Agenda & Cover Memo HPSTF Meeting 6 E �r� PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES ..a t7 O OREGO� February 9, 2024 Re: Housing Production Strategy Task Force Meeting#6 Dear Housing Production Strategy Task Force Member, Please find the following materials in advance of the sixth meeting of the Housing Production Strategy Task Force (HPS Task Force), scheduled for February 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM: • HPS Task Force Meeting#6 Agenda • Public Comments on the Housing Production Strategy to Date, 2/7/2024 • Draft Minutes- HPS Task Force Meeting#5, 12/8/2023 • HPS Task Force Meeting#5 Breakout Room Notes, 12/8/2023 • HPS Project Schedule and Scope of Work, 1/9/2024 • Initial Housing Production Strategy Recommendations Memo, 2/8/2024 • Construction Excise Tax Supplemental Memo, 2/8/2024 The meeting will primarily be oriented around reviewing and discussing the Initial Housing Production Strategy Recommendations Memo in order to develop a preferred list of strategies for the Planning Commission and City Council to consider for inclusion in the Housing Production Strategy (HPS). More specifically,Task Force members will be asked to provide input on whether the strategies under discussion will effectively help to meet the City's highest-priority needs as identified in the Housing Needs Analysis (HNA). As discussed at HPS Task Force Meeting#5, these high- priority needs can be sorted into the following categories: • Government-subsidized housing units affordable to people with very low or low incomes; • Housing affordable to households with moderate incomes; • Housing options/choices to meet a full range of household needs and preferences; and • Housing opportunities for seniors, people with disabilities, and aging in place. The meeting will include brief consultant presentations explaining each of the strategies included in the "Recommended Strategies" and "Strategies Requiring Further Discussion" 503.635.0290 380 A Avenue PO BOX 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 www.ci.oswego.or.us Page 2 of 2 sections of the Initial Housing Production Strategy Recommendations Memo. Each brief consultant presentation will then be followed by a group discussion focused on the strategies under consideration. For the "Recommended Strategies," Task Force members will be asked to consider the following questions: • Do you agree that these strategies should be recommended for inclusion in the HPS? • Do agree with the recommendations for timing of implementation for the strategies (Near-, Medium, and Longer-Term)? • Do you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for how these strategies are implemented? For each of the "Strategies Requiring Further Discussion," Task Force members will be asked to consider the following questions: • Given the breadth of housing needs identified in the HNA, should this strategy be considered for inclusion in the HPS? Is this an effective strategy to meet the housing need it's intended to address? • How successful would the City's HPS be without a new funding source? • Would you recommend that this strategy be included in the HPS? Should it be removed? Is there any additional information needed in order to determine whether to include or remove this strategy? The Task Force will have two meetings (#6 and #7) to discuss the Initial Housing Production Strategy Recommendations Memo. Staff's intention is to get through as much as possible at the first meeting, but we assume the discussion will continue at the second meeting. We can also follow up with additional information, as needed, or we can use the second meeting to discuss how the recommended strategies could be paired and refined to better complement one another. To help make our time together as productive as possible, please be sure to review the meeting packet in advance and come prepared to discuss the strategies. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, 04._________ Erik Olson Long Range Planning Manager City of Lake Oswego Community Development Department 4�� s Housing Production Strategy Task Force Meeting #6 — February 16, 2024 @ 1:00 PM C..) 0 Hosted via Zoom oREoor' PUBLIC VIEWING & COMMENTS Members of the public can use the following URL link to register in advance to view the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN jasN6 LhQeSEsCR2SvEzJw. Members of the public who wish to send comments regarding issues being addressed by the Lake Oswego Housing Production Strategy Task Force ("HPS Task Force") are requested to email their comments to LO- Housing@lakeoswego.city with "HPS Task Force" in the subject line. MEETING PURPOSE • Review and engage in group discussions focused on the Initial Housing Production Strategy Recommendations Memo in order to develop a preferred list of strategies for the Planning Commission and City Council to consider for inclusion in the City's Housing Production Strategy. AGENDA 1. Greetings &Announcements (all) 5 mins 2. Minutes - HPS Task Force Meeting#5, 12/8/2023 (Sarah Walker, Chair) 5 mins 3. Summary of Public Comments on the HPS to Date (Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager) 10 mins, including questions and comments 4. Recommended Strategies (Kate Rogers, MIG) 50 mins, including group discussion 5. Strategies Needing Further Discussion (Kate Rogers, MIG) 45 mins, including group discussion 6. Next Steps (Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager) 5 mins HPS Task Force Meeting#6 Agenda Page 1 of 1