Approved Minutes - 2023-11-17 MINUTES
O� O�� Friday, November 17, 2023
NCT' 10- 11:30a.m.
�— O Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, Birch Room
505 "G" Avenue, Lake Oswego
Staff Contact: Pamela Montoya,
Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services
This meeting will be held in Traduccion o interpretacion
person.To participate remotely, 503-635-0282; Relay 711
please email the staff contact at Please allow four business days to ��o
o „ `q
least 24 hours before the meeting process your request.
Doug Corder,Chair• Leesie von Roon,Vice Chair• Karen Logsdon • Betty Holladay• Erin Murphy• Linda Rountree•
Susan Speer•Ali Afghan,Council Liaison •Ann Savage,Alternate•Steve Unger,Alternate
Doug Corder called the meeting to order at 10:01am
Present: Chair Doug Corder, Vice-Chair, Leesie van Roon, Betty Holladay, Linda Rountree,
Susan Speer
Staff: Maria Bigelow, ACC Manager, Pam Montoya, ACC Administrative Assistant
Absent: Councilor Afghan
Guests: Ann Savage, Steven Unger, Chief Don Johnson, LOFD
Board members, Karen Logsdon and Erin Murphy resigned their positions on the 50+Advisory
effective November 10, 2023 and November 17, 2023 respectfully. Alternates Ann Savage and
Steven Unger were contacted and agreed to move into the vacant board positions. Approval of
the appointments will be added to the City Council consent agenda for the November 21, 2023
council meeting.
October, 27, 2023
Leesie van Roon made a motion to approve the October meeting minutes.
Betty Holladay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously and the October minutes were approved.
4. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE - Councilor Ali Afghan
Councilor Afghan absent, no report given
The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue
regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time
limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total. If
Respect. Excel en e. Trust. Service.
503-635-3758 505 G AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LOACC.INFO
Page 2
you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please email the
comment to the staff contact listed above at least 24 hours before the meeting.
Steven Unger gave an update of work being done by PrepLO.
(see attached)
6. AGENDA ITEMS (60 mins)
6.1 LO DISASTER PLAN - LOFD Chief Don Johnson,
Chief Johnson updated the 50+ board on senior preparedness in Lake Oswego.
CERT classes being offered to the community including youth CERT classes.
Oregon Health Authority has funds directed towards Senior Care Facilities funded by the state
of Oregon. Chief Johnson applied for a grant on behalf of Lake Oswego and $205k was awarded
to Lake Oswego and will be used to hire staff and used for Senior Care Facilities and emergency
preparedness including citizens with disabilities.
Chief Johnson was tasked by City Council for feedback from the 50+Advisory Board about an
emergency preparedness position within the city and give input on a process to connect and
create a plan to support residents.
(see attached)
Board members discussed various options and shared experiences with Chief Johnson.
Board discussed their experiences with PrepLO and the need for more volunteers to for PrepLO
Pamplin Media as discussed as an option for communicating to residents
6.2 LOACC UPDATE - Maria Bigelow
No horse-drawn carriage rides available this holiday season
Reunion Farmers market this Saturday, November 18th
ORPA attended by LOPR staff in November
Thanksgiving lunch Wednesday, November 22nd to be served at ACC
Pumpkin pies available through the ACC
ACC applying for grants for kitchen equipment, electric van, evidenced based instructor
ACC Transportation
Trail Project between Foothills and George Rogers Parks being worked on
New Seasons fundraiser for Meals-on-Wheels at both Lake Oswego locations
Board members Betty Holladay and Doug Corder attended Mayor Buck's Roundtable meeting
where housing was discussed
Cottage housing being built in Lake Oswego
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service,
503-635-3758 505 G AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 www.LOACC.INFO
Page 3
Farmer's Market booth inquiry carried over to next month's meeting
Next Meeting: Friday, December 15, 2023
Betty Holladay made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:28am.
Leesie van Roon seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Prepared by,
Pamela Montoya
Administrative Assistant
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
503-635-3758 505 G AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 www.LOACC.INFo
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Neighbors Helping Neighbors at the Start of an Emergency ...
