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4�.A E� Community Ad .....LAKE OSWEGO Meeting #3 PARKS PLAN 2040 February 29, 2024 f Si-` 114� •L. • !' a rl. ,• �' .. if, i A ' .. , 4 avaiiimt.:i , -I alAkplia- i . ,r lf,, . P. _111 . st•k, • 1 .p . ' • _ Illi 99 ,--. _ ... ri _ I. , ® - -"` 7 . . ', • S U - .. ABLE CONNECTED THRIVING AG E N DA ESSENTIAL SERVICES WELCOME & & EQUITY INDEX PUBLIC INTRODUCTIONS MAPPING COMMENT 5:30-5:40 5:50-6:35 7:15-7:25 I STATUS REPORT WRAP-UP & TRENDS, NEEDS, & NEXT STEPS 5:40-5:50I OPPORTUNITIES 7:25-7:30 6:35-7:15 11111b' E°6 eeso" LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 ^'t y t- te rf`-" . ? ^�' -: _ .e '4%Yl.''.. . ,, I .. j ai '" I) ... 1 j X. 'y:-.� ln - 4 .: 3 A. F T .�P�yu. Y rrw ' ,. f `i Introductions . . .- e gA,.I..:,,,.: .e • ram. :).-- r _ • __--:_ • .''4 ',',1,-•e,,,,,,-,,, ,,,,,-,t",, -:;.•,. • ;,...,„, . .s.---.:.!.V.,-'---,,s'... .•.... --. - 9- .. , .... 14. - e i►I' a /_r.y„ Lake Oswego Parks Plan 2040 Schedule 20 _ m_. 2024 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Existing Conditions Assessment dB Vision,Goals, Implementation and Action Plan City Council and Objectives Hearings Needs Assessment and Recommendations Plan Development and Adoption I ei Public Engagement ' I1 T II - -- y Focus Groups — Online Survey ur t era. t f '. Online Survey qg Community Neighborhood Event Workshops Lll LI CAC _ -; [ 04 L,.71/4-; LI- CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC Meetingg11 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4 Meeting 5 Meeting 6 Meeting 7 4.;...46444 moio mi. ins. moo . ., PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB PRNRAB Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4 Meeting 5 Meeting 6 Meeting 7 0 City Council City Council City Council City Council Briefing Briefing Briefing Briefing 1 1 ic ,.......\Vij ;114 .. ..' ' ' 16 ill:QI ° i . liii • CI 1 CAC:Community Advts ory Committee OP I. • PRNRAB:Parks,ReABaHcn,and Natured Resources Advisory Board UMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Engagement by Phase to 4 li'mert* _:0:_ , x ,/ E. EXISTING CONDITIONS VISION, GOALS, NEEDS ASSESSMENT& IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT AND OBJECTIVES RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION PLAN AND ADOPTION JUNE-AUGUST 2023 SEPTEMBER- DECEMBER 2023- MARCH-DULY 2024 DULY 2024- DECEMBER 2023 MARCH 2024 FEBRUARY 2025 -Kickoff Meeting -Focus Groups -CAC Meetings -CAC Meetings -CAC Meetings and Site Visit -CAC Meetings PRNRAB Meetings -PRNAB Meetings -PRNRAB Meetings -PRNRAB Meetings -City Council -City Council -City Council Briefing -Survey 1 Briefing Briefing -Community Event .1 -Neighborhood Workshops -Focus Groups _ eeso' LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TO DATE O op ?1,P 1; what you ih'nk. ® Tell Y O n si Tell us who O •• 1 '' 1{••••• • • 1▪ ••. .• • t •. 0 i= . • 1 t � • • ', P r.. loii _ i ,.., . • ---- '5z----:-#1, ,/, 1 i,rl'1 7 k\\ 4 ••.... • • • • , , • 4, ••• '1 ilit ,.‘ --' "WrP----'--- ; '''... ". l', - fr II P . ,. , CAC & PRNRAB Pop-Up Outreach Community Survey Community Event #1 Focus Groups Meetings . �. ..._,s Markets, 1,183 Respondents Adult Community 10 Commun._1 Member your ivieetings Neighborhood Meetings, September 26 — Center Group Interviews September — and Other Events November 10, 2023 November 14, 2023 October — December December September — 2023 November 2023 s LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Key Themes Illik • • . itiM 0 mE 0 Trail Connectivity Park Improvements Improved Expanded Existing Healthy Parks and and Safe (water access, unique and Information Athletic Facility Use Climate Resilience inclusive play Connections to Sharing (turf fields, add lighting, Parks opportunities, and coordination with partners accessibility) for reserving space) alb Ili 60 • Eie Year-Round Recreation Access to Nature Maintenance of Existing System 11111k oFE S °vf6. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 . - ' '-'' :_ - 0 A• IIIIIIIIIII"IllN. 'ill . , . . • What questions and /or ...------------ :. ., o , ..,„ „. ,........., -- -- y comments do ou have ,,,. .. __ • ,f about Community _,..„ , /. a Engagement to date ? , •_. --.:-_ .._ .., _ _ . _ _ - R .,.•- >-mot gs��.' Y.11R.r -. - - V _ . „,,,, , ...1,..,$, ---:— .,...,.,-7,--,.,-,;;„,:,-..,...,- .., -.i-:„4'.-, - '- ___.,-._ ,4 '',..1-...,M,..0 ,-.4-.L.„,, %.• •',..... ,-...!'le.' -7`,.. %,• - - ariiiiii4 .f , ESSENTIAL SERVICES AND EQUITY INDEX MAPPING Evaluates park service based on the actual routes and distances people must travel to get to essential park services. The Parks Plan 2040 access analysis consisted of three parts : Existing System0 Park Access Equitable Access Mapping Analysis Analysis Mapped existing Using ArcGIS network Identified the gap parks and recreation Analyst, identified areas with the facilities areas that are served greatest need and unserved by parks and essential park services within a 10- minute and ,F Eos 5-minute walk �PE�oz. LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 ESSENTIAL PARK SERVICr An ideal park system is one in which parks are evenly distributed to provide equitable access for all community members to the four identified essential services. II' *0A 4 �Q ► . ft* 44 Places to Exercise and Places for Children to Places to Experience Places for Trail Play Sports Play Nature Connectivity Sites that include individual, Sites that include an activity Sites that offer the Sites that provide people of group, or team activities supported by a space or opportunity to be all ages the opportunity to that support general health, feature that is designed surrounded by trees, connect with the outdoors, individual fitness, specifically to encourage provide water access, be in stay active, improve competition, and/or playful interactions for direct contact with unique community health, and teamwork. children. habitats or natural features, safely travel from place to and/or observe wildlife. place.* of E , dmooh *Includes sites with 0.1 miles of trails or more. iiimmem... LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 EXERCISE AND SPORTS ACCESS EXPERIENCE NATURE ACCESS PARK ACCESS ..." - f e •• ' t"-----. i•-• . ! ' a 7 • ' • . -- ' . 'T.,,.''' .1::._„„4•! TS i -,.' ':.•.:- P. . , .. I'•••• ,,,,,,..%, It ,.. „ *.. I • - ' :,?.0 1::i,K.;:i V"i• 4'' 104Z- r; ...- \ ••• '''' it. ''''A' _ - r .,-, .7t-147,1111 • AD' ''''• ,,, ANALYSIS A" ' t''. Irlille;)41P 1 9 I'Ll•alliM. • .- . 410 . .7-- . " 1:!•r i.:- ' 1,17,37 i...gliv-/ is v..- .;•-. k.-'•••• =P' r ' 1 .\ . iN'''J. 1":.rr' N.L.,, '1 .- •-• .,.,L# . ,..,.' :Ai - 1 i-Lrr&_......• 4 r''TOTAL PARKS WITH EACH /,...441)--] 3r 1 L• '- a- - ' ILI-,,, \_ ,:. . isZkil ' •t;-.2:' , _...,/ '''...'j ir'E. ' 7, ESSENTIAL SERVICE I:, :I -'1 L i [,,, : . 1 r,01- i 1 —.... -" I 1) ---A' TL3q a- , , q : ,_ -7" EXERCISE AND SPORTS — -,rrc- r- , ,_.r y : lued. . .__- .. 41410, /5 sites ®. -1 ..i,. .,, . . ?•-• • ® 1 ,°-r,•i' , „ 1- PLAY FOR CHILDREN PLAY FOR CHILDRENnACCESS TRAIL CONNECTIVITY ACCESS A ifiwir":5 .. 22 sites ..- ,,.... . . 4c•mr ' ', i 0 E i i---1 AeJ 'M. -• EXPERIENCE NATURE - - -)--/-----) 2,4" - ._ p 4' n- - • 3,-V • -33 ,.., ,,, -3.= :.4.., ,„, - )ir .-..., i'• 1 rj..1ke 1 lEa''' •.-..".' \., / 34 sites44. L L !,..71 •••3 .4:•,,""\., ig&' c./ . .- ..