Agenda Item - 2023-12-05 - Number 7.1 - Resolution 23-35, Revising Fees and Charges and Updating the Master Fees and Charges Schedule 7.1
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Subject: Resolution 23-35, 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Meeting Date: December 5, 2023 Staff Member: Shawn Cross, Finance Director
Report Date: November 22, 2023 Department: Finance
Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation
❑ Motion ❑ Approval
O Public Hearing ❑ Denial
❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded
O Resolution 0 Not Applicable
❑ Information Only Comments:
❑ Council Direction
❑ Consent Agenda
Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution 23-35, establishing, revising and updating the fees
and charges as shown in Exhibit A of the Resolution.
Recommended Language for Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 23-35.
Project/ Issue Relates To: 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question):
❑Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) ONot Applicable
Conduct a required Public Hearing on 2024 Master Fees & Charges and adopt Resolution 23-35
to establish and change the fees as shown in Exhibit A of the Resolution.
The annual Master Fees & Charges Resolution, Exhibit A, which is made into a booklet, lists all
fees charged by the City for a variety of services, such as utility services, usage of fields and
Respect. Fxs.ellence Trust. Servi e.
Page 2
recreational classes, or building permits and plan inspections, to name a few. It is a
comprehensive list that is available to the public.
The Master Fees & Charges (MF&C) fee listings for 2024 came before Council in a study session
on November 21, 2023 so that Council and the public could review and comment on suggested
changes. If adopted as proposed, all fees go into effect on January 1, 2024, except for the
utilities. New utility fees for services go into effect as of July 1, 2024, the first day of the new
fiscal year. It allows staff time for public education and customer notification.
Several departments increased their fees by an index, either the Construction Cost Index
published in Engineering News and Report or the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. For the departments that usually raise their fees by the West Region
— B/C Consumer Price Index as published at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, this year's
increase would be 3.6%.
Service fee increases in the utilities and their effect on a typical customer bill were described in
the Council Report for November 215t, and will not be repeated here. The proposed increases
as shown in Exhibit A to the resolution (the draft booklet) are applied to each service, customer
category and volumetric fee equally within each utility.
Adopt Resolution 23-35.
1. Resolution 23-35, with Exhibit A — Master Fees & Charges (draft booklet with track
2. Master Fees & Charges, with Exhibit A (without markups)
Respect, Excel'ence. Trust. Service.
WHEREAS,the City has adopted from time to time various fees and charges for services; and
WHEREAS,the City has found it necessary to add, revise, or delete various fees.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that:
Section 1. The revisions to fees and charges shown in Exhibit A are hereby adopted
effective January 1, 2024, except where noted otherwise.
Section 2. The revision to fees and charges shall be incorporated into the City's Master
Fees and Charges schedule.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage.
Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego on the
5th day of December, 2023.
Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney
City of Lake Oswego, Oregon
The City provides a full range of municipal services to the community which includes police and fire
protection, emergency medical services,traffic control, street maintenance and improvements,water, sewer,
and stormwater management services, planning and zoning regulation, building inspection and regulation,
parks and recreational activities, and community library service.
This Master Fees and Charges booklet consolidates all City fees and charges, adopted by City Council
resolution,for the various services that the City provides. Typically, it is updated annually and reflects all fee
resolutions passed by Council during the year. For easy reference,the current Master Fees and Charges
booklet, as well as versions from prior years, are available online at:
Fee Variance and Waiver Statement
Based upon an unusual circumstance or event, past practices, demonstrated hardship,or public benefit,the
City Manager is authorized to waive or decrease a fee(s)or charge(s), barring requirements by State or local
codes, in a particular matter or establish a fee not yet authorized in this resolution. When a new fee is
established by the City Manager it may be incorporated into this resolution. It shall be communicated to
Council in writing to allow opportunity for comment.
The request for a waiver or reduction must be in writing. If the City Manager or la+s-their designee agrees to
said waiver or reduction, h /shcthey may inform the City Council, in writing, of the request and his/her their
decision, except in minor matters such as non-profit signed fee waivers and City tree removal applications.
Effective Dates and Resolution
The 2023 2024 Master Fees and Charges effective dates:
• Utility Fees are effective July 1, 20243.
• All other Fees are effective January 1,20243(unless otherwise noted)
Resolution#232-2-9-35 —Adopting the 20243 Master Fees&Charges
Cover photo of Sunset at Luschcr Farmstormwater street drainage-is courtesy of Corina
LawsDave Arpin,2023. the first place winner
of the 2020 Lake Oswego photo contest in the category Places in Lake Oswego
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 1
Table of Contents
Section 1: General 5
Utility Rates: Water,Sewer,Stormwater,and Street 5
Business License and Liquor License 14
Dog License 15
Rights of Way Usage Fee 16
Franchise Fees 17
Public Records Fees 18
Miscellaneous Fees 19
Section 2: City Attorney's Office 20
Discovery Fees and City Code 20
Section 3: Fire Department 21
General Fees 23
Medical Services and Transport Fees 21
Emergency Services Rates 22
Fire and Life Safety Plan Reviews 22
Fire and Life Safety Inspections 22
Section 4: Library 23
General Fees 23
Section 5: Municipal Court 24
General Fees 24
Section 6: Parks& Recreation 25
Recreation Services and Activities 25
Lake Oswego Recreation &Aquatics Center(LORAC) 26
Lake Oswego Golf Course 27
Indoor Tennis Center 28
Athletic Field User Charges 28
Adult Community Center Fees 29
Swim Park 30
Water Sports Center 30
Park Reservation Fees 31
Miscellaneous Fees 32
Commercial Photography and Filming in City Parks 32
Page 2 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Table of Contents, continued
Section 7: Police Department 33
Security Alarm Permit and Fees 33
Security Alarm Code Violation Fines 33
Police Reports 33
Miscellaneous Police Fees 33
Section 8: Public Works Support Services 34
General Fees 34
Section 9: Building Division 35
Building Permits 35
Electrical Permits 36
Mechanical Permits Residential 38
Mechanical Permits Commercial 39
Plumbing Permits 40
Grading and Fill Permits 41
Demo and Deconstruction Permits 41
Manufactured Home Permits 42
Manufactured Dwelling/RV Parks 42
Community Development Code Enforcement Charges 42
Record Retention and Archiving Fees 42
Research and Consultation Fees 43
Other Inspections and Fees 43
Additional Miscellaneous Fees 43
Refunds 43
Section 10: Engineering Division 44
Minor Utility Facilities, Installed or Constructed by Public or Private Entities 44
General Engineering Fees 44
Other Engineering Fees 45
Section 11: Planning Division 47
Ministerial Developments 47
Minor Developments 47
Sign Code Fees 48
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 3
Table of Contents, continued
Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code Amendments 48
Major Developments 49
Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts 49
Fees Relating to Historical Preservation 49
Appeals 49
Pre-Application Conference/Consultations 49
Research Fees 50
Tree Code Fees 50
Fee Exemptions for Affordable Housing 51
Other Planning Fees 51
Section 12: Systems Development Charges 53
Systems Development Charges 53
Systems Development Charges Methodologies 59
2023 2024 Master Fees and Charges Resolution 69
Page 4 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Utility Rates: Water, Sewer, Stormwater, and Street (LOC 37 and 38)
Water and sewer charges for customers outside of the City may be set by specific agreement. For customers
outside the City(including Forest Highlands Water District), but not covered by a special agreement,the charge is
150%of standard "in-City" rates. For bulk water users,the City Manager may set"peak"season rates. (LOC
The utility user charge shall be due and payable on the date specified on the bill,and shall be delinquent
thereafter.A late charge shall be imposed on delinquent utility user charges in addition to the amount billed.
(LOC 38.06.030)
A late charge of$5 may be assessed for utility bills not paid within 30 days after billing. If the utility bill is$200 or
more,the late charge is 2.5%of the total amount due.The late charge is divided proportionately among the
amounts due for water,sewer,stormwater,and street fee and becomes part of the total user charge amount due
for each utility.
Lake Oswego's Typical Monthly Utility Bill
$200 194.78
$180 176.91
$160 155.41 160.15
164.83 170.52
140.85 146.38 150.78
$140$100 . . . . . . . . .$100 . . . . . . . . .$80 El . . . . . . I. .
$60 III. . . . . . . .
El El I. . El I. .
$40 . . III III . . III III .
$20 .
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
■Water 53.46 55.88 56.96 58.14 59.32 60.51 61.73 62.97 64.22 65.48
■Sewer 66.37 68.39 70.45 72.56 74.72 76.93 79.97 83.10 86.32 89.72
■Stormwater 12.58 13.46 14.40 15.41 16.49 17.64 18.87 20.19 21.60 23.11
■Street Maintenance 8.44 8.65 8.97 9.30 9.62 9.75 9.95 10.65 16.07 16.47
Based on typical use for a single-family home-10 ccf for water and 8 ccf for sewer
Past and projected average utility rate increases
7/1/19 7/1/20 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24 7/1/ *
Water 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Sewer 3.0% 3.0% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9%
Stormwater 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0%
Street maintenance 3.4% 1.3% 2.0% 7.0% 50.9% 3-0%2.5% 3.0%
Average increase of 3.0% 2.9% 3.5% 3.7% 6.4% 3.6%
total utility bill
*Adopted rates will be implemented the first full billing cycle following the effective date.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 5
Section 1: General
Components of the Typical Monthly Lake Oswego Utility Bill
$50 - -
$20 _ •
a • •
$10 • - - • • •
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
•Water Sewer - • Stormwater - - - Street Maintenance
Comparison of Neighboring Cities'Typical Monthly Utility Bills
Based on a September 20232 survey of typical single-family homes in other Portland metropolitan area cities.
$200 194 78
$150 148 16 148 31
125.57 130.30
$ Beaverton Tualatin Hillsboro West Linn Oregon City Sherwood Wilsonville Milwaukie Tigard Lake Gresham Portland
•Water 74.00 50.00 56.43 40.64 50.42 69.22 60.43 51.39 80.88 65.48 94.90 126.28
•Sewer 38.49 57.23 56.27 54.39 63.51 54.47 72.94 72.56 57.67 89.72 80.08 103.68
•Stormwater 13.08 11.47 13.92 9.08 12.66 18.31 11.90 29.47 16.05 23.11 32.52 32.45
•Street - 6.60 9.11 16.81 15.07 4.94 9.64 5.49 8.52 16.47 -•Other - 5.00 - 21.23 6.50 1.37 2.89 6.11 8.63 - 30.00 0.34
Page 6 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Water Rates
1. Water connection charger-this charge is in addition to the Water SDC fee, if applicable(LOC 38.10.113).
Meter size larger than 2" are charged at cost and materials plus 20%overhead ($2,7402,795 minimum).
NOTE: If the water conncction needs to be made on a moratorium street(one that has been paved within the
past five years),the cost for the pavement restoration is charged at cost and materials plus 20%overh ad.
Meter Size Charge
5/8"-3/4" $ 917
1" $ 1,306
1 1/2" $ 3,290
2„ $ 3,682
On moratorium streets(paved within the past five years),the trench patch replacement requirement is
significantly larger.Therefore, if a meter installation is required on a moratorium street, an additional charge will
be retained to account for the larger pavement patch.
$3,000(indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City-Average.
2. Monthly water standard minimum and volume charges.
a. Standard minimum monthly water rates for customers within the City. LOC 38.06.020(2a).
For all meter sizes: 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/2
$ 29.96
Single family residential customers $29.37 $ 29.96 30.56
$ 32.70
Multi-family customers-First unit $32.06 $ 32.70 33.35
Multi-family customers-Each additional dwelling unit $28.93 $29.51 30.10
Meter Non-residential Services Irrigation customers
Size 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/ 7/1/2022 7/1/2023 7/1/202
5/8"-3/4" $32.06 $ 32.70 $ 32.70 $29.37 $29.96 $29.96
33.35 30.56
1" $40.64 $ 41.45 $ 41.15 $37.22 $37.96 $37.96
42.28 38.72
1 1/2" $48.35 $ 49.32 $ 49'32 $44.31 $45.20 $45.20
50.31 46.10
2" $73.17 $ 74.63 $ 74.63 $67.02 $68.36 $68.36
76.12 69.73
3" $82.15 $ 83.79 $ 83.79 $75.31 $76.82 $76.82
85.47 78.36
4" $ 106.98 $ 109.12 $ 109.12 $98.04 $ 100.00 $398
111.30 102.00
1 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 7
Section 1: General
6" $ 131.57 $ 134.20 $ 134.20 $ 120.55 $ 122.96 $ 122.96
136.88 125.42
8" $ 198.07 $ 202.03 $ 202.03 $ 181.49 $ 185.12 $ 185.12
206.07 188.82
10" $228.63 $ 233.20 $ 233.20 $209.52 $213.71 $213.71
237.86 217.98
12" $323.53 $330.00 $330.00 $296.45 $302.38 $302.38
336.60 308.43
b. Volume charges in addition to charges in 2a.
USAGE: Per 100 cubic feet(ccf)2 7/1/2022 7/1/2023 7/1/202
Single family residential customers:
Tier 1: 0- 8 ccf monthly $3.09/ccf $3.15/ccf $3.15 3.21/ccf
Tier 2: 9-16 ccf monthly $4.44/ccf $4.53/ccf $21.53 4.62/ccf
Tier 3: over 17 ccf monthly $8.31/ccf $8.48/ccf $8 8.65/ccf
Multi-family customers $3.56/ccf $3.63/ccf $3,64 3.70/ccf
Non-residential customers $4.02/ccf $4.10/ccf $41.10 4.18/ccf
Irrigation customers $6.36/ccf $6.49/ccf $6,49 6.62/ccf
3. If a customer's water is turned off because of noncompliance with the proper use of water or for non-
payment of utility bills,a charge of$60 will be assessed:$30 for turning the water off and another$30 for
a water turn-on. (LOC 38.16.170).
The City shall turn off and turn on the customer's water supply at the customer's request.The City shall
provide this service for free during working hours one time each calendar year.The City shall charge for
additional requests and service during non-working hours except in cases of emergency. (LOC 38.16.175)
For customer turn off and turn on requests,after the first turn off then on request in a calendar year,a
charge of$60 will be assessed:$30 for turning the water off and another$30 for a water turn-on.
There is a charge for reading meters or making service turn-ons or turn-offs at other than regular working
hours. In order to suit the convenience of water purchasers,whenever a City employee is required to read
a meter or make a water service turn-on or turn-off during hours other than the regular work hours
established for City employees,a flat charge of$80 shall be required for such service, in addition to all
other charges provided for in this resolution,to be payable as other charges for water services.
4. Rates for the temporary use of a fire hydrant include a $50 installation fee,a $10 per day charge for meter
rentals with a maximum charge of$50 per month, plus the usage fee for water based on non-residential
water rates. In addition, a $475 refundable deposit will be collected. The deposit is refundable if the
meter is returned in good condition and fees have been paid in full.
5. Failure to test backflow prevention assemblies between January 1 to July 15 and submit the test results by
July 25 shall be cause for the City to arrange for and conduct the required test.The cost of such a test
shall be added to the customer's monthly utility bill at the actual incurred cost plus overhead utilizing a
billing multiplier of 2.4 times direct costs. (LOC 38.12.126).
6. If the City is requested to conduct a fire flow test, a flat fee will be charged for each test. (See Section 3).
2 Based on water delivered during the period between meter read dates.
Page 8 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
IWater Rate History- Monthly
Typical Typical water
Effective Fixed Usage usage in portion %
Date Rate Rate ccf of bill change
7/1/2015 $24.96 $2.62/$3.77 10 $53.46 4.5%
7/1/2016 $26.08 $2.74/$3.94 10 $55.88 4.5%
7/1/2017 $26.61 $2.79/$4.02 10 $56.96 2%
7/1/2018 $27.14 $2.85/$4.10 10 $58.14 2%
7/1/2019 $27.68 $2.91/$4.18 10 $59.32 2%
7/1/2020 $28.23 $2.97/$4.26 10 $60.51 2%
7/1/2021 $28.79 $3.03/$4.35 10 $61.73 2%
7/1/2022 $29.37 $3.09/$4.44 10 $62.97 2%
7/1/2023 $29.96 $3.15/$4.53 10 $64.22 2%
7/1/20243 $29.96 $3.15 3.21/$ 10 $64,22 65.48 2%
30.56 4:5-3 4.62
Fixed portion of Monthly Water Bill
$40 -
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Water Usage Rate per ccf
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
•Tier 1: 0-8 ccf/month Tier 2:9-16 ccf/month •Tier 3:over 16 ccf/month
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 9
Section 1: General
Sewer Rates
1. Sewer monthly rates for customers within the City,served by the City,and outside Clean Water Services
(CWS)shall be charged the following rates for sewer service LOC 38.06.020(2b):
Residential for all meter sizes: 7/1/2022 7/1/23 7/1/2
First dwelling unit $64.14 $66.64 $66.64 69.23
Each additional dwelling unit $57.86 $60.12 $60.12 62.46
Meter Non-residential services
Size 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/2
5/8"-3/4" $ 57.22 $ 59.45 $ 59.45
1" $ 72.43 $ 75.25 $ 75.25
1 1/2" $ 86.11 $ 89.47 $ 89.47
2" $ 130.29 $ 135.37 $ 135.37
3" $ 146.31 $ 152.02 $ 152.02
4" $ 190.45 $ 197.88 $ 197.88
6" $ 234.28 $ 243.42 $ 213.12
8" $ 278.51 $ 289.37 $ 289.37
10" $ 322.71 $ 335.30 $ 335.30
12" $ 454.84 $ 472.58 $ 472.58
USAGE: Per 100 cubic feet(ccf)of average winter water usage
7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/2
Residential customers $2.37/ccf $2.46/ccf $2.46 2.56/ccf
Non-residential customers $3.56/ccf $3.70/ccf $3.70 3.84/ccf
a. The above Sewer Usage Rate per 100 cubic feet of average monthly water consumption is based on a
customer's average water use during three applicable winter billing cycles. If the full three winter
billing cycles are not available,whatever billing record is available shall be used for the computation.
b. Where no average winter water usage is available or where it is deemed inappropriate to use in some
unusual circumstance for residential, use the standard City-wide average of 8ccf per month multiplied
by the standard sewer rates listed above.
c. The monthly sewer utility user charge for property within the City and served by Clean Water Services
(CWS)of Washington County shall be equal to the monthly service charge established by the agency
for similar uses served by the Agency system.The City Manager shall keep on file for public inspection
a copy of the current rate structure.
Page 10 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Clean Water Services Charge 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/2 3
CWS Sewer-fixed base charge $31.38 $32.64 $ 67.90 n/a
CWS Sewer-usage charge $ 2.08 $ 2.16 $ 2.25 n/a
2. If the City is requested to conduct a sewer connection verification test, a fee of$60 will be charged for
each test. Homeowners requesting the test and residing at the residence are exempt from this fee.
3. A line charge shall be assessed upon connection to portions of the sewer system. The City Engineer is
authorized to establish additional benefited project areas upon completion of new projects that are
constructed under the City's Sewer Extension Program. Customers within the project area shall be
assessed the line charge as a condition of receiving a connection permit. The line charge will be reviewed
annually and adjusted to reflect actual construction costs of eligible projects or the change in the
Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(20-City Average)as published in October of the
preceding year.
The charges shown below are for eligible projects already completed through the date of this resolution:
a. For the following project areas,the cost per single family connection $ 27,34728,017 4
Sundeleaf Drive Deemar Way Country Club Road
Mardee Avenue Bryant Road/Old Gate Road Stonebridge Way
Jean Road Upper Drive west of Bryant Carman Drive
b. A multiple of the above fee in 3a with the multiplier equal to the number of single family connections
that could be developed on the subject property under R-5 zoning, as determined by the City
4. Special Sewer Connection Charges:
a. Fairway Road Project (pursuant to Ordinance#2262) $ 46,74547.152 s
b. Rivergrove Sewer Connection Charges(pursuant to Zone-of-Benefit[ZOB] Ordinance#2352)
Refer to final ZOB ordinance for fees by lot. Various s
3 Not known at this time,usually becomes available on June 15t
4 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
Amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.
s Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for Seattle.
Amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.
Note: For items 3 through 4,SDC charges may apply and are in addition to the line charges shown.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 11
Section 1: General
Stormwater Rates
1. The stormwater management utility user charge shall be as follows{LOC 38.06.020 2(c)}:
a. Each customer using a location for a single-family home or a duplex shall be charged the fee as shown
in the table below.
b. All other parcels shall be charged per the table below per Equivalent Service Unit(ESU).Total ESUs
charged is determined by dividing the total impervious area by 3,030 and rounding to the nearest
whole number.
7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/2
$ 20.19 $ 21.60 $ 21.60
Fixed monthly rate 23.11
2. Tampering Fine.The fine for tampering with the City utility system shall be equal to the total of the cost of
correcting the tampering, plus any utility fee revenue estimated by the City to have been lost or affected
by the tampering,and a $100 fine. (LOC 38.26.915).
Page 12 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Street Maintenance Fee (LOC 37)
LOC 37.02.015
A Street Maintenance Fee was established by Ordinance No. 2373 in an amount to be adjusted from time to time,
by resolution of the City Council. The fee is based upon the relative direct and indirect use of,or benefit from,the
City street system that results from activities within the City,and shall be imposed upon the persons responsible
for each developed property upon which such activities occur.
LOC 37.02.020
All funds collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be used to pay costs of operation, maintenance, repair,
engineering, improvement, renewal, replacement and reconstruction of the City street system.
LOC 37.04.010
The Street Maintenance Fee shall be billed and collected with and as part of the combined utility user charge
billing pursuant to LOC 38.06.020 and LOC 38.06.030. In the event funds received from the City's utility billings are
inadequate to satisfy in full all of the water,sewer,stormwater,and street maintenance fees,credit shall be first
given in this order: street maintenance fee,stormwater,sewer,and then water.
Rates6 and Effective Dates(Per Resolution 10-19 and 10-20):
a. Residential groups will be billed 100%of the following per resident fees monthly:
Effective Effective Effective
July 1,2022 July 1,2023 July 1,
$ 10.65 $ 16.07 $ 16.07
Single family 16.47
$ 7.61 $ 11.48 $ 11.48
Multi-family(per unit) 11.77
b. Non-Residential groups will be billed the following fees monthly, multiplied by their square footage:
Effective Effective Effective
July 1,2022 July 1,2023 July 1,202
Group I $ 6.51 $ 9.82 $ 9.82
Group II $ 14.65 $ 22.11 $ 22.11
Group III $54.70 $ 82.55 $ 82.55
General"Group"classification defined as:
Group I: less than 29 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
Group II: from 29 to 90 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
Group III: greater than 90 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
6 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
Per Resolution 10-20,index adjustment shall not be less than a two percent increase or more than a seven percent increase.
The increase this in prior year of 50.9%includes both an increase of 5.7%for CCI as well as for an increase of 45.2%or$1.5M
for annual pathway funding.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 13
Section 1: General
Business License and Liquor License
Business License
A business with anticipated or established gross revenue during a calendar year of no more than$1,000 and at
least 50%owned by a person under 19 years of age, are exempt from the following annual business license fees
(LOC 20.02.025):
3 or fewer 4—10 11 or more
Business License Fees employees employees employees
Initial issue fee $80 $ 110 $ 150
Renewal fee received on or before renewal date $64 $ 84 $ 110
Renewal fee received after renewal date $80 $ 110 $ 150
Additional review fee' $20 $ 30 $ 45
1. Renewal Period:
Applications for new business licenses should be submitted at least 30 days before the business opens.
New business licenses are in effect for the full twelve months after the month of initial issuance.
They are renewed annually thereafter.
2. Appeal Fees:
Appeal of issue, denial,suspension,or revocation of license $200
3. Temporary Business License:
License shall be valid for no more than two successive weeks during a calendar year.They are non-
renewable with a minimum fee of$25 per week(or portion thereof)and a maximum fee of$50 per
two-week period. Applicants are restricted to two temporary licenses per year.
4. Business License Violation Fee $550
Liquor License
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC)solicits the City's recommendation on applications for new,
renewed,or changed liquor licenses.The City will no longer charge a fee for this service.
'Additional review fee applies to any application(initial or renewal)that requires additional review.
Page 14 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Dog License (LOC 31.02.115)
Every person keeping a dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is 6 months old,whichever comes first,
shall procure a license for the dog. The license must be procured by paying the following fee to the City, not later
than 30 days after the person becomes keeper of the dog. A dog license shall be valid for up to 1,2,or 3 years,
and shall expire on the appropriate month end of the respective year.To stay within State Law, no license may be
issued with an expiration date that is beyond the end of the month of the applicable rabies vaccination expiration
date. Licenses are not prorated for partial years.
Expires on the appropriate month end
Dog license fees One year Two years Three years Rabies
Infertile $30 $60 $90 vaccination
Fertile $50 $100 $150 required
Delinquent license charge(after 2mo. past due) $20 plus license fee
Replacement dog tag $ 5
Dog impounded without license License fee plus impoundment fee
Impoundment fee(first pickup) $30
Impoundment fee(additional within 90 days) $60
Shelter fee Set by Clackamas County Dog Control Shelter
Dog license exceptions
1. Seeing-eye or other assistance dog: No fee is charged for certified seeing-eye or other assistance dogs as
defined in ORS 346.659A,such as"in-training", hearing-ear,or other assistance types recognized by a
qualified organization.
2. Rabies vaccination due to medical reasons: No rabies vaccination certificate is required as long as(1)the
examining veterinarian certifies that the dog should be exempted from the rabies vaccination due to
medical reasons and (2)states whether the reason is permanent or the date when exemption ends.
3. Kenneled for commercial sale(and not at large): The fee for a dog that is kept primarily in kennels for
commercial sale(and not permitted to run at large)as part of a dog breeder's inventory is$0;a dog that is
kept primarily in kennels(and not permitted to run at large), but is removed from the dog breeder's
inventory is$5. The keeper must provide evidence that the keeper is a dog breeder and that the dog is a
part of the breeder's inventory and/or is kept primarily in kennels for commercial sale and not permitted
to run at large.
4. New resident or new dog: New dogs are required to be licensed within 30 days of the owner becoming a
resident,of acquisition,or of first rabies shot,and for a one,two or three year license,depending on the
expiration of the rabies shot.After an additional 60 days,the delinquent license charge is added to the
regular license fee.
5. New dog licensed elsewhere: No fee is charged to owners of new dogs currently licensed elsewhere, but
are required to register the dog and obtain a City of Lake Oswego dog tag.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 15
Section 1: General
Rights of Way Usage Fee
On January 2, 2019,the Lake Oswego City Council adopted Ordinance 2804, adding Lake Oswego Code Chapter 51
("Utilities Facilities in Public Rights of Way").Chapter 51 established uniform regulations for utility operations in
the City's right of way, as well as a licensing and registration process that replaced individually negotiated franchise
agreements. Fees associated with Ordinance 2804 and Chapter 51 of Lake Oswego City Code were established via
Resolution 19-03,also adopted January 2, 2019.
Utility Service Annual Rights of Way Usage Fee*
Electric 5%of gross revenue
Natural Gas 5%of gross revenue
Cable 5%of gross revenue,or maximum amount permitted by applicable law
Communications 5%of gross revenue, $3.38 3.48 per linear foot of utilities in the rights-
of-way,or a minimum annual fee of $5,628 5,797,whichever is
greater;or the maximum amount permitted by applicable law.
The per-linear-foot fee and the minimum fee shall increase 3%
annually on January 1st of each year, beginning January 1,20208
Any utility operator that does not Based on Total Linear Feet of Utility Facilities in the Rights-of-Way:
earn gross revenue within the City.
Up to 5,000: $6,7536,956
5,001-10,000: $9,0049,274
10,001-20,000: $13,50513,910
More than 20,000: $22,51123,186
The minimum fee shall increase 3%annually on January 1st of each
year, beginning January 1,2020.
"Gross Revenue" means any and all revenue,of any kind, nature or form without deduction for expense, less net
uncollectibles,derived from the operation of utility facilities in the City,subject to all applicable limitations in
federal or state law.
Rights of Way License Application fee $250 for a five-year license
Rights of Way Annual Registration fee $150
*Government provided water,sewer, and stormwater utilities are not charged this fee.
8 Fees listed incorporate 3%escalator as of January 1,20212023
Page 16 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Attachment Fees
As per City of Lake Oswego Ordinance 2820 and established in Resolution 19-03,wireless providers that deploy
infrastructure within the city right of way are subject to the following fees:
Utility Service Attachment Fees
Wireless Facility permit fee, charged for each wireless facility $996.191,026.08 per
application submitted to the City application
Additional attachment fee, if placed on City owned pole $868.88894.95 annually
Additional fee for optional permit pre-application meeting $533.63549.64 per occurrence
Additional fee for knockdown of any pole with wireless facility $4110.27453.48 per occurrence
All fees shall increase 3%annually on January 1st of each year, beginning January 1, 2020 9
9 Fees listed incorporate 3%escalator as of January 1,20232
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 17
Section 1: General
Franchise Fees (as set by franchise agreements)
Electricity and Natural Gas
Portland General Electric
Franchise fee: 3.5%of defined gross revenue
Expires January 17,2023 (Ordinance 2610)
Garbage/Solid Waste
Republic Services
Franchise fee: 5%of gross cash receipts
Expires December 13, 2022 2032 (Ordinance
Comcast(MACC) Ziply Fiber(MACC)
Franchise fee: 5%of gross revenue Franchise fee: 5%of gross revenue
Expires June 30, 2025 (Ordinance 2681) Expires May 25, 2022 (Ordinance 2486)
Telecommunication Services
Clackamas County Astound Broadband
No franchise fee(City receives use of 4 strands of Franchise Fee:A minimum of$1,500 per quarter
fiber) Expires August 4,2025 (Ordinance 2691) or 5%of gross revenue—whichever is greater
Expires December 17,2025 (Ordinance 2693)
Page 18 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Public Records Fees'°
1. Copies of finance documents:
Biennial Budget $25 per copy Available online
Annual Audit(Comprehensive Annual Financial $25 per copy Available online
Biennial LORA Budget $ 5 per copy Available online
Annual LORA Audit(Year-end Financial Report) $ 5 per copy Available online
2. Copies of planning and engineering documents:
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) $56 per copy Available online
Community Development Code(City Code Ch 50) $64 per copy Available online
Comprehensive Plan $56 per copy Available online
Public Facilities Plan $29 per copy Available online
Public Facilities Plan Appendix $56 per copy Available online
Neighborhood Plans $ 19 per copy Available online
3. Copies of maps:
Zoning map $20 per copy Available online
Comprehensive Plan map $20 per copy Available online
City Limits map $20 per copy Available online
City Atlas with binder $50 per copy
City Atlas(update w/o binder) $0.25 per page
4. Copies of Lake Oswego City Code:
Copies of Lake Oswego City Code— $55 Available online
excludes Ch 50(no binder)
Copies of City Code in PDF format(CD) $20 Available online
Copies of Community Development Code $20 Available online
in PDF format(CD)
5. Copies of community surveys $ 10 per copy Available online
6. General service copies $0.25 per page
7. Flash Drives $ 8 8 AA-BGB
$ 9 16 M GB
$13 32 MBGB
8. Records research $25 per 15 minutes/request(minimum $25)
plus copies and materials charges
9. Blueprints $ 1 to$7 depending on map size plus
$0.50 to$3.50 for overlays
10 Unless otherwise specified under individual department section.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 19
Section 1: General
Miscellaneous Fees
1. Employment application fee(including assessment tools&testing): Time&materials, not to exceed $25.
2. Administration Fee of 20%for insurance claims related to damage to City property.
3. Use fees(as shown in the Administrative Procedures Manual, Procedure No. 2): First use of City facilities
shall be by City or other governmental entities.These use fees will be applicable to private parties using
City facilities. Fee will include, but is not limited to, a facility supervisor fee, a janitorial fee, and a building
use fee.A security and/or cleaning deposit may also be required. Fee may be waived at the discretion of
the City Manager, barring requirements by State or local codes.
City Hall building use fee for weekend requests for Class III users:
• Community Room(Council Chambers and Courtroom)$100 for the first hour and$50 per
additional hour
• Conference Room$50 for the first hour and$25 per additional hour
• Park facilities have separate fees,see Section 6.
, facility supervisor fee: Rased upon employee's hourly rate plus benefits and applicable overhead charges.If overtime is
involved,the overtime rate will be charged.
Janitorial fcc: Hourly rate plus benefits of the custodial staff and applicable overhead charges will be charged to the user.
e Building use fee:
Community Room(Council Chambers and Courtroom)$100 for the first hour and$50 per additional hour
Conference Room$50 for the first hour and$25 per additional hour
Park facilities have separate fees,sec Section 6.
4. Request for construction contract bidding documents: As established in the Invitation to Bid.
5. Filming permit processing fee(LOC 20.06.400) $ 1,000
Filming permit processing fee appeal $ 100
See Commercial Filming in City Parks in Section 6 for additional fees(page 3332)
6. Lien search fee
Initial search per tax lot $58 for initial search
Subsequent search of same tax lot $ 15 for next 90 days
7. NSF check charges $20 for first offense
$35 for repeat offenses
8. Parking stall fee $ 1 per hour per stall
(Stalls could be located in public right-a-way or public parking lots)
9. EV Charging $0.11/kWh and a$0.75/HR after two hours of
410. Passport Fees made payable to U.S. Department of State
a. For"minor"applications(under 16 years old) $ 80
b. For"adult"applications(16 years or older) $ 110 All passport fees are
c. To EXPEDITE any passport application ... add $ 60 set by the U.S.
d. For"minor" Passport Card only(under 16 years old) $ 15 Department of State
e. For"adult" Passport Card only(16 years or older) $ 30 1
4011. Passport Fees made payable to"City of Lake Oswego"
a. For regular passport applications $ 35 per passport application
Page 20 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
b. For Passport Card applications $ 35 per PASS Card only
Only one fee charged if applying for both
4412. Passport photo fee $ 15 per set of two
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 21
Section 2: City Attorney's Office
City Attorney's Office
The following fees shall be charged for the services of the City Attorney's Office in providing discovery to retained
defense attorneys:
Discovery Fees
1. Copies up to 10 pagesE-discovery11 $401-
flat rate one-time fee
Each additional page $--0 5
2. Audio and video copiesElectronic $0 50 first DVD/CD/USB
transmission of E-discovery
$ 15 each additional copy
3. Review and Redaction of Audio and $ 10-8 8 P11-8GB
VidcoFlash Drives $ 154 161148GB
$204-3 32Md�BGB
$30 64GB
$60/hour after first 30 m utes(billed at 15_mi. ute� nts)
4. Copies of photographsPaper Copies $ 15 1 per letter size page (4 color print to a page)
up to 10 pages
Each additional Page $0.25 50 burned to CD(for up to 30)
5. Flash DrivesAudio and Video $50 first DVD/CD/USB
unavailable through e-discovery1z
6. Review and Redaction of Audio and $60/hour,after first 30 minutes(billed at 15-minute increments)
Video to comply with ORS 135.815
7. Copies of photographs unavailable $ 1 per letter-sized page(4 color print to a page)
through e-discovery $50 burned to a CD(for up to 30)
City Code
1. See Section 1:General, Public Record Fees,on page 19.
11 In general, e-discovery includes police reports and city-created digital visual materials(e.g. body worn camera,
vehicle mobile-audio-video, photographs, etc.)directly associated with the case.
12 In general,video materials not created by the City--such as cell phone videos—are not included in the flat rate
and must be separately requested.
Page 22 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 3: Fire Department
Fire Department
The following fees shall be charged for the Fire Department activities of the City.Any non-listed expenses to
provide services in Section 3 will be charged at cost.
General Fees
1. Fire and Inspection Reports
a. Reports up to 10 pages $25
Each additional page over 10 $0.25
b. Additional research time past first 15 minutes $25 per 15 minutes
charged to nearest quarter hour.
2. Fire Investigation Information and Other
a. Narrative report up to 10 pages $25
Each additional page over 10 $0.25
b. Digital disk flash drive copies $25
Each additional copy same diskflash drive $ 16
Plus charge for each picture $0.25
c. Photo log $25 each
d. Staff time past first 15 minutes charged to the $25 per 15 minutes
nearest quarter hour
3. Non-listed expenses to provide services in Section 3 Charged at cost
Medical Services and Transport Fees
1. Advanced Life Support Tr atment and Transport $1,448.091,523.39
{i mil age}Advanced Life Support(ALS), Level One,
2. Non Emergent Transport ALS(+mil age}Advanced Life $991.521,523.39
Support(ALS), Level One
3. Non Emergent Transport BLS(+mil age)Advance Life $667.681,523.39
Support(ALS), Level Two
4. Basis Life S pport(BLS), Emergency $1,523.39
5. Basic Life Sport(BLS) $1,523.39
46. Tr atment without Transport(per hour, rounded to $316.35800
the quarter hour; 1 hour minimum,) plus supplies used
at costAdvanced Life Support On-Scene Treatment
57. Emergent Patient-Loaded Mileage $30.33 31.91 per mile
6, Non Emergent Patient Loaded Mil age $23.28 per mile
(Mileage charges begin at the location of the
emergency/incident scene and end at the destination
facility,and arc rounded up to the next tenth of a mile.)
8. Extra Attendant $101.21
(When a patient's condition warrants the presence of
additional medic support personnel to assist crew
during transport.)
79. Ambulance/Medical Standby Fees
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 23
Section 3: Fire Department
(Standby fees are assessed on an hourly bases from the
time personnel arrive at the event until the conclusion of
onsitc functions in X hour increments.)
a. Paramedics{2 paramedic minimum, 3 hour $67.11 per paramedic257 per hour
13, Ambulance $55 per hour
eb. Billing/Administration $ 100
Emergency Services Rates
1. Apparatus costs: Per current Oregon Fire Service Mobilization Plan fee schedule.
2. Personnel costs: Fire employee's actual hourly rate plus benefits or the actual personnel costs to
replace on-shift firefighters in their assigned capacity.
3. Dive team and boat team operations:Apparatus and personnel costs apply; plus$60 per hour for
specialty equipment maintenance and miscellaneous costs associated with the use of specialty
4. Emergency standby for hazardous utility incidents where Fire needs to protect life and property:
$289.81 per hour after the first half hour.
5. Non-emergency standby for special events: $289.81 per hour for Fire Apparatus
6. Calls for emergency services for accidents on highways, public right-of-ways, railways,or resulting from
other transportation incidents exceeding 0.5 hours may be billed according to the current payment
schedule in the Oregon State Mobilization Plan adopted by the Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office.
Fire and Life Safety Plan Reviews
1. Preliminary water and emergency access evaluation for all pre-applications $ 70
2. Detailed water and emergency access evaluation for all development and building permit applications:
a. Minor partitions(up to 3 lots) $ 140
b. Subdivisions $250
c. Commercial $250
d. All other applications requiring fire review $ 140
3. All fire code construction permits requiring fire review $250
4. All Fire Code Operational Permits $200
5. Mobile Emergency Responder Radio Coverage(MERRC)
a. 0 to 50,000 sq.ft. $0.50 per sq.ft.
b. Additional sq.ft.from 50,001 to 100,000 $0.30 per sq.ft.
c. Additional sq.ft.exceeding 100,000 $0.10 per sq.ft.
Fire and Life Safety Inspections
1. Initial inspection and 1st follow-up No fee
2. Each additional inspection, required for compliance $ 107 per hour
3. After-hours inspections $ 150 per hour(1 hour minimum)
4. Re-inspection fee for new construction after the second violation $ 107 per hour
Page 24 20244 Master Fees and Charges
Section 4: Library
The following fees shall be charged for the Library Department activities of the City:
General Fees (LOC 16.08.310)
1. Uniform Library Network Fees
Non-resident card $95 per family per year
2. Library Penalty Fees
Lost and damaged library items Replacement cost,as determined by staff
3. Sale of withdrawn/surplus items Varies;typically$0.10-$3
4. Overdue fine $0.10 per item per day,with a $1 maximum fine per item
$ 1.00 per item per day,with a maximum fine equal to the
replacement cost of the item,for Library of Things material
5. Photocopy charges
General photocopy charges $0.10 per page
Reference collection photocopies $0.10 per page(first 5 pages are free)
Black and white internet printing charges $0.10 per page(first dollar used in any combination of
color and/or black&white is waived)
Color internet printing charges $0.25 per page(first dollar used in any combination of
color and/or black&white is waived)
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 25
Section 5: Municipal Court
Municipal Court
The following fees shall be charged for the Municipal Court activities of the City:
General Fees
1. Delayed Payment Fee
This fee is assessed in order to help defray the costs of deferred payment of fines.
Duration of Payments Amount added to fine
0 to 60 days $ 0
Over 60 days $ 15
2. Vacate Fee $20
This is a fee charged when someone requests the Municipal Court Judge to review a file,
change the status,and/or vacate a charge from the DMV record.
4. Fix-it-ticket Administrative Fee $35
This fee is charged when the citing officer has designated the citation as one that will be
dismissed if proof of correction is provided before the initial appearance date.
5. Good Driver Deferred Sentencing Program Administrative Fee
Fee shall be the equivalent of the reduced presumptive fine for the charged offense.
6. Seatbelt and Child Restraint Violation
Deferred Sentencing Program Administrative Fee $ 100
7. Civil Compromise Administrative Fee $ 150
8. Court Appearance Audio Recording $25 each
9. Certified Copies of Court Documents $5 each
10. Copies up to 10 pages $ 15
Each additional page $0.25
Page 26 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
The following fees shall be charged for the Parks& Recreation activities of the City:
Recreation Services and Activities
The services and activity programs within Parks&Recreation are designed to meet the expectations of the Lake
Oswego community.A wide range of recreational activities are offered to all ages and ability levels.Services and
activity programs are offered to families and individuals at an affordable price and well within market value.
Each division shall determine fees based upon marketability and associated expenses for the specific program or
1. Lake Oswego residents are given priority in registration and pricing for recreation services and activities.
Non-residents are charged additional fees of up to 1.5 times the base activity rate.
2. Fees are designed to cover 100%of the expenses associated with activities. Factors included in rates are:
Instructor wages and benefits,supplies/materials,entrance/admission fees, advertising, and
3. Contract service provision of activities include fees to cover total expense plus a program administrative
percentage. Service providers are paid a negotiated sum per participant.
4. Lake Oswego Parks& Recreation (LOPR) Refund Policy
• 100%refund to ach registered and paid participant if LOPR cancels an activity,class or event.
requested seven calendar days prior to start date of
• Refunds requested within seven calendar days prior to thc start date of thc activity arc subject to$10
processing fcc(fcc applies to ach activity withdrawal).
• In lieu of a refund,the$10 processing fcc is waived with an option for activity fcc credit on customer
account.All credits arc non refundable a„d , ^' cable for OPR activity r trat;
Exceptions to thc refund policy may be made at staff's discretion depending upon extenuating
• 100%of refund if LOPR cancels an activity
• 100%refund for an activity fee if requested refund is seven (7)calendar days prior to the start date
of activity.
• Refunds requested after seven (7)calendar days prior to activity start date are processed upon
approval of the programmer and/or contractor and are subject to$10 processing fee(fee applies to
each activity withdrawal).
• In lieu of a check or credit card refund,and after seven (7)calendar days prior to start date of the
activity,the$10 processing fee is waived and activity fee credit is placed on customer account.All
credits are non-refundable and applicable for LOPR activity registration or user fees.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 27
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatics Center (LORAC) User Fee Schedule*
*Fees subject to change
Adult(18-59) $7.00 $11.00 $63.00 $99.00
Youth (3-18) $5.00 $8.00 $45.00 $72.00
Senior(60+) $5.00 $8.00 $45.00 $72.00
Adult (18-59) $125 $188 $400 $600 $35 $51
Youth (3-18) $106 $160 $340 $510 $29 $44
Senior (60+) $106 $160 $340 $510 $29 $44
Household** $234 $352 $750 $1,125 $64 $95
Add'I Youth $10 $15
Note: Resident status includes anyone who lives,attends,or works within the boundaries of the Lake Oswego School
3 Month rates are the annual rate divided by 4 time 125%.
Monthly installment payments on annual memberships are based on automatic withdrawal(auto renew)from a
bank account or credit card.
**Household includes 2 adults and up to 3 youth. Each additional youth is another$10/$15 per month
3 Month/Annual/Annual Paid Monthly membership fees include:
• Lap Swimming and Independent Lane Workouts
• Open swim for individuals and families
• Parent/Preschool Swim
• Senior Swim
• Shallow/Deep Water Aerobics and/or Studio Aerobics classes***
• Access to Workout Room for ages 18+
• Open Play Gym Use
Drop in Rate:
Aerobics Classes $8.00/$10.00 (Water or Studio)
***Specialty water and studio fitness classes are NOT included in membership fee.
13 10 visit passes are a 10%discount over the daily fee.
Page 28 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Group Swim Lessons $75/Session $95/Session 1/2 hour 8 classes
Semi-Private Lessons(2) $100/Session $115/Session % hour 4 classes
Private Lessons $150/Session $175/Session 1/2 hour 4 classes
Water Therapy $40/Half Hour $60/Half Hour
Lifeguard Training $400/Session $475/Session
Water Safety Instructor Training $200/Session $250/Session
Water Fitness Instructor Training $200/Session $250/Session
Senior Swim Time $5/Session
Teen Time $5/Session
Parent/Preschool Swim $5/Session
Birthday Party Packages $250/Event $300/Event 2 hrs room and 12 swim
Oswego Hall Room 1 or Room 2 $150/Hour
Oswego Hall Rooms 1&2 $300/Hour
Oswego Hall Rooms 1&2 weekends $1800/6 Hours Event OLCC Server$150 per hour
Birthday Party Packages $250/Event 2 hours
LORAC Event Room $125/Hour 2 hour minimum
Fitness Studio $125/Hour 2 hour minimum
Gymnasium per court $75/Hour
Gymnasium (all courts) $150/Hour
Lane $22/Hour
6 Lanes $135/Hour
Recreation Pool $350/Hour 2 hour minimum
Competition Pool $450/Hour 2 hour minimum
Entire Aquatic Facility After Hours $1,000/Hour 2 hour minimum
Lake Oswego Golf Course (Name TBA)
Green Fees
Weekdays(Monday—Thursday) $23 $39
Weekdays Junior/Senior Rates $ 11 $21
Weekends/Holidays $26 $48
Range Fee
Club Rentals $ 18 $ 28
Pull Cart Rentals $ 5 Sil
Power Cart Rentals $12 PP $18 PP
Range Balls
Bucket Size $ 6 $ 9 $ 12
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 29
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Indoor Tennis Center
1. Court Fees
Seasonal $22-$26/hour
2. Activity Rates
a. Staff Instructed Activities—Fees established by determining the instruction hourly rate charged plus an
additional administrative program percentage determined by market.
b. Private Lessons—Instructors who are employees of the City may teach private lessons. Instructors must
pay the City for the use of the courts at the seasonal rate.
c. Lake Oswego residents are given priority in registration and pricing for recreation classes and activities.
Non-residents are charged additional fees of up to 1.5 times the base class or activity rate.
3. Card Key Fee—A non-refundable fee of$20 resident, $30 non-resident annually.
4. Additional Fees—The Tennis Center shall be able to add new activities or programs during the year in order to
promote marketability of the facility.As with other activities,fees will be based on instruction hourly rate
charged plus an additional program administrative percentage determined by market.
Room Rental Fees
Dibbins Room Non Profit up to 3 hours all Others
Non Refundable Cleaning Fee $10 $10
Non Refundable CI oning Fee (with Food) $25 $25
Refundable Deposit $25 $100
Hourly Usage Fee $25/Hour $50/Hour
Exceptions to the rental policy may be made at staff's discretion depending upon extenuating
Athletic Field User Charges
Turf Field fees
Natural Turf Artificial Turf
Category Daytime With lights Daytime With lights
Category 1 (LOPR Programs) No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge
Category 2 (Recognized local youth $ 13/hr $ 18/hr $ 15/hr $20/hr
organizations, LOSD)
Category 3 (locally sponsored) $30/hr $40/hr $30/hr $40/hr
Category 4(non-local&for-profit) $80/hr $ 100/hr $80/hr $ 100/hr
Category 1
Applies to all LORP&City of Lake Oswego affiliated activities.
Category 2-Applies to recognized local youth organizations.
Applies to recognized local youth organizations and Lake Oswego School District.
• 70%of participants are local residents. Participants considered local residents have a local home address
and/or attend a public school in the Lake Oswego School District.
Page 30 20244 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
• Additionally,these Organizations must maintain a "good standing"with LOPR in order to remain in this
• Organizations must be based in Lake Oswego. Local youth organizations under the Community Schools
Program are considered category 3
Local youth organizations under the Community Schools Program arc included.
Category 3—This categories applies to tournaments, events,camps,clinics,and activities that are hosted by
recognized local youth leagues/organizations.
Applies to tournaments, events,camps,clinics,and activities that arc hosted by local youth I agues/organizations.
.—This includes other School Districts,athletics/sport leagues,civic groups,churches, business organizations,
neighborhood associations,and individual residents for non-profit purposes.
Category 4—This category applies to all clinics, camps,tournaments, and activities hosted by non-local
Applies to all clinics,camps,tournaments, and activities hosted by non local organizations.
• This category also applies to all for-profit entities, regardless of location address or local participation
1. League Cleaning&trash disposal fee $200 per session
_$200 per session
(Covers cost of trash pick-up on athletics fields over and above regular trash disposal)
2. Field IightLights turn off fcc:
Acharge:A field-lights turn off fcc charge of$50 per occurrence will be applied to billing when lights are
not turned off by field users and must be turned off by City Staff.This fcc charge applies in the following
$50 per occurrence
a. Cancelled field use,without notification for the purpose of turning off field lights or to cancel requested
field lights programming.
b. Leaving field earlier than the scheduled reserved time without turning off lights.
3. Additional Fees:
City may charge field usoadditional fees for category 3 and 4 users,without notification for the purpose of
turning of turning off field lights or to cancel requested field lights programmingover and above the hourly
rates listed,to cover costs such as concession stand use, cleaning,garbage,etc.
4. Tournament and Camp Refund
.—Tournaments and Camps will not be issued a refund or credit due to unused fields or hours
• Cancellations made at least 7 days in advance will receive a full refund minus a$25 cancellation fee.
• A refundable damage deposit of$500 will be assessed to all tournament rentals.
Field Preparation Fees Local Organizations:
Baseball/Softball Fields No charge for initial set up
Soccer League Field:, No charge for initial set up
Additional lining(large field) $200*
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 31
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Additional lining(small field) $200*
Football Fields No charge for initial set up
Additional lining $200*
*Subject to written approval by the Parks and Recr ation Director or designee
5, Admission/Event Fccs:
Or.anizations which charge admission or event fees at any City athletic field must notify the Parks and
Recr ation Department ten days before the scheduled event and will be charged 10%of the gross income
received.The group will be required to provide Parks and Recr ation with financial records of their event
within five working days after the completion of the event.Spectators who do not wish to pay admission
or make a donation arc to be ADMITTED FREE.
Drop in gym programs $4 Resident
$8 Non resident
Adult Community Center Fees
1. Human Services Programs
a. A per participant donation may be suggested for specified human service programs.
b. Fees are designed to cover up to 100%of the expenses associated with the Social Services trips
and Respite Program.
c. A$30-$50 per session (per participant) resident, $35-$55 per session (per participant) non-resident
fee is designed to cover direct expenses associated with the respite program.
d. Classes and other programs generating revenue for another entity, but held at LOACC may be
charged a per person fee.
2. Shuttle Bus Transportation to and from the Center.
Suggested donation is$1 per one-way ride.
3. Refund Policy
• 100%refund to each registered and paid participant if LOPR cancels an activity,class or event.
• 100%refund for an activity fee if refund is requested seven calendar days prior to start date of
• Refunds requested within seven calendar days prior to the start date of the activity are subject
to$10 processing fee(fee applies to each activity withdrawal).
• In lieu of a refund,the$10 processing fee is waived with an option for activity fee credit on
customer account.All credits are non-refundable and applicable for LOPR activity registration
or user fees.
• After an activity start date(day of or after),only a prorated refund credit on customer account
is issued.
4. Trip Refund Policy
Trip Refund Policy:There are no refunds for trips that include expenses prepaid by the ACC unless a
replacement participant can be found.All other trips may be canceled with a refund per the L.O.
Park& Recreation refund policy.
Page 32 20248 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
5 Room Rental Fees14
Adult Community Center Non-Profit Organization All Others
Up to 3 hours
Oak/Acorn Rooms:
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee $25 $25
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee(with food) $50 $50
Refundable Deposit $75 $200
Hourly Usage Fee $50/hr $ 100/hr
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee $ 10 $ 10
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee(with food) $25 $25
Refundable Deposit $25 $ 100
Hourly Usage Fee $25/hr $50/hr
TV Monitor w/HDMI access $20 per use $20 per use
Microphone and speakers $40-30 per use $4-0-30 per
Hybrid Equipment $ 20 25 per use $20 25 per
Podium $20 per use $20 per use
White Board Easel w/paper $20 per board $20 per board
After hour staff $25 per hour $25 per hour
Exceptions to the rental policy may be made at staffs discretion depending upon extenuating
6 Additional Fees
The Adult Community Center shall be able to add new activities or programs during the year
in order to promote marketability of the facility.As with other activities,the fee will be based
on a base rate plus overhead.
Swim Park
Daily usage is free to local residents in compliance with an agreement between the Lake Corporation and
the City of Lake Oswego
Water Sports Center
Lake Oswego Rowing Club Foundation has an agreement with the City to operate the Water Sports Center.
User activity fees are set by the Lake Oswego Rowing Club Foundation.
14 Non-residents are charged fees 1.5 times the resident fees for all rental fees.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 33
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Park Reservation Fees15
1. Facility Rental—Exceptions to Section 1, Miscellaneous Fees, page 20.
Facility Rate I Rate II Rate III
Park Picnic Shelters $85/3 hrs $ 100/3 hrs $ 190/3 hrs
Millennium Park pergola area $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $460/hr
Millennium Stage/grassy knoll $ 60/hr $ 110/hr $310/hr
Foothills Park Pavilion $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $360/hr
Foothills Amphitheater $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $310/hr
Foothills Pavilion Grass Area $ 60/hr $ 110/hr $310/hr
Foothills Viewing Dolphins $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
Roehr Park Amphitheater&Viewing $ 160/hr $230/hr $520/hr
Roehr Excursion boat dock for— $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
commercial dockinguse
Non-shelter Parks Areas16 $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
Refundable damage deposit
Park Shelters George Rogers,
East Waluga,West Waluga $ 100/use
Premier Parks: Millennium Plaza $500/use
Park, Foothills Park and Roehr
Special Events $500/use
Rate I: Open or closed to the public; events with no sales, no admission fees, no concession sales,
no entry fees,and no pledges of future revenues; no sponsor signage allowed.
