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ag10-18-2023.agenda packet
AGENDA 4111111%1 .. PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY BOARD rri Wednesday, October 18, 2023 I .1— All- C) L.) 0 I 4:00 p.m. LO Maintenance Center, Willow A `Ce€ 17601 Pilkington Rd, Lake Oswego 97035 Contact: Dina Balogh,Administrative Assistant Email: dbalogh@lakeoswego.city Phone: 503-534-5420 Also published on the internet at: http://lakeoswego.city/parks-agendas-minutes The City of Lake Oswego is committed to providing equal access to information and meetings. For Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations or translations/interpretation services, please submit your request at least four business days prior to the event by visiting www.lakeoswego.city/accommodation or by phone at 503-635-0282. https://lakeoswego.webex.com/weblink/register/rb65ce8b2f1b9386ebf113d2b6a25d09a 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES(September 20, 2023) 3. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please email the comment to staff by noon on the day of the meeting. To speak during public comment, email dbalogh@lakeoswego.city 24 hours before the start of the meeting a request to speak along with a copy of the comment to be presented. Written comments submitted to dbalogh@lakeoswego.city 24 hours before the start of the meeting will be read out loud during the public comment period. 4. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE:Trudy Corrigan,Council Liaison 5. YOUTH MEMBER REPORT: Diya Deepu and Zechariah Pressnell,Youth Members 6. REGULAR BUSINESS /—Information, Dis—Discussion, Dec—Decision, R—Recommend to Council Parks Plan 2040: Project Introduction, Community Kyra Haggart, Project Manager 60 min I, Dis, Engagement Plan,State of the System Report Matt Hastie, MIG Project Manager Invasive Removal & Habitat Enhancement Program Jeff Munro, Deputy Director 15 min I, Capital Improvement Project's Review Ivan Anderholm, Director of Parks& 20 min I, Dis, Recreation DEI Update Sarah Ellison 10 min I, Information and update from Board members and staff: All 15 min I, 7. ADJOURNMENT: Next Regular Meeting: November 15, 2023,4 PM 8. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Meeting Minutes(September 20,2023), 2) Meeting Minutes(September 20 2023), Parks Plan 2040 Packet Jason Dorn • Doug McKean Edwin Becker• Sarah Ellison • Kara Gapon Taryn Hatchel •Angel Mott-Nickerson •Jennifer Mozinski • Gregory Wolley Diya Deepu,Youth Member• Zechariah Pressnell,Youth Member •Trudy Corrigan, Council Liaison 2023 Goals for Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (PARKS Board) Advisory Board 1. Prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs). Update and refine the Board's prioritization of capital improvement projects. Communicate updated recommendations to the City Council. 2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Working with the DEI Board and the Parks Department, develop an implementation framework for DEI in Parks Department facilities and amenities, with a focus on expanding access to amenities to historically marginalized and underserved communities. Review and advise on departmental implementation of DEI framework. 3. Public Engagement and Outreach. Evaluate methods of public outreach and engagement, such as a steering committee, to help guide the department's future planning efforts on projects such as Parks Plan 2040 and capital improvement projects. Determine the role of the Parks Board in the planning process and participate accordingly. Recommend to the department the preferred methods of public involvement as it relates to Parks Plan 2040, the LORAC, and Rassekh Park. Support engagement with youth in programming and work internship opportunities. Additional Interests • Continue to advocate for inclusive parks and recreational opportunities. • Support implementation of Lake Oswego's Climate Action Plan, including support for Lake Oswego's Bee City designation. • Support revision of Lake Oswego's Urban & Community Forestry Plan. N PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES ADVISORY r BOARD I. MINUTES September 20, 2023 000 . The video recording constitutes an accurate record of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Advisory Board at the above dated meeting.The following summary is provided as an overview of the meeting. A/V Recording-2023-09-20(oswego.or.us) Doug McKean called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present: Jason Dorn, Doug McKean,Jennifer Mozinski, Kara Gapon, Greg Wolley,Youth Member's: Diya Deepu and Zechariah Pressnell,Trudy Corrigan, Council Liaison Alternates: Rebecca Greene and Matt McGinnis Absent: Angel Mott-Nickerson, Ed Becker,Taryn Hatchel, Sarah Ellison Staff: Jeff Munro, Deputy Director, Megan Big John, Parks Manager, Maria Bigelow,ACC Manager, Babs Hamachek, Parks Stewardship Coordinator, Dina Balogh, Administrative Assistant, Pam Montoya, Administrative Assistant, Kelsey Lamotte, Administrative Support. Guests: Gale Wallmark and Stephanie Hallock, Friends of Luscher Farm APPROVAL OF MINUTES • The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board (PARKS Board) reviewed and unanimously approved the minutes from July 19, 2023. Public Comment: • Gail Wallmark: I'm commenting to let you know that Friends of Luscher Farm has been supporting the Clackamas County ZDO-286 initiative and to share the testimony we submitted for the Sep 27 hearing, when County Commissioners will decide whether or not to approve the ordinance. Our testimony was developed after listening to the Sep 11 County Planning Commissioners hearing and noting the questions & concerns raised. I'll read only a couple paragraphs, but you should have our entire letter in your packet for this meeting. TESTIMONY EXCERPT: In the years since acquiring the properties,the City initiated uses such as a 12-acre Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, community and demonstration gardens and the renowned Rogerson Clematis Garden—all of them on the 42-acre Luscher Farm and today beloved by Lake Oswegans and others from the surrounding area. Over those years, Lake Oswego has made many efforts to legitimize its uses at Luscher, all Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board Minutes September 20, 2023 without success. Should ZDO-286 be approved, FOLF is hopeful the City's subsequent application requesting approval of its LAMP may finally bring those uses into compliance and, importantly, allow some LAM P's other key recommendations to be implemented. As Planning Commissioner Tom Peterson noted during the Sep 11 hearing, ZDO-286 offers a much-needed mechanism to address current concerns about uses and enforcement. Like many Lake Oswegans, we treasure this magical place and take our stewardship of it very seriously. We believe there's room for thoughtful, selective expansion of agricultural and passive recreational uses while also maintaining the Luscher Area's rural character, protecting its open space, and preserving its historical significance. • Stephanie Hallock: I'm the president of the Friends of Luscher Farm (FOLF) President.The ZDO amendments to Clackamas Counties Long Range Planning Work Program will provide the City the opportunity to apply and request the adoption of the Luscher Master Plan and Agricultural Plan. Luscher Farm is at risk due to expanding building and urban growth. FOLF supports the proposed amendments to ZDO-286. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE: Trudy Corrigan, Council Liaison • Proclaimed September National Recovery Month • Proclaimed September Hispanic Heritage Month • Accepted the 2023-24 Intergovernmental Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Clackamas County Social Services Division, to allow for reimbursement to the City for provided social services. • Approved the proposed work plan and directed staff to develop code amendments that comply with phase B of the State's Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities rules for parking reform. • The City Council sent a letter to Clackamas County in support of ZDO-286. • The Arts Council presented the LORAC 1-11/2% project • Approved appointments to the Art Committee. • Approved Neighborhood Enhancement Program Grant Award for Forest Hills first addition neighbors. Youth Member Update: Diya Deepu and Zechariah Pressnell • Zechariah:As a member of the KEY club we partner with other clubs in the school on volunteer projects in the community. Key (Kiwanis Educates Youth) Club is a student-led, high school club whose goal is to teach leadership through helping. KEY Clubs are sponsored by Kiwanis. • Diya:The High School is adding new sports and new clubs and opportunities. REGULAR BUSINESS: Clackamas County Land Use—Luscher Farm Status: Jeff Munro, Deputy Director Clackamas County Planning Commission met on September 11.to hear testimony to amend ordinance ZDO-286.The proposed amendment would create framework for local park master plan adoption.The 2IPage City's primary goal is to legitimize the programming and uses at Luscher Farm. Without adoption, the department may need to scale back uses and programming.There will be a public hearing on September 27 at 10am. How to help:Send a letter from the Parks board to the Clackamas County Planning Commission.The deadline is September 26. Doug proposed Parks board draft a letter and send it to Clackamas County Planning Commissioners supporting amending ordinance ZDO-286. • Jason made a motion for the Parks board to draft a letter to Clackamas County Planning Commission supporting amending ordinance ZDO-286. Greg seconded the motion. The board agreed, Doug and Jason will draft the letter and send it to members of the Parks board for review. Doug will send the letter to Clackamas County Planning Commission by Monday September 25. Stewardship Work Plans: Megan Big John, Parks Manager and Babs Hamachek, Parks Stewardship Coordinator Megan and Babs presented the 2023-24 Friends Groups Stewardship work plans for the Parks board approval. Within the city there are over 600 acres of natural areas that have 9 friends groups helping with the heavy lifting restoring natural areas to restore the habitat. Habitat restoration work parties are led by the friendly Friends of the Parks groups and families. These groups get outside, lend a hand and make an impact on the environment! LO Parks& Recreation Friends Groups: • Friends of Hallinan Heights Woods • Friends of Iron Mountain Park • Friends of Luscher Farm • Friends of Rogerson Clematis Collection • Friends of Southwood Park • Friends of Springbrook Park • Friends of Waluga Parks • Friends of Woodmont Park • Friends of Lily Bay Volunteers of all ages gave 1,980 hours of time to help care for the City's Natural areas through the Parks Stewardship Program in 2022. • 942 Stewardship Volunteers • 47 Stewardship events occurred. • 30 Friends of the Parks work parties. • 85 National Charity League volunteers planted pollinators at Iron Mt. Park. • 66 Children learned about trees at Springbrook Park Preschool Nature Walks. • 58 LOHS Cross Country runners spread gravel on trails in Springbrook Park. • 50 LOJ students and leaders removed invasive species on 2 Community Service Days. • 46 Volunteers from Common Ground (neuro and physically diverse adults) helped at Rossman Park for their 5th year. • 45 Volunteers planted native species in Hallinan Woods expanded natural area. • 28 Volunteers removed ivy at the City's second annual No Ivy Day. • 17 Volunteer from a corporate removed storm debris at Cooks Butte Park for their 2nd year. • 11 Work parties partnered with SOLVE. • 6 Youth Groups restored the natural habitat including BSA, GSA, LLC,YLYM, and YMSL. 3IPage 2023-2024 Plans include: • 19 work parties are scheduled from October 2023 - May 2024 with more coming! • We're in our 7th year partnering with SOLVE. • Stewardship staff continues to work with Friends Groups on removing debris in the natural park areas to reduce fire fuel. • We're in our 6th year partnering with volunteers from a neurodivergent& physically challenged group of adults. • 3 gnomes hide Apr—Oct in 21 natural park areas.The program encourages the community to visit the natural areas, learn about native plants and volunteer to restore the park natural habitat There are often gnomes hiding during the Springbrook Park Preschool Nature Walks! 2024: Gnomes will be back next spring. Megan asked for the Parks Board approval for the Stewardship work plans for the 2023-24 fiscal year. The Parks Board unanimously approved the Stewardship Work Plans as submitted. Doug McKean thanked Megan and Babs as well as the whole department for the many years working with Friends groups planning work parties. • Jason Dorn moved to approve the 2023-24 Friends Groups work planes as presented. Kara Gabon seconded the motion.The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board (PARKS Board) unanimously approved the Friends Groups work plans for the 2022-23 season. 2023 Goals: Review&Accomplishments: Co-Chairs:Doug McKean and Jason Dorn Review of the 2023 Parks board goals and developing the 2024 goals will be put on hold.The City Manager's office is working on a revised Board and Commission annual schedule. Dina:The City Manager's office is working on the Boards Summit plan and realignment.The proposed Summit and goal setting revamp will be a refocus of the Summit and realignment of the Boards and Commissions calendar cycle to January—December (calendar year) to mirror City Council.The City Manager's office is still in the draft/planning stage of what Summit will look like, but the goal is to treat the B&C Summit as an engagement tool to receive direct feedback from the community liaisons(B&C members), realign everyone to work towards shared outcomes, and create a feeling of shared ownership for the year ahead for both Council and B&C.The Summit will mark a reset for the year ahead for both B&C and City Council. What this means for the Parks board.There will be no goal setting during the Fall in advance of the Summit. After the City Council set their goals for the year, the Parks board will review and develop a workplan to support the goals, as well as any other projects the board want to tackle in the coming year. Along with the realignment of the B&C calendar cycle, board chair/co-chairs selection will move to January along with a chair training in February. Doug:This is a big change when the board elect new chairs and when goals/workplans are approved by the board. Will be waiting to see what this new schedule and plan will look like. ACC/Services& Programs/National Centenarian's Day 9/22: Maria Bigelow, Adult Community Center Manager 4IPage Once a year we speak to the board about the ACC human services. We have incredible staff that manage the human services at the ACC.The ACC provides Human Services as well as recreation programming. Today I would like to share our recreation programs at the ACC.This presentation is a bit of a mix of human services and recreation. Friday, September 22 we are going to celebrate National Centenarian Day at Foothills Park at the Centenarian plaza.There will be a little ceremony acknowledging community members 100 years and older, currently living. The ACC programs Trips for their participants. Trips: 2-day trip to Leavenworth Washington. Beach trips. Symphony and Ballet Planned trips include: • The Nutcracker Ballet. • Progressive Dinner downtown Portland. • High Tea • PIR Winter Wonderland Tour • High Adventures,Zipline. A participant at the last Zipline trip was 85-year-old women. Programs on the horizan: • Oregon's first people • Program on single women traveling • Walk in the park. • Cookie decorating • March Madness,stream game at the ACC. • Movie Matinee • Bowling, "Pin Pals" • Grief program. Trudy: I am very impressed with all the programs offered at the ACC. Maria:The ACC is like a rec center for Adults. Another popular program at the ACC is "Slow-Jam" where participant bring instruments. Cyd Fletcher and Megan Williams in our enrichment and fitness division program fitness and art classes at the ACC. Human services provide Meals on Wheels,transportation to the library and grocery shopping. Meals on Wheels is prepared on site.The ACC is on the only centers in Clackamas County that actually make the meals, not pre-made. We have a respite program at the center to give caregivers a break for 4 hours, 3 days a week. Zach: How does the ACC incorporate programs for people who don't speak English? Maria: Good question,we have come across that where people have come in the center who don't speak English as the first language. We have a couple of people come in for lunch, English is not their first language.They feel comfortable communicating and keep coming back. But I can't say that is true for everyone. But staff do their best communicating with anyone who comes into the center. We are always pen to new ideas. Doug:What happens if someone needs translation services? SIPage Maria:We reach out to Kelly Byrd,the City ADA coordinator to coordinate translation services. Diya: Like the idea for more sports/recreation activities for seniors. STAFF AND BOARD MONTHLY UPDATE: • Jennifer: DEI working group talked about the 2024 survey, questions to include in the survey. Discussed outreach ideas for access to programs. Discussed reaching out to families and foster families through the school district to make programs more accessible. Programs like, full day summer and vacation camps for children and parents who work. providing transportation and multifamily discounts and scholarships. • Dina: Robin will be sending the 9/28 Ressekh groundbreaking email to the board by the end of the week. Parking and shuttle will be at Hazelia.There is no parking at Ressekh. Parks board members LORAC Tour will be on Oct. 5.We will meet at Hazelia at 3pm and walk over. More information will be sent to the board in an email. The next regular scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, October 18, 2023,4 to 6 p.m. Doug McKean adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:44pm. Prepared by, Dina Balogh,Administrative Assistant Wage Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 Schedule 2023 2024 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Existing Conditions , Assessment P it L ' 1 4 Vision,Goals, Implementation and Action Plan City Council and Objectives Meeting Needs Assessment and Recommendations Plan Development and Adoption wIJ`i Public Engagement Lti Focus Groups,±;;I Online Survey tip pi `,L. ` Online Survey CO Viio Community Community Event Event n ek fir.- 4r 4r. _ 4r.-iis .r .r r. CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting moo PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting 11/4 4 City Council City Council City Council City Council Briefing Briefing Briefing Briefing t 121 t 11 , 1 111111\111,11) 1 t • 111111 -3V) 4► J1� la iml IL ilrlill III 9 I t OAte 111111hA I-- 1111W4U4 VA, lag CAC: Community Advisory Committee PRNRAB:Parks,Recreation,and Natural Resources Advisory Board OF LA FOs a � U —1O REGO? LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Community Engagement Plan INTRODUCTION The Community Engagement Plan outlines the approach to achieve a thorough and effective community engagement process for the City of Lake Oswego's Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas System Plan update (Parks Plan 2040).This document provides the approach,goals, methods, and activities to provide information to and gather input from community members as part of the planning process. Public outreach opportunities will be aligned with key stages of the planning process with a flexible timeline to ensure it meets the project's evolving needs and priorities.This Community Engagement Plan describes both community and advisory group involvement.The approach to community engagement for this project will be consistent with the Lake Oswego Parks& Recreation Department's approved Community Engagement Goals, Policies, and Procedures. APPROACH AND GOALS The Community Engagement Plan is an evolving document and will be updated during the planning process, as needed to adjust to changing conditions and needs as the project progresses.The Project Team will use this document to measure the effectiveness of outreach efforts to ensure all key audiences are represented. These metrics will be periodically evaluated to respond to gaps in representation and assist the Project Team on focused engagement strategies. Our approach includes the following goals: • Identify barriers to participation.Cultivate an understanding of existing or potential barriers to the full participation of all community members. • Leverage local networks and existing community engagement efforts. Build on the variety and depth of existing community involvement initiatives within Lake Oswego to engage the public effectively and efficiently in the development of Parks Plan 2040.Tap into existing community-based networks and groups to connect with a wider range of community members. • Ensure an accessible planning process.The community involvement process will be accessible, understandable, and welcoming to all who wish to participate. • Collaborate and inform decision-making.Collect useful and relevant public input that reflects local knowledge and values and informs decision-making related to the Plan update. • Build long-term capacity for civic engagement around park design,development,and