September 13 2023 LAB Minutes approvedCITY OF LAKE OSWEGO September 13, 2023
Library Advisory Board Library
503.697.6583 706 Fourth Street PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Present: Allison Korkola, Kent Watson, Patricia Walls, Antoinette Awuakye, Sherry Swackhamer,
Mark Pontarelli, Patrick Walsh, Ed Steinberg; Lilisa Hall (alternate), Jake Jordan (youth alternate)
Staff Present: Melissa Kelly, Andrea Milano, Rachel Arkoosh
Others Present: Phil Wikelund, Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library (Friends), Nell Diamond
Excused: Councilor Massene Mboup, Joy Fabos (alternate)
1. Call to Order / Introductions
The Library Advisory Board (LAB) meeting was called to order by Chair Kent Watson at the
Lake Oswego Public Library (LOPL) on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7:01 pm. New
Youth Alternate, Jake Jordan, introduced himself. He is a freshman at Lakeridge High School
and is involved in competitive swimming and the ecology club. LAB members introduced
themselves to new youth alternate, Jake Jordan, and staff members, Andrea Milano and
Rachel Arkoosh.
2. Service Recognition
Presented to Nell Diamond, formerly of the Lake Oswego Public Library, for the support she
provided to LAB and the Library.
Presented thank you card to Patricia Walls, for her help purchasing books for Council and
organizing thank you gift for Nell.
3. Public Comment – None
4. Minutes
Request to correct the word “compliment” in Chair’s remarks.
Motion to approve by Walsh, seconded by Walls. The August, 2023 minutes were approved
by the LAB (8-0) as amended.
5. Council Update – Massene Mboup
No update this month, Mboup excused.
6. Director’s Report – Melissa Kelly
Strategic planning:
Kelly shared that the development of a strategic plan is moving along in a positive direction.
Kelly reported that she has received positive feedback from the City Manager, and
encouragement to continue the work.
Overarching strategic focus: Improve access for all!
4 main priorities as currently drafted:
o Share stories of the library’s value and impact
o Meet people where they are
o Welcome all to the community learning hub (where building stuff is listed)
o Support staff wellbeing and growth
The strategic planning process included a management retreat to pull together:
o Visioning public input in all its forms
o Staff input from an all-staff workshop
CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO September 13, 2023
Library Advisory Board Library
503.697.6583 706 Fourth Street PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
o Manager SWOTs
The process also includes writing success statements for our strategic goals so that we will be
able to say what success looks like.
Next steps include sharing the draft strategic plan with staff on Oct. 9, with LAB and task force
on Oct 11, and in a presentation to City Council on Nov 7. The goal is to finalize the document
in Nov/Dec, and in January to implement and communicate publicly.
Council Tour of LOPL to take place on Oct 17, 3-3:40 pm:
Planning for an engaging tour, display boards with Photos/comments from youth, perhaps
asking patrons “how did the library change your life?” Other ideas include showing videos of
patron input, hosting a classroom visit/tour or youth performer during the hour.
Kelly is working with the city to develop questions for the Community Survey. Department
questions are standard but we are able to make some small changes. Three policy questions
will focus on Library and priorities that were identified in our visioning and community
engagement process. Questions are likely to focus on city projects, willingness to accept a tax
increase to pay for projects, ranking library projects that were identified as priorities in the
visioning survey.
Library is developing a content calendar to help us plan out “Did you Know” and “Impact
stories” for maximum effect.
Facilities projects:
Respond to Racism art project: sidewalk etchings and interpretive panels: discussion is moving
forward regarding a public process to allow community an opportunity to weigh in on what they
would like to see in this art project.
Internal doors proximity system: project is complete, system is working
Cameras: A new camera system has been installed, strategically positioned facing the library
grounds and exits, in order to document safety and security incidents. Cameras do not face or
record activity inside of the library, with the sole exception of the exits, in order to protect user
privacy and confidentiality. The Library is in the process of writing a policy to govern use of
video footage generated by newly placed cameras, in collaboration with Parks and Rec.
Alarms: Previously silent alarms are being made audible per the recommendation of LOPD
Trees: Consultants are being hired to evaluate the health of all trees on library property, as a
result of specific concerns with falling limbs from the Sweet Gum trees.
Pavement issue at delivery entrance: Facilities team is investigating a way to make the
alleyway entrance safe for all who use it.
CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO September 13, 2023
Library Advisory Board Library
503.697.6583 706 Fourth Street PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Elevator overheating issues: Library staff continue to monitor temperatures within the elevator
room to determine is they are the cause of malfunction.
New hire, Donna Harlan, starting Sept 27.
Donna brings a deep commitment to serving others, along with more than 20 years of
significant administrative and office management experience. Donna has lived in Clackamas
County for most of her life. Not only is she familiar with LINCC services, but demonstrated in
the interview process that she is already a well-spoken advocate for libraries.
Endowment & Fundraising:
Finance director advises us to leave it to grow until needed. When necessary we might be in a
position to withdraw more than the typically “allowed” amount if we can prove a need.
About the Next Meeting:
Meet and greet at the library after hours on October 11 from 7-7:30. There will be a passive
presentation of the draft strategic plan, nibbles and some variety of thank you gift for task force
members. The Task Force, Mayor Buck, Councilor Mboup, and FOLOPL will be invited to join
LAB. 7-7:30 will be part of LAB agenda since quorum of LAB will be present. Start sit-down
meeting portion at 7:30 – active presentation of drafted strategic plan, task force/others
welcomed to stay for public meeting and presentation. LAB members are encouraged to
review the Vision Framework for the Lake Oswego Public Library that the Task Force helped
craft from the public input received.
7. New Business
Rachel Arkoosh, Library Analyst/program Manager presented information about library
statistics, reviewing current procedures and uses and asking for discussion of future needs.
We collect data for two purposes: A State Library Report and The LAB. Arkoosh asks; What
kind of data does the LAB need, and how do they use it? How can we be more data driven in
order to share our impact stories? LAB members suggest honing in on usage by
neighborhood, or other demographics. Agreement that “rate of change” is important to capture,
along with annual trends. Members expressed interest in how data is collected, and used for
decision making. Most of our data is related to collections and usage. Data related to
programming is nuanced. Members would like to see some alternatives to current statistics
report, perhaps a monthly focus on one particular aspect of library services, combined with an
annual report of trends. Arkoosh will return with options to consider at a future meeting.
8. Chair’s Remarks – Kent Watson
Thank you to everyone for your work, especially to Patricia Walls for her work purchasing
books for Council.
9. Friends of the Library (Friends) – Phil Wikelund
CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO September 13, 2023
Library Advisory Board Library
503.697.6583 706 Fourth Street PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Friends group is establishing committees based on purpose of use in an effort to be more
organized in supporting the library. Website project now has a path forward.
10. Youth Liaison Remarks
No additional comments
11. Adjournment
Next LAB meeting will be held on October 11, 2023, at 7pm at the Library. Meeting was
adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Milano