Rate II: Open to the public;events which generate sales, admission fees,concessions,entry fees
and/or pledges of future revenues;sponsor signage allowed.
Rate III: Closed to the public;events which generate sales,admission fees,concessions,entry fees,
and/or pledges of future revenues;sponsor signage allowed.
2. Food trucks with facility reservation $60/hr
3. Special Event Application Fees and Special Event Park Reservations
• Special Event Application Fee-other than for City Sponsored Events
Application must be received 60 days prior to the event. Fee is$150200.
• For reservations that are tied to a Special Event Permit that use park areas,standard
Park/Premier Park fees apply and are in addition to the Special Event Fee.
• Additional City Staff maybe needed to support an event. In such case there is an additional
$150/hr per person for the need time at the event.
is Non-residents are charged fees 1.5 times the resident fees for all rental fees.
16 Includes other park areas not listed such as lawn areas,plazas,gardens, historical sites,or use of ball fields or parking lots for
special events.
Page 34 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
4. Refund Policy
• 100%refund of reservation fee if LOPR cancels the reservation.
Shelter Reservation Refund:
• If a reservation is canceled 14 days prior to reservation date,a full refund is given, less
the$10 processing fee.
• If a reservation is canceled less than 14 day prior to the reservation date only the
refundable deposit will be refunded.
Premier Park and Special Event Park Refund:
• If a reservation is canceled 30 days prior to reservation date a full refund is given, less
the$10 processing fee.
• If a reservation is canceled less than 30 days prior to the reservation date 50%of the full
payment will be refunded. The Special Event Permit Application fee is not refundable.
Miscellaneous Fees
1. All Parks Plans $30 per copy
2. Research fee $25 per 15 minutes($25 minimum)
plus copy and material charges
Commercial Photography and Filming in City Parks
See also Filming Permit in Section 1 for the additional processing fees, page 20.
1. Film/Video rate per venue
a. One day fee-no park closure required $ 250
b. One day fee-park closure required $ 1,000
Damage deposit may be required,depending on scope of filming.
2. Still Photography day pass rate per venue
a. 1 to 5 hours $ 55
b. 6 to 24 hours $ 110
3. Annual Photo Pass(All Parks) $ 150
4. Long-term shoot:Any shoot over 24 hours will be considered a long shoot. Fees will be assessed for each
24 hour period.
5. For ..asses that need full park closure, park reservation fees will apply. Fees found on page 31.
Personnel Fees: City employees needed to assist with Special Events and/or Film Permits
$105150/hour/person,subject to availability.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 35
Section 7: Police Department
Police Department
The following fees shall be charged for the Police Department activities of the City:
Security Alarm Permit and Fees (LOC 20.08.606)
Voluntary Annual Alarm Permit Fee $25
Security Alarm Code Violation Fines (LOC 20.08.612)
Fines for excessive false alarms in a permit year shall be as follows:
Second false alarm in any year $ 100
Third false alarm in any year $ 125
Fourth false alarm in any year $ 175
Fifth false alarm in any year $275
Sixth and any additional false alarms $425
Fines for excessive false alarms WITH a voluntary alarm permit shall be as follows:
Third and succeeding false alarm in any year $ 100
Police Reports (LOC 14.06.220)
1. Copies up to 10 pages $ 15
Each additional page $0.25
2. 911 audio recording $50 per recording
Audio and Video Copies $50 first recording(DVD/CD/USB) &$ 15 each
additional copy
CAD Incident Report $10
3. Review and Redaction of Audio and Video $60/hour,after first 30 minutes(billed at 15-minute
Miscellaneous Police Fees
1. Records research (LOC 14.06.220) $25 per 15 minutes($25 minimum)
plus copy and material charges
2. Copies of photographs (LOC 14.06.220) $ 1 per color print
$50(for up to 30) burned to CD, plus$ 1 each
3. Storage fee at P.I.T.for vehicles&equipment $50 per day
4. Hazmat quarantine/investigation $250 per day
5. Police impounded vehicle fee $350 per vehicle
6. Overtime charge*for special events requiring police services are determined based upon which of the
following positions are utilized for a minimum of 4 hours:
Community Services Officer(CSO), Police Officer,Sergeant, Lieutenant,and/or Captain.
*Contact the Police Department for this charge.
Page 36 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 8: Public Works Support Services
Public Works Support Services
The following fees shall be charged for the Public Works Support maintenance activities of the City:
General Fees
1. Public facilities damage(street signs,water lines,etc.) Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead plus lost revenue
2. Sign installation for new subdivisions Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead
Second inspection at cost plus 20%for overhead
3. Citizen-requested items(hydrant relocation,water
service relocation,etc.) Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 37
Section 9: Building
Building Division
A 12%surcharge fee as mandated by the State Building Codes Division is applied to all permit fees.
The following fees''shall be charged for the Building Division activities of the City(LOC 45.01.040):
Building Permits
Valuation is based on the tables referenced in Oregon Administrative Rule 918-050-0100 and 0110.
1. Total Valuation
$ 1 to$2,000 $102.82 up to and including$2,000
$2,001 to$25,000 $102.82 for the first$2,000 plus$9.40 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$25,000
$25,001 to$50,000 $319.02 for the first$25,000 plus$6.75 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$50,000
$50,001 to$ 100,000 $487.77 for the first$50,000 plus$4.70 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$100,000
$ 100,001 to$500,000 $722.77 for the first$100,000 plus$3.00 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$500,000
$500,001 to$ 1,000,000 $1,922.77 for first$500,000 plus$2.55 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$1,000,000
$ 1,000,001 and up $3,197.77 for first$1,000,000 plus$1.65 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof
2. Minimum Structural Permit $102.82
3. Plan review fees 65%of structural permit fee
4. Fire&life safety review fee 40%of structural permit fee (on commercial only)
5. Other inspections — see also Other Inspection and Fees(pg.4443)
a. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $ 102.82 per hour
b. Additional plan review required by changes,additions,or revisions to plans $ 102.82 per hour
6. Phased Plan Review
Phased Plan Review fees shall be$250 plus 10%of the total project building permit fee and shall not
exceed $1,500 pursuant to the authority of OAR 918-050-0160.This is in addition to standard plan review
17 The Building Division Permit Fees and Plan Review Fees were modified and increased in response to implementation of the
State of Oregon Permitting System,per Resolution 20-27.
Page 38 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
7. Deferred submittals Plan Review
The fee for processing and Plan Review of deferred submittals shall be 10%of the
building permit fee, using the value of the particular deferred portion or portions
of the project but not less than $275.This fee is in addition to standard Plan
Review fees.
Architects and Engineer's exemption for plan review of"conventional light frame construction"
(allows architects and engineers to perform plan reviews in lieu of the jurisdiction) pursuant to the
authority of ORS 455.628
8. Administration fee for processing and facilitating issuance $250
9. Commercial Fire Systems— based on valuation, see Structural Permit Fee Table
10. Residential Fire System —Standalone System, includes plan review
Square footage Permit fee
0 to 2,000 $231.00
2,001 to 3,600 $313.50
3,601 to 7,200 $372.25
7,200 and above $437.25
11. Prescriptive Solar Panel Installation Permit— includes plan review(does not $ 125
include Electrical Permit) *
12. Non-Prescriptive Solar Panel Installation — See Building Permit Fee Valuation Schedule
13. Change of Occupancy $250
14. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $ 125 per month
*Fee is required by Oregon Administrative Rule#918-050-0180
Electrical Permits
1. New residential,one-and two-family dwelling unit
1,000 square feet or less $293.60
Each additional 500 square feet or portion thereof $ 59.80
Each manufactured home, modular dwelling service,or feeder $ 118.50
Limited energy $ 100.00
New multi-family largest unit is calculated as per square footage
rates above and each additional unit calculated at 50%of the fee for
the largest unit
2. Service or feeders: installations, alterations,or relocation
200 amps or less $ 175.05
201 amps to 400 amps $231.60
401 amps to 599 amps $349.05
600 amps $349.05
601 amps to 1,000 amps $524.10
Over 1,000 amps or volts $958.45
Reconnect only $ 110.00
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 39
Section 9: Building
3. Temporary services or feeders: installations,alterations,or relocation
200 amps or less $ 102.20
201 amps to 400 amps $ 217.45
401 amps to 599 amps $ 293.60
600 amps $ 293.60
601 amps to 1,000 amps $ 430.00
Over 1,000 amps or volts $ 814.65
4. Branch circuits: new,alteration,or extension per panel
With purchase of service or feeder, each $ 13.45
Without purchase of service or feeder
First circuit $ 97.85
Each additional circuit $ 13.45
5. Miscellaneous(service or feeder not included)
Each pump or irrigation circle $ 118.50
Each sign or outside lighting $ 118.50
Signal circuit(s)or a limited energy panel, alteration, or extension $ 118.50
Renewable energy for electrical systems-5kva or less $ 151.15
Renewable energy for electrical systems-5.01kva through 15kva $ 180.45
Renewable energy for electrical systems-15.01kva through 25kva $ 293.85
Renewable energy-solar generation over 25kva $ 293.85 +$ 11.74
(permit charge will not increase beyond the calculation for 100kva) per added kva
Renewable energy for wind system-25.01kva through 50kva $ 587.75
Renewable energy for wind system-50.01kva through 100kva $ 1,175.55
Renewable energy for wind system-misc.fee, hourly rate $ 110.00
6. Each additional inspection over the allowable in any of the above, per $ 110.00
-see also Other Inspections and Fees(pg.4443)
7. Special inspections per hour $ 110.00
8. Master Electrical Permit-on time applications fee $ 100.00
9. Master Electrical Inspections-per hour $ 110.00
10. Initial Electrical permit plan review fee is 25%of the electrical permit fee.
11. Addition plan review-electrical-per hour $ 110.00
Page 40 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
Mechanical Permits (Residential)
Unit Fee Schedule
1. Furnace
Less than 100,000 BTU input $36
Greater than 100,000 BTU input $36
2. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent $36
3. Furnace/burner including duct work/vent/liner $20
4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater,or
floor mounted unit heater $29
5. For the installation, relocation,or replacement of each appliance vent or chimney
installed and not included in an appliance permit $20
6. For the repair,alteration,or addition of an Air Handler or Heat Exchanger
up to 10,000 cfm $36
10,001 cfm and over $36
7. Wood or Pellet stove, including hearth and wall shield $36
8. Gas or wood fireplace insert $36
9. Pool or spa heaters/kilns $20
10. Flue vent for water heater or gas fireplace $20
11. Decorative gas fireplace $36
12. Oil tank/gas/diesel generators $21
13. Installation or relocation of domestic type incinerator $20
14. Hydronic hot water system $50
15. Ventilation fan connected to a single duct $ 14
16. Installation of hood served by mechanical exhaust, including ducts for hood $22
17. Range hood/other kitchen equipment $22
18. Heat pumps $50
19. Air conditioners $50
20. Mini split system $50
21. Evaporative cooler other than portable $50
22. Water heater includes vent/flue only $21
23. Repair,alteration,or addition to mechanical appliance including installation of $21
24. Ventilation system not a portion of heating or air conditioning authorized by permit $21
25. Attic/crawl space fans $ 14
26. Radon mitigation $ 14
27. Clothes dryer exhaust $ 13
28. Ductwork-no appliance/fixture $20
29. Barbecue $21
30. Chimney/line/flue/vent $20
31. Other heating/cooling $21
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 41
Section 9: Building
32. Other fuel appliance $21
33. Other environment exhaust/ventilation $21
34. Permit fees for fuel gas-piping shall be
For each gas-piping system of one to four outlets $ 14
For each gas-piping system of more than four outlets, per outlet $2.20
35. Appliance or equipment regulated by code, but not classified in other appliance $21
36. A minimum charge for mechanical permits $ 102.82
37. Each additional inspection over the allowable, per inspection —see also Other $ 102.82
Inspections and Fees(pg.44)
38. Residential Plan Review 25%of total permit fee
Mechanical Permits (Commercial)
Use this section for commercial installation, replacement,or relocation of non-portable mechanical equipment or
mechanical work not covered previously. Indicate the value of all mechanical labor, materials, and equipment.
Value Permit Fee Amount
$ Less than $5,000 $ 102.82
$5,001 to$ 10,000 $ 102.82 plus$ 1.50 for each additional$ 100 over$5,000
$ 10,001 to$ 100,000 $ 177.82 plus$ 10.20 for each additional$ 1,000 over$ 10,000
$ 100,001 and above $ 1,095.82 plus$7.00 for each additional $ 1,000 over$ 100,000
Plan review Fees A mechanical plan review shall be paid.The fee is equal to 25%
of the total permit fee.
Page 42 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
Plumbing Permits (LOC 46.02) These fees do not apply when solely replacing
fixtures without re-plumbing and/or relocating
1. Fixture fees are as follows—note,there is a minimum them (except for water heaters, item ee.).
Residential Plumbing permit fee of$97
a. Roof Drains(commercial) $24
b. Absorption valve $24
c. Hose bibb $24
d. Backwater valve $24
e. Catch basin or area drain $24
f. Drinking fountain $24
g. Trench drain, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
h. Expansion tank $24
i. Fixture cap off $24
j. Storm water retention/detention tank/facility $24
k. Manufactured home utilities, per 100' or any portion thereof $ 102.82
I. Ice maker $24
m. Rainwater harvesting $24
n. Alternate potable water heating system $24
o. Other—plumbing $24
p. Septic abandonment $24
q. Interceptor/grease trap $24
r. Manhole $24
u. Sink/basin/lavatory $24
v. Swimming pool piping to backflow only per 100' or any portion thereof $ 102.82
w. Tub/shower/shower pan $24
x. Urinal $24
y. Water closet $24
z. Dishwasher $24
aa. Garbage disposal $24
bb. Clothes Washer $24
cc. Floor drain/floor sink/hub drain $24
dd. Sewer, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
ee. Water heater $24
ff. Water service, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
gg. Storm drain, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
hh. Sewage ejector pump and sump pump $24
ii. Primer $24
jj. Backflow prevention device or anti-pollution device $24
kk. Any trap or waste not connected to a fixture $24
II. Any other plumbing installation, not otherwise listed in this schedule,
having a sanitary waste or potable water supply $24
mm. Re-piping of existing fixtures
First fixture $ 17
Each additional fixture $ 10
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 43
Section 9: Building
nn. Minimum fee for plumbing permits—Commercial/Residential $ 102.82
2. For NEW one-and two-family dwellings only,the fees are per bathroom as follows
(this fee includes 100 feet for each utility connection, hose bibbs, icemakers,
underfloor low-point drains, and rain drain packages that include piping,gutters,
downspouts,and perimeter system):
a. One bath $333.50
b. Two baths $362.25
c. Three baths $402.50
d. Each additional bath/kitchen $ 130.80
3. Each additional inspection over the allowable, per inspection—see also Other $ 102.82
Inspections and Fees(pg.44)
4. Plumbing Plan Review-Add 30%of fees as calculated above for plan review, if required.
5. Commercial Plumbing-Medical gas fees:
a. Medical gas permit fees shall be based on the value of installation costs and the system
equipment, including but not limited to inlets,outlets,fixtures,and appliances, Med Gas
permits are subject to the Commercial Plumbing minimum permit fee. Medical gas plan review
—see Commercial Plumbing plan review.
6. Residential Fire System—Multipurpose/Continuous Loop system, includes plan review
Square footage Permit Fee Amount
0 to 2,000 $231.00
2,001 to 3,600 $313.50
3,601 to 7,200 $372.25
7,200 and above $437.25
Grading and Fill Permits
Plan Review $ 125
50 to 1,000 cubic yards $ 150
1,001 to 10,0000 cubic yards $250
10,001 to 100,0000 cubic yards $350
100,001 cubic yards or more $450
Demo and Deconstruction Permits
Residential one-and two-family structures $300
Commercial buildings $400
Page 44 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
Manufactured Home Permits
Installation permit fee includes the concrete slab, runners or foundations when prescriptive,electric feeder and
plumbing connections and all cross-over connections.
Installation Permit Fee $445
State Fee $ 30
ORS 446.176(1)and OAR 918-5000105 require all local governments providing construction permits or inspections
for manufactured dwelling and cabana installations to collect and remit to the Department of Consumer and
Business Services a$30 fee for each installation permit issued.This fee is to be added to manufactured dwelling
and cabana installation permits only and should not be added to accessory structures or building,electrical,
plumbing, mechanical permits or plan reviews.
Manufactured Dwelling/RV Parks
The Area Development Permit fee to be calculated based on the valuations shown in Table 2 of OAR
918-600-0030 for Manufactured Dwelling/Mobile Home Parks and Table 2 of OAR 918-650-0030 for
Recreational Park&Organizational Camp—and applying the valuation amount to Table 1 as referenced
for each.
Community Development Code Enforcement Charges
Single family $ 163
Multi-family $ 163 plus$163 per each 12 units
0—5,000 square feet $ 163
5,001- 10,000 square feet $326
10,001-25,000 square feet $487
25,001-50,000 square feet $648
50,001+square feet $811
0—20,000 square feet $ 163
20,001-30,000 square feet $326
30,001+square feet $487
Stop Work $550
Building Violation (LOC Chapter 45) $550
Record Retention and Archiving Fees
For purposes of archiving records per State mandate $31.00 Flat fee on all permits
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 45
Section 9: Building
Research and Consultation Fees
Records Research $25 per 15 minutes/request, minimum 15 minutes
Fee Estimates - new residential and commercial projects $ 100 per hour per request, minimum one-hour
Consultation for code review, hypothetical projects $ 100 per hour, minimum 1/2 hour
Supplemental Plan Review $ 100 per hour, minimum 1/2 hour
Other Inspections and Fees
1. Inspections outside of normal business hours(minimum charge= 1 hour) $ 120 per hour
2. Re-inspection fee assessed under provisions Section 305 (f) $ 102.82 per inspection
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $ 102.82 per hour
4. Additional plan review required by changes,additions,or revisions to $ 102.82 per hour
approved plans (minimum charge= 1 hour)
5. Work commencing before permit issuance
Any person who commences any work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary
permits shall be subject to an investigation fee of$125 per hour,which is equal to the average cost of
an inspection.
Exception: A one-time exemption shall apply to homeowners applying for their own permits.
Seismic Surcharge—Structural/Mechanical—review 1%of building permit fee
required on all essential structures
Additional Miscellaneous Fees
1. The fee to a governmental agency shall be determined by the provisions set
forth under ORS 190.003 to 190.110 for the purpose of carrying out the $ 102.82 per hour
respective responsibilities of each agency. or portion thereof
2. Re-inspection fee for structural,electrical, mechanical,and plumbing permits
shall be charged for inspection of violations found by the Building Official after
the second violation. $ 102.82 per hour
3. The fee to any governmental agency or person for specifically requested $ 102.82 per hour
inspections or surveys. or portion thereof
4. Housing moving permit (LOC 45.12.510):
Relocating within Lake Oswego $452
Moving out of Lake Oswego $224
1. Permit Refunds
a. Where a permit has been issued and no inspections have been completed,80%of the permit fee will
be refunded.
b. There are no refunds when a permit has been issued and inspections performed or permit has
2. Plan Review Refund
a. Where a permit has not been issued,80%of the plan review fee will be refunded.
b. There are no refunds when a plan review has been started by any department.
Page 46 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 10: Engineering
Engineering Division
The following fees shall be charged for the Engineering Division activities of the City:
Minor Utility Facilities, Installed or Constructed by Public18 or Private Entities
Street Opening Permit Fee* Improved Unimproved
surfaces surfaces
1. Minor utility structures,except substations, but including poles, lines,
pipes or other such facilities $300 $ 150
2. Sewer,storm drainage,or water system structures, excluding treatment
plants, reservoirs or pump stations; but including reconstruction of
manholes,valves, hydrants,or other portions of the collection,treatment,
and distribution systems located within public property, right-of-way,or
easements. This includes sewer,storm and water lateral installations or
taps $300 $300
3. Street improvements within existing development, including sidewalks,
curbs,gutter,catch basins, paving,signs, and traffic control devices and
street lights $300 $ 150
4. Permit and inspection of new driveway approach or relocation of an existing approach $50
General Engineering Fees
1. Engineering plan review and — 9% of the final estimated construction costs, as approved by
inspection of public or private the City Engineer or $1,000 whichever is greater. A deposit of
infrastructure,grading,or other $1,000 must be submitted with the initial plan submittal prior
incidental work that is not to review beginning. Fee will include the cost for City to install
reviewed and inspected under any sign or pavement marking installations within the right-of-
State Building Specialty Codes and way,as delineated in Section 8: Public Works Support Services,
delegated to Engineering. unless extenuating circumstances require the City Engineer to
recover the cost of such items for large public improvement
projects. Final payment of the balance of the 9% fee will be
based on final estimated construction costs, and must be
received by the City prior to issuance of the permit for
construction. *Performance bonds may be required for large
2. Appeal of a staff decision or hearing
body to the next higher authority. $ 100
3. Street vacation $ 1,500
4. Quitclaim $200
5. Blasting Permit $250 application fee plus engineering costs to administer
and observe blasting operations billed at labor and
materials plus overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
6. Document recording to comply with
conditions of development approval
(i.e.,easements, agreements, etc.) Actual County recording costs
18 Quasi-public agencies other than the City and Franchise Utilities.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 47
Section 10: Engineering
Other Engineering Fees
1. Drinking water analysis $ 60
2. Encroachment Permit
Type 1—Minor $300
Easily removable structures,such as fences, driveway,
entrances, monument walls,or timbers, less than 3'tall,or
other non-loadbearing structures.
Type 2—Major $750
Relatively large structures that may need engineering,
such as driveway decking, reinforced concrete structures,
boathouses, decks and hatches over in-lake manholes,or
other structures that are not typically found in rights-of-
way or public easements.
3. Encroachment Appeal $500 per appeal
4. Zone of Benefit Formation, exclusive of LID Boundaries $2,000
5. Rivergrove Sewer Connection Fee 19 $200
6. Lien segregation
One parcel into two $200
Each additional parcel $ 100
7. Street widening $300
8. Street name change $250
9. Change of address request for reasons other than fire and life $500
safety,or as a result of land use procedures.
10. Erosion control permit, plan review and inspection fee20
Dwelling Type:
Single family residential $350
Multi-family/Commercial 500 sf up to 1 acre $ 700
1 acre21 or greater $ 1,500
11. Single-family residential landscaping erosion control
permit, plan review and inspection fee $ 100
12. Site re-inspection fee (after two inspection site visits) $ 100
13. Investigation fees: Work without a permit
Investigation - Whenever any work for which an erosion control permit is required has commenced
without first obtaining said permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit may be issued
for the work.
Fee-An investigation fee equal in amount and in addition to the permit fee shall be collected whether
or not a permit is issued.
19 Check with engineering department for additional connection fee related to new zone of benefits established for certain
20 Check with engineering department for additional connection fee related to new zone of benefits established for certain
21 Effective 1/1/03,impact areas 1 acre and greater will require a 1200-C permit per the Oregon Department of Environmental
Page 48 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 10: Engineering
14. Erosion control enforcement fees:
For violations of LOC Chapter 52 and in addition to penalties prescribed under LOC 52.06, enforcement
fees may also be assessed on a time and materials basis plus overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
15. Illicit Discharge Enforcement Fees:
For violations of LOC Chapter 38(Utility Code)and in addition to penalties prescribed under LOC
38.26.930 and LOC 38.26.935, enforcement fees may also be assessed on a time and materials basis plus
overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 49
Section 11: Planning
Planning Division
The following fees shall be charged for the Planning Division activities of the City(LOC
Ministerial Developments (LOC,23
1. Accessory building which requires a building permit(e.g.,garage, No Fee
2. Accessory structure or use(e.g.,driveway,fence) No Fee
3. Duplex No Fee
4. Exterior remodeling of duplex or single-family dwelling requiring a No Fee
building permit
5. Home Occupations Business License
6. Lot Line Adjustment $2,1052,181
Process to correct an illegal Lot Line Adjustment $2,1052,181
7. Temporary Structures, Use Business License&Sign Permit,
if applicable
8. Sidewalk Display $ 36 37
9. Accessory dwelling unit No Fee
Minor Developments (LOC,24
1. Change of use $/1,1674,628
2. Development in DD Zone:
Duplex in R-DD zone (hearing body action) $6,2816,507
Exterior remodeling of duplex or single-family dwelling
requiring a building permit in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $6,2816,507
Single-Family Dwelling in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $6,2816,507
Zero lot line dwelling in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $66,507
3. Development within the Greenway Management Overlay District
Boundary' $/1,7114,912
4. Development Review:
Multi-family, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional,Townhouses $6,2816,507+37%of building
permit fee.
Substantial revisions to a complete application requiring 33%of the original application fee
new public notice
5. Alterations with minimal impacts such as exterior exit stairs;
exterior remodeling that does not expand building footprint or
increase height; and accessory structures 300 square feet or less $2,0812,156
6. Exterior painting of any structure that was the subject of a Major
or Minor Development Permit including all structures in the R-DD
zone,with the exception of detached single-family dwellings,
duplexes,zero lot line dwellings,or structures accessory to those
dwelling types.
Exception: Exterior painting that is the same color palette as $ 1,0161,053
the existing color(s).
7. Lot Line Adjustment $2,1052,181
22 See page 5-2-51 for Affordable Housing.
23 Site review and inspection fees may apply at building permit review.See page 52-51 under Other Planning Fees.
24 See page 50-49 Historical Preservation.
25 No fee applies for the Greenway Management Overlay review associated with dead,hazardous,emergency,or invasive tree
Page 50 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
8. Minor Partition $5,1725,358
Expedited Minor Partition $8 8,470
Process to correct creation of an illegal lot $3,7563,891
9. Major Partition (includes the creation of a street) $5,9276,140+$294305/lot
Expedited Major Partition $9,0589,384+$294305/lot
Process to correct creation of an illegal lot $3,7563,891
10. Modification of approved minor development permits
Without public hearing $ 2,1052,181
With public hearing $3,7563,891
11. Request for formal Code interpretation under LOC 50.01.005 and
Authorization for Similar Use Application under LOC 50.03.002 $ 715 741
12. Residential Infill Design (RID)Variance $41,7104,911 for 1st plus$609
631 for each additional variance
13. Subdivision (with or without P.D.) $ 6,7737,016+$2921305/lot
Expedited Subdivisions $ 12,64513,100+$294305/lot
14. Middle Housing Land Divisions $ 5,1725,358
15. Minor Variances $ 41,1124,260 for 1st+$4151 467
for each additional variance
Fence and Wall Variance $ 1,7351,797 for 1st+$189 196
for each additional variance
16. Major Variance $ 41,710 4,911for 1st+$64 9-631
for each additional variance
17. Seasonal Restaurant Enclosure $ 2,0812,156
Seasonal Restaurant Enclosure(During State of Oregon Emergency $0
Covid-19 Restrictions)
Sign Code Fees (LOC 47)
Signs $ 528 547
Signs(awning,window, blade) $ 145 150
Special event sign $ 22 23
Variance to Sign Code $ 1,7351,797
Refundable deposit for Public Notice Signs $ 109 113
Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code Amendments
1. Legislative amendments to a map
Comprehensive Plan amendments only $ 13,76514,261
Comprehensive Plan amendments and Zone Change $ 13,76514,261
Zone Change only $ 13,76514,261
2. Legislative amendments to a text
Comprehensive Plan text amendment $ 6,8857,133
Community Development Code text amendment $ 6,8857,133
3. Quasi-judicial amendments to a map
Comprehensive Plan amendments only $ 13,76514,261
Zone change only26 $ 13,76514,261
Comprehensive Plan amendments and Zone Change $ 13,76514,261
Minor modifications to approved amendment $ 1,8431,909
Substantial modifications to approved amendments $ 2,3702,455
26 Not required for zone changes that conform to the Comprehensive Plan following annexations.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 51
Section 11: Planning
Major Developments (LOC
1. Conditional Uses $6,7566,999
2. Overall Development Plan and Schedule $6,2816,507
3. Modification of approved major development permits
Without public hearing $2,1052,181
With public hearing $3,7563,891
Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts (LOC 50.05.010 and LOC
There are no fees for actions relating to Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts(Council action 10/21/14).
Fees Relating to Historical Preservation (LOC 50.06.009 and LOC
1. Designation of Landmark No fee
2. Exterior alteration of Landmark, including building paint color change No fee
3. Historic District Designation No fee
4. New construction (not attached to historic structure;e.g.,detached No fee
garage,secondary dwelling,garden shed)
5. Removal or deconstruction of Landmark $5,2375,426
6. Withdrawal of historic landmark designation $5,2375,426
1. Appeals of a formal Code Interpretation to a Hearing Body $ 746 773
2. Appeals of a staff decision to a Hearing Body $ 746 773
3. Appeals of a Hearing Body decision to City Council 1/2 original Application Fee not to
exceed $6,883
Pre-Application Conference/Consultations29
1. Pre-application Conference:3°
Residential Infill Design Review:
Pre-application with Planning Staff $ 451 467
Pre-application with the Infill Advisors Team $2,415 2,502
All other applications $ 451 467
2. Pre-application Consultation:
One follow-up meeting with staff to discuss issues addressed at the No fee
pre-application conference.
For any meetings after the follow-up (3rd meeting on) 50%of pre-application fee
3. Consultation Fee
A private meeting to discuss a project outside the context of a
pre-application conference or at-the-counter services by a planner $ 113117/hour
27 Site review and inspection fees may apply at building permit review.See page 5-2-51 under Other Planning Fees.
28 Appeal fee shall not apply to appeals filed by DLCD or to appeals filed by recognized Neighborhood Association entitled to
receive notice of a pre-application neighborhood meeting pursuant to LOC
29 In addition to planning fees noted in this sub-section,the Fire Department also levies a pre-application fee. Please refer to
Fire Department,Section 3 for the correct amount.
3o There is no pre-application conference fee for a permit for an ADU,actions relating to Sensitive Lands,Greenway
Management Overlay review associated with dead,hazardous,emergency,or invasive tree removal,or designation of Historic
Page 52 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
Research Fees
1. Letter of zoning verification $ 113117/hour
2. Letter of verification of compliance with Community Development Code
of an existing development $37-4180/hour
3. Deed research to determine the legality of a lot of record $ 171180/hour
4. Research/Interpretation of old planning files and informal Code
Interpretation (often requested by the applicants before filing of a
development application) $ 113117/hour
Tree Code Fees (Resolution 00-07)
1. Tree Cutting Permit Fees
Type I Permit $ 23 24
Dead or Hazard Tree Permit $ 23 24
Type II Permit $ 187 194+$23-24 per tree
Emergency Tree Permit $ 0
Type II Permit in conjunction with major or minor development
application $ 0
Minor Forest Management $ 23 24
Major Forest Management $ 187 194+$224 per tree,
not to exceed $638 661
Verification Permit $ 3-7-38+$ 10 per tree
Topping Permit $ 24 per request
2. Mitigation [as provided in LOC 55.02.084(3)] $ 162 168
3. Public Hearing Review31
Request for DRC Hearing on Tree Cutting Permit $ 232 240
Appeal of DRC's decision to City Council 'A of original application fee
4. Heritage Tree Program
The City may charge for providing the plaque marking a heritage tree.
The fee will be the actual cost of providing the plaque.
5. Tree Protection Inspection Fee $ 113 117 per inspection
6. County Tree Removal Certification
Type 2 Permits $ 119 123+$ 11 for each
additional tree
Over-the-Counter Permits -Type 1 $ 2 24
Over-the-Counter Permits -Dead $ 2-324
Over-the-Counter Permits -Hazard $ 2-324
Invasive and/or Emergency tree removal permits No Fee
31 Fee shall not apply to requests/appeals filed by City of Lake Oswego recognized Neighborhood Associations.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 53
Section 11: Planning
Fee Exemptions for Affordable Housing
No Ministerial Development, Minor Development, Major Development,Sign Code, Historic Preservation,Tree
Code(for tree removal and mitigation for development of the structure)or Pre-application Conference fees will be
charged under this Section 11 for developments where the proposed dwelling units are affordable to those earning
80%or less of Area Median Income and spending not more than 30%of household income on housing,consistent
with Clackamas County Housing Authority's"Income Limits"for Affordable Housing, provided that all of the
requirements of the covenant required by LOC 39.06.105(5)are met.
Other Planning Fees (Resolution 04-12)
1. Annexation Application Fee'
Parcel less than 3 times minimum lot area for the zone
designation that will apply upon annexation. $0+Applicable Metro Fees
Parcel 3 times or greater than the minimum lot area for the $975 1,010 per no. of lots into
zone designation that will apply upon annexation. which the parcel could be divided
under the zone designation that
will apply upon annexation+
Metro fees
Parcel for which there is no minimum lot area for the zone
designation that will apply upon annexation. $ 1,9512,021+Applicable Metro
Expenses related to additional noticing caused by delays
brought on by the applicant(s). $ 281 291
2. Copies of Planning Documents
See Section 1, Public Records Fees, page 19.
3. Site review and inspection fees
a. Single family dwelling or middle housing on infill lots(i.e., lots
or parcels not approved as part of a land partition/subdivision) $ 260 269
b. Single family dwelling or middle housing approved as a part of
a land partition/subdivision/planned development application $ 654 678
c. Non-single family residential development, including multi-
family,commercial, industrial,and institutional uses $ 1,306 1,353
d. Re-inspection fee $ 137 142
e. Residential remodels
Interior remodels and accessory structures $ 144 149
Exterior addition of no more than 500 sq ft $ 192 199
Exterior addition exceeding 500 sq ft(same fee as if new
construction) See a.—c.above
32 See Annexation Application Form.
Page 54 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
4. Plat Review Fee
a. Final Plat Review Fee $ 545 565
b. Lot Line Adjustment Plat Review Fee $ 56 58
5. Ballot Measure 49 Claims
Fees for claims under LOC Article 12.55 (Resolution 05-31)
Pre-filing conference fee $ 418 433
Filing fee $ 1,432 1,484
6. Application Mailing List Fee $ 80 83
7. Records Retention Fees-For purposes of archiving records per
State mandate
a. Ministerial land use applications $ 41 46
b. Minor land use applications(without public hearing) $ 73 76
c. Minor land use applications(with public hearing)and major $ 153 159
land use applications
d. Type II and verification tree removal permits $ 28 29
e. Sign permits $ 28 29
8. Demolition (Notice of Demolition Approval) $ 64-63
9. Additional Plan Review Fee for Issued Building $ 113117/hour
Permits(minimum 1 hour)
Code Enforcement Violation Fees
1. Nuisance violation LOC 34.08&34.10 $ 550570
2. Community Development violation LOC Chapter 50 $ 550570
3. Sign violation LOC Chapter 47 $ 550570
4. Sign Retrieval violation-Moving from Sign Code Fees(LOC47) $ 3637
5. Sign Removal Hearing Fee(refundable if sign was removed improperly) $ 3-637
6. Tree Enforcement Fees-For violations under LOC 55.02.130(3),enforcement fees will be assessed as follows:
Type I Permits violations,dead or hazard tree violations $ 148 153
All other Permit Type violations $ 712 738+$47-49 per tree
Tree Protection Enforcement fee for violations under LOC 55.08.050(3)
Standard tree protection enforcement fee $ 691 716
Enhanced tree protection enforcement fee $ 1,3821,432
7. Tree Restoration Fees [as provided in LOC 55.02.130(4)(a)&(b)]
Standard City Tree Fund Fee $ 9-9-103 per caliper inch
Increased City Tree Fund Fee $ 202 209 per caliper inch
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 55
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Systems Development Charges
Fees shall be assessed for Systems Development Charges(SDC)and will reflect the following:
• For each type of SDC,the fees assessed to each unit of a duplex shall be the same as those assessed to a
single-family residence.
• For an Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU)each type of SDC will be waived, even if a larger meter is required to
accommodate an ADU, provided that the ADU complies with all the requirements of the covenant
required by LOC 39.06.105(5) as amended by Ordinance 2810.
If within 10 years from the first use of the ADU as a dwelling unit,the requirements of this covenant
are not maintained,the City may declare the ADU exemption from payment of all System
Development Charges(SDCs) revoked and the Owner shall immediately pay to the City the monies
due under LOC 39.06.105(5),to wit:
Processing fee per Council Resolution;and
• SDC amounts for ADU per Lake Oswego Master Fees and Charges at time of payment
(previously exempted system development charges, with interest based upon inflation rate
using the Engineering News—Record Construction Cost Index 20-City Average, are reflected
in the SDC amounts then due).
• Processing fee$500
• Pursuant to and following the procedure set forth in LOC 39.06.105(5)(f)(iii), (iv), (v),the processing fee
and SDC amounts shall be a lien upon the Real Property, entered in the municipal lien docket,and are
enforceable in the manner provided by ORS Ch. 223. Exempt from SDCs are developments where the
proposed dwelling units are affordable to those earning 80%or less of Area Median Income and spending
not more than 30%of household income on housing,consistent with Clackamas County Housing
Authority's"Income Limits"for Affordable Housing, provided that the development complies with all of
the requirements of the covenant required by LOC 39.06.105(5).
• The rate for Hotel/Transient Lodging includes Short-Term Rentals(Transient Lodging in residential zones).
These SDC's shall be indexed for inflation annually using the Engineering News—Record Construction Cost Index
(20-city average). Accordingly,as of January 1, 2024,the SDC fees have been increased by 5,7 2.5%which is equal
to the last recorded change in this index as based on October 2022 to October 2023 data. Calculated amount is
rounded to the nearest dollar.
Page 56 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Systems Development Charges (LOC 39.04)
Water SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Administrative Total
Water Meter Size Fee 14.79% Fee 78.72% Fee 6.49% 100%
5/8-3/4 inch $ 1,416 $ 7,53'I $ 621 637 $ 9,571 9,810
1,451 7,722
3/4 inch $ 1,416 $ 7,531
1451 7722 $ 621637 $ 9,5719,810
1 inch $ 2,359 $ 12,556 $ 1,035 $ 15,950
2,418 12,870 1,061 16,349
1 1/2 inch $ /1,718 $ 25,114 $ 2,071 $ 31,903
4,836 25,742 2,123 32,701
2 inch $ 7,558 $ /10,225 $ 3,316 $ 51,099
7,747 41,230 3,399 52,376
3 inch $ 15,133 $ 80,546 $ 6,640 $ 102,319
15,511 82,560 6,806 104,877
4 inch $ 23,666 $ 125,964 $ 10,385 $ 160,015
24,258 129,112 10,645 164,015
6 inch $ 417,370 $252,125 $ 20,786 $320,281
48,554 258,428 21,306 328,288
8 inch $ 75,839 $4103,656 $ 33,279 $512,771
77.735 413,747 34,111 525,593
10 inch $ 109,122 $580,798 $ /17,883 $737,803
111,850 595,317 49,081 756,248
Sewer SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Water Meter Size Fee 22.16% Fee 77.84% 100%
5/8-3/4 inch $ 772 791 $ 2,712 2,780 $ 3,484 3,571
3/4 inch $ 772
791 $ 2,712 2.780 $ 3,181 3,571
1 inch $ 1,287 1,319 $ 4,522 4,635 $ 5,809 5,954
1 1/2 inch $ 2,574 2,638 $ 9,043 9,269 $ 11,617 11,907
2 inch $ 18,084
$ 5,149 5.278 18.536 $ 23,233 23,814
3 inch $ 12,357 $ 413,109
12.666 44,494 $ 55,766 57,160
4 inch $ 21,627 $ 75,967
22,168 77,866 $ 97,591100,034
6 inch $ /17,373 $ 166,401
48,557 170,561 $213,774 219,118
8 inch $ $289,395
82,38784,447 296,630 $371,782 381,077
10 inch $ 128,728 $/152,175
131,946 463,480 $580,903 595,426
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 57
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Stormwater Management SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Fee 0% Fee 100% 100%
Single family $0 $ 190 195 $ 190 195
Multi-family,commercial/industrial, institutional,and other land use fees are determined as follows:
Improvement Fee equals the total impervious area of the property in units of 3,030 square feet or
portion thereof multiplied by the fee.
Transportation SDC
Refer to methodology and rate schedule in the Appendix
Parks&Recreation SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Fee 0% Fee 100% 100%
Single family $0 $ 16,565
$ 16,56516,979 16,979
Multi-family/secondary dwellings $0 $ 9,211 9,444 $ 9,214 9,444
"Congregate Housing" units are charged at 50%of the Multi-family rate*.
Non-residential $0 $ 1,065 1,092 $ 1,065 1,092
per employee
"Residential Care Housing" units are charged at 100%of the Non-residential rate*.
*See Appendix for definitions of Congregate Housing and Residential Care Housing.
Page 58 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Comparison of Neighboring Cities' New Single-Family Systems Development Charges
Based on a 2,000 sq.ft. house with 500 sq.ft.garage, and $200,000 value.
50,000 50,934 51,062
43,063 43,253I
40,000 - 38 674 40,024
Milwaukie Gresham Tigard Tualatin Oregon City Hillsboro Portland Beaverton Wilsonville Lake Oswego Sherwood
•Water SDC 2,297 5,603 5,973 8,290 11,035 14,862 4,563 10,329 12,401 9,571 10,544
•Sewer SDC 1,114 7,451 6,825 6,825 2,962 6,824 10,237 6,824 6,929 i 3,484 7,795
•Stormwater SDC 1,086 1,420 660 660 1,182 660 1,543 1,394 2,327 190 660
•Street SDC 2,470 4,847 8,374 10,599 13,886 10,599 5,882 10,599 16,823 17,984 12,718
•Park SDC 3,985 4,957 9,430 9,160 7,819 6,978 17,887 12,904 7,680 16,565 16,204
•METRO Excise Tax 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
•School Excise Tax 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 59
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Comparison of Neighboring Cities' New Commercial Systems Development Charges
Based on a 30,000 sq.ft. commercial office building,a total 50,000 sq.ft impervious area,and $3,200,000 value.
700,000 - -
557,146 561,243 574,461
500,000 507,818
400,000 382,176 384.495
Milwaukie Gresham Lake West Linn Portland Beaverton Tualatin Tigard Sherwood Wilsonville Hillsboro Oregon City
■Water SDC 7,666 22,402 31,903 106,565 22,814 51,643 41,448 47,774 47,719 61,119 68,286 55,174
■Sewer SDC 75,350 29,788 11,617 94,928 54,600 27,296 27,300 27,300 31,180 19,404 27,296 23,696
■Stormwater SDC 12,040 28,400 3,135 29,873 15,975 23,712 12,500 12,500 12,500 43,500 12,500 12,127
•Street SDC 105,222 145,410 143,580 125,370 182,400 251,430 333,750 333,750 390,108 388,920 333,750 490,895
■Park SDC 4,865 - 86,351 - 83,266 52,541 55,200 61,054 50,200 22,860 107,189 25,650
•METRO Excise Tax 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840
•School Excise Tax 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600
Page 60 20244 Master Fees and Charges
This page intentionally left blank
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 61
Systems Development Charges Methodologies (LOC 39.04.041)
Water Systems Development Charge Methodology 60
Sewer Systems Development Charge Methodology 62
Stormwater Systems Development Charge Methodology 63
Transportation Systems Development Charge Methodology 64
Parks and Recreation Systems Development Charge Fee Methodology 66
Resolution—Updating the Master Fees and Charges Schedule 69
Page 62 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Water Systems Development Charge Methodology
Reimbursement Fee
[A] Eligible cost of unused capacity in the existing water system.
[B] Current(2009)customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C] Future customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C][A]IB] _ [D] Water SDC Reimbursement Fee
Reimbursement Fee Calculation
[A] _ $6,148,588
[B] = 15,204 MEs
[C] = 21,695 MEs
[A] _ [D] $947
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 63
Improvement Fee
[E] Cost in current(2009)dollars of water system capital improvements that
will increase system capacity to meet the needs of future users.
[B] Current(2009)customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C] Future customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C][E]IB] _ [F] Water SDC Improvement Fee
Improvement Fee Calculation
[E] _ $32,714,947
[B] = 15,204 MEs
[C] = 21,695 MEs
[E] _ [F] $5,041
Water System Development Charge
[D] Water SDC Reimbursement Fee
[F] Water SDC Improvement Fee
[G] Water SDC Administrative Fee
[H] Water System Development Charge
[D] +[F] +[G] = [H]
Page 64 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Sewer Systems Development Charge Methodology
Sewer SDC Fee
[M] Value of the sewer collection system capital improvement program to provide capacity to serve new
[N] Value of the sewer wastewater treatment plant capital improvement program to provide capacity to
serve new customers.
[0] Current dry weather demand.
[P] Future dry weather demand.
[Q] Future WWTP capacity dedicated to Lake Oswego.
[R] Average single family home dry weather demand.
[P]—[°]x [M]x[R]_[Si Portion of fee for collection system capital improvements to provide
[P] [P] capacity to serve new customers.
[ ]x [N][Q]
[R]=[T] Portion of fee for wastewater treatment plant capital improvements to
[QQ] [P]—[�] provide capacity to serve new customers.
[S]+[T]_[U] Sewer Fee.
Sewer SDC Fee Calculation
[M] = $ 19,351,000 [P]—[o]x [M]x[R]=[S] $244
[P] [P]
[N] _ $ 11,499,000 [1']x [N] x[R]__[T] $ 1,186
[Q] [P]—[°]
[0] = 3.9 mgd
[P] = 5.69 mgd
[Q] = 7.025 mgd
[R] = 0.000228 mgd [S]+[T]=[U] $ 1,430
Sewer System Development Charge
[U] * 22.16%= [V] Sewer SDC Reimbursement Fee
[U] * 77.84%= [W] Sewer SDC Improvement Fee
[X] Sewer System Development Charge
[V] + [W] = [X]
Page 66 2023 2024 Master Fees and Charges-Attachments
Stormwater Systems Development Charge Methodology
Improvement Fee—Water Quantity Portion
[A] Portion of the Stormwater quantity management capital improvement program attributable to future
development. Determined on a project-by-project basis and equal to the percentage increase in the
design flow of each project in the Stormwater quantity management capital improvement multiplied by
project cost.
[B] Projected increase in Equivalent Service Units(ESUs). One ESU is equal to 3,030 square feet of impervious
area.Total projected increase in ESUs is determined by dividing the total projected increase in impervious
area of the City of Lake Oswego by 3,030.
[A]/[B] = [C] Improvement Fee—quantity portion, per ESU.
Improvement Fee—Quality Portion
[D] Portion of the stormwater quality management capital improvement program attributable to future
development. Equal to the percentage increase in total runoff multiplied by the total cost of the
stormwater quality management capital improvement program.
[D]/[B] = [E] Improvement Fee—quality portion, per ESU.
Improvement Fee Calculation
[C] + [E] = [F] Stormwater improvement fee.
Stormwater Management System Development Charge
Only includes an Improvement Fee-No Reimbursement Fee.
Page 66 20244 Master Fees and Charges
Transportation Systems Development Charges Rate Tables
Transportation SDC
Allowable Approved
SDC Rate SDC Rate
ITE per Unit33 per Unit
Code Land Use Unit[A] [B] [C=B x.30134
$10,022 $37997
110 General Light Industrial 1,000 SFGFA 10,273 3082
10,163 37949
130 Industrial Park 1,000 SFGFA 10,417 3,125
5,768 439
140 Manufacturing 1,000 SFGFA 55 912 1,774
41,518 1,355
151 Mini-Warehouse 1,000 SFGFA 44 631 1589
4-889i 566
160 Data Center 1,000 SFGFA 11 933 580
Single-Family Detached 17,984 14 984
210 Housing/Duplex Dwelling unit 18,434 18,434
12,374 3,712
220 Apartment/ADU Dwelling unit 12,683 33 805
Residential 10,759 3,222
230 Condominium/Townhouse Dwelling unit 11,028 3,308
9,330 2,799
240 Mobile Home Park ODU 9 563 2,869
4,879 17464
254 Assisted Living Bed 5 001 1500
14,954 44.86
310 Hotel/Transient Lodging Room/Unit 15,328 4,598
10,717 3,215
320 Motel Room 10,985 3796
117676 3,503
411 City Park Acre 11,968 3590
9,502 2,851
417 Regional Park Acre 9 740 22 922
10,035 3,011
430 Golf Course Acre 10,286 3086
57,723 17,317
492 Health/Fitness Club 1,000 SFGFA 59,166 17,750
Recreational Community 1,000 SFGFA 52,161 457648
495 Center 53,465 16,040
13,562 47069
520 Elementary School 1,000 SFGFA 13,901 4 170
Middle School/Junior High 1,000 SFGFA 12,113 37634
522 School 12,416 3 725
11,330 3,399
530 High School 1,000 SFGFA 11,613 3584
410,765 1-2 239
540 Junior/Community College 1,000 SFGFA 41,784 12,535
25 369 7,551
560 Church 1,000 SFGFA 25,798 7,739
34,314 10,294
565 Day Care Center 1,000 SFGFA 35,172 10,552
96,065 287839
590 Library 1,000 SFGFA 98,467 29,540
23,167 679-59
610 Hospital 1,000 SFGFA 23,746 77 124
33 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average,per Resolution 17-08.
34 The 30%factor for the approved SDC Rate per Unit applies to all codes except ITE Code 210.Maximum Allowable was
phased-in for ITE Code 210(Single-Family Detached Housing/Duplex),per Resolution 17-65.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 67
13,728 11,118
620 Nursing Home 1,000 SFGFA 14,071 44 221
15,953 47786
710 General Office Building 1,000 SFGFA 16,352 4 906
Medical-Dental Office 1,000 SFGFA 51,987 596
720 Building 53,287 15,986
State Motor Vehicles 1,000 SFGFA 230,155 697047
731 Department 235,909 70,773
1,000 SFGFA 168,192 50,152
172,397 51,719
732 United States Post Office
16,182 4,855
1,000 SFGFA 44 976
750 Office Park
760 Research and 1,000 SFGFA 33 643
Development Center 12144
17,962 5,389
1,000 SFGFA 18,411 5523
770 Business Park
82,101 21,631
812 Building Materials and 1,000 SFGFA g4,157 25,247
Lumber Store
Transportation SDC
Allowable Approved
SDC Rate SDC Rate
ITE per Unit35 per Unit
Code Land Use Unit[A] [B] [C=B x.30]
Free-Standing Discount 1,000 SFGFA 73,221 966
813 Superstore 75,052 22,516
58,204 17/161
814 Variety Store 1,000 SFGFA 59,659 17,898
Free-Standing Discount 1,000 SFGFA 53,714 16,114
815 Store 55,057 16,517
419,331 11,799
816 Hardware/Paint Store 1,000 SFGFA 50,564 15,169
157,737 47,321
817 Nursery(Garden Center) 1,000 SFGFA 161,680 48,504
820 Shopping Center 1,000 SFGLA 40,352 12,106
77,255 23,177
826 Specialty Retail Center 1,000 SFGLA 79,186 23,756
55,713 14744
841 Automobile Sales 1,000 SFGFA 57,106 17,132
51,857 15,557
843 Automobile Parts Sales 1,000 SFGFA 53,153 15,946
32,510 9464
848 Tire Store 1,000 SFGFA 33,323 9 997
90,126 27,038
850 Supermarket 1,000 SFGFA 92,379 27,714
Convenience Market 1,000 SFGFA 469,841 110,952
851 (Open 24 Hours) 481,587 144,476
80,612 24484
857 Discount Club 1,000 SFGFA 82,627 24,788
Home Improvement 1,000 SFGFA 31,855 9,557
862 Superstore 32,651 9995
Pharmacy/Drugstore 1,000 SFGFA 72,573 21,773
880 without Drive-Through 74,392 22,318
35 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average,per Resolution 17-08.
Page 68 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Pharmacy/Drugstore with 1,000 SFGFA 70,104 21,031
881 Drive-Through 71,857 21,557
1,000 SFGFA 3,479 47044
890 Furniture Store 3 566 1 070
1,000 SFGFA 63,851 19,155
912 Drive-in Bank 65,447 19,634
1,000 SFGFA 71,230 21,369
931 Quality Restaurant 73,011 21,903
932 High-Turnover(Sit-Down) 1,000 SFGFA 100,098 307023
Restaurant 102,600 30,780
934 Fast-Food Restaurant with 4117,049 125,115
Drive-Through 1,000 SFGFA 427 475 128,243
937 Coffee/Donut Shop with 638,047 191,914
Drive-Through 1,000 SFGFA 653,998 196,199
938 Coffee/Donut Kiosk 1,000 SFGFA 582,530 171,759
597,093 179,128
944 Gasoline/Service Station VFP 112,310 33,693
115,118 34,535
945 Gasoline/Service Station '9,597 11,879
with Convenience Market VFP 40,587 12,176
946 Gasoline/Service Station 9,507 20 852
with Car Wash VFP 71,245 21,374
Source:ITE Trip Generation Manual,9th Edition,compiled by FCS GROUP
Abbreviations: SFGFA-square feet of gross floor area ODU-occupied dwelling unit VFP-vehicle fueling position
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 69
Parks and Recreation Systems Development Charge Fee Methodology
Residential Development
a. An applicant for a building permit should complete a Lake Oswego Parks System Development
Charges Application and SDC Calculation Worksheet indicating the type and number of new Dwelling
Units to be included in the project.
b. The Building Department enters the SDC rates per dwelling on the application form and calculates the
SDCs to be paid by the Applicant.
SDC Improvement Fee*
Type of Dwelling Unit per Dwelling Unit
Single Family Dwelling Unit $ 16,56516,979
Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 9,2111 9,444
II. Non-Residential Development
a. An applicant for a building permit should complete a Lake Oswego Parks System Development
Charges Application and SDC Calculation Worksheet indicating the type and number of square feet of
building space for each non-residential use to be included in the project. Guidelines for the number
of square feet required for each employee are included in the table on the following page for major
Standard Industry Classifications. Where a proposed use does not specifically match one of the
classifications listed in the table,the listed classification which most closely matches the proposed
use,as determined by the City Manager, may be substituted.
b. The Building Department calculates the non-residential SDC Improvement Fee by:
i. Dividing the building space(square feet)for each non-residential use in the development by
the number of square feet per employee (from the guidelines in the Square Feet Per
Employee table),and
ii. Multiplying the result(from step 1) by the SDC rate Per New Employee($ 1,008 1,033-as of
January 1, 20222023).Any proposed use which constitutes 10%or less of the total building
space should be considered an ancillary use and does not require a separate calculation;
however,the building space for such uses must be included in the total for other non-
residential uses.
*Rates are based on Improvement Fee only(no Reimbursement Fee).
Page 70 20244 Master Fees and Charges
III. Senior and Affordable Housing Definitions(Per Resolution 08-42):
a. "Congregate Housing" is defined as"multi-unit housing with self-contained apartments that contain
cooking facilities which support independent lifestyles for those that have life-function disabilities
due to age, medical,or mental condition,which do not require residential care or skilled nursing
services. Congregate housing provides varying levels of support services,such as meals, laundry,
housekeeping,transportation,and social, recreation,cultural and education activities. The full range
of services normally associated with residential care facility,are not provided in association with
congregate housing." (Section 50.02.005 Definitions,City Code)
Rate Provision: Charged at 50%of the Multi-Family residential rate.
b. "Residential Care Housing" is considered to be non-residential in nature and is defined as a facility
that houses and provides services for 6 or more persons who may have a range of physical and
mental health problems, including chronic and debilitating conditions requiring assistance with daily
activities. This term is synonymous with other terms such as"assisted living facilities"and "adult care
housing" used to describe housing which provides the range of services described below. Living units
within residential care housing do not have cooking facilities. A range of services is provided
including staff supervised meals, housekeeping and personal care medication supervision, recreation,
cultural,social activities and transportation. Residential care housing facilities may include housing
for persons needing intermediate care. These are persons who do not require around-the-clock
nursing, but who do need preventative care,therapies at levels less than continuous licensed nursing
care or observation. Intermediate care emphasizes personal,social and emotional/mental health
care, but involves the availability of 24 hour service with physicians and nurses in supervisory roles.
Skilled nursing services, including convalescent care, may be provided as an accessory and
subordinate use in conjunction with residential care facilities. (Section 50.02.005 Definitions,City
Rate Provision: Charged at 50%of the Non-Residential rate.
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 71
(Recommended guidelines from Metro Employment Density Study)
Standard Industry Square Feet Standard Industry Square Feet
Classification(SIC)* Per Employee Classification(SIC)* Per Employee
1-19 590 37 700
Agriculture., Fish & Forest Services; Transportation Equipment
Construction; Mining
20 630 40-42,44,45,47 3,290
Food & Kindred Products Transportation and Warehousing
22,23 930 43,46,48,49 460
Textile&Apparel Communications and Public
24 640 50,51 1,390
Lumber&Wood Wholesale Trade
25,32,39 760 52-59 470
Furniture; Clay,Stone, &Glass; Misc. Retail Trade
26 1,600 60—68 370
Paper and Allied Finance, Insurance&Real Estate
27 450 70—79 770
Printing, Publishing&Allied Non-Health Services
28—31 720 80 350
Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber, Leather Health Services
33,34 420 81-89 740
Primary& Fabricated Metals Educational,Social, Membership
35 300 90—99 540
Machinery Equipment Government
36,38 400
Electrical Machinery, Equipment
* Source: U.S. Department of Commerce Standard Industrial Classification Manual
IV. Modification, Expansion,or Redevelopment
If the development is a modification or expansion of an existing structure,or redevelopment of a property
from a previous use,the SDC amount is based on the net increase in the number of Dwelling Units and/or
employees,calculated as follows:
a. Calculate an SDC on the development as though the entire development was subject to the SDC;
b. Calculate an SDC on the existing development, before modification, expansion, or
redevelopment,as though the existing development was subject to the SDC;
c. Calculate the net SDC amount by subtracting the result of Step b from the result of Step a; if the
result is zero or less than zero, no SDC is due.
Page 72 20243 Master Fees and Charges
Master Fees and Charges Resolution
WHEREAS, the City has adopted from time to time various fees and charges for services;
WHEREAS,the City has found it necessary to add, revise, or delete various fees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that:
Section 1. The revisions to fees and charges shown in Exhibit A are hereby adopted
effective January 1, 20243, except where noted otherwise.
Section 2. The revision to fees and charges shall be incorporated into the City's Master
Fees and Charges schedule.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage.
Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake
Oswego on the 5th day of December, 2023.
Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Evan Ellen OsoinachBeene, City Attorney Pro Tcm
20243 Master Fees and Charges Page 73
City of Lake Oswego, Oregon
The City provides a full range of municipal services to the community which includes police and fire
protection, emergency medical services,traffic control, street maintenance and improvements,water, sewer,
and stormwater management services, planning and zoning regulation, building inspection and regulation,
parks and recreational activities, and community library service.
This Master Fees and Charges booklet consolidates all City fees and charges, adopted by City Council
resolution,for the various services that the City provides. Typically, it is updated annually and reflects all fee
resolutions passed by Council during the year. For easy reference,the current Master Fees and Charges
booklet, as well as versions from prior years, are available online at:
Fee Variance and Waiver Statement
Based upon an unusual circumstance or event, past practices, demonstrated hardship,or public benefit,the
City Manager is authorized to waive or decrease a fee(s)or charge(s), barring requirements by State or local
codes, in a particular matter or establish a fee not yet authorized in this resolution. When a new fee is
established by the City Manager it may be incorporated into this resolution. It shall be communicated to
Council in writing to allow opportunity for comment.
The request for a waiver or reduction must be in writing. If the City Manager or their designee agrees to said
waiver or reduction,they may inform the City Council, in writing, of the request and their decision, except in
minor matters such as non-profit signed fee waivers and City tree removal applications.
Effective Dates and Resolution
The 2024 Master Fees and Charges effective dates:
• Utility Fees are effective July 1, 2024.
• All other Fees are effective January 1, 2024(unless otherwise noted)
Resolution#23-35 —Adopting the 2024 Master Fees&Charges
Cover photo of stormwater street drainage is courtesy of Dave Arpin,2023.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 1
Table of Contents
Section 1: General 5
Utility Rates: Water,Sewer,Stormwater,and Street 5
Business License and Liquor License 13
Dog License 14
Rights of Way Usage Fee 15
Franchise Fees 17
Public Records Fees 18
Miscellaneous Fees 19
Section 2: City Attorney's Office 20
Discovery Fees and City Code 20
Section 3: Fire Department 21
General Fees 21
Medical Services and Transport Fees 21
Emergency Services Rates 22
Fire and Life Safety Plan Reviews 22
Fire and Life Safety Inspections 22
Section 4: Library 23
General Fees 23
Section 5: Municipal Court 24
General Fees 24
Section 6: Parks& Recreation 25
Recreation Services and Activities 25
Lake Oswego Recreation &Aquatics Center(LORAC) 26
Lake Oswego Golf Course 27
Indoor Tennis Center 28
Athletic Field User Charges 28
Adult Community Center Fees 29
Swim Park 30
Water Sports Center 30
Park Reservation Fees 31
Miscellaneous Fees 32
Commercial Photography and Filming in City Parks 32
Page 2 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Table of Contents, continued
Section 7: Police Department 33
Security Alarm Permit and Fees 33
Security Alarm Code Violation Fines 33
Police Reports 33
Miscellaneous Police Fees 33
Section 8: Public Works Support Services 34
General Fees 34
Section 9: Building Division 35
Building Permits 35
Electrical Permits 36
Mechanical Permits Residential 38
Mechanical Permits Commercial 39
Plumbing Permits 40
Grading and Fill Permits 41
Demo and Deconstruction Permits 41
Manufactured Home Permits 42
Manufactured Dwelling/RV Parks 42
Community Development Code Enforcement Charges 42
Record Retention and Archiving Fees 42
Research and Consultation Fees 43
Other Inspections and Fees 43
Additional Miscellaneous Fees 43
Refunds 43
Section 10: Engineering Division 44
Minor Utility Facilities, Installed or Constructed by Public or Private Entities 44
General Engineering Fees 44
Other Engineering Fees 45
Section 11: Planning Division 47
Ministerial Developments 47
Minor Developments 47
Sign Code Fees 48
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 3
Table of Contents, continued
Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code Amendments 48
Major Developments 49
Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts 49
Fees Relating to Historical Preservation 49
Appeals 49
Pre-Application Conference/Consultations 49
Research Fees 50
Tree Code Fees 50
Fee Exemptions for Affordable Housing 51
Other Planning Fees 51
Section 12: Systems Development Charges 53
Systems Development Charges 53
Systems Development Charges Methodologies 59
2024 Master Fees and Charges Resolution 69
Page 4 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Utility Rates: Water, Sewer, Stormwater, and Street (LOC 37 and 38)
Water and sewer charges for customers outside of the City may be set by specific agreement. For customers
outside the City(including Forest Highlands Water District), but not covered by a special agreement,the charge is
150%of standard "in-City" rates. For bulk water users,the City Manager may set"peak"season rates. (LOC
The utility user charge shall be due and payable on the date specified on the bill,and shall be delinquent
thereafter.A late charge shall be imposed on delinquent utility user charges in addition to the amount billed.
(LOC 38.06.030)
A late charge of$5 may be assessed for utility bills not paid within 30 days after billing. If the utility bill is$200 or
more,the late charge is 2.5%of the total amount due.The late charge is divided proportionately among the
amounts due for water,sewer,stormwater,and street fee and becomes part of the total user charge amount due
for each utility.
Lake Oswego's Typical Monthly Utility Bill
$200 194.78
$180 176.91
$160 155.41 160.15
164.83 170.52
140.85 146.38 150.78
$140$100 . . . . . . . . .$100 . . . . . . . . .$80 El . . . . . . I. .
$60 III. . . . . . . .
El El I. . El I. .
$40 . . III III . . III III .
$20 .
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
■Water 53.46 55.88 56.96 58.14 59.32 60.51 61.73 62.97 64.22 65.48
■Sewer 66.37 68.39 70.45 72.56 74.72 76.93 79.97 83.10 86.32 89.72
■Stormwater 12.58 13.46 14.40 15.41 16.49 17.64 18.87 20.19 21.60 23.11
■Street Maintenance 8.44 8.65 8.97 9.30 9.62 9.75 9.95 10.65 16.07 16.47
Based on typical use for a single-family home-10 ccf for water and 8 ccf for sewer
Past and projected average utility rate increases
7/1/19 7/1/20 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24 7/1/25*
Water 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Sewer 3.0% 3.0% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9%
Stormwater 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0%
Street maintenance 3.4% 1.3% 2.0% 7.0% 50.9% 2.5% 3.0%
Average increase of 3.0% 2.9% 3.5% 3.7% 6.4% 3.5% 3.6%
total utility bill
*Adopted rates will be implemented the first full billing cycle following the effective date.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 5
Section 1: General
Components of the Typical Monthly Lake Oswego Utility Bill
$50 - -
$10 • - - • � • •
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
•Water Sewer - • Stormwater - - - Street Maintenance
Comparison of Neighboring Cities'Typical Monthly Utility Bills
Based on a September 2023 survey of typical single-family homes in other Portland metropolitan area cities.
$200 194 78
$150 148 16 148 31
125.57 130.30
$ Beaverton Tualatin Hillsboro West Linn Oregon City Sherwood Wilsonville Milwaukie Tigard Lake Gresham Portland
•Water 74.00 50.00 56.43 40.64 50.42 69.22 60.43 51.39 80.88 65.48 94.90 126.28
•Sewer 38.49 57.23 56.27 54.39 63.51 54.47 72.94 72.56 57.67 89.72 80.08 103.68
•Stormwater 13.08 11.47 13.92 9.08 12.66 18.31 11.90 29.47 16.05 23.11 32.52 32.45
•Street - 6.60 9.11 16.81 15.07 4.94 9.64 5.49 8.52 16.47 -•Other - 5.00 - 21.23 6.50 1.37 2.89 6.11 8.63 - 30.00 0.34
Page 6 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Water Rates
1. Water connection charge'-this charge is in addition to the Water SDC fee, if applicable(LOC 38.10.113).
Meter size larger than 2" are charged at cost and materials plus 20%overhead ($2,795 minimum).
Meter Size Charge
5/8"-3/4" $ 935
1" $ 1,332
1 1/2" $ 3,357
2" $ 3,756
On moratorium streets(paved within the past five years),the trench patch replacement requirement is
significantly larger.Therefore, if a meter installation is required on a moratorium street, an additional charge will
be retained to account for the larger pavement patch.
$3,000(indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City-Average.
2. Monthly water standard minimum and volume charges.
a. Standard minimum monthly water rates for customers within the City. LOC 38.06.020(2a).
For all meter sizes: 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24
Single family residential customers $29.37 $29.96 $30.56
Multi-family customers-First unit $32.06 $32.70 $33.35
Multi-family customers-Each additional dwelling unit $28.93 $29.51 $30.10
Meter Non-residential Services Irrigation customers
Size 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24 7/1/2022 7/1/2023 7/1/2024
5/8"-3/4" $ 32.06 $ 32.70 $ 33.35 $ 29.37 $ 29.96 $ 30.56
1" $ 40.64 $ 41.45 $ 42.28 $ 37.22 $ 37.96 $ 38.72
1 1/2" $ 48.35 $ 49.32 $ 50.31 $ 44.31 $ 45.20 $ 46.10
2" $ 73.17 $ 74.63 $ 76.12 $ 67.02 $ 68.36 $ 69.73
3" $ 82.15 $ 83.79 $ 85.47 $ 75.31 $ 76.82 $ 78.36
4" $ 106.98 $ 109.12 $ 111.30 $ 98.04 $ 100.00 $ 102.00
6" $ 131.57 $ 134.20 $ 136.88 $ 120.55 $ 122.96 $ 125.42
8" $ 198.07 $ 202.03 $ 206.07 $ 181.49 $ 185.12 $ 188.82
10" $228.63 $ 233.20 $ 237.86 $209.52 $213.71 $ 217.98
12" $323.53 $ 330.00 $ 336.60 $296.45 $302.38 $ 308.43
1 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 7
Section 1: General
b. Volume charges in addition to charges in 2a.
USAGE: Per 100 cubic feet(ccf)2 7/1/2022 7/1/2023 7/1/2024
Single family residential customers:
Tier 1: 0— 8 ccf monthly $3.09/ccf $3.15/ccf $ 3.21/ccf
Tier 2: 9—16 ccf monthly $4.44/ccf $4.53/ccf $ 4.62/ccf
Tier 3: over 17 ccf monthly $8.31/ccf $8.48/ccf $ 8.65/ccf
Multi-family customers $3.56/ccf $3.63/ccf $ 3.70/ccf
Non-residential customers $4.02/ccf $4.10/ccf $ 4.18/ccf
Irrigation customers $6.36/ccf $6.49/ccf $ 6.62/ccf
3. If a customer's water is turned off because of noncompliance with the proper use of water or for non-
payment of utility bills,a charge of$60 will be assessed:$30 for turning the water off and another$30 for
a water turn-on. (LOC 38.16.170).
The City shall turn off and turn on the customer's water supply at the customer's request.The City shall
provide this service for free during working hours one time each calendar year.The City shall charge for
additional requests and service during non-working hours except in cases of emergency. (LOC 38.16.175)
For customer turn off and turn on requests,after the first turn off then on request in a calendar year,a
charge of$60 will be assessed:$30 for turning the water off and another$30 for a water turn-on.
There is a charge for reading meters or making service turn-ons or turn-offs at other than regular working
hours. In order to suit the convenience of water purchasers,whenever a City employee is required to read
a meter or make a water service turn-on or turn-off during hours other than the regular work hours
established for City employees,a flat charge of$80 shall be required for such service, in addition to all
other charges provided for in this resolution,to be payable as other charges for water services.
4. Rates for the temporary use of a fire hydrant include a $50 installation fee,a $10 per day charge for meter
rentals with a maximum charge of$50 per month, plus the usage fee for water based on non-residential
water rates. In addition,a $475 refundable deposit will be collected. The deposit is refundable if the
meter is returned in good condition and fees have been paid in full.
5. Failure to test backflow prevention assemblies between January 1 to July 15 and submit the test results by
July 25 shall be cause for the City to arrange for and conduct the required test.The cost of such a test
shall be added to the customer's monthly utility bill at the actual incurred cost plus overhead utilizing a
billing multiplier of 2.4 times direct costs. (LOC 38.12.126).
6. If the City is requested to conduct a fire flow test,a flat fee will be charged for each test. (See Section 3).
2 Based on water delivered during the period between meter read dates.
Page 8 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
IWater Rate History- Monthly
Typical Typical water
Effective Fixed Usage usage in portion %
Date Rate Rate ccf of bill change
7/1/2015 $24.96 $2.62/$3.77 10 $53.46 4.5%
7/1/2016 $26.08 $2.74/$3.94 10 $55.88 4.5%
7/1/2017 $26.61 $2.79/$4.02 10 $56.96 2%
7/1/2018 $27.14 $2.85/$4.10 10 $58.14 2%
7/1/2019 $27.68 $2.91/$4.18 10 $59.32 2%
7/1/2020 $28.23 $2.97/$4.26 10 $60.51 2%
7/1/2021 $28.79 $3.03/$4.35 10 $61.73 2%
7/1/2022 $29.37 $3.09/$4.44 10 $62.97 2%
7/1/2023 $29.96 $3.15/$4.53 10 $64.22 2%
7/1/2024 $30.56 $ 3.21/$4.62 10 $65.48 2%
Fixed portion of Monthly Water Bill
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Water Usage Rate per ccf
$9 r
$4 M-
$2 r r I I I I
$1 I I I I I I I I I
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
•Tier 1: 0-8 ccf/month Tier 2:9-16 ccf/month •Tier 3:over 16 ccf/month
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 9
Section 1: General
Sewer Rates
1. Sewer monthly rates for customers within the City,served by the City,and outside Clean Water Services
(CWS)shall be charged the following rates for sewer service LOC 38.06.020(2b):
Residential for all meter sizes: 7/1/2022 7/1/23 7/1/24
First dwelling unit $64.14 $66.64 $69.23
Each additional dwelling unit $57.86 $60.12 $62.46
Meter Non-residential services
Size 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24
5/8"-3/4" $ 57.22 $ 59.45 $ 61.77
1" $ 72.43 $ 75.25 $ 78.18
1 1/2" $ 86.11 $ 89.47 $ 92.96
2" $ 130.29 $ 135.37 $ 140.65
3" $ 146.31 $ 152.02 $ 157.95
4" $ 190.45 $ 197.88 $ 205.60
6" $ 234.28 $ 243.42 $ 252.91
8" $ 278.51 $ 289.37 $ 300.66
10" $ 322.71 $ 335.30 $ 348.38
12" $ 454.84 $ 472.58 $ 491.01
USAGE: Per 100 cubic feet(ccf)of average winter water usage
7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24
Residential customers $2.37/ccf $2.46/ccf $2.56/ccf
Non-residential customers $3.56/ccf $3.70/ccf $3.84/ccf
a. The above Sewer Usage Rate per 100 cubic feet of average monthly water consumption is based on a
customer's average water use during three applicable winter billing cycles. If the full three winter
billing cycles are not available,whatever billing record is available shall be used for the computation.
b. Where no average winter water usage is available or where it is deemed inappropriate to use in some
unusual circumstance for residential, use the standard City-wide average of 8ccf per month multiplied
by the standard sewer rates listed above.
c. The monthly sewer utility user charge for property within the City and served by Clean Water Services
(CWS)of Washington County shall be equal to the monthly service charge established by the agency
for similar uses served by the Agency system.The City Manager shall keep on file for public inspection
a copy of the current rate structure.
Clean Water Services Charge 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/243
CWS Sewer-fixed base charge $31.38 $32.64 $67.90 n/a
CWS Sewer-usage charge $ 2.08 $ 2.16 $ 2.25 n/a
3 Not known at this time,usually becomes available on June lst.
Page 10 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
2. If the City is requested to conduct a sewer connection verification test, a fee of$60 will be charged for
each test. Homeowners requesting the test and residing at the residence are exempt from this fee.
3. A line charge shall be assessed upon connection to portions of the sewer system. The City Engineer is
authorized to establish additional benefited project areas upon completion of new projects that are
constructed under the City's Sewer Extension Program. Customers within the project area shall be
assessed the line charge as a condition of receiving a connection permit. The line charge will be reviewed
annually and adjusted to reflect actual construction costs of eligible projects or the change in the
Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(20-City Average)as published in October of the
preceding year.
The charges shown below are for eligible projects already completed through the date of this resolution:
a. For the following project areas,the cost per single family connection $ 28,017 4
Sundeleaf Drive Deemar Way Country Club Road
Mardee Avenue Bryant Road/Old Gate Road Stonebridge Way
Jean Road Upper Drive west of Bryant Carman Drive
b. A multiple of the above fee in 3a with the multiplier equal to the number of single family connections
that could be developed on the subject property under R-5 zoning,as determined by the City
Engineer 4.
4. Special Sewer Connection Charges:
a. Fairway Road Project(pursuant to Ordinance#2262) $ 47,152 5
b. Rivergrove Sewer Connection Charges(pursuant to Zone-of-Benefit[ZOB] Ordinance#2352)
Refer to final ZOB ordinance for fees by lot. Various'
Stormwater Rates
1. The stormwater management utility user charge shall be as follows{LOC 38.06.020 2(c)}:
a. Each customer using a location for a single-family home or a duplex shall be charged the fee as shown
in the table below.
b. All other parcels shall be charged per the table below per Equivalent Service Unit(ESU).Total ESUs
charged is determined by dividing the total impervious area by 3,030 and rounding to the nearest
whole number.
7/1/22 7/1/23 7/1/24
Fixed monthly rate $ 20.19 $ 21.60 $ 23.11
2. Tampering Fine.The fine for tampering with the City utility system shall be equal to the total of the cost of
correcting the tampering, plus any utility fee revenue estimated by the City to have been lost or affected
by the tampering,and a $100 fine. (LOC 38.26.915).
4 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
Amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.
5 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for Seattle.
Amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.
Note: For items 3 through 4,SDC charges may apply and are in addition to the line charges shown.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 11
Section 1: General
Street Maintenance Fee (LOC 37)
LOC 37.02.015
A Street Maintenance Fee was established by Ordinance No. 2373 in an amount to be adjusted from time to time,
by resolution of the City Council. The fee is based upon the relative direct and indirect use of,or benefit from,the
City street system that results from activities within the City,and shall be imposed upon the persons responsible
for each developed property upon which such activities occur.
LOC 37.02.020
All funds collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be used to pay costs of operation, maintenance, repair,
engineering, improvement, renewal, replacement and reconstruction of the City street system.
LOC 37.04.010
The Street Maintenance Fee shall be billed and collected with and as part of the combined utility user charge
billing pursuant to LOC 38.06.020 and LOC 38.06.030. In the event funds received from the City's utility billings are
inadequate to satisfy in full all of the water,sewer,stormwater,and street maintenance fees,credit shall be first
given in this order: street maintenance fee,stormwater,sewer,and then water.
Rates6 and Effective Dates(Per Resolution 10-19 and 10-20):
a. Residential groups will be billed 100%of the following per resident fees monthly:
Effective Effective Effective
July 1,2022 July 1,2023 July 1,2024
Single family $ 10.65 $ 16.07 $ 16.47
Multi-family(per unit) $ 7.61 $ 11.48 $ 11.77
b. Non-Residential groups will be billed the following fees monthly, multiplied by their square footage:
Effective Effective Effective
July 1,2022 July 1,2023 July 1,2024
Group I $ 6.51 $ 9.82 $ 10.07
Group II $ 14.65 $ 22.11 $ 22.66
Group III $54.70 $ 82.55 $ 84.61
General"Group"classification defined as:
Group I: less than 29 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
Group II: from 29 to 90 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
Group III: greater than 90 vehicle trip miles per day, per 1,000 sq ft
6 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average.
Per Resolution 10-20,index adjustment shall not be less than a two percent increase or more than a seven percent increase.
The increase in prior year of 50.9%includes both an increase of 5.7%for CCI as well as for an increase of 45.2%or$1.5M for
annual pathway funding.
Page 12 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Business License and Liquor License
Business License
A business with anticipated or established gross revenue during a calendar year of no more than$1,000 and at
least 50%owned by a person under 19 years of age, are exempt from the following annual business license fees
(LOC 20.02.025):
3 or fewer 4—10 11 or more
Business License Fees employees employees employees
Initial issue fee $80 $ 110 $ 150
Renewal fee received on or before renewal date $64 $ 84 $ 110
Renewal fee received after renewal date $80 $ 110 $ 150
Additional review fee' $20 $ 30 $ 45
1. Renewal Period:
Applications for new business licenses should be submitted at least 30 days before the business opens.
New business licenses are in effect for the full twelve months after the month of initial issuance.
They are renewed annually thereafter.
2. Appeal Fees:
Appeal of issue, denial,suspension,or revocation of license $200
3. Temporary Business License:
License shall be valid for no more than two successive weeks during a calendar year.They are non-
renewable with a minimum fee of$25 per week(or portion thereof) and a maximum fee of$50 per
two-week period. Applicants are restricted to two temporary licenses per year.
4. Business License Violation Fee $550
Liquor License
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC)solicits the City's recommendation on applications for new,
renewed,or changed liquor licenses.The City will no longer charge a fee for this service.
'Additional review fee applies to any application(initial or renewal)that requires additional review.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 13
Section 1: General
Dog License (LOC 31.02.115)
Every person keeping a dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is 6 months old,whichever comes first,
shall procure a license for the dog. The license must be procured by paying the following fee to the City, not later
than 30 days after the person becomes keeper of the dog. A dog license shall be valid for up to 1,2,or 3 years,
and shall expire on the appropriate month end of the respective year.To stay within State Law, no license may be
issued with an expiration date that is beyond the end of the month of the applicable rabies vaccination expiration
date. Licenses are not prorated for partial years.
Expires on the appropriate month end
Dog license fees One year Two years Three years Rabies
Infertile $30 $60 $90 vaccination
Fertile $50 $100 $150 required
Delinquent license charge(after 2mo. past due) $20 plus license fee
Replacement dog tag $ 5
Dog impounded without license License fee plus impoundment fee
Impoundment fee(first pickup) $30
Impoundment fee(additional within 90 days) $60
Shelter fee Set by Clackamas County Dog Control Shelter
Dog license exceptions
1. Seeing-eye or other assistance dog: No fee is charged for certified seeing-eye or other assistance dogs as
defined in ORS 346.659A,such as"in-training", hearing-ear,or other assistance types recognized by a
qualified organization.
2. Rabies vaccination due to medical reasons: No rabies vaccination certificate is required as long as(1)the
examining veterinarian certifies that the dog should be exempted from the rabies vaccination due to
medical reasons and (2)states whether the reason is permanent or the date when exemption ends.
3. Kenneled for commercial sale(and not at large): The fee for a dog that is kept primarily in kennels for
commercial sale(and not permitted to run at large)as part of a dog breeder's inventory is$0;a dog that is
kept primarily in kennels(and not permitted to run at large), but is removed from the dog breeder's
inventory is$5. The keeper must provide evidence that the keeper is a dog breeder and that the dog is a
part of the breeder's inventory and/or is kept primarily in kennels for commercial sale and not permitted
to run at large.
