Agenda Packet - 2024-01-30 Special503-534-4225 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEG O, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 30, 2024 4:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chamber - 3rd Floor 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Staff Contact: Kari Linder, CityRecorder@lakeoswego.city Virtual Access This meeting will be held in person. To participate remotely, please email the City Recorder by noon the day of the meeting. ADA Accommodation Requests lakeoswego.city/accommodation 503-635-0282; Relay 711 Please allow four business days to process your request. Translation Services Traducción o interpretación 翻译或传译 통역혹은번역 503-534-5738 This meeting will be livestreamed on the City's YouTube Channel and at lakeoswego.city. The meeting will also be broadcasted live on Tualatin Valley Community TV; check tvctv.org for details. 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.COUNCIL BUSINESS 4.1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. Motion: 1)Authorize the City Manager to provide notice to EPCOR Foothills Water Project (EFWP) that the term of the preliminary services agreement has been completed, and approve reimbursement to the EFWP for $7,171,092.12; and 2)Direct staff to explore competitive procurement methods, including special procurement and alternative contracting methods for final design, construction, operation and maintenance of a new wastewater treatment facility. 5.ADJOURNMENT 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Subject: Wastewater Treatment Facility Project Meeting Date: January 30, 2024 Report Date: January 22, 2024 Staff Member: Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager Department: City Manager’s Office Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ☒Motion ☐Approval☐Public Hearing ☐Denial ☐Ordinance ☐None Forwarded ☐Resolution ☐Not Applicable ☐Information Only Comments: ☒Council Direction☐Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: (1) Find that the term of the preliminary services agreement (90% design deliverable) has been completed; (2) authorize reimbursement to EPCOR Foothills Water Project for approximately $7.2 million for preliminary services rendered; and (3) and provide direction to staff to explore a competitive proposal method for final design, construction, operation and maintenance of a new wastewater treatment facility. Recommended Language for Motion: 1)Authorize the City Manager to provide notice to EPCOR Foothills Water Project (EFWP) that the term of the preliminary services agreement has been completed, and approve reimbursement to EFWP for $7,171,092.12; and 2)Direct staff to explore competitive procurement methods, including special procurement and alternative contracting methods for final design, construction, operation and maintenance of a new wastewater treatment facility. Project / Issue Relates To: Collaborate with the City of Portland to make a financially and environmentally responsible long-term investment in a wastewater treatment facility. Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question): ☒Council Goals/Priorities ☐Adopted Master Plan(s)☐Not Applicable ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL EPCOR Foothills Water Project (EFWP) has completed the Preliminary Services Agreement (PSA) regarding design and site evaluation for a new wastewater treatment plant, which completes the PSA term. Staff seeks approval for reimbursement to EPCOR for its PSA costs. Staff is also seeking Council direction on the next steps for the Council Initiative to collaborate with the City 4.1 Page 2 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY of Portland to make a financially and environmentally responsible long-term investment in a wastewater treatment plant. Staff recommends exploring a competitive procurement (including special procurement and alternative contracting methods) method in lieu of proceeding with EPCOR Foothills Water Project (EFWP), primarily because staff finds it is likely a more economical method of delivering the project. BACKGROUND The existing Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWTP) was built in 1964 and is owned and operated by the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES). The plant is reaching the end of its useful life cycle and needs to be upgraded or replaced. Since 2018, the cities of Lake Oswego and Portland have been actively exploring replacement of the existing Tryon Creek plant. Pursuant to Resolution 18-55, the Council approved a special procurement for the design, build, financing, operation, and maintenance (DBFOM) of a new wastewater treatment facility under a public-private partnership. Following a competitive DBFOM solicitation for qualifications and proposals, on May 4, 2021, the City entered into a Preliminary Services Agreement (PSA) for the DBFOM of a new plant with EPCOR Foothills Water Project, Inc. (EFWP). The PSA was originally intended to develop designs to the 60% phase as well as complete a large number of deliverables that include advancing permitting, scoping costs, developing schedule, completing archeological and environmental studies, and many other items. Under the PSA, EFWP advanced about $7.2 million for these costs, to be paid upon completion of the term of the PSA (or included in the Project Agreement financing). In April 2023, the Council authorized Amendment 1, extending the work under the PSA with EFWP for up to one year, during which EFWP advanced designs to a 90% level as well as completed a number of deliverables. EFWP has successfully completed the PSA. The cost for the Amendment 1 work was about $3.7 million, and was paid on an ongoing basis. DISCUSSION PSA Termination / Compensation to EWFP Under the PSA, the term ends upon completion of the Preliminary Services, including Additional Services (90% design) Compensation to EPCOR is due for the Preliminary Services unless the parties execute a Project Agreement. As discussed below, staff does not recommend the City execute a Project Agreement. Accordingly, Staff is recommending payment of the EFWP invoice (Attachment 1) because it accurately represents the amount of reimbursement due for EPCOR’s work (100%) based upon the formula in the termination for convenience clause. Continuation of Project Staff recommends continuing to move forward with the project as the original value proposition was to determine whether it was more beneficial to upgrade the existing Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant or build a new facility. The life-cycle cost estimate to upgrade the existing 1964 Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is between $800 million and $1 billion, and the cost estimate to design (both cost for work done to date and expected to finish design), build, operate, and maintain a new plant with public financing is between Page 3 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY $592 and $622 million. In addition, there are a number of benefits to building a new facility as shown below. Visual 1: Project Benefits to Building a New Plant through a Public-Private Partnership (For more in-depth information, see http://www.lakeoswegowastewaterfacility.org/) Explore Competitive Procurement Methods, e.g., Alternative Contracting Methods, Special Procurement Staff recommends exploring a competitive procurement method (inclusive of alternative contracting methods and special procurements) for the next phase of finalizing design and constructing the new facility in lieu of proceeding with EFWP. There are two main reasons for considering a new delivery approach: 1. Financial Considerations: The proposed cost of private financing by EFWP would impose significant burdens on ratepayers. Public financing is more cost-effective and provides a better long-term value to the community. Lake Oswego prioritizes being good stewards of taxpayer and ratepayer dollars. The decision to use public financing and leverage the EPA Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan is a favorable long- term financial option, potentially saving millions of dollars for Lake Oswego ratepayers and, as a major customer, Portland ratepayers. 2. Increased Competition: A request for proposals to the engineering, construction, and wastewater operations industries would result in market-driven, competitive pricing. This approach is expected to reduce costs compared to the initial private financing DBFOM proposal. This method also will increase confidence that Lake Oswego received the best price possible as it will be reflective of current market conditions. Accomplishments and Products from Phase 1 Several achievements and products resulting from phase 1 can be applied to phase 2. These include: • Detailed facility design, environmental studies, and geotechnical reports. • Cost estimates and financial structuring. Page 4 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY • WIFIA loan approval. • Preliminary draft of Oregon DEQ discharge permit. • Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Portland and Lake Oswego. • Public engagement and input. • Progress in property acquisition. EFWP Project Financing and Costs The below table shows how the costs have evolved from the start of the project until now. Note: The original proposal estimate was based on other projects within the market conditions of 2019 and 2020. The estimated cost for phase 2 under the DBFOM with EFWP was $704 million in November. Detailed information is available in Attachment 2, “Final Project Submittal Design-Build- Finance-Operate-Maintain (P3) New Wastewater Treatment Facility for the City of Lake Oswego.” Attachment 2 includes detailed information regarding the deliverables and EFWP’s cost estimates for the next phase. The EFWP costs for $704 million are summarized as follows: • Design-Build the New Plant: $189 million • Misc. Construction Items: $2.8 million • Operations & Maintenance for 30-years: $191.9 million • Cost for Private Financing net of Equity Contribution of $37.8 million: $138.8 million • Cost for Public Financing of $151.2 million (including WIFIA): $98 million • Land Acquisition & Demolition/Remediation of the Existing Plant: $53 million Cost Evolution for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project Feb. 2021 Dec. 2022 Nov. 2023 Attachment 2 Dec. 2023 Dec. 2023 Staff’s Estimated Procurement Option Original Proposal EPCOR's Proposal at 60% Design EPCOR's Proposal at 90% Design City's Proposal (Rejected by EPCOR) EPCOR’s Final Offer Design-Build- Operate- Maintain w/ 90% Designs Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain a New Plant for 30-Years $485 Million $724 Million $651 Million $561 Million $621 Million $539-$569 Million Land Acquisition & Demo/Remediate the Existing Plant w/financing $53 Million $53 Million $53 Million $53 Million $53 Million $53 Million Total Project Cost $538 Million $777 Million $704 Million $614 Million $674 Million $592-$622 Million Page 5 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY • Design Costs: $10.8 million • Consultant Costs: $4 million ($3.1 million spent so far) • City Insurance (30-years): $15.7 million Total: $704 million In further discussions with EFWP, staff received indications that private financing cost could be lowered from $138.8 million to $100.4 million based on a contribution of $15.3 million of EPCOR funds instead of the original $37.8 million investment. This may have reduced the overall project cost down by about $30 million to a project total of about $674 million. Next Steps and Schedule Staff recommends that the project continue to move forward with building a new facility, instead of Portland upgrading the existing Tryon Creek plant (with the attendant costs to Lake Oswego ratepayers, as Lake Oswego is the major customer). The next phase involves exploring a competitive procurement, such as a DBOM delivery method. This will extend the procurement timeline, and adjustments to the current design are likely. The City would conduct a thorough market outreach to identify potential DBOM entities (firms and teams) that would consider proposing on the project, with the ultimate solicitation methods including publication and direct outreach. Estimated DBOM Costs Staff believes that public financing will reduce costs to be between $592 and $622 million. Additionally, using a competitive procurement process will help the City get the most competitive construction and operations costs, factoring in performance reliability. A detailed cost estimate will be known after competitive submissions are received. The project team believes that the DBOM cost will remain within the planned Lake Oswego rate structure of 3.9% increase per year. Property Acquisition The acquisition of properties at 99, 101, and 113 Foothills Road is ongoing, unaffected by the change in project financing. The selected site was chosen based on its size, safety from flooding, and proximity to existing infrastructure. Relationship with EPCOR EPCOR responded respectfully to Lake Oswego's decision not to proceed with them for phase 2. While disappointed, EPCOR understood the city's fiscal responsibility and wished Lake Oswego success in its chosen path. Lake Oswego staff would like to acknowledge EPCOR for their work in planning and designing the facility, providing a solid foundation for the upcoming phases. Page 6 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY FISCAL IMPACT On May 4, 2021, the Council authorized the PSA. The preliminary services were performed and EFWP has advanced $7,171,092.12 to get to 60% design. The City now needs to reimburse EFWP for this amount (Attachment 1) so as to purchase the designs and deliverables. The City will need to make this approximately $7.2 million payment out of the Sewer Fund, which was not anticipated to be paid out of fund balance as this amount was originally envisioned to be covered under a bond issuance. However, there are funds available to make this payment. This payment will put pressure on the fund and may necessitate issuing a full faith & credit bond in the near future to pay for upcoming project costs. For all costs, Portland is responsible for 31% and Lake Oswego is accountable for 69%. All Payments since Project Start Category Cost EFWP: 0 to 60% Design* $7,171,000* EFWP: 60 to 90% Design $3,669,000 Consultant Spending $3,105,000 Property Acquisition and Relocation $1,473,000 WIFIA Application Fee $284,000 Total $15,702,000 *EFWP to be reimbursed upon Council’s approval. All of these costs resulted in deliverables that can be leveraged and reused in the final design and construction phase. The consultant spending table (Attachment 3) shows that about $3.1 million has been expended so far in the project, and there is a remaining $808,000 left on the contracts as a whole. Depending on the ultimate timeline and strategy the City chooses, the existing contract limits should be sufficient to get us most of the way to ground breaking.; however, depending on the timeline and strategy, there may be more money needed. ATTACHMENTS 1. EPCOR’s Invoice for Reimbursement 2. Final Project Submittal by EPCOR Foothills Water Partners 3. Consultant Spending Table INVOICE Services, Inc. The City of Lake Oswego Attn: Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager PO Box 369, 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 EPCOR Services, Inc. Invoice Date Reference Due Date Amount----------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 1/18/2024 146000000893 2/17/2024 7,171,092.12 7,171,092.12 - 7,171,092.12 EPCOR Services, Inc. INVOICE Payment Due Net 30 Invoice Number: 146000000893 Invoice Date 1/18/2024 Invoice Amount 7,171,092.12 Total Amount Due 7,171,092.12 Remit ACH to:Account Name EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER Account Number 4451668958 Amount Paid Routing Number 111000012 Bank Address Bank of America 1401 Elm Street 2nd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 Please include invoice number and name with payment. Once payment is made, please email GeneralAccountingeusa@Epcor.com with payment amount transferred and invoice number 2355 W. Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 300 Phoenix, Arizona 85027-1261 Remark----------------------------------------------------------- Preliminary Services Agreement - Tasks 1 - 4 Current Balance Due: Previous Balance: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Attachment 1 Attn: Anthony Hooper City of Lake Oswego, PO Box 369 Lake Owsego, OR 97034 Task Description Contract Amount (USD) Amount Billed to Date (USD) Amount Billed this Period (USD) Task 1 - Initial Development and BODR Submittal Package $2,692,818.00 $2,692,818.00 $2,692,818.00 Task 2 - 30% Submittal Package $2,055,670.00 $2,055,670.00 $2,055,670.00 Task 3 - 60% Submittal Package $2,033,235.00 $2,033,235.00 $2,033,235.00 Task 4 - Definitive Project Submittal $193,502.00 $193,502.00 $193,502.00 Change Order #1 - Contaminated Soils $7,390.64 $7,390.64 $7,390.64 Change Order #2 - Phase 2 ESA $90,717.75 $90,717.75 $90,717.75 Change Order #3 - Biological Assessment $44,424.50 $44,424.50 $44,424.50 Change Order #4 - Archeological Assessment $38,341.22 $38,341.22 $38,341.22 Change Order #5 - Envision Assessment $14,993.01 $14,993.01 $14,993.01 INVOICE TOTAL $7,171,092.12 $7,171,092.12 $7,171,092.12 Payment Period: May 2021 to November 2022 City of Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility P3 Preliminary Services Preliminary Services Agreement Tasks 1-4 Invoice #8 - Schedule of Values November 7, 2023 SUBMITTED TO: Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager & Public Works Director PO Box 369 | 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034 ahopper@ci.oswego.or.us SUBMITTED BY: EPCOR Foothills Water Project LLC 2355 W. Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 300 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Ryan Litwinow, Director, Project and Technical Services (780) 412-7893 rlitwinow@epcor.com EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS Final project submittal DESIGN-BUILD-FINANCE-OPERATE-MAINTAIN (P3) NEW WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY FOR THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ATTACHMENT 2 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL COVER LETTER AND SUBMITTAL REFERENCE TABLE November 7, 2023 City of Lake Oswego P.O Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Attention: Anthony Hooper, Deputy City Manager & Public Works Director Re: Final Project Submittal for the Lake Oswego Water Treatment Plant Preliminary Services Agreement – Amendment #1 EPCOR Foothills Water Project LLC (“EFWP”) is very pleased to submit its Preliminary Services Agreement (“PSA”) Final Project Submittal (“Task 5”) for the Lake Oswego P3 Wastewater Treatment Facility. For the City’s consideration, the response includes the following, as outlined in the PSA Task 5 requirements:  90% Design Submittal  Cost Submittal  Commercial Submittal  Technical Submittal  Additional Information Submittal  Final Price Submittal Our response is focused on outlining updates made from the 60% submission deliverables and illustrates the plan for achieving the most efficient technical and financial solution in response to the requirements defined by the City. It has been a great honor to work with the City, its advisors, and the City of Portland during the PSA period, and EFWP looks forward to comments on this submission. Please contact us should you have any questions about our submission. Sincerely, Ryan Litwinow, Director, Project & Technical Services, Commercial Services EPCOR Foothills Water Project LLC 2355 West Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 300 Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA epcor.com EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL COVER LETTER AND SUBMITTAL REFERENCE TABLE Submittal Reference Table PSA Reference Item Description Task 5 Submission Package Section Reference 90% Design Submittal 5.1 (a) Cover Sheets (90% complete) 90% Design Submittal 2.1.1 5.1 (b) General Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.2 5.1 (c) Civil Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.3 5.1 (d) Structural Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.4 5.1 (e) Architectural Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.5 5.1 (f) Mechanical Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.6 5.1 (g) Plumbing, HVAC and Fire Protection Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.7 5.1 (h) Electrical Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.8 5.1 (i) Instrumentation 90% Design Submittal 2.1.9 5.1 (j) Security Drawings 90% Design Submittal 2.1.10 5.1 (k) 90% design specifications 90% Design Submittal 2.1.11 5.1 (l) 60% electrical site plan 90% Design Submittal 2.1.12 5.1.2 (a) Project Permitting Plan 90% Design Submittal 2.2.2 5.1.2 (a) Biological Assessment 90% Design Submittal 2.3 5.1.2 (b) Archeological Assessment 90% Design Submittal 2.3 5.1.2 (c) Solar Study 90% Design Submittal 2.3 5.1.2 (d) Additional survey at the river and bathymetry for the HRLO 90% Design Submittal 2.3 5.1.2 (e) Phase 1 ESA 90% Design Submittal 2.3 5.1.3 (a) Land Use Application 90% Design Submittal 2.4 5.1.3 (b) NPDES Permit 90% Design Submittal 2.4 5.1.3 (c) USACE/DSL/DEQ Joint permit application 90% Design Submittal 2.4 5.1.3 (d) CLOMR-F application to FEMA 90% Design Submittal 2.4 5.1.3 (e) Demolition Permit 90% Design Submittal 2.4 5.1.3 (f) Building Permit 90% Design Submittal EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL COVER LETTER AND SUBMITTAL REFERENCE TABLE 2.4 Cost Submittal 5.1.4 (a) An updated Design-Build Work cost, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open-book pricing, with supporting documentation to include updated quantities, and subcontractor/supplier quotes that are greater than 0.5% of the Project direct costs Cost Submittal 3.1 5.1.4 (b) An updated compensation schedule specifying the proposed Capital Charge (for each Contract Year) and Operations Charge Components Cost Submittal 3.2 5.1.4 (c) An updated Operation Services cost, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open-book pricing supporting documentation and include updating quantities, subcontractor and supplier quotes Cost Submittal 3.3 5.1.4 (d) If applicable and requested by the City, a list of any proposed allowance items, alternate prices and unit prices Cost Submittal 3.4 5.1.4 (e) A Financial Model Update using a Financial Model acceptable to the City Cost Submittal 3.5 Commercial Submittal 5.1.5 (a) Project Company will submit the Design-Build, Operations & Maintenance, and Interface Agreement for the City’s information Commercial Submittal 4.1 5.1.5 (b) A guaranteed Scheduled Acceptance Date Commercial Submittal 4.2 5.1.5 (c) A critical path schedule for completing the Design-Build Work by the Scheduled Acceptance Date and an accompanying maximum drawdown schedule Commercial Submittal 4.3 Technical Submittal 5.1.6 (a) Technical Specifications to be incorporated into the Project Agreement; Technical Submittal 5.1 5.1.6 (b) Acceptance standards, acceptance test procedures, to be incorporated into the Project Agreement; Technical Submittal 5.2 5.1.6 (c) The final and complete list of required Governmental Approvals (recognizing that the Project Company will be required to acquire all Governmental Approvals) for the Project (including Governmental Approval application submittal dates and assumed Governmental Approval issuance dates to be incorporated into the Project Agreement Technical Submittal 5.3 5.1.6 (d) A description of any Change in Law that has occurred between the Agreement Date and the date of the submittal of the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material Technical Submittal 5.4 5.1.6 (e) An updated and finalized description of the Project Site Technical Submittal 5.5 5.1.6 (f) The O&M Plan including the major maintenance, repair and replacement schedule Technical Submittal 5.6 5.1.6 (g) Performance guarantees for the Project’s operation and maintenance term Technical Submittal 5.7 Additional Information Submittal 5.1.7 (a) The names of proposed Subcontractors and descriptions of their roles for approval by the City Additional Information Submittal 6.1 5.1.7 (b) A letter from a qualified surety confirming the intent of the surety to provide the payment bond and performance bond required under the draft Project Agreement Additional Information Submittal 6.2 5.1.7 (c) A final equity, inclusion and diversity subcontracting plan, meeting the requirements of Task 3.5 Additional Information Submittal 6.3 5.1.7 (d) A listing of any assumptions, clarifications or qualifications made by the Project Company in providing its Definitive Project Submittal that are material to any part thereof, including a statement as to what information supplied by Additional Information Submittal 6.4 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL COVER LETTER AND SUBMITTAL REFERENCE TABLE the City (if any) the Project Company proposes to use as the basis of any portion of its Definitive Project Submittal 5.1.7 (e) Any other information reasonably requested by the City prior to the due date for the Definitive Project Submittal as necessary or appropriate to negotiate and complete the Project Agreement Additional Information Submittal 6.5 Final Price Submittal 5.1.9 (a) A proposed Capital Charge Component, expressed on an annual basis, with a detailed and comprehensive description of how the proposed Capital Charge Component was derived and the material factors on which it was based (financing costs); Final Price Submittal 7.1 5.1.9 (c) A proposed Design-Build Price on a fixed lump sum price basis, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open-book pricing supporting documentation based on quantities, subcontractor and supplier quotes obtained and substantiation of all non-bid work as developed pursuant to this Task 5; Final Price Submittal 7.2 5.1.9 (d) A proposed Operations Charge Component, with a detailed and comprehensive description of how the proposed Operations Charge Component was derived and the open-book pricing and the material factors on which it was based Final Price Submittal 7.3 5.1.9 (e) A proposal on how the Operations Charge will be escalated annually Final Price Submittal 7.4 5.1.9 (f) Identification of an annual repair and replacement program and allowances Final Price Submittal 7.5 5.1.9 (g) An annual guaranteed maximum energy utilization Final Price Submittal 7.6 5.1.9 (h) An annual guaranteed maximum on any other amounts that the City has agreed in its discretion to treat as a pass-through Final Price Submittal 7.7 5.1.9 (i) Proposed Return-on-Equity schedules Final Price Submittal 7.8 5.1.9 (j) An annual Service Fee that supports the annual Service Fee calculation and reflects the proposed “Design-Build Subcontractor Fee”, “Operations Subcontractor Fee” and “Return-on-Equity” set forth in the Project Company’s Proposal, as well as the Preliminary Services Fee Final Price Submittal 7.9 5.1.4 (k) All costs, bids, quotes, estimates, substantiation and other information supporting the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material shall be made available to the City Final Price Submittal 7.10 5.1.11 Equity Financing Plan Final Price Submittal 7.11 5.1.12 Term Sheets Final Price Submittal 7.12 5.1.13 Support Letters Final Price Submittal 7.13 5.1.14 Taxes Final Price Submittal 7.14 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1 Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Background................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 EFWP Preliminary Services Process and Deliverables ........................................................................... 1 2 90% Design Submittal ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Design Package ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Cover Sheets .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 General Drawings ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.3 Civil Drawings ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.4 Structural Drawings .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.5 Architectural Drawings..................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.6 Mechanical Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.7 Plumbing, HVAC and Fire Protection Drawings ............................................................................... 4 2.1.8 Electrical Drawings ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.9 Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.10 Security Drawings ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.11 90% Design Specifications............................................................................................................ 5 2.1.12 60% Electrical Site Plan ................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Additional Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Electronic Copy of 90% Technical Deliverable Material................................................................... 6 2.2.2 Updated Project Permitting Plan ..................................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Additional Preliminary Services ....................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Site Investigations .................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 Permitting Applications ......................................................................................................................... 7 3 Cost Submittal .................................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 Updated Design-Build Work Cost .......................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 Construction Cost ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.2 EPCOR Project Management and O&M Mobilization .................................................................... 16 3.1.3 Construction Period EPCOR Insurance ........................................................................................... 16 3.1.4 Independent Wastewater Expert ................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Updated Compensation Schedule ....................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Updated Operation Services Cost ........................................................................................................ 19 3.3.1 Operations and Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 19 3.3.2 Repair and Replacement ................................................................................................................ 20 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.3.3 Electricity Passthrough ................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.4 Natural Gas Passthrough................................................................................................................ 20 3.3.5 Residuals Transportation ............................................................................................................... 20 3.4 List of Any Proposed Allowance Items................................................................................................. 21 3.5 Financial Model Update ....................................................................................................................... 22 4 Commercial Submittal .................................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Design-Build, Operations & Maintenance, and Interface Agreement ................................................. 23 4.2 Guaranteed Scheduled Acceptance Date ............................................................................................ 23 4.3 Critical Path Schedule .......................................................................................................................... 24 5 Technical Submittal ........................................................................................................................ 25 5.1 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 25 5.2 Acceptance Standards and Test Procedures ....................................................................................... 25 5.3 Required Government Approvals ........................................................................................................ 25 5.4 Changes in Law .................................................................................................................................... 27 5.5 Finalized Project Site Description ........................................................................................................ 27 5.6 O&M Plan............................................................................................................................................. 28 5.7 Performance Guarantees..................................................................................................................... 28 6 Additional Information Submittal .................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Proposed Subcontractors .................................................................................................................... 29 6.2 Surety ................................................................................................................................................... 29 6.3 Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Subcontracting Plan .......................................................................... 29 6.4 Assumptions and Clarifications............................................................................................................ 29 6.5 Other Information ............................................................................................................................... 30 7 Final Price Submittal ....................................................................................................................... 31 7.1 Proposed Capital Charge ..................................................................................................................... 31 7.2 Proposed Design-Build Price ................................................................................................................ 31 7.3 Proposed Operations Charge Component ........................................................................................... 31 7.4 Proposed Operations Charge Escalation ............................................................................................. 32 7.5 Annual Repair and Replacement Program Allowances ....................................................................... 33 7.6 Guaranteed Maximum Energy Utilization ........................................................................................... 34 7.7 Residuals Transportation Unit Pricing ................................................................................................. 34 7.8 Proposed Return-on-Equity Schedules ................................................................................................ 34 7.9 Annual Service Fee and Preliminary Services Fee ............................................................................... 34 7.10 All Other Supporting Information .................................................................................................. 35 7.11 Equity Financing Plan ..................................................................................................................... 35 7.11.1 Sources of Equity ....................................................................................................................... 38 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.11.2 Investor Credit Status ................................................................................................................ 38 7.11.3 Availability of Equity .................................................................................................................. 38 7.11.4 Equity Guarantee ....................................................................................................................... 38 7.11.5 External Sources of Equity ......................................................................................................... 39 7.11.6 Project Company Support .......................................................................................................... 39 7.12 Term Sheet ..................................................................................................................................... 39 7.13 Support Letters .............................................................................................................................. 41 7.14 Taxes .............................................................................................................................................. 41 7.15 Financial Model Requirements ...................................................................................................... 42 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1 | P a g e 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 Project Background The Cities of Lake Oswego and Portland are seeking a new and more efficient wastewater treatment facility to replace wastewater treatment service provided by the existing Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (“TCWTP”), located in the City of Lake Oswego (“City”). The existing TCWTP, owned by the City of Portland and located at the confluence of Tryon Creek and the Willamette River, was constructed in 1964, expanded in 1976, and treats sewage collected from parts of southwest Portland, unincorporated areas of Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, and the City. As an alternative to upgrading the existing facility, the Cities are investigating the replacement of the existing plant with a new wastewater treatment facility (“WWTF”) that would treat current and projected flows and comply with all environmental and permit requirements on a reduced footprint. EPCOR Foothills Water Partners (“EFWP”) was selected to provide a definitive project submittal that includes the design, construction, equity financing, and long-term operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and management of a new wastewater treatment facility that will be owned by the City of Lake Oswego. 1.2 EFWP Preliminary Services Process and Deliverables In May 2019, EFWP was shortlisted along with two other teams in pursuit of the Progressive P3 delivery of a new wastewater treatment facility for the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon. In March 2021, EFWP was selected as the preferred proponent, and the parties signed a Preliminary Services Agreement (“PSA”) in May 2021. As part of the progressive P3 delivery model, the PSA allowed the project to progress to a 60% design and fixed price submission, after which the City would make a decision whether to award the final design, construction, financing and long-term operations of the project to EFWP. Between May 2021 and October 2022, EFWP completed Task 1 (Initial Development and Basis of Design Report), Task 2 (30% Design), Task 3 (60% Design), and Task 4 (Definitive Project Submittal – submitted in draft form). At the time of the Definitive Project Submittal (October 2022), it was anticipated that EFWP would be providing financing for the entire project, through equity, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (“WIFIA”) loan, and privately-financed debt. This was at a time of rising commodity prices, supply chain issues, inflationary pressures and increasing interest rates. In early 2023, it was agreed-to between the City and EFWP to amend the PSA to advance the project to a 90% design level and delay the Go/No-Go decision on the project by one year, anticipating that market uncertainties and interest rates would improve over that time. Additionally at this time, the City agreed to transfer the WIFIA loan (49% of design-build costs) from EFWP to the City as well as replacing EFWP’s private placement debt (31% of design-build costs) with public financing through the City in order to realize savings from the lower rates of municipal bonds. PSA Amendment #1 was executed on April 10, 2023. Highlights during Task 5 included:  Preparation of 90% designs and specifications  Aqua Aerobic 90% design completed  Prepared updates to 3D model  Preparation of materials for the Sustainability Advisory Board  Prepared pre-application package for the Land Use Application  Participated in the Neighborhood Meeting on June 22, 2023  Submitted Land Use Approval application EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 2 | P a g e  ESA Phase I Refresh  Archeological Permit received and completed associated investigation work  Completion of Hazardous Material Building Survey at all 3 properties  Completed Solar Study and Recommendations  Information provided to DEQ to support NPDES permit transfer  Project Agreement redlines to reflect updated financing arrangement  Coordination with Portland General Electric to confirm design details  Inclusion of additional scope items including Lake Oswego Sewer Upgrade, Reclaimed Water Project, Solar Panels  Meeting with Oregon Energy Trust  Update to Operations and Maintenance plans  Update to Commissioning Plan and Interface Protocol Plan  Update to Permitting Plan  Update to Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Plan  Update to Project Quality Plan EFWP has solicited updated quotes from major equipment vendors. The entire open book estimate has been revised with the most up to date capital costs for the City’s consideration. At the same time, EFWP has updated and confirmed pricing in regards to Operations and Maintenance and Repair and Replacement costs. The market is still experiencing inflationary pressures and wage escalations, although there is less uncertainty than in October 2022. EFWP has worked collaboratively internally as well as with both the City as well as the City of Portland to provide the most cost-effective solution for the WWTF, while still ensuring optimum safety, reliability, redundancy and sustainability measures are in place. EFWP, with this Final Project Submittal is providing a commercial offer for the City’s consideration to award to EFWP the completed design, construction and long term operations of the project. This Final Project Submittal includes all the requirements set out in the PSA Amendment #1 and includes a 90% Design Submittal, Cost Submittal, Commercial Submittal, Technical Submittal, Additional Information Submittal, and Final Price Submittal. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 3 | P a g e 2 90% Design Submittal 2.1 Design Package 2.1.1 Cover Sheets 5.1 The following 90% design drawings shall be developed to the approximate levels of completion as indicated: (a) Cover Sheets (90% complete); Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf) Page 1 for the Cover Sheet. 2.1.2 General Drawings 5.1 (b) General Drawings: 1. List of Drawings (100% complete); 2. Site plan (100% complete); 3. Drawing symbols, numbering & tagging conventions, symbols, and abbreviations (100% complete ); 4. Hydraulic profiles (100% complete); 5. Design criteria (100% complete); 6. Process flow diagrams (100% complete); 7. Pipe material schedule (100% complete); 8. Equipment schedule (100% complete); 9. Valve and gate schedules (90% complete); and 10. Boundary survey (100% complete). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf) for the General Drawings:  Pages 2-4 for the List of Drawings  Page 18 for the Site Plan  Pages 6-7 for the Drawing symbols, numbering & tagging conventions, symbols and abbreviations  Page 9 for the hydraulic profiles  Pages 10-11 for the Design criteria  Page 8 for the Process flow diagrams  Page 18 for the Boundary survey Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) for the General Drawings:  Pages 6-10 for the Valve and gate schedules  Pages 6-10 for the Equipment schedule  Page 11 for the Pipe material schedule EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 4 | P a g e 2.1.3 Civil Drawings 5.1 (c) Civil Drawings: 1. General notes (90% complete); 2. Details (90% complete); and 3. Yard piping, paving, grading, and stormwater drawings (90% complete). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf) for the Civil Drawings on Pages 17-84 which includes including General notes, Details and Yard piping, paving, grading, and stormwater drawings. 2.1.4 Structural Drawings (d) Structural Drawings: General notes, plans and sections (90% complete); Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf) for the Structural Drawings on Pages 172-270 including General notes, plans and sections 2.1.5 Architectural Drawings 5.1 (e) Architectural Drawings: 1. General notes (90% complete); 2. Schedules (90% complete); 3. Code review drawings (90% complete); 4. Floor plans (100% complete); 5. Roof plans (90% complete); 6. Elevations (90% complete); 7. Reflected ceiling plans (90% complete); 8. Sections (90% complete); and 9. Details (90% complete). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf) Pages 100-171 for the Architectural Drawings including General notes, Schedules, Code review drawings, Floor plans, Roof plans, Elevations, Reflected ceiling plans, Sections and Details. 2.1.6 Mechanical Drawings 5.1 (f) Mechanical Drawings: Plans, sections, and details (90% complete); Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) for the Mechanical Drawings on Pages 2-20 which includes Plans, sections and details 2.1.7 Plumbing, HVAC and Fire Protection Drawings 5.1 (g) Plumbing, HVAC and Fire Protection Drawings: Schedules (90% complete); Plumbing isometric drawings (90% complete); and Plans & details (90% complete); Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) Pages 98-141 for the Plumbing, HVAC and Fire Protection Drawings EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 5 | P a g e 2.1.8 Electrical Drawings 5.1 (h) Electrical Drawings: 1. General notes, symbols, abbreviations (90% complete); 2. Main switchgear single line diagram (90% complete); 3. Load schedules (90% complete); 4. Panel schedules (90% complete); 5. Single line diagrams (90% complete); 6. Electrical distribution site plan (90% complete); 7. Project Facility electrical plans (90% complete); 8. Conduit plans (90% complete); 9. Grounding plans (90% complete); and 10. Lighting and receptacle plans (90% complete). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) on Pages 142-226 for the Electrical Drawings. 2.1.9 Instrumentation 5.1 (i) Instrumentation: Legends and symbols (100% complete); Control system block diagrams/network architecture (90% complete); and Process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) (90% complete); Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) on Pages 227-284 for the Instrumentation Drawings including Legends and symbols, Control system block diagrams/network architecture, and the Process and instrumentation diagrams. 2.1.10 Security Drawings 5.1 (j) Security Drawings: Project Site plan (90% complete); and Equipment schedules (90% complete); and Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) Pages 232-239 for the Security Drawings. 2.1.11 90% Design Specifications 5.1 (k) The 90% design specifications shall be developed to the following approximate levels of completion: 1. Table of contents (100%); 2. Identification of City standard Specifications and Project Company; 3. Specifications intended for use; 4. Major Equipment Specifications (100% complete); 5. Concrete Specifications (90% complete); 6. Piping and valve Specifications (90% complete); 7. Control narratives (90% complete); and 8. Balance of Specifications (90% complete). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF Specifications 90pct Rev2.pdf) for the 90% Design Specifications. 2.1.12 60% Electrical Site Plan 5.1 (l) Provide 60% electrical site plan illustrating utility feed strategy based on coordination with DEQ within 3 months after Task 5 notice to proceed. Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package (LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 2.pdf) Page 145 for the electrical site plan. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 6 | P a g e 2.2 Additional Requirements 2.2.1 Electronic Copy of 90% Technical Deliverable Material 5.1.1 (a)The Project Company shall provide to the City an electronic copy of the 90% Technical Deliverable Material in both its native file format (i.e., MS Word; MS Excel; AutoCADD; MicroStation, etc.) as well as Adobe PDF format. (b) Technical Deliverable Material documents will be developed by Project Company in 3D and associated 2D format. The 3D model(s) and associated 2D drawings will be prepared in accordance with Project Company's CAD Standards Manual. A complete set of 2D drawings will be developed from the 3D model(s). The 2D drawings will contain, as a minimum, the following information: (i) Building architectural and structural plans, elevations, cross-sections and other related sections and details, as appropriate to adequately describe the work; (ii) Plan views, cross-sections and other related sections, and details of mechanical equipment; (iii) Mechanical, electrical and I&C drawings that accurately depict required building systems; and (iv) Wiring diagrams and logic descriptions related to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) an d any remote input/output (RIO) racks proposed to be installed. EFWP has provided all 90% Technical Deliverable Material electronically in its native file format. The Technical Deliverable Material documents have been developed in 3D and the 2D drawings have been provided in 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package as outlined in Section 2.1. (c) Project Company, City, and City's advisors will participate in up to five (5) 2 -hour design collaboration meetings held in person at the City offices or via conference call. Through the progression of the 90% period, EFWP, the City and the City’s advisors have participated in many design collaboration meetings, including but not limited to:  Alternative scope items (May 23)  Electrical feed discussion (May 23)  Stormwater detention basin and Tryon Creek Pump Station requirements (July 10)  Filter Influent and Effluent Channels / CFS & IPS Modeling (July 10)  NFPA Classification and Screen Headloss Requirements (July 13)  Thickened Sludge Holding Tank Mixing Approach (July 13)  Bathymetry Survey and Archeological Work & Permitting (July 17)  90% Technical Deliverable Material Overview (August 11)  Facility Artwork (August 18)  Tryon Creek Pump Station Coordination and Transition (September 6)  Portland Sewer Connection (September 15)  In-Person Technical Meeting (September 20)  Sludge Hauling Methodology (September 28)  Unit Price for Sludge Hauling (October 4)  Portland Sewer Tie-Ins (October 27)  Alkalinity Discussion (October 30) 2.2.2 Updated Project Permitting Plan (d) Prepare an update to the project permitting plan that addresses comments on the latest version and considers updated timing/project schedule. The project permitting plan has been updated to reflect the latest construction schedule and known information provided by permitting agencies. A clean and tracked changes version can be found in 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.2 Permitting Plan. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 7 | P a g e 2.2.3 Additional Preliminary Services (e) The need for any subsequent modifications or development of the final design beyond the 90% level will be determined by the City. If the City directs the Project Company to advanc e the final design beyond the 90% level, the Project Company shall be compensated for such advancement as an Additional Preliminary Service. If agreed to by the City, it is proposed that EFWP continue the design modifications and necessary site investigations to further develop the Portland sewer tie-in option proposed by the City and the City of Portland. EFWP currently estimates the additional capital cost to incorporate this design change is $1.0M (Class-5 estimate). It is also proposed that EFWP continue discussions with the City and its advisors in determining the level of alkalinity addition necessary for successful operation of the WWTF. Currently, alkalinity addition has not been included in either the Design-Build Price or Operations Charge. EFWP currently estimates the additional capital cost to incorporate this design change is $1.8M (Class-5 estimate). 2.3 Site Investigations 5.1.2 The following Site Investigations will be completed as part of Task 5: (a) Biological Assessment; (b) Archeological Assessment; (c) Solar Study; (d) Additional survey at the river and bathymetry for the HRLO; and (e) Phase 1 ESA (not necessarily needed but if not done again then new owner would most likely not qualify for federal grant opportunities such as for clean-up assistance if something is found). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.3 Site Investigations for the completed upland biological assessment. Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.3 Site Investigations for a drawing outlining the archeological assessment field results. The archeological assessment field work was completed in October 2023 and the final report is expected in November 2023. Note that additional archeological investigations will be required to accommodate the revised design for the Portland Sewer Tie-ins. Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.3 Site Investigations for the completed solar study and associated EFWP recommendations. Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.3 Site Investigations for the topographical and bathymetry survey file for the high river level outfall (HRLO). The Phase 1 ESA field work was completed on all three properties in October 2023 and the final reports are expected in November 2023. Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.3 Site Investigations for the completed hazardous building material survey reports completed for all three properties. 2.4 Permitting Applications 5.1.3 The following permit applications will be submitted at or before completion of the 90% design as agre ed between Project Company and the City: (a) Land Use Application; (b) NPDES Permit; (c) USACE/DSL/DEQ Joint permit application; and (d) CLOMR-F application to FEMA (Necessary for WIFIA). (e) Demolition Permit; and (f) Building Permit. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 2. 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 8 | P a g e The City will pay application and other fees charged by the permitting agency associated with the above permits. Note that site access is required for the Hazardous Building Material Survey, which is an input into the Demolition Permit (item e). This will be dependent on the land acquisition process by the City. Additionally, the Demolition Permit is a pre-requisite to the Building Permit (item f). Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.4 Permit Applications for letter deeming the Land Use Application complete. All other documents associated with the Land Use Approval process, including the Pre- Application, Pre-Application Mailing, Pre-Application Meeting, Neighborhood Meeting and the Land Use Approval application (including information re-submittal), can be found on SharePoint (Task 5 – 90% Design  5.2 Permitting). It is currently assumed that a new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) Permit is not required for the WWTF, and therefore an application has not been made. The City and the City of Portland are discussions with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to support the facilitation of a NPDES Permit transfer from the TCWTP to the WWTF. Refer to Table 5-2 in Section 5-3 for the anticipated permit application and approval dates for the USACE/DSL/DEQ Joint Permit Application (JPA), anticipated for March 2024, after the City Council Go/No-Go decision. For the CLOMR-F application to FEMA, this application can only be submitted once and the cut/fill information needs to be updated for the revised Portland sewer tie-in prior to submittal. EFWP has had discussions with the City of Lake Oswego Building Department and it was advised to apply for the Demolition Permit and Building Permit upon completion of the Land Use Process, so as not to incur additional review time and associated costs. These activities have been scheduled for after the Land Use Application Approval as well as after the City Council Go/No-Go decision. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 9 | P a g e 3 Cost Submittal 3.1 Updated Design-Build Work Cost 5.1.4 (a) An updated Design-Build Work cost, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open -book pricing, with supporting documentation to include updated quantities, and subcontractor/supplier quotes that are greater than 0.5% of the Project direct costs; The Design-Build Price is $189,027,166 which is made up of the components outlined below in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Design-Build Price Summary Design-Build Price Element Cost ($USD) Construction Cost $184,052,295 EPCOR Project Management $2,877,497.00 EPCOR O&M Mobilization $1,346,972.00 Construction Period EPCOR Insurance $680,402.00 Independent Wastewater Expert (50% - EFWP Portion) $70,000.00 Total $189,027,166 The sections below provide a summary of how these costs were derived with accompanying supporting documentation. Refer to Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 Design Build Cost Documents for the detailed breakdown comparing the Design-Build Price in previous tasks to current. 3.1.1 Construction Cost Refer to Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 Design Build Cost Documents for all subcontractor and supplier quotes. There have been several updates to the Design-Build Price which are now reflected in this Final Project Submittal. Pricing has been refreshed with current quotes, schedule has been refined to address any changes in scope, and the design has been updated to address the City’s feedback on the 60% and 90% designs. The Final Project Submittal also includes an updated design and corresponding estimate to address the outstanding technical issues as reviewed with the City and detailed in the following document, ‘Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Replacement Project - Outstanding technical items [Nov 3 2023]’. All items have been closed out except the following, which require additional investigation and effort to close out: • Updates to the generator sizing report require the vendor to update their model and reissue the report. Updated information has been provided to the generator supplier, the model is scheduled for the week of November 13, 2023 and will be provided to the City upon completion. • Relocation of the Portland sewer main tie-in to the North-West corner of the Tryon Creek lot is underway. Provided in Section 2.2.3 is a Class-5 capital estimate for this redesign. Additionally, but not found with the outstanding technical issues identified by the City, a design solution is currently being developed to address the influent alkalinity concerns. A Class-5 capital estimate has been provided in Section 2.2.3 for a make-down soda ash feed system with an integrated silo storage tank. The soda ash system and silo is currently anticipated to be located on the north boundary of the site adjacent the trash bins. To finalize the design, additional influent testing for alkalinity and TKN will be required to determine the appropriate and optimal sizing and for the chemical system. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 10 | P a g e Construction Pricing Update from 90% Design The culmination of changes from Task 4 to Task 5 has resulted in an increase of 7.7% to the total Design-Build Price. A review of the main changes driving this increase are summarized in the table below, the identified costs include 5% for Contingency and 15% for Mark-up. The table below is not meant to capture all changes but highlight the significant items incorporated over the period. Further details can be found in the sections below to explain some of the other Design-Build Price fluctuations. The following sections review the Final Project Submittal as it compares to the Task 4 Submission. The comparison is made between the divisional breakouts for each specified area (e.g., Treatment Area, Administration, and Workshop) and a detailed review is provided for any fluctuations or variance greater than $250,000.00. This Final Project Submittal is based on the information submitted with the updated 90% Design Drawings & Specifications, coupled with construction and design-based assumptions required to execute the work. The level of estimate, found below, varies throughout the work-breakdown-structure from a Class 2 estimate to a Class 1 estimate where more detailed information is available. This round of pricing has seen increased stability in line-material pricing, with moderate increase in equipment pricing and labor rates. The average increase to labor was close to 5% which equates to $2.5M increase to the project. Extras Water Reuse updates to include tank and future provisions 636,994.43$ Influent channel increased in depth to accommodate screenings headloss concerns 149,911.18$ Added the Lake O sewer upgrades into the estimate 901,242.38$ Added the solar into the overall estimate 467,182.25$ Benching to tertiary channel 52,263.50$ Tryon Creek PS flow meter and MH 82,839.55$ Design Updates Additional Design costs (approved Co's and additional costs to complete)448,832.58$ Added rammed aggregate piers for the administration foundation 485,415.00$ Remainder of the potable water line missed at 60%414,051.12$ Added contacts for the access hatches 197,879.86$ Code Change - More robust concrete design to accommodate the new code (additional rebar)512,414.70$ Construction Updates Temp shoring – excavation limits encroached on existing structures and slopes needing protection.568,732.50$ O&M Optimization Through Capital Upgrades Additional WAS tank to support a more reliable operation, includes additional equipment 919,450.88$ Additional lifting devices (e.g., monorails, cranes, davits, etc.)192,215.89$ Added removable covers on the AGS Basins and WLC 763,917.44$ Added a Bioprobe to test the screened influent 92,079.99$ Market Changes Labor increase (on average) 4.7% from the last submission (pursuant to the Davis Bacon Wage Act).2,596,522.80$ Miscellaneous Added professional indemnity and PSPL to the estimate 5,462,500.00$ Total 14,944,446.04$ EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 11 | P a g e Contingency, Indirects, Design and General Directs The following section focuses on the Contingency, Indirects, Design, and General Directs. Contingency The Risk Register has continued to evolve throughout the Preliminary Services as more information becomes available and the severity or probability of risks have become better understood. There have been fluctuations up and down in the individual risk items over the period; however, with additional design development has realized an overall reduction in the risk exposure from the previous version. The current risk register, found in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 Design Build Cost Documents has assessed the risk between the lower allowance of $4.9M and the upper allowance of $10.5M. The current contingency value of $7.4M represents a savings of $2.3M from the previous iteration and falls within the risk register lower and upper allowances provided above. Indirects The indirects for the Project have had some significant changes since Task 4. The following provides a summary and rough order of magnitude for the three significant changes found within the Indirects section: • Letter of Credit – the letter of credit has been removed from the Project requirements providing a savings of $550K at the Design-Build cost level. • Insurance – the current market for Professional Indemnity and Project Specific Professional Liability (PSPL) insurance is strained. The PSPL market, for water and wastewater treatment facilities specifically, is limited in capacity and identified as a poor risk category for insurers – this is indicated in the pricing received. Insurance has provided the largest increase to the costs, adding $4.75M to the Project (at the cost level) and accounting for just over 35% of the total increase from Task 4 to current. The team reviewed options with Marsh to see if a better solution was available but any adjustments to the extended reporting period or the deductible provided little improvement. EFWP open to discussing other solutions for the Project and will continue to review options with the insurance broker to see if any other opportunities exist. • Escalation – consistent with industry forecasts, the escalation has been reduced to 4.5% for the first year and down to 3.5% for every subsequent year after that. The escalation percentages have been consistently applied to each labor, material, equipment, and subcontracts, for a total reduction of $1.2M from the previous submission. Further details are provided in the table below and within the spreadsheet located in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 Design Build Cost Documents. Task 1 Task 2 Task 3.1 Task 4 Task 5 Variance 5 to 4 Contingency 19,300,000$ 12,200,000$ 10,145,536$ 9,637,673$ 7,362,167$ ($2,275,507) Indirects 12,298,422$ 12,845,123$ 15,518,241$ 15,459,754$ 15,586,444$ $126,691 Bond -$ 1,743,723$ 2,703,748$ 2,640,215$ ($63,533) LoC -$ 585,000$ 549,000$ -$ ($549,000) Escalation 1,806,225$ 8,959,356$ 5,945,197$ 4,769,910$ ($1,175,287) Insurance (Professional Indemnity/PSPL)-$ -$ -$ -$ 4,750,000$ $4,750,000 Design 10,900,000$ 10,900,000$ 11,559,872$ 11,918,523$ 13,127,297$ $1,208,775 General Directs 7,122,413$ 7,735,722$ 8,888,701$ 8,289,688$ 8,723,069$ $433,381 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 12 | P a g e Design Design increases of $1.2M in the period include the agreed changes to the Preliminary Services and a nominal increase to WSP’s overall design services cost of $200K. Further detail is provided in the table below. General Directs Overall Increases found within the General Directs line was realized across the board for labor, equipment, materials, and subcontracts. The increase is consistent with the inflationary numbers for the year and supported by the wage increases for labor and quotes received for materials, equipment, and subcontracts. Treatment Area The following section focuses on the Treatment Area of the facility, by division. Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Subs Yearly Cost 25,214,402$ 15,452,644$ 2,998,059$ 115,000$ 43,780,106$ Yearly Escalation -$ 695,369$ 244,567$ 13,734$ 953,670$ Craft Labor Yearly Cost 2,797,496$ 14,195,735$ 8,315,934$ 611,417$ 25,920,581$ Yearly Escalation -$ 638,808$ 678,372$ 73,022$ 1,390,202$ Staff Labor Yearly Cost 1,478,855$ 3,597,041$ 4,450,511$ 1,861,418$ 11,387,825$ Yearly Escalation -$ 161,867$ 363,050$ 222,309$ 747,227$ Const Equip Yearly Cost 1,500,667$ 2,051,905$ 1,360,314$ 52,596$ 4,965,483$ Yearly Escalation -$ 92,336$ 110,968$ 6,282$ 209,585$ Material Yearly Cost 39,330,699$ 19,254,383$ 6,127,120$ 862,088$ 65,574,290$ Yearly Escalation -$ 866,447$ 499,820$ 102,959$ 1,469,226$ Total Cost 70,322,120$ 54,551,707$ 23,251,939$ 3,502,518$ 151,628,284$ Total Escalation -$ 2,454,827$ 1,896,777$ 418,306$ 4,769,910$ Yearly Escalation %-$ 4.5%4.0%3.8%0.78% Lake O - Escalation Task 1 Task 2 Task 3.1 Task 4 Task 5 Variance 5 to 4 Design Breakout 10,900,000 $ 10,900,000 $ 11,559,872 $ 11,918,523 $ 13,127,297 $ $1,208,774 Design Engineering - (Prelim services + IFC budget)9,150,745 $ 9,522,448 $ $371,704 Design Engineering - Aecon Preliminary Services 1,600,000 $ 1,894,687 $ $294,687 Design Engineering - Site re-orientation 385,651 $ 385,651 $ $0 Design Engineering - Aqua-Aerobic Preliminary Services - $ 545,000 $ $545,000 Ancillary Design Services (Material Testing, Siesmic, etc.)809,127 $ 779,510 $ ($29,617) Task 1 Task 2 Task 3.1 Task 4 Task 5 Variance 5 to 4 Treatment Area Div 2 - Site Works 5,979,831$ 7,154,396$ 13,975,482$ 9,962,441$ 13,804,440$ $3,841,999 Div 3 - Concrete 12,351,115$ 15,951,236$ 19,467,562$ 19,136,954$ 19,725,269$ $588,315 Div 4 - Masonry -$ -$ 154,130$ 144,391$ 343,881$ $199,490 Div 5 - Metals 6,107,960$ 4,621,798$ 4,247,912$ 4,528,957$ 4,460,186$ ($68,771) Div 6 - Woods & Plastics -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection 2,933,404$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 8 - Openings 280,000$ 215,620$ 310,030$ 386,131$ 1,017,268$ $631,137 Div 9 - Finishes 180,000$ 167,234$ 62,090$ 153,484$ 289,590$ $136,106 Div 10 - Specialties 20,000$ 9,849$ 12,186$ 150,173$ 107,069$ ($43,104) Div 11 - Process Equipment 22,578,520$ 32,563,153$ 35,921,845$ 34,355,505$ 35,984,045$ $1,628,540 Div 12 - Furnishings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 13 - Special Construction 1,541,450$ 1,409,675$ 1,447,511$ 1,884,363$ 1,637,173$ ($247,190) Div 14 - Conveying Systems 200,000$ 113,900$ 56,950$ 206,315$ 317,167$ $110,852 Div 15 - Mechanical / Plumbing 7,276,400$ 9,655,361$ 14,176,454$ 13,250,161$ 13,994,988$ $744,827 Div 16 - EI&C 11,057,875$ 9,528,799$ 13,283,517$ 12,895,302$ 15,234,825$ $2,339,522 Treatment Total:70,506,555$ 81,391,021$ 103,115,669$ 97,054,177$ 106,915,900$ $9,861,723 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 13 | P a g e Division 2 – Site Works The updates to the 60% design included the addition of the Lake Oswego sewer upgrades, significant increases