Prep LO Task Force on
Emergency Preparedness
for Multi family Housing in Lake Oswego
Problem ...
• City of Lake Oswego has limited resources focusing on maintaining
critical infrastructure during an emergency.
• Emergency preparedness has been focused on homeowners rather than
residents of Multi-family Housing.
• Residents of Multi-family Housing need a way to organize and prepare
for an emergency.
Types of Multi-family Housing
• Apartment & Townhouse Renters, Managers, Owners
• Condominium Owners and HOA Managers
Types of Emergencies
• "Catastrophic" Emergency - Example: Subduction Fault Earthquake
• "Major" Emergencies - Example: 2020 Ice Storm
• "Minor" Emergencies - Example: Broken Water Pipe
Steven Unger (please call me to discuss)
www. rsAl . tt F 5023 FoothillsSenio Rd Apne A
Lake Oswego, OR
ive, 97034
503.752.1807 -
(Page 2)
Neighbors Helping Neighbors at the Start of an Emergency ...
Prep LO Task Force on
Emergency Preparedness
for Multi-family Housing in Lake Oswego
Causes of Emergencies ... Potential Needs ...
• Water Pipe Break • Food and Water
• Sewer Line Break • Ability to Cook Food
• Gas Line Break • Heating or Cooling
• Electrical Outage • Medication
•• Hazardous Waste Medical Care
• Hot or Cold Weather Lighting
• • Telephone Service
Cell Phone Outage • Search & Rescue
• Smoke
• Short-term Shelter
• Fire • Long-term Shelter
• Wind • Power Bricks
• Flood • Gas for Car
• Toxic Fumes • Protect Pets
• Broken Glass • Tents, Portable Tables and chairs
• Toppled Furniture • Extra Blankets
• Building Collapse • Tarps and Rain Wear
• Wires Down • Radios and Training in Their Use
• Trees Down • Fire Extinguishers and Training
• Roads Blocked • Escape Ladder or Chute
• Stores Closed • "To Go" Bag
• Updates on Status of Emergency
Needed Prior to Emergency:
• Awareness: Emergencies are real and can occur at any time
• Education: How to prepare (food, water, special tools, etc).
• Information: List of volunteers (both general and with special skills)
• Connection: Ability to send resource infoiiiiation to residents at start of
• Supplies: Emergency supplies purchased individually or as a group
Steven Unger, Prep LO Task Force Leader
2 5023 Foothills Rd, Apt A
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
503.752.1807 -
GOAL: Ensure a safe, secure and prepared community.
Create a process for externally-based community groups to connect
and create a plan to support residents, especially seniors and people
with disabilities, in the event of a disaster.
50+ Advisory Board Overall Status: Ongoing
2023 Board Goals
Updated on: 1 1/13/2023
Goal #1 Provide input and recommendation to City Council regarding accessibility
needs of seniors, and those with disabilities as well as the implementation of
actions that address those needs including:
1/12/2023 Boards and Commission Summit summary from other tables at the meeting.
Doug Corder Each table had a spoke person to stand and present summary of table
discussion to the entire group.
I learned that more than one table and more than 1 Advisory Board had the
same basic search or request for information; emergency contact, local
support contact, neighborhood contacts with information in one resource
location. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board and the Library
Advisory Board had similar goals.
Supports aspects of Goal #1 and Goal #4 from 50= Advisory Board
Full Access to
buildings, sidewalks
and trails.
Provide resources
for shopping &
Offer strong social
opportunities &
Linda Rountree
Goal #2 Seek to improve knowledge of resources and identify needs of homebound
Leesie van Roon seniors and those with disabilities in case of a city-wide emergency.
2/17/2023 Karen Logsdon was asked to follow-up with Mary's Woods regarding their
emergency preparedness procedures for their residents.