4. New resident or new dog: New dogs are required to be licensed within 30 days of the owner becoming a
resident,of acquisition,or of first rabies shot,and for a one,two or three year license,depending on the
expiration of the rabies shot.After an additional 60 days,the delinquent license charge is added to the
regular license fee.
5. New dog licensed elsewhere: No fee is charged to owners of new dogs currently licensed elsewhere, but
are required to register the dog and obtain a City of Lake Oswego dog tag.
Page 14 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Rights of Way Usage Fee
On January 2, 2019,the Lake Oswego City Council adopted Ordinance 2804, adding Lake Oswego Code Chapter 51
("Utilities Facilities in Public Rights of Way").Chapter 51 established uniform regulations for utility operations in
the City's right of way, as well as a licensing and registration process that replaced individually negotiated franchise
agreements. Fees associated with Ordinance 2804 and Chapter 51 of Lake Oswego City Code were established via
Resolution 19-03,also adopted January 2, 2019.
Utility Service Annual Rights of Way Usage Fee*
Electric 5%of gross revenue
Natural Gas 5%of gross revenue
Cable 5%of gross revenue,or maximum amount permitted by applicable law
Communications 5%of gross revenue, $3.48 per linear foot of utilities in the rights-of-
way,or a minimum annual fee of $5,797,whichever is greater;or the
maximum amount permitted by applicable law.
The per-linear-foot fee and the minimum fee shall increase 3%
annually on January 1st of each year, beginning January 1,20208
Any utility operator that does not Based on Total Linear Feet of Utility Facilities in the Rights-of-Way:
earn gross revenue within the City.
Up to 5,000: $6,956
5,001-10,000: $9,274
10,001-20,000: $13,910
More than 20,000: $23,186
The minimum fee shall increase 3%annually on January 1st of each
year, beginning January 1,2020.
"Gross Revenue" means any and all revenue,of any kind, nature or form without deduction for expense, less net
uncollectibles,derived from the operation of utility facilities in the City,subject to all applicable limitations in
federal or state law.
Rights of Way License Application fee $250 for a five-year license
Rights of Way Annual Registration fee $150
*Government provided water,sewer, and stormwater utilities are not charged this fee.
8 Fees listed incorporate 3%escalator as of January 1,2023
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 15
Section 1: General
Attachment Fees
As per City of Lake Oswego Ordinance 2820 and established in Resolution 19-03,wireless providers that deploy
infrastructure within the city right of way are subject to the following fees:
Utility Service Attachment Fees
Wireless Facility permit fee, charged for each wireless facility
application submitted to the City $ 1,026.08 per application
Additional attachment fee, if placed on City owned pole $894.95 annually
Additional fee for optional permit pre-application meeting $549.64 per occurrence
Additional fee for knockdown of any pole with wireless facility $453.48 per occurrence
All fees shall increase 3%annually on January 1st of each year, beginning January 1, 2020
9 Fees listed incorporate 3%escalator as of January 1,2023
Page 16 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Franchise Fees (as set by franchise agreements)
Electricity and Natural Gas
Portland General Electric
Franchise fee: 3.5%of defined gross revenue
Expires January 17,2023 (Ordinance 2610)
Garbage/Solid Waste
Republic Services
Franchise fee: 5%of gross cash receipts
Expires December 13, 2032 (Ordinance 2901)
Comcast(MACC) Ziply Fiber(MACC)
Franchise fee: 5%of gross revenue Franchise fee: 5%of gross revenue
Expires June 30, 2025 (Ordinance 2681) Expires May 25, 2022 (Ordinance 2486)
Telecommunication Services
Clackamas County Astound Broadband
No franchise fee(City receives use of 4 strands of Franchise Fee:A minimum of$1,500 per quarter
fiber) Expires August 4,2025 (Ordinance 2691) or 5%of gross revenue—whichever is greater
Expires December 17,2025 (Ordinance 2693)
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 17
Section 1: General
Public Records Fees'°
1. Copies of finance documents:
Biennial Budget $25 per copy Available online
Annual Audit(Comprehensive Annual Financial $25 per copy Available online
Biennial LORA Budget $ 5 per copy Available online
Annual LORA Audit(Year-end Financial Report) $ 5 per copy Available online
2. Copies of planning and engineering documents:
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) $56 per copy Available online
Community Development Code(City Code Ch 50) $64 per copy Available online
Comprehensive Plan $56 per copy Available online
Public Facilities Plan $29 per copy Available online
Public Facilities Plan Appendix $56 per copy Available online
Neighborhood Plans $ 19 per copy Available online
3. Copies of maps:
Zoning map $20 per copy Available online
Comprehensive Plan map $20 per copy Available online
City Limits map $20 per copy Available online
City Atlas with binder $50 per copy
City Atlas(update w/o binder) $0.25 per page
4. Copies of Lake Oswego City Code:
Copies of Lake Oswego City Code— $55 Available online
excludes Ch 50(no binder)
Copies of City Code in PDF format(CD) $20 Available online
Copies of Community Development Code $20 Available online
in PDF format(CD)
5. Copies of community surveys $ 10 per copy Available online
6. General service copies $0.25 per page
7. Flash Drives $ 8 8 GB
$ 9 16 GB
$ 13 32 GB
8. Records research $25 per 15 minutes/request(minimum $25)
plus copies and materials charges
9. Blueprints $ 1 to$7 depending on map size plus
$0.50 to$3.50 for overlays
10 Unless otherwise specified under individual department section.
Page 18 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 1: General
Miscellaneous Fees
1. Employment application fee(including assessment tools&testing): Time&materials, not to exceed $25.
2. Administration Fee of 20%for insurance claims related to damage to City property.
3. Use fees(as shown in the Administrative Procedures Manual, Procedure No. 2): First use of City facilities
shall be by City or other governmental entities.These use fees will be applicable to private parties using
City facilities. Fee will include, but is not limited to, a facility supervisor fee, a janitorial fee, and a building
use fee.A security and/or cleaning deposit may also be required. Fee may be waived at the discretion of
the City Manager, barring requirements by State or local codes.
City Hall building use fee for weekend requests for Class III users:
• Community Room (Council Chambers and Courtroom)$100 for the first hour and$50 per
additional hour
• Conference Room$50 for the first hour and $25 per additional hour
• Park facilities have separate fees,see Section 6.
4. Request for construction contract bidding documents: As established in the Invitation to Bid.
5. Filming permit processing fee(LOC 20.06.400) $ 1,000
Filming permit processing fee appeal $ 100
See Commercial Filming in City Parks in Section 6 for additional fees(page 32)
6. Lien search fee
Initial search per tax lot $58 for initial search
Subsequent search of same tax lot $ 15 for next 90 days
7. NSF check charges $20 for first offense
$35 for repeat offenses
8. Parking stall fee $ 1 per hour per stall
(Stalls could be located in public right-a-way or public parking lots)
9. EV Charging $0.11/kWh and a $0.75/HR after two hours of
10. Passport Fees made payable to U.S. Department of State
a. For"minor"applications(under 16 years old) $ 80
b. For"adult"applications(16 years or older) $ 110 All passport fees are
c. To EXPEDITE any passport application ... add $ 60 set by the U.S.
d. For"minor" Passport Card only(under 16 years old) $ 15 Department of State
e. For"adult" Passport Card only(16 years or older) $ 30
11. Passport Fees made payable to"City of Lake Oswego"
a. For regular passport applications $ 35 per passport application
b. For Passport Card applications $ 35 per PASS Card only
Only one fee charged if applying for both
12. Passport photo fee $ 15 per set of two
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 19
Section 2: City Attorney's Office
City Attorney's Office
The following fees shall be charged for the services of the City Attorney's Office in providing discovery to retained
defense attorneys:
Discovery Fees
1. E-discoveryll flat rate one-time fee $40
2. Electronic transmission of E-discovery $ 0
3. Flash Drives $ 10 8 GB
$ 15 16 GB
$20 32 GB
$30 64 GB
4. Paper Copies up to 10 pages $ 15
Each additional Page $0.25
5. Audio and Video unavailable through $50 first DVD/CD/USB
6. Review and Redaction of Audio and $60/hour,after first 30 minutes(billed at 15-minute
Video to comply with ORS 135.815 increments)
7. Copies of photographs unavailable $ 1 per letter-sized page(4 color print to a page)
through e-discovery $50 burned to a CD(for up to 30)
City Code
1. See Section 1:General, Public Record Fees,on page 18.
11 In general, e-discovery includes police reports and city-created digital visual materials(e.g. body worn camera,
vehicle mobile-audio-video, photographs,etc.)directly associated with the case.
12 In general,video materials not created by the City--such as cell phone videos—are not included in the flat rate
and must be separately requested.
Page 20 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 3: Fire Department
Fire Department
The following fees shall be charged for the Fire Department activities of the City.Any non-listed expenses to
provide services in Section 3 will be charged at cost.
General Fees
1. Fire and Inspection Reports
a. Reports up to 10 pages $25
Each additional page over 10 $0.25
b. Additional research time past first 15 minutes $25 per 15 minutes
charged to nearest quarter hour.
2. Fire Investigation Information and Other
a. Narrative report up to 10 pages $25
Each additional page over 10 $0.25
b. Digital flash drive copies $25
Each additional copy same flash drive $ 16
Plus charge for each picture $0.25
c. Photo log $25 each
d. Staff time past first 15 minutes charged to the $25 per 15 minutes
nearest quarter hour
3. Non-listed expenses to provide services in Section 3 Charged at cost
Medical Services and Transport Fees
1. Advanced Life Support(ALS), Level One, Emergency $1,523.39
2. Advanced Life Support(ALS), Level One $1,523.39
3. Advance Life Support(ALS), Level Two $1,523.39
4. Basis Life Support(BLS), Emergency $1,523.39
5. Basic Life Support(BLS) $1,523.39
6. Advanced Life Support On-Scene Treatment $800
7. Patient-Loaded Mileage $31.91 per mile
8. Extra Attendant $101.21
(When a patient's condition warrants the presence of
additional medic support personnel to assist crew
during transport.)
9. Ambulance/Medical Standby Fees
a. Paramedics 3 hour minimum $257 per hour
b. Billing/Administration $ 100
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 21
Section 3: Fire Department
Emergency Services Rates
1. Apparatus costs: Per current Oregon Fire Service Mobilization Plan fee schedule.
2. Personnel costs: Fire employee's actual hourly rate plus benefits or the actual personnel costs to
replace on-shift firefighters in their assigned capacity.
3. Dive team and boat team operations:Apparatus and personnel costs apply; plus$60 per hour for
specialty equipment maintenance and miscellaneous costs associated with the use of specialty
4. Emergency standby for hazardous utility incidents where Fire needs to protect life and property:
$289.81 per hour after the first half hour.
5. Non-emergency standby for special events: $289.81 per hour for Fire Apparatus
6. Calls for emergency services for accidents on highways, public right-of-ways, railways,or resulting from
other transportation incidents exceeding 0.5 hours may be billed according to the current payment
schedule in the Oregon State Mobilization Plan adopted by the Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office.
Fire and Life Safety Plan Reviews
1. Preliminary water and emergency access evaluation for all pre-applications $ 70
2. Detailed water and emergency access evaluation for all development and building permit applications:
a. Minor partitions(up to 3 lots) $ 140
b. Subdivisions $250
c. Commercial $250
d. All other applications requiring fire review $ 140
3. All fire code construction permits requiring fire review $250
4. All Fire Code Operational Permits $200
5. Mobile Emergency Responder Radio Coverage(MERRC)
a. 0 to 50,000 sq.ft. $0.50 per sq.ft.
b. Additional sq.ft.from 50,001 to 100,000 $0.30 per sq.ft.
c. Additional sq.ft.exceeding 100,000 $0.10 per sq.ft.
Fire and Life Safety Inspections
1. Initial inspection and 1st follow-up No fee
2. Each additional inspection, required for compliance $ 107 per hour
3. After-hours inspections $ 150 per hour(1 hour minimum)
4. Re-inspection fee for new construction after the second violation $ 107 per hour
Page 22 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 4: Library
The following fees shall be charged for the Library Department activities of the City:
General Fees (LOC 16.08.310)
1. Uniform Library Network Fees
Non-resident card $95 per family per year
2. Library Penalty Fees
Lost and damaged library items Replacement cost,as determined by staff
3. Sale of withdrawn/surplus items Varies;typically$0.10-$3
4. Overdue fine $0.10 per item per day,with a $1 maximum fine per item
$ 1.00 per item per day,with a maximum fine equal to the
replacement cost of the item,for Library of Things material
5. Photocopy charges
General photocopy charges $0.10 per page
Reference collection photocopies $0.10 per page(first 5 pages are free)
Black and white internet printing charges $0.10 per page(first dollar used in any combination of
color and/or black&white is waived)
Color internet printing charges $0.25 per page(first dollar used in any combination of
color and/or black&white is waived)
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 23
Section 5: Municipal Court
Municipal Court
The following fees shall be charged for the Municipal Court activities of the City:
General Fees
1. Delayed Payment Fee
This fee is assessed in order to help defray the costs of deferred payment of fines.
Duration of Payments Amount added to fine
0 to 60 days $ 0
Over 60 days $ 15
2. Vacate Fee $20
This is a fee charged when someone requests the Municipal Court Judge to review a file,
change the status,and/or vacate a charge from the DMV record.
4. Fix-it-ticket Administrative Fee $35
This fee is charged when the citing officer has designated the citation as one that will be
dismissed if proof of correction is provided before the initial appearance date.
5. Good Driver Deferred Sentencing Program Administrative Fee
Fee shall be the equivalent of the reduced presumptive fine for the charged offense.
6. Seatbelt and Child Restraint Violation
Deferred Sentencing Program Administrative Fee $ 100
7. Civil Compromise Administrative Fee $ 150
8. Court Appearance Audio Recording $25 each
9. Certified Copies of Court Documents $5 each
10. Copies up to 10 pages $ 15
Each additional page $0.25
Page 24 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
The following fees shall be charged for the Parks& Recreation activities of the City:
Recreation Services and Activities
The services and activity programs within Parks& Recreation are designed to meet the expectations of the Lake
Oswego community.A wide range of recreational activities are offered to all ages and ability levels.Services and
activity programs are offered to families and individuals at an affordable price and well within market value.
Each division shall determine fees based upon marketability and associated expenses for the specific program or
1. Lake Oswego residents are given priority in registration and pricing for recreation services and activities.
Non-residents are charged additional fees of up to 1.5 times the base activity rate.
2. Fees are designed to cover 100%of the expenses associated with activities. Factors included in rates are:
Instructor wages and benefits,supplies/materials,entrance/admission fees, advertising,and
3. Contract service provision of activities include fees to cover total expense plus a program administrative
percentage. Service providers are paid a negotiated sum per participant.
4. Lake Oswego Parks& Recreation (LOPR) Refund Policy
• 100%of refund if LOPR cancels an activity
• 100%refund for an activity fee if requested refund is seven (7)calendar days prior to the start date
of activity.
• Refunds requested after seven (7)calendar days prior to activity start date are processed upon
approval of the programmer and/or contractor and are subject to$10 processing fee(fee applies to
each activity withdrawal).
• In lieu of a check or credit card refund,and after seven (7)calendar days prior to start date of the
activity,the$10 processing fee is waived and activity fee credit is placed on customer account.All
credits are non-refundable and applicable for LOPR activity registration or user fees.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 25
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatics Center (LORAC) User Fee Schedule*
*Fees subject to change
Classification Daily 10 Visit Pass/3
Res. N. Res. Res. N. Res.
Adult(18-59) $7.00 $11.00 $63.00 $99.00
Youth (3-18) $5.00 $8.00 $45.00 $72.00
Senior(60+) $5.00 $8.00 $45.00 $72.00
Classification 3 Month Annual Annual Paid Monthly
Res. N. Res. Res. N. Res. Res. N. Res.
Adult(18-59) $125 $188 $400 $ 600 $35 $51
Youth (3-18) $106 $160 $340 $ 510 $29 $44
Senior(60+) $106 $160 $340 $ 510 $29 $44
Household** $234 $352 $750 $1,125 $64 $95
Add'I Youth $10 $15
Notes: Resident status includes anyone who lives,attends,or works within the boundaries of the Lake Oswego School
3 Month rates are the annual rate divided by 4 time 125%.
Monthly installment payments on annual memberships are based on automatic withdrawal(auto renew)from a
bank account or credit card.
**Household includes 2 adults and up to 3 youth.Each additional youth is another$10/$15 per month
3 Month/Annual/Annual Paid Monthly membership fees include:
• Lap Swimming and Independent Lane Workouts
• Open swim for individuals and families
• Parent/Preschool Swim
• Senior Swim
• Shallow/Deep Water Aerobics and/or Studio Aerobics classes***
• Access to Workout Room for ages 18+
• Open Play Gym Use
Drop in Rate:
Aerobics Classes $8.00/$10.00(Water or Studio)
***Specialty water and studio fitness classes are NOT included in membership fee.
13 10 visit passes are a 10%discount over the daily fee.
Page 26 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Aquatic Programs Fees Res Rates Non-Res Rates Notes
Group Swim Lessons $75/Session $95/Session %hour 8 classes
Semi-Private Lessons(2) $100/Session $115/Session %hour 4 classes
Private Lessons $150/Session $175/Session %hour 4 classes
Water Therapy $40/Half Hour $60/Half Hour
Lifeguard Training $400/Session $475/Session
Water Safety Instructor Training $200/Session $250/Session
Water Fitness Instructor Training $200/Session $250/Session
Senior Swim Time $5/Session
Teen Time $5/Session
Parent/Preschool Swim $5/Session
Birthday Party Packages $250/Event $300/Event 2 hrs room and
12 swim
Building Rentals Fees
Oswego Hall Room 1 or Room 2 $150/Hour
Oswego Hall Rooms 1&2 $300/Hour
Oswego Hall Rooms 1&2 weekends $1800/6 Hours Event OLCC Server
$150 per hour
Birthday Party Packages $250/Event 2 hours
LORAC Event Room $125/Hour 2 hour minimum
Fitness Studio $125/Hour 2 hour minimum
Gymnasium per court $75/Hour
Gymnasium (all courts) $150/Hour
Aquatic Rentals Fees
Lane $22/Hour
6 Lanes $135/Hour
Recreation Pool $350/Hour 2 hour minimum
Competition Pool $450/Hour 2 hour minimum
Entire Aquatic Facility After Hours $1,000/Hour 2 hour minimum
Lake Oswego Golf Course (Name TBA)
Green Fees
Day Pass 9 Holes 18 Holes
Weekdays(Monday—Thursday) $23 $39
Weekdays Junior/Senior Rates $ 11 $21
Weekends/Holidays $26 $48
Range Fee
Category 9 Holes 18 Holes
Club Rentals $ 18 $ 28
Pull Cart Rentals $ 5 $ 7
Power Cart Rentals $ 12 PP $ 18 PP
Range Balls
Category Small Medium Large
Bucket Size $ 6 $ 9 $ 12
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 27
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Indoor Tennis Center
1. Court Fees
Seasonal $22-$26/hour
2. Activity Rates
a. Staff Instructed Activities—Fees established by determining the instruction hourly rate charged plus an
additional administrative program percentage determined by market.
b. Private Lessons—Instructors who are employees of the City may teach private lessons. Instructors must
pay the City for the use of the courts at the seasonal rate.
c. Lake Oswego residents are given priority in registration and pricing for recreation classes and activities.
Non-residents are charged additional fees of up to 1.5 times the base class or activity rate.
3. Card Key Fee—A non-refundable fee of$20 resident, $30 non-resident annually.
4. Additional Fees—The Tennis Center shall be able to add new activities or programs during the year in order to
promote marketability of the facility.As with other activities,fees will be based on instruction hourly rate
charged plus an additional program administrative percentage determined by market.
Athletic Field User Charges
Turf Field fees
Natural Turf Artificial Turf
Category Daytime With lights Daytime With lights
Category 1 (LOPR Programs) No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge
Category 2 (Recognized local youth $ 13/hr $ 18/hr $ 15/hr $20/hr
organizations, LOSD)
Category 3 (locally sponsored) $30/hr $40/hr $30/hr $40/hr
Category 4(non-local&for-profit) $80/hr $ 100/hr $80/hr $ 100/hr
Category 1
Applies to all LORP&City of Lake Oswego affiliated activities.
Category 2-Applies to recognized local youth organizations.
• 70%of participants are local residents. Participants considered local residents have a local home address
and/or attend a public school in the Lake Oswego School District.
• Additionally,these Organizations must maintain a "good standing"with LOPR in order to remain in this
Category 3—This categories applies to tournaments,events,camps,clinics,and activities that are hosted by
recognized local youth leagues/organizations.
• This includes other School Districts,athletics/sport leagues,civic groups,churches, business organizations,
neighborhood associations,and individual residents for non-profit purposes.
Page 28 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Category 4—This category applies to all clinics,camps,tournaments, and activities hosted by non-local
• This category also applies to all for-profit entities, regardless of location address or local participation
1. League Cleaning&trash disposal fee(Covers cost of trash pick-up on athletics fields $200 per session
over and above regular trash disposal)
2. Lights turn off charge:A lights turn off charge of$50 per occurrence will be applied to billing when lights
are not turned off by field users and must be turned off by City Staff.This charge applies in the following
a. Cancelled field use,without notification for the purpose of turning off field lights or to cancel requested
field lights programming.
b. Leaving field earlier than the scheduled reserved time without turning off lights.
3. Additional Fees:
City may charge additional fees for category 3 and 4 users,over and above the hourly rates listed,to cover
costs such as concession stand use,cleaning,garbage, etc.
4. Tournament and Camp
• Tournaments and Camps will not be issued a refund or credit due to unused fields or hours
• Cancellations made at least 7 days in advance will receive a full refund minus a$25 cancellation fee.
• A refundable damage deposit of$500 will be assessed to all tournament rentals.
Adult Community Center Fees
1. Human Services Programs
a. A per participant donation may be suggested for specified human service programs.
b. Fees are designed to cover up to 100%of the expenses associated with the Social Services trips
and Respite Program.
c. A$30-$50 per session (per participant) resident, $35-$55 per session (per participant) non-resident
fee is designed to cover direct expenses associated with the respite program.
d. Classes and other programs generating revenue for another entity, but held at LOACC may be
charged a per person fee.
2. Shuttle Bus Transportation to and from the Center.
Suggested donation is$1 per one-way ride.
3. Refund Policy
• 100%refund to each registered and paid participant if LOPR cancels an activity,class or event.
• 100%refund for an activity fee if refund is requested seven calendar days prior to start date of
• Refunds requested within seven calendar days prior to the start date of the activity are subject
to$10 processing fee(fee applies to each activity withdrawal).
• In lieu of a refund,the$10 processing fee is waived with an option for activity fee credit on
customer account.All credits are non-refundable and applicable for LOPR activity registration
or user fees.
• After an activity start date(day of or after), only a prorated refund credit on customer account
is issued.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 29
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
4. Trip Refund Policy
Trip Refund Policy:There are no refunds for trips that include expenses prepaid by the ACC unless a
replacement participant can be found.All other trips may be canceled with a refund per the L.O.
Park& Recreation refund policy.
5 Room Rental Fees14
Adult Community Center Non-Profit Organization All Others
Up to 3 hours
Oak/Acorn Rooms:
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee $25 $25
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee(with food) $50 $50
Refundable Deposit $75 $200
Hourly Usage Fee $50/hr $ 100/hr
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee $ 10 $ 10
Non-Refundable Cleaning Fee(with food) $25 $25
Refundable Deposit $25 $ 100
Hourly Usage Fee $25/hr $50/hr
TV Monitor w/HDMI access $20 per use $20 per use
Microphone and speakers $30 per use $30 per use
Hybrid Equipment $25 per use $25 per use
Podium $20 per use $20 per use
White Board Easel w/paper $20 per board $20 per board
After hour staff $25 per hour $25 per hour
Exceptions to the rental policy may be made at staffs discretion depending upon extenuating
6 Additional Fees
The Adult Community Center shall be able to add new activities or programs during the year
in order to promote marketability of the facility.As with other activities,the fee will be based
on a base rate plus overhead.
Swim Park
Daily usage is free to local residents in compliance with an agreement between the Lake Corporation and
the City of Lake Oswego
Water Sports Center
Lake Oswego Rowing Club Foundation has an agreement with the City to operate the Water Sports Center.
User activity fees are set by the Lake Oswego Rowing Club Foundation.
14 Non-residents are charged fees 1.5 times the resident fees for all rental fees.
Page 30 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
Park Reservation Fees15
1. Facility Rental—Exceptions to Section 1, Miscellaneous Fees, page 19.
Facility Rate I Rate II Rate III
Park Picnic Shelters $85/3 hrs $ 100/3 hrs $ 190/3 hrs
Millennium Park pergola area $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $460/hr
Millennium Stage/grassy knoll $ 60/hr $ 110/hr $310/hr
Foothills Park Pavilion $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $360/hr
Foothills Amphitheater $ 110/hr $ 160/hr $310/hr
Foothills Pavilion Grass Area $ 60/hr $ 110/hr $310/hr
Foothills Viewing Dolphins $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
Roehr Park Amphitheater&Viewing $ 160/hr $230/hr $520/hr
Roehr Excursion boat dock for— $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
commercial use
Non-shelter Parks Areas16 $ 60/hr $ 80/hr $220/hr
Refundable damage deposit
Park Shelters George Rogers,
East Waluga,West Waluga $ 100/use
Premier Parks: Millennium Plaza $500/use
Park, Foothills Park and Roehr
Special Events $500/use
Rate I: Open or closed to the public; events with no sales, no admission fees, no concession sales,
no entry fees,and no pledges of future revenues; no sponsor signage allowed.
Rate II: Open to the public;events which generate sales, admission fees,concessions,entry fees
and/or pledges of future revenues;sponsor signage allowed.
Rate III: Closed to the public;events which generate sales,admission fees,concessions,entry fees,
and/or pledges of future revenues;sponsor signage allowed.
2. Food trucks with facility reservation $60/hr
3. Special Event Application Fees and Special Event Park Reservations
• Special Event Application Fee-other than for City Sponsored Events
Application must be received 60 days prior to the event. Fee is$200.
• For reservations that are tied to a Special Event Permit that use park areas,standard
Park/Premier Park fees apply and are in addition to the Special Event Fee.
• Additional City Staff maybe needed to support an event. In such case there is an additional
$150/hr per person for the need time at the event.
15 Non-residents are charged fees 1.5 times the resident fees for all rental fees.
16 Includes other park areas not listed such as lawn areas,plazas,gardens, historical sites,or use of ball fields or parking lots for
special events.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 31
Section 6: Parks & Recreation
4. Refund Policy
• 100%refund of reservation fee if LOPR cancels the reservation.
Shelter Reservation Refund:
• If a reservation is canceled 14 days prior to reservation date,a full refund is given, less
the$10 processing fee.
• If a reservation is canceled less than 14 day prior to the reservation date only the
refundable deposit will be refunded.
Premier Park and Special Event Park Refund:
• If a reservation is canceled 30 days prior to reservation date a full refund is given, less
the$10 processing fee.
• If a reservation is canceled less than 30 days prior to the reservation date 50%of the full
payment will be refunded. The Special Event Permit Application fee is not refundable.
Miscellaneous Fees
1. All Parks Plans $30 per copy
2. Research fee $25 per 15 minutes($25 minimum)
plus copy and material charges
Commercial Photography and Filming in City Parks
See also Filming Permit in Section 1 for the additional processing fees, page 19.
