February 2024 Year in Review for 2023 \ ' '
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February 2024
Messagefrom Mayor Buck
I am pleased to present the City of Lake Oswego 2o23Year in Review. In addition to providing a summary of
some of 2o23's significant accomplishments,this report provides a high-level, easy-to-understand snapshot er
of the City's finances.
In addition to ensuring the highest quality of public services,the Council funds our community priorities
which continue to make Lake Oswego a safe, sustainable and welcoming place to live, work and visit. None
of it would be possible without your engagement and the dedication and ingenuity of the folks who work /
within the City.Thank you.
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Budget In Brief
Budget Summary Where do your 49°Education
The Budget is the City's annual financial plan property taxes go? 25%
that details how public programs and services Goy
The City receives about 25%of a Government
will be funded based on estimates of revenues Services
property owners total tax bill.The City
and expenses. Budget decisions are largely estimates to receive about$89.5 million
driven by the policy and direction of the City in property tax revenue this biennium
Council and by input from the community.The and about 1/3 of that revenue provides
City's Biennial Budget for the 2023-25 fiscal funding for Police, Parks, and Fire
year(July i-June 3o) maintains existing service services.
levels and implements the City Council's goals in 26%
a number of ways. Examples include: county&Special Districts
• Over$37 million allocated to complete
the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic
Center(LORAC). Over$26 million is from What does it cost to run the City &
the school district. how are those costs paid for?
• $3.5 million allocated to Phase I of the
Rassekh Park project Resources: What financial resources $456,986,898 Total financial resources available
• $5.7 million in pedestrian safety and revenues are available for the
improvements City of Lake Oswego?
The City's budget is organized on the basis of $89,481,000 $iio,8o8,000 $51,699,000 $139,239,898
funds, or groups of self-balancing accounts, Property taxes Utility fees Ongoing and Other funds Beginning
that are set up to account for all fiscal are the largest support the one-time revenue resources, such balances
activity related to a specific service area or ongoing source operations, sources include as engineering, reflect the
regulated government activity. Fund types for funding maintenance, franchise fees, building,tennis, City's reserves
include the General Fund, special revenue your city's basic and capital internal charges tourism, public and surpluses
funds, debt service funds, enterprise funds, public services projects for services, art, endowments, across all funds
and capital project funds.The City's total FY such as police, for public licenses,and capital reserves, that total $88.2
23-25 biennial budget including reserves and fire, parks and water, sewer, intergovernmental debt service, million.
capital projects is$456,986,898. recreation, and stormwater, revenues. parks recreation
planning. and street center and bonds.
Total Operating Budget
Operating requirements: What $456,986,898 Total appropriations
The operating budget is the ongoing year- are the expenses for the City of
to-year expenses that include salaries and Lake Oswego?
benefits for City employees that provide City
services, materials, contracted services, and
long term debt service.The chart below shows
the operating budget by service area:
14% All other funds not included $123,954,000 $ o 000 • 6,oio,000 00� $1 2 000 $ 8 000 $8 8 8
3,954, 97,7 3, 5,7 4, 99,79 3,797, 9
Other City services such as Personnel Materials Debt service Transfers are Capital outlay The City
10% Planning, Building,City Council,and Services and Services includes interfund is used to also sets
Administration include include short term transfers of acquire or aside monies
12% Long-term debt service for utility salaries and contracted and long resources construct in various
projects and voter-approved bonds benefits for and term debt to provide major facilities funds for
Parks&Recreation, Library,Golf, City staff. consulting service for operational including contingencies
13% services, City projects support buildings, and reserves.
Tennis,ACC,and Public Art
supplies, and and voter or moving roads, and These are the
29% Utility services for customers and maintenance approved general public utility City's savings
public infrastructure and utility bonds. revenues to infrastructure. accounts.
Police, Fire,and expenses. utility and
22% enterprise
Municipal Court Services
CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO www.LakeOswego.city 503-635-0257
H; g4f f ero 2023
2023 Council Goals
Last February,City Council adopted a preferred future statement, eight strategic goals and twenty initiatives to guide the overall City vision, department
workplans, and prioritize projects in 2023.Goals include:
R Ensure a safe, secure, and prepared Combat climate change and strengthen the Improve transportation connections, mobility
community community's resilience to climate impact and safety for all travelers and all types of trips
Support business investment and job creation Strengthen public trust in the City through in Lake Oswego
in Lake Oswego continuous improvement, outstanding Conserve the community's character, sense
► Foster a welcoming and inclusive community customer service, infrastructure investments, of place, and quality of life by planning for
where all people have the opportunity to and fiscal stewardship change and growth
thrive and have equitable access to City . Invest in Lake Oswego's high-quality parks,
services natural areas, and recreational amenities
Collectively,the City made major progress on many of these initiatives over the past year.A few completed initiatives are highlighted in this document.
