F-005 Sensitive Lands Report Baleine Street Sewerline Installation
Resource Impacts and Mitigation
Prepared for
John Gliebe
New Look Development
14925 SW Barrows Road
Ste 109 Unit 507
Beaverton OR, 97007
Prepared by
Shawn Eisner
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
9450 SW Commerce Circle, Suite 180
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
(503) 570-0800
PHS Project Number: 7348
September 5, 2023
Figure A: Proposed Resource Area Impacts
Figure B: Proposed Resource Mitigation Areas
The proposed project site includes about 550 feet along the right-of-way of Baleine Street, a
crossing of Inverurie Drive, and an additional 525 feet into the western portion of Waluga Park
(T2S R1E S7DB TL2901). The Lake Oswego Sensitive Lands Map identifies RP habitat
throughout most of the project area. Subsequent documentation provided by the City has
confirmed the designation of Class II RP habitat. A delineation of the current project area, as
well as adjoining lots T2S R1E S7CA 100 and 3000 to the south of Baleine Street has been
completed by Pacific Habitat Services (PHS).
The proposed project includes the proposed installation of sewage pipeline. The pipeline
installation is required to facilitate the future development of several residential lots on Kimball
Street and Baleine Street.
Pipeline installation will require temporary impacts to delineated sensitive lands as well as
portions of the adjoining Protected Riparian Area(PRA). The total footprint of impacts to
regulated areas, and corresponding mitigation is discussed in the following narrative response to
code section
Due to proposed impacts to Sensitive Lands resources, appropriate mitigation will be required.
All mitigation will be provided in accordance with LOC and The
following narrative addresses the requirements of applicable subsections.
f. Progressive Mitigation Steps Required
i. Step#1 Avoidance
The applicant shall endeavor to avoid detrimental impacts on the resource
altogether by providing alternative site plans along with the development
proposal demonstrating that alternative designs have been explored.If
disturbance of a resource district resource is proposed,the applicant shall
first demonstrate that intrusion into the resource district cannot be avoided
by a reduction in the size or configuration of the proposed development or
by changes in the design that would avoid adverse effects on the resource
while still allowing development of the property.
Response: Alternative and significantly different site plans and development locations on the subject
site have been considered. The applicant's preferred alternative was initially onsite septic
facilities on each parcel,which would have entirely avoided impacts to sensitive lands.
As individual septic facilities are categorically excluded from implementation under
development conditions associated with the current application,the applicant is required
to connect to the City sewer.
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
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The requirement to connect to City sewer as codified in City code under LOC for this project was clarified in a memorandum dated March 30,2021, from
Evan Boone,City Attorney Pro Tem,to Todd Knepper, Engineering Program Supervisor,
and Jessica Numanoglu,Planning Manager. The text of the memorandum makes clear
that it is the applicant's obligation"to connect to a sanitary sewer main,rather than a
septic system or other form of alternative septic system".
Further clarification in the memo included the following: 1) Sanitary sewers shall be
installed to serve the development and to connect the development to existing mains. 2)
Design shall take into account the capacity and grade to allow for desirable future
extension beyond the development, and where required by the City Manager,extended to
the upstream property line to allow for such future extension, and 3)All sanitary sewers
and appurtenant structures shall be designed and constructed in conformance with City
Engineering Division's policies, design standards.
Upon clarification provided in the memo that onsite septic facilities would not be
approved for this application, alternatives for connection to the City sewer system were
investigated.Based upon available mapping of the City sanitary system the only two
locations of existing pipelines whereby the applicant could feasibly connect to the system
include City sewer located in the Baleine Street right-of-way approximately 300 feet west
of Kimball Street, and an existing sanitary manhole located in Waluga Park east of the
site. As the existing sanitary system to the west is uphill from the proposed development,
it would not be possible for sanitary drainage from the development to discharge to that
section of the existing sanitary system.
Ultimately, direction from the City was that the only option available to the applicant to
connect to City sewer was the existing manhole in Waluga Park. City engineers and staff
were directly involved in determining the location and general route of the sewer
extension as proposed in this application. In the fall of 2021,the applicant met onsite
with representatives of the City's parks and engineering depai lments to discuss the
necessary sanitary pipeline route. Representatives of the City and applicant walked the
approximate alignment through the park east from Inverurie Street to the existing
manhole. As field work for a wetland delineation within Waluga Park from Inverurie
Road to the existing manhole had already been completed by that time it was known that
the entire length of sanitary line in the park would be in wetlands.