1. Film/Video rate per venue
a. One day fee-no park closure required $ 250
b. One day fee-park closure required $ 1,000
Damage deposit may be required,depending on scope of filming.
2. Still Photography day pass rate per venue
a. 1 to 5 hours $ 55
b. 6 to 24 hours $ 110
3. Annual Photo Pass(All Parks) $ 150
4. Long-term shoot:Any shoot over 24 hours will be considered a long shoot. Fees will be assessed for each
24 hour period.
5. For passes that need full park closure, park reservation fees will apply. Fees found on page 31.
Personnel Fees: City employees needed to assist with Special Events and/or Film Permits
$150/hour/person,subject to availability.
Page 32 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 7: Police Department
Police Department
The following fees shall be charged for the Police Department activities of the City:
Security Alarm Permit and Fees (LOC 20.08.606)
Voluntary Annual Alarm Permit Fee $25
Security Alarm Code Violation Fines (LOC 20.08.612)
Fines for excessive false alarms in a permit year shall be as follows:
Second false alarm in any year $ 100
Third false alarm in any year $ 125
Fourth false alarm in any year $ 175
Fifth false alarm in any year $275
Sixth and any additional false alarms $425
Fines for excessive false alarms WITH a voluntary alarm permit shall be as follows:
Third and succeeding false alarm in any year $ 100
Police Reports (LOC 14.06.220)
1. Copies up to 10 pages $ 15
Each additional page $0.25
2. 911 audio recording $50 per recording
Audio and Video Copies $50 first recording(DVD/CD/USB) &$ 15 each
additional copy
CAD Incident Report $10
3. Review and Redaction of Audio and Video $60/hour,after first 30 minutes(billed at 15-minute
Miscellaneous Police Fees
1. Records research (LOC 14.06.220) $25 per 15 minutes($25 minimum)
plus copy and material charges
2. Copies of photographs (LOC 14.06.220) $ 1 per color print
$50(for up to 30) burned to CD, plus$ 1 each
3. Storage fee at P.I.T.for vehicles&equipment $50 per day
4. Hazmat quarantine/investigation $250 per day
5. Police impounded vehicle fee $350 per vehicle
6. Overtime charge*for special events requiring police services are determined based upon which of the
following positions are utilized for a minimum of 4 hours:
Community Services Officer(CSO), Police Officer,Sergeant, Lieutenant,and/or Captain.
*Contact the Police Department for this charge.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 33
Section 8: Public Works Support Services
Public Works Support Services
The following fees shall be charged for the Public Works Support maintenance activities of the City:
General Fees
1. Public facilities damage(street signs,water lines,etc.) Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead plus lost revenue
2. Sign installation for new subdivisions Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead
Second inspection at cost plus 20%for overhead
3. Citizen-requested items(hydrant relocation,water
service relocation,etc.) Billed at cost plus 20%for overhead
Page 34 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
Building Division
A 12%surcharge fee as mandated by the State Building Codes Division is applied to all permit fees.
The following fees''shall be charged for the Building Division activities of the City(LOC 45.01.040):
Building Permits
Valuation is based on the tables referenced in Oregon Administrative Rule 918-050-0100 and 0110.
1. Total Valuation
$ 1 to$2,000 $102.82 up to and including$2,000
$2,001 to$25,000 $102.82 for the first$2,000 plus$9.40 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$25,000
$25,001 to$50,000 $319.02 for the first$25,000 plus$6.75 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$50,000
$50,001 to$ 100,000 $487.77 for the first$50,000 plus$4.70 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$100,000
$ 100,001 to$500,000 $722.77 for the first$100,000 plus$3.00 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$500,000
$500,001 to$ 1,000,000 $1,922.77 for first$500,000 plus$2.55 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof, up to and including$1,000,000
$ 1,000,001 and up $3,197.77 for first$1,000,000 plus$1.65 for each additional$1,000
or fraction thereof
2. Minimum Structural Permit $102.82
3. Plan review fees 65%of structural permit fee
4. Fire&life safety review fee 40%of structural permit fee (on commercial only)
5. Other inspections — see also Other Inspection and Fees(pg.43)
a. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $ 102.82 per hour
b. Additional plan review required by changes,additions,or revisions to plans $ 102.82 per hour
6. Phased Plan Review
Phased Plan Review fees shall be$250 plus 10%of the total project building permit fee and shall not
exceed $1,500 pursuant to the authority of OAR 918-050-0160.This is in addition to standard plan
review fees.
17 The Building Division Permit Fees and Plan Review Fees were modified and increased in response to implementation of the
State of Oregon Permitting System,per Resolution 20-27.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 35
Section 9: Building
7. Deferred submittals Plan Review
The fee for processing and Plan Review of deferred submittals shall be 10%of the
building permit fee, using the value of the particular deferred portion or portions
of the project but not less than $275.This fee is in addition to standard Plan
Review fees.
Architects and Engineer's exemption for plan review of"conventional light frame construction"
(allows architects and engineers to perform plan reviews in lieu of the jurisdiction) pursuant to the
authority of ORS 455.628
8. Administration fee for processing and facilitating issuance $250
9. Commercial Fire Systems— based on valuation, see Structural Permit Fee Table
10. Residential Fire System —Standalone System, includes plan review
Square footage Permit fee
0 to 2,000 $231.00
2,001 to 3,600 $313.50
3,601 to 7,200 $372.25
7,200 and above $437.25
11. Prescriptive Solar Panel Installation Permit— includes plan review(does not $ 125
include Electrical Permit) *
12. Non-Prescriptive Solar Panel Installation — See Building Permit Fee Valuation Schedule
13. Change of Occupancy $250
14. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $ 125 per month
*Fee is required by Oregon Administrative Rule#918-050-0180
Electrical Permits
1. New residential,one-and two-family dwelling unit
1,000 square feet or less $293.60
Each additional 500 square feet or portion thereof $ 59.80
Each manufactured home, modular dwelling service,or feeder $ 118.50
Limited energy $ 100.00
New multi-family largest unit is calculated as per square footage
rates above and each additional unit calculated at 50%of the fee for
the largest unit
2. Service or feeders: installations, alterations,or relocation
200 amps or less $ 175.05
201 amps to 400 amps $231.60
401 amps to 599 amps $349.05
600 amps $349.05
601 amps to 1,000 amps $524.10
Over 1,000 amps or volts $958.45
Reconnect only $ 110.00
Page 36 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
3. Temporary services or feeders: installations,alterations,or relocation
200 amps or less $ 102.20
201 amps to 400 amps $ 217.45
401 amps to 599 amps $ 293.60
600 amps $ 293.60
601 amps to 1,000 amps $ 430.00
Over 1,000 amps or volts $ 814.65
4. Branch circuits: new,alteration, or extension per panel
With purchase of service or feeder, each $ 13.45
Without purchase of service or feeder
First circuit $ 97.85
Each additional circuit $ 13.45
5. Miscellaneous(service or feeder not included)
Each pump or irrigation circle $ 118.50
Each sign or outside lighting $ 118.50
Signal circuit(s)or a limited energy panel, alteration, or extension $ 118.50
Renewable energy for electrical systems-5kva or less $ 151.15
Renewable energy for electrical systems-5.01kva through 15kva $ 180.45
Renewable energy for electrical systems-15.01kva through 25kva $ 293.85
Renewable energy-solar generation over 25kva $ 293.85 +$ 11.74
(permit charge will not increase beyond the calculation for 100kva) per added kva
Renewable energy for wind system-25.01kva through 50kva $ 587.75
Renewable energy for wind system-50.01kva through 100kva $ 1,175.55
Renewable energy for wind system-misc.fee, hourly rate $ 110.00
6. Each additional inspection over the allowable in any of the above, per $ 110.00
-see also Other Inspections and Fees(pg.43)
7. Special inspections per hour $ 110.00
8. Master Electrical Permit-on time applications fee $ 100.00
9. Master Electrical Inspections-per hour $ 110.00
10. Initial Electrical permit plan review fee is 25%of the electrical permit fee.
11. Addition plan review-electrical-per hour $ 110.00
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 37
Section 9: Building
Mechanical Permits (Residential)
Unit Fee Schedule
1. Furnace
Less than 100,000 BTU input $36
Greater than 100,000 BTU input $36
2. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent $36
3. Furnace/burner including duct work/vent/liner $20
4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater,or
floor mounted unit heater $29
5. For the installation, relocation,or replacement of each appliance vent or chimney
installed and not included in an appliance permit $20
6. For the repair,alteration,or addition of an Air Handler or Heat Exchanger
up to 10,000 cfm $36
10,001 cfm and over $36
7. Wood or Pellet stove, including hearth and wall shield $36
8. Gas or wood fireplace insert $36
9. Pool or spa heaters/kilns $20
10. Flue vent for water heater or gas fireplace $20
11. Decorative gas fireplace $36
12. Oil tank/gas/diesel generators $21
13. Installation or relocation of domestic type incinerator $20
14. Hydronic hot water system $50
15. Ventilation fan connected to a single duct $ 14
16. Installation of hood served by mechanical exhaust, including ducts for hood $22
17. Range hood/other kitchen equipment $22
18. Heat pumps $50
19. Air conditioners $50
20. Mini split system $50
21. Evaporative cooler other than portable $50
22. Water heater includes vent/flue only $21
23. Repair,alteration,or addition to mechanical appliance including installation of $21
24. Ventilation system not a portion of heating or air conditioning authorized by permit $21
25. Attic/crawl space fans $ 14
26. Radon mitigation $ 14
27. Clothes dryer exhaust $ 13
28. Ductwork-no appliance/fixture $20
29. Barbecue $21
30. Chimney/line/flue/vent $20
31. Other heating/cooling $21
Page 38 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
32. Other fuel appliance $21
33. Other environment exhaust/ventilation $21
34. Permit fees for fuel gas-piping shall be
For each gas-piping system of one to four outlets $ 14
For each gas-piping system of more than four outlets, per outlet $2.20
35. Appliance or equipment regulated by code, but not classified in other appliance $21
36. A minimum charge for mechanical permits $ 102.82
37. Each additional inspection over the allowable, per inspection —see also Other $ 102.82
Inspections and Fees(pg.43)
38. Residential Plan Review 25%of total permit fee
Mechanical Permits (Commercial)
Use this section for commercial installation, replacement,or relocation of non-portable mechanical equipment or
mechanical work not covered previously. Indicate the value of all mechanical labor, materials, and equipment.
Value Permit Fee Amount
$ Less than $5,000 $ 102.82
$5,001 to$ 10,000 $ 102.82 plus$ 1.50 for each additional$ 100 over$5,000
$ 10,001 to$ 100,000 $ 177.82 plus$ 10.20 for each additional$ 1,000 over$ 10,000
$ 100,001 and above $ 1,095.82 plus$7.00 for each additional $ 1,000 over$ 100,000
Plan review Fees A mechanical plan review shall be paid.The fee is equal to 25%
of the total permit fee.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 39
Section 9: Building
Plumbing Permits (LOC 46.02) These fees do not apply when solely replacing
fixtures without re-plumbing and/or relocating
1. Fixture fees are as follows—note,there is a minimum them (except for water heaters, item ee.).
Residential Plumbing permit fee of$97
a. Roof Drains(commercial) $24
b. Absorption valve $24
c. Hose bibb $24
d. Backwater valve $24
e. Catch basin or area drain $24
f. Drinking fountain $24
g. Trench drain, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
h. Expansion tank $24
i. Fixture cap off $24
j. Storm water retention/detention tank/facility $24
k. Manufactured home utilities, per 100' or any portion thereof $ 102.82
I. Ice maker $24
m. Rainwater harvesting $24
n. Alternate potable water heating system $24
o. Other—plumbing $24
p. Septic abandonment $24
q. Interceptor/grease trap $24
r. Manhole $24
u. Sink/basin/lavatory $24
v. Swimming pool piping to backflow only per 100' or any portion thereof $ 102.82
w. Tub/shower/shower pan $24
x. Urinal $24
y. Water closet $24
z. Dishwasher $24
aa. Garbage disposal $24
bb. Clothes Washer $24
cc. Floor drain/floor sink/hub drain $24
dd. Sewer, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
ee. Water heater $24
ff. Water service, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
gg. Storm drain, per 100'or any portion thereof $ 102.82
hh. Sewage ejector pump and sump pump $24
ii. Primer $24
jj. Backflow prevention device or anti-pollution device $24
kk. Any trap or waste not connected to a fixture $24
II. Any other plumbing installation, not otherwise listed in this schedule,
having a sanitary waste or potable water supply $24
mm. Re-piping of existing fixtures
First fixture $ 17
Each additional fixture $ 10
Page 40 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
nn. Minimum fee for plumbing permits—Commercial/Residential $ 102.82
2. For NEW one-and two-family dwellings only,the fees are per bathroom as follows
(this fee includes 100 feet for each utility connection, hose bibbs, icemakers,
underfloor low-point drains, and rain drain packages that include piping,gutters,
downspouts,and perimeter system):
a. One bath $333.50
b. Two baths $362.25
c. Three baths $402.50
d. Each additional bath/kitchen $ 130.80
3. Each additional inspection over the allowable, per inspection—see also Other $ 102.82
Inspections and Fees(pg.43)
4. Plumbing Plan Review-Add 30%of fees as calculated above for plan review, if required.
5. Commercial Plumbing-Medical gas fees:
a. Medical gas permit fees shall be based on the value of installation costs and the system
equipment, including but not limited to inlets,outlets,fixtures,and appliances, Med Gas
permits are subject to the Commercial Plumbing minimum permit fee. Medical gas plan review
—see Commercial Plumbing plan review.
6. Residential Fire System—Multipurpose/Continuous Loop system, includes plan review
Square footage Permit Fee Amount
0 to 2,000 $231.00
2,001 to 3,600 $313.50
3,601 to 7,200 $372.25
7,200 and above $437.25
Grading and Fill Permits
Plan Review $ 125
50 to 1,000 cubic yards $ 150
1,001 to 10,0000 cubic yards $250
10,001 to 100,0000 cubic yards $350
100,001 cubic yards or more $450
Demo and Deconstruction Permits
Residential one-and two-family structures $300
Commercial buildings $400
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 41
Section 9: Building
Manufactured Home Permits
Installation permit fee includes the concrete slab, runners or foundations when prescriptive,electric feeder and
plumbing connections and all cross-over connections.
Installation Permit Fee $445
State Fee $ 30
ORS 446.176(1)and OAR 918-5000105 require all local governments providing construction permits or inspections
for manufactured dwelling and cabana installations to collect and remit to the Department of Consumer and
Business Services a$30 fee for each installation permit issued.This fee is to be added to manufactured dwelling
and cabana installation permits only and should not be added to accessory structures or building,electrical,
plumbing, mechanical permits or plan reviews.
Manufactured Dwelling/RV Parks
The Area Development Permit fee to be calculated based on the valuations shown in Table 2 of OAR
918-600-0030 for Manufactured Dwelling/Mobile Home Parks and Table 2 of OAR 918-650-0030 for
Recreational Park&Organizational Camp—and applying the valuation amount to Table 1 as referenced
for each.
Community Development Code Enforcement Charges
Single family $ 163
Multi-family $ 163 plus$163 per each 12 units
0—5,000 square feet $ 163
5,001- 10,000 square feet $326
10,001-25,000 square feet $487
25,001-50,000 square feet $648
50,001+square feet $811
0—20,000 square feet $ 163
20,001-30,000 square feet $326
30,001+square feet $487
Stop Work $550
Building Violation (LOC Chapter 45) $550
Record Retention and Archiving Fees
For purposes of archiving records per State mandate $31.00 Flat fee on all permits
Page 42 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 9: Building
Research and Consultation Fees
Records Research $25 per 15 minutes/request, minimum 15 minutes
Fee Estimates - new residential and commercial projects $ 100 per hour per request, minimum one-hour
Consultation for code review, hypothetical projects $ 100 per hour, minimum 1/2 hour
Supplemental Plan Review $ 100 per hour, minimum 1/2 hour
Other Inspections and Fees
1. Inspections outside of normal business hours(minimum charge= 1 hour) $ 120 per hour
2. Re-inspection fee assessed under provisions Section 305 (f) $ 102.82 per inspection
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $ 102.82 per hour
4. Additional plan review required by changes,additions,or revisions to $ 102.82 per hour
approved plans(minimum charge= 1 hour)
5. Work commencing before permit issuance
Any person who commences any work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary
permits shall be subject to an investigation fee of$125 per hour,which is equal to the average cost of
an inspection.
Exception: A one-time exemption shall apply to homeowners applying for their own permits.
Seismic Surcharge—Structural/Mechanical—review 1%of building permit fee
required on all essential structures
Additional Miscellaneous Fees
1. The fee to a governmental agency shall be determined by the provisions set
forth under ORS 190.003 to 190.110 for the purpose of carrying out the $ 102.82 per hour
respective responsibilities of each agency. or portion thereof
2. Re-inspection fee for structural,electrical, mechanical,and plumbing permits
shall be charged for inspection of violations found by the Building Official after
the second violation. $ 102.82 per hour
3. The fee to any governmental agency or person for specifically requested $ 102.82 per hour
inspections or surveys. or portion thereof
4. Housing moving permit(LOC 45.12.510):
Relocating within Lake Oswego $452
Moving out of Lake Oswego $224
1. Permit Refunds
a. Where a permit has been issued and no inspections have been completed,80%of the permit fee will
be refunded.
b. There are no refunds when a permit has been issued and inspections performed or permit has
2. Plan Review Refund
a. Where a permit has not been issued,80%of the plan review fee will be refunded.
b. There are no refunds when a plan review has been started by any department.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 43
Section 10: Engineering
Engineering Division
The following fees shall be charged for the Engineering Division activities of the City:
Minor Utility Facilities, Installed or Constructed by Public18 or Private Entities
Street Opening Permit Fee* Improved Unimproved
surfaces surfaces
1. Minor utility structures,except substations, but including poles, lines,
pipes or other such facilities $300 $ 150
2. Sewer,storm drainage,or water system structures, excluding treatment
plants, reservoirs or pump stations; but including reconstruction of
manholes,valves, hydrants,or other portions of the collection,treatment,
and distribution systems located within public property, right-of-way,or
easements. This includes sewer,storm and water lateral installations or
taps $300 $300
3. Street improvements within existing development, including sidewalks,
curbs,gutter,catch basins, paving,signs, and traffic control devices and
street lights $300 $ 150
4. Permit and inspection of new driveway approach or relocation of an existing approach $50
General Engineering Fees
1. Engineering plan review and — 9% of the final estimated construction costs, as approved by
inspection of public or private the City Engineer or $1,000 whichever is greater. A deposit of
infrastructure,grading,or other $1,000 must be submitted with the initial plan submittal prior
incidental work that is not to review beginning. Fee will include the cost for City to install
reviewed and inspected under any sign or pavement marking installations within the right-of-
State Building Specialty Codes and way,as delineated in Section 8: Public Works Support Services,
delegated to Engineering. unless extenuating circumstances require the City Engineer to
recover the cost of such items for large public improvement
projects. Final payment of the balance of the 9% fee will be
based on final estimated construction costs, and must be
received by the City prior to issuance of the permit for
construction. *Performance bonds may be required for large
2. Appeal of a staff decision or hearing
body to the next higher authority. $ 100
3. Street vacation $ 1,500
4. Quitclaim $200
5. Blasting Permit $250 application fee plus engineering costs to administer
and observe blasting operations billed at labor and
materials plus overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
6. Document recording to comply with
conditions of development approval
(i.e.,easements, agreements, etc.) Actual County recording costs
18 Quasi-public agencies other than the City and Franchise Utilities.
Page 44 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 10: Engineering
Other Engineering Fees
1. Drinking water analysis $ 60
2. Encroachment Permit
Type 1—Minor $300
Easily removable structures,such as fences, driveway,
entrances, monument walls,or timbers, less than 3'tall,or
other non-loadbearing structures.
Type 2—Major $750
Relatively large structures that may need engineering,
such as driveway decking, reinforced concrete structures,
boathouses, decks and hatches over in-lake manholes,or
other structures that are not typically found in rights-of-
way or public easements.
3. Encroachment Appeal $500 per appeal
4. Zone of Benefit Formation, exclusive of LID Boundaries $2,000
5. Rivergrove Sewer Connection Fee 19 $200
6. Lien segregation
One parcel into two $200
Each additional parcel $ 100
7. Street widening $300
8. Street name change $250
9. Change of address request for reasons other than fire and life $500
safety,or as a result of land use procedures.
10. Erosion control permit, plan review and inspection fee20
Dwelling Type:
Single family residential $350
Multi-family/Commercial 500 sf up to 1 acre $ 700
1 acre21 or greater $ 1,500
11. Single-family residential landscaping erosion control
permit, plan review and inspection fee $ 100
12. Site re-inspection fee(after two inspection site visits) $ 100
13. Investigation fees: Work without a permit
Investigation - Whenever any work for which an erosion control permit is required has commenced
without first obtaining said permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit may be issued
for the work.
Fee-An investigation fee equal in amount and in addition to the permit fee shall be collected whether
or not a permit is issued.
19 Check with engineering department for additional connection fee related to new zone of benefits established for certain
20 Check with engineering department for additional connection fee related to new zone of benefits established for certain
21 Effective 1/1/03,impact areas 1 acre and greater will require a 1200-C permit per the Oregon Department of Environmental
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 45
Section 10: Engineering
14. Erosion control enforcement fees:
For violations of LOC Chapter 52 and in addition to penalties prescribed under LOC 52.06, enforcement
fees may also be assessed on a time and materials basis plus overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
15. Illicit Discharge Enforcement Fees:
For violations of LOC Chapter 38(Utility Code)and in addition to penalties prescribed under LOC
38.26.930 and LOC 38.26.935, enforcement fees may also be assessed on a time and materials basis plus
overhead billed at 2.4 times direct costs.
Page 46 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
Planning Division
The following fees shall be charged for the Planning Division activities of the City(LOC
Ministerial Developments (LOC,23
1. Accessory building which requires a building permit(e.g.,garage, No Fee
2. Accessory structure or use(e.g.,driveway,fence) No Fee
3. Duplex No Fee
4. Exterior remodeling of duplex or single-family dwelling requiring a No Fee
building permit
5. Home Occupations Business License
6. Lot Line Adjustment $2,181
Process to correct an illegal Lot Line Adjustment $2,181
7. Temporary Structures, Use Business License&Sign Permit, if
8. Sidewalk Display $ 37
9. Accessory dwelling unit No Fee
Minor Developments (LOC,24
1. Change of use $4,628
2. Development in DD Zone:
Duplex in R-DD zone (hearing body action) $6,507
Exterior remodeling of duplex or single-family dwelling
requiring a building permit in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $6,507
Single-Family Dwelling in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $6,507
Zero lot line dwelling in R-DD Zone(hearing body action) $6,507
3. Development within the Greenway Management Overlay District
Boundary' $4,912
4. Development Review:
Multi-family, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, $6,507+37%of building permit fee.
Substantial revisions to a complete application requiring 33%of the original application fee
new public notice
5. Alterations with minimal impacts such as exterior exit stairs;
exterior remodeling that does not expand building footprint or
increase height; and accessory structures 300 square feet or less $2,156
6. Exterior painting of any structure that was the subject of a Major
or Minor Development Permit including all structures in the R-DD
zone,with the exception of detached single-family dwellings,
duplexes,zero lot line dwellings,or structures accessory to those
dwelling types.
Exception: Exterior painting that is the same color palette as $ 1,053
the existing color(s).
7. Lot Line Adjustment $2,181
22 See page 51 for Affordable Housing.
23 Site review and inspection fees may apply at building permit review.See page 51 under Other Planning Fees.
24 See page 49 Historical Preservation.
25 No fee applies for the Greenway Management Overlay review associated with dead,hazardous,emergency,or invasive tree
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 47
Section 11: Planning
8. Minor Partition $5,358
Expedited Minor Partition $8,470
Process to correct creation of an illegal lot $3,891
9. Major Partition (includes the creation of a street) $6,140+$305/lot
Expedited Major Partition $9,384+$305/lot
Process to correct creation of an illegal lot $3,891
10. Modification of approved minor development permits
Without public hearing $2,181
With public hearing $3,891
11. Request for formal Code interpretation under LOC 50.01.005 and
Authorization for Similar Use Application under LOC 50.03.002 $ 741
12. Residential Infill Design (RID)Variance $4,911 for 1st plus$631 for each
additional variance
13. Subdivision (with or without P.D.) $ 7,016+$305/lot
Expedited Subdivisions $ 13,100+$305/lot
14. Middle Housing Land Divisions $ 5,358
15. Minor Variances $ 4,260 for 1st+$467 for each
additional variance
Fence and Wall Variance $ 1,797 for 1st+$196 for each
additional variance
16. Major Variance $ 4,911for 1st+$631 for each
additional variance
17. Seasonal Restaurant Enclosure $ 2,156
Seasonal Restaurant Enclosure(During State of Oregon Emergency $0
Covid-19 Restrictions)
Sign Code Fees (LOC 47)
Signs $ 547
Signs(awning,window, blade) $ 150
Special event sign $ 23
Variance to Sign Code $ 1,797
Refundable deposit for Public Notice Signs $ 113
Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code Amendments
1. Legislative amendments to a map
Comprehensive Plan amendments only $ 14,261
Comprehensive Plan amendments and Zone Change $ 14,261
Zone Change only $ 14,261
2. Legislative amendments to a text
Comprehensive Plan text amendment $ 7,133
Community Development Code text amendment $ 7,133
3. Quasi-judicial amendments to a map
Comprehensive Plan amendments only $ 14,261
Zone change only26 $ 14,261
Comprehensive Plan amendments and Zone Change $ 14,261
Minor modifications to approved amendment $ 1,909
Substantial modifications to approved amendments $ 2,455
26 Not required for zone changes that conform to the Comprehensive Plan following annexations.
Page 48 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
Major Developments (LOC
1. Conditional Uses $6,999
2. Overall Development Plan and Schedule $6,507
3. Modification of approved major development permits
Without public hearing 2,181
With public hearing $3,891
Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts (LOC 50.05.010 and LOC
There are no fees for actions relating to Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts(Council action 10/21/14).
Fees Relating to Historical Preservation (LOC 50.06.009 and LOC
1. Designation of Landmark No fee
2. Exterior alteration of Landmark, including building paint color change No fee
3. Historic District Designation No fee
4. New construction (not attached to historic structure;e.g.,detached No fee
garage,secondary dwelling,garden shed)
5. Removal or deconstruction of Landmark $5,426
6. Withdrawal of historic landmark designation $5,426
1. Appeals of a formal Code Interpretation to a Hearing Body $ 773
2. Appeals of a staff decision to a Hearing Body $ 773
3. Appeals of a Hearing Body decision to City Council 1/2 original Application Fee not to
exceed $6,883
Pre-Application Conference/Consultations29
1. Pre-application Conference:3°
Residential Infill Design Review:
Pre-application with Planning Staff $ 467
Pre-application with the Infill Advisors Team $2,502
All other applications $ 467
2. Pre-application Consultation:
One follow-up meeting with staff to discuss issues addressed at the No fee
pre-application conference.
