F-003 Arborist Report 550 Bedford Road, Bedford Hills NY
SAVA REE® phone: (914) 241-4999 • fax: (914)244-9375
Consulting Group
Sibyl Weise
Arborist Consultant
ISA Cert# PN-8718A TRAQ
971-375-7280 I sweise@savatree.com
For Service At
TAX LOTS 0100, 2902 , 3000
Consulting Group
City of Lake Oswego, Oregon - Tax Lots 0100, 2902, 3000
Arboricultural Assessment and Tree Protection/ Removal Plan
Report Summary.
This report includes the location and status of the trees that fall within the perimeters of the proposed
development of the project. The trees are marked on the site plan (Appendix C), including their location and
corresponding number.
General Information.
Project Location and Identification
The property is located in the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon. The physical address is:
• Tax lots 0100, 2902, 3000, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
The project proposes the excavation of a sewage pipeline installation and the construction of an access road.
• Locate and identify the trees that will be affected based on the proposed construction according to the provided
site plan (Appendix C)
• Provide findings/ recommendations pertaining to the trees.
On 12/6/2022, I visited the site and collected the inventory of 344 trees. The construction plan is open
excavation for a new sewage pipeline through westside of West Waluga Park and continue westbound through
tax lots 0100, 2902, and 3000. There will be open excavation southbound on SW Kimball Street. There are a
handful of trees within 20 feet of the proposed pipeline that will be negatively affected if retained.An additional
construction plan is to build an access road on the southern side of tax lot 3000. The trees were evaluated for
the impacts by the construction project,their overall condition, and verified in comparison to the provided site
plan which indicates the existing conditions and the site improvements Appendix C.
Purpose and Use of this Report
The purpose of this report is to provide information that adheres to the City of Lake Oswego Code regarding
the impacts of excavating a sewage pipeline within westside of West Waluga Park and tax lots 0100, 2902, and
3000 and the construction of an access road on the southside of tax lot 3000. The report includes a Tree
Protection Plan that will serve as directions that need to be followed during the construction project. This report
documents this information and is intended to be used by the owner, construction contractor,the sub-
contractors,the tree care, and landscape professionals who are involved in the construction project.
Limits of the report
The trees were evaluated from ground level. No special tools were used to examine any tree or tree parts.
Proposed Tree Removals
For the sewage excavation part of the project, there are 25 trees proposed for removal in the lots and within
the Baliene ROW. The tree IDs are the following: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44,
47, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, and 345. Trees 25, 28, and 34 are dead/dying/critical.
For the sewage excavation part of the project there are 12 trees proposed for removal in the park and 2
trees proposed for removal in the Inverurie Rd ROW. The tree IDs are the following: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18. Tree 9 is dead.
For the construction of the road access on the southside of tax lot 3000, there are 7 trees proposed for
removal. The tree IDs are the following: 254, 255, 256, 286, 294, 295, and 296. Tree 255, 286, and 295 are
The removal information can be found in the inventory table in Appendix D.
Type II Tree Removal Permit Criteria
The following findings address the criteria for issuance of type II tree removal permits found in LOC Section
55.02.080 for the six type II trees to be removed. The applicable criteria are numbered, and corresponding
findings are underlined.
1. The tree is proposed for removal because it has outgrown its landscape area, or the removal is part of a
landscape plan, in order to construct development approved or allowed pursuant to the Lake Oswego Code
or other applicable development regulations. The City Manager may require the building footprint of the
development to be staked to allow for accurate verification of the permit application;
a. For the purposes of this section, a tree that has outgrown its landscape area may include, but is not
limited to, a tree that has grown such that damage to a structure or facility cannot be avoided by
pruning or other maintenance, a tree
b. For purposes of this section, a "landscape plan" shall consist of plantings but may also include
walkways, patios and other landscape features;the plan must include more than removing the tree for
which the Type II permit is requested, and planting required mitigation trees;
The trees proposed for removal are within the construction plans for installation of a sewage pipeline and
access road in the lot partition. The trees proposed for removal will be negatively affected by the
construction/excavation and will likely decline from the disturbance. It is in the best interest to remove the
proposed trees.Appendix D demonstrates exactly where the access road and sewage pipeline will impact the
proposed trees for removal.
2. Removal of the tree, considering proposed mitigation measures,will not have a significant negative impact on erosion,
soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks
The proposed tree removals for the sewage excavation will not negatively affect erosion or soil stability due to
the heavily dense forested area on either side of the excavation line. There are many other tree species and
understory canopy that will prevent erosion and will keep the soil stabilized. In addition, once the sewage
pipeline is installed, the excavation site will be buried which will allow the surrounding trees to grow into the
newly placed soil. There may be a slight change in windbreaks due to the removals, but the change will be
minimal due to the heavily dense greenspace on either side of the excavation. The flow of surface waters
shouldn't be negatively affected since there are other mature tree species on the property that will continue to
contain the water flow.