H. Step#2 Minimization
If the applicant has endeavored to avoid detrimental impacts on the
resource according to subsection 4.f.i of this section,and the reviewing
authority finds that detrimental impacts cannot be avoided,then the
applicant shall minimize impacts by demonstrating that:
(1) Alternative and significantly different site plans and development
locations on the subject site have been considered, and that the
alternative chosen is the least environmentally damaging; and
Response: As development of the proposed lots cannot proceed without proper connection to the
City sanitary system, and as Lake Oswego city code and the locations of existing sanitary
lines preclude wetland avoidance,the applicant investigated opportunities for wetland
impact minimization.
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
As the necessary sanitary connection point is in a wetland,and the depth of the existing
manhole and sanitary pipeline beyond it limit the depth of connection to that manhole,
the applicant must utilize the most direct route between the proposed development site
and the manhole. As the applicant does own the land between Kimball Street and
Inverurie Street, an equally direct alternative alignment just south of the proposed
alignment would have been an option but under that scenario it would have been
necessary to install a significant section of public utility infrastructure on private
property, as opposed to the Baleine Street right-of-way, and it would also have required
the removal of more trees than the proposed route, and it would temporarily impact a
slightly larger area of wetland.
In addition to the most direct route through the wetland,the applicant has minimized
wetland impacts along the proposed alignment by limiting the number of manholes
proposed along the pipeline section within wetland to three; the fewest possible given the
pipe's alignment and depth. As such,the chosen sanitary alternative is the least
environmentally damaging option available to the applicant.
To summarize the impact; the total length of the proposed sanitary line is 1,447 linear
feet,with 726 linear feet located in wetland,and about 120 linear feet through wetland
PRA.As detailed below the project will require 14,579 square feet of temporary impact
to wetland and associated Protected Riparian Area to facilitate a 17 foot wide
construction corridor. The proposed 17 foot corridor is the minimum width necessary to
achieve the project goal. The corridor will nonetheless allow for access along the project
corridor with the necessary construction equipment, as well as trench excavation and side
cast of excavated material.
As mitigation is required at a ratio of 2 to 1,the corresponding mitigation area will be
29,158 sq. ft.;this means that the entire footprint of the project will be enhanced, and in
addition, adjoining wetland and PRA will be enhanced. In total,292 native trees and
1,458 native shrubs will be installed within the proposed project corridor and adjoining
resource areas. Greater detail on the specifics of proposed mitigation is in the response to
(2) When mitigation is proposed,there will be no net loss of resource
area,functions,or values as a result of development actions pursuant
to LOC, Stream Corridors and Tree Groves,or LOC,Wetlands,whichever is applicable.
Response: As a result of proposed mitigation measures,there will be no reduction in resource
functions or values because of proposed development actions. The installation of 3
manholes extending to the ground surface will require a combined total of 37.5 square
feet of permanent surface impact,but this impact has been addressed at the City level by
the mitigation details noted above and will also be mitigated for at the state level through
the purchase of in lieu fee wetland credits.
Temporary impacts to sensitive lands will be required for the excavation of 726 linear feet
of pipeline installation trench through wetland and 120 linear feet through wetland PRA.
Excavated material will be temporarily side cast immediately adjacent to the trench. The
total area of potential temporary wetland and PRA impact associated with the trenches is
14,579 square feet. This total represents the full width of the construction corridor;not just
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
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the extent of trench excavation and sidecast. All trenches will be backfilled,with the
ground surface restored and revegetated.
All temporary impacts to wetland will be rehabilitated by restoring the ground surface to
pre-project grades; some mounding will occur at the time of backfill of the trench,with
settlement occurring to pre-impact grades. This will be followed by seeding of the limits
of disturbance with a native herbaceous seed mix and native shrubs. Beginning at a
distance of at least 10 feet from the sewerline trees will also be planted. Irrigation will be
utilized to ensure rapid plant restoration along the construction corridor.
As existing grades along the proposed sanitary line will be restored,there will be no
permanent change from existing grades in either wetland or upland areas;though as noted
above,some mounding of material along the trench at the time of backfill is common
practice so that following ground settlement there is no change to surface topography,or
by extension, surface drainage.
As noted in the wetland delineation report completed for this project,the wetlands in the
project area have a Hydrogeomorphic class of SLOPE and/or Flats. This designation
reflects the wetlands' primary hydrologic source of groundwater, and very flat conditions.
There is currently a gentle drop in surface contours from west to east. These conditions
have a direct effect on the proposed sanitary line and result in a correspondingly low slope
along the proposed pipeline.As the pipeline slope will essentially parallel that of the
ground slope, ground disturbance for pipeline installation should not alter the direction of
near surface ground water flow. Though City standards for pipeline installation will be
followed,to the extent allowed,the applicant will backfill the pipeline trench utilizing
native soil to limit the alteration of subsurface conditions.
Based upon the project's anticipated means and methods of installation,as well as
proposed mitigation,post-project conditions will support the existing functions and values
of the RP District within the project area. The project proposes no reduction to the existing
limits of habitat within Sensitive Lands areas. Though three manholes will exist within the
wetland following project implementation,they do not represent a reduction in habitat
value or function.
Though numerous trees are proposed for removal to facilitate pipeline installation,by
satisfying the City's mitigation standards,the planned restoration of disturbed habitat is
ensured.Additionally, as City standards require mitigation for impact to forested habitats
at ratios greater than one to one,habitat within adjoining wetland and PRA will also
benefit from the planting of additional trees and shrubs.
By avoiding any permanent alteration to the limits or location of existing Sensitive Lands,
the project will support the extent of existing habitat,allowing for the continued
movement of wildlife within and across the site, and will also maintain slope stability and
both surface and groundwater quality.
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
g. Mitigation Requirements
i. Mitigation Plan
When mitigation is proposed or required as part of a development
application,or when required or imposed as a result of a violation of this
Code,the applicant shall provide a mitigation plan prepared by a qualified
professional that:
(1) For proposed development,demonstrates compliance with LOC and this subsection 4.g.
Response: Mitigation is required to compensate for temporary impacts to 14,579 square feet of
wetland and wetland PRA.
Per, and direction provided by Ellen Davis,Associate Planner with the
City,mitigation is proposed at a ratio of 2 to 1 for non-Class 1 RP District impacts. See
Figure 2 for locations of proposed impacts and Figure 3A for corresponding areas of
Mitigation includes the planting of native trees, shrubs and ground cover throughout the
project corridor and adjoining wetland and PRA.
Even though pipeline installation will require the removal of many trees along its
alignment,the City has directed the applicant to avoid planting trees within 5 feet of the
new sanitary easement.As such,though some trees will be planted along the project
corridor,most of the trees required for sensitive lands mitigation,and for tree removal,
will be planted elsewhere.Proposed tree plantings will be the densest along the project
corridor,to restore tree canopy for tree removal along the proposed sanitary alignment.
Though the tree canopy throughout much of the remaining mitigation area is contiguous,
the canopy is composed primarily of mature Oregon ash and Oregon white oak. The
predominance of taller trees will allow for the installation of shorter tree species,and
shrubs,throughout the remaining wetland and PRA. As such,it will still be possible to
plant the necessary quantity of mitigation plantings along the project corridor or within
the applicant's property.
The following table identifies the area of proposed impacts and the corresponding
number of trees and shrubs to be planted as mitigation.A corresponding planting table is
included in Figure 3B.
Mitigation Analysis
RP District Impact Sq.Ft. Mitigation Minimum Trees Shrubs
Ratio Mitigation Area
Wetland PRA 14,579 sq.ft. 2:1 29,158 sq.ft. 292 1458
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(2) Includes a maintenance and monitoring plan. The maintenance and
monitoring plan shall include task timelines and quantitative goals to
ensure the viability of the mitigation over time.As part of the
monitoring plan,the applicant or other legally responsible agent
shall provide an annual report to the City Manager on October 31 of
each year for a three-year period. The report shall be prepared by a
qualified professional and shall document site conditions with
narrative and pictures.