- ..; 74i_ r__ ..„.. ,, . , ......... / - . -1 .. ..:. ., . ... 9 TRAIL CONNECTIVITY I, i".: 7-!-A, r')'\.‘ vrae."" `-‘) .'-;•-1:P-- f•-•- • — Lsii_o iiiitIti ..._ Yam., M.a ....... = 0•m% 11:.; „re v..... 30 sites ._i,N4,0 • L.2 r; ''' ''''''1-...evik-- ' 71,,,, ,.Ap_' eat Lr ma il-A. krIn Wil.r. - ail a [ 7 :9 P , • !il .1i5.-'-'1. "..... ..... •, U 1_•,: • 1 '.''...`711 ..r 4r... ''.''\ .i••••_I r'''• •k0 L" .,, !....i• :0 -,I • `\.,. .."•-•„ - ' ...7.7„..7.m. ar. .7 L) \ - 1 .-----1 ' -Pr- • , ...,i,Ay,../4 ' ., 1, ' / rplir;•1111,4, =•,--.... \ p• r r. Id Fr 1:1". .......,"..M P,IP.,!',:, ' F),..7..-)1 ,••• ..' /I. Or !, ' .."-.• e ,./ ,..-..4 :-I-1. :7 '''' . .3 "14. •,, ; i- = Essential Service ...... -33- f"" :,i-""' ._ •• ,aE,.. _ 1 iii1/4.7 „.., L_ !....7 , 1/4 Mile (5 minute walk) •.-- .:, .L. ® I 'I', , , ,. ...a•NIIIMI T = 1/2 Mile (10 minute walk) 1' —/ �% �� , MAP 4-1: Kerr All Parks & Facilities Tignrd �\ Natural z. w Area Portland o Access L. McNary ---_ 1/� 1ark'� �, e J ` A� - _ __ Pine Con tiHide-k Way f 7 _ ,-- -•"•' P Park ?; Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation soutnwooa % = Regional Park iv* J t + y_. Woodmont Stafford :;Willa rr _ , Community Park 1PF' -"7 Natural Park Grove Park . Neighborhood Park Westlake Park Adult Pocket Park Community' Natural Area ; � _ ;. ;;; Center •-,Tryon Indoor '�� Cove Park Trail Corridor Rossman Tennis Park j itill ,,, Center Springbrook Kincaid) 1 ▪Undeveloped Open Space Curlicue Foothills Milwuakie Corridor Park: Urban Plaza Millenium Rolehr M Recreational Facility 1 - Plazas I,Park ___ ___ Pennington Iron Mountain _ ✓;undeleaf Park Park ` Plaza .� Service Area i:'Ir •ao •"' / 1/4 Mile(5 minute walk) Charlie • �� West •/S.Brawn r.;: Waluga Park Water Sports Center ▪ 1/2 Mile(10 minute walk) rr��// East � ♦ Lake Oswego Willamette �:;i.- \1L "\ Swim Park River Gre%riway Waluga • _? Park �^ l Base Map Features �.. ••!I .F.;::'. '� George Rogers-Park i Schools �•;' Oseuego• Lake) L Hallinan rr South Shore' hore ▪Water Bodies ••- "�Tt .Reservoir Woods ,= Lamont Springs rGlenmorrie, Non-City Parks and Open Sapces •F NatuuArea Greentree Greenway Park / AspenIr ;City Boundary Park Freepons C Recreation and Park • Metro Urban Growth Boundary j Aquatic Center' COMING SOON. Glenmorrie -Trails and Pathways • 16 . _, Municipal r-__T' _ ,Park I I Lake Oswego School District Boundary Golf Course J -+-', . ;116i--- --...--.1 .„... �- gap I Luschel Farm � • *Used to generate a 1 yWestridge Rassekh Park Park and •: """rrr Cooks �" Natural Area Park COMING SOONI r�'I� B�ttear r o areas (Map 4-2). West Linn — "- Bryant Woods - 1 i ��� J� _�� Stevens Pilliington Nature Park _ r•�-y Meadow I Park ti •"••Cahal'A'cres r Sunnyslope Tualatin Rivergrove NaturalG7L] + Open Space IL .. , River : II I o Run Park J o • — — i. AAI G • •' ,111111.11M1111111111n J _ O 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles Sources:City of Lake Oswego and LAKE OSWEGO Metro RLIS Database,2023. i I I I I I I I I I PARKS PLAN 2040 Date:January 2024. EQUITARI F ACCESS ANALYSIS Equity Index The ga p areas identified in the Gap Youth Population Population Communities Multifamily under with a Poverty Area over 65 of Color Housing 18 Disability Essential Services Access Maps Areas with 6 High Percentage Equity IndicatorsNone were then evaluated on how they Arras with 5 High Percentage Equity Indicators relate to areas of the city with a one Areas with 4 Hi g h Percentage Equity Indicators 3 High 3 . . . Severity of higher severity of need based on 4 • • : Need Gap 14 six equity indicators. U n s e rve d gap Areas with 3 High Percentage Equity Indicators Areas 2 areas were considered "h • igh 5 � . • severity of need" if high 10 • Areas with 2 High Percentage Equity Indicators of four or more of the percentages 6 • •• equity indicators applied to them . * 11 . �� Areas with 1 High Percentage Equity Indicators 9 ---�Areas with 0 High Percentage Equity Indicators 8*Shown with a black hatch on Map 4-2. 