh Park. During the conceptual design process the design team determined that, in addition to space for multi-use athletic fields, Rassekh Park had space to accommodate other park features desired by the neighborhood and the community, such as a playground, a picnic shelter, and walking trails. Community feedback regarding additional park features was received through project advisory committee meetings, community-wide surveys, neighborhood outreach, and public testimony at City Council meetings. In October 2021 staff presented a design update to City Council that included several options for additional features that could be added, including the option to add a skatepark in the north end of the park property. During the meeting City Council heard testimony from local skaters, parents, youth, and other community members in support of incorporating a skatepark into the property's design. On October 19, 2021 Council directed staff to add a 10,000 square foot skatepark to Rassekh Park. On January 18, 2022 Council approved a design-build contract with California Skateparks to design and construct the skatepark portion of the project. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Servi:.c:. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 3 The design process for the skatepark at Rassekh Park began in February 2022 and was guided by a Task Force comprised of local adult and youth skaters, parents of skaters, and residents of the Palisades Neighborhood Association. The Task Force met four times during the spring of 2022 to share ideas, advise California Skateparks on local skating preferences, and provide input on the design and its unique skate features. The process was also informed by feedback from a community-wide survey and two community open house events. In June 2022 the design for Rassekh Park and the skatepark was finalized and the application was submitted for review. In August 2022, following two public hearings, the land use application and findings were approved by the Development Review Commission. A request for bids for the construction of Rassekh Park was advertised on September 30, 2022 with an addendum on October 12, 2022. Bids were opened on November 9, 2022. All bids received were significantly higher than the engineer's estimate and the solicitation was cancelled on December 7, 2022. In January 2023 Parks & Recreation staff and the Mackenzie design and engineering team began work on a phased development approach for Rassekh Park. On February 21, 2023 City Council adopted their 2023 Council Preferred Future, Goals, and Initiatives, including a Council Initiative Work Plan to "develop a Funding Strategy for Rassekh Park, and construct the skate park portion." The solicitation for Phase I of Rassekh Park's construction was advertised on May 8, 2023. On June 6, 2023 the Department received and opened two bids for the work. Based on the bid amounts and the scoring criteria outlined in the Request for Bids, Paul Brothers, Inc. was identified as the successful bidder with a bid amount of$2,283,784.20. DISCUSSION Phase 1 of Rassekh Park's development will include construction of the all public right-of-way improvements for Stafford Road, as well as all other conditions of the project's land use approval. It also includes construction of the new site access and driveway from Atherton Drive, a portion of the paved parking lot, a temporary gravel overflow parking area, and the restroom building. The Rassekh property is not currently served by public utilities, so Phase I will also provide water, stormwater, and sanitary sewer service and electricity to the site, all of which will be needed to