Response: All mitigation areas will be maintained and monitored for a period of three years after the
initial planting. The newly installed plantings will be watered throughout the growing
season to ensure survival. The mitigation areas will be visited several times throughout
the growing season(April to October)to assess the condition of the installed plantings
and examine the area for the presence of invasive weeds. Invasive weeds will be hand-
pulled,or spot treated with herbicide application. Any animal girdling of the woody plant
basal cambium will be protected against further animal predation.
Monitoring of the installed vegetation will require a stem count of the installed woody
plants between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. Ground cover will be
assessed with a sampling of 1 square meter quadrats. A monitoring report will be
submitted to the city by October of the monitoring year. The report will detail the woody
stem counts within the mitigation area and provide the relative cover of all taxa within
the groundcover quadrats. Observations of plant health and mortality will be included in
the report along with recommendations for any additional required maintenance.
Photographs of the mitigation site will be taken at fixed locations within the mitigation
areas during the summer growing season each year.
Plantings will be considered successful if 80%of the woody plantings are living at the
end of 3 years and the ground is covered with less than 10%of invasive plants. If plant
mortality at the end of the first growing season is less than 80%of the proposed
plantings,remedial plantings will be installed prior to the following growing season.
A monitoring plan will be prepared for three(3)years beyond the planting date to be
presented to the City on or before October 31st
(3) Provisions for regular maintenance and periodic monitoring of the
mitigation site.
Failure to comply with an approved mitigation plan shall be deemed
a violation of this Code and a public nuisance and may be enforced
pursuant to LOC Articles 34.04, Civil Violations,and 34.08,
Response: The monitoring report will outline the required maintenance and periodic monitoring
standards for the mitigation areas. See also response to LOC
ii. Required Permits
If a Division of State Lands (DSL)wetland permit,Army Corps of
Engineers,or other state or federal permit is also required,the City shall not
issue a building permit until all applicable state and federal wetland permit
approvals have been granted.
Response: The excavation of a trench for installation of the proposed sanitary line across a wetland
represents an impact requiring a permit from the Oregon Department of State Lands. As
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
the trench can be backfilled it will be considered a temporary impact,though three
proposed manholes along the alignment will require mitigation. As the project will occur
within the limits of Nationwide Permit 58 Utility Line Activities for Water and Other
Substances separate notification to the US Army Corps of Engineers will not be
iii. Mitigation Complete Prior to Further Action
Mitigation shall be completed prior to a final inspection,issuance of a final
occupancy permit,or acceptance of a public improvement.
Response: Consistent with this provision,mitigation will be completed prior to final inspection,
issuance of final occupancy permit, and/or public improvement.
iv. Location of Mitigation
On-site mitigation is required where possible,taking into consideration the
existing natural and human-made features of a site.If the reviewing
authority finds that on-site mitigation is not possible,then off-site mitigation
shall be permitted according to the following priorities,provided the
applicant has the right to plant the area, and the planted area shall be
preserved by a conservation easement,a deed restriction,such as a
restrictive covenant,or other legal instrument acceptable to the City
(1) Within the same drainage system(as defined by the Lake Oswego
Surface Water Management Plan or the Winterowd Natural
Resources Inventory)and within the City limits; or
(2) Outside of the drainage system,but inside the City limits; or
(3) Outside the drainage system and City limits,but within the Lake
Oswego Urban Services Boundary.
Response: Mitigation is proposed along the construction corridor,both within the unimproved right-
of-way of Baleine Street, and within Waluga Park. Mitigation will also occur on land
owned by the applicant immediately south of the project corridor, along the western
extent of the new pipeline.
v. Stream Corridors and Tree Groves
When mitigation is proposed,the reviewing authority shall require a
minimum mitigation ratio(area of resource district created or enhanced to
area of resource district lost)of 1:1 for stream corridor and tree grove
Response: The current proposal does not require mitigation for impacts to Stream Corridor or tree
vi. Wetlands
When wetland mitigation is proposed within an RP Class I or Class II
district,the reviewing authority shall require minimum mitigation ratios
(area of wetland created or enhanced to area of wetland lost) as follows:
(1) Wetlands Creation or Restoration—2:1 ratio;
(2) Wetlands Enhancement—3:1 ratio;
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
(3) Wetlands Creation,Restoration or Enhancement—5:1 ratio where
the wetland is a Class I RP district and is forested or contains a
sensitive,threatened or endangered species as identified in an
adopted ESEE inventory.
