Agenda Item - 2023-12-05 - Number 6.1 - Naming the Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatic Center and Renovated Clubhouse and Golf Course 6.1 o�c�'�` E 4\ COUNCIL REPORT lliki �� o AEG% Subject: Request for Naming Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatic Center and Renovated Clubhouse and Golf Course Meeting Date: December 5, 2023 Staff Member: Ivan Anderholm CPRE, Director Report Date: November 22, 2023 Department: Parks and Recreation Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ❑ Motion ❑ Approval ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial ❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded ❑ Resolution 0 Not Applicable ❑ Information Only Comments: ❑ Council Direction 0 Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: City Council initiate and approve of the process to name the facilities being built and renovated on the Municipal Golf Course site following City Council adopted Resolution 22-43. Recommended Language for Motion: Move to initiate the process to name the recreation center, renovated clubhouse, and golf course in accordance with the City-wide Naming Policy related to City Areas and Facilities (Resolution 22-43). Project/ Issue Relates To: Policy adherence. Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question): ❑Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) ONot Applicable ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL The Parks and Recreation Department requests that City Council initiate the naming/re-naming of the new recreation center, renovated clubhouse, and renovated golf course. Additionally, staff recommends that Council direct the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Advisory Board to recommend names for these facilities in accordance with the City-Wide Naming Policy Related to City Facilities, Resolution 22-43. Respect. Fx:-ellence Trust. Servine. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 BACKGROUND During the December 20, 2022 meeting, City Council adopted Resolution 22-43 creating a City- wide Naming Policy Related to City Areas and Facilities. The policy provides a systematic and consistent approach, utilizing public participation, for the naming of City areas and facilities. DISCUSSION The Parks and Recreation Department requests City Council consideration for names for the new recreation center, renovated clubhouse, and golf course in advance of the opening (or reopening) of these City facilities. In accordance with Resolution 22-43, the City Council can seek counsel and refer the naming process to the appropriate Board or Commission. All three of the areas/facilities are on park land and managed by the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff recommends that the naming be referred to the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Advisory Board following the adopted policy. Once referred to the appropriate Board or Commission, the designated Board may solicit input from community groups and the public. The Board will make a naming recommendation to the City Council. At that time, the City Council may accept the recommendation for the three facilities, select a different name, or return the proposed name to the Advisory Board for additional work. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact related to this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council initiate the process to name the recreation center, renovated clubhouse, and golf course, and direct the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Advisory Board to return with name recommendations for Council consideration. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution 22-43 —Adoption of City-wide Naming Policy Related to City Areas and Facilities (with Exhibit A) Respect, Excel'ence. Trust. Service. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION 22-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ADOPTING A CITY-WIDE NAMING POLICY RELATED TO CITY AREAS AND FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the City of Lake Oswego has an adopted Parks and Recreation Naming Policy for naming parks and recreation facilities with participation from the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, recognizing that the City may choose to name other City-owned areas and facilities beyond Parks and Recreation areas and facilities, the naming policy expands to include City areas and facilities; and WHEREAS, Resolution 22-43 expands on the current process for Parks and Recreation facilities and developing it into a City-wide policy; and WHEREAS, the expanded policy provides a systematic and consistent approach, utilizing public participation, for the naming of City areas and facilities. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that: Section 1. The City-wide Naming Policy Related to City Areas and Facilities, attached as Exhibit A, is adopted. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage. Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego on the 20th day of December, 2022. AYES: Mayor Buck, Wendland, Nguyen, Verdick, Manz, Mboup NOES: None EXCUSED: Rapf ABSTAIN: None Joseph . Buck, Mayor ATTEST: Kari Linde , City Recorder APPR9VED AS TO ORM: Evan Boone, ity Attorney Pro Tem Resolution 22-43 Page 1 of 1 Fps EXHIBITA MEMORANDUM 0 ,f\ City-wide Naming Policy Related to City Areas and Facilities PURPOSE This policy is to establish a systematic and consistent approach, utilizing public participation,for the naming of City areas (including subareas),facilities, infrastructure, equipment, public art, buildings and rooms ("City areas and facilities"). OBJECTIVES The objectives of this policy include: • Ensuring that City areas and facilities, are easily identifiable. • Ensuring that given names to City areas and facilities are acceptable to the community. • Encouraging the dedication of lands,facilities, or donations by individuals and/or groups. GENERAL GUIDELINES The following general guidelines should be pursued for the naming of City areas and facilities: 1. Facilities should be named within six months after the City has acquired title to the land and/or structure. 2. A request for the naming of a City area or facility can be submitted to the City Council. Should the Council seek advice on the proposal of the item be (re)named, it will be referred to the appropriate Board or Commission, in writing, with a brief statement describing why the request is being advanced. Requests may be initiated by community members or groups, recognized Neighborhood Associations,Advisory Boards, City Commissions or Committees, City Staff or City Council. 3. The designated Board or Commission, as assigned by Council, may solicit input from community groups and the public. 4. If suggestions have been received by the Board or Commission,the Board or Commission will forward the suggestions and its recommendation to the City Council.The City Council may accept the recommendation of the Board or Commission, or may select an alternative name for the City area or facility. 5. In unusual or exceptional circumstance, as deemed by the Council in its sole discretion,the City Council may deviate from this policy. 6. The following will be considered when naming City areas and facilities. a. Places and Feature Names i. Recognizable area, neighborhood or major street. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Servic:c:. 503-675-3984 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 of 2 ii. Assumed name. iii. Use only if the area has been known by this name for an extensive period of time. iv. Horticultural. v. If the particular subject enhances the area. vi. Natural phenomena. vii. Combination of the above. b. Historical Event Names i. Can be of local, regional, or national significance. c. Person or Persons Names i. Deceased. No submission of a (re)naming request may be made to Council until the person has been deceased for at least three years. 1. Civic leader. 2. Historic group or person. 3. Civilian state and national heroes. ii. An asset may be named after a member of the city staff only if the person dies while on duty or performed an act of exceptional service to the Lake Oswego community. d. Groups i. Religious,veteran, fraternal and civic groups that have donated the land, money, or equipment for the City area or facility shall be eligible for area dedications. e. Discouraged Practices i. Names that are overrepresented. ii. Names that are derogatory or discriminatory against protected classes, political affiliations or similar categories. iii. Duplicate or overly similar names to existing facilities. f. Naming City Assets for Donations and City Sponsorships. i. Should be considered with consultation with the City Manager on a per project basis, with input from a Board or Commission or similar body. Details related to any agreement should be included in a separate contractual agreement approved by City Council. 7. Plaques or other appropriate types of markers may be used when a City area or facility is dedicated. Responsibility/Contacts: Director Parks& Recreation, Deputy Directors,Administrative Assistant, City Manager, City Council. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.