City Manager's Office Vr'o . ,
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In the Council-Manager form of government,the City Manager is appointed by the City Council v • ' 4- a
to serve as the City's chief administrative officer.The City Manager's Office houses the Public I z
Affairs Office; City Recorder's Office; programs for Sustainability and Emergency Planning & ,
Management; and Diversity, Equity& Inclusion.The City Manager also serves as the Executive r
Director of the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency. h " ; ' 'r—. �
'The City continued to improve its emergency management capabilities.To improve
operational preparedness,the City conducted various training exercises with staff including y '`1`_
winter storm preparedness and cyber security. In addition,the City made significant headway
in its update of both its Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP)and Emergency Operations -
Plan (EOP).The NHMP, expected to be adopted in April 2024, identifies actions the City can :_�
take to reduce risk from natural disasters such as flooding or wildfire.The EOP provides ''" " s
guidance and identifies roles and responsibilities when responding to a disaster.The EOP is
expected to be adopted in early 2024. LOFD's Leah Gordon demonstrated Hands-Only CPR at the
annual Emergency Preparedness Fair.
To help neighborhoods and residents become better prepared, the City held a successful alliii_
Emergency Preparedness Fair in September.Approximately 50o community members �'
participated.The City continues their work to help get senior living facilities more prepared. • .: •1111!' I �, ', ' 't l
► Relating to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI),the City completed a majority of the {% -�d 6. " r
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Recommendations(included in the 2020 report) /- �l' "� jA • -I + ,A
including hosting four successful cultural celebrations.The City also kicked off its New ,• . I .? a, S ,
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Employee On Boarding Program designed to welcome and connect new employees from �i- 1 L_ . ".
various departments. I•' ► ; [, . .`r
► The City completed a progress report on the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. In the �;� /� , ss'.
three years since the plan was adopted in May 2020, ao of the 63 action items in the plan have a P v 1.'',,
been accomplished or are completed or ongoing and 33 are in progress. "ti
The City's Sustainability Program advanced efforts to increase EV adoption in Lake Oswego, ♦ _ V
including installing wayfinding signage for EV charging stations at City facilities and
developing and disseminating a survey on EV ownership and charging habits to inform a The City hosted a number of successful community cultural
Citywide EV Charging Strategy. events.
Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency(LORA),the urban renewal amenities that includes a spa. Additionally,the Vertical Housing
agency for the City of Lake Oswego, coordinates revitalization efforts in Development Zone tax abatement program was adopted as a pilot project
downtown's East End Urban Renewal District and the Lake Grove Village for the project which narrowed the financial gap to allow the project
Center Urban Renewal District. The projects in these areas improve the to be financially feasible in light of high interest rates and construction
overall quality of life in the community and are intended to stimulate cost escalation. Building permits for both the hotel and mixed-use
private investment, create economic vitality and enhance the character of residential developments are under review.The residential development
these districts. is anticipated to break ground in spring and the hotel to follow shortly
2023 continued to be a challenging year to start new construction
projects, however, significant progress was still made to move the Redevelopment Agency staff is also providing redevelopment assistance
North Anchor project closer towards breaking ground. In December, for the construction of the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center
a development review modification was approved for the hotel and for Hacienda Community Development Corporation's 55-unit
development to allow for more value added and community oriented affordable housing project on Boones Ferry Road.
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Corner entrance and outdoor seating for the 88-room State Street and 8 Avenue corner entrance to the Looking north up First Street with the hotel on the left
boutique hotel mixed-use residential development and mixed-use residential development on the right
H;gkcig4t Frost 2023
Community Development - �♦
Community Development encompasses Planning, Building,Code lif ",
Enforcement,Affordable Housing, and Economic Development services.The Ii
Department oversees programs and administers and enforces codes related Ill 10 e 1
to both the natural and built environment in order to protect the City's natural
resources, public health, safety, and welfare, and ensure that development .a 11!
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aligns with community standards and promotes a thriving business _ r
community. I - L- I r • ...... .. , , `
Some of the Department highlights and accomplishments in 2023 include:
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Completed an update to the City's Housing Needs Analysis, which
identifies the City's highest priority housing needs over the next 20 years. .' ." ,,` }` 't4
Habitat for Humanity Affordable 23-unit Townhome Project, land use application
► Began work on a Housing Production Strategy, which outlines the specific and site development permits approved in 2023
tools, actions and policies the City will undertake in order to promote the
development of housing identified in the Housing Needs Analysis.
Developed local time, place and manner regulations for psilocybin facilities that would become effective if voters repeal the temporary ban on
psilocybin facilities in the City in the 2024 general election.