The proposed tree removals for the access lane will not negatively impact erosion or soil stability because of
density of the forested area surrounding the proposed tree removals. The proposed tree removals are minimal
for the construction of the access road. There will not be a negative impact from windbreaks since the
surrounding area is heavily dense with other mature tree species. The flow of surface waters shouldn't be
negatively affected since there are none located on that portion of the property.
3.a) Of the trees that are greater than 15"diameter, and in good or fair health, and are not invasive species, are any of
those trees significant to the neighborhood due to size, species, or distinctive character?
The nine trees proposed for removal are classified as a"significant tree" however their species and maturity are not
uncommon for the area.A majority of the property and neighborhood has mature Oregon Ash and Oregon White Oaks.
The proposed trees for removal are not the last trees on the property. There are multiple large tree species on the
Tree ID Species DBH Health Condition Reason for Removal
5 Oregon Ash 15" Fair Development
31 Oregon Ash 16" Good Development
38 Oregon Ash 15" Good Development
44 Oregon Ash 19" Good Development
59 Oregon Ash 20" Fair Development
294 I Oregon White Oak 27" Good Development
296 Oregon White Oak 33" Fair Development
3.b) Will the proposed tree removal alter distinctive features or the neighborhood skyline?
The removal of the proposed trees will not alter distinctive features or neighborhood skyline.There are multiple large
tree species surrounding the tree proposed for removal. The trees proposed for removal are also located more in the
center of the lots and are not the first trees looked upon from the street.
3.c) Do any of the trees proposed for removal provide a visual screen between dissimilar zone districts, for example
between a residential and commercial zone?
The trees proposed for removal do not provide a visual screen.The neighborhood is strictly a residential zone.
3.d)Are any trees proposed for removal located in a public right of way?There are 22 trees proposed for
removal in the ROW of Balienie.
3.e) Is more than 50% of a"stand" of tree proposed for removal?A"stand" is a group of trees that forms a visual and
biological unit at least 15 feet in height with a contiguous crown width of at least 120 feet.
There are 344 trees total on the property and the neighboring wetland. The are 46 trees proposed for removal which
means only 13% of the stand is proposed for removal.
Exceptions: This subsection (3) is not applicable when:
a. A tree is likely to or will continue to cause damage to a permanent, viable existing structure, or to
infrastructure, such as utilities or paved landscape features, that cannot be remedied through reasonable
tree maintenance or pruning; or
Not applicable due to construction project.
b. Have reasonable alternatives to the tree removal been considered, such as alternative site plans or
placement of structures or alternative landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees the
alternatives must continue to comply with other provisions of the Lake Oswego Code)?
Yes, alternatives for the installation of sewage pipeline have been considered. It was originally supposed to
be bored instead of open excavation but unfortunately with the lack of slope and heavy concentration of
rocks, boring was not an option.Alternatives for the access road have been considered, however the
proposed placement provides the least number of removals while still providing access to the lower lot.
4. Is the proposed tree removal for the sole purpose of providing or enhancing views?
The proposed tree removals are not solely for providing or enhancing views. The trees proposed for removal
are for the construction of an access road and installation of a sewage line.
The trees under a type 2 permit shall be replaced at a 1:1 ratio (trees over 20"will be 2:1 ratio) and consist of
native trees. Deciduous should be replaced with deciduous and conifers with conifers. Conifers shall be a
minimum of 6-feet tall. Non-native trees can be replaced with native or non-native trees.
Discussion and Tree Protection Placement
The root protection zone is calculated at 1-foot per diameter inch of the tree. For Example:a 24"DBH tree has
a root protection radius of 24-feet.
Fencing shall start on the southeast corner of tax lot 0200 and head northbound on SW Inverurie Road along
the edge of the greenspace to the northeast corner. The fencing shall have a 20-foot gap at the entrance of the
walking trail. Fencing shall start on the east side of the cul-de-sac on SW Inverurie Road and head southbound
and end parallel to the fencing on the west side of the road.
Fencing shall start on the southwest corner of tax lot 3000 off of SW Kimball Street and head northbound along
the edge of the greenspace. The fencing shall have a 20-foot gap at the entrance of the walking trail.
Fencing shall start on the southwest corner of tax lot 3000 off of SW Kimball Street and head eastbound along
the edge of the proposed access road then head southbound to the end of the proposed road.
Fencing shall be placed 10 ft back on either side of the sewage pipeline excavation and run along the entire
width of all the tax lots.