3/1 1/2023 I have met with the Mary's Woods Emergency Planning Committee. The
Karen Logsdon leaders of emergency planning here are in regular contact and meetings
with the city. The issue of evacuation of the disabled individual living
alone, in a catastrophic event, is a challenge for all. Not sure how a city
can implement a successful solution, even here in Mary's Woods, without
private able-bodied neighbors' active involvement
8/30/2023 MarysWoods independent living community continues its efforts on becoming an official
Karen Logsdon LO Neighborhood Association. Currently exploring best ways to accomplish this, including
combining with neighborhood groups. Goals for assuring residents are safe and/or rescued
in the advent of a major emergency continue to be developed and refined.
Communication with the city of LO is ongoing, as well as Fire Department More effort will
now be directed towards Prep LO, now that it is trying again to organize and be more
8/22/2023 On August 22nd, I worked with Maria to submit a funding application to Lake Oswego
Leesie van Roon Rotary for$600. This money would be used to provide 2 gallons of shelf stable water to
MOW recipients, along with emergency materials. If funding is granted I will work to find
volunteers to deliver. As of 9/5/23 we have not heard if funding is available but anticipate
hearing after monthly Rotary Board meeting.
8/24/2023 On August 24th, I attended the Mayor's Roundtable discussion for Emergency
Leesie van Roon Preparedness. Leaders from Police, Fire, City Manager departments and other City staff
were on hand to explain what the approach and plan is for various emergency situations.
Radio communication groups and PREP LO leaders were on hand as well. Reports were
made by some Neighborhood Association members about their efforts and needs. I spoke
about our concerns, and informed them about 50+work to get information packets out to
MOW clientele.
9/5/2023 In August, Maria Bigelow was able to source emergency materials, including"HELP/OK"
Leesie van Roon signs for distribution to MOW clients. These materials are FEMA produced and cover
Wildfire, Earthquake and Winter Storm preparedness tips. Yay, Maria!
9/1 1/2023 Viewed a webinar that included presentations from various parts of FEMA.
Steven Unger Talk with Jan Castle from PrepLO, had a fairly long phone call about PrepLO past, present
and future. Most of PrepLO's activities focused on homeowners rather than apartment
dwellers. PrepLO is debating what to do next; current leadership would prefer to retire
from running the organization.Talked a bit about the concept having a bi-annual Zoom call
to help education and organize all the preparation stake holders.Jan suggested that I speak
next with Carole Ockert of the Neighborhood Alliance and Megan Phelan of the City of Lake
9/14/2023 September 14th. Attended Emergency Preparedness Fair.
Betty Holladay Discussed with PGE rep the fact that city residents can sign up for list held by PGE if they
have impairments and would need assistance during long term power outages.
Applied for CERT Training and accepted on August 30, 2023 for CERT training this fall.
10/16/2023 Continuing the weekly CERT training. I met another woman from Mtn Park who informed
Betty Holladay me of her condo's efforts in emergency planning. I'd like to find more CERT volunteers.
I finally drafted and sent a letter to the Mountain Park HOA Board President asking about
emergency planning for Mountain Park. I did find out from the Fire Dept via our CERT
trainer that Mtn Park has 3 boxes of emergency materials allocated to it.
10/17/2023 Sent an email to Lake Oswego Rotary and the gentleman handling grant money for the
Leesie van Roon group, Matt Mathias, asking if our request had been approved. I have never had a response
to our original proposal/request and wanted to get a firm "No" if nothing else.
I have had no response to my last email. I would assume that we have been declined for
the $600 request for gallon water bottles. I will look into submitting another request after
the first of the new year.
Let's consider sending out the HELP signs and emergency materials with the MOW
deliveries before Thanksgiving. I can draft an accompanying letter that tells clients what
they are receiving if everyone believes it to be helpful.
1 1/8/2023 Completed CERT Training and received my certificate this past Monday on Nov 6th.
Betty Holladay Attended Prep LO reorganizational meeting at City Hall led by Jan Castle on 11/2.
Attended a meeting in Mountain Park encouraging residents to become prepared for
disasters and emergencies, become CERT trained and also organize their neighborhoods to
prep for emergencies. Commissioner Afghan spoke in favor of these efforts and also
committed to contact Mtn Park Board members to encourage them to support these
1 1/13/2023 Maryswoods has had met with three surrounding neighborhood associations to discuss
Karen Logsdon merging them with the independent neighbor at MarysWoods, into one larger
neighborhood association. Groups are now meeting to write bylaws and prepare the city
application. Additionally,the Fire department instructed approximately 60 residents on
the "hands only"technique of resuscitation
Reach out to local
organizations (i.e.
