F-008 DSL Wetland Land Use Notice Wetland Land Use Notification OREGON DEPARTMENT OF STATE LANDS 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 100, Salem,OR 97301-1279 Phone: (503)986-5200 This form is to be completed by planning department staff for mapped wetlands and waterways. Required Field (?)Tool Tips Responsible Jurisdiction A * Municipality* Date* City of County of Lake Oswego 6/23/2023 Staff Contact First Name* Last Name* Cristina Siquina Calderon Phone*(') Email* 503-635-0296 csiquina@ci.oswego.or.us Applicant First Name* Last Name* John Gliebe Applicant Organization Name (if applicable) New Look Development Mailing Address* Street Address 7685 SW Cirrus Dr#32F Address Line 2 City State Beaverton OR Postal/Zip Code Country 97008 United States Phone(?) Email(?) 971-678-8000 john@newlookdev.com Is the Property Owner name and address the same as the Applicant?* No Yes Property Owner A First Name* Last Name* Danelle Isenhart Property Owner Organization Name (if applicable) Emerio Design Mailing Address(If different than Applicant Address) Street Address 6445 SW Fallbrook PI Ste 100 Address Line 2 City State Beaverton OR Postal/Zip Code Country 97008 United States Phone(?) Email(?) 503-880-4979 danelle@emeriodesign.com Activity Location ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Township*(?) Range*(?) Section*(?) 02S 01E 07 Quarter-quarter Section(?) Tax Lot(s)* CA 100,2902,3000 You can enter multiple tax lot numbers within this field.i.e.100,200,300, etc. To add additional tax map and lot information, please click the"add"button below. Address Street Address Vacant lots N&E of 15868 Kimball St Address Line 2 City State Lake Oswego OR Postal/Zip Code Country 97035 United States County* Adjacent Waterbody Clackamas Carter Cr,Lk Oswego Proposed Activity Prior to submitting,please ensure proposed activity will involve physical alterations to the land and/or new construction or expansion of footprint of existing structures. Local Case File#*(?) Zoning LU 23-0002 R-7.5 Proposed Building Permit(new structures) Conditional use Permit Grading Permit Planned Unit Development Site Plan Approval Subdivision Other(please describe) 2 lot confirmations,4 serial lot line adjustments and an unavoidable RP crossing for the new sanitary main extension Applicant's Project Description and Planner's Comments:* RP District(wetland)delineation, Unavoidable RP Crossing, and Serial Lot Line Adjustments Required attachments with site marked:Tax map and legible,scaled site plan map.(?) Applicant's Statement of Completeness.pdf 734.81KB Exhibit 2-Narrative 6-22-23.pdf 642.38KB Exhibit 4-Landscape Plan-2023-06-20.pdf 559.55KB Exhibit 4-PLA 1.pdf 143.39KB Exhibit 4-PLA 2.pdf 151.16KB Exhibit 4-PLA 3.pdf 151.25KB Exhibit 4-PLA 4.pdf 151.98KB Exhibit 4-Site Plan-2023-06-20.pdf 441.61KB Exhibit 4-Tree Plan-2023-06-19.pdf 502.25KB Exhibit 4-Utility Plan-2023-06-19.pdf 538.16KB Exhibit 8-0980-001 Baleine Sewer Ext(4).pdf 11.27MB Exhibit 12-Tree Protection Plan revised.pdf 3.39MB Exhibit 13-Water service provider letter Kimball 5 8 23.pdf 191.71KB Exhibit 14-Baleine St Sensitive Lands rpt 6 21 23.pdf 1.96MB Incomplete Itr response.pdf 662.08KB List of Exhibits Rev1.pdf 508.87KB Required attachments with site marked:Tax map and legible,scaled site plan map.(?) Additional Attachments Date 6/23/2023