Excavation near the TPZ(Tree Protection Zone)
• All excavation, demolition, install of concrete forms.... etc.within 1 foot
per diameter inch shall be monitored by one of our Certified Arborists l
assigned to the project to ensure that the impacts are minimal to the ►
trees to be preserved. Techniques used by the project arborist will ?r'_
follow arboricultural guidelines and best management practices to 411
preserve the trees (such as: City code,ANSI a300 standards... etc.)
Diameter of tree at
• The excavator and/or equipment shall stay outside the critical root ,,',� �r 4.5'above grade
Is 12Inches
zone/drip line (tips of the branches) and carefully remove layers of soil " .5': Encroachments shall be no
while the project arborist probes the soil for roots 2"and larger. •
k r:�a��a aotProuo�`
• Exploratory pneumatic excavation may be necessary to determine the zone radius
exact location of roots 2"diameter and larger, if found the project Encroachments shall `uIa2foot
arborist may deem them to be substantially significant in the retention of °u"�"°m°retha"a radp9cmet
25%of the total area (24'diameter)
the trees.Alternative construction measures may be recommended if nthero°tp=�e°t`°"
one Ircle
large roots are found.
• Trees scheduled for removal located in proximity of the TPZ of the trees to be retained, should be cut and not
pulled over by excavator to minimize root impacts. Use of a stump grinder is recommended to remove stumps.
Tree Protection Fencing
• The tree protection fencing shall be a minimum of 4-feet tall and should be placed as far away from the tree as
possible,while still allowing the construction project to commence. The fencing shall be metal.
• The temporary fencing shall be secured NO GRADING,STORAGE.PARKING OR
with 6-foot metal posts placed 8 feet apart, WITHIN THE PROTECTION FENCE ACTIVITY
two feet deep at the edge of the tree ALIGNMENT OF PROTECTION
protection zone. THE DRIP LINE AS A / TO BE SAVED
• The sign 'Vegetation/Tree Protection Zone'
shall be placed prominently on the fence ,04
designated for the tree protection zone and I i DRIP LINE
list the penalties for violation. 4'ORANGE SAFETY 6'T-POST
• The fencing shall be installed prior to any EQUAL i .. I EQUAL
ground disturbance taking place, including EXISTING GRADE
clearing, grading, or construction. 4..0' • 4'
• The tree protection fencing may be -
removed after the final inspection is TREE PROTECTION DETAIL
completed and the project arborist has met
with the landscape contractor to go over their plans.
Prohibited Activities Inside the Tree Protection Zone
Construction activities are prohibited inside any part of the Tree Protection Zone. Should access be required due to
unforeseen circumstances, prior approval from the project arborist is mandated and he/she shall be onsite to determine
mitigation to the proposed activity.
Prohibited activities include but are not limited to:
• Ground disturbance
• Construction activity involving vehicular or equipment access.
• Storage of equipment and materials (including soil and gravel)
• Temporary or permanent stockpiling
• Proposed buildings
• Impervious surfaces such as pavement
• Underground utilities
• Excavation or fill
• Trenching
• In ground irrigation system installations
• All other work activities (no person shall work inside the Tree Protection Zone)
Violations of the provisions may result in liability for damages and applicable fines
The trees are in fair condition taking species and age into consideration. Provided with the information I
received, it is my professional opinion that this tree plan suffices in the protection of the trees. Care should be
taken to adhere to the tree protection recommendations to have a positive outcome of the retention efforts.
Based on my findings and conclusions I am recommending the following course of action regarding the
retention efforts:
• Any excavation within the Tree Protection Zone must have a Certified Arborist Present
• Holding a site meeting with all contactors involved and signing a memorandum stating the
understanding of the tree plan and the consequences of willful violation of it. The memorandum
should state the penalties and costs incurred by municipal entities and who will be responsible for
them. Trees that are damaged as a result of negligence should be valued and appraised using the
trunk formula and the resulting monetary value including the penalties shall be paid to the owner.
AppendixA Assumptions and Limitations
AppendixB Certification of Performance
AppendixC Site plan with tree locations
AppendixD Tree Removal Inventory
Appendix -Assumptions and Limitations
1. A field examination of the site was made. My observations and conclusions are as of that date.
2. Care has been taken to obtain all information from a reliable source, however the Arborist can neither guarantee nor be responsible for
accuracy of information provided by others.
3. Unless stated otherwise, information contained in this report covers only those trees that were examined and reflects the condition of
those trees at the time of inspection. The inspection is limited to visual examination of the subject trees without dissection,excavation,
probing,or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee that problems or deficiencies of the subject tree may not arise in the future.
