Approved Minutes - 2023-08-28City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes August 28, 2023 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes August 28, 2023 Call to Order / Roll Call Jay Hamachek called the July 2023 meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Board to order at approximately 6:30pm. Members Present: Buzz Chandler, Jay Hamachek, Kara Orvieto, Robin Palao, Whitney Street, Nathan Chen, Margaux McCloskey Members Excused/Absent: Mark Puhlman, Matt Schaeffer, Jeanne Enders, Joe Buck Staff: Quin Brunner Public: None Approval of Minutes Jay made a motion to approve the minutes, Whitney seconded, minutes approved unanimously. Public Comment None. Regular Business A. Introductions New and returning members introduced themselves. This was the first SAB meeting attended by Youth Member Margaux McCloskey and Alternate Matt Coleman. B. Selection of Parks 2040 Liaison Buzz nominated Kara Orvieto to serve as the SAB liaison to the Parks 2040 Steering Committee. Following discussion, below, her appointment was unanimously approved. Kara expressed interest in the position, sharing that she has capacity for additional involvement with SAB. Jay added that he sees this as an opportunity to work with great people (Parks & Rec staff) and to meaningfully consider the changing needs of the park system that stem from higher density housing developments. Kara shared her perspective on the responsibilities of a liaison – to keep SAB members informed and solicit input on topics on the Parks 2040 agenda. Buzz added that this will be a productive forum for increasing cross-board collaboration. C. Farmers’ Market Planning Kara drew attention to the sign-up sheet Quin sent earlier in the day, soliciting volunteers for the SAB tables at the Farmers’ Market on September 16th and the Home and Vehicle Electrification Fair on September 23rd. Members discussed their availability for both events and signed up for shifts on the live Google spreadsheet. City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes August 28, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Matt asked for clarification on the intent of SAB’s presence at the Farmers’ Market. Jay shared that SAB has been working to expand outreach efforts, having focused previously on EV charging locations throughout the City, Oregon Energy Trust opportunities, and recycling education. Kara added that the SAB information table also serves to increase visibility, both of the board and of the Council’s prioritization of Sustainability initiatives. Matt asked about draw – how SAB can bring people to the table. Jay shared that pamphlets and information are valuable and said he would reach out to Oregon Energy Trust to see what they have available. Buzz brought up the Home and Vehicle Electrification Fair, sharing that it has evolved from a EV dealer-focused event to include electric bicycle displays, booths, speakers, and sponsors. He shared that it is becoming a fall staple and encouraged all members to attend. Kara asked Quin about next steps regarding the Farmers’ Market. Quin shared that he was hoping to finish collecting shift sign ups by the end of the week. He added that he is working with Jay to finalize an EV Charging location map and working with Madison to prepare EV Survey cards and iPads. Jay offered to contact the Oregon Energy Trust for materials. Kara requested that Quin bring the blue metal EV sign. Quin committed to sending a reminder email at the beginning of September, outlining plans and shifts, and invited members to share additional ideas for creating an engaging table. D. Updates & Announcements from Board and Staff • Buzz announced that the City’s Emergency Preparedness Fair is on Thursday, September 14th at City Hall and encouraged members to attend. • Quin shared that the next SAB meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 18th at 6:30pm. On the agenda is a discussion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant project. • Quin reminded Margaux and Nathan of the Youth Member Ice Cream Orientation on Monday, September 11th. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 pm. Respectfully submitted, Quin Brunner Management Analyst