12 I 1 I *Note:Gap areas are not ordered in terms of priority.Areas with high percentage equity indicators o v.k tc,4 were defined as those with either of the two highest percentage categories present within each %equity indicator map.Areas with a very small of high equity indicators present were not included. a LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 z ,, I �` w= •xExoxr MAP 4-3: -Tigard Communities of �; Portland II. - f ■ Color 4 r... i. s ° :::r;;: Color(Non-White), T'S;at"`k ' Percent Population of ' nxeeauxE ou Natural - Fc Area Census Block Groups § 8 rcuo� Ir 0 4% m 'lz 4.01 8% 8.01-15% °xx,x.«„xxx 115.01-21% 6 21.01-30% © © Milzwtakie Essential Service Gap Area s MEADOWS a nrr.aE•o 10 Gap Area 2 b 3S i.__. £g Base Map Features 0 i i'r" .. ,.. _ q Schools >x ° axE°x�EAVE a Water Bodies f:; City Parks and Facilities �. ;ii:: • 6 11 „„E Non-City Parks and Open Spaces �° `-r• • • °ems°" o.rte,,,l�r,, °'s„°a ; City Boundary xro Metro Urban Growth Boundary $ $ , Trails and Pathways xEr„,xEx° )111. ,.-:',:':',.:: P Lake Oswego School District Boundary 1 = £°:5,/iL sip 7o — I + t 3 a 4 ..�-J s 4 14 r• 1 13 411ili' , .., - �'�> West Linn O _„....__ L,.::,:.: . 4111 OVERLOOK DI r -r ti I CHILDS s °I I _ m cxEs.ox Tualatin Rivergrove ` ° L 1 v e. wx.aExcs .. 3 •'a 1 17, dip? LI. n V "E o > , a° •I w J Ill 1111 Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS �I O 0 0.1 5 i 0.5 i i i I Miles Oswego anic Mets,!.%S Database, 1 LAKE OSWEGO lPARKS PLAN 2040 2023. l' .z I 0',,,, g g MAP 4-4: li , Tigard •sv,,. •,., • L_____j Oil an Portld Multifamily Housing [5.90.11.,H ST ill a Ii, .- 2 . 0 = . 0 0 , r--- -- ,/.7.: ::: i• ‘ ,••-:!,,m. ...._.___________: : -- :,8 COUNTRY CLUB RD 7:7"'' : :• : „ 4 3 :111116: Tryon:reek ... State .:: Natural .: •,, _,. ,,,...::::,:._,, , , • :, ''=.. Willa, e ‘H i'12, p„r . Milwuakie Percent Multifamily Housing, Census Block Groups 0-5% 5.0113% 13.01-33% 33.01-57% = 57-100% Essential Service Gap Area L." 'i SW BONITA RD 4,111 DV'? •": •,:il • 4 r..:-,•i' •P. ;I ,•• •'1'.:J ''% 01.1 V . ME GROVE AVE FIR RIDGE RO a4P 1111 ,S9 '— sou, ,,, ,.,. , ,, •''''':1-117111"Nik.,„ , ..,1 :i Gap Area , Base Map Features * Future Habitat for Humanity Affordable : 11 Housing Project a Schools Water Bodies 6 I=City Parks and Facilities Pq>• Oswego Lk Non-City Parks and Open Spaces T---; City Boundary a , , i .- 'A r 7, Metro Urban Growth Boundary 4.' g GREENTREE RD Trails and Pathways . F 0- , 4 • , - a 7 ,,,,. 'a I I ...W.,.... -4-• . II Lake Oswego School District Boundary 0 / g . i VERLOOK DR 1 i 411/11* L_.1 L , 0 ! 4 S BERMS RD -i...,.,:,..I.171. ''''' 13 '; I ... a —,..----- 4 ,,, . L__.; „•,,,_,,.„.. .- .; ! . •,.. z 1_1.. --> West Linn ® r .. : "--------__ -.7. •-• ' 1 i i :.•'1: . .. r-----• . 111;*tir , 1 „..!.....: ... i. , ( 4 co ,,,,, BILLCREST OR—. I, Tualatin Rivergrove v SW NYBERG ST -.#;•.- . J '44,,,, I s ..,.d. M I G •I• 1 ...1111. VIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIn Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS 0 0.251 Miles LAKE OSWEGO 5-Year Estimates,City of Lake J._ Oswego and Metro RLIS Database I i i 0.I 5 i i , i I PARKS PLAN 2040 2023. 