Approved Minutes - 2023-05-22 PMAPPROVED: 06/13/2023 503-635-0290 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Planning Commission Action Minutes May 22, 2023 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Leek called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Chair Helen Leek, and Commissioners Robert Heape, Diana Moreno, Don Mitchell, and Miles Rigby. Vice Chair Philip Stewart and Commissioner Don Phillips were excused. Council Liaison Afghan Ali* was also present. Staff present were Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager; Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney; and Iris McCaleb, Administrative Assistant. Guest speaker was Madison Thesing, Assistant to the City Manager. *Participated remotely. 3. COUNCIL UPDATE Due to technical difficulties, Councilor Afghan was unable to provide a Council update. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT – Regarding issues not on the agenda None. 5. COMMISSION FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Chair Leek announced that the Uplands Neighborhood Association had a meeting scheduled for May 18, 2023. 6. MINUTES 6.1 April 24, 2023 Consideration of the draft minutes for April 24, 2023, was deferred to the next meeting on June 12, 2023. It was noted that a previous requested edit needed to be reflected in the minutes and Commissioner Rigby requested that the minutes also reflect his opposition to the added code restrictions. City of Lake Oswego Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 2023 Page 2 of 2 7. OTHER BUSINESS 7.1 Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) Update - PP 22-0005 The Commission received an update with a summary of comments received during the first round of public engagement related to updating the City’s HNA, as required under HB 2003. Staff coordinator was Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager. Public Comment Edward Conrad, Lake Oswego, expressed the importance of a stakeholder analysis, stated that the Census shows a population decline in Lake Oswego in recent years, and reiterated the need to be objective. Commissioner Heape responded to Mr. Conrad’s comment by expressing concerns that the City may be over-forecasting population increases, and referenced a recent study showing that the population in the Portland metro area is decreasing. Mr. Olson cautioned against using data collected during recent years to reach conclusions in the HNA, as the recent pandemic is likely to produce data abnormalities in the short-term. Chair Leek also responded that she didn’t expect to see a decrease in population in Lake Oswego in future years due to the high quality of life in the city. Action Items:  The meeting date for public hearing on the HNA has been adjusted to allow the Housing Production Strategy Task Force to meet and provide further input. Please note this is different from what was stated in the staff report. 7.2 2023 Oregon Legislative Session Update The Planning Commission received an update on the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session. Staff coordinators were Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager, and Madison Thesing, Assistant to the City Manager 8. SCHEDULE REVIEW Mr. Olson reviewed the schedule. Action Items:  The meeting for June 26, 2023, will be held remotely; the only scheduled item for consideration – Findings, Conclusions and Order for Psilocybin Time, Place, and Manner Regulations (LU 23-0001).  Reminder of upcoming nominations/elections for Chair and Vice Chair on July 10.  Commissioners with expiring terms were reminded to reapply for the next term – July 2023 to June 2027. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Leek adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:33 p.m.