programming. Continue to build and reinforce the support network for those engaged through the planning process to stay involved and share not only needs and issues, but also priorities and strategies necessary for a thriving and inclusive park system. • Ensure accountability. Provide summaries, updates, and useful information to report back to the community and decision makers about how their input was used to shape the Plan and make adjustments as needed. Community Engagement Plan MEASURING SUCCESS The Project Team will rely on the following metrics of success to help evaluate the Community Engagement Plan and its strategies to ensure objectives outlined below are being accomplished.The Project Team will monitor outreach metrics throughout the process and adjust as needed to ensure we are reaching desired audiences throughout the community. Accessibility Metrics may include use of accessibility features for online meetings such as closed captioning; availability of translation/interpretation; use of a broad array of methods that allow different audiences to participate in stakeholder engagement activities, including historically underrepresented groups; and scheduling engagement activities at various times for ease of participation, using both digital and non-digital methods. Extent or Reach Metrics may include recruitment data for focus groups; registration and attendance records for meetings and events to confirm participation of stakeholder audiences; number of survey responses via all methods and languages; and digital media outreach analytics. Diversity and Equity Metrics may include recruitment data for focus groups and advisory committees; collecting demographic data to assess success in reaching percentages of population, as well as the issues on which their perspective differs from the broader public; and input from organizations engaging with diverse populations or promoting equitable solutions and policies. Follow-through and Feedback Loops Completed with Stakeholders Metrics may include engagement summaries shared with stakeholders and/or the general public as appropriate; and stakeholder and public feedback on summaries and deliverables received and incorporated as appropriate. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 12 Community Engagement Plan KEY AUDIENCES The Parks Plan 2040 update process is an opportunity for Lake Oswego to build a network of engaged community members to collectively shape the parks and recreation system.The following key audiences are critical to this process. Community engagement efforts should be intentional about gathering feedback from these audiences. • City Advisory Boards(e.g., PRNRAB, 50+, • Community planning organizations and DEI, Sustainability, etc.) other recognized organizations located • Lake Oswego Neighborhood Associations outside but adjacent to the city limits (e.g., Stafford Hamlet,Stafford-Tualatin • Friends of Parks organizations CPO) • Youth and youth-focused organizations • Community-based organizations (e.g., (e.g., Lake Oswego School District, Lake Rotary Club, Hunger Fighters Oregon, LO Oswego Youth Leadership Council,Youth for Love, Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels, Action Council, community sports clubs& Respond to Racism, etc.) leagues, etc.) • Regional partners(e.g., Clackamas Soil & • Older adults (e.g., Lake Oswego Adult Water Conservation District,Tualatin Community Center, Mary's Woods and Valley Fire & Rescue, etc.) other senior specific developments and housing, etc.) • Local Watershed Councils (e.g., Oswego Lake,Tryon Creek,Tualatin River) • Communities of color • Sustainability and climate resiliency • Communities with limited English organizations(e.g., Lake Oswego proficiency Sustainability Network, local Watershed • Accessibility advocacy organizations and Councils) individuals experiencing limited mobility • Arts and culture organizations(e.g.,Arts and disabilities Council of Lake Oswego, Oswego Heritage Council, etc.) The Project Team will continue to add collaborators and key audiences as needed to the contact list to ensure strong representation from across the City. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 13 Community Engagement Plan ENGAGEMENT METHODS, ACTIVITIES, AND TOOLS Project Website The Project Team will create a dedicated project web page using the City's website.The project website will be used as an outreach tool to connect online with audiences throughout each phase of the update process. The website will provide a broad spectrum of information on the planning process, including a document library,a schedule of events, and plan updates. When documents are available to the public,the Project Team will provide the documents in PDF format and make them available on the website.The website will be used as a public portal to access and complete online surveys. In general, MIG staff will provide content for the website,with input and support from City staff who will be responsible for also posting information to the website.The website will also include a form for community members to submit general comments or questions.The City will maintain a log of comments received via the website. Pop-up Outreach Toolkit Traditional meetings and workshops often attract an active group of residents who regularly attend similar planning events.To attract a larger audience beyond the usual participants,the project team will develop an outreach toolkit to assist community partners and City staff with communicating project updates and soliciting feedback at parks, recreation facilities, other events, and recreation programs.The pop-up outreach toolkit will include substantive components needed for the City to conduct pop-up events and other outreach activities.Toolkits will include the following items: • A guide that identifies the purpose and the desired outcomes of the activity • Pop-up event display boards and instructions • Agenda templates and sign-in sheets • Instructions for providing feedback through the City's website • A"Frequently Asked Questions"factsheet • Comment forms or brief questionnaires to solicit feedback and/or direct people to participate in online survey activities The pop-ups will be visual, colorful, and allow for brief interactions so a person can participate on their own terms.The pop-ups will include information about the planning process,visualizations and, if available, related graphics/imagery completed to date, and an interactive exhibit that solicits feedback from community members. When possible,the pop-up will include a method to collect demographic information to understand how representative participation is. To reduce engagement fatigue while promoting the project and engage the community, activities, informational materials, and pop-up events will be held in areas with high foot traffic and community events that draw in the public. Target Locations • Lake Oswego Parks, Recreation Facilities, and Natural Areas • Lake Oswego Farmer's Market • Lake Oswego Adult Community Center • Lake Oswego Library • Lake Oswego Downtown • Lake Oswego Community and Cultural Events • Lake Oswego Summer Concert Series Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 14 Community Engagement Plan Community Advisory Committee The planning process will be guided by a Community Advisory Committee (CAC),who will meet throughout the work period to shape project goals, identify needs, and develop recommendations.The CAC will be made up of community members representing an array of backgrounds,viewpoints, and interests.To make sure the project is capturing feedback from other interest groups across the city,the CAC will also include liaisons from the following City Advisory Boards: • Parks, Recreation,and Natural Resources Advisory Board (PRNRAB) • Diversity, Equity,and Inclusion (DEI)Advisory Board • Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) • Library Advisory Board (LAB) • Historical Resources Advisory Board (HRAB) • Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) The process will include approximately seven CAC meetings between September 2023 and February 2025. Meetings are expected to take place in-person,with hybrid and/or virtual options available if needed. Liaisons to other City Advisory Boards will also be asked to keep their respective boards apprised of current progress, and outreach opportunities,any issues relevant to that Board that may arise. Parks,Recreation,and Natural Resources Advisory Board In addition to the CAC,the PRNRAB will serve as a technical steering committee for the planning process.The PRNRAB is an existing board that advises and assists the City Council and staff in the provision, management, and protection of the sites,facilities, and assets that make up the park system.The PRNRAB will provide feedback at key points in the process and make recommendations to the Department and to the City Council as needed. Outreach Advertising,Notification,and Promotion A variety of methods will be used to publicize and promote opportunities for the different audiences to provide input and feedback that informs the Parks Plan 2040 project. To advertise outreach activities, MIG will provide the following: • Master Plan webpage/press release text: MIG will provide a brief text overview of the planning process and short description of options to participate in outreach activities. • Scalable graphic template for social media,flyers, posters: MIG will provide a scalable graphic that the City can blow up and print as posters and signage or reduce to use in an email or social media post.The template will include a QR code and link—most like to a main city webpage with the outreach activities. • Bitly links and QR codes: MIG will provide a shortened link and QR code for the webpage that the City can use in other advertising materials. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 15 Community Engagement Plan The City should consider advertising activities through the following: • Park Plan 2040 project website • City website homepage • Hello LO newsletter and other local journals(print, online, and Facebook) • City social media feeds(Facebook,Twitter, NextDoor) • Utility bills • City email lists o Committees, commissions, and board members o Youth and adult recreation program participants via Active Net o Recreation facility members o Cultural arts email list o Volunteers and Friends of Parks o Past donors to the Department o LO Down monthly email subscribers • Other group email lists o Sports associations o HOA/neighborhood groups o Senior associations o Service clubs o Civic groups o Neighborhood Associations and Neighborhood Chairs Committee • Radio and TV news • School Face book pages and newsletters • Library pages and newsletters • Churches, social service providers, cultural service providers, and other trusted liaisons to underrepresented groups • Signs/posters/flyers with QR codes at park entrances, any open facilities, and on windows of or inside of cafes,grocery stores, and medical facilities • Signs attached to garbage/recycling cans in parks Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 16 Community Engagement Plan ENGAGEMENT PHASING The following structure reflects the major steps in the planning process through the lens of communication and interaction with the community. Community engagement will be spread throughout all phases to gather community input at all stages of the planning process.The proposed sequence and summary of the project phases is as follows: Phase 1:Existing Conditions Assessment Qualitative and quantitative data analysis to understand issues, opportunities, and focus areas. Phase 2:Vision,Goals,and Objectives Create a preliminary framework of goals and objectives that articulate the community's goals for the future parks system. Phase 3: Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment and Recommendations Identify community needs based on an evaluation of park access, recreation programs and services, and projected trends and growth. Prepare a set of recommended parks and recreation projects and improvements. Phase 4: Implementation and Action Plan Develop a list of capital costs and identify specific tools, strategies, and funding to achieve recommendations. Provide criteria used to prioritize projects and initiatives and explore potential funding sources. Phase 5: Plan Development and Adoption Incorporate all content and analysis into draft and final Master Plan documents and support it through public review and adoption. Based on the engagement goals,the proposed engagement methods are intended to ensure the following important outcomes: 1. The community is informed about the project goals and possibilities of projects to be developed as a result of this Plan update; 2. There are a range of opportunities for community members to give input and feedback to the Project Team,with at least one in-person event per project phase; and 3. The community will see the results of their involvement through a summary of each engagement activity or series of activities, as well as a list of community contacts of those engaged for the City's reference. The following section outlines the timeframe, key objectives, and engagement methods for each phase of the planning process.A table for each phase provides more detail about target audiences and roles for each touchpoint within the phase. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 17 Community Engagement Plan Phase 1: Existing Conditions Assessment Timeframe:July 2023—September 2023 Key Outreach Objectives: • Create a baseline understanding of the current conditions; identify key issues, opportunities, and focus areas. • Develop a community wide statistically valid survey. • Conduct stakeholder interviews to capture feedback. • Participate in one or more community events or activities to gather early community feedback. Engagement During Phase: • Stakeholder Interviews/Focus Groups: Interview selected groups.They should be educated on the planning process and assist in helping the team identify parks and recreation strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity. • Statistically Valid Survey:Survey distributed to a random sample of households to gather data on initial issues, opportunities, needs, and areas of focus.A subsequent online survey will mirror the statistically valid one and help reach additional members of the community. • Pop-Up Outreach#1-2: Held at community parks and recreation events to educate the public on the ongoing planning efforts.Activity created to explore the desires, needs,and opportunities within the parks and recreation system. • Community Event#1: Host or attend a community-wide in-person event like the Cultural Xchange Festival in September or the Farmer's Market.Activity created to explore the desires, needs, and opportunities within the parks and recreation system. • CAC Meeting#1: Meeting with committee members to introduce the plan and planning process.They should be educated on the planning process and assist in helping the team identify parks and recreation strengths,weaknesses, and areas of opportunity. • PRNRAB Meeting#1: Meeting with board members to introduce the plan and planning process and share current progress.They will review the existing conditions analysis and confirm strengths, weaknesses,and areas of opportunity. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 18 Community Engagement Plan Phase 1 Engagement Target Task/Activity Timing MIG Role City Role Audience Write questions, Stakeholder Coordinate Key provide staff, Interviews/ August/September scheduling, provide Focus Groups stakeholders facilitate,summarize contact information results DHM leads survey creation,creates concurrent online Coordinate survey, conducts scheduling, Statistically survey and publicize, and Valid Survey September/October General Public summarizes results. provide links for the (Survey#1) MIG oversees and online survey on the supports those efforts City website and and creates content other platforms for promotional materials Coordinate Create and provide scheduling, Pop-Up August&September General Public toolkit,summarize publicize, staff Outreach results events, collect feedback Community Create activity and Schedule, publicize, Event#1 August/September General Public materials, provide 1-2 staff event, staff members summarize results Develop agenda, Coordinate CAC Meeting#1 September 26, 2023 Key prepare presentation, scheduling, provide stakeholders facilitate meeting, contact information take notes,summarize Appointed Develop agenda, Coordinate PRNRAB Advisory prepare presentation, Meeting#1 October 18, 2023 Board facilitate meeting, scheduling, provide members take notes,summarize contact information Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 19 Community Engagement Plan Phase 2:Vision,Goals,and Objectives Timeframe:September 2023—November 2023 Key Outreach Objectives: • Develop plan vision statement and affirm Department vision statement. • Create a framework of goals and objectives for parks, recreation facilities, natural areas, and programs based on preliminary input. Engagement During Phase: • CAC Meeting#2: Present findings from Phase 1 community engagement and gather initial feedback on preliminary vision and goals. • PRNRAB Meeting#2: Present findings from Phase 1 community engagement, discuss the project's vision,goals, and objectives, and determine key issues and focus areas. • City Council Briefing#1: Introduce the project and process, present existing conditions analysis, findings from Phase 1 community engagement, and preliminary plan vision, goals, and objectives. Phase 2 Engagement Task/Activity Timing Target Audience MIG Role City Role Develop agenda, prepare Coordinate presentation, scheduling, CAC Meeting#2 October/November Key stakeholders facilitate provide contact meeting,take information notes Develop agenda, Appointed prepare Coordinate PRNRAB Meeting#2 November 15, 2023 Advisory Board presentation, scheduling, members facilitate provide contact meeting,take information notes Prepare Schedule City Council Briefing November 7 or Elected officials presentation, meeting, #1 November 21, 2023 take notes public process coordination Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 110 Community Engagement Plan Phase 3:Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment and Recommendations Timeframe:October 2023—March 2024 Key Outreach Objectives: • Elaborate on community needs by conducting further outreach including a second online survey and community event. • Perform a level of service analysis that relies on community feedback, park access, equity mapping, and comparisons with state data and national trends. • Develop a set of systemwide recommendations for parks and recreation projects and site improvements using community input. • Summarize previous engagement and identify gaps or differences in feedback. Engagement During Phase: • Survey#2: Promote an online survey(not statistically valid)to gather data on community needs and funding priorities. • Community Event#2: Host or attend a community-wide in-person event in the Spring of 2024. Activity created to identify community needs and funding priorities. • Pop-Up Outreach#3: Held at community parks and recreation events to gather community input on project prioritization and demonstrate the use of public feedback on the project planning process. • CAC Meeting#3: Discuss preliminary needs assessment findings and system recommendations. • CAC Meeting#4: Present findings from the needs assessment and discuss site-specific recommendations. • PRNRAB Meeting#3: Present findings from the needs assessment and discuss system and site recommendations. • City Council Briefing#2: Present findings from the needs assessment and system and site recommendations. Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 111 Community Engagement Plan Phase 3 Engagement Task/Activity Timing Target Audience MIG Role City Role Create survey and Survey#2 March 2024 General Public promotional Coordinate timing, materials, publicize summarize results Create activity and Schedule, Community Event March 2024 General Public materials, provide publicize,staff #2 event,summarize 1-2 staff members results Develop agenda, Coordinate prepare scheduling, CAC Meeting#3 December 2023 Key stakeholders presentation, provide contact facilitate meeting, information take notes Develop agenda, Coordinate prepare CAC Meeting#4 January/February Key stakeholders presentation, scheduling, 2024 provide contact facilitate meeting, information take notes Develop agenda, Coordinate Appointed prepare PRNRAB Meeting scheduling, February 21, 2024 Advisory Board presentation, #3 members facilitate meeting, provide contact information take notes City Council March 5 or 19, Prepare Schedule meeting, Briefing#2 2024 Elected officials presentation,take public process notes coordination Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 112 Community Engagement Plan Phase 4:Implementation and Action Plan Timeframe: March 2024—July 2024 Key Outreach Objectives: • Prioritize recommendations with community input. • Demonstrate how community feedback was utilized during the planning process. Engagement During Phase: • CAC Meeting#5: Discuss SDC methodology update and present preliminary changes. • CAC Meeting#6: Present prioritized recommendations. • PRNRAB Meeting#4: Present and discuss prioritized recommendations, implementation, and updated SDC methodology. • City Council Briefing#3: Present and discuss prioritized recommendations, implementation, and updated SDC methodology. Phase 4 Engagement Task/Activity Timing Target Audience MIG Role City Role Develop agenda, Coordinate prepare scheduling, CAC Meeting#5 March 2024 Key stakeholders presentation, provide contact facilitate meeting, information take notes Develop agenda, Coordinate prepare scheduling, CAC Meeting#6 May 2024 Key stakeholders presentation, provide contact facilitate meeting, information take notes Develop agenda, Coordinate Appointed prepare PRNRAB Meeting June 2024 Advisory Board presentation, scheduling, #4 members facilitate meeting, provide contact information take notes City Council July 16 or August 6, Prepare Schedule meeting, Briefing#3 2024 Elected officials presentation,take public process notes coordination Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 113 Community Engagement Plan Phase 5:Plan Development and Adoption Timeframe:June 2024—October 2024 Key Outreach Objectives: • Gather feedback on the draft Master Plan • Generate support for the adoption of the Master Plan Engagement During Phase: • CAC Meeting#7: Present and discuss draft Master Plan. • PRNRAB Meeting#5: Present and discuss draft Master Plan. • City Council Briefing#4: Present and Discuss draft Master Plan. Phase 5 Engagement Task/Activity Timing Target Audience MIG Role City Role Develop agenda, Coordinate prepare scheduling, CAC Meeting#7 August 2024 Key stakeholders presentation, provide contact facilitate meeting, information take notes Develop agenda, Coordinate Appointed prepare PRNRAB Meeting scheduling, #5 August 2024 Advisory Board presentation, provide contact members facilitate meeting, information take notes Prepare Schedule meeting, City Council October 1 or 15, Elected officials presentation,take public process Briefing#4 2024 notes coordination Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 114 SAFE CLEAN SUSTAINABLE CONNECTED THRIVING 1x- • , • .• 1' •f 10 .. -. • �• a r h' ',. I' tip t . ''''...b ilk w ►id J i MAW • a * . s •�• ,� • ire, •Pi--1-- .. . #r . 41 Ai; i d.0011,ts, . -4 .7: . 4 t r a r�4 iii . 7 * _ r..- �F O L. Brie ' l 1 B O Community Profile & State of the System PARLAKS PLANE , 0 2040 ke Oswego Parks Plan 2040 Community Profile & State of the System The City of Lake Oswego is looking to the future and updating its long-range Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas System There are sections included Plan (Parks Plan 2040) for the parks, facilities, programs, and in this summary and services that Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation offers. Parks appendices: Plan 2040 will provide a long-term vision for the continued enhancement of this system over the next 15 years. It will Background address system-wide needs, identify specific improvements to park and recreation facilities and activities, and outline an .- Setting and Context updated set of goals and policies that provide guidance on future investments, projects, and programs built on Community Profile community priorities and needs. Figure 1 provides a brief overview of the overall process for Parks Plan 2040. Parks and Facilities This summary presents key findings from the first phase of the planning process and provides a foundation of information Recreation Programs, for Parks Plan 2040. Phase 1 included a kickoff meeting with Services, and Events the City and tour of the park system, a review of plans and policies, and an inventory of existing facilities, recreational Key Observations programs, and activities offered by the City. Findings within this summary are based on observations from the consultant APPENDIX 1: Site Tour& team, recent data, and information from several of the City of Kickoff Summary Lake Oswego's previously completed planning efforts, and input from City staff. Figure 1: Parks Plan 2040 Process 0 4E19 �"f0 EXISTING CONDITIONS VISION,GOALS, NEEDS ASSESSMENT& IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT ND OBJECTIVES RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION PLAN AND ADOPTION JUNE-AUGUST 2023 SEPTEMBER- OCTOBER 2023- MARCH-JULY 2024 DULY 2024- NOVEMBER 2023 MARCH 2O24 FEBRUARY 2025 -Kickoff Meeting -Strategic -Parks and -Systemwide -Draft Plan and Site Visit Framework Programming Recommendations I -Plan Review -Inventory -Focus Groups Analyses -Projects and -Final Plan -Community -CAC Meetings -Parks System Implementation -CAC Meetings Profile and State of -PRNRAB Meetings Evaluation Strategies -PRNAB Meetings the System -City Council -CAC Meetings -CAC Meetings -City Council Briefing Briefing -PRNAB Meetings -PRNAB Meetings -Survey 1 -City Council -City Council -Community Event Briefing Briefing -Community Event LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 PARKS PLAN 2025 ACCOMPLISHMENTS In 2012, Lake Oswego adopted Parks Plan 2025, which outlined a vision for the City's Park and recreation system through the year 2025. Notably, Parks Plan 2025 resulted in numerous parks and facility upgrades as well as the construction of 57.8 acres of new developed parks funded by the passage of a local bond measure in 2019, totaling $56 million in improvements. Specific accomplishments and completion dates include: New Parks and Facilities • Quarry Bike Park (March 2019) • Farr Property Bike Park Design (June 2020) • Iron Mountain Park upgrades (February 2019) a �` • Woodmont Natural Park (February 2019) Major Improvements • New accessible restrooms at George Rogers Park and East Waluga Park (2021) • Trail improvements and bridge replacement at ! Roehr Park (March 2019) • Renovation of the Lake Oswego Swim Park ., (March 2021) • Water Sport Center dock replacement (February 2020) : t • Renovation of the Adult Community Center • (March 2022) 714111, �► • T • Renovation of the Indoor Tennis Center (January kAduitcommunity G t. 2023) Center ar+a+w �sA a ue • Replacement of the George Rogers Park lower picnic shelter (expected completion in 2023) In-Progress Projects • Rassekh Park, including a multi-purpose field, restrooms, a maintenance building, parking, walking trails, a covered picnic area, an expanded play area, a protected natural area, and a 10,000 SF skatepark (expected completion of Phase I in summer 2024) • Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course Renovation, including the design and construction of a new 9-hole Executive Golf Course, renovation and extension of the existing driving range, construction of a new related golf course maintenance facility, and renovation of the former clubhouse building for additional programming and community space as part of future recreation center programming (expected completion in fall 2024) • Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center, funded jointly by the City of Lake Oswego and the Lake Oswego School District, including a 12 lane competitive pool, a 4,500 square-foot recreational pool with three additional lanes for lap swimming, significant weight, and cardio area, a 7,250 square foot gym that will equip all types of activities and league play, locker rooms, multi- purpose group fitness rooms to hold education and outreach programs, and host events, along with a front desk for centralized check-in, including golf, scheduling and office space for staff (expected completion in fall 2024) LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 13 SETTING AND CONTEXT The City of Lake Oswego is located approximately 8 miles south of Portland in western Clackamas County. According to Portland State University Population Research Center estimates, Lake Oswego has a current population of approximately 41,500. The City is bounded by the City of Portland and unincorporated Multnomah County to the north, the City of Milwaukie and unincorporated Clackamas County across the Willamette River to the east, West Linn and unincorporated Clackamas County to the south, and the cities of Tigard and Tualatin to the west (Figure 2). Lake Oswego is also part of the Oregon Metro regional government. Figure 2: Regional Context Portland Beaverton Milwaukie we qo Lake Oswego os yak Tualatin West Linn �¢c Sherwood me Oregon City Prior to European settlement, the City of Lake Oswego was home to the Clackamas Indigenous People who lived, traded, and navigated the land and surrounding waters. Many of the original indigenous inhabitants died from disease brought by European settlers and French fur trappers. Those that remained ceded their territory to the Federal Government in 1855 and were moved to the Grand Ronde Reservation in nearby Yamhill County. The City of Lake Oswego was founded in 1847 and became Oregon's first iron ore town. In the late nineteenth century, numerous canals were built expanding the lake and allowing connections to the Tualatin River. Following national trends for outdoor recreation in the early 1920s, the city was branded as a lake resort prompting future development around the entirety of Oswego Lake. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 14 Land Use and Development Patterns Today, Lake Oswego is primarily a residential community, with housing plats that date back to the late 19' century. Areas of commercial development and light manufacturing are located at the west and east ends of the City with small neighborhood commercial districts dispersed throughout. These areas include the downtown adjacent to the eastern end of Oswego Lake, the Willamette River and Highway 43, and Lake Grove adjacent to the 1-5 corridor along Kruse Way and Boones Ferry Road. A variety of topographic, natural features, and other factors impact the future development of parks and recreation facilities in Lake Oswego, including the following: • There is a limited supply of remaining buildable land both for new development as well as for parks within the existing city limits. • Steep slopes, stream corridors, Oswego Lake, and other natural features provide barriers to access to parks for pedestrians and bicyclists throughout the City. • For the most part, major transportation facilities do not create significant barriers to accessing park and recreation facilities, and generally �Y �N} enhance access to them (e.g., Hwy 43, Interstate 5, Iron Mountain Blvd., ands k '� / 't y ,1 Zia others). Although the majority of the City's parks and ; recreation facilities are within the city limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), a large portion of the Luscher area is located Luscher Farm outside of the UGB within unincorporated Clackamas County. According to the Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis conducted in 2023, there are limited buildable lands available within the UGB to meet future housing needs. Land development constraints will need to be considered in future phases of this project when thinking about how the City will meet the park and recreation needs of future residents who may live in new areas of the city. COMMUNITY PROFILE Demographic conditions and trends of a community play a major role in planning for a city's park and recreation system. This section outlines elements of Lake Oswego's demographics, highlighting several key indicators that will influence the recommendations of Parks Plan 2040. Population Growth Since 2000, Lake Oswego has experienced modest growth, growing by nearly 18% in 23 years, or less than 1% per year. This 23-year growth rate is significant, but lower than the county and state averages of 26% and 25% respectively during this same period (Table 1). Other cities in the county such as West Linn and Oregon City grew by 23% and 46% respectively, while Portland's population grew by an estimated 19% during this period (Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report). LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 15 Table 1:23-Year Population Growth (City, County,and State) %Change 2023 %Change Population 2000 2010 2000-2010 (Estimate) 2000-2023 City of Lake Oswego 35,278 36,619 4% 41,550 18% Clackamas County 338,391 375,992 11% 432,390 26% State of 3,421,399 3,831,074 12% 4,329,114 25% Source:Census,PSU Population Research Center Future population estimates show a relatively modest increase in population over the next 20 years (Table 2). The future population of Lake Oswego is expected to increase by 1.4 %, with an additional 583 residents by 2045 (Table 2). This modest growth rate could be partially attributed to the small quantity of buildable land remaining in the City, as well as other demographic trends in the City and region. Table 2: Population Forecast, Lake Oswego UGB Population 2000 2045 %Change City of Lake Oswego 35,278 42,133 19% Clackamas County 338,391 I 593,6657 75% Source:Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report, US Census Age A vibrant and equitable park and recreation system offers opportunities for all age groups, such as spaces to learn and play for young children, safe places for teens, activities for older adults, and cross-generational spaces to bring people together. As Figure 3 shows, there is a general trend for middle age and young cohorts to fall as share of total population during the last 20 years, while older cohorts have grown in share. This is in keeping with the national trend caused by the aging Baby Boom generation, falling birth rates, and more people choosing to live alone. Compared to state and national averages, Lake Oswego has a similar share of households with children (Figure 4). However, at 21%, the share of population over 65 is higher than the state and national figures (Figure 4). Overall, Lake Oswego has an older population than the county, with a similar share of children, but a smaller share of those aged 25 to 44 years. These trends are expected to continue in the coming years. The needs of these age groups specific to Lake Oswego will be explored in future phases of the project. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 16 Figure 3:Age Cohort Trends,2000-2021(Lake Oswego) 25% Lake Oswego(2000) o N Lake Oswego(2021) 20% `si o 0 w ^ d° I o Clack.Co.(2021) ti N e o e 74 15% LI 4 O e O c-I O .-I e,° 10% , cn g o 0 N 5% V o�' N 0% yyaea�e 'L�aea�5 ��aea�e ��aeate y�aea�e ��aea�e ��,ea�e ��,e' Jea`yx J� ', by 3y ay by 6y 1y Figure 4:Share of Households with Children/Population over 65 Years(Lake Oswego) Share of Households with Children Share of Population Over 65 Years 40% 40% 31% 31% 30% 28% 30% 21% 20% 20% 18% 16% 10% 10% 0% I. 0% Lake Oswego Oregon USA Lake Oswego Oregon USA Source:Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report, US Census Racial and Ethnicity Characteristics Like different age groups, considering unique cultural, ethnic, and language characteristics is essential to fostering a vibrant parks and recreation system that meets diverse community needs. Although it is still less racially diverse than the state or region, Figure 5 shows that Lake Oswego's community grew more diverse between 2010 and 2020, with the population's white (non-Hispanic) share falling from 90% to 80%. Source:Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report, US Census LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 7 Figure 5: Racial and Ethnic Breakdown and Trends, 2010-2020(Lake Oswego) 100% o Share of Population by Race o Lake Oswego(2010) oo 80% •Lake Oswego(2020) 60% •Clackamas Co. 40% Oregon 20% g g oo o o rn L. o 0% _ o M +. v c -o v c a) v 0 co C > ca N u c Y V1 c 7o CO 0 Y co Z Q C a) _,ra a" o Y Co u +� o _m Q E 'Tr ro ro O ~ p Source:Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report, US Census People with a Disability Equitable access regardless of ability is essential to creating a successful parks and recreation system. According to Census data, an estimated 8% of the population of Lake Oswego, or 3,140 people, report having some form of a disability. This is lower than the county and statewide average rates of 12% and 14% respectively. Older residents are more likely to report a disability, including nearly 20% of those over 65 years (Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report). It is important to note that there are likely more disabled residents than reflected in this data due to a lack of reporting by younger populations and undercounting of vulnerable populations within Census data. Income and Affordability Income and affordability are additional key considerations that influence park and recreation participation among other factors. Lake Oswego is one of the most affluent communities in the Portland metropolitan area and in Oregon. In 2023, median household income was estimated to be $123,000 which is nearly 40% higher than the Clackamas County median of $88,500, and 75% higher than the statewide median of $70,000 (Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report). The Lake Oswego poverty rate of 4% is well below both the State and County rates of 9% and 17% respectively (Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report). As for affordability, renters have disproportionately lower income relative to homeowners. Approximately 50% of renters in the City pay 30% or more of their household income on rent (Figure 7). Public parks provide a low-cost recreation option and are therefore especially important in cost burdened areas. In addition, these households have limited resources for other activities, making activities that require fees or other costs of participation potentially cost-prohibitive to them. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 18 Figure 6: Income Trends, 2000-2023 (Lake Oswego) PER CAPITA AND MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME 2000 2010 Growth 2023 Growth (Census) (Census) 00-10 (Proj.) 10-23 Per Capita($) $42,166 $53,652 27% $74,600 39% Median HH($) $71,597 $84,186 18% $123,300 46% SOURCE:Census,Metro Consolidated Forecast,PSU Population Research Center,and Johnson Economics Census Tables:DP-1(2000,2010);DP-3(2000);S1901;S19301 Figure 7: Percentage of Household Income Spent on Gross Rent, Lake Oswego Renter Households 35% 30% 29% 25% a 25% 22% y• 20% 0• 15% 14% aoi 10% 7% N 5% 3% co se' �o ,'o �o otF \o n\n on\o 03 %of Income to Gross Rent Source:Lake Oswego Housing Needs Analysis Report, US Census PARKS AND FACILITIES Lake Oswego residents have access to a variety of recreation spaces. The City of Lake Oswego owns over 600 acres of land in its dedicated park system, including 53 parks and recreation facilities. Of this land, 165 acres are developed, providing places to play and gather, and nearly 430 acres are natural areas and open spaces for community members to experience nature. This includes 515 acres of city-wide parks, 53 acres of local parks, and 46 acres of special purpose sites. In addition to these parks, the City also has nearly 270 acres of other public lands that support recreation and open space in Lake Oswego. Altogether, the system totals over 850 acres including both dedicated park lands and other public lands. Park Inventory Figure 8 shows the location of existing parks and recreation facilities in Lake Oswego. Future phases of the project will include a more detailed assessment of the distribution of parks and recreation facilities, with a particular focus on equity. Table 3 and Table 4 summarize the system inventory of dedicated City park lands and other public land respectively. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 19 Table 3:City Park Lands by Classification Classification #of Sites Total Acreage Example City-wide Parks 26 515.2 George Rogers Park, East Waluga Park Local Parks 19 53.1 Glenmorrie Park, Greentree Park Snecial Purpose Sites Adult Community Center,Golf Course TOTALS 53 614.6 Source:Draft Inventory of Existing Facilities Table 4:Other Public Lands by Classification Classification #of Sites Total Acreage Example Other Public Open Space 40 27.8 Waluga Open Space Other Public City Property 18 39.9 City Hall, Maintenance Center School District Property 12 Lake Oswego High School,Westridge Elementary School TOTALS 70 266.2 Source:Draft Inventory of Existing Facilities LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Figure 8: Lake Oswego Existing Parks and Facilities 1 59,,,rr r�nne, t, c II I Portland s is — — — '1;ark Vary �. i ~ � P Southwood —I—k__I— Hide-A-Wa Ir u.�— ` C n Perkk y r �� ® _ Inxs He -.- p LJI �]/ 119199991.199 a P�k r _ _ FutonC k, ` Qf. Lr !�V Z a3 0� a Natural a oadmonf i SC a.d Arcn G4-'' n _ ���iYYVVV — 5 lecnnd e - i n^ 'v ! Park It Park or: i��� - I r� '� avik r ��� 6M1r>rYak. ✓ Lit' J ! ici.w.