Agenda - 2024-02-21 AGENDA } PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, February 21, 2024 4:00 p.m. LO Maintenance Center, Willow A • •. n `a • 17601 Pilkington Rd., Lake Oswego 97035 Staff Contact: Dina Balogh, dbalogh@lakeoswego.city Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services This meeting will be held in person.To lakeoswego.city/accommodation Traduccion o interpretacion participate remotely, please 503-635-0282; Relay 711 11497 TMif follow the link below: Please allow four business days to ems o oA1L4 https://lakeoswego.webex.com/weblink/r process your request. egister/r1d3da892cc2b9cb31894aed938d 503 534 5738 677fc Jason Dorn, Co-Chair• Kara Gapon, Co-Chair• Ed Becker•Sarah Ellison • Rebecca Greene Taryn Hatchel • Doug McKean •Jennifer Mozinski • Greg Wolley 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (January 24, 2023) 4. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE:John Wendland, Council Liaison (5 mins) 5. YOUTH MEMBER REPORT: Diya Deepu and Zechariah Pressnell (5 mins) 6. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please email the comment to the staff contact listed above at least 24 hours before the meeting. 7. ARBOR WEEK CELEBRATION/TREE CITY/HERITAGE TREES (30 mins) (I, Dis, R) Morgan Nolen, City Contract Arborist 8. BEE CITY (10 mins) (I, Dis, R) Jeff Munro, Deputy Director 9. 2024 PARKS BOARD WORK PLAN —GOALS: (10 mins) (I, Dis) Jason Dorn, Co-Chair Kara Gapon, Co-Chair 10. METRO LOCAL SHARE UPDATE: (30 mins) (I, Dis, R) Kyra Haggart, Park Analyst/Project Manager Respecl. Excellence Trust. Se•vlc? 503-534-5420 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 11. STAFF & BOARD UPDATES (15 mins) 12.ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: March 20, 2024, 4 PM- 6 PM ATTACHMENTS • January 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes • Heritage Tree Staff Report with Exhibits • Draft Metro Local Share Prioritization Survey Results Summary Respect. Excellence Trusi_ 5e'viv.� 503-534-5420 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY