LO2040_CAC2_Meeting Summary OGA F_SUMMARY �OREGO/ LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING #2 Date: December 12, 2023 Time: 5:30-7:30 PM Location: Lake Oswego Maintenance Building, Willow Room 17601 Pilkington Road Virtual Recording Link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/parks-plan-2040/parks-plan-2040- project-documents ATTENDEES City of Lake Oswego - Kyra Haggart, Ivan Anderholm, Jeff Munro, Jan Wirtz, Brenda Falson, Tony Garcia, Robin Krakauer, Kelly Bird MIG - Matt Hastie, Lauren Scott Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Members - Whiteney Taylor, James Meier, Betty Holladay, Emily Frey, Kara Orvieto Ashley, Denee Kroeger, Patrick Guiterrez, Meg Matsushima, Kent Watson, Teresa Bianco, Sarah Ellison, Julie Haddad, Matt McGinnis, Aaron Hollingshead Public - None in Attendance DISCUSSION 1. What questions and/or comments do you have about the community outreach conducted this far? • Is the size of the words in the word cloud proportionate? o Word clouds generated from long form responses which were not required questions. • Are the word clouds from the statistically valid survey or community survey? o Generated from both surveys. • Do you have an estimated number of responses to the write in question? o Data can be provided following the meeting by Staff. • In the survey, support for providing financial help for low income families to access programs was tied to increasing rates for others. A comment heard by a CAC member was that a respondent knows what to choose because cost was an issue for them but they would generally support programs for financial assistance. o The survey did also ask if cost was a barrier. • Heard at the community event that the trail connection between Foothills and George Rogers was important. • Watershed Councils were included in a focus group. • Statistically valid survey could track demographics, and DHM did provide cross- tabulation for survey results • Interested in further cross-tabulating results from seniors, low income, and disabled respondents. • Braille on park signs could help address accessibility barriers and be more inclusive. • Did the focus groups address other sports activities and needs? A whole focus group was dedicated to pickleball. o Pickleball has been ignored in the past and it has been a goal for Parks Plan 2040 to address a solution • Water access includes Swim Park (Lake), Tryon Cove, Canal Acres, George Rogers, Riverrun (River) 2. What questions and/or comments do you have about the preliminary draft strategic framework? • Goal 1: Access to essential services o Focus on filling gaps seems to prioritize adding to existing parks over adding new park land. o Do we know where we are today in providing parks within a 10-minute walk? ■ This will be part of the access mapping. o Do we know where historically underrepresented populations exist? • Goal 2: Invest in parks, natural areas, and recreation facilities o Are partnerships supposed to be internal or external to Lake Oswego? o Objective "a" could be reworded for a bit more clarity? o Does the City have a program for replacement and maintenance for facilities like playgrounds? ■ Yes, City has several programs for maintenance and replacement at the end of a facilities life. o Inclusive play refers to both playgrounds and individual equipment/elements. o Include indigenous history and recognition of indigenous people in parks (George Rogers). ■ Include the Grand Ronde Tribe. City noted it already involves them in capital projects. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 12 • Goal 3: Serve all ages and abilities o Objective 'a': There is an ADA transition plan that the plan will continue to support and implement. o Keep in mind that inclusive shouldn't be boring (and that includes for senior populations). o Objective 'd': website is very specific, maybe make it inclusive of other media platforms and other ways the City distributes information. An app or mobile friendly website would be great. o Important to have access to information about trailheads onsite. • Goal 4: Stewardship, maintenance, and operations o Objective 'h': Planting native species may not be possible with climate change, potentially remove this one for overlap with Goal 5 or edit to reflect that native species will have their limitations. • Goal 5: A sustainable and resilient system o Part of the City mandates that electric vehicle charging must go in when infrastructure is improved, could bolster language to implementing other City Plans o Make sure app or website includes the community resiliency hubs (LORAC and others). o Could we add one about habitat connectivity, maybe modify objective 'h'? • Goal 6: A connected system o Trails app could fall under this. o Would this plan address design for bike and pedestrian pathways? o Opportunity with this plan to give the department influence in advocating for trails and pathways. o What is the ABA? ■ It's part of title I of the ADA and talks about the non-built environment. • Goal 7: Community partnerships and engagement o Customer Excellence Program is the survey follow up. o Appropriate to add HOAs and neighborhood associations in list of groups to coordinate with. o Operationally the city is connected with elected leaders, maintenance/operations, and students but room for continued improvement. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 13 3. What questions and/or comments do you have about the revised park classification system? • Does undeveloped open space always have to stay that way? 4. What questions and/or comments do you have about the proposed methodology for evaluating park access? • Approve of adding trail-based recreation as an essential service. • Approve of potential equity indicators selected. Next Steps The next meeting will focus on the Needs Assessment and will likely occur in mid to late February. The City of Lake Oswego is committed to providing equal access to information and meetings. For Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations or translations/interpretation services, please submit your request at least four business days prior to the event by visiting www.lakeoswego.city/accommodation or by phone at 503-635-0282. Hablas espanol? 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