Agenda - 2023-12-05 AGENDA 04LA E ps CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, December 5, 2023 row City 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chamber- 3rd Floor 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Staff Contact: Kari Linder, CityRecorder@lakeoswego.city Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services This meeting will be held in lakeoswego.city/accommodation Traduccion o interpretacion person.To participate remotely, 503-635-0282; Relay 711 i* M i please email the City Recorder by Please allow four business days to gc4-4 noon the day of the meeting. process your request. 5 503-534-5738 This meeting will be livestreamed on the City's YouTube Channel and at lakeoswego.city.The meeting will also be broadcasted live on Tualatin Valley Community TV;check tvctv.org for details. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Lake Oswego City Council will meet under authority of ORS 192.660 (2)(d) Conduct deliberations with persons designated to carry on labor negotiations and (f) consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection. Remaining agenda items to begin approximately at 6:00 p.m. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total, unless changed by the Mayor. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, by phone or electronically, please email the City Recorder by noon the day of the meeting. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda allows the City Council to consider items that require no discussion. An item may only be discussed if it is pulled from the Consent Agenda. The City Council makes one motion covering all items included on the Consent Agenda. Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-534-4225 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 6.1 Naming the Lake Oswego Recreation &Aquatic Center and Renovated Clubhouse and Golf Course. Motion: Move to initiate the process to name the recreation center, renovated clubhouse, and golf course in accordance with the City-wide naming policy related to city areas and facilities (Resolution 22-43). 7. PUBLIC HEARING 7.1 Resolution 23-35, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego Revising Fees and Charges and Updating the Lake Oswego Master Fees and Charges Schedule. Public Hearing Process: 1. Review of hearing procedure by Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney 2. Staff Report by Shawn Cross, Finance Director 3. Testimony—the following time limits shall be observed, but may be changed by the Council: 10 minutes for representatives of recognized neighborhood associations, homeowner associations, government agencies, or other incorporated public interest organizations; and 5 minutes per individual 4. Questions of Staff Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 23-35. 8. COUNCIL BUSINESS 8.1 Ordinance 2928,An Ordinance of the City of Lake Oswego Amending LOC 50.03.002, 50.03.003, 50.03.004,and 50.10.003 of Chapter 50(Community Development Code) Establishing Psilocybin Time, Place and Manner Land Use Regulations; and Adopting Findings (LU 23-0001). Motion: Move to enact Ordinance 2928 and adopt findings. 9. STUDY SESSION 9.1 Citywide Parking Reform (PP 22-0001). 10. INFORMATION FROM COUNCIL 11. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 12. ADJOURNMENT Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-534-4225 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY