Approved Minutes - 2023-11-13 PMAPPROVED: 11/27/2023 503-635-0290 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Planning Commission Action Minutes November 13, 2023 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Stewart called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Chair Philip Stewart and Commissioners Don Mitchell, Dave Schenone, James Thwing, and Rachel Naujock. Vice Chair Diana Moreno and Commissioner Miles Rigby were excused. Council Liaison Ali Afghan* was also present. Staff present were Jessica Numanoglu, Community Development Director; Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager; Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney; and Iris McCaleb, Administrative Assistant. Consultants Present: Kate Rogers*, Senior Planner with MIG; and Matt Hastie*, Project Manager with MIG. *Participated remotely. 3. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE Councilor Afghan provided an update on recent Council activity and made the following announcements.  Community’s Unsung Heroes Nominations Open until Dec 1, 2023.  Mayor's Roundtable scheduled for November 16, 2023.  Stormwater Facility/Green Infrastructure Strategy seeking public comment until November 15, 2023. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.1 October 9, 2023 4.2 October 23, 2023 Commissioner Mitchell moved to approve the Minutes of October 9, 2023, as written. Commissioner Naujock seconded the motion and it passed 5:0. Commissioner Mitchell moved to approve the Minutes of October 23, 2023, as written. Commissioner Schenone seconded the motion and it passed 5:0. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT – Regarding issues not on the agenda None. City of Lake Oswego Planning Commission Minutes of November 13, 2023 Page 2 of 2 6. WORK SESSION 6.1 Housing Needs and Production Strategies – House Bill 2003 – Work Session #4 (PP 22-0005) The Commission received a presentation with background about the Housing Production Strategy (HPS) requirements of House Bill 2003, which included a summary of existing City policies and the highlights of recent stakeholder interviews on barriers to housing production. The Commission then was asked to provide initial direction regarding which strategies the HPS Task Force should explore further as a part of the City’s work to develop an HPS. Action Items: Construction Excise Tax (CET):  Staff to return with more information on other jurisdictions using CET programs, besides the Lake Oswego School District.  Include data on impact of CET programs on those jurisdictions and how it would work for Lake Oswego. Rezoning:  Staff asked to provide additional examples on rezoning and what it might look like, including illustrations and visuals. 7. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Olson alerted the Commission of an ordinance to be considered by City Council. which would include code amendments related to Boards and Commissions and attendance. 8. SCHEDULE REVIEW Mr. Olson reviewed the schedule. Action Items:  November 27, 2023, Climate-Friendly & Equitable Communities (Parking), PP 22-0001.  December 11, 2023, Community Development Code 2023 Annual Amendments, LU 23-0036. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Stewart adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m.