serve the full build-out of the park. The skatepark is planned to be constructed concurrently but through a separate contract with California Skateparks. This phased development approach does not constitute a change to the design for Rassekh Park that was approved in August 2022. Rather, this first phase of development is intended to set the stage for future full build-out, while providing some park features to the community in the interim. The portions of the site undisturbed by Phase I development will continue to be maintained as undeveloped open space until the next phase of construction is complete. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost for constructing Phase I of Rassekh Park is $3,538,716, without contingency. This includes the contract with Paul Brothers, Inc. for$2,283,784.20; construction of the skatepark by California Skateparks; tree removal under a separate contract; the cost of purchasing of the Respect. Excellence. Trust. Servi:.c:. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 4 public restroom structure; and required permitting fees, Zone of Benefit fees, and System Development Charges. Contingency for the project at 5% is $177,000, the contingency, if needed, would come from budgeted capital funds, unallocated Park's SDC's and/or department contingency. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Paul Brothers, Inc. in a contract amount of $2,283,784.20 for construction of Work Order 307.1 Rassekh Park Phase I. ATTACHMENTS 1. Paul Brothers, Inc. Bid Sheet 2. Phase I Site Plan Respect. Excellence. Trust. Servi: c:. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY ATTACHMENT 1 BID SCHEDULE 05/08/23 RASSEKH PARK PHASE I.CONSTRUCTION-WORK ORDER 23-307 Estimated material quantities shown in the Bid Schedule are provided as a courtesy and are for reference only.Bidder is responsible for performing independent quantity take-offs and for verification of All.quantities. Item# Description Unit Quantity Price per Unit Total per Item Mobilization and Demolition 1 Mobilization, Logistics,and Survey LS 1 3�� t% n. 2 Traffic Control LS 1 fie, ice. (L 3 Erosion Control LS 1 (0 I1 r a .. General Construction 4 Clearing and Grubbing CY _ 2,500 c.v1.0b 67t . 5 General Excavation CY 9,490 ,20, S) tik 6 General Embankment CY 11,010 (l op CD.-t (yp, 7 Sawcutting(up to 8" depth) LF 47 IC). Op C43 Roadway and Parking Construction 8 Subgrade Preparation- Parking Areas(12") SY 3311 3,e-r q13) 9 Aggregate Base Rock(6") (321123) CY 552 Id{tj,D0 77 Zjo, 10 Asphalt Concrete Paving(2.5") (321216) TON 355 ( 4- Op J l' { , 11 Gravel Top Course (3") CY 72 9g, ®q 6,3%. 12 Curb Stop (321713) EA 7 ( O. CO (330 , 13 Traffic Signs EA 15 (72,5, Cb q37 14 Pavement Markings(321723) LS .11 54 o,Cf3 51a°, Structures 15 Restroom LS 1 5)00, , Lighting 16 Street Light EA 3 .2(I l . C.,4 goo. 17 Parking/Pedestrian Lighting EA 1 (2-15 o , 0-4 5Oa Site Improvements 18 Pathway Paving(321216) TON 180 (73,0 0 3(/ (cf©, 19 Aggregate Base Rock(2") (321123) CY 1 12-f 00 0, I 2- coo, 20 Soft Surface Trail-Chips (329300) SF 1863 ®(} t , 21 Concrete Surfacing SF 570 j, OD ( (5'"5p, 22 Site Furnishings LS 1 �� 23 Boulder Retaining Wall IF 220 S'1, OD `j (rfO, 24 Monument and Park Signage LS 1 ii8 Ob, �00 Landscaping 25 Seeded Landscape Area (329219) SF 125,500 ,(fa 157 Soo, 26 Planted Landscape Area (329300) SF 16,642 02,0b III 41, 27 Trees (329300) EA 30 3 1o,(gip `rtOD , 28 Irrigation- Permanent(328425) SF 36,658 „) 1( b'-F5, 29 Irrigation-Temporary(328425) SF 99,600 `a2S" 11 ROO. Utilities _ 30 4"Storm Pipe LF 62 16r.OD 00, 31 6"Storm Pipe LF 180 (N,c'b j t . 