7 I g 0` a= �nr enEn MAP 4-5: Tigard �: Portland Population over 65 4.,,,, : 0 i T, w DARTMOUTH sT �/ .11 Tryon Creek, 0 ;.,,_ nMBEearve State Percent of Populationover 65, °� Arco' Census Block Groups 0-4% nEuosesT j :i _ '12;� ver 4.01-14% 1 J 35.01 50% 2 © Milwuakie s SE WAY Essential Service Gap Area a��wsen a Gap Area e 3 a s SW'"''n __ s-=i`----- Base Map Features ss I Schools _ a jeGR�Egw 9 PWaterBodies —T. City Parks and Facilities � 6 Non-City Parks and Open Spaces qt.,E "� _ ii rveEMP EE Na ET Lake Oswego School District Boundary ; i 111L1 __—.J SBERMSRDi,_ L , 13 .' o Py� ,f�- -- I I 1.-j j iiii, .„1 l :- _ _ "1 �• West Linn 1 14 r i 1 .M1r' '44 . t 1 E>,''San4 rv,LERESTna i c — Tualatin Rivergrove 1 1 ouGE O 4 w rvveEac ST 1 _ w , spry a• f ° '1 w ' Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS J O 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles 5-Year Estimates,City of Lake I l I I I I I I I LAKE OSWEGO Oswego and Metro RLIS Database, PARKS PLAN 2040 2023. 09 .. wx„E„�„s MAP 4-6: Tigard I " Youth under 18 ID . Portland ��r 4 r;' s.,.7, i. Tryon Creek ' Percent of Population Under 18, '' nxxeauxE ux Natural _. -= Area ..,' It.:.„, Census Block Groups i 8 s villa, a 12-16% ��y I s - '12 MELROSE16.01-20% 120.01-26% 111 ''''' Pil COUNTRY axe +. 26.01-31% l a 31.01 50% © 5 Milwuakie w„ AVE Essential Service Gap Area "E"xows"D 10 0 Gap Area 0 SW •::i•.:.,.'.- 1::1-.:.i-1:y— 3 ie nxxtx°Ex° , xORR.x° ';. "Fe I/ f---• / Base Map Features r: g 9 ° y a Schools •'x Water Bodies MI City Parks and Facilities ,u 11 o r 6 �a Non City Parks and Open Spaces •�+� _t., °�pPOR Oswego Lnke 3=,r xo sou" e kv. r ___, City Boundary `° _; Metro Urban Growth Boundary a Trails and Pathways I I Lake Oswego School District Boundary ,- L y . 3 a O ,! BERMS 1 `o.� 14 E a LjN - a 13 • LI..r West Linn O . _ I I ::_, a ,..„, ". ..... r ._i ..� s I _ LL°aEnax ,A/ - I, Tualatin Rivergrove ill �E. i I - — I o f SW meeacn , '. _ _ � �" a• M I G 1. Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS „ . , O 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles Year Estimates,City of Lake 1• / LAKE OSWEGO Oswego and Metro RLI$Database, I l i i I i i i I PARKS PLAN 2040 2023. k' z % MAP 4-7: SW STEpm. ,,, 0 —Tigard •5',:, ID . : Portland IIPP11... 1 . •• Populations with a lip Disability .LORTMOOTH ST 0 -. ..,. .0 ._____.-.... -..-. •r:.: ::: i•; 0 , 1!::51. ••:•?-------------: •••• Tryon Creek ... ... Percent of Population with a Disability, i::;.• •• -.- : TIMBERLINE OR g State ':: Natural .: " 1 Area • -------------- Census Block Groups i r 8 II .."-- ei 5, ' _II 45-.07_07% MELROSE ST A .i-. •:, ::12'• p 7,er .......::::•;...., 7.01-10% • 1 \ = 16.01-20% .." 2 0 Milwuakie Essential Service Gap Area -: Lk' II Li' MEADOWS RD Gap Area Base Map Features 0 •..• Hi..,:i:in:'"'‘.:e L 1 ell I 4, 4, ... .., a Schools Water Bodies =City Parks and Facilities __. . 3`,,,.. i: 0 poll!"r ID 'pie Non-City Parks and Open Spaces :7!N, . . City Boundary Oswego Lake , 3?,,,..:J---.51. Metro Urban Growth Boundary Trails and Pathways --- 8 a I—I Lake Oswego School District Boundary e.05' O. ) ‘9.,,, , P'' 7 i S' 1 ! i ....,...-, , . i .1 S BERMS RD 1.•., i. 1 ........ 0 13 ...41 /,' a , —,..------ 4?„, , -,-:i .:: • ,, ... .• : .... , . •,.. ,,____--, West Line ® .. •••••, r 1 --.., i i :ii_,•;::i :: ,-, 7---1---- 1 •..... •-::= ::,-,-' .1/2. • , 1.• %.,, i f, Tualatin Rivergrove •‘ ------: s : I i e''•,. J •%•_,_ fl IP .. .. .. •••• -No, 1• g MIG 1 •i " .0111111. VIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIhn Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS 1 Miles5LAKE OSWEGO 0-syweeagroesatn'TalZroCl2tUfDLaatkaebase, I? ® 01 _L.0.215 i 0.15 i i i I PARKS PLAN 2040 2023. I - MAP 4-8: wenen on� Tigard lip E Portland Poverty OG P E O "Ill \ >'��' riii ��II� r:' nRrRLLHr°R 5 _ Tryon Creek •sma Percent of Population in Poverty, Natur •al Census Block Groups . _.