� mmu^ty i /_. _._ Pak Community I Tigard 1, J Censer \ iiw I El❑ lci"( "'k 3 TenniInelm wsxn " } Centr.. .5 .'I„,•,•f, Roark n `eTc v7 r..,, Park i`, Miluiaakie 1 J -- ows qo �'m wnr ,,e Fu1u[h I r!1 Millenniu r Pla 0-430 Roe---------_____ cr M x arm' tug-titulary Pu sw banirn Ao �i L 5� _ as erprnr k taut on I'" - Plaza } C�arlie S.brown 1�p wfif rspartsCenter a >, r y� `�I�,L Aega Pu rk iEk - !swim Pork George Rogers(-� J L 4. °era 51jIV a unisx�es ssrc Hal oo 1 2 r- W J u Z7.7an wr a GrPruk eeaP m"`" r 4 Areal"""'' srmvc cnrrx Bee Park hsp ."P kns x"y r © _ `A $ -LL—I —J flep � 1 ° ` MuniciPnl o a y s Gall Course ���8� �'1P "' l t, Harelrn 1II v'*o. �y vmi.r Field f R-- lunlo. x e9' + e ks � � � 1� /� 0 I IF Pure Se Bak Lusclrer Farm --L, e e��/� /, r y Brork / f� f —_ ihnnt I Lair r, Pr ,erii co -Gbar - St wins �` i arp R q'n[' _ M daw Z I. L J Lt�yLrde �I( '''' n J \aai s �Y I'�lkn;�lu P k • P swine,xo _r - 1„rnn nny Slope Malaria Canal A ark J .. Rivergrovc Nature Park ear a t River R,en `. ',No City of Lake Oswego Recreation City Parks and Natural Areas Facilities -Trails and Pathways Water Bodies I Schools I I Boundary LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Park Classifications from Parks Plan 2025 Parks are classified by type to evaluate park service and strategically invest in the different park experiences desired in a community. Parks Plan 2025 classified Lake Oswego's parks both according to their size and function (scale), as well as to their level of development (character). This forms a tiered park classification system that helps determine the types of recreation opportunities that are compatible with these sites. Lake Oswego's park and recreation sites are classified into three categories according to their scale: A. Iv*Id°kv �Q► City-Wide Parks Local Parks Special-Purpose 26 Sites 19 Sites 8 Sites City-Wide Parks City-wide parks provide recreation facilities and natural features that serve the entire city. These typically larger parks generally support group gatherings and provide a greater variety of recreation facilities, such as play areas, sports fields, sports courts, picnic shelters, event space, and trails. Most contain significant natural features, such as river access or forested areas. City-wide parks must have adequate amenities, such as access to parking and restrooms, to support users coming from other areas of the community. As the predominant park type in Lake Oswego, city-wide parks make up a total of 515 acres or 84 percent of the total acreage of the dedicated park system. • Imo/ .r 7e. MSS, 1115-. George Rogers Park—26.1 Acres Foothills Park—10 Acres LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 12 Local Parks A local park is intended primarily for the - enjoyment of nearby neighbors within a short walk ' < ` . -� or bike ride. These parks often include traditional t1 '• 1- recreation amenities—such as playgrounds, sport courts, and open turf play areas. However, a local i.A w� _ ' , park may also be a small natural area that provides 1 Ai ;_ relief from urban development and contributes to i neighborhood character. These natural areas may also provide outdoor recreation opportunities for ' . nearby residents. re s ' ,>> it :a As the building block of the park system, local Westridge Park—2.2Acres parks offer opportunities to reflect the character of their neighborhood and build community. Local parks make up 53 acres or 9 percent of the total dedicated park system. Special Purpose Sites Within the Lake Oswego park system, several sites are almost completely focused on a single use. Known as special purpose sites, these properties often were purchased or designated for this particular purpose or were acquired to take advantage of a unique feature, such as swimming access. Special purpose sites may include stand-alone facilities such as the senior center, aquatic or water sports facilities, golf courses, skate parks, tennis centers, historic buildings, and walking paths and/or trailheads. These specialized facilities appeal to a citywide audience, drawing users from throughout the community. Some of these sites also require specialized management strategies. This category totals 46 acres or 7 percent of the total dedicated park system. LyV -t b i S a - --- q > kr. '—.. ` 011. qq' v * .m�q, rr: r l ' Mkt a_.� - _ _ y�y * . 1__ f -401.0„,,,„ Lake Oswego Swim Park—0.3 Acres Lake Oswego Indoor Tennis Center—2.0 Acres LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 13 In addition to classification, Parks Plan 2025 also defines parks by their character: Developed Developed parks are designed and developed to . �� accommodate more traditional park and .., Y 4 fi recreation uses. Sites tend to be manicured in J*0000 ,� • a =' character, with mowed lawns, paved pathways, — .% -, and landscaping as well as manufactured play , equipment and active use facilities. While some natural resources may be present, recreational uses — is the primary purpose of these sites. This category totals 69 acres or 11 percent of the total - dedicated park system. Millennium Plaza Park—2.0 Acres Hybrid Hybrid parks combine developed parks with natural park features to create a dual purpose of providing recreation experiences and protecting natural resources. Developed and natural features can be either integrated or side-by-side, as noted below. Integrated Character: An integrated hybrid park is designed to harmonize developed features with natural elements, creating a blended setting throughout the park. Examples include nature play areas, trails with seating, and disc golf courses to name a few. Side-by-Side Character: A side-by-side hybrid park is designed to separate natural areas from developed park features, creating two distinct settings within one park. For example, a side-by- side park may provide developed play equipment, sports fields, and parking, beside a wooded setting. This category totals 319 acres or 52 percent of the total dedicated park system. t V ig`e. • r, di uT- • z ' - • LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 14 Natural Natural parks are dedicated to protecting native habitat, environmental resources, AL-40, and ecological functions, such as 7-7 stormwater management. They may .14 provide recreational opportunities to be in 7,+, nature, preserve scenic or historic `" '" resources, and provide green corridors for q 4 ° trails and greenways. This category totals 227 acres or 37 percent of the total k dedicated park system. ' 4 e• • 41, Other Public Land Beyond city park lands, the system also includes nearly 270 acres of other public Bryant Woods Nature Park—16.7 Acres lands that may support recreation and open space in Lake Oswego. These include 28 acres of public open space, 40 acres of other public city property that are or could be used for facilities or purposes related to parks and recreation, and approximately 200 acres of school district property as described below.' • Public Open Space: Forty public open spaces owned and/or maintained by the Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation are included in this category. Many of these sites are small, and generally have a low recreation value due to access, condition, or location all limiting these sites as a park or natural area. • Other Public City Property: The City also owns and manages additional buildings and public spaces that are noted in this category. For example, City Hall, Lake Oswego Public Library, and City fire stations provide some level of public space and could support parks and recreation activities or facilities, if space were available. Some facilities are already co-located with parks, such as the Westlake Fire Station. Others, like City Hall, are occasionally the site of community or special events. In addition, the Water Department maintains properties for managing stormwater runoff and to support water delivery. • School District Property: Schools play an important role in providing active sports and recreation opportunities, as well as open space. In Lake Oswego, schools provide almost 200 acres of open space at 12 sites across the city. At these sites, the Lake Oswego Note: These acreage estimates are approximate and may be refined further in a subsequent draft of this report. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 15 School District operates sports fields, playgrounds, sports courts, and gymnasiums which each add to the citywide inventory of recreation facilities. Trails Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation provides approximately 22 miles of local trails and pathways in parks and natural areas. Trails and pathways within parks and natural areas are typically maintained and managed by Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation primarily for recreational use. Trails and pathways adjacent to roadways (e.g., multi-use paths) and other trail corridors in the City outside of parks are primarily managed by the City's Engineering Department as transportation facilities. More information related to this topic will be provided in subsequent planning documents. Recreation Facilities Lake Oswego's parks offer a range of recreation opportunities to support sports/athletics, outdoor PARK FACILITIES recreation, specialized uses, and connections to nature. Parks also include amenities such as seating areas, picnic shelters, and restrooms that support park functionality 26 Baseball Diamonds and user comfort. The figure to the right summarizes 13 Basketball Courts key facilities and amenities in City parks. City-wide parks 27 Soccer Fields are typically larger in scale and rich with sports facilities, 25 Tennis Courts picnic shelters for community gatherings, and play 1 Bike Skills Park structures among other facility types. Local parks are 2 Dog Parks typically smaller in scale and amenities are typically 8 Picnic Shelters limited to play structures, open spaces, and natural 91 Picnic Tables areas. 26 Play Structures The system also provides numerous major recreation 31 Restrooms facilities, including: Adult Community Center. This Fitness Equipment at 2 sites • recently- renovated 12,974 square foot multi-purpose facility located at the northeastern edge of the Water Access at 9 sites City supports recreation, education, and social services programs for adults and seniors (ages Off-street Parking at 18 sites 50+) in Lake Oswego. Interpretive Features at 2 sites • Indoor Tennis Center. This recently-renovated 28,288 square foot indoor tennis facility includes 33 Natural Areas/Open Space four courts, restrooms, staff offices, a lunch and meeting room, and an upstairs viewing area. • Luscher Farm Luscher Farm includes a variety of facilities to encourage recreation and support agricultural programming relating to local food and organic plant production. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 16 The site includes a historic farmhouse and barn, community garden plots, trails, demonstration gardens, Community Supported Agriculture fields, a children's garden, and the Friends of Rogerson Clematis Collection garden. • Public Go/f Course The Lake Oswego Public Golf Course was previously an 18- Hole, par- 3 course, with a 17-stall driving range, and a 4,650 square foot clubhouse with pro-shop and cafe. Currently, the Golf Course is being redesigned to include a new 9-hole Executive Golf Course, renovate the existing driving range, and construct a new related golf course maintenance facility. The course is expected to re-open in late 2024. • Water Sports Center. The Charlie S. Brown Water Sports Center, located in Roehr Park, is owned by the City of Lake Oswego, and operated via a partnership with Lake Oswego Community Rowing, a private, non-profit organization. The 2,636 square foot facility was designed specifically to store rowing shells and to operate as a public rowing facility. • Coming soon!Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center.Expected to be complete by late 2024, the facility will provide a 12 lane competitive pool, a 4,500 square-foot recreational pool with three additional lanes for lap swimming, significant weight, and cardio area, a 7,250 square foot gym that will equip all types of activities and league play, locker rooms, multi-purpose group fitness rooms to hold education and outreach programs, and host events, along with a front desk for centralized check-in, including golf, scheduling and office space for staff. PROGRAMMING KEY FACTS PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Lake Oswego offers a variety of year-round activities 1 100 Recreation for people of all ages including art, music, sports, Programs fitness &wellness, teen programs, and community- wide events. Table 5 summarizes the programs offered by the City sorted by age and season. 22,000 Participants Lake Oswego's annual Fact Book includes several metrics related to recreation program participation. In >>Youth and Teen 2022, the City offered over 1,100 programs and served Programming over 20,000 participants of all ages. Historically across the country, teen programming has been a challenging 4 000 Teen Lounge area for many agencies. Lake Oswego appears to excel 1 Visitors in this area, offering a wide variety of options for youth in grades 6-12 across its program service areas. In 2022, the Teen Lounge, located inside of the Christ 4,000 Teen Church Episcopal Parish (CCP) (one of the City's Volunteers satellite offices/program locations) saw over 4,000 visitors. Additionally, teens brought in over 4,000 LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 17 • . . . volunteer hours between the Teen Service Corps, ---• ---'-'_‘" . . i the Jr. Camp Counselor program, and the Youth z -I-p ;it ...„ Action Council. • 1 j The City of Lake Oswego also offers a multitude • ''. of programs, services, and community events through the Adult Community Center (ACC) and t. ` � _ its various parks and outdoor spaces. Teen Lounge, Christ Church Episcopal Parish At the ACC residents can engage in social activities like the Congregate Lunch program, Bridge, Conversational Spanish, and Day and Overnight trips. They can also attend programs designed to provide resources and services for overall well-being like Meals on Wheels, the Living Well Talk Series, and info sessions that focus on relationships, mental health, fitness, and financial planning. In 2022, the ACC offered over 1,000 programs and served over 20,000 participants. Utilizing its numerous outdoor spaces and parks, the City also provides residents with a variety of community events and activities. One of the most popular events is the weekly Farmer's Market (held May-Oct) which saw over 120,000 visitors in 2022 and is considered one of the top markets in the region. Residents can enjoy summer concerts, fun runs, and annual staples such as the 4th of July Parade, Cultural Xchange, and the holiday tree lighting. In 2022, the City offered more than 60 events and had over 1,200 volunteer hours donated towards them. Table 5:City Programs and Activities Age Season v, on c C cu ++ •L cu til Program Area U Q t 3 ai z -a = E H Q O § ci U Cultural Enrichment • • • • • • • Fitness • • • • • • • Health &Wellness • • • • • • • Sports (including Tennis & Golf) • • • • • • • Community and Special • • • 111:111 • Events Luscher Farms Organic • • • • • • • Education Adults 50+ Life Long Learning • • • • • Human Services • • • • • • • LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 18 "' Yr. 41%it 6 , s { i's� d', , 1.$ *."3` .a .` 14 ' -i F' ,fir '`,,,c -P .y _ • .R . yz y 1 L 'gym! >�.� ,� ‹ {' Ali 44- d' r f0 - �! r V `_____ -mot Lake Oswego Farmer's Market While the City is currently using various spaces and facilities throughout Lake Oswego to offer programs and activities, it is expected that many of them will be centralized and offered at the new Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center (LORAC) upon its completion in 2024. The City regularly tracks and reviews participant feedback gathered through user surveys sent to participants enrolled in programs and activities each season. These participants tend to give the City high marks for the quality of programs. During the Summer 2022 period, over 90% of respondents indicated that participation in their respective activities met their expectations. Over 75% of respondents indicated that they were "very satisfied" with the value received for the activities they participated in and over 90% of respondents said that they would recommend their respective activities to a friend or family member. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS Maintenance and operations are key to a vibrant, clean, and sustainable parks and recreation system. The Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the management and maintenance of the City's developed parks, natural areas, and open spaces. In addition to park spaces, the department's maintenance staff care for the system's major facilities including the Indoor Tennis Center, the Adult Community Center, Charles S Brown Water Sports Center, the Lake Oswego Swim Park, the Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course, and the Luscher Farm properties. Total maintenance spending is outlined in Table 6 below. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 I 19 The level of maintenance per site is determined by several factors, including how the property is used, amenities onsite, property terrain, its proximity to neighborhoods and other public spaces, natural resources present (creeks, drainages, native vegetation, etc.), and any applicable city, county, state, and federal requirements. Maintenance levels also vary according to season and facility requirements. Ongoing tasks include planting, weeding, raking, pruning, mowing, tree/shrub maintenance, weed control. Integrated pest management, fertilization, irrigation operations, litter removal, storm debris removal, and the cleaning, repair, and maintenance of park amenities such as play structure equipment, restrooms, and other structures. Additional information related to maintenance practices and metrics will be included in subsequent planning documents, including the project's Maintenance and Operations Assessment. Beyond regular department maintenance, the City operates an active park stewardship program to maintain and protect the system's parks and natural areas. Regular stewardship and habitat restoration work parties are held year-round, allowing community members to spend time in nature and contribute to the ongoing maintenance of the system. Table 6:2023-2024 Total Maintenance and Operations Budget Maintenance 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Category Total Total Total Budget Budget Budget Parks $1,945,570 $2,239,000 $2,274,000 Maintenance _ Athletic Field $1,080,400 $826,000 $852,000 Maintenance Open Space— $868,736 $770,000 $785,000 Natural Areas Facility -$93,620 $63,000 $63,000 Maintenance TOTALS L$3,801,086 $3,898,000 $3,974,004 Source:City of Lake Oswego Parks Maintenance Budget 2023-2025 INITIAL OBSERVATIONS LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 120 In August 2023, City staff and the consultant team held a kickoff meeting and toured representative sites to discuss site specific issues, opportunities, and challenges. Preliminary observations from this tour are noted below and will be compared with outreach findings and technical analysis as the team moves forward in the Parks Plan 2040 planning process. • Excellent System:The community has access to a varied and well-maintained recreation system. • i - • Involved Community:From volunteering to help 9 maintain parks to participating in recreation programs, Lake Oswego residents are active and >>West Waluga Park involved in the recreation system. >> East Waluga Park • Use and Programming:Parks and facilities across the system experience a high level of use. >> Indoor Tennis Center System-wide programming also experiences high >>Springbrook Park use although some sites could benefit from additional programming. >> Iron Mountain Park • Maintenance and Improvements:Some sites have >>Adult Community Center maintenance challenges due to location and/or staffing capacity. Improvements to lighting, » Foothills Park restrooms, playgrounds, and trail surfacing are needed at some locations. Existing landscaping is » Lake Oswego Swim Park high-quality and well-maintained although some sites need minor improvements and tree >>George Rogers Park replacements. » Municipal Golf Course& Recreation and Aquatic Center • Natural Resource Management:The City places a high priority on providing open space and natural >> Luscher Farm areas for more passive enjoyment by community members and for their natural resource values. In these areas, the City focuses on using native plantings, removing invasive species, and improving water quality and wildlife habitat, including for pollinators. Several natural area sites (e.g., Iron Mountain) have had recent improvements and renovations to enhance these elements and to add amenities for visitors (seating, shelters, interpretive features, etc.). • Sustainability and Resiliency:Parks Department staff note a strong desire to continue to incorporate sustainability and resiliency practices in the continued planning for and maintenance and improvement of their facilities. While the City currently does this through park-specific planning and operations to some degree, there is a desire to integrate this in a more holistic way in the Parks Plan 2040 process and in future LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 121 activities and improvements. Staff note a desire to view parks as a resource for climate resilience and emergency response to natural disasters. • Accessibility:Although some sites have seen improvements since the prior plan, ADA improvements are still needed throughout the system's park and recreation facilities. Beyond ADA requirements, some sites offer opportunities to introduce universal design when replacing or adding recreation facilities. • Conflicting Uses and Enforcement.•Some sites have issues monitoring community use and enforcing rules relating to swimming, loitering, vandalism, and trail use. • Other Cha//enges:Some sites have limited off-street parking to meet demands, particularly during large events. Other facilities are impacted by other non-park onsite facilities, leading to maintenance issues. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 122