Approved Minutes - 2023-03-24 Minutes 50+ ADVISORY BOARD MEETING ‘01111P 0 Friday, March 24, 2023 10— 11:30 a.m. °REGo� Contact: Pam Montoya,Administrative Assistant Email: pmontoya@ci.oswego.or.us Phone: 503-675-6407 Also published on the internet at: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/bocfiftyplus The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.To request accommodations, please contact the staff liaison, Pam Montoya at least 48 hours before the meeting. All members of the 50+Advisory Board are attending either in-person or remotely via Zoom.To join the in-person meeting remotely, contact the meeting administrator at pmontoya@ci.oswego.or.us.for call-in option. 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Present: Chair Erin Murphy, Vice-Chair Karen Logsdon, Leesie van Roon, Ann Savage, Susan Bailey, Doug Corder, Councilor Ali Afghan, Staff: Maria Bigelow, ACC Manager, Pam Montoya, Administrative Assistant Absent: Susan Speer 2. Approve February Meeting Minutes Ann Savage made a motion to approve the February meeting minutes. Doug Corder seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously to approve the January meeting minutes. 3. Public Comment The purpose of public comment is to allow the community to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per individual shall apply. Public comment shall not exceed thirty minutes in total. To speak during public comment, email the staff liaison, pmontoya@ci.oswego.or.us 24 hours before the start of the meeting a request to speak along with a copy of the comment to be presented. Written comments submitted to pmontoya(@,ci.oswego.or.us 24 hours before start of the meeting will be read out loud during the public comment period. Updates will be heard from the following: • City Council Liaison • LOACC Center Manager City Council Update: Councilor Afghan • Pickleball testimony Erin Murphy—Board Chair• Karen Logsdon—Vice Chair • Doug Corder• Susan Bailey • Susan Speer •Ann Savage• Leesie van Roon •Ali Afghan, City Council Liaison Page 2 • Budget Committee meeting • ODOT funding • City of Lake Oswego infrastructure • Financial audit review and credit rating • Emergency plan for elderly and disabled citizens as part of City Council goals ACC Report: Maria Bigelow • Art sculpture installed in Adult Community Center (ACC) garden area • Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation (LOPR) accreditation review in May • Boards & Commissions staff liaisons meeting • Grocery shopping trip update • LOPR leadership retreat • ACC Pendleton Woolen Mill trip • Respite Coordinator update 4. New Business 4.1 Lake Oswego Library asking for written support from city Boards & Commissions for a grant to purchase an electric mobile van. Leesie van Roon made a motion to write a letter of support to the Library for a grant request to purchase an electric mobile van. 50+ Board requested update from Jan Wirtz, LOPR Deputy Director next month. Mayor Buck approached by Home Share Oregon and 50+ Board was asked by Councilor Afghan if they would like to have a presentation made. Staff liaison will schedule a time for Home Share Oregon attend an upcoming board meeting. Councilors Afghan and Verdick to work on a directory of those citizens interested in emergency planning. 5. Old Business 5.1 2023 Goal review Board member, Leesie van Roon updated the board on licensed adult care facilities (see attached). Board discussed options for collecting information to identify the needs of citizens in emergency situations. Board member Doug Corder asked if there is a written succession plan in place in case of an emergency. Councilor Afghan will follow-up. 503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.ci.osweg Page 3 Board chair, Erin Murphy asked the board to have an offsite meeting to discuss emergency preparedness and working with the Neighborhood Association board chairs. Board member Doug Corder to attend a housing meeting today at 1pm. Update will be forthcoming. Housing plan presentation to the city expected in 2024. The board discussed how to provide input and recommendations to city council. Board member Lessie van Roon asked about status of PrepLO website. 6. Adjournment 6.1 Next 50+ board meeting scheduled for Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center. Ann Savage made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:28am. Doug Corder seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Prepared by, Pamela Montoya Administrative Assistant Lake Oswego Adult Community Center 503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.ci.osweg 3:40 PM Fri Feb17 ••- ?16%1 •oregon.gov (7) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN. A licensee or administrator must develop and maintain a written emergency preparedness plan for the protection of all occupants in the home in the event of an emergency or disaster. (a) The written emergency plan must: (A) Include an evaluation of potential emergency hazards including, but not limited to: (i) Prolonged power failure or water or sewer loss. (ii) Fire, smoke, or explosion. (iii) Structural damage. (iv) Hurricane, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood, or earthquake. (v) Chemical spill or leak. (vi) Pandemic. (B) Include an outline of the caregiver's duties during an evacuation. (C) Consider the needs of all occupants of the home including, 3:40 PM Fri Feb17 ^r 16%1 AA G oregon.gov tr,' [1 + a Thank You 3 warm light greige paint-Google S I 1 2023 Best greige Paint Colors © ? www.oregon.gov/dhs/PROVIDERS... 