-- $ Area • �,.` -,Willa, ¢ 0'1% MELROSE. `E«= '} SS r '12" ver � 1 3 0 �37% �710. i :UMW new ▪ 10 14% 5 ce„s�Lake _Milwuakie - .R°sewA. Essential Service Gap Area FIR 4146-1-111110 .-.!': , -...." nEaoowsR° Ro ERR 10 Gap Area 3SW eoHR.� :�' g Base Map Features " ° � c 9 i Schools a : ?I Water Bodies ;:i-,'r '"' Parks and Facilities ,_#::: :� r1 11 �� �City k • Q ,� ii,e, Non City Parks and Open Spaces �"Ill � • _ ° :i=,- `1." oswegucnke �°"" � City Boundary , Metro Urban Growth Boundary p �dwef "° °Reece R° 6 Trails and Pathways ��P° I. n Lake Oswego School District Boundary Iff . 34 1 +O. I 3 0o - - • __r.,1HERR° 4e_? Y 13' :k LI West Linn C (, Tualatin Rivergrove •'+ L _ , H1LLCREST°R i I I o�°f� O 4 wmeeR°n 17, ) I e _ _ _ �"s° a, M I G N ,t ° Sources:Urban Footprint,2019 ACS „ L• O 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles LAKE OSWEGO O 5-Yearswego Estimates,City of Lake and Metro RLIS Database, 1 I l i i I i i i I PARKS PLAN 2040 2023. --..,•7 , ( '' C.\\,/,_ piKaeili ..._:."- . dill . ,, ., ecNary Area irTM.. 33ark- •— . —.-l.,_,: _Portland IIIP Gap Areas PI ,_ ... . ..\_, ... ..„:.",: --- , ---------- --; Pine Cone r Park t ray 4Tryon Creek l'Or Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation g ii•- _/----P :.: - ..9*- • ... . _ .._ . s., •:: Natural •Z '1.• Southwobd 4. , `1\ .. 8 .... Stafford ,, ,..,.... = Regional Park ek ._.-i " Woodmont.;-,--17\ A j,.. , .1!', Natural Park . Grove Park k ,11 ',..,'Win e . 1 2 • aer , Community Park i * --• ... = Neighborhood Park Npstlake Nea—'— / : :: : ;: = Pocket Park Adult Park • — i---' .-- 1 ;Ale Community's,:, 1:-. = Natural Area . 1- . :. .., . Center 6%1 frr.lf 09 / a 11. --• -••-• - •Ve Park =Trail Corridor Indoor Roseman Jannis Park =Undeveloped Open Space 2 'Center Springbrook Kincaid,' l%\ 5 Foothills Milwuakie _ A Pats' Curlicue = Urban Plaza Corridor P7 ,i 10 = Recreational Facility Millenium I L • ------------1 i'-•.-J r Iron Mountain 414. PiaL7Mundeleaf ff o!erhkr Park Pennington / ,') Ill .i...: i ly• . ... •*n c, i....••••• West .l::,..,,:,, Wa I uga Pca3lcc_-e: A -:l3. •Ite: East - Waluga .:4.,.:.-1 ';.,:i'l:.,;:rt 1;•••'•'•"'.:..i: Park Pt, 1-.4.. ii?.;: ...-- .64, ../.. .;.J ,.., :•• . _•,. _ ,•=-'1 "`‘•• '..."---e'd:;'Lrn'ont gprings • • r 1°. -- katural Area , ' ! i 4-•• I :Park ) V I Oswego Lake Park9 J- .., Olik‘e Greentree : Park 1 1 am 0:ke Oswego 1 South Shore &Rase 'rvoir Swim Park Willarrieff River Gl'eenway - RoGgeeM rk Hallina: Plaza iv 1.----__.ds IFe/Eharlie ./S.Brown - > Wate‘r,Sports Center ie'.. li"Jreenernnzar - y -, Essential Service Gap Area . Gap Area IMI High Severity of Need Gap Area Base Map Features i Schools Water Bodies Freepons 6 f____:Non-City and Open Spaces 1 Agra:: 1 RecreationAq ce,%:....._ Park —'. . .'• _ --- MING SOON! — 7 I I . ' „...Glenmorrie r - Metro Urban Growth Boundary Ina Park , _ Municip I 3 Golf Course 1 ' — —Trails and Pathways ‘. -- L_) L i -, --• —14—.• I—I Lake Oswego School District Boundary Hazelia r. A Veld I i-• 13 ,--- " =-; , J _ Ltischer Farm : .• „•• , ; - — - Westridge Rassekh _.. COMING SpONi Natural Arpa Butte Pm111 -r :.., West Linn e ----- ._. I- I ,,, Bryant Woods Stevens fi, -Flilliington l: Nara Park Meadow i 1.••=-... 5.- -•.• i i •"..irPark •v.e.:: ... ,... Rivergrove • • i ..:!....., Canal•Acces V , Sunnyslope • Natural . 1 Gpen Space L ... , Tualatin .%.- Rive I. I I tredzke• .1, --- -- i Runr Park ' I r ... ... •••• 1. „„,‘, AA I G • •1 .011111r VIIIIMMI111111111n Sources:City of Lake Oswego and Dba 2023. 11! 4 0 0.25 0. 1 Miles LAKE OSWEGO Metro RLIS ata se, i 1 I I I 5 1 1 I I 0 aillEMIMI iPARKS PLAN 2040 Date:January 2024. ADDITIONAL ACCESS CONSTRAINTS & ENVIRONMENTAL ( ONSIPERATIONS • Environmental Resources and Climate Resilience • Wildfire Risk • Urban Tree Canopy • Habitat Connectivity • Transportation Options • Partner Agency Facilities • Public School Facilities • Other parks and open spaces ( homeowner association-owned open spaces and Tryon Creek State Natural Area ) • City Charter — Park Development Limitation (Chapter 10) 411011k' E°6 LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 ^'� y t- ter-. r `"' ? - • _ .e F ;- . 'y�-.� 4ln .....„ __... _. , What questions and/or comments . . — - 4 a do you have about the essential - � '..47 T services and equity index --�,,..... . ... �-� mapping? - y f µ • Does our general approach for r _ using• this information in r .. subsequent tasks make sense? ,;-.., _ , .....,......._ ... . ; �: ,,Kim _ , t- �= . . . se 4 'AIL. ey � ask Lec meu` l' w ,dt; ►' — "y - `his _ ''-' - - - •:a, g, i-' ."-'.-w.6� ,:,yF' .. -- — - - --- _ - •a I TRENDS, NEEDS W ") OPPORTUNITIES Major Facilities NEEDS & O P P O R UTN ITI ES Trends for Major Recreation Facilities ■ Multi-use spaces • Expanded recreation opportunities due to Lake Oswego Recreation • and Aquatics Center and Design • Inclusive fitness equipment • Implementation of 2013 Luscher Area Master Plan • Accessible Aquatic Facilities • Improvements to Lake Oswego Swim Park (new amenities, parking, • Accessible Restrooms and Changing etc.) Facilities • Climbing Walls • Ongoing maintenance • Transportation Services • Fostering public-private partnerships • Accessibility Improvements � _ _- - 4 .9 +1 • ��s t, • Zit P 11 d . Ke dis. .4-4. 9 of TRENDS, NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES Outdoor Recreation Facilities NEEDS & O P PO RUIN ITI ES Trends for Outdoor Recreation Facilities • Multiuse Trails • Expanded trail opportunities and connections to and between parks • Waterfront Recreation and recreation centers • Water Play • Expanded water access • Fitness Zones • Expanded access to nature • Outdoor Gyms • Integration of natural features into existing parks • Dog Parks • Thematic or natural play equipment • Nature Trails and Obstacle Courses • • Additional community gardens Community Gardens • Skate parks • Covered areas at dog-parks • Outdoor Learning • Increased maintenance and monitoring at bike skills courses , -1.'7,1 i.I 4 1)'' r , : : : 1\ill''''':1. - 1.'A F ,, ly ir ' � , ; I i s e 3 f RRR 7I i . f .1 `�. i _ .11 , , Y , • ,,,tp. 111::, .\ 'o LAKE OSWEGO " �� zz.-- , • `- PARKS PLAN 2040 TRENDS, NEEDS W ") OPPORTUNITIES Sports Fields and Courts NEEDS & O P PO R UTN ITI ES Trends for Sports Fields and Courts ■ Providing Space for New Activities • Establishing shared facility use agreements with the Lake Oswego • School District (LOSD) for athletic field or court use Multi-use Spaces • Adding lighting • More field space or fields available for practice use • Inclusive Design • Improved field lighting and field maintenance at LOSD fields ■ Sustainability Initiatives • • Public picl<leball courts with noise reduction features Technology Integration • Storage Facilities • Indoor spaces for year-round recreation opportunities and to alleviate • Smart Maintenance Systems athletic facility demand e , - ,,.., " . ' -- ❑ � �� w If 1 7 il . _..4„,!moil f I _____I al 1 1 - [ o i =�t -' two � arEco�,' — LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 TRENDS, NEEDS A ND OPPORTUNITIES Play Playgrounds and Areas Trends for Playgrounds and Play Areas NEEDS & OPPORUTNITIES • Destination/Thematic, Nature, and Water Play • Playable Art, Climbable Seat Walls, Hill Slides • Adding nature play within selected natural areas • Dramatic, Imaginative Play Areas with Interpretive and Interactive Elements • Updating aging play equipment and increase play variety, including • Universal Design and Accessible Play play equipment for different age groups • Pop-Up Temporary Play Elements or Play • Adding inclusive play equipment and a fully accessible play area Areas with Moveable Parts • Game Tables and Elements • More spaces for older youth, teens, and tweens to gather and safely • Topography and Plantings for Places to Hide, socialize Roll, and Tumble • Challenge Play Elements such as Climbing " z � • % �� Walls and Ziplines °r _ N f .Y;r • Safe, Accessible, Synthetic or Pour-in-Place ..,, ,-p ,�°' � ;�t �`` Safety Surfacing " �" y Sand in Designated Play Areas with Transfer ti,u1. Stations into Sand Play Area s ,' r ii x f 8 shy ' .. F � n k + �y • mil; � � LE OWGO PARKSAK PLANS E 2040 TRENDS, NEEDS, t ND OPPORTUNITIES Support Amenities NEEDS & O P P O R UTN ITI ES Trends for Support Amenities • Regular maintenance and upkeep of support amenities • Smart Lighting Solutions • Alleviating parking issues • Creative Shade Structures • Multifunctional Seating • Accessible signage • Waterfront Seating Areas • Replacement of picnic tables • Green Parking Solutions • Bike-Friendly Amenities • Improved public information about parks, trails, amenities and • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations programs (new community engagement platforms, mobile-friendly • Outdoor Workspaces website, or app) • Community Engagement • More places to sit and relax Platforms • Along trails • Universal Design Principles • • Under covered and/or shaded areas Green Roofs and Living Walls • Community-Driven Amenities _ n eeso`' LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 TRENDS, NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES Recreation Activity and Services TRENDS & OPPORUTNITIES • Pop-up ro rammin —14• Multigeneration fitness and wellness programs - _ ,; : `4 • Sports sampling programs '-' • Enhanced community engagement ----_ • Out-of-school time programs .44416*; �{ � KEY NEEDS 4 t; : 4 • Free or subsidized programming r , `. lot �,; �e.. '/ 'fit ' 1-.... ,. '.w m� -tip • Intergenerational programming �.- I - -- , • Accessible programming Fes\ 0 4: 9Aeco , LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 Ni-Yor' ' . ^'� yt- ter-., r `=" ? i-,:„.. _ .e �• 4 , -. .:" , .. . ...,. __. .,,,,,.,...A..„. ...: :w„....,..._...44...._ .. _e? ...._,..... _ ,..._:„...e.,,,.,„‘„: •, , , . :„._. , .., ,, ,. . . 1 , 11111111161'IN. ' . , ... • • - - . A 0 r, ) . — .g , j -. \ ..._ What questions and/or , _ ....— - 4 a comments doyou have about - � I , arp the trends, key needs, and . .... . _...„ , „ „ ?.....„... ,.........1 .. __________.,......., , opportunities . ., . Areanykeyneedsor ,, .. _ ,... . ,. ._ _ A 14 ae*,.-_,-,;„--;„ ..,.._, ,,,,_-,„ .... u,,. ,_-___,..„:...,_..„, opportunities missing? � . . __ p p g - �._ = Y k' 0 v � may`l" - .. .?i•w e!'-1 zif� p' f�..1 -• itir �. iMl C /_r y„ ! j� " .:�'- `his - ;+. - - ..... ::t,�g•,dui-`q�q`i'.-'.'w.6� ,:, r`,5.-d R •., Public Comment 0ir 41111111111 . 4: LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 NEXT STEPS • • • • S0a Parks Board Operations, CAC Meeting #4 Meeting #3 Maintenance, and Systemwide April 24, 2024 Recommendations March 20 Organizational Analysis Neighborhood Mid-March Workshops and Pop-Up Events Spring-Early Summer 111110k04 LAKE OSWEGO PARKS PLAN 2040 ,f' ? "" ` h ' _ ))).,4 ... ,. _ ,. ... 1411St , - 1 j • - ' � V R } 4`i�/ Thank you . , I- p „...._________.,........, , f ,. Y' _ • EGO`' - opi LAKE OSWEGO ,_ PARKS PLAN 2040 r4 9 Y � � `� Y4cK J�. .. .?�wi^ie!'-1 zif� p' fe-