For any meetings after the follow-up (3rd meeting on) 50%of pre-application fee
3. Consultation Fee
A private meeting to discuss a project outside the context of a
pre-application conference or at-the-counter services by a planner $ 117/hour
27 Site review and inspection fees may apply at building permit review.See page 51 under Other Planning Fees.
28 Appeal fee shall not apply to appeals filed by DLCD or to appeals filed by recognized Neighborhood Association entitled to
receive notice of a pre-application neighborhood meeting pursuant to LOC
29 In addition to planning fees noted in this sub-section,the Fire Department also levies a pre-application fee. Please refer to
Fire Department,Section 3 for the correct amount.
3o There is no pre-application conference fee for a permit for an ADU,actions relating to Sensitive Lands,Greenway
Management Overlay review associated with dead,hazardous,emergency,or invasive tree removal,or designation of Historic
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 49
Section 11: Planning
Research Fees
1. Letter of zoning verification $ 117/hour
2. Letter of verification of compliance with Community Development Code
of an existing development $ 180/hour
3. Deed research to determine the legality of a lot of record $ 180/hour
4. Research/Interpretation of old planning files and informal Code
Interpretation (often requested by the applicants before filing of a
development application) $ 117/hour
Tree Code Fees (Resolution 00-07)
1. Tree Cutting Permit Fees
Type I Permit $ 24
Dead or Hazard Tree Permit $ 24
Type II Permit $ 194+$24 per tree
Emergency Tree Permit $ 0
Type II Permit in conjunction with major or minor development
application $ 0
Minor Forest Management $ 24
Major Forest Management $ 194+$24 per tree, not to
exceed $661
Verification Permit $ 38+$ 10 per tree
Topping Permit $ 24 per request
2. Mitigation [as provided in LOC 55.02.084(3)] $ 168
3. Public Hearing Review31
Request for DRC Hearing on Tree Cutting Permit $ 240
Appeal of DRC's decision to City Council 'A of original application fee
4. Heritage Tree Program
The City may charge for providing the plaque marking a heritage tree.
The fee will be the actual cost of providing the plaque.
5. Tree Protection Inspection Fee $ 117 per inspection
6. County Tree Removal Certification
Type 2 Permits $ 123+$ 11 for each
additional tree
Over-the-Counter Permits —Type 1 $ 24
Over-the-Counter Permits —Dead $ 24
Over-the-Counter Permits —Hazard $ 24
Invasive and/or Emergency tree removal permits No Fee
31 Fee shall not apply to requests/appeals filed by City of Lake Oswego recognized Neighborhood Associations.
Page 50 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 11: Planning
Fee Exemptions for Affordable Housing
No Ministerial Development, Minor Development, Major Development,Sign Code, Historic Preservation,Tree
Code(for tree removal and mitigation for development of the structure)or Pre-application Conference fees will be
charged under this Section 11 for developments where the proposed dwelling units are affordable to those earning
80%or less of Area Median Income and spending not more than 30%of household income on housing,consistent
with Clackamas County Housing Authority's"Income Limits"for Affordable Housing, provided that all of the
requirements of the covenant required by LOC 39.06.105(5)are met.
Other Planning Fees (Resolution 04-12)
1. Annexation Application Fee32
Parcel less than 3 times minimum lot area for the zone
designation that will apply upon annexation. $0+Applicable Metro Fees
Parcel 3 times or greater than the minimum lot area for the $ 1,010 per no. of lots into which
zone designation that will apply upon annexation. the parcel could be divided under
the zone designation that will
apply upon annexation+Metro
Parcel for which there is no minimum lot area for the zone
designation that will apply upon annexation. $2,021+Applicable Metro Fees
Expenses related to additional noticing caused by delays
brought on by the applicant(s). $ 291
2. Copies of Planning Documents
See Section 1, Public Records Fees, page 19.
3. Site review and inspection fees
a. Single family dwelling or middle housing on infill lots(i.e., lots
or parcels not approved as part of a land partition/subdivision) $ 269
b. Single family dwelling or middle housing approved as a part of
a land partition/subdivision/planned development application $ 678
c. Non-single family residential development, including multi-
family,commercial, industrial,and institutional uses $ 1,353
d. Re-inspection fee $ 142
e. Residential remodels
Interior remodels and accessory structures $ 149
Exterior addition of no more than 500 sq ft $ 199
Exterior addition exceeding 500 sq ft(same fee as if new
construction) See a.—c.above
32 See Annexation Application Form.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 51
Section 11: Planning
4. Plat Review Fee
a. Final Plat Review Fee $ 565
b. Lot Line Adjustment Plat Review Fee $ 58
5. Ballot Measure 49 Claims
Fees for claims under LOC Article 12.55 (Resolution 05-31)
Pre-filing conference fee $ 433
Filing fee $ 1,484
6. Application Mailing List Fee $ 83
7. Records Retention Fees-For purposes of archiving records per
State mandate
a. Ministerial land use applications $ 46
b. Minor land use applications(without public hearing) $ 76
c. Minor land use applications(with public hearing)and major $ 159
land use applications
d. Type II and verification tree removal permits $ 29
e. Sign permits $ 29
8. Demolition (Notice of Demolition Approval) $ 63
9. Additional Plan Review Fee for Issued Building $ 117/hour
Permits(minimum 1 hour)
Code Enforcement Violation Fees
1. Nuisance violation LOC 34.08&34.10 $ 570
2. Community Development violation LOC Chapter 50 $ 570
3. Sign violation LOC Chapter 47 $ 570
4. Sign Retrieval violation-Moving from Sign Code Fees(LOC 47) $ 37
5. Sign Removal Hearing Fee(refundable if sign was removed improperly) $ 37
6. Tree Enforcement Fees-For violations under LOC 55.02.130(3),enforcement fees will be assessed as follows:
Type I Permits violations,dead or hazard tree violations $ 153
All other Permit Type violations $ 738+$49 per tree
Tree Protection Enforcement fee for violations under LOC 55.08.050(3)
Standard tree protection enforcement fee $ 716
Enhanced tree protection enforcement fee $ 1,432
7. Tree Restoration Fees [as provided in LOC 55.02.130(4)(a)&(b)]
Standard City Tree Fund Fee $ 103 per caliper inch
Increased City Tree Fund Fee $ 209 per caliper inch
Page 52 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Systems Development Charges
Fees shall be assessed for Systems Development Charges(SDC)and will reflect the following:
• For each type of SDC,the fees assessed to each unit of a duplex shall be the same as those assessed to a
single-family residence.
• For an Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU)each type of SDC will be waived, even if a larger meter is required to
accommodate an ADU, provided that the ADU complies with all the requirements of the covenant
required by LOC 39.06.105(5) as amended by Ordinance 2810.
If within 10 years from the first use of the ADU as a dwelling unit,the requirements of this covenant
are not maintained,the City may declare the ADU exemption from payment of all System
Development Charges(SDCs) revoked and the Owner shall immediately pay to the City the monies
due under LOC 39.06.105(5),to wit:
Processing fee per Council Resolution;and
■ SDC amounts for ADU per Lake Oswego Master Fees and Charges at time of payment
(previously exempted system development charges, with interest based upon inflation rate
using the Engineering News—Record Construction Cost Index 20-City Average, are reflected
in the SDC amounts then due).
■ Processing fee$500
• Pursuant to and following the procedure set forth in LOC 39.06.105(5)(f)(iii), (iv), (v),the processing fee
and SDC amounts shall be a lien upon the Real Property,entered in the municipal lien docket,and are
enforceable in the manner provided by ORS Ch. 223. Exempt from SDCs are developments where the
proposed dwelling units are affordable to those earning 80%or less of Area Median Income and spending
not more than 30%of household income on housing,consistent with Clackamas County Housing
Authority's"Income Limits"for Affordable Housing, provided that the development complies with all of
the requirements of the covenant required by LOC 39.06.105(5).
• The rate for Hotel/Transient Lodging includes Short-Term Rentals(Transient Lodging in residential zones).
These SDC's shall be indexed for inflation annually using the Engineering News—Record Construction Cost Index
(20-city average). Accordingly,as of January 1, 2024,the SDC fees have been increased by 2.5%which is equal to
the last recorded change in this index as based on October 2022 to October 2023 data. Calculated amount is
rounded to the nearest dollar.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 53
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Systems Development Charges (LOC 39.04)
Water SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Administrative Total
Water Meter Size Fee 14.79% Fee 78.72% Fee 6.49% 100%
5/8-3/4 inch $ 1,451 $ 7,722 $ 637 $ 9,810
3/4 inch $ 1,451 $ 7,722 $ 637 $ 9,810
1 inch $ 2,418 $ 12,870 $ 1,061 $ 16,349
1 1/2 inch $ 4,836 $ 25,742 $ 2,123 $ 32,701
2 inch $ 7,747 $ 41,230 $ 3,399 $ 52,376
3 inch $ 15,511 $ 82,560 $ 6,806 $ 104,877
4 inch $ 24,258 $ 129,112 $ 10,645 $ 164,013
6 inch $ 48,554 $ 258,428 $ 21,306 $ 328,288
8 inch $ 77,735 $ 413,747 $ 34,111 $ 525,593
10 inch $ 111,850 $ 595,317 $ 49,081 $ 756,248
Sewer SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Water Meter Size Fee 22.16% Fee 77.84% 100%
5/8-3/4 inch $ 791 $ 2,780 $ 3,571
3/4 inch $ 791 $ 2,780 $ 3,571
1 inch $ 1,319 $ 4,635 $ 5,954
1 1/2 inch $ 2,638 $ 9,269 $ 11,907
2 inch $ 5,278 $ 18,536 $ 23,814
3 inch $ 12,666 $ 44,494 $ 57,160
4 inch $ 22,168 $ 77,866 $ 100,034
6 inch $ 48,557 $ 170,561 $ 219,118
8 inch $ 84,447 $296,630 $ 381,077
10 inch $ 131,946 $ 463,480 $ 595,426
Stormwater Management SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Fee 0% Fee 100% 100%
Single family $0 $ 195 $ 195
Multi-family,commercial/industrial, institutional,and other land use fees are determined as follows:
Improvement Fee equals the total impervious area of the property in units of 3,030 square feet or
portion thereof multiplied by the fee.
Page 54 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Transportation SDC
Refer to methodology and rate schedule in the Appendix
Parks&Recreation SDC
Reimbursement Improvement Total
Fee 0% Fee 100% 100%
Single family $0 $ 16,979 $ 16,979
Multi-family/secondary dwellings $0 $ 9,444 $ 9,444
"Congregate Housing" units are charged at 50%of the Multi-family rate*.
Non-residential $0 $ 1,092 $ 1,092
per employee
"Residential Care Housing" units are charged at 100%of the Non-residential rate*.
*See Appendix for definitions of Congregate Housing and Residential Care Housing.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 55
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Comparison of Neighboring Cities' New Single-Family Systems Development Charges
Based on a 2,000 sq.ft. house with 500 sq.ft.garage, and $200,000 value.
50,934 51,062
43,063 43,253
40,000 - : .74 40,024
Milwaukie Gresham Tigard Tualatin Oregon City Hillsboro Portland Beaverton Wilsonville Lake Oswego Sherwood
•Water SDC 2,297 5,603 5,973 8,290 11,035 14,862 4,563 10,329 12,401 9,571 10,544
•Sewer SDC 1,114 7,451 6,825 6,825 2,962 6,824 10,237 6,824 6,929 i 3,484 7,795
•Stormwater SDC 1,086 1,420 660 660 1,182 660 1,543 1,394 2,327 190 660
•Street SDC 2,470 4,847 8,374 10,599 13,886 10,599 5,882 10,599 16,823 17,984 12,718
•Park SDC 3,985 4,957 9,430 9,160 7,819 6,978 17,887 12,904 7,680 16,565 16,204
•METRO Excise Tax 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
•School Excise Tax 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900
Page 56 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Section 12: Systems Development Charges
Comparison of Neighboring Cities' New Commercial Systems Development Charges
Based on a 30,000 sq.ft. commercial office building,a total 50,000 sq.ft impervious area,and $3,200,000 value.
700,000 - -
600,000 -
557,146 561,243 574,461
495,638 507,818
500,000 -
400,000 382,176 384.495
Milwaukie Gresham Lake est Linn Portland Beaverton Tualatin Tigard Sherwood Wilsonville Hillsboro Oregon City
■Water SDC 7,666 22,402 31,903 106,565 22,814 51,643 41,448 47,774 47,719 61,119 68,286 55,174
■Sewer SDC 75,350 29,788 11,617 94,928 54,600 27,296 27,300 27,300 31,180 19,404 27,296 23,696
■Stormwater SDC 12,040 28,400 3,135 29,873 15,975 23,712 12,500 12,500 12,500 43,500 12,500 12,127
■Street SDC 105,222 145,410 143,580 125,370 182,400 251,430 333,750 333,750 390,108 388,920 333,750 490,895
•Park SDC 4,865 - 86,351 - 83,266 52,541 55,200 61,054 50,200 22,860 107,189 25,650
•METRO Excise Tax 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840
•School Excise Tax 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 57
This page intentionally left blank
Page 58 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Systems Development Charges Methodologies (LOC 39.04.041)
Water Systems Development Charge Methodology 60
Sewer Systems Development Charge Methodology 62
Stormwater Systems Development Charge Methodology 63
Transportation Systems Development Charge Methodology 64
Parks and Recreation Systems Development Charge Fee Methodology 65
Resolution 23-25—Updating the Master Fees and Charges Schedule 69
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 59
Water Systems Development Charge Methodology
Reimbursement Fee
[A] Eligible cost of unused capacity in the existing water system.
[B] Current(2009)customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C] Future customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C][A][B] _ [D] Water SDC Reimbursement Fee
Reimbursement Fee Calculation
[A] _ $6,148,588
[B] = 15,204 MEs
[C] = 21,695 MEs
[A] _ [D] $947
Page 60 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Improvement Fee
[E] Cost in current(2009)dollars of water system capital improvements that
will increase system capacity to meet the needs of future users.
[B] Current(2009)customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C] Future customer base expressed as 3/4" meter equivalents.
[C][E]IB] _ [F] Water SDC Improvement Fee
Improvement Fee Calculation
[E] _ $32,714,947
[B] = 15,204 MEs
[C] = 21,695 MEs
[E] _ [F] $5,041
Water System Development Charge
[D] Water SDC Reimbursement Fee
[F] Water SDC Improvement Fee
[G] Water SDC Administrative Fee
[H] Water System Development Charge
[D] +[F] +[G] = [H]
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 61
Sewer Systems Development Charge Methodology
Sewer SDC Fee
[M] Value of the sewer collection system capital improvement program to provide capacity to serve new
[N] Value of the sewer wastewater treatment plant capital improvement program to provide capacity to
serve new customers.
[0] Current dry weather demand.
[P] Future dry weather demand.
[Q] Future WWTP capacity dedicated to Lake Oswego.
[R] Average single family home dry weather demand.
[P]—[°]x[M]x[R]=[S] Portion of fee for collection system capital improvements to provide
[P] [P] capacity to serve new customers.
[P] [N] x[R]=[7.] Portion of fee for wastewater treatment plant capital improvements to
[Q] [P]—[O] provide capacity to serve new customers.
[S]+[T]_[U] Sewer Fee.
Sewer SDC Fee Calculation
[M] = $ 19,351,000 [P]—[°]x[M]x[R]=[S] $244
[P] [P]
[N] = $ 11,499,000 [P]x [N] x[R]=[T] $ 1,186
[Q] [P]—[°]
[0] = 3.9 mgd
[P] = 5.69 mgd
[Q] = 7.025 mgd
[R] = 0.000228 mgd [S]+[T]=[U] $ 1,430
Sewer System Development Charge
[U] * 22.16%= [V] Sewer SDC Reimbursement Fee
[U] * 77.84%= [W] Sewer SDC Improvement Fee
[X] Sewer System Development Charge
[V] + [W] = [X]
Page 62 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Stormwater Systems Development Charge Methodology
Improvement Fee—Water Quantity Portion
[A] Portion of the Stormwater quantity management capital improvement program attributable to future
development. Determined on a project-by-project basis and equal to the percentage increase in the
design flow of each project in the Stormwater quantity management capital improvement multiplied by
project cost.
[B] Projected increase in Equivalent Service Units(ESUs). One ESU is equal to 3,030 square feet of impervious
area.Total projected increase in ESUs is determined by dividing the total projected increase in impervious
area of the City of Lake Oswego by 3,030.
[A]/[B] = [C] Improvement Fee—quantity portion, per ESU.
Improvement Fee—Quality Portion
[D] Portion of the stormwater quality management capital improvement program attributable to future
development. Equal to the percentage increase in total runoff multiplied by the total cost of the
stormwater quality management capital improvement program.
[D]/[B] = [E] Improvement Fee—quality portion, per ESU.
Improvement Fee Calculation
[C] + [E] = [F] Stormwater improvement fee.
Stormwater Management System Development Charge
Only includes an Improvement Fee-No Reimbursement Fee.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 63
Transportation Systems Development Charges Rate Tables
Transportation SDC
Allowable Approved
SDC Rate SDC Rate
ITE per Unit33 per Unit
Code Land Use Unit[A] [B] [C=B x.30134
110 General Light Industrial 1,000 SFGFA $10,273 $ 3,082
130 Industrial Park 1,000 SFGFA 10,417 3,125
140 Manufacturing 1,000 SFGFA 5,912 1,774
151 Mini-Warehouse 1,000 SFGFA 4,631 1,389
160 Data Center 1,000 SFGFA 1,933 580
Single-Family Detached
210 Housing/Duplex Dwelling unit 18,434 18,434
220 Apartment/ADU Dwelling unit 12,683 3,805
Residential 11,028 3,308
230 Condominium/Townhouse Dwelling unit
240 Mobile Home Park ODU 9,563 2,869
254 Assisted Living Bed 5,001 1,500
310 Hotel/Transient Lodging Room/Unit 15,328 4,598
320 Motel Room 10,985 3,296
411 City Park Acre 11,968 3,590
417 Regional Park Acre 9,740 2,922
430 Golf Course Acre 10,286 3,086
492 Health/Fitness Club 1,000 SFGFA 59,166 17,750
Recreational Community 1,000 SFGFA 53,465 16,040
495 Center
520 Elementary School 1,000 SFGFA 13,901 4,170
Middle School/Junior High 1,000 SFGFA 12,416 3,725
522 School
530 High School 1,000 SFGFA 11,613 3,484
540 Junior/Community College 1,000 SFGFA 41,784 12,535
560 Church 1,000 SFGFA 25,798 7,739
565 Day Care Center 1,000 SFGFA 35,172 10,552
590 Library 1,000 SFGFA 98,467 29,540
610 Hospital 1,000 SFGFA 23,746 7,124
620 Nursing Home 1,000 SFGFA 14,071 4,221
710 General Office Building 1,000 SFGFA 16,352 4,906
Medical-Dental Office 1,000 SFGFA 53,287 15,986
720 Building
State Motor Vehicles 1,000 SFGFA 235,909 70,773
731 Department
1,000 SFGFA 172,397 51,719
732 United States Post Office
750 Office Park
1,000 SFGFA 16,587 4,976
760 Research and 1,000 SFGFA 12,144 3,643
Development Center
770 Business Park
1,000 SFGFA 18,411 5,523
812 Building Materials and 1,000 SFGFA 84,157 25,247
Lumber Store
33 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average,per Resolution 17-08.
34 The 30%factor for the approved SDC Rate per Unit applies to all codes except ITE Code 210.Maximum Allowable was
phased-in for ITE Code 210(Single-Family Detached Housing/Duplex),per Resolution 17-65.
Page 64 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Transportation SDC
Allowable Approved
SDC Rate SDC Rate
ITE per Unit35 per Unit
Code Land Use Unit[A] [B] [C=B x.30]
Free-Standing Discount 1,000 SFGFA 75,052 22,516
813 Superstore
814 Variety Store 1,000 SFGFA 59,659 17,898
Free-Standing Discount 1,000 SFGFA 55,057 16,517
815 Store
816 Hardware/Paint Store 1,000 SFGFA 50,564 15,169
817 Nursery(Garden Center) 1,000 SFGFA 161,680 48,504
820 Shopping Center 1,000 SFGLA 40,352 12,106
826 Specialty Retail Center 1,000 SFGLA 79,186 23,756
841 Automobile Sales 1,000 SFGFA 57,106 17,132
843 Automobile Parts Sales 1,000 SFGFA 53,153 15,946
848 Tire Store 1,000 SFGFA 33,323 9,997
850 Supermarket 1,000 SFGFA 92,379 27,714
Convenience Market 1,000 SFGFA 481,587 144,476
851 (Open 24 Hours)
857 Discount Club 1,000 SFGFA 82,627 24,788
Home Improvement 1,000 SFGFA 32,651 9,795
862 Superstore
Pharmacy/Drugstore 1,000 SFGFA 22,318
880 without Drive-Through 74,392
Pharmacy/Drugstore with 1,000 SFGFA 71,857 21,557
881 Drive-Through
890 Furniture Store 1,000 SFGFA 3,566 1,070
912 Drive-in Bank 1,000 SFGFA 65,447 19,634
931 Quality Restaurant 1,000 SFGFA 73,011 21,903
932 High-Turnover(Sit-Down)
1,000 SFGFA 102,600 30,780
934 Fast-Food Restaurant with
Drive-Through 1,000 SFGFA 427,475 128,243
937 Coffee/Donut Shop with
Drive-Through 1,000 SFGFA 653,998 196,199
938 Coffee/Donut Kiosk 1,000 SFGFA 597,093 179,128
944 Gasoline/Service Station VFP 115,118 34,535
945 Gasoline/Service Station
with Convenience Market VFP 40,587 12,176
946 Gasoline/Service Station
with Car Wash VFP 71,245 21,374
Source:ITE Trip Generation Manual,9th Edition,compiled by FCS GROUP
Abbreviations: SFGFA-square feet of gross floor area ODU-occupied dwelling unit VFP-vehicle fueling position
35 Indexed annually by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index(CCI)for 20-City Average,per Resolution 17-08.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 65
Parks and Recreation Systems Development Charge Fee Methodology
Residential Development
a. An applicant for a building permit should complete a Lake Oswego Parks System Development
Charges Application and SDC Calculation Worksheet indicating the type and number of new Dwelling
Units to be included in the project.
b. The Building Department enters the SDC rates per dwelling on the application form and calculates the
SDCs to be paid by the Applicant.
SDC Improvement Fee*
Type of Dwelling Unit per Dwelling Unit
Single Family Dwelling Unit $ 16,979
Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 9,444
II. Non-Residential Development
a. An applicant for a building permit should complete a Lake Oswego Parks System Development
Charges Application and SDC Calculation Worksheet indicating the type and number of square feet of
building space for each non-residential use to be included in the project. Guidelines for the number
of square feet required for each employee are included in the table on the following page for major
Standard Industry Classifications. Where a proposed use does not specifically match one of the
classifications listed in the table,the listed classification which most closely matches the proposed
use,as determined by the City Manager, may be substituted.
b. The Building Department calculates the non-residential SDC Improvement Fee by:
i. Dividing the building space(square feet)for each non-residential use in the development by
the number of square feet per employee (from the guidelines in the Square Feet Per
Employee table),and
ii. Multiplying the result(from step 1) by the SDC rate Per New Employee($ 1,033 as of January
1, 2023).Any proposed use which constitutes 10%or less of the total building space should
be considered an ancillary use and does not require a separate calculation; however,the
building space for such uses must be included in the total for other non-residential uses.
*Rates are based on Improvement Fee only(no Reimbursement Fee).
Page 66 2024 Master Fees and Charges
III. Senior and Affordable Housing Definitions(Per Resolution 08-42):
a. "Congregate Housing" is defined as"multi-unit housing with self-contained apartments that contain
cooking facilities which support independent lifestyles for those that have life-function disabilities
due to age, medical,or mental condition,which do not require residential care or skilled nursing
services. Congregate housing provides varying levels of support services,such as meals, laundry,
housekeeping,transportation,and social, recreation,cultural and education activities. The full range
of services normally associated with residential care facility,are not provided in association with
congregate housing." (Section 50.02.005 Definitions,City Code)
Rate Provision: Charged at 50%of the Multi-Family residential rate.
b. "Residential Care Housing" is considered to be non-residential in nature and is defined as a facility
that houses and provides services for 6 or more persons who may have a range of physical and
mental health problems, including chronic and debilitating conditions requiring assistance with daily
activities. This term is synonymous with other terms such as"assisted living facilities"and "adult care
housing" used to describe housing which provides the range of services described below. Living units
within residential care housing do not have cooking facilities. A range of services is provided
including staff supervised meals, housekeeping and personal care medication supervision, recreation,
cultural,social activities and transportation. Residential care housing facilities may include housing
for persons needing intermediate care. These are persons who do not require around-the-clock
nursing, but who do need preventative care,therapies at levels less than continuous licensed nursing
care or observation. Intermediate care emphasizes personal,social and emotional/mental health
care, but involves the availability of 24 hour service with physicians and nurses in supervisory roles.
Skilled nursing services, including convalescent care, may be provided as an accessory and
subordinate use in conjunction with residential care facilities. (Section 50.02.005 Definitions,City
Rate Provision: Charged at 50%of the Non-Residential rate.
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 67
(Recommended guidelines from Metro Employment Density Study)
Mr Standard Industry Square Feet Standard Industry Square Feet
Classification (SIC)* Per Employee Classification (SIC)* Per Employee
1-19 590 37 700
Agriculture., Fish & Forest Services; Transportation Equipment
Construction; Mining
20 630 40-42,44,45,47 3,290
Food & Kindred Products Transportation and Warehousing
22,23 930 43,46,48,49 460
Textile&Apparel Communications and Public
24 640 50,51 1,390
Lumber&Wood Wholesale Trade
25,32,39 760 52-59 470
Furniture; Clay,Stone, &Glass; Misc. Retail Trade
26 1,600 60—68 370
Paper and Allied Finance, Insurance&Real Estate
27 450 70—79 770
Printing, Publishing&Allied Non-Health Services
28—31 720 80 350
Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber, Leather Health Services
33,34 420 81-89 740
Primary& Fabricated Metals Educational,Social, Membership
35 300 90—99 540
Machinery Equipment Government
36,38 400
Electrical Machinery, Equipment
* Source: U.S. Department of Commerce Standard Industrial Classification Manual
IV. Modification, Expansion,or Redevelopment
If the development is a modification or expansion of an existing structure,or redevelopment of a property
from a previous use,the SDC amount is based on the net increase in the number of Dwelling Units and/or
employees,calculated as follows:
a. Calculate an SDC on the development as though the entire development was subject to the SDC;
b. Calculate an SDC on the existing development, before modification, expansion, or
redevelopment,as though the existing development was subject to the SDC;
c. Calculate the net SDC amount by subtracting the result of Step b from the result of Step a; if the
result is zero or less than zero, no SDC is due.
Page 68 2024 Master Fees and Charges
Master Fees and Charges Resolution
WHEREAS, the City has adopted from time to time various fees and charges for services;
WHEREAS,the City has found it necessary to add, revise, or delete various fees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that:
Section 1. The revisions to fees and charges shown in Exhibit A are hereby adopted
effective January 1, 2024, except where noted otherwise.
Section 2. The revision to fees and charges shall be incorporated into the City's Master
Fees and Charges schedule.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage.
Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake
Oswego on the 5th day of December, 2023.
Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney
2024 Master Fees and Charges Page 69