to the underground potable water scope, additional underground work for the primary electrical, and additional excavation for the structural changes and utility realignments. Coupled with the additional earthwork quantities required for the change to scope, a detailed volumetric analysis was completed by the modelling team to properly sequence the excavation and backfill activities required on site. The volumetric analysis identified the total quantity of earthwork at 90,000 cubic yards, an increase of 32% from the previous submission. One of the main reasons for this increase, outside of the noted design changes is the space constraints on site, the limited space requires significant double handling of material (e.g., backfilling areas to allow the course of construction to continue, that then must be re-excavated again later) with almost all material having to be trucked offsite, stored, and eventually returned for backfill. Multiple bids were solicited for the earthwork; however, only one proponent provided a price for this scope, representing an increase of $3.6M. The outfall scope has been modified from the 60% design which accounted for a savings of $700K. The primary reason for the change was the removal of the pneumatic pinch valve for an electric butterfly valve which allowed for a smaller chamber at the edge of the river and eliminated the compressor building and equipment. The volumetric analysis also revealed additional bedrock excavation and cutback slopes that encroached on existing structures and into the steep hill on the west side the property towards State Street. To account for these clashes and mitigate against undermining concerns, shoring was added to the budget for an additional cost of $500k. Additional bedrock removal was required for the new waste activated sludge (WAS) and Reuse tanks and adjusted for quantities under the solids building. The improvements in the underground electrical price were primarily attributed to redesign and elimination of the underground ductbank. The modifications represent a savings of $600K. The following provides a breakout and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Scope & Supply Increase for all Earthwork (includes trenching for utilities) – $3.7M 2. Scope & Supply Increase for rock blasting – $360K 3. Scope & Supply increase for underground utility yard piping - $500K 4. Scope decrease for outfall upgrades - $700K 5. Scope increases for Shoring – $470k 6. Scope decreases for underground electrical – $600k Division 3 – Concrete From the 60% submission to the 90% submission the concrete design increased rebar densities to account for the new structural code changes, incorporated two additional process tanks and increased the depth of the screened influent channels. The increased rebar quantities of 412,000 lbs were offset by more competitive supply/install rates of $1.03/lbs versus the previous quote of $1.21/lbs. With everything else largely remaining the same the additional costs were found in concrete supply and the additional concrete required for the WAS and Reuse Tanks. The following provides a breakout and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Supply decrease for Rebar – $200K 2. Supply increases for concrete – $200K 3. Scope increase for WAS and Water Reuse Tanks – $550K EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 14 | P a g e Division 8 – Openings Division 8 remained largely the same from Task 4 to Task 5 except for the retractable openings on the AGS basin. The previous design contemplated removable hollow core panel for maintenance access to the basins; however, further discussions with the hollow core suppliers persuaded against using hollow core for this application. The retractable cover provides everyday access to instrumentation for the operations team, and provides easy access for maintenance (i.e. does not require a crane to remove the panel). The additional costs for the retractable covers is partially offset by the savings to the hollow core panels (~$80K). The following provides a breakout and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Scope increase for retractable covers – $480K Division 11 – Process Equipment In general, the supply of process equipment continued to see moderate increases across the market from the previous Task 4 submission, with larger increases for the supply of the UVs, grit removal equipment, and the odor control equipment. AquaNerada and AquaStorm pricing held firm from the previous submission. The current 90% design added an intermediary WAS tank to provide a more consistent feed through to the rotary drum thickeners to improve the overall operability of the thickening system; the addition included 4 more mixers, and two additional RDT feed pumps. With the added scope, the larger supply increases noted above, the general increase across the board for the equipment supply, and increases to the labor rates, Division 11 experienced an increase of $1.6M in the period. The following provides a breakout (of the largest fluctuations) and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Scope increase for WAS Mixers and RDT Pumps – $180k 2. Supply cost increase for the UV System – $400k 3. Supply cost savings for the Perforated Screens - $240K 4. Supply cost increase for the Grit Removal System – $130k 5. Supply cost increase for the Odor Control System – $100k 6. Supply increase for Labor (Filanc quote) - $900K Division 15 – Mechanical / Plumbing The updated Division 15 Mechanical design experienced modest scope increases from 60% to 90% design. Overall, the Mechanical price increased $740K which is mostly attributed to a modest increase in the HVAC supply costs as well as an increase to the supply and install costs for the remainder of the work within the division. The following provides a breakout and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Supply cost increase for HVAC – $150k 2. Scope and supply increase Mechanical (Filanc Quote) – $600K Division 16 – Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Division 16 experienced a large increase in the period which was the result of a number of smaller scope increases, with the exception of the solar for $390K which is now included in the overall pricing. The following provides a breakout and rough order of magnitude associated with the changes provided above: 1. Scope & Supply Increase flow measurement – 100K EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 15 | P a g e 2. Scope increase for lighting in the process area - $280K 3. Scope increase for TCPS feed - $130K 4. Scope increase for contacts on access hatches – $160k 5. Scope increase for the additional WAS tank and Equipment - $140K 6. Scope increase for grounding detail – $250k 7. Scope increase for Solar on the Electrical & Blower/Solids Building – $390K 8. Scope increase for Reuse tank – $130K 9. Scope increase for added instrumentation (e.g., Bioprobe, additional HMI, etc.) - $280K 10. Supply increase for Labor - $230K Administration Area The following section focuses on the Administration Area of the facility, by division. Division 2 – Site Works The largest increase to the Administration Area costs is attributed to the addition of the rammed aggregate piers required under the foundation of the building. While there have been small movements within the various cost breakouts, the rammed aggregate piers account for most of the increase to Division 2. Division 7 – Thermal & Moisture Protection Quotes received back for Division 7 provided some savings in the roofing for about $130K but the wall cladding quotes came back substantially higher for an increase of $400k. Overall, the Division 7 costs increased by $270K. Task 1 Task 2 Task 3.1 Task 4 Task 5 Variance 5 to 4 Administration Area Div 2 - Site Works 691,625$ 720,149$ 728,244$ 172,105$ 584,784$ $412,680 Div 3 - Concrete 305,744$ 591,050$ 160,036$ 162,818$ 332,116$ $169,298 Div 4 - Masonry -$ -$ 47,932$ 47,932$ 114,010$ $66,078 Div 5 - Metals 144,000$ 40,385$ 273,895$ 302,275$ 302,444$ $169 Div 6 - Woods & Plastics 501,677$ 384,258$ 361,586$ 361,586$ 334,602$ ($26,984) Div 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection 402,456$ 859,300$ 657,193$ 657,247$ 930,177$ $272,930 Div 8 - Openings 540,000$ 191,060$ 206,682$ 221,834$ 233,587$ $11,753 Div 9 - Finishes 728,000$ 537,043$ 697,314$ 697,314$ 665,647$ ($31,667) Div 10 - Specialties 136,000$ 63,546$ 41,559$ 41,768$ 119,487$ $77,719 Div 11 - Process Equipment -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 12 - Furnishings 100,000$ 31,620$ 65,576$ 65,576$ 73,555$ $7,979 Div 13 - Special Construction -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 14 - Conveying Systems -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 15 - Mechanical / Plumbing 834,400$ 1,195,640$ 1,057,650$ 696,077$ 614,699$ ($81,377) Div 16 - EI&C 501,800$ 751,139$ 913,119$ 913,119$ 1,081,114$ $167,995 Administration Total:4,885,702$ 5,365,190$ 5,210,785$ 4,339,650$ 5,386,221$ $1,046,571 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 16 | P a g e Workshop Area The following section focuses on the Workshop Area of the facility, by division. There was only one minor fluctuation in the workshop area with the addition of monorail hoist system for an additional $50K, otherwise the workshop remained the same. 3.1.2 EPCOR Project Management and O&M Mobilization EFWP has provided a detailed breakdown of how the EPCOR Project Management and O&M Mobilization costs have been derived. These details are outlined in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 EPCOR PM & O&M Mobilization. Included in the EPCOR Project Management is full time site personnel for EPCOR including a Project Manager and Construction Coordinator. They are led by the Project Execution Lead who shall manage remotely supplemented by monthly or more frequent site visits as becomes necessary at various points during construction. This team will oversee the design-build construction team and is supported by the Director, Project & Technical Services until Final Completion. The spreadsheet outlines the updates made from Task 4 to this submission. No mark-up is included on this amount. Notable adjustments since Task 4 include:  Contingency reduction from 6% to 4%  Wage escalation of approximately 3%  Inclusion of a portion of the previously noted “SPV” costs, equal to approximately $340K (reduction from over $875K included in Task 4 financial model) Included in the EPCOR O&M Mobilization are the personnel, expenses and direct costs necessary to prepare for commissioning and start-up of the WWTF. The majority of these costs are the Operations and Maintenance staff costs during the construction period including their onboarding, training and commissioning support. Other items include software purchases, laboratory equipment, small tools and office expenses for staff during construction. The spreadsheet outlines the updates made from Task 4 to this submission. No mark-up is included on this amount. Notable adjustments since Task 4 include:  Contingency reduction from 6% to 4%  Wage escalation of approximately 3%  Inclusion of process engineering, training and quality subject matter experts 3.1.3 Construction Period EPCOR Insurance Based on the latest insurance team revisions to the draft Project Agreement in Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Draft Project Agreement, EPCOR has provided the costing for the necessary insurance Task 1 Task 2 Task 3.1 Task 4 Task 5 Variance 5 to 4 Workshop Area Div 2 - Site Works 9,750$ 33,368$ 38,560$ 55,330$ 42,755$ ($12,575) Div 3 - Concrete 151,501$ 104,493$ 54,842$ 54,978$ 53,059$ ($1,919) Div 4 - Masonry -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 5 - Metals 444,000$ 360,000$ 250,680$ 250,680$ 250,680$ $0 Div 6 - Woods & Plastics -$ -$ 3,252$ 3,252$ 3,592$ $340 Div 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 8 - Openings 88,000$ 37,519$ 46,293$ 46,376$ 26,808$ ($19,569) Div 9 - Finishes 80,000$ 32,052$ 17,043$ 17,043$ 17,043$ $0 Div 10 - Specialties -$ 26,000$ 12,440$ 12,440$ 36,028$ $23,588 Div 11 - Process Equipment -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 12 - Furnishings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 13 - Special Construction -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Div 14 - Conveying Systems 20,000$ 56,950$ -$ -$ 48,333$ $48,333 Div 15 - Mechanical / Plumbing 348,600$ 595,078$ 169,235$ 128,545$ 142,839$ $14,294 Div 16 - EI&C 263,400$ 34,939$ 50,612$ 50,612$ 54,600$ $3,988 Workshop Total:1,405,251$ 1,280,399$ 642,957$ 619,257$ 675,737$ $56,479 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 17 | P a g e coverages during the design-build period. This includes worker’s compensation, professional liability, and automotive liability. The Design-Builder’s insurance premiums are included in the Construction Cost as shown in Section 3.1.1. The premium summary can be found in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 EPCOR DB Period Insurance. 3.1.4 Independent Wastewater Expert EFWP has solicited competitive bids from four qualified firms for the Independent Wastewater Expert scope. To assist in informing the final scope of the Independent Wastewater Expert, the firms were asked to provide pricing on certifying Substantial Completion and Final Completion (Punch List items completeness), in addition to Final Acceptance. As demonstrated in Table 3-2, the average price was approximately $120,000. As such, EFWP has carried $70,000 for the EFWP portion of this item and to account for future escalation as this contract will not be awarded until 2026. It is suggested the City also carry $70,000 for cost estimating purposes. The bids can be found in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.1 Independent WW Expert Proposals. Table 3-2: Summary of Bids Received for Independent Wastewater Expert Scope Company Substantial Completion Final Acceptance Final Completion Total Arup $35,000 $20,000 $20,000 $75,000 Black & Veatch $40,000 $30,000 $15,000 $85,000 BTY $40,725 $54,500 $22,400 $117,625 Altus Group $96,000 $60,000 $40,000 $196,000 Average $118,406 3.2 Updated Compensation Schedule 5.1.4 (b) An updated compensation schedule specifying the proposed Capital Charge (for each Contract Year) and Operations Charge Components; Table 3-3 outlines the updated compensation schedule specifying the proposed Capital Charge, Operations Charge Components and Repair and Replacement Charge for each Contract Year. Table 3-3: Compensation Schedule by Contract Year Contract Year Capital Charge Ordinary Operations and Maintenance Component Major Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Component 1 (2027) 5,888,217 4,162,899 783,756 2 (2028) 5,888,217 3,839,763 - 3 (2029) 5,888,217 3,862,828 - 4 (2030) 5,888,217 4,034,153 - 5 (2031) 5,888,217 4,354,327 - 6 (2032) 5,888,217 4,539,872 107,066 7 (2033) 5,888,217 4,599,999 574,094 8 (2034) 5,888,217 4,782,024 318,540 9 (2035) 5,888,217 4,519,677 372,183 10 (2036) 5,888,217 5,340,263 288,201 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 18 | P a g e Contract Year Capital Charge Ordinary Operations and Maintenance Component Major Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Component 11 (2037) 5,888,217 5,106,852 690,233 12 (2038) 5,888,217 5,259,422 617,421 13 (2039) 5,888,217 5,031,070 848,196 14 (2040) 5,888,217 5,551,764 866,393 15 (2041) 5,888,217 5,807,124 785,454 16 (2042) 5,888,217 5,776,948 639,272 17 (2043) 5,888,217 5,767,406 707,623 18 (2044) 5,888,217 5,918,099 669,073 19 (2045) 5,888,217 6,422,153 816,845 20 (2046) 5,888,217 6,991,501 487,089 21 (2047) 5,888,217 6,633,864 744,478 22 (2048) 5,888,217 6,783,642 971,143 23 (2049) 5,888,217 6,677,651 727,223 24 (2050) 5,888,217 6,820,466 1,041,051 25 (2051) 5,888,217 6,952,240 1,144,635 26 (2052) 5,888,217 7,243,819 507,219 27 (2053) 5,888,217 7,790,039 740,174 28 (2054) 5,888,217 7,706,941 717,065 29 (2055) 5,888,217 7,631,823 1,222,628 30 (2056) 5,888,217 7,792,463 807,660 Total 176,646,519 173,701,092 18,194,718 Grand Total (Total Service Fee) $368,542,330 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 19 | P a g e 3.3 Updated Operation Services Cost 5.1.4 (c) An updated Operation Services cost, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open -book pricing supporting documentation and include updating quantities, subcontractor and supplier quotes; The Project Operations Charge consists of the components shown in Table 3-4, in 2023$, which are detailed in the following sections of the document and identified in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.3 Operations Services Cost Documents. Table 3-4: Operations Charge Summary Cost Component Annual Average Mark-up Annual Average with Mark-up 30 year Term (with Mark-up) 2023 $000s % 2023 $000s 2023 $000s Annual O&M - Fixed 1,949 10% 2,144 64,317 Annual O&M - Variable 387 10% 426 12,776 Insurance during Operations 155 10% 170 5,104 Electricity Passthrough 637 0% 637 19,123 Natural Gas Passthrough 12 0% 12 360 Residuals Transportation 512 5% 537 16,118 Operations and Maintenance Charge Total 3,652 3,927 117,799 3.3.1 Operations and Maintenance EFWP has provided a detailed and comprehensive breakdown of how the Operations and Maintenance component of the Operations Charge was derived and the material factors on which it is based. These costs allow EFWP to operate within the guidelines outlined in Technical Submittal - Attachments. Refer to Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.3 Operations Services Cost Documents for details associated with determining the operations and maintenance component of the Operations Charge. The Fixed O&M Worksheet provides a summary of cost categories or “accounts” in the “Summary” tab with a breakdown of number of employees, quantities and unit costs detailed in the “Detailed O&M” tab. All costs, quotes, and estimates are provided within the attachment on an open book basis. The “Summary” tab also provides the updates made since Task 4. The most notable changes in this budget is the removal of sludge hauling as this is now proposed to be performed on a per-unit basis (see Section 3.3.5) as well as the inclusion of external laboratory costs, after a detailed analysis was performed as outlined in the “Sampling and Analysis” tab. The Variable O&M Worksheet provides all non-routine replacements and overhauls less than the $50,000 threshold for Repair and Replacements. Based on the latest insurance team revisions to the draft Project Agreement in Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Draft Project Agreement, EPCOR has provided the costing for the necessary insurance coverages during the operations period. This includes worker’s compensation, professional liability, and automotive liability. The Operations and Maintenance costs are marked up by the Operations Subcontractor Fee of 10% and escalated annually. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 20 | P a g e 3.3.2 Repair and Replacement Refer to Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.3 Operations Services Cost Documents for the worksheet associated with determining the repair and replacement component of the Operations Charge. This worksheet contains the updated major equipment and asset list, based on the 90% design. The list also contains critical asset details, equipment criticality and equipment redundancy. Each line has been assessed to determine overhaul and replacement frequencies. These frequencies are based on equipment manufacturers, EPCOR Weibull data from similar facilities and EPCOR operator experience. Additionally, the cost (equipment, materials and labor) for overhaul and replacements are listed for each line and is based on the design-build installation estimate as well as equipment and activities at similar EPCOR facilities. For select and specialized replacements (i.e. blower overhaul, diffuser membrane replacement and filter media cloth), budgetary quotes have been obtained by the suppliers and are provided in this attachment. As the draft Project Agreement defines Major Maintenance, Repair and Replacement to be activities greater than $50,000, the sheet was then filtered to only include replacements or overhauls equal to or above this threshold amount. All other activities have been included in a variable component to the Operations and Maintenance costing. For further information on how the Repair and Replacement will be managed over the 30-year operating term, refer to the Repair and Replacement Plan in Technical Submittal - Attachments. The Repair and Replacement costs are marked up by the Operations Subcontractor Fee of 10% and escalated annually. 3.3.3 Electricity Passthrough Refer to Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.3 Electrical Use Estimate, in which EFWP has provided details of its annual Guaranteed Maximum Electricity utilization costs, which will be incorporated into the Project Agreement. The cost of electricity will be paid as a passthrough by the City to the Project Company and not subject to a markup. The pass-through electricity component shall be equal to the actual amount paid by EFWP to its electric utility provider for electricity supplied to the WWTF and added to the Operations Charge during each billing period. The electrical usage by the WWTF will increase as the flow capacity increases from 2025 (7,117,116 kWh/year) to 2055 (8,060,008 kWh/year) as shown in the Electrical Use Estimate. For modelling purposes, the consumption was put on a straighline between 2025 and 2055, increasing by approximately 32,000 kWh each year. The 2055 electricity quantity to be used as the guaranteed amount is 8,060,008 kWh/year. 3.3.4 Natural Gas Passthrough Based on analysis completed by WSP, the annual natural gas usage of the WWTF is expected to not exceed 12,000 therms. The administration building is expected to consume 650 therms annually and the process buildings are expected to consume approximately 10,000 therms annually, assuming a set temperature 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The cost of natural will be paid as a passthrough by the City to the Project Company and not subject to a markup. The pass-through natural gas component shall be equal to the actual amount paid by EFWP to its natural gas utility provider for natural gas supplied to the WWTF and added to the Operations Charge during each billing period. The natural gas consumption is not expected to vary over the 30-year term and as such is held at 12,000 therms annually as the guaranteed amount. 3.3.5 Residuals Transportation Upon suggestion from the City, EFWP is proposing that the cost of transportation of residuals (sludge) be paid for on a per dry ton unit price of $190.00. The unit price methodology ensures no additional risk or costs are EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 21 | P a g e built into this component of the Operations Charge and it incentivizes EPCOR to be efficient which has benefits to both the City and the City of Portland Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. EPCOR intends to maintain a fleet of trucks and tanker trailers to perform the sludge hauling internally. At the beginning of the term, two complete truck and trailer units will be purchased using the Repair and Replacement budget. These units are estimated and budgeted to last approximately 10 years and will be replaced twice during the term of the 30-year term. A third unit is expected to be added to the fleet approximately ten years into the term. As per discussions with the City, new units will not be provided at the end of the contract but EPCOR will be required to ensure the units are in good working order. Purchase of the fleet is included in the Repair and Replacement budget. The unit price of sludge transported includes the labor, fuel and maintenance of the fleet. The unit price also covers the three full time equivalent employees that are required for the duration of the term to operate the fleet and provide the necessary coverage and reliability. The following assumptions were used in developing this unit price proposal:  Tanker size of 6,000 gallons  A round trip drive time of 70 minutes  30 minutes of loading time and 30 minutes of unloading time  Drivers would work a 10 hour shift that will include evenings and nights to avoid high traffic times of the day  The trucks and trailers will be stored on site along the west fence line when not in use Based on experience and advice from the City of Portland, it has been assumed the optimal concentration will be 4.5%. EPCOR intends to work with staff at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant to look for truck unloading efficiencies. Although a 7% density is permitted in the draft Project Agreement, it has been advised that this thickness is not feasible at this time. A 7% density level was assumed in the Task 4 submittal. The more the sludge is thickened, the fewer truck loads will be required and the lower the hydraulic loading on the Columbia Boulevard Facility. EPCOR looks forward to ongoing discussions through the term with the intent of finding mutual benefits that improve sustainability and reduce the overall environmental footprint. For modelling purposes, the sludge production values was put on a straighline between 2025 and 2055 contract values, from 2,383 dry tons in 2025 to 3,003 dry tons in 2055, increasing by approximately 21 dry tons each year. In comparing to expected sludge production values, EFWP believes these values to be conservative and have the potential to artificially inflate the price provided by the financial model. The detailed analysis worksheet on how this unit price has been derived can be found in Cost Submittal – Attachments – 3.3 Operations Services Cost Documents. Due to the reduced level of risk associated with the unit price approach to residuals hauling, EFWP is proposing to reduce the Operations Subcontractor Fee to 5% for this component of the Operations Charge. 3.4 List of Any Proposed Allowance Items 5.1.4 (d) If applicable and requested by the City, a list of any proposed allowance items, alternat e prices and unit prices; and As noted above in Section 3.3.5, the City and EFWP have proposed to price residual (sludge) transportation utilizing a unit price methodology. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 3. COST SUBMITTAL 22 | P a g e 3.5 Financial Model Update 5.1.4 (e) A Financial Model Update using a Financial Model acceptable to the City. The Capital Charge Component and proposed Operations Charge Component and the other elements of Task 5 shall be based upon the risk allocation established in the Project Agreement. EFWP has provided the pro forma financial statements and discounted cash flow analysis in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow. EFWP would encourage a walk through of the financials with the City to provide further detail and confirm assumptions. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 4. COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL 23 | P a g e 4 Commercial Submittal 4.1 Design-Build, Operations & Maintenance, and Interface Agreement 5.1.5 (a) Project Company will submit the Design-Build, Operations & Maintenance, and Interface Agreement for the City’s information; Refer to Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Design Build Agreement for the latest Design-Build Contract (both clean and redlined versions) for the City’s information, updated to reflect the current financing arrangement. Refer to Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Operations and Maintenance Agreement for the latest Operations and Maintenance Agreement (both clean and redlined versions) for the City’s information, updated to reflect the current financing arrangement. Refer to Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Interface Agreement for the latest Interface Agreement (both clean and redlined versions) for the City’s information, updated to reflect the current financing arrangement. These three draft agreements are subject to final updates and negotiations of the draft Project Agreement (Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Draft Project Agreement). 4.2 Guaranteed Scheduled Acceptance Date 5.1.5 (b) A guaranteed Scheduled Acceptance Date; and Refer to Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.2 Construction Schedule, for the guaranteed schedule for completing the Design-Build work by the scheduled acceptance date (January 26, 2027). The Construction Schedule is an integrated schedule defining all activities to be undertaken to ensure the detailed design and construction period requirements are achieved and the Project reaches Substantial Completion in compliance with the draft Project Agreement requirements. Table 4-1 below summarizes the key milestone dates. Table 4-1: EFWP Task 5 Key Milestones Activity ID Milestone Completion Date A1010 Final Project Submittal November 7, 2023 A7500 Site Access Granted March 1, 2024 A1000 Project Agreement Executed (Effective Date) April 15, 2024 A2960 Design-Build Work Notice to Proceed April 30, 2024 A7980 Demolition Start May 3, 2024 A9730 Substantial Completion December 1, 2026 A7050 Completion of Acceptance Testing January 12, 2027 A6990 Acceptance Certificate (Acceptance) January 26, 2027 A7070 Final Completion August 20, 2027 A7550 Longstop Date March 30, 2028 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 4. COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL 24 | P a g e 4.3 Critical Path Schedule 5.1.5 (c) A critical path schedule for completing the Design -Build Work by the Scheduled Acceptance Date and an accompanying maximum drawdown schedule. Refer to Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.2 Construction Schedule, which shows the critical path schedule items identified by red boxes. The maximum drawdown schedule is shown in Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.3 Maximum Drawdown Schedule. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 5. TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL 25 | P a g e 5 Technical Submittal 5.1 Technical Specifications 5.1.6 (a) Technical Specifications to be incorporated into the Project Agreement; Refer to 90% Design Submittal – Attachments – 2.1 Design Package for the 90% drawings and specifications, in alignment with requirements set out in the draft Project Agreement. 5.2 Acceptance Standards and Test Procedures 5.1.6 (b) Acceptance standards, acceptance test procedures, to be incorporated into the Project Agreement; The Project acceptance standards and acceptance test procedures are set out in the draft Project Agreement (Article 6) and Appendices to the Project Agreement (Appendix 8), found at Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Draft Project Agreement. Further details on EFWP strategy and approach to commissioning the new Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility, transitioning from the existing TCWTP and decommissioning the TCWTP are outlined in Technical Submittal – Attachments – 5.2 Commissioning Plan. The Commissioning Plan has been updated to the latest revision (Revision 3), incorporating the latest information and comments from the City. A clean and tracked changes version can be found at this location. 5.3 Required Government Approvals 5.1.6 (c) The final and complete list of required Governmental Approvals (recognizing that the Project Company will be required to acquire all Governmental Approvals) for the Project (including Gove rnmental Approval application submittal dates and assumed Governmental Approval issuance dates to be incorporated into the Project Agreement; EFWP shall obtain and maintain all Governmental Approvals necessary to construct and operate the Project as outlined in Appendices to the draft Project Agreement. Table 5-1 outlines the Design-Build Governmental Approvals that are expected to be required for the construction of the Project. Table 5-1: Expected Design-Build Governmental Approvals Name of Governmental Approval Issuing Entity Permittee / Approval Holder Application Manager Information Supply Responsibility Fee Payment Responsibility Land Use Approval City of Lake Oswego City of Lake Oswego City of Lake Oswego EFWP City of Lake Oswego Flood Management Area Development Permit City of Lake Oswego City of Lake Oswego City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP Demolition Permit City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Excavation and Grading Permit (Early Works) City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Building Permit City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 5. TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL 26 | P a g e Name of Governmental Approval Issuing Entity Permittee / Approval Holder Application Manager Information Supply Responsibility Fee Payment Responsibility Erosion Control Permit City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Tree Protection and/or Removal Permit City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Street Opening / ROW Permit City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Temporary Traffic Control Permit (if required) City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP EFWP BDS Permit Assumed to be a work permit through City of Portland Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant staff. PGE Energization Permit Portland General Electric EFWP EFWP EFWP EFWP NPDES Wastewater Permit Transfer Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) City of Lake Oswego City of Lake Oswego / City of Portland City of Lake Oswego / City of Portland / EFWP City of Lake Oswego Air Permit ODEQ City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP 1200-C Construction Stormwater Permit ODEQ EFWP EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego 401 Water Quality Certification ODEQ City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP Wetland & Ordinary High Water (OHW) Delineation Concurrence Oregon Department of State Lands City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP Removal/Fill Permit, JPA or Individual Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Joint Permit Application (JPA) or Individual United States Army Corps of Engineers City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Conditional Letter of Map Revision – Fill FEMA City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP City of Lake Oswego Final Letter of Map Revision – Fill FEMA City of Lake Oswego EFWP EFWP EFWP Table 5-2 outlines the assumed Design-Build Governmental Approval application submittal and approval dates, which the Project Company may utilize to claim an Other Relief Event as per the draft Project Agreement. Table 5-2: Assumed Design-Build Governmental Approval Application Submittal and Approval Dates Name of Governmental Approval Issuing Entity Assumed Governmental Approval Application Date Assumed Governmental Approval Issuance Date Land Use & Development Review City of Lake Oswego July 14, 2023 March 28, 2024 Excavation and Grading Permit (Early Works) City of Lake Oswego May 6, 2024 July 17,2024 Building Permits City of Lake Oswego May 6, 2024 August 23, 2024 Demolition Permit City of Lake Oswego April 1, 2024 May 3, 2024 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 5. TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL 27 | P a g e Name of Governmental Approval Issuing Entity Assumed Governmental Approval Application Date Assumed Governmental Approval Issuance Date Erosion Control Permit City of Lake Oswego February 8, 2024 March 20, 2024 Tree Protection and/or Removal Permit City of Lake Oswego February 8, 2024 March 20, 2024 Street Opening / ROW Permit City of Lake Oswego March 28, 2024 June 21, 2024 Temporary Traffic Control Permit City of Lake Oswego March 28, 2024 June 21, 2024 PGE Energization Permit Portland General Electric February 10, 2026 February 17, 2026 Flood Management Area Development Permit City of Lake Oswego April 26, 2024 July 23, 2024 Air Permit ODEQ October 4, 2023 July 5, 2024 1200-C Construction Stormwater Permit ODEQ February 8, 2024 March 20, 2024 Removal/Fill Permit, JPA or Individual Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) March 14, 2024 September 13, 2024 Joint Permit Application (JPA) or Individual United States Army Corps of Engineers March 14, 2024 September 13, 2024 Conditional Letter of Map Revision – Fill FEMA TBD – dependent on revised Portland Sewer Tie-In final design June 3, 2024 Final Letter of Map Revision – Fill FEMA July 3, 2024 September 26, 2024 5.4 Changes in Law 5.1.6 (d) A description of any Change in Law that has occurred between the Agreement Date and the date of the submittal of the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material; There are no known Change in Law events that have occurred between the Agreement Date and the date of the submittal of this Final Project Submittal. The three Change in Law items that were identified in the Task 4 Draft Definitive Submittal (Floodplain Management Code, Structural Code and Mechanical Code) have been addressed and incorporated into this 90% Design Submittal. 