► Processed 3,861 building permits for a total of$160,851,896 in construction valuation.
► Performed 13,499 commercial and residential inspections.
, „ ,.....,
., .... ,.., .= Throughout 2023, our Maintenance, Facilities, Engineering, and WaterTreatment Plant staff
continued to deliver essential services to our Lake Oswego community.
Our core mission continues to be completing construction on City projects, ensuring clean
-,. ' ., _ drinking water flows to homes and businesses 24/7, maintaining streets and stormwater systems,
. .
-' ensuring wastewater is collected, and providing well maintained infrastructure to our residents
. - _ n4 and businesses.These are vital services that are easy to take for granted in our daily lives.
Major accomplishments, highlights, milestones, and projects undertaken during 2023 include:
,-4 `„ Completed construction on three new pedestrian pathway segments on Douglas Way, Boca
" ` Ratan Drive, and Hallinan Street(approx. 4, 500 linear feet).
_, t .r.Ta Completed replacement of more than i,000 ft. of sewer mainline in the Blue Heron Canal and
" ' along Cardinal Drive.
Started monitoring our drinking water source—the Clackamas River—for Per-and
Al '',( • 1 Polyfluorinated Substances(PFAS), which have been not detected.
'( ► Improved water quality testing with continuous monitoring in Lake Oswego's Distribution
P� �� System.
f J ► Installed more than 8,000 Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI)smart water meters
�� •
throughout the City, e equating to o%of current Citycustomers.
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,; Televised more than 122,000 feet and cut roots from more than 30,00o feet of wastewater
As part of the Blue Heron Sewer Rehabilitation Project,
lines throughout the City helping reduce wastewater overflows to only one in 2023.
more than i,000 ft. of sewer mainline was replaced in the Awarded 2023 Project of the Year for the Boones Ferry Road Project,from the Oregon
Blue Heron Canal and along Cardinal Drive. Chapter of the American Public Works Association.
Library . lill
Our award-winning Lake Oswego Public Library offers materials, services and events to educate
and fascinate all ages. With a mission to inspire discovery and cultivate wellbeing by welcoming
all people to read, learn and connect,the Library provides resources and opportunities, including it
very helpful staff,to promote and support an excellent quality of life for all members of our
community. The Library is open 7 days a week and many resources are accessible 24/7 through
the Library's website. '''.------------________ fri,..:),--IbP-- ,
Here are a few of the Library's 2023 accomplishments:
Expanding Outreach Services:We're bringing the Library to all ages of our community in >
exciting ways through Rover events, Home Delivery, and Story Walks. Library staff continue �„ _
to connect with schools and seniors to serve their unique needs, bolstering our efforts to ' ' `� , ,
make the Library accessible to all. "' 1
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Cultural Celebrations:The success of our 2023 cultural events held in partnership with local r t -
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organizations, including the MLK Community Celebration and Lunar NewYear Festival, ���;
supported our community's desire for equity and connection. w •.
Lake Oswego Reads: Our selection of the book The Seed Keeper in 202 alongwith a month
g p 3/ _ '
of engaging events, brought our community together to read, learn and discuss themes — "
ranging from sustainability,to grief,to belonging. The Seed Keeper also provided inspiration , '
for the launch of our very popular new Seed Library. te k
World Languages Collection and Services: Throughout the year, we've built our collection to
include 24 languages,featuring 1,529 new books, and we have fueled our role as a learning -
hub for all through the addition of our Global Stories Project and story times in Mandarin and ` ,.
Spanish. t4
Library Visioning &Strategic Plan: The participation of over 3,00o residents has shown us J) ;1----� �z_
great insight into what the community values and envisions for our Library. Our Strategic \� '
Plan for 2024-2026 is now complete, guiding us forward in creating the Library services our The Library worked with local organizations to bring the
community values and desires. community several cultural events.
H; g4f f ero 2023
Parks & Recreation
'_ Parks& Recreation continued its mission to provide excellence in building community, enriching
lives, and caring for the urban and natural environment throughout 2023.With that came
/ recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities.