Response: The total footprint of temporary impacts to wetland coincides with the limits of the
necessary construction corridor. At 17 feet wide,the corridor represents 14,579 square
feet of temporary wetland impacts. These impacts will be mitigated through the planting
of an area over twice the size of project impacts.
Permanent impacts to wetland will result from the placement of three manholes along the
proposed sanitary pipe alignment; a manhole is required where a change in pipe
alignment is required. These manhole structures will extend from the depth of sanitary
pipeline to the ground surface. Each manhole structure will be 4 feet in diameter,
resulting in 12.5 square feet of permanent surface impact, or a total of 37.5 square feet of
impact. Though significantly less than one-hundredth of an acre in area, as mitigation
must be provided for the Oregon Depaitnient of State Lands to the nearest hundredth,
mitigation for proposed wetland impacts will include the purchase of 0.01 acre of wetland
credits via DSL's payment in lieu program. Mitigation will not be required for the US
Army Corps of Engineers (Corps)because the project does not require notification to the
Corps, and total permanent impacts are less than 0.1 acre.
vii. Vegetation Restoration
Vegetation restoration shall be required to mitigate the loss of plant
communities disturbed by development activities.In-kind vegetation shall be
required for all mitigation projects,including trees, shrubs, and ground
cover plants as identified on the Lake Oswego Master Plant List. The
restoration plant community chosen shall recreate a diverse and healthy
environment which is compatible with the resource.
Response: The loss of plant communities along the project construction corridor will be mitigated
through the restoration of the project corridor. The list of plants proposed for the project
represents in-kind mitigation. All proposed species are on the Lake Oswego Master Plan
List. The selection of 6 trees and 8 shrubs species will assure a diverse community.
viii. Planting Standards
(1) Required Plants and Plant Densities
Response: All trees, shrubs and ground cover proposed for inclusion in the mitigation plan are
native. The planting plan includes the installation of trees and shrubs equivalent to 5 trees and 25 shrubs
per every 500 sq. ft. of resource impacts. Bare ground will be planted or seeded with native grasses and/or
(2) Plant Size
Response: Trees will be at least one-half in. in caliper and shrubs will be in at least a one-gallon
container or the equivalent in ball and burlap and shall be at least 12 in. in height.Additionally,47 of the
proposed RP tree plantings are proposed as mitigation for tree removal along the project corridor. These
47 trees will be at least 2"caliper and 30 feet tall at mature height. Trees proposed at this size include all
40 of the western red cedar and 7 of the Oregon white oak.
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
(3) Plant Spacing
Response: Trees will be planted between eight and twelve feet on-center and shrubs shall be planted
between four and five feet on-center or clustered in single species groups of no more than four plants,
with each cluster planted between eight and ten feet on center.
(4) Plant Diversity
Response: The mitigation plan lists include eight species of shrubs(more than the minimum of two
different species).No single species of tree exceeds 50%of the total number of trees proposed.
(5) Timing of Plantings
Response: The timing of plant installation will comply with City requirements.Namely;bare root
trees will be planted between December 1 and February 28, and potted plants between October 15 and
April 30. If approval for a different planting schedule is necessary,the applicant will discuss other
opportunities with the City Manager.
(6) Invasive Vegetation
Response: Invasive nonnative and/or noxious vegetation has been proposed for removal as part of
the mitigation plan.
(7) Tree and Shrub Survival
Response: Plantings will be inspected according to the schedule approved with the mitigation plan.
Plants that die during the monitoring period will be replaced in-kind to the extent necessary to meet the
required survival rate specified by the mitigation plan.
(8) Maintenance
Response: The following efforts will be implemented as part of the mitigation plan.
(a) Mulch new plantings a minimum of three in. in depth and 18 in. in diameter to retain moisture and
discourage weed growth.
(b) Water new plantings one in.per week,between June 15 and October 15,through the duration of the
monitoring period.