5.5 Finalized Project Site Description 5.1.6 (e) An updated and finalized description of the Project Site; The Project Site is depicted by drawing WO-DWG-10-GEN-C-0100, located on Page 18 of “LOWWTF DWGs 90pct R2 2023 1107_Part 1.pdf”, located in 90% Design Submittal – Attachments. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 5. TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL 28 | P a g e 5.6 O&M Plan 5.1.6 (f) The O&M Plan including the major maintenance, repair and replacement schedule; and EFWP submitted the Operations and Maintenance Plans to the City for review as part of Task 2, Task 3, and Task 4 submissions. The City’s feedback has been incorporated into 90% versions of the plans, with the original versions and feedback retained for record keeping purposes. All versions of the Operations and Maintenance Plans are available in Technical Submittal - Attachments. Note that feedback was not received from the City on six plans so the original versions are provided. The major maintenance, repair and replacement schedule is referenced in both Section 3.3.2 and Section 7.5. 5.7 Performance Guarantees 5.1.6 (g) Performance guarantees, as required by the Project Agreement. The Project performance guarantees and deductions are set out in the draft Appendices to the draft Project Agreement (Appendix 13) included in the Commercial Submittal - Attachments – 4.1 Draft Project Agreement. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMITTAL 29 | P a g e 6 Additional Information Submittal 6.1 Proposed Subcontractors 5.1.7 (a) The names of proposed Subcontractors and descriptions of their roles for approval by the City; Aecon has solicited updated bids from multiple qualified potential subcontracts for various scopes of work, as shown in Section 3.1. Final selection of subcontractors as not been performed. It is anticipated that proposed Subcontractors for the project will be listed in the final Project Agreement. 6.2 Surety 5.1.7 (b) A letter from a qualified surety confirming the intent of the surety to provide the payment bond and performance bond required under the draft Project Agreement; Refer to Additional Information Submittal – Attachments – 6.2 Surety Letter for a letter from a qualified surety confirming the intent of the surety to provide the payment bond and performance bond required under the draft Project Agreement. 6.3 Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Subcontracting Plan 5.1.7 (c) A final equity, inclusion and diversity subcontracting plan, meeting the requirements of Task 3.5; Refer to Additional Information Submittal – Attachments – 6.3 Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Subcontracting Plan for an updated equity, inclusion and diversity subcontracting plan, outlining the approach EFWP will take on the Project to engage disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. EFWP recognizes the importance and mutual benefits of a robust equity, inclusion and diversity plan including but not limited to community connections and local economic development. 6.4 Assumptions and Clarifications 5.1.7 (d) A listing of any assumptions, clarifications or qualifications made by the Project Company in providing its Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material that are material to any part thereof, including a statement as to what information supplied by the City (if any) the Project Company proposes to use as the basis of any portion of its Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material; EFWP’s Final Project Submittal is based on the below assumptions and qualifications: 1. This Final Project Submittal and the pricing therein is based on EPCOR’s last revised draft of the Project Agreement sent to the City on October 2, 2023 and is contingent upon resolution of any outstanding items. If there are changes to the draft Project Agreement last sent to the City by EPCOR on October 2, 2023 following the submission, EFWP may need to adjust pricing in the Final Project Submittal. 2. This Final Project Submittal has the support of both Project Company’s senior management and Board of Directors. All necessary approvals for delivery of the Final Project Submittal have been received which are based on the terms of EPCOR’s last revised draft of the Project Agreement sent to the City on October 2, 2023. If there are changes to the draft Project Agreement last sent to the City by EPCOR on October 2, 2023 following the submission date that increases the degree of risk transferred to the Project Company, additional approvals will be required. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMITTAL 30 | P a g e 3. Pricing is held for 140 days from the time of this submission (November 7, 2023), which is March 26, 2024 4. All other EFWP’s assumptions, clarifications or qualifications that are material to the Final Project Submittal are included in the relevant sections of this submittal or with the relevant attachments. 5. Alkalinity addition is not currently included in the 90% design or associated pricing in this Final Project Submittal. Section 2.2.3 contains indicative pricing for this item. 6. Relocation of the Portland sewer main tie-in to the North-West corner of the Tryon Creek lot is is not currently included in the 90% design or associated pricing in this Final Project Submittal. Section 2.2.3 contains indicative pricing for this item. 6.5 Other Information 5.1.7 (e) Any other information reasonably requested by the City with regard to the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material as necessary or appropriate to make a determination as to whether to p roceed with the Project. To EFWP’s knowledge, no other information has been requested by the City with regard to the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 31 | P a g e 7 Final Price Submittal 7.1 Proposed Capital Charge Shall be valid for a period of 140 days. 5.1.9 (a) A proposed Capital Charge Component, expressed on an annual basis, with a detailed and comprehensive description of how the proposed Capital Charge Component was derived and the material factors on which it was based (financing costs); 5.1.9 (b) Intentionally omitted; The proposed Project Capital Charge is $5,888,217 per year, paid evenly on a monthly basis. It is composed of a return on financing component and return of financing component, which will evenly amortize EFWP equity to zero over the term of the Project Agreement. The material factors on which it was based on include:  The proposed Project Capital Charge is set to an amount that will result in EFWP’s after-tax Return on Equity of 10.54%.  The amount of EFWP’s equity commitment which will be 20% of construction costs  The timing of EFWP's equity injections will begin after City's contribution have exhausted to minimize the impact on the Capital Charge  The details on cash taxes are outlined in Section 7.14 More detail is provided in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow on the timing and amounts of cash flows, and the discounted cash flow calculation used to determine the Capital Charge. 7.2 Proposed Design-Build Price 5.1.9 (c) A proposed Design-Build Price on a fixed lump sum price basis, which shall be accompanied by appropriate open-book pricing supporting documentation based on quantities, subcontractor and supplier quotes obtained and substantiation of all non-bid work as developed pursuant to this Task 5; The proposed Design-Build Price is $189,027,166. See Section 3.1 for a detailed description of what is included in the Design-Build Price as well as the accompanying open-book pricing and quotations obtained. 7.3 Proposed Operations Charge Component 5.1.9 (d) A proposed Operations Charge Component, with a detailed and comprehensive description of how the proposed Operations Charge Component was derived and the open-book pricing and the material factors on which it was based; The following Table 7-1 is a summary of the proposed Operations Charge Component. Section 3.3 details how the Operations Charge Component was derived, including all open-book pricing and material factors. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 32 | P a g e Table 7-1: Operations Charge Summary Cost Component Annual Average Mark-up Annual Average with Mark-up 30 year Term (with Mark-up) 2023 $000s % 2023 $000s 2023 $000s Annual O&M - Fixed 1,949 10% 2,144 64,317 Annual O&M - Variable 387 10% 426 12,776 Insurance during Operations 155 10% 170 5,104 Electricity Passthrough 637 0% 637 19,123 Natural Gas Passthrough 12 0% 12 360 Residuals Transportation 512 5% 537 16,118 Operations and Maintenance Charge Total 3,652 3,927 117,799 7.4 Proposed Operations Charge Escalation 5.1.9 (e) A proposal on how the Operations Charge will be escalated annually; Table 7-2 below outlines EFWP’s proposed indexing approach for the three components of the Operations Charge, using four proposed US Bureau of Labor Statistics indices. Table 7-2: Proposed Inflation Indexing on Operations Charge Component Cost Category Series Title (US Bureau of Labor Statistics) Series ID Operation and Maintenance Charge Major Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Component Residuals Transportation Chemicals PPI industry sub-sector data for Chemical mfg, not seasonally adjusted PCU325---325--- 5% 0% 0% Labor, Contractors and Consultants Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics and Pay and Benefits : Total Private - Total Private (Hourly) Portland- Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA SMU413890005 00000003 75% 25% 60% Fuel PPI industry data for Petroleum refineries-Diesel fuel, not seasonally adjusted PCU324110324 110C2 0% 0% 15% Materials and Supplies / Miscellaneous Total average annual expenditures by Census Region: Region of residence: west CXUTOTALEXPL B1105M 20% 75% 25% EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 33 | P a g e 7.5 Annual Repair and Replacement Program Allowances 5.1.9 (f) Identification of an annual repair and replacement program and allowances; Section 3.3.2 outlines the annual repair and replacement program and allowances. Table 7-3 below outlines the annual Repair and Replacement Charge by year in 2023$, also shown in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow. Table 7-3: Annual Repair and Replacement Charge Year Annual Amount (2023$) Annual Amount with 10% Markup (2023$) 1 $658,245 $724,070 2 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 6 $81,444 $89,588 7 $428,143 $470,957 8 $232,900 $256,190 9 $266,786 $293,464 10 $202,535 $222,789 11 $475,555 $523,111 12 $417,048 $458,753 13 $561,695 $617,865 14 $562,496 $618,745 15 $499,948 $549,943 16 $398,924 $438,816 17 $432,918 $476,210 18 $401,308 $441,438 19 $480,334 $528,367 20 $280,809 $308,890 21 $420,780 $462,858 22 $538,129 $591,942 23 $395,067 $434,574 24 $554,466 $609,913 25 $597,681 $657,449 26 $259,656 $285,622 27 $371,480 $408,628 28 $352,826 $388,109 29 $589,788 $648,767 30 $381,971 $420,168 Total $10,842,932 $11,927,225 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 34 | P a g e 7.6 Guaranteed Maximum Energy Utilization 5.1.9 (g) An annual guaranteed maximum energy utilization; 5.1.9 (h) An annual guaranteed maximum on any other amounts that the City has agreed in its discretion to treat as a pass-through; Section 3.3.3 and Section 3.3.4 outline the guaranteed maximum energy utilization for electricity and natural gas, respectively. The guaranteed maximum energy utilization for electricity is 8,060,008 kWh/year annually and the guaranteed maximum energy utilization energy for natural gas is 12,000 therms annually. 7.7 Residuals Transportation Unit Pricing Section 3.3.5 outlines the proposed approach to unit pricing for residuals (sludge) transportation to the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plan. The proposed unit price is $190.00 per dry ton hauled. 7.8 Proposed Return-on-Equity Schedules 5.1.9 (i) Proposed Return-on-Equity schedules; Refer to Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow for further detail outlining details on how the Capital Charge was derived, based on the Return-on-Equity. Row 176 shows the levered cash flow over the term of the Project. 7.9 Annual Service Fee and Preliminary Services Fee 5.1.9 (j) An annual Service Fee that supports the annual Service Fee calculation and reflects the proposed “Design- Build Subcontractor Fee”, “Operations Subcontractor Fee” and “Return-on-Equity” set forth in the Project Company’s Proposal, as well as the Preliminary Services Fee; and Figure 7-1 and Table 7-4 below summarize the Service Fee requirements of the Project, inclusive of the Design- Build Subcontractor Fee, Operations Subcontractor Fee and Return-on-Equity, as applicable. Figure 7-1: Service Fee Summary by Year EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 35 | P a g e Table 7-4: Service Fee Summary by Type Service Fee Summary Capital Charge 176,646,519 USD Operations Charge 173,701,092 USD Repair and Replacement 18,194,718 USD Total Service Fee Payments 368,542,330 USD The Total Service Fee Payments over the term of the Project are $368,542,330 USD. Details of the total Capital and Operations Charges for each year are available in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow. As outlined in the draft Project Agreement, the Final Preliminary Services Fee Payment is anticipated to be $7,171,092 and the Allowable Financing Costs Payment is anticipated to be $1,225,899. These amounts are subject to final discussions between EFWP and the City. 7.10 All Other Supporting Information 5.1.9 (k) All costs, bids, quotes, estimates, substantiation and other information supporting the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material shall be made available to the City. The Capital Charge Component and proposed Operations Charge Component and the other elements of the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material shall be based upon the risk allocation established by the Project Agreement. As outlined in Section 3, all costing information, bids received, quotes, estimates and other information to support this Final Project Submittal can be found in Cost Submittal – Attachments. 7.11 Equity Financing Plan 5.1.10 The Project Company must provide a full description of a complete equity financing plan for the Project Agreement (the “Equity Financing Plan”), including the amounts and timing of required funds through the Desig n- Build Period, the complete operation and maintenance period and including all the Operation and Maintenance Services and the lifecycle maintenance. The sources of funds must match the demand for funds throughout both the design-build period and the operation and maintenance period. Note that some of these deliverables may not be applicable or necessary, depending on the final financing arrangement. The Final Project Submission assumes that the Project Company will be funding construction costs and billing the City monthly until 80% of the construction costs have been incurred. The Project Company’s equity commitment will be used to fund the final 20% of construction costs; this commitment is for up to $40 million and will be supported by the Project Company Guarantee from EPCOR USA Inc. (EUSA). EUSA has assets totalling almost $1.9 billion at June 30, 2023 and its annual cash flows from operations for 2022 was over $100 million. The Project Company is not intending on providing any equity financing during the operation and maintenance period, with the exception of any Punch List holdbacks as outlined in the draft Project Agreement. The Project Company equity will be funded by its ultimate parent EPCOR Utilities Inc. (EUI). Founded over 130 years ago, EUI is a North American utility with over 3500 employees. EPCOR builds, owns and operates water and wastewater treatment facilities, water transmission pipelines, and power and natural gas distribution systems and is a utility provider to over 2 million customers. EUI had total assets of CAD $15 billion as of EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 36 | P a g e September 30, 2023 and is rated A- from S&P Global Ratings and A(low) from DBRS Morningstar. EUI had CAD $937 million of annual cash flows from operating activities in 2022 and currently has CAD $1.1 billion of committed bank credit facilities. Below in Figure 7-2 is the projected cost during construction and allocation of funding provided between the City and EPCOR. Table 7-5 shows the Maximum Drawdown Schedule amounts by month, also shown in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow. Figure 7-2: Maximum Drawdown Schedule showing allocation of funding between the City and EPCOR EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 37 | P a g e Table 7-5: Maximum Drawdown Schedule Amounts by Month #Calendar Month Construction Cost City's Funding EFWP's Funding $$$ 1 May-24 (18,857,251) 18,857,251 - 2 Jun-24 (3,606,152) 3,606,152 - 3 Jul-24 (3,036,123) 3,036,123 - 4 Aug-24 (3,672,672) 3,672,672 - 5 Sep-24 (3,973,389) 3,973,389 - 6 Oct-24 (4,255,403) 4,255,403 - 7 Nov-24 (6,269,684) 6,269,684 - 8 Dec-24 (6,573,495) 6,573,495 - 9 Jan-25 (5,995,324) 5,995,324 - 10 Feb-25 (6,179,507) 6,179,507 - 11 Mar-25 (7,970,534) 7,970,534 - 12 Apr-25 (7,897,608) 7,897,608 - 13 May-25 (5,603,204) 5,603,204 - 14 Jun-25 (5,187,053) 5,187,053 - 15 Jul-25 (5,360,318) 5,360,318 - 16 Aug-25 (5,402,152) 5,402,152 - 17 Sep-25 (13,386,144) 13,386,144 - 18 Oct-25 (9,713,775) 9,713,775 - 19 Nov-25 (6,225,324) 6,225,324 - 20 Dec-25 (5,557,680) 5,557,680 - 21 Jan-26 (7,659,348) 7,659,348 - 22 Feb-26 (5,429,122) 5,429,122 - 23 Mar-26 (6,104,765) 3,410,468 2,694,297 24 Apr-26 (7,835,483) - 7,835,483 25 May-26 (5,634,709) - 5,634,709 26 Jun-26 (5,741,424) - 5,741,424 27 Jul-26 (3,474,709) - 3,474,709 28 Aug-26 (2,923,144) - 2,923,144 29 Sep-26 (2,469,590) - 2,469,590 30 Oct-26 (1,339,510) - 1,339,510 31 Nov-26 (962,816) - 962,816 32 Dec-26 (491,949) - 491,949 33 Jan-27 (282,520) - 282,520 34 Feb-27 (188,347) - 188,347 35 Mar-27 (470,867) - 470,867 36 Apr-27 (470,867) - 470,867 37 May-27 (470,867) - 470,867 38 Jun-27 (470,867) - 470,867 39 Jul-27 (470,867) - 470,867 40 Aug-27 (1,412,601) - 1,412,601 41 Sum (189,027,167) 151,221,733 37,805,433 EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 38 | P a g e 7.11.1 Sources of Equity 5.1.11 The Equity Financing Plan must demonstrate the sources of private equity finance and the level of commitment of such equity financing, and include the following information, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties: (a) Full details of each source of financing, including equity, any construction or standby facilities, and internally generated funds (separated into interest earned on deposits, reserve accounts, and third party income); The Project Company will receive its equity from the combined operating cash flows of EUI, supplemented as necessary by EUI’s CAD $1.1 billion committed bank credit facilities. The Project Company’s financing plan does not require any equity or quasi-equity to be raised from external sources. The Project Company is not intending to hold its equity in a deposit or reserve account to minimize costs to the City. EUI has provided a reference letter from the agent bank in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 Bank Reference Letter for its CAD $750 million syndicated credit facility, which is fully committed through 2027, as further evidence of the available financial capacity. 7.11.2 Investor Credit Status 5.1.11 (b) Identification and credit status of each equity investor and the amount to be provided by each investor, including expected yields or returns; The Project Company will invest equity funding of up to $40 million from funds sourced from its ultimate parent Company EUI (as discussed in 7.11 and 7.11.2 above and 7.11.3 below) and this equity commitment will be supported by a Project Company Guarantee from EUSA. The Project Company will be investing the equity funding at a post-tax return on equity (ROE) of 10.54%. 7.11.3 Availability of Equity 5.1.11 (c) For each investor subscribing equity, details about the availability of equity / quasi-equity finance, including, as applicable, copies of all relevant agreements and board minutes approving the quantum of equity / quasi-equity to be provided; The Project Company will source its equity from the combined operating cash flows of EUI supplemented as necessary by EUI’s CAD $1.1 billion committed bank credit facilities. EUI has provided a letter of support related to the Project Company’s equity commitment of up to $40 million (Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 EUI Support Letter) and also a reference letter from the agent bank for EUI’s CAD $750 million syndicated credit facility, which is fully committed through 2027, as further evidence of the available financial capacity (Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 Bank Reference Letter). 7.11.4 Equity Guarantee 5.1.11 (d) If guarantees are to be provided as part of the financing package, written confirmation by each shareholder’s parent company, stating that it is able to provide a parent company guarantee in relation to the availability of the equity / quasi-equity (including the holding of subordinated debt in a tax -exempt structure) for the Project, and that it has adequate funds available; The Project Company’s Equity Guarantee will be supported by a Project Company Guarantee from EUSA, as outlined in EUSA’s support letter in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 EUSA Support Letter. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 39 | P a g e 7.11.5 External Sources of Equity 5.1.11 (e) If any equity or quasi-equity finance is to be raised from external sources, specify such sources and provide written confirmation from the providers as to their willingness to provide funding and the amount of funding available; and EFWP does not require any equity or quasi-equity to be raised from external sources. 7.11.6 Project Company Support 5.1.11 (f) Full description (including, where applicable, copies) of all relevant agreements evidencing and confirming the extent of support (including performance guarantees) that is to be provided in respect of the obligations and liabilities of the Project Company by each of the Project Company’s shareholders, subcontractors and associated third parties, including details of any parent and ultimate parent company involvement in any and all such elements of support. The Project Company’s Equity Guarantee and performance obligations will be supported by a Project Company Guarantee from EUSA as described in the letter of support from EUSA (Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 EUSA Support Letter). Aecon will also provide a parental guarantee in support of its obligations to the Project Company. 7.12 Term Sheet 5.1.12 The Project Company must provide term sheets for all the equity financing providers including: (a) The identity of the investor; (b) The period for which such capital shall be made available; (c) Type of equity/share; (d) The amount of committed equity and currency in which it is to be provided; (e) The drawdown schedule; (f) Details of grace periods, including duration and contingency; (g) Repayment or redemption schedules, maturity dates and prepayment ter ms (including make-whole clauses); (h) Details of the performance security package to be provided by each of the Project contractors, including details of letters of credit or other security, bonding or guarantee requirements and costs (from either parents or third parties); (i) Any conditions precedent for disbursement; (j) Due diligence requirements; (k) Any other restrictions, requirements or conditions that may materially impact the Project Company’s ability to drawdown on committed equity financing upon execution of the Project Agreement; (l) Details of any standby facilities provided to satisfy the requirements of the Project Agreement; (m) To the extent that other forms of finance, other than equity, are to be used the Project Company is to provide appropriate details equivalent to those requested above for equity and debt finance. The Project Company’s Equity will be invested based upon the terms of the Project Agreement. A summary of the Project Company’s equity funding strategy is outlined below in Table 7-6. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 40 | P a g e Table 7-6: Summary of Terms for Equity Funding Equity Funding Detail Description The identity of the investor Project Company: EPCOR Foothills Water Project LLC The period for which such capital shall be made available As identified in Section 7.11, it is anticipated that capital shall be made available between March 2026 and August 2027, subject to the final Maximum Drawdown Schedule Type of equity/share Equity investment as per the terms of the draft Project Agreement The amount of committed equity and currency in which it is to be provided Up to $40M USD The drawdown schedule The anticipated drawdown schedule can be found in Section 7.11. Details of grace periods, including duration and contingency Not applicable. Refer to terms of the draft Project Agreement. Repayment or redemption schedules, maturity dates and prepayment terms (including make-whole clauses) 360 monthly payments of $490,685 USD as shown in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.12 Financing Repayment Schedule, beginning upon Acceptance. Prepayment and termination payments as per the draft Project Agreement. Details of the performance security package to be provided by each of the Project contractors, including details of letters of credit or other security, bonding or guarantee requirements and costs (from either parents or third parties) As per the draft Project Agreement, the following security packages are provided:  Project Company Guarantee  Design-Builder Payment and Performance Bonding  Project Contractor Guarantee Any conditions precedent for disbursement None. Project company will disburse equity at 80% construction completion as per a pre-determined schedule of values, as agreed-to by the City. Due diligence requirements Project Company will self-perform due-diligence on construction progress as per a pre-determined schedule of values, as agreed-to by the City. Any other restrictions, requirements or conditions that may materially impact the Project Company’s ability to drawdown on committed equity financing upon execution of the Project Agreement None. The equity financing for the Project is committed and approved, subject to execution of the Project Agreement. Details of any standby facilities provided to satisfy the requirements of the Project Agreement Not applicable. To the extent that other forms of finance, other than equity, are to be used the Project Company is to provide appropriate details equivalent to those requested above for equity and debt finance Not applicable. EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 41 | P a g e 7.13 Support Letters 5.1.13 The Project Company must provide confirmation from each of its equity or quasi-equity (including the holding of subordinated debt in a tax-exempt structure) providers: (a) That the equity or quasi-equity provider has reviewed and approved the Equity Financing Plan and pricing established in the Task 5 Technical Deliverable Material; (b) That the equity or quasi-equity provider is fully committed to providing the equity or quasi -equity described in the Equity Financing Plan, and (c) That the equity or quasi-equity provider will make the funds available as described in the Equity Financing Plan. Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 EUI Support Letter is EUI’s letter of support for funding the equity in the project and provides EUI’s relevant details and EUI’s approved support to meet the up to $40 million equity commitment of EFWP for the project. Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 Bank Reference Letter is a reference letter from EUI’s agent on its fully committed $750 million credit facility, evidencing EUI’s ability to meet the up to $40 million equity commitment of EFWP for the project. Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.11 EUSA Support Letter is EUSA’s Project Company Guarantee support letter specifying EUSA will provide a Project Company Guarantee in support of the equity commitment of EFWP for the project. 7.14 Taxes 5.1.14 The Project Company must provide full details of its taxation assumptions to demonstrate that the Project Company has given full consideration to all tax implicatio ns in preparing the Equity Financing Plan and Financial Model. The Capital Charge is calculated to allow EFWP to earn an after-tax Return on Equity of 10.54%. The relevant taxation assumptions used in preparing the Equity Financing Plan include: 1) Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) will be payable on all gross receipts/revenues of EFWP during the Term of the Project Agreement and includes construction revenue, Capital Charge, Operation and Maintenance Charge and the Repair and Replacement Charge. CAT is at the current rate of 0.57% on these gross receipts and is calculated after the annual $1 million exemption. 2) Metro Supportive Housing Services Tax (MSHT) will be payable on taxable income of EFWP during the Term of the Project Agreement as EFWP’s annual gross receipts will be in excess of $5 million. The current MSHT rate is 1%. 3) State Income Tax is payable on all taxable income of EFWP during the Term of the Project Agreement. Taxable income for each period during the Term will be reduced by the amount of CAT and MSHT for that period, as CAT and MSHT will be deductions from State Taxable income. State Income Tax is included at a rate of 7.6%. 4) Federal Income Tax is payable on all taxable income of EFWP during the Term of the Project Agreement. Taxable income for each period during the Term will be reduced by the amount of CAT, MSHT and State Income Tax for that period, as CAT, MSHT and State Income Tax will be deductions from Federal Taxable income. Federal Income Tax is included at a rate of 21.0%. Taxable income for both Federal and State Income Tax purposes is calculated based on taxable income for entire Term of the Project Agreement. For the operating period, taxable income is effectively the return on financing which EFWP will earn on its equity contribution (less allowable deductions for CAT, MSHT and Statement Income Tax as noted above). Accounting rules will require EFWP to recognize margin on construction activity during the construction period, even though no construction margin is contemplated in the Project Agreement. Based on similar transactions which EFWP’s affiliates have entered into historically, EFWP has included a deemed 3% non-cash construction margin during the construction period. This additional EPCOR FOOTHILLS WATER PARTNERS | LAKE OSWEGO WASTEWATER TREATEMENT FACLITIY P3 | FINAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 7. FINAL PRICE SUBMITTAL 42 | P a g e non-cash revenue recognized for the construction period will be reduced from return on financing revenues in the operating period. 7.15 Financial Model Requirements 5.1.15 The City is waiving any additional requirements regarding the Financial Model. EFWP has provided the pro forma financial statements and discounted cash flow analysis in Final Price Submittal – Attachments – 7.1 Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow.   Attachment 3:  Consultant Spending on Wastewater Treatment Facility Project Consultant Function Total  Contract  Amount Total Paid  Since the  Start of  Project in  2018 Total Amount  Remaining on  Contract Illuminati Infrastructure Advisors  (Jill Jamieson) Owner's  Representative &  Financing Advisor $497,000 $453,000 $44,000 Carollo Engineers Technical Advisor $1,399,000 $993,000 $406,000 Hawkins, Delafield & Wood Legal Advisor $1,539,000* $1,289,000 $250,000 Universal Field Services Property Acquisition  and Relocation  Services $228,000 $120,000 $108,000 Jones Lang LaSalle (Jill Jamieson ).   The contract  has been  terminated. Owner's  Representative &  Financing Advisor $100,000 $88,000 N/A WCX (No longer in Business)Owner's  Representative $10,000 $4,000 N/A Argent Management (Completed)2018 Feasibility Study $150,000 $150,000 N/A FCS Consulting (Completed)Wastewater Rate  Model Update $8,000 $8,000 N/A Total $2,392,000 $3,105,000 $808,000 *For Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, a $200,000 amendment to increase the contract to $1,539,000  was authorized by the Council on October 3, 2023; however, staff is waiting to execute the amendment until after  Council has given direction at the January 30 Council Meeting. 1‐23‐24