Agenda Item - 2024-01-02 - Number 10.1 - Presentation - 2040 Project Update 10.1 u . 0 ORr '..ake Oswego City C 1/1-41/1/*.. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Study Session - lit January 2, 2024 , q, . - 4, R •s 4. ifee 07 ' _ 1 r • .. R + . • 1 ...Al 1 *• . .g,ii. . —10.0 ' . , , ' : ' '' ► •A - IF ' - 4 - rii .. 1,‘. 41$9. ' . - A • • l SAFE CLEAN SUSTAINABLE CONNECTED THRIVING BRIEFING TOPICS STATUS REPORT & REVISED COMMUNITY CLASSIFICATION ENGAGEMENT NEXT STEPS UPDATE I SYSTEM EQUITY INDEX AND SERVICE STRATEGIC AREA MAPPING FRAMEWORK _ �oF�E,. esoz, ... LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 Schedule 2023 2024 2025 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Existing Conditions Assessment al tor Vision,Goals, Implementelion and Action Plan City Council and Objectives Meeting Needs Assessment and Recommendations Plan Development and Adoption �J Public Engagement Focus Groups Online Survey �+�'�1' !rf` Online Survey 4. INS _kilo Community Community J AEverts l ,/gyp / Event J ylf��1 J J Af + att CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting PIO soio ., Mill."--401): Plellb MOO 011101114 011100 PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting CVO 411111, 10 SIP City Council City Council City Council City CouncilBriefing Briefing Briefing Briefing ' 1 r 100 • - , flllll 411111111111 y CAC:C ommu nil y A drisDry Commi nee _ • — PRNRAB:Parks.Recreation.and Natural Resources Advisory Board ! . _ Allit . r COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TO DATE ,•V7^ '14'N'Al Vif - mm...._--- "Iv ,- F- , \ pp- ,.,1-1 414 1• 1 r • 4 _ . N• V f 1; ill • '(mil - "' 14-4,",„ ' - t • 14/F-41 * - . ": aims-Mialow, r..._::..4,,,,.. / , , dir • CAC & PRNRAB Pop-Up Outreach Community Survey Community Event #1 Focus Groups Meetings September — September 26 — November 14, 2023 October — December September 26, 2023 & November 2023 November 10, 2023 2023 October 18, 2023 December 12, 2023 did* oc,m r.. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 PARKS PLAN 2040 SURVEY From September to November, a two-part survey was conducted by DHM Research to assess community priorities for parks and recreation facilities. 0 Statistically Valid Survey Community Survey WHO Representative sample of the Wm) Open to all community members general population* WHEN September 26 — October 18, WHEN October 18 — November 10, 2023 2023 TOTAL 403 total respondents TOTAL 780 total respondents i 3 total respondent 4W ,06s, efGo . *A "representative sample" is a subset of a population that reflects the characteristics of the entire population, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 based on demographics such as gender, age, educational attainment, race and ethnicity, and area of the city Keytakeaways — Priorities Highest priorities for Lake Oswego residents include preserving nature, pool facilities, and bicycle and pedestrian paths. • Lowest priorities, where less than a third marked it as a high priority, include parks that hold large sporting events, sports facilities including sport courts, and adding more security personnel to parks. DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 Lake Oswego residents want to prioritize parks with natural areas, small neighborhood parks, and improving existing parks over building new parks . Building Limiting facilities to access to Parks with Parks with Adding new Improving access conserve amenities natural areas parks existing parks nature nature 27% 42% 50% 8°/ 44% 41% ° II Adding Designing a pickleball to new park Adding Adding an existing around Large parks Small parks sports fields playgrounds park pickleball 32% 56% 12% 44% 35% 21% 42% 31% 27% DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 People want to improve park accessibility and safety throughpathways, lighting, and ADA improvements . 66% 47% 42% High priority Improved bicycle and pedestrian Improved acces for people with Lighting paths disabilities DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 Keytakeaways — Barriers While barriers to accessing recreation programs are low, some challenges exist. • The highest barrier identified is the times activities are offered and the types of activities presented . • While residents are split on a program to assist low-income families in accessing these activities, less than a fifth list the cost of activities as a barrier. DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 Residents don't see significant barriers to accessing recreation activities, but over a quarter say the times don't work for their schedule . The times activities are AREA offered 27% 97034 (East) 19% The types of activities offered 97035 (West) 35% I am not aware of recreation activities -10 AGE 18-44 limi. 41% The cost