32 8"Storm Pipe LF 132 ((,(, OD ,2,( 2 J 33 10"Storm Pipe LF 68 (r313,w r)_)1M 34 12" Storm Pipe LF 478 . (-it, op ?1, 130, 35 4" Perforated Storm Pipe LF 325 (I. 00 35-15;, 36 Storm Inlets EA 4 DO. GO 0200 37 Storm French Drain, (4" pipe under Item 35) LF 325 33. CO (0/ 1L5 a 38 Riprap SF 72 t(, 06 792, 39 4" Bored Sewer Pipe LF 494 ( ,5, CO 07, 570, 40 4"Trenched Sewer Pipe LF 240 /60,OD _7I`7' "O 41 8"Trenched Sewer Pipe LF 27 �, oO 5 to 42 Sewer Manhole EA 3 (Qji oop, St Op-p 1/2 43 2"Trenched Domestic Water Pipe LF 77 f6,0, OO (2-1 7-0 44 6"Trenched Fire Water Pipe LF 266 (yD, pQ ,31,97 ®, 45 2"Water Meter and Backflow LS 1 2.o1 tp,pti 2,0}nil 46 Hydrant assembly EA 1 c2pa, Ob cow . 47 Water Service Stub EA 2 Goo ,00 (200 • 48 8" Bored Public Water Main LF 225 360. 00 67 49 8"Trenched Public Water Main LF 563 2`)0,OD (Si, O p.(€ Electrical 50 PGE Elec.Service, Conduit,Transformer LS 1 (74 ODD, (7.3-1- co, 51 Building and Structure Power Connections LS 1 _ 7(60, 00 MOO, 52 Site Power, Low Voltage and Telecom LS 1 aS/On, p. I Miscellaneous 53 Tree Protection LS 1 - 23t OSt bD 23, 0P. 54 Construction Staking LS 1 45 Epp , 0- nO(}, 55 Maintenance of Planting and Irrigation LS 1 1 060+ 2-0/ OM. Total Bid Amount (in numbers)12t203, 75q. 20I ATTACHMENT 2 IMULG \ GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD. i I 1 SEE SHEET C1.12 FOR LAYOUT GEDME°RB�H TRAIL RFALANDSCAPE rv�A o E AND GRADING / a m / 0 PLANS .. J /I Aerie. � � Planning MEngilreering I I'e:/a, I • • Y.Y`V- VEvMA NTE p till, • '� NANCE,EMERc ACCESS g RE6RDDMBUDNG =. mf�1�Iri 111ID UUUWA%WA II SKATE PARK ; (' I , ....... :.:. . unn eV-ERS '. ; .nv,..ZO6I '�� r.- � AFFD DROADSTREET LIGHTINGSE iIt ' nzezom � i ...... ,r 1 �/ .. �E �� scmcACPw"s.courRACTORTOE MACKENZIE. . PEDESTRIAN PATH _ ANDE�DTRRDINATE PRDRTGRDDGX-,N PLACEMENT WITH ----'-- SEE LANDSCAPE Client PLANS I, \ CITY OF LAKE • R f • DETAIL / g j S /J� / AND RECREATION GEOMETRY.SEE acs.io FOR ': pSWEGO PARKS q I EXISTING PEDESTRIAN PATH D eo �' - ` ti 0 Mb / BE RECONSTRUCTED SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR LAYOUT V s4, y III \ � �} p a 111 / " f3J e I •• �� '/� LIGHTING Prq.X tra �� / / RASSEKH PARK AND a �a+N cos I te40. �� 4 ' SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS 1 , - "` STRUCK �� / hQ ELECTRIC.PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN $ ry / _r / E MENTwTX CTv itCO I'/ SEE FDRPwNnNG. SELE / /// ? ' ' \ / ` p � RESOURCE CONSERVATION AREA �' • N''�•6p{ IELECTRIC.PLANS.CONTRACTOR TO Y 11111L. STAFFORD ROAD STREET LIGHTING SEE / / COORDINATE EXISTING . CITY RESOURCE PROTECTIO NAREA`" AND ELECTRICAL PRIOR TOROUGRry � VISION TRIANGLE V j, Ip�INE9:12/31/23pli)I x�� ,' LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE PARKING DATA/ y \I Rp„..„,MAX ALLOWED wH oumaw.tl w A..E ..ux. 0mo EXISTING TYPE NOBL) PRONDEDPED PEDESTRIAN PATH TOOoOCON ON(K E • DO E RESOURCE LANDSCAPE PLANS OR LAYOUT REVSON SDXEDULEOSwG S DATABASE J STANDARD 66 a,\ON RE COMPACT _ S,Sou AS / \ /oswEcoosOATAeAE RAIN - gr ‘IP l STANDARD - / I r'(GARDEN �� ,zRo.w.DeDicAnoN ia — a' -1'I ACCE II a1— te i 1 — , .'it c ACCESSIBLE: ., VAN WHEELCHAIR R - TOTAL 66 PARKING ', SHEET TITLE�O � SITE DATA OVER A LL SITE EIII / 14P_ R ®� ::8,,,....,_224:,.. ire/ j AREA(SF)AREA(AC)COVERAGE PLAN/ I II , T v <,a, �� / % I M 3 i < TOTALPROPERTY AREA D 9.48 PROJECT ARE ssz oas%(AREA OF DISTURBANCE) ' IllBUILDING AREA % -V ' PAVED�sR 6z „D „6% / 00 / \ ,BUMGPEEA, LANDSCAPE RR w zes 61.6% s1EET/00I / PARKING LOT DATA I; '// PARKING AREA '9� o� % C1.10— — — Z ,0° PARKING 22B% // /' " OVERALL SITE PLAN ''s"D 2200507.00 „ ,...., xg.,�,. a olo„ �h�wI,E PHASE ONE PERMIT/BID SET-MAY 8 2023 N. .6" Lbw2S.,.E.w,...x..Nn,,,,.,AP