(c) Remove or control invasive or noxious vegetation throughout the maintenance period.
ix. Bonding Period
(1) Except as provided in subsection 4.g.viii(4)of this section,the
applicant or property owner of a development subject to an
approved mitigation plan shall post a performance bond or a letter
of credit to the City that is equal to 120% of the value of the
improvements installed pursuant to the plan for a three-year period.
The bond shall be posted prior to the issuance of a building permit to
ensure the success of mitigation improvements and the survival of
plant materials.
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
(2) The performance bond or the letter of credit will be released by the
City after three years upon receiving proof that the mitigation
measures have been successfully implemented according to approved
plans.Following release of the financial guarantee,the property
owner(s)or other designated party(such as a homeowners
association)shall remain responsible for maintenance of the
(3) If mitigation improvements fail during the bonding period and the
responsible party does not replace said improvements after
notification by the City,the bond shall be forfeited and shall be used
by the City to correct the problem pursuant to the mitigation plan
and the conditions of approval.
(4) Property owners of individual tax lots that are lots of record which
are zoned for single-family residential use,are not large enough to be
further divided,and were in existence prior to the date this section
becomes effective shall be exempt from these bonding requirements.
Response: The applicant will work with the City to provide the requisite assurances of mitigation
Resource Delineation and Sensitive Lands Overlay—Baleine Street Sewerline
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
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Appendix A
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Wetland A Continues Beyond Study Area Wetland B Continues Beyond Study Area .t/!!;;;�:;:;:�::;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::-::::::.,, .:-
...................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ......: ::...:::Y�' a ExistingManhole
SW BALELINE STREET(Unimproved) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ...ydu Are \
................................................................................ .................................................................................................................... ..tt� nd Study
------_ ..............................................................::::: ........... ..................................................................................................... ::::... ...... i e o (Approximate Location)
TL 03000
2 1 E 7CA :T19190�`
TL 02209
Wetland B
2 1 E 7DB
II_--- (31,451 sf/0.72 ac)
w Wetland Continues
w l Beyond Study Area Wetland A
1- r (25,095 sf/0.58 ac)
t d I TL 02901 TL 02902 TL 0200 o
3 TL 0300------------ Q
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11 R15 / Study Area Boundary
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,. , :............ Wetland
�l _ PNA — Tax Lot Line
Protected Riparian Area(PRA)
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PHS Existing Conditions; Sensitive La:zs: :
Baleine Street Sewerline Installation - La 1
Pacific Habitat ifi H i rvi In Se ces, .c
9450 SW Commerce Circle,Suite 180 Wilsonville,Oregon 97070 5-26-2023
Phone:(503)570-0800 Fax(503)570-0855
C:\Users\Lisa\Desktop\WorkFromHome\7348 Baleine and Kimball\AutoCAD\Plot Dwg\Fig1 ExistCond.dwg,5/26/2023 11:54:50 AM,AutoCAD PDF(High Quality Print).pc3
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- BALELINE STREET(Unimproved) ' ®+IFE,,iaLoc����:1 o°° /" m n• o �'&4¢" " Area Existing Manhole
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451 Sff/0.72 ac) 2 1 E 7DB
~ -- - A ,' e = Wetland Continues 1
w '. e\ Beyond Study Area Wetland A 1 1