of activities 14% 45-64 25% The distance to travel 6% 65+ 9% Physical limitations that are ilD not accommodated CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD Not offered in my 2% Yes h. ilk 32% language No 26% DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 neighborhood The Lake playground amazing Oswego Foothills Park outdated parks that West Waluga wish Iron Mountain Parkrolmity flay many people say house become Y ��`1� �.1��' life theymostWestlake space people nature upda ting engaging renewed focus human nice enjoy. ueorge Rogers Park pe thane Cooks Butte favorite ro urr nt parks LO brought refurbished GlenmorriecPark court mountain natural moreEast Waluga pickleball Playrourls Rossman Park Pilkin ton Park Luscher Farm inspired 11 DHM Research I MIG Lake Oswego Parks Survey I October 2023 combined FOCUS GROUF Between October and December 10 focus groups were held to identify more specific community needs and priorities. Luscher Area Recreation & Youth Action Diversity, Pickleball Equity & Stakeholders Sports Council Inclusion Friends of Natural Youth Advisory Parks Resources & School District Accessibility Board Sustainability Members oF�E.. _ � n s oz, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 FOCUS GR 'S KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Expand trail connectivity within and between parks �.� ... • Improve public information on the city website about parks, natural areas, trails, available programs and events, and accessibility features ►., i • Improve access to parks, natural areas, activities, and services for : ,, 4 :�' I ,to people with disabilities, older adults, and communities with ,_ •.. ' ta, .-f-N language barriers •)° w • Provide more year-round recreation opportunities (turf fields, -, `,:--; ; II ,1 -�ZV.� covered/shaded spaces, etc.) ,F1 f + Ali f r L • Increase climate resilience in the built environment and .;' I operations practices .. ,• - _ • Provide more unique and inclusive play opportunities - __ • Other specific amenities: -__ • Restrooms Youth Action Council Focus Group • Water access November 28, 2023 • Pickleball E,�E\ � s4 _ � n E'.�af G oc'-'�. • Durable/easy clean picnic tables • Accessibility improvementsggparking, play equipment,(signage,e, e ui ment, etc.) LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 PARKS PLAN 2040 COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY EVE NT ipot OPEN HOUSE LAKE OSWE{30 PARKS PLAN 2040 Join us for a family-friendly, ■ 0 n November 14, 2023 the project team held drop-in open house to provide a communityevent to share information about your input on the future of Lake Oswego's park & recreation the project and gather community input on system. Snacks & kids activity systemwide needs and project goals. provided. Can't make it?Visit the DAM] project website to learn 1�, Learn more on the 77 project website ■ The event included : more and take our survey by November 1 Qth. hNps://www.ci.oswego.or.us/ ❑t� par{a-plan-2050 • Informational Poster Stations ]]Tuesday, November 14 • Goal Prioritization Exercise 4:3oPM-6:3vpM • Needs Map Exercise ]]Oak Room • Kids Station Adult Community Center 505 G Avenue • What is Missing Station Lake Oswego,OR 97034 44 ciL6,4 = IIIIII COMMUNITY EVENT Key Themes AAIL oti Trail Connectivity Pickleball Maintenance and Water Access Indoor and/or and Opportunities Financial Covered Facilities to Connect with Sustainability of Nature Existing Parks and Facilities _ � n esoz, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 REV ! ' ED CLASSIrICATION SYSTEM Park and recreation facilities are classified by type to : Evaluate standards Identify0 Guide strategic for service compatible investments for a recreation varied park and opportunities recreation system Classifications are driven by physical attributes such as size, geographic location, and natural features, as well as how they are used by the community and the types of amenities or experiences it offers. lelb• 6 LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 PARKS PLAN 2025 CLASSIFICATIONS Parks Plan 2025 classified Lake Oswego's parks both according to their size and function (scale) as well as their level of development (character) to form a matrix park classification system . SCALE CHARACTER Local Developed City-Wide Hybrid CLASSIFICATION Special Use Natural 41/1b• _ � n esoz, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 PARKS PLAN 2040 CLASSIFICATIONS The revised classification system considers both size and scale, and also provides guidance related to what types of amenities should be provided, what types of recreation activities may be compatible, how the park or facility should function, and who are its primary users. Classifications : Recreation Regional Parks Community Neighborhood Facilities Parks Parks Undeveloped Open Space Pocket Parks Urban Plazas Greenways Natural Areas 6oF�E.. _ � n ... s oz, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 EVALUATING PARK ACCESS' Evaluates park service based on the actual routes and distances people must travel to get to parks or recreation facilities. The Parks Plan 2040 access analysis will consist of three parts: Existing System0 Park Access Equity Index Mapping Analysis Mapping Map existing parks Identify areas that Identify the gap and recreation are served and areas with the facilities unserved by parks greatest need VComplete In progress ,n progress Ea E,. 41111111111 . efGo?. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 ESSENTIAL PARK SERVICr Three essential park services were identified by the Parks Plan 2025 process. One additional essential service is new, based on feedback from Parks Plan 2040 community engagement. 04 ( VI4 I IV b Places to Exercise Places for Children to Places to Experience Trail Connectivity and Play Sports Play Nature Sites that include Sites that include an activity Sites that offer the Sites that include individual, group, or supported by a space or opportunity to be trails or pathways of team activities that feature that is designed surrounded by trees, be in at least 0.1 miles in support health, specifically to encourage direct contact with unique \ length. individual fitness, playful interactions for natural habitats or features, / competition, and/or children. and/or observe wildlife. oEE�s teamwork.* - *includes parks with paths or trails over % mile PAR E OPLA1N 2040 0 EQUITY INDEX MAPPING The gap areas identified in the Essential Services Access Maps will be further evaluated using equity-based characteristics. Potential equity indicators include : • Youth ( people under age 18) • Seniors ( people over age 65) • Communities of color • Residential density/multifamily housing • Low-income households • Households where one or more members is living with a disability Alb' E°6 . LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Provides guidance for developing and implementing Parks Plan 2040 to ensure that decisions align with the community's vision and priorities. Vision Goals MEMMI Summarizes the community's Objectives aspirations for parks Provide general and recreation. direction for Recommendations what Lake Implement the Oswego aims to vision and goals achieve. with more specific System-wide and site or measureable specific improvements, actions or projects, and initiatives outcomes. (will be identified later in the panning process) of E , agEo�. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK GOAL 1: ACCESS TO ESSENTIAL SERVICES GOAL 2: INVEST IN PARKS, NATURAL AREAS, AND RECREATION FACILITIES GOAL 3: SERVE ALL AGES AND ABILITIES GOAL 4: STEWARDSHIP, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATIONS GOAL 5: A SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT SYSTEM GOAL 6: A CONNECTED SYSTEM GOAL 7: COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS AND ENGAGEMENT Alb' oF�E.. � 0 esoz, LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 CAC AND PRNRAB COMMENTS • Incorporate references to new facilities. • Define terms such as "unique" or "interesting." • Include information about indigenous history and recognition of indigenous tribes in parks. • Discuss a variety of digital platforms to provide info about parks. • Provide info about parks amenities and accessibility on-site. • Include reference to community resilience hubs. • Incorporate policy language about improving wildlife habitat connectivity. • Include references to HOAs, Neighborhood Associations, and Lake Corporation. • Use "conserve" instead of "preserve" for natural areas. • Ensure costs of large projects to take money away from smaller projects or facilities. oFn agEo . • "Manage" invasive species; add "interconnectivity" to policy language. 11111111 . LAKE OS+E PARKS PLAN 2040 NEXT STEPS • , ,, _ Tryj - a • ,, _ - ,, _ ,, _ Equity and Service Needs CAC & PRNRAB Recommendations Area Mapping Assessment Meeting #3 & Actions ii esoz, ..... LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 -I .,. .,• _, )11. IP% - • .._ . , _ iiipirk,_, , .• - 44 ......---- 14 Jr . • -*, . , , . :. ,• . ,... 'Owe • 1 - as.....-----•--..---1 _. .. - _ • . _ ......00•...—.....-•••-•-0-„.,-- At '",..... 4100................,...- 1MEP....-w rNIP "W"'.6"."1411*s"e64".* C Thank you pc.1.1 ... x I tIrM '''''''''''' I , )IP1' „..............,..„..,1.01.........,—.410, I I b- - , • •, .,,. le,-. tiT V. . , 1111_,_*0-1 ... ..,... . . _. .., LAKE OSWEGO . PARKS PLAN 2040 lit . ...• , ., . A. ,.:/17.4-.,•_ _- _ .. •.-- imepor- ,•,.._, -.-----1 4 . --... ) • ... 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