Agenda Item - 2024-03-05 - Number 06.2 - Resolution 24-09, Application for a Local Government Grant from the Parks Department 6.2 o�� �s� COUNCIL REPORT � o OREGO\-\ Subject: Resolution 24-09, Rassekh Park Phase 2 Grant Authorization Meeting Date: March 5, 2024 Staff Members: Ivan Anderholm, Director and Kyra Haggart, Project Manager/Park Analyst Report Date: February 23, 2024 Department: Parks & Recreation Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ❑ Motion ❑ Approval ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial ❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded ❑x Resolution ❑X Not Applicable ❑ Information Only Comments: Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources ❑ Council Direction Advisory Board will submit a letter of support for the ❑ Consent Agenda grant application. Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution 24-09, authorizing application for a Local Government Grant for development of Phase 2 of Rassekh Park. Recommended Language for Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 24-09. Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question): ❑X Council Goals/Priorities ❑X Adopted Master Plan(s) ❑Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff is requesting authorization from City Council to submit an application for grant funding through the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department's Local Government Grant Program to fund Phase 2 of Rassekh's Park development. Phase 2 will include the playground, picnic shelter, additional paved parking spaces, additional walking path connections, and the maintenance building. BACKGROUND The 9.8-acre Rassekh property located at 18011 Stafford Road was acquired by the City of Lake Oswego in 1996 using funds from the 1990 Parks Bond and is one of the eight original Respect. Excellence. Trust. Servi e. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 properties comprising the "Luscher Area." The property has been envisioned as a site to provide opportunities for active recreation since its acquisition, and it was one of the first of the Luscher Area properties to be added to the Lake Oswego Urban Services Boundary. The Luscher Area Master Plan, adopted by the City in 2013, describes Rassekh Park as a property intended for an "active recreation area and neighborhood park" that included a playground and picnic shelter. On May 21, 2019 Lake Oswego voters passed Bond Measure 3-548, generating approximately $30 million to fund park, recreation, and open space projects. In March of 2020 the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Advisory Board (PRNRAB) presented their recommendations for the prioritization of bond projects to City Council, which included development of the Rassekh Park property as a high-priority project. The Parks & Recreation Department initiated the solicitation process for the park's design in late 2020, and in February 2021 the City Council awarded an architectural and engineering contract to Mackenzie for the design of Rassekh Park. On October 19, 2021 staff presented a design update to City Council that included an enlarged play area and a picnic shelter, which were added in response to community engagement and comments from the neighborhood association. Staff also presented several options for additional amenities that could be included, and Council directed staff to add a 10,000 square foot skatepark to the design for Rassekh Park. In June 2022 the design for Rassekh Park was finalized and a land use application was submitted for review, and the application and findings were approved by the Development Review Commission in August 2022. A request for bids for the construction of Rassekh Park was advertised on September 30, 2022 with an addendum on October 12, 2022. Bids were opened on November 9, 2022. However, all bids received were significantly higher than the engineer's estimate and the solicitation was cancelled on December 7, 2022. On February 21, 2023 City Council adopted their 2023 Council Preferred Future, Goals, and Initiatives, including a Council Initiative Work Plan to "develop a Funding Strategy for Rassekh Park, and construct the skate park portion." With this direction Parks & Recreation staff and the Mackenzie design and engineering team began work on a funding plan and phased development approach for Rassekh Park. On May 8, 2023 staff advertised for bids for Phase 1 of Rassekh Park's construction. On June 6, 2023 the Department received and opened two bids for the work. Based on the bid amounts and the scoring criteria outlined in the Request for Bids, Paul Brothers, Inc. was identified as the successful bidder with a bid amount of$2,283,784.20. Council approved a contract with Paul Brothers, Inc. on June 27, 2023 and the project broke ground shortly thereafter. Phase 1 of the park's development is underway and expected to be complete by June 1, 2024. DISCUSSION Phase 1 of Rassekh Park's development included construction of a public water main, sewer lines, stormwater facilities, and electrical infrastructure, all of which will are needed to support use of this formerly greenfield site as a public park. Phase 1 also included public right-of-way improvements for Stafford Road, including street lighting, street trees, and reconstruction of Respect, Excel'ence. Trust. Service. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 3 the multi-use path adjacent to the park, as well as construction of a new site access road from Atherton Drive, a portion of the paved parking lot, a temporary gravel overflow parking area, and the restroom building. The 10,000 square foot skatepark is also being construction as part of Phase 1 under a separate construction contract with California Skateparks. During the construction contract approval for Phase 1 of Rassekh Park several community members from the Palisades neighborhood, in which the park is located, testified in support of completing the playground and picnic shelter portions of the project as soon as possible. In response to community and Council priorities, staff have developed a funding plan for a second phase of development, which leverages dollars from the Parks General Fund, Parks System Development Charges, and grant funding. Phase 2 will include the playground, picnic shelter, additional paved parking spaces, additional walking path connections, and the maintenance building. The play area will include a traditional play tower as well as a nature play area, a play area designated for very young children, and multiple sensory and inclusive play features that can be used by children of all ages and abilities. In a recent analysis of access to essential services such as play for children as part of the long- range park and recreation system plan update project (Parks Plan 2040), it was discovered that a portion of the Palisades neighborhood currently lacks access to play areas within a 10-minute walk of homes. In addition, an analysis of the city's demographics identified it as an area with one of the highest percentages of households with children in the city. By moving forward with development of the play area at Rassekh Park, the City would be helping to fill this gap in access for Lake Oswego's largest neighborhood. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost for constructing Phase 2 of Rassekh Park is estimated at approximately $1,760,000 with 10% contingency. Staff intend to submit a request for$750,000 from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Local Government Grant Program (LGGP). LGGP requires a 50% match for cities with a population over 25,000.The additional $1,010,000 required dollars would come from unallocated Park's SDC's and/or the Parks General Fund. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 24-09, authorizing application for a Local Government Grant for development of Phase 2 of Rassekh Park. ATTACHMENT 1. Resolution 24-09. Respect, Excel'ence. Trust. Service. 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION 24-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR A LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT FROM THE OREGON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REGARDING RASSEKH PARK PHASE 2. WHEREAS, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is accepting applications for the Local Government Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Department desires to participate in this grant program to the greatest extent possible as a means of providing needed park and recreation acquisitions, improvements and enhancements; and WHEREAS, the Lake Oswego City Council, upon recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Advisory Board, has identified improvements at Rassekh Park as a high priority need in Lake Oswego; and WHEREAS, the location of Rassekh Park is adjacent to an area that has been identified through recent planning and analysis as an area with a high population of youth but also an area identified as lacking in access to nearby play equipment,thus providing an opportunity to fill a gap in essential service; and WHEREAS,the 9.8-acre parcel of land known as Rassekh Park, which has been owned by the City of Lake Oswego and intended for park and recreation uses since 1996, is currently undergoing Phase 1 of park development, which includes serving the site with utilities and the construction of a skatepark; and WHEREAS, Phase 2 of development at Rassekh Park will provide local residents with a with a play area that offers inclusive and nature play equipment, a picnic shelter, walking trails, and benches; and WHEREAS, the City has available local matching funds to fulfill its share of obligation related to this grant application should the grant funds be awarded; and WHEREAS, the City will provide adequate funding for ongoing operations and maintenance of Rassekh Park, a City park and recreation facility, should the grant funds be awarded; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that: Section 1. The City Council authorizes the City Manager or designee to apply for a grant from the Oregon Park and Recreation Department for Phase 2 of development at Rassekh Park. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage. Resolution 24-09 Page 1 of 2 Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego on the 5th day of March, 2024. AYES: NOES: EXCUSED: ABSTAIN: Joseph M. Buck, Mayor ATTEST: Kari Linder, City Recorder APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney Resolution 24-09 Page 2 of 2