Agenda - 2024-01-16 On January 15,the agenda and meeting materials were revised due to inclement REVISED AGENDA weather and the meeting being conducted via 4 E 0 Zoom. Some items were postponed and will be Q r41\ rescheduled to a future meeting date. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday,January 16, 2024 U .dasup 0 3:00 p.m. kEGo�� Virtually via Zoom Staff Contact: Kari Linder, CityRecorder@lakeoswego.city Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services This meeting will be held virtually. lakeoswego.city/accommodation Traduccion o interpretacion To participate remotely, please 503-635-0282; Relay 711 i* M i email the City Recorder by noon Please allow four business days to €ems the day of the meeting. process your request. 5 503-534-5738 This meeting will be livestreamed on the City's YouTube Channel and at lakeoswego.city. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. COUNCIL BUSINESS 3.1 Ratification of the City Manager's Declaration of a State of Emergency. Resolution 24-08, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego Ratifying and Confirming a Declaration of State of Emergency Relating to the Impacts of Severe Winter Weather. Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 24-08. 4. PRESENTATION 4.1 Impacts of Severe Winter Weather Information Update. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total, unless changed by the Mayor. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, by phone or electronically, please email the City Recorder by noon the day of the meeting. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-534-4225 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 6. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda allows the City Council to consider items that require no discussion. An item may only be discussed if it is pulled from the Consent Agenda. The City Council makes one motion covering all items included on the Consent Agenda. Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda. 6.1 WO 273, Award a Public Improvement Contract for the Construction of Intersection Improvements at Jean Road and Pilkington Road. Motion: Move to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Knife River in the amount of$1,912,256. 6.2 2023 Council Goals Fourth Quarter Update. Motion: Move to accept the fourth quarter goals report. 6.3 Resolution 24-02, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Riverdale Rural Fire Protection District Providing for the Continuation of Fire and Emergency Medical Services for Fiscal Years 2024-25 through 2028-29. Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 24-02. 6.4 Approval of Meeting Minutes. December 5, 2023, Draft Regular Meeting Minutes Motion: Move to approve the meeting minutes as written. 7. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA 8. INFORMATION FROM COUNCIL 9. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 10. ADJOURNMENT Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-534-4225 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY