Agenda Item - 2024-01-30 - Number 4.0 - City Manager Memo on Recommendations for Council Goals and Initiatives MEMORANDUM
TO: Mayor and Council
CC: Executive Team
FROM: Martha Bennett, City Manager
SUBJECT: Recommendations for January 20, 2024 Goals & Initiatives Discussion
DATE: January 18, 2024
This is a sorting of the items submitted by the Mayor and Council for discussion at your 2024
Goal Setting session. As you know, Council's time is a finite resource, and goal setting is a
critical time for you to collectively decide on how your time, city staff time, and other
resources, will be allocated over the upcoming year.
• Draft Goals. Last year, you adopted 8 "big picture" goals. Based on your feedback, I
propose keeping those 8 topic areas. Three of you submitted questions about the goals or
a substantive policy revision. We will need to have a more in-depth conversation about
those goals as part of the retreat.
• Proposed Initiatives. These are the projects that would shape your agenda for the next
12-18 months. They either 1) address a big picture policy or operational question; 2) will
take a significant amount of staff and Council time to complete; or 3) complete a work item
or project that has been a high priority in past years. I have marked the initiatives that are
continuations of existing projects an asterisk. As a reminder, after you adopt your goals
and initiatives for the year, staff will return with work plans to accomplish them.
There were 32 initiatives proposed, with 16 being existing projects. In general, Council can
realistically plan to accomplish between 15 and 20 projects. (In 2023, you made significant
progress on 17 of 20 Council initiatives). I recognize that this does not give Council much
opportunity to add new policy work in 2024. I have marked with an asterisk the initiatives
that are the logical next step or the completion of an existing Council initiative.
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Three things might be helpful in prioritizing. First, some projects are important but may
not be as urgent. Can some of these items wait until a future year? Second, you may want
to prioritize items that have a large benefit for the community and delay the items that
may have a smaller benefit (whether controversial or not). Third, some of the work that
needs to be done on policy issues is sequential. You may want to think about whether you
have the initiatives in the right order to ensure that staff are set up to succeed.
• Proposed Tactics or Work Plan Items. As with years past, some of the items submitted by
Councilors actually do not require a major focus from Council. There were two items
submitted this year that are either tactical pieces of a larger project or can fold into
another work effort (e.g., advocacy at the Legislature).
Goals and Proposed Initiatives
Strategic Goal: Ensure a safe, secure, and prepared community
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Continue implementation of the process to increase preparedness of Lake Oswego
residents, especially seniors, the house-bound and people with disabilities, in the event of
a disaster*
Strategic Goal: Support business investment and job creation in
Lake Oswego
Discussion Issue: One Councilor asks: Is this strategic goal really
actionable? Do the proposed initiatives really
move us in that direction?
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Break ground on the North Anchor Redevelopment projects*
• Update the Lake Grove Urban Renewal Plan and begin work on a plan to use urban
renewal to support the redevelopment of the Foothills District*
• Implement the initiatives in the 2022 Economic Development Strategy*
• Develop a funding strategy for a longer-term contract with the Chamber of Commerce to
implement a portion of the 2022 Economic Development Strategy. Evaluate the
possibility of the business license fee as a funding option
• Create a long-term programming strategy for lodging tax dollars
• Develop an active and positive promotion strategy for Lake Oswego Businesses
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• Discuss whether and how to allow new and emerging home-based sharing economy
businesses (such as Swimply, Pure Space, Sniff Spot, etc.)
Strategic Goal: Foster a welcoming and inclusive community
where all people have the opportunity to thrive
and have equitable access to City services
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Continue efforts related to DEI, including: prioritize equity in the delivery of city services;
formalize a translation and interpretation policy; explore a partnership with Lake Oswego
School District to host an annual event welcoming new residents to the city; and provide
information on how to engage and ways to access services and programs*
Strategic Goal: Combat climate change and strengthen the
community's resilience to climate impact
Discussion Issue: A Councilor suggested revising to "strengthen the
community's resilience to climate impact and
bolster emergency preparedness." Does Council
want to drop the climate mitigation element? If
so, what about just "Strengthen the community's
resilience to climate impact" since emergency
preparedness is covered above?
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Integrate climate action and resilience strategies into City projects and plans, such as
capital improvement planning, housing policy, and City facilities and fleet decisions*
• Engage and educate residents and businesses on strategies to increase clean energy use
and energy efficiency decisions
• Adopt an updated Urban and Community Forest Plan. Begin implementation of any non-
regulatory elements in the plan. Start the process for targeted amendments to the Tree
Code after adoption of the Plan*
• Lead a process to accelerate the transition from gas powered lawn equipment for
residents and private landscaping businesses
• Adopt and implement an EV Charging Strategy
• Update the development code to require Electric Vehicle Charging in new multi-family
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Strategic Goal: Strengthen public trust in the City through
continuous improvement, outstanding customer
service, infrastructure investments, and fiscal
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Collaborate with the City of Portland to make a financially and environmentally
responsible long-term investment in a wastewater treatment plant*
• Guide implementation of the Library Strategic Plan and evaluate opportunities to improve
access to Library services*
• Develop a strategy for an all-ages and all-activities community center on the west side of
town that would include event and meeting spaces, public services, and may include
library services. Collaborate with the Lake Oswego School District and other stakeholders
as part of this project
• Conduct a long-term strategic review of the City's finances, including revenues,
expenditures, and capital funding*
• Begin a needs assessment and community engagement process to rebuild the South
Shore Fire Station
• Work to improve the perception of Lake Oswego in the state and region. SIMILARLY:
Develop a citywide branding and communications plan to strengthen both the City and
the community's image
Strategic Goal: Invest in Lake Oswego's high-quality parks,
natural areas, and recreational amenities
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Guide delivery of the LORAC and Golf Course and oversee the launch of operations of
these facilities*
• Develop a Funding Strategy for Rassekh Park Phases 2 and 3*
• Adopt Parks Plan 2040*
• Update/Adopt/Implement the Luscher Farm Area Master Plan
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Strategic Goal: Improve transportation connections, mobility
and safety for all travelers and all types of trips in
Lake Oswego
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Continue construction of sidewalks and pathways, focusing on safe routes to schools*
DISCUSSION ITEM: Should this be broadened to include other key transportation
connections such as connections to commercial districts, neighborhoods, and parks?
• Adopt a transportation framework for Stafford/McVey* DISCUSSION: One of you
recommends that this include a funding strategy.
• Undertake two pedestrian safety studies-- McVey and Lake Grove-- with actionable items
in 2024
• Adopt the "20 is plenty" speed program for residential/local streets
• Increase investments in road rehabilitation for local, lower traffic streets
Strategic Goal: Conserve the community's character, sense of
place, and quality of life by planning for change
and growth
Discussion Issue: One Councilor proposed that this be reframed as
focused primarily on housing.
Proposed Council Initiatives to be discussed:
• Continue work on key housing initiatives, the housing production strategy, guiding the
HACC/Metro project on Boones Ferry Road, and support for other non-profit led housing
Proposed Initiative to Delay to 2025: Conduct a comprehensive review of the City's
development codes and processes to make our processes more efficient and predictable and less
expensive to reduce the cost of housing and commercial development. This will be coordinated
with the City Council's housing and economic development initiatives
Work Plan Items
• Address the need for shelters to be part of the City's emergency plans, including day-
• Coordinate with the State to update laws around e-mobility, especially electric bikes and
electric mopeds. NOTE: This should be part of our legislative strategy
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.