w � e e (25,095 sf/0.58 ac)
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I Y) I o e e ® Q' ® cc i LEGEND
II I I >
i I I • 9 eo TL 0400 --—--—--— 3 `_
I _ Study Area Boundary
e a
a e e co i : Wetland
Tax Lot Line
---Protected Riparian Area(PRA)
///� Temporary PRA Impact
(1,930 sf/0.04 ac)
�•�•�•�4 Temporary RP Wetland Impact
��•• (12,649 sf/0.29 ac)
Limits of Construction
}( Trees to be Removed
Existing Contour
0 75 150 300
PHS Proposed Development Plan; Sensitive Lands Resource Impacts FIGURE
Baleine Street Sewerline Installation Lake Oswego, Oregon 2
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
9450 SW Commerce Circle,Salle too Wilsonville,Oregon 97070 6-21-2023
Phone(503)570-0800 Fax(503)570-0855
C:\Users\Lisa\Desktop\WorkFromHome\7348 Baleine and Kimball\AutoCAD\Plot Dwg\Fig2 PropDev.dwg,6/21/2023 11:15:29 AM,AutoCAD PDF(High Quality Print).pc3
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45 I
to - - =- - Wetland Continues
to ,,l _ Beyond Study Area Wetland A 1 1
w e e (25,095 sf/0.58 ac)
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ill • s e• TL0400 —--—--— z Study Area Boundary
I I e e e e •e
II • a e i Wetland
_ Tax Lot Line
———Protected Riparian Area(PRA)
- PRA Mitigation
(Including PR Expansion on Lot 100)
(22,588 sf/0.52 ac)
05:7:tttttt Wetland Mitigation
riiiihMI (34,102 sf/0.78 ac)
—Limits of Construction
Existing Contour
0 75 150 300
PHS Proposed Mitigation Areas FIGURE
Baleine Street Sewerline Installation Lake Oswego, Oregon 3A
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
9450 SW Commerce Circle,Suite 180 Wilsonville,Oregon 97070 6-21-2023
/ Phone(503)570-0800 Fax(503)570-0855
C:\Users\Lisa\Desktop\WorkFromHome\7348 Baleine and Kimball\AutoCAD\Plot Dwg\Fig3A PropMit.dwg,6/21/2023 11:15:50 AM,AutoCAD PDF(High Quality Print).pc3
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Manhole ‘
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r - e o e e J sn• $ l :':'- Wetland B TL 02209
• • 21E7DB \ 1
l ;e ® •� �i • - - ,�% (31,451 sf/0.72 ac) 1
r `® i'•�`` )Wetland Continues
w 1 i Ie*) Beyond Study Area Wetland A 1 1
w, e e g (25,095 sf/0.58 ac)
l L w I TL 02901 i f, TL 929026 - TL 0200
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o • ITL0300 _____—__—__
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I Y) I a a a ® fib ,b6
w Table 1. Wetland and Wetland PRA Plantings
/ I I • s e• TL 0400 --—--—--—-- I Z Botanical Name I common Name I alas I Quantity
e e e >• . s Study Area Boundary Trees (292)
I I e e ❑ Anus rubra Red alder one-half inch caliper 70
I I a a a
I Wetland 0crataegus rlougrasll Douglas hawthorn one-naf Inch caliper 75
"' Q quartos gan one-half inch taliyena Oregon white oakpe-
r" 15
❑ Sal/x scoulen'ana Scouler's willow one-half inch caliper 45
-- Tax Lot Line o Sa/ur sltchensis Sitka willow one-half inch caliper 47
--—--—+ Q Thule plicate Western red cedar two inch caliper r 40
Protected Riparian Area(PRA) ahrubi (1Ase)
7 Amelanchiaralni/Wia Western ssrviceberry 1 gallon 100
- -Limits of Construction / COrn"a sericea Red osier dogwood 1 gallon 200
/ Cwy/us cwnute Hazelnut 1 gallon 100
/ Loncera involucrata Black iwinbeny 1 gallon 125
Existing Contour / Rhyaocarpuscapltatus Pacific ninebark 1 gallon 150
Rose nutkana Nootka rose 1 gallon 250
LRosa pisocarpa Clustered rose 1 gallon 175
Saimaa doug/asu Douglas spires 1 gallon 200
Agroshs exarata Spike bentgrass Seed As needed in bare
Glycerin elate Tall manngrass Seed areas
"The 7 Quercus ganyane trees identified with solid triangles will be 2"caliper.
0 75 150 300
PHS Proposed Planting Plan FIGURE
Baleine Street Sewerline Installation - Lake Oswego, Oregon 3 B
Pacific Habitat Services,Inc.
9450 SW Commerce Circle,Suite 180 Wilsonville,Oregon 97070 6-21-2023
4 Phone:(503)570-0800 Fax(503)570-0855
C:\Users\Lisa\Desktop\WorkFromHome\7348 Baleine and Kimball\AutoCAD\Plot Dwg\Fig3B PlantingPlan.dwg,6/21/2023 1:09:47 PM,AutoCAD PDF(High Quality Print).pc3