1 1/dd/2022 Reached out to Assistant Fire Chief, Kristin Artman to discuss emergency
Ann Savage preparedness readiness for the city.
Assess information
to determine gaps
in service.
Document &
to City Council
Goal #3 Advocate for affordable, multigenerational and accessible housing for
Doug Corder seniors within Lake
12/16/22 Doug Corder is on the "Housing Production Strategy Task Force".
Doug Corder representing the 50+ Advisory Board.
First meeting via zoom. Discussion agenda was:
• Introduction of each HPS Task Force member
• Review of HPS Task Force Charter & Bylaws
• Overview of HPS Task Force
• Project Scheduled timeline
• Project Scope of Work
HPS Task Force Meeting #2 will be March 23, 2023.
Supports Goal #3 from 50+ Advisory Board
1/12/2023 I attended the Boards and Commission Summit meeting.
Doug Corder I sat at the blue table. Members at the blue table were 1-Budget
Committee member,
2-Development Review Commission, 1-Historic Resources Advisory Board.
John Wenland City Councilor.
3/7/2023 I wanted to share the url of our Mayor Joe Buck's discussion on affordable
Doug Corder housing in Lake Oswego posted March 6th with KOIN news group. Just in
case you may have missed discussion.
The article mentions HPSTF (Housing Production Strategy Task Force) which I
am one of the task force members.
3/24/2023 March 24, 2023, Housing Production Strategy Task Force Meeting #2 (HPSTF)
Review and provide input on the Draft Housing Capacity Analysis and Draft
Residential Buildable Lands Inventory.
1 . Introductions (all) 5 mins
2. Minutes - HPS Task Force Meeting #1, 12/16/2022 (all) 5 mins
3. Announcements (Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager) 10 mins
4. Review Draft Housing Capacity Analysis (Brendan Buckley, Johnson
Economics) 45 mins, including questions and comments
5. Review Draft Residential Land Needs Analysis (Matt Hastie and
Andrew Parish, MIG) 45 mins, including questions and comments
6. Next Steps (Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager)
4/21/2023 I wanted to share a Community-Forum for"Housing Needs Analysis Online
Doug Corder Open House".
The City has decided to extend the Housing Needs Analysis Online Open
House through the weekend to give more time for folks to provide input. The
Online Open House is intended to explain the information in the draft
Buildable Lands Inventory and Housing Capacity Analysis documents, and
includes a survey where respondents can provide comments or feedback
on the drafts.
The website will remain open until next Monday, April 24; here's the
2023-Community-Forum .
9/18/2023 Attended 9/5 City Council Meeting which provided information on the Habitat for
Betty Holladay Humanity Housing project.
1 1/08/2023 On November 16th, will be attending the Mayor's Roundtable on Housing.
Betty Holladay
Engage in meetings
& committees as
they arise.
Goal #4 Promote services available throughout the community for older adults and
those with disabilities including:
Work as LOACC
Build relationships
with City staff,
Advisory Boards
Linda Rountree
9/15/2023 Applied to be on the Parks Plan 2040 Advisory Committee and was notified of acceptance
Betty Holladay on Sept 15, 2023.
1 1/08/2023 To attend on November 14th a community event held by Lake O's Parks Committee about
Betty Holladay its 2040 parks plans.
Provide information
of community
resources through
fairs, farmers
market &
community groups
1/12/2023 Boards and Commission Summit summary from other tables at the meeting.
Doug Corder Each table had a spoke person to stand and present summary of table
discussion to the entire group.
I learned that more than one table and more than 1 Advisory Board had the
same basic search or request for information; emergency contact, local
support contact, neighborhood contacts with information in one resource
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board and the Library Advisory Board
had similar goals.
Supports aspects of Goal #1 and Goal #4 from 50= Advisory Board