Approved Minutes - 2023-08-25 Minutes
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U 0 I Friday, August 25, 2023
10- 11:30 a.m.
Contact: Pam Montoya,Administrative Assistant
Phone: 503-675-6407
Also published on the internet at:
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.To request accommodations, please contact the
staff liaison, Pam Montoya at least 48 hours before the meeting.
All members of the 50+Advisory Board are attending either in-person or remotely via Zoom.To join the in-person
meeting remotely,contact the meeting administrator at call-in option.
1. Call to Order, Roll Call & Board Introductions
Present: Chair Doug Corder, Vice-Chair Leesie van Roon, Betty Holladay, Karen Logsdon,
Councilor Ali Afghan
Staff: Maria Bigelow, ACC Manager, Pam Montoya, Administrative Assistant.
Absent: Susan Speer, Erin Murphy, Linda Rountree
Guests: Steven Unger
2. Approve July Meeting Minutes
Betty Holladay made a motion to approve the July meeting minutes.
Leesie van Roon seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously to approve the July
meeting minutes.
3. Public Comment
The purpose of public comment is to allow the community to present information or raise an issue regarding items not
on the agenda.A time limit of five minutes per individual shall apply. Public comment shall not exceed thirty minutes
in total.
To speak during public comment, email the staff liaison,pmontova( 24 hours before the start of the
meeting a request to speak along with a copy of the comment to be presented. Written comments submitted to 24 hours before start of the meeting will be read out loud during the public comment
Updates will be heard from the following:
• City Council Liaison
• LOACC Center Manager
Erin Murphy—Board Chair • Karen Logsdon—Vice Chair
• Doug Corder• Betty Holladay • Linda Rountree
• Susan Speer • Leesie van Roon •Ali Afghan, City Council Liaison
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City Council update: Councilor Afghan
Board members Betty Holladay and Leesie van Roon attended the Mayor's roundtable.
Tree removal permit workshop being held at city hall on August 31, 2023.
Repair Fair scheduled for August 26, 2023.
Emergency Preparedness being held on September 14, 2023.
Stafford road repair underway.
Parks 2040 Community Advisory Board taking application.
A vehicle/pedestrian accident occurred on 2'd Street and B Street.
A campaign for electric bikes and laws for youth using electric bikes on city streets including.
Lake Oswego School District (LOSD) getting involved.
ACC Report: Maria Bigelow
2040 Park Plan looking for input from 50+Advisory board members
Meals-on-Wheels volunteer reported a recipient non-responsive to their delivery
ACC Shuttle to library a success
ACC Picnic in the Park held at Foothills Park in July
ACC Picnic table at overlook area is getting paved and a curb cutout for ADA accessibility
Trail behind the picnic table waiting for additional signage
15t Addition neighborhood safety packet is being reviewed for materials (see attached)
Centenarian Celebration at Foothills Park in September
4. Old Business
4.1 2023 Goal Discussion, Action Items & Updates
Send updates to Pam to be included in the goal update document.
It was recommended that board members can visit with their own building manager or
Neighborhood Association board for emergency preparedness information.
Board members discussed setting goals and action items going forward.
4.2 Review City Council goals
Board members were provided with a copy of the City Council goals and board chair, Doug
Corder asked board members to become familiar with the goals before next month's meeting.
5. New Business
5.1 Emergency Supplies Update
Discussions included;
Councilor Afghan provided information to the board regarding tabletop exercises being held
within the city for disaster preparedness. Resources will be allocated based on calls in an
emergency situation.
503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034
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Board member Leesie van Roon submitted a request to the Rotary Club for a grant of$600 for
emergency supplies.
PrepLO is getting up and running again. 50+ board will follow-up with PrepLO.
Notifying neighbors of upcoming Emergency Preparedness fair.
The board discussed the upcoming heat warnings and cooling centers in Lake Oswego.
6. Adjournment
Betty Holladay made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:22am.
Leesie van Roon seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
6.1 Next 50+ board meeting scheduled for Friday, September 22, 2023 at the Lake Oswego
Adult Community Center.
Prepared by,
Pamela Montoya
Administrative Assistant
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center
503.635.0215 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034