F-004 Water Service Provider Letter Theta ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - PLANNING 503/481-8822 PO Box 1345 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 e-mail: thetaengllc@gmail.com May 8, 2023 Danelle Isenhart danelle@emeriodesign.com Emerio Design 6445 SW Fallbrook, # 100 Beaverton, Oregon 97068 RE: Domestic Water Supply- proposed serial partition, Lake Oswego) T2S R1 E 07CA 03000/T2S R1E CA 02902: City file LU 23-0002 Danelle Isenhart: Pursuant to your request, on behalf of the Lake Grove Water District, I am submitting the following response regarding domestic water service for the proposed series partition. The subject property is within the Lake Grove Water District boundaries and these properties currently has no water services but has a looped system of mains in Kimball and Balene. At this time there is adequate supply and pressure (approximately 100 psi) to serve this proposed serial partition. At such time this development is conditionally approved please arrange for a meeting or conference with the District for the purpose of determining the necessary scope of work, system development charges, review fees, and construction plans. If you need additional information, please contact the District or me. erely, 11 I Li_c Bruce D. Goldson, PE District Engineer cc: Lake Grove Water District 2009-02-122 D:1Documents\THETA 20171theta 2009-02\LG 2023-122 Baline and Kimball(5)15 8 23 Kimball service provider letter.docx