. °
Here are the top accomplishments for 2o23.
i r _CENTER CAPRAAccreditation: Parks& Recreation became one of six agencies in Oregon and one
_ of two hundred around the United States to be a new recipient of the Commission for
Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies.This means the department demonstrates
7, IIIIIIPL ! '► national standards of best practice, recognizes the community as a great place to live,
helps secure financial support and reduce costs for the community, holds the department
accountable, and ensures staff provide quality customer service.
f� �j ' " , ► Capital Projects:Groundbreakings for the Recreation and Aquatic Center, Rassekh Park and
u. . _ _ Skatepark, re-opening and renovation of the Tennis Center, rehabilitation and redesign of
Groundbreaking for the Lake Oswego Recreation& the Golf Course and Oswego Hall (formerly the clubhouse), and George Rogers Park shelter
Aquatic Center took place in March 2023.Construction is renovation marked a successful year of bringing 2019 bond project dollars to fruition.
scheduled for completion in Fall 2o24. ► Community Enrichment and Services:The Adult Community Center served almost 24,000
Meals Wheels clients and added an ADA vehicle to help transport community members.The
Teen Lounge welcomed its ioo,000th visitor, and Luscher programs donated nearly 2000
pounds of food to Hunger Fighters and other non-profits.
Parks Initiatives:Working in collaboration with the City's Planning Department, we became
an official Bee City USA.This initiative conserves native pollinators with healthy habitats
rich in native plants, protected from pesticides, and provides nest sites. Plus, sustainable
_ electric additions to the fleet and operations equipment were added, along with thousands
of volunteer hours in our stewardship programs to remove invasive species, plant native
vegetation, and refresh park trails.
__ Community Events and Recreation:Over 200,000 residents and visitors enjoyed Parks&
- Recreation events in 2o23, from concerts to cultural offerings, holiday festivities, and one
.= of the region's favorite farmers'markets.Additionally, our sports division, camps, outdoor
programs, and all the other recreational activities provided 234,185 participants services,
not counting the endless number of community members that use our parks and facilities,
rain or shine.
Fire _
afi f t`I. .
The Lake Oswego Fire Department(LOFD) provides Fire, EMS, Rescue, and Fire Prevention/ "`'" ,_
Investigation/Inspection Services to the City of Lake Oswego and three contract districts:Alto ; , EKE C : _GO
Park Water District, Riverdale Rural Fire Protection District, and Lake Grove Fire District ; ` `4 � �i,
► In 2023, LOFD donated its oldest Reserve Apparatus to firefighters in Ukraine. — • • •Ac, � - �l j
► With help from the Lake Oswego Police and Parks& Recreation Departments, LOFD's Hands- t
Only CPR Campaign reached over 1,000 community members. LOFD also partnered with the -- y
Lake Oswego Library to host two Rover(mobile library)events, one at Station 210 and one at A.
Station 214.
LOFD initiated a new Building Assessment Program, which replaces business inspections
and provides firefighters with important life-safety information for better response in LOFD's Lt.Toby Hays pictured with Ukrainian crews after
emergencies. training them in pump operations.
Using grant funds from Oregon Emergency Management(OEM), LOFD upgraded all amateur
radio equipment.This upgrade enhanced City communications between Lake Oswego andtill
I •
Clackamas County Emergency Operation Centers,which is used for prolonged emergencies, ( I i
disaster response, or in cases where the incident response needed exceeds our local �
capabilities. i
Additionally, LOFD worked with a number of entities- Lake Oswego Amateur Radio , ' � ,.i' �
# '—
Emergency Service(LOARES), neighborhood associations, PrepLO, CARES, and CERT I_4 _
Programs-to determine how to best communicate throughout the City when phone and
internet services are not operational.These stakeholders and LOFD leveraged funds from
an emergency preparedness grant,to develop and implement a plan that bridges the gap .mr- ,i
between the neighborhoods and the LOARES group to allow communications between the 4 ,,
City's Emergency Operations Center(EOC)and local neighborhoods. LOFD's Deputy Fire Marshal David Smith trained City staff
LOFD's annual Holiday Toy Drive celebrated 55 years of partnership with Elks Club 278o in and community members on Family Radio Service(FRS)
providing toys and food to local families in need. and General Mobile Radio Service(GMRS).
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, . Police
PI.. i.
� �._..-- ° $ The Lake Oswego Police Department(LOPD) has highly trained Dispatchers and Police Officers
ready to respond to any emergency with the confidence of keeping our community safe. Below
wir ,
are a few accomplishments we are particularly proud of from 2023:The updatedengagement.► The LOPD focus on information sharin via website and
_ -- - ► Collaboration with partner agencies with establishing a shared database for our Behavioral
Health Units.
—...--> ► The reduction in crime as represented by the National Incident-Based Reporting System
400 (NIBRS) numbers.
LOCOM is staffed 24 hours,7 days a week. It handles all ► Implementation of an Employee Information System.
emergency and non-emergency telephone calls for Lake
Oswego, West Linn, and Milwaukie Police Departments,as ► Hired to full staff in Lake Oswego Communications Center(LOCOM) -the City's 911 Dispatch
well as the Lake Oswego Fire Department. Center.
CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO www.LakeOswego.city 503-635-0257 l�" ''