26 of 49 (C) Consider the needs of all occupants of the home including, but not limited to: Page 24 (i)Access to medical records necessary to provide services and treatment. (ii) Access to pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and equipment during and after an evacuation. (iii) Behavioral support needs. (D) Include provisions and supplies sufficient to shelter in place for a minimum of three days without electricity, running water, or replacement staff. 6/99942331 50+ Advisory Board Overall Status: Ongoing 2023 Board Goals 3/16/2023 Goal #1 Provide input and recommendation to City Council regarding accessibility needs of seniors, and those with disabilities as well as the implementation of actions that address those needs including: 1/12/2023 Boards and Commission Summit summary from other tables at the meeting. Doug Corder Each table had a spoke person to stand and present summary of table discussion to the entire group. I learned that more than one table and more than 1 Advisory Board had the same basic search or request for information; emergency contact, local support contact, neighborhood contacts with information in one resource location. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board and the Library Advisory Board had similar goals. Supports aspects of Goal #1 and Goal #4 from 50= Advisory Board 1A Full Access to services, information, buildings, sidewalks and trails. 1B Provide resources for shopping & medical appointments LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 1 1C Offer strong social opportunities & programs Goal #2 Seek to improve knowledge of resources and identify needs of homebound Ann Savage seniors and those with disabilities in case of a city-wide emergency. Leesie van Roon 2/17/2023 Karen Logsdon was asked to follow-up with Mary's Woods regarding their emergency preparedness procedures for their residents. 3/1 1/2023 I have met with the Mary's Woods Emergency Planning Committee. The Karen Logsdon leaders of emergency planning here are in regular contact and meetings with the city. The issue of evacuation of the disabled individual living alone, in a catastrophic event, is a challenge for all. Not sure how a city can implement a successful solution, even here in Mary's Woods, without private able-bodied neighbors' active involvement 2A Reach out to local organizations (i.e. LOFD, LOPD) LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 2 1 1/dd/2022 Reached out to Assistant Fire Chief, Kristin Artman to discuss emergency Ann Savage preparedness readiness for the city. 2B Assess information to determine gaps in service. 2C Document & present recommendations to City Council Goal #3 Advocate for affordable, multigenerational and accessible housing for Doug Corder seniors within Lake Oswego. 12/16/22 Doug Corder is on the "Housing Production Strategy Task Force". Doug Corder representing the 50+ Advisory Board. First meeting via zoom. Discussion agenda was: • Introduction of each HPS Task Force member • Review of HPS Task Force Charter & Bylaws LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 3 • Overview of HPS Task Force • Project Scheduled timeline • Project Scope of Work HPS Task Force Meeting #2 will be March 23, 2023. Supports Goal #3 from 50+ Advisory Board 1/12/2023 I attended the Boards and Commission Summit meeting. Doug Corder I sat at the blue table. Members at the blue table were 1-Budget Committee member, 2-Development Review Commission, 1-Historic Resources Advisory Board. John Wenland City Councilor. 3/7/2023 I wanted to share the url of our Mayor Joe Buck's discussion on affordable Doug Corder housing in Lake Oswego posted March 6th with KOIN news group. Just in case you may have missed discussion. The article mentions HPSTF (Housing Production Strategy Task Force) which I am one of the task force members. https://www.koin.com/local/just-the-beginning-lake-oswego-mayor-talks- affordable-housing- push/?fbclid=PAAaa2ePiF6E5v79bmOjPhng0X0MOX0iMQW6j36axQGJTF7 m- 67NKYgJcmlg 3A Engage in meetings & committees as they arise. LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 4 Goal #4 Promote services available throughout the community for older adults and those with disabilities including: 4A Work as LOACC Ambassadors 4B Build relationships with City staff, Advisory Boards etc. 4C Provide information of community resources through fairs, farmers market & community groups 1/12/2023 Boards and Commission Summit summary from other tables at the meeting. Each table had a spoke person to stand and present summary of table discussion to the entire group. I learned that more than one table and more than 1 Advisory Board had the same basic search or request for information; emergency contact, local support contact, neighborhood contacts with information in one resource location. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board and the Library Advisory Board had similar goals. Supports aspects of Goal #1 and Goal #4 from 50= Advisory Board LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 5 LAKE OSWEGO 50+ADVISORY BOARD 6