4. All trees possess the risk of failure. Trees can fail at any time,with or without obvious defects or applied stress. Trees are living biological
organisms,and I cannot predict nor guarantee their stability or failure.
5. Sketches or drawings in this report are intended as visual aids and are not necessarily to scale and should not be used as engineering or
architectural reports or surveys.
6. This report and any values/opinions expressed herein represents my opinion as an arborist. Inaction on the part of those receiving the
report is not the responsibility of the Arborist.
7. Loss or alteration of this report invalidates the entire report.
8. It is the contractor's/owner's responsibility to contact us in a timely matter to ensure that a project arborist is available when inspections
and/or observations are required.Please allow two weeks for scheduling purposes.
9. Any legal description provided to the consultant/appraiser is assumed to be correct.Any titles and ownerships to any property are
assumed to be good and marketable.No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character.Any and all property is appraised or
evaluated as though free and clear,under responsible ownership and competent management.
10. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual
arrangements are made,including payment for such services.
11. Possession of this report does not imply right of publication or use for any other purpose by any other than the person to whom it is
addressed,without the prior expressed written consent of the consultant/appraiser.
Appendix B-Certification of Performance
I,Sibyl Weise,certify that:
• I have personally inspected the trees and the property referred to in this report and have stated my findings accurately.The extent of the
evaluation or appraisal is stated in the attached report and the Terms of the Assignment.
• I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is subject of this report and have no personal interest or
bias with respect to the parties involved.
• The analysis,opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own and are based on current scientific procedures and facts.
• My analysis,opinions and conclusions were developed,and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted
arboricultural practices.
• No one provided significant professional assistance to me,except as indicated in the report.
• My compensation is not contingent upon reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party
nor upon the results of the assessment,the attainment of stipulated results,or the occurrence of any subsequent events.
I further certify that I am an ISA Certified Arborist with Tree Risk Assessment Qualifications.I have been involved in the arboricultural field in a
full-time capacity for a period of 8 years.
Northwest SavATree ARBORIST
Certified Arborist PN-8718A
ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor ,/
sweise@savatree.com ISA
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EXPIRES: 12/31/2023 C
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Tag ri Species Scientific Name DBH Health Canopy Spread
1 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 10" 60%-Fair 10ft i Remove
2 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 9" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
5 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia - 15" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove
6 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
7 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 40%-Poor 5ft Remove Lean
8 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 40%-Poor 5ft Remove
9 Oregon Ash A Fraxinus latifolia 6" i 0%-Dead No top Remove Bark Falling off
10 ; Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 8" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove Co-dominate
11 Oregon Ash • Fraxinus latifolia 11" III 40%-Poor . 10ft Remove Co-dominate
13 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 10" 60%-Fair 20ft Remove
14 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 40%-Poor ` 5ft Remove
15 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 40%-Poor 1 5ft Remove
17 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 60%-Fair loft r' Remove
18 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 7" 80%-Good 10ft Remove
24 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 12" 40%-Poor 10 ft Remove Open wound on stem,decay
25 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 0%-Dead No Top Remove Heavy Lean
26 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 9" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove
27 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 11" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
28 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 15" 20%-Critical Broken top Remove Hallow cavity at base of stem
30 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 10" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove
31 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 16" 80%-Good 15ft Remove
33 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 8" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove
34 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 22" 0%-Dead r No Top Remove Hallow stem
36 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 9" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
37 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 8" 40%-Poor Broken top Remove
38 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 15" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove Hallow cavity on main stem
39 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 16" 40%-Poor 20ft Remove Co-dominate,Cavity on main stem
43 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 14" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove Cavity on main stem
44 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 19" 80%-Good . 20 ft Remove
47 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 12" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
49 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 7" 60%-Fair . 10ft Remove
50 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 13" 60%-Fair 20ft Remove
55 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 7" 60%-Fair . 5ft Remove
56 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 11" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
57 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 8" 80%-Good . 15ft Remove
58 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 8" 60%-Fair 10ft Remove
59 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 20" 60%-Fair . 25ft Remove Co-dominant stem(3)
345 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 10" 60%-Fair 10 ft Remove
62 Plum Prunus spp. 12" 60%-Fair 15ft Remove Co-dominant stems
254 Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 13" 80%-Good 15ft Remove
255 Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 7" 0%-Dead 5ft Remove
256 Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 6" 60%-Fair 5ft Remove Lean
286 Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 30" 0%-Dead 15ft Remove
294 Oregon White Oak Quercus garryana 27" 80%-Good 30ft Remove
295 Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 9" 0%-Dead 5ft Remove
296 Oregon White Oak Quercus garryana 33" 60%-Fair 25ft Remove